Loup Generator — Fall 2020
The Ruthie cabin cruiser makes a big splash in 1939, the Lake Babcock Amusement Resort works to develop the lake into a "boating mecca", protecting the piping plover and interior least tern at the Genoa Headworks.
The Ruthie cabin cruiser makes a big splash in 1939, the Lake Babcock Amusement Resort works to develop the lake into a "boating mecca", protecting the piping plover and interior least tern at the Genoa Headworks.
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“<br />
Troubles and bubbles notwithstanding,<br />
Leonard Fleischer is going to stick it out on<br />
Lake Babcock . . . It’s a matter of record that<br />
the landlubber mariner hasn’t had clear sailing with his<br />
craft. Not that “The Ruthie” isn’t seaworthy, because<br />
she’s the acme in craft building for her size, but the<br />
elements are another reckoning.<br />
In the special building he has erected to house “The<br />
Ruthie” when not in the water, Cap’n Fleischer has toiled<br />
nearly every weekend for months on end fixing this, or<br />
painting that.<br />
Fleischer’s latest bitter pill came last Saturday night.<br />
“The Ruthie” was anchored on the lake. A heavy wind<br />
came up. Waves lashed against the craft in sufficient<br />
force to crash the rudder so sharply against the side a few<br />
boards were smashed . . .<br />
Doggedly, the process of repair and cleaning out was<br />
pursued this week, and Fleischer optimistically predicted<br />
yesterday his erstwhile study craft will again dip its nose<br />
into Lake Babcock ere another week is past.”<br />
<strong>—</strong> Columbus Telegram, May 24, 1941<br />
Opposite page: The Ruthie at<br />
the Walter Schmid farm near<br />
Richland where it was stored<br />
and reconditioned before it<br />
was taken to Lake Babcock.<br />
Above: Leonard Fleischer’s<br />
in-laws pose by the Ruthie<br />
on the <strong>Loup</strong> canal bank.<br />
Left: A Cabin Cruiser Ticket<br />
from 1940.<br />
Below: Fleischer’s permit to<br />
operate The Ruthie on lake<br />
Babcock.<br />
FALL <strong>2020</strong> 5