Loup Generator — Fall 2020

The Ruthie cabin cruiser makes a big splash in 1939, the Lake Babcock Amusement Resort works to develop the lake into a "boating mecca", protecting the piping plover and interior least tern at the Genoa Headworks.

The Ruthie cabin cruiser makes a big splash in 1939, the Lake Babcock Amusement Resort works to develop the lake into a "boating mecca", protecting the piping plover and interior least tern at the Genoa Headworks.


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Covid-19 update: business<br />

as usual is anything but<br />

As we enter the fall season, the entire world is still wrestling with the impact of<br />

the coronavirus and the Covid-19 pandemic. The District has responded in many<br />

different ways to this pandemic.<br />

Early on, the District closed its offices to the public, and went to half staffing most<br />

days. This was done in order to limit contact between individuals and provide the<br />

opportunity to keep the workplace clean. As the pandemic went on, the District<br />

went back to full staffing, but still kept the public out of our buildings. Again, this<br />

was done as a precaution to protect both employees and our customers.<br />

Finally, in early July, the District reopened the offices to the outside public, with<br />

some specific restrictions regarding traffic patterns for the public and meetings<br />

with outside individuals. These restrictions are still in place today.<br />

Many people have asked when things will get back to “normal.” I am not sure what<br />

normal is, and I am not sure we will ever get back to the way it was prior to this<br />

pandemic <strong>—</strong> at least not until a vaccine is developed and accessible to everyone.<br />

by NEAL SUESS<br />

President/CEO<br />

District employees are continuing to go about their daily activities during this<br />

pandemic, but it is definitely different. Most meetings are virtual, and I even<br />

attended the American Public Power Association (APPA) annual convention<br />

virtually. The APPA annual convention has always been a great convention for<br />

<strong>Loup</strong> Power District. This allows our Board and management to meet with other<br />

utility executives, as well as consultants and vendors, who provide products for the<br />

District. Having this convention virtually was very different. Being unable to meet<br />

people in person is very difficult for all of us.<br />

District crews continue to work on numerous projects, and new construction<br />

activity continues throughout the District’s service territory. This is one thing that<br />

has amazed me during the pandemic <strong>—</strong> the construction just keeps on going. This<br />

truly shows the mindset of individuals in Nebraska.<br />

During the midst of the pandemic, the District also finalized the move into our new<br />

Service Center in Columbus along Lost Creek Parkway. Many of you want to see<br />

what this looks like, and we are planning an open house as soon as the pandemic<br />

allows. The new Service Center has really helped the District and has improved our<br />

response to customers’ needs, as well as improved the efficiency of the District as a<br />

whole.<br />

Everyone has responded to the pandemic in different ways, and the District is no<br />

different. We will continue to respond as conditions warrant and continue to let the<br />

public know about our plans. All of us at <strong>Loup</strong> Power District hope you and your<br />

families continue to stay safe and be careful, as we do want to see and get back<br />

together with you when this is over.<br />

Until next time, be happy and stay safe!<br />

FALL <strong>2020</strong> 3

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