FIRST STEPS TOWARD SPACE - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

FIRST STEPS TOWARD SPACE - Smithsonian Institution Libraries

FIRST STEPS TOWARD SPACE - Smithsonian Institution Libraries


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NUMBER 10 89<br />

PATENTNl OftAD<br />


INiN *<br />

PATENTOVY SPIS 6.52236.<br />

Vya**» aaaaatajki<br />

PHhliaeno M. dubna 1032. Chiintoo od 15. kvMna MU.<br />

Pfedmetem vynilezu jeat vyioko itoupajid raketa, aMeni • aekollka<br />

vilcovitycb raket do aebc zaaunutych, poatupne vypalovanych, pH (em!<br />

po vypileni jedne rakety jcji prixdny ob»l jeet admritcn vybucbem rakety<br />

dittl, clmi dociluje ae vyhudnijilho pohoou. Zuunutlm vtlcovych raket<br />

atejne podoby da zebe st umoiAuje ipojcnl llbovolneho poMu raket, bn<br />

ujmy aerodynamickych vlutnoati • rovnovahy celku. Rovnovtka in podporovana<br />

tim, ae vyfuk vybuanych plynu dtje ae vpfedu kaade jednotlive<br />

rakety. Vhodny pohon docllen apojenim tfaakavln dvojiho druhu, toUt<br />

pevnych a kapalnych.<br />

Na vykrtau jcat maiornte achematlcky pHklad provcdcnl vynaknu.<br />

PHatroj jest seataven at tf I vakovttych raket I—III, vnunitych do acbc<br />

(vntjal raketa i. I vymaiena jcat ailnijUml Carami, oatatni rakety jaou<br />

postupn* menei a menai, avtak zafizeni jejlch jeat podoboe). Utlte6ni vaha<br />

A (samcrfinne pfiatrojc k mircni tlaku a aloienl viduchu, teploty, atrenl<br />

atd. ve vyai atratc«Kricki a i dalai) umlaUna jeat v blavt vnltfnl rakety<br />

i. III. Vybu&nc plyny naboje rakety vyfukuji tryakou B ve tvaru pratencove<br />

itfrbiny kol ecleho obvodu rakety; tryace predchaai rovnei pratenoova<br />

apalovaci komora C. Tryaka je umiatina bliie vrcholu rakety, 61ml mi bytl<br />

cioaaieno rovnovahy lctu, ncbof pusobiite reakCniho u£lnku Jeat poaunuto<br />

do vyae. pfed tfiiste rakety, takie naatavi ade til vyalednice ail, jakoby<br />

raketa byla reakci taiena. nikoli tlacena jako u raket jtnycb; vedle toho<br />

mi katda raketa sm^rovc tyiky F. SUrbina tryaky, jdouc kolem celebo<br />

obvodu rakety, jeat zna(n# dlouha, fimi docUuje ae rycbMbo, udinoeho vypraadolni<br />

traakavinove nidrte: pfi dalaicb raketich jeat dtlka tryaky vidy<br />

menii • menal. Vnltrnl rakety maji tea menil aaaobu traakavin a neaou<br />

menai niklad (tci odporu viduchu ubyvi do vyae).<br />

Pocinaje c. I. zapaluji ae rakety jedna po drub*. Kaidi raketa mi<br />

dvcji trafkavinovy naboj: pt-vny D (atfelny pracb) a tekuty B (ikapalnrni<br />

plyny nobo horlare tekutiny, alkoholy atd.). Nejprve vybuchne ciboj<br />

prschu, ktery jest nacpan v tryace a apalovaci komore. a vyiene raketu<br />

do vyae. Plameny vybuchujiclho prachu, ariicl z tryaky, ohrlvajl Uleao rakety<br />

a kapaliny E. ktere tamte ae nalezajl, roiUbuji ae teplem, a proudi<br />

FIGURE 2.—First page of Dr. Mandl's patent and the design of his high-altitude rocket.<br />

thoughts which have not lost their relevance despite<br />

the passage of time.<br />

Attention should first be drawn to his concept of<br />

the law of outer space as an independent legal<br />

branch, based on specific instruments of space flight<br />

and governed by different principles than is the law<br />

of the sea or the law of the air. Although the<br />

writer did not underestimate the examples of the<br />

other legal branches for analogies in special cases,<br />

he stressed the need for specific regulation of the<br />

legal problems of astronautics. From this point of<br />

view he considered in the first part of his monograph<br />

selected problems of civil law, criminal law,<br />

and international law concerning outer space.<br />

Still more interesting is the second part of the<br />

study, "The Future." It was not science-fiction, but<br />

a number of serious predictions which have become<br />

reality in our age. For example, Mandl opposed<br />

the then usual idea of sovereignty as applied to<br />

space without limits and asserted that sovereignty<br />

PfOoha k patratoveau apian lb. wtM.<br />

of States governs only the adjacent atmospheric<br />

space. Beyond the "territorial spaces" a vast area<br />

begins which is "independent on any terrestrial<br />

State power and is coelum liberum." 1X<br />

It is worth recalling, in this connection, that<br />

thirty years later the United Nations General Assembly<br />

recommended in its resolution 1721/XVI of<br />

20 December 1961 such a principle as a starting<br />

point of any space legislation, saying: "Outer space<br />

and celestial bodies are free for exploration and use<br />

by all States in conformity with international law<br />

and are not subject to national appropriation."<br />

Furthermore, this principle has been developed and<br />

inserted in Articles I—III of the Space Treaty of<br />

27 January 1967.<br />

The concluding part of Mandl's analysis is preceded<br />

by his prediction of a surprising new progress<br />

in physics, chemistry, and engineering that would<br />

correspond to a similar epoch of the 19 th century—<br />

in fact, a vision of the scientific and technical revo-

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