Brighter Together: 28th Annual Tree Lighting Celebration Program Book

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Look inside for all the information you'll need to enjoy this year's tree lighting!


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Jim Williams<br />

Tonight’s Speakers<br />

Jim Williams is an anchor/reporter for CBS 2 Chicago. As<br />

an original member of Mercy Home’s Board of Regents,<br />

Williams has shared his talents, passion and professional<br />

expertise to advance the Home’s mission since 1990. He<br />

has nearly 40 years of journalism experience. In 2018,<br />

Williams was inducted into the National Academy of<br />

Television Arts & Sciences Silver Circle.<br />

Rev. Scott Donahue<br />

Rev. L. Scott Donahue is the president & CEO of Mercy<br />

Home for Boys & Girls and leads its strategic vision to<br />

care for trauma-affected youth and bring healing to<br />

families. He has been involved with Mercy Home for<br />

30 years. Father Donahue holds master’s degrees in<br />

theology, applied spirituality, and social work. Author<br />

of the book “Years of Mercy,” he also was awarded an<br />

honorary doctorate from St. Xavier University. In addition<br />

to his leadership of Mercy Home and his parish ministry, Father Scott<br />

serves as the principal celebrant of the televised “Sunday Mass at Mercy<br />

Home” on WGN-TV Channel 9.<br />

Bill Rancic<br />

Bill Rancic is an entrepreneur, author, restauranteur,<br />

and television personality. He is a highly soughtafter<br />

motivational speaker, speaking to companies<br />

and organizations around the world on the topics of<br />

entrepreneurship and business. Rancic is an active<br />

member of Mercy Home’s Board of Regents and has<br />

provided many opportunities for our young people to<br />

serve others in need.

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