Having a Baby Guide Calgary 2020-2021
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in Calgary
a resource guide
2020/2021 EDITION
• Adjusting to Pregnancy
• Mama’s Choice Award Winners
• Mothering Through 2020
what ’s INSIDE
Having a baby in Calgary
Claudine Lavoie has been a professional
photographer in the Edmonton area since
2004. She specializes in newborn, maternity,
child and family photography. Claudine has won
awards for her work, and has been featured in
local and international publications. You will see
displays of her newborn photography in the labour
and delivery ward of the Sturgeon Community
Hospital in St. Albert. She takes yearly courses to
keep up her portfolio with current trends, and her
knowledge of newborn safety up to date. Her
custom built, fully equipped studio is located in her
home in the Estates of Sturgeon County, where she
lives with her husband and two children.
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Your guide to having a baby
in Calgary 2020 is here!
Be sure to check us out at www.
modernmama.com/calgary/ for
our weekly locally-focused content.
Modern Mama has been sharing
resources and connecting moms with
local businesses for almost 13 years.
Come find us, check out the site and
follow us on social too!
Leah Doyle
Owner, modernmama.com
On Instagram at @modernmamacalgary
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Facebook at ‘Modern Mama Calgary’
And Pinterest at
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Mama’s Choice
Awards Winners
05 Mamas Choice Award Winners
You vote and we tell everyone about your
top picks. Local Calgary winners for
everything mom & baby in the city.
06 Adjusting to Pregnancy
You don’t need to suffer with backpain
during your pregnancy. Find out why
adding a chiropractor to your health
team can make all the difference.
09 Childcare Checklist
Finding the right fit for you and your
family is no easy task. So, here is a
checklist of what you should look for
in your childcare facility.
10 Postpartum Pelvic Floor Health
Childbirth is an incredible physical
accomplishment for the female body!
While most the time our bodies bounce
back easily, sometimes we need the help
of a specialist to get our pelvic floor
health back to what it used to be.
12 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
One of the biggest struggles new mothers
face is – breastfeeding. Check out our list
of tips and advice from a certified lactation
14 Mothering Through 2020
How a global pandemic has affected the
physical, mental, emotional, and social
wellbeing of perinatal women.
18 How to Rock Your Birth and
Postpartum? Hire a Doula!
What if I told you that you could have your
very own guide and guru to support you
and your partner through all thing’s
pregnancy, labour and newborn?
20 Is Gestational Surrogacy
Right for You?
Imagine, being able to change the life
of another person by helping them become
a parent.
22 Local Resources: Bump
The very best businesses Calgary has
to offer you throughout your pregnancy.
24 Local Resources: Nesting
The very best businesses Calgary has
to offer in preparing you for living with
your new bundle.
25 Local Resources: Baby
The very best businesses Calgary has
to offer you throughout infancy and the
first few years with baby.
We heard from you, loud and clear, the best of the best for new moms
in Calgary! All of you had something to say, and here they are …
the winners of the first annual Mama’s Choice Awards:
Best Baby Store?
Fresh kids
Best Kids Furniture Store?
West Coast Kids
Best Baby Clothing Store?
Fresh Kids
Best Childcare Facility?
Alpine Montessori
Best Kid-Friendly Restaurant?
Best Prenatal Class?
Best Postnatal Class?
Best Mommy & Me Class?
Mother Goose
Best Birthday Party Venue?
Best Kid-Friendly Café?
Best Maternity Clothing Store?
Motherhood Maternity
Best Doula?
Adora Birth & Wellness
Best Local Service For Moms?
Made By Mama
Best Maternity Photographer?
Lindsay Skeans
Best Newborn Photographer?
Empire Creative Images
What Business Would You
Like To Tell Your New-Mom
Friends About?
Fresh Kids
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Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times
in a woman’s life. Whether her path to
conception was a surprise, planned, or
a longer journey, this is a time of flux and
change in her life.
Having a healthy body, able to function at
her best is a top priority for most women.
With the growing demands of baby growing
in-utero and a changing body, change to the
spine and biomechanics of the pelvis begin
in the first trimester.
With conception, a woman’s body begins
producing elastin and relaxin, hormones that
create ligament laxity in preparation for birth.
Even without showing, a woman’s body is
now changed as it relates to her spinal
health. With ligament laxity, the spinal
structures and vertebrae become more prone
to spinal subluxation or areas of joint fixation.
The pelvis can also be affected due to the
same hormones, creating sacro-iliac
dysfunction and increased low back pain.
Headaches can often occur due to increased
stress in the upper cervical spine (neck). This
can be exacerbated or made worse by
sitting postures at work, commuting, or even
taking care of other children at home.
What many people disregard as “normal”
pregnancy symptoms can commonly be
addressed through chiropractic care. The fact
that so many women undergo similar
physiological changes during pregnancy
perpetuates ideas that these symptoms are
part of a pregnancy and that care does not
need to be sought. More and more women
are educating themselves about their
changing bodies during pregnancy and
recognizing that care for their spinal health
can not only minimize symptoms but can help
to maximize function during a crucial time
in a woman’s life.
There is further change in the biomechanics
of the spine as the baby continues to grow in
the womb with a woman’s centre of gravity
shifting forward, increasing the low back
curvature or lumbar lordosis (sway back). This
can increase pressure in the low back during
many activities of daily life including work
and exercise. Walking or standing prolonged
periods can frequently be affected and this
is often a time when women want to stay
physically fit and active.
Sciatica can also occur as the sacral rotation
secondary to hormonal change and the
growing baby continues to increase pressure
on the woman’s spine. These are symptoms
that can be alleviated through chiropractic
Proper biomechanics of the pelvis also allows
for lessening of soft tissue entrapment in the
front of the pelvis, often creating one sided
round ligament pain due to asymmetrical
loading of the soft tissues holding the uterus
within the pelvis.
Increased pressure at the pubic symphysis
can also create separation of the pubic
bones resulting in Symphysis Pubis
Dysfunction (SPD).
Having your spine and pelvis assessed by a
chiropractor early on in pregnancy allows for
the chiropractor to create a plan of care to
not only “get you through” your pregnancy
but for you to actually feel comfortable, enjoy
your pregnancy and stay as physically active
at work and at play as you wish during this
very important time.
Having a healthy spine and biomechanically
stable pregnancy, whether you are symptomatic
or not, is a great way to stay well during this
time and promotes better healing postpartum.
Post delivery, the hormones of the pregnancy
are still dissipating, and the pelvis is coming
together. Whether a woman has had a
vaginal delivery or a Caesarean birth, it is
important for the spinal structures and pelvic
bowl to be assessed for stability and function.
The demands of the baby outside the womb
are increasingly present as feeding and
cradling the newborn create postural stress
in the neck and upper back.
Having a proper functioning spine brings
comfort and healing to the woman during this
fourth trimester and allows for optimal function
of her body for new activities as a mother.
Chiropractic care is an amazing fit for this
important time of life. Adding a chiropractor
to your health team creates a great opportunity
for health and function during the prenatal
and postpartum periods.
Having a healthy body, able
to function at her
best is a top priority
for most women.
Dr. Carolyne Hiebert owns and
operates Pacific Life in Abbotsford,
British Columbia. She practices with
her husband and has a focused practice
with women and children’s care. She
has completed her 200-hour post
doctorate program with the International
Chiropractic Pediatric Association,
earning her CACCP credentials with
the Academy of Chiropractic Family
Practice, including being a Webster
Technique practitioner. Dr. Carolyne is
currently finishing her Doctoral program
with the Academy of Chiropractic
Family Practice.
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Kepler Academy
Greetings, Mamas! Our team at Kepler Academy knows that your decision for childcare is based
on trust, and many other important considerations unique to your family. For new mothers –
finalizing care can seem overwhelming, especially with a brand new baby or an upcoming
return back to work. Use Kepler’s checklist below to make planning for care a little bit easier.
Planning for Childcare:
A Checklist for Moms
1. Determine Your Family’s
Childcare Needs
Flexible or Evening/Weekend Care
2. List What’s Most Important to You
Location & Price?
Educator/Caregiver Qualifications
& Training?
Nutrition, Allergies, Dietary Restrictions
or Sensitivities?
Education & Enrichment Programming?
Environment & Physical Space?
3. Start Your Search Early
Find childcare options through friends,
neighbours, coworkers and Google
List your top 3 choices.
Book a tour of each! (For example,
Kepler Academy offers safe and
private in-person tours for families)
4. Ask Questions
Who provides care, and what are their
qualifications and special qualities?
Do Educators/Caregivers genuinely
connect and build relationships with
What is the daily routine like for my
child’s age? (Independent Play +
Scheduled Activities)
5. Enroll & Get Excited
Decide which option is the best
fit for your child.
If a space is available – pay a deposit
with confidence to secure your child’s spot.
Transition slowly – talk about your new
routine, your feelings & plan lots of
one-on-one time with baby.
Best wishes in your
search for childcare!
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Childbirth is an incredible physical accomplishment for the female body! Women work hard to
grow, carry and birth their babies and approximately 1 in 4 women experience pelvic floor
symptoms because of it. In a vaginal birth, the work of pushing brings the baby down from the
uterus, through the vaginal opening in the pelvic floor muscles, and into the world. Crowning is
when the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor, and the surrounding skin, are stretched to
their maximum.
After the baby is born, the pelvic floor muscles have to close back up and resume their normal
duties of supporting the pelvic organs from below and controlling urine and stool. This can be
difficult if there’s been perineal tearing, or other injury, at the time of birth.
If pelvic floor recovery has gone well, by 6 weeks postpartum, a woman should no longer be
experiencing problems related to her pelvic floor and should be able to slowly resume sexual
intercourse and gradually begin to exercise again.
The following are signals from the body that pelvic floor recovery
is not complete:
Bladder Control Problems
The involuntary loss of urine is the most
common pelvic floor problem for women after
childbirth. There are two main types called
stress and urge. Stress incontinence is when
urine leaks out when the bladder is under
pressure, such as during a cough or a sneeze.
Commonly, women who return to high impact
exercises before their bodies are ready, will
experience stress incontinence during running
or jumping.
Urge incontinence is when urine leaks out on
the way to the bathroom. It is often associated
with ‘urinary frequency’, which is going to the
bathroom more than every 2-3 hours (or 6-8
times during the day).
Other bladder signs include having to sit on
the toilet and wait for urine to come, standing
up and having more urine dribble out, or the
sensation that the bladder hasn’t fully emptied
after urinating.
Bowel Control Problems
Being unable to control gas or stool could
be a flag that the pelvic floor is not working
properly. Other bowel signs that the pelvic
floor is not working optimally include chronic
constipation, a feeling of heaviness in the
rectum, and the sensation that the bowels
aren’t fully empty after a bowel movement.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Sometimes after pregnancy and childbirth,
the pelvic floor has a difficult time supporting a
woman’s pelvic organs from below. When this
happens, women can experience a sensation
of vaginal heaviness, especially when
standing for long periods, or carrying heavy
loads. Some women describe this sensation
as if there is a tampon in, when there isn’t.
Other signs that a woman may have prolapse
are if she notices a bulge vaginally in the
bathroom when wiping, is unable to keep
a tampon in, or finds intercourse unpleasant
due to something being in the way.
Back Pain: The pelvic floor is one of a
woman’s “core” muscles, so if pain persists
for more than a few weeks after birth, it could
mean that the abdominals and pelvic floor
are not supporting her as well as they could
be. One study found that in a group of
women with chronic low back pain, 96%
also had pelvic floor dysfunction!
C-section Scar Pain: In the case of a
Caesarean birth, the incision should be
healed by the 6 week mark. If a woman is
still experiencing pain, pulling, or sensitivity
to touch after that, the scar tissue and
surrounding structures may need some
Sexual Pain: It is never normal for sexual
intercourse to be painful for a woman.The
pelvic floor muscles surround the vagina from
its opening all the way up to the cervix. If
those muscles aren’t able to relax enough
to allow for intercourse, a woman may
experience pain externally, internally, or both.
The Pelvic Floor and Age
Contrary to popular belief, leaking urine
is not a normal part of aging. None of the
symptoms listed above are. A very common
pattern is that after pregnancy and childbirth,
women begin to experience minor pelvic
floor symptoms that rapidly worsen once they
become perimenopausal. For this reason, all
women with pelvic floor symptoms should
address them while they’re young so that the
issues don’t advance to the point of needing
surgical treatment later on.
Kegels Are a Good Place to Start
A Kegel is a pelvic floor muscle contraction.
To correctly contract these muscles, try the
following cues:
• Imagine you are stopping the flow of urine
• Imagine you are stopping gas from coming
• Imagine you are picking up a small object
with your vagina and pulling it up
If connecting to the pelvic floor is easy for
you, then try these types of contractions daily:
• Contract maximally and hold for 10
seconds, relax fully, repeat 5 times
• Contract as fast as you can and fully relax
as fast as you can, repeat 10 times
Research has shown that up to 50% of
women are not able to connect with the
pelvic floor muscles properly. If that is the
case, or if you’ve been doing these exercises
for several weeks and your symptoms are
not improving, consider seeing a Pelvic
Physiotherapist to figure out why. In the same
way that someone with knee pain would see
a Physiotherapist to regain full movement,
strength and function, a woman experiencing
pelvic floor dysfunction should see a Pelvic
Physiotherapist to treat symptoms and regain
Wu JM, Vaughan CP, Goode PS, Redden DT, Burgio KL, Richter HE, et al. Prevalence and
Trends of Symptomatic Pelvic Floor Disorders in U.S. Women. Obstet Gynecol. 2014 Jan;
Dufour S, Vandyken C, Vandyken B. Mechanical Low Back Pain: An Orthopaedic Problem,
a Urogynecological Problem, or Both?
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Happy Birthday Baby! Your baby
is here and in your arms, now what?!....
Tips for Successful
Before baby…..
1. While you are pregnant, find your tribe!
Surround yourself with like-minded people
who are going to support your decisions
and you along the way! Seek out local
groups and follow positive breastfeeding
support on social media.
2. Educate yourself about breastfeeding. Get
informed and arm yourself with knowledge!
Include your partner so they can provide
support to you as well. If possible, take a
“Prenatal Breastfeeding” class and/or talk
with a Lactation Consultant.
3. Breastfeeding is not complicated but it can
be difficult- learn where you can go for
help. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s something
you’ve never done before- it is necessary to
ask for help! Just like anything else in life
that is new to you. In your area, look for
peer support groups, government run breastfeeding
clinics and private businesses.
4. Practice makes perfect. Breastfeeding is
a learned skill for you and your baby.
Be kind to yourself!
1. Skin to skin! As much as possible! This can’t
be stressed enough.
2. Watch for baby feeding cues and attempt
to latch baby during the early cues
3. Feed, feed, feed! Feed at least every 2
hours or less, especially in the first few days.
Interesting fact: The more times your brand
new baby latches and sucks in the early days, the
quicker your “milk” will come in and the more
abundant it will be over the long term
4. Your baby will appear hungry on day 2 of
life (approx.) You’ll think, “I must not have
any milk...my baby is starving…” But this
is normal behaviour & your baby is not
starving! It may seem like they are
constantly feeding and hopefully they
are so your “milk” comes in!
5. Find a comfortable position to nurse in and
focus on getting a GOOD latch every time.
One bad latch can really do harm to your
6. Know that your baby’s tummy only needs
1tsp (5mL) of colostrum per feed in the first
one to two days. It is easily digested which
is why they feed often. If you are trying to
exclusively breastfeed, try not to give
formula as a top up if your goal is to
exclusively breastfeed. Formula is less easily
digested and will delay the next breastfeed
as the baby is not hungry yet, which delays
your milk coming in and decreases your
overall milk supply.
7. Try to avoid soothers (at least until around 6
weeks) until you have learned breastfeeding
and feel confident with latching. Also
ensure baby is gaining weight and having
sufficient amounts of wet and soiled
diapers. The concern with soothers is that
feeds can be missed or delayed as the
baby is content sucking on a soother.
8. Keep record of baby’s wet & soiled
diapers. This is one way to know if he/she
is staying hydrated!
9. If breastfeeding is painful, ask for help right
away!! It may feel like a strong suction and
tugging feeling but should not be painful!
Your nipple should not be damaged -
cracked or bleeding after feeding; it
should not be oddly shaped after a feed;
you should not dread the next feed. If
these symptoms do occur, seek help.
There are ways to prevent further issues
and frustration.
10. Most baby’s lose weight after delivery.
By day 5 they should be gaining instead
of losing and by day 10-14 they should
be back at birth weight. If not this is a
sign breastfeeding needs to be evaluated.
Give yourself grace if breastfeeding
doesn’t work out- there are lots of other
options including pumping your milk,
donor milk, mixed feeds & formula.
Your LC can help you with whatever
choice you make- judgement free!
Seeking the right help can relieve a lot
of stress and make breastfeeding the
wonderful experience it can be.
You’ve got this mama!!!
Melissa & Mychelle
Little Nursing Company
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How a global pandemic has affected
the physical, mental, emotional, and
social wellbeing of perinatal women
With less than 80 days left in the year, I think
it’s safe to say, this was not what we expected.
Not what we planned and not what we
hoped for. 2020 has been, so far, a year
like no other. We are changed, like it (and
prepared for it) or not. It has changed the
landscape of our lives, for better or worse,
and on the flip side, it has also found a way
to highlight the strength, resilience, and
determination of mothers in new and
profound ways.
Through the lens of motherhood, these are
complicated times. Pregnancy, postpartum
and what comes next, redefined. We are a
community experiencing anxiety, depression,
isolation, grief, loneliness, uncertainty, anger,
fear, and lack of connection like never before.
Mothers are left wondering if they are
struggling as a result of our new “normal”?
Or could it be something more? As it stands,
pre-COVID, 10-28% of perinatal women will
experience a mood disorder. Reports of
perinatal mental health challenges have
greatly increased and it is predicted that
there will be a further increase in perinatal
mood disorders over the months and even
years ahead. What we do know, is that we
are not alone.
Pregnancy has changed. Gone are the days
of large in-person baby showers, gender
reveal parties, prenatal classes or even
celebrating with friends. Prenatal appointments
look different and our ability to
anticipate labour, delivery and life with a
new baby has been replaced by the
unknown and a greater loss of perceived
control. Women are going through
miscarriages, stillbirths and fertility struggles
in a whole new, less supported way which is
hard to fathom. Many supports have pivoted
online, which works for some, but others are
“Zoomed out” (likely a new phrase for the
Urban Dictionary) or do not have access
to this option. It’s all enough already.
Birth has changed. Choices have been
limited; women have delivered their babies
alone, without their partners or chosen
support people. There has been a back and
forth of protocol, compounding uncertainty.
As a result, how the birth experience is
perceived has, for many, been altered. There
are reports from both sides – some women’s
experiences lean closer to trauma as their
births were very far from their desired plans;
and fortunately, some report that they were
actually able to have a more peaceful, quiet
experience than they imagined possible.
Several contributing factors may lead to
these differences but a commonality lies in
anticipatory emotions. We are navigating
uncharted territory and while some excel at
rolling with it, others have expectations that
will not be met.
Postpartum has changed. It may be that
the increased boundaries are a good thing.
This allows for rest, adjustment and bonding.
However, there comes a time when you need
HELP! It truly does take a village, and we are
not meant to do everything on our own. Not
having access to a support system can be
crippling. Whether it’s family or friends being
able to meet the baby, support mom, help
around the house, keep older children busy
(the list goes on), we have been forced to
a short list. Forced to choose who can
be close. Forced to postpone visits with
grandparents, forced to literally isolate. One
thing is for sure – motherhood was already
isolating during the best of times. Further
isolation is one of the top barriers perinatal
professionals are spending our careers trying
to prevent.
Community programs have been paused
or cancelled, imperative supports such as
lactation consultation, newborn hearing
screen follow-ups, pelvic floor physiotherapy,
in-home postpartum doula care, mental health
screening and appointments have become
less accessible (if available at all), and
although some have recently begun to
resume, many have not. Our ability to
connect socially with other moms has
changed. Less baby groups, less in-person
everything, less hugs, less other people
holding the baby… less.
Some have lost their job security, some have
had to return to work early. Those with older
children are trying to keep them safe. Send
them to school and trust, or keep them at
home and then figure out how to manage
parenting, homeschooling, childcare, work,
and all the other responsibilities we face.
There are so many balls in the air. We are
rightfully stressed and overwhelmed. We are
not okay. Or we are, but we’re working hard
for it.
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There are, of course, two sides to this story,
and we must acknowledge the fact that lots
of positives have come from this time of great
challenge. We have had time to evaluate our
priorities, spend time with our families that we
wouldn’t otherwise have had. We have been
forced to slow down, and unbusy ourselves.
We’ve had boundaries forced upon us that
have turned out to be healthy, we’ve found
new ways to do things, we’ve had to get
creative, we’ve learned to pivot and expand
our ideas of what is possible. We have,
in fact, survived. But we deserve to thrive!
So, what can we do?
If you are pregnant:
Get prepared! Educate and empower
yourself with information. Find your village,
and know how to reach them. Create open
dialogue with your partner or support
systems. The easier it is to talk about how you
are feeling and what you need, the better!
Heads up – this takes practice. In addition to
considering your birth plan, consider your
postpartum plan. Find the local resources you
*may* need, and include them in this plan.
If you never need to use them, great! If you
do, you won’t waste any time searching.
Build resiliency with self care. Becoming
proficient at this in pregnancy will set you up
for postpartum success. If you are struggling
with any symptoms of a Perinatal Mood
Disorder, stay connected and seek support as
soon as possible. It’s very common for a mood
disorder to present during pregnancy, less
common is the awareness around this fact.
If you are postpartum:
Stay connected to, or find, community!
It might look different, it might be online, it
might be physically distanced, but community
sustains us through the good, the bad and the
ugly. Accept help. Whether it’s a partner,
a friend or family member, who can drop
off groceries or take the baby for a walk –
say yes! Practice expressing your feelings,
thoughts and needs. Communicate, instead
of bottling it up or trying not to “burden”
anyone. If you are struggling, speak it. Seek
support that is accessible to you. These
places do exist and can support you during
this time. Take care of yourself! Eat well, rest/
sleep when you can, drink enough water,
move your body, and create some healthy
habits of self-care. Self-care is anything that
makes you feel good! This does not need to
be elaborate or complicated.
Mothers at any stage:
You are not alone. While we do not know
how long these circumstances will last, we
do know that we are in this together, and we
are getting through one day at a time. We
are doing our best each day in the face of
unprecedented adversity. Your feelings are
valid – all of them – and it may take time to
process them and heal. This is okay. You
are strong. You are resilient, and you are
mothering through a time that will long be
remembered. Be proud. Show yourself grace
and compassion. You are doing a great job,
and, worth the repeat, you are not alone.
The Motherhood Project: www.themotherhoodproject.ca
Postpartum International: www.postpartum.net
Pacific Postpartum Support Society: www.postpartum.org
Maternity Care Alberta:
Alberta Health Services-Perinatal Mental Health Resources: www.calgaryfamilymedicine.ca/
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How to rock your Birth & Postpartum?
Hire a Doula!
The support you need for pregnancy, birth & babies first year
You see the positive pregnancy test and
couldn’t be more excited (and maybe
terrified) of all the new and unknown things
to come. What if I told you that you could
have your very own guide and guru to
support you and your partner through all
things pregnancy, labour and newborn?
Your doula(s) will do all of this and much
more! They are essential members to have
on your birth/postpartum team.
What exactly is a doula you ask? There are
doulas who specialize in pregnancy/labour/
birth, some specialize in postpartum/early
parenting and some do both! There are also
doulas who support families through fertility,
loss and abortion. Regardless of the area(s)
of expertise, doulas are all about YOU, and
they know that how you feel and your
experience with birth and postpartum matters!
Doulas are comfort, trust and respect no
matter how you choose to approach birth
and early parenting.
“Doulas dedicate their professional lives to
ensuring women get the best experience
possible,”...“For something as important as the
birth of your child, that is the kind of person you
want on your team.”
Labour/Birth Doulas
You have a doctor (or midwife), so why hire
a birth doula? Your medical care team is
focused on a safe and healthy delivery for
you and baby. Your doula has (almost)
everything else covered! She is your constant
and unbiased guide to help you navigate
pregnancy and the medical system.
“Perhaps most remarkable, however, is the fact
that doulas don’t simply reduce the risk of
negative outcomes. Rather, they reframe an
experience that’s widely seen as “traumatizing”
into one that’s positive, empowering, and
even spectacular…words that aren’t typically
used in the same sentence as “giving birth.”
Your doula will bring both her heart and her
hands into your birth space and she will help
you and your partner feel confident and have
less fear when contractions intensify. She will
remind you to breath and hand your partner
cold clothes to place on your neck and chest.
“Doulas support all types of births, from the au
naturel to the au-want-an-epidural-asap — and
there’s zero judgment for those whose decision
falls in the latter category.
Your doula might help you decide when to
call your midwife or head to the hospital.
They will help you set up and tidy up for
a home birth or they will get you settled into
the hospital. She will share your emotions,
but she knows when to step back and let you
and your partner enjoy your special moments.
“It is important to remember that people have
goals other than simply emerging from
childbirth unscathed,” said Dr. Neel Shah,
M.D., an assistant professor of obstetrics,
gynecology and reproductive biology at
Harvard Medical School. “Safety during labor
is the floor of what people deserve. What we
should all really be aiming for is the ceiling:
care that is not just safe, but also supportive and
Postpartum Doulas:
Baby’s fourth trimester and first year
You now have a beautiful tiny human and
they let you take it home (without a manual
haha). As you embark on the wild roller
coaster ride of parenthood and caring
for your little one, your doula will handle
everything with a smile, with respect,
and without judgement.
The work of a postpartum doula can be
difficult to describe. They support and guide
families through the rough waters during
those first few hours, days, weeks, and
months at home with their new baby. She
might help disrupt the monotony and isolation
of being (sometimes alone) with your newborn
24 hours a day. She can answer newborn
care questions, laugh with you, cry with you,
and make the days and or nights feel a little
easier. They give mothers permission to share
openly how hard it is to be a new mom.
Postpartum doula care means having an
expert with you to help you decode those
mysterious baby cries, help achieve the
perfect breastfeeding latch or formula ratio,
and—your soon-to-be favourite part—take
care of baby while you catch some serious
Z’s. Her goal is to give you the physical,
emotional, and informational support that
you need to understand your own physical
and emotional recovery, and to best care
for your baby on your own terms.
“The work of providing non-medical support
during an important life transition is something
that’s gaining a lot of traction,” said Dr. Katy B.
Kozhimannil, Ph.D., an associate professor of
health policy at the University of Minnesota.
Pregnancy, birth and early parenting are all
part of one of the most significant transitions
you will ever experience. The investment of
birth and/or postpartum doula support will
undoubtedly help you feel more confident,
have less fear, and the reassurance of
knowing you have an expert in your corner!
“I didn’t think twice about hiring a wedding
planner for my big day, or
a bookkeeper for my business,”… “
As a first-time mother, you can bet
I wanted a project manager for my birth!”
April Fermaniuk is the owner of
Edmonton Area Family Doulas agency
and mother of three. A certified birth and
postpartum doula she is passionate about
empowering families through pregnancy,
birth, and postpartum. She enjoys teaching
Newborn Care & Prenatal Education classes,
drinking Chai Latte’s and listening to music.
Image by Teresa Bolinksi of T.Bolinski Creative,
yeg photographer
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Is Gestational Surrogacy
Right for You?
Being a gestational surrogate
is an amazing and fulfilling
adventure. Imagine, being
able to change the life of
another person by helping
them become a parent.
Current statistics show that worldwide,
1 in 6 individuals struggle with infertility.
This can be for a variety of different
reasons. These individuals may not be able
to conceive or carry their own children and
need the help of a third party to create the
family they’ve always dreamed of.
So what is gestational surrogacy? Well, it
is a type of surrogacy where the surrogate
carries an embryo that is already fertilized
at a fertility clinic. This embryo is created
by gametes from other parties (either from the
parents-to-be or an egg and/or sperm donor)
and will have no genetic or DNA link to the
surrogate. You are quite literally, just growing
a baby. The transfer process is performed
using a catheter and takes less time than
the average PAP test.
Many women choose to become surrogates
based on their own journeys with motherhood
and their compassion for those who are not
able to take this journey for themselves.
Couples and individuals from around the
world choose to pursue their surrogacy
journeys in Canada based on the safety and
legislation that our country has to offer. For
some, surrogacy is illegal in the country they
reside, or their government may not allow for
them to gain legal parentage of a child born
through surrogacy.
Each province has its own laws that relate
to how the parents of a child born through
surrogacy will not only gain legal parentage,
but have the birth certificates as well as any
passports or other legal documentation issued
in their names. The parents are also required
to purchase insurance policies for the baby
or use a cash pay system for the care that
the baby receives while in Canada.
Both the surrogate and the parents are legally
protected with a contract, and all legal fees
are covered by the parents-to-be. Each party
is represented by their own lawyer who
is a specialist in Canadian fertility law.
Let’s talk legalities. There are many
misunderstandings when it comes to “paying”
for surrogacy. In Canada, surrogacy cannot
follow a compensation model and legally,
surrogates cannot be paid. Instead, all
related expenses are reimbursed. These
reimbursements are spread out over ten
months and can be anywhere from
$1,500-$2,500 each month.
There is so much more to surrogacy in
Canada and so many amazing things that
come from choosing to give the gift of family.
Want to learn more?
We would love to hear from you! Visit our
website at www.jasurrogacyconsulting.com
or our Facebook Page, JA Surrogacy
Consulting. Messages and emails
can be sent through either platform.
To connect with a team member today,
please email michelle@jasurrogacy.com
We cannot wait for you to take this step that
will change your life and allow you to make
someone else’s dreams come true!
At JA Surrogacy Consulting, you will become
part of a community that will provide you
with support from start to finish. We are here
to answer all of your questions and concerns.
“To the world you may be one person;
but to one person you may be the world”
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CALGARY | resources
CALGARY | resources
Bump – Maternity Fashion
Ella Bella Maternity Boutique
Baby & Me Maternity
Clotheshorse Ladies Consignment
Dragonfly Maternity
Fresh Kids
Bump – 3D Ultrasound
Canada Diagnostic Centres
First Peek
UC Baby
Ultrasound Preview
Bump – Pre-Natal Fitness
2 The Core Training Inc
Calgary Birth Essentials
Babies Breath Prenatal Yoga
Body Barre Studio
Bikini Boot Camp
Swell Mama
The Yoga Studio
Yoga In Bowness
Bump – Doula
Adora Birth & Wellness
Birth Wyse
Butterfly Baby Doula Services
Calgary Birth Essentials
Calgary Doula Association
Chavah Birth Services
Doula Essentials
Five Elements Birth Services
Heart & Soul Doula
Ivy Fraser Pre and Postnatal
Consulting Services
Maternal Instincts
An Extra Set of Hands
Tender Touches Doula
Bump – Midwives
Alberta Association of Midwives
Aurora Midwifery
Briar Hill Midwives
Calgary Midwives Collective
Cochrane Community Midwives
Honeycomb Midwives
Nesting – Baby
Gear & Layette
Babes In Arms
Babies R Us
Buybuy Baby
Ella Bella Maternity Boutique
Enfance Designer Kids Clothing
Growing Co Kid’s Eco Boutique
Happy Nappy
Once Upon A Child
West Coast Kids
Baby – Community
Calgary Birth Essentials
Ohana Counseling & Hypnobirthing
Step Forward to Better Health
Alberta Blue Cross
The Alex Community Health Centre
La Leche League
Full Circle Parenting
Bowwest Community Resource Centre
Made by Momma
Northern Star Mother’s Milk Bank
Bump – Wellness
Blessings Way
Britannia Acupuncture Clinic
Calgary Birth Essentials
Calgary Maternity Massage
Centre Massage
Dr for Moms
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CALGARY | resources
CALGARY | resources
East Village Dental
Baby – Sleep Consultant
Baby – Moms Groups
Baby – Post-Natal Fitness
Family Wellness Centre
Blissful Nights
Modern Mama Calgary
Active Living
Fertile Calgary
Cheeky Sleeper
Calgary Birth Essentials
Barre Body Studio
First Step Nutrition
Cheerful Mornings
Macaroni Kids Chestermere
2 the Core
JA Surrogacy
Mountain of Sleep
Mommy Connections
Maria Schuba Fitness
Life N Balance Wellness
New Mummy Company
Baby – Childcare
Yoga In Bowness
Marda Loop Naturopath and Wellness Clinic
Massage Heights
New Health Journey
Ohana Counseling & Therapy
Preventous Collaborative Health
Seton Health Clinic
South Health Maternity & Wellness
The Wellness Studio
Trinity Wellness Centre
Baby – Mommy & Me
Barre Baby Studio
Brilliant Beginnings
Lady Bug Baby Music
Mommy Connections
My Gym
Rhyme and Reason
The Yoga Studio
Yoga Santosha
Active Start Childcare Centre
Brentwood Childcare Centre
Calgary Childcare
Clever Daycare
Discovery Childcare
Kids & Company
Kids U
Panda Child Development Centre
Thornhill Childcare
General Resources
Alberta Blue Cross
Barre Body Studio
Birth & Babies
Birth Worx
Calgary Baby + Tot Show
Calgary Birth Essentials
First Step Nutrition
New Mummy Club
Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Centre
Rocky View Maternity & Family Practice
Welcome Baby Co
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CALGARY | resources
Bebe Newborn Photography
Brianna Payne
Dulce Baby Photography
Elle R Photography
Flashfox Photography
Honey Heart Photography
Marsha Pizarro Photography
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