ultrasound diagnosis of fatal anomalies

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Procedure after birth: In the case of fresh and

severe bleeding, a transfusion of erythrocytes

and platelets should be kept ready. Intensive

medical intervention may be withheld in the

most severely affected newborns. Magnetic resonance

imaging is the best method for detecting

associated vessel malformations.

Prognosis: This depends on the severity of brain

damage and the cause of the bleeding, such as

infection. As a result, hydrocephalus or porencephaly

may develop.


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Definition: Echogenic lenses of the eye, which

can be seen with high-frequency ultrasound

(e.g., 7 MHz transvaginal sonography).

Incidence: Rare.

Clinical history/genetics: Family history, isolated

finding resulting from autosomal-recessive

or autosomal-dominant transmission.

Teratogens: Unknown.

Ultrasound findings: The earliest diagnosis was

made at 15 weeks with a positive family history.

Otherwise, prenatal diagnosis is unlikely.

Differential diagnosis: Infections (cytomegalovirus,

rubella, toxoplasmosis, varicella),

coloboma, congenital aniridia, microphthalmia,

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency,

homocysteinuria, arthrogryposis, chondroplasia

punctata, Hallermann–Streiff syndrome, hypochondroplasia,

Kniest syndrome, Marfan syndrome,

Roberts syndrome, Smith–Lemli–Opitz

syndrome, Walker–Warburg syndrome.

Clinical management: Genetic counseling,

TORCH serology.

Procedure after birth: Early ophthalmic treatment

can prevent the development of severe


Prognosis: Variable, depending on the associated

anomalies. Surgical treatment of isolated

cataracts is very successful.



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