The Mirror | Van Nuys High School | Oct 2020 | Volume 107 |Issue 1
The student newspaper at Van Nuys High School, Van Nuys (Los Angeles), California. This is Volume 107, Issue 1, October 2020.
The student newspaper at Van Nuys High School, Van Nuys (Los Angeles), California. This is Volume 107, Issue 1, October 2020.
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2<br />
6 14<br />
VERY REAL VIRUS A senior<br />
experiences isolation after<br />
its popularity among teens,<br />
testing positive for the deadly<br />
fashion brand Brandy Melville<br />
coronavirus<br />
faces backlash for its sizing<br />
theMIRROR<br />
OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> | <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Nuys</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> | <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Nuys</strong>, California<br />
SONGWRITING A singersongwriter<br />
shares her writing<br />
process and inspiration behind<br />
her latest release<br />
PRO | CON 10<br />
ATHLETICS 15<br />
RED OR BLUE?<br />
Trump and Biden face off<br />
PAGE 8/9<br /><br />
| OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |<br />
PAGE 2<br />
theMIRROR<br />
theMIRROR | C U R R E N T E V E N T S | | OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |3<br />
How far<br />
away are<br />
we from a<br />
covid-19<br />
vaccine?<br />
As covid-19 related deaths exceed one<br />
million worldwide, six vaccines have<br />
been approved for limited use, while 45<br />
vaccines are being tested in clinical trials<br />
on humans.<br />
Before a vaccine can be approved for limited or full<br />
public use, it must undergo three phases of testing.<br />
Prior to Phase 1, scientists test a new vaccine on cells<br />
and then give it to animals like mice to see if it produces<br />
an immune response.<br />
Scientists then move onto Phase 1 which is a small<br />
study performed on volunteers to test the safety and<br />
dosage and to determine the effects of the drug on cells<br />
including how it is absorbed, metabolized and excreted.<br />
Phase 2 expands the vaccine to hundreds of people<br />
split into groups, such as children and the elderly, to<br />
study how the drug performs differently in them. This<br />
phase continues to test the vaccine’s safety and ability to<br />
stimulate the immune system.<br />
Phase 3 is large-scale testing conducted with thousands<br />
of people to observe how many become infected,<br />
compared with volunteers who received a placebo.<br />
Phase 3 trials will determine if the vaccine protects<br />
against the coronavirus.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has advised<br />
scientists that they should see evidence that the<br />
vaccines can protect at least 50 percent of those who<br />
received it. Phase 3 trials also reveal side effects that may<br />
have been missed in earlier trials.<br />
11 vaccines are currently in Phase 3 trials around the<br />
world right now.<br />
Pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson and<br />
Boston-based Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center are<br />
currently approved for Phase 3 after testing their vaccine<br />
on monkeys showed signs that it offered protection<br />
against coronavirus.<br />
Further testing of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine was<br />
abruptly stopped on <strong>Oct</strong>. 12 after a study participant<br />
became sick with what the company called an “unexplained<br />
illness.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> U.S. government has already invested $450 million<br />
of taxpayer money into developing the vaccine,<br />
under the Administration’s Warp Speed program, which<br />
has distributed billions of dollars in funding to companies<br />
to quickly get a vaccine to market.<br />
In the wake of Johnson & Johnson’s announcement,<br />
another American-based drug manufacturer, Eli Lilly,<br />
announced on the following day that it was also pausing<br />
the trial of its experimental covid-19 vaccine. It is unclear<br />
what safety issues prompted the pause.<br />
Eli Lilly’s vaccine is similar to a drug currently in trials<br />
developed by Regeneron, which President Donald Trump<br />
received after his diagnosis with covid-19, and has been<br />
touting as a cure, even though most scientists are highly<br />
skeptical.<br />
Regeneron and Eli Lilly’s treatments use monoclonal<br />
antibodies which theoretically mimic the natural immune<br />
response to the virus.<br />
Another promising vaccine in Phase 3 testing is being<br />
developed by Moderna in partnership with the National<br />
Institutes of Health. <strong>The</strong>ir approach relies on messenger<br />
RNA (mRNA) to produce viral proteins in the body.<br />
<strong>The</strong> U.S. government has provided the company<br />
nearly $1 billion in support. Moderna will be awarded an<br />
additional $1.5 billion from the government in exchange<br />
for 100 million doses if the vaccine is safe and effective.<br />
Pharmaceutical company Novavax is developing a<br />
vaccine that increases proteins produced by the immune<br />
system to fight infections and enhances immunity.<br />
After promising results from preliminary studies in<br />
monkeys and humans, Novavax launched a Phase 3 trial,<br />
testing up to 10,000 volunteers in the United Kingdom<br />
and is preparing to bring phase 3 testing to the United<br />
States later this month.<br />
<strong>The</strong> company has also partnered with the Serum Institute<br />
of India, a vaccine manufacturer, and if the vaccine<br />
is approved for use, that would allow for production of up<br />
to 2 billion doses of the drug a year.<br />
Pfizer, the frontrunner in developing a vaccine for the<br />
United States, said its results won’t be ready until mid-<br />
November at the earliest.<br />
This dims any expectations of a vaccine by election<br />
day as promised by President Trump, whose prospects<br />
had already been dismissed by most doctors and researchers<br />
as wishful thinking.<br />
“I am willing to do my part in order to make my<br />
community safe. I want to go back to normal life and if<br />
vaccines are the answer, then I think everything should<br />
be done to make it happen and cure this disease,” senior<br />
Steven Kim said.<br />
Chinese groups have also made progress on developing<br />
vaccines. CanSino Biologics has begun Phase 3 testing,<br />
running trials in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Russia.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Wuhan Institute of Biological Products has also<br />
developed a vaccine that is clinical testing and is approved<br />
for Phase 3 trials in the United Arab Emirates,<br />
Peru and Morocco despite volunteers experiencing side<br />
effects such as fevers. A partner company has a promising<br />
second vaccine that could be available in 2021.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Chinese government gave its approval to provide<br />
the two experimental vaccines to hundreds of thousands<br />
of its citizens.<br />
German and Swedish-based companies are also working<br />
on developing treatments that are in Phase 2 and<br />
Phase 3 trials.<br />
Last August, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced<br />
that healthcare regulators had approved a<br />
vaccine named Sputnik V before Phase 3 trials had even<br />
begun. After testing the vaccine, Russian scientists found<br />
that Sputnik yielded antibodies to the coronavirus, but<br />
causes mild side effects such as weakness and muscle<br />
pain.<br />
Students feel that covid-19 vaccinations are a necessary<br />
step to lowering cases, but would be hesitant to<br />
receive the vaccine in its first round of approval for the<br />
public.<br />
“Personally I wouldn’t be one of the first people to get<br />
the vaccine if it was released right now due to the fact<br />
that I live with people with weaker immune systems,”<br />
junior Kristine Shahbazyan said.<br />
“Once more people get the vaccine and it is deemed<br />
safe I would a hundred percent get it. Vaccines are<br />
important in lowering covid cases but wearing masks is<br />
the first step. If everyone wore a mask and started social<br />
distancing our cases would drop.”<br />
“If the vaccine was released right now I would be<br />
slightly skeptical about the safety of it. However, if enough<br />
people received it and walked out with only minor side<br />
effects, I would get it, no questions asked,” junior Nicole<br />
Gasparian said.<br />
Before any vaccine gets final approval from the Food and Drug adminstration, it must undergo a series of rigorous tests and ultimately shown to be safe, effective and beneficial.<br />
Immune response<br />
determined in animals<br />
Drug is tested on cell and<br />
and given to mice and rats<br />
to see if it produces an<br />
immune response.<br />
PHASE<br />
1<br />
Safety and dosage:<br />
100-200 volunteers<br />
Determines vaccine’s<br />
effect on cells, whether it<br />
works, whether there are<br />
side effects and the<br />
correct dosage.<br />
PHASE<br />
2<br />
Response simulation:<br />
Several hundred volunteers<br />
Determines immune system<br />
response and short-term side<br />
effects. <strong>The</strong> FDA reports only<br />
33% of treatments make it to<br />
the next phase.<br />
PHASE<br />
3<br />
Large scale testing:<br />
Thousands of volunteers<br />
Compares how people who<br />
get the vaccine compare to<br />
those who don’t and determines<br />
the most common<br />
side effects.<br />
4| OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |<br />
| C U R R E N T E V E N T S |<br />
theMIRROR<br />
TESTING This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientist was preparing to test a patient’s sample for SARS-CoV-2, using the<br />
CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase (RT)–PCR Diagnostic Panel.<br />
LAUSD launches covid testing<br />
It remains unclear when<br />
students will return to campuses<br />
at Los Angeles Unified<br />
schools, but the district wants<br />
to be prepared when that does happen.<br />
LAUSD has begun launching its<br />
own covid-19 testing program.<br />
LAUSD Superintendent Austin<br />
Beutner believes this program is key to<br />
getting students back into classrooms.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> moral imperative is to help [...]<br />
all students return to schools in the<br />
safest way possible,” Superintendent<br />
Beutner said in a recent briefing.<br />
A test run has been underway with<br />
staff, their children participating in<br />
the childcare program and students<br />
attending school-based daycare as part<br />
of the first phase of testing.<br />
Tau Langi, a cafeteria worker at James Monroe <strong>High</strong><br />
<strong>School</strong>, first received the test two weeks ago and now<br />
receives them periodically once a week.<br />
“It only took some-hours to get my results,” she said. “I<br />
got tested in the morning and received my results sometime<br />
in the afternoon of the same day.”<br />
“<strong>The</strong> testing centers make me and my coworkers feel a<br />
lot safer about coming to work. Especially with some cases<br />
being asymptomatic, you never know if the people around<br />
you have contracted covid-19 or not,” Langi added.<br />
She believes that every student and employee should<br />
be tested before returning to campuses.<br />
“<strong>The</strong>re are parents that are against vaccines or tests<br />
and treatments but we’ve never encountered covid-19 before<br />
so a required test for all staff and students is the best<br />
option if we want things to go back to the way they were.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> second phase of testing will include all staff who<br />
are currently working from home.<br />
All students and staff will undergo two baseline tests:<br />
one sometime in <strong>Oct</strong>ober before schools reopen, and a<br />
second right after.<br />
Once students and staff are back in schools, they will<br />
partake in periodic covid-19 testing.<br />
Additionally, household members who are symptomatic<br />
or may have been exposed to a student or employee<br />
who tests positive will be offered testing.<br />
Individuals will be notified via email and/or phone call<br />
when it is time to schedule their baseline test appointment.<br />
Testing appointments will be made online through<br />
PILOTING A RETURN Superintendent<br />
Beutner has called for covid-19 testing to<br />
return students to LAUSD campuses.<br />
LAUSD’s website.<br />
<strong>The</strong> entire process is expected to<br />
take only 10 minutes, with results being<br />
provided within 24 to 48 hours. Testing<br />
is being provided to all at no cost.<br />
<strong>The</strong> District is providing nasal swab<br />
tests as their primary testing method,<br />
but a saliva test is also available to children<br />
or adults if requested.<br />
Parental consent must be given<br />
before testing is performed.<br />
LAUSD believes that testing of all<br />
students and staff is necessary in order<br />
to safely reopen campuses.<br />
Test results will be shared with<br />
public health authorities in accordance<br />
with the law, maintaining privacy.<br />
A big component of the new testing<br />
program is the Daily Pass, a Microsoft<br />
digital application, which will be used<br />
by all students, employees and visitors to complete a<br />
required daily health check for admission to a campus. It<br />
will monitor for physical wellness and potential exposure<br />
to the virus.<br />
<strong>The</strong> app will also report any positive results to the Los<br />
Angeles County Department of Public Health and assist in<br />
contact tracing.<br />
Testing for the whole year will cost the district about<br />
$300 per student, with each individual test coming out to<br />
about $30.<br />
Testing is currently being provided at 41 sites, each of<br />
which is located at a school within each Local District’s<br />
Community of <strong>School</strong>s.<br />
As of last week, more than 25,000 tests have been<br />
conducted among staff who are currently working on<br />
campuses.<br />
LAUSD has over 600,000 students and nearly 75,000<br />
teachers and employees working across more than 1,000<br />
schools.<br />
Testing will eventually increase to 40,000 tests per day<br />
once the timing for students’ return to classrooms is clear.<br />
“I believe that it [covid-19 testing] is one of many steps<br />
towards the reopening of LAUSD schools,” junior Erick<br />
Casco said. “Of course public health should be the top<br />
priority when reopening schools. Covid-19 is a problem<br />
that won’t go away that easily and with people out in<br />
public they will always be faced with the risk of contracting<br />
covid-19 so to maintain public health standards, all<br />
staff and students should get periodically tested when<br />
we do return.”<br />
Facebook<br />
political ads<br />
censored<br />
before election<br />
In an attempt to limit voter misinformation<br />
and interference on its<br />
platform in the upcoming November<br />
Election, Facebook has announced a<br />
moratorium on certain types of content.<br />
<strong>The</strong> company will ban new political and<br />
issue-based advertising in the week prior to the<br />
election and indefinitely after the polls close on<br />
Election Day to keep political candidates from<br />
using the platform to manipulate the election’s<br />
outcome and its aftermath.<br />
Facebook will remove posts that seek to intimidate<br />
voters, including encouragement of poll<br />
watching.<br />
<strong>The</strong> company will also place a voting information<br />
center at the top of its News Feed through<br />
Election Day. <strong>The</strong> hub will provide accurate, upto-date<br />
information on how, when and where to<br />
register to vote.<br />
<strong>The</strong> social media platform has widened its<br />
removal of posts that aim to suppress voters.<br />
Posts that cause confusion around who is<br />
eligible to vote, based on misstatements such as<br />
what documents are required to receive a ballot,<br />
will also be deleted.<br />
Facebook has been striving to avoid another<br />
2016 election catastrophe, when the platform<br />
was used by Russian operatives to spread disinformation<br />
through questionable political ads.<br />
Along with the 57 percent of misleading<br />
posts shared, over 3,500 ads on Facebook that<br />
targeted American voters were Kremlin-backed<br />
political ads that were primarily pro-Trump.<br />
Under the direction of CEO Mark Zuckerberg,<br />
one of the world’s richest men, Facebook has<br />
invested billions of dollars to hire new employees<br />
for the company’s security divisions, whose job is<br />
to identify and clamp down on interference and<br />
misinformation before it widely spreads over the<br />
platform.<br />
According to Zuckerberg, over the last four<br />
years Facebook has removed over 100 networks<br />
worldwide that were trying to influence elections.<br />
However, Zuckerberg said most threats that<br />
may undermine the November election are<br />
domestic.<br />
Despite his contention that misinformation<br />
was mainly from domestic sources, the company<br />
said it will not police speech from politicians<br />
and other leading figures for truthfulness.<br />
As the election approaches, Facebook teams<br />
have been training for months to walk through<br />
different contingency plans for how to handle<br />
the situation.<br />
Critics feel that Facebook’s changes may have<br />
come too late claiming that it does not provide a<br />
permanent solution to the spreading of misinformation<br />
on the platform.<br />
“Facebook is in a tough spot. <strong>The</strong>y don’t want<br />
to be seen as fact checkers or the truth police.<br />
Yet you can’t deny the power of false messaging<br />
on social media,” social science teacher Robert<br />
Crosby said. “I believe they could do more to<br />
make it harder to post outright lies or doctored<br />
media.”<br />
DELETED Trump violated Twitter’s terms of service.
theMIRROR | P E R S P E C T I V E | | OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |5<br />
Students used their<br />
time away from prying<br />
eyes to try new<br />
hairstyles.<br />
<strong>The</strong> cuts and colors of quarantine<br />
Whether it’s uneven<br />
bangs or a bad fade,<br />
our hair can make<br />
or break our day.<br />
We spend more time perfecting our<br />
hair than we would like to admit but<br />
we’ve all experienced a bad day and<br />
blamed it on our hair — “I’m having<br />
a bad hair day.”<br />
It’s understandable why hair has<br />
so much power over our appearance:<br />
it can make strong fashion statements<br />
that other features can’t. Not<br />
everyone is skilled at doing makeup<br />
nor does every student have the<br />
money to always keep up with the latest<br />
fashion trends. Luckily we do have<br />
hair to dye, cut and style as much as<br />
we please.<br />
Changing your appearance can be<br />
a scary thing to do with the constant<br />
questioning of whether the results will<br />
be as successful as you hope or a total<br />
fail. But thanks to stay-at-home orders,<br />
we had the chance to recover from<br />
hairstyle decisions we’d possibly regret<br />
or discover hair blessings we may have<br />
otherwise never known.<br />
Whether it was a new touch of color<br />
or a new length, students took advantage<br />
of changing their hair while in<br />
quarantine.<br />
Quarantine left the majority of us<br />
cooped up in our homes with our<br />
primary source of entertainment being<br />
social media where inspiration for<br />
different styles was in every corner of<br />
the internet. Big or small, we applaud<br />
students who were brave enough to<br />
test the waters.<br />
Here are some students who took<br />
the chance to change up their look.<br />
Cassandra Lim | SENIOR<br />
What changes did you make to your<br />
hair and why?<br />
In the first two months of quarantine,<br />
I dyed my blonde highlights to blue.<br />
After two weeks or so I toned my blue<br />
highlights back to blonde. <strong>The</strong>n in July,<br />
I bleached one strand of hair twice and<br />
dyed it purple. After that, I decided to<br />
bleach the whole bottom half of my<br />
hair twice and toned it as blonde as<br />
possible. Since half of my head was<br />
blonde I decided to dye the whole thing<br />
purple once more.<br />
Did quarantine play any role in your<br />
decision?<br />
Quarantine influenced me to change<br />
my hair. I was tired of the same routine<br />
and decided I needed a change every<br />
couple of months. <strong>The</strong> fact that no one<br />
would see my hair was a bonus and encouraged<br />
me, even more, to go crazier<br />
every time.<br />
Where did you get your inspiration to<br />
change your hair?<br />
Most of my inspiration came from Tik-<br />
Tok. I would see girls on my “For You”<br />
page (a feed of posts customized for<br />
you based on the content you interact<br />
with the most) changing their hair with<br />
different colors and different styles and<br />
I was inspired.<br />
Are you satisfied with your change?<br />
Are you interested in continuing to<br />
experiment with your hair?<br />
After every change, I get a moment<br />
of satisfaction that lasts a couple of<br />
weeks but another urge to change it up<br />
again. I am interested in continuing to<br />
experiment with my hair. I already plan<br />
to dye my hair pink or silver in a couple<br />
of days.<br />
Heidy Rosales | JUNIOR<br />
What changes did you make to your<br />
hair and why?<br />
I did plenty of stuff to my hair. I cut it<br />
more than four times. I bleached my<br />
hair blonde then pink then blonde and<br />
then it went orange. I’m the type of person<br />
who likes changing looks every day.<br />
Did quarantine play any role in your<br />
decision?<br />
<strong>The</strong> reason why was because I had<br />
nothing to do throughout quarantine<br />
but damage my hair.<br />
Where did you get your inspiration to<br />
change your hair?<br />
I would get my inspirations from Tik-<br />
Tok’s and Instagram’s explore pages.<br />
Are you satisfied with your change?<br />
Are you interested in continuing to<br />
experiment with your hair?<br />
I’m satisfied with my hair right now, but<br />
later on I’m pretty sure it will change.<br />
Anthony Turner | SENIOR<br />
What changes did you make to your<br />
hair and why?<br />
I cut off all my hair and bleached the<br />
rest. I don’t know why. I just felt like I<br />
needed a change. I didn’t care about the<br />
same stuff I used to so I decided to cut<br />
it off.<br />
Did quarantine play any role in your<br />
decision?<br />
At first the fact that I was quarantined<br />
played a part but overtime I just didn’t<br />
care. I just like the fact that my hair is<br />
gone and my style changed.<br />
Where did you get your inspiration to<br />
change your hair?<br />
<strong>The</strong> movie “Waves,” Frank Ocean and<br />
TikTok.<br />
Are you satisfied with your change?<br />
Are you interested in continuing to<br />
experiment with your hair?<br />
No, I don’t think I’m satisfied. I feel like<br />
something’s missing. I’ve had this hairstyle<br />
for a couple of months now but I<br />
feel like I can do so much more.<br />
Crazy coronavirus coifs<br />
HAIR<br />
6| OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> | By ANGELICA VENTURINA<br />
| P E R S P E C T I V E |<br />
theMIRROR<br />
“One size fits none”<br />
Controversy surrounds<br />
retailer Brandy Melville<br />
‘‘<br />
I saw one or<br />
two Asian and<br />
Black models<br />
occasionally<br />
while scrolling<br />
down, but<br />
almost all the<br />
girls are the<br />
same white,<br />
skinny and<br />
small models.”<br />
If you’re a teenager,<br />
you’ve probably heard<br />
the name “Brandy Melville”<br />
at least once.<br />
In Los Angeles, all it takes is a<br />
walk down the street to see one<br />
or two girls wearing the brand.<br />
Founded in Italy in 1970,<br />
Brandy Melville is a clothing<br />
store selling trendy apparel for<br />
young women. With its wide<br />
array of plaid skirts, tiny crop<br />
tops and low-waisted jeans, the<br />
brand gained the attention of<br />
teenage girls after its launch in<br />
the U.S. in 2009. Since then, it’s<br />
become one of the most popular<br />
teenage clothing brands.<br />
However, despite the brand<br />
being so widely enjoyed by<br />
young girls, controversy surrounding<br />
problematic sizing and<br />
lack of diversity implies that the<br />
company caters to a specific<br />
audience of girls — small, skinny<br />
and white.<br />
Brandy Melville sells one-size<br />
clothing, and has been harshly<br />
criticized on the internet for its’<br />
tightly conscribed size range.<br />
Most of their shirts come in small<br />
or extra small. <strong>The</strong>ir pants don’t<br />
have a wider range either, ranging<br />
from as small as a 0 to a 2.<br />
<strong>The</strong> brand promotes unhealthy<br />
beauty standards<br />
for young girls, according to<br />
15-year-old Gwendolyn Singer.<br />
“<strong>The</strong>y create this expectation,”<br />
Singer said. “If you don’t<br />
fit into one-size-fits-all clothing,<br />
which is not body inclusive and<br />
can only fit people size 00-2,<br />
then you aren’t good enough<br />
and your body isn’t normal. It<br />
creates this idea that if you don’t<br />
fit into their tiny clothes, there’s<br />
something wrong with your<br />
body or you need to change<br />
yourself.”<br />
On average, their clothes have<br />
a 32-inch bust and a 25-inch<br />
waist, which many teen girls do<br />
not have. According to an article<br />
from the website Healthline<br />
Media, written by Kimberly Holland<br />
and medically reviewed by<br />
certified personal trainer Daniel<br />
Bubnis, the average waist size for<br />
a teenage girl in America is 32.6<br />
inches, while the average bust<br />
size is 34 inches.<br />
When the majority of consumers<br />
being targeted cannot<br />
fit into the clothes a company<br />
is marketing, it says a lot about<br />
how poorly size inclusivity is<br />
handled in the fashion industry.<br />
Many brands in the industry,<br />
like Brandy Melville, create a<br />
divide between the people who<br />
can fit their clothes, and the<br />
people who can’t.<br />
While many girls will gladly<br />
line up at the front of Brandy<br />
Melville ready to storm the<br />
store, others would rather<br />
watch from afar, like 15-year-old<br />
Leeza Dangazyan.<br />
“I understand that stores<br />
have the option to market their<br />
products to a specific audience,<br />
but using size instead of style<br />
to do that doesn’t seem healthy<br />
at all, especially because their<br />
specific style is so popular right<br />
now and a lot of people might<br />
be interested in that aesthetic,”<br />
Dangazyan said. “But it’s so hard<br />
to find clothes that fit both that<br />
style and larger sizes. It’s so sad.”<br />
Others argue that Brandy<br />
Melville perpetuates a culture<br />
of negativity and body-shaming<br />
by marketing their clothing<br />
towards only one size.<br />
“Growing up with society telling<br />
us how to look and shaming<br />
us for what size we are has a<br />
negative impact, especially on<br />
our self esteem,” 15-year-old Kyla<br />
Paguio said. “It isn’t any better<br />
that a brand of clothes that<br />
targets teenagers my age makes<br />
me feel bad about not being<br />
able to fit into trendy clothes<br />
or anything from that store for<br />
that matter.”<br />
Brandy Melville’s Instagram<br />
page, which has more than<br />
three million followers lacks<br />
diversity, covered from top to<br />
bottom with pictures of models<br />
who have the same characteristics:<br />
thin, white and tall. With<br />
their lack of diversity and noninclusive<br />
sizing, many marvel at<br />
how they stay in business.<br />
“Most of the models on their<br />
page are white, and it used to<br />
be literally all white models,”<br />
14-year-old Jenna De Rosales<br />
said. “I saw one or two Asian and<br />
Black models occasionally while<br />
scrolling down, but almost all the<br />
girls are the same white, skinny<br />
and small models.”<br />
Girls like 16-year-old Ysabel<br />
Zurita, who don’t match the<br />
brand’s target type, feel left out<br />
and are unlikely to buy anything<br />
from the company until they<br />
become more inclusive.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> lack of diversity on<br />
their [Instagram] page just ties<br />
in with the whole concept of a<br />
Brandy girl that they’re trying to<br />
advertise: white girl, tall, skinny,”<br />
she said. “I feel really bad for the<br />
girls out there who aren’t getting<br />
the recognition and representation<br />
they deserve.”<br />
ALL WHITE <strong>The</strong> skinny white girls modeling Brandy Melville fashions on their website.<br />
theMIRROR | P E R S P E C T I V E | | OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |7<br />
VIRTUAL STRESS What once seemed<br />
like a dream come true has students<br />
frustrated at home.<br />
ONLINE<br />
From fantasy<br />
to nightmare<br />
What was once a student fantasy<br />
has now become a nightmare.<br />
If you disliked the social life of<br />
high school or found the journey<br />
between school and home tiring, remote learning<br />
seemed like the solution to all your problems.<br />
With the unexpected impact of covid-19, students<br />
finally got the chance to experience what they longed<br />
for but it’s far from what we expected.<br />
Students imagined sleeping in, enjoying more free<br />
time and learning from the comfort of their homes,<br />
but most were disappointed to find that remote<br />
learning only aggravated their learning experience.<br />
<strong>The</strong> transition to remote learning has brought<br />
unexpected consequences for both students and<br />
teachers.<br />
One change brought by online learning is the new<br />
“bell” schedule. <strong>School</strong> now starts at 9:00 a.m. as opposed<br />
to the previous 7:50 a.m. start time. Students<br />
also have an extended lunch and finish classes at 2:15<br />
p.m. on regular days and 12:10 p.m. on professional<br />
development days. This change is definitely one<br />
favored by students who get to use their additional<br />
time however they please, whether that’s sleeping in<br />
or spending more time on their phone.<br />
Despite more free time for students, the new circumstances<br />
of remote learning leaves many behind.<br />
Teachers who are not tech-savvy struggle with<br />
<strong>School</strong>ogy and Zoom.<br />
Social science teacher Ms. Wanda Moore is among<br />
those who struggle with the technology of online school.<br />
“Of all the problems, students joining and getting<br />
kicked off is the most consistent,” she said. “I have gotten<br />
kicked off probably a total of four to five times. I<br />
have been slow to adapt, a lot of which has to do with<br />
my age and experience.”<br />
Moore strongly believes that the transition to online<br />
school challenges both the quality and philosophy<br />
of her teaching.<br />
“In a classroom, I feel like a chef preparing a meal.<br />
Zoom makes me feel like a short-order cook. Learning<br />
has changed from an experience I want students<br />
to savor to now being like gulping down a meal just to<br />
gulp it down.”<br />
In the beginning of the school year, many classrooms<br />
had fallen victim to “Zoom-bombing” as well,<br />
where unknown individuals entered class Zoom<br />
meetings and displayed pornography and other inappropriate<br />
images.<br />
Senior Justin Henriquez recalls the disturbing<br />
incident with his stage design class experiencing a<br />
“Zoom-bomb.”<br />
“People just started yelling inappropriate phrases<br />
and calling the teacher names. Online learning is<br />
already heard enough for both students and teachers<br />
and ‘Zoom-bombs’ aren’t making it any easier,” he said.<br />
However, this issue has now been resolved.<br />
Students can no longer log into their Zoom classes<br />
without their LAUSD email. Teachers must also only<br />
admit students who are entering the call with their<br />
LAUSD log in.<br />
Teachers are not the only ones struggling with the<br />
technological aspect of remote learning.<br />
Many students run into connectivity problems<br />
whether it is their personal internet or the hotspot<br />
the school has provided.<br />
Senior Amberly Bonilla struggles with online<br />
school due to the poor connection from her schoolprovided<br />
hotspot.<br />
“It did work a little for the first two months when<br />
they gave it to me but now it’s always at one bar,”<br />
she said. “No matter where I took it the connection<br />
never got better. It works for absolutely nothing. It’s<br />
just loading screens for everything. Ever since May I<br />
haven’t used the hotspot at all.”<br />
For students taking Advanced Placement (AP)<br />
courses, using the College Board website has been<br />
difficult.<br />
Timed College Board tests now require installing<br />
SecureTestBrowser, a lockdown browser to prevent<br />
cheating. Some AP students are unable to download<br />
this lockdown browser on their own computers, requiring<br />
them to check out school-provided Chromebooks,<br />
which come with the lockdown browser<br />
already installed.<br />
“No matter what I did, I couldn’t download the<br />
lockdown browser on my laptop which I needed for<br />
my AP Lang (AP English Language and Composition)<br />
class,” junior Fatiah Lawal said. “I had to go to the<br />
school to pick up a Chromebook or else I wouldn’t be<br />
able to complete my assessments.”<br />
Students also find themselves easily distracted in<br />
class. It’s tempting to reach for your phone when you<br />
find yourself disinterested in what is being discussed.<br />
Senior Rober Angel discerned that the lack of<br />
disciplinary action actually provokes him to reach for<br />
his phone during Zoom calls.<br />
“At school, if I pull my phone out it will get taken<br />
away so I can concentrate more, so when I’m in class<br />
it feels like I’m more interested or more engaged,” he<br />
explained.<br />
Unfortunately, not all students have a quiet work<br />
space at home and struggle to stay attentive and<br />
keep up with attending classes.<br />
“You are required to listen to lectures, take tests,<br />
participate in class discussions and you have loud<br />
conversations coming from around you,” senior Ayisha<br />
Bushra said. “It’s extremely distracting and can<br />
take away from your understanding.”<br />
Remote learning poses a threat to the education of<br />
students whose home conditions prevent them from<br />
staying on track with school work.<br />
Contrary to what students previously expected<br />
from remote learning, most actually prefer in-person<br />
education because they feel they are most productive<br />
in the traditional learning environment of a school.<br />
“With in-person teaching, we can get a more<br />
personal experience when it comes to learning,”<br />
junior Isabella Rivera said. “It is hard to get to know<br />
each other virtually since most of us get camera shy.<br />
Online school is definitely more difficult.”<br />
But it’s more than just dealing with the comfortability<br />
of remote learning.<br />
For other students, factors beyond their control<br />
prohibit them from reaping the full benefits of online<br />
learning.<br />
Some parents have now returned to on-site work<br />
and do not have the luxury to find a caretaker for<br />
their younger children, especially during an economic<br />
recession, and with the concern of the spread of the<br />
virus, leaving a lot of students with younger siblings<br />
to care for them.<br />
“I prefer in-person teaching because I find that<br />
with learning online, it’s especially hard to separate<br />
home life from school life,” junior Jersey Vargas<br />
explained. “It’s difficult to pay attention in class when<br />
your five year old sister asks for assistance with technology<br />
and your little brother needs help with math.”<br />
Vargas describes it as “overwhelming” when she’s<br />
left to manage the household on her own and because<br />
of this, she prefers traditional learning.<br />
Even though online learning may not be the best<br />
solution, the alternative would be returning to classes<br />
and adding to the surging covid-19 cases in California.
8/9| OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |<br />
| C O V E R S<br />
Gentle Joe vers<br />
GENTLE JOE Biden’s criminal<br />
justice policies are not as liberal<br />
as people like to think.<br />
<strong>The</strong> November elections<br />
are inching<br />
closer and American<br />
voters remain<br />
divided and unsure over their<br />
upcoming decision.<br />
Left-leaning voters believe that<br />
this year’s vote is not just a vote for<br />
one candidate or the other, but a<br />
vote to protect American democracy.<br />
A growing number of Joe<br />
Biden supporters have adopted<br />
the “Settle for Biden” and “vote blue<br />
no matter who” campaign method,<br />
in an attempt to ensure President<br />
Donald Trump is voted out of office<br />
despite Biden’s political and moral<br />
shortcomings.<br />
Most right-leaning voters are<br />
eager to vote for Trump in hopes<br />
of giving him a second presidential<br />
term and maybe even a<br />
third, which Trump said he could<br />
“negotiate” because he is “probably<br />
entitled” to it. An amendment to<br />
the Constitution places a two-term<br />
limit on the office of president.<br />
Conservatives believe that<br />
America’s current state of chaos<br />
needs to be changed and that<br />
can only be done under Trump’s<br />
presidency. During the Republican<br />
National Convention, a common<br />
talking point was that Americans<br />
won’t be safe in Biden’s America, a<br />
counterargument to progressive<br />
Democrats’ critiques of law enforcement<br />
— stances Biden himself<br />
has refused to take.<br />
Coronavirus was not the only<br />
unexpected event that shook the<br />
nation.<br />
In light of George Floyd’s murder<br />
by police officers, protestors<br />
took to the streets, not merely angry<br />
over Floyd’s death but that he<br />
was only one of many Black people<br />
killed by police over the years — a<br />
result of systemic racism. Demonstrators<br />
joined the Black Lives Matter<br />
movement in support of racial<br />
justice for Black people.<br />
Protestors have been demanding<br />
police reform and even abolishing<br />
the entire policing system.<br />
<strong>The</strong> two leading presidential<br />
candidates have voiced their opinions<br />
on America’s policing system<br />
and the BLM movement.<br />
Democrat Joe Biden<br />
Despite the Republican Party’s<br />
notions that former VP Joe Biden<br />
will implement police budget cuts<br />
if elected, he is not only opposed to<br />
defunding the police, much like a<br />
majority of Democratic leaders, but<br />
actually advocates adding more<br />
funding to the police.<br />
Biden has proposed a $300 million<br />
investment in the Community<br />
Oriented Policing Services (COPS)<br />
program to “reinvigorate” community-oriented<br />
policing which would<br />
increase the number of police<br />
officers in Black and Brown communities.<br />
He has said several times in interviews<br />
that he does not support<br />
defunding the police. He underscored<br />
this message at the Democratic<br />
National Convention when<br />
he commented that “most cops are<br />
good” during a conversation about<br />
racial justice.<br />
Instead, he feels that law enforcement<br />
can be improved by<br />
weeding out bad police officers.<br />
Biden has called for systemic<br />
changes to the country’s criminal<br />
justice system and proposed reforms<br />
such as banning chokeholds<br />
and ending the transferring of<br />
“weapons of war” to police forces,<br />
but he opposes cutting resources<br />
for law enforcement.<br />
In his interview with NowThis<br />
News, a progressive social mediafocused<br />
news organization, Biden<br />
agreed to redirecting some funding,<br />
but then shifted the conversation<br />
from policing to prison reform.<br />
He said that the prison system<br />
“should be a rehabilitation system,<br />
not a punishment system,” and<br />
that the formerly incarcerated are<br />
entitled to the same rights and<br />
same federal programs as Americans<br />
who have not gone to prison.<br />
Biden has also pledged to create<br />
a national police oversight commission<br />
within the first hundred<br />
days of his presidency.<br />
During the first presidential<br />
debate of <strong>2020</strong> Biden said that he<br />
supports “law and order with justice<br />
where people ge<br />
He contended tha<br />
temic injustice in law<br />
but that a vast major<br />
officers are “good, de<br />
able men and wome<br />
During the debate<br />
condemned violence<br />
supports peaceful pr<br />
are marching for BLM<br />
Biden has a proble<br />
on racial justice.<br />
He once called sta<br />
school integration “th<br />
concept you can com<br />
In his early politic<br />
Biden helped kill one<br />
effective policies for i<br />
Black educational att<br />
America has known.<br />
During his first ca<br />
the ‘70s, he was an ad<br />
desegregating Ameri<br />
but after backlash fro<br />
constituents he chan<br />
arguing against busin<br />
integration.<br />
He said that force<br />
appropriate for the S<br />
segregation was the<br />
racist laws, but unne<br />
North, where Biden c<br />
was simply a matter<br />
Black community pr<br />
Biden also voted t<br />
partment of Health, E<br />
Welfare from requiri<br />
provide information<br />
makeup of their stud<br />
making it impossible<br />
ernment to withhold<br />
from school districts<br />
to integrate.<br />
Although the mea<br />
jected, Biden remain<br />
Now Biden says “t<br />
changed drastically,”<br />
about his past policie<br />
hall in Philadelphia.<br />
Republican Donald T<br />
Since the start of t<br />
protests, President D<br />
has been harshly crit<br />
handling of the situa<br />
of action by critics on<br />
Earlier this year, T<br />
the National Guard t<br />
HOW DO YOU<br />
you could vote or are<br />
voting, who would you<br />
vote for in the <strong>2020</strong><br />
presidential election?<br />
Results based on 203<br />
responses from students in a<br />
<strong>Mirror</strong> online poll.<br />
‘‘<br />
Trump has lost his bearing as<br />
president over the last six months.<br />
He’s contradicted almost anything<br />
he’s said, tries to suppress the<br />
mail in vote by telling people it’s<br />
fraudulent. Honestly it’s very scary<br />
because he might not give up his<br />
power if he loses the election.<br />
Trump will deny the result and do<br />
everything in his power to win,<br />
which he has been doing for the<br />
past four years.”<br />
TRISTAN TIMPERS 12th grade<br />
‘‘<br />
Joe is a senile old man who<br />
even remember his name m<br />
or less the false left ideologi<br />
he will try to push upon us. N<br />
he is not up for the job of pre<br />
dency as he has done nothin<br />
in his 47 years [in politics] an<br />
will instead do worse for this<br />
country. Unlike Trump, Biden<br />
been prejudiced against peo<br />
of color countless times and<br />
supports the BLM moveme<br />
to help him win the election.<br />
T O R Y |<br />
theMIRROR<br />
us the Donald<br />
t treated fairly.”<br />
t there is sysenforcement<br />
ity of police<br />
cent, honorn.”<br />
Biden also<br />
, but said he<br />
otestors who<br />
.<br />
matic record<br />
te-mandated<br />
e most racist<br />
e up with.”<br />
al career,<br />
of the most<br />
mproving<br />
ainment that<br />
mpaign in<br />
vocate for<br />
ca’s schools<br />
m white<br />
ged his mind,<br />
g for racial<br />
d busing was<br />
outh, where<br />
product of<br />
cessary for the<br />
laimed that it<br />
of white and<br />
eference.<br />
o bar the Deducation,<br />
and<br />
ng schools to<br />
on the racial<br />
ent bodies,<br />
for the govfederal<br />
funds<br />
that refused<br />
sure was reed<br />
persistent.<br />
hings have<br />
when asked<br />
s in a town<br />
rump<br />
his year’s BLM<br />
onald Trump<br />
icized for his<br />
tion and lack<br />
both sides.<br />
rump called in<br />
o Washington,<br />
D.C. to police demonstrations. He<br />
was heavily criticized after peaceful<br />
protestors near the White House<br />
were tear-gassed so that he could<br />
stage a photo opportunity at a<br />
church across the street.<br />
In Portland, Oregon, he also<br />
sent federal agents who clashed<br />
with demonstrators every evening<br />
over a several week period. Videos<br />
surfaced on social media of federal<br />
officers using unmarked vehicles<br />
to grab protestors off downtown<br />
Portland streets.<br />
Trump has signed an executive<br />
order that would provide some<br />
narrow police reforms including<br />
the establishment of a national<br />
database on police misconduct.<br />
This order came after he faced<br />
pressure to take action following<br />
the death of George Floyd at the<br />
hands of police.<br />
Trump has rejected ideas to<br />
defund police as “radical and dangerous,”<br />
instead outlining programs<br />
to hold police officers to higher<br />
standards.<br />
<strong>The</strong> president promised a ban<br />
on chokeholds, except when the<br />
officer believes his or her life is in<br />
danger; more support for officers<br />
who deal with the homeless, drug<br />
addicts and the mentally ill, along<br />
with social workers to help officers<br />
better navigate these encounters.<br />
However, his administration has<br />
yet to take any action.<br />
Although Trump rails against<br />
defunding the police, in February<br />
the Trump administration proposed<br />
a 58 percent cut in the COPS<br />
Hiring Program, a federal program<br />
that supports police department<br />
staffing. This is not the first time.<br />
<strong>The</strong> administration has routinely<br />
called for cuts to this program, only<br />
to be shut down by Congress.<br />
Despite some level of reform,<br />
Trump’s other policies and rhetoric<br />
seems to encourage violence from<br />
law enforcement.<br />
This summer, he posted a tweet<br />
that appeared to support violence<br />
in which he said “When the looting<br />
starts, the shooting starts,” a phrase<br />
used by segregationists against<br />
civil rights protestors. <strong>The</strong> president<br />
later said he did not mean it<br />
as a threat.<br />
Trump has also repeatedly<br />
empowered hate groups whose<br />
remarks resonate with white supremacists.<br />
During the first presidential<br />
debate of <strong>2020</strong>, the president did<br />
not condemn white supremacists<br />
and the alt-right, instead telling the<br />
Proud Boys — a far-right and neofascist<br />
male-only organization that<br />
promotes and engages in political<br />
violence — to “stand back and<br />
stand by.” <strong>The</strong> group immediately<br />
adopted the phrase, adding it to<br />
their logo.<br />
Days after he declined to denounce<br />
white supremacists which<br />
sparked outrage among many<br />
Americans, he told Fox News that<br />
he condemns right-wing hate<br />
groups such as the KKK and the<br />
Proud Boys.<br />
Trump has repeatedly referred<br />
to the BLM movement as violent,<br />
calling it “discriminatory” and “bad<br />
for Black people.”<br />
He described BLM protestors as<br />
“dangerous thugs.”<br />
In July, the president tweeted<br />
about New York City’s decision to<br />
paint “Black Lives Matter” on Fifth<br />
Avenue, calling it “a symbol of hate.”<br />
American journalist Bob<br />
Woodward and the author of<br />
“Fear:Trump in the White House,”<br />
asked Trump whether he felt<br />
America “has systemic racism.”<br />
At first the president responded<br />
with “probably less here than most<br />
places or less here than many<br />
places.” But after he was pushed, he<br />
admitted that yes, America does<br />
have systemic racism. “I think it is<br />
[in America]. It’s unfortunate, but I<br />
think it is.”<br />
This statement was released<br />
only days after Trump visited<br />
Kenosha, Wisconsin in the wake of<br />
protests that erupted after Jacob<br />
Blake was shot in the back seven<br />
times by police, and completely<br />
dismissed the “idea” of systemic<br />
racism, instead saying the city has<br />
been “ravaged by anti-police and<br />
anti-America riots.”<br />
DISRUPTOR Trump’s promises<br />
of narrow police reform have yet<br />
to be enforced.<br />
can’t<br />
ore<br />
es<br />
o,<br />
sig<br />
d<br />
has<br />
ple<br />
only<br />
nt<br />
”<br />
e<br />
‘‘<br />
In no way, shape, or form is Donald<br />
Trump fit or qualified to be a<br />
two-term president, nor a one-term<br />
president. He has grossly thrown<br />
away the ideals of the nation, refused<br />
to take action on coronavirus, left the<br />
Paris Climate Accords, skyrocketed<br />
unemployment due to the virus,<br />
hurt our trade relations with China,<br />
criticized NATO, sucked up to Russia,<br />
influenced racial instability, literally<br />
could not physically condemn white<br />
supremacist movements, attempted<br />
to suppress free media, lied to<br />
America and so much more.”<br />
ASHER TENENBAUM 9th grade<br />
“I do think that he is qualified to<br />
remain president of the United<br />
States. While he is far from perfect,<br />
I do believe he is the better<br />
of the two.”.<br />
‘‘KEVIN SANTIAGO 12th grade<br />
I think he’s [Biden] a good<br />
candidate and I do believe he<br />
is qualified to be president.<br />
He has values, he listens<br />
to science, cares about the<br />
well-being of people and he is<br />
strong. I’m not saying this because<br />
he served with Obama<br />
‘‘JOEL<br />
but also because I’ve did my<br />
research on him and he’s a<br />
really good man.<br />
ALCARAZ 11th grade<br />
‘‘<br />
I believe that he [Biden] would be a terrible<br />
president. He has many accounts<br />
against him about pedophilia and a<br />
president should never even be allowed<br />
to run if they have that against them. I<br />
am aware that Donald Trump does have<br />
accusations against him but they are just<br />
accusations, there isn’t proof that he did<br />
or does that to anyone. Joe Biden has<br />
proof of pedophilia. He talks to minors<br />
in suggestive ways and touches them in<br />
inappropriate ways even on live television.<br />
For those reasons, he should not<br />
only not be able to run for president, he<br />
should be in jail.”<br />
LEILAH GOINS 9th grade
10 | OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> | | P R O & C O N |<br />
theMIRROR<br />
VOLUME <strong>107</strong> | ISSUE 1<br />
Andre Rodas, Ani Tutunjyan<br />
Aaron Mejia<br />
We’ve had enough.<br />
We can’t take it any longer.<br />
Chaos and deceit have become our norm.<br />
Trump must go.<br />
<strong>The</strong> American people managed to survive the last four years<br />
under his presidency but we cannot endure much more.<br />
<strong>The</strong> President of the United States has failed abysmally to<br />
contain the covid-19 pandemic. He has inflamed racial tensions, attacked<br />
women’s rights and made an embarrassment of the United<br />
States on the world stage.<br />
Trump knew as early as December how potentially deadly this<br />
virus could be and yet he did nothing. In January, Trump remarked<br />
“We do have a plan and we think it’s going to be handled very well.<br />
We’ve already handled it very well … We’re in very good shape.”<br />
And where are we now?<br />
Seven months into staying home, into mandatory face-covering,<br />
into online school, into missing our friends. Seven months of<br />
disarray, fear, distraction and lies.<br />
In February, Trump predicted the virus would disappear “like a<br />
miracle.”<br />
Some miracle.<br />
Not only has Trump failed to protect the United States from<br />
this deadly virus — our death toll is the highest in the world, sitting<br />
now at 219,000 — but he has failed to protect himself.<br />
Since the beginning of the year, President Trump has downplayed<br />
the danger and severity of this virus and now 219,000<br />
Americans have paid the ultimate price for it. Were it not for his<br />
excellent (and free of charge) healthcare, I am sure Trump would<br />
have succumbed as well.<br />
Part of the President’s treatment plan included stem cells from<br />
an aborted fetus.<br />
This was only weeks after Trump nominated his pick Amy<br />
Coney Barrett, a staunchly “pro-life” conservative judge who has<br />
been repeatedly accused of letting her religion steep too far into<br />
her decision-making, to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.<br />
<strong>The</strong> self-proclaimed “pro-life president” is not only a hypocrite,<br />
but he is not even truly pro-life.<br />
His atrocious covid-19 response which led to the loss of hundreds<br />
of thousands of Americans has plainly demonstrated this.<br />
Trump’s pro-life stance is deeply hypocritical, and clearly a<br />
facade kept up to maintain his evangelical base.<br />
He has promised the end of Roe v. Wade, a landmark Supreme<br />
Court case which gave women the right to safe abortion, which 61<br />
percent of Americans approve of according to a Pew survey.<br />
<strong>The</strong> overturning of Roe v. Wade could be disastrous for women’s<br />
health.<br />
Banning access to safe abortions does not stop abortions, it<br />
only makes them more dangerous. Accidental pregnancy rates are<br />
highest in countries where abortion is restricted.<br />
If Trump was truly pro-life not only would he have not completely<br />
failed in his covid-19 response, but he would also advocate<br />
for universal healthcare coverage which could provide much<br />
needed assistance to pregnant women, advance strong and<br />
comprehensive sexual education and make contraception readily<br />
available.<br />
It’s pretty hard to call yourself “pro-life” when you actively work<br />
to tear children away from their parents and lock them in cages,<br />
when you cut programs that feed hungry kids, when you stand by<br />
while women — especially Black women — die in childbirth.<br />
Trump has fanned the flames of racial tensions and signaled his<br />
support repeatedly to white supremacist and other far-right hate<br />
groups.<br />
At the recent presidential debate, Trump not only refused to<br />
condemn white supremacists and the alt-right, but he told the<br />
Proud Boys — a xenophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic and misogynistic<br />
hate group whose members organized the 2017 Charlottesville<br />
“Unite the Right” rally — to “stand back and stand by.”<br />
During the height of the Black Lives Matter protests, Trump<br />
dismissed the rampant issues of police brutality and racial profiling<br />
that ravage this country and claimed the lives of thousands of<br />
Black Americans.<br />
We want a president that protects the rights of all Americans,<br />
a president who has a strong moral compass and can set an example<br />
for the rest of the country.<br />
We want a president whose sentences aren’t grammatically<br />
awkward, repetitive and full of lies.<br />
We want a president who does not aspire to be a dictator and<br />
admits to the country’s shortcomings.<br />
What we see in <strong>2020</strong> is Trump’s America and it will not magically<br />
change on Jan. 20, 2021.<br />
Trump is a hypocritical, pathological liar who does not deserve<br />
his place in the White House.<br />
Antony Nepeyvoda<br />
Shaan Bhatia<br />
Julia Pfau<br />
Gwen Langi<br />
Kasey Kim<br />
Andre Davancens<br />
Ivan Delgado<br />
Sevak Harutyunyan<br />
Isabela Diaz<br />
Angela Proca<br />
Nathan Han<br />
Alison Arevalo<br />
Eleonora Badikyan<br />
Adriana Contreras<br />
Melanie Contreras<br />
Daniel Espinoza<br />
Sam Eusebio<br />
Itzel Gallardo<br />
Jerry Garcia<br />
Angelina Gevorgyan<br />
Anzhela Harutyunyan<br />
Csarina “Nina” Jarencio<br />
Briana Jasso<br />
Andy Joachin<br />
Aiza Kang<br />
Terrence Lazo<br />
Monica Mazariegos<br />
Bobbie Lynn Medrano<br />
Owen Mitchell<br />
Angel Rendon<br />
Felipe Rodriguez<br />
Andrew Vega<br />
Angelica Venturina<br />
Jazlyn Xocoxic<br />
Canella Yuson<br />
Mr. Ron Goins<br />
Re-electing President Trump for a<br />
second term will leave America in<br />
an irreparable state.<br />
ABOUT US <strong>The</strong> <strong>Mirror</strong> is the student newspaper<br />
of <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Nuys</strong> Senior <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> in <strong>Van</strong><br />
<strong>Nuys</strong>, California, a district of Los Angeles,<br />
published six times per year. Opinions<br />
expressed in bylined commentary articles<br />
and columns represent the views of the individual<br />
writer and do not necessarily reflect<br />
the views of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Mirror</strong> or the Editorial Board.<br />
DISTRIBUTION Copies are free to students,<br />
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READER PARTICIPATION Unsigned editorials<br />
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<strong>Mirror</strong>, 6535 Cedros Ave, <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Nuys</strong>, CA 91411.<br />
Letters must be signed and may be edited<br />
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ADVERTISING Advertising questions may<br />
be directed to Isabela Diaz at idiaz0064@<br />, or by telephoning (818)<br />
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MEMBERSHIPS National Scholastic Press<br />
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theMIRROR | P R O & C O N | | OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |11<br />
A DIME Major<br />
corporations are<br />
exploiting felons<br />
who are practically<br />
forced to<br />
work for nearly<br />
nothing.<br />
Some have never had<br />
a loved one labeled as<br />
a bad guy by the legal<br />
system or have never<br />
experienced a loved one<br />
being marginalized by<br />
society or never had an<br />
loved one incarcerated as<br />
a convicted felon.<br />
Those who have a friend or family member who has<br />
been labeled a criminal by society have heard often disheartening<br />
stories from behind bars.<br />
One particular story could even be called modern-day<br />
slavery.<br />
Prisoners are offered jobs to make money while serving<br />
their sentence and to help remedy the boredom of<br />
being locked up.<br />
Would you take a job where you made 8 cents an<br />
hour? What about 37 cents? How about 95 cents?<br />
Inmates in the California prison system, some who<br />
work for the Department of Corrections and others who<br />
work for state-owned businesses make anywhere from<br />
8 to 95 cents an hour. <strong>The</strong> highest paid prisoner-worker<br />
makes almost 14 times less than the state’s minimum<br />
wage of $13 an hour.<br />
Supporters of prisoner labor argue that if prisoners<br />
don’t want to work they can turn offers down, but this<br />
may be easier said than done.<br />
Prisoners without stable support systems from the<br />
outside sometimes struggle to maintain a normal life behind<br />
bars. Without any financial support from friends or<br />
BEHIND<br />
BARS<br />
&BELOW<br />
WAGE<br />
family, they often have no choice but to accept job offers<br />
so they can save money to start over when they get out.<br />
Or they can use the money to purchase goods such as<br />
snacks and soap in prison.<br />
An inmate might make a little money, but not nearly<br />
enough for the work they do.<br />
California state prisons charge $3.60 for chicken which<br />
means that an inmate would have to work four to 45<br />
hours – depending on the job and its pay – to enjoy a<br />
piece of chicken.<br />
<strong>The</strong> system is wrongfully overworking inmates and<br />
rewarding them with fake luxuries that free individuals<br />
enjoy without thinking twice about. Prison labor perpetuates<br />
the idea that inmates aren’t a part of society.Prison<br />
labor is unnecessary. Incarceration and isolation from the<br />
outside world for years is punishment enough.<br />
Which companies benefit from the slave labor of U.S.<br />
prisoners?<br />
McDonald’s, Starbucks and Macy’s are just a few of<br />
many major corporations that benefit from the prisonindustrial<br />
complex.<br />
Some inmates pack beef, coffee or sew clothes.<br />
How is this different from Asian or Central American<br />
sweatshops, where laborers toil for pennies an hour?<br />
Inmates are routinely used to fight California wildfires.<br />
Is it justified to put prisoner’s lives on the line for cheap<br />
labor?<br />
Last year’s Camp wildfire couldn’t have been contained<br />
without the help of inmates from the state’s<br />
Conservation Camp Program. <strong>The</strong> best paid made only a<br />
dollar an hour and weren’t eligible to work as firefighters<br />
after their release. One firehouse engineer was paid only<br />
37 cents an hour. Her check totalled a measly 56 dollars.<br />
<strong>The</strong> governor recently signed a bill clearing the records<br />
of inmate firefighters and enabling them to turn professional<br />
after release.<br />
Bill AB-2147 is opening new doors to those that have<br />
long been marginalized in society and judged because of<br />
their poor choices in the past.<br />
It is a step in the right direction to allow more career<br />
paths for prisoners as they integrate back into society.<br />
But a society is judged on how they treat their most<br />
vulnerable.<br />
A classroom where supporting students is a firing offense<br />
Teachers serve a fundamental role in<br />
molding the minds of our youth.<br />
Whether students notice it or are willing<br />
to admit it or not, they act like sponges<br />
when placed in an educational environment.<br />
From movie recommendations to<br />
academic lessons, teachers exert a strong<br />
influence on students, and by extension,<br />
the communities they teach in.<br />
From the student’s perspective, a teacher’s<br />
job is to create a functional and supportive<br />
learning environment, which is why<br />
one teacher and her students were taken<br />
by surprise when her principal ordered her<br />
to remove posters that showed her support<br />
for the LGBTQ+ community and the<br />
Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.<br />
After her refusal to do so, the teacher<br />
was placed on administrative leave.<br />
This proposes the question of whether<br />
or not teachers should participate in this<br />
act. And if so, what are the limits to ensure<br />
that educators aren’t overstepping.<br />
In this case the punishment enacted<br />
was unnecessary because she didn’t do<br />
anything wrong.<br />
Nothing about what the teacher did<br />
endangered her students or affected her<br />
authority as a teacher. She was doing<br />
what was expected of her — supporting<br />
her students. She did this by displaying<br />
posters that encouraged acceptance. She<br />
was modelling open-mindedness for her<br />
students.<br />
By enabling students to be part of the<br />
conversation those students could then<br />
contribute to active reform if they pleased –<br />
advocating, informing, voting or protesting.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se are the kinds of conversations and<br />
causes young people deserve to be a part of.<br />
Teachers often tell us students that<br />
they aren’t allowed to discuss their political<br />
views in the classroom setting because<br />
they want to prevent heated discussions<br />
that get out of hand. This is a justifiable<br />
reason for educators to remain neutral<br />
on certain issues. But in instances where<br />
educators are simply informing their<br />
students,<br />
Educators can show support of movements<br />
that are deemed inappropriate or<br />
controversial without brainwashing or<br />
forcing a set of beliefs upon their students.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is a line that can be crossed but in<br />
this instance there were no blurred or<br />
TOO PROGRESSIVE Teachers risk losing their jobs for educating students about current events.<br />
crossed lines.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re is no reason for Black and LG-<br />
BTQ+ community members to have conditional<br />
human rights. <strong>The</strong>re is no reason<br />
for crimes against these communities to<br />
occur as often as they do or to be normalized<br />
as often as they are.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re was no valid reason for any<br />
teacher to be disciplined for showing<br />
Black and LGBTQ+ students her support<br />
and solidarity.<br />
<strong>The</strong> teacher was reinstated, but it’s important<br />
to remember that the school district<br />
would not have reversed itself without<br />
public backlash, which included an online<br />
petition with over 33,000 signatures.<br />
<strong>The</strong> district was plain wrong. One<br />
school administrator told the teacher that<br />
the small town’s residents weren’t ready<br />
for her progressive views.<br />
Support for BLM and gay rights are a<br />
matter of basic morality and principles —<br />
not politics.<br />
What the BLM movement has exposed<br />
is that too many Americans are uncaring,<br />
unprincipled bigots. It has revealed just<br />
how little American society has progressed<br />
in terms of racial equality over the<br />
last fifty years.<br />
<strong>The</strong> school administration wanted to<br />
suppress BLM and gay rights, but ironically<br />
ended up shining more light on them.
12| OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> | | A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T |<br />
theMIRROR<br />
Performing Arts<br />
THE NEW<br />
Distance learning has created many challenges<br />
for teachers and students who are<br />
attempting to adapt in the most creative<br />
ways possible.<br />
It has been especially difficult for the<br />
Performing Arts Department because of<br />
the lack of physical interaction. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />
no more dance shows, choir performances<br />
or plays.<br />
Students are unable to work one-onone<br />
with teachers and classmates to perfect<br />
technicalities, create performances<br />
and collaborate ideas.<br />
Despite these adversities, the Performing<br />
Arts Department has paved a new way<br />
of performing and practicing together.<br />
Building a team of actors and actresses<br />
virtually, theater teacher<br />
Ms. Mollie Lief has crafted her<br />
Zoom meetings to be effective and<br />
interactive.<br />
In class, students do routine<br />
check ins, warm-ups and games.<br />
“I try not to be Zoom-boring,” Ms. Lief explained.<br />
Currently teaching three levels of drama — beginner,<br />
intermediate and advanced — Ms. Lief began<br />
the school year with an Ensemble Building unit,<br />
which is a team building exercise that aims to create<br />
a safe space for the students to get to know each<br />
other.<br />
Students have been working on personal storytelling<br />
and vocal training, all essential aspects of<br />
theater.<br />
In the advanced drama class, students are<br />
writing, performing and recording original audio<br />
dramas.<br />
<strong>The</strong> audio dramas are short, scripted, narrative<br />
podcasts made in groups with varying genres<br />
including comedy and drama. Students are also<br />
responsible for adding sound effects and editing<br />
their podcasts to learn about the podcast-creating<br />
process.<br />
Regardless of Ms. Lief’s efforts to make her<br />
classes as interactive as possible, theater often requires<br />
physical interaction, which is difficult during<br />
virtual class.<br />
“I’m trying to work movement into my Zoom<br />
classroom as much as I can but it’s just not the<br />
same,” Ms. Lief said.<br />
Despite the current situation’s drawbacks, drama<br />
students will participate in the Virtual Fall DTASC<br />
(Drama Teachers Association of Southern California)<br />
<strong>The</strong>ater Festival on Sunday, Nov. 15.<br />
“At first I thought that taking theater online<br />
would be kind of difficult since so much of theater is<br />
physical contact and being face-to-face,” Advanced<br />
<strong>The</strong>ater student Dakota Threats said. “So far we<br />
have been able to still play ensemble games and<br />
work on lessons through Zoom which Ms. Lief has<br />
provided. I definitely prefer theater in-person but<br />
online is manageable and still fun.”<br />
Ms. Leif hints that she may have something new<br />
and exciting cooking for the spring semester.<br />
CHOIR<br />
& PIANO<br />
Aside from typical singing or keyboard<br />
practice, students in choir<br />
and piano are learning more<br />
about music history, technique<br />
and musicianship, as Ms. Brianne<br />
Arevalo, the choir and piano<br />
teacher, has been adjusting to the new virtual reality.<br />
She starts all of her classes by playing a musical<br />
selection for her students to help them understand<br />
the material being studied in class.<br />
Students learn about the history of instruments,<br />
styles and composers.<br />
“<strong>The</strong>y gain a better perspective about the overall<br />
goal for their sound and how to accomplish that in<br />
all of their current and future repertoire,” she said.<br />
During class, all the classes work to better their<br />
technique and rehearse in preparation for upcoming<br />
virtual performances and projects.<br />
Piano students are now able to practice at home<br />
thanks to the brand new keyboards the school has<br />
provided.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Van</strong>naires and Chamber Singers are brushing<br />
up on their musicianship and working on<br />
recordings for planned virtual choir performances<br />
which will be posted on the Vocal Department’s<br />
YouTube channel that is still in the works.<br />
Zoom meetings pose inevitable challenges and<br />
frustrations, like lagging networks and poor internet<br />
connections, which prevent students from rehearsing<br />
in sync.<br />
To help combat this issue, Ms. Arevalo does her<br />
warm up routines for all her classes muted to avoid<br />
confusion.<br />
“We are trying to work around it the best we<br />
can but there is no substitute for the inspiration<br />
and creativity we can generate as human beings<br />
together in the same space,” she said.<br />
She also requires students to send in recordings<br />
of their practices.<br />
In an attempt to mimic typical classroom interactions<br />
virtually, Ms. Arevalo sends feedback to each<br />
student to help teach them skills and check their<br />
individual progress.<br />
“Being a performance class, it’s difficult to get the<br />
same experience at home as in the classroom just<br />
because you’re isolated from all the other voices,”<br />
Chamber Singer Jake Stanley said. “A big part of<br />
choir is listening to the other singers and other<br />
parts, and virtual rehearsal isn’t very conducive to<br />
that. However, we’re making the best of it that we<br />
can.”<br />
DANCE<br />
Making the best of her limited<br />
situation, dance teacher Ms.<br />
Reesa Partida continues her<br />
pre-covid-19 dance class routine,<br />
playing music and leading<br />
warm ups. She spends<br />
the rest of online class teaching techniques, combos<br />
and choreography.<br />
Teaching from her classroom on campus instead<br />
of from home, Ms. Partida is able to utilize the extra<br />
space to demonstrate dances.<br />
“If the students can’t necessarily do everything<br />
fully, they can still see what it’s supposed to look like,”<br />
explained Ms. Partida.<br />
With the annual Winter Dance Show cancelled,<br />
her classes are focused on getting students to move<br />
their bodies and take a break from the long hours of<br />
sitting still during other classes.<br />
“I am glad that we still get to have class every day<br />
and that we get to be moving around,” Advanced<br />
Jazz dancer Elizabeth Zepeda said.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Musical <strong>The</strong>ater and Advanced Dance<br />
classes are working on video performances.<br />
“My goal is always to create strong dancers<br />
who can express themselves through movement<br />
no matter their level of technique, and that hasn’t<br />
changed,” Ms. Partida said. “At the end of most<br />
classes I ask my students if they sweat. If the answer<br />
is ‘yes,’ then it’s been a good day.”<br />
Being unable to give corrections and often only<br />
seeing half of the students’ bodies through the<br />
screen is challenging to Ms. Partida and her students.<br />
“Dance is a visceral thing and not being together<br />
changes the whole experience,” she said.<br />
Despite the challenges, the dance classes are<br />
working towards an upcoming performance.<br />
Ms. Partida and Ms. Diane Hula, the second dance<br />
teacher, are planning to hold meetings with small<br />
groups of students. <strong>The</strong> meetings are for site-specific<br />
work on campus with a select group of dancers.<br />
<strong>The</strong>se meetings will maintain social distancing<br />
guidelines and all students will be required to wear<br />
a mask.<br />
“I think the teachers are trying their best to give<br />
us their best dance experience they can through a<br />
camera,” Zepeda said. “It’s not the easiest to learn<br />
choreography or work together just because Zoom<br />
isn’t the clearest way of communicating, but right<br />
now I think we are all just trying to come up with<br />
new and creative ways to make dance work through<br />
a screen.”
theMIRROR | A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T | | OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |13<br />
Rating the<br />
In high school, students read numerous classics<br />
and analyze the meaning behind these stories<br />
which are centered around love, family, society<br />
and growth. But not all novels are as thrilling as<br />
teachers make them to be. Some of the reads<br />
are enjoyable, while others are not. On a five<br />
point scale, I rated some of the books I have<br />
read in high school.<br />
Music recommendations by<br />
Snoh Aalegra<br />
Genre: R&B/Soul<br />
Aalegra released her new single, “DY-<br />
ING 4 YOUR LOVE,” in early July. <strong>The</strong><br />
song ventures into familiar territory,<br />
following Aalegra as she simultaneously<br />
questions and longs for a<br />
distant love.<br />
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare AABBB<br />
Centered around the forbidden love of two teenagers, Romeo<br />
and Juliet encapsulates love and tragedy. <strong>The</strong> play’s Elizabethan<br />
English was difficult to understand and the story of<br />
star-crossed lovers was predictable because of the numerous<br />
remakes of the movie. <strong>The</strong> only reason why it’s considered a<br />
high school staple is to serve the purpose of warning freshmen<br />
about the consequences of making bad decisions. 9th<br />
grade novel<br />
<strong>The</strong> Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck AAABB<br />
<strong>The</strong> Grapes of Wrath follows the journey of the Joad family<br />
during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl. In hopes to survive,<br />
the Joad family moves from Oklahoma to California and<br />
experiences the hardships and unfair treatments of migrant<br />
families. <strong>The</strong> Grapes of Wrath provides context and understanding<br />
of the Great Depression and the consequences of<br />
such an economic recession. However, the book is extremely<br />
long and at times reads a little slow. 11th grade novel<br />
Giveon<br />
Genre: R&B/Soul<br />
Throughout his first album TAKE TIME,<br />
artist Giveon expresses his thoughts<br />
on heartbreak, relationships and selfgrowth.<br />
“FAVORITE MISTAKE” reflects<br />
a secret affair he feels an extreme<br />
connection to. This song digs into<br />
the growing sensation of feelings and<br />
affection over time.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald AAABB<br />
Animal Farm by George Orwell AAAAB<br />
Widely known for the movie remake, <strong>The</strong> Great Gatsby tells<br />
the story of a heart broken rich “businessman” Jay Gatsby<br />
and his attempt to be with his one and only love Daisy Buchanan.<br />
<strong>The</strong> love story spirals down into an attempt to attain<br />
the American Dream. <strong>The</strong> book is relatively short and it is a<br />
fun quick read, but the ending is tragic and unsatisfying. 11th<br />
grade novel<br />
Set on the Manor Farm, Animal Farm tells the story of<br />
rebellious pigs who aim to create a utopian society where all<br />
animals are equal. <strong>The</strong> story is not only interesting when read<br />
without an understanding of its symbolism, but also insightful<br />
and eye opening when read within the context of Russia<br />
and the Soviet Union under Communist Party rule. Read in<br />
sophomore year, the novel goes hand-in-hand with historical<br />
events and figures taught in world history. 9th grade novel<br />
<strong>The</strong> Key to Life on Earth<br />
Declan Mckenna<br />
Genre: Alternative/Indie<br />
Creating an exciting, upbeat atmosphere,<br />
McKenna addresses the<br />
mundanity and hostility of life. As<br />
the title loosely implies, “<strong>The</strong> Key to<br />
Life on Earth” highlights life aspirations<br />
and attempts to find what the<br />
meaning of life actually is.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini AAAAA<br />
Amir, an Afghan American recalls the memories of his childhood<br />
in Afghanistan. After witnessing a traumatic incident<br />
involving his best friend Hassan, Amir turns his eye away<br />
from the event which develops into guilt and anguish. <strong>The</strong><br />
story jumps around between Amir’s childhood and his present<br />
life filled with consequences and mental torment as a<br />
result of him neglecting his best friend. <strong>The</strong> novel contrasts<br />
his happy childhood life within a politically divided country<br />
with his guilt-ridden life in a country of freedom. Amir’s story<br />
touches on the meaning of family, friendship and betrayal.<br />
Every chapter adds to the thickening plot and it is a guaranteed<br />
page turner. 9th/10th grade novel<br />
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens AAAAA<br />
Money, wealth and status or family, love and relationships?<br />
Great Expectations wasn’t the most amusing read, but the<br />
message woven into the characters and conflicts warranted<br />
reflection. Being rejected and humiliated by his crush, the<br />
main character Pip decides to chase after what seemed like<br />
the answer to creating his perfect life: money, wealth and<br />
status. Along the way, he forgets the value of family and<br />
friendship. It is a story of maturity which leaves us wondering:<br />
what is the perfect life? 10th grade novel<br />
Woodlawn<br />
Aminé<br />
Genre: Rap<br />
Growing up in Woodlawn, Oregon,<br />
Amine reflects his growth and<br />
triumph in the music industry as he<br />
“came a long way” by juxtaposing his<br />
life in Oregon to his life after finding<br />
success in the industry. He revealed<br />
that the song was dedicated to his<br />
recently incarcerated childhood<br />
friend, and also paid tribute to his<br />
role model Kobe Bryant.
14| OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> | | A R T S & E N T E R T A I N M E N T |<br />
theMIRROR<br />
PRODUCING AND PERFORMING Singer-songwriter Raine Torres<br />
wrote her latest release “Cold Coffee” in 30 minutes.<br />
INSPIRATION in isolation<br />
By KASEY KIM<br />
Quarantine may have been<br />
an idle time for many,<br />
but it was anything but<br />
that for singer-songwriter<br />
Raine Torres who wrote and produced<br />
her new single “Cold Coffee.”<br />
Released on Sept. 12, “Cold Coffee”<br />
falls under the soft pop genre.<br />
As a part of the GRAMMY Museum’s<br />
Summer Session program for<br />
high school songwriters, Torres was<br />
assigned to write a song inspired by<br />
the title “Cold Coffee” in 30 minutes.<br />
Different from her usual relaxed<br />
approach to songwriting, she<br />
struggled with it at first, but soon<br />
she stumbled upon the words that<br />
made up her verses, pre-chorus and<br />
chorus.<br />
She began by imagining cold coffee<br />
sitting on the counter as a result of a<br />
student being reluctant in doing the<br />
work they need to complete.<br />
Like many other high school<br />
students, Torres is not a stranger to<br />
procrastination.<br />
She used this procrastination<br />
which resulted in a mixture of happiness<br />
and guilt to write her song.<br />
“I saw coffee as this symbol of forcing<br />
yourself awake, forcing yourself<br />
to be productive,” she said. “I saw cold<br />
coffee as this drive, simmering. I think<br />
that, as you grow up, you’re expected<br />
to always be working, to constantly<br />
strive for success, but I wanted to say<br />
that it’s okay to be a little lazy and just<br />
chill out sometimes.”<br />
Torres began writing the song like<br />
she would any other: she sat down<br />
and wrote phrases that encapsulated<br />
her inspiration.<br />
“Sometimes a song comes out<br />
right away, but usually it stays as a<br />
phrase or a couple stanzas before I<br />
finish it,” she remarks.<br />
After understanding the direction<br />
of her lyrics, she found the chords<br />
and melodies that best expressed<br />
those lyrics.<br />
“I’m honestly just saying I’m getting<br />
tired of waking. I think I’m going<br />
to stay in today, let my coffee cup go<br />
cold. I don’t know what to say, maybe<br />
I’m too old for this.”<br />
With her lyrics in hand, she<br />
worked with her friend in producing<br />
the song. Meeting almost 10 times<br />
in five- to eight-hour sessions within<br />
the span of 4 weeks, Torres and her<br />
‘‘<br />
Sometimes a song comes out<br />
right away, but usually it stays<br />
as a phrase or a couple stanzas<br />
before I finish it.”<br />
friend played around with the vocals<br />
and arrangement until they were<br />
satisfied with the single.<br />
“I almost didn’t release it because<br />
it felt like it was never going to feel<br />
right, but eventually we got to a point<br />
where we were happy with how it<br />
sounded.”<br />
However, Torres’ musical journey<br />
began long before the taskless hours<br />
of social distancing.<br />
Growing up in a musical family,<br />
Torres began singing and playing instruments<br />
at a young age. Her musical<br />
interest sparked when she picked<br />
up the trumpet.<br />
Her overall interest in music eventually<br />
led her to write songs.<br />
“I used to write silly little songs<br />
when I was little with my sister, but I<br />
actually started writing songs more<br />
seriously after a unit on poetry in 8th<br />
grade,” Torres said. “I wrote a lot of<br />
sonnets and villanelles which I set to<br />
music just for fun.”<br />
Inspired by her everyday surroundings<br />
and occurrences, Torres uses<br />
music as a place to relay her emotions,<br />
problems, thoughts and feelings. Her<br />
lyrics and songs become valuable<br />
timestamps in her life, capturing specific<br />
moments and feelings forever.<br />
Along with singing and writing<br />
music, Torres also began producing<br />
music to personally mold her lyrics<br />
into songs.<br />
“I like having my hand on all aspects<br />
of my music as of now, but I’m<br />
trying to widen my horizons when it<br />
comes to working with other people.”<br />
Currently working on an EP (extended<br />
play), she hopes to have a full<br />
length album by the time she graduates<br />
high school.<br />
Torres’ songs are available on<br />
her Instagram @singing_intheraine,<br />
TikTok @raynetorrez and Spotify and<br />
Apple Music under Raine. <strong>The</strong>re are<br />
also unofficial releases on her You-<br />
Tube channel Raine T.<br />
“It’s crazy that people actually listen<br />
to the music I make in my room and<br />
I’m so grateful to everyone who has.”
theMIRROR | A T H L E T I C S |<br />
| OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> |15<br />
Sports returning for charters, LAUSD still down<br />
No first downs. No screaming fans. No<br />
Homecoming game or parade. No aces or<br />
faults. No spectators. No competitions.<br />
Covid-19 has shut down the state, the city<br />
and the schools. And along with the schools, it has shut<br />
down all prep sports competitions.<br />
This fall/winter season, football, volleyball, basketball,<br />
aquatic sports, wrestling, golf, tennis, track and field, among<br />
other sports have been put on hiatus. <strong>The</strong> spring doesn’t look<br />
much better. As of right now, LAUSD has no certain plans.<br />
But, drastic changes will be made to how sports will<br />
return and how they will operate.<br />
<strong>The</strong> possibility of sports returning soon is low but not<br />
impossible. “You gotta go by what the district says as a<br />
whole,” the school’s athletic director Dan Lev said. “<strong>The</strong>y’re<br />
saying go forward in December. That’s it and nothing’s<br />
guaranteed right now until we know what’s going on.”<br />
To try to stay in shape some student athletes are<br />
working out independently. “Working out alone makes<br />
you more independent.” senior Samira Negrete, who is on<br />
the varsity track and field team, said.<br />
“You don’t have anyone else telling you what to do.<br />
You need to have that initiative to get up and put in<br />
everything you’ve got. When we come back that work will<br />
show.” she concluded.<br />
Other teams have student-run practices outside of<br />
school. “Occasionally we will get together and practice<br />
outside with a grass net,” Jake Stanley, captain of the<br />
varsity boys volleyball team, said. “We all wear masks,<br />
sanitize, and keep our distance to make sure everyone is<br />
safe. Everything we do is self-directed.”<br />
Some teams hold Zoom practices made up of group<br />
stretches and home-friendly workouts, but this solution<br />
is not well-received by all student athletes.<br />
“I believe virtual practices are a waste of time,” Bryan<br />
Merida, team captain of the boys wrestling team, said. “I<br />
don’t believe I will wrestle this school year regardless if<br />
schools open up which sucks — I hate it. I was so excited<br />
for the upcoming season and now I won’t get a last season.”<br />
LAUSD’s only long term plan right now is to arm coaches<br />
with a temperature gun for temperature checks before<br />
practices and games — when competition resumes. If a<br />
student has a fever they will be sent home or will be denied<br />
entry. When student athletes visit from other schools, they<br />
will be held to the same safety standards.<br />
Coaches will have a tabby sheet at every practice to<br />
record athletes’ temperatures and answers to questions<br />
such as whether they have been in contact with anyone<br />
who has covid-19 or if they have been sick recently.<br />
Positive or symptomatic students will not be penalized.<br />
“If you’re sick, you’re sick,” Director Levy said. “How<br />
could we punish you because you’re sick?”<br />
Once an excluded student tests negative he or she will<br />
be able to return to practice.<br />
During in-person practices students will be required to<br />
wear masks at all times.<br />
Anyone who cannot wear a mask will be required to<br />
maintain six feet of distance from others.<br />
During matches students will be required to wear masks<br />
if possible. As a secondary precaution if wearing a mask<br />
is not possible all students will be required to fill out the<br />
covid-19 questionnaire and will need a temperature check.<br />
“As much as I’d like to be able to play senior year, I<br />
don’t think the experience would be the same because of<br />
covid,” varsity golfer Daria Sabar said.<br />
“Senior year is always a big deal for any athletics team,<br />
so it’s sad that seniors this year won’t be able to play. That<br />
being said I don’t think that athletics has a future this<br />
year even though the plan is to start up in December. Covid<br />
isn’t under control and LAUSD seems to be apprehensive<br />
about reopening,” she continued.<br />
“To be honest it’s strange but, hopefully we are allowed<br />
to play. <strong>The</strong>re is so much uncertainty especially for us seniors,”<br />
varsity football defensive end Harman Gakhal added.<br />
When will things get back to normal for student athletes?<br />
Not anytime in the near future, according to Mr. Levy.<br />
“If you guys don’t come back until [next] season, no one’s<br />
gonna play anything.”<br />
As of right now, Lake Balboa Birmingham is the first<br />
independent charter school to launch workouts, beating<br />
LAUSD schools by at least two weeks. Conditioning for<br />
football and volleyball athletes begin Monday.<br />
With covid-19 cases projected to surge in the coming<br />
months, athletes and fans can be assured that campus<br />
sports won’t return until at least 2021 at the earliest.<br />
Keeping<br />
healthy in<br />
quarantine<br />
and students are finding ways to<br />
stay healthy during the covid-19<br />
lockdown.<br />
<strong>The</strong> idea of staying home<br />
from school and having<br />
time to engage in<br />
personal interests and<br />
hobbies was the dream for most<br />
students. Covid-19 has made this<br />
a reality for more than thirty-nine<br />
million Californians, who have had<br />
to adjust to drab life in quarantine.<br />
Despite the increased time individuals<br />
are spending in their homes,<br />
many students’ physical health is<br />
actually suffering.<br />
Many people have become more<br />
susceptible to not exercising regularly.<br />
“Since physical activities are limited<br />
due to quarantine, I feel that many<br />
students are not partaking in exercising,”<br />
Physical Education teacher Ms.<br />
Maria Renard said.<br />
Small spaces, large families and<br />
more obstacles of that nature are<br />
often overlooked factors for students’<br />
limited exercise.<br />
“Having a small space can be very<br />
difficult for me because sometimes<br />
it can result in me not being able to<br />
complete my full workout,” freshman<br />
Karen Cordon said.<br />
However, students’ greatest challenge<br />
is finding motivation to exercise.<br />
“Unfortunately my family doesn’t<br />
like to exercise, so I’m just surrounded<br />
by people that dont want to do it.”<br />
Karyme Garcia, captain of the girls<br />
swim team, said. “I lose motivation because<br />
I have nobody to workout with<br />
or to push me to work out.”<br />
This negative mindset towards<br />
exercise is harmful for individuals,<br />
especially students, because physical<br />
activity is known to be very beneficial<br />
for physical, emotional and<br />
mental health.<br />
Exercising lowers the risk of diseases<br />
such as obesity, type 2 diabetes<br />
and high blood pressure. Staying<br />
active also improves mood and sleep<br />
and reduces stress and anxiety.<br />
Ms. Renard advises students to<br />
commit to a consistent workout<br />
Quarantine has provided countless obstacles to<br />
getting regular exercise, but the Physical Education<br />
Department is trying to keep students active.<br />
regimen by finding physical activities<br />
they actually enjoy like playing sports,<br />
dancing or jumping rope.<br />
“Find a workout you enjoy and do<br />
it as if your health depends on it.”<br />
She also recommends trying short,<br />
self-directed exercises to better fit<br />
into students’ busy schedules.<br />
“I recommend the 7-Minute Workout<br />
app. This is an app that contains<br />
many great home workouts and<br />
keeps track of your monthly progress,”<br />
Ms. Renard said. “You can find<br />
great short workouts online.”<br />
<strong>The</strong> P.E. Department has been<br />
working on modifying exercises to<br />
best accommodate students’ environment<br />
in their classes.<br />
P.E. classes have been practicing<br />
high-intensity interval training (HIIT),<br />
conditioning and other easy-to-follow<br />
exercises.<br />
“I am using Google slides to<br />
introduce my lessons and include<br />
embedded YouTube videos on fitness,<br />
charts, agendas and more,” Ms.<br />
Renard said. “I use Zoom to interact<br />
and exercise with my students using<br />
Spotify for music.”<br />
Through Zoom, teachers are able<br />
to give students feedback, correct exercise<br />
techniques and motivate them<br />
to perform at their best.<br />
“It [P.E.] gives me more comfortable<br />
space to workout without the<br />
feeling of judgement from my peers,”<br />
Cordon, a P.E. student in Mr. Min Woo<br />
So’s fifth period said. “However, I can’t<br />
always follow along with the workouts<br />
the teacher assigns us to do.”<br />
“It has been challenging to teach<br />
students fitness and sports in an<br />
online setting,” Ms. Renard said.<br />
“Learning online is not the same and<br />
I can’t wait to go back and work with<br />
everyone in person again.”
16 | OCTOBER <strong>2020</strong> | | A T H L E T I C S |<br />
theMIRROR<br />
Bookworm, musician, gamer<br />
and team captain of the<br />
VNHS Volleyball team are all<br />
descrptions of Jake Stanley.<br />
With a 6’2” physique that resembles<br />
a Greek demi-god, Stanley has prepared<br />
himself for a huge upcoming season.<br />
How long have you been playing volleyball?<br />
“I started when I was in seventh grade<br />
making this my sixth year.”<br />
What made you get into volleyball so<br />
early?<br />
“I had played sports when I was youngersuch<br />
as baseball and soccer but I’d kind<br />
of bounced between those and never<br />
took to one. After a two year break from<br />
How was it joining the team as a freshman<br />
varsity player?<br />
“Well, I’d actually gone out to see a game<br />
of the boys team when I was in eighth<br />
grade. After that game, I had already<br />
decided to go to VNHS so I introduced<br />
myself to the coach.<br />
He was starting up the program at<br />
that time, he had just taken over that year<br />
from the previous coach. It was a fairly<br />
simple process to get into the program<br />
after that, Coach Omri knew who I was<br />
so he invited me to play a bit. It was kind<br />
of informal but, at tryouts it was all about<br />
getting to know the kids that you have.<br />
He just wanted to get people into the<br />
program, as any sports program does<br />
really. He saw I had prior experience so he<br />
decided to put me on the varsity team.”<br />
Was there any uncertainty going in as a<br />
What was your progression from freshman<br />
to senior team captain?<br />
I’d always always had that sort of senior<br />
role because I’d been there a year before<br />
my current teammates. I took a lot of<br />
roles outside of the game. I was making<br />
sure everyone was doing okay mentally.<br />
How has your academic life been outside<br />
of sports?<br />
“Sophomore year I had to really double<br />
down on the amount of time I was spending<br />
on homework.<br />
Junior year was the same way, outside<br />
of practicing and school I had very little<br />
time other than doing homework and<br />
eating. It got to be a little tough to deal<br />
with but because I love the sport as much<br />
as I do, it was a little easier. Even if I didn’t<br />
get to rest as much as maybe would be<br />
preferred.<br />
the summer I did a lot of work putting<br />
together videos and reaching out to colleges.<br />
I have not committed to any college<br />
yet but, I do have several colleges that are<br />
interested in having me in their program<br />
or at least would be interested to see me<br />
as a walk on, should I decide to go to their<br />
school.<br />
Out of the schools that I’ve reached<br />
out to, those who have responded back<br />
so far are top D3 schools. <strong>The</strong> Milwaukee<br />
<strong>School</strong> of Engineering has shown interest<br />
in me and want me to visit their school<br />
sometime in November. I don’t know if<br />
that’s going to happen still, though due to<br />
covid-19. I had also contacted Santa Cruz,<br />
unfortunately to get back to me, they’re<br />
also a top school.<br />
<strong>The</strong> universities that have shown an<br />
interest in considering me as a walk on<br />
would be UCSD, which is a D1 program,<br />
SPIKE BALL Stanley takes on<br />
the role of middle hitter and<br />
at times opposite hitter.<br />
Varsity team captain<br />
Jake Stanley has<br />
volleyball in his veins<br />
SUPER<br />
SPIKER<br />
sports, my parents pushed me to play<br />
sports again. That sport happened to be<br />
volleyball.”<br />
Why’d you stick with it? What made it<br />
different from the other sports?<br />
“I just found it to be a very interesting<br />
sport. It’s very dynamic and complicated.<br />
It requires a very, very precise control<br />
over movements, both in the air and on<br />
the ground.”<br />
Was volleyball love at first sight or did<br />
you grow into it?<br />
“My first club year was in eighth grade<br />
and that’s when I really took a liking<br />
to it.<br />
It was my ninth grade year though<br />
when I decided that it was something that<br />
I really wanted to stick with and that I<br />
loved to do.”<br />
freshman?<br />
“Well I was the only freshman on the varsity<br />
team and I was one of the few freshmen<br />
who joined that year. Going into it. I<br />
thought it was good and I felt that I was<br />
made welcome. <strong>The</strong>re were a lot of good<br />
kids on the team my first year.”<br />
Is there a sense of pride starting in this<br />
program?<br />
“Yeah, I’m just proud of my coach for doing<br />
all that he’s done. He has done a whole<br />
lot for the program. In the short time<br />
that he’s been here, he set up our website<br />
on his own, he videotapes most of our<br />
games — all of them for this year. And he’s<br />
been responsible for getting us into a lot<br />
of tournaments and really expanding the<br />
level of play and amount of play we have<br />
inside and outside of the season.<br />
I’m just thankful for all that he’s done. ”<br />
It was a lot of work but, I think it was<br />
definitely worth it. I strive for academic<br />
success as much as I do athletic success.<br />
I have to reiterate, I’m a studentathlete<br />
but student always comes first.<br />
At one point in your life athletics will<br />
end. But what you’ve learned in school<br />
will be carried with you, at least for<br />
some time.”<br />
What colleges are you looking at?<br />
“As much as I’ve been doing work to put<br />
myself out there, I started fairly late in<br />
the recruitment game. Volleyball recruiting<br />
for men’s volleyball starts as early as<br />
eighth grade. I was still learning the sport<br />
when I was in eighth grade, I’m still learning<br />
the sport now.<br />
Even junior year is a bit late to start the<br />
recruitment process. But I have reached<br />
out to a lot of colleges recently. Over<br />
and Harvard. But so far, that’s still sort of<br />
in the middle, neither here nor there. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
need to see more of me, and I need to<br />
show them a bit more.”<br />
What is your dream school?<br />
“I have several but if we are looking<br />
overall, UCLA just because it’s such a solid<br />
school. It’s close and I like big schools, just<br />
because I’ve grown up in a fairly big city.<br />
Stanford is also great unfortunately, they<br />
stopped their men’s volleyball program<br />
after this year. <strong>The</strong> Board of Trustees decided<br />
to strike it down along with 12 other<br />
programs, but who knows, maybe they’ll<br />
reconsider?<br />
Harvard would be great, Princeton<br />
would be great, UCSD and UC Irvine<br />
would be great, all these big name schools.<br />
<strong>The</strong>y are all big schools, all good schools,<br />
all solid volleyball schools as well.”