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Bleed: is the overlapping area from where

printing on the page extends.

Baseline: is the invisible line that a word sits on;

where some letter parts go below it like

the tail of the ‘p’ and some go above it like

the letter ‘h’.

Bitmap: is a bunch of dots that represent

individual pixels in a digital image, each

representing different colors.

Body type: is the written text that makes up the

majority of a document. This document

could be a news article, chapter in a book

or magazine page. It is not the title or


Cap Height: is the height of capital letter measure

from the baseline for a particular typeface.

CMYK: is the 4-colors of ink used to create

printed projects. The colors are cyan,

magenta, yellow, and black. Typically a

computer printer has these four cartridges

that are used to make colored images.

Contrast: refers to the size of the font or type of

font. Examples can Arial vrs Monoton,

thick vs thin.

Dingbat: are single graphic characters used

instead of a word. An example of a

dingbat is using an → instead of typing the

word arrow.

DPI - Dots per inch: is the number of dots in one

inch of an image.

Drop cap: is a large capital letter that can be used

to emphasize the beginning of a book or


Em space: is as wide as an uppercase M. In a 12

point font the em is 12 point wide.

En space: is as wide as the uppercase N. In a 12

point font the en is 6 points wide.

Flush Left: is text that is left justified or lined up

on the left edge and the right edge of the

text jagged.

Font: is a collection of typeface styles like the

spacing, size or, pitch of the characters.

Glyph: is the shape of a typed character.

Grid: is the invisible boundaries in a document

that helps a designer keep the created

work in alignment.

Decorative Fonts: are fancy display or artistic

fonts that are used to make posters and

advertisement stand out to a viewer.

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