Best of Bobisms

A collection of Maestro Robert Shafer's pithy exhortations to the City Choir of Washington

A collection of Maestro Robert Shafer's pithy exhortations to the City Choir of Washington


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“I want a rich, creamy<br />

sound, but not too thick.<br />

Sopranos, more crème<br />

fraîche; you’re sounding<br />

like cool whip!”<br />

“Tenors, sound<br />

like Austrian<br />

dance instructors,<br />

lean and healthy,<br />

not drinking beer<br />

on the porch!”<br />

“There are certain pronunciations you cannot make in German<br />

without being struck by lightning!”<br />

“You sound<br />

like a bunch <strong>of</strong> greasy<br />

squirrels!”<br />

“You should glory in the<br />

dissonance here!<br />

It’s an ‘up yours’ moment.”

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