Texoma Bride Guide | Issue 008 | Winter/Spring 2021
The Texoma Bride Guide is a wedding planning magazine and local vendor directory dedicated to bringing couples and the top wedding professionals in the Sherman/Denison/Durant area together.
The Texoma Bride Guide is a wedding planning magazine and local vendor directory dedicated to bringing couples and the top wedding professionals in the Sherman/Denison/Durant area together.
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Did you know that the groom’s cake is mostly
a Southern tradition? That’s right…go to a
wedding up north and you may not see a
groom’s cake. That can be a bummer, because
often the groom’s cake is chocolate!
Here’s a fun bit of useless trivia: In the
mid-1800’s, cake was sent home with guests
as their wedding favor. Female guests would
put their piece of cake under their pillow and
dream of their future hubby. That’s the reason
this is called a groom’s cake.
In our modern times, the groom’s cake is
usually a gift from the bride to the groom and
designed to represent the groom’s career,
personality or interests.
As with all aspects of your wedding, this
tradition is completely optional, so don’t feel
pressured to order one. However, we love it
when the bride surprises the groom with his
own special cake.
Custom Cakes
Iced Sugar Cookies
Cake Pops
And More
When it comes to ways to save money on
your wedding cake, there are two options
that come up most often. The first is to have
the cake of your dreams made with fake
layers. Essentially, your cake will be made of
foam and only a tiny part will be real cake for
the cutting ceremony. Since the cost of your
cake is determined more by the decorations
on the outside than the cake on the inside,
this really isn’t going to save you much in
the long run. You’re still paying for the labor
required to decorate the cake.
The easiest way to save on the cost of your
wedding cake is to order a small, elaborately
decorated cake and several sheet cakes. You
will display and cut the small beautiful cake,
but after the cutting ceremony, the cake will
be removed to the kitchen and the cut sheet
cakes will be passed among your guests.
Once the cake is cut, it all looks the same so
no one will be the wiser.
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(903) 328-9928
1226 South Austin Avenue
Denison, Texas 75021
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