Here/Now: Contemporary Narrative and Form in the Yunomi Exhibition Catalog

"Here/Now: Contemporary Narrative and Form in the Yunomi" is a ceramic cup invitational, which consists of a small group of ceramic artists asked to construct a series of yunomi, utilitarian cups. The cylinder, being the root structure of most ceramic objects, leads to the yunomi, which can be playful and quickly made. The yunomi is a foundational form for most makers-inviting many options, directions, and intent. These are a range of contemporary vessel makers who are dedicated to rethinking traditional ideas. Using the cup as a launching point, this exhibition explores the historical ideal of the humble, anonymous Japanese potter juxtaposed with the American idealism of self-experience. Here/Now is guest-curated by Nikki Lewis and Katie Queen.

"Here/Now: Contemporary Narrative and Form in the Yunomi" is a ceramic cup invitational, which consists of a small group of ceramic artists asked to construct a series of yunomi, utilitarian cups. The cylinder, being the root structure of most ceramic objects, leads to the yunomi, which can be playful and quickly made. The yunomi is a foundational form for most makers-inviting many options, directions, and intent. These are a range of contemporary vessel makers who are dedicated to rethinking traditional ideas. Using the cup as a launching point, this exhibition explores the historical ideal of the humble, anonymous Japanese potter juxtaposed with the American idealism of self-experience. Here/Now is guest-curated by Nikki Lewis and Katie Queen.


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Here/Now: Contemporary Narrative and Form in the Yunomi is a

ceramic cup invitational, which consists of a small group of ceramic artists

asked to construct a series of yunomi, utilitarian cups. The cylinder, being

the root structure of most ceramic objects, leads to the yunomi, which can

be playful and quickly made. The yunomi is a foundational form for most

makers-inviting many options, directions, and intent. These are a range of

contemporary vessel makers who are dedicated to rethinking traditional

ideas. Using the cup as a launching point, this exhibition explores the

historical ideal of the humble, anonymous Japanese potter juxtaposed

with the American idealism of self-experience. Here/Now is guest-curated

by Nikki Lewis and Katie Queen.

This exhibiton took place at the Craft in America Center

in Los Angeles from 7/18/20 - 1/2/21

Support was provided by

the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.

Text for the catalog provided by Nikki Lewis and Katie Queen

Edited by Emily Zaiden

Designed by Alex Miller


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