Undergraduate Research Showcase

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Table of Contents<br />

Quantifying Myosin Networks and Their Roles in Morphogenesis 4<br />

Cole James Allan, Mechanical Engineering, SEAS ‘21<br />

Alternating Bubbles Emerging from Two Interacting Vertical Gas Jets in a Liquid 5<br />

Boyuan Chen, Chemical Engineering, SEAS ‘23<br />

Electricity Price Models in the Context of Increasing Renewable Energy Generation 6<br />

Felipe Aleixo dos Santos Couto, Mechanical Engineering, SEAS ‘22<br />

A Parametric, Ultrasound-Based Model of the Uterus in Late Gestation 7<br />

Arielle Feder & Divya Rajasekharan, Mechanical Engineering, SEAS ’22 & ‘21<br />

Automated Artery and Vein Classification of Pulmonary Vessels 8<br />

Anthony Luo, Computer Science, SEAS ‘23<br />


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