twiggy and the stick final

Childrens book

Childrens book


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One fateful day Mama dog said it was time for all the

pups to venture off into the big wide world and she

returned to where she whence came. Before she left

Mamma dog told Twiggy to always be kind and to

be extra wary of the dog catcher as he particularly

liked to capture little pups.

Mamma dog hoped her children would all find

a forever family. If not a spot at the back of

a butchers or fishmongers would do for they

had the best scraps.

Twiggy got quite lucky because she met a boy

on his way home from school. They became

best friends and he vowed to look after her

and be her friend forever. His name was

Florin and he was the kindest boy Twiggy

would ever know.

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