Here/Now: Contemporary Narrative and Form in the Yunomi Exhibition Catalog

"Here/Now: Contemporary Narrative and Form in the Yunomi" is a ceramic cup invitational, which consists of a small group of ceramic artists asked to construct a series of yunomi, utilitarian cups. The cylinder, being the root structure of most ceramic objects, leads to the yunomi, which can be playful and quickly made. The yunomi is a foundational form for most makers-inviting many options, directions, and intent. These are a range of contemporary vessel makers who are dedicated to rethinking traditional ideas. Using the cup as a launching point, this exhibition explores the historical ideal of the humble, anonymous Japanese potter juxtaposed with the American idealism of self-experience. Here/Now is guest-curated by Nikki Lewis and Katie Queen.

"Here/Now: Contemporary Narrative and Form in the Yunomi" is a ceramic cup invitational, which consists of a small group of ceramic artists asked to construct a series of yunomi, utilitarian cups. The cylinder, being the root structure of most ceramic objects, leads to the yunomi, which can be playful and quickly made. The yunomi is a foundational form for most makers-inviting many options, directions, and intent. These are a range of contemporary vessel makers who are dedicated to rethinking traditional ideas. Using the cup as a launching point, this exhibition explores the historical ideal of the humble, anonymous Japanese potter juxtaposed with the American idealism of self-experience. Here/Now is guest-curated by Nikki Lewis and Katie Queen.


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Lesley McInally

Stoneware (cone 6)

and hand-colored porcelain engobes

Once forms have been made, her process is to apply colored slip,

engobes, and underglaze, then sand the form. Experimentation

with color and an assortment of mark making creates a pathway

through the surfaces of McInally’s vessels. Her intention is to evoke

memory that becomes frozen or encapsulated in the slip surface

once completed.

Lesley McInally

Stoneware (cone 6)

and hand-colored porcelain engobes


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