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NUMBER 10<br />

international award, in recognition of my role as<br />

a pioneer. 7<br />

NOTES<br />

Under the title Teoreticheskie i eksperimental'nye raboty<br />

vo Frantsii mnogostupenchatym raketam (1930-1939), this<br />

paper appeared on pages 25-33 of Iz istorii astronavtiki i<br />

raketnoi tekhniki: Materialy XVIII mezhdunarodnogo astronavticheskogo<br />

kongressa, Belgrad, 25-29 Senlyavrya 1967<br />

[From the History of Rockets and Astronautics: Materials<br />

of the 18th International Astronautical Congress, Belgrade,<br />

25-29 September 1967], Moscow: Nauka, 1970.<br />

1. Louis Damblanc, "Les Fusee autopropulsives a explosifs;<br />

essais au point fixe; Application des resultants, experimentaux<br />

a l'etude du mouvement," L'Aerophile, vol. 43, July and<br />

August 1935, pp. 205-09 and 241-47; and "I razzi autopropulsive<br />

ad esplosivo," Rivista Aeronautica, vol. 7, January<br />

1936, pp. 87-100.—Ed.<br />

2. L. Damblanc, "Les Helicopteres et les laboratoires<br />

d'essais," I'Adrophile, vol. 28, 15 October 1920, pp. 314-315;<br />

and "The Problem of the Helicopter," Journal of the Royal<br />

Aeronautical Society, vol. 25, January 1921, pp. 3-19.—Ed.<br />

3. L. Damblanc, "Sur un disposif applicable aux moteurs<br />

d'aviation pour reduire les pertes de puissance en altitude,"<br />

Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences, vol. 180, 14<br />

April 1925, pp. 1161-64; and "Du moteur d'aviation au<br />

moteur d'automobile," VAerophile, vol. 35, 15 March 1927,<br />

pp. 67-70.—Ed.<br />

4. Damblanc died in early December 1969. A necrology<br />

appeared in the 10 December 1969 issue of Le Parisien<br />

Libere, written by Louis Lamarre, "Louis Damblanc, le pere<br />

des fusees a etages est mort" [Louis Damblanc, The Father of<br />

Staged Rockets Is Dead].—Ed.<br />

5. Louis Damblanc, Les Fusees autopropulsives a explosifs<br />

(Paris: Ministere de l'Education Nationale, 1935).—Ed.<br />

6. "Memorandum of Understanding Between the Government<br />

of the United States of America and the Provisional<br />

Government of the French Republic Regarding Settlement<br />

For Lend-Lease, Reciprocal Aid, Surplus War Property, and<br />

Claims," pp. 4175-78, in United States Statutes at Large, vol.<br />

61 (in 6 parts), p. 4, International Agreements Other Than<br />

Treaties (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing<br />

Office, 1948).—Ed.<br />

7. "The History of the REP-Hirsch Award," Astronautics,<br />

No. 34 (June 1936), pp. 6-7 and 13.<br />

Appendix<br />

Official test report, dated 30 May 1936, from the<br />

French National Office of Scientific and Industrial<br />

Research and of Inventions.<br />

The test was carried out on a body including two<br />

metal armatures, with dimensions, diameter and<br />

thickness conforming to the actual model, those<br />

two armatures being connected by an assembly con­<br />

forming to the invention.<br />


1. The total assembly had the rigidity and solidity<br />

permitting it to be handled under normal con­<br />

ditions with complete satisfaction.<br />

2. The rocket body was placed in accordance with<br />

the experimental conditions (climbing flight).<br />

The upper body was restrained; the lower body<br />

included a sufficient powder charge for ensuring<br />

lining of the rocket up to the connecting as­<br />

sembly level.<br />

This powder charge was ignited and after 7<br />

seconds, the time corresponding exactly to the total<br />

combustion duration of the charge, the lower body<br />

became detached sharply and fell on the ground,<br />

the connecting assembly having melted only when<br />

the ignited powder came into contact with it.<br />

The Director of the National Office<br />

of Research and Inventions<br />

(Signed) J. L. Breton<br />

Member of the Institute<br />


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