North Canterbury News: October 29, 2020
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Thursday,<strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>,<strong>2020</strong> | Issue920 |<br />
Move to<br />
protect<br />
airfield<br />
Little Brix is in peak form<br />
Efforts to safeguardthe future of<br />
Rangiora Airfield are behind the<br />
Waimakariri DistrictCouncil’s<br />
decision to buyanadjoining property.<br />
The purchaseofthe 1.9hectare<br />
MertonRoadblock, which includes a<br />
house, willnot resultinalengthening<br />
of the runway.<br />
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon<br />
saidthe mainrunway wasextended in<br />
2005.<br />
‘‘The length is sufficientfor the<br />
aircraft thatuse,orare likelytouse,<br />
the airfield.Consequently, thereare<br />
no planstoextendthe runway.’’<br />
The councildoes not intend to have<br />
longterm ownership of the property,<br />
he says. ‘‘Whenitissold therewill be<br />
appropriate covenantsonthe titleto<br />
protect thelongterm operation of the<br />
airfield.’’<br />
He would not disclosethe purchase<br />
price.<br />
‘‘The council doesnot disclosethe<br />
purchase price of properties as this<br />
could affectthe eventualresale.’’<br />
Although the runway willnot be<br />
extended,future development of the<br />
councilowned andoperated airfieldis<br />
expected to include an increase in air<br />
traffic volume.<br />
In 2018, the councillookedtoimpose<br />
65 decibel (dBA) and 55dBAnoise<br />
contoursaroundthe airfield.<br />
The council’sDistrict Plan Review<br />
committee recently approved the<br />
contours, with no appeals lodged<br />
againstthe noise contours.<br />
The airfield is recognised as a<br />
strategic asset in Environment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s regionalpolicy<br />
statement.<br />
Champion of the summit ... There is nothing like an invigorating climb up amountain to make adog’s day. Brix, aCairn terrierJack<br />
Russell cross, added Mt Richardson, near Oxford, to her list of conquests on Labour Day. Brix took the climb to the top in her little<br />
stride, accompanied by Annabelle Latz. The welltravelled family dog has climbed Mt Richardson, Mt Thomas, Mt Grey and Mt Oxford<br />
at least once this year, as she helps Annabelle prepare for the Tarawera Ultramarathon 10miler in Rotorua in February. Despite her<br />
limited stature, Brix never needs to be carried during mountain runs, and leaves Annabelle in awe of her ability to descend technically<br />
demanding trails at speed. ‘‘I wish Icould do it as fast as she does.’’<br />
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NEWS<br />
2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
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Matt claims chess title<br />
Rangiora’s Matt<br />
McNabb has wonthe<br />
South Island Chess<br />
Championship for the<br />
secondyear in arow.<br />
LastyearMatt, a<br />
41yearoldcomputer<br />
programmer, shared<br />
the title withEdward<br />
Lee,ofInvercargill.<br />
Thisyear Mattwon the<br />
title outright.<br />
He is also the 2019<br />
New Zealand<br />
Correspondence<br />
Champion. He hasbeen<br />
playingchess sincehe<br />
was five andtaking part<br />
in competitive chess<br />
since he was nine.<br />
His loveofchess<br />
camefrom his late<br />
maternal grandfather,<br />
StanShaw, of Kaiapoi,<br />
who bequeathed hima<br />
handcarvedchess set.<br />
Mattwas initially<br />
Victa walkbehind mowers<br />
from Only $399<br />
taughttoplaybyStan,<br />
but also learnt from a<br />
computer programme<br />
and library books.<br />
He also tookpartina<br />
junior coaching session<br />
in Christchurch when<br />
he was nine.<br />
Matt, whoisa<br />
memberofthe<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> ChessClub,<br />
saysevery game is<br />
different.‘‘Thereare no<br />
randomelements.Itis<br />
all downtoskill.’’<br />
Matthas met one of<br />
New Zealand’smost<br />
famous chess players,<br />
the late GenesisPotini,<br />
whose lifewas<br />
portrayedbyKiwi actor<br />
Cliff Curtis in the 2014<br />
film TheDarkHorse.<br />
Thisyear’s South<br />
Island Championship<br />
was hostedbytheOtago<br />
Chess Club in Dunedin<br />
from<strong>October</strong>3until<br />
<strong>October</strong>10.<br />
Stiga ride-on mowers<br />
from $3499<br />
Chesschampion ... Matt McNabb, of<br />
Rangiora, has won the South Island Chess<br />
Championship for asecond year.<br />
Allan'smotto is `be prepared'<br />
Preparing foranemergency is as important as<br />
dealingwithone. AllanGriggisawareofthis<br />
and all thedetails in between.<br />
He is anew face for some at the Hurunui<br />
District Council,and afamiliar face for others.<br />
With his hat on as emergency management<br />
officer(EMO), he will be working with council<br />
and the district’s communities, providing<br />
educationand support aroundrisk<br />
management, response methods, and<br />
community resilience.<br />
“It’s about helpingcommunitiesprepare for<br />
and recoverfrom adverse events<br />
such as floods, earthquakes, strong<br />
wind events, fires,and tsunamis, to<br />
name just afew. It couldeven be a<br />
meteorite strike.”<br />
Allan had adualrole during his<br />
previous eightyear tenureatthe<br />
council, as EMO and principalrural<br />
fire officer.<br />
For thepast two years he has been<br />
with the Ministry of Civil Defence<br />
Emergency Management (CDEM),<br />
based in Christchurch, as regional<br />
adviserbetweenthe National CivilDefence<br />
office and CDEM organisations in the West<br />
Coast, Nelson, Marlborough and Tasman<br />
regions. “Themain mission was to provide<br />
CDEM advice.”<br />
Allan said it was agreat way to gainagreater<br />
appreciation of the links between local<br />
communitiesand nationallevelemergency<br />
management. “Thebetterpreparedalocal<br />
community is,the more resources they will<br />
receive. It all comes down to the flowof<br />
informationofwhat communities need.”<br />
Allan is nowthrilled to be backinrurallife<br />
in Hurunui. “It’s absolutely fantastic being<br />
back. Especiallythe oneminute commute to<br />
the office. I’m looking forward to reconnecting<br />
with people in this great community, whom I<br />
have workedwith before.”<br />
Allan has takenaslight sidestep in hisfirefighting<br />
capacity, too,being amember of the<br />
Amberley Volunteer Fire Brigadefor more<br />
than two years.<br />
When he was principalruralfire officer, he<br />
managed 100 ruralfire officers throughout<br />
Hurunui.<br />
“There is agreat level of fellowship<br />
in the brigade, it’s agreatbunch<br />
of people.Firefighting allows youto<br />
develop and improve yourself<br />
physically andmentally.”<br />
Thereisone significant similarity<br />
between firefighting and CDEM<br />
work.“Relationships and<br />
preparation are absolutely critical.”<br />
The first part of 2021 will be busy<br />
for Allan, working withcommunities<br />
to create theirown response teams.<br />
“It’sabout coming togetherwith<br />
communities,lookingattheir risk profile, what<br />
will potentially endanger them,what their<br />
actionplan will be, and what resources they<br />
currentlyhave,and need.”<br />
He cannot emphasise enough the importance<br />
for communities to get to know the risks at their<br />
own home. “I say, lookaround you, whatcan<br />
you do to reduce you own risk?”<br />
One example is reducing the riskofwildfires.<br />
“Don’tlet debris stay under your deck. Most<br />
fires tendtoburn through ember transfer.<br />
Clean your gutters, and keepdebris away from<br />
the house.Choose nonflammable plants.”<br />
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Mayor will<br />
push local<br />
interests<br />
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon<br />
says he looks forward to working<br />
with the incoming government<br />
‘‘to further the district’s<br />
interests’’.<br />
Electionnightresultsgave the<br />
Labour Partyaclearmajority<br />
with 64 seats, while the Green<br />
Partyhas 10 seats.<br />
‘‘We lookforward to working<br />
with the newly reelected<br />
government,whatever its final<br />
makeup is, and we will continue<br />
to work withour two local<br />
(National) MPs Matt Doocey and<br />
Stuart Smith.’’<br />
Mr Gordon saysthe council<br />
will continue to push for public<br />
transport solutions and for<br />
support for major road projects.<br />
‘‘Thetransportinvestment in<br />
this district is importanttous,<br />
and that includes theWoodend<br />
Bypass, the Woodend safety<br />
improvements, the<br />
improvements at Tram Rd and<br />
the Skew Bridge upgrade.’’<br />
Another priority is working<br />
with the <strong>Canterbury</strong>District<br />
Health Board for extended hours<br />
at the new medical centre<br />
proposed for Rangiora.<br />
‘‘We’re waiting to get it signed<br />
off by the Minister (of Health)<br />
and once the new minister is<br />
confirmed, Iwill be making<br />
contact to follow up.’’<br />
The Greater Christchurch<br />
Partnership will also be seeking<br />
to establish an urban growth<br />
agreementwith the government.<br />
Mr Gordon saysthe council is<br />
also looking forward to working<br />
with the government on<br />
freshwater and threewaters<br />
reforms, as wellasstarting work<br />
on the Kaiapoi stormwater<br />
project, which has $9 million in<br />
stimulus funding from central<br />
government.<br />
Otherpriorities for the council<br />
include continuing to work on<br />
the 2021/31Long Term Plan and<br />
the District Plan, due to go out<br />
for consultationinMarch.<br />
Mr Gordon saysheisunsure<br />
whether Labourwill go it alone<br />
or enter anew coalition withthe<br />
Greens. ‘‘Obviously it can be<br />
easier to govern alone if you have<br />
the numbers, but Ialso like to see<br />
the partiescollaborating and it<br />
wouldgive them astronger<br />
mandate.’’<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
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Studentled ... New Ashgrove School principal Leon Van’tVeenGibbon meetsstudent council members to discussthe school’s values.<br />
‘Mr V’ settles in at the helm<br />
Ashgrove School’s new principal sayshe<br />
has returned ‘‘home’’.<br />
Born andbredin<strong>Canterbury</strong>,Leon<br />
Van’t VeenGibbon —or ‘‘Mr V’’ to the<br />
pupils —is no stranger to Rangiora,<br />
having directed soldout showsfor<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals when he<br />
previously lived in the region.<br />
‘‘It’s great to behomeand Ashgrove<br />
really is the place to be. It has areally<br />
special feel aboutit.’’<br />
He has alongstandingrelationship<br />
with <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals and the<br />
HartleySchoolofPerforming Arts as a<br />
performerand adirector of the soldout<br />
seasonsofLes Miserables and Jesus<br />
Christ Superstar.<br />
Leon began his teaching career at an<br />
intermediate school in Christchurch<br />
where he spent 14 years, rising to deputy<br />
principal.<br />
He returns home after a10year stint<br />
at aschool in Auckland,where he<br />
served the last three yearsasprincipal.<br />
Leon, who took over his new role in<br />
term four, says he is looking forward to<br />
getting to know the community.<br />
❛Ihave areal passion for learning through an arts lens. While<br />
reading, writing and maths are important, as is sport, Ibelieve the<br />
arts breed selfconfidence and self belief.❜<br />
‘‘The most important thing is the<br />
relationships.Relationships mean<br />
everything in schools and I’m just<br />
getting to know areally great<br />
community.<br />
‘‘Coming in for the fourth term means<br />
Iget to meet people, get to knowthe<br />
kids, the community and my staff, and to<br />
see the school in action.<br />
‘‘I’m looking forward to planning new<br />
and excitingthings for next year.’’<br />
While he says it is too early to say what<br />
changes might be made, Leon looks<br />
forwardtoinjecting ‘‘laughter’’, his<br />
passion for the arts, and he plans to<br />
create a‘‘localised curriculum’’.<br />
‘‘Laughter is really important to me.<br />
Laughterisbeing happy and being<br />
positive, whichisgreat for mindfulness<br />
and wellbeing.Positivity and vibrancy<br />
helpaschool hum,’’ he says.<br />
—LeonVan’t VeenGibbon<br />
‘‘I have areal passion for learning<br />
through anarts lens. Whilereading,<br />
writing and maths are important, as is<br />
sport, Ibelieve the arts breeds selfconfidence<br />
and self belief.<br />
‘‘I’ve writtenarticles about it.’’<br />
As much as he enjoys leading aschool,<br />
Leonalso‘‘loves opportunities’’ to teach<br />
in the classroom and to work alongside<br />
the teachers and supportstaff.<br />
‘‘I wanttohelp themtobethe best<br />
teachers they can be and give themthe<br />
support to do the job as well as they<br />
can.’’<br />
For now,his focus is on getting to<br />
knowthe schooland the wider<br />
community, ‘‘and celebrating the<br />
wonderful strengths that we have,<br />
getting to know the people, respecting<br />
the pastand leading today for abetter<br />
tomorrow’’.<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
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<br />
<br />
Fundraising initiative ... Butterfly Run organisers, from left, Aleisha Black, Barbara<br />
Frazer and Corrine Christian with her daughter Rose.<br />
Inaugural fun run<br />
well supported<br />
The inaugural Butterfly Fun Run, held<br />
during the recent Baby Loss Awareness<br />
Week,drew people honouring their lost<br />
little ones, supporters of the cause, and<br />
thosewho turned up to enjoyarun.<br />
Participants in the event, at the<br />
Groynes Reserve,Christchurch, ran or<br />
walked ascenic6km track.<br />
MiscarriageMatters NZ chairwoman<br />
Aleisha Black said participants<br />
positivelysupported the cause.<br />
Hurunui MayorMarie Black, who<br />
started the run, saidshe stood before<br />
participants as adaughter,sister,<br />
mother and grandmother.<br />
‘‘It is important to acknowledge<br />
special relationships and that<br />
miscarriagedoesmatter,’’ she said.<br />
Joel Philps andJozef Knottenbelt<br />
were the firsttofinish.<br />
The event was well supported by local<br />
businesses, withspot prizesfrom the<br />
Christchurch SymphonyOrchestra,<br />
BlackCat Cruises,Cloud9 Float Club,<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> RiverstoRanges,Dr<br />
Bugs Popcorn, and the Christchurch<br />
Casino.<br />
All participants received abanana as<br />
they finished thanks to Dole.<br />
The event was also well supportedby<br />
Technical Event Solutions (TES), Sport<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, photographerCamila<br />
Jordo, and dance instructorCharis<br />
Ripley,who took the warmup.<br />
Miscarriage Matters NZ head of<br />
fundraisingCorrine Christiansaid it<br />
was agood response for thefirstevent.<br />
It enabled the grouptoraise money<br />
for its care package initiative in<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> and the West Coast.<br />
It has givenout 563 care packages,<br />
containing items for families affected by<br />
miscarriage, since it started distributing<br />
theminApril.<br />
The group collaborateswith Sands<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> for the packages distributed<br />
at Christchurch Hospital, where at least<br />
one is neededeveryday.<br />
SheaAddison, the head of care<br />
packages for the organisation,says many<br />
families experience miscarriage.<br />
‘‘Our carepackages are away that we<br />
can reach out to themstraight away and<br />
acknowledge whatthey are going<br />
through. We have put alot of thought<br />
intomaking them somethingthat<br />
expresses loveand support.’’<br />
To learnmore,visit<br />, and sands.<br /><br />
Garden club marks 75 years<br />
The Woodend Garden Clubisset to mark<br />
its 75th anniversarynext week.<br />
PresidentShirleyWheeler saidthe<br />
club was formed in 1945 at the end of<br />
WorldWar 2, when somelocal ladies<br />
were lookingfor social outings.<br />
‘‘They were farmers’ wives with the<br />
Anglican church in Woodend and they<br />
decided to form agarden circle.’’<br />
In the early years,the club met in an<br />
old Anglican church halluntil it burnt<br />
down.<br />
‘‘When Istarted going, the oldhall was<br />
stillthere.There was no heaterinthose<br />
days,sointhe winter there was aroster of<br />
who tookwood for the fire.’’<br />
Afterthe fire,the club met in the<br />
Methodist churchhall and thenthe<br />
bowlingclub, until the membership<br />
outgrew the venue.<br />
The Woodend Community Centre<br />
opened at the right time and the club has<br />
been meetingthere eversince.<br />
‘‘We tried runninggarden competitions<br />
for awhile, but people were abit shy<br />
about entering their gardens,soitwas<br />
hard work,’’ Mrs Wheeler says.<br />
‘‘But when we did do it, it was great, but<br />
we haven’t had them for years.’’<br />
More successfulwas the club’s<br />
involvement with the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Horticultural Society, including putting<br />
together displaysaspart of festivals on<br />
the Avon River and in Victoria Square in<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Ahighlight was winning asilver medal<br />
at the Ellerslie FlowerShow in<br />
Christchurch,‘‘which was such athrill’’,<br />
Mrs Wheeler says.<br />
‘‘We had alot of laughs and alot of<br />
pride to thinkwewere there doingthat,<br />
and the local businesseswere very good<br />
at supporting us.’’<br />
In recent years theclub has taken over<br />
the running of the WoodendSpring<br />
Flower Show in partnership with the<br />
WoodendLions.<br />
To mark75years, the club willhold a<br />
lunch on Friday, November6,at<br />
Rosebank in Belfast.
In brief<br />
Crashvictim named<br />
The man who died after atrailercarrying<br />
glass panelsallegedlydetached from a<br />
van and hit his vehicle in the Weka Pass<br />
last Fridayhas been named by police. He<br />
was Julian BruinsYates,aged 52, from<br />
Akaroa.Police investigations into the<br />
crash are continuing.<br />
Boating accident<br />
The man who died after aboating<br />
accidentonthe Waimakariri River, near<br />
Kaiapoi, last Wednesday,has been<br />
named.Hewas RichardNeilson Brons,<br />
aged 68, of Amberley.<br />
Grey Power meeting<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> branch of Grey<br />
Power will meet on November 3inthe<br />
RSA Lounge, Victoria Street, Rangiora,<br />
at 1.30pm.Members and new members<br />
are welcome. The speakers will be B<br />
Palliser,from Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>,<br />
and HWilson, from St John. Contact Jan<br />
Pentecost on (03) 312 9331 or email<br />
jan.pentecost@gmail.comfor more<br />
information.<br />
Pocket money donated<br />
Ayoung fan has given his pocket money<br />
to support wrybill birds. William Clark,<br />
aged 6, of Ashley School, and his dad,<br />
Robert, visited the wrybills recently with<br />
Ashley Rakahuri Rivercare Group<br />
chairman Nick Ledgard, after William<br />
donated some of his pocket money to the<br />
organisation. ‘‘From theirhouse they can<br />
see the willow trees liningthe Ashley<br />
Rakahuri River and William is very<br />
aware that there are rare native birds<br />
nesting on the riverbed,‘‘ Nick says.<br />
Chancetocelebrate<br />
Kaiapoi High School is celebrating its<br />
growing Pasifika community.<br />
The schoolwill holdits firstMaoriand<br />
Pasifika prizegivingand celebration on<br />
Tuesday evening as it recognises its<br />
growing multicultural schoolroll,<br />
principalBruce Kearney says.<br />
‘‘We havetraditionallybeen abicultural<br />
school, with astrongEuropean and Maori<br />
presence,but what we are finding is that,<br />
as our school rollgrows, so is our cultural<br />
diversity,and it’s fantastic.’’<br />
Next year the schoolisset to welcomea<br />
record 250year 9pupils, including several<br />
youngpeople from Pacific Island families.<br />
Year 13 pupil EmmaKennar has been<br />
the school’s Pasifika studentleaderthis<br />
year and is proud of her culture.<br />
‘‘As aprincipal,young peoplelike Emma<br />
are gold as they allow young peopleto<br />
believe in themselves,’’ Mr Kearneysays.<br />
‘‘We don’t wantMaori and Pasifika<br />
students to conform. We wantthem to take<br />
prideinthemselves and their culture and<br />
to evolve.’’<br />
Emma says the Pasifika student group<br />
brings together amix of cultures, including<br />
Samoan, Tongan, Fijian, CookIslands and<br />
‘‘mixed race’’ individuals.<br />
‘‘We are mostly girls. The boysare still a<br />
bit shy to be themselves, but we want them<br />
to know it’sOKtobeyourself.<br />
‘‘I came here in year 10 fromSamoaand<br />
Iused to get bullied because Iwas the<br />
‘Pakeha girl’ and Icouldn’t speak<br />
Samoan.’’<br />
Emma has beenworking with deputy<br />
head studentWaiora Brooks and deputy<br />
principalElizabeth McMeeken to plan the<br />
Maoriand Pasifika evening.<br />
‘‘It’s going to be so cool,’’Waiora says.<br />
‘‘It’s amazing, we are seeinglots of<br />
Pasifika which is nice. Each culture brings<br />
adifferent element.’’<br />
Cultural diversity ... Emma Kennar, left,<br />
and Waiora Brooks are looking forward to<br />
Kaiapoi High School’s first Maori and<br />
Pasifika prizegiving and celebration next<br />
week.<br />
Mr Kearney agrees.‘‘Each cultureadds<br />
another flavour, sitting alongside sexuality<br />
and sporting diversity.<br />
‘‘We needtoembrace it and not push<br />
againstit, because the strongerthe link is<br />
the easieritistosay that any kind of<br />
racism is not acceptable.’’<br />
Awards will be presented for community<br />
service at school and in the community,<br />
such as at church,and demonstrating<br />
school spirit, along with some academic<br />
and sportsawards.<br />
‘‘There will be some uplifting awards for<br />
good role models,’’Waiora says.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
2325223<br />
5<br />
Policy views sought<br />
Waimakariri residentsare invited to<br />
sharetheir viewsonclimatechange.<br />
The Waimakariri District Council is<br />
seeking feedbackasitdevelops aclimate<br />
change policy.<br />
The council’s2019communitysurvey<br />
showed growing concern about the issue,<br />
with more than70percentof<br />
respondents either concerned or very<br />
concerned. Residentsalso asked the<br />
council to prioritise climatechange in<br />
the 2019 customer satisfactionsurvey.<br />
If adopted, the policy commits the<br />
council to consideringclimate changein<br />
all council decisionmaking and work<br />
programmes, and measure emissions.<br />
The draft policy is available for<br />
feedback at<br />
untilFriday, November 12.<br />
The Rangiora Pottery Group<br />
presents<br />
aCelebration of Ceramics<br />
Exhibition <strong>2020</strong><br />
at Art on the Quay<br />
Ruataniwha Kaiapoi Civic Centre<br />
Cnr Williams St &Raven Quay, Kaiapoi<br />
Guest Exhibitor &Judge:<br />
Shona Clarkson<br />
Now Open<br />
until Wednesday 2nd December<br />
Hours: Mon –Wed &Fri 9am –5pm<br />
Thurs9am –7pm, Sat 10am –2pm &Sun 1pm -4pm
6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
Ok<br />
Around the electorate with<br />
Tough choices ahead<br />
The drawnout election campaign has<br />
come to an end and congratulations must<br />
go to the prime minister, who ranagood<br />
race and was rewarded with asecond<br />
term.<br />
Thankyou to the people of the<br />
Kaikouraelectorate for your support.<br />
We are fortunate to liveinsuch a<br />
wonderful place, which will come<br />
through the lockdown recovery period<br />
better than most.<br />
We havefantastic farmers and<br />
supporting industries thatwill be major<br />
contributorstoour economic recovery.<br />
We now wait for the Government to be<br />
sworninand to reveal its 100dayplan,<br />
whichwill set the scene and tone for our<br />
recovery.<br />
One thing we learnt from the 2017<br />
election is that promises are easy to<br />
make,but hard to deliver on. We cannot<br />
afford to makethat mistake again.<br />
Delivery is crucial and the Government<br />
must deliver this time.<br />
Childpovertywas akey issue in 2017<br />
and, unfortunately, six out of nine child<br />
poverty indicatorshaveworsened in the<br />
last three years.<br />
Ahuge concernofmineisthe<br />
significantamount of school time that<br />
students have missedover the last six<br />
months. This will need to be made up as<br />
education is crucial in promotingbetter<br />
outcomes for children experiencing<br />
material hardship. The Government must<br />
have aplan to ensurethis happens.<br />
Debate win<br />
An AshgroveSchool team of Year 8pupils,<br />
Perri Stevenson, Alex Ellerm and Matilda<br />
Fauth, won the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> interschool<br />
debating competition.<br />
The team beat Ohoka School in the final.<br />
‘‘The debatewas fantastic to listen to as<br />
bothteams heldtheir ground well,’’<br />
teacherand team coachMeganCherry<br />
said. ‘‘However, Ashgrovewere better with<br />
the rebuttals and the interjections.’’<br />
The debate was anew experience for all<br />
three team members, Perrisays.<br />
‘‘Wehad never debated against another<br />
school before. MrsCherry has been<br />
supporting andpushing us as well as our<br />
parents,’’ she says.<br />
‘‘Honestly we just jumped into debating<br />
so we could try somethingnew andnext<br />
thing youknow we had won the <strong>North</strong><br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Oct <strong>29</strong> Oct 30 Oct 31 Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4<br />
Rise 6:16am<br />
Set 8:09pm<br />
Best 11:30am<br />
Times 11:51pm<br />
Fair<br />
Rise 6:14am<br />
Set 8:11pm<br />
Best 12:11pm<br />
Times<br />
Housing is alsoahuge issue that needs<br />
to be addressed. We need to build alot<br />
more of them.<br />
However,wefound out that being a<br />
housing developer is not easy.Kiwibuild<br />
was an abjectfailure,even with the<br />
resourcesofthe Government behind it.<br />
Only afew houses were built and they<br />
don’t even meetthe standard that<br />
HousingNew Zealand requires to go into<br />
their pool.<br />
Reforming the ResourceManagement<br />
Act is long overdue and this would enable<br />
morehousestobebuilt far more quickly,<br />
as well as requiring councilstopermit<br />
morehousing.<br />
Climatechange wasalso akey issue in<br />
2017, as it is today, but our emissions<br />
increasedover the last threeyears and<br />
are forecast to continue rising throughto<br />
2025.<br />
Now that the campaign is over Ihave<br />
timetoread Bjorn Lomborg’s latest book,<br />
False Alarm,whichIrecommend to<br />
anyone interested in this crucial issue.<br />
The book is focused on tackling the<br />
issue in asensible and measuredway. It<br />
certainly does not encourage the<br />
spendingofbillions on apumped hydro<br />
scheme which may not make amaterial<br />
difference to the outcome.<br />
There are always challenges for<br />
incominggovernments and there are<br />
many waystoaddress them.<br />
It willbeinteresting to see which<br />
options the prime minister chooses.<br />
Debating success ... Ashgrove School’s<br />
team of Perri Stevenson, left, Alex Ellerm<br />
and Matilda Fauth was successful in winning<br />
the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> interschool debating<br />
competition.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> debate competition.<br />
‘‘We all felt great, relieved, and looking<br />
back on other debates, we all grew as<br />
individuals and as ateam,’’Perri says.<br />
In all23teams competed, including<br />
threefrom Ashgrove School.<br />
Good<br />
Rise 6:13am<br />
Set 8:12pm<br />
Best 12:31am<br />
Times 12:51pm<br />
Good<br />
Rise 6:11am<br />
Set 8:13pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Rise 6:10am<br />
Set 8:15pm<br />
Rise 6:09am<br />
Set 8:16pm<br />
Rise 6:07am<br />
Set 8:17pm<br />
Set 5:32am<br />
Set 5:53am<br />
Set 6:14am<br />
Set 6:36am<br />
Set 7:01am<br />
Set 7:30am<br />
Set 8:04am<br />
Rise 5:39pm<br />
Rise 6:39pm<br />
Rise 7:40pm<br />
Rise 8:41pm<br />
Rise 9:43pm<br />
Rise 10:45pm<br />
Rise 11:45pm<br />
Gentle SE becoming Gentle SE becoming Moderate Sturning Moderate SW turning Gentle Sbecoming Gentle Sbecoming<br />
moderate E<br />
moderate E<br />
W<br />
NE<br />
moderate SE<br />
fresh NE<br />
Moderate S<br />
SE 0.8 mturning<br />
E0.7 m E0.8 m SE 0.7 m E0.8 m E0.6 m<br />
E<br />
E0.8 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
1:12am<br />
1:33pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
Youth and our future<br />
Iattended the Neon Nui organised by the<br />
Hurunui YouthCouncil for the younger<br />
members of our districtonSaturday,<br />
<strong>October</strong> 24.<br />
What agreat nightitwas. There was<br />
good music,plenty of food, excellent<br />
dancing, and fun was had by all.<br />
The youth council has astrong history of<br />
supporting and advocating for the youth<br />
voiceinour district, despite this year being<br />
disrupted by the Covid19 lockdown.<br />
The <strong>2020</strong> youthcouncil members should<br />
feel proudoftheircommitment,courage<br />
and willingnesstoorganise this event<br />
when your lives are fullofpreparing and<br />
planningfor examination timetables, and<br />
whatever may lie ahead in 2021.<br />
The organising team, led by Noah<br />
Wilson, was wellsupported by Ward<br />
Shearman, the Hurunui youth<br />
development officer.The teamwork<br />
ensuredthat the eventwent off without a<br />
hitch, withplenty of goodfood and<br />
companionship.<br />
The recentemployment of Rebecca<br />
Pugh —youth worker for the district—is<br />
exciting.<br />
We are fortunate to haveRebecca’s<br />
talent and understanding of youth and<br />
youthaffairs.<br />
1:55am<br />
2:17pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
2:40am<br />
3:03pm<br />
Good<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
3:27am<br />
3:51pm<br />
Ward and Rebecca will be agreat team<br />
to ensurethat the youthvoice is supported<br />
and heard,and that the district recognises<br />
the strengths and abilities of youth.<br />
The youth council is currentlyseeking<br />
expressions of interest for membership in<br />
2021 and,like any committee,some<br />
experience balanced withfresh voices<br />
wouldbewelcomed.<br />
The counciliswell supportedbyCr<br />
FionaHarris and Cr GeoffSheir.The<br />
youthcouncilisthe governance<br />
membership,with the Hurunui Youth<br />
Programme being the activity basefor a<br />
rangeofevents to engage, support and<br />
advocatefor the youthofthe district.<br />
Membership on the youth council<br />
consistsofrepresentatives fromthe<br />
contributingschools in Hurunui, inclusive<br />
of Rangiora Highschool, boarding schools<br />
or tertiaryinstitutions.<br />
If you wanttolearn more, speak to Ward.<br />
With the busy examination schedule fast<br />
approaching, Iwish all students thebest of<br />
luck.<br />
Preparation is key and, remember, there<br />
are many people around youtoassist<br />
through thisstressful period.<br />
Poipoiatekakano kia puawai — “Nuture<br />
the seed and it willblossom.”<br />
Events season cranks up<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> is dusting offthe post<br />
Covidblues.<br />
Shopaholics, gardening enthusiasts,<br />
car enthusiasts and thosewho enjoy<br />
country hospitality are expected to flock<br />
to the Hurunui district to party.<br />
The Christmas Country Fete at anew<br />
site in Amberley, and the Hurunui<br />
Garden Festival, open festivities today,<br />
Thursday,<strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>.<br />
It will be the turnofthe Hanmer<br />
Springs Fete the next day, with the<br />
garden festival continuing through to<br />
Sunday.<br />
The Amberley A&P Showisbeing held<br />
on Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 31 —atreatfor<br />
many after aseriesofother A&P show<br />
cancellations.<br />
Further south,the USACar Day at<br />
Woodend on Sunday, November 1, will be<br />
followed by afireworks spectacular at<br />
Waipara on Friday, November6.<br />
Whileall that is goingon, farmers’<br />
marketsacross the regionwill continueto<br />
supply freshgoodies in manytowns.<br />
All events are expected to attract big<br />
crowds because so many other events<br />
have been cancelled.<br />
Today’sChristmasCountryFete has<br />
moved to Amberley House.Crafts,art,<br />
demonstrations,food and plants will all<br />
be on offer.<br />
The Hurunui Garden Festival offers a<br />
huge variety of gardens to view, arranged<br />
in sixgeographical clusters, making it<br />
easy to visitmultiplegardens.<br />
This year marks the second<br />
anniversary of the HanmerSprings Fete.<br />
It willbeset in the picturesque former<br />
Queen Mary Hospitalgrounds. Therewill<br />
be live music, whileguests perusethe<br />
many products on sale.<br />
The Amberley A&PShow, at the<br />
Amberley Domain, promises avarietyof<br />
competitions, entertainmentand<br />
demonstrations.<br />
For further details of all events,visit<br />
their Facebookpagesorwebsites.<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 3:54am 2.2 10:04am 0.7 4:38am 2.2 10:50am 0.7 5:21am 2.2 11:33am 0.7 6:02am 2.2<br />
6:44am 2.2 12:32am 0.6 7:26am 2.2 1:13am 0.7 8:08am 2.2 1:54am 0.7<br />
Mouth<br />
4:14pm 2.2 10:26pm 0.6 4:56pm 2.2 11:09pm 0.6 5:36pm 2.2 11:50pm 0.6 6:17pm 2.2 12:16pm 0.7 6:59pm 2.1 12:57pm 0.7 7:42pm 2.1 1:38pm 0.7 8:27pm 2.1 2:20pm 0.7<br />
Amberley 3:54am 2.2 10:04am 0.7 4:38am 2.2 10:50am 0.7 5:21am 2.2 11:33am 0.7 6:02am 2.2<br />
6:44am 2.2 12:32am 0.6 7:26am 2.2 1:13am 0.7 8:08am 2.2 1:54am 0.7<br />
Beach<br />
4:14pm 2.2 10:26pm 0.6 4:56pm 2.2 11:09pm 0.6 5:36pm 2.2 11:50pm 0.6 6:17pm 2.2 12:16pm 0.7 6:59pm 2.1 12:57pm 0.7 7:42pm 2.1 1:38pm 0.7 8:27pm 2.1 2:20pm 0.7<br />
4:03am 2.2 10:13am 0.7 4:47am 2.2 10:59am 0.7 5:30am 2.2 11:42am 0.7 6:11am 2.2<br />
6:53am 2.2 12:41am 0.6 7:35am 2.2 1:22am 0.7 8:17am 2.2 2:03am 0.7<br />
Motunau 4:23pm 2.2 10:35pm 0.6 5:05pm 2.2 11:18pm 0.6 5:45pm 2.2 11:59pm 0.6 6:26pm 2.2 12:25pm 0.7 7:08pm 2.1 1:06pm 0.7 7:51pm 2.1 1:47pm 0.7 8:36pm 2.1 2:<strong>29</strong>pm 0.7<br />
4:05am 2.2 10:15am 0.7 4:49am 2.2 11:01am 0.7 5:32am 2.2 11:44am 0.7 6:13am 2.2 12:01am 0.6 6:55am 2.2 12:43am 0.6 7:37am 2.2 1:24am 0.7 8:19am 2.2 2:05am 0.7<br />
Gore Bay 4:25pm 2.2 10:37pm 0.6 5:07pm 2.2 11:20pm 0.6 5:47pm 2.2<br />
6:28pm 2.2 12:27pm 0.7 7:10pm 2.1 1:08pm 0.7 7:53pm 2.1 1:49pm 0.7 8:38pm 2.1 2:31pm 0.7<br />
3:55am 1.7 10:07am 0.5 4:41am 1.7 10:53am 0.5 5:26am 1.7 11:38am 0.5 6:09am 1.7<br />
6:52am 1.7 12:39am 0.5 7:34am 1.7 1:21am 0.5 8:16am 1.7 2:03am 0.6<br />
Kaikoura 4:21pm 1.7 10:31pm 0.5 5:04pm 1.7 11:14pm 0.5 5:47pm 1.7 11:56pm 0.5 6:<strong>29</strong>pm 1.6 12:21pm 0.5 7:12pm 1.6 1:04pm 0.5 7:55pm 1.6 1:47pm 0.5 8:40pm 1.6 2:31pm 0.6<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
HOT<br />
PRICES<br />
SKU 5080236<br />
INC<br />
$389.00 GST<br />
TOOL SET KTB4180<br />
SKU 4811619<br />
INC<br />
$237.00 GST<br />
TO WINAN<br />
SKU 5080162<br />
INC<br />
$389.00 GST<br />
SKU 4120177<br />
$27.99<br />
INC<br />
GST<br />
HOURS<br />
Monday -Friday 7am -5pm<br />
Saturday 8am -2pm Riccarton &Cranford St<br />
Saturday 8am -12pm Kaiapoi &Hornby<br />
Sunday CLOSED<br />
Available at Placemakers Kaiapoi, Riccarton, Hornby,Cranford. Valid while stocks lasts<br /><br />
An outdoor power machine<br />
to suit everyone’s needs<br />
Brand Mowers and Chainsaws, <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Husqvarna Crown dealer,<br />
in Southbrook, Rangiora, has an<br />
extensive range of tractor, ride-on, push<br />
and auto mowers, along with chainsaws,<br />
hedge trimmers, and weed eaters,<br />
to meet the needs of homeowners,<br />
landowners and commercial clients.<br />
Brand is also the agent for Masport and<br />
Karcher machinery, including industrial<br />
water blasters.<br />
The company, which is alocally owned<br />
and operated, has alarge workshop for<br />
repairing and servicing all makes and<br />
models of outdoor equipment at its<br />
Flaxton Road site.<br />
Store manager Gavin McClung says<br />
the Husqvarna products come with a<br />
five year warranty on all petrol powered<br />
machines (conditions apply).<br />
“There is amower for everyone, and for<br />
every use,” hesays.<br />
Gavin says mower stock at Brand<br />
Mowers and Chainsaws includes robotic<br />
and battery mowers.<br />
The growth in the demand for robotic<br />
mowers is “phenomenal”.<br />
It doesn’t matter if your lawn is small<br />
or large, flat or sloping, arobotic lawn<br />
mower can take care of them, cleanly<br />
and safely, particularly in steep country.<br />
There are seven mowers in the robotic<br />
range which are designed to cater for<br />
600 square metre sections through to<br />
5000 sqm.<br />
“We also have an all-wheel drive<br />
one for steep country, through to a<br />
large commercial model for those big<br />
contracting jobs,” says Gavin.<br />
Gavin says people should come into<br />
Brand Mowers to discuss their needs, as<br />
amower is probably one of the mostused<br />
pieces of power equipment they<br />
will buy.<br />
Therefore they<br />
should<br />
take time to consider<br />
what type of mower<br />
is needed to do the<br />
job. We have two<br />
acres of grass<br />
Outdoor<br />
for the home<br />
opposite the<br />
handyman to<br />
Shop where<br />
service his own<br />
customers<br />
equipment<br />
can have ago<br />
from mower<br />
on different<br />
Living<br />
blades, oils,<br />
mowers as well<br />
chainsaw<br />
as being able to<br />
chains through<br />
demo machines<br />
to replacement<br />
on Customers<br />
parts.<br />
property.<br />
Brand Mowers<br />
The shop stocks<br />
and Chainsaws<br />
alarge range of<br />
also specialise in<br />
accessories, safety<br />
servicing<br />
the forest<br />
equipment and everything<br />
industry with<br />
afull range<br />
of products including chainsaw bars,<br />
chains and accessories and safety<br />
products including boots, hard hats<br />
and protective clothing.<br />
Brand Mowers and Chainsaws took<br />
over Mead Mowers at 275 Flaxton<br />
Road, Rangiora, in September last<br />
year. Tony and Kerin Brand bought the<br />
Husqvarna dealership in partnership<br />
with their son Simon and daughter-inlaw<br />
Emma.<br />
Brand is open from 8am to 6pm.<br />
Youcan contact them at<br />, on their Facebook<br />
page or by phoning (03) 313 6640.<br />
Day Bros Painters and Plasterers are able to<br />
handle your whole job -Nomore dealing with two<br />
different trades!<br />
We offer free quotes and service <strong>Canterbury</strong>wide.<br />
Residential and commercial properties.<br />
We specialise in:<br />
painting<br />
plastering<br />
roof spraying<br />
specialised coating systems<br />
airless spraying<br />
water blasting<br />
Local, family ownedbusiness who hasbeen in<br />
business for over 30years.<br />
Members of master painters.<br />
Please contact Brett for afree quote<br />
on 0275 340 878<br />
Email:<br /><br />
2324391<br />
<br />
<br />
Don’t know where to start orhow to do it?<br />
Gardens &Lawns doing their own thing –<br />
not your thing?<br />
Property maintenance falling behind?<br />
No time for life on alifestyle block?<br />
Regular maintenance or one off work<br />
No job too big or small<br />
Call Al Today!<br />
P: 021 249 9495 |<br /><br />
2325634v1<br />
Residential and Commercial<br />
Installation, Repairs, Maintenance &Alterations<br />
Services we offer for all door types:<br />
New Garage doors: Sectional, Roller,Tilt &<br />
Cedar<br />
Partsand Maintenance<br />
Door Upgrades<br />
Supply and install automatic door openers for<br />
sectional tilt &roller doors<br />
Phone 027 207 6128 |03310 6577<br /><br /><br />
2257749v1<br />
Landscaping<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Free Quotes<br />
Phone 027 537 2733<br />
or 03 327 6850<br /><br />
2325172v1<br />
AUTOMOWER ® WITH BONUS IN-STORE VOUCHER Need aQuality Builder in Kaikoura, Hanmer<br />
AM305<br />
600m 2 working area<br />
55m 2 /h cutting capacity<br />
Maxincline 40% (22º)<br />
BONUS<br />
NEW! $ 2,499 * RRP<br />
<br />
Voucher offer valid 1/09/20-31/12/20 and is to be redeemed instore at an authorisedHusqvarna Elite Automower ® Dealer only.Not availablefor use online at Husqvarna Click &CollectE-Store, or forthe<br />
purchase of Automower ® unit.Applicablefor use towardsinstallation via an authorised Husqvarna dealer,the purchase of an installation kit or your next purchase of Husqvarna branded products only. Valid for<br />
the following modelsonly: $ 100 –AM105,AM305,AM310 $ 200 –AM315X, AM430X $ 250–AM450X, AM435XAWD, AM550, AM535AWD<br />
Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer:<br />
*Pricesreferstounits only.Installation kits sold separately.Installation costs apply.<br />
AM315X<br />
1600m 2 working area<br />
73m 2 /h cutting capacity<br />
Maxincline 40% (22º)<br />
BONUS<br />
$<br />
100 $<br />
3,799 * RRP<br />
275Flaxton Road,<br />
Southbrook<br />
Ph: 3136640<br /><br />
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Termsand Conditions apply,see HUSQVARNA.COM fordetails.<br />
AM435XAWD<br />
3500m 2 working area<br />
146m 2 /h cutting capacity<br />
Maxincline 70% (35º)<br />
BONUS<br />
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$<br />
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We have offices based in Rotherham and Kaikoura.<br />
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Contact us today for a<br />
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BGBeaven Builders<br />
03 315 6346<br /><br />
NICOL’S<br />
SPRING<br />
$1797<br />
13KG<br />
Frontloader<br />
• 1100rpm<br />
• AddWash<br />
Feature<br />
• H 984<br />
W 686<br />
D 864<br />
Stainless Dishwasher<br />
• 14 Places<br />
• Flexible Third Rack<br />
• H 845 x W 598 x D 600<br />
$897<br />
$747<br />
White<br />
Dishwasher<br />
• 13Places<br />
• 6Wash Cycles<br />
• H845 xW598<br />
x D600<br />
$899<br />
3 0 4 L F r id g e F r e e z e r<br />
• D ig it a l In v e r t e r C o m p r e s s o r<br />
• O p t im a l F r e s h Z o n e<br />
• H 1 5 8 0 x W 5 9 5 x D 6 6 3<br />
$4899<br />
657L Family Hub<br />
• Internal Cameras<br />
• Built-In Speaker System<br />
• Non-plumbed Ice & Water Dispenser<br />
• H 1780 x W 912 x D 716<br />
$495<br />
5.5kgTop<br />
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• 6Wash Cycles<br />
• 700rpm Spin<br />
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• H850 xW540 x<br />
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$1049<br />
335L Fridge Freezer<br />
• Stainless finish<br />
• DigitalInverter<br />
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• H1700x W595 xD663<br />
Built-In Oven<br />
• 70 Litre Usable Capacity<br />
• 6Functions<br />
• Dual FanTechnology<br />
$899<br />
$1249<br />
Induction Cooktop<br />
•60cm width<br />
•15Power Levels<br />
•4Cooking Zones withFlexZone<br />
+12 MONTHS<br />
FREE! $499 &OVER *<br />
*Terms&Conditions Apply<br />
343A FlaxtonRoad, Rangiora•Phone (03) 313 7886
Sale<br />
NOW<br />
$<br />
999<br />
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$176<br />
NOW<br />
$422<br />
TV UNIT<br />
Available<br />
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$481<br />
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$694<br />
$139 NOW<br />
MARLEY<br />
CHAIR<br />
NOW $<br />
549<br />
NOW $<br />
1549<br />
NOW $<br />
1286<br />
AND<br />
12MONTHS<br />
Work<br />
recognised<br />
... Jocelyn<br />
Hurst, whose<br />
piece Girl<br />
With Bird On<br />
Box,won the<br />
MeritAward<br />
at the<br />
Rangiora<br />
Pottery<br />
Group’s<br />
Celebrationof<br />
Ceramics<br />
Exhibition<br />
<strong>2020</strong>.<br />
Ceramics on display<br />
The huge depthoftalent in the Rangiora<br />
Pottery Group is on displayinthe diverse<br />
CelebrationofCeramics Exhibition<strong>2020</strong> at<br />
Art on the Quay Gallery in Kaiapoi.<br />
The group’s secondexhibition at the<br />
gallery openedonThursday evening last<br />
week withthe guest exhibitor and judge,<br />
ShonaClarkson, describingthe wide range<br />
of work on showas‘‘cheeky, nonconforming<br />
and whimsical’’, but also<br />
‘‘considered’’.<br />
Rangiora Pottery Group president<br />
Michael Michaels, whohas 10 exhibits on<br />
display, said it was an honourtobe<br />
exhibiting alongside Shona’s work. ‘‘I have<br />
knownShonafor many years and watched<br />
her work go from strength to strength.’’<br />
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon was a<br />
guest at the opening to present three<br />
awards. The SupremeAward wenttoKay<br />
Whiting,with the FirstTime exhibitor<br />
Award going to Melissa Brown and the<br />
Merit AwardtoJocelyn Hurst.<br />
Michael said it had been abusy time for<br />
the group preparingfor the exhibition.<br />
‘‘Our kilnswere buzzing awaynonstop<br />
getting this work together.Iwant to thank<br />
all our memberswho put so much effort<br />
into creating the amazingwork you see on<br />
show here.’’ He also thanked exhibition<br />
convenor Juliet Fitzgerald, amember with<br />
nine exhibits in the show. The Celebration<br />
of Ceramics Exhibition <strong>2020</strong> ends on<br />
Wednesday,December2.<br />
In brief<br />
Onramp closed<br />
The Chaneys onramp closed on<br />
Tuesday, ending accesstoState Highway<br />
1atthis point to make way for the<br />
Christchurch <strong>North</strong>ern Corridor<br />
northbound lanes.Motorists on<br />
Marshland Road wanting to access SH1<br />
can user either QEII Drive, Prestons<br />
Road, Radcliffe Road or BelfastRoad to<br />
access Main <strong>North</strong> Road and then SH1.<br />
These roads will have traffic signals to<br />
allow safe turns on to Main <strong>North</strong> Road.<br />
Signals will be activatedinthe next few<br />
weeks. Motoristscan also continue on<br />
Marshland Roadand Main <strong>North</strong> Road<br />
to enter SH1 from Ohoka Road.<br />
Chessinvitation<br />
Chess enthusiastsofall ages and abilities<br />
are invited to join anew Kaiapoi group.<br />
The Kaiapoi Chess Club will meet every<br />
Sunday afternoon from 1.30pmto3.30pm<br />
at the Rivertown cafeat77Williams<br />
Street. To learn more, contact Dean on<br />
(021) 955 797.<br />
Lost and found<br />
The followingproperty has been<br />
reported to the police as lost in <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>: Ablue Rip Curl wallet, a<br />
Toyota key with six other keys, ablack<br />
wallet with flowers on it, asilver and<br />
blue Samsung tablet, aSamsung A20<br />
phone with agrey cover, apink Macpac<br />
jacket, acream leather handbag, arose<br />
gold iPhone8plus, abrown leather<br />
wallet, ared iPhoneSE64GB, adark<br />
brown Billabongwallet, aHuawei Nova<br />
2i smart cellphone in ablack cover,a<br />
small square handmade leather wallet,<br />
and agreen zip wallet.Athin gold ring<br />
wasfound in Kaiapoiduring lockdown.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Localto<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br /><br /><br />
11<br />
CALL ARTHUR 027 2451601<br />
The Best Little<br />
IndependentShoeStore<br />
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CAFE<br />
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We are looking for adriver to joinour team.<br />
Keyrequirements:<br />
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•Enjoyworking in aprogressive<br />
environment<br />
•Enjoyworking in arural area with arural<br />
clientbase<br />
•Beable to stay away from time to time<br />
•Livestock Experience preferred<br />
•Local knowledge is abenefit butnot<br />
essential<br />
The hours are varied and the pay will reflect<br />
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If this sounds like ajob you are interested in<br />
then please call Marco on 0274 965 850.<br />
2325755<br />
Wanting to buy or<br />
sell something?<br />
Advertiseinour<br />
classified section<br />
Phone Amanda 3132840 or<br />
email<br />
English teaching course<br />
starts in November.<br />
With aCertificate in English Language Teaching<br />
to Speakers ofOther Languages (CELTA) you can<br />
teach English anywhere! It’s available part-time<br />
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You’ll learn from inspirational mentors in real-life<br />
learning environments and graduate work-ready.<br />
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NZ 30 AUS 12<br />
79:45<br />
$72.34<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$132.49<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$82.37<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$67.33<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2018 Holden Barina LS<br />
1598cc with 44,224kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />
5Star ANCAP, Air Con, Alloys, Android Auto,<br />
Apple CarPlay, AUX/USB/Bluetooth, MyLink<br />
Entertainment, Cruise, ESC,<br />
ISOFIX, Traction Control.<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
$13,990<br />
2016 Mitsubishi Outlander LS<br />
7Seater 4WD 2360cc with 59,586kms, Auto,<br />
5Star ANCAP, 7Airbags, Alloys, Auto Air Con, AUX/<br />
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Interface, Traction Control.<br />
$25,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
2019 MG 3Core<br />
1498cc with 19,<strong>29</strong>8kms, Auto Tiptronic, 8Airbags,<br />
Alloys, Apple CarPlay, Bluetooth, Cruise, Emergency<br />
Brake Assist, ESC, ISOFIX, Reverse Camera, Touch<br />
Screen Media Interface,<br />
Traction Control, USB Input.<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
$15,990<br />
2014 Toyota Corolla GX 1.8<br />
1798cc, Auto Tiptronic, 5Star ANCAP, 7Airbags,<br />
Air Conditioning, AUX/Bluetooth/CD, Chain Driven,<br />
Centre Shoulder Belt in Rear, Cruise, ESC, ISOFIX,<br />
Multi Functional Steering<br />
Wheel,Traction Control,<br />
Trip Computer.<br />
$12,990<br />
$117.45<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$117.45<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$162.56<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$127.47<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2017 Toyota Previa 8Seater<br />
2362cc with 67,615kms, 5Star ANCAP, 7Airbags,<br />
Auto Tiptronic, AUX/USB/Bluetooth/CD, Cruise,<br />
Climate Air Con, ESC, Factory Privacy Glass, ISOFIX,<br />
Smart Key, Rev. Camera,<br />
2018 Hyundai Sonata Elite<br />
Series 2 2359cc, 5Star ANCAP, Auto Tiptronic,<br />
Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, ESC, GPS/NZ Sat Nav,<br />
Heated Leather Seats, Cruise, Parking Sensors,<br />
Dual Zone Climate Control,<br />
Rear Spoiler, Traction<br />
Wireless Phone Charging. Smart Key, Rev.Camera.<br />
Control, Trip Computer.<br />
$22,990<br />
$22,990<br />
$31,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
2019 Mitsubishi Outlander LS<br />
7Seater 4WD 2360cc with 28,596kms,<br />
Auto, 5Star ANCAP, 7Airbags, Alloys, Android<br />
Auto, Apple CarPlay, AUX/USB/Bluetooth, Cruise,<br />
ISOFIX, ESC, Auto Lights,<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
<strong>2020</strong> Holden Trax LTZ1.4 Turbo<br />
1364cc with 7,824kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />
5Star ANCAP, Air Con, Alloys, Android Auto, Apple<br />
CarPlay, Auto Lights, Bluetooth, Reverse Camera,<br />
Cruise, ESC, Heated Seats,<br />
ISOFIX, Smart Key.<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
$24,990<br />
$117.45<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$47.<strong>29</strong><br />
PER WEEK<br />
$82.37<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$132.49<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2019 Kia Cerato LX<br />
1999cc with 26,357kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />
5Star ANCAP, Air Con, Alloys, ESC, Android Auto,<br />
Apple CarPlay, Auto Lights, Blind Spot Monitoring,<br />
Bluetooth, Rev. Camera,<br />
Traction Control, Cruise.<br />
$22,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
2006 Nissan Fuga 350GT<br />
3498cc with 95,5<strong>29</strong>kms, Auto Tiptronic, Alloys, CD<br />
Player, Chain Driven, Cruise Control, Dual Airbags,<br />
Dual Zone Climate Control, Electric Mirrors, ESC,<br />
Fog Lights, Remote Central<br />
Locking, Reverse Camera,<br />
Smart Key, Towbar.<br />
$8,990<br />
2012 Hyundai ix35 2.0 2WD<br />
1998cc, 5Star ANCAP, 8Airbags, Air Conditioning,<br />
Auto Tiptronic, Alloys, AUX/USB/CD/Bluetooth,<br />
Chain Driven, Cruise, ESC, Electric Mirrors, High<br />
Seating Position, ISOFIX,<br />
Multi Functional Steering<br />
Wheel, Traction Control. $15,990<br />
2018 Nissan X-Trail ST 4WD<br />
2488cc with 57,813kms, Auto Tiptronic, 6Airbags,<br />
5Star ANCAP, Air Con, AUX/USB/CD/Bluetooth,<br />
Alloys, Cruise, Hill Start Assist, ESC, Smart Key,<br />
ISOFIX, Reverse Camera,<br />
Traction Control.<br />
$25,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
$82.37<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$172.58<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$57.31<br />
PER WEEK<br />
$132.49<br />
PER WEEK<br />
2018 Suzuki Swift GLXC<br />
1242cc with 42,461kms, Auto, 6Airbags, 5Star<br />
ANCAP, Air Con, Alloy Wheels, Android Auto, Apple<br />
CarPlay, Bluetooth, ESC, Lane Departure Warning,<br />
Radar Cruise, Rev. Camera,<br />
ISOFIX, Traction Control.<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
$15,990<br />
2018 Hyundai Imax CRDi 2016 Hyundai Accent 1.6 VVTI 2019 Nissan Qashqai ST 2.0<br />
8Seater 2497cc, 4Airbags, Auto Tiptronic, 1591cc, Auto Tiptronic, 16” Alloys, 5Star ANCAP, 1997cc with 25,308kms, Auto Tiptronic, 8Airbags,<br />
Alloys, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay, Cruise Control,<br />
AUX/USB/Bluetooth, Remote Central Locking,<br />
6Airbags, Air Conditioning, Auto Lights, CD Player,<br />
AUX/USB/Bluetooth, Multi Functional Steering<br />
Air Con, 5Star ANCAP, AUX/USB/Bluetooth/CD,<br />
Auto Lights, ESC, Cruise, Hill Start Assist, ISOFIX,<br />
ESC, ISOFIX, Turbo Diesel,<br />
Wheel, ISOFIX, ESC,<br />
Reverse Camera, Alloy<br />
Reverse Camera. Remote Central Locking,<br />
Wheels, Traction Control.<br />
$33,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
Traction Control. $10,990<br />
Balance of New Car Warranty!<br />
$25,990<br />
Stadium Cars Rangiora 03 310 7940 |<br />
609 Lineside Road, Waimakariri, Rangiora OPEN 6DAYS<br />
*Conditions apply. Not available with any other offer. Finance offer subject to credit and lending criteria. Finance calculation<br />
based on 60 month term. No deposit with an annual fixed interest rate of10.95%, includes an establishment fee of$370.<br />
See our website for full disclosure.
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
13<br />
Bookings Essential<br />
•Cars, Trailers &Motorbikes<br />
•4WD specialists<br />
•All mechanical repairs<br />
•Brakes and clutches<br />
•Lube services<br />
•Servicing Air Conditioning<br />
•All makes and models<br />
•Professional friendly service<br />
American beauty ... The 1959 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, owned by RangiorabusinessmanColinGibson, is expected to be one of the star attractions<br />
at the American Classic Car Club<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s annual USA Day at Gladstone Park, Woodend, on Sunday, November1.<br />
Aday of gleaming chrome and<br />
automotive extravagance<br />
The upcoming USA Daycar show, staged<br />
by the AmericanClassicCar Club<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>,promises to be a‘‘boomer’’.<br />
‘‘That is because therehave been so<br />
manycar show cancellationssincethe<br />
lockdown andnobody has had the<br />
freedom to showtheir pride and joy,’’club<br />
captain RayBewley says.<br />
The annualcar showextravaganza at<br />
Woodend’s GladstoneParkalways<br />
attracts large crowds,who enjoythe 500to<br />
600 vehiclesdrawn to the event.<br />
Thisyear,a1959Cadillac Coupe de<br />
Ville,whichwas inspired by thejet era,is<br />
expected to be astar attraction among the<br />
manydesirable,classicvehicles at the<br />
showonSunday, November 1.<br />
The sixmetrelong, pearl white<br />
Americanmade beauty,with ahidden<br />
fuelcap and V8 engine, is ownedby<br />
American Classic CarClub <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
memberand Rangiorabusinessman Colin<br />
Gibson.<br />
Paint &panel repairs<br />
Quality workmanship &fast turn around<br />
Fleet of courtesy cars available<br />
CONTACT JOHN 313 6966<br />
CONTACT LEE 327 3028<br />
2324387<br />
When he bought the coupe from its<br />
Californiaowner 10 years ago,itarrived<br />
in NewZealand with a‘‘beautiful custommade<br />
carcover’’.<br />
Themodelhad been on Colin’s radar<br />
from an early age.<br />
‘‘Isaw picturesofit as aboy. Ithought<br />
‘wow,’ and knew Iwould ownone one<br />
day.’’<br />
Theflamboyance and beauty of the<br />
exaggerated tailfins, the bulletrear<br />
lights, excessive chrome, stylish<br />
upholstery andhugehorsepower—so<br />
different to the‘‘functional, boring’’<br />
vehiclesonNew Zealandroads—<br />
appealedtohim.<br />
‘‘It wasn’t built forfunction;itwas built<br />
forbeauty,’’hesays.<br />
USADay is acelebration of Americana<br />
with amix of modern and classic all<br />
Americanorigin vehicles.<br />
‘‘Last year we attractedaTeslaand two<br />
Knight Rider cars,’’ Ray says.<br />
‘‘They were agreatattraction forthe<br />
day.’’<br />
The Widest<br />
Music Variety<br />
Tune in nowtolisten on<br />
104.9 for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
103.7 for Hanmer Springs<br />
andKaikoura<br />
There willalso be livemusicfrom Sign<br />
of the Firebird,spotprizes, raffles,trade<br />
and novelty stalls,foodand drink<br />
caravans,and coffee carts. Bestinshow<br />
prizes willbeonoffer.<br />
Lastyear,the club raised$5000from<br />
the event for itschosencharity,Ronald<br />
McDonald House.<br />
• Exhaust Repairs or<br />
Replacements<br />
• Custom Fabrications<br />
• Custom Extractors<br />
• Full Big Bore Systems<br />
• General Engineering<br />
2326273<br />
CARS<br />
PH 327 8582<br />
2283778<br />
Your Vehicle<br />
Your Choice<br />
of Repairer<br />
• Free Courtesy Cars<br />
•Bake Oven<br />
•Any Insurance or<br />
Private Work<br />
•Helpful, Friendly,<br />
Professional Staff<br />
•Fast Turnaround,<br />
with High Quality<br />
Service<br />
•Off Street Parking<br />
191E Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi.<br />
Ph/Fax (03) 327-7143 •Open 8.00am -<br />
5.30pm Mon -Fri &Sat byappointment<br />
Breakdown &<br />
After Hours<br />
Service<br />
Available<br />
Phone 03 313 6361<br />
0275 200 711<br />
307 Flaxton Road,<br />
RANGIORA<br /><br />
138 Courtenay Drive, Kaiapoi •Phone (03) 327 8787<br />
Williams Auto (03)327 8686<br />
HOURS: Monday to Friday 8.00am-5.00pm<br />
2146303<br />
183 Ohoka Road<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Ph: 327 8780<br /><br />
We can do any insurance<br />
or private work.<br />
Like usonFacebook<br />
2305626<br />
Health and Beauty<br />
in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Hear better,<br />
live better<br />
♥ love your hearing<br />
There’s no better time than the present<br />
Are you missing out on your favourite conversations? Visit<br />
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Call 03 423 3158<br />
EarHealth checks |Wax removalusing Microsuction<br />
Removalofforeignbodiesfrom the earcanal<br />
ACCprovider|WarVeteranprovider<br />
EarCarecurrently has clinics in Rangiora,<br />
Amberley andKaiapoi.Ear Care is able to come<br />
to Rest homes /retirement villages,<br />
booking by priorarrangement.<br />
No medicalreferral is required<br />
Phone: 020 4124 25 25<br />
Email:<br /><br />
2319428<br />
2326230<br />
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101 Williams St<br />
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8High St<br />
Ph 3130909<br />
*terms and conditions apply<br />
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2326227-S<br />
2323154<br />
“Aging is afactof<br />
life, looking your age<br />
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•Botulinum (Botox)<br />
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Cosmetic Clinic<br />
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•RadiofrequencySurgery<br />
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Dr Peter Aspell<br />
Specialising in Cosmetic Medicine<br />
15 Durham Street Rangiora<br />
Phone: 03 313 4659<br /><br /> |<br />
Support<br />
Local<br />
for your<br />
Health<br />
and<br />
Beauty<br />
services<br />
here in<br />
<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2325169<br />
Be in quick -<br />
Christmas Bookings<br />
are filling up fast!<br />
Cuts &Colours for<br />
men &women<br />
Come &meet the team April,<br />
Kylie, Tash &Rachel, inour<br />
beautiful renovated salon<br />
SEFTON<br />
HAIR<br />
553 Upper Sefton Road.<br />
T/W 9-5.30 TH 9-8 F9-5.30 S9-2<br />
-Cuts &colours for men &women<br />
-online booking at<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
19<br />
Taking over ... The towering flower spikes on a12yearold Puya chilensis,planted<br />
on Gary Fleming’s Ashley farm to help hide ashed.<br />
Chilean plant towers<br />
over Ashley shed<br />
An ornamental shrub planted to help<br />
hide afarm shed has grown far beyond<br />
expectations on Gary Fleming’s<br />
100hectare farm in Ashley.<br />
The Puya chilensis,aterrestrial<br />
bromeliad originating from Chile, now<br />
towers above the shed it was planted<br />
to hide.<br />
It has grown huge flower spikes with<br />
an abundance of nectar.<br />
‘‘It was supposed to be alot smaller,<br />
but it was labelled incorrectly at the<br />
nursery where Ibought it,’’ Gary said.<br />
Although the 12yearold plant took<br />
eight or nine years to flower, it is now<br />
proving avaluable food source for<br />
birds and bees on the farm.<br />
Gary plans to develop ashelter belt<br />
with more of the tallgrowing, longlived<br />
plants.<br />
‘‘I have asmaller species on the<br />
farm which is more than 40 years old.’’<br />
Last year, Garry won the Durable<br />
Farm Forester of the Year award.<br />
He has more than 650 species of<br />
•24hour breakdown service<br />
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Call us now to book:<br />
Office 03 313 5691<br />
Kieran 027 560 7262<br />
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11-13 Station Road, Rangiora 7400<br />
Email<br />
trees and shrubs growing on his<br />
property. He specialises in naturally<br />
durable timber, which he believes is<br />
the way of the future.<br />
‘‘There is abig market for naturally<br />
durable timber in Japan, where there<br />
is aresurgence in building with wood,<br />
and architects are promoting the<br />
product as acleaner alternative to<br />
steel, concrete and brick.<br />
‘‘They would buy all the durable<br />
wood we could supply, if we were<br />
growing it.’’<br />
Although the trees on Gary’s farm<br />
are grown for timber, they also<br />
provide environmental and aesthetic<br />
benefits, plus shelter for sheep and<br />
deer.<br />
Many of the trees, including pines,<br />
also provide good fodder for the deer.<br />
‘‘The deer like lots of different<br />
things other than rye grass and white<br />
clover.<br />
‘‘They enjoy alot of trees and shrubs<br />
and get alot of secondary compounds<br />
from the cuttings of trees and shrubs<br />
that we feed them.’’<br /><br />
2325965<br />
Days numbered ... Wilding pines infesting parts of <strong>Canterbury</strong> are targeted in new<br />
Government projects.<br />
Wilding pines targeted<br />
Wilding pinesare being targeted through a<br />
government cash injection to helpthe<br />
Covid19 recovery.<br />
Anationwideplan was announced last<br />
monthtotackle more than 800,000<br />
hectares infested with wildingpines over<br />
the nextyear.<br />
The projectisexpectedtogenerate 171<br />
new jobs and includes an investment of<br />
more than $17 millionin<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
projects.<br />
In total, there willbe550 jobs and $36m<br />
spentthroughout New Zealand,<br />
Biosecurity Minister Damien O’Connor<br />
says.<br />
“We’re ramping up our wildingcontrol<br />
activity in areas where jobs are needed<br />
most.Budget <strong>2020</strong> included $100mfor<br />
wilding pine control.Over $36m of that<br />
funding will be spent in the next 12 months<br />
as part of our fouryearprogramme.<br />
‘‘That extends our work from19to58<br />
sitesacross New Zealand.’’<br />
Nearly half of the newroundoffunding,<br />
or $17.2m, will fund projects in <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
coveringmore than 400,000 hectares.<br />
2321996<br />
• Land Clearing<br />
• Road maintenance/<br />
Construction<br />
• General Cartage<br />
• Driveways/ house sites<br />
• We Purchase Standing<br />
Trees<br />
• Safetree Certified<br />
Logging Contractor<br />
Rangiora<br />
We have been Contracting in<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> for 35 years<br />
It includes $16.8m to fund major control<br />
work in the Mackenzie Basin, west<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Afurther $360,620will fund wilding<br />
projects on BanksPeninsula.<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan)<br />
chairwoman Jenny Hughey saidthe funds<br />
will mean another boost for local<br />
employment and the continuingbattle<br />
against the trees.<br />
“We have already expanded ourcontrol<br />
programme in the Mackenzie Basin, with<br />
considerable Crown funding having been<br />
applied to the problem, most recently in<br />
May.<br />
‘‘Thisfurther funding will help us to<br />
accelerate thegood work that’s been<br />
happening for some time.<br />
‘‘Farmers and the whole Mackenzie<br />
communitykeep telling us we mustget on<br />
top of this problemand that all the funding<br />
and resource we can apply to it helps.’’<br />
ECan biosecurity regional leader<br />
Graham Sullivan says the new funding will<br />
help to increase the speedand efficiency<br />
in removing the trees.<br />
We have available for<br />
hire with operators -<br />
• Excavators from 2to30ton<br />
• Bulldozer -20ton<br />
• Tip trucks from 5to45ton<br />
GVM<br />
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and forks<br />
• Transporter -can cart up to<br />
15 ton<br />
For anoobligation estimate<br />
or quote, contact -<br />
Tony Brand 0274 360 338<br />
Simon Brand 0274 279 455<br />
Office 03 313 8224
20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
One-size-fits-all model no longer applies<br />
New Zealand’s farmers are amongthe<br />
most efficient and productive in the world<br />
—and they need to be.<br />
The world demandshighquality,<br />
environmentallyfriendlyfood. At the<br />
same time, regulatorycosts continue to<br />
build, our weather is increasingly<br />
challenging to bank on, and farm<br />
profitabilityand balance sheets are under<br />
pressure.<br />
As aresult,farmers are increasingly<br />
looking more closely at the economic<br />
contributionofeach part of their farms.<br />
Not all land is the same; some partsof<br />
farms—iffarmers are honestabout it —<br />
cost them money to farm.<br />
It is the steep, rough hill country out the<br />
back that farmers are taking asecond look<br />
at. Notonly is this land unprofitable, but it<br />
is oftendifficultand dangerous to farm. It<br />
is typically erosionprone, with topsoil<br />
runoff undermining farmers’ broader<br />
environmental efforts.<br />
Therehas been plentyofcriticism in the<br />
pressand within the farming community<br />
concerning carbon forestry operations in<br />
recent years,and in some quarters this is<br />
quiterightly so.<br />
Ruralcommunities are justifiedintheir<br />
concern about wholesale blanket planting<br />
of productivefarmland in forestry.Itis<br />
shortchangingruralcommunities.<br />
However, it is importantthatthis does<br />
For all your general farm and forestry<br />
earthmoving requirements<br />
Baden Ryan: 027 2<strong>29</strong> 1579 PamRyan: 027 381 2741<br />
e: w:<br />
ryan earthmoving ltd<br />
Specialists in:<br />
•Woodlotand Forest harvest management-atany scale<br />
•Directlog sales in both domestic and export segments<br />
•Forest and Woodlot Valuation<br />
•Fully compliant H&S systems and management<br />
•ETS advice, carbon management&sales<br />
•Planting and silviculturemanagement<br />
•Top advice, toppeople, topservice<br />
Seeour websitefor information including monthly<br />
marketreports<br />
2<strong>29</strong>3392<br />
notshut farmersoff from opportunities to<br />
diversify their operations and areas of<br />
their farm suitable for forestry.<br />
Forestrycan create stable, longterm<br />
cashflow fromeconomicallymarginal land<br />
andenable investmentinmore efficient,<br />
productive andprofitablefarms.<br />
Many NewZealand farmscould benefit<br />
from taking an impartial lookatwhether<br />
forestry cansupport their operations. Yes,<br />
we need to ensure the right tree is planted<br />
in the right place, but alot of steeper<br />
farmlandisideally suited to rotation<br />
forestry —offering farmers income from<br />
both carbon farming and tree harvest.<br />
There haveneverbeen more options<br />
andopportunities for farmers in<br />
consideringwhattodowith steeper land.<br />
Forexample, with carbon and harvest<br />
forestry, afarmercan begin to realisean<br />
immediate and ongoing carbon revenue<br />
stream, while also holdingoptions to profit<br />
from harvesting at the endofits rotation.<br />
Farmers are turning to carbon forestry<br />
on parts of their farms to repaydebt, free<br />
funds to invest in more productive land<br />
andtosupport succession planning.<br />
As risktofarming operationscontinues<br />
to increaseasaresult of climatechange<br />
andregulatory uncertainty, banksare also<br />
increasingly interested in the potential for<br />
sensible carbon and rotation forestry as a<br />
sustainable risk managementtool.<br />
Throughthe Drylandcarbon model, a<br />
farmer can get extra income while<br />
retaining outright land ownershipthrough<br />
aland lease or joint forestry venture.<br />
There areseveral waysthat these<br />
agreementscan be structuredtomatch<br />
individual farm circumstances and<br />
minimiserisk to farmers.Dependingon<br />
theagreement,the farmercan receivea<br />
passive income from previouslyunproductive<br />
landwithout investingany capital<br />
or shouldering operational responsibility.<br />
It is typicalnow for farmerstolease the<br />
Office:Phone 03 359 5000 Email:<br />
Unit 3337 Harewood Road Bishopdale Christchurch<br />
22 Shearman Street Waimate Phone 03 689 8333 •Cell: 027 432 1420<br />
2120630<br />
Carbon forestry ... Diversification adds resilience to farming operations.<br />
steepand unprofitable sections of their<br />
properties for forestry and to chooseto<br />
shareinthe proceeds of timber at the end<br />
of the rotationwith their forestry partner.<br />
We knowthat farmersare increasingly<br />
intergenerational in their growing<br />
environmental concerns.<br />
Pine is ideally suited to Kiwiconditions,<br />
but not everywhere. The right forestry<br />
plan,builtinpartnershipwith the farmer,<br />
will probably see areasofsteep country<br />
not suitable for planting pinesleft to<br />
naturally regenerateinto native species.<br />
Wide riparian buffers around<br />
waterways will be maintainedtoenable<br />
native regeneration in creeksand gullies.<br />
Consistent pestcontrol willdeliver<br />
broader benefits to native bush and<br />
wildlifeacross abroader farming<br />
Forest<br />
Management Ltd<br />
With 25 years experience in the<br />
industry the Forest<br />
Management Team offer<br />
services in:<br />
• Woodlot and shelterbelt<br />
harvesting<br />
• Timber sales to domestic<br />
and export markets<br />
• Forest establishment of<br />
harvested and greenfield sites<br />
• Forest valuation<br />
• Emission Trading Scheme<br />
advice and management<br />
• Trainer/Assessor in NZQA<br />
forestry related units<br />
Our highly experienced teams aim to<br />
ensure value optimisation in all aspects<br />
of forest management.<br />
catchment, and atransition plan can be<br />
put in placetotransition from exotics<br />
towards nativeforest over the longterm.<br />
New Zealand needscarbon forestry to<br />
meetclimate changegoals and theworld<br />
needs timber. Farmers needtoprotect<br />
their land while diversifying.<br />
It is no longer aonesizefitsallmodel<br />
across awholefarm.Farmers are<br />
increasingly recognising the benefits of<br />
planting the right tree in the right place.<br />
Anthony Beverley is adirectorof<br />
Drylandcarbon. Drylandcarbon is a<br />
partnership of fourKiwi companies: Air<br />
NewZealand,Contact Energy,Genesis<br />
Energyand ZEnergy. Theyseek carbon<br />
credits from the forestry operationsto<br />
offset theiremissionsunderthe Emissions<br />
Trading Scheme.<br />
To find out more call<br />
us on 03 343 4101<br />
or visit<br />
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2315511-<strong>29</strong>/10-b<br />
Waiataenjoys double success in<br />
NewWorld Wine Awards Top50<br />
WAIATA is abrand-newlabel that hastwo winesincluded<br />
in the <strong>2020</strong> NewWorld Wine Awards Top50.<br />
It’s something special forawinerytohavemore<br />
than one Gold medal-winning wine in the New<br />
World Wine Awards Top50. Even moresowhen<br />
it’s abrand-newlabel. Both the Waiata Waipara<br />
Sauvignon Blanc<strong>2020</strong>and the Waiata Waipara<br />
Pinot Noir Rosé <strong>2020</strong> made the listthis year.<br />
Produced by Tiki Wine and Vineyards, the twoGold<br />
medal winesare brilliant expressions of the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>region. Tiki Winemaker Evan Ward is<br />
understandably delightedthat the Waiata label has<br />
been met with instant success.<br />
‘‘We’realwaysaimingfor that sort of thing and<br />
areverypleased when it happens,’’ he says. ‘‘It<br />
wasone of those yearswhere the fruit justcame<br />
together really nicely in the vineyard,whichmakes a<br />
winemaker’s job alot easier.’’<br />
Royceand Sue Mckean ownTiki Winesand Vineyards.<br />
Ward has been involved in the wine industryfor<br />
morethan 50 years, having startedduring school<br />
holidays in his mid-teens.BorninNew Zealand, he<br />
grew up in Sydney, wherehis father worked for<br />
McWilliams Wines. Moving back to NewZealand<br />
with his wifeafter graduating from university,<br />
Ward began workingfulltimeinthe industryfor<br />
McWilliams in Napier in 1974.<br />
He later became Senior Winemaker forcompanies<br />
including Cooksand Corbans,and eventually Chief<br />
Winemaker MortonEstate, whereheworked for<br />
over adecade. Despitehaving retired from there, the<br />
phonewas still ringing and it wasaphonecallfrom<br />
viticulturistDavid Jordan that began Wardslatest<br />
successes withTiki Wines.<br />
‘‘He asked would Iliketodosome winemaking?’’<br />
Ward remembers.‘‘It wasthe startofvintage, and<br />
Isaid ‘okay, when?’ and he said ‘now’. And so after<br />
being aHawkesBay winemaker<br />
formanydecades,Ihadtoturnmy<br />
hand to Marlboroughand further<br />
south.’’<br />
He says working forTiki Wines<br />
over the last10years has been<br />
agreat experience,working for<br />
agreat family.The companyis<br />
owned by Royceand SueMckean,<br />
who bought a325ha sheep farm in<br />
Waipara in the early-2000s. It was<br />
fully planted by the end of 2006,<br />
and although Tiki Wines alsogrow<br />
fruit in Marlborough, the vineyard<br />
in Waiparaiswhere the Waiata<br />
wines aremade.<br />
Ward explainsthat the region has manybenefits<br />
when it comes to producing award-winningwine.<br />
‘‘It’s abit cooler thanMarlborough,’’ he says. ‘‘But it<br />
still has agood dailytemperaturefluctuation, which<br />
Sauvignon Blanc likes. It’s probably Marlborough-ish,<br />
in that it getslovely warm temperatures, but is also<br />
quitecool at night. That’sessential fordeveloping<br />
the fruit flavoursinalot of the varieties that New<br />
Zealand does best. Especially Sauvignon Blanc, but<br />
also Pinot Noir.’’<br />
While all winemakerstry to put apersonalstamp<br />
on their wines, Ward says at Tiki Wines theyare<br />
endeavouring to maximise the qualityofthe fruit.<br />
He believesthat some newtechnologiesthat were<br />
implemented in the Waiata vineyard lastseason<br />
contributed to their successindoing that‘‘inno<br />
small way’’.<br />
Foranewlabel,having the Waiata Waipara<br />
Sauvignon Blanc <strong>2020</strong> and the Waiata Waipara<br />
Pinot Noir Rosé <strong>2020</strong> in the NewWorld Wine<br />
Awards Top50isagreat successand helpsto<br />
springboardthe newlabel. As aTop 50 winning<br />
wine, both wines aremade availableatliquor-selling<br />
NewWorld stores nationwidefor shoppersto<br />
explore.<br />
‘‘As we have been aNew World supplierfor some<br />
time, we were particularly pleased to have had this<br />
happen at their competition.”<br />
Alongside the twoWaiata wines, thereare three<br />
other wines from <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>region in the<br />
NewWorld Wine Awards Top50list.<br />
Check out the fulllistofNew World Wine Awards winners at andfind the Top50winesatyour local NewWorld store.<br />
Waiata winemaker Evan Ward<br />
Awardwinningwines for<br />
your occasion andbudget.<br />
now!<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
23<br />
Plans take shape for ride<br />
Planningfor HanmerSpring’s latesthighflying<br />
touristattraction is progressing.<br />
Requests for proposals from potential<br />
suppliers for afly ride are sought, and<br />
work has started to gatherinformationfor<br />
aresource consent applicationtothe<br />
Hurunui District Council.<br />
Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and<br />
Spa generalmanager Graeme Abbot, who<br />
backsthe fly ride to become alocalmustdo<br />
attraction, says workisbeingdone to<br />
get it running as soon as possible.<br />
Another publicmeeting is planned to<br />
keep people up to datewith what is<br />
proposed for the ConicalHillbasedride.<br />
‘‘There is plentyofwork going on,’’he<br />
says of the projectthat will carry people<br />
on an 850metre gentle downhill ride<br />
through ConicalHillforest, and provide a<br />
view of the Hanmer Springs landscape.<br />
It willtake nine minutes and will take<br />
in the sights threetofive metresabove<br />
the ground. Its top speedwill be afast<br />
walking pace.<br />
The projecthas been made possible<br />
thankstoa$2.1 million cash injection—<br />
$2m fromthe Government’s<br />
infrastructure fund and $123,000from the<br />
Provincial Growth Fund. It is aimedat<br />
reducing the impact of the lack of<br />
internationaltourists visiting the town.<br />
The fly ride, which could be running by<br />
springnext year,will createupto25jobs,<br />
and give a$4m economic boost to the<br />
regionover five years.<br />
Mr Abbotsays the experience has been<br />
designed to have minimalenvironmental<br />
impact. It will will not fly over houses.<br />
Boys’ day out ... Big brothers and their young friends enjoyed aboys’ day out recently.<br />
No-one is ever too<br />
old to be amentor<br />
More ‘‘big brothers’’ are needed.<br />
Big Brothers Big Sistersof<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>wants to hearfromprospective<br />
bigbrothers to meet aneedin the<br />
community, manager Ellie Le Gros says.<br />
There are also opportunities for big<br />
sisters, but big brothers seem to be in short<br />
supply, she says.<br />
‘‘There seems to be arealsocialphobia<br />
amongmen aboutwantingtospend time<br />
with achild,but themen we dohavewho<br />
volunteer are outstanding and the<br />
difference they make in ayoung person’s<br />
life is astounding.<br />
‘‘Wehadagoodrunafter lockdown and<br />
we’vehadsome people coming in which<br />
was really great, but we have also lostafew<br />
andwewould like somenew mentors to<br />
comeonboard overthe summer.’’<br />
Mentoring not only benefits the young<br />
people who need some extra support, as<br />
mentors can make lifelong friends, Ellie<br />
says.<br />
A‘‘boys’ dayout’’ washeld recently,in<br />
whichmentorsandtheir youngfriends got<br />
together to do ‘‘boys’ stuff’’ on amentor’s<br />
lifestyle block. They went on quadbike<br />
rides, triedfourwheel drivingandenjoyed<br />
gokarting.Thedayfinished with a<br />
barbecue.<br />
‘‘The mentors don’tjustget to spend<br />
timewith thekids; they get to meetother<br />
menand make friends,’’ Elliesays.<br />
❛The mentors don’t just get to<br />
spend time with the kids; they<br />
get to meet other men and<br />
make friends.❜<br />
—Ellie Le Gros<br />
Thebig sistersdon’t missout,asthere is<br />
an annual ‘‘girls’day out’’ for mentors and<br />
theiryoung friends to enjoyactivities.<br />
Thereare also gettogetherswith allbigbrotherand<br />
bigsister matches.<br />
Ellie and mentorcoordinatorLaura<br />
Biddlecombeare keen to hearfrom<br />
anyone aged 18 and over interested in<br />
being amentor.<br />
‘‘Noone is evertoo oldand it canbe<br />
ruralpeople, businesspeople, farmers,<br />
young people at university.Itcould be<br />
anyone andwealwaysneedbothmen and<br />
women,’’Ellie says<br />
‘‘They don’tneedany specialhobbies,<br />
butit’sagoodexcuseif youlikeflying a<br />
kite or fishingorgokarting. It’sagood<br />
excuse to be achild again.<br />
‘‘A lotofchildren todaydon’t know how<br />
to do thoselittlethings wetookforgranted,<br />
like buildingdamsorsandcastles.’’<br />
ContactBig BrothersBig Sistersof<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> at (03) 3107004oremail<br /><br />
Monitoring Your Health<br />
with Advanced Diagnostics<br />
at Marvel Health<br />
Although thehumanbodycomprises<br />
severaldifferentsystems andorgans,in<br />
reality, it is awhole unit with theparts<br />
workingtogether to keep thebodyin<br />
ahealthystate. Adisease afflicting an<br />
area of abodycould have arisen from a<br />
completelydifferentregionofthe body.<br />
And it couldalsospreadto another<br />
distantpartofthe body.<br />
Forexample,adisease of thedigestive<br />
systemsuchasInflammatory bowel<br />
Syndrome couldcause poor absorption<br />
of iron whichinturnleads to iron<br />
deficiency anaemia. Anaemiarefers<br />
to lowerthannormalconcentration<br />
of Haemoglobin, thepigment that<br />
transports oxygen to ourorgans.When<br />
Haemoglobinislow,the hearthas to<br />
work harder to supply theorgans with<br />
oxygen. The increased pressure on the<br />
heartcan causeanirregularheartbeat<br />
andhighblood pressure.Highblood<br />
pressure over time will causediseasesof<br />
thekidneys.<br />
The interrelatednessofour organs<br />
andsystems meansthatanexamination<br />
of just apartofthe bodywhenitis<br />
diseased maynot correctlyidentify<br />
thecause of theproblem.Awholebodyexaminationiscrucial<br />
foran<br />
assessment of thebody’sstate of health<br />
andtoaccurately pinpoint thecause of<br />
adisease.<br />
Marvel Health offersaWholebodydiagnosticscanthatthoroughly<br />
examines all the organs andsystems<br />
of thebodyforanexactdiagnosis of<br />
thecause of theproblem.Evenmore<br />
importantly, thescansearchesfor the<br />
causeofhealth problems. It detects<br />
nutrientdeficiencies andsomeof<br />
thecausesofdigestive issues such<br />
as thepresenceofbacteriaand food<br />
allergies. It also thoroughly examines<br />
theheart,kidneysand otherorgansfor<br />
inflammationand diseases.<br />
Book AScan Today 03-669-5410<br /><br />
Unit 13/6 Cone Street, Rangiora, <strong>Canterbury</strong>, 7400<br />
<strong>29</strong>3 Durham Street, Awly Building, Christchurch, 8013<br />
The inspections from the scan is not asubstitute for medical inspections. Itisnot assigned to state the final diagnosis<br />
What kind of Greater<br />
Christchurch do youwant<br />
to seein2050?<br />
Visit<br />
Tell us what you want tosee for 2050 by<br />
answering afew quick questions around<br />
our identity, the environment, climate<br />
change, innovation, wellbeing and more<br />
before 8November.
24 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Advertising feature<br />
FRESH<br />
Top performance ... Fertility is acomplex matter that involves paying attention to arange<br />
of factors.<br />
Key to healthy cows<br />
PamsFreshLettuc<br />
or CarrotsBunched<br />
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Pams Fresh Asparagus<br />
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Tomatoes 250g Prepack<br />
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CookedChicken Large<br />
Avaliable at selected stores$<br />
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Fresh NZ Skinless<br />
Chicken BreastFillets$<br />
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MarkBeefMince 500g<br />
Fresh Strawberries<br />
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#shareacoke<br />
Do cows telllies? Maybe you have heard<br />
this phrasemany times before, but what<br />
does it really mean when talking about<br />
cows?<br />
Let’s think about fertility and mating,<br />
which is about to start.<br />
It is certainthat having<br />
good sixweek incalf rates<br />
(6 WIR)and low empty<br />
rates (MT rate) are key<br />
performance indicators<br />
when we want to improve<br />
our herd fertility and<br />
overall profitability, while<br />
helping to reduceour<br />
farm’scarbon footprint.<br />
Sadly,after inductions<br />
were banned for many<br />
farms,these key factors did<br />
not improve andsome<br />
farms evengot worse.<br />
Fertilityisacomplex<br />
matterthat involves paying<br />
attention to BCS, heat<br />
detection,genetics, AB<br />
technique,bull management,<br />
transition period, as well as cow<br />
healthand nutrition. Regardless of what<br />
your farming system is (1 to 5), the cow still<br />
needs to haveall her nutrient<br />
requirements met to give good results.<br />
If yourcows are showing that they<br />
cannot have afertile egg after the first<br />
cycle, thatthey are having trouble cleaning<br />
their afterbirths, suffering from metritis,<br />
or if they just simplydonot showsigns of<br />
heat, then what they are really saying is<br />
that there is something missingtomeet the<br />
requirements.<br />
Cowsdon’t tell lies<br />
From my experience, alack of total<br />
<br />
<br />
Matt Cassineri<br />
energy,and an unbalanced diet normally<br />
shows an overload of dietary protein, and<br />
continuallyfeedingmineralsthat are not<br />
being totally absorbedbythe cow, are<br />
generally the “nutritional’’ culprits.<br />
Not enough seleniumand copper<br />
provided in the right form<br />
on the mineral side is a<br />
biggiewhen we lookto<br />
improve fertility rates.<br />
Alltech’s Onfarm<br />
Advantage programme<br />
provides atool that<br />
evaluates all the factors<br />
affecting fertility and<br />
identifies the best solution<br />
to improve the overall<br />
performance and, of<br />
course, the bottom line for<br />
your business.<br />
We offer onecomplete<br />
look at the cowsand data,<br />
to helpidentify why the<br />
cowsare not performing.<br />
SelPlex is Alltech’s<br />
proprietary organic form of<br />
selenium yeast manufactured to mimic<br />
selenium naturally present in plants and<br />
found in nature. SelPlex is highly<br />
digestible, betterabsorbed, stored and<br />
utilised by the animal and the safest form<br />
of supplementary selenium.<br />
This uniquesolution formspart of<br />
BioplexHigh Five and is available<br />
in 25kgbags from ourmain feed supplier<br />
partners.<br />
If you would like to have amore indepth<br />
conversation about how Alltech’s Onfarm<br />
Advantage programme can help improve<br />
fertility, pleasecontactyour local area<br />
sales manager, Matt Cassineri, on (027)<br />
208 4606oremail matt.cassineri@<br /><br /><br /><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Specialsavailable South Islandonly from Monday 19th <strong>October</strong>until Sunday1st<br />
November<strong>2020</strong> or whilestocks last.Wine and beer available at stores withanoff<br />
licence. Wine andbeerpurchases restrictedtopersons aged 18 years old and over.<br />
• Uses Bioplex® and Sel-Plex® trace minerals which are better absorbed, stored and utilised by the animal<br />
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
25<br />
New chair for dairy leader programme<br />
Aformer <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> sharemilker<br />
is DairyNZ’s new Dairy Environment<br />
Leaders programme chairwoman.<br />
Melissa Slattery, who was a<br />
sharemilker at Culverden for several<br />
years with husband Justin, said she was<br />
excited and humbled to secure the role.<br />
‘‘I look forward to building on all the<br />
great work dairy farmers are doing<br />
throughout New Zealand to improve<br />
water quality and reduce climate<br />
change emissions and dairy’s<br />
environmental footprint, while<br />
maintaining our profitable farm<br />
business.’’<br />
The programme is about farmers<br />
supporting farmers, she says.<br />
‘‘This has always been akey part of the<br />
culture in our sector.<br />
‘‘Sustainability is aconstantly<br />
evolving topic and Dairy Environment<br />
Leaders help us stay ahead of the<br />
sector’s needs and the wishes of New<br />
Zealanders.’’<br />
Melissa sees the role of the<br />
programme as helping to ensure dairy<br />
farmers are heard by decisionmakers,<br />
as well as building on farmers’ great<br />
work on regional issues.<br />
The Slatterys now own and operate a<br />
300cow, 106hectare dairy farm near Te<br />
Aroha in the <strong>North</strong> Island, while Melissa<br />
is an associate with achartered<br />
accountancy firm.<br />
While in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, the couple<br />
were named the 2015 national<br />
sharemilker of the year during the New<br />
Zealand Dairy Industry Awards and two<br />
years later managed the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
<strong>North</strong> Otago Dairy Industry Awards.<br />
The vision of the Dairy Environment<br />
Leaders programme is to foster<br />
kaitiakitanga/stewardship for the future<br />
and to support farmers to implement onfarm<br />
and catchmentscale change to<br />
reduce their environmental footprint.<br />
It was formed in 2013 and there are<br />
now more than 300 leaders.<br />
DairyNZ responsible dairy strategy<br />
and investment leader David Burger<br />
says Melissa brings awealth of dairy<br />
farming and business experience to the<br />
role, and an appreciation of the<br />
importance of environmental<br />
sustainability.<br />
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‘‘Melissa is forwardlooking and<br />
collaborative, and we know she will<br />
make asignificant contribution to the<br />
dairy sector’s commitment to<br />
environmental stewardship for future<br />
generations.’’<br />
Leaders in the programme are active<br />
in their communities at grassroots level,<br />
and on boards and local committees.<br />
They come together for aforum every<br />
year to accelerate positive change for<br />
the sector.<br />
Increasingly, the focus is on building<br />
regional action to meet the wider Dairy<br />
Environment Leaders outcomes.<br />
Value of dairy beef breeds increasingly recognised by farmers<br />
An increasing numberofdairy farmers are<br />
recognising the added value of dairybeef<br />
calves and are consideringarangeof<br />
breeds to appealtothe beef market.<br />
Herd improvementcompanyCRV<br />
Ambreed says salesofsemenfromseveral<br />
dairybeef breeds have grown by more<br />
than 10 percentinthreeyears.<br />
CRV Oceaniaproduct development<br />
manager Peter van Elzakkersays dairy<br />
beef tendstobeused strategically within a<br />
breeding programme, late in themating<br />
season.<br />
‘‘CRVcurrently has 16 breeds of dairy<br />
beeffor farmers to choose from.<br />
‘‘Dairy beef sires’breedingvalues are<br />
screened for short gestation,growth rates<br />
and calving ease alongwith otherkey<br />
traits.Short gestation is important as it<br />
allows the calving pattern to be in linewith<br />
earlier mated animalsinthe dairyherd.’’<br />
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Focus on sustainability ... DairyNZ<br />
responsible dairy strategy and investment<br />
leader David Burger welcomes Dairy<br />
Environment Leaders chairwoman Melissa<br />
Slattery to her new role.<br />
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26 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Dairy farmers rise to the challenge<br />
Anew campaign,Rise and<br />
Shine,explains what makes<br />
Kiwi dairy farmers tick, and<br />
why.<br />
DairyNZ chief executive Dr<br />
Tim Mackle said the campaign,<br />
launched this month, sharesthe<br />
story of New Zealand dairy<br />
farmers as they lead the world in<br />
sustainable farming.<br />
‘‘New Zealand dairyhas a<br />
great story to tell and we are<br />
seeingthat realisedthrough<br />
publicsentiment, with 73<br />
percent of people recently<br />
surveyed beingfavourable<br />
towarddairyfarmers,’’Dr<br />
Macklesays.<br />
‘‘Thisistremendous<br />
recognition for farmers playinga<br />
key role right now,dually<br />
supporting our economic<br />
recovery postCovidwhile<br />
shifting how their daytoday<br />
business operates to further<br />
deliver for environment,<br />
animals and people.’’<br />
Surveyresults also show a<br />
markedincrease in overall<br />
positivity in the last six months,<br />
with 62% of membersofthe<br />
publicsurveyed, feeling positive<br />
towardthe country’s dairy<br />
sector.<br />
‘‘Overall, research is telling us<br />
the public are feeling good about<br />
dairy.Our farmers are inspiring<br />
young Kiwis, contributingto<br />
communities, and it is an<br />
attractive career option. Thisis<br />
great recognition,’’ he says.<br />
New Zealand’sdairy farmers<br />
have made great strides in<br />
environmental initiatives and it<br />
Delivering for the environment ... ‘‘The world is changing and dairy is moving with it,’’ Dr Tim Mackle<br />
says.<br />
is importanttochampionthem<br />
as they commit to do even more,<br />
he says.<br />
‘‘The emissions createdfrom<br />
every glass of New Zealand milk<br />
are less than halfthe global<br />
average. Ourfarmers are<br />
shifting toward increasingly<br />
sustainable systems.<br />
‘‘It’s abig challenge securing<br />
farmsystems whichare<br />
profitable, while minimisingthe<br />
footprint,’’ Dr Mackle says.<br />
DairyNZ’sStep Change<br />
programme is alsoproviding<br />
support to farmers with climate<br />
change and waterquality goals.<br />
It will help farmers reduce<br />
greenhouse gases,improve<br />
water and maintain profitable<br />
businesses.<br />
‘‘The world is changing and<br />
dairy is moving with it. Our<br />
farmersare on the journey, but<br />
we wanttocontinue raising the<br />
bar to maintain our position as<br />
worldleading farmers,’’says Dr<br />
Mackle.<br />
‘‘Kiwi dairyfarmershave a<br />
long and proudhistory of<br />
innovationrising to challenges,<br />
and it is in thosemomentsthey<br />
shine.’’<br />
Learnmore aboutNew<br />
Zealand’sdairy farmers online<br />
at<br />
Entries<br />
sought<br />
Entries are open for the<br />
2021 New Zealand Dairy<br />
Industry Awards after an<br />
uncertain year.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> has<br />
enjoyed success in the<br />
awards over the years, with<br />
Culverden couple Tania<br />
Riddington and Tim<br />
Murdoch named runnersup<br />
in the <strong>Canterbury</strong>/<strong>North</strong><br />
Otago share farmer of the<br />
year awards this year.<br />
In 2019, Culverden farm<br />
manager Matt Redmond<br />
won the <strong>Canterbury</strong>/<strong>North</strong><br />
Otago dairy manager of the<br />
year award, while Landcorp<br />
farm production manager<br />
Mahraaz Hussein, of Oxford,<br />
was afinalist in the same<br />
category.<br />
New Zealand Dairy<br />
Industry Awards Trust<br />
chairwoman Natasha Tere<br />
says the awards play an<br />
important role in<br />
showcasing the dairy<br />
industry and its success<br />
stories.<br />
“Now, more than ever, it<br />
is important that success<br />
within the dairy industry is<br />
celebrated and the sector’s<br />
contribution to the nation as<br />
an essential service is<br />
acknowledged.’’<br />
Entries close on<br />
December 1.<br />
They can be made at<br /><br />
65 Main <strong>North</strong>Rd, Woodend<br />
PH: 03 3127927 |<br />
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requirements and agreed km allowance and less remediation costs) which will be applied to your nal balloon payment. Terms and conditions apply. Excludes all lease and some eet purchasers. Ooer available<br />
on eligible vehicles ordered and delivered by 31 December <strong>2020</strong> or while stock lasts. Nissan reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this ooer. Not available in conjunction with any other ooer.<br />
RANGIORA NISSAN, 321 High Street, Rangiora<br />
Ph: 03 941 3175<br /><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
2309605<br />
<strong>29</strong><br />
&Wild Game<br />
Meat Processing<br />
313 0022<br />
MEAT2U.NZ<br />
Up country ... Rob Stokes, left, chats to his Lees Valley farm manager Tim Sowman.<br />
Regulations called unworkable<br />
Proposed newregulations arecreatinga<br />
headache forfarmerstrying to do the<br />
right thing by the environment,the<br />
FederatedFarmers’ high country<br />
chairman says.<br />
Rob Stokes would likecentral<br />
government and theDepartmentof<br />
Conservation(DOC)towork alongside<br />
farmers insteadofimposing<br />
‘‘unworkable’’ regulations.<br />
Pastoralleasesubmissionsweredue by<br />
lateNovember,while proposed<br />
regulationsaround freshwater and<br />
biodiversity wouldtakeaway ‘‘our<br />
opportunity to develop’’.<br />
‘‘The wholefreshwater policy is<br />
unworkable. If theyhad aplan they<br />
wouldn’tbegoing back all the time to rejig<br />
it,’’ Mr Stokes says.<br />
Under theproposed lowslopemaps<br />
prepared for the new stock exclusion<br />
rules,80percentofhis 2500 hectareLees<br />
Valley property,nearOxford,would be<br />
considered to be ‘‘under the low slope,<br />
which isn’t quite correct’’.<br />
‘‘Weare lookingatprobably 40% (low<br />
slope). The rest is highcountryand that’s<br />
the way we’ve farmed it —not too<br />
intensive.’’<br />
The recent Ohau fireswereanexample<br />
of where farmersfelt their concerns,<br />
around‘‘fuel loading’’ werebeing<br />
ignored.<br />
But Mr Stokes was hopeful DOC,Fire<br />
and Emergency New Zealand,Land<br />
Information New Zealandand Federated<br />
Farmers would soonbemeeting‘‘inthe<br />
sameroom so we canget aplantogether’’.<br />
‘‘Wewantsomethinginplace in the<br />
next couple of weeks andIthink DOC do<br />
as well. It’snot great publicityfor them.’’<br />
Mr Stokes and hiswife, Julie,employ<br />
TimSowman to runtheirLeesValley<br />
property. Theyalso have properties at<br />
Oxford and Amberley.<br />
Thereare two fulltime staff at Lees<br />
Valley and‘‘webounce around in<br />
between and muck in withthe baling and<br />
tractorwork’’,hesays.<br />
‘‘It’s abreeding unit, with prettymuch<br />
all young stock finished—40% are<br />
finishedatLees Valley andthe rest are<br />
sent to ourblocks at Oxfordand<br />
Amberley.’’<br />
The Stokesfamily’sRichonPartnership<br />
farms8000 stock units of Perendalesheep<br />
and Hereford cattle, with low stocking<br />
ratesatLeesValley.‘‘We’vefarmed like<br />
that for 100 years.<br />
‘‘We arethird generation. My<br />
grandfather bought it and my fatherwas<br />
therefor 50 years,and we took it over in<br />
1995 andfarmed it in partnershipwith my<br />
parents until they retiredinto Oxford<br />
aboutfive or six years ago.’’<br />
ThePerendaleshave been lambingat<br />
140% andithas beenamixed springso<br />
far, he says.<br />
‘‘Theweatherhas beenpretty good on<br />
thewhole, butit’s been afunnyold spring<br />
andit’sstarting to getabit dry. It’sabit<br />
like the<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> of old,with the<br />
northwesterlies.<br />
‘‘We just need abit more moisture and<br />
plenty of sun.’’<br />
Thebullcalvesfrom theRichon<br />
Hereford stud are grazedatAmberley<br />
until sale time, alongside the Beechwood<br />
Hereford stud bullcalves, owned by Rob<br />
andMary Ann Burrows.<br />
Firewood &Coal<br />
Coal<br />
20 kg bags or 500kg bulk bags<br />
Firewood<br />
Pick up or deliver (delivery charges apply)<br />
Free delivery toDarfield township when<br />
3cubic metres or more is ordered.<br />
Landscape Products<br />
•Forest Mulch<br />
•Bark Mulch<br />
•Bark Nuggets (10/20mm)<br />
•Premium Organic Compost<br />
•Screened Soil<br />
•Landscape Rocks<br />
The Richon andBeechwood studs hold<br />
two sales ayear in partnershipfor<br />
yearlingand twoyearold bulls.<br />
While thesale in June wasreasonably<br />
successful, Mr Stokessays thismonth’s<br />
salewas a‘‘struggle’’. ‘‘We didn’t have the<br />
interest we normallyhave,but we willsell<br />
themprivately and hopefullyget themoff<br />
the farminNovember.’’<br />
Energy &Resources<br />
call Scott Heasley 0275 350 302<br /><br />
•Paparoa Red Rock available in<br />
3grades<br />
•Railway Sleepers (2.1 Lengths)<br />
•Kindling Wood<br />
•Unscreened Bark<br />
Delivery fees apply.<br />
1930772<br />
417 Creyke Road, Darfield Eftpos now<br />
Phone 03975 4502 available<br />
Open MondaytoFriday 6am-6pm,<br />
Saturday 8am-1pm or after hours by appointment<br />
2282437<br />
Surveying |Engineering |Planning |Subdivisions<br />
Topographical Surveys |Resource Management<br />
Land Development |Civil Engineering |Project<br />
Management |Building &Construction Setout<br />
Mark O’Connor is available<br />
for free, no obligation<br />
consultations at the PGG<br />
Wrightson Kaikoura office<br />
Wednesday fortnightly.<br />
Appointments required.<br />
Built to your budget!<br />
-All types of fencing including:<br />
-deer, sheep and cattle yards<br />
-Retaining walls –Timber gates<br />
-Full range of specialised equipment for farm fencing and<br />
lifestyle blocks, offers you the complete land package.<br />
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Post &Rail Fencing -Looks great &<br />
makes life easy for the Rural Lifestyler!<br />
SPORTS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
31<br />
Dusty work ... Robbie and Amy Stokes in action in their Ford Fiesta AP4.<br />
Waikuku pair in rally win<br />
Waikukubrother andsister<br />
Robbie andAmy Stokeswon<br />
their firstrallyoverthe weekend<br />
at the LoneStar Rallyof<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
The paircamehomefirst by<br />
just8.7 seconds to beat Josh<br />
Marston and Andrew Graves<br />
after 119km of racing.<br />
It was onlythe thirdrally in<br />
which Robbie hadcompeted in<br />
his fourwheeldrive<br />
turbocharged FordFiesta AP4.<br />
For thepast three seasons the<br />
pairhad competedinatwowheeldrive<br />
FordFiesta R2.<br />
‘‘Weare rapt with howthe car<br />
performs.<br />
‘‘Our engineer, IanMason (of<br />
Nelson) has built an incredible<br />
car fromscratch and it is just<br />
awesometodrive,’’Robbie says.<br />
‘‘Inthree events we havegone<br />
fromaDNF (didnot finish)to<br />
secondoverall,and nowawin.’’<br />
There was aclosebattle<br />
betweenthe top two drivers on<br />
the seven stages,with thelead<br />
swapping fourtimes.<br />
However, Robbieclaimed five<br />
of the seven stage wins.<br />
Hot anddusty conditions<br />
added afew extrachallenges,<br />
especially on thestages in the<br />
Ashley Forest. Thelack of wind<br />
caused the dusttohang in the<br />
trees.<br />
‘‘Normally,the Rally of<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> is held on Queen’s<br />
Birthday Weekend, so we are<br />
dealing withsnowand icerather<br />
thanheatand dust,’’Amy says.<br />
‘‘There were somesections<br />
coming down Mt Grey Road<br />
where Iwas hopingRobbie’s<br />
eyesightwas betterthan mine,<br />
becauseIcouldn’t see anything<br />
through thedust.’’<br />
Robbie hadtomanagesome<br />
overheating issues throughout<br />
the day.<br />
‘‘Itwas agood learning<br />
experience forusbecausethe<br />
car wasn’t runningperfectly.<br />
The engine gothotterthan we<br />
would haveliked.<br />
‘‘Onmost stages we justhad to<br />
manage thatand make surewe<br />
got to thefinish linewithout<br />
doing anydamage,’’ Robbiesays.<br />
‘‘Wewerealso runningsecond<br />
on theroad,which we hadn’t<br />
experienced before.Itmeant<br />
thattherewas stillalot of loose<br />
gravel, as only Joshhad been<br />
throughbeforeus. Lastyear we<br />
wereseeded 32 and this year we<br />
werecar three, so it was alittle<br />
bit different.’’<br />
The pair, alongwith Marston,<br />
cameacross some cattleonStage<br />
5from theHurunuiRivermouth<br />
to MotunauBeach.<br />
‘‘Just after one of thespectator<br />
points we came throughacattle<br />
stoptofind10pluscows and<br />
calves on the road. We hadto<br />
slowdownalittletoget around<br />
them, but they dispersedoff the<br />
roadreasonably quickly,’’ Amy<br />
says.<br />
Thiswas not the first time the<br />
Stokes namehas been on the<br />
trophy forthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rally.<br />
Number 1... Robbie and Amy<br />
Stokes after their win.<br />
Their father,Brian,won the<br />
event three times —the first<br />
timein1983.<br />
Robbie andAmy will compete<br />
in two weeks at theLawrence<br />
Rally, andwillbebackinthe<br />
FordFiesta AP4 at theCity of<br />
Auckland Rallyand Battleof<br />
Jacks RidgeonNovember14and<br />
15.<br />
At thenationals ... The riders from the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> BMX<br />
Club who competed in the BMX NZ <strong>2020</strong> nationalchampionships<br />
at the weekend,with club president Mike Smart, third from left,and<br />
vicepresidentLiam Goodwin, thirdfrom right.<br />
BMX riders compete<br />
Thirteen riders from the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> BMX<br />
Club competed in the BMX<br />
NZ <strong>2020</strong> national<br />
championships at the<br />
weekend.<br />
Atotal of 456 riders<br />
competed in 40 classes.<br />
Young riders do not get<br />
placed, but get credit for<br />
participation.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> BMX<br />
Club member results:<br />
Sprocket 6Boys: Ryder<br />
Stewart Participation.<br />
Sprocket 6Girls: Skyla<br />
Hansen Participation.<br />
Sprocket 7Boys: Leo<br />
RangioraBridgeClub<br />
GreyPairs:N/S Denise Lang/<br />
Sue McIlroy1,Janine Tyler/John<br />
McKenzie 2, SheilaWalker/<br />
EamonJackson 3. E/W: David<br />
McRae/Fern McRae1,Pauline<br />
Miller/Bunty Marshall 2, Andrea<br />
Dempsey/NitaSheasby 3.<br />
Presidents:N/S Alison<br />
MacDonald/Hilary Lakeman1,<br />
Linley Thomas/Sue McIlroy 2,<br />
NormShipley/Jeanette<br />
Chatterton 3. E/W:Noreen<br />
Thompson/NoelineGoodgame 1,<br />
MaryRickard/Nita Sheasby2,<br />
DeniseLang/Bruce Whiteman3.<br />
Evening,<strong>October</strong> 19: N/S<br />
GavinDunnett/Noel Langdon1,<br />
Annette Caldwell/Gail Dunlop 2,<br />
FonsSanders/Ellis Sanders3.<br />
E/W:Karryn Lange/Karen<br />
Manson 1, AnnetteWalker/<br />
JonathonSturzaker2,Lorraine<br />
Barnett/Val Atkinson 3.<br />
Gardener Participation;<br />
Nixon Murphy <br />
Participation.<br />
8Boys: Cooper Murphy NZ,<br />
4; Brooklyn Hansen NZ, 9<br />
10 Boys: Riley Smart NZ, 2;<br />
Ben Polden NZ, 10.<br />
13 Boys: Logan Clarke NZ,<br />
13.<br />
1724 Female 20: Ella<br />
Hansen NZ, 4.<br />
3539 Cruiser Male: Scott<br />
Murphy NZ, 3; Matt Stewart<br />
NZ, 5.<br />
50+ Cruiser Male: John<br />
Hansen NZ, 9.<br />
Men Juniors (Superclass):<br />
Blake Day, 3.<br />
Wednesday, PlatePairs: N/S:<br />
JudyBruerton/Joyce Gray 1,<br />
David Rainey/David McRae 2,<br />
Maggie Johnston/Janice<br />
Pickering3.E/W: Robyn<br />
Findlay/Barry Smart 1, Shirley<br />
Symns/Dawn Simpson 2, Louise<br />
Tapper/Noreen Thompson 3.<br />
Amberley Smallbore<br />
RifleClub<br />
Noveltyshoot:KQuigley 107,<br />
KBrown104,DQuigley 102, O<br />
Mitchell101, MQuigley 100,W<br />
Parker 98, IFrazer95, BParker<br />
90, MPalmer83.<br />
RangioraGolf<br />
Midweek men: Stableford:<br />
KieranMcGoverin 45,Peter<br />
Furlong 44, BobCusdin41.<br />
Weekend mixed: Stableford:<br />
Ladies:SandyClaxton 39, Julie<br />
Eliott 38, BexCrosbie 38 (c/b).<br />
Men:WayneJohnstone 44, Lyell<br />
Collins 43, Craig Bonner 41.<br />
Need help<br />
fundraising?<br />
Want to<br />
promote<br />
your club<br />
or team?<br />
Talk to us about<br />
howwecan help<br />
youreach your<br />
goals faster!<br />
For more<br />
information email<br /><br />
kaiapoifitness centre<br />
At the Kaiapoi Fitness Centre we’rededicated to providing our community<br />
with the best gym experienceataffordable prices.<br />
Members of the Kaiapoi Fitness Centre enjoyall these greatbenefits...<br />
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•SPECIAL offers and discounts formembers<br />
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•CASUAL VISITORS welcome (during staffed hours)<br />
*T’s and C’sapply. You cansign up online orcome in person during staffed hours<br />
-call ahead to arrange atime to come in to ensurestaffare available.<br />
To findout more visit...<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />
Bellbird Haven<br />
467 Williams Street, Kaiapoi<br />
Are you looking for asecluded and spacious property within a20minute walk to the town centre of Kaiapoi?<br />
Our vendors are on the move and are offering awonderfulopportunity for you to secure their slice of paradise that they have lovingly maintained for the past<br />
27 years. Standing gracefully on 4662m 2 of land is the double storied 260m 2 home with several outbuildings. The native plantings attract avariety of birdlife<br />
with amazing birdsong. Fully fenced with mature trees lining the boundaryyou have both privacy and the feeling of seclusion and countryliving.<br />
Enter the property via atree lined drive into averyspacious parking area with adoubleinternal access garage which has space for aworkshop. Additional to<br />
this are asingle garage acarport, acaravan port and plenty of room for visitor parking. Various sheds and options to establish avegetable garden and fruit<br />
trees are also features of this substantial property.<br />
Upstairs there are three double bedrooms all with in-built robes, alarge games room upstairs can easily double as afourth bedroom or aretreat/second<br />
lounge for the younger family members. On the ground level the large living/dining/kitchen area is open plan with the ability to be able to be closed off and<br />
you also have access via sliding doors to the new deck. There are two bathrooms with toilets and the upstairs bathroom has aspa bath ideal for relaxing<br />
after aday in the garden.<br />
Twonew heatpumps have been installed along with abrand new MasportRakaia wood burner,both bathrooms have heaters as does the master bedroom.<br />
Asunny north facing home with outstanding views of the property has anew deck that allows agreat area to relax with abook or acoffee and for larger<br />
gatherings there is apaved barbeque area.<br />
New blinds upstairs complement the block-out blinds around the rest of the home. Upstairs has been recently re-carpeted.<br />
The bus stop is across the road, schools and early childhood facilities are close by.<br />
If you have lots of toys, or you’re afamily looking for your dream property for the children to have ample outside enjoyment, this home could be what you<br />
are looking for.<br />
Call Richard or Michelle foraprivate viewing.<br />
Enquiries over $699,000<br />
For more information call<br />
Richard or Michelle<br />
027 536 4260 |027 307 4530<br /><br />
Web ID: TPNC9395<br /><br />
Tall Poppy Real Estate<br />
Licensed REAA 2008<br />
Veiwing by Appointment<br />
2319412<br />
Want afair flat fee with nothing<br />
to pay until your home is SOLD?<br />
Now you have areal choice.<br />
Richard Green and Michelle Facer<br />
Business Owners and Sales Consultants<br />
027 536 4260 or 027 307 4530 |
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Waikuku Beach 32 Park Terrace<br />
Enjoy effortless entertaining<br />
This beautifully-presentedpropertyisperfectly positioned in theheart of Waikuku Beach, ahighly-desirableseaside suburb<br />
locatedwithin easy reach of theRangiora township.<br />
This well-maintained home featuresthree bedrooms, amodern kitchen, andagood-sized bathroom. Designed withfamilies in<br />
mind, the open-plan livingarea offers plentyofversatility, while aheatpump guarantees year-round comfort.<br />
Other highlights include neutral decor, aseparatelaundry, and excellent indoor/outdoor flow. Drenchedin sun, the sprawling<br />
deck is the perfectspot fromwhich to appreciate the tranquil environs which surround the property, withavarietyof<br />
thoughtfullyconfiguredoutdoor entertainingareas providing the ability to cater to any and every occasion.<br />
With thebeach inreach, schools nearbyand shops close at hand,the location is as practical as it is popular, providing all the<br />
assurancesone could wish forastothe strength of your investment.<br />
3 1 1<br />
Auction 6.00pm, Wed 18th Nov, <strong>2020</strong>, (unless sold prior)<br />
View Sun 1Nov 1.00 -2.00pm<br />
Web<br />
SallyDavies<br />
M 027 359 5509<br />
E<br />
Shirley 1/34 Emmett Street<br />
Looking foranew place<br />
tocall home?<br />
Let the sun shine in<br />
In afamily friendlyarea closetopopular schools,safe parksand<br />
convenientpublictransportroutes, this spacious homeispresented to<br />
the market by vendors whohave cherished their timehere,but who<br />
are now determined to embark on the next chapter in their lives.This<br />
warm and invitinghomeboasts threebedrooms, highly-functional<br />
kitchenand bathroom spaces and the added convenience of a<br />
separate laundry. An abundance of glass bathes the open-plan living<br />
and dining areainnaturallight, while sliding doors promoteeasy<br />
accessoutside.<br />
3 1 1<br />
Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 4th<br />
November, <strong>2020</strong> at 2.00pm, (unless<br />
sold prior)<br />
View Sun 1Nov 11.00 -11.45am<br />
Web<br />
Sally Davies<br />
M 027 359 5509<br />
I’m thrilledtoannouncemynew<br />
position as aResidential &LifestyleSales<br />
Consultant at Property Brokers Rangiora.<br />
My quality service is backed by regional knowledge,<br />
expert trainingand tools -everythingyou need to<br />
makeinformed propertydecisions.<br />
If youare lookingtobuy or sell, call me today!<br />
DayanMuntz<br />
Residential &Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br />
M 021 432 926 E<br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Hawarden 368 Horsley Down Road<br />
Extended living and sheds<br />
Attractive 24 acre block with productivesoils and awell maintained villa, theoriginal part of which is 120 years old. The house<br />
is approximately272m2including the verandah, whichisafeature. It comprises three good size bedrooms, large openplan<br />
area withWellstoodmultifuelburner, with wet-back, as wellasaseparate lounge withalarge Metro woodburner. The kitchen<br />
is quitemodern being done in 2007. Featuresinclude two toilets,alaundry, HRV, decorative fireplacesineachbedroom and<br />
wooden joinery.The detachedcar garage is 75m2 andincludesasleep-outand woodshed. The sheds are large with one being<br />
345m2 with ahigh studand partly lockable with aconcrete floor. There is alean-to on the end approximately 5m x3.5m. The<br />
woolshed is 196m2with a63m2 shed attached. The propertyisvery appealingwith the tree lined drive,anumber of large<br />
treesand two woodlots,apond fruit trees andagood garden,hen houseand greenhouse.<br />
3 1 2 1<br />
Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 18th November, <strong>2020</strong>at<br />
4.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />
View By appointment<br />
Web<br />
Maurice Newell<br />
M 027 240 1718<br />
E<br />
Hamish Anderson<br />
M 027 678 8888<br />
E<br />
West Eyreton 281 Moderates Road<br />
Oxford 3Transport Lane<br />
Retirement Dictates Sale<br />
Our vendors have decided to sell their home of nearly 40 years.The approximately 220m2<br />
four bedroom, twobathroom home, sits surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens. The<br />
dwelling has large bedrooms with generous storage, excellent heating from alog burner in<br />
the lounge and apot belly stovewith wetback in the kitchen.The expansive deck is sheltered<br />
from the wind and there is acovered barbeque area. There are alarge number of support<br />
buildings including atwo car separate garage, three bay shed, two bayshed, nine bayshed,<br />
which would be ideal for horses,ahigh stud workshop, with three phase power.<br />
Loburn 621 Carrs Road<br />
4 2 2 2<br />
Deadline Sale closes Thursday 5th<br />
November, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless<br />
sold prior)<br />
View Sun 1Nov 12.45 -1.30pm<br />
Web<br />
Maurice Newell<br />
M 027 240 1718<br />
Hamish Anderson<br />
M 027 678 8888<br />
Loburn Lifestyle Block with Views<br />
Bring yourideas to life and build your dreamsonthis prime 4.1Ha parcel of gorgeous Loburn.<br />
Drink inthe mountain viewsand all-day sun. The road is sealed all the way from Rangiora to<br />
your gate. Title is issued, and immediate possession is available. Power, phone and waterare<br />
to your boundary, andasupplied tank holds thefreshly piped Ashleyrural scheme water.<br />
There are covenants in place to protect your investment. Two neighbours have built and the<br />
third intends to keepgrazing their land, so you can see already what your surrounds have to<br />
offer. On fertile Mairaki andAshley Silt Loam soils.<br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |<br />
ForSale $310,000 +GST (if any)<br />
View By appointment<br />
Web<br />
Aaron Clark<br />
M 027 873 5121<br />
Start me up<br />
First homebuyers, retirees and investorswillall appreciate this<br />
property, atidy presented homelocated close to abevy of convenient<br />
amenities.Inside, three bedroomsare complemented by two<br />
bathrooms(including an ensuite off the master and WIR)and a<br />
modern kitchen receives plentyofmorning light andspace to<br />
entertain. The north facing living area offers versatilitywith open plan<br />
living; awood burner guarantees year-roundcontentment, and<br />
excellent indoor/outdoor flowoffers easy accessto the sheltered<br />
private patio.Outside, the fully fenced section is ahaven forfamilies.<br />
3 2 1 2<br />
Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 3rd<br />
November, <strong>2020</strong> at 5.00pm, (unless<br />
sold prior)<br />
View Sun 1Nov 12.15 -12.45pm<br />
Web<br />
Di Moreira<br />
M 027 848 8020<br />
Four Seasons Realty<br />
Zealanders<br />
New by<br />
Voted<br />
Voted •<br />
2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />
2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />
★<br />
★<br />
2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />
• •<br />
Real Estate Sales<br />
Rangiora’s best location to<br />
live, learn &grow.<br />
Stage Two<br />
Coming Soon!<br />
Titles available now!<br />
Section sizes from 648 -783m2<br />
Sections priced from $204,000<br />
Services to the boundary<br />
Te Matauru Primary School zone<br />
Situated in West Rangiora, Townsend Fields<br />
presents a living space that enhances your<br />
outdoor experience with open countryside,<br />
surrounded by recreational reserves,<br />
waterways, native planting and recreational<br />
walkways and paths. Simply put, it is the town’s<br />
newest, eco-friendly location to call home.<br />
Plan now for a fabulous future in Townsend Fields.<br />
To make an appointment today, or if you have any questions, simply phone or email<br />
Christine.<br />
Please phone for<br />
viewing times<br /><br />
Christine Tallott<br />
027 4906 042 |03313 6158<br /><br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|LicensedAgent REAA 2008<br /><br />
Your home forlocal property.
What’s happening in your<br />
community…<br />
What Would You Change? Shape<br />
Waimakariri’s Climate Change Policy<br />
Residents concerned about climate change are<br />
being asked to help shape the Council’s dra<br />
Climate Change Policy.<br />
The Council’s 2019 Community Survey showed<br />
growing concern about the issue with over 70<br />
percent of respondents either concerned or very<br />
concerned about climate change. Residents<br />
also asked the Council to show leadership by<br />
prioritising climate change in the 2019 Customer<br />
Satisfaction Survey.<br />
“The Council acknowledges concerted action is<br />
required by all levels of government to address<br />
climate change for current and future generations,”<br />
said Councillor Niki Mealings who holds the<br />
portfolio for climate change.<br />
“We want to work with the community to become<br />
more sustainable, improve the environment, and<br />
mitigate our impact onthe world’s climate.”<br />
She says the aim of the dra policy is to ensure<br />
the Council is prepared to lead aresponse to<br />
climate change that is appropriate, timely, costeffective<br />
and equitable,<br />
“It’s important we balance these objectives and<br />
develop an appropriate response with real and<br />
measurable outcomes.”<br />
Cr Mealings says while this policy is largely a<br />
‘statement of intent’, it will pave the way for a<br />
comprehensive Climate Change Response Strategy<br />
to be developed in the coming months.<br />
If adopted, the policy commits the Council to<br />
considering climate change in all Council decisionmaking<br />
and work programmes, and regularly<br />
measuring corporate emissions.<br />
The dra policy is available forfeedbackonthe<br />
Council’sLet’s Talk website untilFriday 13November.<br /><br />
Bin Spot Checks Prove to be Dirty Work<br />
Ateam of four are spot checking recycling bins<br />
throughout the District to help people better<br />
understand what items can be put out for<br />
recycling.<br />
Twoweeks in, and it’s been adirty job.<br />
Food, dirty nappies, smashed window glass, tree<br />
branches, Tetra Pak cartons, coffee cups, lids,<br />
clothing and other things that should be going<br />
in the rubbish, have been found in hundreds of<br />
recycling bins.<br />
Since checks have begun roughly one in four<br />
recycling bins contained rubbish. This could have<br />
contaminated the whole load which would then<br />
have had to go to landfill.<br />
“The visual checks are the best way for ustosee<br />
what the recycling looks like, and check whether<br />
people are getting our messaging about what we<br />
can and can’t take”, says Council’s Solid Waste<br />
Asset Manager Kitty Waghorn.<br />
Any bin heavily contaminated with rubbish will be<br />
le uncollected and atag will let residents know<br />
what the offending items are so that it can be<br />
sorted for the next collection.<br />
Kitty said for those who haven’t got it quite right,<br />
and where there is only alittle contamination, the<br />
bin will be collected and an educational flyer will be<br />
le in the letterbox letting people know what items<br />
need to go in the rubbish.<br />
“We’ll be checking bins again inthe coming weeks<br />
to check that the message is getting through. It’s so<br />
important to get our recycling sorted so that wecan<br />
keep it from being dumped tolandfill,” she said.<br />
What to recycle:<br />
• Clean cardboard<br />
• Aluminium and tin cans (no unattached<br />
lids)<br />
• Metal tins<br />
• Glass jars and bottles (no lids) –nobigger<br />
than 3litre size<br />
• Plastic bottles and containers from the<br />
kitchen or laundry, type 1, 2or5<br />
• Aerosol cans<br />
• Paper nosmaller than an envelope<br />
Time to Splash!<br />
Waikuku Paddling Pool is<br />
open now.<br />
Come visit Wally the Whale and celebrate the<br />
warm weather with apaddle and play.<br />
Remember to bring your hat and sunscreen,<br />
as the shade sail won’tbeinstalled until aer<br />
Guy Fawkes.<br /><br />
Free Computer Classes<br />
at Waimakariri Libraries<br />
Email<br />
Kaiapoi Library Thursday<strong>29</strong><strong>October</strong><br />
RangioraLibrary Friday30<strong>October</strong><br />
Tablets<br />
Kaiapoi Library Monday2November<br />
RangioraLibrary Wednesday4November<br />
Each class runs for two hours<br />
from 10am to 12pm.<br />
Book on 03 311 8901 or<br />
Classes available at Oxford Library<br />
on request.<br /><br />
ABOUT<br />
Did you know that arecent survey<br />
showed that over 70% of our community<br />
is concerned about Climate Change?<br />
Your feedback on our dra Climate Change Policy<br />
will help us shape acomprehensiveClimate Change<br />
Response Strategy forWaimakariri.<br />
Let us know what you think before<br />
Friday 13 November <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
Share your thoughts at
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
37<br />
Claddinggoeson<br />
stadium complex<br />
Upcoming Council<br />
meetings<br />
The following meetings will<br />
be held inNovember <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
All meetings will be held in<br />
the Function Room, (upstairs)<br />
Rangiora Town Hall, 303<br />
High Street, Rangiora, unless<br />
otherwise stated.<br />
• Waimakariri Zone Committee<br />
Monday5<strong>October</strong>commencingat3.30pm.<br />
• Waimakariri Zone Committee<br />
Monday2November commencing<br />
at 3.30pm.<br />
• Mahi Tahi Joint Development<br />
Committee<br />
Tuesday3November at 8.30am<br />
• Council<br />
Tuesday3November at 1pm.<br />
• Oxford-Ohoka Community Board<br />
Wednesday 4November at 7pmatthe<br />
Oxford TownHall, Main Street,Oxford.<br />
(The Public Forumsectionof theagenda<br />
willoccur from 7pmto7.25pm.)<br />
• Woodend-Seon Community Board<br />
Monday9November at 6pm at the<br />
Woodend CommunityCentre,<br />
School Road,Woodend.<br />
• Rangiora-Ashley Community Board<br />
Wednesday 11 November at 7pm.<br />
• Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board<br />
Monday16November at 5pmatthe<br />
RuataniwhaKaiapoi CivicCentre,<br />
176WilliamsStreet, Kaiapoi.<br />
• Audit and Risk Committee<br />
Tuesday17November at 9am.<br />
• Utilities and Roading Committee<br />
Tuesday17November at 4pm.<br />
• Multi-Sports Facility (Stadium<br />
Waimakariri) Steering Group<br />
Thursday26Novemberat10.30am.<br />
All meetings are open to the public.<br />
Agendas are available two working days<br />
prior to meeting.<br />
Agendas and minutes for the meeting<br />
can be found onthe Council’s website:<br /><br />
Taking shape ... The recent addition of cladding to Stadium Waimakariri has radically transformed the look<br />
of the complex, taking shape on Coldstream Road, Rangiora. The building is scheduled to open in the middle<br />
of next year.<br />
Calling all cupcake specialists<br />
An urgent plea has gone out to bakers by the<br />
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals<br />
(SPCA) to support its Cup Cake Day fundraiser on<br />
Monday, November 2.<br />
Every year the SPCA provides care and shelter<br />
for more than 40,000 abused and neglected<br />
animals.<br />
Since 2009, bakers from all around New Zealand<br />
have helped the SPCA raise more than $3 million<br />
to continue helping animals in need. However,<br />
this year people have been slow to register for the<br />
event.<br />
‘‘Please join us again to make ahuge difference<br />
to the lives of injured, abused, sick and lost<br />
Gala to<br />
focus on<br />
children<br />
Ashgrove School’s community gala is<br />
all about the children.<br />
The school’s parent teacher<br />
association (PTA) will host it on<br />
Friday, November 6, from 3.30pm, with<br />
games and activities centred around<br />
the children, teacher Megan Cherry<br />
says.<br />
‘‘The PTA envisions acommunity<br />
feel where people come and have a<br />
twilight picnic —bring fish and chips.<br />
There will be some stalls and games<br />
and prizes, so it’s all about the<br />
children.<br />
‘‘In the past we’ve brought in other<br />
stallholders and it hasn’t been focused<br />
around the children the same, and alot<br />
of the stalls just weren’t affordable for<br />
families.’’<br />
There will be abarbecue, music and<br />
food on sale, and some of the children<br />
will be bringing items from home to<br />
sell.<br />
The gala is also an opportunity to<br />
meet the school’s new principal, Leon<br />
Van’t VeenGibbon, or ‘‘Mr V’’.<br />
‘‘It’s an opportunity to come together<br />
as acommunity and celebrate the<br />
special place that Ashgrove is,’’ he<br />
says.<br />
animals across New Zealand,’’ SPCA chief<br />
executive Andrea Midgen says.<br />
‘‘Kitten season is in full swing and the newborn<br />
kittens arriving in the SPCA’s care are only days<br />
old, even smaller than acupcake, but we are low<br />
on signups and we urgently need more bakers to<br />
raise vital funds to help these kittens,’’ she says.<br />
This year’s target is $150,000, with more than<br />
$16,000 raised so far. Bakers interested in taking<br />
part in the fundraiser should register for the event<br />
on the SPCA website.<br />
‘‘Taking part is easy,’’ Andrea says. ‘‘Just bake<br />
delicious cupcakes, sell them to your family and<br />
friends, and raise money to help care for animals.<br />
‘‘It has been adifficult year, so let’s end it with<br />
some ‘pawsitivity’ and delicious treats.’’<br />
ADelayed Life, by Dita Kraus<br />
From her time in the children’s block<br />
of Auschwitz to her liberation from<br />
the camps and on into her adulthood,<br />
Dita’s powerful memoir sheds light<br />
on an incredible life —one that is<br />
delayed no longer.<br />
The Salt Path, by Raynor Winn<br />
Just days after Raynor learns that<br />
Moth, her husband of 32 years, is<br />
terminally ill, the couple lose their<br />
home and their livelihood. With<br />
nothing left and little time, they make the brave and<br />
impulsive decision to walk the<br />
1013km of the seaswept South West<br />
Coast Path, from Somerset to Dorset<br />
via Devon and Cornwall.<br />
Under the Covers, by Jenny Lynch<br />
Former editor Jenny Lynch takes the<br />
wraps off the unreported side of life<br />
in print, explodes myths, unearths<br />
secrets and shows that even on<br />
seemingly<br />
conservative<br />
publications<br />
such as the New<br />
Zealand Woman's Weekly,things were<br />
seldom exactly as they seemed.<br />
These titles are available in both<br />
Waimakariri and Hurunui libraries.<br />
Find out more about recent additions<br />
to the library collection by going to<br />
the library catalogue at waimakariri.<br /> or,<br />
or contact your local library.
38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Colourful occasion ... Young people dance the night away<br />
under neon lights.<br />
Youngsters party<br />
the night away<br />
The youth of Hurunui<br />
boogied the nightaway at the<br />
OmihiHallonSaturday<br />
night.<br />
The annualjunior youth<br />
formal, NeonNui, was<br />
hosted by the Hurunui Youth<br />
Programme.<br />
Fiftyyear 710students<br />
from Cheviot Area School<br />
and Hurunui College danced<br />
underthe neon lights.<br />
It was acommunity effort,<br />
with alocalDJ, local bus<br />
drivers, and HYP<br />
representation.<br />
Hurunui District Council<br />
youthdevelopment officer<br />
Ward Shearmansaid it was a<br />
big success thanks to everyone<br />
who helped, including<br />
MayorMarie Black, who<br />
turned up for aboogie, and<br />
the Rata Foundation.<br />
“Everyone came together<br />
and absolutely loved it, and<br />
the messages comingfrom<br />
parents the following day<br />
was that they were<br />
absolutely fizzing,’’ he says.<br />
It had been atrickyyear<br />
for holdingsocial gatherings,<br />
so everyone was excited to<br />
see it go ahead.<br />
“It was so cool to have so<br />
many youth together.”<br />
Fun on the water ... Tyler Sibley, aged 4, of Woodend, has<br />
aturn in abumper boat.<br />
Party proves abig hit<br />
Summer arrived early for<br />
All Together Kaiapoi’s<br />
belated Party in the Park<br />
last Sunday, with the<br />
temperature soaring to 28<br />
degrees Celsius.<br />
Alarge crowd flocked to<br />
Trousselot Park to enjoy<br />
the day.<br />
The free, familyfriendly<br />
Keeping cool ... Xavier<br />
Plenty, aged 4, of Rangiora,<br />
tucks into an icecream.<br />
party, held to conclude the<br />
Kaiapoi Spring Festival,<br />
was originally scheduled<br />
for Sunday September 27<br />
but was postponed because<br />
high winds were forecast.<br />
The group’s project coordinator,<br />
Linda Dunbar,<br />
said she was thrilled with<br />
the turnout.<br />
Dancing to the beat... Saphira<br />
HongaraBoyd, aged 6, of<br />
Christchurch, enjoys the music<br />
from Kaiapoicovers band The<br />
Mule.<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Sales<br />
Consultant /<br />
Administration<br />
Support<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> is the best-read and largestcirculating culating<br />
communitynewspaper in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. We are ownedbyAllied Press, a<br />
New Zealandowned and operated companyproducingquality newspapers,<br />
magazines and on-line media.<br />
We arelooking for anew teammember to join us whoisanexcellent<br />
communicator to helpgrow our business and sales,and ideally willhavea<br />
goodunderstanding of the ruralsector.Part of your role willbetoprovide<br />
sales and administration support.<br />
Thisisafull timeposition basedin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
In order to be successful in this role,itisessential that you have:<br />
• Sales hunting skills and atruehungertosucceed.<br />
• The ability to listen to client needs andprovideeffective solutions.<br />
• Afaultless workethic and be deadline driven.<br />
• Computer literateand be confidentlearning new programmes and systems.<br />
Youmust also be apeople person who is:<br />
• Passionate, positive and proactive.<br />
• Flexible andable to work across multiple mediaplatforms if required.<br />
• Creative anddeliverfresh ideas for ourcustomers.<br />
• Enjoy beingpart of asmall, dedicated team.<br />
Youwill be joining acompany that is passionate about publishingand looks<br />
after its people.<br />
Basesalarypackage plusincentive is on offerfor therightcandidate.<br />
Apply in confidencewith yourCVand cover letter to:<br />
Dayna Burton<br /><br />
Applications close<br />
5pm,Friday 27 November.<br />
Thursday,August2,2018 | Issue 808 |<br />
2326806<br />
Grazing<br />
GRAZING / lease land<br />
wanted for Yearling cattle.<br />
Also standing hay or baleage.<br />
Phone 027 6<strong>29</strong> 0350.<br />
Gardening<br />
A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />
to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />
work. Also spraying. Free<br />
quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
HORSE manure. Delivered<br />
by Rangiora Lions,<br />
Rangiora area, $5 a bag.<br />
Please phone 313 2819 or<br />
021 312 230.<br />
PEASTRAW. Excellent<br />
quality peastraw for sale.<br />
Ideal for garden. $8.00 /<br />
small bale ex - farm<br />
Bennetts -Oxford. Ph 027<br />
312 4009 or 03 312 4460.<br />
PIG manure compost.<br />
Delivered by Rangiora<br />
Lions, Rangiora area $5 a<br />
bag. Please phone 312 9345<br />
or 021 312 230.<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
BUYING estate type old<br />
china, crystal, collectables,<br />
vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />
313 1878.<br />
$$$<br />
Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />
Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />
machineryand farm clean<br />
ups, old vehicles etc.<br />
100% locally owned.<br />
Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />
027 695 0480.<br />
2312759<br />
Livestock<br />
&Wild Game<br />
Meat Processing<br />
313 0022<br />
2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />
For Sale<br />
ASPARAGUS, freshly<br />
picked $10 for 1kilo, 304<br />
Racecourse Road, Broomfield.<br />
Open Sunday to<br />
Friday.<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
03 313 7216<br />
CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />
wanted for dismantling or<br />
repair. Phone 027 258<br />
8366.<br />
for anyunwanted<br />
vehicles,phone<br />
3479354 or<br />
027 476 2404<br />
WANTED to buy Ford,<br />
Holden, Chrysler, or<br />
Chev’s, classic cars. Any<br />
condition. Please phone<br />
Tony 027 313 5000.<br />
Public Notices<br />
2326841<br />
For Lease<br />
We have anoperating<br />
vineyard for lease in Waipara<br />
2327075<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
Property Wanted<br />
HOME<br />
WANTED<br />
Are you interested in<br />
selling your home?<br />
We are private cash<br />
buyers looking for a3-4<br />
bedroom home in the<br />
<strong>North</strong>ern Waimakariri /<br />
Southern Hurunui<br />
districts.<br />
We will be visiting the<br />
area Nov 9-14 so if you<br />
are interested we would<br />
love to hear from you.<br />
Ph Pete 0272238053 or<br />
email glenecho@xtra.<br /><br />
To Let<br />
HOMESITTERS req’d<br />
from 20 Dec. Beautiful<br />
homes / pets. Phone Lisa<br />
021 547 262 or visit<br /><br />
Enquiries<br />
Phone 021 240 <strong>29</strong>88<br />
“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />
“GOOD NEWS”<br />
What the Bible says about FAITH:<br />
“The just shall live by faith”<br />
Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11.<br />
Public Notices<br />
<strong>2020</strong> SCHOOL BOARD OF TRUSTEES<br />
Nominations close for the election of two parent<br />
representatives to the Board of Trustees for Rangiora High<br />
School on Sunday 1November <strong>2020</strong> at 12 noon. The<br />
positions are for athree-year termuntil December 2023.<br />
A nomination form and instruction sheet can be<br />
downloaded from the Rangiora High School website,<br />, or obtained from the School<br />
Office. Forms have already been sent by email to parents<br />
and caregivers of existing Rangiora HS students.<br />
Nomination forms may be uploaded to the Rangiora High<br />
School Election Portal or emailed to the returning officer<br />
before the above time.<br />
Hard copies may also be leftatthe school office up to 4pm<br />
on Friday 30 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
The positions will also be of interest to parents of students<br />
who will be attending Rangiora High School for the first<br />
time in <strong>2020</strong>, and allow them the opportunity to be involved<br />
in the governance of the school and working to ensure<br />
that students achieve their highest possible standards of<br />
educational achievement.<br />
More information can be obtained from the Rangiora High<br />
School website, or by contacting the Board Secretary<br />
Kevin Roche at email:<br />
2326835<br />
The Trust advises that it received one<br />
valid nomination, being Julian Ball, for<br />
a community trustee from the Waipara<br />
Community Area,therefore Julian Ball will be<br />
re-elected as the Waipara Community Area<br />
Trustee.<br />
2327555<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
A Pocket Full of Spices<br />
Ltd has made application<br />
to the District Licensing<br />
Committee at Rangiora<br />
for the renewal of an On<br />
Licence in respect of the<br />
premises situated at 92<br />
Victoria Street, Rangiora<br />
or the Restaurant known<br />
as APocket Full of Spices<br />
(Indian Restaurant &<br />
Takeaway).<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to<br />
be conducted) under the<br />
licence is Restaurant.<br />
The days on which and the<br />
hours during which alcohol<br />
is (or is intended to be)<br />
sold under the licence are<br />
Monday to Sunday 9am to<br />
11pm.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of<br />
the licence may, not later<br />
than 15 working days after<br />
the date of the publication<br />
of this notice, file anotice<br />
in writing of the objection<br />
with the Secretary of<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee<br />
at Private Bag 1005,<br />
Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the renewal<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than amatter specified in<br />
section 131 of the Sale and<br />
Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />
This is the first publication<br />
of this notice.<br />
2326337v1<br />
Pets<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
"No kennels". Phone today<br />
03 314 6110.<br />
RATEC Motorsport Inc.<br />
Hawkswood Sealed<br />
Sprint <strong>2020</strong><br />
The Council has approved<br />
the temporaryclosureof<br />
Hawkswood Road, Cheviot<br />
•Sat 7&Sun 8<br />
November <strong>2020</strong><br />
•From 9am to 6pm<br />
each day<br />
•Two days<br />
This closure is made under<br />
paragraph 11(e) of the Tenth<br />
Schedule of the Local Government<br />
Act 1974. This applies to all<br />
vehicular traffic with the exception<br />
of emergency servicesvehicles.<br />
It willbeanoffence underthe above<br />
regulations for any person, other<br />
than those under authority of an<br />
authorised permit, to use the road<br />
for ordinary vehicular traffic during<br />
theperiod of closure.<br />
2326811<br />
AGM Ahu Whenua Trust<br />
Tawera MR897 Section 2.<br />
To be held on Sunday <strong>29</strong>th<br />
November <strong>2020</strong>, 11am at<br />
Tuahiwi Marae.<br />
Garage Sales<br />
93 Leithfield Road, Saturday<br />
31st <strong>October</strong>, 9am -<br />
4pm. Household goods,<br />
woodworking tools, metal<br />
working tools, 3 phase<br />
compressor, motor, irrigation<br />
fittings, welder, log<br />
splitter. Lifestyle clearing<br />
sale, cash only.<br />
RANGIORA 161 Oxford<br />
Road, 31st <strong>October</strong>,<br />
8.30am.<br />
RANGIORA 31 Seddon<br />
Street, Saturday 31st <strong>October</strong>,<br />
9am. Household<br />
goods, baby room gear and<br />
accessories.<br />
Educational<br />
TUITION available. Primary<br />
and secondary to<br />
NCEA level 3. Math, Literacy<br />
and Science (NCEA).<br />
Each student on an individually,<br />
tailoured programme.<br />
Kip McGrath<br />
Rangiora has been serving<br />
the local community for 30<br />
years. Give us a call or<br />
book your free assessment<br />
online 03 313 3638 https:/<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
Chiropractic Services<br />
Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor<br />
Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />
ACC Registered and Accredited<br />
Monday-Thursday | 03 313 0350<br />
Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br /><br />
027 868 2574<br />
ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />
Select Health<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
ARBORIST qualified.<br />
Copper Beech Tree<br />
Services. Tree removal,<br />
pruning, height reduction,<br />
hedge trimming, shaping,<br />
tree planting, firewood.<br />
Free quote. Contact Angus<br />
Edwards 027 259 6741<br /><br />
AFFORDABLE concrete<br />
cutting with quality and<br />
removal work. Free quotes.<br />
No job too small. Ph 027<br />
442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />
or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />
chopping, pruning, firewood<br />
cut. Affordable &<br />
friendly service. Telephone<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />
types of work undertaken,<br />
repairs. Phone Hamish<br />
0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />
51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
Electrician<br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
From $80 + gst single<br />
storey. 0800 SWEEP ME<br />
or 021 0277 1927.<br />
M: 0275 543 958 E:<br />
2227883<br />
<strong>2020</strong>478<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />
Professional tile cleaning,<br />
tiled shower restorations<br />
mouldy silcone, shower<br />
glass & we can even<br />
recolour your old grout!<br />
For all your tile and grout<br />
issues call Grout Pro for a<br />
free, no obligation quote.<br />
Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant,<br />
exterior, interior. Qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
25 + years experience.<br />
Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />
waterblasting. For a free<br />
quote, please ph Steve 03<br />
314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />
PAINTER, qualified, local<br />
professional. Int / Ext,<br />
roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />
text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />
Construction &Concrete<br />
All Construction & Concrete Work<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths<br />
•Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations<br />
•Sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />
•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />
•Excavation and cartage<br />
•Precast concrete<br />
•Insulated panels<br />
2269236<br />
Trade &Services<br />
RANGIORA Rubbish<br />
Removal and RRR skips.<br />
Wheelie bins any frequency<br />
and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />
9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />
bins for any use, rubbish,<br />
greenwaste, building sites<br />
or just cleanups. Give us a<br />
phone call 313 6957 or for<br />
skips 021 313 255.<br />
Engineering<br />
ROOFER. All roof repairs,<br />
roof painting, water blasting,<br />
moss treatment,<br />
repointing, gutter cleans &<br />
snow straps. And more.<br />
Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />
027 516 6609.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. T-shirts,<br />
Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather 03<br />
313 0261 or email heather.<br /><br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. Trailer, generator<br />
&mobile handpiece<br />
available. Experienced,<br />
reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />
4233713 or 021 267 4025.<br />
drenching, feet trimming.<br />
For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />
Stu 027 315 6916.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Specialist.<br />
All plastic &fibreglass STONEMASON, Brick<br />
repairs. Telephone James and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />
021 180 5103.<br />
repairs, grind out and<br />
repoint, River/Oamaru<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs, stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />
parts &sales for over 40 rock, paving, all alterations<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade workmanship. Visit www.<br />
- new and old. Quality<br />
Tools, 23 Watts Road, or ph<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230. 027 601 3145.<br />
Daryl Power<br />
027 230 9401<br /><br /><br />
For your Engineering needs<br />
187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />
Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br /><br />
2273277<br />
Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />
horse, all types of animals.<br />
Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />
shelters, runs.<br />
30+ years contract fencing.<br />
Steve is available to help with<br />
your design &planning.<br />
Ph office03312 4747<br />
2091848<br />
Forall your painting &<br />
plastering requirements<br />
Local with 30 years<br />
experience<br />
All workmanship<br />
Guaranteed.<br />
Phone 021 344 023<br />
2220615<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
2089195v2-4/4-S<br />
Motorcycle Service &Repair<br />
South Pacific Motorcycle Services<br />
“we’re your LOCAL motorcycle guys”<br />
• Service • Repairs • Tyres<br />
• Motorcycle Rental<br />
•Fully Equipped Workshop •Quality Work •Affordable Rates!<br />
Ph: 03 312 0066 |<br /><br />
2313195<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph 03 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
2225862<br />
Movemen Ltd<br />
2Men &agood sized<br />
truck. From $157 per hour<br />
(incl gst). Kaiapoi based.<br />
Call Gerard<br />
027 668 3636<br />
2316549<br />
Paving<br />
Patio &Pathways<br />
-New or Existing<br />
Free Quotes<br />
–Competitive Pricing<br />
Blair Gibson<br />
027 699 5815 03 313 7933<br />
Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Contact Geoff at<br />
Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />
03 310 8541 or email<br /><br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 128 9867<br />
Personal<br />
SINGLE Pegasus man 178<br />
tall, indep and aNSseeks a<br />
lively personable and fun<br />
lady (50s-60s) for company,<br />
some active and<br />
some relaxed times. Phone<br />
027 659 4425.<br />
Entertainment<br />
RANGIORA Country<br />
Music Club night to be held<br />
on the 4th November at the<br />
RSA, Victoria St, Rangiora.<br />
Starts at 7pm. All<br />
welcome. Enquiries phone<br />
027 928 1730.<br />
2253902<br />
Appliance Repairs<br />
F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />
ASKO, Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />
Haier, Samsung and more....<br />
39<br />
“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />
Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />
Builder<br />
Butchery<br />
OxfordButchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill&process yourstock<br />
FourGenerations of Frahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
1913020<br />
1680439<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
03 313 2840<br />
2269511<br />
Plastering<br />
“Specialists in all aspects of plastering<br />
from traditional to modern”<br />
• Stucco finishes<br />
• Exterior and interior • Foundations<br />
• Landscape walls • Insurance work<br />
No job too small,<br />
free quotes.<br />
Ph 021 193 2073<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (03)338 7000<br />
Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
Advertise your trade or service in our<br />
Trusted Trades &Professional Services<br />
Phone Amanda today and get your<br />
business noticed 03 313 2840 or email<br /><br />
1902273<br />
Scaffolding<br />
•Edge protection<br />
•Working platform<br />
Phone<br />
0274 366 901<br />
Plans for pricing<br /><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />
1783878<br />
CAP 65<br />
CAP 40<br />
CAP 20<br />
Shingle<br />
Quarry Prices<br />
from $40 per cube<br />
from $23 per cube<br />
from $25 per cube<br />
from $30 per cube<br />
all +gst<br />
Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />
house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />
Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />
Email:<br />
RangioraToyota<br />
2018 Yaris GX<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto, ReverseCamera<br />
•Bluetooth<br />
•Only 37,600kms<br />
$<br />
15,995<br />
2008 DaihatsuSirion<br />
•1.3LPetrol5-Speed Manual<br />
•Aircon, AM/FM &Radio<br />
•Done128,890km<br />
$<br />
5,995<br />
2010 Toyota Wish<br />
•1.8L Petrol, 7-seater<br />
•Alloys<br />
•Climate air<br />
$<br />
11,995<br />
2010 Toyota Prius S<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto<br />
•Keyless,ClimateControl<br />
•Only 78,100km<br />
WAS$17,995<br />
NOW $<br />
14,995<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
S<br />
Ex-Demo 2019 CorollaSXSedan 2013Toyota Prius S<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol,<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto<br />
•Satnav,TSS<br />
$ •Keyless<br />
33,995<br />
•Only 150km<br />
•5-door Hatch<br />
$<br />
17,995<br />
2016 Corolla GX Sedan<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Bluetooth<br />
•ReverseCamera<br />
•Done 63,500kms<br />
$<br />
17,995<br />
2012Corolla GX Wagon<br />
•1.5LPetrolManual<br />
•Bluetooth, NZ New<br />
•Done103,250kms<br />
$<br />
9,995<br />
2013Toyota Aqua<br />
•1.5LHybrid PetrolAuto<br />
•ParkingSensors<br />
•Bluetooth<br />
WAS$15,995<br />
NOW $<br />
14,995<br />
2006 Toyota Vitz<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto<br />
•NZRadio, 5-Door<br />
•Done94,750km<br />
$<br />
8,995<br />
2010 Toyota Prius Silver<br />
•1.8L Hybrid Petrol Auto<br />
•Keyless,Bluetooth<br />
•Done 180,650km<br />
$<br />
8,995<br />
2012Toyota Yaris YR<br />
•1.3LPetrolAuto, NZ-new<br />
•Bluetooth/USB Connect<br />
•Done106,400km<br />
$<br />
9,995<br />
2018 Corolla GLX<br />
•1.8L PetrolAuto, Alloys<br />
•ReverseCamera<br />
•Done43,900kms<br />
$<br />
19,995<br />
2015 Rav4 GXL<br />
•2.5LPetrolAuto, AWD<br />
•Satnav,Bluetooth<br />
•Done38,350kms<br />
$<br />
<strong>29</strong>,995<br />
2012Corolla WagonGX<br />
•1.5LPetrolAuto<br />
•Bluetooth/MP3,CD/USB<br />
•Only 26,150kms<br />
$<br />
14,995<br />
2018 Suzuki Swift GL<br />
•1.2LPetrol5-SpeedManual<br />
•NZNew,Bluetooth<br />
•Cruise Control<br />
$<br />
9,995<br />
2018 Corolla GX<br />
•2.0L PetrolAuto<br />
•Satnav,Bluetooth<br />
•Alloys, only 49,000kms<br />
$<br />
21,995<br />
<strong>2020</strong> CamryV6<br />
•3.5LPetrol8-speed Auto, Leather<br />
•Satnav,Sensors/Camera<br />
•Only 200kms<br />
$<br />
44,995<br />
2017 CamryAtara SL<br />
•2.5LHybrid Petrol, Alloys<br />
•Leather,ReverseCamera<br />
•Only 21,200kms<br />
$<br />
31,995<br />
2005 Aurion Sportivo SX6<br />
•3.5LV6Auto, Alloys<br />
•Spoiler,Sports Seats<br />
•91,300kms<br />
$<br />
10,995<br />
2018 Toyota C-HR AWD<br />
•1.2LTurboPetrolAuto<br />
•Toyota Safety Sense,Satnav<br />
•Only <strong>29</strong>,700km<br />
$<br />
31,995<br />
2019 RAV4 GXL<br />
•2.5LPetrolAutoAWD,Satnav,ReverseCamera<br />
•Latest Shape<br />
•Only22,200kms<br />
$<br />
37,995<br />
2019 LandCruiserPrado VX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Leather<br />
•Toyota Safety Sense<br />
•Only 31,100km<br />
$<br />
66,995<br />
2017 HiluxSR5 Limited 4WD<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />
•Leather,18” Alloys<br />
•Only 40,850km<br />
$<br />
44,995<br />
2009 LandCruiser 200 Seri<br />
es<br />
•4.5LTurbo-Diesel, V8<br />
•8-seater, Satnav<br />
•Climate Air<br />
WAS$51,995<br />
NOW $<br />
45,995<br />
2012 LandCruiser Prado GX<br />
•7-Seater,Bluetooth<br />
•ReverseCamera<br />
•Done 182,100km<br />
$<br />
31,995<br />
2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel, Satnav<br />
•ReverseCamera<br />
•Done33,750km<br />
$<br />
47,995<br />
2007 Toyota Hilux-SurfSSRX<br />
•4.0L PetrolAuto<br />
•4WD,Satnav<br />
•Done 135,400kms<br />
2019 FortunerGXL<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto4WD<br />
•Satnav,ReverseCamera<br />
•Only 23,600<br />
2017 HiluxSR4WD<br />
2015Hilux4x4 Single Cab<br />
2017 LandCruiserPrado VX<br />
•2.8L Turbo Diesel<br />
•Satnav,Leather<br />
•Done 57,100km $<br />
58,995<br />
•2.8LTurbo Diesel Manual<br />
•3.0L TurboDiesel Manual<br />
$<br />
19,995<br />
$ •BullBar,Liner<br />
•Roof Racking<br />
48,995<br />
$<br />
39,995<br />
$<br />
•Doneonly41,200kms<br />
•Only 58,650km 30,995<br />
Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 313-8186any time •<br />
Signature<br />
CLASS<br />
2319409-s<br />