Writing on the Wall: Fall/Winter 2020
The fall/winter 2020 newsletter of Wall Residences, an agency who provides services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Services include sponsored residential, group homes, community engagement & community coaching, nursing, therapeutic consultation, and behavioral support. This issue highlights recent achievements of residents, providers, staff, and the agency as a whole during fall 2020.
The fall/winter 2020 newsletter of Wall Residences, an agency who provides services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Services include sponsored residential, group homes, community engagement & community coaching, nursing, therapeutic consultation, and behavioral support. This issue highlights recent achievements of residents, providers, staff, and the agency as a whole during fall 2020.
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<str<strong>on</strong>g>Writing</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />
<strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Wall</strong><br />
Mandy & Jessica:<br />
Building a dollhouse and<br />
a friendship <strong>on</strong>e paint<br />
stroke at a time. Page 6<br />
3<br />
Something New<br />
New provider Angie Justice shares an<br />
insider’s look at her life with Blair & Whitney<br />
4 8<br />
Adam’s World Expands<br />
Life changing new tools from Therapeutic<br />
C<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong> and <strong>the</strong> Behavior Team<br />
Happy & Healthy<br />
Opening new opportunities through<br />
improved health and wellness
Director’s Corner<br />
John Wea<strong>the</strong>rspo<strong>on</strong><br />
This newsletter, like many of our<br />
posts this year, focuses <strong>on</strong> some of<br />
<strong>the</strong> amazing accomplishments people<br />
have achieved during this challenging<br />
time. To all who have provided<br />
support to <strong>the</strong> individuals we serve<br />
over this past year and helped create<br />
<strong>the</strong>se special moments, words cannot<br />
express how appreciative we are.<br />
There is no way to capture all <strong>the</strong> daily<br />
moments and decisi<strong>on</strong>s that made a<br />
world of difference to some<strong>on</strong>e. You<br />
are what makes this such an amazing<br />
agency to be a part of. You are an<br />
inspirati<strong>on</strong>. Thank you.<br />
As <strong>2020</strong> comes to a close, many are<br />
starting to focus <strong>on</strong> next year. 2021<br />
will be here so<strong>on</strong> and with it, hope for<br />
a year providing more opportunities<br />
to safely be toge<strong>the</strong>r. We just need to<br />
finish out this year committed to <strong>the</strong><br />
well-being of <strong>on</strong>e ano<strong>the</strong>r. A vaccine<br />
is <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> horiz<strong>on</strong>. Virginia is already<br />
making plans for distributi<strong>on</strong> when<br />
it becomes available. Exact timelines<br />
are unknown, but first resp<strong>on</strong>ders and<br />
medical pers<strong>on</strong>nel will likely have<br />
access to a vaccine by <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
Those c<strong>on</strong>sidered to be at severe risk<br />
will reportedly be next to receive it.<br />
We will be able to resume some of <strong>the</strong><br />
activities we <strong>on</strong>ce enjoyed at some<br />
point in 2021. When that happens, jobs<br />
will start to come back in struggling<br />
sectors and we will see our friends and<br />
neighbors out in public again. It is in<br />
sight. As every<strong>on</strong>e makes plans for<br />
this holiday seas<strong>on</strong>, I encourage us all<br />
to keep safety and <strong>the</strong> well-being of<br />
o<strong>the</strong>rs in <strong>the</strong> fr<strong>on</strong>t of our minds.<br />
I look forward to seeing all of you in<br />
pers<strong>on</strong> at some point in 2021!<br />
Employee Ownership Goal Achieved<br />
<strong>Wall</strong> Residences celebrated a l<strong>on</strong>g<br />
planned-for milest<strong>on</strong>e <strong>on</strong> October 2,<br />
<strong>2020</strong>. We became a 100% employee-owned<br />
company! This is a goal<br />
Jack and Kamala have been working<br />
<strong>on</strong> for over a decade. As Jack shared<br />
in <strong>the</strong> Spring 2009 newsletter, “The<br />
quality of work d<strong>on</strong>e by <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Wall</strong> Residences agency has not<br />
been an accident. Years of effort<br />
by many workers has g<strong>on</strong>e into<br />
making <strong>the</strong>se unique services<br />
possible. So how do we plan<br />
to make sure <strong>the</strong> work d<strong>on</strong>e to<br />
date will carry <strong>on</strong> through <strong>the</strong><br />
generati<strong>on</strong>s? (The) soluti<strong>on</strong> is<br />
to gradually turn <strong>the</strong> majority of<br />
<strong>the</strong> ownership and operati<strong>on</strong> of <strong>the</strong><br />
company over to our employees.”<br />
Al<strong>on</strong>g with gradual transfers of funds<br />
into <strong>the</strong> Employee Stock Ownership<br />
Plan (ESOP) account, <strong>the</strong> ten+ years<br />
of building to this moment included<br />
leadership, ethical practices, and<br />
management training to ensure a<br />
company culture and employee<br />
knowledge base ready to succeed as<br />
an ESOP.<br />
According to <strong>the</strong> n<strong>on</strong>profit Nati<strong>on</strong>al<br />
Center for Employee Ownership<br />
(NCEO), “Extensive research has<br />
“<br />
Extensive research has shown that<br />
employee ownership companies<br />
outperform n<strong>on</strong>-employee ownership<br />
companies by a wide margin.<br />
shown that employee ownership<br />
companies outperform n<strong>on</strong>-employee<br />
ownership companies by a wide margin.<br />
They have been found to grow<br />
about 2.5% per year faster in sales,<br />
employment, and productivity than<br />
would o<strong>the</strong>rwise have been expected,<br />
provide 2.2 times <strong>the</strong> total retirement<br />
assets as n<strong>on</strong>-ESOP companies, and<br />
2<br />
provide dramatically greater job<br />
stability.” To our knowledge, <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences is <strong>the</strong> <strong>on</strong>ly agency offering<br />
this benefit in Virginia, and <strong>the</strong>re are<br />
fewer than 7,000 ESOP companies in<br />
<strong>the</strong> entire country in all industries.<br />
The ESOP is intended to provide<br />
additi<strong>on</strong>al retirement benefits at no<br />
cost to full-time employees after<br />
a year of service. We are excited<br />
about providing this benefit to our<br />
employee-owners, who become<br />
fully vested in <strong>the</strong> program after<br />
six years of service. The ESOP<br />
provides <strong>the</strong> most benefit to each<br />
employee when we work toge<strong>the</strong>r to<br />
ensure <strong>the</strong> best care of <strong>the</strong> individuals<br />
we support, mindful use of company<br />
resources, and proper completi<strong>on</strong> of<br />
regulatory requirements. As Jack said<br />
in 2009, “The goal is clear: to sustain a<br />
traditi<strong>on</strong> of successful, quality services<br />
l<strong>on</strong>g into <strong>the</strong> future for our clients, our<br />
providers, and our employees.”
Left: (l-r) Angie,<br />
Whitney, and Blair<br />
in <strong>the</strong>ir home<br />
Below: Whitney<br />
and Cocoa<br />
25<br />
Years<br />
1995: <strong>Wall</strong> Residences<br />
is first licensed <strong>on</strong><br />
December 21, 1995.<br />
One individual is supported<br />
in <strong>the</strong> home of Jack <strong>Wall</strong><br />
and Kamala Bauers.<br />
1997: Services expand to Lynchburg.<br />
1998: First provider meeting held<br />
at Peaks of Otter Lodge.<br />
2000: Services expand to Staunt<strong>on</strong>.<br />
and Southwestern Virginia regi<strong>on</strong>.<br />
2002: Services expand to Roanoke.<br />
First day support license received.<br />
Something New<br />
Angie Justice’s house is a place where<br />
<strong>the</strong> goal is to make each day unique.<br />
“I try to change it up, give new opportunities<br />
for learning and growth. I plan<br />
lots of educati<strong>on</strong>al activities with community<br />
integrati<strong>on</strong>. I strive to stimulate<br />
and challenge <strong>the</strong> women I provide for<br />
by exploring new experiences.” One<br />
of those new experiences is <strong>the</strong> newest<br />
member of <strong>the</strong> household... a puppy<br />
named Cocoa. Cocoa came to live with<br />
residents Blair and Whitney, and provider<br />
Angie, just a few weeks ago, but<br />
has already brought lots of happiness.<br />
“I like to play with her,” notes Blair,<br />
but Cocoa can most often be found <strong>on</strong><br />
Whitney’s lap.<br />
This happy group is a relatively new<br />
household. Angie Justice joined <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences as a provider in June 2019<br />
after 30 years working with adults who<br />
have intellectual disabilities as a direct<br />
support provider. She is a licensed<br />
pharmacy technician with hospital ICU<br />
and CCU department experience. Blair<br />
notes that Angie is a good provider and<br />
says, “We love her.”<br />
The women fill <strong>the</strong>ir days with a huge<br />
range of activities, from historical<br />
museum tours to archaeological digs,<br />
interactive <strong>the</strong>ater to horse races, and<br />
bike rides to cookouts. Two regular<br />
staples for this set who love new<br />
adventures<br />
are <strong>the</strong> drum<br />
circle and<br />
weekly art<br />
classes.<br />
Blair shares<br />
that she enjoys drawing comic book<br />
characters. One favorite creati<strong>on</strong><br />
is “Scarecrow.” She lights up even<br />
more when <strong>the</strong> subject of <strong>the</strong> drum<br />
circle comes up. “I like <strong>the</strong> sound,”<br />
she says. A recent accomplishment is<br />
purchasing her own drum, which just<br />
arrived from Amaz<strong>on</strong>.<br />
Just as Angie supports Whitney and<br />
Blair as <strong>the</strong>y try new things, <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences supports her in her new<br />
role as a provider. “In <strong>the</strong> beginning,<br />
I had many questi<strong>on</strong>s but with <strong>the</strong><br />
support of <strong>Wall</strong> Residences al<strong>on</strong>g<br />
with my Program Manager, <strong>the</strong>y were<br />
<strong>the</strong>re for me 100% of <strong>the</strong> time.” Now,<br />
like <strong>the</strong> ladies she supports, Angie is<br />
soaring, finding activities that allow<br />
<strong>the</strong>m all to stay safe with social<br />
distancing and face coverings, while<br />
still enjoying things like gardening,<br />
fishing, and yoga. Angie summed<br />
up <strong>the</strong>ir life toge<strong>the</strong>r: “We experience<br />
genuine happiness, great friendship,<br />
exploring fun places toge<strong>the</strong>r, and<br />
are guaranteed to have days with<br />
countless laughs.”<br />
~Angie Covingt<strong>on</strong><br />
2003: Services expand to Danville.<br />
Over 50 individuals total supported.<br />
First Parent–Provider service begins.<br />
2004: Services expand to Winchester.<br />
2005: Services expand to Richm<strong>on</strong>d.<br />
2006: Services expand to Charlottesville.<br />
2007: Services expand to Fredericksburg<br />
and Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Virginia regi<strong>on</strong>.<br />
Main office opens.<br />
2008: First funds deposited in <strong>the</strong> ESOP.<br />
2009: Services expand to Hampt<strong>on</strong> and<br />
Newport News.<br />
2010: Community Provider of <strong>the</strong> Year for<br />
ARC of <strong>the</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Shenandoah Valley.<br />
Offices open in Madis<strong>on</strong> Heights and<br />
Galax.<br />
2011: Begin offering sp<strong>on</strong>sored residential<br />
services for children (under 21).<br />
Becky Combs and provider Bayley Alphin<br />
win ARC of New River Valley’s<br />
Renee S. Brown Award.<br />
2012: 51% employee owned.<br />
2013: Executive Director John<br />
Wea<strong>the</strong>rspo<strong>on</strong> joins <strong>the</strong> leadership team.<br />
New logo introduced.<br />
2015: Deerfield Home opens –<br />
Lynchburg area (medical shift based<br />
group home).<br />
2016: Behavioral Services added.<br />
WRAP Community Engagement /<br />
Community Coaching services added.<br />
2017: Over 500 individuals supported.<br />
Nursing team added.<br />
2018: Sunfields Home opens – SWVA<br />
(medical shift based group home).<br />
11 office locati<strong>on</strong>s across Virginia.<br />
<strong>2020</strong>: Culpeper office opens.<br />
100% employee owned.<br />
Over 600 individuals supported.<br />
Your Turn<br />
Did you know that <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences has a full-time<br />
Behavior Team that serves every<br />
regi<strong>on</strong> of <strong>the</strong> state?<br />
Our highly qualified team<br />
includes Board Certified Behavior<br />
Analysts, Positive Behavior Support<br />
Facilitators, and Licensed<br />
Professi<strong>on</strong>al Counselors who<br />
are ready to support you to end<br />
behaviors that stand in <strong>the</strong> way<br />
of achieving your goals.<br />
When something is difficult,<br />
it may cause frustrati<strong>on</strong>.<br />
Therapeutic C<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong> can<br />
support many growth areas:<br />
Functi<strong>on</strong>al Communicati<strong>on</strong><br />
Task Learning Skills<br />
Pers<strong>on</strong>al/Self-Care Skills<br />
Community Living Skills<br />
Self-Directi<strong>on</strong> Skills<br />
Home Living Skills<br />
Employment Skills<br />
Health/Safety Skills<br />
Social Skills<br />
Self-Regulati<strong>on</strong> Skills<br />
Adam’s World Expands<br />
Adam is a thoughtful, caring, humorous,<br />
fun-loving 32-year-old who lives<br />
with his sister, Cindy. Adam’s sister<br />
has been his sole provider since his<br />
parents died, with support from two<br />
very special family friends. He loves<br />
sarcasm, cookies of any kind, coffee,<br />
puzzles, board games, and to be close<br />
to his sister.<br />
Prior to Therapeutic C<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong><br />
Services, Adam communicated with<br />
o<strong>the</strong>rs by physically moving <strong>the</strong>m or<br />
bringing things to <strong>the</strong>m. He might<br />
lead some<strong>on</strong>e by pulling <strong>the</strong>m where<br />
he wished <strong>the</strong>m to go or bring a mug<br />
to indicate he wanted coffee. Cindy<br />
does not recall Adam ever learning an<br />
alternative form of communicati<strong>on</strong><br />
and noted this has always been how<br />
he communicates. Therapeutic C<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong><br />
identified a goal of functi<strong>on</strong>al<br />
communicati<strong>on</strong>. During summer<br />
<strong>2020</strong>, Adam’s team taught him <strong>the</strong><br />
Picture Exchange Communicati<strong>on</strong><br />
System (PECS) giving him new ways<br />
of interacting with his family and<br />
friends. Adam quickly learned that<br />
<strong>the</strong>se pictures have value and serve as<br />
his words… making it easier for him<br />
to have his needs and wants met, and<br />
to express himself to his loved <strong>on</strong>es.<br />
Adam has also struggled with leaving<br />
his home, staying very close to<br />
home for <strong>the</strong> last 17 years. Adam’s<br />
behavioral support and in-home<br />
support teams have worked toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />
<strong>on</strong> shaping this behavior. He has<br />
achieved great success, walking fur<strong>the</strong>r<br />
into his yard and driveway. He’ll<br />
retrieve mailed packages delivered to<br />
his home. Every M<strong>on</strong>day morning,<br />
he now walks down <strong>the</strong> fr<strong>on</strong>t stairs<br />
and into his driveway to retrieve his<br />
favorite vanilla latte, delivered by a<br />
family friend.<br />
Recently, he has begun participating<br />
in activities in his backyard for l<strong>on</strong>ger<br />
durati<strong>on</strong>s of time. He spent 45 minutes<br />
in <strong>the</strong> backyard <strong>on</strong>e afterno<strong>on</strong>,<br />
enjoying C<strong>on</strong>nect 4 and working <strong>on</strong><br />
puzzles. Adam’s new c<strong>on</strong>fidence, and<br />
<strong>the</strong> support of his team, even allowed<br />
him to participate in a small birthday<br />
party in his backyard over <strong>the</strong><br />
summer. This is huge progress and<br />
Adam’s ear-to-ear smile lets his team<br />
know how happy he is with <strong>the</strong>se big<br />
goals he is achieving!<br />
If you would like more<br />
informati<strong>on</strong> about Therapeutic<br />
C<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong>, please e-mail<br />
behavioralteam@<br />
wallresidences.com<br />
or complete <strong>the</strong> referral form<br />
located <strong>on</strong> our website.<br />
www.wallresidences.com<br />
Adam has learned<br />
to use <strong>the</strong> picture exchange<br />
communicati<strong>on</strong> system<br />
4<br />
The resiliency Adam has shown while<br />
overcoming his fear of going outside,<br />
as well as learning a means of functi<strong>on</strong>al<br />
communicati<strong>on</strong> are impressive.<br />
The sky is his limit and he sure is<br />
reaching for <strong>the</strong> stars! We are very<br />
proud of <strong>the</strong> progress<br />
Adam has made<br />
recently and look<br />
forward to where his<br />
future takes him!<br />
~Patience Holden,<br />
Erin Gurgainous,<br />
& Meredith Kapalka
All Four Badges Earned<br />
<strong>Wall</strong> Residences qualified for all <strong>the</strong><br />
Department of Behavioral Health and<br />
Developmental Services (DBHDS)<br />
assigned Provider Badging Designati<strong>on</strong>s.<br />
We have worked to ensure<br />
our agency represents supports to all<br />
advanced areas such as Accessibility,<br />
Autism, Behavioral Supports, and<br />
Complex Health Supports.<br />
Accessibility: <strong>Wall</strong> Residences is recognized<br />
with expertise<br />
to offer services in<br />
settings that accommodate<br />
people with<br />
physical disabilities.<br />
We have submitted<br />
evidence to verify that<br />
<strong>the</strong> following features<br />
are present in at least<br />
<strong>on</strong>e service locati<strong>on</strong>:<br />
a physical setting that<br />
can accommodate <strong>the</strong><br />
use of a wheelchair, an accessible<br />
and sheltered entrance, and access to<br />
accessible transportati<strong>on</strong>. We currently<br />
are <strong>the</strong> <strong>on</strong>ly agency in <strong>the</strong> state that<br />
has qualified for this badge within <strong>the</strong><br />
provider community.<br />
Autism: <strong>Wall</strong> Residences is recognized<br />
with expertise to offer services<br />
to people with autism. We have<br />
submitted evidence to verify that <strong>the</strong><br />
following features are present in at<br />
least <strong>on</strong>e service locati<strong>on</strong>: <strong>the</strong> use of<br />
evidence-based practices, access to a<br />
qualified behavioral interventi<strong>on</strong>ist,<br />
and a systematic approach to for skill<br />
development.<br />
Behavioral Supports: <strong>Wall</strong> Residences<br />
is recognized with expertise<br />
to offer services to people who have<br />
complex behavioral support needs.<br />
We have submitted evidence to verify<br />
that <strong>the</strong> following features are present<br />
in at least <strong>on</strong>e service locati<strong>on</strong>: access<br />
to a qualified behavioral interventi<strong>on</strong>ist,<br />
support planning that aligns<br />
with behavioral needs, and c<strong>on</strong>sistent<br />
methods of measuring <strong>the</strong> effectiveness<br />
of <strong>the</strong> supports provided.<br />
Complex Health Supports: <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences is recognized with expertise<br />
to offer services to people who<br />
have complex health support needs.<br />
We have submitted<br />
evidence to verify that<br />
<strong>the</strong> following features<br />
are present in at least<br />
<strong>on</strong>e service locati<strong>on</strong>:<br />
access to a registered<br />
nurse who is able to<br />
provide delegati<strong>on</strong><br />
and oversight, designing<br />
adaptati<strong>on</strong>s to<br />
<strong>the</strong> setting or <strong>the</strong> use<br />
of specialized equipment,<br />
and <strong>the</strong> use of health protocols<br />
to support safety and wellness.<br />
The missi<strong>on</strong> and purpose of <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences is to provide high quality<br />
community services to pers<strong>on</strong>s who<br />
have a primary diagnosis of a developmental<br />
disability and/or a l<strong>on</strong>g-term<br />
mental illness. The service is provided<br />
in home and community-based envir<strong>on</strong>ments<br />
and is designed to provide<br />
a high degree of individual attenti<strong>on</strong>,<br />
emoti<strong>on</strong>al support, and opportunity<br />
for self-expressi<strong>on</strong> and individualized<br />
routine. We strive to offer <strong>on</strong>-going<br />
training and support to Direct Support<br />
Professi<strong>on</strong>als to ensure quality pers<strong>on</strong>-centered<br />
supports are provided to<br />
all within our services. Our goal is to<br />
encourage <strong>the</strong> total health and well-being<br />
of each pers<strong>on</strong>, both <strong>the</strong> individual<br />
who receives support and <strong>the</strong> worker,<br />
through a holistic approach to services.<br />
~Deanna Renn<strong>on</strong><br />
Training<br />
Great News: The new <strong>on</strong>line<br />
training calendar is now live!<br />
You can find it by visiting<br />
www.wallresidences.com and<br />
clicking <strong>the</strong> Training Calendar link<br />
at <strong>the</strong> top of <strong>the</strong> homepage. The<br />
calendar has some helpful tools:<br />
Quickly find <strong>the</strong> needed event:<br />
You can now filter <strong>the</strong> calendar by<br />
training event type (Medicati<strong>on</strong><br />
Training, TOVA, CPR/First Aid,<br />
etc.) or by <strong>the</strong> regi<strong>on</strong> where <strong>the</strong><br />
training will be held.<br />
Easily check your status:<br />
If you’re not sure if you’ve registered<br />
for a training, you can now<br />
check your registrati<strong>on</strong> status.<br />
Find out who else will attend:<br />
You can see a roster of who has<br />
registered for <strong>the</strong> training already.<br />
Plans changed? No problem:<br />
If you’ve already registered for a<br />
training, you now have <strong>the</strong> ability<br />
to unregister yourself.<br />
Most trainings c<strong>on</strong>tinue to be<br />
offered in an <strong>on</strong>line format for<br />
COVID-preventi<strong>on</strong>. You can see<br />
specifics of what is being offered<br />
at any time by visiting <strong>the</strong> training<br />
calendar <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> website. We<br />
encourage you to check it out.<br />
Excellent customer service<br />
remains our top priority and <strong>the</strong><br />
training team is hard at work<br />
ensuring <strong>the</strong> availability of<br />
trainings across <strong>the</strong> state.<br />
Left: Mandy (left) and Jessica (right) work <strong>on</strong><br />
a base for <strong>the</strong> dollhouse.<br />
Below: The dollhouse kitchen.<br />
Build It Just Right<br />
The first thing you notice when you<br />
walk into <strong>the</strong> Riffey home is <strong>the</strong> abundance<br />
of laughter. The sec<strong>on</strong>d thing is<br />
how impeccably decorated it is, with<br />
a large open kitchen <strong>the</strong> clear central<br />
hub. This keen eye for decorating<br />
now extends to a miniature scale, with<br />
a new project of c<strong>on</strong>structing, furnishing,<br />
and accessorizing a dollhouse.<br />
Diligently painting <strong>the</strong> dollhouse’s<br />
base nearby are <strong>the</strong> lead designers:<br />
Mandy and Jessica. Mandy’s eyes<br />
sparkle as <strong>the</strong> project’s genesis is<br />
explained. Mandy and providers Sam<br />
and Rachael Riffey love to go to <strong>the</strong><br />
beach. Last winter, <strong>the</strong>y began discussing<br />
buying a beach house... an<br />
idea Mandy loved. When COVID restricted<br />
travel, <strong>the</strong>y were looking for a<br />
fun project at home and found a beach<br />
style dollhouse kit. Then Sam happened<br />
up<strong>on</strong> an even larger farmhouse<br />
style dollhouse. Mandy decided <strong>the</strong>y<br />
should begin with <strong>the</strong> farmhouse and<br />
all agreed to paint it in a rustic style.<br />
Projects are always better shared with<br />
a friend, so Mandy was quick to invite<br />
Jessica to join in. “It is a fun new<br />
craft project!” exclaims Jessica.<br />
Mandy and Jessica were introduced<br />
by <strong>the</strong>ir providers when Jessica came<br />
to live with new <strong>Wall</strong> Residences provider<br />
Catina Clark about a year ago.<br />
The young women quickly became<br />
fast friends, to <strong>the</strong> delight of Rachael<br />
and Catina, who have been best<br />
friends for decades. Visiting with <strong>the</strong><br />
four women, affecti<strong>on</strong> flows c<strong>on</strong>tinually<br />
in every directi<strong>on</strong> between <strong>the</strong>m.<br />
Dance parties and relaxing at <strong>the</strong> pool<br />
are lifted up as favorite ways to spend<br />
time toge<strong>the</strong>r. It is clear <strong>the</strong>y create<br />
fun wherever <strong>the</strong>y go. For now, assembling<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir miniature masterpiece<br />
takes center stage.<br />
The hardest part of working <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
dollhouse is <strong>the</strong> patience it requires,<br />
with waiting for <strong>the</strong> glue to dry noted<br />
as <strong>the</strong> most frustrating part. The fun<br />
parts more than make up for <strong>the</strong><br />
need to wait though. When asked<br />
her favorite part, Mandy was quick<br />
to answer, “chairs and decorating!”<br />
In fact, Mandy loves decorating and<br />
frequently updates <strong>the</strong> look of her<br />
bedroom. With <strong>the</strong> dollhouse project,<br />
she now gets to use those skills <strong>on</strong><br />
many rooms!<br />
6<br />
On a miniature scale as in real life,<br />
details make <strong>the</strong> design and <strong>the</strong><br />
dollhouse is filled with <strong>the</strong>m! Shiplap<br />
ceilings, a newspaper <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> fr<strong>on</strong>t<br />
porch, and <strong>on</strong>e especially meaningful<br />
detail: <strong>the</strong> hen in a nest atop <strong>the</strong><br />
refrigerator. Before COVID, Mandy<br />
spent hours helping a friend who runs<br />
aucti<strong>on</strong>s sort through estates. Her favorite<br />
was a particular style of vintage<br />
candy dishes called “hens in a nest.”<br />
The foursome got a windfall when <strong>the</strong><br />
estate of some<strong>on</strong>e who built dollhouses<br />
arrived with lots of miniatures to<br />
explore... including a dollhouse sized<br />
hen in a nest! Once complete, expect<br />
Jessica to be <strong>the</strong> <strong>on</strong>e to take lots of<br />
pictures of <strong>the</strong> final product. She<br />
loves her camera and even has an app<br />
that turns her pictures into electr<strong>on</strong>ic<br />
puzzles she can spend hours solving.<br />
Their rustic charm dollhouse might<br />
not be d<strong>on</strong>e, but <strong>the</strong>y are delighted<br />
with <strong>the</strong> result so far. Mandy noted,<br />
“The dollhouse looks pretty!” As <strong>the</strong>y<br />
build it, it is clear <strong>the</strong>y are simultaneously<br />
creating something even more<br />
precious: memories and friendship.<br />
Jessica sums it up perfectly when<br />
asked <strong>the</strong> best part of working <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
dollhouse, saying it is “fun to be with<br />
Mandy!” Mandy agrees and exclaims,<br />
“That’s all!”<br />
~Angie Covingt<strong>on</strong>
Meet <strong>the</strong> Nursing Team<br />
<strong>Wall</strong> Residences has assured <strong>the</strong><br />
health and safety of <strong>the</strong> people we<br />
serve by including nurses <strong>on</strong> our<br />
clinical teams. Our team has been in<br />
development since early 2019 and has<br />
grown to cover <strong>the</strong> state. Available<br />
nursing duties now support every<br />
aspect of team functi<strong>on</strong>ing throughout<br />
all services.<br />
Our nurses have diverse experience,<br />
with backgrounds in l<strong>on</strong>g-term care,<br />
quality assurance, health and human<br />
services management, mental health<br />
RN Care Managers carry specific<br />
caseloads for providing Skilled Nursing<br />
services under Medicaid Waiver,<br />
which is provided for those individuals<br />
with complex care needs and who<br />
can benefit from RN domain duties<br />
such as assessment, training/teaching,<br />
c<strong>on</strong>sultati<strong>on</strong>, and medicati<strong>on</strong>, and<br />
documentati<strong>on</strong> review and development.<br />
The RN Skilled Nurse will<br />
also provide supervisi<strong>on</strong> to any LPN<br />
working in <strong>the</strong> home under skilled<br />
nursing or private duty nursing.<br />
The <strong>Wall</strong> Residences nursing team<br />
provides nurse delegated training for<br />
medical care tasks normally provided<br />
by a nurse, to include g-tube care,<br />
RNs have diligently worked with <strong>the</strong><br />
care team staff to develop protocols<br />
for medical management which are<br />
founded in standards of care practice<br />
and meet individualized needs. The<br />
team has introduced templates for<br />
primary c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, and which are<br />
approved by <strong>the</strong> Office of Integrated<br />
Health at DBHDS. Our RN staff have<br />
improved how medical documents are<br />
used and understood, have improved<br />
health risk factors through clarificati<strong>on</strong><br />
of over-<strong>the</strong>-counter orders, and<br />
have developed health care policies<br />
Kevyn Burn, RN<br />
Lead RN Care Manager<br />
Also Covers Eastern and<br />
Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Regi<strong>on</strong>s<br />
Dana Pflieger, RN<br />
Central Virginia<br />
Regi<strong>on</strong><br />
Kim Ridpath, RN<br />
Southwestern Virginia<br />
Regi<strong>on</strong><br />
Nicole Dow, RN<br />
Central Virginia WR<br />
Group Homes<br />
Brittany Hash, RN<br />
Southwest Virginia WR<br />
Group Homes<br />
care, care of people with brain disorders,<br />
geriatrics, rehabilitati<strong>on</strong>, acute<br />
care, emergency care, and hospice<br />
care. We are well-prepared to meet<br />
<strong>the</strong> wide variety of individual care<br />
needs and provide comprehensive assessment<br />
of supports. RN staff covers<br />
each regi<strong>on</strong> under Registered Nurse<br />
Care Management (RNCM) and within<br />
our agency operated group homes<br />
in management and supervisi<strong>on</strong>. We<br />
also have LPN nursing staff in group<br />
homes for direct care nursing tasks<br />
and collaborati<strong>on</strong> with <strong>the</strong> RN.<br />
medicati<strong>on</strong> management, ostomy<br />
care, advanced respiratory care, and<br />
more. The training provided is under<br />
<strong>the</strong> Board of Nursing, Board of Pharmacy,<br />
and Department of Behavioral<br />
Health and Developmental services<br />
regulati<strong>on</strong>s. RNCM may also provide<br />
specific small group trainings for <strong>the</strong><br />
homes to meet individual needs and<br />
care.<br />
In <strong>the</strong> role of RN Care Manager, our<br />
nurses are a resource for medical<br />
management and collaborate with<br />
providers, AR/guardians, Regi<strong>on</strong>al<br />
Coordinators, and Quality Assurance<br />
Team members, as well as with<br />
support coordinators or medical<br />
providers in <strong>the</strong> community. The<br />
7<br />
to support optimum care, such as for<br />
those who are in hospice care. We are<br />
currently working <strong>on</strong> mitigating risks<br />
associated with fall preventi<strong>on</strong>.<br />
The RN staff are involved with<br />
admissi<strong>on</strong>s to all levels of service,<br />
assuring training is in place and medical<br />
c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s are fully supported.<br />
RNCM also may assist with hospitalizati<strong>on</strong>s<br />
through advocacy and<br />
discharge planning. Our RN team is<br />
involved at <strong>the</strong> regi<strong>on</strong>al or State level,<br />
through attendance and leadership in<br />
<strong>the</strong> DBHDS/OIH Nursing meetings<br />
which occur m<strong>on</strong>thly with c<strong>on</strong>tinuing<br />
educati<strong>on</strong>.<br />
~Kevyn Burn
Healthy & Happy<br />
Mannix came to live with provider<br />
Christie Eubank in March of <strong>2020</strong>,<br />
after a lifetime of struggling with his<br />
weight. At <strong>the</strong> time, he weighed 243<br />
pounds and relied <strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tinuous oxygen.<br />
He had severe sleep apnea, high<br />
blood pressure, and high cholesterol.<br />
So<strong>on</strong> after, Mannix had his annual<br />
physical and it was suggested he work<br />
<strong>on</strong> a healthy lifestyle plan. He began<br />
by learning to make healthy meal<br />
choices and walking daily. These<br />
efforts paid off as <strong>the</strong> pounds began<br />
to melt away. He now loves eating<br />
salads with carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes,<br />
and ranch dressing. Chicken<br />
salad is ano<strong>the</strong>r new favorite.<br />
Today, Mannix weighs 165 pounds<br />
and his health has changed drastically<br />
for <strong>the</strong> better. “I have lots more<br />
energy!” Not <strong>on</strong>ly does he feel better,<br />
<strong>the</strong> statics prove his progress. He no<br />
l<strong>on</strong>ger needs oxygen, and his blood<br />
pressure and cholesterol are within<br />
normal limits. Mannix shares, “It was<br />
hard but it’s worth it.”<br />
Positive health changes have brought<br />
a new look for Mannix too. He’s<br />
excited to show off his very first pair<br />
of blue jeans and loves <strong>the</strong> ability to<br />
dress nicely in jeans and polos. One<br />
particularly special article of clothing<br />
was a bathing suit. Mannix had never<br />
owned <strong>on</strong>e and wanted <strong>on</strong>e badly.<br />
Christie bought a pair of trunks that<br />
he used as inspirati<strong>on</strong>. By <strong>the</strong> time<br />
<strong>the</strong>y opened <strong>the</strong> backyard pool in<br />
May, <strong>the</strong> inspirati<strong>on</strong> swim trunks had<br />
to be replaced... <strong>the</strong>y were too big for<br />
Mannix! New trunks<br />
were acquired and Mannix<br />
got to enjoy ano<strong>the</strong>r<br />
first: a dip in <strong>the</strong> pool.<br />
Mannix’s healthy transformati<strong>on</strong>!<br />
The pair shared <strong>the</strong>re<br />
were many things<br />
Mannix was never<br />
given <strong>the</strong> chance to do<br />
before coming to <strong>Wall</strong><br />
Residences. “I felt like<br />
a pris<strong>on</strong>er before and no <strong>on</strong>e cared<br />
about me,” Mannix c<strong>on</strong>fides. With his<br />
health improved, Mannix is taking<br />
<strong>on</strong> new challenges. He loves riding<br />
<strong>the</strong> lawn mower, an activity denied<br />
to him since childhood. His next big<br />
goal is learning to swim: giving those<br />
l<strong>on</strong>ged for swim trunks a good workout!<br />
“I’m eating a whole lot better. I<br />
got all new clo<strong>the</strong>s,” Mannix said. Of<br />
course, good health is its own reward<br />
too. “I feel happy and love <strong>the</strong> way I<br />
look. I’m breathing a whole lot better.<br />
I feel str<strong>on</strong>ger and I get to do a lot<br />
more activities.”<br />
~Angie Covingt<strong>on</strong><br />
Know Some<strong>on</strong>e Who Could Benefit from Our Services?<br />
The <strong>Wall</strong> Residences Admissi<strong>on</strong>s team has staff in all parts of <strong>the</strong> state to resp<strong>on</strong>d to your referral needs and<br />
answer questi<strong>on</strong>s about <strong>the</strong> services we offer. We work quickly to find <strong>the</strong> right match for l<strong>on</strong>gterm success<br />
while striving for <strong>the</strong> quickest placement in services possible. The Admissi<strong>on</strong>s Team is here to serve you.<br />
www.wallresidences.com<br />
Alex Jacks<strong>on</strong><br />
Admissi<strong>on</strong>s<br />
Director<br />
(434) 610-7578<br />
Emily Eagle<br />
Central Virginia, Danville,<br />
Charlottesville, Staunt<strong>on</strong>/<br />
Waynesboro/Lexingt<strong>on</strong><br />
(434) 907-5067<br />
Ashea Green<br />
Nor<strong>the</strong>rn<br />
Regi<strong>on</strong><br />
(202) 760-6411<br />
Brooke Keen<br />
Roanoke, NRV,<br />
SWVA<br />
(540) 250-8482<br />
Lisa Schalasny<br />
Nor<strong>the</strong>rn &<br />
Eastern Regi<strong>on</strong>s<br />
(804) 380-4309<br />