Texoma Bride Guide | Issue 008 | Winter/Spring 2021
The Texoma Bride Guide is a wedding planning magazine and local vendor directory dedicated to bringing couples and the top wedding professionals in the Sherman/Denison/Durant area together.
The Texoma Bride Guide is a wedding planning magazine and local vendor directory dedicated to bringing couples and the top wedding professionals in the Sherman/Denison/Durant area together.
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Don’t feel like you have to leave for your honeymoon
trip immediately following the wedding. Many couples
choose to spend the day after their wedding with their
friends and family who have travelled to witness their
marriage. A simple brunch at the hotel where most
guests are staying or at a local restaurant is a great way
to visit with wedding guests you may not have been
able to spend time with at the reception. Some couples
even choose to wait a couple of months before leaving
on their honeymoon.
When you sit down to plan, be sure to have an idea
of when you’d like to travel, how long you’d like to
stay and an idea of the types of things you’d like to do
on your trip. If you don’t have a specific destination
in mind, contacting a travel agent and sharing your
wishlist is a great way to get started. Travel agents
tend to have extensive knowledge and experience with
honeymoon travel. They work directly with resorts and
cruise companies which usually means you will get a
better deal and maybe even a few perks added in. Your
travel agent will monitor your reservations as your trip
approaches and alert you of any changes. This will save
you time and money, and give you peace of mind as
you travel because you know if something goes wrong,
the answer is a quick phone call or email away.
No matter what you and your fiancé like to do, the
honeymoon of your dreams will be the perfect way to
celebrate your new life together.
Are you and your fiancé the type of people who
love spend your vacation relaxing on the beach and
soaking up the sun? Or do you love exploring new
locations and cultures? Regardless of your vacation
style, there is a honeymoon destination just for you!
We have many amazing places worth exploring here
in the United States, so you don’t have to travel far
to find what you’re looking for. However,
honeymoons are a great opportunity to explore the
wider world around us.
Charlie Brown’s Travel
(972) 880-4141
We know it’s a bummer, but if you and your
new spouse are jet-setting on your
honeymoon right after the wedding, you’re
going to want to use your maiden name
when making your travel reservations.
It takes time to process and issue the
marriage certificate which is required for
changing your name on official documents.
Then you have to wait to receive your
updated identification such as a drivers
license or passport in your new married
name. Traveling under your maiden name
will cut down on the stress of receiving
these documents on time.
Once you get back from your amazing trip
you can apply for a name change on your
passport. You will have to mail in your old
passport, but it will be returned to you
along with your brand new passport with
your new last name. As long as you file
the name change form for your passport
(called a 5504 form) within 12 months of
your wedding, you will not have to pay an
additional fee for the change.
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