Undergraduate Research Showcase

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Alternating Bubbles Emerging from Two Interacting Vertical Gas Jets in a Liquid<br />

Boyuan Chen, bc2878@columbia.edu<br />

SEAS ’23, Chemical Engineering, Columbia University<br />

Supervising Faculty, Sponsor, and Location of <strong>Research</strong><br />

Dr. Christopher Boyce, Bonomi Summer Scholarship, Columbia University<br />

Abstract<br />

Optical imaging experiments of two vertical gas jets injected into a liquid demonstrate<br />

that bubbles pinch off from these jets in an alternating (180 degrees out of phase) pattern.<br />

Image analysis demonstrates that this alternating pattern occurs only at sufficiently high<br />

Froude numbers and sufficiently low ratios of the separation distance between orifices to<br />

the orifice diameter. Otherwise, the bubbles from the two jets breakoff at uncoordinated<br />

times relative to one another. A physical mechanism is proposed in which the alternating<br />

pattern occurs due to a growing jet pushing liquid between the two jets towards the<br />

second jet, such that the second jet pinches off, forming a bubble. This mechanism is<br />

used to formulate a simplified coupled harmonic oscillator model which predicts<br />

qualitatively the transition from uncoordinated to alternating bubble breakoff.<br />

Keywords<br />

Gas jets, asynchronous break-off, coupled oscillator<br />


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