Benedictus – March 2021 Sample
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MARCH <strong>2021</strong><br />
Sophia Institute Press is pleased to share this sample issue of …<br />
The Traditional Catholic Companion<br />
9 A daily prayer<br />
resource that<br />
follows the<br />
missal and<br />
breviary of 1962<br />
9 A simple and<br />
engaging way<br />
to introduce<br />
others to the<br />
Latin Mass<br />
9 Growth in<br />
knowledge and<br />
love of Christ<br />
through Sacred<br />
Tradition<br />
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$5 PER MONTH<br />
*Subscription begins August <strong>2021</strong>, renewing automatically each month.<br />
… plus, for a limited time, receive a free copy of<br />
The Holy Bread of Eternal Life with your subscription!
Why <strong>Benedictus</strong>? Why Now?<br />
Amid the widespread religious confusion and secularization of<br />
our age, a small flame continues to grow: priests and laypeople<br />
around the world are being drawn to the Traditional Latin<br />
Mass, as well as the clear and authentic Catholic teaching and<br />
morals that inform and flow from it.<br />
With expanding interest in this timeless and priceless doctrinal<br />
and liturgical patrimony, <strong>Benedictus</strong> is an attempt to assist<br />
the faithful in their daily spiritual lives by making the riches of<br />
Sacred Tradition more immediately accessible and practicable<br />
than ever before.<br />
Join us in this sojourn into the heart of the Church’s perennial<br />
faith and prayer, as we seek to grow in holiness according<br />
to the pattern traced by countless saints and mystics, and to<br />
further share the wealth of our Catholic heritage with others.<br />
Laudetur Jesus Christus!<br />
A Project of Sophia Institute Press®
2<br />
Select Prayers ............................................................................ 3<br />
Trinitarian Formulae (Prayer Endings)..................................... 7<br />
Asperges.................................................................................... 9<br />
Fourth (LÆtare) Sunday of Lent.................................11<br />
Monday, <strong>March</strong> 15..........................................................59<br />
• Did You Know? The Vesting Prayers..............................66<br />
• Catholic Culture: O Fruitful Garden..............................68<br />
Tuesday, <strong>March</strong> 16..........................................................69<br />
• Living Tradition: The Angelic Salutation........................75<br />
Wednesday, <strong>March</strong> 17....................................................78<br />
Thursday, <strong>March</strong> 18.......................................................90<br />
• Feast & Feria: Saint Joseph (<strong>March</strong> 19)...........................97<br />
Friday, <strong>March</strong> 19............................................................99<br />
Saturday, <strong>March</strong> 20.....................................................106<br />
• Feast & Feria: Passion Sunday (<strong>March</strong> 20)....................113<br />
Index of Meditations............................................................ 115<br />
Source Credits...................................................................... 117
Select Prayers i 3<br />
In nómine Patris, et Fílii,<br />
et Spíritus Sancti.<br />
Amen.<br />
In the Name of the<br />
Father, and of the Son,<br />
and of the Holy Ghost.<br />
Amen.<br />
Pater noster, qui es<br />
in cælis, sanctificétur<br />
nomen tuum. Advéniat<br />
regnum tuum. Fiat volúntas<br />
tua, sicut in cælo et in terra.<br />
Panem nostrum quotidiánum<br />
da nobis hódie, et dimítte<br />
nobis débita nostra sicut et<br />
nos dimíttimus debitóribus<br />
nostris. Et ne nos indúcas in<br />
tentatiónem, sed libera nos a<br />
malo. Amen.<br />
O<br />
ur Father, who art in<br />
heaven, hallowed be<br />
Thy name. Thy kingdom<br />
come. Thy will be done on<br />
earth as it is in heaven. Give<br />
us this day our daily bread,<br />
and forgive us our trespasses<br />
as we forgive those who<br />
trespass against us. And lead<br />
us not into temptation, but<br />
deliver us from evil. Amen.
4 i Select Prayers<br />
Ave Maria, gratia plena,<br />
Dóminus tecum.<br />
Benedícta tu in muliéribus,<br />
et benedíctus fructus ventris<br />
tui, Jesus. Sancta María,<br />
Mater Dei, ora pro nobis<br />
peccatóribus, nunc, et in<br />
hora mortis nostræ. Amen.<br />
Glória Patri, et Filio,<br />
et Spíritui Sancto.<br />
Sicut erat in princípio, et<br />
nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula<br />
saéculorum. Amen.<br />
GLORY BE<br />
Hail Mary, full of grace,<br />
the Lord is with thee.<br />
Blessed art thou amongst<br />
women, and blessed is the<br />
fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy<br />
Mary, Mother of God, pray<br />
for us sinners, now, and at<br />
the hour of our death. Amen.<br />
Glory be to the Father,<br />
and to the Son, and to<br />
the Holy Ghost. As it was in<br />
the beginning, is now, and<br />
will be forever. Amen.<br />
ngele Déi, qui cústos es<br />
méi,<br />
Me tíbi commíssum pietáte<br />
supérna;<br />
(Hódie, Hac nócte) illúmina,<br />
custódi, rége, et gubérna.<br />
Amen.<br />
A<br />
ngel of God,<br />
my guardian dear,<br />
To whom His love commits<br />
me here;<br />
Ever this (day, night) be at my<br />
side,<br />
To light and guard, to rule<br />
and guide.<br />
Select Prayers i 5<br />
V. Dignáre me laudáre te, Vírgo sacráta,<br />
R. Da míhi virtútem cóntra hóstes túos.<br />
Hail, O Queen of Heav’n enthron’d<br />
Hail, by angels Mistress own’d<br />
Root of Jesse, Gate of morn<br />
Whence the world’s true light was born.<br />
Glorious Virgin, joy to thee<br />
Loveliest whom in Heaven they see<br />
Fairest thou, where all are fair!<br />
Plead with Christ our sins to spare.<br />
V. Permit me to praise thee, O sacred Virgin,<br />
R. Give me strength against thine enemies.
6 i Select Prayers<br />
my God! I firmly believe that Thou art one God in three<br />
O divine Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost;<br />
I believe that Thy divine Son became man and died for our<br />
sins, and that He will come to judge the living and the dead. I<br />
believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church<br />
teaches, because Thou hast revealed them, Who canst neither<br />
deceive nor be deceived. Amen.<br />
my God! relying on Thy infinite goodness and promises, I<br />
O hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace,<br />
and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord<br />
and my Redeemer. Amen.<br />
my God! I love Thee above all things, with my whole<br />
O heart and soul, because Thou art all good and deserving<br />
of all love. I love my neighbour as myself for the love of Thee. I<br />
forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I<br />
have injured. Amen.<br />
M<br />
y Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed<br />
Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee<br />
in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come<br />
at least spiritually into my heart. As though Thou wert already<br />
there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit<br />
not that I should ever be separated from Thee. Amen.
Trinitarian Formulae i 7<br />
It is common to find only the initial words of the<br />
following concluding prayers noted in ritual texts,<br />
as indicated by the underlined portions below:<br />
For prayers to God the Father, without<br />
mention of another divine Person<br />
Per Dóminum nostrum Jesum<br />
Christum, Fílium tuum:<br />
qui tecum vivit et regnat in<br />
unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,<br />
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.<br />
Amen.<br />
Through our Lord Jesus<br />
Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth<br />
and reigneth with Thee in<br />
the unity of the Holy Ghost,<br />
God, world without end.<br />
Amen.<br />
For prayers to God the Father, including<br />
mention of the Holy Ghost<br />
Per Dóminum nostrum<br />
Jesum Christum, Fílium<br />
tuum: qui tecum vivit et<br />
regnat in unitáte ejúsdem<br />
Spíritus Sancti, Deus, per<br />
ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.<br />
Amen.<br />
Through our Lord Jesus<br />
Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth<br />
and reigneth with Thee in<br />
the unity of the same Holy<br />
Ghost, God, world without<br />
end. Amen.
8 i Trinitarian Formulae<br />
For prayers to God the Father, mentioning<br />
Christ at the beginning or middle<br />
Per eúmdem Dóminum<br />
nostrum Jesum Christum,<br />
Fílium tuum: qui tecum vivit<br />
et regnat in unitáte Spíritus<br />
Sancti, Deus, per ómnia<br />
sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.<br />
Through the same our Lord<br />
Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who<br />
liveth and reigneth with Thee<br />
in the unity of the same Holy<br />
Ghost, God, world without<br />
end. Amen.<br />
For prayers to God the Father, mentioning<br />
Christ at the end<br />
Qui tecum vivit et regnat in<br />
unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,<br />
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.<br />
Amen.<br />
For prayers to God the Son<br />
Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo<br />
Patre, in unitáte Spíritus<br />
Sancti, Deus, per ómnia<br />
sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.<br />
Who with Thee liveth and<br />
reigneth in the unity of the<br />
Holy Ghost, God, world<br />
without end. Amen.<br />
Who livest and reignest with<br />
God the Father in the unity of<br />
the Holy Ghost, God, world<br />
without end. Amen.<br />
For praying Psalms in the Divine Office, and<br />
various other prayers<br />
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et<br />
Spirítui Sancto.<br />
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et<br />
nunc, et semper, et in sǽcula<br />
sæculórum. Amen.<br />
V. Glory be to the Father, and<br />
to the Son, and to the Holy<br />
Ghost.<br />
R. As it was in the beginning,<br />
is now, and ever shall be, world<br />
without end. Amen.
Asperges i 9<br />
The Sprinkling of Holy Water<br />
A -sper-<br />
ges me, * Dó- mí- ne, hyssó - po, et mundá- bor. lavá-<br />
bis me, et su-per ni-vem de- albá- bor. Ps. 50. Mi- se-ré-re<br />
me- i, De- us, * se-cundum magnam mi- se- ri- cór- di- am tu-<br />
am.<br />
Gló- ri- a Patri et Fí- li- o, et Spi-rí-tu- i Sancto: * Sic-ut e-rat in<br />
princí-pi- o, et nunc, et semper, et in sæcu-la sæcu- ló-rum. A- men.<br />
* Ant. Aspérges me, Dómine ...<br />
On returning to the foot of the Altar, the priest sings:<br />
V. Osténde nobis, Dómine, misericórdiam tuam.<br />
R. Et salutáre tuum da nobis.<br />
V. Dómine exáudi oratiónem meam.<br />
R. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.<br />
V. Dóminus vobíscum.<br />
R. Et cum spíritu tuo.
10 i Asperges<br />
Orémus. Exáudi nos, Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens,<br />
ætérne Deus, et míttere dignéris sanctum Angelum tuum de<br />
cælis, qui custódiat, fóveat, prótegat, vísitet atque deféndat<br />
omnes habitántes in hoc habitáculo. Per Christum Dóminum<br />
nostrum. R. Amen.<br />
T<br />
hou shalt sprinkle me, O Lord, with hyssop, and I shall<br />
be cleansed; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall become<br />
whiter than snow.<br />
Ps. 50. Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great<br />
mercy.<br />
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.<br />
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world<br />
without end. Amen.<br />
* Ant. Thou shalt sprinkle me...<br />
On returning to the foot of the Altar, the priest sings:<br />
V. Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.<br />
R. And grant us Thy salvation.<br />
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.<br />
R. And let my cry come before Thee.<br />
V. The Lord be with you.<br />
R. And with thy spirit.<br />
Let us pray. Hear us, O holy Lord, almighty Father, everlasting<br />
God, and vouchsafe to send Thy holy Angel from heaven, to<br />
guard, cherish, protect, visit and defend all that are assembled<br />
in this place: through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
11<br />
Fourth (LÆtare)<br />
Sunday of Lent<br />
SUNDAY, MARCH 14, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Ant. O Lord, Thou art mighty to save us; with<br />
a strong hand deliver us, O our God.<br />
Dan 3:52<strong>–</strong>57<br />
Blessed art Thou, O Lord the God of our<br />
fathers: and worthy to be praised, and<br />
glorified, and exalted above all forever:<br />
And blessed is the holy name of Thy glory:<br />
and worthy to be praised, and exalted above<br />
all in all ages.<br />
Blessed art Thou in the holy temple of Thy<br />
glory: and exceedingly to be praised, and<br />
exceeding glorious forever.<br />
Blessed art Thou on the throne of Thy<br />
kingdom, and exceedingly to be praised, and<br />
exalted above all forever.
12 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Blessed art Thou, that beholdest the depths, and sittest upon<br />
the cherubims: and worthy to be praised and exalted above all<br />
forever.<br />
Blessed art Thou in the firmament of heaven: and worthy of<br />
praise, and glorious forever.<br />
All ye works of the Lord, bless the Lord: praise and exalt Him<br />
above all forever.<br />
Canticle: <strong>Benedictus</strong> (see p 118)<br />
Ant. When Jesus lifted up His eyes, and saw a great company<br />
come unto Him, He saith unto Philip: Whence shall we buy<br />
bread that these may eat? And this He said to prove him; for He<br />
Himself knew what He would do.<br />
Holy Mass<br />
Sunday Mass is often preceded by<br />
the Asperges, see p. 9<br />
Stand as the priest processes in, making<br />
the Sign of the Cross with the priest.<br />
In nómine Patris, et Fílii,<br />
et Spíritus Sancti.<br />
Amen.<br />
In the Name of the Father,<br />
and of the Son, and of<br />
the Holy Ghost. Amen.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 13<br />
Joining his hands, the priest recites the Antiphon:<br />
Priest. Introíbo ad altáre<br />
Dei.<br />
Server. Ad Deum, qui lætíficat<br />
juventútem meam.<br />
Priest. I will go in to the altar<br />
of God.<br />
Server. To God who giveth<br />
joy to my youth.<br />
Alternating with the server, the priest recites Psalm 42:1-5.<br />
P. Júdica me, Deus, et discérne<br />
causam meam de gente<br />
non sancta: ab hómine<br />
iníquo et dolóso érue me.<br />
S. Quia tu es, Deus, fortitúdo<br />
mea: quare me repulísti,<br />
et quare tristis incédo, dum<br />
afflígit me inimícus?<br />
P. Emítte lucem tuam et<br />
veritátem tuam: ipsa me deduxérunt,<br />
et adduxérunt in<br />
montem sanctum tuum et in<br />
tabernácula tua.<br />
S. Et introíbo ad altáre<br />
Dei: ad Deum, qui lætíficat<br />
juventútem meam.<br />
P. Confitébor tibi in cíthara,<br />
Deus, Deus meus:<br />
P. Judge me, O God, and distinguish<br />
my cause from the<br />
nation that is not holy; deliver<br />
me from the unjust and deceitful<br />
man.<br />
S. For Thou art, God, my<br />
strength: why hast Thou cast<br />
me off? and why do I go sorrowful<br />
whilst the enemy afflicteth<br />
me?<br />
P. Send forth Thy light and<br />
Thy truth: they have conducted<br />
me and brought me unto<br />
Thy holy hill, and into Thy<br />
tabernacles.<br />
S. And I will go in to the altar<br />
of God: to God Who giveth<br />
joy to my youth.<br />
P. To Thee, O God, my God, I<br />
will give praise upon the harp:
14 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
quare tristis es, ánima mea,<br />
et quare contúrbas me?<br />
S. Spera in Deo, quóniam<br />
adhuc confitébor illi: salutáre<br />
vultus mei, et Deus meus.<br />
P. Glória Patri, et Fílio, et<br />
Spirítui Sancto.<br />
S. Sicut erat in princípio, et<br />
nunc, et semper: et in sæcula<br />
sæculórum. Amen.<br />
why art thou sad, O my soul,<br />
and why dost thou disquiet<br />
me?<br />
S. Hope in God, for I will still<br />
give praise to Him, the salvation<br />
of my countenance and<br />
my God.<br />
P. Glory be to the Father, and<br />
to the Son, and to the Holy<br />
Ghost.<br />
S. As it was in the beginning,<br />
is now, and ever shall be, world<br />
without end. Amen.<br />
P. Introíbo ad altáre Dei. P. I will go in to the altar of<br />
God.<br />
S. Ad Deum, qui lætíficat juventútem<br />
meam.<br />
S. To God, Who giveth joy to<br />
my youth.<br />
The priest makes the Sign of the Cross<br />
and begins the Confiteor:<br />
P. Adjutórium nostrum in<br />
nómine Dómini.<br />
S. Qui fecit cœlum et terram.<br />
P. Our help is in the name<br />
of the Lord.<br />
S. Who made heaven and<br />
earth.<br />
Bowing, the priest says the Confiteor,<br />
after which the server responds:
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 15<br />
S. Misereátur tui omnípotens<br />
Deus, et, dimíssis peccátis<br />
tuis, perdúcat te ad vitam<br />
ætérnam.<br />
P. Amen. P. Amen.<br />
S. May almighty God have<br />
mercy on thee and, having forgiven<br />
thee thy sins, bring thee<br />
to life everlasting.<br />
The server bows and says the Confiteor:<br />
Confíteor Deo omnipoténti,<br />
beátæ Maríæ<br />
semper Vírgini, beáto Michaéli<br />
Archángelo, beáto<br />
Joánni Baptístæ, sanctis<br />
Apóstolis Petro et Paulo,<br />
ómnibus Sanctis, et tibi,<br />
pater: quia peccávi nimis<br />
cogitatióne, verbo et opere:<br />
[Now strike your breast three<br />
times, saying:] mea culpa, mea<br />
culpa, mea máxima culpa.<br />
Ideo precor beátam Maríam<br />
semper Vírginem, beátum<br />
Michaélem Archángelum,<br />
beátum Joánnem Baptístam,<br />
sanctos Apóstolos Petrum<br />
et Paulum, omnes Sanctos,<br />
et te, pater, orare pro me ad<br />
Dóminum, Deum nostrum.<br />
confess to almighty<br />
I God, to blessed Mary ever<br />
virgin, to blessed Michael the<br />
archangel, to blessed John the<br />
Baptist, to the holy apostles Peter<br />
and Paul, to all the saints,<br />
and to thee, Father, that I have<br />
sinned exceedingly in thought,<br />
word, and deed: [Now strike<br />
your breast three times, saying:]<br />
through my fault, through my<br />
fault, through my most grievous<br />
fault. Therefore I beseech<br />
the blessed Mary ever virgin,<br />
blessed Michael the archangel,<br />
blessed John the Baptist, the<br />
holy apostles Peter and Paul,<br />
all the saints, and thee, Father,<br />
to pray to the Lord our God<br />
for me.
16 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
P. Misereátur vestri omnípotens<br />
Deus, et, dimíssis peccátis<br />
vestris, perdúcat vos ad<br />
vitam ætérnam.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
P. Indulgéntiam, absolutionem<br />
et remissiónem peccatórum<br />
nostrórum tríbuat<br />
nobis omnípotens et miséricors<br />
Dóminus.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
P. Deus, tu convérsus vivificábis<br />
nos.<br />
S. Et plebs tua lætábitur in<br />
te.<br />
P. Osténde nobis, Dómine,<br />
misericórdiam tuam.<br />
Bowing, the priest continues:<br />
P. May almighty God have<br />
mercy on you and, having forgiven<br />
you your sins, bring you<br />
to life everlasting.<br />
P. May the almighty and merciful<br />
Lord grant us pardon,<br />
absolution, and remission of<br />
our sins.<br />
P. Thou wilt turn again, O<br />
God, and quicken us.<br />
S. And Thy people will rejoice<br />
in Thee.<br />
P. Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.<br />
S. Et salutáre tuum da nobis. S. And grant us Thy salvation.<br />
P. Dómine, exáudi oratiónem<br />
meam.<br />
S. Et clamor meus ad te véniat.<br />
P. O Lord, hear my prayer.<br />
S. And let my cry come unto<br />
Thee.<br />
P. Dóminus vobíscum. P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit.<br />
P. Orémus. P. Let us pray.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 17<br />
Ascending to the altar, the priest says silently:<br />
Aufer a nobis, quæsumus,<br />
Dómine, iniquitátes<br />
nostras: ut ad Sancta<br />
sanctórum puris mereámur<br />
méntibus introíre. Per Christum,<br />
Dóminum nostrum.<br />
Amen.<br />
Orámus te, Dómine, per<br />
mérita Sanctórum tuórum,<br />
quorum relíquiæ hic sunt,<br />
et ómnium Sanctórum: ut<br />
indulgére dignéris ómnia<br />
peccáta mea. Amen.<br />
Take away from us our<br />
iniquities, we beseech<br />
Thee, O Lord; that, being<br />
made pure in heart we may be<br />
worthy to enter into the Holy<br />
of Holies. Through Christ our<br />
Lord. Amen.<br />
We beseech Thee, O Lord,<br />
by the merits of those of Thy<br />
saints whose relics are here,<br />
and of all the saints, that Thou<br />
wouldst vouchsafe to pardon<br />
me all my sins. Amen.<br />
INTROIT Is 66:10, 11; Ps 121:1<br />
Lætáre, Jerúsalem: et convéntum<br />
fácite, omnes<br />
qui dilígitis eam: gaudéte<br />
cum lætítia, qui in tristítia<br />
fuístis: ut exsultétis, et<br />
satiémini ab ubéribus consolatiónis<br />
vestræ. Lætátus<br />
sum in his, quæ dicta sunt<br />
mihi: in domum Dómini<br />
íbimus. Glória Patri.<br />
Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and<br />
come together all you that<br />
love her; rejoice with joy,<br />
you that have been in sorrow:<br />
that you may exult and<br />
be filled from the breasts of<br />
your consolation. I rejoiced<br />
at the things that were said<br />
to me: we shall go into the<br />
house of the Lord. Glory be.
18 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Moving to the center of the altar, the priest<br />
recites the Kyrie alternately with the server:<br />
KYRIE<br />
P. KÝRIE, eléison. P. LORD, have mercy on us.<br />
S. Kýrie, eléison. S. Lord, have mercy on us.<br />
P. Kýrie, eléison. P. Lord, have mercy on us.<br />
S. Christe, eléison. S. Christ, have mercy on us.<br />
P. Christe, eléison. P. Christ, have mercy on us.<br />
S. Christe, eléison. S. Christ, have mercy on us.<br />
P. Kýrie, eléison. P. Lord, have mercy on us.<br />
S. Kýrie, eléison. S. Lord, have mercy on us.<br />
P. Kýrie, eléison. P. Lord, have mercy on us.<br />
The Gloria is omitted.<br />
P. Dóminus vobíscum. P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit.<br />
P. Orémus. P. Let us pray.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 19<br />
Collect<br />
Concéde, quæsumus, omnípotens<br />
Deus: ut, qui ex<br />
mérito nostræ actiónis<br />
afflígimur, tuæ grátiæ consolatióne<br />
respirémus. Per<br />
Dóminum.<br />
Grant, we beseech Thee, O<br />
almighty God, that we, who<br />
justly suffer for our deeds,<br />
may be relieved by the consolation<br />
of Thy grace. Through<br />
our Lord.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
The Epistle Gal 4:22-31<br />
Fratres: Scriptum est:<br />
Quóniam Abraham duos<br />
fílios hábuit: unum de ancílla,<br />
et unum de líbera.<br />
Sed qui de ancílla, secúndum<br />
carnem natus est:<br />
qui autem de líbera, per<br />
repromissiónem: quæ sunt<br />
per allegoríam dicta. Hæc<br />
enim sunt duo testaménta.<br />
Unum quidem in monte<br />
Sina, in servitútem génerans:<br />
Sina enim mons est<br />
in Arábia, qui conjúnctus<br />
est ei, quæ nunc est Jerúsalem,<br />
et servit cum fíliis<br />
suis. Illa autem, quæ sursum<br />
est Jerúsalem,<br />
Brethren: It is written that<br />
Abraham had two sons; the<br />
one by a bond-woman, and<br />
the other by a free-woman.<br />
But he who was of the<br />
bond-woman was born according<br />
to the flesh; but he<br />
of the free-woman was by<br />
promise. Which things are<br />
said by an allegory. For these<br />
are the two testaments: the<br />
one from Mount Sina, engendering<br />
unto bondage,<br />
which is Agar: for Sina is a<br />
mountain in Arabia, which<br />
hath affinity to that Jerusalem<br />
which now is, and is in<br />
bondage with her children:<br />
but that Jerusalem
20 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
líbera est, quæ est mater<br />
nostra. Scriptum est enim:<br />
Lætáre, stérilis, quæ non<br />
paris: erúmpe et clama,<br />
quæ non párturis: quia<br />
multi fílii desértæ, magis<br />
quam ejus, quæ habet<br />
virum.<br />
Nos autem, fratres, secúndum<br />
Isaac promissiónis<br />
fílii sumus. Sed quómodo<br />
tunc is, qui secúndum carnem<br />
natus fúerat, persequebátur<br />
eum, qui secúndum<br />
spíritum: ita et nunc.<br />
Sed quid dicit Scriptúra?<br />
Ejice ancíllam et fílium<br />
ejus: non enim heres erit<br />
fílius ancíllæ cum fílio<br />
líberæ. Itaque, fratres, non<br />
sumus ancíllæ fílii, sed<br />
líberæ: qua libertáte Christus<br />
nos liberávit.<br />
which is above is free, which<br />
is our mother. For it is written,<br />
Rejoice, thou barren that<br />
bearest not; break forth and<br />
cry, thou that travailest not;<br />
for many are the children of<br />
the desolate, more than of<br />
her that hath a husband.<br />
Now we, brethren, as Isaac<br />
was, are the children of promise.<br />
But as then he that was<br />
born according to the flesh<br />
persecuted him that was after<br />
the spirit, so also it is now.<br />
But what saith the Scripture?<br />
Cast out the bond-woman<br />
and her son; for the son of<br />
the bond-woman shall not<br />
be heir with the son of the<br />
free-woman. So then, brethren,<br />
we are not the children<br />
of the bond-woman, but<br />
of the free; by the freedom<br />
wherewith Christ hath made<br />
us free.<br />
S. Deo grátias. S. Thanks be to God.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 21<br />
Gradual Ps 121:1, 7<br />
Lætátus sum in his, quæ<br />
dicta sunt mihi: in domum<br />
Dómini íbimus. Fiat pax in<br />
virtúte tua: et abundántia<br />
in túrribus tuis.<br />
I rejoiced at the things that<br />
were said to me: We shall go<br />
into the house of the Lord.<br />
Let peace be in thy strength,<br />
and abundance in thy towers.<br />
The Tract is said in place of the Alleuia:<br />
Tract Ps 124:1, 2<br />
Qui confídunt in Dómino,<br />
sicut mons Sion: non commovébitur<br />
in ætérnum,<br />
qui hábitat in Jerúsalem.<br />
Montes in circúitu ejus: et<br />
Dóminus in circúitu pópuli<br />
sui, ex hoc nunc et usque<br />
in sæculum.<br />
They that trust in the Lord<br />
shall be as Mount Sion: he<br />
shall not be moved forever<br />
that dwelleth in Jerusalem.<br />
Mountains are round about<br />
it: so the Lord is round about<br />
His people, from henceforth<br />
now and forever.
22 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
The server transfers the Missal to the<br />
Gospel side, as the priest says:<br />
Munda cor meum, ac<br />
labia mea, omnípotens<br />
Deus, qui labia Isaíæ<br />
Prophétæ cálculo mundásti<br />
igníto: ita me tua grata miseratióne<br />
dignáre mundáre, ut<br />
sanctum Evangélium tuum<br />
digne váleam nuntiáre. Per<br />
Christum, Dóminum nostrum.<br />
Amen.<br />
Jube, Dómine, benedícere.<br />
Dóminus sit in corde meo<br />
et in lábiis meis: ut digne<br />
et competénter annúntiem<br />
Evangélium suum. Amen.<br />
P. Dóminus vobíscum.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo.<br />
Cleanse my heart and my<br />
lips, O almighty God,<br />
who didst cleanse with a<br />
burning coal the lips of the<br />
prophet Isaias; and vouchsafe<br />
in Thy loving kindness so to<br />
purify me that I may be enabled<br />
worthily to announce<br />
Thy holy Gospel. Through<br />
Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />
Vouchsafe, O Lord, to bless<br />
me. The Lord be in my heart<br />
and on my lips, that I may<br />
worthily and becomingly announce<br />
His Gospel. Amen.<br />
P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. And with thy spirit.<br />
At Solemn High Mass, the deacon is here blessed<br />
by the priest and proceeds to sing the Gospel.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 23<br />
Gospel Jn 6:1<strong>–</strong>15<br />
P. Sequéntia sancti Evangélii<br />
secúndum Joánnem.<br />
P. Continuation of the Holy<br />
Gospel according to John.<br />
S. Glória tibi, Dómine. S. Glory be to Thee, O<br />
Lord.<br />
In illo témpore: Abiit Jesus<br />
trans mare Galilææ, quod<br />
est Tiberíadis: et sequebátur<br />
eum multitúdo magna,<br />
quia vidébant signa quæ<br />
faciébat super his qui infirmabántur.<br />
Súbiit ergo in<br />
montem Jesus: et ibi sedébat<br />
cum discípulis suis. Erat<br />
autem próximum Pascha,<br />
dies festus Judæórum. Cum<br />
sublevásset ergo óculos Jesus<br />
et vidísset quia multitúdo<br />
máxima venit ad eum,<br />
dixit ad Philíppum: Unde<br />
emémus panes, ut mandúcent<br />
hi? Hoc autem dicébat<br />
tentans eum: ipse enim<br />
sciébat quid esset factúrus.<br />
Respóndit ei Philíppus:<br />
Ducentórum denariórum<br />
panes non suffíciunt eis,<br />
ut unusquísque módicum<br />
quid accípiat.<br />
At that time, Jesus went over<br />
the sea of Galilee, which<br />
is that of Tiberias; and a<br />
great multitude followed<br />
Him, because they saw the<br />
miracles which He did on<br />
them that were diseased. Jesus<br />
therefore went up into<br />
a mountain, and there He<br />
sat with His disciples. Now<br />
the Pasch, the festival day of<br />
the Jews, was near at hand.<br />
When Jesus therefore had<br />
lifted up His eyes, and seen<br />
that a very great multitude<br />
cometh to Him, He said<br />
to Philip, Whence shall we<br />
buy bread that these may<br />
eat? And this He said to try<br />
him; for He Himself knew<br />
what He would do. Philip<br />
answered, Two hundred<br />
pennyworth of bread is not<br />
sufficient for them, that every<br />
one may take a little.
24 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Dicit ei unus ex discípulis<br />
ejus, Andréas frater Simónis<br />
Petri: Est puer unus hic,<br />
qui habet quinque panes<br />
hordeáceos et duos pisces:<br />
sed hæc quid sunt inter tantos?<br />
Dixit ergo Jesus: Fácite<br />
hómines discúmbere. Erat<br />
autem fœnum multum<br />
in loco. Discbuérunt ergo<br />
viri, número quasi quinque<br />
míllia. Accépit ergo Jesus<br />
panes, et cum grátias egísset,<br />
distríbuit discuméntibus:<br />
simíliter et ex píscibus quantum<br />
volébant. Ut autem<br />
impléti sunt, dixit discípulis<br />
suis: Collígite quæ superavérunt<br />
fragménta, ne<br />
péreant. Collegérunt ergo,<br />
et implevérunt duódecim<br />
cóphinos fragmentórum ex<br />
quinque pánibus hordeáceis,<br />
quæ superfuérunt his<br />
qui manducáverant. Illi<br />
ergo hómines cum vidíssent<br />
quod Jesus fécerat signum,<br />
dicébant:<br />
One of His disciples, Andrew,<br />
the brother of Simon<br />
Peter, saith to Him, There<br />
is a boy here that hath five<br />
barley loaves and two fishes;<br />
but what are these among<br />
so many?<br />
Then Jesus said, Make the<br />
men sit down. Now there<br />
was much grass in the place.<br />
The men therefore sat down,<br />
in number about five thousand.<br />
And Jesus took the<br />
loaves; and when He had<br />
given thanks, He distributed<br />
to them that were set<br />
down. In like manner also<br />
of the fishes, as much as<br />
they would. And when they<br />
were filled, He said to His<br />
disciples, Gather up the fragments<br />
that remain, lest they<br />
be lost. They gathered up<br />
therefore, and filled twelve<br />
baskets with the fragments<br />
of the five barley loaves,<br />
which remained over and<br />
above to them that had eaten.<br />
Now those men, when<br />
they had seen what a miracle<br />
Jesus had done, said,
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 25<br />
Quia hic est vere Prophéta,<br />
qui ventúrus est in mundum.<br />
Jesus ergo, cum cognovísset<br />
quia ventúri essent<br />
ut ráperent eum et fácerent<br />
eum regem, fugit íterum in<br />
montem ipse solus.<br />
This is of a truth the Prophet<br />
that is to come into the<br />
world. Jesus therefore, when<br />
He knew that they would<br />
come to take Him by force<br />
and make Him king, fled<br />
again into the mountain<br />
Himself alone.<br />
The priest kisses the Gospel as the server says:<br />
S. Laus tibi, Christe.<br />
P. Per Evangélica dicta,<br />
deleántur nostra delícta.<br />
S. Praise be to Thee, O Christ.<br />
P. May our sins be blotted out<br />
by the words of the Gospel.<br />
The priest moves the missal to the center of the altar.<br />
The homily is given, if there is to be preaching.<br />
Credo in unum Deum,<br />
Patrem omnipoténtem,<br />
factórem cœli et terræ, visibílium<br />
ómnium et invisibílium.<br />
Et in unum<br />
CREED<br />
believe in one God, the<br />
I Father almighty, maker<br />
of heaven and earth, and of<br />
all things visible and invisible.<br />
And in one
26 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Dóminum Jesum Christum,<br />
Fílium Dei unigénitum. Et<br />
ex Patre natum ante ómnia<br />
sæcula. Deum de Deo, lumen<br />
de lúmine, Deum verum<br />
de Deo vero. Génitum,<br />
non factum, consubstantiálem<br />
Patri: per quem ómnia<br />
facta sunt. Qui propter nos<br />
hómines et propter nostram<br />
salútem descéndit de cœlis.<br />
[Genuflect] Et incarnátus est<br />
de Spíritu Sancto ex María<br />
Vírgine: ET HOMO FAC-<br />
TUS EST. Crucifíxus étiam<br />
pro nobis: sub Póntio Piláto<br />
passus, et sepúltus est. Et resurréxit<br />
tértia die, secúndum<br />
Scriptúras. Et ascéndit in<br />
cœlum: sedet ad déxteram<br />
Patris. Et íterum ventúrus<br />
est cum glória judicáre vivos<br />
et mórtuos: cujus regni<br />
non erit finis. Et in Spíritum<br />
Sanctum, Dóminum<br />
et vivificántem: qui ex Patre<br />
Filióque procédit. Qui cum<br />
Patre et Fílio simul adorátur<br />
et conglorificátur: qui<br />
locútus est per prophétas. Et<br />
unam sanctam cathólicam et<br />
apostólicam Ecclésiam. Con-<br />
Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten<br />
Son of God, born of the<br />
Father before all ages. God of<br />
God, light of light, true God<br />
of true God; begotten, not<br />
made; consubstantial with the<br />
Father, by whom all things<br />
were made. Who for us men,<br />
and for our salvation, came<br />
down from heaven, [Genuflect]<br />
and was incarnate by the Holy<br />
Ghost of the Virgin Mary,<br />
was crucified also for us, suffered<br />
under Pontius Pilate, and<br />
was buried. And the third day<br />
He arose again, according to<br />
the Scriptures, and ascended<br />
into heaven. He sitteth at the<br />
right hand of the Father: And<br />
He shall come again with glory,<br />
to judge the living and the<br />
dead: and His kingdom shall<br />
have no end. And in the Holy<br />
Ghost, the Lord and Giver of<br />
life, who proceedeth from the<br />
Father and the Son, Who, together<br />
with the Father and the<br />
Son, is adored and glorified:<br />
Who spoke by the prophets.<br />
And one holy, catholic, and<br />
apostolic Church. I confess one
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 27<br />
fíteor unum baptísma in<br />
remissiónem peccatórum.<br />
Et exspécto resurrectiónem<br />
mortuórum. Et vitam<br />
ventúri sæculi. Amen.<br />
baptism for the remission of<br />
sins, and I expect the resurrection<br />
of the dead, and the life<br />
of the world to come. Amen.<br />
The priest kisses the altar, then turns<br />
to the people and says:<br />
P. Dóminus vobíscum. P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit.<br />
P. Orémus. P. Let us pray.<br />
Offertory Ps 134:3, 6<br />
Laudáte Dóminum, quia<br />
benígnus est: psállite nómini<br />
ejus, quóniam suávis est:<br />
ómnia quæcúmque vóluit,<br />
fecit in cælo et in terra.<br />
Praise ye the Lord, for He is<br />
good: sing ye to His name,<br />
for He is sweet: whatsoever<br />
He pleased He hath done in<br />
heaven and in earth.<br />
Uncovering the chalice, the priest continues:<br />
Súscipe, sancte Pater, omnipotens<br />
ætérne Deus,<br />
hanc immaculátam hóstiam,<br />
quam ego indígnus fámulus<br />
tuus óffero tibi Deo meo vivo<br />
et vero, pro innumerabílibus<br />
peccátis,<br />
Receive, O Holy Father,<br />
almighty and eternal<br />
God, this spotless host, which<br />
I, Thine unworthy servant, offer<br />
unto Thee, my living and<br />
true God, for my countless<br />
28 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
et offensiónibus, et neglegéntiis<br />
meis, et pro ómnibus<br />
circumstántibus, sed et pro<br />
ómnibus fidélibus christiánis<br />
vivis atque defúnctis: ut mihi,<br />
et illis profíciat ad salútem in<br />
vitam ætérnam. Amen.<br />
Deus, qui humánæ substántiæ<br />
dignitátem mirabíliter<br />
condidísti, et mirabílius reformásti:<br />
da nobis per hujus<br />
aquæ et vini mystérium, ejus<br />
divinitátis esse consórtes,<br />
qui humanitátis nostræ fíeri<br />
dignátus est párticeps, Jesus<br />
Christus, Fílius tuus, Dóminus<br />
noster: Qui tecum vivit<br />
et regnat in unitáte Spíritus<br />
Sancti Deus: per ómnia sæcula<br />
sæculórum. Amen.<br />
Offérimus tibi, Dómine,<br />
cálicem salutáris, tuam deprecántes<br />
cleméntiam: ut in<br />
conspéctu divínæ majestátis<br />
tuæ, pro nostra et totíus mundi<br />
salute, cum odóre suavitátis<br />
ascéndat. Amen.<br />
trespasses, and omissions;<br />
likewise for all here present,<br />
and for all faithful Christians,<br />
whether living or dead, that it<br />
may avail both me and them<br />
to salvation, unto life everlasting.<br />
Amen.<br />
O God, Who in creating man<br />
didst exalt his nature very<br />
wonderfully and yet more<br />
wonderfully didst establish<br />
it anew: by the mystery signified<br />
in the mingling of this<br />
water and wine, grant us to<br />
have part in the Godhead of<br />
Him Who hath vouchsafed<br />
to share our manhood, Jesus<br />
Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord,<br />
Who liveth and reigneth with<br />
Thee in the unity of the Holy<br />
Ghost, God; world without<br />
end. Amen.<br />
We offer unto Thee, O<br />
Lord, the chalice of salvation,<br />
beseeching Thy clemency that<br />
it may ascend as a sweet odor<br />
before Thy divine majesty,<br />
for our own salvation, and<br />
for that of the whole world.<br />
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 29<br />
In spíritu humilitátis et in<br />
ánimo contríto suscipiámur a<br />
te, Dómine: et sic fiat sacrifícium<br />
nostrum in conspéctu tuo<br />
hódie, ut pláceat tibi, Dómine<br />
Deus.<br />
Veni, sanctificátor omnípotens<br />
ætérne Deus: et bene<br />
dic hoc sacrifícium, tuo sancto<br />
nómini præparátum.<br />
Humbled in mind, and contrite<br />
of heart, may we find favor<br />
with Thee, O Lord; and<br />
may the sacrifice we this day<br />
offer up be well pleasing to<br />
Thee, Who art our Lord and<br />
our God.<br />
Come, Thou, the Sanctifier,<br />
God, almighty and everlasting:<br />
bless this sacrifice which is<br />
prepared for the glory of Thy<br />
holy name.<br />
At High Mass or Solemn Mass, the altar<br />
and sacrificial gifts are incensed.<br />
Per intercessiónem beáti<br />
Michaélis Archángeli,<br />
stantis a dextris altáris incénsi,<br />
et ómnium electórum<br />
suórum, incénsum istud<br />
dignétur Dóminus bene<br />
dicere, et in odórem suavitátis<br />
accípere. Per Christum Dóminum<br />
nostrum. Amen.<br />
Incensum istud a te benedíctum<br />
ascéndat ad te, Dómine:<br />
et descéndat super nos misericórdia<br />
tua.<br />
The incense is first blessed:<br />
By the intercession of<br />
blessed Michael the<br />
archangel, who standeth at<br />
the right hand of the altar of<br />
incense, and of all His elect,<br />
may the Lord vouchsafe to<br />
bless this incense, and to<br />
receive it for an odor of sweetness.<br />
Through Christ our<br />
Lord. Amen.<br />
May this incense, blessed by<br />
Thee, ascend before Thee, O<br />
Lord, and may Thy mercy descend<br />
upon us.
30 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Dirigatur, Dómine, orátio<br />
mea, sicut incénsum in conspéctu<br />
tuo: elevátio mánuum<br />
meárum sacrifícium<br />
vespertínum. Pone, Dómine,<br />
custódiam ori meo, et óstium<br />
circumstántiæ lábiis meis. Ut<br />
non declínet cor meum in<br />
verbo malítiæ, ad excusándas<br />
excusatiónes in peccátis.<br />
Let my prayer be directed, O<br />
Lord, as incense in Thy sight,<br />
the lifting up of my hands<br />
as an evening sacrifice. Set<br />
a watch, O Lord, before my<br />
mouth: and a door round<br />
about my lips: that my heart<br />
may not incline to evil words:<br />
to make excuses in sins.<br />
The priest gives the thurible to the deacon, saying:<br />
Accéndat in nobis Dóminus<br />
ignem sui amóris, et flamma<br />
ætérnæ caritátis. Amen.<br />
May the Lord enkindle in us<br />
the fire of His love and the<br />
flame of everlasting charity.<br />
Amen.<br />
The priest washes his fingers, praying Psalm 25:6-12.<br />
Lavábo inter innocéntes<br />
manus meas: et circúmdabo<br />
altáre tuum Dómine:<br />
Ut áudiam vocem laudis, et<br />
enárrem univérsa mirabília<br />
tua. Dómine, diléxi decórem<br />
domus tuæ et locum habitatiónis<br />
glóriæ tuæ. Ne perdas<br />
cum ímpiis, Deus, ánimam<br />
meam, et cum viris sánguinum<br />
vitam meam: In quorum<br />
LAVABO<br />
will wash my hands<br />
I among the innocent,<br />
and will compass Thine altar,<br />
O Lord. That I may hear<br />
the voice of praise, and tell<br />
of all Thy wondrous works.<br />
I have loved, O Lord, the<br />
beauty of Thy house and the<br />
place where Thy glory dwelleth.<br />
Take not away my soul,<br />
O God, with the wicked: nor
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 31<br />
mánibus iniquitátes sunt: déxtera<br />
eórum repléta est munéribus.<br />
Ego autem in innocéntia<br />
mea ingréssus sum: rédime me<br />
et miserére mei. Pes meus stetit<br />
in dirécto: in ecclésiis benedícam<br />
te, Dómine. Glória<br />
Patri.<br />
my life with men of blood. In<br />
whose hands are iniquities:<br />
their right hand is filled with<br />
gifts. But as for me, I have<br />
walked in my innocence; redeem<br />
me, and have mercy on<br />
me. My foot hath stood in the<br />
right way; in the churches I<br />
will bless Thee, O Lord. Glory<br />
be.<br />
Súscipe, sancta Trinitas,<br />
hanc oblatiónem, quam<br />
tibi offérimus ob memóriam<br />
passiónis, resurrectiónis,<br />
et ascensiónis Jesu Christi,<br />
Dómini nostri: et in honórem<br />
beátæ Maríæ semper Vírginis,<br />
et beáti Joannis Baptistæ, et<br />
sanctórum Apostolórum Petri<br />
et Pauli, et istórum et ómnium<br />
Sanctórum: ut illis profíciat<br />
ad honórem, nobis autem<br />
ad salútem: et illi pro nobis intercédere<br />
dignéntur in cœlis,<br />
quorum memóriam ágimus in<br />
terris. Per eúmdem Christum,<br />
Dóminum nostrum. Amen.<br />
Bowing down, the priest says:<br />
Receive, O holy Trinity,<br />
this oblation offered<br />
up by us to Thee in memory<br />
of the passion, resurrection,<br />
and ascension of Our Lord<br />
Jesus Christ, and in honor of<br />
blessed Mary, ever a virgin,<br />
of blessed John the Baptist,<br />
of the holy apostles Peter and<br />
Paul, of these, and of all the<br />
saints, that it may be available<br />
to their honor and to our salvation;<br />
and may they whose<br />
memory we celebrate on earth<br />
vouchsafe to intercede for us<br />
in heaven. Through the same<br />
Christ our Lord. Amen.
32 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Kissing the altar, the priest turns to address the people:<br />
P. Oráte, fratres: ut meum ac<br />
vestrum sacrifícium acceptábile<br />
fiat apud Deum Patrem<br />
omnipoténtem.<br />
S. Suscípiat Dóminus sacrifícium<br />
de mánibus tuis ad<br />
laudem et glóriam nominis<br />
sui, ad utilitátem quoque nostram,<br />
totiúsque Ecclésiæ suæ<br />
sanctæ.<br />
P. Amen.<br />
P. Brethren, pray that my<br />
sacrifice and yours may be<br />
acceptable to God the Father<br />
almighty.<br />
S. May the Lord receive this<br />
sacrifice at thy hands, to the<br />
praise and glory of His name,<br />
to our own benefit, and to<br />
that of all His Holy Church.<br />
P. Amen.<br />
Secret<br />
Sacrifíciis præséntibus,<br />
Dómine, quæsumus, inténde<br />
placátus: ut et devotióni<br />
nostræ profíciant,<br />
et salúti. Per Dóminum nostrum.<br />
We beseech Thee, O Lord,<br />
look favorably upon the<br />
sacrifices here before Thee,<br />
that they may profit us<br />
both for devotion and for<br />
salvation. Through our<br />
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 33<br />
P. Dóminus vobíscum.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo.<br />
P. Sursum corda.<br />
S. Habémus ad Dóminum.<br />
P. Grátias agámus Dómino,<br />
Deo nostro.<br />
S. Dignum et justum est.<br />
The priest begins the Preface:<br />
P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. And with thy spirit.<br />
P. Lift up your hearts.<br />
S. We have lifted them up<br />
unto the Lord.<br />
P. Let us give thanks to the<br />
Lord our God.<br />
S. It is meet and just.<br />
Preface for Lent<br />
Vere dignum et justum<br />
est, æquum et<br />
salutáre, nos tibi semper,<br />
et ubíque grátias ágere:<br />
Dómine sancte, Pater omnípotens,<br />
ætérne Deus:<br />
Qui corporáli jejúnio vítia<br />
cómprimis, mentem<br />
élevas, virtútem largíris,<br />
et præmia: per Christum<br />
Dóminum nostrum. Per<br />
quem majestátem tuam<br />
laudant Ángeli,<br />
It is truly meet and<br />
just, right and profitable,<br />
for us, at all times,<br />
and in all places, to give<br />
thanks to Thee, O Lord,<br />
the holy One, the Father<br />
almighty, the everlasting<br />
God: Who on those who<br />
chastise their bodies by<br />
fasting dost bestow the restraining<br />
of evil passions,<br />
uplifting of heart, and the<br />
enjoying of virtue with its<br />
reward. Through Christ<br />
our Lord. Through Whom<br />
the angels praise,
34 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
adórant Dominatiónes,<br />
tremunt Potestátes. Cœli,<br />
cœlorúmque Virtútes, ac<br />
beáta Séraphim, sócia exsultatióne<br />
concélebrant. Cum<br />
quibus et nostras voces,<br />
ut admítti júbeas, deprecámur,<br />
súpplici confessióne<br />
dicéntes:<br />
the dominations adore, the<br />
powers, trembling with awe,<br />
worship Thy majesty: which<br />
the heavens, and the forces<br />
of heaven, together with the<br />
blessed seraphim, joyfully<br />
do magnify. And do Thou<br />
command that it be permitted<br />
to our lowliness to join<br />
with them in confessing<br />
Thee and unceasingly to<br />
repeat:<br />
The faithful kneel for the Sanctus and remain<br />
kneeling until after Communion.<br />
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,<br />
Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.<br />
Pleni sunt cœli et terra<br />
glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis.<br />
Benedíctus, qui venit in<br />
nómine Dómini. Hosánna in<br />
excélsis.<br />
Holy, holy, holy, Lord<br />
God of hosts. The heavens<br />
and the earth are full of<br />
Thy glory. Hosanna in the<br />
highest. Blessed is He who<br />
cometh in the name of the<br />
Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 35<br />
The priest raises and joins his hands,<br />
then bows over the altar to say:<br />
Te igitur, clementíssime<br />
Pater, per Jesum<br />
Christum, Fílium<br />
tuum, Dóminum nostrum,<br />
súpplices rogámus, ac pétimus,<br />
uti accepta habeas et benedícas,<br />
hæc dona, hæc múnera,<br />
hæc sancta sacrifícia illibáta,<br />
in primis, quæ tibi offérimus<br />
pro Ecclésia tua sancta cathólica:<br />
quam pacificáre, custodíre,<br />
adunáre et régere dignéris toto<br />
orbe terrárum: una cum fámulo<br />
tuo Papa nostro et Antístite<br />
nostro et ómnibus orthodóxis,<br />
atque cathólicæ et apostólicae<br />
fídei cultóribus.<br />
Wherefore, we humbly<br />
pray and beseech<br />
Thee, most merciful<br />
Father, through Jesus Christ<br />
Thy Son, Our Lord, to receive<br />
and to bless these gifts, these<br />
presents, these holy unspotted<br />
sacrifices, which we offer<br />
up to Thee, in the first place,<br />
for Thy holy Catholic Church,<br />
that it may please Thee to grant<br />
her peace, to guard, unite, and<br />
guide her, throughout the<br />
world; as also for Thy servant<br />
N., our Pope, and N., our Bishop,<br />
and for all who are orthodox<br />
in belief and who profess<br />
the catholic and apostolic faith.
36 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Meménto, Dómine, famulórum<br />
famularúmque tuarum<br />
N. et N. et ómnium circumstántium,<br />
quorum tibi fides<br />
cógnita est et nota devótio, pro<br />
quibus tibi offérimus: vel qui<br />
tibi ófferunt hoc sacrifícium<br />
laudis, pro se suísque ómnibus:<br />
pro redemptióne animárum<br />
suárum, pro spe salútis et incolumitátis<br />
suæ: tibíque reddunt<br />
vota sua ætérno Deo, vivo et<br />
vero.<br />
Communicántes, et memóriam<br />
venerántes, in primis<br />
gloriósæ semper Vírginis<br />
Maríæ, Genetrícis Dei et<br />
Dómini nostri Jesu Christi:<br />
sed * et beati Joseph,<br />
ejusdem Virginis Sponsi,<br />
et beatórum Apostolórum<br />
ac Mártyrum tuórum, Petri<br />
et Pauli, Andréæ, Jacóbi,<br />
Joánnis, Thomæ, Jacóbi,<br />
Philíppi, Bartholomæi, Matthæi,<br />
Simónis et Thaddæi:<br />
Lini, Cleti, Cleméntis, Xysti,<br />
Cornélii, Cypriáni, Lauréntii,<br />
Chrysógoni, Joánnis et<br />
Pauli, Cosmæ et Damiáni: et<br />
ómnium Sanctórum tuórum;<br />
quorum méritis precibúsque<br />
Be mindful, O Lord, of Thy<br />
servants, N. and N., and of all<br />
here present, whose faith and<br />
devotion are known to Thee,<br />
for whom we offer, or who offer<br />
up to Thee, this sacrifice<br />
of praise, for themselves, their<br />
families, and their friends, for<br />
the salvation of their souls and<br />
the health and welfare they<br />
hope for, and who now pay<br />
their vows to Thee, God eternal,<br />
living, and true.<br />
Having communion with<br />
and venerating the memory,<br />
first, of the glorious Mary,<br />
ever a virgin, mother of Jesus<br />
Christ, our God and our<br />
Lord: likewise of * blessed<br />
Joseph, spouse of the same<br />
Virgin, Thy blessed apostles<br />
and martyrs, Peter and<br />
Paul, Andrew, James, John,<br />
Thomas, James, Philip, Bartholomew,<br />
Matthew, Simon,<br />
and Thaddeus; of Linus,<br />
Cletus, Clement, Sixtus, Cornelius,<br />
Cyprian, Lawrence,<br />
Chrysogonus, John and Paul,<br />
Cosmas and Damian, and of<br />
all Thy saints: for the sake of<br />
whose merits and prayers, do<br />
Thou grant that in all things
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 37<br />
concédas, ut in ómnibus protectiónis<br />
tuæ muniámur auxílio.<br />
Per eúmdem Christum,<br />
Dóminum nostrum. Amen.<br />
we may be defended by the<br />
help of Thy protection.<br />
Through the same Christ, our<br />
Lord. Amen.<br />
Hanc igitur oblatiónem<br />
servitutis nostræ, sed<br />
et cunctæ famíliæ tuæ, quæsumus,<br />
Dómine, ut placátus<br />
accípias: diésque nostros in<br />
tua pace dispónas, atque ab<br />
ætérna damnatióne nos éripi,<br />
et in electórum tuórum júbeas<br />
grege numerári. Per Christum,<br />
Dóminum nostrum.<br />
Amen.<br />
Quam oblatiónem tu, Deus,<br />
in ómnibus, quæsumus, bene<br />
díctam, adscríp tam, ra<br />
tam, rationábilem, acceptabilémque<br />
fácere dignéris: ut<br />
nobis Cor pus, et San<br />
guis fiat dilectíssimi Fílii tui,<br />
Dómini nostri Jesu Christi.<br />
Wherefore, we beseech<br />
Thee, O Lord,<br />
graciously to receive this oblation<br />
which we Thy servants,<br />
and with us Thy whole family,<br />
offer up to Thee: dispose our<br />
days in Thy peace; command<br />
that we be saved from eternal<br />
damnation, and numbered<br />
among the flock of Thine<br />
elect. Through Christ our<br />
Lord. Amen.<br />
And do Thou, O God, vouchsafe<br />
in all respects, to bless ,<br />
consecrate , and approve<br />
this our oblation, to perfect it<br />
and to render it well-pleasing<br />
to Thyself, so that it may become<br />
for us the body and<br />
blood of Thy most beloved<br />
Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
38 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Qui prídie quam paterétur,<br />
accépit panem in sanctas<br />
ac venerábiles manus suas,<br />
elevátis óculis in cœlum ad te<br />
Deum, Patrem suum omnipoténtem,<br />
tibi grátias agens,<br />
bene dixit, fregit, dedítque<br />
discípulis suis, dicens: Accípite,<br />
et manducáte ex hoc<br />
omnes.<br />
Hoc Est Enim<br />
Corpus Meum<br />
Who, the day before He suffered,<br />
took bread into His<br />
holy and venerable hands,<br />
and having lifted up His eyes<br />
to heaven, to Thee, God,<br />
His almighty Father, giving<br />
thanks to Thee, blessed it<br />
, broke it and gave it to His<br />
disciples, saying: Take ye and<br />
eat ye all of this:<br />
For this is<br />
My Body<br />
The priest kneels before the Body of Christ; rising,<br />
he elevates the Sacred Host for the adoration of<br />
all. Say devoutly: “My Lord and My God.”<br />
Símili modo postquam<br />
cœnátum est, accípiens<br />
et hunc præclárum Cálicem<br />
in sanctas ac venerábiles manus<br />
suas: item tibi grátias<br />
agens, bene dixit, dedítque<br />
discípulis suis, dicens: Accípite,<br />
et bíbite ex eo omnes.<br />
In like manner, after He<br />
had supped, taking also<br />
into His holy and venerable<br />
hands this goodly chalice<br />
again giving thanks to Thee,<br />
He blessed it and gave it to<br />
His disciples, saying: Take ye<br />
and drink ye all of this:
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 39<br />
Hic est enim calix<br />
sanguinis mei, novi et<br />
Æterni testamenti:<br />
mysterium fidei:<br />
qui pro vobis et pro<br />
multis effundetur in<br />
remissionem peccatorum.<br />
Hæc quotiescúmque fecéritis,<br />
in mei memóriam faciétis.<br />
For this is the chalice of<br />
my blood, of the new and<br />
everlasting testament,<br />
the mystery of faith,<br />
which for you and for<br />
many shall be shed unto<br />
the remission of sins.<br />
As often as ye shall do these<br />
things, ye shall do them in<br />
memory of Me.<br />
The priest kneels before the Precious Blood; rising,<br />
he elevates the Chalice for the adoration of all.<br />
Unde et mémores,<br />
Dómine, nos servi<br />
tui, sed et plebs tua sancta,<br />
ejusdem Christi Fílii tui,<br />
Dómini nostri, tam beátæ<br />
passiónis, nec non et ab ínferis<br />
resurrectiónis, sed et in<br />
cœlos gloriósæ ascensiónis:<br />
offérimus præcláræ majestáti<br />
tuæ de tuis donis ac datis,<br />
hóstiam puram, hóstiam<br />
sanctam, hóstiam immaculátam,<br />
Panem sanctum<br />
vitæ ætérnæ, et Calicem<br />
salútis perpétuæ.<br />
Wherefore, O Lord,<br />
we, Thy servants, as<br />
also Thy holy people, calling<br />
to mind the blessed passion of<br />
the same Christ, Thy Son, our<br />
Lord, His Resurrection from<br />
the grave, and His glorious ascension<br />
into heaven, offer up<br />
to Thy most excellent majesty<br />
of Thine own gifts bestowed<br />
upon us, a victim which is<br />
pure, a victim which is holy,<br />
a victim which is stainless,<br />
the holy bread of life everlasting,<br />
and the chalice of<br />
eternal salvation.
40 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Supra quæ propítio ac seréno<br />
vultu respícere dignéris:<br />
et accépta habére, sicúti<br />
accépta habére dignátus es<br />
múnera púeri tui justi Abel,<br />
et sacrifícium Patriárchæ<br />
nostri Abrahæ: et quod tibi<br />
óbtulit summus sacérdos<br />
tuus Melchísedech, sanctum<br />
sacrifícium, immaculátam<br />
hóstiam.<br />
Súpplices te rogámus, omnípotens<br />
Deus: jube hæc<br />
perférri per manus sancti<br />
Angeli tui in sublíme altáre<br />
tuum, in conspéctu divínæ<br />
majestátis tuæ: ut, quotquot<br />
ex hac altáris participatióne<br />
sacrosánctum Fílii tui Cor<br />
pus, et Sán guinem<br />
sumpsérimus, omni benedictióne<br />
cœlésti et grátia repleámur.<br />
Per eúmdem Christum,<br />
Dóminum nostrum.<br />
Amen.<br />
Vouchsafe to look upon<br />
them with a gracious and<br />
tranquil countenance, and to<br />
accept them, even as Thou<br />
wast pleased to accept the<br />
offerings of Thy just servant<br />
Abel, and the sacrifice of<br />
Abraham, our patriarch, and<br />
that which Melchisedech,<br />
Thy high priest, offered up to<br />
Thee, a holy sacrifice, a victim<br />
without blemish.<br />
We humbly beseech Thee, almighty<br />
God, to command that<br />
these our offerings be borne<br />
by the hands of Thy holy angel<br />
to Thine altar on high, in<br />
the presence of Thy divine<br />
Majesty; that as many of us as<br />
shall receive the most sacred<br />
Body and Blood of Thy Son<br />
by partaking thereof from this<br />
altar may be filled with every<br />
heavenly blessing and grace:<br />
Through the same Christ our<br />
Lord. Amen.<br />
The priest intercedes for the Church<br />
Suffering and Church Militant:
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 41<br />
Meménto étiam, Dómine,<br />
famulórum famularúmque<br />
tuárum N. et N., qui nos<br />
præcessérunt cum signo fídei,<br />
et dórmiunt in somno pacis.<br />
Ipsis, Dómine, et ómnibus in<br />
Christo quiescéntibus locum<br />
refrigérii, lucis, et pacis, ut indúlgeas,<br />
deprecámur. Per eúmdem<br />
Christum, Dóminum<br />
nostrum. Amen.<br />
Nobis quoque peccatóribus<br />
fámulis tuis, de multitúdine<br />
miseratiónum tuárum sperántibus,<br />
partem áliquam et<br />
societátem donáre dignéris,<br />
cum tuis sanctis Apóstolis<br />
et Martýribus: cum Joánne,<br />
Stéphano, Matthía, Bárnaba,<br />
Ignátio, Alexándro,<br />
Marcellíno, Petro, Felicitáte,<br />
Perpétua, Agatha, Lúcia, Agnéte,<br />
Cæcília, Anastásia, et<br />
ómnibus Sanctis tuis: intra<br />
quorum nos consórtium, non<br />
æstimátor mériti, sed véniæ,<br />
quæsumus, largítor admítte.<br />
Per Christum, Dóminum<br />
nostrum.<br />
Be mindful also, O Lord,<br />
of Thy servants N. and<br />
N., who have gone before<br />
us with the sign of faith and<br />
who sleep the sleep of peace.<br />
To these, O Lord, and to all<br />
who rest in Christ, grant, we<br />
beseech Thee, a place of refreshment,<br />
light, and peace.<br />
Through the same Christ our<br />
Lord. Amen.<br />
To us sinners, also, Thy servants,<br />
who put our trust in<br />
the multitude of Thy mercies,<br />
vouchsafe to grant some part<br />
and fellowship with Thy holy<br />
apostles and martyrs; with<br />
John, Stephen, Matthias,<br />
Barnabas, Ignatius, Alexander,<br />
Marcellinus, Peter, Felicitas,<br />
Perpetua, Agatha, Lucy,<br />
Agnes, Cecilia, Anastasia,<br />
and with all Thy saints. Into<br />
their company do Thou, we<br />
beseech Thee, admit us, not<br />
weighing our merits, but freely<br />
pardoning our offenses:<br />
Through Christ our Lord.<br />
Reverencing the Sacred Host and<br />
Chalice, the priest continues:
42 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Per quem hæc ómnia,<br />
Dómine, semper bona creas,<br />
sancti ficas, viví ficas,<br />
bene dícis et præstas nobis.<br />
Per Ip sum, et cum Ip so,<br />
et in Ip so, est tibi Deo<br />
Patri Onmipotenti, in<br />
unitáte Spíritus Sancti,<br />
omnis honor, et glória.<br />
By Whom, O Lord, Thou<br />
dost always create, sanctify<br />
, quicken , bless , and<br />
bestow upon us all these good<br />
things.<br />
Through Him , and with<br />
Him , and in Him , is<br />
to thee, God the Father<br />
Almighty, in the unity<br />
of the Holy Ghost, all<br />
honor and glory.<br />
Per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. World without end.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
Orémus: Præcéptis salutáribus<br />
móniti, et divína institutióne<br />
formáti audémus dícere:<br />
Pater noster, qui es in cælis,<br />
sanctificétur nomen<br />
tuum. Advéniat regnum tuum.<br />
Fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo<br />
et in terra. Panem nostrum<br />
quotidiánum da nobis hódie, et<br />
dimítte nobis débita nostra sicut<br />
et nos dimíttimus debitóribus<br />
nostris. Et ne nos indúcas<br />
in tentatiónem.<br />
Let us pray. Admonished by<br />
salutary precepts, and following<br />
divine directions, we presume<br />
to say:<br />
Our Father, who art in<br />
heaven, hallowed be Thy<br />
name; Thy kingdom come; Thy<br />
will be done on earth as it is in<br />
heaven; give us this day our daily<br />
bread; and forgive us our trespasses,<br />
as we forgive those who<br />
trespass against us, and lead us<br />
not into temptation.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 43<br />
S. Sed líbera nos a malo. S. But deliver us from evil.<br />
P. Amen. P. Amen.<br />
Líbera nos, quæsumus,<br />
Dómine, ab ómnibus malis,<br />
prætéritis, præséntibus et futúris:<br />
et intercedénte beáta et<br />
gloriósa semper Vírgine Dei<br />
Genitríce María, cum beátis<br />
Apóstolis tuis Petro et Paulo,<br />
atque Andréa, et ómnibus<br />
Sanctis, da propítius pacem<br />
in diébus nostris: ut, ope misericórdiæ<br />
tuæ adjúti, et a peccáto<br />
simus semper líberi et ab<br />
omni perturbatióne secúri.<br />
Per eúmdem Dóminum nostrum<br />
Jesum Christum, Fílium<br />
tuum. Qui tecum vivit et regnat<br />
in unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus.<br />
Deliver us, we beseech Thee,<br />
O Lord, from all evils, past,<br />
present, and to come: and by<br />
the intercession of the blessed<br />
and glorious Mary, ever a<br />
virgin, Mother of God, and of<br />
Thy holy apostles, Peter and<br />
Paul, of Andrew, and of all the<br />
saints, graciously grant peace in<br />
our days, that through the help<br />
of Thy bountiful mercy we may<br />
always be free from sin and secure<br />
from all disturbance.<br />
Through the same Jesus<br />
Christ, Thy Son, our Lord,<br />
Who liveth and reigneth with<br />
Thee in the unity of the Holy<br />
Ghost, God.<br />
P. Per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum. P. World without end.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
P. Pax Domini sit semper<br />
vobis cum.<br />
P. May the peace of the Lord<br />
be always with you.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo. S. And with Thy spirit.
44 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
The priest places a particle of the Sacred<br />
Host into the Chalice, saying:<br />
HÆc commíxtio, et consecrátio<br />
Córporis et<br />
Sánguinis Dómini nostri<br />
Jesu Christi, fiat accipiéntibus<br />
nobis in vitam ætérnam.<br />
Amen.<br />
May this commingling and<br />
consecrating of the Body<br />
and Blood of our Lord Jesus<br />
Christ avail us who receive it<br />
unto life everlasting. Amen.<br />
Striking his breast three times, the priest says:<br />
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta<br />
mundi: miserére<br />
nobis.<br />
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta<br />
mundi: miserére nobis.<br />
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta<br />
mundi: dona nobis pacem.<br />
Lamb of God, who takest<br />
away the sins of the<br />
world, have mercy on us.<br />
Lamb of God, who takest<br />
away the sins of the world,<br />
have mercy on us.<br />
Lamb of God, who takest<br />
away the sins of the world,<br />
grant us peace.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 45<br />
Dómine Jesu Christe, qui<br />
dixísti Apóstolis tuis: Pacem<br />
relínquo vobis, pacem meam<br />
do vobis: ne respícias peccáta<br />
mea, sed fidem Ecclésiæ<br />
tuæ; eámque secúndum voluntátem<br />
tuam pacificáre et<br />
coadunáre dignéris: Qui vivis<br />
et regnas Deus per ómnia<br />
sæcula sæculórum. Amen.<br />
Dómine Jesu Christe, Fili Dei<br />
vivi, qui ex voluntáte Patris,<br />
cooperánte Spíritu Sancto,<br />
per mortem tuam mundum<br />
vivificásti: líbera me per hoc<br />
sacrosánctum Corpus et Sánguinem<br />
tuum ab ómnibus iniquitátibus<br />
meis, et univérsis<br />
malis: et fac me tuis semper<br />
inhærére mandátis, et a te<br />
numquam separári permíttas:<br />
Qui cum eódem Deo Patre et<br />
Spíritu Sancto vivis et regnas<br />
Deus in sæcula sæculórum.<br />
Amen.<br />
O Lord Jesus Christ who<br />
didst say to Thine apostles:<br />
Peace I leave you, My peace<br />
I give you: look not upon my<br />
sins, but upon the faith of<br />
Thy Church, and vouchsafe<br />
to grant her peace and unity<br />
according to Thy will: Who<br />
livest and reignest God, world<br />
without end. Amen.<br />
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of<br />
the living God, Who, according<br />
to the will of the Father,<br />
through the co-operation of<br />
the Holy Ghost, hast by Thy<br />
death given life to the world:<br />
deliver me by this Thy most<br />
sacred Body and Blood, from<br />
all my iniquities and from<br />
every evil; make me always<br />
cleave to Thy commandments,<br />
and never suffer me<br />
to be separated from Thee,<br />
Who with the same God, the<br />
Father and the Holy Ghost,<br />
livest and reignest God, world<br />
without end. Amen.
46 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Percéptio Córporis tui,<br />
Dómine Jesu Christe, quod<br />
ego indígnus súmere præsúmo,<br />
non mihi provéniat in<br />
judícium et condemnatiónem:<br />
sed pro tua pietáte prosit<br />
mihi ad tutaméntum mentis<br />
et córporis, et ad medélam<br />
percipiéndam: Qui vivis et<br />
regnas cum Deo Patre in<br />
unitáte Spíritus Sancti Deus,<br />
per ómnia sæcula sæculórum.<br />
Amen.<br />
Let not the partaking of Thy<br />
Body, O Lord Jesus Christ,<br />
which I, all unworthy, presume<br />
to receive, turn to my<br />
judgment and condemnation;<br />
but through Thy loving<br />
kindness may it be to me a<br />
safeguard and remedy for<br />
soul and body; Who, with<br />
God the Father, in the unity<br />
of the Holy Ghost, livest and<br />
reignest, God, world without<br />
end. Amen.<br />
Panem cœléstem accipiam,<br />
et nomen Dómini<br />
invocábo.<br />
will take the Bread of<br />
I heaven, and will call<br />
upon the name of the Lord.<br />
The priest strikes his breast as he repeats three times:<br />
DÓmine, non sum dignus, ut<br />
intres sub tectum meum: sed<br />
tantum dic verbo, et sanábitur<br />
ánima mea.<br />
Lord, I am not worthy that<br />
Thou shouldst enter under<br />
my roof; but only say the<br />
word, and my soul shall be<br />
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 47<br />
Making the Sign of the Cross with the Host, the priest says:<br />
Corpus Dómini nostri Jesu<br />
Christi custódiat ánimam meam<br />
in vitam ætérnam. Amen.<br />
May the Body of our Lord Jesus<br />
Christ keep my soul unto<br />
life everlasting. Amen.<br />
After reverently receiving the Host, the<br />
priest purifies the paten, saying:<br />
Quid retríbuam Dómino pro<br />
ómnibus, quæ retríbuit mihi?<br />
Cálicem salutáris accípiam,<br />
et nomen Dómini invocábo.<br />
Laudans invocábo Dóminum,<br />
et ab inimícis meis salvus ero.<br />
What shall I render unto the<br />
Lord for all the things that He<br />
hath rendered unto me? I will<br />
take the chalice of salvation<br />
and will call upon the name<br />
of the Lord. With high praises<br />
will I call upon the Lord,<br />
and I shall be saved from all<br />
mine enemies.<br />
Making the Sign of the Cross with<br />
the Chalice, the priest says:<br />
Sanguis Dómini nostri Jesu<br />
Christi custódiat ánimam<br />
meam in vitam ætérnam.<br />
Amen.<br />
May the Blood of our Lord<br />
Jesus Christ keep my soul<br />
unto life everlasting. Amen.
48 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
As the priest reverently consumes all the Precious<br />
Blood, the server customarily repeats the Confiteor:<br />
Confíteor Deo omnipoténti,<br />
beátæ Maríæ semper<br />
Vírgini, beáto Michaéli<br />
Archángelo, beáto Joánni<br />
Baptístæ, sanctis Apóstolis<br />
Petro et Paulo, ómnibus Sanctis,<br />
et tibi, pater: quia peccávi<br />
nimis cogitatióne, verbo et<br />
opere: [Now strike your breast<br />
three times, saying:] mea culpa,<br />
mea culpa, mea máxima<br />
culpa. Ideo precor beátam<br />
Maríam semper Vírginem,<br />
beátum Michaélem Archángelum,<br />
beátum Joánnem<br />
Baptístam, sanctos Apóstolos<br />
Petrum et Paulum, omnes<br />
Sanctos, et te, pater, orare pro<br />
me ad Dóminum, Deum nostrum.<br />
P. Misereátur vestri omnípotens<br />
Deus, et, dimíssis peccátis<br />
vestris, perdúcat vos ad<br />
vitam ætérnam.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
confess to almighty<br />
I God, to blessed Mary<br />
ever virgin, to blessed Michael<br />
the archangel, to blessed John<br />
the Baptist, to the holy apostles<br />
Peter and Paul, to all the<br />
saints, and to thee, Father,<br />
that I have sinned exceedingly<br />
in thought, word, and<br />
deed: [Now strike your breast<br />
three times, saying:] through<br />
my fault, through my fault,<br />
through my most grievous<br />
fault. Therefore I beseech<br />
the blessed Mary ever virgin,<br />
blessed Michael the archangel,<br />
blessed John the Baptist,<br />
the holy apostles Peter and<br />
Paul, all the saints, and thee,<br />
Father, to pray to the Lord<br />
our God for me.<br />
P. May almighty God have<br />
mercy on you and, having forgiven<br />
you your sins, bring you<br />
to life everlasting.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 49<br />
P. Indulgéntiam, absolutionem<br />
et remissiónem peccatórum<br />
vestrorum tríbuat vobis<br />
omnípotens et miséricors<br />
Dóminus.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
P. May the almighty and merciful<br />
Lord grant us pardon,<br />
absolution, and remission of<br />
our sins.<br />
Genuflecting to the altar, the priest turns to<br />
show the Sacred Host to the people, saying:<br />
Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce, qui<br />
tollit peccáta mundi.<br />
Behold the Lamb of God,<br />
behold Him who taketh away<br />
the sins of the world.<br />
Sriking the breast three times, all confess:<br />
Dómine, non sum dignus,<br />
ut intres sub tectum meum,<br />
sed tantum dic verbo, et<br />
sanábitur ánima mea.<br />
Lord, I am not worthy that<br />
Thou shouldst enter under<br />
my roof; but only say the<br />
word, and my soul shall be<br />
healed.<br />
Only baptized and practicing Catholics in the state of grace<br />
present themselves for Holy Communion.<br />
Communicants kneel at the altar rail and receive<br />
the Sacred Host on the tongue, as the priest says:<br />
Corpus Dómini nostri Jesu<br />
Christi custódiat ánimam<br />
tuam in vitam ætérnam.<br />
Amen.<br />
May the Body of our Lord<br />
Jesus Christ preserve thy soul<br />
unto life everlasting. Amen.
50 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Those unable to receive the Eucharist at this Mass<br />
may make a Spiritual Communion (p 6).<br />
After Holy Communion has been distributed,<br />
the priest purifies the sacred vessels, saying:<br />
Quod ore súmpsimus,<br />
Dómine, pura mente<br />
capiámus: et de munere temporáli<br />
fiat nobis remédium<br />
sempitérnum.<br />
Into a pure heart, O Lord,<br />
may we receive the heavenly<br />
food which has passed<br />
our lips; bestowed upon us in<br />
time, may it be the healing of<br />
our souls for eternity.<br />
Corpus tuum, Dómine,<br />
quod sumpsi, et Sanguis,<br />
quem potávi, adhæreat viscéribus<br />
meis: et præsta; ut in<br />
me non remáneat scélerum<br />
mácula, quem pura et sancta<br />
refecérunt sacraménta:<br />
Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula<br />
sæculórum. Amen.<br />
May Thy Body, O Lord,<br />
which I have received, and<br />
Thy Blood which I have<br />
drunk, cleave to mine inmost<br />
parts: and do Thou grant that<br />
no stain of sin remain in me,<br />
whom pure and holy mysteries<br />
have refreshed: Who livest<br />
and reignest, world without<br />
end. Amen.<br />
COMMUNION Ps 121:3, 4<br />
Jerúsalem, quæ ædificátur Jerusalem, which is built<br />
ut cívitas, cujus participátio as a city, which is compact<br />
eius in idípsum: illuc enim together; for thither did<br />
ascendérunt tribus, tribus the tribes go up, the tribes<br />
Dómini, ad confiténdum of the Lord, to praise Thy<br />
nómini tuo, Dómine. name, O Lord.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 51<br />
The priest kisses the altar, then turns to the people, saying:<br />
P. Dóminus vobíscum.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo.<br />
P. Orémus.<br />
P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. And with thy spirit.<br />
P. Let us pray.<br />
Da nobis, quæsumus,<br />
miséricors Deus: ut sancta<br />
tua, quibus incessánter explémur,<br />
sincéris tractémus<br />
obséquiis, et fidéli semper<br />
mente sumámus. Per Dóminum<br />
nostrum.<br />
S. Amen. S. Amen.<br />
Grant us, we beseech Thee,<br />
O merciful God, that we<br />
may treat with unfeigned<br />
veneration and ever receive<br />
with heartfelt faith Thy holy<br />
rites which we constantly<br />
celebrate. Through our<br />
Lord.<br />
P. Dóminus vobíscum.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo.<br />
P. Ite, Missa est.<br />
S. Deo grátias.<br />
The priest turns to announce the<br />
completion of Holy Mass:<br />
P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. And with thy spirit.<br />
P. Go, the Mass is ended.<br />
S. Thanks be to God.
52 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Bowing over the altar, the priest says silently:<br />
Placeát tibi, sancta<br />
Trínitas, obséquium servitútis<br />
meæ: et præsta; ut<br />
sacrifícium, quod óculis<br />
tuæ majestátis indígnus<br />
óbtuli, tibi sit acceptábile,<br />
mihíque et ómnibus, pro<br />
quibus illud óbtuli, sit, te<br />
miseránte, propitiábile. Per<br />
Christum, Dóminum nostrum.<br />
Amen.<br />
May the lowly homage of my service<br />
be pleasing to Thee, O most holy<br />
Trinity: and do Thou grant that<br />
the sacrifice which I, all unworthy,<br />
have offered up in the sight of Thy<br />
majesty, may be acceptable to Thee,<br />
and, because of Thy loving-kindness,<br />
may avail to atone to Thee for myself<br />
and for all those for whom I have<br />
offered it up. Through Christ our<br />
Lord. Amen.<br />
He kisses the altar and concludes:<br />
P. Benedícat vos omnípotens<br />
Deus, Pater, et Fílius, et<br />
Spíritus Sanctus.<br />
S. Amen.<br />
P. May almighty God, the Father,<br />
and the Son, and the<br />
Holy Ghost, bless you.<br />
S. Amen.<br />
The priest moves to the Gospel side<br />
and reads the Last Gospel.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 53<br />
P. Dóminus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you.<br />
S. Et cum spíritu tuo. S. And with thy spirit.<br />
P. Inítium sancti Evangélii<br />
secúndum Joánnem.<br />
P. The beginning of the holy<br />
Gospel, according to St. John.<br />
S. Glória tibi, Dómine. S. Glory be to Thee, O Lord.<br />
In princípio erat Verbum, In the beginning was the<br />
et Verbum erat apud Word, and the Word was<br />
Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. with God, and the Word was<br />
Hoc erat in princípio apud God. The same was in the beginning<br />
with God. All things<br />
Deum. Omnia per ipsum facta<br />
sunt: et sine ipso factum est were made by Him, and without<br />
Him was made nothing<br />
nihil, quod factum est: in ipso<br />
vita erat, et vita erat lux hóminum:<br />
life, and the life was the light<br />
that was made. In Him was<br />
of men:<br />
et lux in ténebris lucet, et<br />
ténebræ eam non comprehendérunt.<br />
Fuit homo missus<br />
a Deo, cui nomen erat Joánnes.<br />
Hic venit in testimónium, ut<br />
testimónium perhibéret de<br />
lúmine, ut omnes créderent<br />
per illum. Non erat ille lux, sed<br />
ut testimónium perhibéret de<br />
lúmine.<br />
and the light shineth in darkness,<br />
and the darkness did<br />
not comprehend it. There was<br />
a man sent from God, whose<br />
name was John. This man<br />
came for a witness, to give testimony<br />
of the light, that all men<br />
might believe through him. He<br />
was not the light, but he was to<br />
give testimony of the light.
54 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Erat lux vera, quæ illúminat<br />
omnem hóminem veniéntem<br />
in hunc mundum. In mundo<br />
erat, et mundus per ipsum factus<br />
est, et mundus eum non<br />
cognóvit. In própria venit,<br />
et sui eum non recepérunt.<br />
Quotquot autem recepérunt<br />
eum, dedit eis potestátem<br />
fílios Dei fíeri, his, qui credunt<br />
in nómine ejus: qui<br />
non ex sanguínibus, neque<br />
ex voluntáte carnis, neque ex<br />
voluntáte viri, sed ex Deo nati<br />
sunt. [Genuflect] Et Verbum<br />
caro factum est, et habitávit<br />
in nobis: et vídimus glóriam<br />
ejus, glóriam quasi Unigéniti<br />
a Patre, plenum grátiæ et veritatis.<br />
That was the true light which<br />
enlighteneth every man that<br />
cometh into this world. He<br />
was in the world, and the<br />
world was made by Him,<br />
and the world knew Him<br />
not. He came unto His own,<br />
and His own received Him<br />
not. But as many as received<br />
Him, to them He gave power<br />
to become the sons of God:<br />
to them that believe in His<br />
name: who are born, not of<br />
blood, nor of the will of the<br />
flesh, nor of the will of man,<br />
but of God. [Genuflect] And<br />
the Word was made flesh,<br />
and dwelt among us, and we<br />
saw His glory, the glory as of<br />
the only-begotten of the Father,<br />
full of grace and truth.<br />
S. Deo grátias. S. Thanks be to God.<br />
Now optional, the following prayers<br />
were ordered by Pope Leo XIII:<br />
Ave María, gratia plena,<br />
Dóminus tecum. Benedícta<br />
tu in muliéribus, et<br />
benedíctus fructus ventris tui,<br />
Jesus.<br />
Hail Mary, full of grace;<br />
The Lord is with thee;<br />
Blessed art thou amongst<br />
women, and blessed is the<br />
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Sunday14 TH , Holy Mass i 55<br />
S. Sancta María, Mater Dei,<br />
ora pro nobis peccatóribus,<br />
nunc, et in hora mortis nostræ.<br />
Amen.<br />
S. Holy Mary, Mother of<br />
God, pray for us sinners, now<br />
and at the hour of our death.<br />
Amen.<br />
(Said three times)<br />
Salve Regína, Mater misericórdiæ,<br />
vita, dulcédo,<br />
et spes nostra, salve. Ad te<br />
clamámus, éxsules fílii Evæ;<br />
Ad te suspirámus, geméntes<br />
et flentes in hac lacrimárum<br />
valle. Eia ergo, Advocáta nostra,<br />
illos tuos misericórdes<br />
óculos ad nos convérte. Et<br />
Jesum, benedíctum fructum<br />
ventris tui, nobis, post hoc exsílium,<br />
osténde. O clemens, o<br />
pia, o dulcis Virgo María.<br />
P. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei<br />
Génitrix.<br />
S. Ut digni efficiámur<br />
promissiónibus Christi.<br />
Hail, holy Queen, Mother<br />
of Mercy, our life, our<br />
sweetness, and our hope! To<br />
thee do we cry, poor banished<br />
children of Eve, to thee do we<br />
send up our sighs, mourning<br />
and weeping in this valley of<br />
tears. Turn then, most gracious<br />
advocate, thine eyes of<br />
mercy towards us; and after<br />
this our exile, show unto us<br />
the blessed fruit of thy womb,<br />
Jesus. O clement, O loving, O<br />
sweet virgin Mary.<br />
P. Pray for us, O holy Mother<br />
of God.<br />
S. That we may be worthy of<br />
the promises of Christ.
56 i Sunday 14 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Orémus. Deus, refúgium<br />
nostrum et virtus, populum<br />
ad te clamántem propítius<br />
réspice; et intercedénte gloriósa<br />
et immaculáta Vírgine<br />
Dei Genitríce María, cum<br />
beáto Joseph, ejus Sponso,<br />
ac beátis Apostólis tuis Petro<br />
et Paulo, et ómnibus Sanctis,<br />
quas pro conversióne<br />
peccatórum, pro libertáte et<br />
exaltatióne sanctæ Matris<br />
Ecclésiæ, preces effúndimus,<br />
miséricors et benígnus exáudi.<br />
Per eúmdem Christum<br />
Dóminum nostrum. Amen.<br />
Sancte Michael Archángele,<br />
defénde nos in prœlio,<br />
contra nequítiam et insídias<br />
diáboli ésto præsídium.<br />
Ímperet illi Deus; súpplices<br />
deprecámur: tuque, prínceps<br />
milítiæ cœléstis, Sátanam<br />
aliósque spíritus malígnos,<br />
qui ad perditiónem animárum<br />
pervagántur in mundo, divína<br />
virtúte in inférnum detrúde.<br />
Amen.<br />
Let us pray. O God, our refuge<br />
and our strength, look<br />
down with favor upon Thy<br />
people who cry to Thee; and<br />
through the intercession of<br />
the glorious and immaculate<br />
Virgin Mary, Mother of God,<br />
of her spouse, blessed Joseph,<br />
of Thy holy apostles Peter and<br />
Paul, and all the saints, mercifully<br />
and graciously hear the<br />
prayers which we pour forth<br />
to Thee for the conversion<br />
of sinners and for the liberty<br />
and exaltation of holy<br />
mother Church. Through the<br />
same Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />
St. Michael, the archangel,<br />
defend us in battle,<br />
be our protection against the<br />
malice and snares of the devil.<br />
We humbly beseech God<br />
to command him, and do<br />
thou, O prince of the heavenly<br />
host, by the divine power<br />
thrust into hell Satan and the<br />
other evil spirits who roam<br />
through the world seeking the<br />
ruin of souls. Amen.<br />
P. Cor Jesu sacratíssimum, P. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,<br />
S. Miserére nobis. S. Have mercy on us.<br />
(Said three times)
Sunday14 TH , Daily Meditation i 57<br />
Why did Christ thus try St. Philip?<br />
1. To try his faith and confidence.<br />
2. To teach us to make use of natural and ordinary means before<br />
we have recourse to the supernatural.<br />
3. So that the miracle would be the more striking to the people,<br />
when they were satisfied that the provisions they had<br />
were quite small and insufficient.<br />
4. That we might have confidence in God, Who is a helper in<br />
time of tribulation.<br />
What ceremonies did Our Savior use at this miracle, and why?<br />
1. He first looked up to heaven, to remind us that every good<br />
gift comes from above, and that it is God only Who opens<br />
His hand, and fills all with benediction.<br />
2. He thanked His heavenly Father, to show us that we also<br />
should be careful to thank God for all His benefits. “The<br />
table,” says St. Chrysostom, “which begins and ends with<br />
prayer, shall never know want.”<br />
3. He blessed the bread, that we might learn that it is the blessing<br />
of God which gives success.<br />
Why did Jesus flee after this miracle?<br />
1. To teach us to seek not the admiration and applause of men,<br />
but only the glory of God and the good of our neighbor.<br />
2. To love solitude; that, far from the noise of the world, we<br />
may with more freedom converse with God.<br />
Fr. Leonard Goffine (d. 1719) was a German Premonstratensian monk, author, and<br />
parish priest of notable sanctity.
58 i Sunday 14 TH , Evening Devotion<br />
Ant. Great are the works of the Lord, sought out according to<br />
all His wills.<br />
Psalm 110<br />
I will praise Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; in the council<br />
of the just, and in the congregation.<br />
Great are the works of the Lord: sought out according to all<br />
His wills.<br />
His work is praise and magnificence: and His justice continueth<br />
forever and ever.<br />
He hath made a remembrance of His wonderful works, being<br />
a merciful and gracious Lord: He hath given food to them that<br />
fear Him.<br />
He will be mindful forever of His covenant: He will shew forth<br />
to His people the power of His works.<br />
That He may give them the inheritance of the Gentiles: the<br />
works of His hands are truth and judgment.<br />
All His commandments are faithful: confirmed forever and<br />
ever, made in truth and equity.<br />
He hath sent redemption to His people: He hath commanded<br />
His covenant forever.<br />
[Bow head] Holy and terrible is His name: the fear of the Lord is<br />
the beginning of wisdom.<br />
A good understanding to all that do it: His praise continueth<br />
forever and ever.<br />
Canticle: Magnificat (see p 120)<br />
Ant. And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there He sat with<br />
His disciples.
Monday of the<br />
Fourth Week of Lent<br />
MONDAY, MARCH 15, <strong>2021</strong><br />
59<br />
Ant. Thy wrath is turned away and Thou hast comforted me.<br />
Is 12:1-7<br />
I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord, for Thou wast angry with<br />
me: Thy wrath is turned away, and Thou hast comforted me.<br />
Behold, God is my Saviour, I will deal confidently, and will not<br />
fear:<br />
Because the Lord is my strength, and my praise, and He is become<br />
my salvation.<br />
You shall draw waters with joy out of the Saviour’s fountains:<br />
And you shall say in that day: Praise ye the Lord, and call upon<br />
His name:<br />
Make His works known among the people: remember that His<br />
name is high.<br />
Sing ye to the Lord, for He hath done great things: shew this<br />
forth in all the earth.<br />
Rejoice, and praise, O thou habitation of Sion: for great is He<br />
that is in the midst of thee, the Holy One of Israel.<br />
Canticle: <strong>Benedictus</strong> (see p 118)<br />
Ant. Thus saith the Lord: Take these things hence; make not<br />
My Father’s house an house of merchandise.
60 i Monday 15 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Holy Mass<br />
INTROIT Ps 53:3, 4, 5<br />
Save me, O God, by Thy name, and in Thy strength deliver me:<br />
O God, hear my prayer, give ear to the words of my mouth. For<br />
strangers have risen up against me: and the mighty have sought<br />
after my soul. Glory be.<br />
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that, keeping the<br />
sacred observances with devotion year by year, we may, both in<br />
body and soul, be pleasing to Thee. Through our Lord.<br />
EPISTLE 3 Kgs 3:16<strong>–</strong>28<br />
In those days, there came two women that were harlots, to King<br />
Solomon, and stood before him: And one of them said, I beseech<br />
thee, my lord, I and this woman dwelt in one house and<br />
I was delivered of a child with her in the chamber; and the<br />
third day after that I was delivered, she also was delivered: and<br />
we were together, and no other person with us in the house,<br />
only we two; and this woman’s child died in the night, for in<br />
her sleep she overlaid him; and rising in the dead time of the<br />
night, she took my child from my side, while I thy handmaid<br />
was asleep, and laid it in her bosom, and laid her dead child in<br />
my bosom. And when I rose in the morning to give my child<br />
suck, behold it was dead: but considering him more diligently<br />
when it was clear day, I found that it was not mine which I bore.<br />
And the other woman answered, It is not so as thou sayest, but<br />
thy child is dead and mine is alive. On the contrary, she said,<br />
Thou liest, for my child liveth and thy child is dead: and in this<br />
manner they strove before the king. Then said the king, The
Monday 15 TH , Holy Mass i 61<br />
one saith, My child is alive, and thy child is dead; and the other<br />
answereth, Nay, but thy child is dead and mine liveth. The king<br />
therefore said, Bring me a sword; and when they had brought a<br />
sword before the king, Divide, said he, the living child in two,<br />
and give half to the one, and half to the other. But the woman<br />
whose child was alive said to the king (for her bowels were<br />
moved upon her child), I beseech thee, my lord, give her the<br />
child alive, and do not kill it. But the other said, Let it be neither<br />
mine nor thine, but divide it. The king answered, and said,<br />
Give the living child to this woman, and let it not be killed; for<br />
she is the mother thereof. And all Israel heard the judgment<br />
which the king had judged, and they feared the king, seeing that<br />
the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment.<br />
GRADUAL Ps 30:3; 70:1<br />
Be Thou unto me a God, a protector, and a place of refuge, to<br />
save me. O God, I have hoped in Thee: O Lord, let me never<br />
be confounded.<br />
TRACT Ps 102:10; 78:8, 9<br />
O Lord, repay us not according to the sins we have committed,<br />
nor according to our iniquities. O Lord, remember not our former<br />
iniquities: let Thy mercies speedily prevent us, for we are<br />
become exceeding poor. [Kneel] Help us, O Lord our Saviour:<br />
and for the glory of Thy Name, O Lord, deliver us: and forgive<br />
us our sins for Thy name’s sake.<br />
GOSPEL Jn 2:13<strong>–</strong>25<br />
At that time, the pasch of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went<br />
up to Jerusalem: and He found in the temple them that sold<br />
oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting;<br />
and when He had made as it were a scourge of little cords, He<br />
drove them all out of the temple, the sheep also and the oxen,
62 i Monday 15 TH , Holy Mass<br />
and the money of the changers He poured out, and the tables<br />
He overthrew; and to them that sold doves He said, Take these<br />
things hence, and make not the house of My Father a house<br />
of traffic. And His disciples remembered that it was written,<br />
The zeal of Thy house hath eaten Me up. The Jews therefore<br />
answered and said to Him, What sign dost Thou show unto us,<br />
seeing Thou dost these things? Jesus answered and said to them,<br />
Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. The Jews<br />
then said, Six and forty years was this temple in building; and<br />
wilt Thou raise it up in three days? But He spoke of the temple<br />
of His body. When therefore He was risen again from the<br />
dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this and they<br />
believed the Scripture, and the word that Jesus had said. Now<br />
when He was at Jerusalem at the pasch, upon the festival-day,<br />
many believed in His name, seeing His signs which He did. But<br />
Jesus did not trust Himself unto them, for that He knew all<br />
men, and because He needed not that any should give testimony<br />
of man, for He knew what was in man.<br />
OFFERTORY Ps 99:1, 2<br />
Sing joyfully to God, all the earth, serve ye the Lord with gladness:<br />
come in before His presence with exceeding great joy: for<br />
the Lord, He is God.<br />
SECRET<br />
May the sacrifice offered to Thee, O Lord, ever vivify and fortify<br />
us. Through our Lord.<br />
COMMUNION Ps 18:13, 14<br />
From my secret sins cleanse me, O Lord, and from those of<br />
others spare Thy servant.
Monday 15 TH , Daily Meditation i 63<br />
Having received the sacraments of salvation, O Lord, may we<br />
be profited unto the increase of our everlasting redemption.<br />
Through our Lord.<br />
Graciously harken to our supplication, we beseech Thee, O<br />
Lord, and grant the help of Thy defense to those to whom Thou<br />
dost give the spirit of prayer. Through our Lord.<br />
In the Postcommunion we pray that participation in the divine<br />
Sacrament may intensify in us the work of our redemption,<br />
delivering us from the slavery of our passions, and directing<br />
our feet in the way of eternal salvation. The Blessed Sacrament,<br />
inasmuch as it communicates to us the spirit of Christ crucified,<br />
is to the soul a principle of life and a principle of death.<br />
Of death, because it gives death to sin and to the corrupt part<br />
of our nature; of life, because through it we share in the life of<br />
Christ, a life of perfect holiness, a life wholly in God, for God,<br />
and of God.<br />
The missa, or Prayer of Benediction over the people before<br />
their dismissal, begs the divine clemency that, having granted<br />
us the grace of raising our supplications to God in order to obtain<br />
protection from the dangers that threaten us, we may duly<br />
attain to the salvation for which we pray. The grace of prayer is<br />
one of the highest favours that God imparts to the human soul.<br />
Prayer is indeed the atmosphere in which holiness develops and<br />
flourishes; it enables the Holy Ghost to communicate himself<br />
to the soul and to bind it to Himself with the bonds of love.
64 i Monday 15 TH , DAILY MEDITATION<br />
The whole essence of asceticism is contained in this one word<br />
“prayer.” We first pray in order to obtain the help of God’s<br />
grace in our struggles in the path of purification; and, when we<br />
are engaged in the path of meditation, again we have recourse<br />
to prayer. In heaven itself we shall do nothing else but pray, so<br />
we may consider prayer as the beginning of our future state of<br />
blessedness.<br />
Bl. Ildefonso Schuster (+1954) served as abbot of Saint Paul-Outside-the-Walls and<br />
Cardinal-Archbishop of Milan, universally recognized for his scholarship and love of the<br />
Roman Rite. He was beatified in 1996.
Monday 15 TH , Evening Devotion i 65<br />
Ant. The Lord hath inclined his ear unto me.<br />
Psalm 114<br />
I have loved, because the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer.<br />
Because He hath inclined His ear unto me: and in my days I will<br />
call upon Him.<br />
The sorrows of death have compassed me: and the perils of hell<br />
have found me.<br />
I met with trouble and sorrow: and I called upon the name of<br />
the Lord.<br />
O Lord, deliver my soul. The Lord is merciful and just, and our<br />
God sheweth mercy.<br />
The Lord is the keeper of little ones: I was humbled, and He<br />
delivered me.<br />
Turn, O my soul, into thy rest: for the Lord hath been bountiful<br />
to thee.<br />
For He hath delivered my soul from death: my eyes from tears,<br />
my feet from falling.<br />
I will please the Lord in the land of the living.<br />
Canticle: Magnificat (see p 120)<br />
Ant. Thus saith the Lord: Destroy this temple, and in three<br />
days I will raise it up. But He spoke of the temple of His Body.
66 i Did You Know?<br />
As part of his preparation for the Holy<br />
Sacrifice, the priest prays several ancient prayers<br />
while vesting. In English, they are:<br />
While he washes his hands: Give strength to my hands, Lord,<br />
to wipe away all stain, so that I may be able to serve Thee in<br />
purity of mind and body.<br />
For the amice: Lord, set the helmet of salvation on my head to<br />
fend off all the assaults of the devil.<br />
For the alb: Purify me, Lord, and cleanse my heart so that,<br />
washed in the Blood of the Lamb, I may enjoy eternal bliss.<br />
For the cincture: Lord, gird me with the cincture of purity and<br />
extinguish my fleshly desires, that the virtue of continence and<br />
chastity may abide within me.<br />
For the maniple: Lord, may I worthily bear the maniple of<br />
tears and sorrow so as to receive the reward of my labor with<br />
rejoicing.<br />
For the stole: Lord, restore the stole of immortality, which I<br />
lost through the collusion of our first parents, and, unworthy<br />
as I am to approach Thy sacred mysteries, may I yet gain<br />
eternal joy.<br />
For the chasuble: O Lord, Who hast said, “My yoke is sweet<br />
and My burden light,” grant that I may so carry it as to merit<br />
Thy grace. Amen.
The Major Vestments<br />
Did You Know? i 67
68 i Catholic Culture<br />
John Donne<br />
O<br />
f ruitful garden, and yet never till’d!<br />
Box full of treasure, yet by no man fill’d!<br />
O thou which hast made Him that first made thee!<br />
O near of kin to all the Trinity!<br />
O palace, where the King of all, and more,<br />
Went in and out, yet never open’d door,<br />
Whose flesh is purer than an other’s spirit,<br />
Reach Him our prayers, and reach us down His merit!<br />
O bread of life which swelld’st up without leaven!<br />
O bridge which join’st together earth and heaven!<br />
Whose eyes see me through these walls, and through glass,<br />
And through this flesh as through Cyprus pass.<br />
Behold a little heart made great by thee<br />
Swelling, yet shrinking at thy majesty.<br />
O dwell in it! for wheresoe’er thou go’st,<br />
There is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
69<br />
Tuesday of The<br />
Fourth Week of Lent<br />
TUESDAY, MARCH 16, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Ant. May God have mercy on us and bless us.<br />
Psalm 66<br />
May God have mercy on us, and bless us: may He cause the<br />
light of His countenance to shine upon us, and may He have<br />
mercy on us.<br />
That we may know Thy way upon earth: Thy salvation in all<br />
nations.<br />
Let people confess to Thee, O God: let all people give praise<br />
to Thee.<br />
Let the nations be glad and rejoice: for Thou judgest the people<br />
with justice, and directest the nations upon earth.<br />
Let the people, O God, confess to Thee: let all the people give<br />
praise to Thee: the earth hath yielded her fruit.<br />
May God, our God bless us, may God bless us: and all the ends<br />
of the earth fear Him.<br />
Canticle: <strong>Benedictus</strong> (see p 118)<br />
Ant. Why go ye about to kill Me, a Man that hath told you the<br />
70 i Tuesday 16 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Holy Mass<br />
INTROIT Ps 54:2, 3, 4<br />
Hear, O God, my prayer, and despise not my supplication: be<br />
attentive to me, and hear me. I am grieved in my exercise; and<br />
am troubled at the voice of the enemy, and at the tribulation of<br />
the sinner. Glory be.<br />
May the fasts of the sacred observance, we beseech Thee, O<br />
Lord, make us to grow in holiness and procure for us the continual<br />
help of Thy favor. Through our Lord.<br />
EPISTLE Ex 32:7<strong>–</strong>14<br />
In those days, the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Go down from<br />
the mountain; thy people, which thou hast brought out of the<br />
land of Egypt, hath sinned. They have quickly strayed from the<br />
way which thou didst show them; and they have made to themselves<br />
a molten calf, and have adored it, and, sacrificing victims to<br />
it, have said, These are thy gods, O Israel, that have brought thee<br />
out of the land of Egypt. And again the Lord said to Moses, I see<br />
that this people is stiffnecked: let Me alone, that My wrath may<br />
be kindled against them, and that I may destroy them, and I will<br />
make of thee a great nation. But Moses besought the Lord his<br />
God, saying, Why, O Lord, is Thy indignation enkindled against<br />
Thy people, whom Thou hast brought out of the land of Egypt,<br />
with great power and with a mighty hand? Let not the Egyptians<br />
say, I beseech Thee, He craftily brought them out, that He might<br />
kill them in the mountains and destroy them from the earth; let<br />
Thy anger cease, and be appeased upon the wickedness of Thy<br />
people: remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Thy servants, to
Tuesday 16 TH , Holy Mass i 71<br />
whom Thou sworest by Thy own self, saying, I will multiply your<br />
seed as the stars of heaven, and this whole land that I have spoken<br />
of I will give to your seed, and you shall possess it forever.<br />
And the Lord was appeased from doing the evil which He had<br />
spoken against His people.<br />
GRADUAL Ps 43:26, 2<br />
Arise, O Lord, bring help to us, and deliver us for Thy name’s<br />
sake. O God, we have heard with our ears; and our fathers have<br />
declared to us the work which Thou didst work in their days,<br />
in the days of old.<br />
GOSPEL Jn 7:14<strong>–</strong>31<br />
At that time, about the middle of the the feast, Jesus went up<br />
into the temple, and taught. And the Jews wondered, saying,<br />
How doth this man know letters, having never learned? Jesus<br />
answered them, and said, My doctrine is not Mine, but His that<br />
sent Me. If any man will do the will of Him, He shall know of<br />
the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of Myself.<br />
He that speaketh of himself, seeketh his own glory: but he that<br />
seeketh the glory of Him that sent him, he is true, and there is no<br />
injustice in him. Did not Moses give you the law, and yet none<br />
of you keepeth the law? Why seek you to kill Me? The multitude<br />
answered and said, Thou hast a devil: who seeketh to kill Thee?<br />
Jesus answered and said to them, One work I have done, and you<br />
all wonder. Therefore Moses gave you circumcision (not because<br />
it is of Moses, but of the fathers), and on the sabbath-day you circumcise<br />
a man. If a man receive circumcision on the sabbath-day,<br />
that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry at Me<br />
because I have healed the whole man on the sabbath-day? Judge<br />
not according to the appearance, but judge just judgment. Some<br />
therefore of Jerusalem said, Is not this He whom they seek to kill?<br />
and behold He speaketh openly, and they say nothing to Him.
72 i Tuesday 16 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Have the rulers known for a truth that this is the Christ? But<br />
we know this man whence He is; but when the Christ cometh,<br />
no man knoweth whence He is. Jesus therefore cried out in the<br />
temple, teaching, and saying, You both know Me, and you know<br />
whence I am: and I am not come of Myself, but He that sent Me<br />
is true, Whom you know not. I know Him, because I am from<br />
Him, and He hath sent Me. They sought therefore to apprehend<br />
Him: and no man laid hands on Him because His hour was not<br />
yet come. But of the people many believed in Him.<br />
OFFERTORY Ps 39:2, 3, 4<br />
With expectation I have waited for the Lord, and He looked<br />
upon me: and He heard my prayer: and He put a new canticle<br />
into my mouth, a song to our God.<br />
SECRET<br />
May this offering, we beseech Thee, O Lord, wipe out our sins,<br />
and sanctify the bodies and minds of Thy servants for the celebration<br />
of the sacrifice. Through our Lord.<br />
COMMUNION Ps 19:6<br />
We will rejoice in Thy salvation, and in the name of our God<br />
we shall be exalted.<br />
May the reception of this sacrament, O Lord, cleanse us from<br />
guilt and bring us to the kingdom of heaven. Through our Lord.<br />
Have mercy on Thy people, O Lord, and from the unceasing<br />
tribulation under which they labor grant them relief in Thy mercy.<br />
Through our Lord.
Tuesday 16 TH , Daily Meditation i 73<br />
The Voice of Christ: My child, I came down from heaven for your<br />
salvation and took upon Myself your miseries, not out of necessity<br />
but out of love, that you might learn to be patient and bear<br />
the sufferings of this life without repining. From the moment of<br />
My birth to My death on the cross, suffering did not leave Me. I<br />
suffered great want of temporal goods. Often I heard many complaints<br />
against Me. Disgrace and reviling I bore with patience. For<br />
My blessings I received ingratitude, for My miracles blasphemies,<br />
and for My teaching scorn.<br />
The Disciple: O Lord, because You were patient in life, especially in<br />
fulfilling the design of the Father, it is fitting that I, a most miserable<br />
sinner, should live patiently according to Your will, and, as long<br />
as You shall wish, bear the burden of this corruptible body for the<br />
welfare of my soul. For though this present life seems burdensome,<br />
yet by Your grace it becomes meritorious, and it is made brighter<br />
and more endurable for the weak by Your example and the pathways<br />
of the saints. But it has also more consolation than formerly under<br />
the old law when the gates of heaven were closed, when the way<br />
thereto seemed darker than now, and when so few cared to seek the<br />
eternal kingdom. The just, the elect, could not enter heaven before<br />
Your sufferings and sacred death had paid the debt. Oh, what great<br />
thanks I owe You, Who have shown me and all the faithful the good<br />
and right way to Your everlasting kingdom! Your life is our way and<br />
in Your holy patience we come nearer to You Who are our crown.<br />
Had You not gone before and taught us, who would have cared to<br />
follow? Alas, how many would have remained far behind, had they<br />
not before their eyes Your holy example! Behold, even we who have<br />
heard of Your many miracles and teachings are still lukewarm; what<br />
would happen if we did not have such light by which to follow You?<br />
Thomas à Kempis (d. 1471) was an Augustinian monk and priest, best known for writing<br />
The Imitation of Christ, the most widely known Catholic devotional work ever composed.
74 i Tuesday 16 TH , Evening Devotion<br />
Ant. The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we rejoice.<br />
Psalm 125<br />
When the Lord brought back the captivity of Sion, we became<br />
like men comforted.<br />
Then was our mouth filled with gladness; and our tongue with<br />
joy.<br />
Then shall they say among the Gentiles: The Lord hath done<br />
great things for them.<br />
The Lord hath done great things for us: we are become joyful.<br />
Turn again our captivity, O Lord, as a stream in the south.<br />
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.<br />
Going they went and wept, casting their seeds.<br />
But coming they shall come with joyfulness, carrying their<br />
sheaves.<br />
Canticle: Magnificat (see p 120)<br />
Ant. No man laid hands on Him; because His hour was not<br />
yet come.
Living Tradition i 75<br />
j<br />
In this month of the Annunciation, when the Blessed Virgin Mary gave her<br />
assent to become the Mother of the Incarnate Son of God, we do well to recall<br />
the unique merits of the Angelic Salutation, the Hail Mary.<br />
Since the first millennium of Christianity, the memorization and recitation<br />
of this prayer in Latin has proven central to the devotional life of Roman<br />
Catholics the world over, and a constant source of grace and inspiration to<br />
all those seeking the intercession of the most august Mother of God amid this<br />
vale of tears. May the words of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, the<br />
great 17th-century apostle of Marian devotion, stir us to habitual use of this<br />
heavenly prayer in the home, in the workplace, and in all circumstances.<br />
Few Christians, however enlightened, know the real<br />
price, merit, excellence, and necessity of the Hail Mary.<br />
It was necessary for the Blessed Virgin to appear several<br />
times to great and enlightened saints, to show them the merit<br />
of it. She did so to St. Dominic, St. John Capistran, and the<br />
blessed Alan de la Roche. They have composed entire works<br />
on the wonders and efficacy of that prayer for converting souls.<br />
They have loudly published and openly preached that, salvation<br />
having begun with the Hail Mary, the salvation of each<br />
one of us in particular is attached to that prayer. They tell us<br />
that it is that prayer which made the dry and barren earth bring<br />
forth the fruit of life; and that it is that prayer well said which<br />
makes the Word of God germinate in our souls, and bring forth<br />
Jesus Christ, the Fruit of life. They tell us that the Hail Mary
76 i Living Tradition<br />
is a heavenly dew for watering the earth, which is the soul, to<br />
make it bring forth its fruit in season; and that a soul which is<br />
not watered by that prayer bears no fruit, and brings forth only<br />
thorns and brambles, and is ready to be cursed.<br />
<strong>–</strong>True Devotion to Mary<br />
One day when St. Mechtilde was praying and was trying to<br />
think of some way in which she could express her love of the<br />
Blessed Mother better than she had done before, she fell into<br />
ecstasy. Our Lady appeared to her with the Angelic Salutation<br />
in flaming letters of gold upon her bosom and said to her:<br />
My daughter, I want you to know that no one can<br />
please me more than by saying the salutation which<br />
the Most Adorable Trinity sent to me and by which<br />
He raised me to the dignity of Mother of God.<br />
By the word Ave (which is the name Eve, Eva), I<br />
learned that in His infinite power God had preserved<br />
me from all sin and its attendant misery which the<br />
first woman had been subject to. The name Mary<br />
which means “lady of light” shows that God has filled<br />
me with wisdom and light, like a shining star, to light<br />
up heaven and earth.<br />
The words full of grace remind me that the Holy Spirit<br />
has showered so many graces upon me that I am<br />
able to give these graces in abundance to those who<br />
ask for them through me as Mediatrix. When people<br />
say The Lord is with thee they renew the indescribable<br />
joy that was mine when the Eternal Word became incarnate<br />
in my womb.<br />
When you say to me blessed art thou among women I<br />
praise Almighty God’s divine mercy which lifted me<br />
to this exalted plane of happiness. And at the words
Living Tradition i 77<br />
blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, the whole of heaven<br />
rejoices with me to see my Son Jesus Christ adored<br />
and glorified for having saved mankind.<br />
<strong>–</strong>The Secret of the Rosary<br />
Ave María, gratia plena,<br />
Dóminus tecum. Benedícta<br />
tu in muliéribus, et<br />
benedíctus fructus ventris<br />
tui, Jesus. Sancta María, Mater<br />
Dei, ora pro nobis peccatóribus,<br />
nunc, et in hora<br />
mortis nostræ. Amen.<br />
Hail Mary, full of grace,<br />
the Lord is with thee.<br />
Blessed art thou amongst<br />
women, and blessed is the<br />
fruit of thy womb, Jesus.<br />
Holy Mary, Mother of God,<br />
pray for us sinners, now, and<br />
at the hour of our death.<br />
78<br />
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr<br />
Wednesday of the<br />
Fourth Week of Lent<br />
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, <strong>2021</strong> (ST. PATRICK)<br />
In some places, St. Patrick’s day is observed as a major feast.<br />
See pp 87<strong>–</strong>89 for full Mass propers.<br />
Ant. I walked in the innocence of my heart, O Lord.<br />
Psalm 100<br />
Mercy and judgment I will sing to Thee, O Lord:<br />
I will sing, and I will understand in the unspotted way, when<br />
Thou shalt come to me.<br />
I walked in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house.<br />
I did not set before my eyes any unjust thing: I hated the workers<br />
of iniquities.<br />
The perverse heart did not cleave to me: and the malignant,<br />
that turned aside from me, I would not know.<br />
The man that in private detracted his neighbour, him did I<br />
persecute.<br />
With him that had a proud eye, and an unsatiable heart, I<br />
would not eat.<br />
My eyes were upon the faithful of the earth, to sit with me: the<br />
man that walked in the perfect way, he served me.
Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass i 79<br />
He that worketh pride shall not dwell in the midst of my house:<br />
he that speaketh unjust things did not prosper before my eyes.<br />
In the morning I put to death all the wicked of the land: that<br />
I might cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of the<br />
Lord.<br />
Canticle: <strong>Benedictus</strong> (see p 118)<br />
Ant. Rabbi, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was<br />
born blind? Jesus answered, and said: Neither hath this man<br />
sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God shall be<br />
made manifest in him.<br />
Holy Mass<br />
INTROIT Ez 36:23, 24, 25<strong>–</strong>26; Ps 33:2<br />
When I shall be sanctified in you, I will gather you from every<br />
land: and I will pour upon you clean water, and you shall be<br />
cleansed from all your filthiness: and I will give you a new spirit.<br />
I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall be ever in my<br />
mouth. Glory be.<br />
Let us pray. Let us kneel. Arise.<br />
O God, Who dost vouchsafe to the just the reward of their<br />
merits, and to sinners pardon through fasting, have mercy upon<br />
Thy suppliants, that the confession of our guilt may have power<br />
to obtain for us forgiveness of our misdoings. Through our<br />
80 i Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass<br />
LESSON Ez 36:23<strong>–</strong>28<br />
Thus says the Lord God, I will sanctify My great name, which<br />
was profaned among the gentiles, which you have profaned in<br />
the midst of them; that the gentiles may know that I am the<br />
Lord, saith the Lord of hosts, when I shall be sanctified in you<br />
before their eyes. For I will take you from among the gentiles,<br />
and will gather you together out of all countries, and will bring<br />
you into your own land; and I will pour upon you clean water,<br />
and you shall be cleansed from all your filthiness, and I will<br />
cleanse you from all your idols, and will give you a new heart,<br />
and put a new spirit within you; and I will take away the stony<br />
heart out of your flesh, and will give you a heart of flesh. And<br />
I will put My spirit in the midst of you, and I will cause you to<br />
walk in My commandments, and to keep My judgments, and<br />
do them, and you shall dwell in the land which I gave to your<br />
fathers, and you shall be My people, and I will be your God;<br />
saith the Lord almighty.<br />
GRADUAL Ps 33:12, 6<br />
Come, children, harken to me: I will teach the fear of the Lord.<br />
Come ye to Him and be enlightened; and your faces shall not<br />
be confounded.<br />
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that we who have<br />
undertaken to chastise our bodies by fasting may, even in this<br />
devotion, find cause for rejoicing: forasmuch as earthly passions<br />
being thereby subdued, we are the better able to fix our hopes<br />
on the delights of heaven. Through our Lord.<br />
St. Patrick<br />
O God, Who didst deign to send blessed Patrick, Thy confessor<br />
and bishop, to preach Thy glory to the nations, grant, through
Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass i 81<br />
his merits and intercession, that those commands which Thou<br />
dost set before us we may by Thy mercy be able to fulfill.Through<br />
our Lord.<br />
EPISTLE Is 1:16<strong>–</strong>19<br />
Thus saith the Lord God, Wash yourselves, be clean, take away<br />
the evil of your devices from My eyes; cease to do perversely,<br />
learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge for<br />
the fatherless, defend the widow, and then come, and accuse<br />
Me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made<br />
as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be<br />
white as wool. If you be willing and will harken to Me, you shall<br />
eat the good things of the land; saith the Lord almighty.<br />
GRADUAL Ps 32:12, 6<br />
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord: the people whom<br />
He hath chosen for His inheritance. By the word of the Lord<br />
the heavens were established; and all the power of them by the<br />
spirit of His mouth.<br />
TRACT Ps 102:10; 78:8, 9<br />
O Lord, repay us not according to the sins we have committed,<br />
nor according to our iniquities. O Lord, remember not our former<br />
iniquities: let Thy mercies speedily prevent us, for we are<br />
become exceeding poor. [Kneel] Help us, O Lord our Saviour:<br />
and for the glory of Thy Name, O Lord, deliver us: and forgive<br />
us our sins for Thy name’s sake.<br />
GOSPEL Jn 1:9<strong>–</strong>38<br />
At that time, Jesus passing by, saw a man who was blind from<br />
his birth: and His disciples asked Him, Rabbi, who hath sinned,<br />
this man or his parents, that he should be born blind? Jesus<br />
answered, Neither hath this man sinned nor his parents, but
82 i Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass<br />
that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must<br />
work the works of Him that sent Me, whilst it is day; the night<br />
cometh when no man can work. As long as I am in the world I<br />
am the light of the world. When He had said these things, He<br />
spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and spread the<br />
clay upon his eyes; and said to him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloe<br />
(which is interpreted, Sent). He went therefore, and washed,<br />
and he came seeing. The neighbors therefore, and they who had<br />
seen him before that he was a beggar, said, Is not this he that sat<br />
and begged? Some said, This is he. But others said, No, but he is<br />
like him. But he said, I am he. They said therefore to him, How<br />
were thy eyes opened? He answered, That man that is called Jesus<br />
made clay, and anointed my eyes, and said to me, Go to the pool<br />
of Siloe, and wash: and I went, I washed, and I see. And they said<br />
to him, Where is He? He saith, I know not. They bring him that<br />
had been blind to the pharisees. Now it was the Sabbath when<br />
Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes. Again therefore the<br />
pharisees asked him how he had received his sight. But he said to<br />
them, He put clay upon my eyes, and I washed, and I see. Some<br />
therefore of the pharisees said, This man is not of God, who<br />
keepeth not the Sabbath. But others said, How can a man that is<br />
a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them.<br />
They say therefore to the blind man again, What sayest thou of<br />
Him that hath opened thy eyes? and he said, He is a prophet.<br />
The Jews then did not believe concerning him, that he had been<br />
blind and had received his sight, until they called the parents of<br />
him that had received his sight and asked them, saying, Is this<br />
your son, who you say was born blind? How then doth he now<br />
see? His parents answered them and said, We know that he is<br />
our son, and that he was born blind: but how he seeth we know<br />
not, or who hath opened his eyes we know not: ask himself; he<br />
is of age, let him speak for himself. These things his parents said,<br />
because they feared the Jews: for the Jews had already agreed
Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass i 83<br />
among themselves, that if any man should confess Him to be<br />
Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue. Therefore did his<br />
parents say, He is of age, ask him. They therefore called the man<br />
again that had been blind, and said to him, Give glory to God.<br />
We know that this man is a sinner. He said therefore to them, If<br />
He be a sinner, I know not; one thing I know, that whereas I was<br />
blind, now I see. They then said to him, What did He to thee?<br />
How did He open thine eyes? He answered them, I have told you<br />
already and you have heard; why would you hear it again? will<br />
you also become His disciples? They reviled him therefore, and<br />
said, Be thou His disciple: but we are the disciples of Moses. We<br />
know that God spoke to Moses; but as to this man, we know not<br />
from whence He is. The man answered and said to them, Why,<br />
herein is a wonderful thing that you know not from whence He<br />
is, and He hath opened my eyes. Now we know that God doth<br />
not hear sinners; but if a man be a server of God, and doth His<br />
will, him He heareth. From the beginning of the world it hath<br />
not been heard, that any man hath opened the eyes of one born<br />
blind. Unless this man were of God, He could not do anything.<br />
They answered and said to him, Thou wast wholly born in sins,<br />
and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out. Jesus heard that<br />
they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said<br />
to him, Dost thou believe in the Son of God? He answered and<br />
said, Who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him? and Jesus said<br />
to him, Thou hast both seen Him, and it is He that talketh with<br />
thee. And he said, I believe, Lord: [Kneel] and falling down he<br />
adored Him.<br />
OFFERTORY Ps 65:8, 9, 20<br />
O ye gentiles, bless the Lord our God, and make the voice of<br />
His praise to be heard; Who hath set my soul to live, and hath<br />
not suffered my feet to be moved: blessed be the Lord who hath<br />
not turned away my prayer nor His mercy from me.
84 i Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass<br />
SECRET<br />
We humbly entreat Thee, O almighty God, that our sins may be<br />
purged by these sacrifices; for so dost Thou grant us health of<br />
body and soul. Through our Lord.<br />
SECRET<br />
St. Patrick<br />
May Thy saints, we beseech Thee, O Lord, everywhere make us<br />
joyful, that, while we venerate their merits, we may experience<br />
their patronage. Through our Lord.<br />
COMMUNION Jn 9:11<br />
The Lord made clay of spittle, and anointed my eyes: and I<br />
went, and I washed, and I saw, and I have believed in God.<br />
May the sacrament we have received, O Lord, both fill us with spiritual<br />
nourishment and keep us with bodily assistance. Through our<br />
Lord.<br />
St. Patrick<br />
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that, giving thanks<br />
for the favors we have received, we may, by the intercession of<br />
blessed Patrick, Thy confessor and bishop, obtain blessings still<br />
greater. Through our Lord.<br />
May the ears of Thy mercy, O Lord, be open to the prayers of<br />
Thy suppliants, and, that Thou mayest grant their desires to<br />
them that seek Thee, make them to ask the things that are pleasing<br />
to Thee. Through our Lord.
Wednesday 17 TH , Daily Meditation i 85<br />
We see clearly in the holy gospels what the Apostles were before<br />
they received the gift of understanding, that is to say, before they<br />
were supernaturally enlightened so as to comprehend the divine<br />
mysteries. They understood nothing of those “mysteries of the<br />
kingdom of heaven” which our Divine Lord explained to them.<br />
They always interpreted His words in a material and carnal sense,<br />
so as to merit from Him the severe rebuke, Adhuc et vos sine intellectu<br />
estis? “Are ye also yet without understanding?” (Mt 15:16).<br />
This was their condition, and this also is ours, without the<br />
gift of understanding—a condition incapable of comprehending<br />
the things of God, or of contemplating His Divine perfections.<br />
The very world in which we live exhibits them to us—puts them<br />
as it were under our very hand—and yet we do not see them!<br />
We are like blind persons before a picture. The most touching<br />
spiritual books are read or explained to us, and we understand<br />
nothing of them; we are as indifferent as if we had literally no<br />
power of comprehension. Is not this but too true?<br />
Veni, Sancte Spiritus, et emitte cœlitus lucis tuæ radium. “Come<br />
Holy Ghost, enlighten me with a ray of Thy Heavenly light,”<br />
without which, having eyes, I see not—having ears, I hear not<br />
—having understanding, I remain yet in darkness; but with<br />
which, as I feel assured, all that is dark will for me be turned<br />
into light.<br />
Fr. Bruno Vercruysse (d. 1880) was a Belgian Jesuit priest, zealous missionary preacher,<br />
author, and retreat master.
86 i Wednesday 17 TH , Evening Devotion<br />
Ant. Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord.<br />
Psalm 129<br />
Out of the depths I have cried to Thee, O Lord: Lord, hear my<br />
voice.<br />
Let Thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.<br />
If Thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it?<br />
For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: and by reason of<br />
Thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord.<br />
My soul hath relied on His word: my soul hath hoped in the<br />
Lord.<br />
From the morning watch even until night, let Israel hope in the<br />
Lord.<br />
Because with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him plentiful<br />
redemption.<br />
And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities.<br />
Canticle: Magnificat (see p 120)<br />
Ant. The Man that is called Jesus made clay of His spittle, and<br />
anointed mine eyes, and now I do see.
Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass i 87<br />
St. Patrick, Bishop<br />
and Confessor<br />
INTROIT Ecclus 45:30; Ps 131:1<br />
The Lord made to him a covenant of peace, and made him a<br />
prince; that the dignity of priesthood should be to him forever.<br />
O Lord, remember David, and all his meekness. Glory be.<br />
O God, Who didst deign to send blessed Patrick, Thy confessor<br />
and bishop, to preach Thy glory to the nations, grant, through<br />
his merits and intercession, that those commands which Thou<br />
dost set before us we may by Thy mercy be able to fulfill.Through<br />
our Lord.<br />
EPISTLE Ecclus 44:16<strong>–</strong>27; 45:3<strong>–</strong>20<br />
Behold, a great priest, who in his days pleased God, and was<br />
found just; and in the time of wrath was made a reconciliation.<br />
There was not any found like to him, who kept the law of the<br />
Most High. Therefore by an oath the Lord made him increase<br />
among his people. He gave him the blessing of all nations, and<br />
confirmed His covenant upon his head. He acknowledged him<br />
in His blessings: He preserved for him His mercy: and he found<br />
grace before the eyes of the Lord. He glorified him in the sight<br />
of kings, and gave him a crown of glory. He made an everlasting<br />
covenant with him; and gave him a great priesthood; and made<br />
him blessed in glory. To execute the office of the priesthood and<br />
to have praise in his name, and to offer to him worthy incense<br />
for an odor of sweetness.
88 i Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass<br />
GRADUAL Ecclus 44:16, 20<br />
Behold a great priest, who in his days pleased God. There was<br />
not any found like to him, who kept the law of the Most High.<br />
TRACT Ps 111:1<strong>–</strong>3<br />
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord: in His commandments<br />
he hath great delight. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the<br />
generation of the righteous shall be blessed. Glory and wealth<br />
shall be in his house: and his justice remaineth forever and ever.<br />
GOSPEL Mt 25:14<strong>–</strong>23<br />
At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to His disciples: A man going<br />
into a far country called his servants, and delivered to them<br />
his goods. And to one he gave five talents, and to another two,<br />
and to another one, to every one according to his proper ability:<br />
and immediately he took his journey. And he that had received<br />
the five talents went his way, and traded with the same, and<br />
gained another five. And in like manner he that had received<br />
the two gained other two. But he that had received the one, going<br />
his way, digged into the earth and hid his lord’s money. But<br />
after a long time the lord of those servants came and reckoned<br />
with them. And he that had received the five talents coming,<br />
brought other five talents, saying: Lord, thou didst deliver to me<br />
five talents, behold I have gained other five over and above. His<br />
lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant, because<br />
thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over<br />
many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. And he also<br />
that had received the two talents came and said: Lord, thou deliveredst<br />
two talents to me, behold I have gained other two. His<br />
lord said to him: Well done, good and faithful servant, because<br />
thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over<br />
many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
Wednesday 17 TH , Holy Mass i 89<br />
OFFERTORY Ps 88:21<strong>–</strong>22<br />
I have found David My servant, with My holy oil I have<br />
anointed him: for My hand shall help him, and My arm shall<br />
strengthen him.<br />
SECRET<br />
May Thy saints, we beseech Thee, O Lord, everywhere make us<br />
joyful, that, while we venerate their merits, we may experience<br />
their patronage. Through our Lord.<br />
COMMUNION Lk 12:42<br />
A faithful and wise servant, whom the Lord hath set over His<br />
family, to give them their measure of wheat in due season.<br />
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that, giving thanks<br />
for the favors we have received, we may, by the intercession of<br />
blessed Patrick, Thy confessor and bishop, obtain blessings still<br />
greater. Through our Lord.
90<br />
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr<br />
Thursday of the<br />
Fourth Week of Lent<br />
THURSDAY, MARCH 18, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Ant. Praise the Lord Who healeth the broken of heart, and<br />
bindeth up their wounds.<br />
Psalm 146<br />
Praise ye the Lord, because psalm is good: to our God be joyful<br />
and comely praise.<br />
The Lord buildeth up Jerusalem: He will gather together the<br />
dispersed of Israel.<br />
Who healeth the broken of heart, and bindeth up their bruises.<br />
Who telleth the number of the stars: and calleth them all by<br />
their names.<br />
Great is our Lord, and great is His power: and of His wisdom<br />
there is no number.<br />
The Lord lifteth up the meek, and bringeth the wicked down<br />
even to the ground.<br />
Sing ye to the Lord with praise: sing to our God upon the harp.<br />
Who covereth the heaven with clouds, and prepareth rain for<br />
the earth.<br />
Who maketh grass to grow on the mountains, and herbs for the<br />
service of men.
Thursday 18 TH , Holy Mass i 91<br />
Who giveth to beasts their food: and to the young ravens that<br />
call upon Him.<br />
He shall not delight in the strength of the horse: nor take pleasure<br />
in the legs of a man.<br />
The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear Him: and in them<br />
that hope in His mercy.<br />
Canticle: <strong>Benedictus</strong> (see p 118)<br />
Ant. Jesus went into a city that is called Naim: and behold, a<br />
dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother.<br />
Holy Mass<br />
INTROIT Ps 104:3, 4, 1<br />
Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord: seek the Lord,<br />
and be strengthened; seek His face evermore. Give glory to the<br />
Lord, and call upon His name; declare His deeds among the<br />
gentiles. Glory be.<br />
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that, chastened by<br />
the fasts of our devotion, the devotion itself may also gladden<br />
us, so that, with our earthly affections subdued, we may the<br />
more easily lay hold upon heavenly things. Through our Lord.<br />
St. Cyril<br />
Grant us, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, through the intercession<br />
of the blessed Bishop Cyril, so to know Thee, the only<br />
true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast sent, that we<br />
may deserve to be numbered forever among the sheep that hear<br />
His voice. Through the same.
92 i Thursday 18 TH , Holy Mass<br />
EPISTLE 4 Kgs 4:25<strong>–</strong>38<br />
In those days, a Sunamite woman came to Eliseus to Mount<br />
Carmel: and when the man of God saw her coming towards, he<br />
said to Giezi his servant, Behold that Sunamitess. Go therefore<br />
to meet her, and say to her, Is all well with thee, and with thy<br />
husband, and with thy son? And she answered, Well. And when<br />
she came to the man of God to the mount, she caught hold on<br />
his feet: and Giezi came to remove her. And the man of God<br />
said, Let her alone, for her soul is in anguish, and the Lord hath<br />
hid it from me and hath not told me. And she said to him, Did<br />
I ask a son of my Lord? did I not say to thee, Do not deceive<br />
me? Then he said to Giezi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff<br />
in thy hand and go. If any man meet thee, salute him not; and<br />
if any man salute thee, answer him not; and lay my staff upon<br />
the face of the child. But the mother of the child said, As the<br />
Lord liveth, and as thy soul liveth I will not leave thee. He arose,<br />
therefore, and followed her. But Giezi was gone before them,<br />
and laid the staff upon the face of the child, and there was no<br />
voice nor sense; and he returned to meet him, and told him,<br />
saying, The child is not risen. Eliseus therefore went into the<br />
house, and behold the child lay dead on his bed; and going in<br />
he shut the door upon him, and upon the child, and prayed to<br />
the Lord; and he went up and lay upon the child: and he put<br />
his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his<br />
hands upon his hands: and he bowed himself upon him, and<br />
the child’s flesh grew warm. Then he returned and walked in<br />
the house, once to and fro; and he went up, and lay upon him;<br />
and the child gaped seven times, and opened his eyes. And he<br />
called Giezi, and said to him, Call this Sunamitess. And she<br />
being called, went in to him, and he said, Take up thy son. She<br />
came and fell at his feet, and worshipped upon the ground; and<br />
took up her son, and went out, and Eliseus returned to Galgal.
Thursday 18 TH , Holy Mass i 93<br />
GRADUAL Ps 73:20, 19, 22<br />
Have regard, O Lord, to Thy covenant, and forget not to the<br />
end the souls of Thy poor. Arise, O Lord, judge Thy own cause:<br />
remember the reproaches of Thy servants.<br />
GOSPEL Lk 7:11<strong>–</strong>16<br />
At that time, Jesus went into a city called Naim; and there went<br />
with Him His disciples, and a great multitude. And when He<br />
came nigh to the city, behold a dead man was carried out, the<br />
only son of his mother; and she was a widow, and much people<br />
of the city were with her. And when the Lord saw her, He had<br />
compassion on her, and said to her, Weep not. And He came<br />
near, and touched the bier. (And they that carried it stood still).<br />
And He said, Young man, I say to thee arise: and he that was<br />
dead sat up, and began to speak. And He delivered him to his<br />
mother. And there came a fear on them all and they glorified<br />
God, saying, A great prophet is risen up amongst us, and God<br />
hath visited His people.<br />
OFFERTORY Ps 69:2, 3, 4<br />
O Lord, make haste to help me: let all those be confounded<br />
that desire evils to Thy servants.<br />
SECRET<br />
Purify us, O merciful God, that the prayers of Thy Church,<br />
which are pleasing to Thee, may become the more pleasing<br />
from the purified hearts with which they bring the gifts of devotion.<br />
Through our Lord.
94 i Thursday 18 TH , Holy Mass<br />
SECRET<br />
St. Cyril<br />
Look down with favor, O Lord, upon the immaculate victim<br />
which we offer to Thee, and grant that, by the merits of the<br />
blessed bishop and confessor, Cyril, we may earnestly endeavor<br />
to receive it with a pure heart. Through our Lord.<br />
COMMUNION Ps 70:16, 17, 18<br />
O Lord, I will be mindful of Thy justice alone; Thou hast taught<br />
me, O God, from my youth; and unto old age and gray hairs, O<br />
God, forsake me not.<br />
Suffer not Thy heavenly gifts, we pray Thee, O Lord, to become<br />
the occasion of judgment to those who receive them, for Thou<br />
hast provided them unto the healing of Thy faithful. Through<br />
our Lord.<br />
St. Cyril<br />
May the sacrament of Thy Body and Blood, O Lord Jesus<br />
Christ, which we have received, by the prayers of the blessed<br />
Bishop Cyril, sanctify our minds and hearts, that we may deserve<br />
to become partakers of the divine nature. Who livest.<br />
O God, the teacher and ruler of Thy people, put to flight the<br />
sins that assail them, that they may be pleasing to Thee and<br />
secure in Thy protection. Through our Lord.
Thursday 18 TH , Daily Meditation i 95<br />
What is more powerful than the Word of God? Why then did<br />
He not effect the miracle by a word only, but also touched the<br />
bier?<br />
It was, my beloved, that thou mightest learn that the holy<br />
body of Christ is effectual for the salvation of man. For the<br />
flesh of the Almighty Word is the body of life, and was clothed<br />
with His might. For consider, that iron, when brought into<br />
contact with fire, produces the effects of fire, and fulfills its<br />
functions; so, because it became the flesh of the Word, Who<br />
gives life to all, it therefore also has the power of giving life, and<br />
annihilates the influence of death and corruption.<br />
May our Lord Jesus Christ also touch us, that delivering<br />
us from evil works, even from fleshly lusts, He may unite us<br />
to the assemblies of the saints; for He is the giver of all good,<br />
by Whom, and with Whom, to God the Father, be praise and<br />
dominion, with the Holy Spirit, forever and ever, Amen.<br />
St. Cyril of Jerusalem (+386) was bishop of Jerusalem from 348 until his death, and was<br />
declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Leo XIII in 1883.
96 i Thursday 18 TH , EVENING DEVOTION<br />
Ant. And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom<br />
was born Jesus, Who is called Christ.<br />
Psalm 109<br />
The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand:<br />
Until I make thy enemies thy footstool.<br />
The Lord will send forth the sceptre of thy power out of Sion:<br />
rule thou in the midst of thy enemies.<br />
With thee is the principality in the day of thy strength: in the<br />
brightness of the saints: from the womb before the day star I<br />
begot thee.<br />
The Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent: Thou art a priest<br />
forever according to the order of Melchisedech.<br />
The Lord at thy right hand hath broken kings in the day of his<br />
wrath.<br />
He shall judge among nations, he shall fill ruins: he shall crush<br />
the heads in the land of many.<br />
He shall drink of the torrent in the way: therefore shall he lift<br />
up the head.<br />
Canticle: Magnificat (see p 120)<br />
Ant. Joseph, being raised from sleep, did as the Angel of the<br />
Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife.
Feast & Feria i 97<br />
St. Joseph, Spouse Subtitleof the Virgin<br />
After the devotion toward Jesus our divine Saviour,<br />
and His holy Mother, there is none more salutary,<br />
more solid, or more fitting than the devotion to Saint<br />
Joseph. This holy patriarch, whom God Himself chose to be<br />
the guardian, the protector, the nursing father of His only Son,<br />
the consoler and the support of Mary, is the special patron of<br />
Christian families. He takes a living interest in their welfare,<br />
and fills those who have recourse to him with celestial graces.<br />
Those souls, also, who are called to the service of our Lord in a<br />
state of perfection, find in Saint Joseph a special patron. Virgin<br />
Spouse of the Mother of God, he practised in the most eminent<br />
degree all those virtues which heighten the beauty of that purity<br />
to which are promised the blessings of the Lamb without spot.<br />
Saint Joseph is also the director, the friend, and protector of<br />
all souls who aspire to perfection, in whatever state or in whatever<br />
condition they may be. The simplest and most ignorant<br />
people have been known under this skillful teacher to make<br />
astonishing progress in the great science of prayer, and the interior<br />
life. Finally, his tender charity causes him to desire for<br />
us the happiness that he himself enjoyed, of giving up his last<br />
breath in the arms of Jesus and Mary, so that he tenderly loves<br />
to help those souls who are on the point of leaving this world<br />
and about to appear at the Tribunal of God.<br />
In short, there is no state of life, no position, no kind of<br />
need in which his protection does not furnish a resource upon<br />
which we can confidently rely. All who have invoked him, have
98 i Feast & Feria<br />
had the sweet experience of his inexhaustible bounty, and of his<br />
limitless power. Saint Teresa, among others, assures us that she<br />
has never invoked him without being heard, and that she never<br />
knew anyone to have recourse to him in vain.<br />
Holy Patriarch, model of the holiest faith, and of the most perfect<br />
virtues, obtain for all the members of this family grace to<br />
withstand the dangers and seductions of the world, and to remain<br />
steadfastly attached to the Lord. Obtain for us that, always<br />
united by the bonds of the most tender charity, and encouraging<br />
one another mutually in good works, we may taste under thy<br />
auspices the sweetness of that peace which Jesus has promised<br />
to His true disciples. But above all, when our last hour shall<br />
come, obtain for us that we may find grace before the Sovereign<br />
Judge, so that, reunited in heaven at the foot of thy throne,<br />
we may celebrate everlastingly the glory of God and thy praise.<br />
Amen. (J.P.W.)
99<br />
St. Joseph, Spouse of the<br />
Blessed Virgin Mary<br />
FRIDAY, MARCH 19<br />
Ant. The parents of Jesus went to Jerusalem every year, at the<br />
feast of the Passover.<br />
Psalm 92<br />
The Lord hath reigned, He is clothed with beauty: the Lord is<br />
clothed with strength, and hath girded Himself.<br />
For He hath established the world which shall not be moved.<br />
Thy throne is prepared from of old: Thou art from everlasting.<br />
The floods have lifted up, O Lord: the floods have lifted up their<br />
voice.<br />
The floods have lifted up their waves, with the noise of many<br />
waters.<br />
Wonderful are the surges of the sea: wonderful is the Lord on<br />
high.<br />
Thy testimonies are become exceedingly credible: holiness becometh<br />
Thy house, O Lord, unto length of days.<br />
Canticle: <strong>Benedictus</strong> (see p 118)<br />
Ant. Jesus Himself began to be about thirty years of age, being, as<br />
was supposed, the son of Joseph.
100 i Friday 19 TH , Holy Mass<br />
Holy Mass<br />
INTROIT Ps 91:13, 14, 2<br />
The just man shall flourish like the palm tree; he shall grow up<br />
like the cedar of Libanus; planted in the house of the Lord, in<br />
the courts of the house of our God. It is good to give praise to<br />
the Lord; and to sing to Thy name, O Most High. Glory be.<br />
May we be assisted, we beg Thee, O Lord, by the merits of the<br />
spouse of Thy most holy Mother, that what our own power obtaineth<br />
not may be granted us by his intercession. Who livest.<br />
Feria of Lent<br />
O God, Who dost renew the world with ineffable sacraments,<br />
grant, we beseech Thee, that Thy Church may both be profited<br />
by the eternal institutions and not left without temporal assistance.<br />
Through our Lord.<br />
EPISTLE Ecclus 45:1<strong>–</strong>6<br />
He was beloved of God and men, whose memory is in benediction;<br />
He made him like the saints in glory, and magnified<br />
him in the fear of his enemies; and with his words He made<br />
prodigies to cease; He glorified him in the sight of kings, and<br />
gave him commandments in the sight of his people, and showed<br />
him his glory; He sanctified him in his faith and meekness, and<br />
chose him out of all flesh; for He heard him and his voice, and<br />
brought him into a cloud; and He gave him commandments<br />
before his face, and a law of life and instruction.
Friday 19 TH , Holy Mass i 101<br />
GRADUAL Ps 20:4, 5<br />
O Lord, Thou hast prevented him with blessings of sweetness:<br />
Thou hast set on his head a crown of precious stones. He asked<br />
life of Thee, and Thou hast given him length of days forever<br />
and ever.<br />
TRACT Ps 111:1<strong>–</strong>3<br />
Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord: he shall delight exceedingly<br />
in His commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon<br />
earth: the generation of the righteous shall be blessed. Glory<br />
and wealth shall be in his house: and his justice remaineth forever<br />
and ever.<br />
GOSPEL Mt 1:18<strong>–</strong>21<br />
When Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was espoused to Joseph, before<br />
they came together, she was found with child, of the Holy<br />
Ghost. Whereupon Joseph her husband, being a just man, and<br />
not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away<br />
privately. But while he thought on these things, behold the angel<br />
of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph,<br />
son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that<br />
which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall<br />
bring forth a son; and thou shalt call His name Jesus. For He<br />
shall save His people from their sins.<br />
OFFERTORY Ps 88:25<br />
My truth and My mercy are with him: and in My name his horn<br />
shall be exalted.
102 i Friday 19 TH , Holy Mass<br />
SECRET<br />
We render unto Thee, O Lord, the debt of our service, and<br />
humbly entreat Thee to guard Thy gifts within us, through the<br />
intercession of blessed Joseph, the spouse of the mother of Thy<br />
Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, in honor of whose feast we offer<br />
unto Thee this sacrifice of praise. Through the same.<br />
SECRET<br />
Feria of Lent<br />
May the gifts we offer purify us, O Lord, we pray, and continually<br />
appease Thee in our regard. Through our Lord.<br />
COMMUNION Mt 1:20<br />
Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife:<br />
for that which is born in her is of the Holy Ghost.<br />
Be with us, we beg, O merciful God, and being propitiated by<br />
the intercession of blessed Joseph, Thy confessor, watch over the<br />
gifts with which Thou hast surrounded us. Through our Lord.<br />
Feria of Lent<br />
May the participation of this sacrament, we pray, O Lord, unceasingly<br />
keep us free from sins of our own and guard us from<br />
all hostile powers. Through our Lord.
Friday 19 TH , Daily Meditation i 103<br />
St. Luke has comprised eighteen years of the life of Jesus Christ<br />
in the few words, “He was subject to them”; still we will permit<br />
ourselves, with the aid of the Holy Fathers, to develop these<br />
words, or at least their sense. St. Basil, in the fortieth chapter of<br />
his Monastic Constitutions, writes that the Savior daily labored<br />
unceasingly to obey Mary and Joseph. St. Justin Martyr assures<br />
us, in his Dialogue with Tryphon, that the Incarnate Word assisted<br />
St. Joseph in his labors, and shared in them as far as<br />
His strength permitted. St. Jerome and St. Bonaventure say the<br />
same thing; but the most undeniable proof of the continual<br />
obedience of Jesus towards St. Joseph, is found in the words of<br />
the Blessed Virgin speaking to St. Bridget, her favored servant.<br />
She says: “My Son was so obedient, that when Joseph said to<br />
Him, Do this or that, He did it immediately.”<br />
…We have a right to add, that our Divine Savior, in thus<br />
honoring Joseph as His father, wished doubtless to leave to<br />
His great family, the Church, a striking example, which should<br />
teach her to pay Joseph special homage as the head of the Holy<br />
Family; had Jesus Christ submitted but for one hour only to the<br />
directions and orders of Joseph, it would have been sufficient to<br />
render that holy patriarch venerable among all the saints; but<br />
how much more should he not be honored after Jesus has consented<br />
to be subject to him during so many years! Brought up,<br />
fed, and protected by St. Joseph for more than twenty-five years,<br />
could the Divine Savior wish otherwise than that all Christians<br />
should endeavor to acknowledge by particular homage the long<br />
and faithful services which that good father rendered to His<br />
adorable person?<br />
Fr. Joseph Patrignani (d. 1733) was an Italian Jesuit priest and author of several devotional<br />
and historical works.
104 i Friday 19 TH , Evening Devotion<br />
Ant. His mother said unto Him: Son, why hast Thou thus dealt<br />
with us? Behold, Thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing.<br />
Psalm 112<br />
Praise the Lord, ye children: praise ye the name of the Lord.<br />
[Bow head] Blessed be the name of the Lord, from henceforth<br />
now and forever.<br />
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, the<br />
name of the Lord is worthy of praise.<br />
The Lord is high above all nations; and His glory above the<br />
heavens.<br />
Who is as the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high: and<br />
looketh down on the low things in heaven and in earth?<br />
Raising up the needy from the earth, and lifting up the poor<br />
out of the dunghill:<br />
That He may place him with princes, with the princes of His<br />
people.<br />
Who maketh a barren woman to dwell in a house, the joyful<br />
mother of children.<br />
Canticle: Magnificat (see p 120)<br />
Ant. Behold a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord hath<br />
made ruler over His household.
The Holy Family with Joachim and Anne under<br />
a Tree by Albrecht Dürer (1511)<br />
Friday 19 TH i 105
106<br />
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr<br />
Saturday of the<br />
Fourth Week of Lent<br />
Ant. Deliver my soul, O Lord, from the fear of the enemy.<br />
Psalm 63<br />
Hear, O God, my prayer, when I make supplication to Thee:<br />
deliver my soul from the fear of the enemy.<br />
Thou hast protected me from the assembly of the malignant;<br />
from the multitude of the workers of iniquity.<br />
For they have whetted their tongues like a sword; they have bent<br />
their bow a bitter thing, to shoot in secret the undefiled.<br />
They will shoot at him on a sudden, and will not fear: they are<br />
resolute in wickedness.<br />
They have talked of hiding snares; they have said: Who shall<br />
see them?<br />
They have searched after iniquities: they have failed in their<br />
search.<br />
Man shall come to a deep heart: and God shall be exalted.<br />
The arrows of children are their wounds: and their tongues<br />
against them are made weak.<br />
All that saw them were troubled; and every man was afraid.<br />
And they declared the works of God: and understood his doings.
Saturday 20 TH , Holy Mass i 107<br />
The just shall rejoice in the Lord, and shall hope in Him: and<br />
all the upright in heart shall be praised.<br />
Canticle: <strong>Benedictus</strong> (see p 118)<br />
Ant. Thus saith the Lord: He that followeth Me walketh not in<br />
darkness, but shall have the light of life.<br />
Holy Mass<br />
INTROIT Is 55:1, Ps 77:1<br />
You that thirst, come to the waters, saith the Lord: and you<br />
that have no money, come and drink with joy. Attend, O My<br />
people, to My law: incline your ears to the words of My mouth.<br />
Glory be.<br />
Vouchsafe, O Lord, by Thy grace to make fruitful the fervor of<br />
our devotion; for the fasts we have undertaken shall profit us<br />
only if they be pleasing to Thy goodness. Through our Lord.<br />
For the Pope<br />
O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look with favor<br />
upon Thy servant N., whom Thou hast been pleased to appoint<br />
pastor over Thy Church: grant him, we beseech Thee, that by<br />
word and example he may be of profit to those over whom he<br />
has been placed, and, together with the flock committed to his<br />
care, attain unto life everlasting. Through our Lord.
108 i Saturday 20 TH , Holy Mass<br />
EPISTLE Is 49:8<strong>–</strong>15<br />
Thus saith the Lord, In an acceptable time I have heard thee,<br />
and in the day of salvation I have helped thee: and I have preserved<br />
thee, and given thee to be a covenant of the people that<br />
thou mightest raise up the earth, and possess the inheritances<br />
that were destroyed; that thou mightest say to them that are<br />
bound, Come forth; and to them that are in darkness, Show<br />
yourselves. They shall feed in the ways, and their pastures shall<br />
be in every plain. They shall not hunger, nor thirst, neither<br />
shall the heat nor the sun strike them; for He that is merciful<br />
to them shall be their shepherd, and at the fountains of waters<br />
He shall give them drink. And I will make all My mountains<br />
a way, and My paths shall be exalted. Behold these shall come<br />
from afar, and behold these from the north and from the sea,<br />
and these from the south country. Give praise, O ye heavens,<br />
and rejoice, O earth; ye mountains give praise with jubilation:<br />
because the Lord hath comforted His people, and will have mercy<br />
on His poor ones. And Sion said, The Lord hath forsaken<br />
me, and the Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her<br />
infant, so as not to have pity on the son of her womb? and if she<br />
should forget, yet will not I forget thee: saith the Lord almighty.<br />
GRADUAL Ps 9:35, 22<strong>–</strong>23<br />
To Thee, O Lord, is the poor man left; Thou wilt be a help<br />
to the orphan. Why, O Lord, hast Thou retired afar off; Why<br />
dost Thou slight us in our wants in time of trouble? Whilst the<br />
wicked man is proud, the poor is set on fire.
Saturday 20 TH , Holy Mass i 109<br />
GOSPEL Jn 8:12<strong>–</strong>20<br />
At that time, Jesus spoke to the multitudes of the Jews, saying, I<br />
am the light of the world: he that followeth Me, walketh not in<br />
darkness, but shall have the light of life. The pharisees therefore<br />
said to Him, Thou givest testimony of Thyself; Thy testimony is<br />
not true. Jesus answered and said to them: Although I give testimony<br />
of Myself, My testimony is true, for I know whence I come,<br />
and whither I go; but you know not whence I come, or whither<br />
I go. You judge according to the flesh: I judge not any man. And<br />
if I do judge, My judgment is true; because I am not alone, but<br />
I and the Father that sent Me. And in your law it is written,<br />
that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that giveth testimony<br />
of Myself; and the Father that sent Me giveth testimony<br />
of Me. They said therefore to Him, Where is Thy Father? Jesus<br />
answered, Neither Me do you know, nor My Father: if you did<br />
know Me, perhaps you would know My Father also. These words<br />
Jesus spoke in the treasury, teaching in the temple: and no man<br />
laid hands on Him; because His hour was not yet come.<br />
OFFERTORY Ps 17:3<br />
The Lord is become my firmament, and my refuge, and my deliverer:<br />
and in Him will I put my trust.<br />
SECRET<br />
Receive our offerings, we beseech Thee, O Lord, and be appeased,<br />
and in kindness turn our wills towards Thee, even<br />
though they resist Thee. Through our Lord.<br />
SECRET<br />
For the Pope<br />
Be appeased, we beseech Thee, O Lord, by the gifts we offer;<br />
and govern by Thy continuous protection Thy servant N.,<br />
whom Thou hast been pleased to appoint chief shepherd of<br />
Thy Church. Through our Lord.
110 i Saturday 20 TH , Holy Mass<br />
COMMUNION Ps 22:1, 2<br />
The Lord ruleth me, and I shall want nothing: He hath set me<br />
in a place of pasture: He hath brought me up on the water of<br />
refreshment.<br />
May Thy holy things, we pray Thee, O Lord, purify us and, by<br />
their operation, make us pleasing to Thee. Through our Lord.<br />
For the Pope<br />
May this reception of this divine sacrament be our protection,<br />
O Lord; and may it ever save and defend Thy servant N., whom<br />
Thou hast been pleased to set up as pastor over Thy Church,<br />
and also the flock Thou hast entrusted to his care. Through<br />
our Lord.<br />
O God, Who dost choose rather to have pity on them that<br />
hope in Thee than to be angry, grant us to weep, as becomes us,<br />
for the evils we have done, that we may deserve to find the favor<br />
of Thy consolation. Through our Lord.
Saturday 20 TH , Daily Meditation i 111<br />
Unless the One who spoke and appeared as a human being<br />
was also the Person of the Son of God, he could not have said,<br />
“I am the light of the world,” but only “the light of the world<br />
dwells in me.” The effect of this light is to expel darkness; and<br />
so he says, “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness.”<br />
Because this light is universal, it universally expels all darkness.<br />
Now there are three kinds of darkness. There is the darkness<br />
of ignorance: “They have neither known nor understood;<br />
they walk in darkness” (Ps 81:5); and this is the darkness reason<br />
has of itself, insofar as it is darkened of itself. There is the darkness<br />
of sin: “You were at one time darkness, but now you are<br />
light in the Lord” (Eph 5:8). This darkness belongs to human<br />
reason not of itself, but from the affections—which, by being<br />
badly disposed by passion or habit, seek something as good<br />
that is not really good. Further, there is the darkness of eternal<br />
damnation: “Cast the unprofitable servant into the exterior<br />
darkness” (Mt 25:30).<br />
The first two kinds of darkness are found in this life; but<br />
the third is at the end of life. Thus: Whoever follows me will<br />
not walk in darkness—the darkness of ignorance—because I am<br />
the truth; nor the darkness of sin, because I am the way; nor<br />
the darkness of eternal damnation, because I am the life. ... Just<br />
as one who does not want to stumble in the dark has to follow<br />
the one who is carrying the light, so one who wants to be saved<br />
must, by believing and loving, follow Christ, who is the light.<br />
St. Thomas Aquinas (+1274) was an eminent Dominican priest and scholar. Declared<br />
a Doctor of the Church in 1567, he is regarded as the most outstanding Catholic thinker<br />
of the second millennium.
112 i Saturday 20 TH , Evening Devotion<br />
Ant. The Lord is sweet to all: and his tender mercies are over<br />
all his works.<br />
Psalm 144 (8<strong>–</strong>13)<br />
The Lord is gracious and merciful: patient and plenteous in<br />
mercy.<br />
The Lord is sweet to all: and His tender mercies are over all His<br />
works.<br />
Let all Thy works, O Lord, praise Thee: and let Thy saints bless<br />
Thee.<br />
They shall speak of the glory of Thy kingdom: and shall tell of<br />
Thy power:<br />
To make Thy might known to the sons of men: and the glory of<br />
the magnificence of Thy kingdom.<br />
Thy kingdom is a kingdom of all ages: and Thy dominion endureth<br />
throughout all generations.<br />
Canticle: Magnificat (see p 120)<br />
Ant. I am One That bear witness of Myself, and the Father<br />
That sent Me beareth witness of Me.
Feast & Feria i 113<br />
Passion Sunday<br />
The past four weeks seems to have been but a preparation<br />
for the intense grief of the Church during<br />
these two. She knows that men are in search of<br />
her Jesus, and that they are bent on His death. Before<br />
twelve days are over, she will see them lay their sacrilegious<br />
hands upon Him. She will have to follow Him up<br />
the hill of Calvary; she will have to receive His last breath;<br />
she must witness the stone placed against the sepulchre<br />
where His lifeless Body is laid. We cannot, therefore, be<br />
surprised at her inviting all her children to contemplate,<br />
during these weeks, Him who is the object of all her love<br />
and all her sadness.<br />
But our mother asks something more of us than compassion<br />
and tears; she would have us profit by the lessons<br />
we are to be taught by the Passion and Death of our Redeemer….<br />
During the four weeks that have preceded, the<br />
Church has been leading the sinner to his conversion; so<br />
far, however, this conversion has been but begun: now<br />
she would perfect it. It is no longer our Jesus fasting and<br />
praying in the desert, that she offers to our consideration;<br />
it is this same Jesus, as the great Victim immolated for<br />
the world’s salvation. The fatal hour is at hand; the power<br />
of darkness is preparing to make use of the time that is<br />
still left; the greatest of crimes is about to be perpetrated.<br />
A few days hence the Son of God is to be in the hands<br />
of sinners, and they will put Him to death. The Church
114 i Feast & Feria<br />
no longer needs to urge her children to repentance; they<br />
know too well, now, what sin must be, when it could require<br />
such expiation as this.<br />
She is all absorbed in the thought of the terrible event,<br />
which is to close the life of the God-Man on earth; and<br />
by expressing her thoughts through the holy liturgy, she<br />
teaches us what our own sentiments should be ... what she<br />
principally seeks, is to impress the hearts of her children<br />
with a salutary fear. If Jerusalem’s crime strike them with<br />
horror, and if they feel that they have partaken in her sin,<br />
their tears will flow in abundance. Let us, therefore, do<br />
our utmost to receive these strong impressions, too little<br />
known, alas! by the superficial piety of these times. Let<br />
us reflect upon the love and affection of the Son of God,<br />
who has treated His creatures with such unlimited confidence,<br />
lived their own life, spent His three and thirty<br />
years amidst them, not only humbly and peaceably, but in<br />
going about doing good. And now this life of kindness,<br />
condescension, and humility, is to be cut short by the disgraceful<br />
death, which none but slaves endured: the death<br />
of the cross.<br />
Let us hope that, by God’s mercy, the holy time we are<br />
now entering upon will work such a happy change in us,<br />
that, on the day of judgment, we may confidently fix our<br />
eyes on Him we are now about to contemplate crucified by<br />
the hands of sinners. (Dom Prosper Gueranger)
Index of Meditations i 115<br />
Author<br />
Goffine, Leonard<br />
(Priest)<br />
Schuster, Ildefonso<br />
(Blessed)<br />
Á Kempis, Thomas<br />
(Priest)<br />
Vercruysse, Bruno<br />
(Priest)<br />
Cyril of Alexandria<br />
(Saint)<br />
From Goffine’s Devout Instructions. © 1896. Benziger Brothers,<br />
New York.<br />
From Liber Sacramentorum, Volume 2. © 1925. Burns, Oates &<br />
Washbourne, London.<br />
From Imitation of Christ, Illuminated Edition. © 2019. Sophia<br />
Institute Press, Manchester.<br />
From New Practical Meditations, Volume 1. © 1875. Benziger<br />
Brothers, New York.<br />
From A Commentary Upon the Gospel according to S. Luke, R. Payne<br />
Smith, Tr. © 1859. Oxford University Press, Oxford.<br />
Page<br />
57<br />
63<br />
73<br />
85<br />
95<br />
Patrignani, Antony-<br />
Joseph (Priest)<br />
From Devotion to Saint Joseph. © 1897. P. J. Kennedy, New York. 103<br />
Thomas Aquinas<br />
(Saint)<br />
Gueranger, Prosper<br />
(Abbot)<br />
From Commentary on the Gospel of John. © 2013. The Aquinas<br />
Institute, Lander. Used with permission.<br />
From The Liturgical Year; Passiontide and Holy Week. © 1870.<br />
James Duffy, Dublin.<br />
111<br />
114<br />
J.P.W. (Anonymous) From A Novena of Meditations in Honour of Saint Joseph. © 1874.<br />
R. Washbourne, London.<br />
98<br />
De Montfort, Louis<br />
(Saint)<br />
De Montfort, Louis<br />
(Saint)<br />
From A Treatise on the True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. © 1863.<br />
Burns and Lambert, London.<br />
From The Secret of the Rosary for Renewal and Salvation. ©<br />
2001<strong>–</strong>16. Montfort Missionaries of Gt. Britain and Ireland.<br />
Used with permission.<br />
75<br />
Source Texts i 117<br />
Unless otherwise noted, all works referenced in<br />
BENEDICTUS are in the public domain.<br />
Liturgical Source Texts<br />
Latin ordinary and proper texts for Mass are drawn from the 1962 juxta<br />
typica edition of the Missale Romanum. Scripture texts are taken from<br />
the Clementine version of St. Jerome’s Vulgate. Morning and evening<br />
devotions are excerpted from the corresponding hours of Lauds and<br />
Vespers for the day, as contained in the 1888 Ratisbonæ edition of<br />
the Breviarium Romanum, with some adjustment to reflect the rubrics<br />
of 1960.<br />
The English translations of Mass texts are generally those of the<br />
celebrated Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance, taken from The New Roman<br />
Missal of 1937. In some cases, proper translations have been preferred<br />
from other approved authors, including Sequences from Dom Prosper<br />
Guéranger and certain antiphons from John Marquess of Bute.<br />
Scripture translations follow Bishop Challoner’s version of the Douay-<br />
Rheims Bible. Simplified Sunday rubrics are original.<br />
Meditation Source Texts<br />
See the Index of Meditations for source materials used each month,<br />
on p 115.
n<br />
Canticle of Zacharias (Lk 1:68<strong>–</strong>79)<br />
Benedíctus Dóminus, Deus Israël:<br />
quia visitávit, et fecit redemptiónem plebis suæ:<br />
Et eréxit cornu salútis nobis:<br />
in domo David, púeri sui.<br />
Sicut locútus est per os sanctórum,<br />
qui a sǽculo sunt, prophetárum ejus:<br />
Salútem ex inimícis nostris,<br />
et de manu ómnium, qui odérunt nos.<br />
Ad faciéndam misericórdiam cum pátribus nostris:<br />
et memorári testaménti sui sancti.<br />
Jusiurándum, quod jurávit ad Ábraham<br />
patrem nostrum, datúrum se nobis:<br />
Ut sine timóre, de manu inimicórum<br />
nostrórum liberáti, serviámus illi.<br />
In sanctitáte, et jurávit coram ipso,<br />
ómnibus diébus nostris.<br />
Et tu, puer, Prophéta Altíssimi vocáberis:<br />
præíbis enim ante fáciem Dómini, paráre vias eius:<br />
Ad dandam sciéntiam salútis plebi ejus:<br />
in remissiónem peccatórum eórum:<br />
Per víscera misericórdiæ Dei nostri:<br />
in quibus visitávit nos, óriens ex alto:<br />
Illumináre his, qui in ténebris, et in umbra mortis sedent:<br />
ad dirigéndos pedes nostros in viam pacis.<br />
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio,<br />
et Spirítui Sancto.<br />
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,<br />
et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.
n<br />
Canticle of Zacharias (Lk 1:68<strong>–</strong>79)<br />
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel;<br />
because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his people:<br />
And hath raised up an horn of salvation to us,<br />
in the house of David his servant:<br />
As he spoke by the mouth of his holy Prophets,<br />
who are from the beginning:<br />
Salvation from our enemies,<br />
and from the hand of all that hate us:<br />
To perform mercy to our fathers,<br />
and to remember his holy testament,<br />
The oath, which he swore to Abraham our<br />
father, that he would grant to us,<br />
That being delivered from the hand of our enemies,<br />
we may serve him without fear,<br />
In holiness and justice before him,<br />
all our days.<br />
And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest:<br />
for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways:<br />
To give knowledge of salvation to his people,<br />
unto the remission of their sins:<br />
Through the bowels of the mercy of our God,<br />
in which the Orient from on high hath visited us:<br />
To enlighten them that sit in darkness,<br />
and in the shadow of death:<br />
to direct our feet into the way of peace.<br />
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,<br />
and to the Holy Ghost.<br />
R. As it was in the beginning, is now,<br />
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Canticle of the Blessed Virgin (Lk 1:46<strong>–</strong>55)<br />
Magníficat ánima mea Dóminum.<br />
Et exsultávit spíritus meus:<br />
in Deo, salutári meo.<br />
Quia respéxit humilitátem ancíllæ suæ:<br />
ecce enim ex hoc beátam me<br />
dicent omnes generatiónes.<br />
Quia fecit mihi magna, qui potens est:<br />
et sanctum nomen ejus.<br />
Et misericórdia ejus, a progénie in progénies:<br />
timéntibus eum.<br />
Fecit poténtiam in brácchio suo:<br />
dispérsit supérbos mente cordis sui.<br />
Depósuit poténtes de sede:<br />
et exaltávit húmiles.<br />
Esuriéntes implévit bonis:<br />
et dívites dimísit inánes.<br />
Suscépit Israel púerum suum:<br />
recordátus misericórdiæ suæ.<br />
Sicut locútus est ad patres nostros:<br />
Ábraham, et sémini ejus in sæcula.<br />
V. Glória Patri, et Fílio,<br />
et Spirítui Sancto.<br />
R. Sicut erat in princípio, et nunc, et semper,<br />
et in saécula sæculórum. Amen.
Canticle of the Blessed Virgin (Lk 1:46<strong>–</strong>55)<br />
My soul doth magnify the Lord.<br />
And my spirit hath rejoiced<br />
in God my Saviour.<br />
Because he hath regarded the<br />
humility of his handmaid;<br />
for behold from henceforth all<br />
generations shall call me blessed.<br />
Because he that is mighty, hath<br />
done great things to me;<br />
and holy is his name.<br />
And his mercy is from generation<br />
unto generations,<br />
to them that fear him.<br />
He hath shewed might in his arm:<br />
he hath scattered the proud in<br />
the conceit of their heart.<br />
He hath put down the mighty from their seat,<br />
and hath exalted the humble.<br />
He hath filled the hungry with good things;<br />
and the rich he hath sent empty away.<br />
He hath received Israel his servant,<br />
being mindful of his mercy:<br />
As he spoke to our fathers,<br />
to Abraham and to his seed for ever.<br />
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,<br />
and to the Holy Ghost.<br />
R. As it was in the beginning, is now,<br />
and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
The Traditional Catholic Companion<br />
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• Classical essays on the<br />
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Front cover art: The Annunciation (1742), by Agostino Masucci.<br />
Minneapolis Institute of Art / The Ethel Morrison Van Derlip Fund.