Brighter Together: 28th Annual Tree Lighting Celebration Program Book

Look inside for all the information you'll need to enjoy this year's tree lighting!

Look inside for all the information you'll need to enjoy this year's tree lighting!


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While you’re on the page, click the Subscribe button to keep up with<br />

the latest videos from Mercy Home. Next, click the bell so you’re<br />

notified every time a new video is posted!<br />

Make sure you have the YouTube app set up on your TV.<br />

Here are instructions:<br />

On smart TVs<br />

On Apple TV<br />

Casting from your phone<br />

On Amazon Fire<br />

On Roku<br />

If you have questions before the event, text TREEHELP to<br />

474747 and we’re happy to assist 9:00 am–5:00 pm, Monday–<br />

Friday.<br />

On December 3:<br />

Ready for the big event? Turn on your TV and access YouTube using<br />

the instructions above.<br />

Use the search feature and type in “<strong>Brighter</strong> <strong>Together</strong>: Mercy Home.”<br />

The event should be at the top of the page. Click on the video and it<br />

will start when we go live!<br />

If you have any issues during the event, please text<br />

TREEHELP to 474747.

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