Texoma Bride Guide | Issue 008 | Winter/Spring 2021

The Texoma Bride Guide is a wedding planning magazine and local vendor directory dedicated to bringing couples and the top wedding professionals in the Sherman/Denison/Durant area together.

The Texoma Bride Guide is a wedding planning magazine and local vendor directory dedicated to bringing couples and the top wedding professionals in the Sherman/Denison/Durant area together.


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While most aspects of your wedding don’t follow a strict set of rules, your

invitations do. However, keep in mind that knowing the rules and proper

etiquette will also give you the tools and knowledge to bend them just a little

to suit your needs. The presentation of information on your invitations can

vary widely based on your style, colors and theme but all the basic pieces

still need to be there.



Although subtle, your invitation is the first clue that your guests will get as to

the formality of your wedding. A traditional letter press printed invitation with

simple colors and addressed with calligraphy would be used for a wedding that

is more formal in nature, whereas a square invitation with a playful font and

bright colors would fit a more casual celebration. Regardless of design, many

couples still use formal wording on their invitations. The lifetime commitment

you’re making in front of your family and friends is a significant event, and most

couples approach the ceremony with decorum.

You should also be mindful of the costs associated with mailing non-standard

sized envelopes. Post offices have machines that can only process certain

envelope sizes, generally rectangles that are a minimum of 3.5 by 5 inches to a

maximum of 6.125 by 11 inches. If your envelopes are a non-standard shape,

for example square, you may end up paying a surcharge, usually around 20

cents per envelope, for hand-processing.

Keep in mind that the size of your guest list does not equal the number of

invitations you will be sending out. Don’t make the mistake of ordering double,

or even triple the number of invitations because you didn’t pay attention.

Photo by Baleigh Creed Photography



We know putting on a wedding is expensive,

and sending invitations via email or another

internet platform is basically free.

Most etiquette gurus still recommend paper

wedding invitations. They tend to set the tone,

establish expectations and specifically state

who is invited to the wedding. This can be

hard to do with electronic invitations.

There are also a large number of places you

can purchase pre-designed invitations and

print them at home to help stretch your


Find your stationer at



Before purchasing stamps, take an

assembled invitation to the post office and

have it weighed. Inserts can add additional

weight, or unusually shaped envelopes will

require extra postage. Skipping this step could

result in your invitations being returned for

insufficient postage. This would throw your

entire timeline off because the invitations

would arrive late, plus you’d have to purchase

new envelopes, re-address them and

purchase the correct postage to send them

out again. Take our advice, and get your

envelopes weighed.

Once you are sure you know how much it will

cost in postage to mail your invitations, you

can look in to purchasing wedding-themed

stamps. It’s certainly not required, regular

stamps will work, but adds a special touch to

your envelopes!

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