North Canterbury News: December 10, 2020

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Merry Christmas<br />

&<br />

Happy New Year!<br />

Thursday,<strong>December</strong><strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> | Issue926 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Paper moves to new office<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s best­read newspaper<br />

marked amilestone on Tuesday.<br />

The <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> has<br />

consolidated its Rangiora and Amberley<br />

offices underone roof, in anew buildingat<br />

14 Ashley Street, Rangiora, beside the<br />

mainoffice of Luisetti Seeds.<br />

The paperwillcontinue to provide<br />

extensivecoverage of theregion,from the<br />

Waimakariri River to Kekerengu,north of<br />

Kaikoura.<br />

It will be more efficient withits nine<br />

staff workingfrom one location.<br />

They will maintain stronglinks withthe<br />

Waimakariri,Hurunui and Kaikoura<br />

districts, continuing to travel throughout<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> grewout of<br />

the merger of the Hurunui<strong>News</strong> and the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>,both bought by<br />

AlliedPress in 2006 and 2013 respectively.<br />

It was astrategic movetogive readers<br />

and advertisers increased reach in a<br />

strongweekly publication.<br />

AlliedPress, whichowns the Otago Daily<br />

Times,has astable of community papers.<br />

The Hurunui<strong>News</strong> began lifeasthe<br />

Hurunui District<strong>News</strong> in 1991.<br />

BarryCropp, a22­year­old from<br />

Amberley,felt that thetime had come for<br />

the Hurunui districttohave its own<br />

newspaper. The first copy said it was<br />

published to keepreaders informed of<br />

localhappenings.<br />

Initially, the paper was delivered<br />

fortnightly from Leithfieldthroughto<br />

Cheviot,including Amberley, Waipara,<br />

Hawarden,Waikari,Culverden,Waiau,<br />

Rotherham and HanmerSprings.<br />

Its original officewas in Pound Street,<br />

Amberley, behind the Post Office. It was<br />

printed by the Westport <strong>News</strong> and laterby<br />

GuardianPrintinAshburton.<br />

Barry sold the paper to Johnand Lynne<br />

Winsloe in 1993,with issue No.48the first<br />

under the new owners.<br />

Johnhad previously been the<br />

postmasteratAmberleybut had a<br />

newspaper background.<br />

Theyintroduced anew masthead in<br />

1994, removing districtfrom the title and<br />

delivering intothe Waimakariri,aswellas<br />

covering the wholeofthe Hurunui.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

Santa<br />

the star<br />

of show<br />


Star attraction ... Father Christmas faced asea of admirers who lined the route of last Saturday’s Kaiapoi Santa Parade.<br />


Viewing places were at a<br />

premium for Kaiapoi’s<br />

Santa Parade last Saturday.<br />

Alarge crowd, five and six<br />

deep in places, began<br />

packing into Williams Street<br />

an hour before the popular<br />

annual event.<br />

The parade featured an<br />

eclectic mix of floats,<br />

including decorated trucks,<br />

traction engines, fire trucks<br />

and three­wheeled<br />

motorbikes, plus popular<br />

film characters from Star<br />

Wars, Frozen,and the everpopular<br />

Minions.<br />

Alongside the floats were<br />

talented street performers.<br />

But the biggest cheer came<br />

at the end of the parade for<br />

Santa, atop his sleigh with<br />

his elves at his side.<br />

Merry Christmas to you all!Have asafe and Happy<br />

New Year from all the Rockgas <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Team.<br />

Forallyour LPG Cylinder Filling Needsand Industrial Gas Supply<br />

Holiday Period Fillingand Delivery Hours and Times <strong>2020</strong>-2021<br />

Thur, 17Dec Fri, 18 Dec Sat, 19 Dec Sun, 20 Dec Mon, 21 Dec Tues, 22 Dec Wed, 23 Dec Thurs, 24 Dec Fri, 25 Dec Sat, 26 Dec<br />

Normal hours apply<br />

Rangiora<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Ohoka<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Darfield<br />

Sheffield/CastleHill<br />

<strong>North</strong>ern<br />

9am-12pm<br />

Rangiora<br />

Oxford<br />

Rangiora<br />

Ohoka<br />

Darfield<br />

Cheviot<br />

Kaiapoi C<br />

Amberley<br />

Waikari<br />

Waipara<br />

CLOSED<br />

Sun 27 Dec Mon, 28 Dec Tues, 29 Dec Wed, 30 Dec Thur, 31Dec Fri, 1Jan Sat, 2Jan Sun, 3Jan Mon, 4Jan Tues, 5Jan<br />

CLOSED<br />

CLOSED<br />

Kaiapoi C<br />

Rangiora<br />

CLOSED<br />

Normal hours apply<br />

Woodend<br />

Ashley<br />

Rangiora<br />

Ohoka<br />

Kaiapoi C<br />

Normal hours apply<br />

Woodend<br />

Ashley<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

CLOSED<br />

8am-5pm<br />

<strong>North</strong>en<br />

Darfield<br />

Rangiora/ Kaiapoi<br />

Phone (03) 327-4812, order online www.rockgasnorthcanterbury.co.nz or download Contact LPG App to order.<br />

Call in and get your small cylinders and 9kg cylinders filled for the BBQs, lamps or cookers this<br />

holiday period at Rockgas<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, 61 Williams St, Kaiapoi (Hours as above)<br />


NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Grow<br />

customers,<br />

sales and<br />

profits<br />

with <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />

best read<br />

newspaper<br />

Readership: 47,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150 copies delivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

and home inWaimakariri, Hurunui<br />

&Kaikoura every Thursday.<br />

news<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

Managing Editor<br />

027 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

Neil Clarkson, David Hill,<br />

Shelley Topp.<br />

advertising<br />

DaynaBurton<br />

Sales Co-ordinator<br />

027 312 0089<br />

dayna.burton<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Historic Hanmer hotel sold<br />


CPG Hotels, oneofNew<br />

Zealand’slargest privately<br />

ownedand operated hotel<br />

groups, is buying Hanmer<br />

Springs’ heritage hotel. It will<br />

re­open on <strong>December</strong> 21.<br />

The complex, formerly the<br />

Hanmer Springs Heritage<br />

Hotel, is in the heart of the<br />

villageand will be called the<br />

Hanmer Springs Hotel.<br />

It will be fully refurbished<br />

next year to transform it into a<br />

five­star Fable Hotel &Resorts<br />

branded hotel.<br />

CPG Hotels Group<br />

operations director Ronnie<br />

Ronalde says the company is<br />

delightedtobring backabout<br />

40 jobs to the village.<br />

Paper consolidates into one office in Rangiora<br />

From Page 1<br />

At the start of 1998 the Winsloes sold<br />

the Hurunui <strong>News</strong> to Bevan and Rosalie<br />

Archer, with their first edition being<br />

March 2, 1998. Bevan had been made<br />

“This recent acquisition<br />

means we are abletobreathe<br />

new lifeintothe property.<br />

Hanmer Springs is abeautiful<br />

location surrounded by<br />

mountains, and with its famous<br />

thermal hot springs,mountain<br />

biking and hiking.<br />

‘‘Weare excited to be adding<br />

to the destination’s appealfor<br />

bothlocal, and eventually<br />

international, visitors.<br />

“We haveafantastic chef<br />

coming on boardwho will work<br />

withour CPG Hotels Group<br />

executivechef Jinu Abraham<br />

to offeralocally sourcedmenu<br />

—hearty foodwithJinu’sown<br />

unique twist.”<br />

Fable, aboutiquebrand, was<br />

unveiled by CPG Hotels in July.<br />

It represents amove away from<br />

large­scale establishments,<br />

offeringall guests “full­service<br />

luxury” and tailor­made,<br />

personalised experiences.<br />

The salestartsanew chapter<br />

for the hotel,which was built in<br />

1879 as an 18­room wooden<br />

lodge.<br />

Since then, it was used as a<br />

hospital duringWorld War 1.<br />

It has seen the addition of a<br />

Spanish­style concrete<br />

building and thebell towerin<br />

1932.<br />

In 1958,the original lodge<br />

was damaged by fire.<br />

“The current owners are<br />

delighted to be selling this<br />

iconichoteltoCPGroup as<br />

they knowour plansare to<br />

reopenand start restoringand<br />

refurbishingthe hotel to a<br />

redundant from Air New Zealand the<br />

previous year. The couple ran it until<br />

Allied Press bought it in 2006, followed<br />

by the Rangiora­based <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> seven years later.<br />

The merger resulted in the paper,<br />

5­star luxury level under our<br />

new Fable brand,”MrRonalde<br />

says.<br />

Across ninehectares,there<br />

are 54 rooms,16ofwhich are<br />

garden villas.<br />

The hotel has been closed to<br />

guests since Marchand its<br />

reopening ahead of summer<br />

means it canwelcome visitors<br />

keenonHanmer Spring’s<br />

attractions.<br />

JLL Hotels agent Nick<br />

Thompson, who managedthe<br />

sale, says he is pleased to have<br />

helped keepthe assetinNew<br />

Zealand handsand supportthe<br />

recoveryofregional<br />

economies.“This sale<br />

demonstrates the confidence<br />

the markethas in the recovery<br />

of our tourism industry.”<br />

Council urged to take tough stance on vaping<br />


The CancerSociety wants the<br />

Waimakariri District Counciltoget<br />

toughonvaping.<br />

Apresentation from thesociety to last<br />

week’s council meeting praisedlocal<br />

efforts toward makingthe district<br />

smokefree.<br />

But it wantscouncillors to update its<br />

policies to discourage vaping.<br />

Cancer Society healthpromotion<br />

manager MartinWitt saidwhile it was<br />

generallyaccepted that vaping was less<br />

harmful than smoking, it was not<br />

considered asafe product.<br />

‘‘Both the Cancer Societyand the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> District HealthBoard are<br />

continuing to be cautious aboutvaping.’’<br />

Vaping should be usedonly by smokers<br />

as ameans to quit smoking and should<br />

not be used by non­smokersoryoung<br />

people, Mr Witt said.<br />

‘‘Vaping has awholecocktailof<br />

different chemicals and while it appears<br />

to be less harmful thansmoking, it hasn’t<br />

been around for long enough to<br />

understand thelong­term effects.<br />

‘‘But there is sufficient evidence to<br />

cause doubt.’’<br />

Waimakariri has the second­lowest<br />

rate of smokers in the South Island,with<br />

around11percentofresidents lighting<br />

up, comparedtothe national rate of 13%.<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon asked for council<br />

staff to prepare areport for councillors<br />

to consider revising thecouncil’s<br />

smokefree policy.<br />

Councillors backed acall from Ngai<br />

Tuahuririrunanga residentstolowerthe<br />

speed limit through the Tuahiwi village<br />

to 40kmh.<br />

Tuahiwi resident DeirdreCarrol told<br />

councillors of her concernsfor the safety<br />

of local schoolchildren caused by<br />

speeding motorists.<br />

She calledonthe council to install<br />

paths and cycleways,and improvevillage<br />

lighting.<br />

Mr Gordon askedcouncil staff to<br />

report back to councillorsonproposals<br />

for paths, cycleways and lighting in<br />

Tuahiwivillage.<br />

rebranded as The <strong>News</strong>,going from<br />

fortnightly to weekly.<br />

It later returned to the more familiar<br />

masthead, the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>.<br />

Today, it has aweekly circulation of<br />

30,150.<br />

AmandaKeys<br />

Advertising<br />

027 536 6224<br />

amanda.keys<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Kerryn Clark<br />

Advertising<br />

021 586 138<br />

kerryn.clark<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

RichardMcCombie<br />

Advertising<br />

022 024 3092<br />

richard.mccombie<br />

@ncnews.co.nz<br />

getintouch<br />

Editorial<br />

info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Advertising<br />

sales@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Graphic Design<br />

heather.hood@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Distribution/Deliveries<br />

03 314 8335<br />

Rangiora: 03 313 2840 /03314 8335<br />

14 Ashley St, Rangiora<br />

Christchurch: 03 364 7460<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />


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Welcome home, Susan and Ben<br />


AKaiapoi mother and son were pleased<br />

to move into anew, warm home on<br />

Friday.<br />

Susan Bush and her son Ben Stade,<br />

aged 18, were handed the keys by<br />

Housing Minister Megan Woods to their<br />

two­bedroom unit, one of five new units<br />

built by Kainga Ora (formerly Housing<br />

New Zealand) in Williams Street.<br />

‘‘We looked at it last week and it was<br />

amazing. I’m very excited,’’ Susan said<br />

ahead of the minister’s arrival.<br />

For the last 20 years, Susan has been<br />

living in anearby Housing New Zealand<br />

home which was damaged in the<br />

earthquakes. It was overdue for an<br />

upgrade.<br />

The old house was cold and damp,<br />

which affected Ben’s asthma, she said.<br />

Ben said it was ‘‘awesome’’ to have the<br />

minister come to open their new home.<br />

‘‘But Ithink my mates will give me a<br />

hard time about it next week.’’<br />

Kainga Ora area manager Fraser<br />

Benson said the five one and twobedrooms<br />

were built on asite previously<br />

occupied by athree­bedroom house.<br />

‘‘Traditionally, these (Housing New<br />

Zealand homes) were three bedrooms<br />

and abig yard. This was a1948 property.<br />

‘‘We are finding there is no longer the<br />

demand for three­bedroom homes. In<br />

Christchurch and Waimakariri, around<br />

60 percent are looking for aonebedroom<br />

unit and 20% require two<br />

bedrooms.’’<br />

Most clients are single people or<br />

couples, often elderly, though there are<br />

several families seeking two­bedroom<br />

units.<br />

‘‘There’s astill amajor shortage in<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>. We’re building around 200<br />

to 250 new units ayear and there’s 185<br />

under construction at the moment.’’<br />

Afurther 15 one and two­bedroom<br />

units were being built in Kaiapoi and<br />

are scheduled to open in April.<br />

Dr Woods said about 30 local<br />

tradespeople were employed during<br />

construction of the new units on<br />

Williams Street.<br />

Awesome occasion ... Housing Minister Megan Woods, left, hands over the keys to<br />

Susan Bush and her son, 18­year­old Ben Stade, at their new home in the newly completed<br />

Kainga Ora housing units on Williams Street, Kaiapoi.<br />


‘‘The government has committed to<br />

funding new builds not just because we<br />

need new houses, but because it creates<br />

jobs and keeps local tradies in work.’’<br />

It also provides certainty for local<br />

builders who are able to take on<br />

apprentices, with support from the<br />

government’s apprenticeship support<br />

programme.<br />

More than <strong>10</strong>0 new apprentices have<br />

been taken on to work on Kainga Ora<br />

builds in the Auckland and Greater<br />

Christchurch areas, and ‘‘it’s just<br />

starting to take off here’’, Dr Woods said.<br />

Scheme helps youth into the workforce<br />


Venturing intothe workforcecan be a<br />

daunting prospect for youth. But it can be<br />

agreat experiencewith the right support,<br />

says JoniHowe,business recovery coordinator<br />

at the Hurunui District Council.<br />

Buildingafoundationofskills, and<br />

connections, can createavery capable<br />

youngperson,and it arms themwith<br />

confidence to take on whatever career<br />

path theychoose, she says.<br />

Joni works alongsideChris King on the<br />

Mayoral Taskforce forJobs Fund, connecting<br />

localfirms withyouth, to create<br />

sustainable opportunitiesfor both parties.<br />

‘‘Formeitisaboutbuilding that<br />

confidence, that rapport.There is alot of<br />

mentoringwith this role, and that has<br />

worked really well,’’she says.<br />

Joni says, foryouth, it is about having<br />

someonetocelebrate the winswith, and<br />

helping themdevelop wider connections.<br />

‘‘It is givingyouththe abilitytoget their<br />

foot in the door, developingsustainable<br />

skills —the chicken and the egg thing.’’<br />

Businesses receive financial helpto<br />

helpwith training and costs.Joni says<br />

support from localbusinesseshas been<br />

great, and she hopes more will join.<br />

‘‘Building skillsand confidence, being<br />

mentors,iswhat it is all about and it is a<br />

really nice space for us to be part of.<br />

‘‘Itisnot justaboutputting numbers<br />

where they fit;it’s about putting youth<br />

where they wanttobe.’’<br />

Local businessesinterested in joining<br />

should contact Joni or Chris on (03) 314<br />

8816oremail mtfj@hurunui.govt.nz.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

2095268<br />

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Free Event<br />

NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Christmas Eve<br />

Thursday 24 <strong>December</strong><br />

Pearson Park Village Green,<br />

Main Street Oxford 7pm to 8.30pm<br />

•Good old fashioned family Christmas Sing-A-Long<br />

•Music provided by local talent<br />

•Free Sausage sizzle, softdrinks and bottled water<br />

•And avisit from Santa<br />

Sponsored by Oxford Butchery, Wayne Roberts<br />

and brought to the community<br />

by Oxford Promotions<br />

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PLUMBING -new builds, bathroom, kitchen &<br />

laundry alterations, maintenance<br />

LOG FIRES - installs, assessments, permits<br />


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BACK FLOWS - new installs and testing<br />

Phone: 03312 8947<br />

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Christmas<br />

Wonderland<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Oxford’s<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Opening Hours<br />

Meeting Santa<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2313388<br />

Advocating for residents ... Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey and Age­friendly<br />

Waimakariri Steering Group chairwoman Joanne Gumbrell are advocating to improve<br />

access for local residents to medical services in Christchurch.<br />


Help is at hand, if<br />

you know to ask<br />


Patient transport is available to<br />

Waimakariri residents, but you need to<br />

know when to ask forit.<br />

Age­friendlyWaimakariri Steering<br />

GroupchairwomanJoanneGumbrell<br />

wascontacted by the Christchurch<br />

Hospital recentlytopickup her<br />

husband, Bob,who had broken his arm.<br />

The Gumbrells live at Loburn and,<br />

being nearly 80,Mrs Gumbrell did not<br />

fancy adriveintothe city.<br />

Fortunately,asamemberofthe<br />

consumer council of the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

DistrictHealthBoard(CDHB), Mrs<br />

Gumbrell was aware the hospital could<br />

provide assistance to patients whohad<br />

gone through the triage/paramedic<br />

service.<br />

‘‘It’s importanttogetthewordout,<br />

because you’ve got to know to ask for it,’’<br />

Mrs Gumbrellsays.<br />

‘‘It’s not something they (the board)<br />

promote and they even triedtotalk me<br />

into coming to pickupmyhusband.’’<br />

Mrs Gumbrellisconcerned others<br />

may not be aware that support is<br />

available and has taken up the matter<br />

withWaimakaririMP MattDoocey.<br />

CDHBChristchurch campus general<br />

manager Pauline Clark says there are<br />

several optionsforpatientsrequiring<br />

support withtransportafterreceiving<br />

Have asafe, Merry Christmas<br />

&aHappyNew Year.<br />

We will be<br />

closing at 4pm<br />

on Wednesday<br />

23 <strong>December</strong><br />

and will reopen<br />

8am on Monday<br />

18 January<br />

03 319-5562<br />

or 021 2448005<br />

info@thejoinershop.co.nz<br />

19Beach Road, Kaikoura<br />

2332158<br />

Christmas decorations<br />

Craft and art<br />

Gift and ornaments<br />

Medical products<br />

Hair productsand Cosmetics<br />

Phone accessories<br />

Sewing and knittingyarns<br />

2<br />

❛It’s important to get the<br />

word out, because you’ve<br />

got to know to ask for it.❜<br />

—Joanne Gumbrell<br />

care. She saystheStJohnhealth shuttle<br />

service, which has shuttle stops at<br />

Amberley, Leithfield, Pegasus,<br />

Woodend, Rangiora and Kaiapoi, is one<br />

of several options available to <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> residents.<br />

‘‘On rare occasions and as alastresort<br />

when apatient isunabletoconfirm<br />

transportation upon discharge, theDHB<br />

is abletoofferataxi chit,’’MsClark says.<br />

Moreinformation is availableat<br />

cdhb.health.nz/patients­visitors/<br />

transport­parking/.<br />

MrDooceyencourages more<br />

Waimakariri residentstoput their<br />

names forwardtotheCDHBconsumer<br />

counciltoadvocate on behalf of their<br />

fellowresidents.<br />

Mrs Gumbrellsays sheunderstands<br />

there are vacancies on the consumer<br />

council and at present there are no<br />

Pasifika or youth representatives, and<br />

fewmen.<br />

Formoreinformation aboutthe<br />

council, emailconsumercouncil@cdhb.<br />

health.nz.<br />

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Why do planners upset farmers?<br />


Intergenerational farmers are rural<br />

survivors, but they do not haveabig voice<br />

in environmentalmanagement,<br />

according to Lynda Murchison.<br />

They farm in accordancewith what<br />

theirgrandfathers did. Theydon’t<br />

embrace much of the new technology<br />

available to farmers, but theirland is in<br />

good heart, she says.<br />

‘‘They must be doingsomething right.’’<br />

Ms Murchison has been awardedaPhD<br />

for her thesisthat explores the conflicts<br />

between long­time farmers and<br />

environmentalplanning processes.<br />

It has been recommended for<br />

publication in eight journals.<br />

She says if everyplanner, government<br />

minister and scientist stopped to listen to<br />

farmers, ‘‘wewould not havehalf the<br />

environmentalissues we have’’.<br />

‘‘These peopleknow how to farm and<br />

they care about the impact of farming on<br />

the land. Theyhave adjusted and evolved<br />

theirfarming practicestotake careofthe<br />

land.<br />

‘‘It is such apiece of goldsitting there,<br />

beingignored.’’<br />

She said she did not start out to to write<br />

aplanning thesis.‘‘It started as astory<br />

about farmers and how they knew their<br />

land. But it ended up aplanning thesis<br />

because Ihad been aplanner for 25<br />

years.’’<br />

Ms Murchison farms in partnership<br />

withher husband, JockMurchison, in the<br />

WekaPass in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. She has<br />

worked in resource management for<br />

around 25 yearsin<strong>Canterbury</strong>, in roles<br />

withdistrictand regional councils,<br />

including the Selwyn council and<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Morerecently, she has worked with the<br />

iwi authority,TeRunanga ONgai Tahu.<br />

She runs an environmental planning<br />

consultancy business and lectures parttime<br />

in resource and environmental<br />

management at the University of<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>. She is aHurunuidistrict<br />

councillor and the immediate past<br />

presidentof<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Federated Farmers.<br />

Ms Murchison said she couldnever<br />

understandwhy farmersgot so uptight<br />

about some of the work planners did.<br />

‘‘I wanted to try to find out what it was<br />

we do as planners that grinds their gears<br />

so much and why theyneverlistened,’’<br />

she says.<br />

She also wantedtounderstand why<br />

planners continued mapping wetlands<br />

and SignificantNatural Areas across<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> when farmershad shown<br />

theywere preparedtovoluntarily<br />

establish covenants on theirfarms<br />

throughthe QEII Trust to protect areas.<br />

Ms Murchison talked to 52 farming<br />

families in <strong>Canterbury</strong> and read the<br />

farming life stories of another 30 for her<br />

thesis.<br />

Farmers talked about the conflict over<br />

Lynda Murchison ... ‘‘I wanted to try to find out what it was we do as planners that grinds<br />

their gears so much and why they never listened.’’<br />


planning processessuch as mapping of<br />

Significant Natural Areas, and the<br />

freshwater debate.<br />

‘‘We look to sciencetofind solutions<br />

sometimes for problems,and ignore the<br />

knowledge of people who have livedwith<br />

the land for generations.’’<br />

Ms Murchison believes like­minded<br />

people,such as those wanting to protect<br />

the land and waterways, including<br />

planners and farmers, shouldwork<br />

together to protect the land,its<br />

biodiversity, and freshwater.<br />

She is supporting this approach in the<br />

Hurunuidistrict, where environmental<br />

issues are ‘‘quitemanageable’’.<br />

‘‘We haveahuge number of family<br />

farms in the Hurunui, and long­time<br />

2339217<br />

residents who have invested in the<br />

district. We can run apilot in the<br />

Hurunui by putting like­minded people<br />

together and draw up arecipe for how we<br />

mightdothingsdifferently, with afocus<br />

on success on the ground, rather than the<br />

rightwords on awee bit of paper,’’she<br />

says.<br />

Too often, people who were locked in a<br />

process complicated that process, and<br />

sometimes planners madealot of<br />

assumptions, someofwhich were not<br />

valid.<br />

Her thesis is titled, Conflict Between<br />

Intergenerational FamilyFarmers and<br />

Environmental Planning Processes: An<br />

‘‘Economic versus Environment’’<br />

Proposition of DifferentWays of Knowing?<br />

Pataka Christmas shop<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

WaikukutoLineside Road<br />

NEW PERMANENT SPEEDLIMITS from 15 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

5<br />

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LIMIT<br />



LIMIT<br />

Thesetting of the permanent speed limits follows<br />

public consultation.<br />

We thank everyone who provided feedback.<br />

Waikukutownship: 130m north<br />

of WaikukuBeach Road, Waikuku,<br />

to 2<strong>10</strong>m south of Gressons Road,<br />

Waikuku<br />

South end of Waikukutownship to<br />

Pegasus: 2<strong>10</strong>m south of Gressons<br />

Road, to 270m north of Pegasus<br />

Blvd<br />

South end of Woodend township to<br />

Pineacres: 140m south of Rangiora<br />

Woodend Road, to 220m south of<br />

the Cam River Bridge<br />

60km/h<br />

80km/h<br />

80km/h<br />

Pineacres intersection: 185m north,<br />

to 220m south of Williams Street<br />

South of Pineacres intersection to<br />

Lineside Road interchange: 220m<br />

south of the Cam River Bridgeto<br />

Lineside Road<br />

80km/h and<br />

variable<br />

60km/h<br />

No change<br />

Formoreinformation, visit:<br />



6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

Around the electorate with<br />


Climate policies must<br />

be workable, effective<br />

The Government has finally gone and<br />

declared a‘‘climate emergency’’.<br />

For aGovernment that has delivered<br />

little over the past three years, this will<br />

almost certainly be another example of<br />

virtue signalling. Symbolic gestures,<br />

however, won’t cut it when it comes to<br />

climate change.<br />

They have since asserted that this<br />

declaration will be more than virtue<br />

signalling.<br />

This leads me to ask the question: If<br />

we are in fact in aclimate emergency,<br />

why did Jacinda Ardern mention the<br />

word ‘‘climate’’only six times in her<br />

4500+ word Speech from the Throne?<br />

And, secondly, why did the<br />

Government bid to declare aclimate<br />

emergency get pushed back aday so it<br />

could prioritise passing tax legislation?<br />

Declaring aclimate emergency<br />

implies that climate change is their top<br />

priority, but clearly it isn’t.<br />

It is also reasonable for agovernment<br />

to release an effective plan to reduce<br />

emissions in apractical, sensible way.<br />

National will support any government<br />

policy that does just this. Only effective<br />

policies can help keep temperature<br />

increases to 1.5 degrees, as required by<br />

the Paris Agreement, and deliver net<br />

zero emissions by 2050.<br />

Threats to local governance lie ahead, councillor says<br />

The Editor,<br />

Well, what ayear <strong>2020</strong> has<br />

been. We never imagined a<br />

pandemic and the changes to<br />

our lives it would bring.<br />

The council continued to<br />

provide essential services and<br />

we all became familiar with<br />

Zoom meetings.<br />

The highlights of <strong>2020</strong> for me<br />

include the AA rating awarded<br />

to the council by the Local<br />

Government Excellence<br />

programme.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council is one of two councils<br />

to achieve this rating and the<br />

only one to have achieved it<br />

twice. This is areflection of<br />

We simply cannot afford to sink<br />

investments into ineffective policies.<br />

New Zealand will run out of money long<br />

before we reach our targets if we commit<br />

to policies that don’t work. Our policies<br />

must lower emissions, or be dropped.<br />

It is therefore questionable why the<br />

Government has now released its<br />

Carbon Neutral Government<br />

Programme.<br />

Asimilar programme was introduced<br />

by Helen Clark in 2007, which the next<br />

National Government had to scrap<br />

because it simply wasn’t realistic to<br />

achieve the goals she had set.<br />

It was underfunded and would have<br />

been far too costly to run.<br />

Iwill most certainly now be holding<br />

the Government to account as National’s<br />

spokesperson for Climate Change to<br />

ensure that its new programme has been<br />

tested, will continue to be tested, and<br />

drives down emissions effectively and<br />

cheaply.<br />

The task before us is monumental. Net<br />

zero emissions in 30 years is hugely<br />

ambitious, especially for acountry that<br />

earns half of its export income from the<br />

primary sector.<br />

But National believes the goal is<br />

achievable if we are prepared to think<br />

openly and seriously about the problem.<br />


good governance and<br />

dedicated staff.<br />

Secondly, the council<br />

retained its Standard and<br />

Poors AA rating in a<br />

challenging climate. This<br />

greatly reduces the cost of<br />

council borrowing, which<br />

ultimately benefits ratepayers.<br />

However, there are threats<br />

on the horizon.<br />

Central government, in my<br />

view, is looking to take ‘‘local’’<br />

out of local government. Two<br />

examples are the Three Waters<br />

Reforms where the council<br />

would lose control of this core<br />

service to anew corporate<br />

entity with no elected<br />

representatives or<br />

accountability to ratepayers<br />

(and the compulsory<br />

chlorination of drinking water<br />

by July 1, 2021), and alikely<br />

increase in costs.<br />

The second example is<br />

overriding our District Plan by<br />

removing parking<br />

requirements.<br />

To compensate, any new<br />

public parking will be paid by<br />

ratepayers, not developers.<br />

The logic seems to be that by<br />

creating congestion, other<br />

modes of transport will be<br />

utilised.<br />

Idon’t think this model suits<br />

our scattered rural district<br />

with limited public transport.<br />

These and other changes will<br />

have aprofound effect on local<br />

government viability, the<br />

services provided, and<br />

accountability.<br />

In 2021 the council will<br />

consult on its Long Term Plan.<br />

There will be aneed to balance<br />

growth demands with<br />

affordable rates.<br />

Last year’s increase was<br />

reduced to 1.5 percent, but that<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Dec <strong>10</strong> Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 15 Dec 16<br />

Rise 5:42am<br />

Rise 5:42am<br />

Rise 5:43am<br />

Rise 5:43am<br />

Rise 5:43am<br />

Rise 5:43am<br />

Rise 5:43am<br />

Set 9:00pm<br />

Set 9:01pm<br />

Set 9:02pm<br />

Set 9:03pm<br />

Set 9:03pm<br />

Set 9:04pm<br />

Set 9:05pm<br />

Best 9:04am<br />

Best 9:54am<br />

Best <strong>10</strong>:47am<br />

Best 11:43am<br />

Best 12:12am<br />

Best 1:13am<br />

Best 2:15am<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

Times 9:29pm<br />

Times <strong>10</strong>:20pm<br />

Times 11:15pm<br />

Times<br />

Ok<br />

Times 12:43pm<br />

Ok<br />

Times 1:44pm<br />

Ok<br />

Times 2:46pm<br />

Rise 2:57am<br />

Rise 3:24am<br />

Rise 3:52am<br />

Rise 4:24am<br />

Rise 5:02am<br />

Rise 5:49am<br />

Rise 6:45am<br />

Set 3:22pm<br />

Set 4:38pm<br />

Set 5:56pm<br />

Set 7:15pm<br />

Set 8:33pm<br />

Set 9:43pm<br />

Set <strong>10</strong>:45pm<br />

Moderate SW Moderate Wbecoming Moderate Sturning Gentle SE becoming Gentle SE becoming Gentle NE becoming<br />

Gentle SE<br />

becoming fresh S<br />

fresh SW<br />

E<br />

moderate E<br />

moderate NE<br />

moderate E<br />

strengthening<br />

S0.8 mturning<br />

NE 0.4 m<br />

SW 0.9 m<br />

SE SE 1.0 m SE 1.0 m SE 0.8 m E0.7 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

Atime to be grateful<br />

With Christmas and the festive season<br />

fast approaching, Iwant to<br />

acknowledge and reflect on the year.<br />

Christmas provides us with the time<br />

to be mindful and appreciate those<br />

people around us who offer guidance<br />

and support.<br />

Iwant to begin with the team of<br />

Hurunui district councillors.<br />

As adistrict we have arange of<br />

capable and competent decisionmakers<br />

who have contributed through<br />

their various roles within the council.<br />

They are committed and devoted to<br />

our district and Iappreciate the time<br />

they take to prepare and promote good<br />

outcomes.<br />

Iamalso grateful for all the staff who<br />

work and serve our community through<br />

their employment with the council.<br />

It is important that we acknowledge<br />

and value their contribution.<br />

This has been ayear of challenge.<br />

The uncertainty has largely been<br />

contained but Iammindful that it has<br />

created an enormous amount of stress.<br />

Thankfully, we have the ability to<br />

travel within our country, but this may<br />

not allow some families to be together<br />

over Christmas.<br />

Itrust you are able use alternative<br />

ways to connect with loved ones over<br />

this period, and that we all care for<br />

members of our district who may be<br />

more vulnerable through this time.<br />

Thank you to St John and Fire and<br />

Emergency service volunteers, who<br />

will be providing cover for our district<br />

over the holidays.<br />

Iappreciate your willingness to give<br />

yourself and bring your experience,<br />

skills and compassion, while asking for<br />

nothing in return other than the<br />

satisfaction of doing what’s right and<br />

good for our community.<br />

Iwould also like to acknowledge the<br />

police within the district. Their<br />

presence and devotion to keeping the<br />

community safe is respected and<br />

appreciated.<br />

Toot for Tucker was aresounding<br />

success in Amberley last week, thanks<br />

to many community volunteers.<br />

Iunderstand that all the food banks<br />

were grateful for the generosity shown.<br />

Thank you for helping to make<br />

Christmas atime for all to share.<br />

Christmas for me means family and<br />

togetherness.<br />

Iamlooking forward to spending<br />

time with family and enjoying the<br />

opportunity to be with grandchildren,<br />

sharing their joys.<br />

Dave and Iwish you all avery happy<br />

Christmas. We hope it brings you peace<br />

and laughter, and we all look forward to<br />

2021 with the promise for abetter<br />

tomorrow.<br />

level is not sustainable.<br />

On top of this we also have<br />

the District Plan review, which<br />

occurs every <strong>10</strong> years.<br />

Do not hesitate to contact me<br />

or your local community board<br />

if assistance is required with<br />

any matter.<br />

We are here to help.<br />

Finally, Iwould like to wish<br />

your readers aMerry<br />

Christmas, aHappy New Year<br />

and safe travels over the<br />

holidays.<br />

Nga mihi,<br />

Philip Redmond QSM,<br />

Waimakariri District<br />

Councillor,<br />

(Kaiapoi­Woodend Ward).<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 12:54am 2.3 7:07am 0.5 1:49am 2.4 8:05am 0.5 2:47am 2.4 9:03am 0.4 3:46am 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:02am 0.4 4:44am 2.6 11:01am 0.4 5:41am 2.6 11:58am 0.3 6:36am 2.6 12:18am 0.3<br />

Mouth<br />

1:20pm 2.4 7:37pm 0.5 2:16pm 2.4 8:30pm 0.4 3:12pm 2.4 9:26pm 0.4 4:09pm 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:23pm 0.3 5:05pm 2.5 11:21pm 0.3 6:01pm 2.5<br />

6:58pm 2.4 12:53pm 0.3<br />

Amberley 12:54am 2.3 7:07am 0.5 1:49am 2.4 8:05am 0.5 2:47am 2.4 9:03am 0.4 3:46am 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:02am 0.4 4:44am 2.6 11:01am 0.4 5:41am 2.6 11:58am 0.3 6:36am 2.6 12:18am 0.3<br />

Beach<br />

1:20pm 2.4 7:37pm 0.5 2:16pm 2.4 8:30pm 0.4 3:12pm 2.4 9:26pm 0.4 4:09pm 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:23pm 0.3 5:05pm 2.5 11:21pm 0.3 6:01pm 2.5<br />

6:58pm 2.4 12:53pm 0.3<br />

1:03am 2.3 7:16am 0.5 1:58am 2.4 8:14am 0.5 2:56am 2.4 9:12am 0.4 3:55am 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:11am 0.4 4:53am 2.6 11:<strong>10</strong>am 0.4 5:50am 2.6<br />

6:45am 2.6 12:27am 0.3<br />

Motunau 1:29pm 2.4 7:46pm 0.5 2:25pm 2.4 8:39pm 0.4 3:21pm 2.4 9:35pm 0.4 4:18pm 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:32pm 0.3 5:14pm 2.5 11:30pm 0.3 6:<strong>10</strong>pm 2.5 12:07pm 0.3 7:07pm 2.4 1:02pm 0.3<br />

1:05am 2.3 7:18am 0.5 2:00am 2.4 8:16am 0.5 2:58am 2.4 9:14am 0.4 3:57am 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:13am 0.4 4:55am 2.6 11:12am 0.4 5:52am 2.6<br />

6:47am 2.6 12:29am 0.3<br />

Gore Bay 1:31pm 2.4 7:48pm 0.5 2:27pm 2.4 8:41pm 0.4 3:23pm 2.4 9:37pm 0.4 4:20pm 2.5 <strong>10</strong>:34pm 0.3 5:16pm 2.5 11:32pm 0.3 6:12pm 2.5 12:09pm 0.3 7:09pm 2.4 1:04pm 0.3<br />

12:58am 1.7 7:<strong>10</strong>am 0.4 1:53am 1.8 8:08am 0.4 2:49am 1.9 9:07am 0.3 3:47am 1.9 <strong>10</strong>:05am 0.3 4:45am 2.0 11:04am 0.3 5:43am 2.0<br />

6:40am 2.0 12:18am 0.3<br />

Kaikoura 1:27pm 1.8 7:40pm 0.4 2:22pm 1.8 8:33pm 0.4 3:18pm 1.8 9:28pm 0.3 4:14pm 1.9 <strong>10</strong>:24pm 0.3 5:11pm 1.9 11:21pm 0.3 6:08pm 1.8 12:02pm 0.3 7:06pm 1.8 12:59pm 0.3<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

7<br />




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Kevin Jenkins<br />

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Dean Pugh<br />

027 335 6303<br />

Joel Meikle<br />

027 814 5208<br />

Mike Preston<br />

027 430 7041<br />

Niki Bradley<br />

027 607 2555<br />

Evan Marshall<br />

027 221 09<strong>10</strong><br />

John Bailey<br />

027 893 0234<br />

Peter Foley<br />

021 754 737<br />

Ross Ditmer<br />

027 482 2056<br />

Fee Ensor<br />

021 705 014<br />

Jon McAuliffe<br />

027 432 7769<br />

Sam Sidey<br />

027 346 3500<br />

Ben Turner<br />

027 530 1400<br />

Georgie Robson<br />

027 562 4<strong>10</strong>0<br />

Kerry Eyles<br />

027 472 6780<br />

Sandy Butterick<br />

027 417 2639<br />

Brook Yates<br />

027 807 8093<br />

Hamish Lane<br />

027 685 6204<br />

Lance Farrant<br />

027 228 2846<br />

Simon Sharpin<br />

027 631 8087<br />

Chris Jones<br />

027 220 5043<br />

Jack Pringle<br />

027 533 4820<br />

Mark Parry<br />

027 433 0350<br />

Craig Blackburn<br />

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Jane Moody<br />

027 455 0161<br />

Mark Pringle<br />

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Residential /Commercial / Rural /Property Services<br />

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For aprofessional service that achieves<br />

results, contact Ben and his team.<br />

Dairy, Sheep and Beef, Arable, Forestry<br />

and Lifestyle Sales

•<br />

NEWS<br />

8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />



WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />

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From my<br />

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Wishingyou<br />

all thejoysof<br />

theseason &<br />

every happiness<br />

throughout the<br />

comingyear<br />

Closing 16th <strong>December</strong><br />

Reopen18th January<br />

2340391<br />

Penguins make asplash<br />


The Waimakariri district has<br />

been included in apublic art<br />

trailofcolourful penguins to<br />

raisecash for theCholmondeley<br />

Children’s Centre.<br />

The Wild in Art Trailincludes<br />

50 largepenguins sponsored by<br />

companies and decorated by<br />

established and emerging<br />

artists,along with70smaller<br />

penguins,decorated by school<br />

pupils as part of the Pop Up<br />

Penguins Learning Programme.<br />

The penguins highlight<br />

themes including climate<br />

change, community, Antarctica,<br />

creativity innovation and<br />

exploration.<br />

They are mostly in<br />

Christchurch but fourofthe<br />

penguins,two of the larger<br />

sculptures and two smaller<br />

ones,have been installed in<br />

Waimakariri.<br />

One of the largersculptures,<br />

Kia Manawaroa,byartist<br />

Morgan Mathews­Hale, is on the<br />

frontlawn of the Waimakariri<br />

District Council servicecentre.<br />

The other larger sculpture,<br />

BirdsofaFeather,bymembers<br />

of the NEST Arts Collective in<br />

Amberley,isoutside the Port<br />

and Eagle Brew Pub in Kaiapoi.<br />

The smaller sculptures are<br />

inside the Rangiora and<br />

Kaiapoi libraries,with artwork<br />

by Ashgrove, Rangiora Borough,<br />

Southbrook, Kaiapoi <strong>North</strong> and<br />

Ohokaschoolpupils.<br />

The birds will be displayed<br />

for nineweeks beforebeing<br />

auctioned forthe children’s<br />

centre in GovernorsBay.<br />

Birdsofafeather ... The pop­up penguin created by Amberley’s NEST<br />

Arts Collective for the Pop­UpPenguinSculpture Trail, outside the Port<br />

and EagleBrew Pub in Kaiapoi. It is admired by Kaiapoibrothers Austin<br />

McCusker,left, aged 3, and Jaxon McCusker, aged 5.<br />


Busy year<br />

for Sallies<br />


The Rangiora Salvation<br />

Army has worked through<br />

abusy year.<br />

Its food bank has seen<br />

steady demandthrough the<br />

year,while its family store<br />

‘‘meets arealneed in the<br />

community’’,says retired<br />

Salvation Army officer<br />

Gordon Daly,who has been<br />

filling in thismonth.<br />

‘‘It’s been abit of a<br />

muddly year, as it has been<br />

for mostpeople.The food<br />

bank was busy during<br />

lockdown and it’s been<br />

pretty steady since.<br />

‘‘We haven’t beenrun off<br />

our feet,but there’s stillan<br />

ongoingneed. Iwould say,<br />

overall,the demand has<br />

been about the same as last<br />

year,except for during<br />

lockdown when it was<br />

really tough for alot of<br />

people.’’<br />

Each year, more than 300<br />

families receive at least<br />

one food parcel from the<br />

Rangiora SalvationArmy.<br />

The communityhas been<br />

getting behind the<br />

Salvation Army as it looks<br />

to providesome Christmas<br />

cheertostruggling<br />

families.<br />

Acollection of toysat<br />

Rangiora’sCelebration<br />

Nightwas well supported,<br />

whilethe Farmers teddy<br />

bear promotion saw more<br />

130 bears donated, he says.<br />

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Painting the town red<br />


AWoodend bespokewindow muralist has<br />

been creating Christmas cheerin<br />

Waimakariri shop windows and further<br />

afield sinceNovember.<br />

Sue Roxborough, of Suesartyfarty<br />

Window Decorations, saidthis yearan<br />

increasednumber of retailerswanted to<br />

get their shopwindows decorated for the<br />

festive season.<br />

‘‘It has been going gangbusters,’’ she<br />

says.<br />

‘‘I think people are ready to say<br />

‘goodbye’to<strong>2020</strong> and get that Christmas<br />

holiday vibe going.’’<br />

Sue, who is alsoanearly­childhood<br />

teacher,has createdChristmas shopwindow<br />

murals in Rangiora, Kaiapoi,<br />

Amberley,Hornby and Lincoln.<br />

However, this year notall clients have<br />

been askingfor traditionalwinter­scene<br />

Christmas murals.<br />

Many want their muralstoreflect amore<br />

traditional Kiwi Christmas with arelaxed<br />

summer vibe and some preferan<br />

alternative festive influence. Rangiora’s<br />

TAD fashion boutique owner TraceyDay<br />

choseTinkerbelle for her HighStreet shop<br />

window display, while next door at men’s<br />

clothing store Dappermen, owner Simon<br />

Murphy wanted a‘‘dapper’’Santa Claus<br />

with atidy, clippedbeard for his front<br />

window.<br />

Rangiora Eyecare’s Christmas mural<br />

featuresSantarockingacool pair of<br />

sunglassesand the RangioraRSA Club has<br />

alargewreath painted at its Victoria<br />

Street entrance.<br />

Everymural is different. ‘‘I try and make<br />

each window individual for each<br />

business,’’ Sue says.‘‘It all comesdown to<br />

what the customer wants.’’<br />

For Rangiora law firm Law4you, Sue’s<br />

Christmas window murals are atradition.<br />

She has beendoingwindow murals for<br />

Christmas spirit ... Simon Murphy, owner<br />

of Rangiora men’s clothing and grooming<br />

store Dappermen, with the ‘‘dapper santa’’<br />

created for him by Woodend window<br />

muralist Sue Roxborough. PHOTO:SHELLEY TOPP<br />

them for eight yearsand this year’seffort,<br />

on six small windows, features abeach<br />

scene including Santa in jandals and<br />

shortswith asurfboard.<br />

Cars line up for annual picnic tour<br />

SAVE<br />

UP TO $ 250 *<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


11<br />

<strong>10</strong>00<br />

DAYS<br />


^<strong>10</strong>00 days interest free on Husqvarna Lawn Tractors, Ride on Mowers or ZTR ® Zero TurnMowers is availableonFlexi Payment Plans &Flexi Payment Purchasesfor in-store purchases<br />

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Lendingcriteria, fees, termsand conditions apply.Rate andfees correctasat date of publication,subject to change. The issuer reserves the right to amend, suspend or terminate the<br />

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2324493<br />

Veteran, vintage, classic and exotic<br />

vehicles will line up this Sunday for the<br />

18th annual <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Classic<br />

picnic tour.<br />

The 46km sealed route will take<br />

entrants to amystery <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

venue where the owner will put on a<br />

display for car enthusiasts.<br />

Cars, irrespective of condition, will<br />

leave from the Better Half cafe, on the<br />

corner of State Highway 1and<br />

Ashworths Beach Road.<br />

Registrations will be open from<br />

9.30am to 11.15am. The first vehicle will<br />

leave at <strong>10</strong>.30am.<br />

Acoffee outlet will be at the lunch<br />

venue. The public can view the vehicles<br />

as they leave the start.<br />

Summer Show<br />

Community of Creatives<br />

#6 13 November <strong>2020</strong> -24January 2021<br />

Opening 3pm, Sat 28November <strong>2020</strong><br />

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Inhabitants of the Nest by David DaWon Choi<br />

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NEWS<br />

12 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />


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2307841<br />

Record haul ... Volunteers admire their Toot for Tucker haul outside the Kaiapoi Community Centre.<br />

Tuckered out: Food haul delights<br />


This year’s Toot forTuckerhas been<br />

declared an overwhelming success.<br />

Kaiapoi gathered arecord haulfrom<br />

lastweek’sannualfooddrive, while<br />

Rangiora, Woodend,Cust and Oxford<br />

recordedsimilar results to lastyear’s<br />

recordhauls,organiserBev Wrightsays.<br />

Amberley alsoreported astrong<br />

returnfrom its firsttimeparticipating.<br />

‘‘Kudosgoes to the communityfor<br />

their support this year,’’Bev says.<br />

‘‘Andit’s not justthatthey’ve given;<br />

it’s whatthey’ve given.It’s absolutely<br />

wonderful.<br />

‘‘It’s not just the cansofbaked beans<br />

or therice and lentilsthat we needed,<br />

butthere’s beenquiteamix likepasta<br />

saucesand pancakemixesand we’ve got<br />

lotsofnewtoysand little bits andpieces<br />

andgames for thekids.’’<br />

Bevsaysthe Rangiora SalvationArmy<br />

reported asimilarresult to lastyear’s<br />

❛Kudos goes to the<br />

community for their support<br />

this year.❜<br />

—Toot for Tucker organiser BevWright<br />

whopping1500 bagsfrom collectionsin<br />

Rangioraand Woodend.<br />

‘‘It wasperfectbecause they got just<br />

what theyneededand they have avery<br />

good selectionoffoodand quite alot of<br />

Christmas food,which should bring<br />

some Christmas cheer to families.’’<br />

TheOxfordand Custcollections will<br />

go to supportthe Oxford Community<br />

Trust’sfoodbank,while theAmberley<br />

collection will stockupalocal Amberley<br />

food bank.<br />

TheKaiapoi CommunityCentrewas<br />

leftwith bagsof food flowing outintothe<br />

hallway when volunteers headed for<br />

home afterajob well done.<br />


CommunityWellbeing <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Kaiapoi co­ordinator Louise<br />

Griffithsestimated it wasdouble last<br />

year’s comparatively modest haul of 336<br />

bags of food.<br />

“Thefeedback fromthepeople<br />

coming in is reallypositive.<br />

‘‘Everyoneissaying an hourisalmost<br />

notenough because there’s so much<br />

food to pick up,which is awesome.”<br />

Shebelieves the Covid­19 experience<br />

hasmadepeoplemoreaware of the<br />

importanceoffoodbanks.<br />

Louise estimated thataround<strong>10</strong>0<br />

volunteers turned out to support the<br />

collection, including local residents, the<br />

Kaiapoi Volunteer Fire Brigade crews<br />

andthe Kaiapoi Community Support<br />

volunteers,who were runningthe<br />

barbecue.<br />

If anyonemissed the collection they<br />

candroptheir offerings in to Bev Wright<br />

at PropertyBrokers in Rangiora, or to<br />

their local foodbank.<br />

Advantageplastics<br />

Winthe advantage with<br />

Advantage Plastics.<br />

advantageplastics.co.nz<br />

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If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre<strong>10</strong>store or Mitre<strong>10</strong>website, we’ll match thatprice. Excludes trade and special<br />

quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.

NEWS<br />

16 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

STOCK<br />

UP FOR<br />


Crowd favourite ...<br />

Sharon Miller performs during the Mandeville Craft Festival.<br />


Record crowd enjoys<br />

annual fundraiser<br />


Oamaru Jersey Bennes<br />

1kg Prepack<br />

Product of New Zealand<br />

Pams Fresh Strawberries<br />

250g Prepack<br />

Product of NewZealand<br />

$<br />

5 49 pk<br />

$ 2<br />

99 pk<br />

Cadbury Favourites 365g<br />

Or Roses 225g<br />

$<br />

5 99 ea<br />

Pams Fresh Blueberries<br />

125g ForBaby Perlas<br />

Potatoes 700g Prepacks<br />

Product of New Zealand<br />

Apricotsor<br />

Nectarines Loose<br />

ProductofNew Zealand<br />

Snacka Changi Chips 150g$<br />

3<br />

$<br />

3 79 pk<br />

$<br />

7 49 kg<br />

$<br />

3<br />

49 ea<br />

The Mandeville CraftFestival was billed<br />

as ‘‘a cruisy day out for families’’ and so<br />

it provedfor the record crowd at the<br />

event.<br />

The Ohoka Rugby Club’s popular<br />

annualfundraiser was heldatthe<br />

Mandeville SportsCentre last Sunday,<br />

with 130 stalls selling arange of goods,<br />

including food, wooden works, icecream,clothing,gardenutensils,<br />

toys,<br />

jewellery, cosmetics and plants.<br />

There was also livemusic throughout<br />

the day fromMandevillesingerEllen<br />

Walker, whose stage nameisEllen<br />

Rose; SharonMiller fromRangiora, and<br />

The Wax Birds,comprising Pete and<br />

JoannaGreen from Oxford.<br />

OrganiserDee Bigelow said she was<br />

pleased withthe attendance.<br />

‘‘It was agreat day, especiallyatthe<br />

start when the weather was calmer and<br />

peoplewere streaming in.<br />

‘‘I am pleased the weather heldoff<br />

and Covid stayed away.’’<br />

Although Dee was thrilled by the<br />

success of this year’s event, she is<br />

already lookingforward to planningfor<br />

next year —the festival’s <strong>10</strong>th<br />

anniversary.<br />

She spends manyhours organising the<br />

festival. She saysshe is passionate about<br />

the festival becauseithelps the<br />

communityand provides aplatform for<br />

local crafts people to sell their products.<br />

‘‘Personally,Isee this eventgrowing<br />

into astrong platform to advertise and<br />

promote our stallholders,food vendors,<br />

Stylish pair ... Kirweemilliner Julia<br />

Atkinsonand her dog, Ania, had afun day.<br />

musiciansand acouple of selected<br />

community groups, whileremainingan<br />

affordable, cruisyday out for families to<br />

eat, shop and listentomusic.<br />

‘‘And, of course, it is afundraiserfor<br />

the volunteers from the OhokaRugby<br />

Club.’’<br />

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facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specialsavailable South Island only from Monday 30th November until Sunday 13th<br />

<strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong>orwhile stocks last. Wine andbeer availableatstores withanoff<br />

licence.Wineand beerpurchasesrestricted to personsaged 18 years old andover.<br />

Popular stall ... Laura Proudman, co­owner of The Rollin’ Pedaler, had abusy day<br />

scooping ice­cream for customers.

Rangiora Toyota<br />


Plus<br />


Winner announced 5:30PM<br />

At Partyinthe Park<br />


12noon -5:30pm<br />

Featuring: ‘The Mike Pero Fun Zone’<br />

Mini Jeeps ~InflataRUN ~Ponies 2Go &Petting Area -The Christmas Fairy ~Adam Allsorts<br />

Lolytwist Balloon Artist ~Fairy Poppy Face Painting ~Fun HQ Inflatables ~Water Wheels<br />

Proudlybrought to youbythe RangioraPromotions Association<br />



18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Santa’syoung fans out in force for parade<br />

High­flyers ...<br />

Members of<br />

Rangiora’s Empire<br />

Athletics<br />

cheerleading squad<br />

show their aerial<br />

skills.<br />

Christmas message... Pupils fromStPatrick’s<br />

School in Kaiapoi take part in the Kaiapoi Christmas<br />

Carnival and Santa Parade.<br />


Pretty in pink ... Christchurch street entertainer Dan Heaphy, as<br />

Lady Elizabeth, cuts afine figure.<br />

Fun day... Vicki Sleeman, left, with her children, Corban Julian, aged 8,<br />

second from left, andTaylor Julian, 4, secondfrom right, with their cousins<br />

Emie Sleeman­Shaw, 13, centre, and MillaSleeman­Shaw, 7, far right.<br />

Lou in blue ... Lieutenant Lou, also<br />

known as street entertainer Louise<br />

Kerr, on patrol.

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Customer first approach ... Company owner John Hamilton says <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Collision Repair Centres use the latest techniques and equipment.<br />

Puttingqualityfirst<br />

No job is too big or too smallfor <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Collision Repair’spanel<br />

shops. The company has builtareputation<br />

for meetingthe region’s paint­and­panel<br />

repair needs in Kaiapoiand Rangiora.<br />

OwnerJohn Hamilton saysboth centres<br />

continuetooffer all insurance work and<br />

repairs for vehicles, from everyday bumps<br />

and scrapes to major smashwork, rust<br />

removal and restoration.<br />

The growthofits Rangiora premises in<br />

recent times meansitisnow doing more<br />

large­vehicle work on trucks, horse floats,<br />

caravans,motorhomes,bulldozers, planes,<br />

jet boats,and evenhelicopters.<br />

‘‘We havealways done thistypeofwork,<br />

but spacelimited how much,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘We havefitted out abig shedout the<br />

back of our Rangiora centre,whichwas<br />

under­utilised. This has allowed us to<br />

diversify into larger vehicles. We now do a<br />

lot of fleetwork on trucks, caravans, and<br />

motorhomes.’’<br />

The company started in Amberley in<br />

1994.This centre, previously knownas<br />

Amberley Panel and Paint, was recently<br />

sold to RyanDemmocks, aformer<br />

Christmas<br />


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2Markham Street,<br />

Amberley<br />

Phone 03-314 0137<br />

employee,bringingtoanend 26 years of<br />

service in the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> town<br />

offered by John and his team.<br />

The company expanded into Kaiapoi in<br />

2001 and Rangiora in 2012, rebrandingto<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Collision Repair<br />

Centres in 2014.<br />

The business deals with all insurance<br />

companies,offers free quotes,has courtesy<br />

cars, and offersfree pick­up and delivery.<br />

It continues to invest in technologyand<br />

training to ensure it is using the latest<br />

techniques and equipment.<br />

The centresare able to meet all<br />

Certificate of Fitness repairs and rust<br />

work, withcertified welders on staff.<br />

They do awide variety of paneland<br />

paint work.<br />

John says the company aims to look after<br />

customers from starttofinish.<br />

Respect for customers’ vehicles is<br />

paramount and afriendly, forward­looking<br />

culture is fostered.<br />

Contact Kaiapoi manager Lee Marshon<br />

(03) 3273028, or Rangiora manager John<br />

Brett on (03) 313 6966. The after­hours<br />

contact is John Hamiltonon(027) 437 7165.<br />

Petrol &Diesel<br />

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supermarket docket for 12<br />

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Services, Hot Pies, Sandwiches, Rolls,<br />

Groceries and Sweet Treats<br />

For your convenience<br />

Sefton Garage<br />

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YOUR<br />


1914343<br />

Thursday,August2,2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

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Kaikoura regions than any<br />

other publication.<br />

The best read paper in<br />

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For contact details see page 2

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THE<br />


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NEWS<br />

22 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Race marks opening of bike trails<br />


New world class mountainbiking<br />

trails opened in<br />

Hanmer Springs at the<br />

weekend, after five years in<br />

the making.<br />

The new trails, in the<br />

Hanmer Forest Park, add to a<br />

network that caters to all ages<br />

and abilities.<br />

The new trails include the<br />

4km Tombstone trail, an<br />

advanced single­track that<br />

provides 185m of climbing to<br />

its highest point at 698m,<br />

followed by an exciting 240m<br />

descent with multiple twists,<br />

turns and drops.<br />

The lead track builder of<br />

the Tombstone trail, Steve<br />

Pearson, said it took five<br />

years to build atrail he<br />

described as truly special.<br />

‘‘The terrain is as good as it<br />

gets for mountain bike trails.<br />

It really is world class and<br />

compares to anything you’ll<br />

find in Europe or <strong>North</strong><br />

America.<br />

‘‘Tombstone also has some<br />

of the best views around,<br />

making it not just aride but a<br />

spectacular experience.’’<br />

The lead builder of the<br />

Southern Cross trail, Mark<br />

Inglis, says the trails will help<br />

attract avid mountain bikers<br />

to the alpine village.<br />

‘‘These new trails put on us<br />

on the national mountainbiking<br />

map. Where else can<br />

you be having acoffee and<br />

then afew pedal strokes later<br />

be on some of the best<br />

mountain bike trails?’’<br />

The trails were constructed<br />

mostly by hand, with<br />

volunteers completing 90<br />

percent of the work,<br />

including members of the<br />

Track Network Group and the<br />

Hanmer Springs Mountain<br />

Bike Club.<br />

‘‘Without the support of our<br />

local community, we wouldn’t<br />

have been able to create<br />

something to this scale,’’ Mr<br />

Inglis says.<br />

‘‘It’s atrue testament of<br />

teamwork and community<br />

spirit.’’<br />

The trails were officially<br />

opened at the inaugural<br />

Tombstone Mountain Bike<br />

Race last Sunday by two­time<br />

mountain bike world<br />

champion Anton Cooper.<br />

He says it is an exciting<br />

prospect having the new<br />

trails open in his own <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> backyard.<br />

‘‘New Zealand has some of<br />

the best trails in the world<br />

and all reports are saying<br />

these new trails are up there.<br />

They’re technical and<br />

exciting.<br />

‘‘The trails are really just<br />

the icing on the cake.<br />

Mountain biking is taking off<br />

around the world and, amidst<br />

apandemic, it’s awesome to<br />

see what the team in Hanmer<br />

has been able to do.’’<br />

He set the riders off in the<br />

race, which consisted of three<br />

different courses, with two<br />

incorporating the new<br />

advanced Tombstone track.<br />

The third was ashorter and<br />

less technical ride for bikers<br />

New trails ... New cycling trails have opened in Hanmer Springs.<br />


of varying abilities.<br />

The weekend also marked<br />

the official opening of abike<br />

wash and repair bay, built<br />

with support from Hanmer<br />

Springs Four Square.<br />

Restoration<br />

completed<br />


The Kowai CountyCouncil Archives<br />

building has been strengthened and is<br />

set to return as aplaceofremembrance.<br />

The 1922 building housestwo marble<br />

war memorialplaques,and aroll of<br />

honour, to localservicemen who served<br />

in the two world wars. It is also home to<br />

the Kowai Archives Society.<br />

It is listedasaCategory 2historic site<br />

underthe Historic Places Act and is<br />

identified as aheritage building in the<br />

Hurunui District Plan.<br />

The building in upper Sefton was<br />

badlydamaged in the 20<strong>10</strong> and 2011<br />

earthquakes. It has been strengthened<br />

and renovated with insurance fundsand<br />

aportionofaLottery environment and<br />

heritage grant received by the Hurunui<br />

District Council for earthquake repairs.<br />

The total project included repairs to<br />

all exterior and interiorplaster, anda<br />

new roof.Amajoreffort has ensured the<br />

ornate plaster ceiling remains afeature<br />

of the main room.<br />

Steelwork and bracing was fitted to<br />

the ceiling, bringing the building up to 34<br />

percent of the New Building Standard.<br />

Hurunui district councillor Michael<br />

Ward says restoration of the building will<br />

benefit the community. ‘‘Yet it still<br />

maintains its original charm,’’hesays.<br />

The planned work was on budget, with<br />

works delayed because ofCovid­19.<br />

The Kowai Archive Society was<br />

established in 1990 by members of the<br />

Sefton­KowaiCountryWomen’s<br />

Institute, to collect andpreserve<br />

important local records. The Amberley<br />

HistoricalSocietywas establishedinthe<br />

1970sand amalgamatedwith the<br />

archives in the early 90s.<br />

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Wednesday<br />

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89 99 ea<br />

Pandemic<br />

Play as a team of specialist<br />

containing, and finding a<br />

cure for a world pandemic.<br />

Usually $79.99<br />

$<br />

69 99 ea<br />

Ticket to Ride Europe<br />

Ticket to Ride now takes you on a new train<br />

adventure through the great cities of Europe.<br />

Usually $99.99<br />

$<br />

89 99 ea<br />

Wingspan<br />

You are bird enthusiasts, seeking to discover<br />

and att ttract the best birds to your aviary ry.<br />

Usually $129.99<br />

7Wonders<br />

2ndEdition<br />

Take control of one<br />

of thegreatestcities<br />

of Antiquity,build<br />

the wondersof<br />

the world andlead<br />

your civilizationto<br />

prosperity!<br />

Usually y $<strong>10</strong>9.99<br />

$<br />

<strong>10</strong>9 99 ea<br />

$<br />

99 99 ea<br />



Kids Puzzles<br />

<strong>10</strong>0s of styles<br />

to choose from<br />

Usually $19.99 to $29.99<br />

NOW<br />

FROM<br />

$<br />

15 99 ea<br />


Get your loyalty card<br />

instore now<br />

Adult Puzzles<br />

<strong>10</strong>0s of styles<br />

to choose from.<br />

500 to 5000 pieces<br />

Usually $39.99 to $499.99<br />

NOW<br />

FROM<br />

$<br />

31 99 ea<br />

NZ’s Biggest selection of<br />

1:24 scale diecast models<br />

FROM ONLY $ 64 99<br />

Selection<br />

will vary<br />

from store<br />

to store<br />

20% OFF<br />

All Tamiya, Aoshima,<br />

Zveda and Academy kitsets<br />


Wednesday<br />

9Dec<br />

Thursday<br />

<strong>10</strong> Dec<br />

Friday<br />

11 Dec<br />

Saturday<br />

12 Dec<br />

Sunday<br />

13 Dec<br />

Monday<br />

14 Dec<br />

Tuesday<br />

15 Dec<br />

Wednesday<br />

16 Dec<br />

Thursday<br />

17 Dec<br />

Friday<br />

18 Dec<br />

Saturday<br />

19 Dec<br />

Sunday<br />

20 Dec<br />

Monday<br />

21 Dec<br />

Tuesday<br />

22 Dec<br />

Wednesday<br />

23 Dec<br />

5:30 pm 9 pm 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm 6 pm 7 pm 9 pm 7 pm 7 pm 7 pm <strong>10</strong> pm <strong>10</strong> pm <strong>10</strong> pm 6 pm<br />

Thursday<br />

24 Dec

Musical<br />

Aqua Crab<br />

Usually $49.99<br />

$<br />

39 99 ea<br />

26cm Volvo Dump<br />

Truck, Excavator<br />

or Dozer<br />

Usually $24.99<br />

$<br />

19 99 ea<br />

55cm Tow Truck,<br />

55cm Recycle Truck<br />

or 62cm Fire Brigade<br />

Usually $99.99<br />

Gift ideas<br />

Aqua Fun<br />

Usually $59.99<br />

$<br />

39 99 ea<br />

$<br />

79 99 ea<br />

• Musical Mushroom<br />

• 2 in 1 Activity<br />

Board<br />

• Electronic<br />

Caterpillar<br />

• Piano<br />

Usually $69.99<br />

$<br />

49 99 ea<br />

Family<br />

Edition 8+<br />

$<br />

54 99 ea<br />

Absurd<br />

Box 17+<br />

$<br />

39 99 ea<br />

Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza 8+<br />

$<br />

19 99 ea<br />

CardsAgainst<br />

Humanity 17+<br />

$<br />

59 99 ea<br />

Expansion<br />

Packs 17+<br />

Games for<br />

bigger kids<br />

Throw<br />

Throw<br />

Burrito<br />

17+<br />

$<br />

49 99 ea<br />

Poetry for Neanderthals 7+<br />

$<br />

49 99 ea<br />

$<br />

39 99 ea<br />

Expansion<br />

Barking<br />

Kittens 7+<br />

$<br />

34 99 ea<br />

Exploding<br />

Kittens7+<br />

$<br />

49 99 ea<br />

Expansion<br />

Imploding<br />

Kittens 30+<br />

$<br />

39 99 ea<br />

Joking<br />

Hazard18+<br />

$<br />

49 99 ea<br />

$<br />

29 99 ea<br />

NightmareHorrorAdventures 16+<br />

Specials in ChristchurchStoresonly –not online<br />


NZ’sBiggestTOYWORLD<br />

Clarence St,Riccarton, Ph 03 3430330<br />


199 MarshlandRd,<br />

Ph 03 982 8697<br />

Valid until Thursday 24th <strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, while stock lasts<br />

HORNBY<br />

Chalmers St,<br />

Ph 03 281 8127

NEWS<br />

28 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Powerful ... Acelebratory morning tea was held by MainPower at its head office in Fernside last week for<br />

recipients of the electricity company’s Community Fund.<br />


Funding recipients gather<br />


This year’s MainPower<br />

Community Fund recipients<br />

have been treated to morning tea<br />

by the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

community­owned lines<br />

company.<br />

The morning tea was held at<br />

the company’s head office in<br />

Fernside last week.<br />

All 67 groups that received a<br />

donation from the fund during<br />

the year were invited.<br />

MainPower chief executive<br />

Andy Lester said the company<br />

could not hold acelebratory<br />

event in April for recipients from<br />

the first funding round because<br />

of Covid­19.<br />

‘‘What ayear it has been,’’ he<br />

said.<br />

‘‘We play an essential role in<br />

keeping the region ticking, by<br />

providing asafe, secure supply of<br />

electricity to all our homes,<br />

schools and businesses.<br />

‘‘But we believe our<br />

responsibility extends beyond<br />

providing this, to being positive,<br />

contributing members of all the<br />

communities of <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, and part of what we<br />

do in this area is to provide<br />

funding support to arange of<br />

initiatives, events and projects in<br />

the region.’’<br />

The community fund was<br />

established in 2015 and has<br />

grown from one annual<br />

funding round with $<strong>10</strong>,000<br />

available to two funding rounds<br />

this year, with atotal of $60,000<br />

available.<br />

‘‘In total we have supported<br />

around 150 groups and schools,<br />

which translates to alot of<br />

positives for <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,’’<br />

Mr Lester said.<br />

All of the fund recipients are<br />

decided by votes cast by <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> people.<br />

‘‘The great thing about the<br />

community fund for us is that it<br />

gives our community achance to<br />

have their say about where a<br />

good portion of our sponsorship<br />

funding is directed.<br />

‘‘Here today we have groups<br />

aimed at benefiting the region’s<br />

youth, supporting our natural<br />

environment and looking out for<br />

our community’s most<br />

vulnerable.<br />

‘‘On behalf of MainPower, I’d<br />

like to congratulate you all and<br />

acknowledge the efforts behind<br />

the work you do and the impact it<br />

has.’’<br />

Carols in the Park<br />

Join the KaiapoiCombined<br />

Churches and the Kaiapoi<br />

BrassBandfor aChristmas<br />

celebrationfrom 5pm on<br />

Sunday,<strong>December</strong> 13, at<br />

TrousselotPark,Kaiapoi.<br />

Carols in Victoria Park<br />

EnjoyRangiora Brass<br />

playing some Christmas<br />

musicand joininwith some<br />

well knowncarols from<br />

7.30pm on Friday, <strong>December</strong><br />

18. Carolsheetswill be<br />

available.Bring ablanket<br />

and asmile and enjoy the<br />

simple joys of Christmas.<br />

Christmas Wonderland<br />

The Oxford Christmas<br />

Wonderlandreturns to the<br />

GP Hall in Oxford from<br />

<strong>December</strong> 16 to 24,with a$2<br />

entryfee. The wonderland<br />

will be open from 2pm to<br />

8pm on Wednesdayto<br />

Friday, <strong>December</strong> 16 to 18,<br />

with the same hours on<br />

Monday to Friday, <strong>December</strong><br />

21 to 23. The hours on<br />

Saturday and Sunday,<br />

<strong>December</strong> 19 and 20, will be<br />


The following property is<br />

reported to the police as lost<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>:<br />

Abrown leather wallet,a<br />

black/silvergarage doorkey<br />

with ablue “Connect”<br />

sticker (Hanmer Springs), a<br />

black leather wallet<br />

(Oxford), ablack leather<br />

<strong>10</strong>am to 8pm; and, finally,on<br />

Christmas Eve from<strong>10</strong>am­<br />

8pm. Santa Claus will be<br />

keeping hours at the<br />

wonderlandfrom 7pm to<br />

8pm from <strong>December</strong> 16 to 23,<br />

with additionalhours on<br />

Friday and Saturday,<br />

<strong>December</strong>18and 19, from<br />

3pm to 4pm.<br />

Harmonic Resonators<br />

Amixture of country, blues,<br />

yodelling and harmonising<br />

will be heardatthe Rangiora<br />

RSA on January <strong>10</strong>, from<br />

2.30pm to 5pm whenthe<br />

Harmonic Resonators<br />

perform. Tickets $20. Contact<br />

Ros on (027) 439 0903 to<br />

reserve tickets. Proceeds<br />

will go to the Breast Cancer<br />

Foundation.<br />

Strawberry Fair<br />

Everything strawberrywill<br />

be centre­stage during<br />

Strawberry Fair, at the<br />

Kaiapoi Food Forest from<br />

11am to 3pm on Sunday,<br />

<strong>December</strong>13. It is azerowasteevent.<br />

Pleasebring a<br />

plateand cup.<br />

card­holder, ablack leather<br />

wallet with askull on it, a<br />

black wallet (Culverden),<br />

and ablack Samsung<br />

cellphone (Oxford).<br />

The followingproperty is<br />

waiting to be claimed: Ablue<br />

Dunlop mountain bike<br />

(Rangiora).<br />

Jim Beam Gold<br />

CC Premium<br />

7% 330ml<br />

6pk cans<br />

$16.99 each<br />

TWOFOR<br />

$30.00<br />

Tui Bourbon /<br />

Vodka Soda<br />

7% 12pk range<br />

$19.99<br />

EACH<br />

Cruiser<br />

7% 12pk can range<br />

$20.99<br />

EACH<br />

CruiserGin&Tonic<br />

CruiserPinkGin &Soda<br />

CruiserSeltzer<br />

all 250ml 12pk cans<br />

$20.99<br />

EACH<br />

NEW<br />



LongWhite<br />

<strong>10</strong>pk can & bottle<br />

ranges<br />

$2<br />

$23.99<br />

EACH<br />

$34.99<br />



$35.99<br />

EACH<br />

EACH<br />

$39<br />

$39.99 99<br />

EACH<br />

JimBeam<br />

1.125L<br />

Cody’s&KGB<br />

7% cans<br />

Woodstock<br />

5% bottles<br />

all 18pks<br />

Absolut;Beefeater<br />

Balla<br />

ntine’s 1L<br />

Beefeater24700ml<br />

$29.99<br />

EACH<br />

CanadianClub<br />

1L (incl spiced)<br />

Gordon’sPink/SicilianLemon700ml<br />

Smirnoff1L<br />

$39.99<br />

EACH<br />

TWOFOR<br />

$75.00<br />

$49.99<br />

EACH<br />

Chivas12yr<br />

700ml<br />

$69.99<br />

EACH<br />

ChivasXVyr<br />

700ml<br />

$89.99<br />

EACH<br />

Chivas18yr<br />

700ml<br />

Jolly<br />

JackDaniel’s (incl Apple, Honey & Fire); ElJimador range (ex Anejo)<br />

OldForester all 700mls; Finlandia; SouthernComfort 1L<br />

$39.99 each<br />

Holly Days...<br />




03 313 7207<br />

03 302 7973<br />


03 323 8833<br />


03 349 6031<br />


03 317 9499<br />


03 3478460<br />


03 349 7337<br />


03 685 8061<br />


03 684 3566<br />


03 982 1753<br />


03 383 2564<br />


03 260 2380<br />


03 260 1155<br />

Available from1st to 31st<strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Specials onlyavailablewhilst stockslast<br />

At participatingstores only<br />


Montaro Outdoor Lounge<br />

Low Dining Set<br />

WAS $ 2999<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

2599<br />

Cascade Outdoor 5 Piece<br />

Dining Set<br />

WAS $ 2489<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

2049<br />

Marbella Outdoor Modular<br />

Corner Chaise<br />

WAS $<br />

2299<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1899<br />

ALL RIVO<br />

ON SALE!<br />

MIAMI<br />

Outdoor Dining<br />

ON SALE!<br />

3Piece Dining Set – W2<strong>10</strong><br />

WAS $<br />

2099<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1749<br />

3 Seater Electric<br />

Recliner NOW $ 1999<br />

2Seater Electric<br />

Recliner<br />

NOW $<br />

1799<br />

3Piece Dining Set<br />

–W180<br />

WAS $ 1749<br />

NOW<br />

$<br />

1399<br />

ON SALE!<br />






LATEX<br />

1/2 ORIGINAL<br />

PRICE!<br />

BuyNZMAde!<br />

Queen Mattress<br />

FROM $<br />

1649<br />

Shop<br />

Online<br />

Nationwide<br />

Delivery<br />

Finance<br />

Options<br />

moresuperdealsonline&instore!<br />


Come&checkout<br />

ournewSTORE!<br />

targetfurniture.co.nz<br />

250 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 0800TARGET (0800 827438)<br />

Offers and product prices advertised here expire 17/12/20.<br />

Sale excludes Manchester and Accessories.

Wishingour<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>residentsavery<br />

MerryChristmasandaHappyNewYear.<br />

Mayyouhaveafabulousfestiveseasonwiththoseyoulove,<br />

welookforwardtoseeingyouin2021<br />

Lime &Super Spreading<br />

&Bulk& Cartage<br />

Spreadmar a k Certifi<br />

ed<br />

TracmapGPS Certified|FarmlandsSupplier<br />

Wishing all our clients a<br />

merry &joyful christmas<br />

Locally<br />

owned & Gary Carr 021 134 8514<br />

operated A/H 3148157<br />

Email spreadncltd@farmside.co.nz<br />

23392<strong>10</strong><br />

We operate the following machinery...<br />




And offer the following services<br />







Wishing all our clients aMerry &<br />

Safe Christmas<br />

2339209<br />

Burbidge Automotive<br />

Peter, Nikki, Scott, Tony,<br />

Simon &Paul wish everyone<br />

aMerry Christmas and a<br />

Happy New Year.<br />

Thank you for your patronage.<br />

Closed 5pm Tuesday 22 n d <strong>December</strong><br />

and Reopens Tuesday 5 t h January<br />

325 Flaxton Road • Phone 03 313 3344<br />

2339003<br />

2338969<br />

You’ll get the Best Results<br />

from the Best Lime!<br />

Our High Quality Agricultural Lime<br />

offers an outstanding<br />

99.3% level of Calcium Carbonate!<br />

We now also mix Lime, Mineral and<br />

Seed to Your Specifications.<br />

Wishing all our clients aMerryChristmas<br />

Call the specialists...<br />

022 500 6144<br />

Locally owned &<br />

operated in Waiau<br />

www.amurilime.co.nz since1945<br />

Email office@amurilime.co.nz<br />

Book in now for:<br />

• Round baling<br />

with aFusion baler<br />

• Medium square baling<br />

with on-board weight<br />

system &moisture meter<br />

• Vraking included<br />

• Wrapping to suit your<br />

requirements<br />

We wish our clients asafeand happy Christmas and<br />

ask the public to be safe on the roads especially<br />

around agricultural machinery.<br />

Pankhurst<br />

Contracting Ltd<br />

Phone 314-3595<br />

David 0274 337 004 Ben 0276 775 882<br />

2339211<br />


by Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

Four generations of Frahms since 1957<br />

Leanne and Shane<br />

Frahm wish everyone a<br />

MerryChristmas and a<br />

HappyNew Year!<br />

Thank youfor <strong>2020</strong><br />


• Traditional old fashioned<br />

Bacon &Ham curing<br />

•Home Kill<br />

“Wesell only the very<br />

best NZ grownmeat”<br />

44 Main Street,Oxford.<br />

Ph 312-4205 AH 312-4709<br />

Hours: Mon-Fri7am-5.30pm,Sat 7am-12noon<br />

2339985<br />

2339125<br />

Window<br />

MarketPlace<br />

Ross &Staff wish<br />

everyone aMerry<br />

Christmas &a<br />

Happy 2021<br />

Closed from<br />

23 rd <strong>December</strong> to<br />

11 th January<br />

215 Waltham Road, Sydenham<br />

Phone(03) (03)379-6159379-6159<br />

info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

windowmarket.co.nz<br />

simply stunning!<br />


Gift vouchers available for someone special at Xmas<br />


FREEPHONE 0508 785 2637<br />

thestjames.co.nz<br />

2340094<br />

Merry Christmas to all our customers<br />

Handknitting Kits<br />

forChristmas Gifts<br />

NEW<br />


BEST<br />


IMAGINE riding through <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s high country- South or <strong>North</strong> to Lake Tekapo in November (approx. 400km/12days)<br />

or around St. James Station in Februaryry or March (approx. 300km/11days), viewing snow capped mountains, alpine lakes,<br />

lush native bush, snow fed rivers and rugged countryside which will enchant and captivate you at every<br />

turn. Relax and unwind<br />

after an exhilarating days ride with billy boiled tea and a hearty meal. With Alpine Horse Safaris satisfaction is guaranteed.<br />

Our unequalled knowledge of the area and horses will ensure you get “THE ULTIMATE RIDE.”<br />

Trips range from 2 hours up to 12 days.<br />

Lawrie and Jenny O’Carroll p: 03 314 4293 /0800 4Alpine e: alpinehorse@amuri.net w: www.alpinehorse.co.nz<br />

2336966<br />

2335595<br />


BeverleyForrester andstaff<br />

wishyou aMerryChristmass<br />

&aHappy NewYear<br />

*Livestock*HandknittingYarns *Tours *<br />

www.blackhills.co.nz |info@blackhills.co.nz<br />

Ph 3144195|BlackHills, 701KarakaRoad,<br />

Hurunui, RD1, Hawarden 7385

Wishing our <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> residents avery<br />

Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year<br />

We thank you for your continued support throughout <strong>2020</strong><br />

–here’s to abright and prosperous 2021<br />



Closed 22 nd <strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Reopens 18 th January 2021<br />

Thank you for <strong>2020</strong><br />

Upholstery Specialists<br />

Free quotes, Pick up and<br />

Delivery<br />

32 years experience<br />

03 327-0266<br />

0274 840 159<br />

72 Otaki St, Kaiapoi<br />

recoveries@xtra.co.nz<br />

Wishes<br />

everyone a<br />

Merry Christmas<br />

and aHappy<br />

New Year<br />

2334636<br />





General Farm Maintenence - Dairy Conversions<br />

- Effluent Pond Construction<br />

• Excavators - 5 x 23 Tonne tracked excavators<br />

& 2 x 14 tonne wheeled excavators<br />

• Sakai 7 tonne double drum vibrating roller<br />

& 14 tonne construction roller<br />

• On site screening of shingle products<br />

• Cat 130G & 12H Graders<br />

• Transporter - permitted 47 tonne<br />

• Trucks<br />

Wishing all<br />

2334808<br />

Weunderstand YOUR servicing<br />

&engineering& needs<br />

Local experiencedJet JetBoater with35yearsas<br />

as<br />

aFleetMechanic/Engineer&JetBoatrepairer<br />

027457 8320 or 03 3144449<br />

hurunuijet@gmail.com<br />

wishing all our clientsamerry&happy christmas<br />

Jet Boat Servicing • Engineering • Truck Repairs<br />

Shane Dwyer<br />

Ph 0274 661 025<br />

our clients<br />

aMerry<br />

Christmas<br />

Blue Lewis<br />

Ph 0275 258 358<br />

2338326<br />

Comfort, Style &Indulgence<br />

in the heart of Hanmer<br />

at unbelievably good rates<br />

Boutique boardroom for intimate &corporate<br />

functions, Family Gatherings –Celebrations -<br />

Management &Training Retreats<br />

E: info@clearridge.co.nz |W:www.clearridge.co.nz<br />

T: +64 (3) 3155144 |Reservations NZ: 0800 555 596.<br />

A: 28 Jacks Pass Road | Hanmer Springs 7334 | NZ.<br />

Thank you to all over 65 that asked<br />

Rob Driver, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Painter to do painting work for them<br />

and receivede<br />

big labour discounts<br />

s<br />

my clients<br />

Availabl<br />

e over<br />

the<br />

festiveseason<br />

Taking boo<br />

ookings<br />

for th<br />

eNew Ye<br />

ar<br />

Robin Driver<br />

03 327 7899 or<br />

027 432 3520<br />

2335014<br />

350<br />

Catering as required<br />

1&2Bedroom Apartments -Spa<br />

◆ Wishing Everyone aMerry &Safe Christmas ◆<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Your classic<br />

countrypub<br />

40 seat restaurant, with great<br />

food &fresh ingredients<br />

sunny outdoor garden setting<br />

home of the $12 lunch<br />

old style country<br />

accommodation<br />

only 35 minutes drive from<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

Lunch 11am-2.30pm; Dinner<br />

5.00-8.30pm Every Day<br />

03 3158028<br />

info@<br />

culverdenhotel.co.nz<br />

2336967<br />




Purpose built storage units -6mtr x3mtr<br />

long or short term -whole or part unit<br />

Competitive rates from just $30 per week!<br />

Wishing all our customers aMerry Christmas<br />

&safe holidays<br />

Mon -Fri DailyFreight Ch-Ch to Hanmer<br />

Local knowledge &Friendly service<br />

Hanmer Haulage &Storage<br />

Ph 0274 325 345<br />

Email hanmerhaulage@xtra.co.nz<br />






Waikari track rock is<br />

lighter and goes further<br />

than competing lane<br />

rock products<br />




Wishing everyone a<br />

Merry and Safe Christmas<br />

ph: 021 059 5521 |em: scc@unifone.net.nz<br />

2336272<br />

2336273<br />

Karetu Downs Farmstay,located near the stunning WaiparaGorge, is a<br />

luxury B&B offering twoboutique rooms in the <strong>10</strong>0-year-old homestead.<br />

The elegant Louisa suite, with ensuiteand ownprivatelounge,<br />

or the colonial Musterersquarters, with super-king bed,<br />

ensuiteand kitchenette.<br />

Karetu garden and gift shop is nowopen by appointment.<br />

Please phone or email Karentomakeabooking. Afternoon/morning<br />

teas and lunches canbeprovided by arrangement.<br />

Forthe ultimateescape, visit Karetu Downs fora<br />

“uniquecountryexperience”.<br />

2335033<br />

Have asafeand happyholiday season<br />

Website: www.karetudowns.co.nz<br />

Ph: Karenand BruceForrester 03 314 4584<br />

Email: karen@karetudowns.co.nz<br />

Facebook.com/karetudownsfarmstay<br />

Wishes everyone a<br />

Merry Christmas and a<br />

Happy New Year<br />

Thank you for your<br />

loyalty in <strong>2020</strong><br />

Closed Stats, Friday 25th to<br />

Monday 28th <strong>December</strong>,<br />

1st January to 4th January<br />

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 327 8155<br />

admin@kae.nz<br />

The Management and Staff at<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />

wish the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> community avery<br />

Merry Christmas and aHappy NewYear.<br />

Thankyou to our wonderful advertisers, readers anddeliverers<br />

foryourcontinued supportthroughout <strong>2020</strong>.We’re looking<br />

forward to continuingto connect andinform youall in 2021.<br />

Last Issue <strong>2020</strong>: 22nd <strong>December</strong><br />

First Issue 2021: 14th January<br />

For all urgent enquiries,please<br />

email the Managing Editor:<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

2335743<br />


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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

33<br />

Fenced off ... Kaikoura’s Wakatu Quay will be open for the summer, but some parts will<br />

remain off limits as work continues on the site.<br />

* #<br />

Quay to be reborn<br />


The publicwill get achance to visualise<br />

the potential of Kaikoura’s Wakatu Quay<br />

when the areaopens on Friday,<br />

<strong>December</strong> 11.<br />

The site willbeopen to the publicfor the<br />

firsttime since the demolition and<br />

removal of three derelict buildings.<br />

The demolition of the buildings is partof<br />

the $<strong>10</strong>.98 millionKaikoura Marine<br />

Development Project funded by the<br />

government’s Provincial Growth Fund.<br />

The site has beencleared to ground<br />

leveland the design conceptphaseis<br />

readytobegin.<br />

The project team willbeseeking ideas<br />

from the communityearlynext year for<br />

what could be built on the site. Feedback<br />

can be made via the Kaikoura District<br />

Council’s website and Facebook pages,<br />

project leader Chris Sturgeon says.<br />

Two areas still requireremedial work<br />

and will be fencedoff, withwork to be<br />

completedinthe New Year.<br />

How Marvel Health<br />

scan screens the<br />

body forthe causes<br />

of gut symptoms<br />

and diseases<br />

Gutand Digestivediseasescan causemany<br />

differentsymptoms, includingstomach pain,<br />

bloating,abdominal cramps andgas,diarrhoea,<br />

constipation,joint pain,skinproblemsand weight<br />

lossorgain. Andgut diseases have many varied<br />

underlying causes.<br />

Food allergies andFood additive sensitivities<br />

areacommoncause of gutdiseases. Intolerances<br />

to lactose in milk andgluten in wheatare some<br />

of themorecommonfood intolerances.The<br />

marvel health scan detects intolerances to over 250<br />

differentfoods, food additives andchemicals.<br />

Microbes such as bacteria, fungiand parasites<br />

cancause gutdiseases.<br />

The bacteria Helicobacter Pylori willcause<br />

stomach pain,nauseaand stomachulcers.E<br />

Coli causes gastroenteritisleadingtodiarrhoea,<br />

vomiting and stomach cramps. The Marvel<br />

Health Scan detects over 150 harmfulmicrobes.<br />

Adequate nutrientlevels arecrucial fora<br />

healthygut,and nutrientdeficiencies will cause<br />

gutproblems. Zinc is essential forproducing<br />

digestive enzymes, andmagnesium prevents<br />

constipation.<br />

Marvel health scan checksfor thedeficiencies<br />

of dozensofessential nutrients.<br />

Marvel Health Scan performs athoroughand<br />

detailedexaminationofthe bodytodetermine<br />

thelikelycausesofgut diseases andsymptoms.<br />

“Togetherwith the Kaikoura Marine<br />

Development GovernanceGroup, we have<br />

developed avision for Wakatu Quay,’’ Mr<br />

Sturgeon says. ‘‘It’ssuch aspecial area<br />

with alot of cultural historyand aunique<br />

identity.Wewant the site to reflect this<br />

and be an assetfor our community.”<br />

Any new projects for the sitewill need to<br />

be economically viableand attract visitors<br />

to Kaikoura,hesays.<br />

‘‘At the sametimethis is an opportunity<br />

to create aspace for everyone to enjoy —<br />

aspecial area that celebrates our sense of<br />

place and is avibrantgatheringpoint.”<br />

Once initial feedback has been received,<br />

the council will seek expressionsof<br />

interest. There is not expected to be any<br />

construction on the site until towards the<br />

end of nextyear or earlyin2022.<br />

“We recognisedthat avisit to Wakatu<br />

Quay and walking aroundthe wharf is an<br />

activitythat manyfamilies enjoy over the<br />

Christmas period, so we wantedtoensure<br />

the sitewas open to the public in timefor<br />

this,”MrSturgeonsays.<br />


Some of the investigationsperformed<br />

duringthe scan are:<br />

•Examinationofthe digestive systemand organs<br />

includingstomach,intestines, pancreas,liver<br />

•Detection of Microbes -Bacteria, viruses&fungi<br />

•Detection of Food Allergens such as milk,<br />

wheat, nuts,cosmetics, household cleaning<br />

agents etc<br />

•Detection of Food AdditivesSensitivities<br />

includingfoodchemicals<br />

•NutrientDeficiencies<br />

•Presumptive Diseases present and<br />

complications.<br />

•Non-invasive blood test<br />

Ourdoctorsand specialistsstudy thereports<br />

from thescanand guideyou in ways to support<br />

thehealingofthe body.<br />



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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

35<br />

Pair pedal in support of farmers<br />


Two <strong>North</strong> Island farmers’<br />

daughtersare riding the length<br />

of the country to support<br />

farmer mental health.<br />

Ashlee Paulsenand Minna<br />

Wilson cycled through <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> last weekontheir<br />

journey from Cape Reingato<br />

Blufftoraiseawareness of<br />

farmer suicide.<br />

‘‘We are both farmers’<br />

daughtersand we grew up on<br />

sheepand beeffarms in<br />

central HawkesBay, so we are<br />

awareabout ruralmental<br />

health, but it’s not talked<br />

about,’’Ashlee says.<br />

‘‘Butsince we’vebeen on the<br />

road so many peoplehave<br />

come forwardand sharedtheir<br />

stories.’’<br />

The pair, who have been<br />

closefriends since theywere<br />

toddlers, decided to take time<br />

out from their jobs.<br />

Ashlee is aregistered nurse<br />

at WaikatoHospital in<br />

Hamilton, whileMinna is a<br />

senior adviser in the Ministry<br />

of Health’s Covid­19<br />

Directorate in Wellington.<br />

‘‘We decided to bikearound<br />

the country and why not do it<br />

for agreat cause?’’ Ashlee said.<br />

‘‘I’ve been working on Covid<br />

sinceFebruary, doing <strong>10</strong> to 12<br />

hour days,sotoget this time<br />

away from work has been<br />

really good for our mental<br />

health,’’Minna says.<br />

The publicresponse has<br />

beenoverwhelmingly positive,<br />

aside from motorists at the top<br />

of the <strong>North</strong> Island who were<br />

lessthan friendly.<br />

‘‘Weare having alot of fun<br />

and meetinglots of people,’’<br />

Ashlee says.<br />

‘‘The people we’vemet in the<br />

South Island havebeen so<br />

friendly.’’<br />

One highlight was getting<br />

invited to speak to the children<br />

at Kaihere School, asmall<br />

rural school near Morrinsville.<br />

‘‘They made us lunch.<br />

‘‘It was so sweet and they<br />

were so lovely.’’<br />

While passing through <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, the pair received a<br />

mayoralreception from<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan<br />

Gordon and called into<br />

Compass FM.<br />

Thepair havebeen backed<br />

by support crews, withAshlee’s<br />

parentsproviding support<br />

through the <strong>North</strong> Island and<br />

Minna’s parents following<br />

themthrough the South Island.<br />

Along the journey,the pair<br />

have beenraising funds for the<br />

charity Surfing for Farmers.<br />

‘‘It’s the perfectthing for<br />

farmers,’’ Ashlee says.<br />

‘‘They don’t havetotalk<br />

about their feelings. They just<br />

getout on the waves, have<br />

some fun, meet otherfarmers,<br />

andhave abarbecue.<br />

‘‘Community is the most<br />

important thing. Beingaround<br />

peopleand making<br />

connections.’’<br />

On the road ... Ashlee Paulsen, left, and Minna Wilson stop off in<br />

Kaikoura last week during their ‘‘Making Waves, Riding Bikes’’ tour.<br />


The journey, Making Waves.<br />

RidingBikes has asocialmedia<br />

presence on Facebook and<br />

Instagram. They also havea<br />

Givealittle pagetosupport<br />

Surfing for Farmers at<br />

givealittle.co.nz/cause/<br />

making­waves­riding­bikes.<br />


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36 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

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Environmentally friendly ... Kaikoura plains farmers have been working to reduce their environmental impact.<br />

Environmental efforts pay off<br />


Kaikoura farmers are doing their bit for<br />

their environment.<br />

The Kaikoura Plains Recovery Project<br />

team has been supporting landowners to<br />

reduce their impact on the environment<br />

as part of their recovery from the<br />

November 2016 earthquake.<br />

After the 2016 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

earthquake, astudy was undertaken to<br />

assess the damage, habitat, and health of<br />

streams in Kaikoura’s Lyell Creek/<br />

Staff and Management<br />

would like to wish you averyMerry<br />

Christmas and Happy New Year.<br />

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Waikoau catchment. ‘‘Critical source<br />

areas’’ were identified, including newly<br />

created springs, bank slumping, erosion<br />

and <strong>10</strong>4 overland flow paths.<br />

Project manager Jodie Hoggard says<br />

managing these areas can be relatively<br />

straightforward by starting small.<br />

“Getting in touch with your local<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ECan) office<br />

can be agood first step.<br />

‘‘There are lots of people there ready<br />

and willing to help you find good<br />

methods for protecting our precious wai<br />

(water).”<br />

Such areas can include pugged areas,<br />

raceways, stock crossings, and springs,<br />

which often form in low­lying parts of<br />

farms such as gullies.<br />

They carried contaminants such as<br />

nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment,<br />

which impacts the water clarity, quality,<br />

and freshwater biodiversity values.<br />

By managing critical source areas,<br />

sediment and nutrient loss can be<br />

reduced and water quality improved.<br />

It can also help farmers to meet good<br />

management practice and the conditions<br />

of their Farm Environment Plan.<br />

The project has worked, with ECan<br />

and local landowners showing on two<br />

demonstration sites how simple<br />

interventions such as fencing and<br />


planting can reduce the impacts of<br />

sedimentation and erosion.<br />

One site was awetland area on asmall<br />

sheep and beef farm on the Kaikoura<br />

Flats. The work was undertaken on<br />

about 1800 square metres and flows into<br />

Warrens Creek.<br />

The first step was to remove stock and<br />

fence off the area to allow it to<br />

regenerate, Mrs Hoggard said.<br />

“By removing stock, we saw a<br />

significant growth of cutty grass (Carex<br />

geminata)which provides great filtering<br />

qualities, stabilises banks, enhances<br />

biodiversity and mahinga kai values,<br />

and increases habitat for native bird and<br />

animal species.”<br />

Willow control was also completed.<br />

The second site, Maghera farm, has<br />

more than 3500 square metres of<br />

waterways across <strong>10</strong> critical source<br />

areas, making it one of the most<br />

significant in the catchment.<br />

The dairy farm sits alongside 507<br />

metres of spring­fed stream flowing into<br />

Lyell Creek/ Waikoau.<br />

Acommunity planting day was<br />

organised by ECan and Fonterra, and<br />

more than 600 metres of fencing was<br />

completed, with 500 sedges, shrubs and<br />

trees planted to improve water quality<br />

and biodiversity values.<br />

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Rangiora Toyota<br />

Heat applied by Stove<br />

crucial to win at Oxford<br />

Ahalf­century and five­wicket haul by Oxford­<br />

Rangiora all­rounder LachieStove helped guide his<br />

side to a156­rundemolition of Cheviot in the latest<br />

roundofcountry cricket at the weekend.<br />

Stove’s stellar effortsecured Oxford­Rangiora a<br />

needed win in the CRV Ambreed Country Premier<br />

One Day <strong>2020</strong>/21competition on Saturday,which<br />

also saw top points forWeedons and Darfield.<br />

The struggle for playerscontinued for embattled<br />

Southbrook, whichwas forced to default for the<br />

second week running. In doing so, it handed the<br />

points, and aweekend off, to arch­rivalsSefton.<br />

Decision rued<br />

At Oxford’s PearsonPark, the visiting Cheviot<br />

Magpies may have rued the decision to bowlfirst,<br />

with the Oxford­RangioraXIrackingup211/9.<br />

Afteraggressive opener JakeWaghorngot Oxford­<br />

Rangiora off to aflyer with arun­a­ball39, it was<br />

Stove, batting at No. 4, who did the mostdamage.<br />

Stove, who joined Oxford­Rangiora this season<br />

from Weedons,took the attacktoadepleted Cheviot<br />

side,smashing66off 80 balls,including three sixes.<br />

With his tailup, Stove then took the new ball to rip<br />

through theCheviot top­order,takingaremarkable<br />

five­wicket bag in justfour overs.<br />

Mark Murphy’s wilyoff­spinners thenmopped up<br />

the sorry Cheviotinnings, which capitulated to be<br />

allout for 55 in just 18.5 overs.<br />

Darfield’s momentum<br />

At Lincoln Domain, the home team electedtobat<br />

firstagainst Darfield,and wouldhave been happy<br />

with its first­innings totalof211/6.<br />

LincolnopenerHugh Paterson batted masterfully<br />

and deservedacentury, falling just short on 97.<br />

The Darfield chase, after losing Liam Foulkes<br />

cheaply, got off to aflying start withNick Gilbert(23<br />

Percival St, Rangiora<br />

(03) 313-8186<br />

www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Proudly supportingsport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />



‘Tween’ K/Single size<br />

LofeBed $<br />

1139<br />

‘Porter’ corner suite<br />

runs off 21 balls) andNick Jenkins (34 off 31).<br />

Ryan Hughes,makinganunbeaten 76, came in<br />

and kept the momentum going, along with keeperbatsman<br />

Alister Collins, who was alsonot out on 32<br />

when Darfieldknockedoff the five­wicket win with<br />

12.4 overs to spare.<br />

Comfortable win<br />

With competition leaders Leeston­Southbridge<br />

having the bye,second­placed Weedonskept up the<br />

pressure with afine 111­run victory over Ohoka.<br />

At Weedons Domain, the home sideracked up an<br />

imposing 274/7 in its first innings.<br />

Set up by aquick 65 by opener Brad Nightingale,<br />

Weedons got handy contributions throughoutthe<br />

order, with61byCharlie Robsonand an unbeaten<br />

45 off 38 ballsbyDevon Nightingale.<br />

In reply, Ohoka never really lookedlike<br />

challenging the big score, with too many batsmen<br />

guilty of getting out aftermakingstarts.<br />

Likeits batting effort, Weedonsworkedtogether<br />

as aunit to strangle Ohokaand eventually bowl the<br />

sideout for 163 in the 37thover to securea111­run<br />

victory.<br />

Shortscorecards:<br />

Oxford­Rangiora211/9 (L Stove 66, JWaghorn 39,<br />

MPower 23no, LWaghorn 21; TFitzpatrick 3/26, W<br />

Inch2/22, CBurnett 2/35) beatCheviot 55 (L Stove<br />

5/16, MMurphy3/12).<br />

Lincoln 211/6 (H Paterson 97, RSporke28, C<br />

Powell 20) losttoDarfield 212/5(RHughes 76no, N<br />

Jenkins 34, ACollins32no, NGilbert 23;LRobinson<br />

2/29).<br />

Weedons274/7(BNightingale 65, CRobson 61, D<br />

Nightingale 45no,TInness28, JWatson 20no; R<br />

Miller 2/26, JBelton 2/58) beatOhoka163 (R Miller<br />

27, NBurnett 25, DLyons 20; CRobson 3/16,D<br />

Nightingale 2/19,JWatson 2/20,HDArcy 2/41).<br />

Southbrook defaulted to Sefton.<br />

‘Terrazzo’table<br />


Amberley Golf Club<br />

Men’s Sponsored Tournament<br />

Gross: Jed Robertson (69), Phil<br />

Stephens(70), ShaunAllan (71);<br />

Nett: Freeman Fang(68), Chris<br />

Manson (70); Senior: Lance Gahan<br />

(70), Ricky Walker (73), Peter Lund<br />

(73), DeanWilliams(74), Nigel<br />

Scrimgeour (74); Intermediate:<br />

Charlie Su (71), Phil Johnson (71),<br />

Karl Rattray (72), Graham Smith<br />

(73), Dean Walker (75);Junior:<br />

BlairCook(71), KevinGussette<br />

(71), James Robinson (72), Neil<br />

Rhynd (72), Steven Cole (74);<br />

Longest Drive: Will Bastings;<br />

Nearest to Pin (3): Doug<br />

McDougall; Nearest to Pin (6):<br />

Dean Walker; Nearest to Pin(9):<br />

DaveVan Turnhout; Nearest to<br />

Pin (<strong>10</strong>): Brandon Parker; Nearest<br />

to Pin (17): Sam Kennedy; Longest<br />

Putt: Sam Kennedy.<br />

Club Day Saturday<br />

(Presidents vCaptains ­matchplay<br />

with shots): Presidents 12.5,<br />

Captains 8.5. Winning Team: M<br />

Neale, PCumming, IHolding, R<br />

Wilshire,BRayner,GMcGeddie,<br />

MMcIntosh, GWilliams, K<br />

Gussette,WVanZuylen, LMarsh,<br />

JRobertson, Dave Rowell, B<br />

Minnery, NGee, MCattier, A<br />

Wilshire,JMorgan, ALittle,B<br />

Scott,KPepper.<br />

9Hole Men (nett); Val Crooks(34),<br />

Kingsley Howie (35), Owen<br />

Patchett (35).<br />

Mid week Men Stableford; Gary<br />

Blackler(44),Brian Logan(41),<br />

Brian Gill (40).<br />

Open ChristmasTournament<br />

Men, division 1­BestGross:Roger<br />

Hornblow (77). Best Nett: Bill<br />

Balderstone (70). Nett ­runner­up:<br />

Patrick Guo (71). Stableford<br />

winner:MartinAston (36 c/b).<br />

‘Watson’ Trestle<br />

Desk/Console<br />

Men, division 2­BestGross: Neil<br />

Rhynd(83). Best Nett: Bruce<br />

Yates (69 c/b). Nett­runner up:<br />

John Wormald(69 c/b). Stableford<br />

winner: Kevin Kennedy(36 c/b).<br />

Ladies ­BestGross:Lyn<br />

Robertson (85). BestNett:Tracy<br />

Gao(64). Nett­runnerup:<br />

Barbara Scott (67), Stableford<br />

winner: LilyDenby (40).<br />

Nine hole men (stableford);<br />

Heather Kemp(19), Val Crooks<br />

(18).<br />

Mid­week men’sstableford;Gary<br />

Blackler(36), DaveRowell(36),<br />

Bill Balderstone (35), Kevin<br />

Kennedy(35).<br />

Rangiora Bridge Club<br />

Grey Pairs: <strong>North</strong>/South:Rose<br />

Fahey/Ruth Boulton 1,Noreen<br />

Thompson/LyndaCameron2,<br />

JudithCalder/Beverley Brain 3.<br />

East/West: Ken Johns/JackLyon1,<br />

JoyceGray/Dawn Simpson2,<br />

Frances McDowall/Virginia<br />

Ffitch3.<br />

Monday, November 30: N/S: Jean<br />

Chatterton/GaynorHurford 1,<br />

Judith Calder/Junette McIntyre 2,<br />

Robin Hassall/Sue McIlroy 3. E/W:<br />

Bruce Whiteman/Noel Bain 1,<br />

Beverley Brain/Heather Waldron<br />

2, Liz Duke/Dave Tocker 3.<br />

Monday Evening: N/S: Kate<br />

Whitehead/Anne Bagrie 1, Marke<br />

Apperley/Janet Apperley 2, Gavin<br />

Dunnett/Noel Langdon 3. E/W:<br />

Annette Caldwell/Gail Dunlop1,<br />

Lindsey Sigglekow/Liz Calder 2,<br />

Gerard McRae/DenisMilne 3.<br />

Christmaspairs:N/S:Tony<br />

Biddington/DaveTocker1,Judith<br />

Calder/Dawn Simpson, Shirley<br />

Symns/Sarah Waldron equal 2.<br />

E/W:Joyce Gray/Heather Waldron<br />

1, GaynorHurford/Liz Duke2,<br />

RichardLuisetti/Derek Wilson 3.<br />

‘Tudor’ OakEntertainment Unit<br />

Quartz<br />

top<br />

$<br />

2899<br />

$<br />

999<br />

Natural Oak<br />

$<br />

899 1800 wide<br />

$<br />

659<br />

‘Swivel’corner suite<br />

‘Butterflly’<br />

Chair<br />

‘Alfie’<br />

3Seater<br />

in Analine<br />

Leather<br />

‘Woodenforge’<br />

DisplayCabinet<br />

Brass Walnut<br />

TV stand<br />

Super sturdy construction<br />

$<br />

949<br />

$<br />

259<br />

Black/<br />

Russett<br />

$<br />

2669 $<br />

1489<br />

‘Albury’ Tallboy<br />

‘Starstream’Single Sofabed<br />

‘Irish Coast’<br />

CoffeeTable<br />

‘Tudor’ Oak<br />

Nest of Tables<br />

‘Woodenforge’<br />

Bench Seat<br />

$<br />

639<br />

$<br />

<strong>10</strong>99<br />

$<br />

699<br />

$<br />

439<br />

$<br />

1299<br />

$<br />

299<br />

‘Fuji’ Oak Bar Stools<br />

‘Brompton’Queen<br />

Bed<br />

‘Brompton’ Tallboy<br />

‘Brompton’Bedside<br />

Cabinet<br />

‘Kingston’<br />

Tallboy<br />

‘Irish Coast’Buffet<br />

‘IrishCoast’<br />

Display<br />

$<br />

849<br />

$<br />

699<br />

$<br />

289<br />

$<br />

329<br />

$<br />

1489<br />

$<br />

1299<br />

$<br />

179<br />

140 Brighton Mall<br />


$<br />

60<br />

Check allthese and hundredsmore<br />

greatbargainsonour website<br />

www.bestfurniture.co.nz<br />

Tel: 388 9128<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


Recipe for relaxation<br />

5Collins Drive, Waikuku Beach<br />

First home buyers, young families and those looking to build their portfolios will all be drawn to our feature listing, a<br />

robustly constructed home located just astones throw from the beach and within easy reach of ahost of convenient<br />

amenities.<br />

Three bedrooms are complemented by awell-appointed bathroom and aseparate toilet, with the sunroom adding<br />

options and versatility. Expansive, open-plan living areas feature crisp neutral decor and benefit from the presence of<br />

awet-back log burner.<br />

Outside, the thoughtfully configured grounds feature asun-drenched deck, thriving vegetable gardens and amultitude<br />

of established trees, while adouble garage completes the appeal.<br />

Spend your weekends enjoying quality time with the family in the beautiful parks and reserves which are just around<br />

the corner, orfill your lungs with fresh air as you wander orcycle along the walkways that frame the beach and the<br />

river.<br />

Imagine raising aglass of something tasty -toasting the sun, sea, sand and sensational lifestyle this home has<br />

brought to you and your family. Now, pop back to reality and experience this stunning home for yourself. It’s here,<br />

waiting, but not for long...<br />

Auction<br />

17 <strong>December</strong> 6pm<br />

For more information contact:<br />

Sally Davies<br />

sally.davies@pb.co.nz<br />

027 359 5509<br />

Property Brokers Ltd<br />

Website ID #RU79835<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Burnt Hill 111 Kiri Kiri Road<br />

Versatile Small Farm<br />

Due to healthconcernsthe Vendor has madeavery reluctantdecisiontosell. This 27 hectare holding is well subdivided into 12<br />

main paddockswith central lane and superb shelter throughout.Ample shedding and infrastructure for ablock of this scale<br />

including woolshed, implement shed,workshop,sheepand cattle yards. Stock and domestic waterisprovided via the local<br />

scheme witharestricted supply of 5units day. Athree bedroom permanentmaterialhomewithunattached garage is sited in a<br />

sheltered settingand is arenovators dream. Historically run as afattening unitthe Lismore soils providefor versatility either as<br />

astarterfarm,calf rearing, strategic adjunct foralargeroperationorPotential lifestyle subdivision (subject to Council<br />

approval). Handily locatedtothe Servicetown of Oxford and45 minutestoChristchurch 111 Kiri Kiri Road. Aversatile property<br />

worthy of inspection. Tender closing 2pm 16th <strong>December</strong><strong>2020</strong>.<br />

3 1 1<br />

Tender closes Wednesday 16th <strong>December</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 2.00pm<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/DFR77857<br />

Matt Collier<br />

M 027 205 6626<br />

E mattc@pb.co.nz<br />

Malcolm Garvan<br />

M 027 231 4425<br />

E malcolmg@pb.co.nz<br />

Springfield<br />

Your propertywillbein<br />

good hands with aProperty<br />

Manager from Property Brokers<br />

Canyou risk nothaving aPropertyManager?<br />

Areyou familiar with thelatest legalrequirements of theResidentialTenancies<br />

Actand theHealthy HomesAct,aswellasthe penalties landlordsface?<br />

Do youknowwhatyour obligations arefor insulation?Asbestos?<br />

SmokeAlarms? AndHealth&Safety?<br />

Do youhavethe time to checkrentpaymentsfor your property,<br />

addressmaintenance issues immediately, havekeyscut,<br />

andattend viewings?<br />

Call todayfor achat<br />

or anoobligation, free<br />

rental marketappraisal.<br />

BIG DIPPER LTD -Central and <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Afantastic opportunity to purchase areliable andconsistent cash flow<br />

business due to retiring Vendors. Thesale of the business will include a<br />

strongand loyal client list, well maintained plant and two young and<br />

well trainedhuntaway's.The Vendor will providetraining in the first<br />

seasonifrequired to ensure asmooth transition for intending<br />

purchasers. If you enjoy working with sheep and meeting greatpeople<br />

then this flexible andmobile business could be awell suited stand<br />

alone or adjunct for an existing contracting business.<br />

For Sale $<strong>10</strong>0,000 +GST (if any)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/DFC79795<br />

Matt Collier<br />

M 027205 6626<br />

Dale Quaife<br />

Property Manager<br />

M 021406 686<br />

P 03 3138022<br />

E dquaife@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rangiora 8Andrew Street<br />

Toot for<br />

Tucker<br />

Food Bank Appeal<br />

Proudly sponsoredbyPropertyBrokers for<strong>10</strong>years!<br />

Rangiora |Oxford |Pegasus |Woodend |Amberley<br />

Thank youfor supporting<br />

Toot forTucker <strong>2020</strong><br />

Central Location -One Bedroom Wonder!<br />

When location is so important, you will not find better. Nestled in the<br />

heart of Rangiora is this arealgem. Take ashort stroll and you will be<br />

in the town center. The 98sm homeisset on 678m2and has one<br />

spacious bedroom with built-in storage, alovely largeliving room<br />

opensout to the compact well-planted garden. The living-dining room<br />

is openplan and leadstoagreat kitchen. Thehome is verywell heated<br />

and is double glazed. The carport is ideal to store acaravan or trailer<br />

plus asingle garage. Invitingoffers over$355,000.<br />

1 1 2 1<br />

Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 15th<br />

<strong>December</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm<br />

View Sat 12 Dec 3.00 -4.00pm<br />

Sun 13 Dec 11.00 -12.00pm<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU79267<br />

BevWright<br />

M 027434 2486<br />

Oxford 3933 South Eyre Road<br />

Hawarden 193 Bentleys Road<br />

Productive 41 hectares<br />

Rarelyavailable <strong>10</strong>1acre block, with executive home and good<br />

infrastructure is availablefor buyersneeding morethan alifestyle<br />

block.Situatedjust seven kilometres from Oxford,itis an easy<br />

commute to Darfield or the ski fields. The spacious homestead has<br />

double glazing in the living area with alarge log-burner, four good<br />

sized double bedrooms, master bedroom with walk in robeand<br />

ensuite. The bathroomshave been recentlyupdatedand new carpet<br />

has been laid throughoutthe home.<br />

4 2 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Friday 18th<br />

<strong>December</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR79797<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Permanent Material Gem<br />

This low maintenance permanentmaterial threebedroom,brick clad<br />

home of 145m2plus garage, as well as asleepout with bathroom on<br />

4.6653haofland,isyourchance to get on the lifestyle property<br />

ladder. The house is very well maintained and featuresRimufloors and<br />

extensiveuse of Rimu paneling and doors in thekitchen. The kitchen<br />

dining areaand theloungeshare aKent Duo log-burner and thereisa<br />

heat-pump and ceiling fan in thelounge. Thelarge master bedroom,<br />

loungeand dining rooms all have direct access to thedeck.<br />

3 1 2 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Tuesday 22nd<br />

<strong>December</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at 4.00pm, (unless<br />

sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RL79895<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

HamishAnderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


Harcourts Four Seasons<br />

P0800 789 <strong>10</strong>11<br />

Enter our colouring competition and you could WIN!<br />

To enter simply scan orphotograph your entry and post toour Facebook page Harcourts Four Seasons Realty or drop off to your local<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Officein(Belfast,Kaiapoi, Hanmer Springs, Hornby, Lincoln, Rangiora, Rolleston or The Palms) before 11.00amFriday<br />

18 th <strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong>. Winning entries will benotified onMonday 21 st <strong>December</strong> by phone and displayed onour Facebook page. Additional<br />

entry forms can befound onour Facebook, Instagram and web page - harcourtsfourseasons.co.nz or collected from any ofthe above<br />

offices. Prizes: Winningentries in each agegroup will receive vouchersfromThe Warehouse: 1 st $20, 2 nd $15 and 3ʳᵈ $<strong>10</strong>.<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Name:<br />

Age(pleasetick one) 0-5years 6-9years <strong>10</strong> -14<br />

Parent/Guardian Name:<br />

Parent/Guardian Telephone:<br />

Your home forlocal property<br />

Four Seasons Realty2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Only Final Touches Remain for Ivory Street<br />

The upgrade ofIvory Street is nearing completion.<br />

Road resurfacing is finished and next steps include<br />

installing traffic islands, road marking, and painting<br />

the islands and cycle lane.<br />

Anew pedestrian refuge island will be installed<br />

just north of the Collins Street intersection and<br />

three pedestrian islands will be reinstated at<br />

their previous locations at the Queen Street<br />

intersection, outside 58 Ivory Street and 45 Ivory<br />

Street.<br />

Senior Engineering Advisor Don Young says, “We<br />

really appreciate the work has been noisy and<br />

difficult for residents for some months now -<br />

specifically the recent night works. Unfortunately,<br />

night time was the only option for this work due to<br />

the busyness of the road.”<br />

Next week we will complete road marking with<br />

the painting of the islands and have acycle lane<br />

coming in early January.<br />

Installation of the traffic islands started on8<br />

<strong>December</strong> and continues for 2-3 nights, although<br />

this is weather dependant. The timing of works<br />

is from 3am to 7am on Ivory Street, and 3am to<br />

<strong>10</strong>am on Queen Street. The construction will be<br />

completed during this time to minimise disruption<br />

to traffic and local businesses.<br />

Ivory Street will be one lane during these hours,<br />

with stop/go traffic management and atemporary<br />

speed limit of 30km will also be in place.<br />

Queen Street will be closed from the Ivory Street<br />

intersection back to the KFC entrance during<br />

installation of the pedestrian refuge island.<br />

Feedback Sought on New Features for<br />

Millton Memorial Park<br />

The Council are asking the community to share<br />

feedback on adra Master Plan for Millton<br />

Memorial Park in Rangiora, as it looks to further<br />

develop the area north of the existing dog park.<br />

The dra plan features anarboretum (a botanical<br />

garden devoted to trees), dog agility area, and<br />

an area for the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Model Railway<br />

Club to lease. Apath would link the reserve and<br />

dog park into the wider walking and cycling trails,<br />

especially those in the Ashley/Rakahuri Regional<br />

Park.<br />

“The dra plan gives an idea of what it could look<br />

like and the proposed location of the different<br />

features. We’re looking forward to getting<br />

feedback to see what people would like”, says<br />

Grant MacLeod, Council’s Greenspace Manager.<br />

Millton Memorial Park is areserve that currently<br />

includes the Rangiora Dog Park, Croquet and Table<br />

Bowls, Park &Ride and alarge area of leased<br />

grazing land. The area for the proposed upgrade is<br />

the remaining undeveloped part of the reserve.<br />

Feedback closes at 5pm, Friday 8January 2021.<br />

Following feedback, the Plan will be presented<br />

to the Rangiora-Ashley Community Board for<br />

consideration and final approval.<br />

Extraordinary Council<br />

Change of Start Time<br />

• Council<br />

Theextraordinary Councilmeeting<br />

previously advertised forMonday21<br />

<strong>December</strong> will nowcommenceatthe<br />

earlierstart time of 1.30pm (ratherthan<br />

previously advised2pm)and will be held in<br />

theFunctionRoomofthe Rangiora Town<br />

Hall. Theagendawillbeavailableonline<br />

from16<strong>December</strong>.<br />

All meetings are open tothe public.<br />

Agendas and minutes for the meeting<br />

can be found at: waimakariri.govt.nz<br />

Does Your Pool<br />

Fence Comply?<br />

Summer ishere and it’s important pool barriers<br />

and fencing comply with the Building Act.<br />

From JanuarytoMarch 2021 we’llbevisiting properties<br />

to check if apool is stillpresent, thetype and if the pool<br />

fence complies.<br />

We’ll leave anotice inthe letterbox aer the check, and<br />

note any items that may need tobe addressed.<br />

Why we’re doing this:<br />

• The Building Act requires us to inspect for pool<br />

barriers annually for compliance to the Building Code.<br />

Call us on 03 311 8906 if you have any questions<br />

Register your pool at waimakariri.govt.nz -<br />

keyword search Swimming Pool Registration.<br />

We’re looking to further develop Millton<br />

Memorial Park and we’d like your<br />

feedback on adra Master Plan.<br />

The proposed features include:<br />



• Adog agility area<br />

• AnArboretumcontaining exotic and native<br />

specimentrees<br />

• Anarea forthe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Model Railway<br />

Club to lease and build anew clubroom<br />

• Path networks to link everything together<br />

Let us know what you think before<br />

Friday 8January 2021.<br />

Find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Upcoming Closure<br />

Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre will be<br />

closed for scheduled maintenance<br />

from 5January 2021.<br />

Whilethere’s nogood timetoclose the pool, the<br />

holidays aretraditionally ourquietesttime.This<br />

closureallowsustocarryout maintenance,make<br />

repairsand keepour facility ingreatshapeforyears<br />

to come.<br />

Dudley Park AquaticCentre in Rangiora is available<br />

forswimming duringthis time.<br />

The Learn to Swim pool reopens on the<br />

16 January, with the rest of the facility<br />

available from 6February.<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

45<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

Liquid cartons<br />

belong in<br />

the bin.<br />

Cartons commonly<br />

used for long life<br />

milk, juice, soy and<br />

other liquids have a<br />

plastic lining.<br />

These can’t be recycled<br />

and belong in the rubbish.<br />

Remember, if in doubt<br />

throw it out.<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

C H A L L E N G E 2 0 2 0/21<br />

Four age categories from<br />

preschool to adult.<br />

Register online now –<br />

waimakariri.beanstack.org.<br />

Challenge runs from 1<strong>December</strong><br />

to20January. Win great prizes.<br />


Handover... KaikouraDistrict Councilstaff, councillors, Ngai Tahu representatives and Kaikourarunanga<br />

representativesataceremonytoreturn sacred landatOaro, south of Kaikoura, to local Maori. PHOTOS: KAIKOURADISTRICT COUNCIL<br />

Site of pa, burial ground<br />

handed back toMaori<br />


Culturally significant land near<br />

Kaikoura has been returned to<br />

localMaori.<br />

The Kaikoura District Council<br />

hosted aceremony to hand over<br />

land at Oaro,south of Kaikoura,<br />

to representativesofNgati Kuri,<br />

ahapu of Ngai Tahu.<br />

The land,subject to<br />

significantrisk of rockfalls after<br />

the 2016 earthquakes, is the site<br />

of an important pa and urupa<br />

site (burialground).<br />

It was also the siteofthe<br />

former Paua Rock Cafe and<br />

OceanviewMotel.<br />

Te Runanga oNgai Tahu<br />

archives/whakapapa senior<br />

adviser Maurice Manawatusaid<br />

the return of the land was a<br />

significantact for Ngati Kuri, as<br />

the hapu’s ancestors have lain<br />

in the ground for more than 35<br />

generations.<br />

“Thishas beensuch along<br />

time comingand we are very<br />

excited about the return of this<br />

land to our people.”<br />

Following the 2016<br />

earthquakes, central<br />

government provided funding to<br />

buy the Paua Rock Cafe and<br />

OceanviewMotel properties<br />

because of the significant risk of<br />

rockfall.<br />

The buildingswere<br />

demolished and the site<br />

returned to bare ground.<br />

Kaikoura DistrictCouncil<br />

chief executive Angela<br />

Oosthuizen and Mayor Craig<br />

Macklehostedthe ceremony,<br />

which was followed by ameal at<br />

the TakahangaMarae.<br />

Signing ... Kaikoura District Councilchief executive AngelaOosthuizen,<br />

left,Mayor Craig Mackleand Kaikoura runanga representative Hariata Kahu<br />

sign the handover documents.<br />

“I feel very privilegedtobein<br />

apositiontohand this land back<br />

to Ngati Kuri,’’ Mrs Oosthuizen<br />

said.<br />

‘‘It is asignificant momentfor<br />

everyone involved.”<br />

The local runanga plannedto<br />

plant the areawith native trees<br />

and build some chairs for<br />

reflection, Mr Manawatu said.<br />

‘‘We will maintain public<br />

accesstothis areaand<br />

providing the reflection chairs<br />

offers peopleachance to think<br />

about the cultural significance<br />

of this placeand remember<br />

those who have gone beforeus.”<br />

Other speakersincluded Ngai<br />

Tahu kaumatua Sir Tipene<br />

O’Regan, archaeologistMichael<br />

Trotter, and Kaikoura runanga<br />

representative Hariata Kahu.<br />

The Oaro site will link with<br />

the Cultural ArtworkPackage,<br />

an extensive range of culturally<br />

significant artworks dotted<br />

along the Kaikouracoastline,<br />

including pouwhenua and<br />

tekoteko (carved pillars),<br />

vapour­blastedmurals, lasercut<br />

corten steel, and<br />

informationpanels.<br />

Night work on safety canopy extended<br />

Night work to install apermanent rockfall<br />

protection canopy on State Highway 1between<br />

Peketa andthe Parititahi Tunnels southof<br />

Kaikoura has been extended to late February.<br />

New Zealand Transport Agency spokesman Colin<br />

Knaggs said there had been unexpected delays in<br />

the supply of some construction materials because<br />

of port strikes in Australia and Covid­19.<br />

Therewere alsoincreased requirements for<br />

milling and rock removal fromunforeseen<br />

fractured rock, as wellassome design changes in<br />

order to suit the physicalconditions discovered on<br />

site.<br />

Daytime work on the rockfall protection will<br />

finish for the year on <strong>December</strong> 19 andtraffic will<br />

be two­way for the Christmas/NewYearbreak, from<br />

<strong>December</strong> 20 to January 5.<br />

Night closures willresume on January 5


46 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

2340832<br />

Religious Notices<br />



• Christmas Vigil (Thursday) 6pm Amberley<br />

• Christmas Vigil (Thursday) 9pm<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

• Christmas Day (Friday) 8.30am<br />

Culverden<br />

• Christmas Day (Friday) <strong>10</strong>.30am<br />

Cheviot<br />


• 11 th <strong>December</strong> Friday 6 - 7pm<br />

Amberley<br />

• 12 th <strong>December</strong> Saturday 3.30 - 4.30pm<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

• 18 th <strong>December</strong> Friday 6.30 - 7.30pm<br />

Cheviot<br />

• 19 th <strong>December</strong> Saturday <strong>10</strong> - 11.30am<br />

Amberley<br />

2325946v2<br />

Summer reading<br />

The Waimakariri Libraries’<br />

popular summer reading<br />

programme has started.<br />

Registrations for the<br />

programme, designed to<br />

keep children and teens<br />

reading during the holidays,<br />

opened on <strong>December</strong> 1.<br />

Thoseaged up to 18 are<br />

eligible.<br />

The programme has been<br />

provided by the libraries for<br />

12 years. This year it will be<br />

run completely online<br />

through Beanstack,a<br />

specialised servicefor<br />

libraries and their usersthat<br />

offers personalised book<br />

recommendationsand<br />

specific toolsfor learning.<br />

‘‘Beanstackmakes it easy<br />

for participantsinthe<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

ANTIQUE TOOL Collector<br />

wanting to buy: Joiners’<br />

and Builders’ Tools, Metal<br />

Brace, Planes, Hand Drills,<br />

Drill Press, Scribes, Spoke<br />

Shaves, Chisels, Squares,<br />

Calipers, Tack Hammers,<br />

Screwdrivers, Saws, Wood<br />

Vice, Gand Sash Clamps,<br />

Pulleys Blow Torch, Plumb<br />

Bobs, Anvil, old style Safe,<br />

Oil Cans and Bottles; pay<br />

up to $<strong>10</strong>0 for small Miniature<br />

Tools, Violin Planes,<br />

Ivory Rulers, Jewellers’<br />

Tools etc; also old Garden<br />

Tools; buy single item,<br />

collection, workshop lots.<br />

—Ph. Murray 021-441-400.<br />

BUYING estate type old<br />

china, crystal, collectables,<br />

vases. Ph 027 350 3963, or<br />

313 1878.<br />

PRE 1990’s vehicles suitable<br />

for resurrection and<br />

restoration, not wrecking.<br />

Anything considered, dead<br />

reg ok. Ph 021 227 6878.<br />

3500 LITRE tank $500, 3<br />

phase barley crusher $500.<br />

Phone 03 312 9460.<br />

40 SHEETS corrogated<br />

iron 2.75m & 2.5m $8 a<br />

sheet. Phone 03 312 9460.<br />

7X200L steel drums. Ideal<br />

to be converted into incinerators<br />

$<strong>10</strong> per drum.<br />

Phone 027 440 1230.<br />

For Sale<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />


Coins, Nuggets wanted;<br />

pay up to $3,000 per oz<br />

Gold; $600 Sovereigns, Gold<br />

Rings; 9ct-18ct Chains,<br />

Pocket Watches, Brooches,<br />

damaged Jewellery, War/<br />

Lodge Medals, Pound<br />

Notes. —Ph. 021-051-7307.<br />


wanted by collector /seller.<br />

7&12 inch LP’S, happy to<br />

appraise. Also old guitars<br />

or amps -working, broken.<br />

Retro toys, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s<br />

&hot wheels &matchbox<br />

as well. Please call Paul<br />

022 694 5445.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

<strong>10</strong>0% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />


DOC150 traps (rats) $65 each<br />

DOC200 traps (stoats) $70 each<br />

Ashley-Rakahuri Rivercare Group<br />

contact: arrgsales@gmail.com<br />


2312759<br />

Wanted To Lease<br />

TINY HOUSE site<br />

required 12m x 7m footprint<br />

off grid but requires<br />

water. Only used once a<br />

month, 17 year old daughter<br />

and dad. Phone Warren<br />

027 433 3342.<br />

programme to earn virtual<br />

badges, ticketsfor prize<br />

draws, and real­world prizes<br />

by keeping track of their<br />

reading,’’ says Jason<br />

Clements, the Waimakariri<br />

Libraries’ learning<br />

connection co­ordinator.<br />

‘‘Readers can alsopost<br />

book reviews and keeptrack<br />

of activities they complete<br />

alongthe way,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘Research shows that<br />

summer reading<br />

programmes have apositive<br />

long­term impactonstudent<br />

achievement,’’ Jason says.<br />

To take part, go to<br />

waimakariri.beanstack.org<br />

or downloadthe Beanstack<br />

app, then register an<br />

account.<br />

2340955<br />

2340017<br />

WANTED<br />


GRASS<br />

Ph 021 462 253<br />

2340018<br />

Stock Feed<br />


Conventional (small)<br />

Or round bales.<br />

Loburn, Woodend,<br />

Kaiapoi, Ohoka areas<br />

Ph 027 478 2925<br />

or 313 7938<br />

2337334<br />



Medium square<br />

or Conventional<br />

Ph 0274 361 707<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Livestock<br />


&Wild Game<br />

Meat Processing<br />

313 0022<br />

2309602MEAT2U.NZ<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 61<strong>10</strong>.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

SALES<br />


We, at <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Seafood Market,<br />

are looking for someone<br />

to join our team in our<br />

speciality seafood shop<br />

in Rangiora. We need<br />

someone with retail/<br />

customer service<br />

experience, cashier and<br />

computer skills.<br />

For full Job<br />

Description and<br />

application either<br />

email<br />

info@seafoodmarket.<br />

co.nz or pick up from<br />

shop 2High Street,<br />

Rangiora. Closes 13th<br />

<strong>December</strong>.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Driver –Truck and Trailer<br />

We currently have an opportunity for an experienced class 5<br />

driver to join our friendly team based in Christchurch.<br />

In this role you will ensure the safe and efficient operation of<br />

ahook lifttruck and trailer unit (training provided).<br />

There is more to collecting waste than you might think, we<br />

offer late model trucks, set up with modern technologies<br />

and we all take pride in delivering an essential service to<br />

local residents and business.<br />

We can offer you.<br />

•Aplace on our fast-growing team where your safety and<br />

compliance with driving rules is paramount<br />

•Ongoing training and development<br />

•Afeeling of pride in delivering an essential service to<br />

our community and working for an organisation that is<br />

innovative and value focused<br />

•Latest technologies on board trucks<br />

•Opportunities to grow and expand your driving career<br />

To be successful in this role you need to have;<br />

•Avalid class 5licence with relevant driving experience<br />

•Relevant transportindustryknowledge and experience<br />

•You will need to be physically fit and have the ability to<br />

work both autonomously and as partofateam<br />

Benefits.<br />

In return weoffer you an opportunity to be part ofagreat<br />

team committed to providing acomprehensive one stop<br />

service to meet abroad range of facility, waste, recycling<br />

and industrial needs of our clients.<br />

About Us.<br />

Waste Management NZ Limited is New Zealand’s leading<br />

resource recovery, recycling and waste management<br />

provider. We’re committed to safeguarding our beautiful<br />

environment through sustainable management of our<br />

valuable resources. Putsimply,sustainability is what we do.<br />

We are leaders in the transport industry inNZand recently<br />

announced our move to electric trucks as part of our<br />

commitment to sustainability.<br />

To apply.<br />

The closing date for applications is Monday 21 <strong>December</strong><br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Please note -wedonot always work to fixed closing dates<br />

and may startconsidering applications as they are received,<br />

so we encourage you to apply early.<br />

Apply online www.wastemanagement.co.nz or to obtain an<br />

application formand job description, please contact:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Waste Services<br />

PO Box 142, Amberley 7441<br />

Attention: Linda Chandler<br />

Or email: lindac@cws.co.nz<br />

Or telephone: 03 359 1800<br />

WM is an EEO employer and promotes drug and alcohol-free<br />

workplaces.<br />

Only applications from those with the legal right to work in New<br />

Zealand will be considered for this position.<br />

2340016<br />

WANTED: Experienced Machine<br />

Operators, Supervisors,<br />

Experienced Grader Drivers,<br />

Labourers, Drain Layers<br />

For projects based in<br />

Wanaka and Queenstown.<br />

Good rates of pay and training opportunities<br />

with areputable locally owned company.<br />

Applicants must be innovative, physically<br />

fit, able to work unsupervised but also be a<br />

proactive team member and have acan do<br />

attitude.<br />

Please send CVto<br />

kim@wilsoncontractors.co.nz or phone<br />

027 292 9008 for more information.<br />


Earthmoving • Infrastructure • Roading<br />

Daimler Jaguar &Lanchesterowners in NZ Spare<br />

PartsClub<br />

Office Administrator<br />

Due to retirement of our office administrator we are looking<br />

to fill the position of Office administrator.This is apermanent<br />

parttime position for up to approx 20 hours per week.<br />

We are small club/business operating on Tuesday and<br />

Thursdays between the hours of 8.30 and 3.00pm, located<br />

in <strong>North</strong>wood, Belfast. The balance of the hours to suit<br />

the successful applicant are negotiable. Duties include<br />

daily invoicing &freight arrangements, banking, accounts<br />

payable, preparing our annual accounts for end of year,plus<br />

maintaining our customer data base.<br />

This position would or could suit astay at home person.<br />

For more information of to submit your application contact<br />

Peter Jenkins at, parts@daimjag.nz.<br />

2338608<br />

Public Notices<br />


“FineArtsGuild CommendedFramer”<br />

Wishes<br />

everyone<br />

aMerry<br />

Christmas and<br />

aHappy New<br />

Year<br />

Closed from Thursday 24 th <strong>December</strong> after<br />

2pm and Reopening Monday 18 th January<br />

Providing custom framing for all artwork<br />

including needlework and memorabilia<br />

6Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Papanui<br />

By the SBS Bank –Parking at rear<br />

Phone 352 7594<br />

artworkspapanui@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.artworkspictureframing.co.nz<br />

Open: Monday –Friday 9am -5pm<br />


“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

What the Bible says about the HOPE of salvation:<br />

“For we are saved by hope, but hope that is seen is<br />

not hope, for what aman seeth, why does he yet<br />

hope for? But we hope for that we see not, then do<br />

we with patience wait for it”. Romans 8:24-25.<br />




SECTION <strong>10</strong>1, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

Anthony Cross /51Main St /<br />

Owner has made application<br />

to the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora<br />

for the renewal of an On<br />

Licence in respect of the<br />

premises situated at 51 Main<br />

Street, Oxford or the Cafe<br />

known as Cafe 51.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Cafe /Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Sunday to Thursday 8.00am<br />

to 11pm, Friday to Saturday<br />

8.00am to 1.00am following<br />

day.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may, not later than<br />

15 working days after the<br />

date of the publication of this<br />

notice, file anotice inwriting<br />

of the objection with the<br />

Secretary of the Waimakariri<br />

District Licensing Committee<br />

at Private Bag <strong>10</strong>05,<br />

Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the sale and<br />

supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the second publication<br />

of this notice. This notice<br />

was first published on 3rd<br />

<strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong>. 2337677v2<br />




2341132<br />

2338791<br />

SECTION <strong>10</strong>1, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

JGV Cuisines Ltd has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal of<br />

an On Licence in respect of<br />

the premises situated at 3A,<br />

29 Huntingdon Drive known<br />

as Himalayas Restaurant<br />

Rangiora.<br />

The general nature of the<br />

business conducted (or to<br />

be conducted) under the<br />

licence is Restaurant.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Sunday -Thursday 8.00am<br />

-11.00pm, Friday -Saturday<br />

8.00am -12.00(midnight).<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, not later<br />

than 15working days after<br />

the date of the publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag <strong>10</strong>05, Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the sale and<br />

supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the second<br />

publication of this notice.<br />

This notice was first<br />

published on 3rd <strong>December</strong><br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

2337676v2<br />

Public Notices<br />

RESPONSIBLE hunter<br />

looking for properties to<br />

shoot rabbits, hares,<br />

possums. Large properties<br />

preferred. Phone Ritchie<br />

021 999 520.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />


for anyunwanted<br />

vehicles,phone<br />

3479354 or<br />

027 476 2404<br />

Personal<br />

ALAN has aspare ticket to<br />

Jersey Boys at the Court<br />

Theatre. He would like to<br />

take a single, slim, fun,<br />

mature female. Interested<br />

027 659 4425.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />


chopping, pruning, firewood<br />

cut. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quote. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />

types of work undertaken,<br />

repairs. Phone Hamish<br />

0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />

BUILDER licenced, available<br />

now. For all your<br />

maintenance, repairs &<br />

alterations. Phone Keith for<br />

afree quote 021 127 7202.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restorations,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />


Reliable, affordable, clean<br />

&tidy. Please phone Kev<br />

021 198 7751.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.

Trade &Services<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

Trade &Services<br />



•Shearing •Crutching •Tailing<br />

•Drenching •Foot Trimming<br />

•Single &Double Crutching Trailers<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Specialist.<br />

All plastic &fibreglass<br />

repairs. Telephone James<br />

021 180 5<strong>10</strong>3.<br />

A professional, friendly service<br />

Call Shaun Adams for afree quote<br />

021 204 1274 or 03 960 3112<br />

adamsshearing.com<br />

•shearing contracting •mobile shearing trailer •mobile crutching trailer<br />

Trade&Services<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheeliebins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites available.<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Trailer, generator<br />

&mobile handpiece<br />

Experienced,<br />

reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />

4233713 or021 267 4025.<br />

STONEMASON, Brick<br />

and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />

SCREEN PRINTING. repairs, grind out and<br />

For all your printing repoint, River/Oamaru<br />

requirements. T-shirts, stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />

Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and rock, paving, all alterations<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc. - new and old. Quality<br />

Please phone Heather 03 workmanship. Visit www.<br />

SHEARING, 313 0261 or email heather. featureworks.co.nz or ph<br />

norstar@gmail.com. 027 601 3145.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

SHEEP<br />

drenching, feet trimming.<br />

For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />

Stu 027 315 6916.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>10</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Trade&Services<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

2091848<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

2220615<br />

47<br />

Trade&Services<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

Guide<br />

2225862<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 3<strong>10</strong><br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 3<strong>10</strong> 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Computer Repairs<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO,Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 38<strong>10</strong><br />

1913020<br />

Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

ACC Registered and Accredited<br />

Monday-Thursday | 03 313 0350<br />

Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br />

privatephysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

027 868 2574<br />

ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday&Friday<br />

Select Health<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

2227883<br />

For all your computer repairs, parts, servicing, sales &more..<br />

Come and see us for friendly &supportive service<br />

2208126<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

2273277<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

2269236<br />

Engineering<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

Scaffolding<br />

•Edge protection<br />

•Working platform<br />

Phone<br />

0274 366 901<br />

Plans for pricing<br />

jas.rangiorascaffolding@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />

1783878<br />

Electrician<br />






M: 0275 543 958 E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

<strong>2020</strong>478<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $23 per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Arthur BurkeLtd<br />

Trusted in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> since1935<br />

2017 ToyotaRav-4 GX<br />

68,000km, 2.5L<br />

Petrol, AWD, Parking<br />

sensor’s,Reverse<br />

Camera, Cruise<br />

control<br />

2007 Holden Commodore 2018 Holden Captiva a LS<br />

SS-V<br />

6.0LV8, 134,500km,<br />

2.4LPetrol, 42,<br />

Alloy’s, Towbar,<br />

Leather,Big Bore<br />

Exhaust<br />

2.4LPetrol, 42,500km,<br />

Towbar,<br />

Reverse<br />

Camera,Leather,<br />

Sunroof<br />

2013 NissanNavaraST<br />

172,500km, 2.5L<br />

TurboDiesel, 4x4,<br />

Automatic, Towbar,<br />

Canopy<br />

2019 Mazda3GLX<br />

$25,995<br />

2.0 Petrol, 41,000km,<br />

Reversing camera,<br />

Cruise Control,<br />

Balance of<br />

MazdaCare&<br />

Warranty<br />

$25,995<br />

2018 Toyota Corolla GX<br />

34,000km,2.0 , Petrol,<br />

ReversingCamera,<br />

Navigation, Balance of<br />

Manufactures<br />

Warranty<br />

$24,995<br />

2018 ToyotaCorolla GX<br />

1.8LPetrol,<br />

54,000km,NZNew,<br />

ReverseCamera,<br />

Parking Sensors<br />

$23,995<br />

2011 Holden CaptivaLX<br />

121,000km,3.0L V6,<br />

AWD, Leather,<br />

Towbar,Reverse<br />

camera,<br />

Navigation<br />

$23,995<br />

2012 Suzuki Swift LTD<br />

1.4LPetrol, 51,600km,<br />

NZ New, Alloys, 6<br />

Airbags<br />

$11,995<br />

was$21,995<br />

NOW<br />

$20,995<br />

2007 HoldenCommodore<br />

Berlina<br />

3.6 V6,168,000km,<br />

Parking Sensors,<br />

Towbar, Alloys<br />

$8,995<br />

$19,995<br />

Sales: Tim 03 3140135 |Service: Michael 03 3140131|Bridgestone Tyres: Ash 03 3140137<br />

$13,995<br />

WANTED<br />

Qualityused, late model cars,<br />

SUV’s and 4WD’s.Contact Timif<br />

you’relookingtoselltoday!<br />



SuzukiLTA500XPM0<br />

Power Steering<br />

LTA500XM0<br />

LTA400FM0<br />

LTF400FM0<br />

All models with selectable<br />

2WD/4WD,Hi, Lo &Reverse<br />


2332139-<strong>10</strong>/12-b<br />

Sales:John 03 3140132|Service:Anton 03 3140134<br />

MarkhamStreet,Amberley |Karaka Road, Waikari<br />

www.arthurburke.co.nz<br />


Established 1935

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