Voyager's Return a Potpurri of Delights - December 2020

A selection of items from our website fully displayed and described. Some novels, letters, scientific instruments, exploration accounts and rare works on paper ... indulge yourself

A selection of items from our website fully displayed and described. Some novels, letters, scientific instruments, exploration accounts and rare works on paper ... indulge yourself


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Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints<br />

Voyager’s <strong>Return</strong> — A Potpourri <strong>of</strong> <strong>Delights</strong><br />

<strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

A selection <strong>of</strong> items from our website … some novels, some<br />

original letters, a movie yet to be made. Antique scientific<br />

instruments, exploration accounts and works on paper <strong>of</strong><br />

quality and rarity, indulge yourself or those you care about.<br />

• Signed Letters from Sarah Berhardt and Linus Pauling<br />

• Nice leather bound Shelley<br />

• Special Medals re Tasmanian Coastal Exploration and Cook<br />

• Darwin, Lyell and Keith on Man<br />

• 17th Century Medical Epistles<br />

• Fine Victorian Brass Mahogany Cased Telescope<br />

• Letters from High Latitudes — Ex Governor General’s Copy<br />

• Super Victorian Microscopes.<br />

.<br />

• Pavlova Poems no Puddings<br />

• Sylvester Diggles Original Birds<br />

• Jameson in the Rear Column<br />

• Matthew Flinders his Final Diaries.<br />

• Yuri on Record—First Man into Space<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />

Voyager <strong>Return</strong> - A Potpourri

Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints<br />

Voyager is a different sort <strong>of</strong> bookshop … we are forever changing, adding the more<br />

curious to the curious, and selecting prize items for our collection. We don’t measure our<br />

stock by numbers <strong>of</strong> items but by the variety and <strong>of</strong>ten unique nature <strong>of</strong> our <strong>of</strong>fer.<br />

It has been a pleasure producing this Catalogue. And we hope you enjoy reading it and<br />

that it gives you a sense <strong>of</strong> what we are about … Sometimes our selections are a bit<br />

cheeky … but we hope that makes it more enjoyable.<br />

if you have an order then thank you and we will attend to it with care .<br />

Items are available on a first come first served basis. We take orders by telephone, email<br />

and through our website.<br />

Postage and packing will be charged at cost and care is taken to get the best rate<br />

available. All items are packed to a high standard and guaranteed to arrive safely.<br />

We accept Visa, Mastercard and direct deposits to our account. And issue PayPal invoices.<br />

Items are sold in good condition. Anything found to be not as expected may be returned<br />

within seven days <strong>of</strong> receipt for full refund.<br />

We are now exclusively Online and the Occasional Catalogue on Yumpu.<br />

Enquiries info@voyagerhobart.com or ring Voyager Bill 0411 875 508<br />

Website www.voyagerhobart.com<br />

George Bass Discovery <strong>of</strong> the Bass Strait<br />

Silver Commemorative Medal<br />

George Bass, Surgeon an Explorer carried out two<br />

voyages to confirm the Bass Strait and the separation<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tasmania (then Van Diemen’s Land) from<br />

mainland Australia – known affectionately in<br />

Tasmania as “The Other Island”.<br />

In 1797 Bass set <strong>of</strong>f in a whaleboat with a crew <strong>of</strong><br />

six. They sailed to Cape Howe, from there sailed<br />

west along the Gippsland coast to Western Point, at<br />

the entrance to Port Phillip. Observations <strong>of</strong> the<br />

rapid tide and long south-western swell supported<br />

his view that a large Strait lay in front <strong>of</strong> him.<br />

In 1798 he set out again, with Matthew Flinders in<br />

the sloop Norfolk and circled Van Diemen’s Land.<br />

They visited the Derwent River previously named<br />

by Captain John Hayes. On return to Sydney,<br />

Flinders promoted the naming <strong>of</strong> the Strait after<br />

Bass … the then Governor, John Hunter agreed.<br />

Bass’s later life was adventurous, likely tragic,<br />

making the date <strong>of</strong> his death questionable.<br />

The medal was struck in 1968 by K.G. Luke & Sons,<br />

Melbourne for the Numismatic Association <strong>of</strong><br />

Victoria. 160 example were produced in bronze and<br />

a similar number in silver. This one is number B4.<br />

50mm in diameter with a high relief bust <strong>of</strong> Bass<br />

facing right, carrying his spyglass. On the reverse a<br />

delightful image <strong>of</strong> the sloop Norfolk and the chart<br />

and route <strong>of</strong> the vessels, appropriately date.<br />

Price $280.00<br />

Unusual medal celebrates the achievements <strong>of</strong><br />

George Bass – the prestigious silver example.<br />


3<br />

Matthew Flinders Private Journal<br />

from 17 <strong>December</strong> 1803 at Isle <strong>of</strong> France<br />

to 10 July 1814 at London<br />

Published by the Friends <strong>of</strong> the State Library <strong>of</strong> South<br />

Australia, a first edition 2005.<br />

Edited and with an Introduction by Anthony J. Brown<br />

and Gillian Dooley. Foreword by Witgar Hitchcock.<br />

Preface by Paul Brunton.<br />

Large octavo, xxxiv, 566 pages, coloured frontispiece &<br />

12 colour plates, 26 black and white illustrations,<br />

folding map (London, showing Flinders' residences etc)<br />

and in rear pocket a large facsimile <strong>of</strong> Flinders’ General<br />

Chart <strong>of</strong> Australia, or Terra Australia. Bound in blue<br />

cloth covered boards, gilt stamped on spine, blind<br />

decorations on boards. One <strong>of</strong> 850 copies.<br />

After useful introductions we start with the last few<br />

days on the Cumberland and Flinders’ plans and<br />

expectation on arrival at Mauritius. Unfortunately, the<br />

Captain-General Decaen, was very suspicious as to the<br />

motives <strong>of</strong> Flinders having arrived in such a “small”<br />

ship and carrying papers for the “Investigator”.<br />

Consequently, Flinders’ incarceration began the next<br />

morning when he was taken to the Café Marengo which<br />

first appeared to be a jail but turned out to be a tavern.<br />

Three and a half month later he was transferred to<br />

the Maison Despaux and then finally on 25 th August<br />

1805 to Plaines Wilhems where he would stay until 19 th<br />

March 1810 before being released. His journal continues<br />

through his journey back to England and the final<br />

period during which he was preparing and revising his<br />

monumental work for publication.<br />

Eight appendices are <strong>of</strong> further interest … Flinders’<br />

Passport from the French Government; A Record <strong>of</strong> his<br />

Interrogation; the Captain-General’s Report; Flinders’<br />

letter regarding Thomy Pitot; Avis do Conseil d’Etat;<br />

Flinders’ Parole; Question relative to the Isle de France<br />

by Vice Admiral Bertie and Flinders’ Last illness and the<br />

final five months to July 1814 by Stephen Milazzo.<br />

Price $180.00<br />

Flinders’ own words and what a story they make<br />

The Bronze equivalent<br />

<strong>of</strong> the George Bass<br />

Commemorative Medal<br />

Opposite<br />

Price $180.00<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

4<br />

The Poems <strong>of</strong> Percy Bysshe Shelley<br />

… including Materials Never Before Printed in<br />

any Edition <strong>of</strong> the Poems. Edited with Textual<br />

Notes by Thomas Hutchinson.<br />

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) a<br />

romantic Poet, considered by most England’s<br />

greatest every lyric poet. Possibly the best<br />

book on Shelley’s prolific work … we think so.<br />

Thick octavo, 912 pages published by Henry<br />

Frowde for Oxford University, London 1912.<br />

Delightful impressed frontispiece image <strong>of</strong><br />

Shelley by Sir Emery Walker (1851-1933).<br />

Walker was a friend <strong>of</strong> William Morris. It was<br />

Walker’s collection <strong>of</strong> medieval type that<br />

inspired Morris to form the Kelmscott Press.<br />

Impressively bound in full green calf, five<br />

raised bands to spine with full rich gilt<br />

ornament to compartments, red leather title<br />

label. Gilt design around front and back<br />

boards, gilt knurling to board edges Matching<br />

marbled end papers with design continuing to<br />

page edges. Gilt emblem to front and prize<br />

label on paste down. Carries the binder /<br />

retailer label <strong>of</strong> James Galt <strong>of</strong> Manchester.<br />

The book starts with an excellent Preface by<br />

Hutchinson outlining his approach, sources,<br />

thoroughness etc. Followed by the Preface by<br />

Mary Shelley to her own much earlier<br />

editions <strong>of</strong> the great man’s work, including<br />

the Posthumous Poems.<br />

Price $160.00<br />

A special book <strong>of</strong> Shelley’s works<br />

Field or Students Microscope c1900<br />

Large size with three objectives – fine condition.<br />

A late Victorian perhaps Edwardian student’s or field<br />

drum microscope. In fine working condition. Original<br />

wooden case. This variety would have been used by<br />

naturalist’s in the field and French by manufacture.<br />

Three brass objectives all in excellent condition.<br />

Overall, good optics, retains the original lacquer, swivel<br />

mirror unblemished. Comes with five 19thC prepared<br />

slides <strong>of</strong> French origin.<br />

Mahogany fitted case in fine condition.<br />

Price $290.00<br />

Practical antique scientific instrument

5<br />

Circumnavigation <strong>of</strong> Tasmania –<br />

200 th Anniversary Medal<br />

Together Matthew Flinders and George<br />

Bass were the first to circumnavigate Van<br />

Diemen’s Land (Tasmania), in HM Sloop<br />

Norfolk, in 1788/89.<br />

This fine limited run medal was produced<br />

in Tasmania to celebrate the 200 th<br />

anniversary i.e. 1998/99.<br />

Only 120 were produced in this form, this<br />

being number 53, marked to the rim. Cast<br />

in white metal, 800 mm diameter, 115gms<br />

weight. Strong pr<strong>of</strong>ile, fine condition.<br />

Carries the bust <strong>of</strong> both Flinders and Bass<br />

either side <strong>of</strong> the Sloop Norfolk’s mast,<br />

with descriptive text. On the reverse a<br />

map <strong>of</strong> Van Diemen’s Land with the route<br />

taken marked and a fine and substantial<br />

depiction <strong>of</strong> the vessel fully rigged.<br />

Price $150.00<br />

Limited numbered run <strong>of</strong> important<br />

maritime celebration.<br />

Voyager = Thoughtful Gift

6<br />

Charles Darwin - The Descent <strong>of</strong> Man<br />

and Selection in Relation to Sex<br />

A very good second revised and augmented edition,<br />

published by John Murray, London, 1890’s. The<br />

desired original “Murray”’ green cloth binding with<br />

blind borders, gilt titles and banding to spine.<br />

Darwin's classic work on comparative anatomy. By<br />

comparing the physiological and psychological aspects<br />

<strong>of</strong> man and ape, he fills in what had been merely<br />

suggested in the Origin: that man's ancestor, if still<br />

alive today, would be classified among the primates<br />

and on a lower scale than the apes. The last chapter<br />

is an added essay on sexual selection, the superior<br />

chances <strong>of</strong> mating that some individuals <strong>of</strong> one sex<br />

have over their rivals. The essay ends with the<br />

famous and <strong>of</strong>ten misquoted statement, "Man still<br />

bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp <strong>of</strong> his<br />

lowly origin." It was in this book (page 2) that Darwin<br />

used the word “evolution” for the first time.<br />

In doing the revisions to this edition Darwin was<br />

assisted by his second son George Darwin, who later<br />

became a distinguished Astronomer and FRS. Charles<br />

had originally asked Wallace to help and had to<br />

renege after his wife objected. His “Bulldog”, Thomas<br />

Huxley, helped update text relating to apes and was<br />

most pleased that the Descent in its revised form<br />

“pounds the enemy into a jelly”.<br />

Price $490.00<br />

The Descent <strong>of</strong> Man Companion to Origin<br />

The Antiquity <strong>of</strong> M<br />

1928 edition by Sir Arthur Keith’s first pu<br />

viewed and e<br />

A famous work which includes several cha<br />

ever … The Piltdown Man. Charles Dawson<br />

were to provide the “missing link” betwe<br />

the distinguished Dr Smith Woodward. In<br />

his chapter headed “The difficulties <strong>of</strong> r<br />

alternative interpretations and perhaps e<br />

posed in1953 when the bones were found<br />

<strong>of</strong> an orangutan combined with the craniu<br />

Smith a fellow anthropologist sided with<br />

Society claiming that Keith’s views were<br />

recalled “Such was the end<br />

Whilst Piltdown makes the book unusual<br />

finds, such as the Pleistocene skull found<br />

in 1884 left in a cupboard until 1914 wh<br />

Edgeworth David …. Robert Et<br />

Much could be said about the author Sir<br />

origins <strong>of</strong> man stemmed from being put i<br />

Society <strong>of</strong> Surgeons<br />

Price $13<br />

Early Man and Piltdown exa

7<br />

Geological Evidences <strong>of</strong> the Antiquity <strong>of</strong> Man. Lyell<br />

With an Outline <strong>of</strong> Glacial Post-tertiary Geology and<br />

Remarks on Theories <strong>of</strong> the Origin <strong>of</strong> Species with Special<br />

Reference to Man’s First Appearance on the Earth<br />

Fourth English edition, much revised, published by John<br />

Murray in 1873. The first three being all in 1863. Thick<br />

royal octavo, 572 pages illustrated throughout. Original<br />

binding with the gilt fossil to front. A very good copy.<br />

Carries the bookplate <strong>of</strong> John David Hope, from the great<br />

Scottish Lowlands family <strong>of</strong> that name, that for centuries<br />

have made their money from banking, the law and<br />

politics and owning loads <strong>of</strong> property. Related to the first<br />

Governor General <strong>of</strong> Australia, John Adrian Hope. The<br />

family motto is a good one “At Spes Non Fracta” – “Yet<br />

my Hope is not Broken” … a little corny. The heraldic<br />

emblem includes a broken terrestrial globe above which<br />

is a rainbow emanating from clouds on either side …<br />

describes their position quite well we think.<br />

Scottish geologist Charles Lyell (1797-1875) brings a<br />

geological approach to this debate on the origin and age<br />

<strong>of</strong> mankind. Embracing Darwin’s theory <strong>of</strong> evolution, he<br />

references Lamarck, Chambers, Darwin, Wallace and<br />

Hooker. A comprehensive and careful review <strong>of</strong> fossil<br />

evidence with interesting evidence <strong>of</strong> man living in<br />

Europe among ancestors <strong>of</strong> elephants, rhinoceros and<br />

hippopotami. The age and development <strong>of</strong> languages in<br />

man are considered and the all important issue <strong>of</strong> the<br />

day .. could man be placed among the apes?<br />

Price $490.00<br />

Lyell in there with Darwin and Evolution<br />

an – 2 Volumes<br />

blished 1925 as a single volume. Renhanced.<br />

pters on the greatest scientific hoax<br />

discovered the skull fragments that<br />

en apes and man. He was assisted by<br />

this book Keith is not sure at all and<br />

econstruction” alludes to error and<br />

ven the reality. The reality was exto<br />

be the mandible and some teeth<br />

m <strong>of</strong> a modern human. Grafton Elliot<br />

Dawson and Woodward at the Royal<br />

motivated by ambition. Keith later<br />

<strong>of</strong> our long friendship”.<br />

there are other true anthropological<br />

at Talgai (near Warwick, Queensland)<br />

en properly categorised by Sir T.W.<br />

heridge also had a hand.<br />

Arthur Keith whose interest in the<br />

n charge <strong>of</strong> the Museum <strong>of</strong> the Royal<br />

at an early age.<br />

0.00<br />

mined but not exposed<br />

Voyager = Thoughtful Gift

“Salome” Robe du soir de Paul Poiret -1914<br />

A striking “Pochoire” by Simone Puget for the Paris Gazette du<br />

Bon Ton published in 1914.Salome dressed by Paul Poiret.<br />

An evening dress <strong>of</strong> black tulle pleated on a white background<br />

and bordered with small cabochons <strong>of</strong> jet. The jersey in black<br />

lace and the bodice is formed by a white tulle lined with jet.<br />

The ultimate in fashion print from a perfect era.<br />

Price $120.00<br />

Salome dressed in style by Poiret<br />


9<br />

17th Century Medical Epistles<br />

Epitolae Medicales Variis Occasionibus Conscriptae –<br />

Ricardo Carr - 1691<br />

A first edition <strong>of</strong> this scarce 17 th Century collection<br />

<strong>of</strong> medical instruction by Richard Carr MD published<br />

by Anson Stafford, London in 1691.<br />

Small octavo, 12, 200, 6 pages, bound in full period<br />

leather, a good copy <strong>of</strong> a rare medical work.<br />

Richard Carr was born in Lincolnshire, educated at<br />

Louth Grammar School and then Magdalene College,<br />

Cambridge. He entered Cambridge, shortly after<br />

Newton, as a sizar in 1667, graduated BA in 1670<br />

and MA in 1674. He then became Master <strong>of</strong> Saffron<br />

Walden Grammar. In 1683 he went to Leyden to<br />

study Physic and then back to Cambridge for his MD<br />

in 1686. He was created a Fellow <strong>of</strong> the College <strong>of</strong><br />

Physicians by James II Charter, admitted in 1687.<br />

This book is his main recognised work; it is<br />

dedicated to the College <strong>of</strong> Physicians.<br />

The book contains eighteen “epistles” viewed as<br />

written in a readable popular style. However, they<br />

are in Latin, so there is a presumption. The first<br />

epistle deals with the use <strong>of</strong> sneezing powders, the<br />

second tobacco and numerous others relate to<br />

dietetics including a strong suggestion that it is most<br />

healthy to get blind drunk once a month. The virtues<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Tonbridge and Bath waters are discussed as<br />

well as the remedial effects <strong>of</strong> a trip to Montpellier<br />

for phthisis. He reflects on the “struma” [see below]<br />

and notes that Charles II touched over ninety two<br />

thousand people between 1660 and 1682 and<br />

respectfully doubts they all got well. His third epistle<br />

deals with the c<strong>of</strong>fee-houses … not a modern<br />

phenomena … referring to c<strong>of</strong>fee, thee, twist (a<br />

mixture <strong>of</strong> both), salvia and chocolate.<br />

Price $390.00<br />

Wise Medical Advice from Cambridge Physician<br />

Richard Carr - 1691<br />

The Struma, also known as the Kings Evil was<br />

a form <strong>of</strong> tuberculosis believed to be curable<br />

by Royal touch. The practice began with<br />

Edward the Confessor and was active in<br />

France as well as England. It peaked with King<br />

Charles II but soon waned as Queen Anne was<br />

the last to participate in the custom in 1712.<br />

It continued in France and after a gap was<br />

reinstated as late as the 1850’s.<br />

Voyager = Thoughtful Gift

10<br />

Sarah Bernhardt Manuscript Letter 1887 and Ephemera<br />

The 19 th Century’s greatest actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844-<br />

1923). A fine hand with bold signature dated 1887. Her<br />

personal grey bordered stationery with Quand Meme motif.<br />

She addresses “Mon Cher Paul” mentions her pretty niece<br />

and arranges a suitable time to catch up. The letter is<br />

accompanied by a Cabinet card from that period and two<br />

different “Between the Acts & Bravo” cigarette cards, also<br />

from the 1880’s and issued by Thomas Hall, New York.<br />

1887 was an interesting time for the “Divine Sarah”. Well<br />

established with a lavish lifestyle and a gambler for a son<br />

who she supported financially. Financially challenged, a<br />

mammoth tour <strong>of</strong> America was organised. It was hugely<br />

successful an she returned to Paris the year <strong>of</strong> this letter<br />

with a million francs. Sarah indulged in some <strong>of</strong> her<br />

favourite pastimes … such as collecting exotic animals …<br />

bringing back an alligator partial to champagne. She also<br />

liked sleeping in a c<strong>of</strong>fin when getting into character.<br />

$390.00<br />

Sarah Bernhardt – Signed manuscript Letter – 1887<br />

with Cabinet Photograph from that period.<br />

Sarah Bernhardt – William Embodden<br />

First edition published by Studio Vista, London 1974.<br />

Small quarto, 176 pages, some signs <strong>of</strong> age still a very<br />

good copy <strong>of</strong> a excellent work on Bernhardt, with a<br />

super introduction by Sir John Gielgud.<br />

Nicely illustrated from period photographs. A useful<br />

appendix lists the plays in which she acted<br />

chronologically, including her time in Australia, and a<br />

healthy bibliography for those that need more.<br />

Price $40.00<br />

Sarah Bernhardt –<br />

well-presented with exceptional images.

11<br />

Philosophia Britannica – Benjamin Martin – 1759<br />

Volume 1 – Rules <strong>of</strong> Philosophy; Mechanics; Hydrostatics<br />

One <strong>of</strong> originally three volumes each <strong>of</strong> which stands<br />

alone as a separate work. Very scarce.<br />

Published by M Cooper in Pater-noster-row, J Newbery<br />

in St Pauls Church-yard, S Crowder and Co on Londonbridge<br />

etc London and sold by the Author at his House<br />

in Fleet-street, 1759.<br />

Bound in original full speckled Calf showing some age<br />

but holding very well. Original maroon leather title<br />

labels. A beautiful antiquarian look.<br />

Text block speckled red. Inked name on front paste<br />

down. Title page in red and black. 333 pages after<br />

preliminaries including “Catalogue” <strong>of</strong> previous works<br />

used a reference … starting with Newton’s Principia.<br />

Twenty magnificent copper engraved plates <strong>of</strong> which<br />

eighteen are folding.<br />

Benjamin Martin (1705-1782) established a school in<br />

Chichester during his twenties. Little is known about<br />

his own formal education. By 1738 he had taken a<br />

keen interest in optics and produced several wood and<br />

cardboard microscopes. He started presenting lectures<br />

in experimental philosophy to audiences in Reading,<br />

Bristol, Bath and London.<br />

He published his first “Philosophia” in 1747. This the second 1759 edition is a new<br />

and augmented version and is the high point <strong>of</strong> his work. The world (Wiki) has Martin<br />

down principally as a lexicographer who compiled and early dictionary … and a<br />

lecturer and maker <strong>of</strong> scientific instruments …. we would say wrong way around. By<br />

1756 Martin was firmly settled in London. He began trading as an Optician and then in<br />

addition numerous scientific instruments. His business address, which is where he<br />

lived was described as “Hadley’s Quadrant and Visual Glasses”, near Crane Court, in<br />

Fleet Street, London. His trade cards advertised … “All Sorts <strong>of</strong> Philosophical, Optical<br />

and Mathematical Instruments many <strong>of</strong> which are <strong>of</strong> New Invention made and Sold by<br />

Benjamin Martin at his shop … viz Planetariums, Globes <strong>of</strong> any Size, Air Pumps,<br />

Barometers, Thermometers, Pocket Microscopes, Wilson’s Microscopes, Solar Microscopes,<br />

Reflecting and Refracting Telescopes, Reading Glasses, Opera Glasses,<br />

Spectacles, Hadley’s Quadrants, Cases <strong>of</strong> Instruments, Sectors, Sliding Rules. Artificial<br />

Magnets and <strong>of</strong> which may be sent safe to any part <strong>of</strong> England”.<br />

The book ... set out as four lectures; Lecture 1 - including inter alia the Nature <strong>of</strong><br />

Matter or Substance; Divisibility and Mobility; Pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Vacuum; Laws <strong>of</strong> Attraction;<br />

Magnetism. Lecture 2 inter alia – Gravitation; Motion; Relative Motion and<br />

Acceleration; Non-elastic Bodies; Newton’s Laws; Time and Space… Pendulums; the<br />

Pyrometer; Projectiles and Parabolic Curves; Halley’s Invention; Centripetal and<br />

Centrifugal Force; Earth and Moon; Increase in Gravity from the Equator to the Poles.<br />

Lecture 3 inter alia – Centre <strong>of</strong> Magnitude between two or more Bodies; The Sun and<br />

the Planets; Mechanical Powers … levers, ships rubber, bees cell etc. Lecture 4 inter<br />

alia the Nature <strong>of</strong> Fluids; Centre <strong>of</strong> Pressure; Specific Gravity; Hydrometer; Newtons<br />

Theory <strong>of</strong> the Motion and Resistance <strong>of</strong> Fluids at Large.<br />

The folding plates are very good, up with Principia or Pemberton’s book on Newtonian<br />

Philosophy. The instrument for measuring specific gravity is extra special.<br />

Price $370.00<br />

Superb 18thC Physics based on Newton and his followers with special engravings to<br />

demonstrate the principles and instruments involved.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

12<br />

The Third Man<br />

The Harry Lime Theme<br />

Sheet Music published by Chappell &<br />

Co, London in 1950.<br />

A classic with special appeal for a<br />

particular generation. The theme for<br />

the film noir The Third Man … written<br />

by Graham Greene directed by Carol<br />

Reed. Whilst filming on location in<br />

Vienna, carol, Orson Welles etc were<br />

out on the own and in a wine clear<br />

heard Anton Karas play his zither.<br />

Reed was captivated and contracted<br />

Karas to play the soundtrack. This act<br />

<strong>of</strong> genius helped to assuage what is<br />

widely regarded as the longest<br />

speechless ending in film history …<br />

check it out again.<br />

Dan da dan .. dan da dan de dan ..<br />

Price $25.00<br />

Get out the schnapps and …<br />

tune up the zither<br />

For lots more Graham Greene go to our website<br />

www.voyagerhobart.com<br />

The Spy’s Bedside Book<br />

By Graham Greene and his brother Hugh<br />

First edition. Dozens <strong>of</strong> stories on spying by<br />

Buchan, Maugham, Baden-Powell, Lawrence,<br />

Auden, Conrad, Fleming etc. A rare Voyager<br />

favourite a mixture <strong>of</strong> the real and imaginary.<br />

Price $80.00<br />

Best Spy Book Ever - Bar None<br />

Travels with My Aunt<br />

Surely Graham Greene’s funniest<br />

book – as with many <strong>of</strong> his, the<br />

basis <strong>of</strong> a movie success. Parts <strong>of</strong><br />

this appeared in Playboy!?<br />

Price $50.00<br />

First Edition – Hilarious – Perfect

13<br />

A Moveable Feast - Hemingway<br />

True First Edition -1964<br />

Predates American Edition by one day<br />

“If you are lucky enough to have lived<br />

in Paris as a young man, then<br />

wherever you go for the rest <strong>of</strong> your<br />

life, it stays with you, for Paris is a<br />

moveable feast”.<br />

Price $140.00<br />

Scarce Collectable Hemingway<br />

First Edition<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Tarka the Otter – Henry Williamson<br />

“Tarka the Otter: His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the Country <strong>of</strong> the Two Rivers”<br />

First published in 1927, early editions are very valuable. This is sixth edition or ninth<br />

impression <strong>of</strong> September 1929. Rarely found in its dust jacket. The fourth edition onwards<br />

included revisions following the suggestions <strong>of</strong> T.E. Lawrence <strong>of</strong> Arabia.<br />

Published by Putnam’s London. Octavo, 255 pages, some age still very good.<br />

An influential novel and Williamson’s best known work. Won the Hawthornden Prize in<br />

1928. Describes the life <strong>of</strong> an otter who lived in the countryside around the River Taw and<br />

River Torridge in North Devon. Tarka means “Wandering Stream”. Putnam had sent a<br />

review copy to T.E. Lawrence who delivered a typically, no punches held, response.<br />

Putnam sent this on to Williamson who, despite the criticisms, established a friendship<br />

with Lawrence [see our copy <strong>of</strong> Threnos for T.E. Lawrence by Williamson]. A really super<br />

book, up there with the best <strong>of</strong> novels drawing on the rural environment.<br />

Price $90.00<br />

Sought after Tarka down by the Two Rivers.<br />


15<br />

The Lost City - Major Charles Gilson<br />

A ripping adventure by Charles Gilson in<br />

striking pictorial covers published in the<br />

1920’s. A Voyager favourite.<br />

The longer title, as usual, gives a clue …<br />

“The Lost City … being the Authentic<br />

Account by Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Miles Unthank <strong>of</strong><br />

the search for the Sarcophagus <strong>of</strong><br />

Serohis, and the Theft <strong>of</strong> the Mystic<br />

Scarab, formerly in the British Museum”.<br />

Price $80.00 Collectable … Lost City<br />

The Arabian Nights’ Entertainments<br />

Published by Ward and Lock, London in 1908.<br />

Large octavo, 448 pages, sumptuously decorated<br />

pictorial red cloth covered boards. Prize label to<br />

pastedown generally clean and tightly bound.<br />

The story <strong>of</strong> the Ass, Ox and Labourer; the<br />

Merchant and the Genie, the History <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Fisherman; history <strong>of</strong> Sinbad the Sailor; the Three<br />

Apples; the Little Hunchback; Sleeper Awakened;<br />

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp; Ali Baba and the<br />

Forty Thieves. Several full page pen illustrations.<br />

Price $120.00<br />

Pictorial Covers Delight the Arabian Nights<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />

Stories <strong>of</strong> King Arthur & His Knights<br />

Published by George Harrap, London in 1914 a first<br />

edition <strong>of</strong> this type. Retold from Malory’s “Morte<br />

DArthur” by Uriel Waldo Cutler (1854-1936).<br />

Octavo, 236 pages with a lovely pictorial cover and<br />

spine in pretty good condition. Prize label on front<br />

end paper to some bright spark dated 1921.<br />

Striking frontispiece <strong>of</strong> “Sir Lancelot before the<br />

Cross” by Stella Langdale. Fourteen full page plates<br />

from work by Rosseti, Burne-Jones and others. The<br />

legendary tales first put down by George <strong>of</strong> Monmouth<br />

in the 13th century. In the 15th century Sir Thomas<br />

Malory produced the definitive work “Le Morte<br />

Darthur”. The language <strong>of</strong> Malory’s writing reflected<br />

the period and “modern” writers have edited the text<br />

to be more easily read. Cutler did a good job and<br />

presents Arthur in 42 progressive tales.<br />

Price $90.00<br />

A scarce nicely presented Arthur

16<br />

Kennedy<br />

The Barcoo and Beyond 1847<br />

A limited edition signed by the author<br />

Edgar Beale and published by the<br />

tremendous Blubber Head Press <strong>of</strong> Hobart.<br />

Given that - the quality <strong>of</strong> the book is best<br />

bar none and the condition near fine. The<br />

author was taken aback by the contents <strong>of</strong><br />

fresh papers that surfaced from the descendants<br />

<strong>of</strong> Kennedy – and along with<br />

records held in Northern Island and the<br />

journals and papers at the Royal<br />

Geographical Society London the rich<br />

content <strong>of</strong> this book has been crafted.<br />

Three folding maps near rear.<br />

Price $80.00<br />

Essential and Fine Kennedy<br />

Photograph by Peggy Macintyre<br />

Lake St Clair - Tasmania<br />

An original photograph by Peggy C<br />

Macintyre who was active in the<br />

1930’s. Size 21 x 16cm. In good<br />

condition albeit with a light crease<br />

from a mount bottom right corner.<br />

Strong image with good contrast.<br />

On reverse along with the Tasmania<br />

Agent General stamp is written<br />

boldly in manuscript (likely the<br />

photographers hand) … “ A peep <strong>of</strong><br />

picturesque Cynthia Bay on Lake St<br />

Clair, Tasmania. Photograph by<br />

Peggy C Macintyre Hampton Court<br />

Sydney.<br />

Peggy wrote about “Tasmanian<br />

Colonial Homes” published in the<br />

“Home Annual” in 1936.<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Lake St Clair by Peggy Macintyre

17<br />

Amorous Fiammetta — Beautifully illustrated<br />

Published as a limited edition (No 118 <strong>of</strong> 550) in 1929 by the Mandrake<br />

Press, London. This is simply a stunning book – starting with the vivid<br />

blue/green stained vellum cover with striking gold motif <strong>of</strong> The Three<br />

Graces. Maybe the most beautiful books we have had<br />

By Giovanni Boccaccio and translated into English by Bartholomew Young<br />

in 1587. Edited and introduced by K.H. Josling. Illustrated by M. Leone<br />

Folio .. Introduction <strong>of</strong> xxxviii pages; further introductions etc per original<br />

text up to xlix; 161 pages then illustrated limitation page.<br />

The beautiful Fiammetta was the beloved muse <strong>of</strong> Giovanni Boccaccio was<br />

almost certainly Maria d’Aquino (died 1382) a Neapolitan noblewoman.<br />

She was the illegitimate daughter <strong>of</strong> Robert the Wise, King <strong>of</strong> Naples. Her<br />

mother was Sibilia Sabran, wife <strong>of</strong> Count Thomas IV <strong>of</strong> Aquino. She was<br />

begat during King Roberts coronation festivities.<br />

A standout and the feast <strong>of</strong> brightly coloured illustrations simply stunning.<br />

Price $290.00<br />

Beautiful and Amorous<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Classic novels by Simenon<br />

usually around Paris but<br />

sometimes elsewhere <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

first English or classic<br />

editions $30.00 each<br />


V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />


Antique Map <strong>of</strong> Tasmania – 1851 - John Tallis<br />

An original Tallis Map <strong>of</strong> Van Diemen’s Land - Tasmania. Tallis maps<br />

represent the high point <strong>of</strong> Victorian decorative map making. This is<br />

the final state <strong>of</strong> the map with vignettes <strong>of</strong> Hobart Town, Thylacine,<br />

VDL Residence Circular Head and Numismatic Seal. Refer Tooley<br />

“Printed Maps <strong>of</strong> Tasmania” reference 428. Importantly this is the<br />

example without the <strong>of</strong>fending centre fold so <strong>of</strong>ten found.<br />

Price $290.00<br />

Collectable Decorative Tallis Map <strong>of</strong> Tasmania<br />


21<br />

Linus Pauling (Two Times Nobel Prize Winner) –<br />

Signed corrected typed letter to colleague Pr<strong>of</strong>essor D.P. Craig<br />

One <strong>of</strong> the top 100 scientists that have ever lived. The only person to have received the<br />

Nobel Prize twice in their won right, Chemistry and Peace.<br />

The application <strong>of</strong> quantum mechanics to molecular orbital theory was his forte. Here we<br />

have him corresponding with Australian Pr<strong>of</strong>essor David Craig at University College,<br />

London. Craig spent much time there and then the School <strong>of</strong> Chemistry, ANU, Canberra.<br />

Pauling writes on California Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology letterhead …. 4 th August 1961<br />

“I thank you for your letter about molecular orbitals and benzene. I have no doubt that a<br />

reasonably good job can be done in discussing aromatic molecules by use <strong>of</strong> the molecular<br />

orbital method, in such a way that students find the discussion acceptable. I am not sure<br />

that I feel that it is obviously justified to say that the electrons occupying an orbital with a<br />

single node are about as stable as in the two-center orbitals <strong>of</strong> a Kekule structure – I know<br />

that this is right, but how the student would feel is another matter.<br />

Nevertheless, I have not reached the conclusion that I should attempt much <strong>of</strong> a molecularorbital<br />

discussion in my book, as well as the discussion <strong>of</strong> simple resonance theory.”<br />

An enlightening view … Kekule established his principles in the mid-19thC. It was not until<br />

molecular orbital theory that the properties <strong>of</strong> aromatic molecules could be more readily<br />

understood. Pauling used X-ray technology to support his findings. In a number <strong>of</strong> areas, he<br />

was “in competition” with Australian born Sir Lawrence Bragg, who was running the<br />

Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge. Pauling discovered the protein alpha helix after many<br />

years <strong>of</strong> painstaking work … without this the work on DNA would have come much later.<br />

Having won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry he became a strong anti-bomb supporter and<br />

through his efforts to supress Cold War activity was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.<br />

$390.00<br />

Double Nobel Linus Pauling every Scientist’s Hero – A letter to a Colleague<br />

with relevant Scientific Content<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

22<br />

Letters From High Latitudes – Earl <strong>of</strong> Dufferin<br />

Governor General <strong>of</strong> India<br />

From the Library <strong>of</strong> The Novar <strong>of</strong> Raith, Ronald<br />

Munro Ferguson, to be 6 th Governor General <strong>of</strong><br />

Australia and, who had married the daughter <strong>of</strong><br />

Lord Dufferin, Lady Helen Hermoine in the<br />

year that Ferguson signed this book 1889.<br />

A Voyage in 1856 in the Schooner Yacht “Foam” to<br />

Iceland, Jan Meyen, and Spitzbergen.<br />

Later edition published by John Murray in 1887,<br />

London, having been published first <strong>of</strong> 1857.<br />

Octavo, 248 pages, with frontispiece <strong>of</strong> the “First<br />

Glimpse <strong>of</strong> Jan Mayen”, and numerous illustrations<br />

throughout. Original blude cloth covered boards with<br />

gilt device to front, gilt titles to spine. Original jet<br />

black endpapers with the Novar <strong>of</strong> Raith’s bookplate<br />

on the front paste down.<br />

Written as a series <strong>of</strong> lengthy letters. Introductory<br />

content … poem “To The Figurehead <strong>of</strong> the Foam”;<br />

list <strong>of</strong> Dramatis Personae … Protesilaus stumbles on<br />

the threshold; the Icelander – a modern Sir Patrick<br />

Spens; Loch Goil – the Saga <strong>of</strong> Clan Campbell; through<br />

the Sounds – Stornaway; Out into the North Atlantic<br />

and gales and sea sickness – sight <strong>of</strong> Iceland, landing<br />

at Thule; Reykjavik and buying horses … the lava<br />

plateau, mystical mountains, crossing the Arctic<br />

Circle; Jan Mayen and the volcanic Mount<br />

Berrenberg; Sailing for Bear Island and Cherie Island,<br />

the Freer Sea, landing at Spitzbergen, English Bay<br />

and Lady Edith’s Glacier …<br />

Despite the popularity <strong>of</strong> the expedition this was the<br />

only published work <strong>of</strong> the busy Frederick Hamilton-<br />

Temple -Blackwood, the First Marquess <strong>of</strong> Dufferin<br />

and Ava <strong>of</strong> Northern Ireland. Dufferin (1826-1902)<br />

was 3 rd Governor <strong>of</strong> Canada, Viceroy and Governor<br />

General <strong>of</strong> India, Chancellor <strong>of</strong> the Duchy <strong>of</strong><br />

Lancaster etc. He also held positions in the Middle<br />

East. Born wealthy educated at Oxford. Late in life<br />

he involved in a major financial scandal resulting in<br />

the loss <strong>of</strong> most <strong>of</strong> his own fortune. He was<br />

exonerated <strong>of</strong> any blame, seemingly.<br />

Ronald Ferguson was born at Kirkcaldy, Scotland,<br />

attended Sandhurst; after a military career elected<br />

to the House <strong>of</strong> Commons in 1884. In 1914 appointed<br />

Governor-General <strong>of</strong> Australia, forming a close bond<br />

with Prime Minister Billy Hughes during the difficult<br />

years <strong>of</strong> WWI. In <strong>of</strong>fice until 1920, the six year term<br />

then a record. <strong>Return</strong>ed to Scotland as 1 st Viscount<br />

Novar and Secretary for Scotland. After politics Board<br />

position in a number <strong>of</strong> Insurance and banking<br />

companies, made loads <strong>of</strong> money, knighted in 1926.<br />

Price $180.00<br />

Dufferin in the “Foam” in the cold North …<br />

unusual descriptive writing. Special provenance

23<br />

“Society <strong>of</strong> Arts”<br />

Victorian Brass Microscope with Case<br />

A quality fully working brass microscope from<br />

around 1860-70.<br />

With the early V shaped bar for rack and<br />

pinion focus and fine adjustment knurled<br />

knob. Two objectives both multiple<br />

compounding. There is also Live Box for<br />

observing creepy crawlies. The concave<br />

mirror is in very good condition.<br />

The original mahogany case is a quality box,<br />

original to the instrument and in very good<br />

condition, with separate drawer for slides and<br />

bits and pieces. The case still has its original<br />

lock and its key, <strong>of</strong>ten long lost. The<br />

microscope is mounted on a rectangular<br />

mahogany board which slides into the case.<br />

Very similar to the example presented by<br />

Peter Turner FRMS to the Royal Microscopical<br />

Society catalogued as number 92 in the<br />

reference authority Turner.<br />

In the early 1850’s the Royal Society for the<br />

Encouragement <strong>of</strong> Arts, Manufactures and<br />

Commerce <strong>of</strong>fered a prize for the design <strong>of</strong> a<br />

compact compound microscope that could sell<br />

for 3 guineas. The design, which is reflected<br />

here, was won by Robert Fields & Son <strong>of</strong><br />

Birmingham, England in 1854. Due to the<br />

popularity <strong>of</strong> the design it was copied by<br />

others but <strong>of</strong>ten sold at a higher price. These<br />

copies were mainly unsigned as is the case<br />

here. However, the brass foot is very much in<br />

the style <strong>of</strong> Ross so we suspect it came from<br />

that London maker.<br />

Price $640.00<br />

Nice 19 th Century Cased Brass Microscope..<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

24<br />

A Woman – Rhys Davies - 1931<br />

A fine first edition <strong>of</strong> this beautifully written<br />

and presented short story by Rhys Davies.<br />

Printed by Capell at the Bronze Snail Press<br />

London. Octavo, 39 pages, number 131 <strong>of</strong> a<br />

limited edition <strong>of</strong> 165 copies (plus an additional<br />

17 for presentation). Printed on English<br />

hand-made paper and hand numbered and<br />

signed nicely by the author. Quarter gold toned<br />

buckram over an almost iridescent metallic<br />

designed paper covered boards.<br />

Rhys Davies (1901-1978) was born in Wales and<br />

became o prolific writer ... this is one <strong>of</strong> almost<br />

100 short stories and the best presented. Whilst<br />

he lived most <strong>of</strong> his adult life in London his<br />

work is <strong>of</strong>ten set in Wales ... as is “A Woman”.<br />

He was friendly with D.H and Frieda Lawrence<br />

and stayed with them in France shortly before<br />

this work was penned and D.H. Lawrence’s<br />

passing. Davies smuggled Lawrence’s “Pansies”<br />

into Britain and saw to its publication.<br />

“A Woman” a forthright story about the<br />

development <strong>of</strong> a young woman in South Wales<br />

into “A Woman” … with all the challenges <strong>of</strong><br />

the time and place. Beautifully written.<br />

Price $90.00<br />

A book with a short poignant story …<br />

would make a super gift.<br />

James Cook Bicentennial Medal<br />

Andor Meszaros<br />

A striking medal issues by the National Trust <strong>of</strong><br />

Australia in 1970 to commemorate the 200-year<br />

anniversary <strong>of</strong> James Cook’s discovery <strong>of</strong> the east<br />

coast <strong>of</strong> mainland Australia.<br />

Copper bronze 50mm in diameter, weigh 60gm<br />

(160gm cased). Heavy relief portrait <strong>of</strong> Cook<br />

dominates the right hand edge <strong>of</strong> the medal with<br />

the Endeavour helmsman covering the whole <strong>of</strong><br />

the background … the impression is <strong>of</strong> a focused<br />

observation <strong>of</strong> the first sighting .. at Point Hicks.<br />

The narrative James Cook 1770-1970 to the left<br />

and below that the signature <strong>of</strong> the medallist<br />

Andor Maszaros. On the reverse the National Trust<br />

emblem. A fine example still housed in its original<br />

felt lined case all in fine condition. 3,000 medals<br />

were cast so it is not uncommon but how many<br />

still have their original case and remain unmarked.<br />

Hungarian born Andor Maszaros (1900-1972)<br />

perhaps Australia’s greatest medallist. He was a<br />

natural sculptor, recognised internationally. He<br />

designed the Melbourne Olympic Games Medals in<br />

1956 … and the Vietnam War Medal in 1968.<br />

Price $70.00<br />

James Cook honoured at 200 years by<br />

distinguished medallist Maszaros.

25<br />

Drums <strong>of</strong> Mer – Ion Idriess<br />

First published by Angus and Robertson in 1933. This is the seventh edition dated 1936.<br />

Inscribed by Walter Cousins head <strong>of</strong> the publishing house as a gift to Frances van Cleef,<br />

wife <strong>of</strong> a Chicago industrialist who was a close friend <strong>of</strong> the author.<br />

Very good condition and in a very good example <strong>of</strong> the colourful dust jacket. Best copy<br />

we have seen <strong>of</strong> this elusive Idriess book.<br />

The "Drums <strong>of</strong> Mer" captures the charm <strong>of</strong> the Torres Strait Islands. As usual great images<br />

to accompany an Idriess book. A selection <strong>of</strong> chapter titles gives one a feel ... When the<br />

Blood Lust calls; The Battle <strong>of</strong> the Fly; Velvet Claws; The Trouncing <strong>of</strong> Kebisu; Jakara<br />

Makes Love and The People <strong>of</strong> the Auwo Oromo. Mer (Murray Island) is sitting between<br />

Yule Entrance and Flinders Entrance close to Papua New Guinea.<br />

Price $90.00<br />

Rare Idriess superb writing signed by publisher<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Poems to Pavlova – Tulloch Cull<br />

A first edition <strong>of</strong> this poetic homage to the great ballerina<br />

Anna Pavlova. Published by Herbert Jenkins, London in<br />

1913. Square octavo, 62 pages after preliminaries with 8<br />

plates from period photographs. Original decorative green<br />

cloth covered boards, all in very good condition.<br />

Anna Pavlova (1881-1931) requires no introduction.<br />

Principal artist <strong>of</strong> the Imperial Russian Ballet and the<br />

Ballets Russes … forever remembered for her dying swan.<br />

Her name was pronounced Pa ... vlova unfortunately the<br />

pudding designed in her honour Pav … lova has corrupted<br />

our understanding. Invented (the pudding) during her tour<br />

<strong>of</strong> Australia in the 1920’s … disputed by Kiwis across the<br />

Ditch who believe it was first made in Wellington.<br />

Price $60.00<br />

Anna Pavlova ...<br />

much more than a meringue with fruit!<br />


27<br />

The Thinker Bookends—1920’s<br />

by Armor Bronze<br />

A solid and delightful pair <strong>of</strong> bookends by Armor<br />

Bronze who were on 5 th Avenue, New York<br />

throughout the 1920’s.<br />

Based on “Le Penseur” by Rodin. Very good<br />

condition. 20 cms high and weighing 3.0 kgs.<br />

Price $390.00<br />

Quality bookends by collected maker<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

28<br />

Conquest <strong>of</strong> Space – Historical Documentary<br />

Record <strong>of</strong> the First Manned Space-<br />

Orbit Flight by Major Yuri Gagarin.<br />

Not a number one record at the time and so<br />

rare and collectable now. A great gift for any<br />

space buff with a record turntable.<br />

Britone collaboration with Mezhdunarodnaya<br />

Kniga, USSR and with acknowledgement to the<br />

USSR Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences.<br />

On 12 th April 1961 Vostok was launched into<br />

space with Yuri Gagarin. Vostok orbited the<br />

Earth at 18 thousand miles per hour at up to<br />

203 miles above the Earth’s surface. Gagarin 28<br />

years old was the very first spaceman.<br />

The 45rpm record includes Moscow Radio’s<br />

announcement <strong>of</strong> the successful launch an that<br />

Vostok was in orbit; Some bars from the song<br />

Gagarin sang during his decent back to Earth;<br />

Gagarin speaking prior to the flight; Gagarin’s<br />

speech at the later Red Square reception and<br />

that <strong>of</strong> Krushchev; the Press Conference at the<br />

Scientists Club, Moscow … and another Gagarin<br />

musical favourite “I love you, life”.<br />

For those challenged by Russian each element is<br />

followed by an English translation.<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Pretty special the first man in Space and an<br />

unusual useable period tribute.<br />

Antique Microscope Slide<br />

Human Fleas<br />

A nice example prepared by E Bryan<br />

Optician 24 Cross Street, Manchester,<br />

England, c1900. The slide carries his<br />

label and a brief description.<br />

Male and female examples <strong>of</strong> the<br />

human flea .. male and female fleas<br />

not fleas <strong>of</strong> male and female humans.<br />

The Human Flea (Pulex Irritans), an<br />

interesting Latin name, is happy on a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> hosts not just humans. It<br />

was thought to have originated on<br />

South American Guinea Pigs. The<br />

female burrows into the flesh<br />

particularly around the feet and<br />

ovulates internally. The top image is<br />

the male and the bottom the female<br />

Price $60.00<br />

Antique He and She Flea

Silvester Diggles – Australian Birds – c1870<br />

Pied Honey-eater, Slender-billed Spine-bill and the White eye-browed Spine-bill<br />

Rare original hand-coloured lithograph by Queensland naturalist Silvester Diggles.<br />

Published as part <strong>of</strong> his magnificent work “"The Ornithology <strong>of</strong> Australia" between<br />

1866 and 1870 in twenty-one parts by Pugh <strong>of</strong> Brisbane, in a very limited edition.<br />

By the time part sixteen was published there were only 92 subscribers. The<br />

colouring were executed by Diggles and his niece, Rowena Birkett.<br />

Measures 38cm by 27cm, thick paper, good hand colouring pretty clean with just<br />

the odd surface mark. A scarce item.<br />

Silvester Diggles (1817-1880) artist and musician born in England. He came to<br />

Australia in 1853 settling in Brisbane where he taught music and drawing. Diggles<br />

was a founder <strong>of</strong> the Brisbane Choral Society in 1859 and Philharmonic Society in<br />

1861. Diggles was also a founder <strong>of</strong> the Queensland Philosophical Society and<br />

helped establish the Museum. His greatest work was The Ornithology <strong>of</strong><br />

Australia. However it sent him broke. He died at Kangaroo Point in 1880.<br />

Price $240.00<br />

An opportunity to own an original work by Queenslander Silvester Diggles.<br />

29<br />

Silvester Diggles contemplating<br />

his birds … or his fortunes<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

30<br />

Views in Australia, or New South Wales and<br />

Van Diemen’s Land<br />

Delineated, in Fifty Views, with Descriptive Letter<br />

Dedicated to the Right Hon’ble Earl Bathhurst<br />

Facsimile <strong>of</strong> the rarely seen Views by Joseph Lycett<br />

originally published in London in 1824. Lycett was a<br />

convict artist <strong>of</strong> great distinction – sent out for forgery.<br />

He was pardoned and later returned to England<br />

where he again went about his forger’s ways.<br />

His artistry is unique and charming with 50 images<br />

<strong>of</strong> New South Wales in and around Sydney and<br />

many <strong>of</strong> Tasmania with some beautiful images <strong>of</strong><br />

Hobart, Derwent and the surrounding mountains.<br />

Landscape in format, in slipcase – fine condition.<br />

Price $100.00<br />

Such beautiful images originally from 1824<br />

Louisa Anne Meredith<br />

A Tigress in Exile<br />

Sought after book published by Blubber Press<br />

in Hobart in 1979. Louisa Anne nee Twamley<br />

was already an accomplished write and painter<br />

when she arrived in Australia in 1839. First in<br />

New South Wales, then in Tasmania she<br />

developed her prestigious artistic talent. This<br />

book by Vivienne Rae Ellis is an excellent<br />

insight into her very full life<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Special Tasmanian

31<br />

Australia Trade Cards - Issued by Liebig – 1910<br />

A group <strong>of</strong> six decorative trade cards by Liebig<br />

advertising their tasty Bouillon Oxo. Printed around<br />

1910. In French with a very good description on the<br />

rear <strong>of</strong> the card … a good language lesson.<br />

Delightful chromolithographs depicting scenes from<br />

around Australia including a nice one <strong>of</strong> Hobart,<br />

Tasmania with Storm Bay (not quite correct as we are<br />

now in the Derwent proper) and Mount Wellington<br />

covered in snow in the background. Also, we have the<br />

Murray River and its vegetation; the Kimberleys;<br />

Rundall Creek in the MacDonald Range; the Blue<br />

Mountains west <strong>of</strong> Sydney and Coolgardie and its Gold.<br />

Images <strong>of</strong> indigenous people from various parts <strong>of</strong><br />

Australia given the French romantic treatment in<br />

terms <strong>of</strong> their clothing. Each 10cms x 7.3cms.<br />

Price $80.00<br />

Scarce six card set rarely found together.<br />

Platypus by W.D. & H.O. Wills<br />

Three cards <strong>of</strong> the “Animalloys”” series<br />

from the early 20 th Century. An<br />

“un-natural” history series this being<br />

one <strong>of</strong> 16 animals all in three sections …<br />

the Platypus.. It is suggested that by<br />

mixing the sections you can produce<br />

other strange creatures with amusing<br />

names. In this case we only need the<br />

three to have our strange beauty!<br />

Price $20.00<br />

Unusual, rather unique Platypus image.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

32<br />

Beethoven Ninth Symphony Pian<strong>of</strong>orte<br />

Score by Carl Reinecke (Choral Portion)<br />

English Translation by Rev W.T. Southward<br />

Sir Adrian Boult’s Copy.<br />

Published by Breitkopf & Hartel, Leipzig circa<br />

1900. Large octavo, 78 pages. Slightly aged but<br />

still very good. Arranged by Reinecke and, a<br />

favourite <strong>of</strong> orchestra’s around the world.<br />

Symphony No.9 in D minor Op 125 the final<br />

complete Beethoven symphony composed<br />

between 1822 and 1824. Many regard this his<br />

greatest work. The first major symphony to use<br />

voice in here the fourth movement with four<br />

soloists and a choir. The words from a poem<br />

“Ode to Joy” by Friedrich Schiller with<br />

Beethoven additions.<br />

Sir Adrian Boult’s copy inscribed on the<br />

wrapper … “Adrian C Boult 15 Oct 1910”<br />

Adrian Boult (1889-1983) went to Christ<br />

Church, Oxford reading History in 1908, but<br />

changed to Music graduating in 1912. His<br />

ownership <strong>of</strong> this item clearly resides with his<br />

university days. In 1910 he was the President <strong>of</strong><br />

the University Music Club. He met Ralph<br />

Vaughan Williams at Oxford and knew Elgar. He<br />

went on to study at Leipzig. One <strong>of</strong> the greatest<br />

orchestral conductors … first to tackle Holst’s<br />

Planets and formed the BBC Symphony<br />

Orchestra and conduct the LSO and LPO<br />

Price $140.00<br />

Beethoven Ninth Choral - Adrian Boult’s Copy<br />

Testimony – The Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Shostakovich.<br />

First edition … related to and edited by Solomon Volkov.<br />

Controversy surrounds this book because <strong>of</strong> its frank<br />

position on the great man’s views on … other composers,<br />

Stalin, the system etc. Volkov was close to Shostakovich<br />

in his final years … unsurprisingly Shostakovich instructed<br />

not to publish until after his death and Volkov, who had<br />

control, never published the book in Russia.<br />

Hamish Hamilton, London 1979. Octavo, 238 pages with<br />

numerous illustration from period photographs. Very nice.<br />

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975) was nine when taught<br />

the piano by his mother … his talent was immediately<br />

identified … he could repeat every lesson the next day<br />

without reference to the music score. His first symphony<br />

at 19 was success. Not all <strong>of</strong> his efforts were successful<br />

afterwards … his music too experimental at times for the<br />

Communist rule … particularly Stalin … who had a habit <strong>of</strong><br />

disposing <strong>of</strong> his friends and relatives. His music s<strong>of</strong>tened<br />

and he was later brought into the Communist embrace.<br />

The photographic images are special … with Prok<strong>of</strong>iev and<br />

Khachaturian … imagine the conversations.<br />

Price $40.00<br />

Shostakovich thorough and believable

33<br />

The Pagan Trinity – Beatrice Irwin – 1912<br />

An unusual book <strong>of</strong> poetry dedicated to French<br />

artist sculptor Auguste Rodin. The opening poem<br />

inspired by Rodin… “The Hand <strong>of</strong> God”<br />

Presentation copy inscribed boldly “To Count Louis<br />

Hamon with best regards from Beatrice Irwin Feb<br />

15 /12” … the recipient was also known as Cheiro,<br />

a famous cheiromancer (palmist) and author <strong>of</strong><br />

sought after works on that subject.<br />

A first edition published by John Lane, The Bodley<br />

Head, London in 1912. Octavo, 144 pages half<br />

vellum binding with marbled papered boards, top<br />

edge gilt. Nice copy with the super dedication.<br />

A volume <strong>of</strong> mystical verse reflecting the poet /<br />

actress’s interest in colour – music – poetry<br />

relationships, then very fashionable in Europe,<br />

America, and Russia through the works <strong>of</strong><br />

Alexander Scriabin. Irwin Beatrice also known as<br />

Lady Rosslyn a spiritualist and followed <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Baha’i faith. Virginia Woolf described the style as<br />

neo-Paganism and <strong>of</strong> significance. Her theatrical<br />

career was extensive and included a season in<br />

Australia in 1907 when she played in Brewster’s<br />

Millions in Sydney and Melbourne. Her views on<br />

colour were sophisticated and well known … she<br />

influenced Australian artists in that regard<br />

including Roy de Maistre.<br />

The book is arranged in under the following<br />

descriptions ... Plastic Poems; Colour Poems; Tone<br />

Poems; The Music <strong>of</strong> Japan and Songs <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Elements. We like it ...<br />

Cheiro, or Count Hamon was born William John<br />

Warner in Ireland in 1866. He became an<br />

internationally renown clairvoyant, palmist,<br />

numerologist … anything occult. He read for so<br />

many <strong>of</strong> the famous including Mark Twain, Sarah<br />

Bernhardt, Eddison etc. To read about some <strong>of</strong> his<br />

predictions will surprise. It is no surprise however<br />

that he had a connection with the mystical<br />

Beatrice Irwin.<br />

Price $160.00<br />

Mystical poetry by the colourful Beatrice Irwin –<br />

Cheiro’s copy nicely inscribed.<br />

Cheiro the most<br />

mystical man and<br />

worthy recipient<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Au Pole de Sud a Bicyclette - Salgari<br />

The French translation <strong>of</strong> Emilio Salagari classic translated by J. Fargeau.<br />

Salagari being the Italian equivalent <strong>of</strong> adventure writer Henty and in some<br />

respects Jules Verne. Written in the Italian in the 1890’s this French version<br />

was published early in the 1900’s.<br />

Collected because <strong>of</strong> the genre, the crazy story involving the South Pole and<br />

the superb decorative covers by Fontanez. Although, like quite a few others,<br />

Fontanez should have brushed up his knowledge <strong>of</strong> natural history.<br />

Folio, 240 pages with illustrations in the text. Paper with an even yellowing<br />

as usual. The green cloth covered boards with spine, back and front<br />

decorated boldly in polychrome with penguins, seals and polar bear (mmhh),<br />

Three intrepid explorers on an eight wheeled steam assisted velocipede.<br />

Price $190.00<br />

A classic Polar Adventure – on a tandem!<br />


35<br />

Life and Times <strong>of</strong> Gaspare Tagliacozzo<br />

Surgeon <strong>of</strong> Bologna<br />

A beautiful book from the Classics <strong>of</strong> Medicine<br />

Series. Large octavo, 538 pages bound in<br />

black leather with lavish gilt work. Page edges<br />

richly gilt, marbled endpapers, silk marker<br />

ribbon. By Martha Teach Gnudi and Jerome<br />

Pierce Webster … this special edition 1989.<br />

Gaspare Tagliacozzi an Italian surgeon and<br />

pioneer <strong>of</strong> plastic and reconstructive surgery.<br />

He was born and died in Bologna, where he<br />

studied at the University in 1565. Obtaining<br />

his medical qualifications he was appointed<br />

pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> surgery and then later anatomy.<br />

He improved on the work <strong>of</strong> Sicilian surgeon<br />

Branca and developed his own methods. From<br />

his “De Curtorum Chirurgia per Institionem”<br />

he receives the honour <strong>of</strong> being the very first<br />

reconstruction surgeon.<br />

Price $70.00<br />

Surgical advances in the 16 th Century.<br />

Anatomical Exercitations Concerning the Generation <strong>of</strong> Living Creatures<br />

William Harvey17 th century medical great wrote this book in his seventies.<br />

Facsimile <strong>of</strong> the first English edition <strong>of</strong> 1653. A special issue by Classics <strong>of</strong> Medicine<br />

published in 1991. Bound in black leather with gold embossing all page edges gilt.<br />

William Harvey brought us the principles <strong>of</strong> blood and circulation studied at Padua and<br />

became Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Anatomy at the College <strong>of</strong> Physicians <strong>of</strong> London. Exercitations five<br />

times longer than Harvey’s landmark De Motu Cordis with seventy-two chapters, fourteen<br />

<strong>of</strong> which are on the comparative anatomy <strong>of</strong> the reproductive organs <strong>of</strong><br />

animals and the physiology <strong>of</strong> reproduction. A booklet “Notes from the Editors” gives a<br />

useful history and perspective.<br />

Price $80.00<br />

William Harvey much more than just blood<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

36<br />

Australian Vintage Children’s Puzzle Blocks – c1920’s<br />

A nice quality set with six (obviously) pictorial puzzles to solve. Produced in Australia<br />

with artwork by “T and C Print”. Nice condition and a lovely example <strong>of</strong> the challenges<br />

that children were given before the iphone and a lot more.<br />

Price $120.00<br />

Stress free (for you) educational puzzle for the very young –<br />

a future treasure to be handed down …<br />

Zebra – George Edwards - 1744<br />

A framed original hand coloured<br />

copper engraving <strong>of</strong> a Zebra by<br />

George Edwards (1694-1773).<br />

A rare collectable engraving.<br />

Edwards was born in Essex, and after<br />

schooling went to London where he<br />

had access to a large scientific<br />

library. In 1733 he was chosen as the<br />

Librarian to the Royal College <strong>of</strong><br />

Physicians. He knew Linnaeus and<br />

Catesby (who produced a great work<br />

on American birds). This Zebra was<br />

published as part <strong>of</strong> a broad work on<br />

Natural History in 1744. Framed<br />

nicely in gilt ready to hang.<br />

Price $280.00<br />

Very early image from<br />

distinguished 18thC engraver.

37<br />

Antarctic Scenes Set <strong>of</strong> Six - Liebig –1910<br />

A group <strong>of</strong> six decorative trade cards by Liebig<br />

advertising their tasty Bouillon Oxo. Printed and<br />

issued around 1910. Text in German with a very<br />

good description the rear <strong>of</strong> the card …<br />

a good language lesson.<br />

Delightful chromolithographs depicting Cape<br />

Renard; Cockburn Island; an Iceberg in the<br />

Weddelll Sea; Cape Crozier; the Glacial area<br />

between the Ross and Weddell Seas and striking<br />

image <strong>of</strong> Erebus erupting.. Each 10cms x 7.3cms.<br />

Price $80.00<br />

Scarce six card set rarely found together.<br />

The Voyage <strong>of</strong> the “Scotia”<br />

Being the Record <strong>of</strong> a Voyage <strong>of</strong> Exploration<br />

in the Antarctic Seas By R.N. Rudmose Brown,<br />

J.H.H. Pirie and R.C. Mossman<br />

A facsimile <strong>of</strong> the first published by Blackwood<br />

and Sons, Edinburgh in 1906. This edition by<br />

MacClelland and Stewart, Toronto 1978.<br />

Octavo, 375 pages with numerous illustrations<br />

and chart <strong>of</strong> the track <strong>of</strong> the Scotia; a map <strong>of</strong><br />

Laurie Island South Orkneys and a large folding<br />

chart at the rear … <strong>of</strong> the South Atlantic Ocean<br />

and the Weddell Sea. A fine copy. The piper on<br />

the front is naturalist Burn Murdoch … the first<br />

person to play the bagpipes on the Antarctic …<br />

and also in the Arctic … quiet an achievement.<br />

Price $120.00<br />

The Scottish expedition, and early one with<br />

significant achievements <strong>of</strong>ten overlooked.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

38<br />

Victorian Brass Telescope<br />

two draw 36 inches – mahogany cased<br />

This beautiful two draw telescope is English by<br />

origin and made in the Victorian era c1880.<br />

It is in superb condition. Fully extended it is near<br />

36 inches – closed 16 inches. The 1.5 inch<br />

objective is clear and has good light gathering<br />

qualities – no chips. The mahogany casing is<br />

intact which is rare as they generally split with<br />

age. Eyepiece has a pull down dust cover.<br />

The brass objective has a dust cover fitted into a<br />

substantial extendable lens shade which slides<br />

well … all in very good condition. An instrument<br />

<strong>of</strong> this quality must have come from a leading<br />

London maker and the style suggests Dollond.<br />

Price $590.00<br />

Good optics and fine mahogany banding making a<br />

handsome early telescope<br />

Thomas and Anthony Trollo<br />

An original 1870’s albumen Car<br />

de Visite <strong>of</strong> Victorian writers<br />

Thomas and Anthony Trollope<br />

Very good condition. Anthony<br />

Trollope remembered for<br />

Barchester Chronicles and for h<br />

travels to Australia. Thomas<br />

wrote over sixty books and live<br />

most <strong>of</strong> his life in Florence an<br />

then in Rome on remarrying. H<br />

and his wife were great friends<br />

Robert and Elizabeth Brownin<br />

their children played together<br />

The photograph is by Fratelli<br />

Alinari <strong>of</strong> Florence and their<br />

stamp is on the rear. They ar<br />

the world’s oldest photograph<br />

firm being founded in 1852<br />

Price $90.00<br />

1870’s Carte de Visite <strong>of</strong> Antho<br />

and Thomas Trollope

39<br />

Russian Antarctic Treaty Medal –<br />

Leningrad Mint - 1991<br />

A scarce Antarctic medal celebrating the thirty<br />

year anniversary <strong>of</strong> the signing <strong>of</strong> the Antarctic<br />

Treaty. Cast in bronze, 65mm in diameter, 154<br />

gm. Very strong relief and in fine condition.<br />

The Antarctic Treaty regulates international<br />

relations regarding Antarctica. Signed by 54<br />

parties it came into effect in 1961. The Treaty<br />

established Antarctica as a scientific preserve with<br />

freedom <strong>of</strong> scientific investigation, banning<br />

military interests. The Secretariat is based in<br />

Buenos Aires. The Soviet Union one <strong>of</strong> 12 countries<br />

at the time that had activities on the continent.<br />

The face <strong>of</strong> the medal has a penguin and young<br />

one over a high relief map <strong>of</strong> Antarctica. Images <strong>of</strong><br />

a ship, aeroplane and snowmobile representing<br />

investigation by sea, air and land. Around the<br />

outside “Antarctic Treaty” in the four <strong>of</strong>ficial<br />

languages English, French, Russian and Spanish.<br />

On the reverse a compass sign over another<br />

continental image and a dominant Dove <strong>of</strong> Peace,<br />

with appropriate sentiments in Cyrillic.<br />

Price $130.00<br />

Antarctic Treaty Celebration – Scarce Russian<br />

Commemorative Medal.<br />

pe<br />

te<br />

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is<br />

d<br />

d<br />

e<br />

<strong>of</strong><br />

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ic<br />

ny<br />

Original Platypus Engraving - Fournier -1849<br />

Hand coloured stipple engraving drawn by the distinguished Natural History artist<br />

Travies and engraved by Fournier. Published in Paris in the Dictionnarie Universal<br />

d’Histoire Naturalle promoted by Charles D’Orbigny a leading French naturalist.<br />

Dimensions 24cm by 15cm in very good condition with fine engraving and<br />

natural understated colouring. The image appears to us to be based on the Lesueur<br />

artwork from the Baudin expedition.<br />

Price $140.00 Fine and early Platypus engraving<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

40<br />

Builder Bookends c1930<br />

A nice heavy pair <strong>of</strong> bookends <strong>of</strong> handsome builders<br />

at work by Armor Bronze designed by Julio Kileny.<br />

Substantial 3.2kg the pair and 20cm tall ..<br />

A very practical decorative set.<br />

Expert reference “Kuritsky” states that Armor<br />

Bronze were at 333 4th Avenue, New York in 1920.<br />

He goes on to say that the New York facility was<br />

discontinued in 1929 and they re-emerged at<br />

Taunton, Massachusetts in 1934, finally closing just<br />

after WWII. Kuritsky gives this design a date <strong>of</strong><br />

c1925. One bookend carries the original Armor<br />

Bronze label which confirms a pre 1929 date.<br />

Price $390.00<br />

Deco builders … a little cheeky!

41<br />

Jameson’s Story <strong>of</strong> the Rear Column<br />

The Story <strong>of</strong> the Rear Column <strong>of</strong> the Emin Pasha<br />

Relief Expedition<br />

First UK edition 1890 published by R.H. Porter,<br />

London. A book edited by Mrs James Jameson ...<br />

as the author died during the expedition.<br />

Published partly to exonerate her husband from<br />

rather difficult accusations<br />

Royal octavo, 455 pages with 100 plus illustrations<br />

and two pages <strong>of</strong> folding maps at the rear that if<br />

which joined must be close to a metre long.<br />

Original green cloth covered boards, gilt title to<br />

spine, gilt device to front with some loss <strong>of</strong> gilt.<br />

Good to better condition. Illustrations by Charles<br />

Whymper from sketches by Jameson<br />

This is one <strong>of</strong> the four important accounts<br />

concerning the Henry Morton Stanley lead megaexpedition<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1886 to 1889 to save Emin Pasha<br />

who was under siege as the Governor <strong>of</strong> Equatoria.<br />

Stanley had put together an impressive yet<br />

unusual array <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficers and gentlemen to assist in<br />

the expedition. Stanley’s account is written up in<br />

his best seller “In Darkest Africa”.<br />

Stanley heavily connected to Prince Leopold <strong>of</strong><br />

Belgium decided to approach Equatoria, in the east<br />

from the west coast, up the Congo and through<br />

some very difficult previously unexplored territory<br />

“Darkest Africa”. There were many difficulties and<br />

mainly due to the immense number <strong>of</strong> personal,<br />

feeding them etc he decided to split the venture<br />

and produce and Advance and Rear Column<br />

James s Jameson was <strong>of</strong> the Irish whiskey family<br />

and a man <strong>of</strong> money. He was assigned to the Rear<br />

Column under the command <strong>of</strong> Barttlot. He acted<br />

as Naturalist and Artist. The organisation within<br />

the rear column quickly was in disarray mainly<br />

because they were left with insufficient currency<br />

to procure men, food etc. Barttlet was shot<br />

attempting to strike a woman. Jameson got<br />

involved in one <strong>of</strong> the greatest scandals <strong>of</strong> the<br />

19thC. He was said to be obsessively interested in<br />

cannibalism and procured a young woman paying<br />

ten silk handkerchiefs … and the purpose was for<br />

him to witness her being <strong>of</strong>fered in a ritual act <strong>of</strong><br />

cannibalism. A Syrian translator with the Rear<br />

Column, Assad Farran, exposed these goings on<br />

which Jameson vehemently denied … the book<br />

containing letters back to his wife etc on the affair<br />

… news <strong>of</strong> which had reached London. Perhaps<br />

fortuitously, Jameson contracted a fever and died.<br />

Price $290.00<br />

Jameson – in Stanley’s Darkest Africa<br />

with the Rear Column<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Aerial, Geological and Geophysical Survey <strong>of</strong> Northern Australia – 1936<br />

Comprehensive report on all undertakings in 1936 covering all regions in Northern<br />

Australia … Western Australia, the Territory and Queensland. Published by the<br />

Commonwealth Government, Canberra in 1937 – 830 copies produced at the time.<br />

Folio, 91 pages with 12 large coloured charts at the rear .. some on a massive<br />

scaled. All staple bound as issued. Repaired tear to front cover otherwise a near<br />

perfect copy, the charts like new and the colours very vivid … printed on high<br />

grade paper compared with the narrative on the usual fragile government stock.<br />

There so much to describe regarding the content that any attempt to precis is<br />

rather daunting. The descriptions <strong>of</strong> the plates give a good idea <strong>of</strong> coverage.<br />

Plate 1 Geological Sketch Map <strong>of</strong> the Pilbara District, Western Australia; Plate 2 –<br />

ditto Kimberley, WA; Plate 3 ditto Daly River District, Northern Territory; Plate 4<br />

ditto Cloncurry District, Queensland; Plate 5 ditto Croydon Gold-fields,<br />

Queensland; Plate 6 Tennant Creek – Peko Area, Northern Territory; Plate 7 –<br />

Tennant Creek, Magnetic Survey, Pr<strong>of</strong>iles and Drilling Results; Plate 8 Croydon<br />

Geophysical Survey; Plate 9 Dugald River, Queensland; Plate 10 Brock’s Creek,<br />

Northern Territory; Plate 11 Portland Roads, Queensland; Plate 12 Misc. Pr<strong>of</strong>iles.<br />

Price $240.00<br />

Magnificent geological report in terms <strong>of</strong> its detail and<br />

a raft <strong>of</strong> quality coloured geological maps.<br />


43<br />

Geological Survey Cape York,<br />

Horn Island, Possession Island etc - 1902<br />

Report on a Visit to the West Coast <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Cape York Peninsula and Some Islands <strong>of</strong><br />

the Gulf <strong>of</strong> Carpentaria also, Reports on<br />

the Horn Island and Possession Island Gold<br />

Fields, and the Recent Prospecting <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Cretaceous Coast <strong>of</strong> the Cook District.<br />

By C.F.V. Jackson, Government Geologist.<br />

Octavo, 23 pages, images and four maps,<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the region and three folding<br />

coloured maps <strong>of</strong> the South Wellesly<br />

Islands (Bentick, Fowler and Sweers); the<br />

Horn Island Goldfield and Horn Island.<br />

Slight browning to map edges, still a very<br />

good copy <strong>of</strong> a scarce item.<br />

As <strong>of</strong>ten the geologist travels significant<br />

ground taking in Cox Creek, Wilkinson<br />

Range, Mitchell River, Wellesly Islands,<br />

Horn Island, Possession Island etc with<br />

good detail on the topography <strong>of</strong> the land<br />

and various anthropological finds along the<br />

way. He discovered aboriginal middens <strong>of</strong><br />

enormous proportions estimated to have<br />

taken several hundred years to form. The<br />

first mention <strong>of</strong> bauxite at Weipa … to be<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the world’s largest deposits.<br />

Clements Jackson (1873-1955) a talented<br />

engineer, in Civil and Mining. He designed<br />

and built bridges over the Bremer River<br />

near Ipswich and won the London Institute<br />

<strong>of</strong> Civil Engineers Prize for his bridge over<br />

the Burdekin at Charters Towers. He<br />

moved into geology/ mining and worked on<br />

the survey <strong>of</strong> Western Australia. Back in<br />

Queensland he rose to the highest<br />

position, that <strong>of</strong> State Mining Engineer<br />

Price $120.00<br />

Scarce report on important locations<br />

with excellent maps..<br />

Gypsum – Selenite<br />

A very good example <strong>of</strong> gypsum in<br />

selenite form with even crystals <strong>of</strong><br />

5mm nicely impregnated with<br />

copper salts giving a s<strong>of</strong>t green hue.<br />

Very good example from Pernatty<br />

Lagoon, Stuart Shelf South Australia.<br />

Price $50.00<br />

Nice crystals with even copper tone<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

Sailing Classics — We have a raft <strong>of</strong> out <strong>of</strong> print<br />

sailing classics — check out our website under<br />

“Maritime” and dig deep — you will find treasure.<br />

Many titles from $25.00 all in super condition.<br />


V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />


46<br />

Le Diable Boiteux Alain Rene Le sage<br />

The original novel was published in 1707 and<br />

subsequently formed the basis <strong>of</strong> an opera and<br />

then much later a film. This is the stunning<br />

1920’s production by Nilsson, Paris and contains<br />

many striking coloured images by Maggy Mornier<br />

The plot is based on Le Sage's novel <strong>of</strong> the same<br />

title and tells the story <strong>of</strong> a Spanish student,<br />

Cléophas, who helps a demon to escape from a<br />

bottle and is rewarded by an introduction to<br />

three beautiful women, the dancer Florinda, the<br />

rich woman Dorotea, and the penniless Paquita.<br />

His attempts to pursue the first two are thwarted<br />

by other admirers and he also loses his money<br />

gambling. Finally, he realises it is Paquita he<br />

loves, and with a purse <strong>of</strong> gold given to them by<br />

Florinda they decide to marry.<br />

Price $70.00<br />

Another beautiful French language edition<br />

Ayesha – The <strong>Return</strong> <strong>of</strong> the She<br />

A big call but perhaps Rider Haggards best book a<br />

sequel to “She” published 1887.<br />

First edition Ward and Lock, London 1905. Thick<br />

octavo, 284 pages with illustrations, frontispiece<br />

and 31 plates, by Greiffenhagen. Elaborate dark<br />

blue cloth covered binding, gilt titles to spine and<br />

front board with decorative gilt symbol and green<br />

lines surrounding. Foxing to page edges and the<br />

endpapers, overall a very good copy.<br />

A gothic fantasy, like Star Trek it is the first novel<br />

in the Ayesha … Allan Quartermain series. It had<br />

been serialised in the Windsor Magazine.<br />

Haggard links the name Ayesha to Muhammad’s<br />

wives and the Arabic name … pronounced Assha. A<br />

film was produced in 1935. The novel is set in<br />

Tibet with a back story in Egypt, Arabia .. CS<br />

Lewis’s inspiration when writing Jai in the sixth<br />

book <strong>of</strong> Narnia .. Freud and Jung reference the<br />

character… Tolkien admired … get the idea.<br />

Price $180.00<br />

Ayesha a classic the second time around.

47<br />

Seven 19thC Microscope Slides – Botanicals – by W. Watson<br />

Fine collection <strong>of</strong> botanical specimens c1890. Some super examples with very minimal<br />

specimen degradation as can be seen from the images.<br />

Leaf <strong>of</strong> Tea Tree; Leaf <strong>of</strong> Aloe ferox; Leaf <strong>of</strong> Laurel; Leaf <strong>of</strong> Tobacco Plant; Stem <strong>of</strong><br />

Ribes; Lime Tree section; Leaf bud <strong>of</strong> Ash<br />

William Watson set up as an optician in 1837. He took up premises at 313 High Holborn,<br />

London in 1862. The business became W Watson & Sons from 1882. They took over the<br />

slide preparation business <strong>of</strong> Edmund Wheeler in 1884 and from then were to become<br />

one <strong>of</strong> the most successful preparers. These slides are circa 1900, though the Lime Tree<br />

is earlier and carries the distinctive Watson cursive style specimen label <strong>of</strong> the 1880’s.<br />

Note tray not included slides will be sent in protective special purpose containers.<br />

Price $120.00<br />

A good group <strong>of</strong> early quality mounts by Watson.<br />

V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m

48<br />

Sarah Berhardt Letter and Ephemera — Page 10<br />

Website: www.voyagerhobart.com<br />

Contact: Voyager Bill at info@voyagerhobart.com<br />

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