North Canterbury News: December 23, 2020

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Merry Christmas<br />

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Happy New Year!<br />

HolidayGuide | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Schools spend<br />

millions in<br />

building blitz<br />

Creative<br />

delight<br />


Architects have been appointed<br />

for a$10 millionredevelopment of<br />

the Oxford Area School.<br />

Athfield Architects have been<br />

appointedaslead designer for the<br />

majorrebuild,announcedtwo<br />

yearsago.<br />

The head of education<br />

infrastructure service at the<br />

Ministry of Education, Kim<br />

Shannon, saysconstructionis<br />

expected to begin earlyin2022.<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> schools will<br />

be busywith building projects in<br />

2021.<br />

Sevenlocalschoolshave major<br />

projects completed, under way or<br />

in the planning stages.<br />

Some wereaffected by Covid­19<br />

restrictions, includingplanning<br />

for classrooms at Leithfield<br />

School.<br />

“We went to the market for the<br />

lead designer shortly before the<br />

Covid­19 shutdown,’’MsShannon<br />

said.Itmeant the closing datefor<br />

tenders had to be extended.<br />

Planningwill now start in<br />

January, withconstruction<br />

planned for the secondhalf of next<br />

year.<br />

Two teaching spaces will be<br />

redeveloped, morespace added to<br />

allowfor roll growth, and anew<br />

library developed.<br />

Further north,AmuriArea<br />

School will be working with the<br />

ministry early nextyear to finalise<br />

options for the development of its<br />

junior campus.<br />

Rangiora’sTeMatauru Primary<br />

School opened in February. Its<br />

new shared technologycentre will<br />

open for the first term next year,<br />

replacing Rangiora Borough<br />

School’s old sharedblock, which<br />

will be demolished early next<br />

year.<br />

Rangiora Borough School has a<br />

new library, while Kaiapoi<br />

Borough School’s new technology<br />

centre is beingbuilt.Itis<br />

scheduled to be handed over to<br />

the schoolmid next year.<br />

The school’s quake damaged<br />

technologybuildingisstill being<br />

used, but will be demolished when<br />

the new one is finished.<br />

SwannanoaSchool is set to<br />

receive some new classrooms.<br />

“A school­led project is under<br />

way to expand acouple of twoclassroomblocks,<br />

so they have<br />

three classroomseach,” Ms<br />

Shannon said.<br />

Thiswill replace two ageing<br />

classrooms,and an additional<br />

classroomhas been delivered to<br />

helpthe schoolcater for roll<br />

growth.<br />

Twenty­twoWaimakariri<br />

schools were allocated $4.7m<br />

under the government’sschool<br />

investmentpackageannounced<br />

lastyear, with15projectsalready<br />

completed and afurther 32<br />

planned or under way.<br />

The Hurunui district’s 13<br />

schools were allocated $1.2m, with<br />

fourprojects completed and<br />

another15under way or in the<br />

pipeline.<br />

Kaikoura’sfour schools were<br />

allocated nearly $315,000.Six<br />

projects wereidentified, two of<br />

which havebeen completed.<br />

Tree triumph ... From left, Molly Hogan, Stella Brown (at rear), Alex Cole and Alyssa O’Donnell were<br />

among Swannanoa School students who decorated the winning tree in the schools section of the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> Christmas Tree Festival in Rangiora. Story, page 2.<br />


<strong>23</strong>35749<br />

Wishing everyone aMerry Christmas and aProsperous New Yearr<br />


NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Grow<br />

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Readership: 47,000 weekly<br />

Circulation: 30,150 copies delivered<br />

to EVERY farm, RD, lifestyle block<br />

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‘We’ve proved we are adaptable’<br />


The impact of the Covid­19<br />

lockdown calledfor some<br />

creative thinkingbythe<br />

HurunuiDistrict Council, and<br />

somechangesindirection to<br />

balance itsbooks.<br />

Lockdown levelsfourand<br />

three had an immediateeffect<br />

on theHanmer Springs<br />

ThermalPoolsand Spa,<br />

forcingits closureonMarch 22<br />

to lateMay.<br />

Thisaffected the council’s<br />

revenue forthe year,<br />

according to the annualplan<br />

adoptedbythe council last<br />

week.<br />

It had revenue of<br />

$45 million,down$5m on<br />

budget.<br />

The council’soperating<br />

expenditurewas $2.5m down<br />

on budgettooffset the lost<br />

Ahoney<br />

of an idea<br />


Three Cust childrenhave come<br />

up withasweet idea to earn<br />

pocketmoneysellingtheir<br />

beekeeperdad’s honey.<br />

The Wright siblings, Ruari,<br />

aged 9, Leo, 8, andBella, 5, are<br />

selling Wright Honey Company<br />

honey,which is proving popular<br />

with localsand travellers using<br />

State Highway 72.<br />

The children’s mother,<br />

Andrea, says most of the<br />

company’s honey, collected by<br />

her husband Jefffrom <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> beehives, is soldin<br />

bulk to other honey producers,<br />

with alot endingupoverseas.<br />

The children sellthe honey<br />

from astall on the footpath<br />

outside their Cust homeonmost<br />

Sundays. It is sold in glass jars<br />

with two varieties available —<br />

creamed clover and honeydew.<br />

The creamedcloverhoneyis<br />

the mostpopular and ‘‘easily the<br />

best’’inLeo’s view.<br />

Andreasays Leo likes the<br />

creamed clover honey best<br />

because it is the sweetest.She<br />

prefers the amber honey dew,<br />

which is not as sweet and is great<br />

for use in cooking and baking.<br />

revenue, withthe council<br />

recording a$1.1m deficitfor<br />

the year, $2.5mlower than the<br />

budget.<br />

Despitethe challenges of<br />

Covid­19, chief financial<br />

officer JasonBeck said the<br />

councilcontinued to make<br />

progress. In particular, it<br />

completedits capital<br />

programme.<br />

He said theuncertaintythe<br />

lockdown created meant that<br />

the financial planning forthe<br />

<strong>2020</strong>/21yearhad to err on the<br />

side of caution, resultingina<br />

conservativeprofitforecast<br />

for thepools.<br />

The council actively uses a<br />

portionofthe profit fromthe<br />

poolstooffsetrates.<br />

“The financial performance<br />

of thethermal pools has<br />

thankfully been extremely<br />

positivesincethe country<br />

emerged fromlockdown.<br />

‘‘If we havenofurther<br />

restrictions in place, it is very<br />

likelythatthe summerperiod<br />

couldbeone of the best on<br />

record,” he said.<br />

This result, coupledwith a<br />

range of funding provided<br />

from central government to<br />

stimulatethe economyafter<br />

theCovid­19 downturn,has<br />

created confidence that the<br />

Hurunuicommunity will<br />

continuetoemerge in astrong<br />

position.<br />

Thecouncil remains<br />

mindful of ratepayers<br />

sufferingasaresult of the<br />

Covid­19 downturn.<br />

In theearlystages of the<br />

pandemic, the council<br />

approved aratesdeferment<br />

policy to provide somerelief<br />

forratepayers.<br />

“While it does not reduce<br />

Honey venture ... The Wright siblings, from left, Bella,<br />

Ruari and Leo.<br />


the rates due,itdoes provide<br />

additionaltime to meetthe<br />

rates payments.”<br />

The council is about to start<br />

its LongTerm Planning<br />

processfor the2021­31 period.<br />

Mr Becksaid this is acritical<br />

componentofthe council’s<br />

planning for the current<br />

council term, andthe<br />

community willhaveachance<br />

to makeameaningful<br />

contribution in assessingthe<br />

long­term direction of the<br />

district.<br />

“We have provedweare<br />

adaptable, and with a<br />

considered teameffort have<br />

achievedapositive outcome<br />

for the district.”<br />

Further informationonthe<br />

annualplan canbefoundat<br />

hurunui.govt.nz/find/publicdocuments/annual­plans­andreport.<br />

Sustainable<br />

tree wins<br />

Popcorn,cones and walnut shells<br />

proved awinningformulainthe<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> Christmas<br />

Tree Festival.<br />

The SwannanoaSchool tree won<br />

the school and preschoolsection of<br />

the festival, run by Soroptomist<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> and held in the<br />

Rangiora Town Hall foyer.<br />

Teacher Julie Planner saidthe<br />

corn was grown at the school last<br />

year and dried.Itwas threaded on<br />

string by pupils in the Year 3and<br />

4team, and wrapped aroundthe<br />

branches.<br />

Smallwalnut shellswere<br />

provided by ateacher, and pine<br />

coneswere collected from atree<br />

on the school’s boundary to help<br />

make decorations.<br />

‘‘We tried to make everything<br />

natural,’’saysJulie, who is in<br />

charge of the Eco­Warriors at the<br />

school. They are taught about<br />

sustainability, recycling and<br />

gardening.<br />

JennaMcKenzie Schoolof<br />

Dancewon the Businesssection,<br />

with the Christchurch Butterfly<br />

Walk takingout the not­for­profit<br />

section.<br />

Atotal of 32 trees wereentered<br />

and 7<strong>23</strong> votes cast. Proceedswill go<br />

to St John Ambulance and the<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Support<br />

Trust.<br />

Kerryn Clark<br />

Advertising<br />

021 586 138<br />

kerryn.clark<br />

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Advertising<br />

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richard.mccombie<br />

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Tyre solution still in pipeline<br />


Efforts continue to get rid of thousands of<br />

used tyresonthe outskirts of Amberley,<br />

as the court process to hold those<br />

responsible for the stockpile grinds on.<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>, the Hurunui<br />

District Council and the landowner are<br />

working together on aplan to removethe<br />

tyres,but fundingcontinues to dog their<br />

efforts.<br />

They hopeanorder by the<br />

Environment Court last weekfor Peter<br />

Benden, adirector of one of the<br />

companieswhich failed to remove the<br />

tyres from the Racecourse Road site<br />

under an Enforcement Order,may help.<br />

Bendenwas sentencedinthe<br />

Environment Court on Wednesday last<br />

week. He was fined $36,000 and ordered<br />

to pay $20,000 toward the costsof<br />

removingthe tyre pile.<br />

Two companies who were also part of<br />

the proceedings, Annexure ServicesLtd<br />

and Tyre Recycling Services New<br />

Zealand Ltd, werenot representedatthe<br />

Julytrial, or at the sentencing.<br />

Judge Hassan said he was precluded<br />

by law from sentencing defendants in<br />

absentia. He therefore grantedastay of<br />

sentencing for the two companies.<br />

The landowner may end up footing the<br />

billfor their removal if alternative<br />

fundingcannot be found. Aspokesperson<br />

for the landowner said there is a<br />

commitmenttohave the tyresremoved.<br />

Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>’swebsite<br />

saysinanupdate that it appreciates the<br />

community wants the tyresremoved<br />

urgently, particularly immediate<br />

neighbours.<br />

‘‘We share the community’s concern<br />

and are actively working on pursuingthe<br />

removal of the tyres,’’ECan says.<br />

‘‘In the event of no fundingbecoming<br />

availablevia courtprocesses, the<br />

responsibility for funding tyre removal<br />

rests withthe landowner.’’<br />

However, ECanisoptimistic that<br />

financial support may come from the<br />

Ministry for the Environment, ‘‘with<br />

whom we are working on asolution’’.<br />

The pile containsmore than 120,000<br />

worn­out tyres.<br />

They beganpiling up in early 2016and<br />

have been the subject of enforcement<br />

proceedings eversince.<br />

Angela will miss Kaikoura, not the commute<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

3<br />




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Angela Oosthuizenislooking<br />

forwardtospending more<br />

timewithfamily after five<br />

years in Kaikoura.<br />

The Kaikoura District<br />

Council chiefexecutive steps<br />

downatthe endofJanuary<br />

after overseeingthe district’s<br />

$38 millionearthquake<br />

rebuild.<br />

She willstay put with<br />

familyinChristchurch.<br />

“I've beencommuting for<br />

fiveyearssoit’s been quite a<br />

sacrifice beingawayfrom<br />

family,sotobeabletospend<br />

moretimewithmydaughter,<br />

who is now ateenager, will be<br />

wonderful,” she says.<br />

During her fiveyearsin<br />

Kaikoura,Mrs Oosthuizen<br />

oversawthe completionof<br />

the Kaikoura Civic Building<br />

construction,thenled the<br />

council through the 2016<br />

earthquake andthe ensuing<br />

rebuild, andthisyear<br />

throughCovid­19.<br />

“It’s certainly been a<br />

challenging five years.<br />

‘‘Myfirstchallengewas the<br />

civic building andgetting the<br />

project finished without any<br />

further costoverruns.”<br />

Mrs Oosthuizen says she is<br />

proud to have completed the<br />

$38minfrastructure rebuild<br />

on time,withinbudget, and<br />

withconsiderablylessdebt<br />

thanexpected.<br />

“We were anticipating<br />

borrowing $10m, but we’ve<br />

comeout with adebt of only<br />

$5m.<br />

Angela Oosthuizen ...<br />

away from family.’’<br />

“That’slargelybecausewe<br />

applied for external funding,<br />

we hadalotofsupport in<br />

kind, thenwehad thesupport<br />

fromthe Crown with the<br />

‘shovel ready’ projects,and<br />

we’ve beenreally careful<br />

withour management.<br />

“We areinamuchmore<br />

resilientposition now,with<br />

moreinternal capacity and<br />

slightly increasedstaffing<br />

levels.”<br />

‘‘I’ve been commuting for five years so it's been quite asacrifice being<br />

Mrs Oosthuizenpaid<br />

tributetocouncillors and her<br />

“fantastic team who have<br />

gonethe extra mile to make<br />

sureweendedupinagood<br />

space”.<br />

“I certainlywill miss<br />

Kaikoura and thefriendships<br />

and relationshipsIhave<br />

made. It’sone of the most<br />

beautiful places in New<br />

Zealand, butmyfamilypullis<br />

muchstronger.”<br />


An ex­pat South African,<br />

Mrs Oosthuizensays she<br />

plans to finish her<br />

professionalregistration so<br />

she can operateasa<br />

charteredaccountant in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

“I finished my studies in<br />

South Africa, butthenwe<br />

cametoNew Zealand. Iwas<br />

mid­way throughdoing my<br />

professionalregistration<br />

whenIcame to Kaikoura.”<br />

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Wishing you all aHappy and Healthy Christmas and New Year

NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Kaikoura ahive of summer action<br />


Kaikoura remains abustlingseaside<br />

community,evenwithout international<br />

tourists.<br />

DestinationKaikoura acting general<br />

manager Louise Frend says thesupport<br />

fromfellow New Zealanders hasgiventhe<br />

townaboost since Covid­19closed the<br />

borders.<br />

“We have enjoyed abusier than ever<br />

winter seasonand, while thisis<br />

surprising, it is off arelatively lowbase,”<br />

she says.<br />

“However, we do wishtothank all those<br />

Kiwis who havemade the efforttospend<br />

timeand money to support ourregion.”<br />

The towncentre is lookingsmart after<br />

the completionofseveralclean­up and<br />

beautification projects, whilethe new<br />

Cultural Art Trail will make the journey<br />

more attractive, whether travelling from<br />

the north or south.<br />

Walking and cycling trailsare always<br />

popular withvisitorsand theholiday<br />

parksare busy, she says.<br />

“Hotelsand motels are doingitabit<br />

toughand they needthe support of<br />

travelling Kiwis, too.<br />

“Short lead times on bookingsare<br />

making it difficultfor planning and<br />

staffingfor both the tourism and<br />

hospitalitysector.<br />

“We as acommunity wishtoremind you<br />

of thebeautyofKaikouraand also<br />

expand on whatyou mightknow about<br />

what thereistoenjoyhere.”<br />

Louise has plenty of suggestionsfor<br />

summer road trips to Kaikoura.<br />

Thereare “cool bike tracksfor all levels<br />

of ability”,withthe MiddleHill<br />

mountainbike trail beingapopular<br />

choice and“we arehearinggreatthings<br />

aboutthe Kaiterau”.<br />

To findout moreabout cycle trails,goto<br />

coastalsports.co.nz/bike­kaikoura/orfor<br />

Kaikourawalksgotokaikoura.co.nz/seedo/kaikoura­walks/.<br />

Forthe adventurous, there is kayaking,<br />

fishing and raftingonthe Clarence, while<br />

Dive Kaikouraisrunning acrayfish<br />

divingcourse,and the localfishing<br />

operatorsare ready to serve.<br />

Nature lovers canvisitthe seal colonies<br />

or come and seethe Hutton’sshearwater<br />

birds.<br />

Forfamily fun,there is the “Coastal<br />

Encounter” fromEncounterKaikoura,<br />

where visitors can “seemorewildlife<br />

than justalbatross or dolphin­specific<br />

tours”,orplay around at Emporium mini<br />

golf wheremum anddad canenjoy abeer.<br />

If the weatherisnot playing nice,pop<br />

School navigates memorable opening year<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’snewest<br />

school is looking forward to<br />

continued growth in 2021 aftera<br />

challengingfirst year, principal<br />

DannyNichollssays.<br />

Te Matauru Primary School<br />

opened in February witharoll<br />

of 88 and will enrol its200th<br />

pupilduring2021.<br />

It wasthe firstnew school to<br />

open in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> in 52<br />

years, aside fromPegasusBay<br />

School, which was created in<br />

2014 from therelocation of<br />

Waikuku School.<br />

‘‘We hadareally memorable<br />

opening year despite the<br />

challenges that<strong>2020</strong> threwup<br />

for everyone, andweare now<br />

really lookingforward to a<br />

second yearthatbuildsonthose<br />

strong foundations.’’<br />

The school leadershipteam,<br />

whichalsoincludes Rachele<br />

Poole, Jessica Bergs and<br />

Amanda Papps,have selected<br />

‘‘cultivate’’ as theschool’s focus<br />

word for 2021.<br />

‘‘We believe thatthis word<br />

encapsulatesmuch of whatwe<br />

are planningtoachievethrough<br />

our strategic and operational<br />

plans.<br />

‘‘We arepositioned as a<br />

central hubfor the growth<br />

taking place in west Rangiora.<br />

We wanttointentionally<br />

cultivateour community,our<br />

curriculum and ourinternal<br />

capabilities.<br />

‘‘We arealso opening our<br />

Maukatere technology centre so<br />

Student leaders ... George Hoskins, centre, and Annabel Hurst chat to Te Matauru Primary School<br />

principal Danny Nicholls.<br />


will be hosting an additional 600<br />

Year 7and 8students each week<br />

from other schools on our site.’’<br />

Underanagreement withthe<br />

MinistryofEducation, the<br />

school accepts only in­zone<br />

enrolments, althoughthisis<br />

subjecttoareview which is<br />

plannedfor mid­2021.<br />

AnnabelHurst andGeorge<br />

Hoskins are twoofthe senior<br />

Year 8studentleaders for2021<br />

andare lookingforward to the<br />

newschoolyear.<br />

‘‘Iammost excitedabout<br />

beingone of theleadersthis<br />

year at school,’’ George says.<br />

Annabel added:‘‘I really<br />

enjoyed being partofthe<br />

sporting opportunitieslast year<br />

and, as aseniorstudentin2021,<br />

I’mlooking forward to the<br />

leadershipopportunities<br />

ahead.’’<br />

intothe Kaikoura Museum in the<br />

KaikouraCivic Building or catch amovie<br />

and view theart exhibitionatthe newly<br />

rebuilt Mayfair Theatre.<br />

There arealso plentyofeventsin<br />

Kaikourathissummer, including Music<br />

on theLawn at FyffeHouseonJanuary <strong>23</strong>,<br />

the Kaikoura A&P Show on February27,<br />

and Kegkourareturns in March.<br />

New Zealandband Katchafire is<br />

stopping foraconcertinthe Kaikoura<br />

Memorial Hall on January6aspart of the<br />

SummerRoadietour (forticketsgoto<br />

tickets.ticketspace.co.nz/event/<br />

katchafire­nz­tour­kaikoura).<br />

Fusionevents is bringing theElements<br />

Kaikoura multisport race to town on<br />

January 24, where competitorscan enter<br />

eitherindividually or as ateam for the<br />

1.5km swim, 48kmmountain bikeand<br />

8.5km run.<br />

Summer<br />

eye care<br />

Specsavers Rangiora<br />

Optometrist May Young is<br />

warning local residents of the<br />

permanent damage the sun<br />

can cause to eyes.<br />

She urges everyonetobe<br />

more sun smart this season.<br />

New research commissioned<br />

by Specsavers<br />

found that 73% of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

residents aren’t aware that<br />

the sun can permanently<br />

damage eyes, causing things<br />

such as cataracts,cancer or<br />

maculardegeneration.<br />

She says while 94% of<br />

people are concernedabout<br />

long­term damage to their<br />

body, eyes tend to be<br />

forgotten, withjust 28% of<br />

Cantabrians concerned about<br />

the long­termdamagetotheir<br />

eyes from the sun.<br />

‘‘We are exposed to<br />

dangerous levels of<br />

ultraviolet (UV) radiation, yet<br />

almost half of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

residents (46%)admit that<br />

they don’t wear sunglasses<br />

most of the time when they’re<br />

outside, and manyofthose<br />

who do, don’t wear sunglasses<br />

with UV protection,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘Mostpatients I’ve seen<br />

don’t know what to look for in<br />

sunglasses when it comesto<br />

sun protection.’’ She<br />

recommends polarised lenses<br />

because they offer protection<br />

against UV and most glare.<br />

Happy Holidays,<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Our clinic is open for<br />

appointments through<br />

24 <strong>December</strong> and will<br />

reopen 5January.<br />

PLUMBING -new builds, bathroom, kitchen &<br />

laundry alterations, maintenance<br />

LOG FIRES - installs, assessments, permits<br />


-new setups, installs and assessment<br />

BACK FLOWS - new installs and testing<br />

Thank you for your support during avery challenging <strong>2020</strong>!<br />

Call 03 4<strong>23</strong> 3158<br />

Amberley |Rangiora |Cheviot |Hanmer<br />

Phone: 03312 8947<br />

Mobile: 027 471 7479 –Warwick<br />

or 021 149 4266 –Sue<br />

Email: info@warwickkirwanplumbing.co.nz<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

5<br />

Strategy aims to<br />

increase visitors<br />


Waimakariri residents will<br />

play akey role in driving anew<br />

visitor strategy for the district.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council, Enterprise <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and industry<br />

stakeholdershave been<br />

working on the Waimakariri<br />

Visitor Marketing Strategy for<br />

<strong>2020</strong>­25,with afocus on<br />

boostingnumbers.<br />

‘‘Ourlocal residents are our<br />

ambassadors by sharingour<br />

activitiesand events with their<br />

friends and family, which<br />

makesuparound 66 percentof<br />

visitors to ourdistrict,’’ says<br />

Vanessa Thompson,the<br />

council’s business andcentres<br />

adviser.<br />

Most of the district’svisitors<br />

come from Christchurch for<br />

day trips, whilethe rest of<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Auckland are<br />

the next biggest markets, with<br />

Australia beingWaimakariri’s<br />

largest international market.<br />

The visitor spend in 2019 was<br />

$93 million,which puts the<br />

Waimakariri district 46thout of<br />

67 localauthorities aroundthe<br />

country.<br />

Thereare plentyofchances<br />

for growth, Vanessa says.<br />

WhileWaimakariridoesn’t<br />

have iconic attractions, there<br />

are opportunities to promote<br />

what the district has to offer,<br />

such as boutiqueshopping,<br />

walking and cycle trails, local<br />

artists and farm visits.<br />

‘‘There is work we can do<br />

aroundchanging the thinking,<br />

so it’s not just seen as a<br />

thoroughfare on the wayto<br />

Kaikoura,Hanmer and<br />

beyond,’’Vanessa says.<br />

‘‘It’saboutencouraging our<br />

visitors to see our district in a<br />

different light and providing<br />

them with reasons for them to<br />

come and visit and experience<br />

and enjoy more of whatwe<br />

have to offer.’’<br />

Over the nextthreeyears<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

plans to work on developing at<br />

least two themed mapsayear,<br />

such as cycling, boutique<br />

shopping, hiking, water<br />

activities, golf,campingand the<br />

town centres.<br />

Chief executive Heather<br />

Warwick says investing in local<br />

eventsprovides opportunities<br />

for local residents to invite<br />

friends and familytovisit.<br />

She says the organisation<br />

will continue to build on<br />

relationships with operators,<br />

promotionsassociations,<br />

community boardsand<br />

residents.<br />

‘‘We have so muchtooffer<br />

visitors and localstoexplore<br />

and recreate.”<br />

Stadium Waimakariri,which<br />

is due to opennext year, and<br />

proposed developments such<br />

as the water sports park in<br />

Kaiapoi, are also expected to<br />

draw visitors to the district.<br />

Lorraine plans abusy retirement<br />


Fernside School teacher Lorraine<br />

Malpass has retired after 27 years at the<br />

school.<br />

Lorrainebegan teaching at Fernside in<br />

1994,which makes her the longestserving<br />

teacher in the school’s156­year<br />

history.<br />

Aspecialassembly was held recently to<br />

recognise her long service.<br />

Lorraine’s husband, Alan Malpass,<br />

retired four yearsago. He was also a<br />

teacher and aformerdeputyprincipalat<br />

Ashgrove School in Rangiora.<br />

The couple, who have been married for<br />

41 yearsand live in Rangiora,both enjoy<br />

cycling and plantospend their retirement<br />

coveringNew Zealand’s famous<br />

cycletrails, startingearly next year. They<br />

also intendtospend more time withtheir<br />

threeadult sons and granddaughters.<br />

Lorrainesays it will be hard stepping<br />

away from along career doing something<br />

she loved. But, after Covid, she realised<br />

the time was right to leave and she has<br />

been working part­time,job­sharing at<br />

the school for the lastyear, to ease herself<br />

into retirement.<br />

‘‘I think education is in really good<br />

hands,’’ she says. ‘‘We have an awesome<br />

curriculum that givesyou scope.’’<br />

Lorraine especially likes the focus on<br />

environmental education and the more<br />

relaxed approachtolearning, with<br />

childrenbondingand working in groups.<br />

‘‘Weall do betterifweare relaxed and<br />

feelvalued,’’ she says.<br />

New technology has also enabledabig<br />

change in learning. ‘‘It provides ahigher<br />

level of learning. Partofthat is making<br />

mistakes and learningtopersevere.<br />

‘‘That is how we learn, and learning<br />

empowerspeople.’’<br />

Helping childrentoprogress has been<br />

the bestpart of herjob, she says.<br />

‘‘I lovetheir enthusiasm,their joyfor<br />

life and the way theytell it likeitis. We<br />

are very luckyatFernside School. It has<br />

been such aprivilege to be part or our<br />

children’s lives,helping themtodevelop,<br />

grow and learn.’’<br />

Retiring ... Lorraine<br />

Malpass, right, with<br />

parent­help gardener<br />

Jo Chapman during<br />

the recent Gardens of<br />

Fernside and Family<br />

Market Day.<br />


•All weed-control spraying<br />

•Spot spraying<br />

•Crop-spraying /<br />

topdressing<br />

•Fertilizer application<br />

•Forestry spraying /<br />

topdressing<br />

•Seeding /re-grassing<br />

•General lifting work<br />

•Fire-fighting /stand-by<br />

•Pest control<br />

•Wilding pine control<br />

Prices starting from $50 per hectare<br />

For more information please contact Mike Geen:<br />

(027) 227 9872 |mgeen1@gmail.com<br />



6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

An armchair visit to Antarctica<br />


Agroup of residents in<br />

Rangiora’s Charles Upham<br />

Retirement Village were<br />

amazed by an immersive<br />

Antarctic experience<br />

recently, donning headsets<br />

to experience avirtual<br />

reality tour of Sir Edmund<br />

Hillary’s hut on the icy<br />

continent.<br />

The tour gave them a<br />

glimpse of the Antarctic<br />

environment and Scott<br />

Base’s oldest building.<br />

It is afully immersive<br />

experience, with audio<br />

included on the guided tour<br />

through the hut.<br />

Sarah Bouckoms, public<br />

engagement officer for the<br />

Antarctic Heritage Trust,<br />

together with Anzac Gallate,<br />

who visited the continent<br />

this year, hosted the virtual<br />

reality tour.<br />

The residents also got to<br />

try on extreme cold weather<br />

gear, generally<br />

manufactured in New<br />

Zealand, including gloves<br />

with soft wool outers that<br />

allow the wearer to wipe a<br />

drippy nose before it<br />

freezes.<br />

The residents also tried<br />

out lined boots with 10cm<br />

heels, aimed to give<br />

insulation on the southern<br />

continent. Some tried on a<br />

thick and heavy polar<br />

jacket, with 12 pockets and<br />

reflective high­vis tape,<br />

known as ‘‘The Beast’’.<br />

The virtual reality<br />

experience allows users to<br />

Quite ajourney ... Sarah Bouckoms helps Charles Upham resident Margaret Hislop with the<br />

immersive virtual reality experience.<br />

enter the hut and explore its<br />

five rooms, as well as<br />

viewing artefacts from the<br />

early years of New<br />

Zealand’s Antarctic<br />

programme.<br />

The Antarctic Heritage<br />

Trust developed the project<br />

in partnership with the<br />

Auckland University of<br />

Technology over two years<br />

to bring greater awareness<br />

and connection to the<br />

remote hut.<br />

The experience at Charles<br />

Upham was part of the<br />

trust’s efforts to take the<br />

tour to schools, community<br />

centres and retirement<br />

villages throughout New<br />

Zealand.<br />

Beware of<br />

heat threat<br />

Motorists are being advised never to<br />

leave children or pets alone in parked<br />

cars.<br />

Automobile Association roadside<br />

solutions generalmanager Bashir<br />

Khan saysthere is acommon<br />

misconception that cracking windows<br />

will keep avehicle cool enough for a<br />

child or pet to stay put.<br />

Another fallacy is that parking in the<br />

shade will do the trick, Mr Khansays.<br />

“On a30degrees Celsius day, the<br />

temperature inside avehicle can<br />

reach 39 degrees in less than five<br />

minutes. In 30 minutes, it will be 49<br />

degrees. This occurseven if the<br />

vehicle is parked in the shade with the<br />

windows down.<br />

“Our message is simple. Never leave<br />

your children or pets in your vehicle,<br />

even if you’re just nipping into ashop.’’<br />

Unless the purpose of the trip is to<br />

take your dogs for awalk, just leave<br />

them at home, Mr Khan says.<br />

Even with Kiwis driving less this<br />

year during lockdowns, AA<br />

Roadservice has been to more than 470<br />

emergency callouts for children locked<br />

in vehicles, and morethan 450 for pets.<br />

In anormal year, it attends about 760<br />

emergency callouts for children locked<br />

in vehicles and 650 for pets, with peaks<br />

of 50 or more callouts amonth for each<br />

during hot summers.<br />

If anyone sees achild or pet<br />

suffering in ahot car, call the police,<br />

the AA or the SPCA immediately. The<br />

AA prioritises calls involving children<br />

or pets lockedinvehicles.<br />

Two AA Roadservice officers arrive<br />

at the scene free­of­charge,regardless<br />

of whether the person is member.<br />

If the situationisdeemed to be<br />

serious, the AA calls the Fire and<br />

Emergency New Zealand in case there<br />

is adelay in arrival.<br />

Holidays atime to unwind, recharge and enjoy life<br />

We all know that <strong>2020</strong> hasn’t<br />

been easy.<br />

Now more than ever, it’s<br />

important to tune into the<br />

simple things that help us feel<br />

good and matterthe most.<br />

Self­care isn’t selfish, it’s<br />

essential. There are lots of ways<br />

to take care of yourself during<br />

the holidays.<br />

Give yourself permission to<br />

sit and relax, especially when<br />

tired. Explore nature and go<br />

out and just lie on the grass,<br />

play with an animal or listen to<br />

the birds.<br />

Notice your achievements<br />

and give yourself credit for<br />

This year has been one to forget for many, so the Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Trust has some tips to get through the holidayseason and step into 2021.<br />

them. Reward yourself with<br />

breakfastinbed.<br />

Tune into yourself and find<br />

out what you’refeeling and<br />

what you need. Phone afriend<br />

or write about your special<br />

accomplishments in ajournal.<br />

Have aspa, swim or sauna<br />

and make alist of things that<br />

make you happy.<br />

Go to the library, plan agettogether<br />

with friends or family,<br />

share food, ask someone for<br />

hug, draw or paint apicture, or<br />

go to apark and try the swings.<br />

Connect with others. Arrange<br />

to meet other families at the<br />

park or beach and make alist of<br />

thingsfor kids to find in a<br />

scavenger hunt.<br />

Get the cards and board<br />

games out. Sometimes we have<br />

to teach our kids to play<br />

together, planning the game or<br />

rules,and taking turns.<br />

Practice self­care. It’s hard to<br />

be patient, calm and consistent<br />

if we have nothingtogive.<br />

Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>Trust provides free<br />

social and community services<br />

to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> families<br />

and communities.<br />

The trust’s Rangiora office<br />

and Kaiapoi Community<br />

Support will close on Christmas<br />

Eve and reopen on January 6.<br />

While Community Wellbeing<br />

is closed, if you or someone in<br />

your whanau needs to talk, freecall<br />

or text 1737 anytime to get<br />

support from acounsellor.<br />

Parents can get support from<br />

the Parents Helpline: 0800 568<br />

856.<br />

Young people up to18can<br />

call Kidsline on 0800 54 37 54.<br />

Other useful sources of<br />

information are:<br />

All Right?: allright.org.nz<br />

Mental Health Foundation of<br />

NZ: mentalhealth.org.nz<br />

Depression.org.nz<br />

Mental Health Education<br />

and Resource Centre:<br />

mherc.org.nz<br />

Parenting ideas and<br />

activities for the holidays:<br />

sparklers.org.nz/parenting/<br />

parentingplace.nz/<br />

SUNDAY<br />

21 MARCH<br />

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US!<br />




8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Merry<br />

ry<br />

Christmas<br />

from everyone at<br />

Four Square Supermarket<br />

Fresh NZ Quality<br />

MarkHalf Lamb<br />

Leg Roast<br />

PamsFreshJersey Benne $<br />

7 49 Potatoes 1.5kg Prepack<br />

Product of NewZealand pk<br />

Cadbury Favourites<br />

365g or Roses 225g<br />

$<br />

14 99 kg<br />

$<br />

7 4 $<br />

5 9<br />

$<br />

5 99 ea<br />


OTAGO<br />

Pams Fresh<br />

Cherries 400g Prepack<br />

Product of New Zealand$<br />

8<br />

Tip TopIce Cream<br />

2Litre<br />

99 pk<br />

ams Fresh $<br />

8 99<br />

www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

$<br />

5 99 ea<br />

Deutz 750ml<br />

(excludesBlancDe<br />

Blancs, Rose &Prestige)<br />

$<br />

20 99 ea<br />


NOW<br />

facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specialsavailable South Island only from Monday 14th <strong>December</strong>until Sunday 27th<br />

<strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong>orwhile stocks last. Wine andbeeravailableatstores with an off<br />

licence. Wine and beerpurchasesrestricted to personsaged 18 years old andover.<br />

Open for business ... Kaikoura’s iconic Mayfair Theatre is more than just amovie<br />

theatre.<br />


New artscentreto<br />

be community hub<br />


Kaikoura is atourist playground on a<br />

sunny day, but wet weather activities<br />

have been scarce.<br />

Now, rainy days are looking brighter<br />

with the opening of the Mayfair Arts<br />

and Culture Centre Te Whare Toi o<br />

Kaikoura last month.<br />

The new arts and culture hub has<br />

been created from the $3.6 million<br />

restoration of the town’s movie<br />

theatre, which was destroyed in the<br />

November 2016 earthquake.<br />

Events and marketing director<br />

Debbie Crawford says the new Mayfair<br />

theatre is more than just amovie<br />

theatre, with adedicated exhibition<br />

space and two auditoriums, one which<br />

seats 95 and asmaller one for 35<br />

people.<br />

The restoration was made possible<br />

thanks to local fundraising efforts led<br />

by the Kaikoura Op Shop, which<br />

raised $300,000, along with generous<br />

grants from the Lotteries Commission,<br />

the Rata Foundation and Lions.<br />

The local community’s efforts have<br />

been recognised with the naming of<br />

the Op Shop Auditorium, which has<br />

been fitted out with state­of­the­art<br />

lighting and sound equipment. It is<br />

ready for performances, Debbie says.<br />

The new centre opened last month<br />

with an exhibition, Energy of Change,<br />

by Kaikoura artist Suzie Baker.<br />

The venue is available for hire for<br />

social gatherings of up to 50 people,<br />

such as conferences, parties and<br />

corporate events.<br />

‘‘Everyone is very excited. It’s a<br />

beautiful building.<br />

‘‘It’s architecturally designed and it<br />

has the original 1934 art deco facade,<br />

which was saved from the old<br />

building,’’ Debbie says.<br />

‘‘It’s pretty impressive for alittle<br />

town to have such astate­of­the­art<br />

cinema and arts hub, which we hope<br />

will become atourist attraction.<br />

‘‘We can host conferences and we<br />

are close to the Sudima Hotel, so that<br />

will be an important partner for us.’’<br />

While there are no overseas<br />

tourists, Kiwis are urged to take a<br />

drive to Kaikoura and check out the<br />

new cultural hub at 84 Esplanade,<br />

Kaikoura.<br />

To learn more, go online to<br />

themayfair.org.nz, follow the Mayfair<br />

Theatre page on Facebook, or email<br />

info@themayfair.org.nz.<br />

Afeast of fun and music<br />

Hanmer Springs will host anew South<br />

Island music festival in March.<br />

Some of New Zealand’s most<br />

celebrated musicians have been<br />

booked to play at The Feastival, anew<br />

six­hour family­friendly event which is<br />

also being held at Timaru.<br />

Pioneers of the Kiwi music industry,<br />

The Feelers,will lead the line­up at<br />

Hanmer Springs on Saturday, March<br />

27.<br />

Also featured will be multi­platinum,<br />

multi­award winning artist Jason<br />

Kerrison (of Opshop fame), New<br />

Zealand­based DJ/Production duo<br />

Sweet Mix Kids and country pop artist<br />

Kaylee Bell, whose single Keith topped<br />

the New Zealand music chart.<br />

Seven­piece funk band The In Crowd<br />

and Christchurch stand­out band City<br />

Limits will also play.<br />

Event director Simon Carter says it is<br />

an incredible line­up and he expects<br />

the tickets, which go on sale on<br />

<strong>December</strong> 1via thefeastival.co.nz, will<br />

be snapped up.<br />

‘‘We’ve worked hard to ensure this<br />

will be six hours of sweet New Zealand<br />

music.<br />

‘‘These are musicians who’ve topped<br />

charts, played at international<br />

festivals, dominated our radio airwaves<br />

and they get people up, dancing and<br />

having fun. They’re some of our very<br />

best,’’ he says.<br />

The Feastival has been designed to<br />

be agreat day out for the whole family<br />

with a Kidtopian World area to<br />

entertain the kids.<br />

There will be plenty of fantastic food<br />

available, as well as offerings from craft<br />

breweries and boutique gin distilleries.<br />

Among the fun on offer in Kidtopian<br />

World will be bumpboats, water<br />

walkers, bouncy castles and face<br />

painting.<br />

Aportion of every ticket sold will be<br />

donated to Trees that Count, which is<br />

running an initiative to plant two<br />

million trees in New Zealand.<br />

Tickets are on sale from <strong>December</strong> 1<br />

on thefeastival.co.nz website at a<br />

presale price of $55. General admission<br />

is $69, and children under 18 will be<br />

free with apaying adult. People can<br />

also purchase tickets to Kidtopian<br />

World for $15, which gives unlimited<br />

access. (They will be $20 on the day).



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If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll match thatprice. Excludes trade and special<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

When you shop at<br />

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Make the most<br />

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100% LOCALLY<br />


If youfind alower priceonanidentical stocked productlocally,wewill beatitby15%<br />

If youfind the same productfromanother Mitre10store or Mitre10website, we’ll match thatprice. Excludes trade and special<br />

quotes,stock liquidations and commercial quantities.The in-storepricemay be lowerthan thatadvertised.

Wishing our <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> residents avery Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year<br />

Best Wishes. May every happiness be yours throughout the coming year.<br />

Management and<br />

Staff wish everyone a<br />

Merry Christmas and<br />

a Happy New Year<br />

Closed from 12.00pm <strong>23</strong> rd <strong>December</strong><br />

and reopens 11 th January,8am<br />

03 3127703<br />

56 Main <strong>North</strong>Road,Woodend<br />

www.woodendautomotive.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>41990<br />

JB &MPHILP<br />

Shearing Contractors<br />

Waikari<br />

•Experienced skilled staff<br />

•Prompt quality service<br />

We wish you<br />

all aMerry<br />

ry<br />

Christmas<br />

and aSafe<br />

Holiday season<br />

Ph/Fax: 03 314 4185<br />

Mobile: 027 617 1981<br />

<strong>23</strong>42600<br />

wishes everyone aMerry Christmas<br />

and aprosperous New Year.<br />

Thank you for <strong>2020</strong> and we look forward<br />

to being of service toyou in 2021.<br />

<strong>23</strong>41197<br />

Closed 12.30pm Wednesday <strong>23</strong> rd<br />

<strong>December</strong> and re-open 8am Wednesday<br />

6 th January.<br />

Emergency Glazier 027 442 0004<br />

Call out fees apply<br />

ph: 03 313 5335 fax 03 313 5765<br />

www.northcanterburyglass.co.nz<br />

10 Albert Street, Rangiora<br />

We will match or better any written Quote<br />

Wishing all our<br />

customers an<br />

enjoyable<br />

festive season<br />

Leo DunneLtd.<br />

Agricultural Repairsand Supplies<br />

26 Lyndon Street, Culverden<br />

(03) 315 8470<br />

leodunneltd@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.leodunneltd.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>40096<br />

<strong>23</strong>39218<br />

Enjoy the taste of<br />

freshly produced<br />

real milk in<br />

a glass bottle<br />

•$3.00 alitre<br />

•Great milk -Great price<br />

•Sold on farm<br />

•Purchase 1litre bottles from<br />

dispenser or bring your own<br />

container<br />

•Cash Only -365 Days<br />

Self Service –7am to 9pm<br />

Geoff &Sandra wish all<br />

our customers aMerry<br />

Christmas &aHappy<br />

New Year.<br />

Thank you for <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

We look forward to<br />

being of service to<br />

you in 2021<br />

027 630 2<strong>23</strong>0<br />

56 Ashley Gorge Road<br />

www.facebook.com/CavanFarmFreshMilk<br />

Better for you and the environment<br />

Thank you for <strong>2020</strong>!<br />

Allan Pethig P &Staff<br />

wish everyone a<br />

Merry Christmas C and<br />

aHappy New Year<br />

Closing g 24th <strong>December</strong><br />

er<br />

to o the e 11th January<br />

For emergencies please phone<br />

Phone 03 313 7144<br />

027 432 1534<br />

Fax 03 313 2144<br />

rgrantelectrical@gmail.com<br />

PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />

www.rgrantelectrical.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>37681<br />

The Management and Staff at <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> wishthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>community averyMerry<br />

Christmasandand aHappy New Year.<br />

Thankyoutoour wonderfuladvertisers,<br />

readers anddeliverers for your continued<br />

support throughout <strong>2020</strong>. We’re looking<br />

forward to continuingtoconnect and<br />

inform youall in 2021.<br />

Last Issue<strong>2020</strong>: 22nd <strong>December</strong><br />

FirstIssue2021: 14th January<br />

Forall urgent enquiries, please email the<br />

ManagingEditor:<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>43024<br />



wishingall our<br />

customers a<br />

Merry Christmas<br />

Andrew Dalzell<br />

0274 833 938 | 03315 8312<br />

dalcol@xtra.co.nz<br />

“Coldstream” 197 Culverden Rd,<br />

Culverden 7392, New Zealand<br />

<strong>23</strong>35748<br />

<strong>23</strong>35165<br />

Amuri Transport<br />

(1989) Ltd<br />

•Livestock• s o k •Bulk• l Grain •Shingle• •Coal• •Golden• Bay Cement e ent •Daily• Freight g t Service<br />

c<br />

Wishing all our customers<br />

aMerry Christmas&<br />

Happy New Year<br />

BloomfieldCourt<br />

Small,familyfriendlyRest Home<br />

From our home to yours may the<br />

holiday season fill your home with<br />

joy, your heart with love, and your<br />

life with laughter.<br />

MerryChristmas and a<br />

Happy New Year to all!<br />

Wishing<br />

everyone aMerry<br />

Christmas and a<br />

safe and happy<br />

New Year<br />

56 St Leonards Rd, Culverden<br />

Ph 03 315 3033 -Fax 03 315 8413<br />

Livestock -stock@amuritransport.co.nz<br />

Fertiliser -fert@amuritransport.co.nz<br />

Freight -freight@amuritransport.co.nz<br />

134 Rangiora-Woodend Road,Woodend<br />

Forfurther information phone Lyn-Nurse Manager 03 312 7088<br />

Email: nmbloomfield17@gmail.com www.eldernet.co.nz/bloomfieldcourt/<br />

<strong>23</strong>42852<br />

<strong>23</strong>38773<br />

50 Mountain View Road,<br />

Culverden<br />

03 315 8984<br />

www.amuriirrigation.co.nz<br />

Amuri Irrigation Company Limited

It’stime to get creative with sand<br />


Abeach art extravaganza is<br />

planned for the New Year.<br />

Members of Waikuku<br />

Artists Incorporated (WAI)<br />

are hoping for fine weather<br />

and another big crowd at<br />

their annual beach art<br />

extravaganza.<br />

The group’s sand<br />

sculpture/castle<br />

competition traditionally<br />

attracts alarge crowd of<br />

onlookers to watch<br />

competitors building a<br />

diverse collection of<br />

sandcastles and sculptures.<br />

Next year’s event will be on<br />

Sunday, January 3, with a<br />

start time still to be<br />

confirmed, subject to the<br />

tide.<br />

The competition is being<br />

organised by Andrew Lock,<br />

Chris Stewart and Paul<br />

Sanderson in collaboration<br />

with the Waikuku Beach<br />

Life Saving Club and help<br />

from local vendors.<br />

‘‘It has been apopular<br />

event over the years,’’<br />

Andrew said. ‘‘The main aim<br />

is simply to have fun.’’<br />

There will be four<br />

categories, including under<br />

13s, those aged 13­25,<br />

families, and groups, with<br />

prizes for the winners.<br />

There will also be spot<br />

prizes.<br />

Muscle cars<br />

to gather<br />

New Zealand’s largest street machine<br />

eventreturns to the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P<br />

showgrounds in Rangiora next month.<br />

The TrilloMetals MuscleCar<br />

Madness Show will run on January <strong>23</strong><br />

and 24, celebrating its 31st show.<br />

The show began in 1990after<br />

Rollestoncar enthusiast and collector<br />

CraigStare visited Rangiora. He<br />

thought the <strong>North</strong>ern Agricultural and<br />

PastoralShowgrounds in Ashley Street<br />

wouldmake agreat venuefor a<br />

‘‘weekend get­together’’for car fans.<br />

The first gathering attracted 44 cars.<br />

Thesedays,the tally tops 1000.<br />

Therewill be awarm­up to the show<br />

with atwilight cruise down Rangiora’s<br />

main street on Thursday,January22,<br />

around someresidential streets, back<br />

down the mainstreet, to Lineside Road<br />

and Kaiapoi, before returning to the<br />

showgrounds. About250 cars are<br />

expectedtotake part.<br />

Craigsays up to 2000cars could turn<br />

up on Saturday and Sunday.<br />

‘‘If you havesomething different or a<br />

car thatisyour ‘pride and joy’ you are<br />

welcome to put it on display at no extra<br />

cost.Just pay the$20 adult gate fee,<br />

with children under16free.’’<br />

All the musicwill be Kiwi­based this<br />

year because of Covid­19 restrictions.<br />

The StadiumFinance­sponsored<br />

burnout pad will operate eachday from<br />

1.30pm. The Rockabilly pageant starts<br />

at noon on the Saturday.<br />

Therewill be stalls, and the chance<br />

to see Martin Bennett’s ‘‘Uncertain T’’,<br />

atribute version of atop American<br />

show car thattoured55years ago.<br />

Martin took the car to the US to<br />

compete in six of the largesthot rod<br />

shows, winning more than 20 trophies.<br />

Admissionis$20 for adults, with<br />

thoseunder16free. Public hours are<br />

9am to 4.30pm each day. To learn more,<br />

visitmusclecarmadness.co.nz.<br />

Fun at the beach ... Stuart<br />

Poore, from Waikuku, and his<br />

son, Arlo, with their sand<br />

sculpture in lastyear’s<br />

competition. PHOTOS: SHELLEYTOPP<br />

Snoozing pooch ... Clifford,<br />

the winning sand sculpture in<br />

the group category last year.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

13<br />

Beach dig will<br />

turn up prizes<br />


It will be spades at the ready at<br />

Leithfield Beach next week as ahunt<br />

for treasure gets under way.<br />

Kev’s Big Dig is being held on<br />

Sunday, <strong>December</strong> 27. Youngsters who<br />

find ametal disc in the sand can claim<br />

aprize.<br />

Acar boot sale will precede the Big<br />

Dig from 10am.<br />

Amberley Lions Club organiser<br />

Kevin Fenemor says anyone is<br />

welcome to turn up for the sale, open<br />

their boot, and sell their goods.<br />

Kev’s Big Dig starts at 1.30pm and<br />

runs to 2.30pm in two age groups —3to<br />

7years and 8to13years —with the two<br />

areas roped off.<br />

Kev came up with the fun activity<br />

after seeing how successful it was in<br />

the <strong>North</strong> Island at abeach near Levin<br />

several years ago.<br />

‘‘We didn’t have anything like it here<br />

so Idecided to try it.’’<br />

Kev says there will be agreat<br />

assortment of prizes for entrants. The<br />

entry fee is $5.<br />

Those entering can also visit the<br />

playgrounds, enjoy the toddlers’ pool,<br />

abouncy castle, play tennis and enjoy<br />

the food, drinks and ice­creams on<br />

offer.<br />

The beach community is also holding<br />

traditional sports events such as threelegged<br />

races and egg­and­spoon races.<br />

Registration for the dig is from 10am<br />

at the Leithfield Community Hall.<br />

The event will be held on January 2<br />

if bad weather forces postponement.<br />

Region offers plenty of holiday entertainment<br />

Waimakariri has plenty to<br />

offer locals and visitors alike<br />

this summer, says Enterprise<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> chief<br />

executive Heather Warwick.<br />

Whether it is shopping in<br />

the town centres or enjoying<br />

the natural environment,<br />

people don’t have to travel far<br />

to make memories.<br />

‘‘Get out and enjoy our<br />

nature and diverse<br />

landscapes, whether it be at a<br />

surf­patrolled beach, one of<br />

our conservation parks in the<br />

foothills for awalk or tramp,<br />

or on our network of cycle<br />

trails around the eastern side<br />

of the district.’’<br />

Sporting individuals can<br />

enjoy around or two of golf at<br />

one of the local golf courses.<br />

For the foodies, Heather<br />

says there are fabulous cafes<br />

and restaurants in all the<br />

local towns.<br />

‘‘Eat inside for abreak from<br />

the sun or chill outside in a<br />

garden area, or with lake or<br />

river views.<br />

‘‘Remember to check out<br />

the farmers and craft markets<br />

around the district and the<br />

wonderful array and variety<br />

of shops in the local towns.’’<br />

Family fun events this<br />

summer include the Waikuku<br />

Sand Castle Competition,<br />

InflataRun, the open day at<br />

Tuhaitara Coastal Park,<br />

Woodend Beach, and Muscle<br />

Car Madness.<br />

For those looking for<br />

something alittle quieter, the<br />

district has art galleries and<br />

museums to visit in Kaiapoi,<br />

Rangiora and Oxford.<br />

Information about these<br />

activities and more can be<br />

found on the Waimakariri<br />

district’s tourism website,<br />

visitwaimakariri.co.nz.<br />

Hopeful fishers will be casting for the big one<br />


Fishers will be hoping to lure the top<br />

prize when they cast out at the<br />

Amberley Beach Surfcasting<br />

competition.<br />

Atop prize of $1000 is on offer for the<br />

winner of the senior section, which is<br />

sure to be abig drawcard for<br />

surfcasting enthusiasts.<br />

The cash prize is one of many great<br />

prizes to be won in the competition on<br />

Sunday, January 24, organised by the<br />

Amberley Lions Club.<br />

It is one of the largest fishing contests<br />

in the South Island, with many repeat<br />

entrants turning out each year to line<br />

the beach.<br />

The Amberley Lions has hosted the<br />

competition for 28 years, with its<br />

success due largely to past sponsorship<br />

from local businesses, as well as the<br />

commitment of previous longstanding<br />

conveners such as Geoff Shier and<br />

Dave Morris.<br />

Last January’s contest saw arecord<br />

number of fish hooked.<br />

The club hopes the tides, weather<br />

and fish stocks will all line up again to<br />

produce some good fishing.<br />

Aschool of dogfish off the beach had<br />

helped keep enthusiasm high, with<br />

several caught and weighed in.<br />

The Amberley Lions Club is looking<br />

forward to the same number of fish<br />

being reeled in next month.<br />

This year, amodified sponsorship<br />

format includes categories from<br />

Platinum through to Bronze.<br />

The three Platinum/principal<br />

sponsors are McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega,<br />

Calder Electronics and Rivers to<br />

Ranges, followed by Gold with Tall<br />

Poppy Real Estate (<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>)<br />

and CanRecruit.<br />

Amberley Lions say without the<br />

support of sponsors the event would not<br />

be possible.<br />

It is afun day for families and<br />

children, and provides agreat chance<br />

to enjoy the sun, aday at the beach,<br />

socialising, and exchange fun banter<br />

with fellow competitors while<br />

hopefully catching afish and securing a<br />

prize.<br />

Tickets are on sale at Arthur Burke,<br />

Amberley; Rivers to Ranges, Rangiora;<br />

and the Fishermans’ Loft,<br />

Christchurch. People can also register<br />

from 7am on the day of the competition<br />

at the Amberley Beach Domain Hall.<br />

Fishing is from 8am to 3pm.<br />

Fishing with mum ... KayeleighNeame,of<br />

Culverden, withher daughter Milah Campion<br />

during lastyear’scompetition.<br />


Wishing our <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> residents avery<br />

Merry Christmas and aHappy New Year<br />

We thank you for your continued support throughout <strong>2020</strong><br />

–here’s to abright and prosperous 2021<br />






Waikari track rock is<br />

lighter and goes further<br />

than competing lane<br />

rock products<br />






The team atCentral<br />

Physiotherapy wishes<br />

all their clients avery<br />

Merry Christmas and<br />

aHappy New Year!<br />

We will beclosed<br />

stat days only.<br />

Comfort, Style &Indulgence<br />

in the heart of Hanmer<br />

at unbelievably good rates<br />

Boutique boardroom for intimate &corporate<br />

functions, Family Gatherings –Celebrations -<br />

Management &Training Retreats<br />

Catering as required<br />

1&2Bedroom Apartments -Spa<br />

◆ Wishing Everyone aMerry &Safe Christmas ◆<br />

QualityStockfoods<br />

at QualityPrices!!<br />

Balcairn<br />

HORSES<br />




Wishing all our Clients a<br />

Merry &Festive Christmas<br />

Stockfoods<br />

<strong>23</strong>36967<br />

OPEN <br />

Wishing everyone a<br />

Merry and Safe Christmas<br />

ph: 021 059 5521 |em: scc@unifone.net.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>36273<br />

36 Ashley Street, Rangiora.<br />

Phone (03) 313-7053<br />

Email: centralphysio@xtra.co.nz<br />

E: info@clearridge.co.nz |W:www.clearridge.co.nz<br />

T: +64 (3) 3155144 |Reservations NZ: 0800 555 596.<br />

A: 28 Jacks Pass Road | Hanmer Springs 7334 | NZ.<br />

40 Ashbys Rd,Balcairn Eftpos Available<br />

Ph:03312 9205 | 027367 5009<br />

www.balcairnstockfoods.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>43266<br />



Management &Staff wish<br />

everyonee<br />

aMerry Christmas<br />

&aHappy New Year.<br />

Thank you for <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Look forward to being of<br />

service toyou in 2021. 21.<br />

Closed Stats only<br />

Breakdown &<br />

After Hours<br />

Service Available<br />

Phone 03 313 6361<br />

0275 200 711<br />

307 Flaxton Road, RANGIORA<br />

brooktrucks@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>41987<br />

Thank youfor all your<br />

continued support, and may<br />

youhaveaMerry Christmas<br />

and Happy NewYear<br />

Year-round Beer Garden for<br />

indoor-outdoor dining or functions<br />

Bottle Store•Takeaways •Full Selection of Beers<br />

Enjoythe relaxed family atmosphereat:<br />

573 Upper Sefton Road.<br />

Phone 312-9851<br />

<strong>23</strong>43021<br />

<strong>23</strong>41993<br />

3<br />

Management&Staffwish<br />

everyoneaMerry Christmas<br />

&aHappy New Year<br />

Club closes Xmas Eve at 8.30pm<br />

Closed Xmas Day<br />

Normal operating hours from<br />

26 th <strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Monday 4 th January 11am – 7pm (Monday<br />

hours only) normal operating hours<br />

Tuesday – Sunday<br />

Bistro <strong>23</strong> rd & 24 th <strong>December</strong> closing 7.30pm<br />

Closed Xmas Day<br />

31 st <strong>December</strong> open 12pm<br />

6 th – 9 th Jan will open at 4pm<br />

113 Raven Quay, Kaiapoi | Ph 03 327 7884<br />

Members, Guests &Affiliates Welcome<br />





General Farm Maintenence - Dairy Conversions<br />

- Effluent Pond Construction<br />

• Excavators - 5 x <strong>23</strong> Tonne tracked excavators<br />

& 2 x 14 tonne wheeled excavators<br />

• Sakai 7 tonne double drum vibrating roller<br />

& 14 tonne construction roller<br />

• On site screening of shingle products<br />

• Cat 130G & 12H Graders<br />

• Transporter - permitted 47 tonne<br />

• Trucks<br />

Wishing all<br />

<strong>23</strong>34808<br />

Shane Dwyer<br />

Ph 0274 661 025<br />

our clients<br />

aMerry<br />

Christmas<br />

Blue Lewis<br />

Ph 0275 258 358<br />


Thank you to all our customers and<br />

suppliers. What a year it has been!<br />

Your support is greatly appreciated, and we<br />

wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and<br />

a busy and prosperous New Year.<br />

Please note we will be closing 6pm on Thursday<br />

24 t h <strong>December</strong> and re-opening Tuesday 5 th<br />

January at 8am when normal sales resume.<br />

Wishes<br />

everyone a<br />

Merry Christmas<br />

and aHappy<br />

New Year<br />

Closed 22 nd <strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Reopens 18 th January 2021<br />

Thank you for <strong>2020</strong><br />


Mon to Fri 8am –6pm Phone (03) 327 5127<br />

Sat 8.30am 12 noon<br />

Closed Sundays and Public Holidays<br />

143 Neeves Rd, Clarkville, Kaiapoi RD1<br />

2 3 4 3 3 1 7<br />

aMerry Christmas &<br />

Happy New Year<br />

Ph + 64 3 314 9250<br />

www.amberleyresthome.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>43436<br />

Upholstery Specialists<br />

Free quotes, Pick up and<br />

Delivery<br />

32 years experience<br />

03 327-0266<br />

0274 840 159<br />

72 Otaki St, Kaiapoi<br />

recoveries@xtra.co.nz<br />


Rodeo provides afamily day of fun<br />


Cowboys and cowgirls from<br />

throughout New Zealand will<br />

head to the Mandeville Sports<br />

CentreonSaturday,January<br />

4, for <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Te Mania<br />

Angus Rodeo.<br />

The gates openat9am, with<br />

the action starting at 10.30am.<br />

Slacks, arodeo term for the<br />

overflow of competitors in<br />

eventswith high entries,open<br />

the show.The second division<br />

bull­ridingfollows around<br />

11.30am.<br />

The main rodeo<br />

performance will take centrestage<br />

after alunch breakat<br />

roughly 1pm. There willbe<br />

bareback riding,and bucking<br />

bulls testing the top athletes.<br />

There will also be roping,<br />

barrel­racing and steer<br />

wrestling.<br />

Not all the action will be in<br />

the ring,with the rodeo agreat<br />

fun family day out, providing<br />

plentyofentertainment for<br />

the kids.<br />

There will be alolly<br />

scramble,abouncy castle,<br />

helicopter rides, food and bar<br />

facilities.<br />

This will give mums, dads<br />

and caregiversplenty of time<br />

to relax on arug on the bank<br />

and soak up the live action.<br />

Hot and coldfood and<br />

drinks are available, or<br />

people can packachillybin<br />

with food to eat while enjoying<br />

the action in the ring.<br />

Top <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

cowboy and <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Rodeovice­president Tim<br />

Costello will not be competing<br />

this year.<br />

Tim has optedtofocus on<br />

looking afterthe horses that<br />

he runs near Hawarden. He<br />

will be bringing six broncs to<br />

the rodeo.<br />

The remainingbucking<br />

horses are being provided by<br />

the Methven RodeoClub.<br />

The bucking bulls are<br />

courtesyof<strong>Canterbury</strong> club<br />

members William Jamison<br />

and DuncanMackintosh.<br />

Plenty of bounce ... Tim Costello will be taking six of his broncs to <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Te Mania Angus<br />

Rodeo.<br />


Competitors to watch<br />

include last year’s champion<br />

saddle broncrider, Jeremy<br />

Dillon, fromCheviot.<br />

He willhave to match the<br />

Whitelock brothers, Joe and<br />

Lane,from HawkesBay.<br />

In the bareback riding<br />

section, Omihi’s Liam<br />

Hofsteedwill be one to keep<br />

an eye on. He is going for his<br />

first nationaltitle this year.<br />

In the bull riding,there will<br />

be Merv ChurchJr. and Paddy<br />

Church coming down from the<br />

<strong>North</strong> Islandinabid to win<br />

some of the prize money<br />

In the barrel racing, there<br />

are multiple club members,<br />

including afinals qualifier<br />

from last year, Chanelle Dicki.<br />

Chanelle is easy to spot,<br />

usually sporting somebright<br />

fashion.<br />

Last year’s rookie champion<br />

Nancy Franco willhave her<br />

work cut out to beatRhondine<br />

Long, from Oamaru, who was<br />

the winner of last year’s<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rodeo.<br />

Keep an eye on last year’s<br />

rope­and­tie champion<br />

MarcusSpencer­Bower, who<br />

is aMandevillelocal.<br />

Book now at trybooking.co.<br />

nz/FSI.<br />

Gate prices: Families $60,<br />

adults$25, children aged 5to<br />

10 years $15, under 5s free.<br />

The Mandeville Sports Centre<br />

will be signpostedfrom the<br />

motorway, north of<br />

Christchurch. No glass, No<br />

BYO alcohol,nobarbecues.<br />

Ready for action ... William Jamison’s bull will be in action at the<br />

rodeo.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

15<br />

Why not<br />

enjoy a<br />

staycation?<br />


Travel agents always know where<br />

the best holiday spots are, so where<br />

wouldthey go for astaycation in<br />

theirown backyard?<br />

For Jonathan Prager, owneroperator<br />

of House of Travel<br />

Rangiora, his choice wouldbea<br />

tour of Waipara’s wine­growing<br />

area.‘‘Thewineries are superb and<br />

they are producing world­class<br />

wines. It is aprettyamazingplace.’’<br />

Jonathan took his sister, Bernice,<br />

for aday trip through Waipara<br />

about2 1 ⁄2years ago whenshe was<br />

visiting <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> from her<br />

home in Britain. ‘‘She absolutely<br />

lovedthe trip.Apart fromsampling<br />

so manygreatwines, the<br />

atmosphere and food at the various<br />

wineries was superb. We visited<br />

Waipara Hills, Pegasus Bayand<br />

Waipara Springs.’’<br />

Jonathan was the sober driver<br />

that day so his sister could do the<br />

wine tasting.<br />

‘‘It is an absolutely fantastic day<br />

trip and Ireally recommend<br />

visiting several wineriesinone<br />

day.’’<br />

More recently,hetook awine<br />

connoisseur friend fromBritain on<br />

the trip and ‘‘heloved it too’’.<br />

However, for HouseofTravel<br />

Rangiora seniortravel consultant<br />

Graham Kevern, akeen cyclist,<br />

Hanmer Springs is hard to beat<br />

because of the seemingly endless<br />

trails availablefor walking and<br />

cycling —and thehot pools for<br />

relaxing in afterwards.<br />

‘‘There is somethingfor<br />

everyone,ofall ages and skill<br />

levels,’’ he says. ‘‘Andifyou do have<br />

afall on the trail, you can have a<br />

soak in the hot pools at the end of<br />

the day to soothe away any aches<br />

and pains.’’<br />

Mountain bikes and electric<br />

bikes are available for hireinthe<br />

village.<br />

‘‘So if you havebeen thinking<br />

about buying an e­bike,thisisa<br />

goodopportunity to try one out<br />

before makingthat investment.’’<br />

Scavenger hunt planned<br />


Waimakariri youth areplanning a<br />

scavenger hunt to encouragepeople<br />

to explorethe district this summer.<br />

WaiYouth willpost clues on its<br />

social mediafor different locations in<br />

Rangiora, Kaiapoi, Oxford, Woodend<br />

and Pegasus to find ahidden QR<br />

code,Waimakariri District Council<br />

youthfacilitator Sam Redman says.<br />

‘‘Each QR code, when scanned,will<br />

give you aclue and when you put it<br />

all together it will give the details of<br />

the first event for 2021.<br />

‘‘Theyouth wanted to do something<br />

that could tick over and didn’t<br />

require too much input, and was<br />

something anyonecould do.’’<br />

Once participants have all the<br />

clues, theycan add them in the<br />

online form on the new waiyouth.nz<br />

to enter the competition.<br />

Prizes from thescavengerhunt will<br />

be presented at WaiYouth’s first<br />

eventin2021.<br />

Sam says the new websitewill<br />

provide ‘‘a one­stop shop’’ alongside<br />

WaiYouth’sspresence on Instagram<br />

and Facebook, withinformation<br />

abouteventsand how to get involved.<br />

While he cannot reveal the details<br />

yet,Sam says the first event in 2021<br />

‘‘will be one of the biggest events<br />

WaiYouthhas run’’.<br />

‘‘After the yearthat’s been,<br />

WaiYouthwas keen to start 2021 with<br />

abang, so watch this space or go and<br />

findthe clues,’’ Sam says.<br />

The Waimakariri Youth Council is<br />

alsoplanning for abusy 2021, with its<br />

Dudley Park project consultationto<br />

kickoff in the New Year.<br />

‘‘Thingshave been slower than we<br />

expected, but we wanted to do it<br />

right,’’ Samsays.<br />

‘‘It’s the first projectofthis kind<br />

thatthe youth council has taken on,<br />

so they willbereallyexcitedtosee<br />

somemovementonitthis year.’’<br />

The youthcouncilisalso planning<br />

to tackle an environmental project<br />

and willbemaking submissions for<br />

the District Plan and the Long Term<br />

Plannext year.<br />

Withmore than 9000 youth living in<br />

the district, Sam encourages young<br />

people to get in touch with the youth<br />

counciltomake sure their viewsare<br />

represented. Recruitment for both<br />

groups will alsobegininthe New<br />

Year, with two vacancies to fill.<br />

Signage pulls businesses together<br />


Apush for signage on<br />

the main highway near<br />

Waipara has given rise<br />

to greater collaboration<br />

between local wineries<br />

and the Iron Ridge<br />

Sculpture Park.<br />

Jill Chapman, from<br />

Terrace Edge Vineyard,<br />

says it has taken ayear<br />

to get the signage up on<br />

State Highway 1.<br />

‘‘It has been ahugely<br />

costly exercise getting<br />

the signage up, but it has<br />

developed alovely<br />

collaborative approach<br />

for the family businesses<br />

down the south bank of<br />

the Waipara River,’’ Jill<br />

says.<br />

ADiscover South<br />

Bank event will be held<br />

on January 24. People<br />

are encouraged to visit<br />

the wineries on Georges<br />

and Rampaddock roads,<br />

and enjoy wine seminars<br />

and other activities.<br />

Atoastto<br />

signage ...<br />

From left, Jill<br />

Chapman,of<br />

Terrace Edge;<br />

Raymond<br />

Herber, of Iron<br />

Ridge<br />

Sculpture<br />

Park;Kirk Bray,<br />

of Georges<br />

Road Winery;<br />

and Jack Hill<br />

and Vic Tutton,<br />

from The<br />

Boneline<br />

winery.<br />


Wishingour <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

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<strong>23</strong>39209<br />

The Management and Staff at <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

wish the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> community avery<br />

Merry Christmas and aHappyNew Year.<br />

Thankyou to our wonderful advertisers, readers anddeliverers<br />

foryourcontinued supportthroughout <strong>2020</strong>. We’relooking<br />

forward to continuingto connect andinform youall in 2021.<br />

Last Issue <strong>2020</strong>: 22nd <strong>December</strong><br />

First Issue 2021: 14th January<br />

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Phone 314-3595<br />

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<strong>23</strong>40543<br />

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We wish to thank our patients for their support during <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

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4/42 Silverstream Boulevard Silverstream<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

17<br />

Cause for optimism among farmers<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers have<br />

plenty of cause for optimism after<br />

achallenging year, says Oxford<br />

dairyfarmer CamHenderson.<br />

The Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> president, looking<br />

back on an unusual<strong>2020</strong>,says<br />

thereare plenty of positive signs.<br />

‘‘Thesun’s out and the grass is<br />

growing. It’s quitenice that<br />

summer has finally arrived.’’<br />

Either sideofthe Covid­19<br />

lockdown,farmers experienced a<br />

dry summer,followed by amild<br />

winter and awetter spring.<br />

Priceschedules for most<br />

productscontinued to be strong<br />

and <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> is looking<br />

greener than normal withplenty<br />

of feed about. It puts farmers in a<br />

good spacewith an El Nino<br />

summer on the horizon.<br />

‘‘ElNino tends to lead to a<br />

longer and drier summer,but it<br />

can all changepretty quickly.’’<br />

Federated Farmershas ‘‘a good<br />

team, with some new faces, in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’’.<br />

At least one new leaderis<br />

sought for next year,with Cam<br />

due to complete four yearsas<br />

provincial president in May.<br />

He hopes to stillhave some role<br />

afterthe AGM.<br />

The annualmeeting is likelyto<br />

follow asimilar format to this<br />

year, with members who can’t<br />

attendable to join via the<br />

conferencingapp Zoom.<br />

Covid­19 forcedFederated<br />

Farmers to rethinkhow it<br />

connects with members. The<br />

organisation willcontinue to seek<br />

improvements, Camsays. ‘‘And I<br />

think we will be better for it.’’<br />

Withthe general election out of<br />

the way, Mr Henderson hopesfor<br />

some‘‘more constructiveconversations’’<br />

around regulations.<br />

He looks forward to meeting<br />

with Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong> to<br />

discuss the latest nationaland<br />

regional policy statements on<br />

freshwater and land management.<br />

Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> meat and wool<br />

chairman Daniel Maxwell says<br />

most sheepfarmersare in a<br />

positive space. ‘‘The markets are<br />

holdingupreasonably well,<br />

exceptfor strong wool, whichisall<br />

pretty positive considering there’s<br />

aglobal pandemic.’’<br />

Have youseeneitherofthese pest plants?<br />

Tasty treat ... Cam Booker expects agood crop of<br />

strawberries this Christmas.<br />


It will be avery<br />

berry Christmas<br />


Strawberries are ripening in<br />

time for Christmas, but<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> grower<br />

Cam Booker expects them to<br />

be snappedupquickly.<br />

Mr Booker, preparingfor<br />

the eighth annual Sefton<br />

Christmas Harvest Marketat<br />

his farm near Rangiora on<br />

<strong>December</strong> 24, says Christmas<br />

strawberries, spuds and peas<br />

are in good supply.<br />

It makes apleasant change<br />

from last year, when the<br />

Booker Christmasdinner<br />

tablewas bare of homegrown<br />

strawberries.<br />

‘‘We’re very much reliant<br />

on the season, but ripening<br />

has been abit later this year,<br />

so we should haveagood<br />

supply. Strawberries don’t<br />

just grow for Christmas. They<br />

do what theywant to do.<br />

‘‘Every homewants<br />

strawberriesand we won’t<br />

have enough for everybody,<br />

but it’s certainly looking<br />

better.’’<br />

The early birds who arrive<br />

between 8am and 9am can<br />

dig theirown spuds and pick<br />

peas for a$5entry fee, while<br />

laterpatronsare askedfor a<br />

gold coindonation for<br />

parking, which supports the<br />

Sefton School PTA.<br />

‘‘Those who get in first will<br />

have the pick of the crop.<br />

‘‘It’s abusy day for families<br />

and people come early.’’<br />

Therewill be agood mix of<br />

stalls selling produce from<br />

localgrowers andartisans to<br />

the more than 3000 people<br />

expected. Everything for the<br />

Christmas table willbe<br />

available, fromturkeys,<br />

ducks, hams,wine, cherries,<br />

and bread, to fruit and veges.<br />

Salesthrough the home<br />

deliveryservice of his<br />

company,Grown, soared<br />

during the lockdown.A<br />

subsequent appearanceon<br />

Country Calendar has made<br />

for abusy year, Cam says.<br />

The harvest marketwill be<br />

held,rain or shine, on<br />

Christmas Eve from 8amto<br />

1pm at 783 MarshmansRoad,<br />

Sefton,near Rangiora.<br />

E20/8247_4<br />

Puna grass<br />

Achnatherum caudatum<br />

• Long-lived, tussock-forming,<br />

grasswith ribbed uprightstems<br />

• Leaves areverynarrow<br />

(70cmlong,1-2.5mmwide)<br />

and ribbed on both sides<br />

• Seeds have long awns in<br />

largeelongated seed-heads<br />

at thetop of theplant<br />

• Fibrousrootsystem<br />

Hornwort<br />

Ceratophyllumdemersum<br />

• Freshwater submergedplant,<br />

free-floatingorlightly anchored<br />

• Stems (30-150cm long)<br />

branched, stiff and brittle<br />

• Thin greenleaves(1-4cmlong)<br />

with teethonthe outeredge,<br />

densely crowdedatthe stem tip<br />

• Spread by peopleand equipment<br />

Report pestsusing theFind-A-Pest<br />

app,orbycontactingusdirecton<br />

biosecurity@ecan.govt.nzor0800324 636.


18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

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2021055<br />

Dave’spatience rewarded<br />


Dave Neal has finally carried<br />

off the Supreme All Comers<br />

Trophy and the Glenalbany<br />

Cup at theOxford A&P<br />

Association’svelvet<br />

competition.<br />

‘‘I have beentrying to win<br />

them for the past nine to 10<br />

years,’’ he says.<br />

The winning head of velvet,<br />

takenfrom aseven­year­old<br />

stag,weighed8.5kg,<br />

impressing the judges withits<br />

conformation and evenness<br />

across both tynes.<br />

It was an impressive<br />

competition for Dave and his<br />

wife,Sheila, who farm<br />

Roseford,near Coalgate.<br />

Supreme winner... Dave and<br />

Sheila Nealwith the winning<br />

8.5kghead of velvet.<br />

They also wonsecond prize<br />

in the opensection and<br />

carried off first and second<br />

placeinthe commercial class<br />

for heads up to 5kg.<br />

Dave bought the winning<br />

stag as athree­year­old from<br />

Southland, but bredthe other<br />

prizewinners himself.<br />

The couplerun 140<br />

velveting stags,plus 45 twoyear­oldson40hectares<br />

of<br />

their140ha property. They<br />

also have 150 hinds.<br />

The Neals have been longterm<br />

supporters of the<br />

competition, which has run<br />

for more than 30 years. They<br />

say it is agreat opportunity<br />

for deer farmers and people<br />

in the industry to gather and<br />

talk aboutdeer farming,<br />

velvet and whatthe markets<br />

are doing.<br />

Competitors came from as<br />

far afield as Ashburton, with<br />

agood line­up from locals,<br />

too.<br />

Results: Supreme All Comers<br />

Trophy: Dave and Sheila<br />

Neal.<br />

Open Red (Glenalbany<br />

Cup):David and Sheila Neal 1<br />

and 2; Craig and Shane<br />

Cockburn3.<br />

District Red (Elder Cup):<br />

SlemintFarming Ltd 1, P<br />

Velvet ... Competitors and visitors examine heads of velvet at<br />

the Oxford A&P Association’s velvet competition.<br />

Wightman 2, StokesFarming<br />

3.<br />

Open Wapiti(JohnBarber<br />

Cup):Garth Free 1.<br />

Commercial(heads of<br />

velvet up to 5kg): Dave and<br />

Sheila Neal 1and 2; Stokes<br />

Farming3.<br />





call Scott Heasley 0275 350 302<br />

heasleyfencing@xtra.co.nz<br />


1930772<br />

South Island field days at Kirwee set to be acracker<br />

The 70th year of South IslandAgricultural<br />

FieldDays willbeone of the best yet,<br />

organisers say.<br />

Demand for exhibitor space is heading<br />

for asell­out, despite there still being<br />

threemonths before the 2021event at<br />

Kirwee,near Christchurch,from March<br />

24 to 26.<br />

The committeehas been allocating<br />

tradespace across the 17­hectare site, as<br />

well as the extra demonstration area.<br />

The event willsee more companies<br />

demonstrating their machinery than ever<br />

before, grounds committee chairman<br />

RodneyHadfield says. ‘‘This is the place<br />

that farmers cancome and see all the gear<br />

put throughits pacesbefore making a<br />

decision to purchase.’’<br />

It has been morethan 12 monthssince<br />

the lastbig agricultural show in the<br />

regionand organisingcommittee<br />

chairwoman Michaela McLeod believes<br />

that has helped leadtorenewed interest<br />

from exhibitors.<br />

“Farmersand industry people love to<br />

come together and share theirideas,do<br />

business and lookatways to incorporate<br />

fresh ideas intotheir farming operation.’’<br />

Formore information,visit<br />

siafd.co.nz.<br />

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Greta Valley 2118 Omihi Road<br />

Rangiora 42 and 42a Percival Street<br />

First Farm Opportunity<br />

Attractive low cost, breeding property in asought after area of <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, withgood infrastructure.Subdividedinto <strong>23</strong> paddocks of<br />

good quality permanent pasture, with very good quality fencing,there<br />

are goodtracksaround the hill blocks, which allow easy grazing<br />

management. The soils range fromWaipara andMairaki, nearestSH1<br />

to Glenrock StoneySilty Loam further back. Aroundthe homestead<br />

there are maturetrees for shelter and shadeand there are two<br />

woodlots of pines totalling eighthectares.The homeisacomfortable<br />

four ...<br />

4 1 1<br />

For Sale $2,085,000 +GST (if any)<br />

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Two homes on one title<br />

Callingall Landlords and Investors!Here are two homes with one title<br />

on 1,011 m2.Live in oneand rent the other, or rentboth-the choice is<br />

yours!Ifyou're lookingto the future andwant arentalincome to<br />

compliment your lifestyle, then thispropertyisthe one for you.There<br />

may never be another opportunitylike this one, especially while<br />

interest ratesare so low. The front homeis asprawlingfour bedroom<br />

villa with off-street parking currently earning agood weekly rental<br />

income. This villa has aheat pump, log burner and reardeck.<br />

6 2 2 2<br />

For Sale $729,000<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU78749<br />

AaronClark<br />

M 027 873 5121<br />

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yourfamilies ahappyand<br />

safe Christmas andNew Year.<br />

We truly appreciateyour<br />

business and support<br />

throughout <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

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M 03 313 8022 | E rangiora@pb.co.nz<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />


What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

Waimakariri Enters Restricted Fire Season<br />

Waimakariri is now inarestricted fire season,<br />

along with the rest of <strong>Canterbury</strong> following the<br />

declaration from Fire and Emergency NZlast week.<br />

This means most outdoor fires will require a<br />

permit, and permit holders must carefully follow<br />

the specified conditions.<br />

Fire and Emergency NZ Region Manager Paul<br />

Henderson asks people to follow the fire season<br />

and be safe with fire.<br />

Paul advises people undertaking activity that can<br />

create sparks like mowing or grinding, totake<br />

extreme caution and wait until the cooler parts of<br />

the day such as mornings and evenings.<br />

"In these conditions afirework, or spark from<br />

machinery, could easily start awildfire which would<br />

get quickly out of control,” says Paul.<br />

He says that people planning to celebrate the<br />

holiday period with fireworks should think again<br />

and leave them in the cupboard.<br />

"Please don’t let off fireworks in <strong>Canterbury</strong> over<br />

summer -It’s too risky with the heat and extreme<br />

dryness in the area."<br />

Go to www.checkitsalright.nz to check if you need a<br />

permit and for tips on how to reduce the risk of fire.<br />

Wrapping up Christmas Waste<br />

The Waimakariri District Council are asking<br />

residents not to be foiled by unrecyclable<br />

Christmas wrapping this festive season.<br />

Below are some handy tips to guide you through<br />

the post-festive clean-up to help reduce recycling<br />

bin contamination.<br />

Disposing of gi wrapping:<br />

• Clean, flat paper and cardboard larger than an<br />

envelope can go in the yellow bin.<br />

• Plastic ribbons, bows and shiny foil/metallic<br />

wrapping paper and gi bags go in the rubbish.<br />

• Ifyour wrapping paper doesn’t tear, put it in the<br />

rubbish.<br />

• Small pieces of paper, tissue, and natural cotton<br />

ribbons can go in the organics bin.<br />

• Plastic wrap, bubble wrap, cellophane and any<br />

so plastic needs to go in the rubbish.<br />

• Old Christmas cards can go in the yellow bin.<br />

• Polystyrene packaging is free to drop off at the<br />

Southbrook Resource Recovery Park, otherwise<br />

put it in the rubbish.<br />

Toyand gi packaging<br />

• Plastic packaging of any kind, twisty ties, lolly<br />

wrappers, plastic strapping and so plastic<br />

packaging goes in the rubbish.<br />

Christmas trees<br />

• Real trees can be cut into small pieces and put<br />

in the organics bin, or taken to the green-waste<br />

area at the transfer station (standard charges<br />

will apply).<br />

• Fake trees that have seen better days go in the<br />

rubbish if they can’t be passed onto someone else.<br />

Breakages and broken glass<br />

• Broken glassware, ornaments or crockery needs<br />

to be wrapped in paper and put in the rubbish.<br />

Leovers<br />

• Leover food including turkey and meat bones<br />

go in the organics bin.<br />

• Food soiled cardboard takeaway containers,<br />

paper towels, serviettes and pizza boxes can all<br />

be put in the green bin.<br />

Full bins<br />

• Bin lids need to be closed flat for collection.<br />

• Excess recyclables can be taken to the transfer<br />

stations for free.<br />

• Council rubbish bags can be purchased from<br />

local supermarkets and Service Centres for<br />

excess rubbish.<br />

Unwanted gis<br />

• Ifyou received something you don’t need or<br />

want, pass it on to acharity shop, re-gi to<br />

someone else or take it to the ReSale store<br />

at the Southbrook Resource Recovery Park<br />

(excludes electrical items).<br />

Bin collection<br />

• Over the Christmas and New Year period, if your<br />

wheelie bins are normally emptied on aFriday,<br />

they will be emptied on the Saturday instead as<br />

there is no collection on Christmas Day and New<br />

Year’s Day.<br />

• Bins normally emptied on aMonday, Tuesday,<br />

Wednesday or Thursday go out as usual over the<br />

Christmas/New Year period.<br />

Have you signed up for<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Council <strong>News</strong>letter?<br />

To join visit:<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/subscribe<br />

C H A L L E N G E 2 0 2 0/21<br />

Four age categories from<br />

preschool to adult.<br />

Register online now –<br />

waimakariri.beanstack.org.<br />

Challenge runs from 1<strong>December</strong><br />

to20January. Win great prizes.<br />

Upcoming Closure<br />

Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre will be<br />

closed for scheduled maintenance<br />

from 5January 2021.<br />

Whilethere’s nogood timetoclose the pool, the<br />

holidays aretraditionally ourquietesttime.This<br />

closureallowsustocarryout maintenance, make<br />

repairs andkeepour facility ingreatshapeforyears<br />

to come.<br />

Dudley Park AquaticCentre in Rangiora is available<br />

forswimming duringthis time.<br />

The Learn to Swim pool reopens on the<br />

16 January, with the rest of the facility<br />

available from 6February.<br />



NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

21<br />

Young parents recognised<br />

Give usyour<br />

feedback<br />

Don’t be<br />

foiled by your<br />

wrapping.<br />

Plastic foil wrap, soft<br />

plastic packaging like<br />

ribbons, bows, bubble<br />

wrap, cellophane and<br />

any soft plastic needs<br />

to go in the rubbish.<br />

How to know if wrapping<br />

paper is plasticfoil:<br />

• It’s often shiny on the inside<br />

as well as the outside<br />

• It’s hard to rip<br />

• Itfeels like plastic<br />

If in doubt throw it out,<br />

or save it and reuse it again.<br />

rethinkrubbish.co.nz<br />

The achievement of young mums<br />

and dads attending Kaiapoi’s<br />

Karanga Mai YoungParents’<br />

College has been recognised at<br />

the educationcentre’s annual<br />

prize­giving.<br />

The awards ceremony was held<br />

recentlyatthe collegeinthe<br />

Kaiapoi High School grounds.<br />

College director Ruth<br />

Robertson told thoseatthe<br />

ceremony that she was proud of<br />

the students.<br />

‘‘Whatthey have achieved this<br />

year is quite remarkable, in both<br />

their academic achievementand<br />

personal growth,” she said.<br />

The aim of the college is to<br />

empower youngparents by<br />

providingsecondary school<br />

qualifications in an inclusive and<br />

caringschool environment.<br />

“We encourage lifelong<br />

learning thatinspiresyoung<br />

parents, who willthen inspire<br />

their own children,” she said.<br />

She said she feltprivileged to<br />

see the young parents flourish<br />

and achievefulfilled and<br />

independent lives.<br />

The collegeoffers NCEA levels<br />

one, two and three and also<br />

provides studentswith on­site<br />

child care during schoolhours at<br />

the Karanga Mai Early Learning<br />

Centre—afullylicensed, free<br />

service run by the Community<br />

Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Trust.<br />

In addition to NCEA study,<br />

students are alsotaughtarange<br />

of otherlife skillsencompassing<br />

parenting, careers, budgeting<br />

and healthyrelationships.<br />

The wrap­around support<br />

given to the young parents<br />

extends to transportingthem and<br />

their children to and from college<br />

if needed, antenatal and<br />

parentingeducation, access to<br />

Plunket and Stop Smoking<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>,anonsitesupport<br />

Award winner ... Karanga Mai Young Parents College student<br />

Maureen Callaghan receives the Dan Gordon Award for contribution to<br />

art and culture, for the second year in arow, during the Kaiapoi college’s<br />

recent annual prize­giving ceremony.<br />


worker, careerplanning, and<br />

driver training.<br />

WaimakaririDistrict Mayor<br />

Dan Gordon was aguest at the<br />

prizegiving. He presented the<br />

Dan Gordon Awardfor<br />

contributiontoart and culture,<br />

whichwas won for thesecond<br />

year running by Maureen<br />

Callaghan, aged20, for her<br />

contributiontothe cultureof<br />

Karanga Mai.<br />

Maureen,who will begin<br />

studying at the Ara Institute of<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> next year, attributed<br />

her learning experience at<br />

Karanga Mai forturning her life<br />

around aftershe accidentally<br />

became pregnant at 17. She had<br />

thought it was the end of her<br />

hopesand dreams.<br />

‘‘Tenmonths after my son<br />

Lincoln was born,myyouth<br />

coachsuggested Ienrolat<br />

Karanga Mai to continue my<br />

education,’’ Maureen said.<br />

‘‘I reallyresisted. Ihated<br />

school and didn’twant to go back,<br />

but Karanga Mai is probably the<br />

best experience Ihave everhad.<br />

Ifeel like Ihave possibilities<br />

now,for me and my son. Ican get<br />

ajob, save up, buy ahouse for us.<br />

‘‘There is areal sense of<br />

community here and the support<br />

we get is amazing. Ihave done<br />

courses in financial literacy, and<br />

Ihave got my first­aid certificate<br />

and my restricted driver’s<br />

licence.”<br />



School achievers<br />

... From left,<br />

Bradley White,<br />

Annie Leen, Lana<br />

Bonnett, Georgie<br />

Lindsay, Henry<br />

Woelders, Renae<br />

Fitzgibbon, Sarah<br />

Frizzell, Sophie<br />

Rutherford and<br />

Hurunui Mayor<br />

Marie Black.<br />


We’re looking to further develop Millton<br />

Memorial Park and we’d like your<br />

feedback on adra Master Plan.<br />

The proposed features include:<br />

• Adog agility area<br />

• AnArboretum containing exotic and native<br />

specimentrees<br />

• Anarea forthe <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>Model Railway<br />

Club to lease and build anew clubroom<br />

• Path networks to link everything together<br />

Let us know what you think before<br />

Friday 8January 2021.<br />

Find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk<br />

Grants awarded for tertiary study<br />

The academic achievements of<br />

eight secondary schoolstudents<br />

havebeen recognisedbythe<br />

HurunuiDistrict Council.<br />

Eachreceived an award to<br />

assist them in furtherstudies<br />

fromthe council’s Secondary<br />

School Achievers Fund.<br />

Theywere presented at a<br />

recent awards ceremony at Greta<br />

Valley by Mayor MarieBlack.<br />

The fund was established in<br />

2000tohelp students with studyat<br />

atertiary level. To date,119 young<br />

people have received grants.<br />

Recipients were:<br />

AnnieLeen, from Leithfield,to<br />

assist with studies towardsa<br />

Bachelor of Arts and aBachelor<br />

of Science.<br />

Bradley White, from Waikari,<br />

who plans to work towards a<br />

career as ayouth worker.<br />

Georgie Lindsay, from<br />

Amberley, who will study health<br />

sciencesfor ayear, as partof<br />

studyingtoward adegreeinthe<br />

health sector.<br />

HenryWoelders, from<br />

Hawarden, to help with study<br />

toward aBachelor of Land and<br />

Property Management and<br />

Valuation.<br />

Lana Bonnett,from Amberley,<br />

who will study towardaBachelor<br />

of Architecture.<br />

RenaeFitzgibbon from<br />

Cheviot, to assist with studying for<br />

aBachelorofSports Coaching.<br />

SarahFrizzell, from Hanmer<br />

Springs, to helpwith study toward<br />

aMasters in Architecture.<br />

Sophie Rutherford, from<br />

Culverden, to helpwork towards a<br />

Bachelor of VeterinaryScience.<br />

The Hurunui District Council<br />

grants $10,000 annuallytothe<br />

fund.This year’s fundingpool was<br />

boosted by a$1500 grant from the<br />

council’s law firm, Buddle<br />

Findlay. It is the thirdyear the<br />

firm has made agrant.<br />

The assessmentpanel included<br />

Mrs Black, councillors Pauline<br />

Whiteand Ross Barnes, Anna<br />

Wishart, from Buddle Findlay,<br />

Hurunui Youth Council<br />

representative John Fairbrother<br />

and three independent members<br />

—Judy Meikle, from Waiau,<br />

Gwyn Williams,from Amberley,<br />

and Bruce Nichols, from<br />

Cheviot.<br />

Mrs Black said the council’s<br />

support of youth training and<br />

employmentrecognised the<br />

tremendous wealth of energy,<br />

skills and perspectivesthat the<br />

district’s young people offered.


22 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>December</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Home owners urged to cut risk<br />

Public Notices<br />

Religious Notices<br />

Christmas<br />

Carol Service<br />

Ashley<br />

Community Church<br />

7pm Thursday<br />

24th <strong>December</strong><br />

39 <strong>Canterbury</strong> St, Ashley<br />

Donations welcome<br />

Supper to follow<br />

Lead by PaulAskin<br />

Enquiriesph 027 289 1380<br />

<strong>23</strong>43267<br />

Fire and EmergencyNew Zealand<br />

wantspeoplefacing the risk of summer<br />

wildfires to protect theirhomes.<br />

This includes people living in rural<br />

communities,onlifestyle blocks and<br />

near town boundaries.<br />

The agency’s wildfire specialist,<br />

Graeme Still, says identifying and<br />

removing fire risks around homes can<br />

save them in awildfire.<br />

‘‘Everything within 60 metresofyour<br />

housecan determine how safe it will be<br />

in awildfire.<br />

‘‘Focus on any fire hazards in contact<br />

with your homefirst.Clear your gutters,<br />

<strong>23</strong>42462<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

WOODEND Methodist<br />

Church, 86 Main <strong>North</strong><br />

Road, Woodend. Christmas<br />

Day service at 9am. All<br />

welcome. We apologise for<br />

reporting an incorrect statement<br />

in the Dec issue of the<br />

Woodend Woodpecker<br />

which read "there will be<br />

no Christmas Day Service<br />

at Woodend Methodist<br />

Church".<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

You’ll fit<br />

Right in.<br />


get anon­flammabledoormat and<br />

remove flammable materialslike<br />

firewood stacked against your home.<br />

‘‘Once you’ve madeyour home safe,<br />

work your way outwards to the edges of<br />

your property and include other<br />

buildingsand sheds.’’<br />

Lawnsshould be mowed, watered and<br />

kept green. The greenerthe grass,the<br />

less likely it is to burn in awildfire.<br />

Removing long grass, shrubs,twigs<br />

and otherfuels from near ahome will<br />

also reducethe risk. Tips are onlineat<br />

checkitsalright.nz/reduce­the­risk/<br />

safeguarding­your­property.<br />



Waikari Community Hospital, <strong>Canterbury</strong> DHB<br />

Waikari Community Hospital is looking for acasual Registered<br />

Nurse and acasual Hospital Aide to work in their 10 bed, CDHB<br />

rural hospital.<br />

For more information, please call Helen West on 03 314 4005, or<br />

visit our careers website: https://cdhb.careercentre.net.nz/<br />

Find out more aboutusatcdhbcareers.co.nz<br />

Religious Notices<br />

You’re Welcome this Christmas...<br />

24th Dec: 7pm Family Christmas Service<br />

24th Dec: 11pm Midnight Service<br />

25th Dec: 9:30am Christmas Day Service<br />

95 Percival Street, Rangiora |www.stpetersoftherock.church<br />


Currently we have Social Housing facilities in Cheviot, Waikari, Hanmer<br />

Springs and Amberley.<br />

If you think you may qualify for one of these units and are considering it as a<br />

possibility,weencourage you to contact us sooner rather than later.<br />

Information about Letting, andApplication forms, areavailable at:<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz/services/community-facilities/social-housing/<br />

or by contacting HurunuiDistrict Council,<br />

ph 03 314 8816 or email property@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Areminder: The main office will be closed from Thursday <strong>December</strong> 24,<br />

<strong>2020</strong>, 3pm,and re-openingonTuesdayJanuary5,2021, 8.30am.<br />


“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />

“GOOD NEWS”<br />

What the Bible says about FAITH –HOPE –LOVE:<br />

“These things will last forever –faith, hope and<br />

love –the greatest of these is LOVE.”<br />

1Corinthians 13:13<br />

<strong>23</strong>38793<br />

Livestock<br />


&Wild Game<br />

Meat Processing<br />

313 0022<br />

<strong>23</strong>09602MEAT2U.NZ<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Wanted To Lease<br />

TINY HOUSE site<br />

required 12m x 7m footprint<br />

off grid but requires<br />

water. Only used once a<br />

month, 17 year old daughter<br />

and dad. Phone Warren<br />

027 433 3342.<br />

Gardening<br />

A+ GARDEN hedges cut<br />

to perfection. Tree &arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now toview the paper online &more!<br />

Raffle Results<br />

An Awesome Pawsome Christmas Raffle<br />

Winner Draw 1: Rose Dawson Ticket 0091<br />

Winner Draw 2: Ange Newland Ticket 0641<br />

ACracker of aChristmas Raffle<br />

The Management and Staff at <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

wish the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> community avery<br />

MerryChristmas and aHappy NewYear.<br />

Thank you to our wonderful advert rtisers, readers and deliverers for your<br />

continued support<br />

throughout <strong>2020</strong>. We’re looking forw rward to continuing to<br />

connect and inform you all in 2021.<br />

The Nort rth <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> office is closed and will re-open<br />

8.30am Monday 11th January.<br />

Last Issue <strong>2020</strong>: 22nd <strong>December</strong> | First Issue 2021: 14th January<br />

<strong>23</strong>43703<br />

Winner Draw 1: Wendy Connor Ticket 1883<br />

Winner Draw 2: Charles Duke Ticket 1712<br />

Winner Draw 3: Jules Eagle Ticket 1243<br />

Winner Draw 4: Kirsty Ticket 1934<br />

Winner Draw 5: MFinnie Ticket 1671<br />

Winner Draw 6: Paul T Ticket 1797<br />

Winner Draw 7: Andy Souter Ticket 1021<br />

Thank you to all our winners, supporters &donors<br />

For Sale<br />

HONEY 4kg bucket<br />

cooking honey, $30 special.<br />

Available at Gracebrook,<br />

Amberley. Telephone 03<br />

314 7076.<br />

FIAT DUCATO 2003, 2<br />

berth campervan. Toilet,<br />

shower, sink. Electric or<br />

battery fridge. Gas cooker,<br />

electric microwave. Off<br />

road camping or power<br />

turbo diesel motor. Air<br />

conditioning & power<br />

steering. $26,000 ono.<br />

Please phone 03 327 7533.<br />

FOUR KWILA deck<br />

chairs, $25 each. Please<br />

phone 03 313 0425.<br />

<strong>23</strong>42834<br />

Stock Feed<br />

WANTED<br />


GRASS<br />

Ph 021 462 253<br />

<strong>23</strong>40018<br />

<strong>23</strong>40017<br />



Medium square<br />

or Conventional<br />

Ph 0274 361 707<br />

For all urgent enquiries,<br />

please email the ManagingEditor:<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />


Wanted To Buy<br />

PRE 1990’s vehicles suitable<br />

for resurrection and<br />

restoration, not wrecking.<br />

Anything considered, dead<br />

reg ok. Ph 021 227 6878.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machineryand farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

<strong>23</strong>12759<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />


Forall your painting &<br />

plastering requirements<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 0<strong>23</strong><br />

2220615<br />



•Shearing •Crutching •Tailing<br />

•Drenching •Foot Trimming<br />

•Single &Double Crutching Trailers<br />

A professional, friendly service<br />

Call Shaun Adams for afree quote<br />

021 204 1274 or 03 960 3112<br />

adamsshearing.com<br />

•shearing contracting •mobile shearing trailer •mobile crutching trailer<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BRICK &blocklaying. All<br />

types of work undertaken,<br />

repairs. Phone Hamish<br />

0272 386 003 or 313 5678.<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

AFFORDABLE concrete<br />

cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />


chopping, pruning, firewood<br />

cut. Affordable &<br />

friendly service. Telephone<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

BUILDER licenced, available<br />

now. For all your<br />

maintenance, repairs &<br />

alterations. Phone Keith for<br />

afree quote 021 127 7202.<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

tiled shower restorations,<br />

mouldy silcone, shower<br />

glass & we can even<br />

recolour your old grout!<br />

For all your tile and grout<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772.<br />

Trade &Services<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote, please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Specialist.<br />

All plastic &fibreglass<br />

repairs. Telephone James<br />

021 180 5103.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, <strong>23</strong> Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9<strong>23</strong>0.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />

ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, water blasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter cleans &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T-shirts,<br />

WELDING Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email heather.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Trailer, generator<br />

&mobile handpiece<br />

available. Experienced,<br />

reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />

4<strong>23</strong>3713 or 021 267 4025.<br />


drenching, feet trimming.<br />

For Lifestyle blocks. Call<br />

Stu 027 315 6916.<br />

STONEMASON, Brick<br />

and Blocklayer. Earthquake<br />

repairs, grind out and<br />

repoint, River/Oamaru<br />

stone, Schist, Volcanic<br />

rock, paving, all alterations<br />

- new and old. Quality<br />

workmanship. Visit www.<br />

featureworks.co.nz or ph<br />

027 601 3145.<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

Guide<br />

2225862<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

2091848<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Butchery<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />



2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

ASKO,Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />

Haier, Samsung and more....<br />

“For best resultsbesuretouseauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 313 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

1913020<br />

Electrician<br />






M: 0275 543 958 E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

<strong>2020</strong>478<br />

OxfordButchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

2269<strong>23</strong>6<br />

Engineering<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 <strong>23</strong>0 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

2273277<br />

Scaffolding<br />

•Edge protection<br />

•Working platform<br />

Phone<br />

0274 366 901<br />

Plans for pricing<br />

jas.rangiorascaffolding@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />

1783878<br />

CAP 65<br />

CAP 40<br />

CAP 20<br />

Shingle<br />


Quarry Prices<br />


from $40 per cube<br />

from $<strong>23</strong> per cube<br />

from $25 per cube<br />

from $30 per cube<br />

all +gst<br />

Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />


Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

TheManagementand and Staff at <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> wishthe<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> communityaveryMerry<br />

Christmasand andaHappyaHappy NewYear.<br />

Thankyoutoour wonderfuladvertisers,<br />

readers anddeliverers for your continued<br />

support throughout <strong>2020</strong>. We’re looking<br />

forward to continuing to connectand<br />

inform youall in 2021.<br />

Last Issue<strong>2020</strong>: 22nd <strong>December</strong><br />

FirstIssue2021: 14th January<br />

Forall urgent enquiries, please emailthe<br />

ManagingEditor:<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>23</strong>43024<br />

Scrap Metal<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie0274818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

1902273<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 313 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz



$99PER WEEK*<br />

48 MONTH | 10% DEPOSIT | 60,000KM | NFV<br />



NISSAN 150,000 KM’S<br />



5YR<br />


FUTURE<br />

VALUE<br />

requirements and agreed km allowance and less remediation costs) which will be applied to your nal balloon payment. Terms and conditions apply. Excludes all lease and some eet purchasers. Ooer available<br />

on eligible vehicles ordered and delivered by 31 <strong>December</strong> <strong>2020</strong> or while stock lasts. Nissan reserves the right to vary, extend or withdraw this ooer. Not available in conjunction with any other ooer.<br />

RANGIORA NISSAN, 321 High Street, Rangiora<br />

Ph: 03 941 3175<br />

www.rangioranissan.co.nz<br />

rangioranissan.co.nz<br />


HolidayOpening hours:<br />

Closing 2pm Thursday 24 th <strong>December</strong>,<br />

Re-opening 10am Monday 28 th <strong>December</strong>.<br />

Closing 2pm Thursday 31 st <strong>December</strong>,<br />

Re-opening 10am Monday 4 th January.<br />


321 High Street, Rangiora | 03941 3175 | rangioramitsubishi.co.nz<br />

10 year /160,000kmPowertrain Warranty(whichever comes<br />

first)(nontransferable). 5year/130,000kmNew Vehicle<br />

Warranty(whichever comesfirst)(nontransferable).

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