Eugenia Sojka , Ph.D.

Eugenia Sojka , Ph.D.

Eugenia Sojka , Ph.D.


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<strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong> , <strong>Ph</strong>.D.<br />

Director<br />

Canadian Studies Centre<br />

http://www.csc.us.edu.pl/index.php<br />

Institute of English Cultures and Literatures<br />


University of Silesia in Katowice<br />

ul. Gen. Stefana Grota-Roweckiego 5<br />

41-205 Sosnowiec, Poland<br />

tel:: + 48 32 364 0892<br />

eugenia.sojka@us.edu.pl<br />

Institute website: http:// www.ikila.us.edu.pl<br />

University website: http://www.us.edu.pl/<br />

Assistant Professor of English and Canadian Studies, Department of<br />

Postcolonial Studies and Travel Writing, Institute of English Cultures<br />

and Literatures, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland.<br />

Director, Canadian Studies Centre, Institute of English Cultures and<br />

Literatures, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland.<br />


1996 Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada<br />

Department of English Language and Literature<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>.D. in English<br />

Specialization: Canadian Literature<br />

Dissertation: "Search Procedures: Carnivalization in Language-and<br />

Theory-Focused Texts of Four Canadian Women Writers."<br />

Supervisor: Dr. Lawrence Mathews<br />

1985 University of Silesia<br />


Institute of English and General Linguistics, Sosnowiec, Poland<br />

Master's degree in English <strong>Ph</strong>ilology<br />

Thesis: "John Fowles's Dialogue with Existentialism."<br />

Supervisor: Dr. Krystyna Urbisz<br />


1997- to date University of Silesia, Institute of British and American<br />

Culture and Literature, Sosnowiec, Poland<br />

Position: Assistant Professor<br />

Courses taught:<br />

Canadian minority writing and arts<br />

African Canadians and Canadian Indigenous People in<br />

Literature and Arts. Discourses of Resistance and Dialogue<br />

Canadian Indigenous People in Literature and Arts.<br />

Canadian Multicultural Literature. Interdisciplinary<br />

Perspective<br />

English Canadian Postcolonial Complexities<br />

Transcultural / crosscultural/ diasporic identities<br />

Literature and Culture of First Nations<br />

Canadian life writing and the construction of<br />

national and cultural discourses.<br />

English Canadian Life Writing and Arts<br />

Canadian Literary Canon and Canadian Identity<br />

Modernism, Postmodernism and Postcolonialism in<br />

Canadian Literature and Culture<br />

English Canadian Postmodern Avant-Garde<br />

M.A. seminars (Supervision of M.A. theses)<br />

B.A. seminars (Supervision of B.A. theses)<br />

Monographic lectures on selected Canadian topics<br />

Interpretation of literature<br />

Comparative literature<br />

Literary theory<br />

Composition / academic writing<br />

1997-1999 Nicolas Copernicus University, Department of English, Torun,<br />

Poland<br />


Position: adjunct professor in Canadian Literature<br />

Courses taught:<br />

Monographic lectures on selected Canadian literary and<br />

cultural topics<br />

M.A. Seminar in English Canadian Literature (first in<br />

Poland); Supervision of M.A. theses<br />

English Canadian Postcolonial Complexities<br />

Modernism, Postmodernism and Postcolonialism in<br />

Canadian Literature and Culture<br />

Canadian Literary Canon and Canadian Identity<br />

1990-1997 Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of<br />

English Language and Literature, St.John‟s, NL, Canada<br />

Position: Teaching assistant,<br />

Sessional instructor<br />

Courses taught:<br />

Critical Reading and Writing<br />

Composition<br />

Fiction and Poetry (Canadian, British and American<br />

1985-1988 University of Silesia, Institute of English and General<br />

Linguistics, Sosnowiec, Poland<br />


Position: English Literature Instructor<br />

Courses taught:<br />

English Literature:<br />

o Novel, Poetry and Drama (Eighteenth and<br />

Nineteenth century<br />

o Twentieth Century British Literature: Novel,<br />

Poetry and Drama<br />

o Interpretation of Literature (Practical Criticism)<br />

Canadian literature and culture, minority writing and arts, life writing and<br />

arts, transculturalism, film studies, diasporic, postcolonial and gender<br />


studies, First Nations literature and arts, literary and cultural theory,<br />

comparative studies, Identity (national, ethnic, racial, cultural), Otherness,<br />

Verbal and visual rhetoric, interarts.<br />


2007 University of Silesia Rector Award for Organizational<br />

Excellence<br />

2006 Faculty Enrichment Grant: International Council for<br />

Canadian Studies (Project: Canadian First Nations in<br />

Literature, Arts and Film. Discourses of Resistance and<br />

Dialogue)<br />

2005 University of Silesia Rector Award for Organizational<br />

Excellence<br />

2002 Faculty Research Grant: International Council for Canadian<br />

Studies (Project: “Construction and performance of Polish<br />

diasporic identities in Canada. Examination of cultural and<br />

gender identities in literary and artistic discourses”)<br />

2000 Faculty Enrichment Grant: International Council for<br />

Canadian Studies (“Canada‟s Postcolonial Complexities)<br />

1999 Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen, Germany (Project:<br />

Internationalitat Nationaler Literaturen)<br />

1997-1999 Civic Education Project grant: Eastern Scholar<br />

1992 Department of External Affairs grant (Canada)<br />

1991 The Adam Mickiewicz Foundation in Canada grant<br />

The W. Reymont Foundation grant<br />

Canadian Polish Millennium Fund grant<br />

1989-1992 Memorial University Fellowship<br />

Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada<br />

May-June 1988 British Council Research Scholarship<br />


University of Essex, Great Britain<br />


Polish Association for Canadian Studies<br />

Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures<br />

Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies<br />

International Council for Canadian Studies<br />


Vice-President of Polish Association for Canadian Studies (2010- to date)<br />

Member of Editorial Board of Transcanadiana. Polish Journal<br />

of Canadian Studies.<br />

Vice-President of Polish Association for Canadian Studies (2004-2007)<br />

Member of Scientific Committee of the Polish Association for Canadian<br />

Studies (2004 – to date)<br />

Member of Auditing Board of Polish Association for Canadian Studies<br />

(2001-2004, 2007-to date)<br />

Member of Advisory Editorial Board: Margaret Laurence Review and<br />

Newsletter Memphis, TN<br />

Manuscript Reviewer for Central European Journal of Canadian<br />

Studies/Revue D'Etudes Canadiennes en Europe Central<br />

Establishment of the Canadian Studies program and Canadian Studies<br />

Centre at the University of Silesia, Poland (2000). Curriculum<br />

development.<br />

Organization of Canadian Studies conferences, Days of Canadian Culture<br />

and workshops on Canadian Studies topics at the University of Silesia<br />


Promoting Canadian Studies among students by inviting Canadian<br />

academics and Canadianists from other countries to lecture in the<br />

Institute of British and American Culture and Literature<br />

Presentation on “Interdisciplinary Canadian Studies in Poland” at a panel<br />

discussion “Expanding Canadian Studies into Non-Traditional Areas of<br />

Study,” organized by the Canadian Embassy, Toruń, April 20, 2001<br />

Organization of Canadian Travelling Book Display; the books (251<br />

volumes) were donated to the Canadian Studies Centre<br />

Visitorship at the Institute of Canadian Studies, University of Ottawa<br />

(2002-2003)<br />

Representing Polish Association for Canadian Studies at annual meetings<br />

and conferences of the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS),<br />

European Associations for Canadian Studies (EACS) and Central European<br />

Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS):<br />

Eighth meeting of CEACS Belgrade, Serbia, 2003<br />

ICCS meetings, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, 2004<br />

ICCS meetings and conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2005<br />

EACS meeting, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2006<br />

ICCS meetings, Ottawa, Canada, 2006<br />

Canadian Studies Forum and ICCS meetings, Edmonton, Canada, 2007<br />

European Council for Canadian Studies meeting, Milan, Italy, Jan.26-<br />

Jan.28, 2008<br />

Guest lecturing on Canadian Literature at Jagiellonian Universitty,<br />

Cracow, Poland, 2002 (“Construction of Canadianness in English<br />

Canadian Literature”)<br />

Establishing cooperation with Canadianists from the Jagiellonian<br />

University, Cracow. Exchange of lecturers which helps to make the<br />

Canadian Studies programs interdisciplinary at both universities<br />

(literature, history, sociology)<br />

Coordination of the work leading to the establishment of a cooperative<br />

agreement between the University of Silesia and Wilfrid Laurier University,<br />

Canada (July 2002), and the University of Silesia and Malaspina<br />

University College [Vancouver Island University], Canada (2006);<br />


Development of Canadian library resources at the Institute of British and<br />

American Culture and literature Library. Securing funds for book and films<br />

purchase. Obtaining a Library Support Program grant (2001, 2004), a<br />

book donation from several Canadian publishing houses (NeWest,<br />

McClelland& Stewart, Brick, Canadian Playwrights, University of Alberta<br />

Press, Prairie Fire, and Turnstone Press [700 volumes]. and a film grant<br />

for CBC film purchase (45 films for $1000 CAD).<br />

Teaching Excellence: students receive grants and awards – e.g. Nancy<br />

Burke Best M.A. thesis Award [Polish Association for Canadian Studies]:<br />

Justyna Kucharska: “Diasporic Films by Deepa Mehta in the<br />

Context of Bakhtinian Dialogism” (2007)<br />

Katarzyna Michalczyk, “Women of Letters, Women of Vision -<br />

<strong>Ph</strong>oto-Graphic De-Construction of Patriarchal Discourses in Carol<br />

Shields's The Stone Diaries and Barbara Kruger's <strong>Ph</strong>otographs.”<br />

2007. 2 nd prize.<br />

Receiving a grant for students ( Student Mobility Program) :project title:<br />

„Transcultural dialogues between Canada and Poland. Educating for<br />

ethics of diversity” – program realizowany na Vancouver Island University<br />

(2009) –a research trip of 6 students Vancouver Island University and<br />

Alert Bay (reserve): 5.03.2010 -29.03.2010<br />

Supervising the activities of a newly established Canadian Studies<br />

Student Circle at the University of Silesia<br />

Preparation of texts and visuals for the Canadian Studies website:<br />

http://www.csc.us.edu.pl/index.php<br />


Books<br />

1. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong> and Susan C. Pearce, eds. Mosaics of Change: The First<br />

Decade of Life in the New Eastern Europe. Gdansk, Poland: University of<br />

Gdansk, 2000, pp. 412.<br />


2. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong>, ed. (De)Constructing Canadianness. Myth of the Nation<br />

and Its Discontents. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Naukowe “Śląsk”, 2007,<br />

pp. 392.<br />

3. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong>, Agnieszka Rzepa, Anna Branach-Kallas, eds. Essays in Red and<br />

White / Essais en Rouge et Blanc. TransCanadiana 1. 2008, Katowice: Agencja<br />

Artystyczna PARA, pp. 246.<br />

4. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong>, ed. Er(r)go. Teoria Literatura Kultura, Klonowanie<br />

Kanady. vol 17. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Śląsk, 2008, pp. 231.<br />

5. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong> and Tomasz Sikora, eds. Embracing Otherness. Canadian Minority<br />

Discourses in Transcultural Perspectives. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2010,<br />

pp. 242.<br />

6. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong> and Mirosława Buchholtz (eds). Państwo – naród –<br />

tożsamość w dyskursach kulturowych Kanady. Cracow: Universitas,<br />

2010, pp. 589.<br />

Books in print (forthcoming)<br />

<strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong> (ed): Migrants, Exiles, Diasporic Citizens. Polish Inscriptions on<br />

the Canadian Literary Landscape. Frankfurt, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2008.<br />

Journal articles / chapters in books<br />

1. Margaret Laurence and Her Existentialist Vision of Life." Cross Cultural<br />

Studies: American, Canadian and European Literatures: 1945-1985.<br />

Proceedings of Symposium on Contemporary Literatures and Cultures of<br />

the United States of America and Canada. Ed. Mirko Jurak. Ljubljana:<br />

Eng.Dept., Filozofska Fakulteta, 1988. 133 139.<br />

2. "Dialog Johna Fowlesa z Egzystencjalizmem." Prace Naukowe<br />

Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Interpretacje i Style Krytyki (nr<br />

994). Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Slawek. Katowice: Uniwersytet<br />

Slaski, 1988. 66 84.<br />


3. “John Fowles's Mantissa: The Concept of Character in the Post-<br />

Modernist Novel." Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Discourse and<br />

Character. (nr 1059). Eds. Wojciech Kalaga and Tadeusz Slawek.<br />

Katowice: Uniwersytet Slaski, 1990. 96-102.<br />

4. "Can(n)on Firing: 'Fiction Theory' and the Texts of English Canadian and<br />

Anglo Québec Women Writers." Critical Mass 3.1 (Summer 1992): 30 48.<br />

5. “Framing the Frame: A Suggestion about Critical Discourse for the<br />

Analysis of Canadian Feminist Language Oriented Writing." 5Free<br />

Exchange 1993. Appropriate Discourse. Conference Proceedings. Ed. Lisa<br />

Bryce, David Garneau et als. Calgary: The University of Calgary, 1993.<br />

40-45.<br />

6. "Language and Subjectivity in the Postmodern Texts of Anglo-Canadian<br />

and Anglo-Québecois Writers." Canadian Review of Comparative<br />

Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée XXI.3 (September<br />

1994): 355-369.<br />

7. “Fiction Theory': Fresh Canon: Dialogical Encounter of English-Canadian<br />

and Anglo-Québec Women Writers." Quilting a New Canon: Stitching<br />

Women's Words. Ed. Uma Parameswaran. Toronto: Sister Vision Press,<br />

1996. 379-389.<br />

8. “Claire Harris." Contemporary Women Poets. Ed. Pamela L.Shelton.<br />

Detroit, New York, Toronto, London: St.James Press, 1997. 154- 157.<br />

9. “Carnivalization in the Post-Colonial Texts of Lola Lemire Tostevin and<br />

Gail Scott: Questions of Language and Identity.” Cultural Identities in<br />

Canadian Literature. Ed. Benedicte Maugiuiere, New York: Peter Lang<br />

Publishing, 1998. 153-161.<br />

10. “English-Canadian Feminist Language- and Theory-Focused<br />

Writing as a Contemporary Avant-Garde.” Visions of Canadian Studies:<br />

Teaching, Research, Methodology. Conference Proceedings. Eds. Nancy<br />

Burke and Jozef Kwaterko. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut<br />

Anglistyki/Instytut Romanistyki, 1998. 121 –128.<br />

11. “Language- and Theory-focused Feminist Writing in English<br />

Canada and its Response to International Critical Discourse.” Acta<br />

Universatis Nicolai Copernici. English Studies 9. Humanities and Social<br />

Sciences. Vol 336, Toruń 1999. 107-119.<br />


12. “Polish Identities at the End of the Twentieth Century:<br />

Transgressions of Traditional Paradigms” Mosaics of Change: The First<br />

decade of Life in the New Eastern Europe. Eds. Susan C.Pearce and<br />

<strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong>. Gdańsk: University of Gdansk, 2000. 269-277.<br />

13. “Canadian Feminist Writing and American Poetry.” Literature and<br />

Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001). Thematic Issue, Intercultural<br />

Negotiations in the Americas and Beyond Eds. Barbara Buchenau and<br />

Marietta Messmer.” CLCWeb: Comparative Available at:<br />

http://clcwebjournal.lib.purdue.edu<br />

14. Somatization of Writing and Semiotization of the Body. A Study of<br />

Selected Texts by English-Canadian Feminist Writers." Central European<br />

Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue D'Etudes Canadiennes en Europe<br />

Central, vol. 2. Brno: 2002. 15-26.<br />

15. “Cubist and Surrealist Collage/Montage as Intersemiotic<br />

Translation in Selected Texts by Gail Scott.“ Journal of Indo-Canadian<br />

Studies (ISSN 0972-3307), Volume 2: Issue 1, 2002: 132 - 144.<br />

16. ”Neo-regionalism and Indigenism: Canadian response to the Post-<br />

National Globalized World” in Culture at Global/Local Levels: British and<br />

Commonwealth Contribution to World Civilisation, Ed. Krystyna<br />

Kujawinska Courtney. Lodz: University of Lodz, The British and<br />

Commonwealth Studies Department, 2002. 205-216.<br />

17. “(De)constructing Canadian identities in selected 20th century arts<br />

and interarts projects.” In: Exploring Canadian Identities/Vers<br />

l'exploration des identites canadiennes. Eds. Ewa Welnic and Anna<br />

Branach-Kallas. Wydawnictwo: Torun, UMK, 2002. . 241-249.<br />

18. "Czy Kanada Nadal “Pachnie Żywicą”? Literacki Obraz Kanady w<br />

Polsce (1911-2003).” In: Obraz Kanady w Polsce. Ed. Mirosława<br />

Buchholtz. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2003. 201-250.<br />

19. “From Cultural Homogeneity to Hybridity. Visions of<br />

Canadianness in Selected Visual Arts Projects”. In: Canadian<br />

Environments: Essays in Culture, Politics and History. Robert C.<br />

Thomsen and Nanette L. Hale (eds.). Brussels: P.I.E.-Peter Lang, 2005.<br />

287-295.<br />

20. “Cannibalism and Cannibalisation, the Canadian way.<br />


Construction of the Native and Multicultural „Other‟ in Selected Texts<br />

and Arts Events. “ In: Spoiling the Cannibals’ Fun? Eds: Wojciech<br />

Kalaga and Tadeusz Rachwał. Frankfurt Am Main, Berlin, Oxford: Peter<br />

Lang, 2005. 147- 159.<br />

21. “Canadian diasporic artists and changing narratives of homeland:<br />

Jin-me Yoon and Kinga Araya”. In: Place and Memory in Canada: Global<br />

Perspectives. Eds. Anna Reczyńska et als. Kraków: Polska Akademia<br />

Umiejętności, 2005. 521-532.<br />

22. "Two-Spirit Identities. Alternative Gender Construction in<br />

American Indigenous Cultures and Literatures", S/He ... Embracing<br />

Wrestling Genders, Eds. A. Pantuchowicz and T. Rachwał. Bielsko-Biała:<br />

Wydawnictwo Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej, 2005. 86-93.<br />

23. “Lola Lemire Tostevin and a “constructive writing practice.” In<br />

Mosaics of Words. Essays on American and Canadian Literary<br />

Imagination in Memory of Professor Nancy Burke. Eds. Agata Preis-<br />

Smith, Ewa Łuczak i Marek Paryż. Warszawa: Uniwersytet Warszawski,<br />

2006, 119-127.<br />

24. “(De)Constructing Narratives of Canadianness: Political,<br />

Naturalistic, Cultural and Popular Culture Nationalisms. Introduction.”<br />

In: (De)Constructing Canadianness. Myth of the Nation and Its<br />

Discontents. ed. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong>, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Naukowe<br />

Śląsk, 2007, 7-20.<br />

25. (with Agnieszka Rzepa i Anna Branach Kallas), “Polish-Canadian Transcultural<br />

Dialogues: Introduction to Essays in Red and White / Essais en Rouge et Blanc.<br />

TransCanadiana 1, 2008. 21-26.<br />

26. „Czy „biała Kanada” potrzebuje „czarnoskórej Ani z Zielonego Wzgórza”? Rozmowy z<br />

„Innymi” wśród „Innych” i o „Innych”: Kanadyjskie dyskursy mniejszościowe a<br />

budowanie dialogu transkulturowego.” Er(r)go 17 (2008), 159-195.<br />

27. “Towards an Ethics of Responsibility: Parodic Discourse as<br />

Translation/Transformance in the English Canadian Writing in the<br />

Feminine.” In: From the Foundation of Quebec City to Present-Day<br />

Canada (1608-2008): Retrospections, Path of Change, Challenges. Eds.<br />

Krysztof Jarosz, Zuzanna Szatanik, Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogóź,<br />

Katowice: Agencja Artystyczna Para, 2009. 265-276.<br />


28. „Contemplating Otherness in the Transcultural Canadian Context.<br />

Introduction” [in] . Embracing Otherness. Canadian Minority Discourses in<br />

Transcultural Perspectives. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2010. 5-12.<br />

29. (with Mirosława Buchholtz) “Od idei państwa narodowego do<br />

obywatelskiego. Dylematy Tożsamościowe” [in] Państwo – naród –<br />

tożsamość w dyskursach kulturowych Kanady, eds. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong> and<br />

Mirosława Buchholtz, Cracow: Universitas, 2010. 5-14.<br />

30. “Twórczość polskiej diaspory w Kanadzie a kanadyjski dyskurs<br />

literacki. Prolegomena do współczesnych badań” [in] Państwo – naród –<br />

tożsamość w dyskursach kulturowych Kanady, eds. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong> and<br />

Mirosława Buchholtz, Cracow: Universitas, 2010. 284-334.<br />

Essays accepted for publication (forthcoming)<br />

“Women Writers in the Polish-Canadian Diaspora. (De)Construction and Performance<br />

of Cultural and Gender Identity.” In: Migrants, Exiles, Diasporans. Polish Inscriptions<br />

on the Canadian Literary Landscape. Ed. <strong>Eugenia</strong> <strong>Sojka</strong>, Frankfurt, Berlin: Peter<br />

Lang, 2010.<br />

“Complexities of Polish Writing in Canada. Introduction.” Migrants, Exiles,<br />

Diasporans. Polish Inscriptions on the Canadian Literary Landscape. Ed. <strong>Eugenia</strong><br />

Frankfurt, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2010.<br />

Reviews:<br />

"Daphne Marlatt and Betsy Warland: Two Women in a Birth." Canadian<br />

Book Review Annual 1994:. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.<br />

213-214.<br />

"Adeena Karasick's Memewars." Canadian Book Review Annual 1994.<br />

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994. 209-210.<br />

"Brian Johnson: Volcano Days." Canadian Book Review Annual 1994.<br />

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994. 163.<br />

"Cathy Stonehouse : The Words I Know." Canadian Book Review Annual<br />


1994. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994. 219.<br />

"Chrystos: Fire Power." Canadian Book Review Annual Spring 1996.<br />

Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 3148.<br />

"Lola Lemire Tostevin: Cartouches." Canadian Book Review Annual<br />

Spring 1996. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. 3246.<br />

“Afterimage: Evocations of the Holocaust in Contemporary Canadian Arts<br />

and Literature”. Canadian Book Review Annual 2002. Toronto: Canadian<br />

Book Review Annual, 2003. 107-108.<br />

“Margaret Laurence: Critical Reflections.” Canadian Book Review Annual<br />

2002. Toronto: Canadian Book Review Annual, 2003. 248-249.<br />

“P.K. Page: Essays on Her Works”. Canadian Book Review Annual 2002.<br />

Toronto: Canadian Book Review Annual, 2003. 252-253<br />

“Trans.Can.Lit. Resituating the Study of Canadian Literature, ed. Smaro Kamboureli<br />

and Roy Miki. TransCanadiana 1.2008 . 199-203.<br />


"The Concept of Literary Character in the Postmodernist Fiction"<br />

University of Silesia, Department of English Conference, Szczyrk, Poland,<br />

April 22 30, 1988.<br />

"English Canadian and Anglo Quebec Women Writers and the<br />

Carnivalization of Patriarchal Frames of Writing." A National Graduate<br />

Student' Conference: "(Re)Fusing the Frame." Lehigh University,<br />

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, February 14 15, 1992. [paper read in absentia]<br />

”Language and Subjectivity in the Postmodern Texts of English Canadian<br />

and Anglo Quebec Feminist Writers." presented on March 7, 1992 at<br />

Fifth Annual Comparative Literature Graduate Students' Conference,<br />

"Postmodernism(w) and/et Feminism(e)," University of Alberta,<br />

Edmonton, 6 7 March, 1992.<br />

“Can(n)on Firing: 'Fiction Theory' and the Text of English Canadian and<br />


Anglo Quebec Women Writers." Dalhousie University, Halifax, May 26 28,<br />

1992.<br />

"'Fiction Theory': Fresh Canon: Dialogical Relationship between English<br />

Canadian and Anglo Quebec Feminist Writers." Conference On Women<br />

Focused Research: "Feminist Scholarship: Revising the Canon. Winnipeg:<br />

The University of Winnipeg, September 25-27, 1992.<br />

"Carnivalization in the Post Colonial Texts of Lola Lemire Tostevin and<br />

Gail Scott: Questions of language and Identity." Southwest Association<br />

for Canadian Studies Annual Meeting. February 18 20, 1993. University<br />

of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.<br />

"Framing the Frame: A Suggestion About Critical Discourse for the<br />

Analysis of Canadian Feminist Language Oriented Writing". Fifth Annual<br />

Free Exchange Conference, theme "Appropriate Discourse"; University of<br />

Calgary, March 19-20, 1993.<br />

"Contemporary Canadian Women Writers and Their Response to<br />

International Critical Theory." Triennial Conference of the European<br />

Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies<br />

(EACLALS), Graz, Austria, May 18-22, 1993.<br />

"Reading as a Dialogue with the Theory of Feminist Writing as<br />

Translation in the Feminine: A Suggestion about Critical Discourse for<br />

the Analysis of Canadian Feminist Language Oriented Writing."<br />

Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures (ACQL/ALCQ), Learned<br />

Societies Conference, Ottawa, June 2-4, 1993.<br />

"Cubist and Surrealist Collage/Montage as Intersemiotic Translation in<br />

Gail Scott's Writing." Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures<br />

(ACQL/ALCQ), Learned Societies Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 3-<br />

6, 1994.<br />

"Can-American Dialogism: English Canadian Feminist Language<br />

Oriented Writing and its Intertextual Connection with American<br />

Language Poets." Association for Canadian Studies. Learned Societies<br />

Congress, St. Catherine's, Ontario. Brock University, June 1-3, 1996.<br />

"Search for New Forms of Discourse: Rethinking the Concept of Verbal<br />

Art in English Canadian Feminist Language-focused Writing." Canadian<br />

Women's Studies Association. Congress of Learned Societies, St.John's,<br />


NF, Memorial University of Newfoundland, June 7-9, 1997.<br />

"English-Canadian Feminist Language- and Theory-Focused Writing as a<br />

Contemporar Avant-Garde." 1 st Congress of Polish Canadianists,<br />

Warsaw, April 117-18, 1998.<br />

“Exile from Language: Linguistic Anxieties of Canadian Feminist Writers."<br />

Exile International Conference, Ustron, September 17-21, 1998.<br />

"Diversity of Contemporary English-Canadian Feminist Voices: Lola<br />

Lemire Tostevin, Erin Moure, Claire Harris and Lee Maracle and their<br />

Unique Ways of Dealing with the "Otherness" of English Language." 1st<br />

International Conference of Central European Canadianists.<br />

“Multiculturalism and Diversity in Canada – Voices from Central Europe.<br />

Brno, Czech Republic, November 13-15, 1998.<br />

"Polish Identities at the end of the Twentieth Century: Transgressions of<br />

Traditional Paradigms." New Identities in a Changing Europe. Tempus<br />

Course. January 25-29, 1999. Universiade de Rovira e Virgili,<br />

Department of English and German. Tarragona, Spain.<br />

“Erin Moure and Gail Scott: Anglophone Writing in Quebec.” Canada and<br />

Central Europe at the Threshold of the 21st Century. May 13-16, 1999.<br />

Zichy-Hadik Castle. Hungary.<br />

"Neo-Regionalism, Indigenism/Tribalism - Canada's Post-National<br />

Perspective. Culture at the Global and Local Levels: British and<br />

Commonwealth Contributions to World Civilisation. Łodź, September,<br />

27-29, 1999.<br />

“Language Writing of Erin Mouré and Gail Scott: A Canadian Feminist<br />

Response to Commodification of Language.” Nation Building. British<br />

Association for Canadian Studies. 25th Annual Conference, University of<br />

Edinburgh, 11-14 April 2000.<br />

“Contemporary Native Women Writers and Their Ways of Dealing with<br />

„Otherness‟ of English Language. Silence? Dialogue? Translation?”<br />

ASNEL/GNEL Annual Conference, Aachen/ Liege , 31 May-4 June 2000.<br />

“Construction and Deconstruction of Canadian Cultural Identities.<br />

Exploration of Arts and Inter-Arts Projects.” 1st International Canadian<br />

Studies Conference & 2nd Congress of Polish Canadianists. Exploring<br />


Canadian Identities / Vers l‟exploration des identites canadiennes.<br />

Toruń, 20-22 April, 2001.<br />

“Interdisciplinary Canadian Studies in Poland” : presentation at the<br />

Canadian Embassy organized panel discussion on “Expanding<br />

Canadian Studies into Non-Traditional Areas of Study” (Toruń, April 20,<br />

2001).<br />

“Cannibalism and Cannibalisation a la Canadienne.” Spoiling Cannibals‟<br />

Fun? Cannibalism and Cannibalisation in Culture and Elsewhere.<br />

University of Silesia. Ustron, 21-22 September, 2001.<br />

“Embracing the Other. Canadian literary and artistic projects<br />

challenging ethnicization and racialization of society.” Minority<br />

Discourses in a Cross-/ Transcultural Perspective: Eastern / Central<br />

Europe and Canada. Ustroń, Poland, 26-29 April, 2002.<br />

“Ethnicization and Racialization in Canadian Visual Arts Discourses.”<br />

Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference. Tampere, Finland, June 28<br />

– July 3 2002.<br />

“Visions of Canadianness in Canadian arts. Study of selected works by<br />

Joyce Wieland, Shani Mootoo and Kinga Araya.” Nordic Association for<br />

Canadian Studies Conference, Stockholm, August 7 -11, 2002.<br />

“Reflections on transculturalism: Polish-Canadian women writers and<br />

artists as nomads/ travelers/ exiles.” Canadian Learned Societies<br />

Congress; Annual Conference of the Association for Canadian and<br />

Quebec Literatures. Halifax, Canada, May 29-June 2, 2003.<br />

“The Other Story: Canadian Diasporic Artists and their response to<br />

Canadian nationalist ideologies.” First International Conference on<br />

Canadian Studies: “Other Language. Otherness in Canadian Culture.”<br />

Yugoslav Association for Canadian Studies, Belgrade, 18-20 October,<br />

2003.<br />

“Two – Spirit People: Native American Gender Identity and Sexuality<br />

(third gender constructions in American Indian Societies).” University of<br />

Bielsko-Biała conference: “S/he ... Embracing/ Wrestling Genders.<br />

Cultural Spaces for a Re-Definition of the Political.” Bielsko-Biała,<br />

October 24-25, 2003.<br />


“Canadian diasporic artists and changing narratives of homeland.” 3rd<br />

Congress of Polish Association of Canadian Studies & 3rd International<br />

Conference of Central European Canadianists. “Place and Memory in<br />

Canada: Global Perspectives. ” Kraków, 30 April – 3 May 2004.<br />

“Rethinking Canadianness: Perceptions of Canada in the work of Jin-me<br />

Yoon, Lillian Allen and Kinga Araya.” International Association for<br />

Canadian Studies conference: “Canada from the outside in. Images,<br />

Perceptions, Comparisons,” Ottawa, May 24-26, 2005.<br />

“Canadian Minority Women Writers and Artists and the Role of Minority<br />

Discourses in the Promotion of Transcultural Communication.” 16th<br />

annual PASE conference. 19 – 21 April 2007, Szczyrk, Poland.<br />

“Transculturality as a Value and Hope in selected Canadian feminist life<br />

writing and arts projects.” 4th Congress of Polish Canadianists,<br />

“Canadian Ghosts, Hopes and Values.” 26 - 29 April, 2007 Puławy,<br />

Poland<br />

“Canadian Studies at the Univeristy of Silesia.” Culture and Literature of<br />

Canadian First Nations Peoples. Discourses of Resistance and Dialogue.<br />

Days of Canadian Culture at the University of Silesia, May 10-11, 2007,<br />

University of Silesia, Poland.<br />

“Canadian Studies In Poland.” Canadian Studies Forum, May 21-28,<br />

2007, Edmonton, Canada.<br />

“Transcultural dialogue: Vision of contemporary Québec in George Elliott Clarke’s<br />

Québécité. A Jazz fantasta in three Cantos.” From the foundation of Québec City to<br />

Present-Day Canada (1608–2008): Retrospections, Paths of Change, Challenges,<br />

Ustroń, 8-11.10.2008.<br />

“From White Ethnic Others to Diasporic Citizens. Construction of Transcultural Dialogue in the<br />

Literary and Multimedia Projects of Two Contemporary Polish Canadian Women,” TransCanada<br />

3: Literature, Institutions, Citizenship, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick,<br />

Canada, July 16-19, 2009.<br />


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