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Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter Date


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Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Briefly highlight your point of interest here.

Lead Story Headline

Caption describing picture or graphic.

Inside this issue:

Inside Story 2

This story can fit 175-225


The purpose of a newsletter

is to provide specialized information

to a targeted audience.

Newsletters can be a

great way to market your

product or service, and also

create credibility and build

your organization’s identity

among peers, members,

employees, or vendors.

First, determine the audience

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be anyone who might benefit

from the information it contains,

for example, employees

or people interested in

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You can compile a mailing

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If you explore the Publisher

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These factors will help determine

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that you publish your newsletter

at least quarterly so

that it’s considered a consistent

source of information.

Your customers or employees

will look forward to its arrival.

Inside Story 2

Inside Story 2

Inside Story 3

Inside Story 4

Inside Story 5

Inside Story 6

Secondary Story Headline

This story can fit 75-125


Your headline is an important

part of the newsletter and

should be considered carefully.

In a few words, it should accurately

represent the contents

of the story and draw

readers into the story. Develop

the headline before you

write the story. This way, the

headline will help you keep

the story focused.

Examples of possible headlines

include Product Wins

Industry Award, New Product

Can Save You Time!, Membership

Drive Exceeds Goals,

and New Office Opens Near



Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 2


Seloka Lipatan Majlis Persaraan Dekan

Assalamualaikum kalam bermadah,

Berbicara tentang masa yang sudah,

Suasana hiba mendatang telah,

Memori bersama Kak Prof Dr Rohaida...

Angka 60 menjelang tiba,

Tidak diundur biarpun seketika,

Sampai seru meletakkan pena,

Tiga dekad begitu lama...

Cahaya liput serata alam,

Anak didik membawa salam,

Ilmu disebar dengan kalam,

Kini menjadi sejarah silam...

Kenangan bersama mengusik rindu,

Kini menjadi medan pilu,

Biarpun tiada ratap sendu,

Hati di dalam Allah jua tahu...

Hidup ibarat putaran roda,

Putaran berlegar mengikut masa,

Hari ini Kanda Rohaida,

Lain ketika kami menyusul pula...

Maaf dipinta silap bicara,

Dalam masa gurau dan senda,

Hati terobek dek kerana kaca,

Tutur bicara yang menikam sukma...

“Tuai padi antara


Esok jangan layulayuan,

Intai kami antara


Esok jangan rindurinduan.

. .

Page 3




Vishalache Balakrishnan

Inclusive Education has been in

existence for decades, yet when

it is brought up in Malaysia and

many parts of the world, focus is

narrowed down to physically

impaired individuals.

Through individuals who think

alike and differently, a project on

researching on the diverse

national engagements with

paradoxes of policy and practices

was initiated in 2014. It was a

long and tedious journey which

brought scholars from all six

continents together; to research

and share global voices on

inclusive education.

Scholars were from New

Zealand, the USA, Poland, Brazil,

the Netherlands, Australia,

M o n g o l i a , T a i w a n , a n d

Bangladesh and Malaysia. They

shared their years of involvement

in inclusive education and why the new

understanding of inclusive education should

reach out to every global citizen in this 21 st


The foundation of this project is the 1994

Salamanca Statement which focused on

principles, policies, and practices in inclusive

education. Focus is on the fundamental right

to education, the unique characteristics,

interest, abilities and learning needs, wide

diversity of characteristics and needs of every

child, access for special educational needs

children and regular schools with an inclusive

orientation that combats discriminatory


After seven whole years of communication

and inclusiveness, the project ended

successfully with a publication entitled Moving

towards Inclusive Education: Diverse National

Engagements with Paradoxes of Policy and


It is once in a life experience to publish an

inclusive material that included global voices

in their own cultural tone and freedom.

The United Nations’ Global Education 2030

Agenda (UNESCO, 2015) is part of a

worldwide movement through 17 Sustainable

Goals. This project is dedicated to Goal 4

which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable

quality education and promote lifelong

learning opportunities for all.

“ the project

ended successfully

with a publication

entitled ‘Moving

towards Inclusive

Education: Diverse


Engagements with

Paradoxes of

Policy and



Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 4



A free online webinar on the

theme of “Managing Diversity”

was organized by the

Department of Educational

Foundations and Humanities of

the Faculty of Education,

University of Malaya.

This webinar hosted experts in

M a l a y s i a n E d u c a t i o n

curriculum. The primary

objective of this webinar was to

collect data for a research

titled “Managing diversity

through tertiary education with

special emphasis on social


The outcomes of this webinar

served as a primary source of

data to understand the

effectiveness of managing

diversity through tertiary

education in Malaysia. In this

webinar the curriculum that

support for the effective

management of diversity and

Faculty support for the effective

management of diversity were

focused. Dr. Rosnani Hashim,

Professor of Education at the

International Islamic University

Malaysia (IIUM) and Dr.

Rohaida Mohamad Saad,

Professor at the Department of

Mathematics and Science

E d u c a t i o n , F a c u l t y o f

Education, University of Malaya

and the present Dean, Faculty

of Education, UM participated

as panellists. Dr. Mohammad

Ismath Ramzy, Senior Lecturer,

Faculty of Education, UM

moderated the webinar. More

than 110 scholars and students

participated in this webinar.

26th Aug 2020

2.30—4.30 pm

Online Webinar,

MS Teams

Page 5



This workshop was organised for

researchers and postgraduate students

with limited knowledge of using

Endnote X9 software. Participants was

introduced to Endnote X9 and they had

the opportunity to practice their skills in

importing and storing references, PDF

Articles and Books from Google

Scholar & Databases. Participants also

learnt how to read and add notes to

PDFs, create, edit, organize & group

references in Endnote.

The highlight of the session was using

Endnote as a tool in PhD viva. Each

participant received a free Endnote X9

Software and an e-certificate.


Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 6

M3KBAT Innovation: Gold Medal and Special Jury Award

International Innovation Competition 2020 (INNOCOM 2020)

Written by Dr Hutkemri

The Department of Mathematics



Thien Kim How, a doctoral

and Science Education, Faculty

Competition 2020 (INNOCOM

student in Philosophy of

of Education, University of

2020) organized by The

Mathematics Education and

Malaya has proudly achieved a



Dr. Hutkemri as the main su-

great success by winning two



pervisor, for their innovation

awards, namely the Gold Medal



project entitled "M3KBAT: 21st

Award and the Special Jury

innovative triumph in Science

Learning Strategy on Solving

Award "Best Virtual

and Technology category was

HOTS in Mathematics".

Presentation" at the

achieved by Richeal Phil

The virtual competition was organized

on 15 th . July 2020 which involved

200 participants from various

levels of organizational bodies,

higher learning institutions (IPT),

secondary and primary schools

from local and international.

According to the INNOCOM 2020

Co-Director, YM Dr. Raja Mayang

Delima binti Mohd Beta, this online

competition is a very pertinent platform

in upholding innovations related

to teaching and learning practices

in shools as well as in universities.

This great achievement is not

only joyously celebrated but beyond

that, may it become a new source

of motivation to all members of the

Faculty of Education, University of


“...it become a

new source of

motivation to all

members of the

Faculty of


Page 7

Reimagine Education 2020:

Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Category Awards

Written by

PM Dr Dorothy DeWitt

The Department of Curriculum & Instructional

Technology, Faculty of Education,

University of Malaya was

shortlisted in the Reimagine Education

Awards, the world’s largest awards

program for innovative pedagogies.

A virtual global forum with 126 organizations

(universities, schools, and education



from across the world was held

from 2 nd to 8 th December 2020 at

Reimagine Education’s virtual platform.

According to Nunzio Quacquarelli,

CEO of QS, there were

1,417 applications for 13 award categories

of teaching and only 160 were


“Virtual Reality for Intercultural Communication

Competence”, a collaborative

effort with Macquarie University and

Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah, was selected to

be showcased in the VR/AR category. We are

proud to be among eight other universities

and companies selected for this very

competitive category and to be awarded the

Shortlisted Badge.


Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 8





“Let’s sing the Incy Wincy Spider song. I

bet everybody would have jumped in and

sang in the same way. However, that

same spider has been crawling up the

same water spout for two hundred


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diana—Lea Baranovich

shared with the Child Development class

on how to unlock the learning, the thinking

process, and the experience of the

child by incorporating overarching goals

in music and movement.

“There’s at least two hundred places and

ways the spider can crawl. Moreover, it

does not have to be incy wincy, it could have

been a great big one. There is so much learning

and creativity that can go into that


Students enjoyed the online experiential activities,

at the same time learned how to

nurture the holistic development of the




DATE: 30 OCT 2020

TIME: 6.00 pm – 9:00 pm

VENUE: ZOOM (Online)

Page 9

UMFRDC-MOH NRPA Training Consultancy

Article by: Associate Professor Dr Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin

The Director of University of Malaya Family

Research and Development Centre

(UMFRDC) has been invited by the National

Pharmacy Regulatory Agency (NPRA) of the

Ministry of Health to conduct a 2-day

workshop on the management of emotional

crisis to their staff at their vicinity. The

course was conducted on 17 and 18

September 2020 and its duration was 16

hours, and the contents covered 8 modules.

A total of 30 participants took part in the

workshop. The objectives of the course

were to educate participants on the psychology of

emotion and stress as well as to train them in the

management of excessive emotions and stress,

especially in the workplace. On the first day of the

training, participants were introduced to the

concept and theories of emotion, stress, and job

stress. They also learnt some useful tools to

assess and screen their stress level. Most

activities were brief lectures, group discussions,

and fun quizzes.

On the second day of the training, a more

action-oriented approach was used.

Participants were introduced to some

strategies and techniques in managing

emotion and stress such as therapeutic

journaling, deep relaxation technique, and

modern tai chi, among others. The day was

filled up with lots of practical activities and the

participants enjoyed themselves while learning

the self-care strategies in combating bad


Indeed, negative emotions and excessive

stress need to be understood well before they

can be effectively handled. It is not stress that

kills us but it is our reactions to it. Quoting Hans

Selye, a prominent scholar who introduced a GAS

theory of stress,

“Adopting the right attitude can convert a

negative stress into a positive one.”

UMFRDC aspires to organize and conduct more

professional training for the general public and

professional/non-professional workers. For 2021,

more programs and activities will be conducted

with a special focus on family development



Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 10


Professional Courses

Article by: Associate Professor Dr Rafidah Aga Mohd Jaladin

University of Malaya Family

Research and Development

Centre (UMFRDC) has a

long standing history in the

Faculty of Education.

UMFRDC was established in

2003 and it focuses on

multidisciplinary research

and activities related with

families and children development.


carries out consultations

and collaboration with

public, private and

international institutions.

One of the collaborators of

UMFRDC in 2020 is Majlis

Amanah Rakyat (MARA).

This collaboration has

resulted in the

implementation of two

online professional courses:



Certification Course on the

Management of Mental

Health Cases; and (b) 3-day

course on cross-cultural


Professional certification

course on the management

of mental health cases was

conducted from 13 July to

14 September 2020 via

Google Meet application. Its

objectives are (1) to

improve participants’ level

of mental health literacy;

(2) to master the skills of

administering selected psychological

instrument to

assess mental health; (3) to

plan and execute group

counselling sessions based on the

high anxiety treatment

intervention; and (4) to develop

the standard operating procedure

(SOP) guidelines in managing

mental health cases. The course

comprised 12 modules and 21 participants,

who are MRSM

counsellors, were involved in the

course. A total of 24 hours was the

duration of the course. At the end

of the course, participants had to

take a comprehensive online test

to check their knowledge,

understanding, and skills related to

the 12 topics.

The second online professional

course entitled, cross-cultural

counselling, was conducted on 11

to 13 August 2020 via Google Meet

too. The course objectives are

three-fold: (a) to enhance

participants’ knowledge on

diversity factors and cross-cultural

issues in their workplace; (b) to

sharpen their cross-cultural skills in

dealing with MARA students who

come from diverse cultural

backgrounds; and (c) to master the

specialised skills in handling clients

with LGBT issues. A total of 30

participants, who are professional

counsellors at Kolej Profesional

MARA, took part in the course. The

course content covers 8 modules

these modules were part of the

output from FRGS research

entitled, development of a



development training module

based on multicultural counselling

competency for professional


UMFRDC aspires to

organize and conduct

more professional

training for mental health

professionals. Besides

training, other focal areas

of UMFRDC activities are

education, psychology,

and counselling services,

and consultancy with

education sector.

Page 11




UM Social Engagement or known

as a E- Jalinan Masyarakat has

conducted an online program that

is known as My Little World. My

Little World was carried out by

first year students of Early

Childhood Education of University

of Malaya 2019/2020 together

with the community. A total of 46

students of Early Childhood

Education of University of

Malaya were divided into 4

groups to succeed in all the

activities that have been


Through the implementation of E

- Jalinan Masyarakat, UM

students have successfully

established a good relationship

and cooperation with all the





information and exposure on

online activities and learning.


Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 12

Sejauh manakah keberkesanannya?

Pembudayaan Norma Baharu Pembelajaran Dalam Talian

“Ada kelas hari ni?” “Ehh, kamu belajar ke?” “Line putus-putus, saya tak dapat join kelas,

cikgu”. “Dari 35 orang pelajar hanya 5 orang masuk google classroom pagi ni!” “Maaf, saya

tak dapat buka kamera komputer sebab wifi tak stabil”, “Dr, minggu ni saya tak dapat masuk

kelas, data internet saya habis”

Penyataan diatas mewakil beribu-ribu suara pertanyaan atau keluhan yang sentiasa dilontarkan

baik dalam kalangan pelajar, ibu bapa mahupun guru tentang pembelajaran dalam talian. Fenomena ini berlaku

implikasi daripada penularan wabak COVID-19. Masyarakat baik di Malaysia mahupun dunia

menyaksikan satu perubahan drastik dalam amalan, cara hidup serta tingkah laku sejak bermulanya pandemic

COVID-19. Hampir keseluruhan aspek kehidupan manusia di dunia mengalami perubahan dan memberi

impak terhadap sosial, ekonomi dan politik. Impaknya, masyarakat mula mengadaptasi norma baharu

kehidupan yang perlu ditempuhi dalam usaha membendung penularan wabak COVID-19.

Sektor pendidikan juga tidak terkecuali, bermula dari peringkat rendah sehinggalah institusi pendidikan

tinggi mengalami kesan langsung akibat penularan wabak COVID-19. Di Malaysia, bermula Mac

2020, para pendidik baik di prasekolah sehinggalah ke institusi pendidikan tinggi mula beralih kepada

pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian berbanding secara bersemuka di dalam bilik darjah atau dewan

kuliah. Norma baharu dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian terus disesuaikan menerusi pelbagai

platform seperti Google Classroom, Zoom, Microsoft Team, Telegram Whatsap dan sebagainya agar

pelajar tidak ketinggalan dalam proses pembelajaran. Menerusi pengumuman terbaharu oleh Kementerian

Pendidikan Malaysia pada 8 November 2020 tentang penutupan sekolah sehingga hujung tahun ini, suasana

pembelajaran dalam talian terus mendapat perhatian masyarakat khususnya guru, pelajar dan ibu bapa terhadap

keberkesanan perlaksanannya dalam konteks pendidikan di Malaysia.

Hakikat menyedari bahawa perubahan

bentuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara

bersemuka dalam bilik darjah secara fizikal

kepada dunia maya oleh guru dan pelajar semestinya

suatu norma baharu kehidupan yang sukar

untuk diadapatasi dan memerlukan proses

penyesuaian yang agak panjang. Tambahan pula

ianya berlaku secara drastik dan dalam jangka

masa yang terlalu cepat. Ini, pastinya mendatangkan

cabaran besar kepada para pensyarah,

guru dan pelajar untuk menyesuaikan diri

dengan norma baharu persekolahan pandemic

COVID-19. Persoalannya berkesankah pengajaran

dan pembelajaran dalam talian? Sejauh

manakah pelajar dapat belajar dan menguasai

pembelajaran yang disampaikan secara dalam


Isu dan Permasalahan Pembelajaran Dalam


Jika kita teliti isu dan cabaran pembelajaran dalam

talian ini dalam konteks pendidikan di Malaysia,

kajian yang dijalankan oleh pihak Kementerian Pendidikan

Malaysia antara 28 Mac 2020 hingga 2 April 2020

mendapati 36.9% pelajar tidak mempunyai peranti bagi

pembelajaran dalam talian. Justeru, kebimbangan ibu

bapa, guru dan masyarakat amnya terhadap

keberkesanan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam

talian ada asasnya. Tambahan pula, kajian tinjauan oleh

pihak NUTP (Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan

Malaysia) pada Mei 2020 terhadap 10,453

orang guru mendapati bahawa guru dan pelajar

menghadapi pelbagai isu dan cabaran dalam proses

pembelajaran dan pengajaran dalam talian yang meliputi

kemudahan internet, kekekangan peranti, peralatan

komputer, kemahiran guru terhadap aplikasi pembelajaran

dalam talian dan prasarana digital. Permasalahan ini

secara tidak langsung boleh membantutkan proses pembelajaran

dan pengajaran dalam talian jika tindakan

proaktif dan efisyen tidak segera dilaksanakan.

Page 13

Justeru dalam membudayakan norma baharu

pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian proses pengajaran

dan pembelajaran guru perlu bersifat dinamik, kreatif dan

fleksibel. Keprihatian serta tindakan inovatif guru-guru dalam

mendepani isu dan cabaran seperti kemudahan internet,

ketiadaan peranti, liputan rendah serta kekangan peralatan

komputer untuk pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian

antara elemen penting keberkesanan pembelajaran dalam

talian. Ini kerana, jika permasalahan ini dibiarkan berlarutan,

proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran mungkin terjejas

dan memberi kesan negatif kepada pembelajaran pelajar dan

komitmen guru baik dari segi psikologi, emosi mahupun

pencapaian akademik pelajar.

Selain itu, dalam membudayakan norma baharu

pembelajaran dalam talian para pelajar, guru mahupun pensyarah

berhadapan dengan isu untuk merangka perancangan

P&P sistematik dan ianya sama sekali berbeza daripada P&P

bersemuka baik dari segi penyampaian pengajaran, bahan

pengajaran, pengelolaan aktiviti P&P dalam talian mahupun

proses pentaksiran dan penilaian. Sekali lagi, guru mahupun

pensyarah berhadapan dengan cabaran untuk melaksanakan

pedagogi dalam talian. Proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran

dalam talian pastinya berbeza dengan secara fizikal.

Bagaimanakah guru dapat mengawal tingkah laku pelajar

semasa pembelajaran dalam talian? Bagaimana guru dapat

mempelbagaikan bentuk aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran

dalam talian? Apakah bentuk pembelajaran aktif yang

sesuai dilaksanakan oleh guru semasa dalam talian? Persoalan-persoalan

berhubung kait dengan kemahiran guru mengaplikasikan

pembelajaran dalam talian dan kompetensi guru

terhadap aplikasi digital dan teknologi pengajaran.

Pembudayaan Norma

Baharu Pembelajaran



Usaha membudayakan pembelajaran dalam

talian, kesedaran dan tindakan proaktif pensyarah, guru

dan pelajar untuk meneroka, mencuba dan penyesuaian

pedekatan serta pedagogi baharu baik dalam bentuk aplikasi

digital mahupun teknologi pengajaran serta perisian

tertentu amat diperlukan. Ini kerana ia dapat meminimakan

kekangan yang wujud semasa proses pengajaran

dan pembelajaran dalam talian. Penghayatan dan pemahaman

pelajar, guru dan pensyarah tentang pengajaran dan

pembelajaran dalam talian secara langsung dapat meningkatkan

keupayaan guru untuk lebih kreatif dan inovatif

semasa proses penyampaian pengajaran dan pembelajaran

dalam talian. Sedar atau tidak, keupayaan guru untuk

meningkatkan kompetensi dan kemahiran digital khususnya

aplikasi teknologi pengajaran masa kini memberi

impak positif terhadap hasil pembelajaran pelajar.

Justeru Ibu bapa, guru, pensyarah serta pelajar

perlu sedar dan faham bahawa konsep pembelajaran dalam

talian meliputi 3 bentuk pembelajaran iaitu pembelajaran

segerak, pembelajaran tak segerak dan pembelajaran luar

talian. Maka untuk memastikan proses pengajaran dan

pembelajaran berkesan, pensyarah dan guru perlu kreatif

dan inovatif dalam mengaplikasikan ketiga-tiga bentuk

pembelajaran ini. Secara logiknya, proses pengajaran dan

pembelajaran dalam talian mampu menjadi lebih efektif

dan berkesan apabila diadunkan bersama2 atau mengikut

kesesuaian atas kekangan kebolehcapaian internet,

keterbatasan peranti dan kemudahan teknologi serta

kemudahan dan prasarana digital yang dihadapi. Kebijaksanaan

pensyarah dan guru memilih dan mengadunkan

bentuk pembelajaran dalam talian ini dapat meminimakan

kekangan yang wujud dan seterusnya mengoptimumkan

hasil pembelajaran pelajar.

Oleh yang demikian, gerakan membudayakan

pembelajaran dalam talian hanya akan berjaya sekiranya

pelajar, guru dan pensyarah komited terhadap setiap sesi

pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam talian. Selain

meningkatkan kompetensi digital, pensyarah, guru dan

pelajar perlu lebih berani untuk meneroka, mencuba dan

membiasakan diri dengan norma baharu pembelajaran

dalam talian dan seterusnya memperbaiki diri dalam setiap

ruang dan peluang yang ada untuk kemahiran pedagogi

pembelajaran dalam talian.

Walau bagaimanapun situasinya hari ini, kita

yakin bahawa, proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam

talian yang telah berlangsung, kini memasuki fasa

baharu. Para pelajar, guru dan pensyarah telah mempunyai

pengalaman dan kesediaan untuk menyesuaikan diri

dengan norma baharu pembelajaran dalam talian berbanding

seawal pelaksanaanya di bulan Mac 2020. Pastinya

kebijaksanaan guru, komitmen pelajar dan sokongan

‘stakeholder’ pendidikan akan dapat meminimakan impak

negatif daripada pembelajaran dalam talian Maka,

dah sampai masanya untuk mewujudkan kerjasama kukuh

antara pihak guru, sekolah, ibu bapa dan seluruh

stakeholder pendidikan dalam usaha membudayakan

Norma Baharu Pembelajaran Dalam Talian.

Oleh: Dr Mohd Nazri Abdul Rahman


Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 14


Written by Dr Hutkemri

Dr Hutkemri is a senior

lecturer at the Department of

been carried out are guest lecturer

and collaboration to publish journal



articles indexed ISI or SCOPUS.

“He was

appointed as a

Visiting Professor

for a period of 5

months starting

from October

2020 to

February 2021”.

Faculty of E ducat i on,

University of Malaya. He has

been appointed as a Visiting

Professor for the Sport

Science Study Program,

University of Education,

Indonesia which is one of the

best education universities in

Indonesia. He was appointed

as a Visiting Professor for a

period of 5 months starting

from October 2020 to

February 2021. Among the

learning activities that have

Dr. Hutkemri conducts his

Research Ethics course virtually.

His online classes are conducted

on every Tuesday morning,

attended by undergraduate,

undergraduate and doctoral

students. As well as lecturers from

the Indonesia University of

Education. Dr Hutkemri has also

successfully produced an article,

which received an acceptance

letter from the publisher of indexed


Congratulations to Dr Hutkemri for

making the Faculty of Education,

University of Malaya proud and

putting the good name of the University

at the international level.

Page 15

Literature review with ATLAS.ti (CLOUD)

This workshop was



researchers and

postgraduate students

with limited knowledge

of using ATLAS.ti

(Cloud) software.

Participants were

guided to importing

and storing primary

documents for

qualitative analyses ,

codify and retrieve

information from PDFs

and texts for Literature


The highlight of the

session was using

ATLAS.ti Cloud by

demonstration of the

process of integrating

with the ATLAS.ti Desktop



DATE: 26 November 2020

TIME:2.30-4.00 pm.

VENUE: Google meet platform

DONE BY: AP Dr Simin Ghavifekr

Dr Donnie Adams

No doubt, one skill that can be critical to the

success of a postgraduate student is the ability to

publish . Therefore, this workshop was organised

to help faculty’s postgraduate students to be able

to publish their research work in the relevant

journals to complete their graduation

requirements. Moreover, participants have been

introduced to the journal editors of MOJEM,

IOJEL, JuPiDi , and Educational Leader

information and publication requirements.

Participants also had the opportunity to ask

relevant questions regarding publication criteria

and acceptance rate.

The highlight of the webinar was to offer

practical advice to students on publishing

a Scopus and Peer Reviewed Journal

Article in their research areas.

Successfully, more than 75 postgraduate

students from the Faculty of Education,

UM participated in this Webinar.


Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 16

UMFRDC-MARA Online Professional Courses



University of Malaya Family Research and

Development Centre (UMFRDC) has a long

standing history in the Faculty of Education.

UMFRDC was established in 2003 and it

focuses on multidisciplinary research and

activities related with families and children

development. UMFRDC also carries out

consultations and collaboration with public,

private and international institutions. One of

the collaborators of UMFRDC in 2020 is

Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA). This

collaboration has resulted in the

implementation of two online professional

courses: (a) Professional Certification Course

on the Management of Mental Health Cases;

and (b) 3-day course on cross-cultural


Professional certification course on the

management of mental health cases was

conducted from 13 July to 14 September

2020 via Google Meet application. Its

objectives are (1) to improve participants’

level of mental health literacy; (2) to

master the skills of administering

selected psychological instrument to

assess mental health; (3) to plan and

execute group counselling sessions

based on the high anxiety treatment

intervention; and (4) to develop the

standard operating procedure (SOP)

guidelines in managing mental health

cases. The course comprised 12

modules and 21 participants, who are

MRSM counsellors, were involved in

the course. A total of 24 hours was the

duration of the course. At the end of

the course, participants had to take a

comprehensive online test to check

their knowledge, understanding, and

skills related to the 12 topics.

The second online professional course

entitled, cross-cultural counselling,

was conducted on 11 to 13 August

2020 via Google Meet too.

Page 17

The course objectives are three-fold:

(a) to enhance participants’ knowledge

on diversity factors and cross-cultural

issues in their workplace; (b) to sharpen

their cross-cultural skills in dealing with

MARA students who come from diverse

cultural backgrounds; and (c) to master

the specialised skills in handling clients

with LGBT issues. A total of 30 participants, who

are professional counsellors at Kolej Profesional

MARA, took part in the course. The course

content covers 8 modules these modules were

part of the output from FRGS research entitled,

development of a continuous professional

development training module based on

multicultural counselling competency for

professional counsellors.

UMFRDC aspires to organise and conduct more

professional training for mental health

professionals. Besides training, other focal

areas of UMFRDC activities are education,

psychology, and counselling services, and

consultancy with education sector.


International Competition for Educational Innovation and Research

(EduInnovation 2020)

Dr. Hutkemri is a Senior Lecturer

at the Department of

Mathematics and Science

Education, Faculty of Education,

University Malaya. He proudly

won The Gold Medal award in

the International Competition for

Educational Innovation and

Research (EduInnovation 2020).

The EduInnovation 2020 was

organized by the Faculty of

Education, National University of

Malaysia. This year, it was

marked as the 6th Innovation

Competition (2012-2020), which

involved 270 participants.

The creative

innovation won by Dr Hutkemri is a

result of a successful collaboration

with two postgraduate students

from the University of Science

Malaysia. They are Seri Kartini Binti

Mohd Yatim and Khairulnisak

Mohamad Zaini were supervised by

Associate Prof Dr Salmiza Saleh and

Dr Siti Ainor Bt Mohd Yatim. The

team innovated a brilliant learning

approach, which they later called as

the Brain-based Teaching Approach

Module with Integrated Geogebra

Software in Differentiation Topic

(B-Geo Module). Congratulations to

Dr Hutkemri and his winning team.

Business Tagline or Motto

Business Name

Primary Business Address

Address Line 2

Address Line 3

Address Line 4

Phone: 555-555-5555

Fax: 555-555-5555

Email: someone@example.com


We’re on the Web!


This would be a good place to insert a short

paragraph about your organization. It might include

the purpose of the organization, its mission,

founding date, and a brief history. You

could also include a brief list of the types of

products, services, or programs your organization

offers, the geographic area covered (for

example, western U.S. or European markets),

and a profile of the types of customers or members


It would also be useful to include a contact

name for readers who want more information

about the organization.

Back Page Story Headline

Caption describing picture or graphic.

This story can fit 175-225


If your newsletter is folded

and mailed, this story

will appear on the back.

So, it’s a good idea to

make it easy to read at a


A question and answer

session is a good way to

quickly capture the attention

of readers. You can

either compile questions

that you’ve received since

the last edition or you can

summarize some generic

questions that are frequently

asked about your


A listing of names and

titles of managers in your

organization is a good

way to give your newsletter

a personal touch. If

your organization is small,

you may want to list the

names of all employees.

If you have any prices of

standard products or

services, you can include

a listing of those here.

You may want to refer

your readers to any other

forms of communication

that you’ve created for

your organization.

You can also use this

space to remind readers

to mark their calendars

for a regular event, such

as a breakfast meeting

for vendors every third

Tuesday of the month, or

a biannual charity auction.

If space is available, this

is a good place to insert a

clip art image or some

other graphic.

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!