Undergraduate Research Showcase
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A Parametric, Ultrasound-Based Model of the Uterus in Late Gestation<br />
Divya Rajasekharan & Arielle Feder, dr2940@columbia.edu & adf2153@columbia.edu<br />
SEAS ’21 & ’22, Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University<br />
Supervising Faculty, Sponsor, and Location of <strong>Research</strong><br />
Dr. Kristin Myers, Summer@SEAS, Myers Soft Tissue Lab, Columbia University<br />
Abstract<br />
Pregnancy poses an interesting mechanical problem, as the female body must evolve to<br />
accommodate a growing fetus. Since direct research into the mechanical environment of<br />
pregnancy is precluded for clear ethical reasons, 3D models provide a unique opportunity<br />
to study the mechanical properties of the uterus via simulation. In late pregnancy (LP),<br />
the geometry of the uterus changes distinctly: the elliptical shape of early pregnancy<br />
grows more tapered towards the cervix end, terminating in a V-like profile in the coronal<br />
plane. This shift raises the question of whether geometric changes are necessary to<br />
mediate important developments in the load-bearing properties of the uterus. To<br />
investigate this possibility, we built two uterus models to accommodate the late-gestation<br />
coronal shape with varying degrees of accuracy. The first is based on a limited number of<br />
ultrasound measurements, with overall shape informed by patient-averaged<br />
characteristics derived from MRI. The second is a highly parameterized model, driven by<br />
MRI measurements. Two additional models—a ground truth model segmented directly<br />
from MRI and the lab’s current, elliptical parametric model—were used as points of<br />
reference. By comparing these models’ behavior in a simple static load analysis for 5 LP<br />
patients, we evaluated the mechanical significance of the change in LP coronal shape. We<br />
found that the stress distribution was highly dependent on local fluctuations in uterine<br />
wall thickness. Models based on limited ultrasound measurements were not always<br />
sensitive enough to capture this variation. In the LP models, we observed that the<br />
tapering of the uterus had the effect of drawing pressure loads away from the cervical os<br />
and into the lower side walls, while the blunter coronal profile of early-gestation allowed<br />
stress to concentrate at the os. Finally, the first and second principal strain directions—<br />
oriented circumferentially and longitudinally, respectively—were consistent across all<br />
four models. In conclusion, the late pregnancy uterus exhibits load bearing properties<br />
distinct from earlier pregnancy, mediated by a change in coronal shape. Furthermore, a<br />
parametric modeling framework, which accounts for the coronal shape on a patientaveraged<br />
basis, may be a viable option to efficiently represent the load-bearing<br />
characteristics of the LP uterus when compared to higher resolution, but computationally<br />
intensive, MRI-driven models.<br />
Keywords<br />
pregnancy, biomechanics, 3D modeling, simulation, finite element analysis (FEA),<br />
ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)<br />