Bay Harbour: October 21, 2020

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Many sights for<br />

tourists to<br />

see in Akaroa<br />

Pages 4, 5 & 7<br />

New MP ‘incredibly<br />

humbled’ after<br />

election win<br />

Page 3<br />

Coming to Ferrymead<br />

November <strong>2020</strong><br />

Tsunami warning sirens<br />

found to be non-compliant<br />

INVESTIGATION: Tsunami warning sirens on the city’s coastline<br />

have been found to be non-compliant with the national<br />

standard.<br />


TSUNAMI WARNING sirens have<br />

been found to be non-compliant<br />

with the national standard.<br />

The sirens are tested regularly,<br />

however, the noise they make does<br />

not comply with the tone set in<br />

the National Emergency Agency’s<br />

Technical Standard that was issued<br />

in 2014.<br />

• Turn to page 10<br />

Bully Hayes<br />

restaurant<br />

rebranding<br />

delayed<br />

due to<br />

Covid-19<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

THE RENAMING of Bully<br />

Hayes Restaurant & Bar has been<br />

delayed because of the financial<br />

impacts of Covid-19.<br />

The Akaroa restaurant, which<br />

has been called Bully Hayes for<br />

25 years, came under fire in June<br />

for glorifying Bully Hayes, a<br />

19th-century United States ship<br />

captain who has been accused of<br />

human trafficking, and abducting<br />

and raping young women and<br />

children in the Pacific.<br />

Owner Wayne Jones said the renaming<br />

will still happen but only<br />

when the business is in a financial<br />

position to do this.<br />

Since the controversy, the name<br />

has been changing temporarily on<br />

a weekly basis, but a permanent<br />

name change has been settled on.<br />

Currently it is being called Bully<br />

Stays.<br />

Jones originally planned to<br />

change the name this month but<br />

rebranding will cost between<br />

$20,000 and $30,000. He said his<br />

main priorities at the moment are<br />

keeping staff employed and the<br />

restaurant surviving the summer.<br />

• Turn to page 10<br />

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Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

NEWS<br />



Repair or install<br />

Bea Gooding<br />

Ph: 0<strong>21</strong> 911 576<br />

bea.gooding@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Jo-Anne Fuller<br />

Ph: 364 7425<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 0<strong>21</strong> 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

The best-read local newspaper,<br />

delivered to 10,514 homes every week.<br />

Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />

Redcliffs • Mt Pleasant • Sumner • Lyttelton<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> • Governors <strong>Bay</strong> • Akaroa<br />

• Feel secure in your home<br />

• Increase visibility, deter intruders<br />

• Prevent unwanted accidents<br />

• Provide peace of mind<br />

what’s on<br />

this week<br />

Mt Pleasant Bridge Club<br />

Wednesday, 7pm, and Friday, 1pm<br />

Mt Pleasant Yacht Clubrooms, Scott<br />

Park, <strong>21</strong> Main Rd<br />

All visitors are welcome. Please be<br />

seated 15min prior to the start of the<br />

session. If you do not have a partner<br />

please phone Raylene on 384 9677.<br />

Sumner Silver Band<br />

Thursday, 7-9pm<br />

Redcliffs Bowling Club, James St<br />

If you are interested in joining (instruments<br />

supplied) or just listening<br />

to a traditional brass band, then go<br />

along to our rehearsals. Please phone<br />

Peter Croft on 3849 534 to confirm<br />

your place.<br />

Mt Pleasant Farmers’ Market<br />

Saturday, 9.30am-12.30pm<br />

3 McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Rd, Mt Pleasant<br />

The community-owned market<br />

brings you wonderful, locally grown<br />

food every Saturday. For more information,<br />

phone co-ordinator, Di,<br />

on 020 4195 4639.<br />

Lyttelton Farmers’ Market<br />

Saturday, 10am-1pm<br />

London St, Lyttelton<br />

Great produce and an awesome<br />

atmosphere will be on offer thanks<br />

to a bunch of friendly stall-holders.<br />

Some of the products regularly<br />

available include fish, cheeses<br />

fruit, vegetables, vegan food, meat,<br />

seedlings and flowers.<br />

Rotary Market<br />

Sunday, 8.30am-12.30pm<br />

Woolston Club, 43 Hargood St<br />

A variety of stalls will be available,<br />

Give us a call today 24/7<br />

03 365 9712<br />

aoteaelectriccanterbury.co.nz<br />

Award winning company, trusted in Canterbury for 37 years<br />

including fresh produce, jams and<br />

preserves, and recycled clothing,<br />

books and tools. Every Sunday, with<br />

all proceeds supporting the local<br />

community. For site inquiries, phone<br />

Vance at 022 382 0086.<br />

Waitahuna Open Day<br />

Monday, 11am-4pm<br />

1 Main Rd, Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Vintage collective bric-a-brac sale,<br />

huge plant sale, take a pinic or buy a<br />

devonshire tea to support St Cuthberts<br />

Church. A property full of surprises.<br />

Admission $5 for jetty fund.<br />

Use It Or Lose It<br />

Monday, 11am and 1.30pm,<br />

Wednesdays, 9am and Friday, 11am<br />

Redcliffs Bowling Club, 9 James St<br />

People over 65 can get back<br />

to exercising and enjoying the<br />

camaraderie while maintaining a<br />

safe distance. Classes focus on the<br />

key factors that allow this age group<br />

to maintain their independence,<br />

strength and mobility. For details,<br />

phone Kris on 0<strong>21</strong> 262 8886.<br />

Technology Help Drop-In<br />

Sessions<br />

Monday, 2-3pm<br />

Have your<br />

kids got<br />

those end<br />

of season<br />

injuries?<br />

Book in now and get them sorted<br />

by the time summer sport starts.<br />

Birds of Our Estuary<br />

Photo Expo, Friday,<br />

Saturday and Sunday,<br />

noon-7pm, Mt Pleasant<br />

Community Centre<br />

Unique, one-off estuary<br />

bird photos available for<br />

purchase. Activities for<br />

children include painting a<br />

bird on canvas or a garden<br />

ornament. Free, suitable for<br />

all ages. Phone Tanya for<br />

more information at 027<br />

2245 627. ​<br />

Matuku Takotako: Sumner Centre<br />

These free drop-in sessions are<br />

available to help you with specific issues<br />

including using email, searching<br />

the internet, using the library catalogue,<br />

using electronic resources and<br />

any other general computer-related<br />

queries. Go along with your laptop,<br />

tablet, smartphone or use one of the<br />

desktop computers if you need help<br />

with anything digital.<br />

Mt Pleasant Tennis Club<br />

Tuesday, 9.30am, Saturday, 1.30pm<br />

11 Quarry Road, Mt Pleasant<br />

Seniors play casually on Tuesday<br />

mornings and in organised games on<br />

Saturdays. Juniors have Hot Shots on<br />

Saturday mornings, as well as other<br />

afternoons during term time. For<br />

more information, visit mtpleasanttennis.org.nz<br />

Tai Chi: Meditation in Motion<br />

Tuesday, 7-8.30pm<br />

Anne’s School hall, 739 Ferry Rd<br />

Tai Chi is a low impact mind and<br />

body exercise known for its many<br />

physical and mental health benefits.<br />

First class is free. Phone Frances on<br />

027 698 0057 for more information.<br />

1063 Ferry Rd. Ferrymead<br />

www.physioevolved.co.nz<br />

P. 03 384 4766<br />

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tallpoppy.co.nz/sarah-piggott<br />


Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 3<br />

McLellan gets to work after big win<br />

• By Louis Day<br />

LABOUR’S TRACEY McLellan<br />

is feeling “incredibly humbled”<br />

after being elected MP for the<br />

newly-formed Banks Peninsula<br />

electorate.<br />

Election night saw Labour<br />

dominate the party vote across<br />

Greater Christchurch and claim<br />

every electorate except for Selwyn<br />

and Waimakariri.<br />

McLellan recorded a<br />

resounding victory over<br />

National’s Catherine Chu in<br />

the race to become MP for the<br />

peninsula, receiving 22,038 votes,<br />

more than double Chu’s 10,834.<br />

She said she was “incredibly<br />

humbled” to receive such strong<br />

support from constituents and<br />

promised to put everything into<br />

her new role.<br />

“I will do my very best to<br />

advocate for them [people of the<br />

Banks Peninsula] as Labour rolls<br />

out its rebuild programme,” she<br />

said.<br />

“I am a good listener, I’m a<br />

good observer, I know how to<br />

bring people together and that is<br />

the first task for us, to build up<br />

those relationships that we made<br />

during the campaign and get to<br />

the nub of what our communities<br />

need.”<br />

There was a degree of<br />

uncertainty around who would<br />


& SHOES<br />

LADIES IN RED: Banks Peninsula MP Tracey McLellan with Wigram MP Megan Woods and<br />

new Ilam MP Sarah Pallett.<br />

become the MP for the new<br />

electorate after Labour stalwart<br />

Ruth Dyson, who had presided<br />

over the area for 27 years<br />

under several different seats,<br />

announced her retirement. A<br />

boundary change also added<br />

6500 people into the Banks<br />

Peninsula electorate from the<br />

traditionally National voting<br />



I COME<br />

TO YOU<br />

Selwyn electorate. However, this<br />

did not have a telling impact<br />

on McLellan’s pursuit for<br />

Parliament.<br />

McLellan thought recovery<br />

from the pandemic, sustainable<br />

tourism, jobs, the environment<br />

and housing are the key issues for<br />

her new electorate.<br />

At the moment she lives<br />

outside the electorate but plans to<br />

move within it.<br />

“I do have plans to move in,<br />

yes, my Trade Me watch list is<br />

filling up. It is just a question of<br />

when and where and making<br />

those options available to<br />

myself.”<br />

McLellan has been a member<br />

of the Labour Party since 2011<br />

and became acting party president<br />

following Nigel Harworth’s<br />

resignation over the handling of<br />

sexual abuse claims made against<br />

party members. She is currently<br />

senior vice president of the party.<br />

Politics runs in the family, her<br />

son Jake is a city councillor and a<br />

fellow Labour Party member.<br />

Before McLellan entered<br />

politics, she spent a number<br />

of years working in clinical<br />

research after getting her PhD in<br />

psychology.<br />

Her focus was on dementia<br />

disorders and what happens in<br />

the aftermath of a childhood<br />

brain injury. She was also an<br />

organiser for the New Zealand<br />

Nurses Organisation but resigned<br />

on Sunday after securing a seat in<br />

Parliament.<br />

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Proud members<br />



Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Akaroa: Domestic tourist destination<br />

While Akaroa adjusts to<br />

life without an influx of<br />

cruise ship passengers<br />

and overseas tourists,<br />

fresh opportunities in<br />

the domestic tourism<br />

sector could be on<br />

the horizon. Louis Day<br />

reports<br />

PANDEMIC-related restrictions<br />

on international travel may<br />

present problems for the tourism<br />

industry with the international<br />

tourist tap running dry, but these<br />

same restrictions also present<br />

great opportunity in retaining<br />

New Zealanders who would<br />

usually spend overseas.<br />

A study from Deloitte forecasted<br />

there could be up to $8.2<br />

billion that would typically be<br />

spent overseas by New Zealanders<br />

being retained within the<br />

country’s borders due to the<br />

pandemic.<br />

“This does represent an opportunity<br />

for regions to ‘redirect’<br />

and ‘retain’ some of the expenditure<br />

that New Zealanders would<br />

have spent overseas,” the study<br />

states.<br />

The organisation predicts that<br />

this “retained spending” opportunity<br />

could be worth $1 billion<br />

to Canterbury.<br />

Akaroa District Promotions<br />

tourism marketing manager Jane<br />

Scribner thought what the town<br />

had to offer could see it getting a<br />

“decent slice of the pie.”<br />

“We think we provide attractions<br />

and experiences that suit<br />

most markets, families, couples,<br />

seniors, the only thing we don’t<br />

have is a raging nightlife,” she<br />

said.<br />

As the region’s oldest town,<br />

with French culture pulsating<br />

throughout its foundations, a<br />

testament to its history of being<br />

settled by the French in 1840,<br />

it offers the domestic tourist an<br />

international escape without<br />

having to leave the country.<br />

French street names, flags and<br />

francophones which dominate<br />

the town’s landscape gives<br />

Akaroa the European flavour it is<br />

famous for.<br />

French Peak Vineyard is an<br />

example of the lasting impression<br />

the town’s past is having on its<br />

present.<br />


Whiteflippered<br />

penguins can<br />

be found in<br />

Pohatu <strong>Bay</strong><br />

which is only<br />

a short drive<br />

from Akaroa’s<br />

town centre.<br />

Owner, French-born Renan<br />

Cataliotti, came to Akaroa 12<br />

years ago with the intentions<br />

of staying one night. However,<br />

he ended up meeting his wife<br />

in the town and has stayed ever<br />

since.<br />

He believed his business gave<br />

customers a French-themed<br />

experience which complemented<br />

the flavour of the area.<br />

“People come here and see this<br />

French guy and French farm<br />

and the wine has quite a French<br />

influence in the way it is made as<br />

well,” he said.<br />

The 3.5ha vineyard where the<br />

grapes for the wine are grown sit<br />

in the centre of an ancient volcano<br />

which Cataliotti said gave<br />

the wine a very unique taste.<br />

“The soil, the climate, it is the<br />

only place in New Zealand where<br />

the soil has no limestone, just<br />

clay and volcanic soil. It gives it a<br />

very nice, subtle and very delicate<br />

feel, it is very pure and very clean<br />

like the peninsula,” he said.<br />

Cataliotti said the town’s<br />

french community of about 20<br />

people was growing year by year<br />

as French backpackers passed<br />

through the area and decided to<br />

settle, just as their ancestors did<br />

in the 1800s.<br />

Part of the town’s french cohort<br />

is Kevin Parthonnaud. He acts<br />

as the general manager of the<br />

Pohatu Penguin colony.<br />


‘Birds of our Estuary’<br />

Mt Pleasant Community Centre<br />

3 McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong> Road, Mt Pleasant<br />

Free entry - ample parking – café on site<br />

Friday, 23 <strong>October</strong> noon till 7pm<br />

Saturday, 24 <strong>October</strong> 9am till 7pm<br />

Sunday, 25 <strong>October</strong> 9am till 4pm<br />

• View amazing bird<br />

photos captured by<br />

local photographers<br />

• Gold coin donation<br />

activities: 1-Paint your<br />

own bird decoration<br />

or Godwit garden<br />

ornament or create<br />

canvass art.<br />

• Colouring in<br />

competition. Prizes<br />

to be won!<br />

• ‘Silent auction’<br />

• Photos available to<br />

purchase<br />

Call 03-376 5322<br />

FREE<br />


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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 5<br />

with international flair<br />

His story is similar to Cataliotti’s.<br />

He came to New Zealand<br />

with a working holiday visa and<br />

“three words of English.”<br />

When he discovered Pohatu<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>, he fell in love and fell in<br />

love again when he met Averil,<br />

the niece of Shireen and Francis<br />

Helps who founded the colony.<br />

He is now happily married to<br />

Averil and alongside her helps<br />

keep the colony going which<br />

now has more than 1264 pairs of<br />

white-flippered penguins.<br />

The colony, which is more than<br />

30 years old is the largest of its<br />

kind in mainland New Zealand.<br />

It is completely funded by tourism<br />

so relies on people going for<br />

tours.<br />

Parthonnaud said the setting of<br />

the colony also provided visitors<br />

with a unique experience with the<br />

penguins.<br />

“You can witness the penguins<br />

socialising on the water and like<br />

rafting on it which is quite a<br />

unique point,” he said.<br />

Tours of the colony also allow<br />

guests to get up close and personal<br />

with the penguins by visiting<br />

the small homes they live in.<br />

The French settled town also offers<br />

the opportunity for visitors to<br />

witness the wonder of the hector’s<br />

dolphin.<br />

Black Cat Cruises allows people<br />

to view the world’s rarest and<br />

smallest oceanic dolphin in its<br />

natural habitat. The company<br />

offers boat cruises as well as immersive<br />

swimming experiences<br />

with the doplhins.<br />

Hector’s dolphins are endemic<br />

to New Zealand, meaning they<br />

are not found anywhere else in<br />

the world. Furthermore, Akaroa<br />

is the only place in the country<br />

where it is possible to swim with<br />

them.<br />

Chief executive Paul Milligan<br />

thought the experience<br />

would satisfy the desires of New<br />

Zealander’s longing for the type<br />

of adventure you would expect<br />

overseas.<br />

“Plenty of Kiwis do take an<br />

overseas trip at some point and<br />

now they can’t and perhaps they<br />

are looking for those types of<br />

experiences they would get overseas<br />

here in New Zealand, that is<br />

certainly something we can offer,”<br />

he said.<br />

• Turn to page 7<br />

ADVENTURE: Black Cat Cruises gets visitors up close and<br />

personal with the endangered hector’s dolphin that can<br />

only be found in New Zealand.<br />


French Peak vineyard is<br />

located in the centre of an<br />

ancient volcano, giving its<br />

wine a “very unique taste.”<br />

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17 Lillian Street, Halswell<br />

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PAGE 6 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Potted Colour<br />

Choose from a selection of seasonal varieties.<br />

100mm pot.<br />

148013<br />

Growfresh<br />

Tomato 4 Pack<br />

Includes Roma, Money Maker,<br />

Sweet 100 and Sunshine 100.<br />

246858<br />

Kiwi Kitchen<br />

Zucchini Salvador Plants<br />

Produces high yields. 1.3 litre pot.<br />

174746<br />

Jobmate<br />

7 Pattern Spray Gun<br />

Fits standard 12mm hose<br />

connector fittings.<br />

238236<br />

99c<br />

$3 50<br />

$6 98<br />

each<br />

was $11.98<br />

$8<br />

now<br />

98<br />

Harmony<br />

Flowering Gazanias,<br />

Daisies & Nemesias<br />

1litre pot.<br />

269<strong>21</strong>4<br />

Assorted Calibrachoa Can 1.5 Litre<br />

Features a vibrant, unique, bicolour, pattern with large<br />

flower blooms.<br />

346<strong>21</strong>4<br />

Showa<br />

Gardening Gloves<br />

Assorted sizes and colours.<br />

148643<br />

Tui<br />

Sheep Pellets<br />

Certified organic.<br />

Encourages healthy<br />

plant growth<br />

and naturally<br />

conditions soil. 5kg.<br />

369464<br />

$9.49 each<br />

3 for $ 26<br />

$10 89<br />

each<br />

was $12.98<br />

$10<br />

now<br />

98<br />

$10 98<br />

Tui<br />

Potting Mix<br />

An all-purpose<br />

mix to give your<br />

plants the best<br />

start. 50 litre.<br />

293719<br />

Tui<br />

Lawn force Lawn<br />

Preparation Mix<br />

Rich in nutrients to<br />

provide lawn seed with<br />

best possible start.<br />

141841<br />

Tui<br />

Certified Organic<br />

Compost<br />

BioGro certified organic.<br />

100% weed free. 40 litre.<br />

323967<br />

Garden hand tools<br />

Stainless steel with wooden handles.<br />

320955, 320956, 320958<br />

Kiwicare<br />

Weed Weapon<br />

Rapid Action<br />

Kills broad range of<br />

stubborn weeds to<br />

the root. 2 litre.<br />

245290<br />

$34 99<br />

buy 1 get 1 free!<br />

was $14.98<br />

$12<br />

now<br />

98<br />

Fiskars<br />

Bypass Pruner &<br />

Loppers Set<br />

Fully hardened,<br />

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<strong>21</strong>8188<br />

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$11 98 $349<br />

Stanley<br />

Polypour Wheelbarrow<br />

Heavy duty galvanised steel<br />

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72 litre.<br />

341290<br />

Black+Decker<br />

Line Trimmer<br />

280mm cutting width. Guide wheel<br />

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290263<br />

$39 98 $15 98<br />

was $159<br />

$79<br />

now<br />

each<br />

was $179<br />

$159<br />

now<br />

Bosch<br />

18 Volt Telescopic<br />

Pruner Skin<br />

Prune hard-to-reach<br />

branches effortlessly.<br />

Battery sold separately.<br />

326649<br />

Nouveau<br />

4 Tier Water Feature<br />

Decorative water feature<br />

suitable for outdoor use.<br />

Low-voltage pump included.<br />

354703<br />

Bosch<br />

Aquatak 135 Electric<br />

Wasterblaster<br />

1958 PSI. 410 I/h. 7m hose.<br />

3-in-1 nozzle. 1900 Watt.<br />

347485<br />

Stanley Fatmax<br />

18 Volt Line Trimmer<br />

& Blower Kit<br />

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Variable speed and boost<br />

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366962<br />

was $229<br />

$199<br />

now<br />

$249<br />

was $279<br />

now<br />

$329<br />

was $339<br />

now<br />

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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 7<br />

Must-see destinations<br />

• From page 5<br />

Another animal you are<br />

unlikely to see every day that<br />

Akaroa has to offer is the<br />

alpaca.<br />

The cuter cousin of the llama<br />

from within the camel family<br />

can be found in abundance<br />

at Shamarra Alpacas which<br />

boasts a breathtaking view of<br />

the peninsula.<br />

The farm offers tours where<br />

visitors are given the opportunity<br />

to become acquainted<br />

with the herd of more than 160<br />

alpacas. The furry friends make<br />

for a great photo opportunity<br />

and are tremendously grateful<br />

when guests assist in feeding<br />

time.<br />

Their coats are also used to<br />

make clothing which can be<br />

purchased at the farm.<br />

mahogany staircase imported<br />

Alpacas aside, another from France, original open<br />

must-see destination, unique fireplaces, beautifully proportioned<br />

rooms, a conservatory<br />

to Akaroa, is, of course, the<br />

Giants’ House which is now with mosaic floor, a large sunny<br />

recognised as a garden of international<br />

significance.<br />

bathrooms, bright yellow farm-<br />

sheltered verandah, quirky<br />

Built in 1880, it was assigned house kitchen, comfortable<br />


the title The Giants’ House large bedrooms with unique<br />

The Shamarra<br />

when a small child gazed upon artistic features and artwork<br />

Alpaca farm<br />

it from the valley below, declaring<br />

it had to be home to a giant It forms an essence unique<br />

must-see<br />

throughout.<br />

is another<br />

as it was so big.<br />

to Akaroa which could, in the<br />

destination<br />

The house has many<br />

end, see the historic town claim<br />

alongside<br />

extraordinary features – a a decent slice of the domestic<br />

the famous<br />

grand entrance hall with tourism pie.<br />

Giant’s House.<br />

Class in Cass <strong>Bay</strong><br />


Discover Christchurch’s<br />

best pet<br />

accommodation<br />

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Bumper to Bumper repairs<br />


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7 Mariners Cove, Cass <strong>Bay</strong> - Price by Negotiation<br />

4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 2 car garage with off-street parking RV $790,000 - Listing No. UCH22393<br />

With inspiring views to Quail Island this desirable, beautifully presented home just 3km from Lyttelton has the "holiday every day" feel.<br />

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The tiled foyer flows through to the entertainers kitchen and spacious dining area with bamboo flooring, and carpeted living.<br />

Teens or guests will adore their own tiled ensuites; there's one for each of the 4 bedrooms!<br />

Wake up to gorgeous views from your Master suite on the main level with deck access, a walk-in PLUS a built-in wardrobe.<br />

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lunch break in just 4 minutes!<br />

Boating opportunities and walking tracks are on your doorstep here; there's a dedicated parking spot for the boat and space for your<br />

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2.30pm - 3.30pm Sat and Sun<br />

Erin Callanan<br />

Mob. 0274 414273<br />

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Phone 03 4239937


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Great fire of Lyttelton subject of exhibition<br />

IT WAS after 10pm on <strong>October</strong><br />

24, 1870, when a fire started in<br />

an empty house on Lyttelton’s<br />

Oxford St between the Queen’s<br />

Hotel and a boot-maker’s shop.<br />

The flames quickly spread<br />

through nearby shops until both<br />

sides of London St were burning.<br />

The fire raged along Oxford St and<br />

Norwich Quay through wooden<br />

houses, stables, a warehouse full<br />

of wheat and two ship chandler’s<br />

(marine equipment) shops and<br />

then set most of the township<br />

ablaze in spite of the desperate efforts<br />

of the local brigade.<br />

Some of the drama of that<br />

night is captured in a new exhibition<br />

called Sifting the Ashes:<br />

The Great Fire of Lyttelton that<br />

has been researched and put together<br />

by Lyttelton Library staff<br />

for the Christchurch Heritage<br />

Festival.<br />

The display will feature<br />

original sources describing the<br />

progress of the fire, attempts to<br />

control it, and its aftermath as<br />

the damage was assessed and the<br />

town rebuilt. Lyttelton Museum<br />

has given the library permission<br />

to use photos from its collection.<br />

City council head of libraries<br />

Carolyn Robertson said the<br />

exhibition is a response to the<br />

community’s strong interest<br />

in local history and staff have<br />

gathered material from library<br />

archives, digital maps and other<br />

resources.<br />

“The fire was a momentous<br />

event and one that many<br />

Christchurch residents might<br />

not be aware of. The Heritage<br />

Festival is an opportunity to<br />

remember and inform people<br />

about the city’s past. There are so<br />

many stories to explore and uncover<br />

and some great resources<br />

available through the library to<br />

use for research.”<br />

On that night 150 years ago,<br />

the brightness of the sky above<br />

the Port Hills alerted people in<br />

Christchurch to the fire and reinforcements<br />

travelled to the port<br />

by train, including a steam fire<br />

engine that was hurriedly loaded<br />

on board.<br />

The huge blaze was finally<br />

brought under control, but by<br />

that time most of the commercial<br />

area of Lyttelton had been<br />

destroyed with over £100,000<br />

worth of damage.<br />

At the time it was the worst<br />

urban fire in New Zealand’s<br />

history.<br />

A newspaper report the following<br />

day described the chaotic<br />

scene as “terrifically grand”.<br />

DESTROYED: At the time, the port<br />

fire was the worst urban blaze in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

•Sifting the Ashes: The Great Fire of<br />

Lyttelton, at Lyttelton Library, runs until<br />

November 14. Open Monday to Friday<br />

10am-6pm and Saturday 10am-1pm.<br />

“…the whole block, some three<br />

acres in area, being one solid<br />

mass of fire, lighting up the harbour<br />

and surrounding hills.<br />

“The scene on the reclaimed<br />

land was of a most painful<br />

character, women and children<br />

being huddled together on<br />

heaps of furniture, utterly<br />

homeless, and only partially<br />

clothed.”<br />

Building a Future at Hōhepa<br />

Donate Now<br />

John<br />

Hōhepa Canterbury is on a journey to build two new fit-for-purpose homes to<br />

welcome more individuals waiting to join our community.<br />

People develop best when they feel grounded and safe in their surroundings. At<br />

Hōhepa, we provide a home for people with an intellectual disability to live their<br />

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Everyone needs and deserves a home they cherish and from where they can<br />

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Your donation will assist with the many essential fit out items and specialised equipment in the<br />

homes that will make life easy, functional, comfortable and enjoyable, such as:<br />

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20<br />

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150<br />

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3000<br />

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Learn more at donations.hohepacanterbury.com<br />

Or contact Sarah on 027 544 9977 or email newhomes@hohepacanterbury.com

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 9<br />

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PAGE 10 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

FRESH<br />


Pams Fresh Lettuce<br />

or Carrots Bunched<br />

Product of New Zealand$<br />

2 99 ea<br />

Fresh NZ Skinless<br />

Chicken Breast<br />

Fillets<br />

$<br />

12 99 kg<br />

Focus on keeping staff employed<br />

• From page 1<br />

Jones did not give specifics<br />

on the financial hit the business<br />

has taken but said “it is<br />

a very much down-time.”<br />

Said Jones: “Everybody’s<br />

got that risk [of closing] at<br />

the moment. The unknown<br />

• From page 1<br />

The city council has now<br />

launched an investigation<br />

into how the 45 sirens can<br />

be upgraded along the<br />

coastline between Taylors<br />

Mistake and Brooklands.<br />

City council head of civil<br />

defence emergency management<br />

Rob Orchard said<br />

the sirens did not comply<br />

with two components of<br />

the technical standard, but<br />

it was still an effective tool<br />

used to warn people of an<br />

imminent tsunami on the<br />

coast.<br />

“The sirens though are<br />

only one of the tools we<br />

would use if a tsunami<br />

was coming our way,” he<br />

said.<br />

“If we get information<br />

that a distant source<br />

is what we’re heading into<br />

in November. Our focus<br />

is on keeping my staff<br />

employed and paying their<br />

wages.”<br />

He would know by<br />

March if the business has<br />

been able to recover from<br />

tsunami generated from<br />

across the Pacific Ocean or<br />

a regional source tsunami<br />

generated from the eastern<br />

North Island is likely to hit<br />

our coastline, we will use<br />

all available channels to<br />

get that message out to the<br />

public.”<br />

If you hear the tsunami<br />

sirens, Orchard said to<br />

check if there is an official<br />

tsunami warning for your<br />

zone; either red, orange or<br />

yellow.<br />

“The warning is given<br />

on the radio, television,<br />

social media or through an<br />

Emergency Mobile Alert to<br />

your phone. If there is an<br />

announcement to evacuate<br />

the zone you are in, follow<br />

the instructions immediately,’’<br />

he said.<br />

Covid.<br />

The restaurant has<br />

recently changed to its<br />

summer menu which Jones<br />

said cost about $3000. The<br />

original plan was to do<br />

the naming rebrand at the<br />

same time.<br />

Investigation launched<br />

into upgrading sirens<br />

If a tsunami came from<br />

a local source, there would<br />

not be enough time to<br />

activate the sirens.<br />

“In that case, the best<br />

warning sign is the earthquake<br />

itself,” said Orchard.<br />

“If you are near the<br />

coast and you experience<br />

a strong earthquake that is<br />

difficult to stand up in, or<br />

lasts for a minute or more,<br />

you should immediately<br />

move to higher ground or<br />

as far inland as possible.’’<br />

Orchard said he is investigating<br />

how the city’s<br />

sirens could be upgraded so<br />

they comply with NEMA’s<br />

Technical Standard.<br />

He will bring a report<br />

back to the sustainability<br />

and community resilience<br />

committee.<br />

Pams Fresh Asparagus<br />

250g Bunch or<br />

Cherry Tomatoes<br />

250g Prepack<br />

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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

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PAGE 12 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


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christchurchnissan.co.nz<br />


Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 13<br />

Cows rescued after animal shelter failure<br />

A YOUNG woman’s attempt to<br />

care for a few cows snowballed,<br />

ending in almost 190 cows<br />

being malnourished and in poor<br />

condition after the numbers got<br />

out of hand and she did not have<br />

enough funds or manpower to<br />

care for and feed them all.<br />

In desperation and with her<br />

rescued cows facing slaughter or<br />

being euthanised, Canterbury<br />

woman Jasmine Hubber – who<br />

runs Til the Cows Came Home –<br />

called in the help of Huha (Helping<br />

You Help Animals).<br />

It has spent the past five weeks<br />

and $28,000 on veterinary<br />

bills and providing feed for the<br />

various breeds of cows located in<br />

eight different paddocks around<br />

Christchurch.<br />

Huha is now facing the ambitious<br />

task of re-homing all of<br />

them as pets.<br />

Hubber said the situation<br />

worsened after lockdown when a<br />

grazier who had been contracted<br />

to care for 60 cows failed to do<br />

so.<br />

While they were there one of<br />

the bulls being grazed nearby got<br />

into paddock and impregnated<br />

20 cows which all had calves.<br />

The Ministry for Primary Industries<br />

insisted the underweight<br />

cows be moved immediately, and<br />

it was the new neighbour that<br />

alerted MPI for a second time<br />

as there wasn’t enough grass for<br />

them in the paddock, she said.<br />

“The property they were on<br />

when we moved them from the<br />

grazier was 16ha and it had a lot<br />

POOR CONDITION: One of the underweight animals at the Til the Cows Come Home<br />

rescue shelter which was unable to care for 190 cows in its care. PHOTO: HUHA<br />

of grass when they first arrived,<br />

but it just couldn’t sustain them<br />

for more than two months,” she<br />

said.<br />

“It’s kind of been a build up<br />

over the six months and everything<br />

got too much.”<br />

Hubber said it had been a big<br />

learning process and she had<br />

learnt that she couldn’t take in<br />

every cow, especially as she had<br />

been trying to do the majority of<br />

it on her own.<br />

Huha co-founder Carolyn<br />















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Press-McKenzie said she was<br />

heartbroken when she first saw<br />

the cows in the paddock five<br />

weeks ago.<br />

Press-McKenzie said Til the<br />

Cows Came Home had struggled<br />

with the care of the animals to<br />

the point that it was impacting<br />

the cows’ health.<br />

“The first thing affecting me<br />

was how serious it was . . . my<br />

heart broke when I saw the cows.<br />

They looked empty and they<br />

were bellowing and there was<br />

no food. I was devastated about<br />

what they had been through<br />

to get into that condition and I<br />

knew that it had been a long slow<br />

journey to get that hungry.”<br />

Til the Cows Came Home had<br />

been running for two years and<br />

had taken in small herds of cows<br />

and bobby calves, but had failed<br />

to re-home the animals to make<br />

room for more.<br />

“Somewhere along the line she<br />

got some bum advice and neglected<br />

to castrate the little boy<br />

calves and then what has happened<br />

is there’s been an awful lot<br />

of breeding and overcrowding<br />

and there’s been situations where<br />

there’s been grass and not the<br />

capacity to buy the food and feed<br />

required.”<br />

Some of the young heifers who<br />

were pregnant were too young to<br />

carry the pregnancy to term so<br />

some of those had to be aborted,<br />

while another could not be<br />

helped and had to be euthanised.<br />

Others were extremely emaciated<br />

but were recovering after<br />

being fed with the help of local<br />

farmers.<br />

Under Huha’s instruction,<br />

local vet clinics were also called<br />

on to de horn, vaccinate, drench<br />

and pregnancy test the female<br />

cows and neuter the males.<br />

The cows range from bottle<br />

feeders to eight or nine-yearsold<br />

and were a mix of friesian,<br />

jerseys, galloways, angus and<br />

hereford.<br />

But now five weeks on most<br />

of the cows are either in good<br />

health - a vast change from when<br />

she first saw them and thought<br />

about a third would not survive<br />

– or on the road to recovery.<br />

Press-McKenzie’s believed only<br />

five cows plus the unborn calves<br />

had been euthanised due to the<br />

hard work of MPI, the local<br />

farmers and vets and Huha.<br />

She said looking after<br />

that many cows was a huge<br />

undertaking for anyone both<br />

physically and financially – let<br />

alone a 20-year-old.<br />

– NZ Herald<br />




AND BBQ’S<br />


PAGE 14 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 15<br />

Wine<br />

Otago pinot noirs on parade<br />

• By Mark Henderson<br />

OFTEN WHEN I’m deciding on<br />

what I’m going to taste for this<br />

column, I endeavour to maintain<br />

a bit of variety.<br />

I’ve been working on a few<br />

different wine styles, which will<br />

make their appearance in the<br />

weeks to come so a flight of pinot<br />

noir beckoned.<br />

(yet not underpowered) style.<br />

Juicy and vibrant, the sweet<br />

fruit, acid drops and wild herbtinged<br />

palate shifting to savoury<br />

characters with a sweet ’n’ sour<br />

tanginess on the close. In the slot<br />

to enjoy now.<br />

www.chardfarm.co.nz<br />

2017 Aurum Mathilde<br />

Organic Central Otago<br />

2018 Chard Farm River<br />

Run Central Otago<br />

Price: $34<br />

Rating: Very good<br />

Fragrance, earthy touches, red<br />

fruits, a savoury backdrop. A<br />

tingly, prickly note on the tongue<br />

leads this light to medium-bodied<br />

Price: $55<br />

Rating: Excellent<br />

A beguiling nose draws you<br />

in. Darker fruits, dustiness,<br />

savoury elements, oak nuances<br />

and perfume growing. A<br />

crunchy, chewiness to the palate<br />

with richness and depth of<br />

flavour, the dark fruits joined by<br />

cherry, savoury and wild herb<br />

undercurrents and a hint of black<br />

tea. The sweetly fruited finish is<br />

balanced by refreshing acidity.<br />

Nicely done.<br />

www.aurumwines.com<br />

2018 Wooing Tree<br />

Central Otago<br />

Price: $48<br />

Rating: Excellent to<br />

outstanding<br />

Menthol, cool mint, a wholebunch<br />

sappy note, bread dough/<br />

umami, darker brooding notes as<br />

fragrance builds. Very appealing.<br />

Powerfully expressed palate,<br />

some serious tannic grip yet fruit<br />

intensity to support it, ripe with<br />

an attractive dryness. The tannins<br />

build so perhaps best with food<br />

for now, and should sing with a<br />

little cellar time.<br />

www.wooingtree.co.nz<br />

2016 Aurum Madeleine<br />

Organic Central Otago<br />

Price: $88<br />

Rating: Excellent to<br />

outstanding<br />

Perfume leads, a savoury/<br />

umami element quickly grows,<br />

with darker fruits and hints of<br />

leaf. A burst of flavour, layers<br />

of complexity, fresh lift, power<br />

without heaviness. A chalky<br />

element to the texture and a zesty,<br />

lip- smacking close adds to the<br />

whole and while there is lovely<br />

integration here, there’s clear<br />

potential too.<br />

www.aurumwines.com<br />

2018 Domain Road Central<br />

Otago<br />

Price: $40<br />

Rating: Excellent<br />

A wild hint, earthiness, savoury<br />

nuances, evolving to delightful<br />

violet-like florality; a little warm<br />

leather with time. Vibrancy, juicy,<br />

chewy, a sweetly fruited front<br />

palate builds quiet depth as it<br />

flows to a long, dry finish. Nicely<br />

balanced and an each- way bet<br />

showing drinkability now, yet<br />

potential too. A slow burner that<br />

really grows on me.<br />

www.domainroad.co.nz<br />

2018 Aurum Organic<br />

Central Otago<br />

Price: $38<br />

Rating: Very good to excellent<br />

Toffee/caramel gives way to<br />

a cool aspect as blackberry and<br />

berry fruits mingle with fruit<br />

liqueur and leaf/ coolmint.<br />

Not quite the complexity of its<br />

siblings, yet lovely fruit purity, a<br />

crunchy brightness to the drying<br />

tannins and racy acidity.<br />

www.aurumwines.com<br />

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Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Tasty Bites<br />

Simple frittata for a lazy Sunday dinner<br />

THIS SIMPLE, tasty vegetable<br />

frittata is perfect to cook on a lazy<br />

Sunday night.<br />

It can be prepared and cooked<br />

in about 40min and only needs a<br />

green salad to accompany it.<br />

It is also nice cold so is great to<br />

make for a picnic.<br />

It is best if you have a frying<br />

pan that can be put in the oven,<br />

although the frittata can easily<br />

be made without one. When the<br />

frittata has been cooked up to the<br />

stage when it is to be put under<br />

the grill, place a large flat plate or<br />

oven tray over the frying pan and<br />

turn the pan over so that the frittata<br />

is turned out onto it.<br />

Then place a second plate (or<br />

tray) over the frittata and turn it all<br />

over again so that the frittata is now<br />

sitting top side up. Finally, place the<br />

frying pan on top and turn it all<br />

over again so that the frittata is now<br />

upside down in the pan.<br />

Place the pan back on the stove<br />

to finish cooking the top.<br />

This recipe will need a frying<br />

pan about 30cm in diameter.<br />

Vegetable Frittata<br />

Serves 4<br />

Ingredients<br />

2 onions<br />

25g butter<br />

2 cups prepared pumpkin<br />

Ferrymead<br />

Impossible: My Story<br />

by Stan Walker<br />

A startling and important memoir about family and forgiveness, love and redemption.<br />

For the first time, Stan Walker speaks with startling honesty about<br />

abuse and addiction, hardship and excess, cancer and<br />

discrimination, and growing up in a family where love<br />

and violence were horribly entwined.<br />

From one of the finest singers to emerge from Australia<br />

and New Zealand Aotearoa in a generation, Impossible<br />

is a story of redemption and the power of forgiveness.<br />

It’s also a story about courage and hope; about a young<br />

Maori boy finding his place and purpose, never forgetting<br />

who he is and where he came from.<br />

This Is Not How It Ends<br />

How Rewriting Your Story Can Save Your Life<br />

by Jehan Casinader<br />



As an award-winning TV journalist, Jehan Casinader told other people’s<br />

stories - until he lost control of his own. Severely depressed, he tried<br />

everything - from mindfulness to massage; Prozac to Pilates. Was<br />

something missing?<br />

This Is Not How It Ends chronicles Jehan’s four-year battle with depression,<br />

and how the power of storytelling helped him to survive. He argues that<br />

many of us think our brains are broken, but in fact, our stories are broken.<br />

Jehan began an experiment on himself. Could he rewrite his past? Could he<br />

reinvent his character? Could he create a whole new plot?<br />

This gritty, vulnerable book will challenge readers’ understanding of mental<br />

distress, and give them the tools to reshape their own life stories.<br />

Will they be strong enough to overcome the forces which threaten to tear<br />

their family apart?<br />


a little olive oil<br />

250g box of frozen spinach<br />

150g feta cheese<br />

small handful fresh basil<br />

2 or 3 small tomatoes<br />

8 eggs<br />

1/3 cup milk<br />

parmesan or tasty cheese to<br />

grate over<br />

salt and pepper<br />

Directions<br />

Heat your oven to 200 deg C.<br />

ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />


book<br />

release<br />

We have one copy of Impossible: My Story by Stan Walker to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To<br />

be in the draw, email giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with Impossible: My Story by Stan Walker in the subject line or<br />

write to Take Note Book Giveaway, Impossible: My Story by Stan Walker, Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />

8140. To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include your name, address and contact number. Entries close<br />

Tuesday, November 3, <strong>2020</strong>. The book winner for Sorrow and Bliss is Kim Gormack of Redcliffs.<br />

Peel the pumpkin, remove<br />

the seeds and cut it into small<br />

cubes, no more than a couple<br />

of centimetres square. You will<br />

need about two cups of pumpkin.<br />

Spread the pumpkin on a baking<br />

tray — cover it with baking paper<br />

first to save on the washing up<br />

— and drizzle over a little olive<br />

oil. Add a good sprinkle of salt<br />

and freshly ground black pepper.<br />

Mix it around a little so that<br />

the pumpkin is reasonably well<br />

coated with the oil. Place in the<br />

oven for about 15min or until it is<br />

only just tender.<br />

Slice the onions thinly and<br />

place in a frying pan with the<br />

butter. Cook over a medium heat<br />

until soft.<br />

Remove the pan from the heat.<br />

Add the pumpkin to the onion in<br />

the frying pan.<br />

Thaw the spinach and squeeze<br />

out as much water as you can.<br />

Sprinkle it fairly evenly over the<br />

pumpkin, along with the roughly<br />

broken up feta cheese. Cut the<br />

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tomatoes into wedges and press<br />

them down into the other vegetables.<br />

Roughly chop the basil and<br />

sprinkle it over the top.<br />

Beat the eggs and milk together<br />

with a fork and season well with<br />

salt and pepper. Pour over the<br />

vegetables.<br />

Turn the stove element down to<br />

medium-low and cook the frittata<br />

slowly for around 10-15 minutes,<br />

taking care not to burn the bottom<br />

of the fittata. The top should<br />

still be a bit runny in the centre<br />

but the edges should be firm.<br />

Remove from the heat and<br />

grate over a little parmesan or<br />

tasty cheese. Place the pan under<br />

a hot grill until the top is set and<br />

starting to brown up a little.<br />

Remove from the oven and let<br />

the frittata sit for a couple of minutes<br />

before sliding it out of the<br />

pan and cutting it into wedges.<br />

****<br />

A frittata lends itself to all sorts<br />

of fillings. Try smoked fish and<br />

potato. Peel and boil some potatoes<br />

until they are just tender.<br />

New potatoes are particularly<br />

good for this. Cook a few onions<br />

in butter until soft, then add<br />

the potato, some frozen peas or<br />

asparagus if it is in season, and<br />

the beaten egg mixture.<br />

Cook as described above then,<br />

before placing it under the grill,<br />

flake over the smoked fish and<br />

grated cheese.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 17<br />

Opinion<br />

Action and Opportunities in<br />

Skills and Employment<br />

By Karen Haigh<br />

As COVID causes economic<br />

disruption worldwide, one of the<br />

most significant impacts is on<br />

people’s jobs.<br />

Many of us have had our<br />

livelihoods affected in some way<br />

by COVID - some by<br />

redundancy, some by a reduction<br />

in hours, or even by a reduction<br />

in remuneration.<br />

It’s clear our school leavers and<br />

graduates will face a very<br />

different outlook when they<br />

finish their qualifications at the<br />

end of the year.<br />

As the city’s sustainable economic<br />

development agency,<br />

ChristchurchNZ is working<br />

towards socio-economic<br />

recovery and supporting our<br />

workforce is a key piece of that<br />

vital work.<br />

ChristchurchNZ is helping identify opportunities for people to reskill and move into other sectors<br />

So, what’s the situation?<br />

Canterbury has seen a 63%<br />

increase in job seekers since the<br />

beginning of the year, with the<br />

regional unemployment rate<br />

rising to 5.1% from 3.2% in<br />

January of this year. The average<br />

number of hours worked is down<br />

10% from a year ago.<br />

As well as impacting around<br />

9,000 jobs, this tighter job market<br />

has a knock-on impact on other<br />

areas including those about to<br />

join the workforce. We will have<br />

over 7,000 school leavers and<br />

almost 10,000 tertiary graduates<br />

in the region facing an uncertain<br />

future come the end of the year.<br />

Higher unemployment impacts<br />

more significantly on those in<br />

lower skilled roles and our<br />

vulnerable populations – Māori;<br />

Pasifika; young people not in<br />

employment, education or<br />

training; and our long-term<br />

unemployed.<br />

And what are we doing?<br />

We are supporting the journey<br />

for labour market priority groups<br />

– school leavers, tertiary<br />

graduates, NEET (young people<br />

not in employment, education or<br />

training), impacted workers,<br />

Māori and industry.<br />

To ensure work isn’t duplicated,<br />

and to identify gaps, we are<br />

mapping the support available<br />

from iwi, central and local<br />

government agencies, our<br />

education providers, charitable<br />

trusts, and other support groups.<br />

Impact projects can then be<br />

delivered to provide support<br />

where needed.<br />

It is critical we ensure our<br />

community has access to the<br />

information they need, and is<br />

aware of the help available.<br />

ChristchurchNZ is developing<br />

regional information resources<br />

and working to ensure this gets<br />

into the hands of those who<br />

need it.<br />

We are also developing a<br />

Regional Workforce Plan that<br />

identifies the skills available and<br />

needed now and in the future.<br />

This plan will inform central<br />

government investment and<br />

policy in education, immigration<br />

and community interventions;<br />

and will enable us to better<br />

understand what skills<br />

Christchurch’s future economy<br />

will require. That in turn will<br />

allow us to work with education<br />

providers to ensure the right<br />

courses are offered.<br />

In times of recession we generally<br />

see an increase in people<br />

choosing to study.<br />

This is an opportunity to upskill<br />

Canterbury’s relatively<br />

poorly-educated workforce for<br />

our future economy, to generate<br />

more and better jobs, to increase<br />

productivity, and to raise living<br />

standards and wellbeing.<br />

We are supporting Ngāi Tahu’s<br />

development of an iwi skills hub<br />

that will create stronger pathways<br />

for young Māori into tertiary<br />

education and skilled jobs.<br />

high-growth areas. We are also<br />

seeking to future-proof<br />

Canterbury’s labour market<br />

- we know how vital it is to create<br />

new jobs to ensure people have<br />

employment options now and<br />

in the longer term.<br />

We have invested in a city-wide<br />

innovation and entrepreurship<br />

ecosystem partnership to support<br />

high-growth potential businesses<br />

and future job creation in areas<br />

of regional strength and global<br />

growth opportunity. These<br />

Supernodes are Aerospace and<br />

Future Transport; Food, Fibre<br />

and Agritech; Health Tech and<br />

Resilient Communities; and<br />

High-Tech Services.<br />

Our business attraction team is<br />

working to attract additional<br />

businesses and jobs to the region.<br />

While we expect ongoing<br />

economic disruption, there<br />

are many green shoots and<br />

opportunities – one of which is<br />

to develop a workforce that is<br />

highly skilled and can support a<br />

thriving and globally competitive<br />

future economy.<br />

Healthtech is a flourishing sector in Canterbury<br />

Among other projects, we are<br />

working with education partners<br />

and mana whenua to increase<br />

aspiration and participation of<br />

students in low-decile schools in<br />

future-focused tertiary study that<br />

will lead to careers in<br />

Karen Haigh is a Talent<br />

Specialist for Innovation<br />

and Business Growth at<br />


PAGE 18 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

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Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 19<br />

Every Day is Open Day<br />

Once again, the New Zealand educational curriculum is<br />

in the firing line – and it is perhaps hard to argue that it<br />

shouldn’t be.* On the all-important international stage, the<br />

latest data from PISA, the Programme for International<br />

Student Assessment, indicates our Kiwi kids are on the<br />

slide. The downward trend in results over the last decade<br />

shows a lost equivalent of three to six terms of schooling in<br />

the key subjects of Reading, Maths and Science.<br />

This is despite a 32% increase in per-child spending since<br />

2001 and, in Christchurch at least, the construction of<br />

purpose-built modern learning environments deliberately<br />

designed to foster the national curriculum’s child-centred<br />

orthodoxy.<br />

Of course, every child should be at the heart of their own<br />

learning. How could they now be! But let’s not throw the<br />

baby out with the bathwater. A child’s education should be<br />

a balance of subject knowledge; essential skills; teaching<br />

programmes developed to suit their demonstrated<br />

knowledge, understanding and progress; and assessment<br />

that offers you, your child and their teachers, honesty and<br />

evidence of this progress.<br />

All parents, teachers and coaches know that children learn<br />

best when they are interested in what they are learning.<br />

Making subject knowledge and skills<br />

interesting is the ongoing and exciting<br />

challenge for all of us who educate and<br />

motivate our children.<br />

Located in the heart of our city, St<br />

Michael’s has been educating and<br />

nurturing the children of Christchurch<br />

for 169 years. For our young pupils<br />

have limitless potential to lead exciting<br />

and generous lives, and we have the<br />

responsibility to educate and inspire<br />

them, to encourage every child to flourish<br />

in mind, body and spirit.<br />

St Michael’s is a prep school for girls and<br />

boys in Years 1-8. ‘Prep’ as in preparation<br />

for secondary school, a foundation for a<br />

fine life. For at the heart of St Michael’s<br />

are the essential values of Christian faith<br />

and good citizenship: respect, integrity, community, faith,<br />

hope and love.<br />

An independent school education at the primary level is<br />

a great gift. Our classes are small, with year-groups of 20<br />

pupils, ensuring your child is an individual, well known by<br />

staff and fellow pupils alike.<br />

Traditional foundations in English and Maths are<br />

assured. This academic rigour then underpins our wider<br />

curriculums in History, Geography, Science and Spanish.<br />

IT literacy is taught, not assumed, and computer use is<br />

measured. We like teaching and talking to our pupils!<br />

A prep education offers balance. St Michael’s cultural<br />

and sports’ programmes further develop your child’s<br />

foundation, as creativity and problem-solving come in<br />

many forms. Specialist art and music classes are enjoyed<br />

weekly. We have three choirs, and most pupils participate<br />

in instrumental or speech & drama lessons with our ten<br />

itinerant staff.<br />

Nestled on the banks of the Avon, opposite the Riverside<br />

Farmers’ Market, our extended campus is spectacular: the<br />

Art Gallery, Museum, Tūranga – the<br />

central library, and Hagley Park are<br />

just minutes away.<br />

Many of our parents now work in<br />

the thriving city centre or Lincoln<br />

and Riccarton Road hubs, but they<br />

live city-wide. They comment on the<br />

comfort of knowing their children are<br />

in school nearby and the benefits of<br />

popping over for an hour to catch a<br />

performance or watch a race. With the<br />

central exchange only a block away,<br />

senior children arrive by bus from all<br />

corners of the city.<br />

You and your child are warmly<br />

welcome to discover our purposeful,<br />

wholehearted and inclusive prep<br />

school. Our next Open Day is<br />

coming up, on Tuesday 3 November. Pop in during<br />

the day between 8.30am – 4.00pm for a tour, and to<br />

book an appointment on the day with the principal,<br />

please contact registrar, Bec Hitchcock: registrar@<br />

saintmichaels.co.nz or 03 379-9790.<br />

St Michael’s School<br />

Your school at the heart of the city<br />

✓ Co-educational, Years 1-8<br />

✓ Small classes<br />

✓ Specialist teachers<br />

✓ Musical excellence<br />

✓ Christian values<br />

✓ Traditional classrooms; academic rigour<br />

✓ Before & after school care: 7.30am - 5.30pm<br />

✓ Central city location; easy access<br />

Taking enrolments for 2022.<br />

Some places available for 20<strong>21</strong>.<br />

Open Day: Tuesday 3 November<br />

www.saintmichaels.school.nz 249 Durham Street Phone (03) 379 9790 to book your tour.

PAGE 20 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


ISSUE 91<br />

SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong><br />


ISSUE 90<br />

JULY-AUGUST <strong>2020</strong><br />


JUL-AUG <strong>2020</strong><br />








SEP-OCT <strong>2020</strong><br />


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Stunning Kiwi-built Tribute Car<br />




Subscribe online classicdriver.co.nz<br />

or phone 0800 624 295

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE <strong>21</strong><br />

Navara that stands out in a crowd<br />

SALES OF THE traditional fourwheel-drive<br />

double cab ute in<br />

New Zealand are showing no sign<br />

of slowing.<br />

There are a multitude of<br />

pick-ups in today’s market, and<br />

competition between the major<br />

manufacturers is fierce.<br />

Most manufacturers offer<br />

dress-up kits and accessories<br />

that will give your ute a point of<br />

difference. There are also many<br />

choices in terms of limited edition<br />

models that complement the<br />

mainstream range.<br />

One of those is Nissan’s Navara<br />

N-Trek Warrior, it’s full of kit and<br />

adornments that make it stand<br />

out in the crowd; it is bold, brash<br />

and downright aggressive and it<br />

also looks as if it is here to stay<br />

such is the detail that has gone<br />

into the model.<br />

Alongside the elements which<br />

make the N-Trek Warrior stand<br />

out, it is also plush with a heap<br />

of kit that also takes it up a level<br />

in terms of refinement. Major<br />

features include satellite navigation,<br />

orange-stitched and twotone<br />

leather and cloth trim with<br />

heated front seats, keyless entry<br />

and ignition, rear and overhead<br />

view camera system, touch<br />

screen display, Apple CarPlay and<br />

Android Auto, cruise control and<br />

all the safety gear to earn it a fivestar<br />

Australasian New Car Assessment<br />

Program safety rating.<br />

Cabin comfort is high and<br />

space is plentiful. The deck area<br />

doesn’t compromise greatly the<br />

rear seating area, and the rake<br />

on those uprights is sufficient so<br />

that travel in the rear over long<br />

distances isn’t compromised.<br />

It’s one thing to dress up a<br />

model, but if those accessories are<br />

going to hinder the working role<br />

or its ability off-the-seal then I<br />

can’t really see the point. However,<br />

Nissan have gone one step<br />

further with the N-Trek Warrior,<br />

it’s four-wheel-drive ability is<br />

enhanced through massive tyres,<br />

the high profile Cooper rubber<br />

(<strong>21</strong>5/70 x 17in) provides the<br />

N-Trek Warrior with substantial<br />

off-road ability. Such are the size<br />

of the tyres (32in in diameter)<br />

that ground clearance has been<br />

raised substantially up to 268mm.<br />

Nissan had to do a lot of development<br />

work to make these tyres<br />

work on the vehicle, it required a<br />

suspension lift and some alterations<br />

so that the rubber wouldn’t<br />

grab any of the mechanicals<br />

when suspension travel was at its<br />

greatest. The shock absorbers are<br />

also a special specification for the<br />

Warrior, providing that compliance<br />

needed for comfort.<br />

The result is a formidable offroad<br />

ute in terms of looks and<br />

four-wheel-drive ability. Now,<br />

I’m not saying I evaluated the N-<br />

Trek Warrior to an extreme level<br />

FEATURES: Body kit and huge wheels give the Navara an<br />

aggressive stance.<br />

NISSAN NAVARA N-TREK WARRIOR: Built for a serious off-road challenge.<br />

off-road, I learnt many years ago<br />

not to venture off the seal seriously<br />

when alone, so I just poked<br />

around a dry river bed selecting<br />

low ratio only to conquer a couple<br />

of low shingle banks. However,<br />

I can report there was little<br />

chance of challenging the ride<br />

height or approach and departure<br />

angles, the N-Trek Warrior has<br />

substantial off-road ability.<br />

Take into account, too, that<br />

when Nissan introduced the latest<br />

generation Navara it came with a<br />

new rear suspension set-up, the<br />

live axle is located by coil springs<br />

and a multiple linkage set-up, the<br />

sophistication within the mechanicals<br />

is immense.<br />

The engine is pretty much the<br />

same unit that has been around<br />

for several years. It is a twinturbocharged,<br />

twin-camshaft<br />

four-cylinder unit which displaces<br />

2298cc.<br />

Nissan claims healthy power<br />

outputs of 140kW (3750rpm)<br />

and 450Nm, maximum torque<br />

is realised all of the way between<br />

1500rpm and 2500rpm. The latter<br />

provides immediate impetus, and<br />

strong-from-standstill momentum.<br />

Drive is channelled through a<br />

seven-speed automatic gearbox,<br />

it has smooth, almost undetectable<br />

shifts, especially in the first<br />

few gears where it is biased low<br />

so if the ute is laden it hauls freely<br />

from take-off.<br />

• Price – Nissan Navara<br />

N-Trek Warrior, $76,990<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

5385mm; width, 1920mm;<br />

height, 1895mm<br />

• Configuration – Fourcylinder,<br />

four-wheel-drive,<br />

2298cc, 140kW, 450Nm,<br />

seven-speed automatic.<br />

• Performance – 0-100km/h,<br />

9sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 7l/100km<br />

On the subject of load, Nissan<br />

claim a tow rating of 3500kg and<br />

a payload weight of 724kg housed<br />

in an area that measures 1503mm<br />

x 1490mm x 474mm.<br />

The Navara is amongst the<br />

most economical of the mainstream<br />

utes in New Zealand.<br />

Nissan claims a seven-litre per<br />

100km combined cycle rating.<br />

The trip computer was reading<br />

around 10l/100km when I took<br />

the test car back to the dealership,<br />

also showing an instantaneous<br />

8l/100km at 100km/h (engine<br />

speed 1750rpm).<br />

There’s been little doubt that<br />

utes are becoming more car-like,<br />

not so much in their in-cabin<br />

features but in the way they drive.<br />

The N-Trek Warrior can be<br />

pushed into a corner with little<br />

fear. What Nissan’s engineers<br />

have done with the rear axle is<br />

genius. It is load bearing to cater<br />

for that heavy item, yet as a vehicle<br />

it has control and balance not<br />

generally experienced before in a<br />

vehicle of this type.<br />

On those gentle undulating<br />

riverbed tracks, the N-Trek<br />

Warrior imparts a comfortable<br />

ride. Even though the tyres<br />

have stiff sidewalls and don’t<br />

absorb a lot of the pounding<br />

from uneven surfaces, the<br />

suspension takes care of that, the<br />

in-cabin experience is completely<br />

acceptable.<br />

The Navara N-Trek Warrior<br />

lands here at $76,990, it tops out<br />

the 10-model range that, incidentally,<br />

starts at $31,990.<br />

I had the evaluation ute for a<br />

week and quickly came to enjoy<br />

its stature. Sure, at almost 5.4m<br />

it is a big vehicle and that needs<br />

to be taken into account in close<br />

confines, those standard metered<br />

car parks in our city are a bit of a<br />

challenge. It’s also a bit of stepup<br />

into the cabin proper, old age<br />

making that just a little bit harder<br />

than it needed to be.<br />

Nevertheless, there are many<br />

advantages in owning a ute, I<br />

used it to shift some of my daughter’s<br />

belongings as she transferred<br />

from one flat to another.<br />

With all of the N-Trek Warrior<br />

enhancements the Navara<br />

will most certainly interest<br />

recreational enthusiasts and<br />

those buyers who want a ute for<br />

commercial use.


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


High Quality, Low Maintenance<br />

Living...<br />

12 Shearwater Dr. Brookhaven<br />

Auction: Thurs 12 Nov. 12 noon<br />

4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1 living room<br />

1 dining room 3 car garage<br />

2 off-street parks - Listing No. FM5647<br />

Only a few years young, this post-earthquake<br />

build has been designed and<br />

executed to exceed every expectation of the<br />

modern family. This immaculate executive<br />

home is settled on a back section tucked<br />

away from the road. The Brookhaven<br />

subdivision is only a few minutes drive to<br />

the Ferrymead precinct, the Tannery and its<br />

array of amenities. Also Sumner and New<br />

Brighton beaches are within easy reach and<br />

the other direction takes you to the central<br />

city with cafes and restaurants galore.<br />

The grand entrance welcomes you into this<br />

highly specified home and leads you<br />

through to the open plan living which is<br />

spacious and light-filled. A highly functional<br />

layout includes the gourmet kitchen<br />

which is a pleasure to work in and is<br />

equipped with quality appliances, tiled<br />

flooring, granite benchtop and a large walkin-pantry.<br />

The separate lounge works in<br />

harmony with the main living area but can<br />

be closed off for a quiet retreat. Indoor/outdoor<br />

flow is perfectly achieved with the<br />

dining and lounge spilling out onto the<br />

deck and patio creating a natural extension<br />

of your living area. A large heat pump<br />

ducting system keeps the home comfortable<br />

all year round.<br />

Tiled bathrooms with underfloor heating<br />

complement each of the four large<br />

bedrooms, with the master having an<br />

en-suite and walk-in wardrobe. Two of the<br />

bedrooms, one being the master, flow out<br />

onto the patio area.<br />

The versatility of the internal access double<br />

garage is welcome convenience with a drive<br />

through garage door for easy access out to<br />

the backyard - the perfect spot to park the<br />

trailer. There is enough room to house three<br />

vehicles or use the extra space as a work-<br />

shop, gym or games room.<br />

Neatly manicured landscaping frames the<br />

home which is all set on a very generous<br />

790m2. Plenty of room on the lawn for the<br />

kids and pets to play safely as the property<br />

is fully fenced.<br />

Buyers who desire a low-maintenance<br />

property with all of the modern conveniences<br />

will be drawn to this property,<br />

which will undoubtedly have broad appeal.<br />

Call me today!<br />

Lynton Hubber<br />

Mob. 0274 334 141<br />

Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead<br />

Phone 03 384 7950<br />

(Licensed Agent REAA 2008)<br />

growing with you Three Time winner of NZCNA Best Magazine | July <strong>2020</strong> | 100%<br />

Our shrub<br />

Of the month<br />

Why you need a<br />

smoke bush<br />

Gardening<br />

in Glass<br />

The art of<br />

making<br />

terrariums<br />

Start your<br />

StrawberrieS<br />

Priming for sweet<br />

success this summer<br />

Are you ready<br />

to grow?<br />

Kiwi Gardener is your<br />

practical guide to gardening<br />

in New Zealand.<br />

SubScriBe FrOM $20<br />

$7.90 incl. GST<br />

Pass the<br />

Potato<br />

A Canterbury family<br />

keeping one special<br />

variety growing<br />

stars of the winter staGe<br />

daphnes, camellias, hellebores & more<br />

SubScriptionS<br />

Freephone 0800 77 77 10<br />


Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


PAGE 23<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

direct<br />

cremation<br />

$2,000 GSt inclusive<br />

(includes committal)<br />

0800 27 28 29<br />

www.mainland<br />

crematorium.co.nz<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

GARDENER Need your<br />

home or commercial<br />

garden tidied up or<br />

renovated or require long<br />

term assistance. Phone<br />

Ruth 326 6663 or 0<strong>21</strong> 272<br />

0303<br />

To Let<br />

RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

no bond required<br />

Fully insulated and double glazed for warmth.<br />

Three convenient sizes from $80 a week:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m | Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

To Let<br />

HOMESITTERS reqd<br />

from 20 Dec. Beautiful<br />

homes / pets. Ph Lisa<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 547 262 www.<br />

townandcountryhomesit.<br />

co.nz<br />

HOMESITTERS reqd<br />

from 20 Dec. Beautiful<br />

homes / pets. Ph Lisa<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 547 262 www.<br />

townandcountryhomesit.<br />

co.nz<br />

Tuition<br />

Visit our website<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

for display cabin locations<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />


& GROUT?<br />

Our unique restoration<br />

processes will make your<br />

tiled areas look NEW again!<br />

We specialise in professional<br />

cost effective solutions for<br />

all your tile & grout issues.<br />

• Tiled shower makeovers<br />

• Re-colouring old grout<br />

• Mouldy silicone replacement<br />

• Professional tile/grout<br />

cleaning, sealing & repairs<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Landscape<br />

and Garden<br />

Services<br />

Need help with<br />

your garden?<br />

We provide a quality<br />

service for all your<br />

Garden Maintenance<br />

(hedges, lawns,<br />

line trimming, weeding)<br />

and Landscaping needs,<br />

(fencing, paths, drives,<br />

retaining and earthworks).<br />

Ph 0<strong>21</strong> 272 0303<br />


Catherine Bracegirdle<br />


12 Ridgeway Pl, Richmond Hill, Sumner<br />

PH. 0<strong>21</strong> 044 5102<br />

www.pianoandtheory.co.nz<br />

catherine.bracegirdle@gmail.com<br />

Call today for a FREE quote on 0800 882 772<br />

or email darryl.p@theprogroup.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Gas FittinG & GuttER CLEaninG<br />

High reach gutter cleaning machine.<br />

No job too big or small.<br />

Local family run Christchurch/<br />

Redcliffs business for all plumbing,<br />

drainage & gas work.<br />

Call Morgan 0223 758 506<br />

Visit our website - www.mtpd.co.nz<br />

Email - morgan@mtpd.co.nz<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

Free Quotes<br />


WE PlUMBer! CAN HELP!<br />

Hot water problems, showers,<br />

taps, toilets,<br />

0800 <strong>21</strong>7<br />

new<br />

5862<br />

installations<br />

Landlord Special Service<br />

Gas Fitting & Hot Water System<br />

Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations<br />

www.a1plumbing.co.nz<br />

call free 0800 <strong>21</strong>7 5862<br />

Or TeXT 027 429 3770<br />

www.a1plumbing.co.nz<br />

Your local professional<br />



GAS &<br />


• Bathroom repairs<br />

• Renovations<br />

• Leaks<br />

• Blocked drains<br />

• Gas and drainage<br />

Carol and Chris<br />

Phone 376 5322 or email<br />

chcheast@laserplumbing.co.nz<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Services available from Ferrymead<br />

to Taylors Mistake and Lyttleton<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />

ROOF<br />

PAINTING 24/7<br />

Rope & harness<br />

a speciality,<br />

no scaffolding<br />

required,<br />

30 years of<br />

breathtaking<br />

experience.<br />


20% OFF other<br />

roof quotes<br />

Exterior staining,<br />

exterior painting,<br />

water blasting.<br />

Moss and mould<br />

treatment $300.<br />

Phone Kevin<br />

027 561 4629<br />

rooF<br />

painting<br />

by Certified Tradesman<br />

Book now<br />

and receive<br />

20% discount.<br />

Rope and harness<br />

a speciality.<br />

No scaffolding<br />

required.<br />

30 years<br />

experience.<br />

Free quotes,<br />

call Craig<br />

0<strong>21</strong> 060 2392<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Affordable Concrete<br />

Cutting with Quality, and<br />

removal work. Free quote.<br />

No job to small. Phone 027<br />

442-2<strong>21</strong>9, Fax 359-6052<br />

a/h 359- 4605<br />


Andrew Martin Electrical.<br />

25 years experience.<br />

Specialize in home<br />

renovations, repairs and<br />

maintenance. Call Andrew<br />

0274 331 183<br />

Public Notice<br />

A property full of surprises!<br />

Waitahuna Homestead OPEN DAY<br />

Monday 26 <strong>October</strong>, 11am-4pm<br />

Admission $5.00 for Jetty Fund. Vintage collective<br />

bric a brac sale, huge plant sale, bring a picnic or<br />

buy a devonshire tea to support St Cuthberts Church.<br />

Waitahuna, 1 Main Road, Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />





The Christchurch City Council hereby gives public notice under sections<br />

24(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 that it intends to revoke the reserve status<br />

of the property situated at 10 Shackleton Terrace, Lyttelton, being 325m²<br />

described as Lot 3 Deposited Plan 18984 and contained in identifier 905011.<br />

The reason for the proposal is that this property is no longer required for<br />

the purpose of which it is held – being Street Reserve.<br />

Please note that Council is required to submit to the Minister of<br />

Conservation for final approval, any proposal to revoke the reserve status<br />

following consideration of objections.<br />

Any submission or objection to the reserve revocation should be<br />

sent to Dan Egerton, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 73015,<br />

Christchurch or emailed to dan.egerton@ccc.govt.nz and be<br />

received no later than Friday 30th <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Trades & Services<br />


JMP Electrical.<br />

Experienced & registered..<br />

Expert in all home<br />

electrical repairs &<br />

maintenance.Call James<br />

027 4401715<br />


Hickey Electrical.<br />

Reasonable rates,no<br />

call out charge. www.<br />

electricnz.com.<br />

Ph Jason 0<strong>21</strong> 2603426<br />


Gutter cleaning special<br />

from $99 for a whole house<br />

clean””. Free Quotes, call<br />

Morgan Thomas today 022<br />

375 8506<br />



For a professional reliable<br />

service call Greg at A1<br />

Spouting Cleaning 027<br />

616 0331<br />



Earthquake Repairs, Grind<br />

Out & Repoint, River/<br />

Oamaru stone, Schist,<br />

Volcanic Rock, Paving,<br />

all Alterations new & old,<br />

Quality Workmanship,<br />

visit www.featureworks.<br />

co.nz or ph 027 601-3145<br />

Public Notices<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


Wanted To Buy<br />

AAA Buying goods<br />

quality furniture, beds,<br />

stoves, washing machines,<br />

fridge freezers. Same day<br />

service. Selwyn Dealers.<br />

Phone 980 5812 or 027<br />

313 8156<br />



Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100<br />

Situations Vacant<br />



Sumner Area<br />

Monday to Friday<br />

3pm-6pm<br />

We are looking for cleaners<br />

to join our commercial<br />

cleaning team.<br />

You will need to pass a<br />

Security Check and you<br />

MUST have your<br />

own transport.<br />

Must be eligible to work<br />

in New Zealand.<br />

Please email your<br />

Application to<br />

csc@totalcanterbury.co.nz<br />

or phone 338 9056<br />

Visit our website:<br />

totalcanterbury.co.nz<br />

Please advise which job<br />

when emailing your CV.

PAGE 24 Wednesday <strong>October</strong> <strong>21</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Labour Weekend<br />



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$149 NOW<br />

12MONTHS<br />






BOTANICAFURNITURE.co.nz 0800 268 264

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER <strong>21</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />


INSIDE<br />

LONG<br />







NOW!<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

1099<br />

less<br />

$ than 9<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

per week for<br />

36 months<br />

Samsung 8.5Kg AddWash<br />

Front Load Washing<br />

Machine WW85K54E0UW 9049735<br />

36<br />

OFFER<br />


months<br />

interest free<br />

on everything $499 & over*<br />

on<br />

Sleepyhead Chiropractic<br />

Activate Queen Bed 9056410<br />

30 -<br />

HALF<br />

PRICE<br />

off selected<br />

%<br />

50OFF #<br />

Shop with our real easy finance and pay when you get paid!<br />

months<br />

60interest free<br />

beds & furniture $999 & over*<br />

Not all products or product colours in this ad are available in all stores but are available online and for order. – please call us on 0800 764 847 to check for availability at your local store.<br />

All offers in this ad are valid Wednesday <strong>21</strong>st until Tuesday 27th <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong> while stocks last or unless otherwise stated. *Exclusions, fees, terms & conditions apply.<br />

See in-store, visit smithscity.co.nz/interest-free or go to page 4 for details. ** Terms, conditions, and credit criteria apply. See in-store or visit smithscity.co.nz/easycard or go to page 4 for details.<br />

# Discount is off our full retail price and not in conjunction with any other offer. See page 4 for full T&Cs.<br />

Beds #<br />

less<br />

$ than 8<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

selected Outdoor Furniture<br />

Chesterton Corner<br />

Outdoor Suite 9062847<br />

$<br />

1549<br />

SAVE $1550<br />

$<br />

919<br />

SAVE $930<br />

%<br />

20OFF #<br />

Nursery<br />

including<br />

Excludes Arlo Baby<br />

less<br />

$ than 8<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

per week for<br />

36 months<br />

per week for<br />

60 months<br />

10%<br />

OFF #<br />

selected BBQS<br />

UP TO<br />

30%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />

selected<br />

Hard Furniture<br />

30%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />

Lounge Suites &<br />

Recliner Chairs<br />

40%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />

Frypans & Woks<br />

selected<br />

%<br />

40OFF #<br />

%<br />

50OFF #<br />

Kettles & Toasters

55”<br />

25%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />


Wall mounts and<br />

TV accessories<br />

Samsung 3.1ch<br />

HW-T650 Soundbar<br />

HW-T650/XY 9063130<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

479<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 12 52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

NEW!<br />

Limited<br />

Stock<br />

Samsung 55” TU7000 4K HDR<br />

Smart TV UA55TU7000SXNZ 9064380<br />

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$<br />

1279<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 10 36 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

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$ than 7<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

per week for<br />

36 months<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 12 36 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

40”<br />

65”<br />

65”<br />

Our<br />

TCL 40”<br />

lowest ever<br />

Cast photos, S615 Full HD<br />

advertised<br />

videos, and<br />

Android TV<br />

price!<br />

music from smart<br />

40S615 9063243<br />

devices to your<br />

Innovative<br />

TV with<br />

3-in-1 function<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

Chromecast<br />

for ultimate<br />

built-in. $<br />

flexibility<br />

529<br />

LG 14kg Top Load Washing<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 5 36 months Miele Triflex HX1 Handstick Machine with TurboClean3D<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

Vacuum Cleaner 9064648<br />

WTG1434BHF 9062539<br />

$ RIGHT ON<br />

799<br />

$<br />

HDR10+ &<br />

SAVE $100 1649<br />

Dolby Vision for<br />

the best colour,<br />

contrast and<br />

40”<br />

brightness. $<br />

849<br />

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$ per week for<br />

than 8 36 months<br />

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65”<br />

$<br />

1699<br />

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Panasonic HX700Z Premium 4K Smart TV<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 15 36 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

40” TH-40HX700Z 9063810 | 65” TH-65HX700Z 9063815<br />

Our<br />

lowest ever A sleek and<br />

advertised elegant design<br />

Beko 290L White<br />

price!<br />

Samsung 65”<br />

so you see the<br />

Frost Free Vertical<br />

picture, not Q60T 4K Smart<br />

Freezer<br />

the TV<br />

QLED TV<br />

Beko 407L Platinum<br />

BVF290W 9060524<br />

QA65Q60TASXNZ<br />

Bottom Mount<br />

9063138<br />

Fridge/Freezer<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

BBM407PX 9046956<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

1229<br />

$<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

less<br />

$<br />

than<br />

1149<br />

$ per week for<br />

less<br />

9 36 months<br />

$ per week for<br />

2399<br />

than 10 36 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 17 36 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

BONUS<br />

$ Samsung 65”<br />

Smiths<br />

250<br />

City<br />

Q80T 4K Smart<br />

Gift Card QLED TV<br />

QA65Q80TASXNZ<br />

9063139<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

3249<br />

less<br />

$ than 23<br />

per week for<br />

36 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

Mitsubishi Electric 3.7 kW<br />

EcoCore R32 GL35 High Wall<br />

Heat Pump MSZ-GL35VGD 9057668<br />

$<br />

1649<br />

SAVE $450<br />

3.7kW<br />

3.5kW<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 12 36 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

2 Don’t shop anywhere else. Find a lower price and we’ll match it!<br />

Talk to us in-store or request a price match online* 2<br />


Free<br />

Spark<br />

SIM<br />

Free<br />

Spark<br />

SIM<br />

Free<br />

Spark<br />

SIM<br />

less<br />

$ than 4<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

less<br />

$ than 6<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

Spark Alcatel 1<br />

9065176<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

79<br />

Spark Plus 3<br />

Smartphone 9061478<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

89<br />

Spark Nokia 2.3<br />

Charcoal 9063618<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

169<br />

OPPO A5 <strong>2020</strong><br />

Dazzling White 9061471<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

248<br />

Apple iPhone SE 64GB<br />

Black 9062947<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

799<br />

Network locked. To use with networks, $30 unlock<br />

fee may apply. Visit spark.co.nz for details.<br />

Network locked. To use with networks, $30 unlock<br />

fee may apply. Visit spark.co.nz for details.<br />

Also available in White 9062949<br />

• 4GB RAM<br />

• 32GB eMMC Storage<br />

• Intel UHD Graphics 600s<br />

• Google Chrome OS<br />

• 1.1GHz Intel Celeron<br />

quad-core N4120<br />

Processor<br />

less<br />

$ than 7<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

less<br />

$ than 6<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

less<br />

$ than 10<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

Huawei Band 4<br />

9065139<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

79<br />

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active<br />

Black 9064182<br />

Also available in Rose Gold and Silver<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

299<br />

Apple AirPods 2 with<br />

Charging Case 9057736<br />

$<br />

249<br />

SAVE $30<br />

Acer 11.6” N4120<br />

Chromebook C733 9064404<br />

RIGHT ON<br />

$<br />

449<br />

30 OFF<br />

#<br />

STM<br />

Laptop Bags<br />

%<br />

Sunbeam<br />

4in1 Air Fryer<br />

+ Oven<br />

AFP5000 9064416<br />

Sunbeam Mini Barista<br />

Espresso Machine<br />

EM4300K 9062698<br />

Also available in Polished Silver<br />


$<br />

259<br />


$<br />

299<br />

less<br />

$ than 6<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

less<br />

$ than 7<br />

per week for<br />

52 weeks<br />

on EasyCard**<br />

30%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />


40%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />

Frypans & Woks<br />

40%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />

selected<br />

50%<br />

OFF<br />

#<br />

Kettles & Toaster<br />

Sunbeam Foodsaver®<br />

Lock & Seal VS4500 9043283<br />

Russell Hobbs<br />

1.7L Montana<br />

Kettle<br />

RHK142 9060374<br />


$<br />

109<br />

Sunbeam Minerale Classic®<br />

Banquet Frypan FP5920R 8 3 8 4 8 2 8<br />


$<br />

95<br />

Remington Pearl Shine<br />

Straightener S9505AU 9048633<br />


$<br />

89<br />


$<br />

59<br />

SHOP YOUR WAY Delivered to your door or pick up in-store<br />

Local since way back.<br />


HALF<br />

PRICE<br />

off selected<br />


Beds #<br />






NOW!<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 29 60 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

Sleepyhead Sanctuary<br />

Paris Queen Bed 9062347<br />

$<br />

7199<br />

SAVE $7200<br />

TRY & BE IN TO<br />

Sleepyhead<br />

Sanctuary beds<br />

provide the ultimate<br />

comfort with luxury<br />

materials like<br />

wool and silk<br />

$<br />

4999<br />

Sleepyhead Sanctuary Calais Queen Bed 9062319 SAVE $5000<br />

less<br />

$ than <strong>21</strong><br />

per week for<br />

60 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

A<br />

Simply head in-store & TRY the<br />

ultimate comfort of a new Sanctuary bed<br />

and be in to WIN 1 of 5 dreamy escapes to<br />

The Rees Hotel Queenstown.* 3<br />

Simply TRY the ultimate comfort<br />

of a new Sanctuary bed and be in the<br />

draw to WIN 1 of 5 dreamy escapes to<br />

The Rees Hotel, Queenstown.<br />

Sleepyhead Chiropractic<br />

Kinetic Queen Bed 9056439<br />

$<br />

<strong>21</strong>49<br />

less<br />

SAVE $<strong>21</strong>50<br />

than $ 10<br />

per week for<br />

60 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

Sleepyhead Matrix<br />

Firm Queen Bed 90612<strong>21</strong><br />

$<br />

<strong>21</strong>99<br />

less<br />

SAVE $2360<br />

than $ 10<br />

per week for<br />

60 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

Sleepyhead Matrix<br />

Medium Queen Bed 9061232<br />

Terms and conditions Terms apply. and Talk conditions to a salesperson apply. Talk in-store a salesperson for more information. in-store more Promotion information. closes Promotion 30th November runs 16/09/20 <strong>2020</strong>. – 30/11/20.<br />

$ less<br />

per week for<br />

2449<br />

20-0515 NZ_SH Sanctuary_1_A5 Entry Form v2.indd 1 9/09/20 11:03 AM<br />

than<br />

$11 60 months<br />

$ less<br />

2699 $ per week for<br />

than 12 60 months<br />

SAVE $2510<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

Bed pricing valid until <strong>October</strong> 27th <strong>2020</strong> and is for standard matching mattress and base only.<br />

Sleepyhead Matrix<br />

Plush Queen Bed 9061243<br />

SAVE $2760<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

Stylish<br />

and modern,<br />

available in<br />

3 colours<br />

Genuine<br />

leather high<br />

backed seats!<br />

less<br />

$ than 9<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

per week for<br />

60 months<br />

$<br />

Modena Fabric 5 Seater Lounge Suite 9060171 Midnight<br />

1799<br />

Also available in Oatmeal and Grey SAVE $1200<br />

less<br />

$ per week for<br />

than 13 60 months<br />

on Interest Free*<br />

$<br />

Syros Leather 5 Seater Lounge Suite 9060418 White<br />

2879<br />

Also available in Grey, Cement. Available to order in Midnight. SAVE $1920<br />

OFFER<br />


months<br />

36interest free<br />

on everything $499 & over*<br />

0800 SMITHS (0800 764 847) smithscity.co.nz<br />

months<br />

60interest free<br />

on beds & furniture $999 & over*<br />

Local since way back.<br />

Shop your way, delivered to your door or pick-up in-store.<br />

Not all products or product colours in this ad are available in all stores but are available online and for order. Please call us on 0800 764 847 to check for availability at your local store. All offers in this ad are valid Wednesday <strong>21</strong>st until Tuesday 27th <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

while stocks last or unless otherwise stated. * Selected computers, game consoles, gift cards, clearance items and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest free offers. Flooring available on a maximum of 18 months interest free. Exclusions, fees,<br />

terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Available in-store only. Equal instalment amounts include one-off booking fee of $45.00, annual fees of $45.00 p.a., and security registration fee of $8.05, and exclude insurance. Current interest rate of 23.95% applies to any unpaid<br />

balance after expiry of (any) interest free period. See in-store or visit smithscity.co.nz for details. ** Weekly equal instalments are based on a 52 week finance period commencing 7 days from the date charged. We recommend setting up an Automatic Payment authority<br />

to avoid missed payments and additional interest charges. Available in-store and online. Current interest rate of 23.95% applies. There are no set-up, annual, or account maintenance fees – a $19 notification fee may apply in circumstances of default. Terms, conditions,<br />

and credit criteria apply. See in-store or visit www.smithscity.co.nz/easycard for more details or to apply for your EasyCard. # Discount is off our full retail price and not in conjunction with any other offer. *2 See smithscity.co.nz/price-promise for full price promise terms and<br />

conditions.. *3 Terms and conditions apply. Talk to one of the team in-store for more information. Promotion valid until 30th November <strong>2020</strong>.

From legacy<br />

to leadership –<br />

our dry dock<br />

» Page 06<br />

Okains <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Seafood<br />

» Page 08<br />

Plugging in<br />

to the future<br />

» Page 11<br />

ssue 17 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Lyttelton Port Company Community Newsletter<br />

Adapting<br />

to our ‘new<br />

normal’<br />

Keeping our people, community<br />

and all Port users safe<br />

continues to be the focus of our<br />

response to COVID-19 at LPC.<br />

We are also working closely with CDHB<br />

on new shore leave requirements for foreign<br />

crew, who must all now test negative to<br />

COVID-19 before they are permitted ashore.<br />

LPC Chief Executive Officer Roger Gray<br />

says the Port is continuing to support the<br />

Seafarer’s Centre, ensuring the safety of<br />

foreign crew that come into Lyttelton.<br />

“Throughout the recent alert level changes,<br />

our team has worked tirelessly to ensure that<br />

we are ready to adapt to any changes that we<br />

need to make so that we can continue to keep<br />

the Port running as an essential link<br />

for Canterbury.<br />

“I’m proud of how we are continuing to<br />

respond, and I’d like to thank our people,<br />

customers and the community for their<br />

support as we navigate these uncharted<br />

waters.”<br />

For the latest LPC COVID-19 updates,<br />

visit www.lpc.co.nz/health-safety/covid-19<br />

Questions? Email<br />

lpccommunications@lpc.co.nz<br />

We’re proud of the<br />

way our people have<br />

adapted to a ‘new normal’<br />

way of working.<br />

The global pandemic has impacted everyone<br />

this year, but we are proud of the way our<br />

people have stepped up to ensure the Port<br />

keeps moving while keeping health and<br />

safety at the forefront.<br />

The move back up to Alert Level 2 with the<br />

second COVID-19 outbreak in Auckland also<br />

coincided with a stronger focus on protecting<br />

New Zealand’s borders.<br />

Over the last few months, we have<br />

welcomed the continued support of Customs<br />

and New Zealand Defence Force personnel<br />

who are working with our security team to<br />

play a significant part in the government’s<br />

response to COVID-19 at the border.<br />

In September, the Ministry of Health made<br />

it mandatory for our border-facing staff<br />

such as marine pilots, launch crews, cargo<br />

handlers and security staff to be tested every<br />

14 days.<br />

Our COVID-19 response team is working<br />

closely with the Canterbury District Health<br />

Board (CDHB) to have regular testing clinics<br />

in place for our people.

02 PORT NEWS<br />

From<br />

construction<br />

to completion:<br />

our cruise<br />

berth<br />

Despite work being halted under COVID-19<br />

Alert Level 4, the cruise berth and supporting<br />

land-side work (including bus shelters and a<br />

small amenity building) remains on track to<br />

be complete next month.<br />

LPC GM Engagement and Sustainability<br />

Phil de Joux is grateful to the harbour<br />

community for their support during the<br />

piling stage of the project.<br />

“We know this has been a noisy process,<br />

and we acknowledge that it could at times be<br />

disruptive to Lyttelton residents and business<br />

owners.<br />

“By providing regular updates on when<br />

piling was expected to occur, we hope we<br />

have helped people to plan around the<br />

anticipated noise and minimise its impact.”<br />

We know the COVID-19 outbreak will have<br />

an impact on this year’s cruise season and<br />

possibly the next one, but the full impact<br />

of the global pandemic on cruising is still<br />

unknown.<br />

“We continue to watch the situation as it<br />

develops and work with relevant industry<br />

interests and agencies to remain informed.<br />

There are numerous factors that affect the<br />

situation, not least of which is how long<br />

border restrictions remain in place,” says Phil.<br />

“We know when cruise ships do return<br />

to Lyttelton, LPC will be ready to welcome<br />

passengers and support the growth of<br />

tourism in Canterbury.”<br />

HEB Construction<br />

Project Manager Gerome<br />

Mangalus with LPC<br />

GM Infrastructure and<br />

Property Mike Simmers<br />

on the Cruise Berth.<br />

Despite the challenges of<br />

COVID-19, our purposebuilt<br />

cruise berth is set to<br />

be complete next month<br />

– a significant feat in a<br />

challenging year.<br />

We’re proud to be bringing the world’s largest<br />

cruise ships to Canterbury through the<br />

construction of New Zealand’s first-ever<br />

purpose-built cruise ship facility.<br />

Our new berth represents a significant<br />

investment in our region and will be a major<br />

contributor to the future economic growth of<br />

Lyttelton, Christchurch and Canterbury.<br />

Since 2018, a dedicated team of contractors,<br />

project managers and engineers have<br />

worked tirelessly to build the cruise berth,<br />

using innovative techniques and ensuring<br />

the impact to the marine environment<br />

and community in Whakaraupō/Lyttelton<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> has been minimised.<br />

From over 2,000 rock bags carefully placed<br />

for scour protection to 2,500 m³ of concrete<br />

and over 10 kilometres of piles driven to<br />

build the berth, the project has been a feat of<br />

engineering, construction and environmental<br />

protection work.<br />

Designers BECA, HEB Construction,<br />

Genesis Projects, LPC engineers and vital<br />

subcontractors have been key to the cruise<br />

berth’s success, says LPC GM Infrastructure<br />

and Property Mike Simmers.<br />

”Many talented individuals and teams who<br />

are experts in their field have come together<br />

to play a hand in building the cruise berth.<br />

To be standing on it today – on the home<br />

stretch to completion – it’s a great feeling.”<br />

The berth has been built to safely welcome<br />

the full range of cruise vessels, including MS<br />

Oasis of the Seas, which carries over 5,000<br />

passengers and 2,000 staff.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

03 PORT NEWS<br />

How we minimise coal dust<br />

Coal sprayed<br />

with water<br />

Airborne<br />

particles<br />

monitored<br />

Covered<br />

conveyors<br />

coal hopper<br />

New reefer<br />

towers<br />

completed<br />

Our four new state-of-the-art<br />

reefer towers are complete<br />

and highlight our significant<br />

investment and support of<br />

the South Island’s refrigerated<br />

freight market.<br />

Underground<br />

infrastructure<br />

Coal dust resource<br />

consent renewal<br />

LPC is a gateway for<br />

exporting a certain type of<br />

coal to the world called ‘coking<br />

coal’, used as a raw mineral<br />

ingredient in steel production.<br />

In order to be allowed to store and handle<br />

coal for export, LPC requires a consent for<br />

coal dust. With our previous consent due to<br />

expire in 2022, a new consent application is<br />

now being prepared.<br />

Phil de Joux, LPC GM Engagement and<br />

Sustainability, says that while the Resource<br />

Management Act has resulted in stricter<br />

national standards for air quality, LPC is well<br />

positioned to meet them.<br />

“We use a range of controls to minimise coal<br />

dust. For example, on hot, windy days we spray<br />

water on the coal yard to dampen the dust down<br />

– carefully treating all water that comes off site.”<br />

“We will also be installing three additional<br />

dust monitoring stations in Lyttelton to confirm<br />

that coal dust is not causing annoyance or<br />

health effects to the community”, says Phil.<br />

“These stations contain highly sensitive<br />

equipment that continually assess the levels of<br />

very fine particles in the air and allow analysis<br />

of the dust sources in the laboratory, so that we<br />

can quickly address any issues that might occur.”<br />

As part of the consent process LPC will be<br />

undertaking a range of assessments and<br />

investigations regarding coal dust. These<br />

include looking into effects on ecology,<br />

recreation and mahinga kai values, as well as<br />

general nuisance and human health effects.<br />

A 2019 analysis by Source Testing NZ showed<br />

that even on-site in the coal yard, the level of<br />

coal dust exposure was unlikely to result in<br />

adverse health effects for the average worker.<br />

With the new consent application due<br />

mid-20<strong>21</strong>, LPC is consulting with members of<br />

the public to inform the application. Nearby<br />

residents have been advised and community<br />

drop-in sessions will be held so that everyone’s<br />

questions and concerns can be heard.<br />

For enquiries or to register for<br />

regular information updates on<br />

this process, please contact<br />

lpccommunications@lpc.co.nz<br />

or call 03 328 8198<br />

Quick facts:<br />

Approximately 95%<br />

of the coal stored at LPC<br />

is coking coal<br />

Without coking coal,<br />

there would be no steel<br />

and none of today’s<br />

buildings, cars, fridges,<br />

bicycles, surgical equipment,<br />

pots or pans<br />

Coking coal is one of the<br />

three main ingredients<br />

used to make steel<br />

(the other two are iron ore<br />

and limestone)<br />

New Zealand coking coal<br />

is considered some of the<br />

best in the world due to its<br />

high carbon content<br />

Our reefer towers<br />

fully lit at night.<br />

This year, LPC facilitated the export of 31,447<br />

20-foot reefer containers filled with premium<br />

New Zealand products destined for the global<br />

market.<br />

We also imported 11,566 reefers containing<br />

bananas, frozen dairy projects and other<br />

chilled goods enjoyed by South Islanders<br />

every day.<br />

Each tower is 60 metres long and stands<br />

10 metres high and includes the world’s<br />

most advanced reefer monitoring system,<br />

providing real-time data on temperature and<br />

energy consumption.<br />

LPC GM Container Operations Simon<br />

Munt says health and safety benefits are<br />

another substantial benefit gained by<br />

the towers.<br />

“The towers introduce hard engineered<br />

separation between our Reefer Care Team<br />

and the straddles operating in the Container<br />

Terminal. The towers also highlight the<br />

Port’s commitment to supporting hundreds<br />

of New Zealand businesses to take their<br />

goods to the world.”<br />

If you’re interested in a closer look, head<br />

up to the lookout at Windy Point.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

04 PORT NEWS<br />

LPC Mechanics<br />

Brad McDade and<br />

James Okane, who<br />

assisted in the<br />

installation of the<br />

alarms.<br />

White noise<br />

alarms to<br />

reduce Port<br />

noise.<br />

If you have noticed that the<br />

Port is a bit quieter than<br />

normal, it is thanks to the<br />

new broadband alarms that<br />

have been installed on our<br />

straddles and other heavy<br />

machinery.<br />

In total, 30 straddles have been converted to<br />

the new alarms, with the aim to have these<br />

alarms in place on all Port and contractor<br />

machinery operating at the Port in the<br />

future.<br />

An initiative driven by the Environmental<br />

team, these alarms replace the tonal alarms<br />

and help us reduce the overall port noise.<br />

LPC Environmental Advisor Dr Crystal<br />

Lenky says new technology and products<br />

mean that we can meet occupational health<br />

and safety requirements while also reducing<br />

noise off site.<br />

The broadband alarms work by producing<br />

white noise across several frequencies, and<br />

while they are as loud as the previous tonal<br />

alarms, they are not as obvious at a distance,<br />

causing less disturbance in the community.<br />

“The tonal alarms were audible at<br />

a considerable distance from the Port<br />

because the tone stands out above the local<br />

background noise – the new broadband<br />

alarms lack those distinctive characteristics,”<br />

says Crystal.<br />

Safety is a priority here at the Port, and<br />

it was essential that the new alarms were<br />

able to alert staff on the ground to moving<br />

machinery around them.<br />

A 3-month trial was completed to<br />

understand any potential risks from the<br />

new alarms, but our team agreed that<br />

the broadband alarms provided a great<br />

awareness to the straddles around them.<br />

Questions or comments?<br />

We’d love to hear from you!<br />

Get in touch with the environment<br />

team on environment@lpc.co.nz<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

05 OUR PEOPLE<br />

From whānau<br />

to kaupapa<br />

Incorporating Māori culture<br />

is becoming an integral<br />

part of how we do things at<br />

LPC, and Te Wiki o te Reo<br />

Māori provided the perfect<br />

opportunity to get our team<br />

started on this journey.<br />

Charting the course is Tahu Stirling (Kai<br />

Tahu, Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngāti Whātua,<br />

Ngāti Porou), our newly appointed Māori<br />

Development Advisor who is focusing on<br />

upskilling the company in tikanga Māori,<br />

strengthening partnerships with mana<br />

whenua and developing cultural resources<br />

for staff.<br />

He’s developed a waiata and a haka to<br />

build a unique LPC company culture.<br />

A waiata group now meets every Wednesday<br />

with a core group of staff keen to give te reo a<br />

go or reconnect with their own culture.<br />

The group performed our waiata Kotahi<br />

Te Ra in front of staff as a part of the Māori<br />

Language Moment – an initiative by the Māori<br />

Language Commission to have 1 million people<br />

speaking te reo at midday on 14 September.<br />

Events like this demonstrate how Māori<br />

culture can be used to unify staff and<br />

celebrate our values and our team.<br />

“I think that cultural training gives the staff<br />

here another feather in their cap. I feel lucky to<br />

work with such a diverse group of people, and<br />

I think that, when you learn about another<br />

culture, it’s also about discovering oneself and<br />

the intrinsic principles in your own culture<br />

that show how we are not so different after all.<br />

This is a diverse place, and the culture is the<br />

glue that holds it together,” says Tahu.<br />

During the week, we also ran competitions<br />

to encourage staff to order coffee in te reo and<br />

share their favourite te reo phrases to show how<br />

te reo can be incorporated into everyday life.<br />

While this was our first year participating<br />

in Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, we look forward to<br />

exploring more opportunities for staff to start<br />

their own journey with te reo and tikanga.<br />

Haea te awa,<br />

puta i tua, puta<br />

i waho, pakiaka<br />

o te rākau<br />

Reach for new<br />

horizons to<br />

beyond where<br />

we are now<br />

and what we<br />

know<br />

Our waiata group<br />

singing Kotahi Te<br />

Ra during waiata<br />

practise.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

06 OUR PEOPLE<br />

“Success is something we’re<br />

all part of together – LPC,<br />

local trades and industry,<br />

marine businesses, the<br />

township and residents.”<br />

From legacy to leadership<br />

– our dry dock<br />

Henry Bastion and Lito<br />

Abarratigue are the energetic<br />

pair in charge of running the<br />

LPC dry dock, a key piece of<br />

Port infrastructure with 137<br />

years behind it and a bright<br />

future ahead.<br />

Dry Dock Master Henry, who came on board<br />

earlier this year, is hugely passionate about<br />

this economic engine that has been humming<br />

away for generations.<br />

“On any given day, we can have up to 300<br />

staff and contractors working here. Not only<br />

do we make a significant contribution to<br />

LPC’s bottom line, we also support a much<br />

larger network of industries from<br />

local engineering firms to businesses in<br />

the township.”<br />

Opened in 1883, the Lyttelton dry dock is<br />

one of just a few Category 1 heritage sites in<br />

the South Island. Now one of just two dry<br />

docks in the country, it continues to serve<br />

a vast customer base, from fishing boats to<br />

research vessels, dredges to superyachts.<br />

Henry recognises the dock’s rich history but<br />

also champions its future development. He<br />

has spearheaded a number of improvements<br />

encompassing operations to infrastructure.<br />

Plans in the works include improved edge<br />

protection and a new amenities block for crew.<br />

“Keeping customers happy and the dock<br />

full of ships is essential to our continued<br />

success. That’s what I’m here to achieve.<br />

I’m also cognisant of managing our<br />

environmental impacts. I believe it’s important<br />

to be upfront about our effects so we can<br />

address them head on.”<br />

Henry is supported by Dry Dock Operator<br />

Lito. Originally from the Philippines, Lito<br />

found his way to the dry dock after starting<br />

at LPC as a carpenter.<br />

“I love working in a port environment.<br />

There’s lots of variety and plenty of good<br />

people around. I like a challenge, and there<br />

are always opportunities to learn here.”<br />

Together, Henry and Lito are excited about<br />

LPC’s future and the role of the dry dock<br />

within that picture.<br />

“Success is something we’re all part of<br />

together – LPC, local trades and industry,<br />

marine businesses, the township and<br />

residents. The dry dock has been doing an<br />

outstanding job for 140-odd years. We want to<br />

honour that legacy and do everything we can<br />

to give it an even stronger future.”<br />

Dry Dock Master<br />

Henry Bastion and<br />

Dry Dock Operator<br />

Lito Abarratigue are<br />

passionate about<br />

their work.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


Foodstuffs South<br />

Island employees<br />

at their Hornby<br />

Distribution Centre.<br />

From Lyttelton Port to<br />

your supermarket shelf<br />

Each year, LPC supports<br />

Foodstuffs South Island<br />

to import thousands<br />

of containers, stocking<br />

supermarket shelves to feed<br />

the South Island.<br />

Foodstuffs South Island is 100% locally<br />

owned and operated. Boasting an impressive<br />

226 retail stores, its presence plays a<br />

significant part in the South Island grocery<br />

market.<br />

There are seven banners operating under<br />

Foodstuffs South Island: Pak’nSave, New<br />

World, Four Square, Raeward Fresh, On the<br />

Spot, Henry’s Beer Wine and Spirits, and<br />

Trents Wholesale.<br />

With a strong focus on providing healthy<br />

and affordable food, Foodstuffs South Island<br />

sources products from local and global<br />

suppliers from Asia, Europe, America, Africa<br />

and Australia.<br />

By partnering with LPC, a substantial<br />

number of items stocked at your local<br />

supermarkets such as flour, coffee, ice-cream<br />

and seafood first enter Christchurch and<br />

New Zealand through Lyttelton Port.<br />

After containers are processed at LPC,<br />

they are sent to Foodstuffs South Island’s<br />

distribution centre in Hornby, Christchurch.<br />

Over 1,000 employees operate the two<br />

facilities seven days a week to help deliver<br />

products to supermarkets. Boosting the<br />

local economy, enhancing infrastructure and<br />

sustainability in supply chains are all important<br />

objectives for Foodstuffs South Island.<br />

Foodstuffs South Island Supply Chain<br />

Development Manager Kris Lancaster<br />

says centralised distribution is key to their<br />

business.<br />

“Keeping the infrastructure logistically<br />

centralised not only reduces lead times and<br />

fuel consumption but provides secure jobs to<br />

local communities.”<br />

During the COVID-19 health crisis, the<br />

relationship between LPC and Foodstuffs South<br />

Island has become increasingly important.<br />

Ensuring the supply chain model is<br />

strong and sound is pivotal to ensuring<br />

South Islanders receive essential products,<br />

especially during the Alert Level 4 lockdown.<br />

“A spike in demand on supermarkets meant<br />

we were under pressure to keep shelves<br />

stocked. There was a rush from consumers to<br />

purchase toilet paper, baby products, cleaning<br />

products and baking products,” says Kris.<br />

Foodstuffs South Island is continuing to<br />

focus on providing goods to South Islanders<br />

through Lyttelton Port.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


Fishing<br />

for the<br />

future<br />

LPC is proud to be the home<br />

port for Okains <strong>Bay</strong> Seafood,<br />

a company with a rich history<br />

and focus firmly on the future<br />

of sustainable fishing.<br />

Okains <strong>Bay</strong> Longline Fishing was founded<br />

by Greg Summerton, with a vision to<br />

maximise Māori fishery assets through intergenerational<br />

and sustainable growth.<br />

Throughout his 35 years’ experience<br />

operating as a deep-sea captain, Greg has<br />

developed a deep knowledge and appreciation<br />

for the cultural, commercial, environmental<br />

and social imperatives of the New Zealand<br />

seafood industry.<br />

Greg’s whakapapa traces back to<br />

Rākaihautū, Waitaha and Ngāti Māmoe tribes.<br />

His Ngāi Tahu connection is also one of great<br />

importance to him and his whānau and is<br />

evident in the longlining techniques employed<br />

by Greg and his team to this day.<br />

The company’s longline vessel Kawatea is a<br />

38-metre bottom longline fishing vessel, which<br />

is home to a dedicated crew of 16 who spend<br />

six weeks at sea during each trip out in the<br />

Southern Ocean.<br />

Kawatea and its crew can often be seen<br />

loading and unloading in Lyttelton’s inner<br />

harbour. There is always a hive of activity<br />

when the vessel is in Port – seagulls circle, the<br />

crew is focused and the result is high-quality<br />

fish products destined for the global market.<br />

“Fishing is hard work for all the staff<br />

involved. The team is a family who are<br />

looked after well and are provided with<br />

comprehensive risk training, support and<br />

advice to keep them safe at sea and on shore,”<br />

says Greg.<br />

Sustainability is also at the heart of how<br />

Okains <strong>Bay</strong> Longline Fishing operates.<br />

“Kawatea is fuelled by a clean renewable<br />

biodiesel blend that has lower exhaust<br />

emissions and breaks down in water,”<br />

says Greg.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

www.okainsbayseafood.co.nz<br />

Toitū te marae o<br />

Tangaroa, toitū te iwi.<br />

If the fishing resources<br />

of Tangaroa are<br />

managed and survive,<br />

the people shall<br />

flourish and survive.<br />

Greg Summerton,<br />

Founder and Managing<br />

Director of Okains <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Seafood.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


“In the same way that New Zealanders<br />

are excellent producers of milk products,<br />

Italians and the land in Italy are naturally<br />

the best producers of pastas, sauces, deli<br />

meats and cheeses. We wanted to bring<br />

their incredible food here for South<br />

Islanders to enjoy.”<br />

Mediterranean<br />

Food Co. owner<br />

Andrew Brady<br />

at his Riverside<br />

Market store<br />

From Italy to Ōtautahi<br />

Since 2001, Mediterranean<br />

Food Co. has been importing<br />

delicacies from across the<br />

globe through Lyttelton Port,<br />

fuelling New Zealanders’<br />

appetite for authentic Italian<br />

food and wine.<br />

With the establishment of the city centre’s<br />

Riverside Market last year, Mediterranean<br />

Food Co. has expanded its specialty store<br />

and café on Tuam Street with a successful<br />

‘satellite store’ in the heart of Christchurch.<br />

An accountant by trade, the company’s<br />

owner Andrew Brady purchased the business<br />

four years ago, swapping number crunching<br />

for sourcing the highest quality and affordable<br />

delicacies for his stores.<br />

“Food is such a big part of the Italian culture<br />

– for generations, they have been making<br />

sauces, olive oils, pasta, salami, cheese and wine.<br />

“In the same way that New Zealanders are<br />

excellent producers of milk products, Italians<br />

and the land in Italy are naturally the best<br />

producers of pastas, sauces, deli meats and<br />

cheeses. We wanted to bring their incredible<br />

food here for South Islanders to enjoy.”<br />

Each year, Mediterranean Food Co. imports<br />

around 16 containers and chilled containers<br />

filled to the brim with beautiful products from<br />

southern Italy, Spain and France.<br />

“From the moment we place our order with<br />

Italian suppliers to when our containers arrive<br />

in Lyttelton, it takes about six weeks.<br />

“When the containers arrive, we sometimes<br />

forget what we’ve ordered – then suddenly the<br />

store is filled with European products for our<br />

customers to enjoy.”<br />

When thinking about the company’s carbon<br />

footprint, Andrew says they work hard to<br />

ensure each container destined for Lyttelton<br />

Port is economically packed, so a lot of time<br />

and effort goes into the ordering process.<br />

Andrew and his team have formed<br />

solid relationships with local growers and<br />

manufacturers in Italy and have continued<br />

to support their businesses through the<br />

COVID-19 outbreak.<br />

“For many of our suppliers, we are a<br />

significant customer, so we’ve been conscious<br />

to continue purchasing their goods this year.”<br />

With a thriving online store and customer<br />

base who love their products, it seems<br />

Mediterranean Food Co. has got the recipe<br />

right for success in the central city.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


“By using seeds from trees that already<br />

grow in the area, there is a greater<br />

chance for survival, because we already<br />

know the tree will thrive in the local<br />

conditions.”<br />

Seeds to trees<br />

in numbers<br />

1,885<br />

Trees planted<br />

5<br />

Groups involved (including corporates, companies<br />

and conservation organisations)<br />

Port Saddle:<br />

an outdoor<br />

classroom<br />

Local tamariki, companies<br />

and communities have all<br />

contributed to the 1,885 trees<br />

planted over the last three<br />

years as part of the Port<br />

Saddle Restoration Project.<br />

In 2017, LPC partnered with the Banks<br />

Peninsula Conservation Trust and set out to<br />

restore the 17 hectares of LPC land through<br />

removing weeds and pests and planting<br />

native trees that will ultimately create a<br />

native habitat for lots of important species.<br />

The trees that are planted all start out<br />

as locally collected seeds, which are mostly<br />

grown by the Department of Conservation at<br />

the Motukarara Conservation Nursery.<br />

LPC Head of Environment and<br />

Sustainability Kim Kelleher says eco-sourcing<br />

is an important tool in restoration projects.<br />

“By using seeds from trees that already<br />

grow in the area, there is a greater chance for<br />

survival, because we already know the tree<br />

will thrive in the local conditions.”<br />

The 20 species that have been planted<br />

include tōtara, kōwhai, tī kōuka (cabbage<br />

tree) and mātai, creating habitat for species<br />

of native birds, lizards and bugs.<br />

This project would not be possible to<br />

complete alone, and over that time, we have<br />

had multiple organisations, schools and<br />

companies such as Christchurch Airport, as<br />

well as countless community volunteers all<br />

get their hands dirty to help create an area to<br />

be enjoyed now and by future generations.<br />

An important part of this project has been<br />

education, and we work with EnviroSchools<br />

to hold school planting days, encouraging<br />

children to learn more about the environment<br />

in this unique outdoor classroom!<br />

“Many of these children come up here with<br />

their families on the weekend, so providing<br />

them with a hands-on learning experience<br />

to connect with their own environment<br />

is great,” says EnviroSchools Canterbury<br />

Facilitator Toni Watts.<br />

Next time you need to stretch your legs,<br />

take a walk up to the Port Saddle via Gilmour<br />

Terrace or Foster Terrace and check out this<br />

gem for yourself .<br />

Lyttelton Primary<br />

School students<br />

getting stuck in at<br />

the Port Saddle.<br />

4<br />

Schools involved<br />

2,888<br />

Total volunteer hours<br />

(planting, watering and weeding)<br />

20<br />

Species of trees planted<br />

For more information<br />

visit LPC’s website<br />

www.lpc.co.nz/community/<br />

environment/port-saddle-masterplan<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


Penguin nesting boxes<br />

in Whakaraupō<br />

Plugging in<br />

to the future<br />

Fulton Hogan National<br />

Environmental Manager<br />

Omar Seychell and LPC<br />

Environmental Advisor<br />

Dr Crystal Lenky with two<br />

of the decorated penguin<br />

nesting boxes.<br />

LPC is excited to welcome four<br />

new electric vehicles to our<br />

fleet as a part of the transition<br />

to a reduction in carbon<br />

emissions.<br />

Head of Sustainability<br />

and Environment Kim<br />

Kelleher with one of the<br />

new Nissan Leafs.<br />

This project was championed by our<br />

Sustainability Team who, with the help of the<br />

Procurement Team, were able to purchase<br />

three Nissan Leafs and a Nissan eNV200 van.<br />

The Leafs will be used by staff travelling<br />

around Christchurch to visit clients or our<br />

CityDepot and MidlandPort sites, and the<br />

eNV200 will replace the security van, which is<br />

an important part of keeping the Port safe and<br />

secure.<br />

These new vehicles are part of LPC’s wider<br />

Sustainability Strategy, working towards being<br />

net-zero carbon by 2050.<br />

This is only the first step, with plans for<br />

charging stations to be installed around LPC<br />

and a plan to transition our entire light fleet to<br />

electric.<br />

“We know we have a larger challenge with<br />

equipment like straddles, but it’s great to start<br />

the process – electric vehicles are an easy<br />

win,” says LPC Head of Sustainability and<br />

Environment Kim Kelleher.<br />

It’s penguin nesting season,<br />

and LPC is helping our<br />

flippered friends by installing<br />

11 penguin nesting boxes on<br />

Port land.<br />

White-flippered penguins/kororā are only<br />

found in the Canterbury region and breed in<br />

Whakaraupō/Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong>, which not<br />

only makes this area unique but essential to<br />

their protection.<br />

Environmental Advisor Dr Crystal Lenky<br />

says installing penguin nesting boxes is<br />

important in establishing safe nesting areas for<br />

the penguins.<br />

“In some areas where penguins nest in<br />

the seawalls, such as Naval Point, they are<br />

vulnerable to predators like dogs, so we hope<br />

that by providing nest boxes and fencing off<br />

areas, we can encourage more penguins to nest<br />

on Port land.”<br />

This project saw LPC partner with<br />

Fulton Hogan, who built, decorated and<br />

donated eight boxes and also enlisted the help<br />

of Best Start Primary School in Burnside to<br />

decorate some of them.<br />

“White-flippered penguins are so special<br />

to this area, so it’s great to see the community<br />

getting involved and helping out,” says<br />

Crystal.<br />

Crystal was also conscious about<br />

the boxes being sustainable, so left-over<br />

materials and scraps from the Port were used<br />

to construct them.<br />

These 11 boxes are a great way to support<br />

white-flippered penguins, and if successful, this<br />

will be just the start of more boxes installed<br />

around Whakaraupō/Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong>.<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

12 LOCAL NEWS<br />

Next issue due<br />

out December <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Article ideas to<br />

lpccommunications@lpc.co.nz<br />

Together Apart<br />

Lyttelton<br />

Together Apart Lyttelton is an<br />

art gallery installation at Te<br />

Ana Marina featuring photos<br />

of Lyttelton residents during<br />

the Alert Level 4 lockdown<br />

taken by local photographer<br />

Justyn Denney-Boarston.<br />

The project came about when the<br />

announcement was made that the country<br />

was going into lockdown in March.<br />

Justyn knew that this time would bring<br />

a great level of uncertainty and unease for<br />

everyone and chose to capture this.<br />

The project started out small, just with<br />

friends being photographed, but grew to<br />

involve strangers, with Justyn out daily to<br />

capture people through their windows.<br />

With funding from Creative New Zealand,<br />

Justyn was able to turn this project into an<br />

exhibition, choosing Te Ana Marina as a great<br />

location for the public to enjoy the pictures<br />

and reminisce about their own lockdown<br />

experiences.<br />

“During the period of lockdown, the<br />

Lyttelton community came to use the Marina<br />

space as a location of respite. It was where<br />

we picnicked, let small ones ride scooters<br />

in safety and hoped for a glimpse of our<br />

neighbours from afar. It is in this spirit that<br />

I would open this exhibition,” says Justyn.<br />

The exhibition launched on Saturday 26<br />

September, with music, entertainment and<br />

food to support the unveiling of the photos<br />

and celebrate the strength of the Lyttelton<br />

community.<br />

The pictures will be on display for a<br />

month, so make sure you head down to the<br />

waterfront at Te Ana Marina to view the<br />

exhibition if you haven’t already.<br />

The artwork on<br />

display at Te Ana Marina<br />

For more<br />

information, visit<br />

togetherapartlyttelton.com<br />

LPC Update<br />

emailed<br />

If you’d like future issues of<br />

LPC Update emailed to you,<br />

please let us know. Email us<br />

at lpccommunications@lpc.<br />

co.nz, and we’ll add you to<br />

our subscriber list to receive<br />

your free copy by email.<br />

For more information<br />

about LPC, visit lpc.co.nz<br />

or follow us on:<br />

LPC UPDATE <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

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