November 2020 Edition

This is the magazine of the Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists. Our ideas find Oil and Gas.

This is the magazine of the Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists. Our ideas find Oil and Gas.


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Accelerating Growth in

Nigeria’s Hydrocarbon


Emerging Concepts,

Challenges & Opportunities



President’s Valecdictory Note



Nigerian E&P Industry Insight



The Shelfal Collapse Play -

A Case Study from a Producing Field

in Niger Delta, Offshore Nigeria


The Degeconek College

NAPE Nigeria


2020 Big Lessons

What to expect in 2021?

Portfolio restructure for survival and growth


Is working remotely sustainable?

Surviving another oil demand price crash

Transition to Unconventionals or Renewables

Thinking green

Health safety across value chain and supply chains

Where are the growth opportunities?


Abdullateef Amodu

NAPE Publicity Secretary

Editor NAPENews

The Oil & Gas

Industry OUTLOOK

elcome to the 2020 Conference

Wedition of your favorite oil and gas

news magazine with a focus on

Geosciences and Upstream news. This

NAPE Conference & Exhibition is going to be

a virtual conference and the theme is

Accelerating Growth in Nigeria's

Hydrocarbon Reserves: Emerging

C o n c e p t s , C h a l l e n g e s a n d

Opportunities. Join us in pioneering the

first of its kind fully comprehensive virtual

conference and exhibition in the Africa oil

and gas industry, as all is set to host the best

oil and gas conference ever.

The year 2020 will go down in history for the

phenomenal global economic disruption,

worldwide health crisis, and at some point,

several blanket nationwide lockdowns.

Despite the upheaval the COVID-19

pandemic created in the oil and gas industry;

the industry has remained resilient. For

survival, most companies focus on ultraoptimizing

operations, and MCPs (projects)

are delayed or cancelled. Across the oil and

gas value chain organizations are

undergoing portfolio realignment to posture

for growth and are increasing participation in

greener energy transition. With reduction in

infection rates, easing of movement globally,

increased economic activities and

promising progress in vaccine development;

global crude oil prices have recovered from

the 20-year low of below $20/bbl (Brent) in

April to approximately $40/bbl (Brent) at the

end of September 2020. The recovery is

good; however, we are not out of the woods

yet as different and separate health

authorities have warned of an impending

pandemic second wave.

With the end of the year two months away,

oil and gas companies are contemplating

the best strategies for 2021 and much

beyond for success... What does the oil and

gas industry crystal ball hold for the future?

T h e o i l a n d g a s i n d u s t r y o u t l o o k

considerations have fundamentally not

changed, however the influence of greener

energy, unconventional hydrocarbons,

battery technology, etc. appear to be

magnified and accelerated by the

pandemic. Global economic projections in

the near and medium term suggest a slow

recovery, structural over supply, increased

erosion of conventional hydrocarbon market

share and at best moderate global oil prices.

In Nigeria, fiscal uncertainty, operating

environment insecurity, protracted

regulatory bureaucracy, expensive incountry

funding and expensive business

environment are additional layers to add on

to the global challenges and issues.

To address these concerns, this edition of

NAPENews features a report on one of our

Webinars in our Webinar Series with the

theme: Fiscal Regime Design,

G o v e r n m e n t R e v e n u e s , a n d

Investors' Interest in Nigeria's Oil and

gas Sector with Chief Timipre Sylva, the

Honorable Minister of State Petroleum

Resources (HMSPR). Equally relevant, is the

article: The PIB or PIGB, Myths, Facts and

Prayers by Osten Olorunsola (Country

Chairman, the Energy Institute and former

Director DPR) where he x-rays the

Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), offers

additional insight, illustrates how to

participate in the law-making process and

provides relevant information for planning

and outlook models of the Nigeria oil and

gas landscape.

The NAPE 2020 Virtual International

Conference and Exhibition provides

focused platforms for Industry Leaders,

Executives, Regulators, Academics and

other key stakeholders to engage in robust

discussions that characterizes challenges

and issues to advance viable solutions that

will equip companies beyond coping with

the impact of the pandemic but succeed and

win in this emerging new energy landscape.

The Keynote Address at the Opening

Ceremony with the theme: The Future of

the Nigerian Oil and gas Industry

2021-2025 to be delivered by Chief Tunde

Afolabi MFR, FNAPE, Chairman Amni

International Petroleum Development

Company Limited. And the Management

Session with the theme, The Future of Oil

and gas Industry in a Low Oil Price

Environment: Survival Strategies.

These conference events will also enable

f u r t h e r d e e p e x a m i n a t i o n o f k e y

considerations in preparing for the

industry's future.

In addition to the editorial staples, this

edition of NAPENews contains the NAPE

President's valedictory address, and we

introduce you to new recipients of the Aret

A d a m s A w a r d , N A P E F e l l o w s h i p

beneficiaries, NOELA (NAPE Outstanding

Earth Science Lecture Award) and Young

Professionals Award. The entry 'What Future

does the Industry Hold for Recent

Graduates?' is also a must read for Young


This is my valedictory Editor's Desk, and I

am very humbled, pleased and immensely

grateful for the opportunity to serve with

such a committed and diverse group of

industry professionals in my capacity as

Publicity Secretary and the NAPENews

Editor. The list of encomiums is very long,

and special appreciation goes to the NAPE

Executive Committee, Advisory Council,

Publicity Committee, NAPENews Editorial

board and the NAPE Secretariat. I am

immensely grateful to Chevron, my

employers that granted consent and

enabled all my contributions to the


Finally, but not lastly, a big thank you to my

family, my wife Dr. Abioye Amodu for being

the covert publicity team member and my

l i f e m a n a g e r. T h e c o l l e c t i v e a n d

collaborative effort of this support system

executed a good number of successful

projects but there is a lot more to be done

and I wish the next Publicity Secretary all the

best advancing NAPE to much greater


Thank you, Enjoy the Conference and

Happy reading!

NAPENews is the magazine of

the Nigerian Association of

Petroleum Explorationists




Abdullateef Amodu

Editor NAPENews

David Anomneze

Dr. Juliet Emudianughe

Peace Ike

Sopreye Orupabo


Frank Phido

Media Consultant/Advisor

Lawrence Azubuike Osuagwu

Adverts and Circulation

Tunde Adedeji

Images and Technical




Adesola Falana

Ajibola Oyebamiji, FNAPE

Chizoba Ugwuagbo

Christian Ihwiwhu

Folake Faturoti

Ijeoma Onyido

James Odunuga

Modupe Gbeworo

Olajumoke Ajayi

Olanrewaju Aboaba

Osten Olorunsola

Oluwafemi Oyegun

Nina Bassey

Paul Kelechi

Promise Ekeh

Segun Akintayo

Tinuola Abina

Toyin Akinosho

Uchenna Ndianefo

NAPENews Photography

Francis Nwachukwu

Graphics Consultant &


Lumiere Multimedia

The Nigerian Association of

Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE)


47A Femi Okunnu Housing Estate,

Lekki Expressway, Lagos

Lekki Peninsula, Lagos Nigeria

Tel: +234 (0) 1 342 9082

+234 (0) 909 214 3198



Trustees of the Nigerian

Association of Petroleum

Explorationists (NAPE)

Chief Chamberlain Oyibo, FNAPE


Dr. Austin Avuru, FNAPE

Dr. D. Lambert Aikhionbare, FNAPE

Dr. 'Layi Fatona, FNAPE

Mavuaye James Orife, FNAPE

Advisory Council of the

Nigerian Association of

Petroleum Explorationists


Dr. Ebi Omatsola, FNAPE (Chairman)

Adedoja Ojelabi, FNAPE (Secretary)

Abraham Udoh

Ajibola Oyebamiji, FNAPE

Chikwe Edoziem, FNAPE

Dr. D. Lambert Aikhionbare, FNAPE

Dr. Emmanuel Enu, FNAPE

Godwin Ochogbu, FNAPE

Joe Ibeh, FNAPE

Dr. 'Layi Fatona, FNAPE

Mavuaye James Orife, FNAPE

Michael Egbosimba

Nosa Omorodion, FNAPE

Reginald Mbah

Dr. Victor Akan, FNAPE


The Nigerian Association of

Petroleum Explorationists

( N A P E ) a c c e p t s n o

responsibility for the views

expressed in any article in

this publication. All views

expressed, except where

explicitly stated otherwise,

represent those of the

author, and not The Nigerian

Association of Petroleum

Explorationists (NAPE). All

r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o

paragraph in this publication

may be reproduced, copied

or transmitted save with

written permission.

The information contained in

this magazine has been

provided as a public service.

All effort has been made to

ensure its accuracy and

reliability, NAPENews makes

no warranties,

representations, expressed

or implied, concerning the

accuracy, reliability or

c o m p l e t e n e s s o f t h e

information contained in this


The information in this

bulletin is provided on an “as

is” basis without warranty or









Media Workshop


PIB or PIGB: Myths,

Facts and Prayers

The Shelfal

Collapse Play - A

case study from a

producing field

The Degeconek

College - A look

back at 30 years of

producing technical


personnel for the

Nigerian Oil & Gas


Awards &



Editor's Desk

President's Valedictory Note

PE - CPC Chairman’s Welcome


Nigerian E&P Industry Insight

Membership Update


Chapter Reports

NAPE @ 45 Logo Design Contest

YP Report

Webinar with HMSPR

Valuable R&D in Nigeria; The Agip

(NAOC) Story

What Future the Industry

Holds for Recent Graduates














Valedictory Note


Alex N. Tarka, CPG, FNAPE

Dear Esteemed Colleagues,

I am most delighted and honored to

welcome you to the Conference edition

of the 38th Annual International

Conference & Exhibition (AICE) of your

favourite geosciences news magazine.

The Conference is holding under the

theme, Accelerating Growth in Nigeria's

Hydrocarbon Reserves: Emerging

C o n c e p t s , C h a l l e n g e s a n d


The year 2020, began with the global

COVID -19 pandemic, and for the first

two quarters of the year, the whole world

contended with the vilest effects of the

scourge. Some respite seemed to appear

in the horizon in the third quarter, not so

much for the fact that the virus was losing

its sting, but for the fact that the world

h a d a d o p t e d v a r i o u s c o p i n g

mechanisms and remediation measures

to keep the pandemic in check. Welcome

to the 'New Normal'.

For the oil and gas industry, the low oil

price regime was another head wind the

industry had to grapple with. Low oil

prices exacerbated by COVID-19 led to

suspension of contracts, job loses, poor

projects funding and sponsorships.

Africa's largest economy commenced

the final quarter by facing some of the

biggest (#ENDSARS) protests witnessed

since military rule ended in 1999. The

cumulative effects of the COVID-19

pandemic lockdowns and other

restrictions triggered a downturn in the

local and global economy.

It was in this gloomy and cheerless socioeconomic

weather, that the Conference

Planning Committee had to plan the 38th

Annual international Conference &


Countless brainstorming sessions were

held on how to put together an event that

was not going to be a dilution of previous

AICEs taking into cognizance the

imperatives of the COVID-19 protocol on

social distancing as well as travel

restriction and the like.

A decision was taken to go virtual. And for

the first time in the 45-year history of our

Association, we are hosting our AICE on a

virtual platform. I want to commend the

tenacity, creativity and dedication of the

members of the NAPE Executive

Committee and the resilience of the

members of the Conference Planning

Committee, headed by the President-

Elect, Patricia Ochogbu, FNAPE.

The themes for this year's Conference

and Pre- Conference Workshop were

chosen to address some of the

contemporary challenges facing our


Valedictory Note



Alex N. Tarka, CPG, FNAPE

industry. The Pre- Conference theme:

Levers for Optimal Costs Reduction in

Nigeria's Oil and Gas Production:

Positioning for a New Normal, was

chosen as NAPE's Contribution to

realizing the Federal Government's

aspiration of $10 per barrel production

cost benchmark by end of 2021.

The objective of the Pre-Conference

workshop is to identify the challenges

facing the Nigerian oil and gas industry in

this dispensation of the new normal with

regards to mitigating operational costs in

the face of plummeting oil prices and

demand occasioned by the COVID-19


As is our custom, at the end of the

Workshop, a communique of the

proceedings will be issued and

presented to the Federal Republic of

Nigeria as our expertise contribution

towards the actualization of the deadline

for the attainment of $10 per barrel

production cost benchmark.

I am happy to state that the Vice

President, Federal Republic of Nigeria,

His excellency Professor Yemi Osinbajo,

SAN, GCON will be attending our

Conference as the Special Guest of

Honour. He will be receiving the

Communiqué oh behalf of the Federal

Government of Nigeria.

I believe we

succeeded because

we tried our best, we

reacted positively to

the challenges that

confronted us, and

we adapted to the

new normal.

Also billed to be at the Opening

Ceremony on Tuesday 17 November are

our Host, the Executive Governor of

Lagos State, His Excellency, Mr. Babajide

Sanwo- Olu; Guests of Honour, the

Group Managing Director NNPC, Mele

Kolo Kyari, FNAPE; the Director/ CEO,

Department of Petroleum Resources

(DPR), Engr. Sarki Auwalu, MNSE;

President of NMGS, Engr. O. S Nkom,

FNMGS; SPE Nigeria Council Chairman,

Engr. Olatunji Akinwunmi; and Registrar/

CEO, COMEG, Professor Zacheus


The keynote paper will be delivered by

Chief Dr. Tunde Afolabi, MFR, FNAPE

Chairman, Amni Petroleum Development

Company Limited on the theme: The

Future of the Nigeria Oil & Gas Industry,


Chief Dr. Tunde Afolabi, FNAPE will also

be receiving NAPE's most prestigious

Award, The Aret Adams Award, at the

Opening Ceremony.

This year three illustrious members of our

Association will be conferred with the

Fellowship Award, namely, Mr. Elliot Ibie,

of SPDC, a past Publicity Secretary and

Vice President of NAPE; Mr. Bashir

Koledoye, a past Publicity Secretary of

N A P E a n d M a n a g i n g D i r e c t o r

Dharmattan Limited and Mrs. Nonny

Nwogbo of ExxonMobil.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is my

valedictory President's desk.

In my inaugural speech as President of

our great Association on Thursday

November 21, 2019, I quoted Barack

Obama, former President of America who

said at his inaugural speech that “I stand

here today humbled by the task before,

grateful for the trust you have bestowed,

mindful of the sacrifices borne by our


I want to once again express my gratitude

for the trust you have reposed in me to

serve as your president for the 2019/2020


M y d e e p a p p r e c i a t i o n s a n d

commendations go to the many men and

women who helped me in one way or the

other in navigating the affairs of our great

Association in the past one year.

In closing, please permit me to quote the

famous author Ron Lizzi, who wrote ''Life

rarely follows a straight line. Success is a

process of trying, reacting and


I believe we succeeded because we tried

our best, we reacted positively to the

challenges that confronted us, and we

adapted to the new normal.

All Glory to the Almighty God

Thank you

Alex N. Tarka, CPG, FNAPE


Welcome Addre

Chairperson, Conference

Planning Committee &


Patricia Ochogbu, FNAPE

Dear Conference Participants,

I am excited and privileged to

welcome you to the 38th NAPE

Annual International Conference and

Exhibition (AICE). The theme of this

year's conference is “Accelerating

Growth in Nigeria's Hydrocarbon

Reserves: Emerging Concepts,

Challenges and Opportunities'’

The year 2020 has been challenging

in many dimensions. The Corona

virus pandemic has altered the way

we live, conduct our businesses and

even relate with each other. The

pandemic has changed the global

landscape such that any organization

planning on hosting a meeting,

seminar or conference will need to

make certain tough decisions. The

attendant impact of COVID-19 on

crude oil prices has not helped

matters either. In fact the greatest

achievement of each person for 2020

could be, staying alive and well.

The NAPE Executive Committee was

faced with the difficult choice of either

postponing, canceling or hosting an

abridged version of the AICE. The

Exco went for the bold option of

hosting the conference with the full

bouquet of events. The social

distancing imperatives meant that the

conference had to be hosted virtually

or using a hybrid format. We chose

the hybrid format.

The Conference Planning Committee

(CPC) blazed the trail in exploring

new ways to host our first ever virtual

AICE. Firstly, we had to gain the

commitment of participants and

potential sponsors that taking part in

a virtual AICE would still deliver great

value. Secondly, hosting online

events presents peculiar challenges;

one of which is engaging the services

of the right Technology Solutions

provider. Fortunately, we found one

with bespoke applications fit for our

online platforms and at a competitive


This year's AICE will take place

virtually and with limited physical

presence at two locations -The Eko

Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, and

the NAPE Secretariat in Lekki, Lagos

from November 15-19, 2020. Pre-

Conference activities (Virtual field

trip, Short-Courses, President's

Night, etc.) started from the 13th

November 2020.

The Opening Ceremony holds on

The Conference Planning Committee (CPC)

blazed the trail in exploring new ways to host

“our first ever virtual AICE.


Welcome Addre

Chairperson, Conference Planning Committee &

President-Elect (cont’d)

Tuesday 17th November 2020. His

Excellency, Professor Yemi Osinbajo,

SAN, GCON, Vice President, Federal

Republic of Nigeria will be the Special

Guest of Honour. The Keynote paper

titled, The Future of the Nigerian Oil &

Gas Industry 2021-2025, will be

delivered by Chief Dr. Tunde Afolabi,

MFR, FNAPE, Chairman/CEO of

AMNI International Petroleum

Development Company Limited.

The theme of the Pre-Conference

Workshop which held on Monday

16th November 2020 is on “Levers for

Optimal Costs Reduction in Nigeria's

Oil and Gas Production: Positioning

for the New Normal”. The Keynote

Speaker will be Roger Brown - CEO,

Seplat Petroleum Development

Company Plc. while the Pre-

Conference communique will be read

at the opening ceremony and be

published in the dailies.

The 38th Annual International

Conference and Exhibition will also

provide learning opportunities which

include the Young Professionals

Program, Pre-Conference Short

Courses from 14-15th, and 17th

November and a one-day Pre-

Conference Field Trip on Friday 13th

November with the theme: Coastal

Environments: Relating Modern-Day

P r o c e s s e s t o S e d i m e n t a r y

Successions jointly hosted by NAPE

and Women in Geosciences and

Engineers (WiGE).

The President's Night, a black tie

e v e n t d e s i g n e d t o h o s t a n d

appreciate Sponsors of NAPE's

programs and activities will take

place on Saturday 14th November


Taking place on the same day as the

Pre-Conference Workshop are the

Basin Evaluation Competition and

the Young Professionals (YP) Forum.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM)

concludes proceedings of events for

that day.

The first NAPE virtual Exhibition will

be declared open immediately after

the Opening Ceremony. Thereafter

the Management Session will begin

at 1:30pm. The theme of the

Management Session is “The Future

of Oil & Gas in a Low Oil Price

Environment: Survival Strategies''.

Keynote papers will be delivered by

the CEOs of TOTAL & SHELL,

followed by paper presentations from

D i s t i n g u i s h e d S p e a k e r s a n d


In the evening of Tuesday November

17th, our second social event of the

conference, the “African Night” will

take place from 5.30-8:00 pm. This

event enables members to showcase

Nigerian/African diverse cultures and

performances by selected cultural

troupes across Nigeria and Africa in a

virtual setting.

Wednesday 18th November is the

s t a r t d a t e f o r o u r t e c h n i c a l

papers/poster sessions and WIGE


Thursday 15th, November is the last

day of the Conference. Technical and

Poster Presentations will continue till

5:00 pm when both Technical and

P o s t e r P re s e n t a t i o n s w i l l b e

concluded. The Conference will

formally close in the evening with our

Awards & Recognitions Night, which

will also feature the handover and

swearing in of the New NAPE

Executive Committee.

The Conference Planning Committee

(CPC) has worked tirelessly to put

together NAPE's first virtual AICE. Let

me seize this opportunity to

commend and appreciate the efforts

of the ladies and gentlemen who have

put in time, intellect and resources to

make this Conference a reality.

Finally, I wish to welcome our

professional Associations: NMGS,

AAPG, SEG, SPE and EAGE to this

Conference. I hope you have a

worthwhile and enriching experience.

Thank you,

Patricia Ochogbu FNAPE

President-Elect and Chairman

Conference Planning Committee








15-19 NOVEMBER 2020


CELEBRATING 1975 - 2020












The Nigerian Association of Petroleum

Explorationists (NAPE) recently hosted a

Workshop for Media Professionals

covering energy and the oil and gas

sectors of the Nigerian economy as well

as oil and gas professionals working in

t h e C o r p o r a t e C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

departments in oil and gas companies.

The theme of the workshop was

'Accessing Quality Information & Data

Jour nalism for Oil & Gas Media

Professionals' and it held virtually on

Tuesday September 29, from 11:00 am.

Speakers at the one-day virtual event

were, George Oguachuba, Executive

Director, Commercial & Strategy, Total

Exploration & Production Ltd. who spoke

o n t h e t h e m e , E x p l o r a t i o n a n d

Production Value Chain Business and

Key stakeholders; Yvette Dimiri, Growth

Editor, Stears Business, delivered a

paper titled Data and Digital Journalism:

Effective Tools for Data Driven Reporting

and Toyin Akinosho, FNAPE, Publisher

African Oil + Gas Report who spoke on

Oil and Gas Reporting in the World of

Fake News.

In his Opening remarks at the event,

NAPE President, Mr. Alex Tarka, FNAPE,

said ''NAPE's rationale for hosting the

workshop is to enrich the quality of the

reportage of events in the oil and gas

space by facilitating in depth deliberate

conversations to address and close the

gaps and opportunities in interviews,

messaging, reporting and overall

coverage of the oil and gas industry in

Nigeria by media professionals''. He

added that ''the oil and gas industry is

highly technical in its processes and

operations. It is important that the

reportage of events in the oil and gas

space is accomplished by oil and gas

media professionals with competence

and capacity''

Mr. Tarka further stated that, ''Data

Journalism beyond the visual and

statistical representation it entails, is an

important resource for journalists and

indeed oil and gas media professionals to

ensure accurate representation of events

especially in a data driven industry like

the oil and gas industry.''

In his presentation titled Exploration and

Production Value Chain Business and

K e y s t a k e h o l d e r s , M r. G e o r g e

Oguachuba said ''the oil and gas industry

generates 70 percent of Nigeria's annual

revenue and that the sector accounts for

$100bn of total real GDP and employs

over 400,000 people across the value

chain''. He also spoke on the Petroleum

Industry Bill saying its passage would

boost exploration activities in the


Mr. Oguachuba added that the Federal

Government's bid to attain the three

million barrels a day production by 2023

may not be realized unless it addresses

the fiscal terms of its Production Sharing

Contracts (PSCs) with international oil

companies (IOCs) and other investors in

the country's upstream petroleum sector.

He also picked holes in the amended

fiscal terms of the PSCs, maintaining that

the structure does not allow for

appreciable profits for the IOCs who take

the greater part in the risk sharing


Speaking while delivering her paper

titled, Data and Digital Journalism:

Effective Tools for Data Driven Reporting,

Yvette Dimiri emphasized the need for

media houses to adopt digital journalism

with a view to simplifying their write-ups

to their readers. She shared new tools for

digital Journalism, challenges of data

journalism in the oil and gas industry

especially data sourcing and provided a

catalogue of credible resources for data

journalism in oil and gas.

Toyin Akinosho in his paper with the title,

Oil and Gas Reporting in the World of

F a k e N e w s a d m o n i s h e d e n e rg y

correspondents to be wary of fake news

which he said can cause massive

mistrust and confusion.

The Workshop which was moderated by

NAPE's Irrepressible Publicity Secretary

Mr. Abdullateef Amodu and Wole

Famurewa, former West Africa Editor at

CNBC Africa had over 40 participants in


The workshop is NAPE's Corporate

Social Responsibility initiative to enable

the growth of the oil and gas reporting

competence by providing free master

class training for oil and gas media

professionals by world class speakers on

germane themes.







The rig “IKENGA RIG 101” was drilling

the 81/2-inch hole at 11,5000 feet in

Kolmani River-3, as of the week of

August 17, 2020. It is the second of

the multiwell campaign by the

N i g e r i a n N a t i o n a l P e t ro l e u m

Corporation (NNPC) in the Gongola

Basin. The well was spud in April 2020

and is planned to drill to 13,250 feet

True Vertical Depth (TVD). Kolmani

River-3 is testing some of the zones

that encountered hydrocarbon in

Kolmani River-2, as well as other

entirely different accumulations,

impeccable sources tell Africa

O i l + G a s R e p o r t .

As with the earlier probe, the drilling

conditions had been tough. The hole

claimed six PDC bits in the 121/2-inch

hole. NNPC, the state hydrocarbon

firm, has kept a tight lid on the results

of subsurface evaluation in the probe.

Even personnel of Etihad Oilfield

Services, which is providing turnkey

services for the probe, are not allowed

to know.

For nine (9) months in 2019, NNPC

drilled Kolmani River -2, an appraisal

of Kolmani River-1, Shell's 1999 gas

discovery, to a total depth of 13,701

feet. The company declared that it

encountered “significant” oil and gas

in several levels, adding that “a Drill

Stem Test (DST) was going to confirm

the commercial viability and flow of

the Kolmani River reservoirs”. NNPC

added that “Preliminary reports

indicate that the discovery consists of

gas, condensate and light sweet oil of

API gravity ranging from 38o to 41o

found in stacked siliciclastic

cretaceous reservoirs of Yolde, Bima

S a n d s t o n e a n d P r e - B i m a

formations”. The result of the drill

stem test was never announced. Nor

has there been information as to

whether Kolmani River-2 was plugged

and abandoned, or suspended


The Sinopec owned and operated

jack up rig, New Sheng-Li-1 has restarted

operations on the EA field

offshore the Central Niger Delta. The

six-year-old rig, built by CMC Raffles,

was drilling for Shell Nigeria when it

was shut down due to the realization

that scores of workers had tested

positive for COVID-19. Over 60

N i g e r i a n w o r k e r s w h o w e r e

a s y m p t o m a t i c a n d s o m e

symptomatic Chinese onboard tested

positive. The rig effectively became

an isolation center, as “those who

tested negative have been moved out

while those who tested positive

remain on board and are being

monitored and released as they turn

negative”, a top manager at the

NNPC, the state hydrocarbon

company, confirmed to Africa

Oil+Gas Report, last June. “But now

everything is clear and drilling activity

has resumed”.








NNPC is working on a plan to improve

the utilisation of natural gas produced in

the country such that less gas will be reinjected

and less will be flared. The

c o r p o r a t i o n ' s s o u rc e s s a y t h e

centerpiece of a five-year plan to 2025 is

to increase domestic gas sales from

around 1.5Billion standard cubic feet

per day today to 4.5Billion standard

cubic feet. But it is clear that the

ambition is farfetched, with the current

system, in which power plants; the

major user of natural gas are not taking

Biseni, AkriOguta, Ubie-Oshi and Afuo-

Ogbainbri), the development of 7 TCF

NPDC's OML 26, 30 & 42, the

d e v e l o p m e n t o f 2 . 2 T C F S h e l l

Petroleum Development Company,

(SPDC) JV Gas Supply to Brass Fertilizer

Company, cluster development of 5 TCF

OML 13 to support the expansion of

Seven Energy Uquo Gas Plant and

cluster development of 10 TCF

Okpokunou/Tuomo West (OML 35 & 62)

have all been rather quiet.


The Nigerian National Petroleum

Corporation (NNPC) declared open on

Tuesday, August 11, 2020, bids by

interested private investors to repair the

pipelines and depots that are serving

the refineries. This project is expected to

be operated on a public-private

partnership basis as the bidders are

expected to finance and execute the

project, then operate for an agreed

number of years before transferring

back to the NNPC. In other words, the

even the volumes contracted and those

who are taking are not paying promptly.

NNPC's upstream plans to expand the

overall gas volumes, notably the

development of seven critical Gas

Development Projects (7CGDP)

scheduled to deliver about 3.4Billion

standard cubic feet of gas per day on an

accelerated basis, has not gone far. Out

of those projects, only the 4.3 Trillion

cubic feet (TCF) Assa North/Ohaji South

field has gained traction. Others: the 6.4

TCF Unitized Gas fields (Samabribidders

for the extensive repairs of

these pipelines would have to finance

them independently and operate for a

defined period in order to recover their

investment costs with throughput tariffs

from the consumers. This model is

similar to the one that had been in place

by the state oil giant for the refineries.

The NNPC had also announced plans to

get private investors to invest in the

repair of the 3 refineries on a repair and

operate basis, as they do not want to be

involved in the management of these

refineries. The pipelines, which

according to NNPC are in dire need of

c o m p r e h e n s i v e r e p a i r s , h a v e

experienced years of incessant theft

and vandalism as well as ageing. In

addition, the new pipelines would need

intrusion detection systems, as well as

deep burial, to stop theft or vandalism.

The deadline for the submission of these

bids is due by September 18.









The Nigerian government is not in the

best place to support the country's oil

industry, notably the upstream sector,

with any form of palliatives, to cushion

the effect of the pandemic. “As a

government we are not also in the best

frame and shape at this point”, Timipre

Sylva, the country's Minister of State for

Petroleum Resources, has said. “Our

earnings are heading south as a result of

COVID-19”, Sylva said at a discourse

with the Nigerian Association of

Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE). “So,

we are not in the best position right now

to support in more positive terms”, he

explained. Sylva said that “the easier

way to support is to make sure that the

fiscal terms, the framework around your

operational environment are actually

eased, so that, at least, you can operate

better. And unfortunately, these are not

things that we can do for most of the

time”. “But, I think”, he explained “the

most important support for the industry I

believe, will come from the Petroleum

Industry Bill (PIB, the reform legislation

currently on its way to parliament),

“because the PIB is taking everything

holistically into consideration to ensure

that at least, operators will have the best

terms available”. In the course of the

dialogue, Sylva had earlier revealed that

royalties for onshore and shallow water

assets (in which most Nigerian

independents participate) would be

reduced “in the new law”. He had also

noted that the law would “establish a

gas base price that is higher than current

levels for producers and this base price

will increase over time. This price level

should be sufficiently attractive to

increase gas production significantly

since this gas price will be comparable

with gas prices in other emerging

economies with considerable gas

production”. Sylva offered that the PIB

would be very competitive. “We are

looking at the global environment. It is a

very competitive environment now in the

oil and gas sector. I will want to ensure

that Nigeria continues to be one of the

destinations of choice and that is why

we ensure that the PIB is least as easy

on the industry as much as possible.


The Nigerian Content Development and

Monitoring Board (NCDMB) and key

organisations in the oil and gas industry

– the Petroleum Technology Association

o f N i g e r i a ( P E TA N ) , P e t ro l e u m

Contractors Trade Section (PCTS), Oil

Producers Trade Section (OPTS) and

the Nigeria LNG Ltd have advised

against increasing the percentage of the

Nigerian Content Development Fund

(NCDF) from the current 1% to 2% as

proposed in the amendment of the

Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content

Development (NOGIDC) Act.

The NCDF is deducted from the value of

contracts awarded in the oil and gas

industry and was pegged at 1% by the

NOGICD Act of 2010. The organisations

canvassed this position in separate

presentations they made last Monday in

Abuja at the two-day public hearing

organised by the Joint Senate

C o m m i t t e e a n d H o u s e o f

Representatives Committee on Nigerian

Content Development and Monitoring.

The NCDMB argued that the 1% NCDF

deduction should be maintained, “given

the pressure that the global oil and gas

companies are facing with cost

escalations and price reductions in the

industry. With prudent management of

the NCDF and the full cooperation of the

operating companies, we believe Local

Content shall continue to operate

efficiently and grow.” The public hearing

i s f o c u s e d o n t h re e p ro p o s e d

legislations, namely the Bill for an Act to

amend Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry

Content Development Act, Cap 2, 2010

and other maters connected thereto and

the Bill for an Act to enact Nigerian Local

Content Act for the development,

regulation and enforcement of Nigerian

Content in all sectors of the Nigerian

economy except Oil and Gas Industry

Sector and for related matters.

The third legislation seeks to repeal the

NOGICD Act and enact Nigerian Local

Content Development and Enforcement

Commission Act and establish the

Nigerian Local Content Development

and Enforcement Commission. The

NCDMB also responded to the

proposed new provision to earmark

0.5% of gross revenue of oil and gas

c o m p a n i e s f o r r e s e a r c h a n d

development, saying that the Board

welcomes it on the condition that the

money would be for the operator's own

utilization. The Board also supported

the proposal by the amendment to add

Naira to the Benchmark Currency for

Local Contracts “This means a

paradigm shift from the dollardenominated

provision to a bi-currency

model,” the Executive Secretary




Myths, Facts and Prayers

by Osten Olorunsola, FEI

Country Chairman The Energy Institute

Chairman CEO Energetikos Limited

(Former Director DPR)

My Hopes and Prayers

My prayer and belief is that the Nigeria

Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), the defacto

arrowhead of the industry reforms

which had journeyed for some 20 years

will finally reach its destination and

become a Petroleum Industry Act, come

2021. No matter what shape or form, it is

time to get over with the PIB!!

Given how aligned the stars are this time

around, the Bill originating and owned

by the Executive, completed and

transmitted in the early parts of the 2nd

term of this Administration to a nearhomogeneous

National Assembly, there

is a very good chance that this prayer

will be answered.

It is needless to ruminate or ponder over

estimates of the economic and other

losses due to non-completion of the

reforms for many years, protracted

uncertainty as well as obsolescence of

extant laws. Such losses will most likely

never be recovered.

Hence my hope. As soon as the new

and hopefully a good law is in place, let

us ensure it is implemented as intended,

and equally important, with a sense of

urgency so that Nigeria can, in the least,

cut its losses!!

Billion Cubic Feet (bcf) of gas daily of

which some 40% goes for export, 52%

is for domestic use and re-injection,

while about 8% (mainly associated gas)

is flared.

Oil remains a major source of revenue

for Nigeria. It is Nigeria's most important

non-renewable energy source, as it

contributes over 90% of the country's

foreign exchange earnings and about

80% of its recurrent and capital

expenditure. While the government's

vision and aspiration continues to target

diversification of the economy, the

petroleum industry remains the primary

source of revenue to make that happen

and it will continue to sustain the

country even in the foreseeable future.

The Nigeria Petroleum

Industry Reforms


The world, and in particular the energy

m a r k e t i s f a c i n g n e w a n d

unprecedented challenges, climate

change, rapidly changing energy mix,

recent pandemic, volatility and

uncertainties, a combined situation that

require countries to think out new

approaches to managing their natural


In Nigeria, some or all of these

challenges have been at play to varying


In addition to peculiar underlying local

conditions, the challenges have led to

s i g n i fi c a n t d e c l i n e s i n v a r i o u s

dimensions over the years, including oil

production, revenues to government,

funding of Nigeria's commitments to its

joint venture partners, institutional and

human capital development, resource

ownership and control, insecurity and

h o s t c o m m u n i t y r e l a t i o n s ,

macroeconomic conditions and fiscal


Unfortunately, as the declines were

happening, the news of reforms and

coming new legislation filled the

industry. These became the centrepoint

of protracted uncertainty in the

industry as investors would rather wait

until the new law is in place. This

uncertainty, to me, has been the most

devastating cause of oil production

decline since Nigeria's peak mid-2005.

The continued

relevance of Petroleum

in Nigeria

Nigeria currently has proven oil plus

condensate reserves of about 37 billion

barrels. Effective production capacity is

about 2 million barrels of light, sweet

quality crude oil plus condensates per

day, still the largest in Sub-Saharan

Africa. Its natural gas reserves are

substantial at about 203 trillion cubic

feet (tcf), representing about 3 percent

of the world's total. From this, the

country produces approximately 7.5

Nigeria’s Oil + Condensate Production


Decade of Repression


and Start of Violence

Decade of Confrontation

and Resource Control

Decade of Deep



Decade of Legsilative Uncertainty



Myths, Facts and Prayers (cont’d)

Efforts to ameliorate the challenges

proved abortive until the start of a major

i n d u s t r y re f o r m i n A p r i l 2 0 0 0 ,

culminating in the delivery of the Oil and

Gas Sector (Reform) Implementation

Committee (OGIC) report in 2004.

The enactment of an encompassing

legislation for the Nigerian petroleum

industry was anticipated for over a

decade now. The first draft of a PIB was

submitted to the 6th National Assembly

in September 2008.

Unfortunately, it suffered so much

recycling and eventually stalled due to

various issues including the need for the

PIB to address key concerns affecting

several stakeholder groups which were

categorized broadly under institution &

governance, administration, fiscal

terms, and host communities. There

was also a lot of push back on the

omnibus nature of the Bill then.

In 2010, the local content aspect of the

PIB was excised and repackaged as a

separate Bill. It eventually became the

NCDMB Act and has since changed the

local content landscape in the industry.

A further effort made during the 7th

National Assembly to repackage the PIB

suffered the same fate of non-passage.

Consequently in the wisdom of the 8th

National Assembly, the Bill was

u n b u n d l e d i n t o f o u r ( 4 ) m a i n

components: the Petroleum Industry

Governance Bill (PIGB), the Petroleum

Industry Administration Bill, the

Petroleum Host Community Bill (PHCB)

and the Petroleum Industry Fiscal Bill


It was decided that the unbundled

components would be addressed and

passed into law as distinct laws.

The PIGB was the forerunner of the

unbundled Bills and was then prioritized

in the legislative journey as it sought to

revitalize the regulatory framework of

the Petroleum Industry, through the

creation of regulatory institutions and

commercial entities. It was eventually

passed by the National Assembly in

2018 and transmitted to the Presidency

for assent. The failure to sign the Bill by

the President further stalled seeing a

possible end to the protracted reforms

of the Nigeria petroleum industry.

Soon after the start of the second term

of the Administration of President

Muhammadu Buhari, a team was put in

place to once again repackage the PIB

as an Executive Bill. The team worked

through most of 2019-2020 and on 28

S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 0 , P r e s i d e n t

Muhammadu Buhari presented the

Petroleum Industry Bill 2020 (PIB 2020)

to the National Assembly for its

consideration and subsequent passage

into law. It is an elaborate omnibus piece

of legislation that would repeal existing

legislations in the Petroleum Industry

and serve as the single governing

legislation going forward.

Timeline for Legislative

Passage of PIB 2020

Following transmission to the 9th

National Assembly, an engagement

session was held with the Executive to

better understand the principles,

philosophy and details as presented in

the PIB 2020. Thereafter, on the 30th

day of September 2020, the 1st Reading

took place at plenary in both the Senate

as well as the House of Representatives.

By Tuesday 20th of October 2020, the

Senate held its 2nd Reading and passed

the Bill to the relevant committees for

further deliberation. The House of

Representatives is also making efforts

to do same so that, barrring delays or

disruptions, the statutory Public

Hearing with all stakeholders can be

called and held sometime in December

before closure for Christmas holidays.

Upon resumption in January 2021, the

remaining aspects of the legislative

journey can be expedited to ensure

passage and assent hopefully during

the first half of the year.

Structure & Objectives

of PIB 2020

The Petroleum Industry Bill 2020 aims to

align with and strengthen the existing

Petroleum Policy which has a Vision “To

become a nation where hydrocarbons

are used as fuel for national economic

growth and not simply as a source of


The strategic objectives of the Policy are


Ÿ Enable a market driven oil and gas


Ÿ M a x i m i s e p r o d u c t i o n o f


Ÿ Move away from oil as a source of

income to oil as a fuel for economic


Ÿ Minimise the environmental footprint

of oil exploration and production

Ÿ Managing the balance between

depleting oil resources vs renewable


Henceforth, petroleum as a resource will

be prioritized to meet domestic demand

over exports. The intention of the policy

is to realize additional value from oil and

gas by encouraging the development of

petroleum-based industries using the

proceeds to drive industrialization and

national development as against

primarily increasing revenue.

The Bill is broadly structured into five

Chapters, namely:

Chapter 1: Governance &


Chapter 2: Administration

of Upstream, Midstream

and the Downstream

Chapter 3: Fiscal


Chapter 4: Host

Community Development

Chapter 5: Miscellaneous

It is aimed at achieving the following

core objectives:

1. Promote economic growth through

increased oil and gas production;

2. Promote economic growth through

strong investments in midstream gas

infrastructure to increase gas based

power generation and industries;

3. Promote frontier exploration;

4. Establish an effective acreage

management system;

5. Create transparency and nonconfidentiality;

6. Transform NNPC into a viable



Myths, Facts and Prayers (cont’d)

commercially based and selfsustaining

national oil company;

7. Create a strong regulatory framework

w i t h i n c r e a s e d e m p h a s i s o n

midstream development;

8. Create an effective midstream and

downstream licensing system;

9. Promote improved environmental


1 0 . A s s i s t h o s t c o m m u n i t i e s i n

petroleum operation areas to achieve

their aspirations.

Post passage,

Implementation will be


The PIB 2020 will hopefully become an

Act in 2021.

Given the far reaching changes

e n s h r i n e d i n t h e B i l l c u r re n t l y

undergoing its legislative journey to

becoming law, the next phase of

implementation will be very important to

ensure the intent of the law becomes the

practice for the sector. Government and

industry must collaborate to make the

reforms work.

Accordingly, a robust framework to

guide that phase of rolling out and

embedding the new laws will come in

handy. No doubt, being an Executive

Bill, government will take a lead in the

implementation. However, it will be

advised to include industry professional

bodies and individuals with in-depth

knowledge of the expectations of the

reforms to drive the implementation.

Last words for


The world's energy systems are the

bedrock of global economies, but fossil

fuels account for nearly 90% of global

greenhouse gas emissions, making

climate change the defining factor of the

future of energy. A shift towards cleaner

energy is gathering pace every day. And

it is becoming progressively clearer that

oil and gas practitioners can only

continue to thrive through increasing

efficiency, de-carbonization and

expanding renewables. Therefore,

g o v e r n m e n t s a n d i n d e e d a l l

stakeholders must all adapt to survive.

Aside, the Coronavirus pandemic has

been most devastating and damaging to

the oil and gas industry. Demand is

struggling, and oil price is signaling low

for longer levels. Debates are on

whether globally, the world has actually

passed the so-called peak oil.

Should this be the case, Nigeria's

revenue generation from oil will no

longer be as buoyant as in the past. In

fact, it is even becoming clearer that the

country may not realize the usual value

from its oil as about 50% of current

known reserves of 37 billion barrels may

never make it to surface.

Unfortunately, despite over sixty years

of oil exploration and production and

massive inflow of rents occasioned by

multiple periods of oil boom in particular,

Nigeria still struggles in terms of basic

infrastructure and socio-economic


The non-passage of the PIB for some 12

years has had inimical impact on Nigeria

having lost billions of dollars in terms of

revenues. In addition, the continuous

stalling and delay in the passage of the

bill has hampered huge investment

opportunities, denying Nigeria the

unique competitive position as an oil

and gas leader in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Therefore, this umpteenth time around,

the political will of government is most

desired. All hands must be on deck and

everything must be done to ensure that

the 20-year reform journey is concluded

and a new legislation emplaced. This

must be followed by a focused, robust

and paced implementation program

with clear indicators that will signal

whether the new law is delivering as

intended and promised. And if and

where not, a fast-tracked amendment

must be embarked upon as the

remaining period for oil for revenues is

much less than 20 years.

Conversely, a robust set of terms must

be dedicated for gas exploration and

development, being the fuel of the


All hands must be on deck and everything

must be done to ensure that the 20-year

reform journey is concluded and a new

legislation emplaced.

Last words for the


Industry stakeholders must cooperate

and collaborate with government to

ensure conclusion of this protracted

reforms. Given the economic challenges

of government, not the least the impact

of COVID-19, it may be impossible for

industry to negotiate or secure all it

wants from a good and attractive law.

However, given that the window for

material investments are closing every

day, it will be advisable to simply focus

and ensure a win-win on priority

provisions that will secure investments

for existing businesses as well as



Nigerian Association of Petroleum

Explorationists (NAPE) membership

has grown to over 12,150 individual

members and over 170 supporting

corporate members. This Association

is undeniably the largest Upstream Oil

& G a s p r o f e s s i o n a l b o d y f o r

Geoscientists in Africa. Outside the

NAPE Lagos Headquarters there are

six (6) regional NAPE Chapters. The

NAPE Chapters are Abuja, Benin, Port-

Harcourt, UK/Europe, Uyo/Calabar and

Warri Chapters and each Chapter is

headed by a Chapter Chairman.



Membership provides a platform for

coming together to network, promote

and learn about the geological

sciences with emphasis on the

exploration of petroleum. NAPE's

mandate is to continue to promote the

propagation and exchange of technical

knowledge in Petroleum Exploration

and Production for the overall benefit of

the oil and gas industry. All these

culminating to inspire high professional

conduct among its membership.




Right to publish affiliation with


Free subscription to NAPE bulletins

and newsletters, etc.



Membership of this Association

c o n s i s t s o f t h e f o l l o w i n g


a. Active Member

b. Junior Member

c. Student Member

d. Associate Member

e. Corporate Member

Other special membership status

includes Emeritus, Fellow and

Honorary membership status. We have

a total of 227. Fellows (155), Emeritus

(49) and Honorary Member (23) in our

Association as at 1st of November


Applications can be done online via

this link:



In its efforts to fulfil its mandate, NAPE

works diligently to become vital to the

careers of its membership and the

industry it serves by providing access

to best practises, operational

e x p e r i e n c e , l e s s o n s l e a r n e d ,

technological innovations and a peep

into the future through our diverse

platforms and forums such as our

Annual International Conference &

E x h i b i t i o n ( A I C E ) , M o n t h l y

Te c h n i c a l / B u s i n e s s M e e t i n g s ,

subsidized Short Courses, Workshops,

University Assistance Program,

Student/Post Graduate Scholarships,


Our Individual and Corporate Members

receive a unique suite of valuable NAPE

membership benefits. Among them


Ÿ I n v i t e s t o M o n t h l y

Technical/Business Meetings

Ÿ Discount on in-house continuing

education courses

Ÿ D i s c o u n t o n N A P E A n n u a l

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e re n c e &


The Annual Membership fees for 2020

are as follows:









Further enquiries can be directed to the NAPE Membership Officer, see contact


Ms. Abieyuwa Ogbebor;

Technical - Membership Officer

Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists

47A Femi Okunnu Housing Estate, Lekki/Epe Expressway

Lekki Peninsula, Lagos Nigeria.

Tel: +234 (0) 8030432784, +234 (0)9092143198

Email: abieyuwa.o@nape.org.ng



Corporate N10,000 N30,000 N50,000 N90,000

Active N1,000 N3,000 N10,000 N14,000

Associate N1,000 N3,000 N10,000 N14,000

Junior N1,000 N2,000 N5,000 N8,000

Student ---- ----- N2,000 N2,000



AUGUST 2020 - OCTOBER 2020





























































































































































































AUGUST 2020 - OCTOBER 2020






























































































The Shelfal Collapse Play

A Case Study From A Producing Field In The Niger Delta, Offshore Nigeria

Ndianefo Uchenna, Bassey Nina, Onyido Ijeoma

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited


The Shelfal Collapse Play ranks as one of the least understood and understudied plays in the petroleum industry.

Interestingly, this play has one of the most unique, distinguishable and predictable genetic process associations that

translates to a potential set of very distinctive prospects comprising good quality reservoirs and traps, as clearly observed

and described in the Abang and Oso fields, offshore Niger Delta.

The collapse of a shallow marine prograding wedge rich with sandy deposits at the Oso Field, led to the emplacement of

sand-rich gravity deposits in favorable trapping configurations at the Abang Field. Instability caused by high rates of

sediment supply without commensurate accommodation downdip and consequent loading of shelf-edge deltaic sediments

on a decollement surface or zone is one of the leading mechanisms of this type of shelfal collapse.

Multiple depositional styles have been observed on seismic within the accommodation created by the collapse. They

typically involve the deposition of slumps and slides recognized as concave upwards rafted geometries in cross-section,

passing downdip into debris flow identified as mostly chaotic and transparent seismic facies, followed by a capping

succession of turbiditic deposits recognized by channel map patterns on amplitude extractions.

A case study from the Abang Field using seismic and well logs will throw more light on these clear identification criteria, which

can be used in finding similar prospects within the geologic record. The resourceful nature of this play will be highlighted by

the Abang wells which produce oil from both the turbiditic and debrite facies with end of field life recovery factor estimated to

be between 0.35 and 0.60.mic analysis method to attribute studies has helped in the DHI discrimination of the deep

prospects in the Ava field.


Shelfal collapse plays have been rarely

identified or described in the Niger Delta

Basin. Where they have been identified,

explored and exploited, they play host to

significant amount of hydrocarbon

reserves due to a favorable conflagration

of play elements especially relating to

charge, traps and reservoir presence.

Unlike the Niger Delta Basin, detailed

published descriptions exist of shelf

margin collapse events from other basins

around the world (Almagor, 1980; Lee et

al., 1991; Field et al., 1982; Edwards,

1990; Edwards, 1991; Normark and

Gutmacher, 1988; Edwards, 2000). Of

particular interest is the description of

retrograde failed shelf margins by

Edwards (2000). What is unique about

his work is the detailed description of key

features and genetic models of

retrograde shelf margins (caused by

collapse) using examples from the

Northern Gulf Coast Basin (USA), thus

providing an understanding of the

genetic relationships and recognition

criteria that makes the shelfal collapse

play a prolific one. He summarized the

paucity of data conundrum when he said

– “relatively few publications have

described features that are unmistakably

of the type covered in this paper. This is

partly because most recent published

studies are regional in scope and posited

that older publications did not recognize

them as distinct feature.” This regrettably

remains the case today, especially in the

Niger Delta Basin. For example, the Qua

Iboe Shelf Collapse – a large regional

scale shelfal collapse within the Niger

Delta Basin covering about 6000 sq.km

with more than six (6) billion barrels of Oil

Originally in Place – has very little

detailed description and recognition

criteria (Krukrubo et al., 2013; Onwude et

al., 2013) in the public domain. The paucity

of published detailed descriptions of this

collapse could be related to its very largescale

nature (spanning multiple fields),

making it difficult to have a synthesized

description of all the architectural

elements within the collapse.

Our study will describe a much smaller

Tortonian Shelfal Collapse Play (The

Abang Shelfal Collapse) comprising the

Abang Field Discovery in the Niger Delta

Basin, offshore Nigeria (Figure1). We

intend to use this study to highlight the

genetic features within the Abang

Collapse and to describe the unique

trapping configurations possible with

similar plays. Wells and production data

will also be used to highlight how prolific

the deposits that constitute the reservoirs

are. Ultimately, these observations can be

scaled and used as analogues in similar or

larger regional studies.


The Shelfal Collapse Play

A Case Study From A Producing Field In The Niger Delta, Offshore Nigeria (cont’d)

Figure 1: Location Map showing the study area location within the MPN-JV Acreage, off the coast of Nigeria


The Tertiary Niger Delta is one of the

world's largest and extremely prolific

hydrocarbon province (Doust and

Omatsola, 1990; Haack et al., 2000). It is

listed in the “Top 25 Global Super Basins”

with cumulative production and

remaining oil and gas reserves exceeding

five (5) billion barrels of oil equivalent

(Sternbach, 2018) and overlies an area

that covers over 256,000 sq.km (Adegoke

et al., 2017).

The origin of the Niger Delta Basin is tied

to the South Atlantic Rifting that led to the

separation of the South American and

African Plates (Short and Stauble, 1967;

Whiteman, 1982; Doust and Omatsola,

1990). This led to the deposition of over

12 kilometers of thick Tertiary deltaic

sediments characterized by prograding

diachronous facies of continental to deep

marine facies. These sediments are

p o p u l a r l y g r o u p e d i n t o 3

lithostratigraphic units (Dessauvagie,

1972; Reijers et. al., 1997; Whiteman,

1982) – the Akata Formation (marine mud,

slope and basin floor turbidites), the

Agbada Formation (Paralic - Shoreface,

Lagoon, Distributary Channel, and

Transgressive sands) and the Benin

Formation (Continental Fluvial sands).

Rapid sedimentation (sediment supply >>

accommodation) of the Benin and

Agbada formations over the undercompacted

and mobile shales facies of

the Akata Formation is the leading cause

of deformation within the delta (Adegoke

et. al.,2017). This is evident in the

abundance of structure building growth

faults and shale diapers characteristic of

syn-sedimentary deformation.

Figure 2: Outline of the Abang Shelfal Collapse

The rapid sedimentation rates, coupled

with the dominance of fine-grained

sediments towards the medial to distal

portions of the delta has contributed to

the formation of 3 main structural

d o m a i n s – t h e e x t e n s i o n a l , t h e

translational and the contractional

domains. In special cases, the instability

associated with rapid sedimentation

rates over the shelf-slope break can be

the trigger for shelfal collapses which are

sometimes aided by existing zones of


This study will focus on the Abang Shelfal

Collapse (Figure 2) located within the

extensional domain and of Tortonian age

in the Abang-Oso Field area (Figure 3).



Several architectural elements have been

identified within the Abang Collapse

(Figure 4), consistent with descriptions

and observations made by Edwards

(2000) from the Northern Gulf Coast

Basins (the Hackberry Collapse in

Figure 3: Dip-section highlighting the location of the Oso-Abang Area within the extensional domain


The Shelfal Collapse Play

A Case Study From A Producing Field In The Niger Delta, Offshore Nigeria (cont’d)

particular). Identification of these

elements were aided by 3D seismic data,

well and production data within the

Abang-Oso area


The Abang Collapse is a relatively smalls

c a l e c o l l a p s e t h a t c o v e r s a n

approximate area of 85 sq.km. It occurred

in the Tortonian and its base (a

discontinuity surface) can be observed on

reflectors (outside the Collapse) and

chaotic/discontinuous reflectors (within

the Collapse) (Figure 5). According to

Edwards (2000), this is a key geometrical

feature of a retrograde failed shelf margin

and can sometimes be misinterpreted as

a fault. The collapse is believed to have

been initiated during the Tortonian

Lowstand due to sediment loading within

the Oso shelf edge delta, north of Abang.

The high sedimentation (sand-rich) rate at

Figure 4: Seismic section highlighting the main architectural elements that make up the Abang Collapse

(1. Slump Blocks; 2. Sandy Debrites; 3. Turbidites)

flow processes

Rotational Slump Blocks

Rotational Slump blocks as defined by

Easterbrook (1999) have been observed

within the Abang Collapse manifesting as

detached blocks of rock which slid along

a concave upward slip surface with

rotation about an axis parallel to the

slope. These blocks are more prevalent

closest to the headscarp (Mosher et al.

2010; Figure 4) and rest on the

unconformity surface, and in some cases,

on other slump blocks within the collapse.

In general, the identified scarps indicate a

stairstep pattern of displaced blocks.

Though unpenetrated in Abang, it is

believed that these slump blocks are

sand-rich due to the close proximity to the

paleo sand-rich shelf-edge delta that

initiated the collapse at Oso, as well as

the presence of sand prone facies in the

downdip debris flow (Figure 4). Edwards

(2000) described similar slump blocks in

the Gulf Coast Basin as comprising

shallow water deposits of interbedded

sands and silty shales, supporting the

plausible interpretation of a collapsed

shelf edge delta.

Figure 5: Seismic section showing boundary between semi-continuous/continuous reflectors

(outside the Collapse) and chaotic/discontinuous reflectors (within the Collapse).

3D seismic data as mappable arcuateshaped

decollement or truncation

surface (Figures 4 & 5). The decollement

surface is generally coincident with the

Tortonian 3 defined Sequence Boundary

(Unconformity) in the downdip areas

while its headscarp (Mosher et al., 2010)

is easily recognizable as the boundary

between semi-continuous/continuous

Oso coupled with the presence of a

possible plane of weakness, created

conditions that allowed for the collapse of

the Tortonian 3 (and possibly the Upper

Tortonian 2) deposits. An approximate

volume of thirty-nine cubic kilometers (39

cu.km) of sand rich sediments is believed

to have collapsed into the bathymetric

low, and transported downdip via gravity

Figure 6: Depositional profile of the base of the debritic section interpreted on a

flattened seismic volume shows 3 major fairways (1, 2a and 2b) within the

Abang Collapse. Fairways 1 and 2b are unpenetrated and are the targets of

near term delineation/exploration

Debris Flows

Downdip of the slumps, debris flows

(Lowe, 1979) or slope aprons (Edwards,

2000) were deposited. These partially

fluidized flows are a manifestation of the

bathymetric low (deepwater) created by

the evacuation of strata during the

collapse. They can be erosive due to the

high shear stress associated with their


The Shelfal Collapse Play

A Case Study From A Producing Field In The Niger Delta, Offshore Nigeria (cont’d)

2003; Amy and Talling, 2006; Sumner et

al., 2009)..

Shelf Deposits

Shelf edge delta progradation past the

collapse region led to the deposition of

shelfal/deltaic sediments above the

Collapse fill. In Abang, this deposition

coincides with the late stages of the

Tortonian-3 Lowstand when relative sealevel

was just beginning to rise.

Eventually, the collapse deposits became

capped by distal shelf shales on the

Transgressive Systems Tract (TST). In

Figure 4, the TOR3_TS marks the onset of

shelfal deposition.

Figure 7: Seismic Section showing the transparent seismic facies nature of the sandy debris facies. Well data confirm presence

of good quality sand in these transparent debritic facies (2. Sandy Debrite; 3. Turbidites). The Top Facies-3 depth map also

shows the outlines of the turbidite facies fairways.

transportation and are observed to lie

s i d e b y s i d e w i t h d e e p w a t e r

hemipelagic/pelagic deposits (Haughton

et al., 2003; Amy and Talling, 2006;

Sumner et al., 2009). In Abang, three

major debris flow fairways have been

observed (Fig. 6). These fairways were

recognized via a combination of

depositional profiles, seismic facies

character and well data. Subtle thickness

v a r i a t i o n s h i g h l i g h t f a i r w a y s

characterized by longitudinal thicks. On

seismic they are characterized internally

as transparent to chaotic seismic facies

(Figure 5). Well data from one of the

fairways confirm significant high-quality

sand deposition (Fig. 7). The considerable

net sand deposition within the debris flow

deposit in Abang is likely tied to the upslope

presence of a shallow marine sandrich

shelf edge delta at Oso (Fig. 4). This,

in combination with the Lowstand setting

at this time contributed to creating

sediments fairways favorable to sandrich

deposits by gravity processes.

amplitude trends originating from the

headward portions of the collapse (Figure

7). It is also possible that, further down the

depositional profile (outside the study

area), the debris flow deposits transitions

to turbidity flow deposits (Haughton et al.,


The Abang Field (STOOIP in excess of

120 Million Barrels of Oil) was discovered

in 1992 and streamed in 2012.

Reservoir Characterization

As previously described, the Abang

Collapse fill comprises slumps, overlain

by sandy debrite and turbidites,

eventually capped by dominantly muddy

shelf deposits. The Abang reservoir

comprises 2 main facies – the turbidite

facies and the sandy debrite facies. These

have reasonably good reservoir


Increasing levels of fluidization led to the

deposition of turbidites. On seismic,

these deposits are generally layered

above the slump and debris flow deposits

and are characterized by relative bright

a m p l i t u d e s e m i - c o n t i n u o u s t o

continuous reflections with clear linear

Table 1: Reservoir properties of the producing facies in Abang


The Shelfal Collapse Play

A Case Study From A Producing Field In The Niger Delta, Offshore Nigeria (cont’d)

properties (Table 1). No penetration of the

slump facies has been made yet, while

the shelfal deposits are mostly shales.

Trapping Configuration

The Abang Field is an updip, fault

dependent 3-way closure with some

lateral stratigraphic trapping observed

locally (Figure 7). Pressure data suggest

communication across the reservoir

bearing sub-units. Contact information

from the wells indicate that the

hydrocarbon accumulation is constrained

by the spill point of the shallowest

reservoir sub-unit (Unit 3), though

trapped (perched) water as witnessed in

Well D1 can occur locally due to local

topographic variations (Figure 7)

Field Production

3 production wells have been drilled till

date (Fig. 7). The Abang T1 and TD2 wells

are producing from turbidite facies (facies

3); while the Abang TD3 well is producing

from the sandy debrite facies (facies 2).

The Abang producers have good

reservoir properties (Table 1), each

producing an average of 7 thousand

barrels of oil per day, with more producer

wells planned in the near term.


The Abang Collapse presents a rare

opportunity to study the geometry and

characteristics of the architectural

elements that constitute the fill of a

relatively small-scale shelfal collapse.

Shelfal collapse regions are filled with

sediments that have very complex and

variable facies distributions. The reason

for shelfal collapses has been debated,

but a plausible cause associated with this

study is one due to shelfal instability from

sediment loading and sudden failure by

shelf edge deltas. In Abang, the collapse

is an arcuate shaped depression that

created a bathymetric low for sediments

to be funneled via gravity processes

(Figure 4).

The initial space is filled by arcuate

shaped slump blocks, which transition to

debris flow deposits, turbidites and then

capped by shelfal sediments as the

collapse is eventually filled up. The updipdepositional

presence of correlateable

sandy shelf edge deltas (Oso) increases

the likelihood of having significant sandy

facies with good reservoir properties

within the collapse. The Abang debris

flow and turbidite facies have good

reservoir properties. This is especially

note-worthy for the debris flow deposits,

whose transparent character on seismic

m i g h t l e a d t o a s h a l y f a c i e s

mischaracterization. Under favorable

trapping conditions, these sandy debrite

and turbidite facies can hold significant

hydrocarbon volumes as evidenced in the

Abang Field.


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The authors wish to appreciate the

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation

(NNPC) for approving the release of the

material presented in this work as well as

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited for

permission to present this work.

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Trotman, 394 p.






THE 2019-2020


Mr. Alex Nachi Tarka, FNAPE is the 42nd President of the Association. He is the Manager of OML-98

Assets of the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) Limited – NNPC. Alex is an

Upstream industry Executive with extensive in-depth technical and diverse management experiences.

Mr. Tarka is a Certified Petroleum Geoscientist (CPG), and a Geoscientist registered by the Council of

Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG) He started his career as a Trainee Wellsite

Geologist in Elf Nigeria Limited prior to joining the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

group of companies in 1992.

A Geologist with a Postgraduate degree (PgD) in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Benin

(UNIBEN) and over 30 years' experience in the oil and gas industry, Alex has held several key roles in

Nigeria's National oil company, the NNPC Group including; Operations Production Geologist, National

Petroleum Investment Management Services (NAPIMS), Technical Assistant (TA) to the General

Manager (GM) JV-Oil Operations Divisions NAPIMS, Deputy Manager Evaluation NAPIMS, Deputy

Manager Geological Studies, Frontier Exploration Services (FES), Deputy Manager Geophysics FES,

Manager Frontier Exploration Services (FES), Manager Exploration NPDC, Manager Shell JV Assets

NPDC and others.

Alex is a proud alumnus of the prestigious Barewa College Zaria, a Fellow of the Nigerian Association

of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE) and a Council member of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences

Society (NMGS).

Mr. Tarka has led the significant growth and improved relevance of NAPE. He instituted the 30-man

industry advocacy 'Think Tank Committee'. He steered the ship of the Association during the very

difficult time of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, delivering impactful online and virtual valueadding

programs like the very successful NAPE 45th Anniversary celebrations, the first Akomeno Oteri

Annual Lecture Series, as well as strategic corporate partnerships with COMEG, PTDF, Tetfund, etc. to

promote increased industry and academia collaborations.


Vice – President



Mr. Ogunjobi is an industry executive with over 25 years global industry experience working in senior

technical and management roles with oil service companies, Independents and exploration and

production oil and gas companies. He is the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) in Pan Ocean Oil

Corporation and Newcross Group where he oversees exploration and development activities across

the group - Pan Ocean (OML 98, OPL 275, OML 147); Newcross Petroleum OML 152 (OPL 283) and

Newcross Exploration and Production (OML 24).

A certified Petroleum Geologist (CPG) with an MSc Petroleum Geology degree from the University of

Ibadan (UI), he worked at both Centrica Resources Limited and Conoil Producing Unlimited prior to

joining the Pan Ocean Oil Corporation and Newcross Group. He is an adept explorationist with new

field discoveries that include Efe Field and successful conversion of two (2) prospecting licenses to oil

mining licenses, i.e. OPL 283 to OML 152 and OPL275 to OML147. Mr. Ogunjobi has a reputation for

driving efficient field development and production activities which includes the successful drilling and

completion of six (6) wells in OML 147. Abiodun manages the group business development unit for

group infrastructure optimization, leads reserves/resource management, production optimization,

technical resource planning, development of corporate and business unit strategy and evaluation of

new business opportunities.

Mr. Ogunjobi is a seasoned professional who enjoys to mentor young professionals, he is an alumnus

of the Aberdeen Business School, a Fellow of both the Institute of Credit Administration (FICA) and the

Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC).

As Vice President and Chairman of the Distinguished Award Committee, Mr. Ogunjobi rationalized and

restructured the real estate portfolio of the Association for growth and repositioned the Association to

leverage its real estate assets to secure a new strategically located headquarters in the near future.





Mrs. Ochogbu is the Manager Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) Interface, Venture relations for

Esso Exploration & Production Nigeria Limited an ExxonMobil Nigeria company. An outstanding

Geologist with worldwide experience, she is the first (1st) place winner of the Mobil/NMGS prize for

best undergraduate thesis in Nigerian Universities. Patricia worked with the Nigerian National

Petroleum Company (NNPC) for thirteen (13) years, where she held several senior technical positions

and conducted evaluations across the Niger Delta and Chad Basins before she joined ExxonMobil -

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited (MPNU).

A proud alumnus of the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University - OAU), Patricia spent

almost two decades driving and championing efficient production and development of ExxonMobil

assets across the world with subsurface technical experiences from the Gulf of Guinea (Asabo, Eku,

Enang, Erha North, Isobo, Nkop, Ubit, etc.), Gulf of Mexico, Lower Congo Basins (Clochas Field,

Angola Block-15), etc. With over thirty-five (35) years of Upstream oil and gas industry experience.

Mrs. Ochogbu now focuses on steering and managing the critical PSC interfaces with Coventurers and

NNPC-NAPIMS of ExxonMobil Deepwater PSC assets that accounts for about 35% of ExxonMobil's

Africa position and estimated 5% of its global portfolio.

Mrs. Patricia Ochogbu is a distinguished NAPE Fellow, the NAPE President-Elect, Chair of the

Continuing Education committee and Chairperson Conference Planning Committee. She is blazing

the digital trail by championing the NAPE Webinar Series and pioneering the first of its kind fully

comprehensive virtual conference and exhibition in the Africa oil and gas industry by hosting the 2020

NAPE 38th Virtual - Annual International Conference & Exhibition, November 2020. She will also be

the second female President in the history of NAPE when she is sworn in as the President on Thursday

19th November 2020.



General Secretary



THE 2019-2020


Mr. Egbele has 20 years progressive experience in the upstream oil and gas industry both in Oil Majors

and Oil Service Companies. His worldwide experience and achievements cover various key aspects of

integrated subsurface assessment across different terrains. Emmanuel is the Ventures Coordinator,

OML-130 Assets, Total Exploration & Production Nigeria Limited (TEPNL), where he superintends the

interfaces with Coventurers (South Atlantic Petroleum - SAPETRO Limited and CNOOC E&P Nigeria

Limited [a subsidiary of CNOOC Limited and Petrobras Oil and Gas BV]) and NNPC-NAPIMS of OML-

130 TEPNL assets that includes two world class producing fields, Akpo and Egina Fields and the

appraisal with development plans for the Preowei field amongst other assets.

Emmanuel is an alumnus of the University of Benin (UNIBEN) and holds a Master's degree in

Petroleum Geology & Reservoir Characterization from the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT),

spent five (5) years at Laser Engineering and Resources Consultants Limited as a Technical

Consultant – Geoscientist for several integrated subsurface projects for various oil and gas companies

including IOCs, Independents and Marginal Field Operators. Prior to joining Laser Engineering, he

worked at Shell Producing and Development Company (SPDC) for three (3) years in different

Technical roles of increasing responsibilities. Emmanuel's diverse subsurface technical experience

and competence provides him with unique capacities and in Total (TEPNL) he was a member of the

Giant Egina Field, First Oil Delivery Team as Asset Geologist in charge of reservoir model building,

Well design and Geosteering.

Mr. Egbele is the General Secretary, NAPE and the Secretary Board of Trustees (BoT), NAPE. In

addition to administrative responsibilities and overseeing the NAPE Secretariat, he is championing

plans that are in an advanced stage to host the first NAPE Virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the


Mr. Otoghile has over 22 years experience across the oil and gas industry and appreciable world-class

expertise in the oil servicing sector. Charles is a versatile oil and gas professional and the current

Senior Account Manager for Schlumberger Nigeria & West Africa with a support footprint that spans

National Oil Companies (NOCs), International Oil Companies (IOCs), Integrated Independents,

Marginal Field Operators and others.

Charles has an MSc degree in Petroleum Geology, University of Nigeria, Nsuka (UNN), he was an

Exploration Geologist at Shell Producing and Development Company (SPDC) for ten (10) years in

different technical capacities prior to joining Paradigm Geophysical in 2006 where he held various

senior technical and managerial roles and exited as the Technical Manager West Africa to join

Schlumberger Nigeria & West Africa.

Charles has significant advance applied subsurface application expertise across various industry

leading software platforms and his in-depth Niger Delta Basin experience makes him a well soughtafter

critical resource consultant. In addition, his value-added perception to solution prescription for his

stakeholders promotes his contribution to the advancement of the exploration, development, and the

production of hydrocarbons.


Assistant General Secretary



Mr. Otoghile is the Assistant General Secretary of the Association, and he facilitated the growth of

NAPE membership under his watch with his targeted membership drives across the various

membership categories.

Mascot Ogunjemiyo is a Subsurface Technical and Commercial management consultant and he

brings over twenty (20) years' experience from the National Oil Company, Producing and Oil Service

Companies. He is a brilliant Geophysicist and subsurface professional with experience across all

aspects of the E&P sector including funding, commercials & business development, asset evaluation &

portfolio management, field development & project execution, and production optimization & asset


Mr. Ogunjemiyo worked at United Geophysical Nigeria Limited (UGNL) before he transitioned to

Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited (Landmark) working in senior technical capacities. From

Haliburton (Landmark), he joined the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) group and

held several senior technical positions. Mascot was the Chief Geophysicist at NAPIMS-NNPC and

recently supervised and managed interfaces with multiple partner companies to the NNPC in

Deepwater PSCs activities and operations.





Mascot is a certified Stockbroker i.e. a Member, Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment

(MSCI) UK, Associate, Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers (ACS) Nigeria and has a Nigerian Stock

Exchange (NSE) Authorized Dealing Clerk license. He provides oil and gas business commercial

advisory for funding, M&A, negotiations, cost effective operations, etc. He is also a distinguished

instructor and trainer, facilitating masterclass sessions and commercial oil & gas courses.

Mascot Ogunjemiyo is the NAPE Treasurer and a member of the Tenders Committee, he has used his

expertise to update NAPE financial reporting to be in alignment with best global financial practices

while in compliance with Nigerian statutory regulations and the NAPE constitution.


THE 2019-2020


Dr. Ofoma is an accomplished Account Manager with Haliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited

(Landmark). With over twenty (20) years oil and gas experience that cuts across both the academia

and oil and gas industry. He is a Geoscientist by background with a PhD in Applied Geophysics from

the University of Nigeria Nsuka (UNN), Nigeria and the recipient of the first position prize of the

2005/2006 NMGS/TOTAL ELF Award.

Anthony had a short stint at Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and was the Petroleum

Technology Development Fund (PTDF) Professorial Chair, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), prior

to joining Haliburton (Landmark). At Haliburton (Landmark), he oversees superior service delivery to a

cross section of industry players in Europe Sub-Saharan Africa (ESSA) region including National Oil

Companies, International Oil Companies, Integrated Independents, Marginal Field Operators and

other operators. He was responsible for subsurface and exploration personnel technical mentoring

and training across Africa including the personnel of National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia Ltd

(NAMCOR), SONATRACH Algeria, Petroleum Exploration and Petroleum Department Uganda,

Petroleum Resource Unit Sierra Leone, Acrep Exploration & Production Angola and staff & students of

the University of Science and Technology Massuku, Gabon.


Financial Secretary



Dr. Ofoma is the NAPE Financial secretary and the Chairman of the 'Tenders Committee'. He enabled

more efficiency in the electronic payment system to expedite settlements with the appropriate controls.

He also encouraged more competitive bidding and improved the standardization of the contracting

process of the Association.

Dr. Jackson is an erudite technical professional with over 15 years oil and gas industry experience

working in senior technical roles with Nigerian Independents, Marginal Field Operators and other

exploration and production companies. He is a Senior Geologist with PetroVision Energy Nigeria

Limited where he drives sub-surface exploration, development, and production activities across the

company asset portfolio.

A proud alumnus of University of Calabar (UNICAL) with a PhD Petroleum Geology University of Port

Harcourt, Christopher had worked with Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) and Sterling

Oil Exploration and Energy Production Company as a technical professional developing and maturing

fields with reservoir evaluations, reservoir models and production well drills. The winner of the 2019

American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Gabriel Denga Award for Best International

Paper, San Antonio, Texas, USA and a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC-

CMC), Nigeria, Christopher consistently brings significant global technical integrated geosciences

competencies with management skills into play. Currently, he also directly mentors a significant pool of

young professionals across the industry both locally and internationally.





Dr. Jackson is the NAPE Editor-in-Chief, head of the Editorial board and Conference Technical

Programs. He has published four (4) NAPE Bulletins, a Conference Book of Abstract and the NAPE

Petroleum Business Bulletin. His forward leaning approach has resulted in positive new developments

including the NAPE standardization of ISN number, Plagiarism Policy, and ongoing indexing of NAPE

Bulletin. Dr. Christopher Jackson is championing the first NAPE virtual technical session for the


Dr. Emudianughe is a brilliant academic, Associate Professor and significantly versatile oil and gas

industry professional with diverse technical and management experiences world-wide. She has a PhD

in Exploration Geophysics, University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT), MSc. Exploration Geophysics and

MSc. in Hydro-Geophysics University of Benin (UNIBEN) in addition to a Postgraduate Degree in

Education Delta State University (DELSU), Abraka. She is currently, the Head of Department of (HoD)

Earth Sciences (Geology and Geophysics) of the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun

(FUPRE) Nigeria, and concurrently, the Business Development Manager and Non-Executive Director

of FUPRE-ENERGY Nigeria Limited (Consulting arm of the University).


Assistant Editor-in-Chief



Juliet is a Council member of the Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG), a certified

Geoscientist with over twenty (20) years' experience working at Kuaya Energy Limited, then worked at

Shell Development and Production Company (SPDC) for four (4) years and is now HoD at the Federal

University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE) Nigeria. She consults for the Upstream oil and

gas industry, participates in Government stakeholders' forum for policy and regulations reviews

including the policy review of Ministry of Water Resources and Development, Delta State. She has

over forty (40) researched papers in local and international journals and facilitates technical training for

industry personnel such as NNPC-NPDC subsurface personnel, SPE Young Professionals etc. Her

contributions are recognized internationally, with the conferment of the Meritorious Diamond Award for

National Development in recognition of her Geophysical Services to the Nation. The award was

presented by Alhaji Atiku Abubakar in December 2014. She also received the Africa Achievers Award

for Professional Services, Accra, Ghana, presented by John Mahama the President of Ghana, in 2015.

Dr. Juliet Emudianughe is NAPE's Assistant Editor-in-Chief, an integral member of the NAPE Editorial

Board/Conference Technical Programme Subcommittee and Editorial board for NAPENews. She

championed and published the NAPE Petroleum Business Bulletin publication.



Publicity Secretary



THE 2019-2020


Mr. Amodu operates a three (3) phase Offshore Production facility for Chevron in one of its legacy

assets and hub under the NNPC/ Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) Joint Venture (JV). A high energy

Geoscientist, insightful Strategist and Upstream Petroleum industry insider with in-depth and broad

technical experience. A Nigerian Agip Exploration (NAE) Scholar and E&P industry experience with

Independents and Oil Majors in Dahomey Embayment, Hampshire, Lower Congo, Niger Delta, and

West Shetlands Basins.

Lateef is a winner of the Imperial Barrel Award at Imperial College London, where he earned an MSc

Petroleum Geosciences degree. In his over 16 years industry experience, he had a short spell at

Platform Petroleum as a Development Geologist. Before this, he spent three (3) years at Yinka

Folawiyo Petroleum (YFP) as a Geophysicist, Wellsite Geologist and was significantly involved in the

Nigerian 2005 Oil Block Bid Round. In Chevron, Lateef has held various roles including Deepwater

Explorationist, Onshore Development Geologist, Regional Geologist, New ventures & Competitor

Analyst in Nigeria, UK and US. Lateef was also the Management Special Assistant to the Chairman

and Managing Director Chevron Nigeria mid-Africa, monitoring all Chevron's portfolio of capital

projects in Nigeria.

In 2016, Lateef Amodu was Chairman, Exhibition Committee for the 26th Colloquium of African

Geology and 16th Congress of The Geological Society of Africa in conjunction with the Nigerian Mining

and Geosciences Society (NMGS). He also chaired the Exploration Sub-committee of the Oil

Producers Trade Section (OPTS), Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) in 2018.

Mr. Amodu is the Publicity Secretary of NAPE, he heads the NAPENews Editorial Board and NAPE

Publicity Committee. He published four (4) NAPENews, facilitated two (2) Media Workshops,

moderated or produced several high-profile events including NAPE Webinars, NAPE@45 Founders'

Day, etc. He championed a refined and improved brand engineered image of the Association with his

team and repositioned NAPE online and social media platforms to reach, impact and influence the oil

and gas industry.

Mr. Bazuaye is an industry technical professional of 25 years industry experience working in senior

technical roles with International Oil companies (IOCs) and Oil Service companies. He is a Senior

Geologist at Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC) Limited a part of the Eni Group of companies in

Nigeria where he held various positions of increasing responsibilities and now provides critical

subsurface evaluation, insight and characterization of Agip reservoirs and fields.

Ehi is a Geologist, with Postgraduate certification (PgC) in Project Management, University of

Liverpool, UK and he worked at Fab-RANK Nigeria Limited and Versa-Tech Nigeria Limited prior to

joining the NAOC – Eni Group. In NAOC, he champions regional and prospect scale geological and

geophysical evaluation, hydrocarbon prospect generation and other integrated subsurface

assessment to drive informed management decisions. He facilitates advanced technical training to

industry geoscience professionals across the industry with emphasis on Fault seal analysis for risking

subsurface assets.


Abuja Chapter Coordinator



Mr. Bazuaye is the NAPE Abuja Chapter Coordinator where he is a key Liaison and has facilitated both

improved and new strategic NAPE relations with key Nigerian oil and gas stakeholders including

relevant Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) such as Council of Nigerian

Mining Engineers & Geoscientists (COMEG), Ministry of Petroleum Resources, National Oil Spill

Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA), NNPC - Frontier Exploration Services (FES), Nigerian

Geological Survey Agency (NGSA), Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), etc.

Mr. Ozah has 20 years technical upstream industry subsurface experience across different operational

terrains, Mr. Ozah is a highly networked Geoscience expert who Leads the Subsurface team on OML-

13 Assets, Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) Limited – NNPC. A geologist by

background, Mr. Ozah spent three (3) years at Baker Hughes Company Limited where he held different

senior technical positions and interfaced with several exploration and production companies including

Oil majors, Independents and Marginal Field operators before joining the Nigerian National Petroleum

Corporation (NNPC) group of companies.

Edward is a Certified Petroleum Geologist and combines this with experience across all aspects of the

E&P sector including Deepwater exploration, well drilling execution and production and asset

management. He brings extensive technical experience to the NPDC - NNPC including the successful

drilling and completion of five (5) horizontal wells in nine (9) months in OML-26 leveraging only

indigenous oil service companies as well as in the Deepwater Niger Delta Basin, the billion-barrel

discovery of the Owowo Field in OML-139 and OML-154.


Benin Chapter Coordinator



Mr. Ozah is the NAPE Benin Chapter Coordinator overseeing the largest NAPE Chapter in the

Association. He has built significant strategic relationships with Integrated Data Services Limited

(IDSL) and NPDC amongst other oil and gas companies to support and promote NAPE activities in

Benin and across the country.


THE 2019-2020


Mr. Dayetuawei is a highly technical industry executive with over 25 years surface and subsurface

industry experience working in senior technical and management roles with Oil Service companies. He

is the Operations Manager in Maritime Support Services Limited (MSSL) where he directly stewards

the running of the company's business that includes provision of all types of marine transportation

equipment; Platform Supply Vessels (PSV), Multi-Purpose Platform Supply Vessels (MPSV), Anchor

handling tug supply (AHTS), etc., Dredging equipment, Diving Support Services, Subsea Inspection

and Offshore Mooring operations. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of MSSL.

A Geologist by background, Emo spent 15 years at Strata Search Limited prior to joining MSSL, where

he held various positions including Sedimentologist, Reservoir Geologist and Project Coordinator. As

project coordinator in Strata Search, he successfully executed a number of large-scale projects

including; Sedimentological Core Description of 12,000ft of cores for SPDC, Addax Petroleum,

Chevron, and NAOC and Coordinator Seismo-sequence Stratigraphic Study of NAOC's OML 62 in

collaboration with Exploration Consultants Limited (ECL) (now RPS Energy UK). Emo served as the

General Manager at Strata Search Limited and also led Biostratigraphic Study of several

offshore/onshore wells for Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited, NAOC, Chevron Nigeria Limited and Mobil

Producing Nigeria Unlimited.


Port Harcourt Chapter Coordinator



Mr. Emo Dayetuawei is the NAPE Port Harcourt Chapter Coordinator and he has consistently

facilitated multiple highly technical Chapter Technical Business Meetings with strong focus on

subsurface de-risking, hydrocarbon reserves growth, reservoir management and efficient safe drilling


Dr. Durogbitan is the General Manager Geosciences at Amni International Petroleum Development

Company (Amni) Limited where he champions integrated subsurface assessments including asset

evaluation, exploration, well drilling, development, and production activities across the company. He is

a high energy and very passionate professional with over 25 years global oil and gas industry

experience working in senior technical and management positions with Integrated Independents and

Oil Service companies. A certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with Project Management

Institute (PMI), a Fellow of the African Scientific Institute (ASI) and a member of the ASI Fellow's think


Abimbola is an alumnus of the University of Ilorin with an MSc Petroleum Geology and Sedimentology

degree from the University of Ibadan (UI) and a PhD Petroleum Geosciences University of

Manchester. He won the Best poster award twice at the NAPE International Conference and

Exhibition. Prior to joining Amni, he spent six (6) years with Petrofac Integrated Energy Services (IES)

where he held different senior technical position and interfaced with several E&P companies including

Oil majors and Independents. Due to his outstanding contribution to the organization, he was awarded

the Petrofac Group Eve Award, this is Petrofac's highest Award. The award celebrates Petrofac's best

employees (individual) in their area of work. Before Petrofac-IES, Abimbola was in PetroVision Energy

UK for two (2) years as an Associate Senior Geoscientist.


UK/Europe Chapter Coordinator



Dr. Durogbitan is NAPE UK/Europe Chapter Coordinator, the first and only NAPE Chapter in diaspora.

He is one of the pioneers of the Chapter and the First NAPE UK/Europe Chapter Coordinator. He has

facilitated strategic partnerships for NAPE with different UK and European companies, associations,

and institutions. He also acts as a liaison and representative of the Association in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Akpan is an upstream industry leader with extensive in-depth technical and diverse management

experience. He is primarily a Petroleum Geologist but combines this with experience across all

aspects of Development and Production activities including well planning and drilling, front end

development studies, reservoir management, petroleum engineering, project execution and

completions, production optimization and asset management. He is currently the Subsurface

Coordinator for Savannah Energy Plc., where he provides oversight for all technical below-ground

activities and integration with full field operations.

Ekere is a University of Calabar (UNICAL) graduate with over 20 years' experience, working in the

Nigeria oil and gas sector in increasingly senior technical and management roles. In 2001, Akpan

worked in Geoglobe Petroleum Services as a Senior Geologist. He obtained an MSc Petroleum

Geology degree from the University of Ibadan (UI) and a PhD Petroleum Geology from the University

of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT). In addition, he has an MBA University of South Wales and significant

technical experience in the operation and optimization of Marginal fields with emphasis on efficient, yet

optimal production with best reservoir management practices. In 2005, he joined Universal Energy

Resources the operators of OML-14 and held various positions including Production coordinator,

Petroleum engineer, Head wells, drilling and production, Head Exploration and Development and

finally Technical Manager until he left for Savannah Energy Plc.


Uyo/Calabar Chapter Coordinator



Dr. Akpan is the NAPE Uyo/Calabar Chapter Coordinator, he hosted a most memorable NAPE

Executive Committee retreat at Uyo that developed most of the strategies that have successfully

advanced the Association recently. He and his team also continue to advance Geosciences by hosting

technical meetings.



Warri Chapter Coordinator



THE 2019-2020


Mr Osung has over 18 years experience in the oil and gas industry and considerable expertise in the oil

service and training sector, Mr. Osung is an oil and gas academic and professional and is the current

Chief Officer, Training at Petroleum Training Institute (PTI) Nigeria. He works in PTI's Directorate of

Engineering; Department of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences, a department that has a very

diverse bouquet of academic and training offerings that spans certificate programs, specialized

training courses, diplomas, post graduate courses and short courses for industry professionals. He

also carries out corporate training and has trained the technical workforce of the Department of

Petroleum (DPR), NNPC, Seplat Petroleum Development Company (Seplat), Ciscon Nigeria Limited,

Nigeria Agip Oil Company (NAOC), Platform Petroleum Limited, etc.

Wilson is a Council member of the Council of, Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG)

, a certified Geoscientist, an alumnus of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) and holds a Master's

degree in Sedimentary and Petroleum Geology from the Federal University of Technology Owerri

(FUTO). Prior to joining PTI, he was a Seismologist at Integrated Data Services Limited/United

Geophysical Nigeria Limited Joint Venture (IDSL/UGNL JV) focused on land seismic acquisition

design, planning and onshore operations. In PTI, Wilson has built a strong reputation as a reference

resource professional on a diverse range of applied technical subsurface topics on the Niger Delta

basin exploitation, field development, and reservoir production.

Mr. Osung is the NAPE Warri Chapter Coordinator; he successfully hosted the NAPE/NMGS Mini

Conference and hosted the largest Visiting Geoscientist Lecture (VGL) series in collaboration with

NAPE University Assistance Program (Pre-COVID-19 lockdown). NAPE Warri Chapter hosted the

following institutions Western Delta University, Federal University of Petroleum Resources (FUPRE),

Nigeria Maritime University, Delta State University (DELSU), NOVENA University and the convening

institution Petroleum Training Institute (PTI).


Immediate Past President



Mr. Oyebamiji is a very passionate oil and gas industry executive with over 27 years global industry

experience working in senior technical and management roles in oil service companies, and

International oil companies. He is the Manager, Exploration Projects Onshore & Agip Energy and

Natural Resources. He doubles as Assistant Manager, Geosciences Research & Development and

Knowledge Management Focal Point (Nigerian Geographic Unit), Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC)


Ajibola has a Bachelor of Technology degree in Applied Geology Federal University of Technology

Akure (FUTA) and an MSc in Micropaleontology University College London. Prior to NAOC, he spent

12 years at Mosunmolu Limited where he rose to the position of General/ Technical Manager. Based on

his outstanding performance, Monsunmolu awarded him a full scholarship for his Masters' degree

program. It is on record that Ajibola was the second practicing Calcareous Nannofossil expert in

Nigeria after completing his studies in 1997. And he authored the “Cenozoic Foraminifera and

Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy of the Niger Delta”. He also, led the team that carried out the

Integrated Regional Study of the Chad Basin (Phase I) to unravel and understand the unsuccessful

exploration campaign in the Bornu portion of the Chad basin.

In the Eni group, Ajibola won the global 2017 Knowledge Management System Impacting Knowledge

Award for Eni Nigeria Business Unit. He is Eni Nigeria representative on the board of the Stratigraphic

Committee of Niger Delta (STRATCOM) and currently the Chairman of the Biostratigraphic

Subcommittee, a consortium of seven (7) IOCs.

Mr. Oyebamiji was a council member of Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society, a member of the

Student Mentoring Scheme Board of the University of Abuja, a Fellow of the Nigerian Association of

Petroleum Explorationists and a visiting Geoscientist for the American Association of Petroleum

Explorationists (AAPG), African Region.

Mr. Ajibola Oyebamiji, FNAPE is the Immediate Past President and a member of the Advisory Council

of the Association. He plays the pivotal role of counsel and provides effective communication between

the Executive Committee and the Advisory Council of NAPE.


University Assistance Programme

(UAP) Chairman



Dr. Maduawia is an extremely driven oil and gas technology and subsurface technical professional

working in senior technical roles with Nigerian Independents, Oil Service Companies and Marginal

Field Operating companies. He is currently a Database Manager with First Exploration and Petroleum

Development Company Limited (First E&P) operators of OML-34, OML-71, OML-72, OML-83 and

OML-85 leases where he oversees end to end with interfaces of all the data that drives both surface

and sub-surface activities of the organization across the company's asset portfolio.

Emmanuel has a BSc. Geological Sciences, MSc. Geophysics and PhD Geophysics all from the

Nnamdi Azikiwe University. He also obtained an MBA (Leadership and Sustainability) University of

Cumbria UK and a PhD Organizational Leadership University of Phoenix USA. With over 20 years oil

and gas industry experience, Emmanuel is also a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants.

Just before First E&P, he spent seven (7) years at Haliburton Energy Services (Haliburton) in positions

of increasing responsibilities as a Consultant Geologist with a large client portfolio. And prior to joining

Haliburton, he was a Production Geologist & Seismologist at Pioneer Alfa Petroleum Services Limited

for two (2) years. In First E&P as the Data Manager, he strategically aligned the organization's

sustainability values with its content's progress in terms of data creation, validations, executions and


Dr. Maduawia is NAPE's University Assistance Program Chairman (UAPC). He has led and driven

several impactful NAPE UAP initiatives and activities including NAPE/NMGS mini conference, Visiting

Geoscientist Lecture (VGL) series, The Bridge Newsletter, NAPE UAP Roundtable discussion fora,

etc. He also played pivotal roles in establishing strategic partnerships such as with the Petroleum

Technology Development Fund (PTDF).


Locate Us:

No.1 Akinfosile Close, off Raymond Njoku Street

off Awolowo Road Falomo, Ikoyi - Lagos.

Phone: +234 1 4611669

Email: info@emrng.com



NAPE's focus on ensuring complete safety of all its members remains resolute and top priority. Fully adjusted to the new

normal, the NAPE continuous education series online platform facilitated technical business meetings for all its members and

stakeholders in September, October, and November 2020.

September Technical Meeting


NAPE September Virtual Technical

Meeting was held on Wednesday

September 16, 2020. The Speaker was

Francis Ezeh, a Geoscientist at Mobil

Producing Nigeria, Unlimited and the

topic was "In Search of Deepwater

Stratigraphic Traps Formed by Sand Rich

D i s t r i b u t a r y C h a n n e l s a n d L o b e

Complexes in Miocene Sequences

Offshore Niger Delta". The technical

meeting was sponsored by ExxonMobil

Nigeria and the meeting Chairman was

NAPE Past President Mr. Chikwe

Edoziem, FNAPE, Vice Chairman, Ikonic

Energy Ltd. Amongst other insightful

c h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n o f d e e p w a t e r

stratigraphic traps and sand deposits, Mr.

Ezeh highlighted good observations

indicating the exploration opportunities to

pursue in Deepwater Stratigraphic plays

in the Niger Delta Basin.

October Technical Business


The Virtual Technical Business meeting

was held on Wednesday October 28,

2020. The Speaker was Ifekelunma

Umeogu, an Exploration Geoscientist at

Shell Petroleum Development Company

(SPDC). The topic of her presentation was

“De-risking Exploration Prospects in the

Niger Delta with Biodegradation”. She

shared an easily replicable approach to

de-risk shallow conventional prospects of

biodegradation risks and make better

decisions with significant economic

impact and commercial benefits. The

meeting was sponsored by Shell

Petroleum Development Company

(SPDC) and the Chairman was by Dr.

Kehinde Ladipo, FNAPE.

November Technical Business


Usually in NAPE, by the end of October,

the focus is completely the NAPE

conference, however this November we

honored Chief Dr. Tunde Afolabi, MFR,

FNAPE on the occasion of his 70th

birthday with a special technical business

meeting. The virtual Technical Business

meeting was held on Friday November 6,


The guest speaker was Austin Avuru,

FNAPE, Chairman CEO AA Holdings. The

topic of his presentation was “The

Unplanned Transition of the Nigerian Oil &

Gas Industry”. Mr. Avuru delivered a

thought-provoking presentation that

generated significant and considerable

discussions by participants across the

world. The meeting was sponsored by a

committee of friends of Chief Dr. Tunde

Afolabi, MFR, FNAPE and the Chairman

was Mavuaye James Orife, FNAPE. The

celebrant, Chief Dr. Tunde Afolabi, MFR,

FNAPE was given the opportunity to

contribute to the discuss and ultimately,

he expressed his gratitude to his friends,

the oil & gas industry and NAPE for the

very kind gesture.


Chapter Activity


Reports from NAPE Chapters:









Abuja Chapter

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Abuja Chapter continues

to play a key role in fostering the collaboration between NAPE

and government agencies situated in Abuja. It actively

supported discussions with the Petroleum Technology

Development Fund (PTDF) and on Tuesday 29th of September,

Abuja Chapter accompanied the Registrar, Council of Nigerian

Mining Engineers & Geoscientists (COMEG) and his

management team on a visit to the Honourable Minister of State

for Petroleum Resources.


The Abuja Chapter held a virtual technical meeting on Friday

25th of September 2020 on the topic “Development of a pre-rift

to post-rift tectonic evolution model for the Bornu basin, from

basement to surface, perspective”. The guest speaker was Dr.

Aminu Abdullahi Isyaku of the Department of Geology, Ahmadu

Bello University Zaria and the Committee Chairman, NNPC

Centre for Inland Basins Research at Ahmadu Bello University

Zaria. Dr. Isyaku presented a paradigm shift from a poor

understanding of the structural style and distribution of

inversion structures, controlled by the presence and orientation

of pre-existing structures in addition to the magnitude of

shortening strain to the dynamics of the reverse reactivation of

the normal fault during inversion, and their impact on petroleum

system development. The speaker posited that petroleum

systems modelling shows that hydrocarbon maturation and

expulsion in the basin occurs after the formation of inversionrelated

traps, making these structures potentially attractive

exploration targets in the Bornu Basin and throughout the West

to Central African Rift System (WCARS).

Benin Chapter

The largest Chapter, Benin Chapter continues to provide a platform for

sharing of technical experiences, best practice, and innovation

amongst NAPE members, driving YP/UAP initiatives and promoting

NAPE activities and new members entry.

The Chapter leadership consists of the following persons:

·Chapter Coordinator:

·Deputy Coordinator:

·General Secretary:

·Assistant General Secretary:

·Financial Officer:

·Public Relations Officer:

Edward Ozah

Ugochukwu Ogamba

Izundu Ikpo

Inemesit Udoh

Danlami Bawa

Jeffrey Jaiyeola

The Chapter had an eventful year, and in this quarter, it had a virtual

technical session.

Q3-2020 Technical Meeting

The Benin Chapter facilitated a virtual technical meeting via zoom on

Wednesday 30th September 2020. The presentation topic was on

“Advances in Well Intervention Technologies for Production

Optimization in Mature Fields” and the guest speaker was Haruna

Onuh, Technical Manager Haliburton Integrated Well Intervention (IWI)

Services. The meeting was sponsored by Benin Chapter Executives




Portharcourt Chapter

The third quarter for NAPE Port Harcourt Chapter was

marked with one Technical Meeting held on the 26th of

August 2020. The meeting held virtually, as is common in

this pandemic era, using the Zoom platform. The

meeting was sponsored by Port Harcourt Chapter

Executives. There were over forty (40) persons in

attendance with the NAPE President, Mr. Alex Tarka,

FNAPE and President-Elect, Mrs. Patricia Ochogbu,

FNAPE amongst the attendees. The session was chaired

by Mr. Nedo Osayande, FNAPE

The topic was "Geobody Inversion – A Novel Technique

for Predicting Deep Water Sand Stringers – Model Vs

Actual" presented by Obinna Chudi PhD of Shell. The

presenter gave a technical background for Geobody

Inversion as well as shared methodology to predict sand

stringers in development and exploration wells in Deep

Water environments. He concluded by sharing case

examples of sand stringers predictions against actual. Q

& A session was interactively facilitated by the chair and

the meeting ended with concluding remarks from NAPE

President, Mr. Alex Tarka, FNAPE

Uyo/Calabar Chapter

With over 340 members the Uyo-Calabar

chapter is championing collaboration,

academia-industry relationships, and

interactions to promote the message of

NAPE and the advancement of the oil

and gas industry. In Q3-2020 the Uyo-

Calabar Chapter Leadership paid a

courtesy visit to Professor Nse Essien

the newly appointed Vice Chancellor of

Akwa Ibom State University (AKSU) of

Science and Technology.


The Uyo-Calabar Chapter faciliated a

virtual technical meeting on Tuesday 6th

of October 2020 via the Zoom platform.

The guest speaker was Dr. Abraham

Udoh, Department of Geology, Akwa

Ibom State University. The presentation

was on the “Impact of Solid waste on

Groundwater quality in selected

dumpsites in Akwa Ibom state from

Resistivity and Hydrogeochemistry

data”. Dr. Udoh shared several insights

on the identified leachate contaminated

sand layer from his research and

illustrated that the leachate migration

paths trend predominantly in NW-SW

and NE-SW directions at Uyo and Oron

sites respectively.




UK/Europe Chapter

NAPE's international Chapter, the UK/Europe Chapter

operates out of the United Kingdom, coordinating all

NAPE Europe related activities. The chapter continues to

promote NAPE and provide the platform for our

members to participate in NAPE programs, share lesson

learned and including new technologies. It also

facilitates NAPE membership drives and acts as NAPE's

liaison in Europe. The UK/Europe Chapter organised its

third virtual technical meeting this year.

Q3-2020 Technical Meeting

The UK-Europe Chapter hosted a technical virtual

meeting on Thursday 27th August 2020 leveraging the

zoom platform. The meeting was sponsored by

dataVedik on a technical presentation on “End-to-end

workflow solution to update Structural Models in Realtime

using Artificial Intelligence (AI) while Drilling” and it

was presented by Mr Sunil Garg, the Founder and CEO

of dataVedik. Mr. Gideon Giwa chaired and moderated

the meeting with over forty people in attendance.

Warri Chapter

The Warri Chapter successfully executed

some of its 2020 plans that consisted of a

catalogue of Technical meetings,

Summer schools, Career talk amongst

selected schools, membership drives,

coordinate Students' Chapter activities

and encourage the establishment of new

Student's Chapter within its catchment

area. The Warri Chapter leadership paid

courtesy visits to different institutions

and companies to promote NAPE and

the advancement of the oil and gas

industry. The corporate visits included a

visit to the Department of Petroleum

Resources (DPR) Warri, Axxon Energy,

Heritage and Petroleum Training

Institute, Effurun where the Warri

Leadership team congratulated Dr.

Henry A. Adimula on his appointment as

the Acting Principal/Chief Executive of

Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun.



A look back at 30 years of producing professional

Technical Subsurface Personnel for the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry.


Almost everywhere you look in the Nigerian upstream oil and gas industry, one finds Petroleum Geologists, Geoscientists,

Seismic Interpreters or Petrophysicists, etc. as alumni of Degeconek Nigeria Limited. How has a wholly Nigerian oil servicing

and consultancy company yielded a massive and veritable portfolio of world class professionals over the years and across

the industry?

Degeconek Nigeria Limited celebrated 30 years of business operations this year as an indigenous service provider. It was

founded by Mr. Abiodun Adesanya. FNAPE, a Past President of NAPE and Degeconek's Managing Director. NAPEnews

interviewed several alumni of Degeconek Nigeria Limited to get an insight into the technical capacity, development

philosophy and strategies of this Nigerian company that has produced some many highly successful contributors to the

Nigeria oil & gas.

Mrs. Olajumoke Ajayi –

Managing Director Asharami

Energy, Sahara Group

I am one of the four (4) Pioneer staff of

Degeconek Nigeria Limited, and my career

background before Degeconek was in

Mobil Producing Unlimited. I hold an M.sc in

Applied Geophysics and B.Tech in Applied

Geophysics. When I was at Degeconek, the

company's core services were in Seismic

I n t e r p re t a t i o n , D e p t h c o n v e r s i o n ,

Petrophysics and Integrated Asset

evaluation. The MD, Mr. Abiodun

Adesanya, FNAPE, allowed you to venture

into all these areas for you to discover your

strength. In the process of going round the

different units, staff discovered themselves.

As soon as each staff's strength was

discovered in an area, Mr. Adesanya,

retained them in such areas. This was how

staff got to be in different areas of the

company's core services

What do you think is the formula for

the success of the company?

Vacancy advert - Minimum qualification: 3

years post NYSC experience, Not more

than 26 years old and 1st class or a

minimum of 2nd Class Upper. This typifies

one of the greatest challenges to securing

employment by fresh graduates. Most

vacancy adverts were presented this way,

making one wonder how fresh graduates

w o u l d e v e r h a v e e m p l o y m e n t


Mr. Adesanya gave opportunity of

employment to fresh graduates, helping

them overcome the impossibility presented

by the above advert scenario. He thus

turned his company into both a classroom

and a training ground where he groomed

fresh graduates into professionals. A born

teacher himself, he brings himself to the

level of the staff in order to bring them up.

This created an avenue for a large number of

young, vibrant and innovative staff to deliver

their assignments productively. Not having

to face the usual high requirements for

employment, staff worked with a strong

sense of appreciation and commitment for

the opportunity that other companies deny

them. The result today, is that there is hardly

any notable oil and gas company in Nigeria

in which you will not find a product of

Degeconek and wherever they are, they

keep Degeconek's flag, flying.

M o s t c h e r i s h e d f o r t e c h n i c a l

experience or most memorable

project or fondest memories

Out of the 24 Marginal fields in the 2001 bid

round, I evaluated about 20 and I did this

along with making presentations to DPR

and prospective investors. This provided for

me a technical exposure that was both deep

and broad. I also participated in the

evaluation of many fields in the Niger Delta

for different clients. These experiences that I

gathered in Degeconek created for me, the

experiences on which I have built upon todate.

Most memorable thing about Mr.


Mr. Adesanya is down to earth. In those

days, a common snack at work was boli and

eepa (roasted plantain and roasted

groundnut). It kept the work going.

Incidentally, it was a favorite snack of Mr.

Adesanya's. He would stop by you, take a

cut off the boli and some of the groundnuts.

He is a man without airs. How many MDs

relate with their staff that way? As seismic

interpretation work went on, Mr. Adesanya

would come out of his office, and spice-up

the work atmosphere with a fun moment.

Mr. Adesanya never owed staff salary, even

when we didn't have enough projects to

work on. If we have 10 companies, adopting

Mr. Adesanya's staff recruitment style in the

oil and gas industry, where the focus is

completely on personnel competent and

technical capacity development we will

have substantial reduction in the population

of unemployed fresh graduates.

Mrs. Ugwuagbo Chizoba Sabina

- Chief Geophysicist NNPC -


I started my career in Mobil Producing

Nigeria Unlimited with a 6-month Industrial





Training, then the National Youth Service

(NYSC) and was later retained as a Contract

Geophysicist. I joined Degeconek Nigeria

Limited in year 2000 as the third employee of

the company. Degeconek Nigeria Limited is

not just a Consulting Services Company, it is

an extended family unit. Only Degeconek

staff and their associates can understand

what I mean by that.

Mr Abiodun Adesanya and his lovely wife,

Barrister Toyin Adesanya were our parents,

brother, sister, friend, and mentor. They

treated us as part of the family. We played

together, ate together, and learned together.

Our 'small but Mighty' office was situated at

their Boys' Quarters in Dolphin Estate, so we

lived as one big family. This small and close

unit enabled significant commitment and

unprecedent numerous manhours of work.

What do you think is the formula for

the success of the company?

What I think is the success factor for

Degeconek is Mr Adesanya himself. I don't

think there is an English word that can

describe his type of person, but I will try to

describe him a little. My “Oga” as we fondly

call him is a visionary and pragmatic leader, a

wonderful team leader, a man with a heart of

gold. He is well focused and knows what he

wants. I am not surprised about where

Degeconek is now, more is yet to unfold. He

completely envisioned success for all of us

and pushed us to deliver. He normally tells us

that his desire is to enter NNPC, Mobil,

Chevron, Total, Shell and walk straight to our

offices as an ex-Degeconek and you know

what follows, hahahah. That is already

established today.

M o s t c h e r i s h e d f o r Te c h n i c a l

experience or most memorable

project or fondest memories

My most cherished technical experience in

Degeconek was the 2002/2003 Marginal

Fields bid round. We professionally

interpreted and evaluated most of the assets

for the bidders and about 95% of our clients

won their bids.

Technical aha moment and most

memorable thing about Mr. Adesanya

Our “Oga” is also an epitome of knowledge,

an entrepreneur and a philanthropist. The

Geology of Nigeria is in his palms. He was

part of the multiple seismic acquisition

teams so he cannot forget his experiences in

a hurry. Any time we are not busy at work, we

will all move to the board where he will start

to unleash the other side of him which is

lecturing. He is a professional teacher and a


I must confess that Mr Adesanya and his

ebony beauty wife have really impacted my

life positively and I learnt a lot from them.

The combination of strong technical

experiences, authentic interest in personnel

growth and a diverse range of projects were

instrumental in Degeconek people

development. We will live to celebrate

Degeconek at 50 by His Grace.

Mr. Abiodun Ogunjobi - Chief

Technical Officer (Pan Ocean/

Newcross Group)

I have a B.Sc. Geology, MSc and an MBA in

Oil & Gas Management and I worked in

Degeconek family till November 30th 2004

(that is the way I will describe the company

as I still relate very well with everyone, even

after 16 years) had been a truly inspiring

moment in my career. I was personally

connected to the work and had a fulfilled

inner purpose, as I was able to unleash my

inspiration. Whatever I am today,

Degeconek played an important role, and

am eternally grateful for that. Degeconek

provided a platform for learning. I started

my career as a Petrophysicist but was able

to improve my seismic interpretation skills

through the various opportunities provided.

What do you think is the formula for

the success?

Inspiration, one needs to be inspired by

others to help find joy in your work and Mr.

Adesanya provided that. He leads by

example and was mostly at the front during

project execution. One of the take- aways

from working at Degeconek is the room for

learning. Mr. Adesanya derives pleasure in

teaching and imparting knowledge to other

people. I recalled Mrs. Adesanya once said,

“that was his calling”. Having people around

him and imparting knowledge to them is

truly his calling. The accomplishment of

one's personal goal is achieved through

learning from other people.

Most cherished technical experience

or most memorable project or

fondest memories

The 2003 marginal field bid round was a

challenging period that quickly comes to

mind. It was a very challenging moment as

we had to work round the clock to meet up

with the evaluation of the various fields.

Most of the fields available for bid were

evaluated on a tight schedule and the

pressure was there to deliver. It was a

moment that everyone in my set will not

easily forget.

Technical aha moment and most

m e m o r a b l e t h i n g a b o u t O g a


Mr. Adesanya is someone that gives room

for staff to express their creativity and

intrusiveness. And when you do make

mistakes, he will never berate you in the

presence of other people. Never saw him

screaming or shouting at anybody that is Mr.

Adesanya for you. That kind of altitude

promotes productivity. He relates with

every staff on a personal level and that

endeared him to everyone that had passed

through the company.

Mr. Adesanya truly had a calling and his

calling is to sow seeds in the lives of young

and aspiring Geoscientists, nurturing and

providing a platform for them to launch into

the enviable geoscience world and I am

proud to have had the privilege of working

with this amiable personality. Thank you for

your leadership, mentoring of young

geoscientists, and supporting colleagues. I

feel very proud to have had the opportunity

to work with you and the patience taken in

providing constructive feedback. Happy

30th Degeconek Anniversary.

Oluwafemi Oyegun - Real



Degeconek means different things to

different people. To some it was a place to

learn, to others it was a place to earn an

income. To me, it was and still is many

things. At DNL, I learned, I grew, went to

college and even met my beautiful wife, a

rare gem! I cannot remember exactly when I

became a part of the family, it would have

b e e n a ro u n d ' 9 8 / 0 0 . I w o r k e d i n

Administration/ Accounts and Human

Resources. I was almost a jack of all trades.

I have been one of the fortunate few to

witness the growth of the company from the

ground up. From a staff of just 2 to over 30 at

a point!

My diverse portfolio gave me a unique and

priceless practical work experience while

simultaneously pursuing my bachelor's

degree. I was able to know the workflow and

processes of our projects to get desired

results. Doing all of these helped me when I

also became a business owner.

I see DNL as a calling for Mr. Adesanya, or

better described, a ministry. He gave

hundreds of people an opportunity to learn

and grow. Often times DNL served as a

launch pad to stellar oil and gas careers.

'Oga' as we fondly call him is an astute

businessman with excellent interpersonal

skills. In over 12 years that I worked with

him, I did not see him lose his temper or hold

a grudge. His anger lasts for just a moment. I

can still hear his voice ringing in my head





saying "Skippo! no no no no I don't do my

things like that" when he's displeased. And

the next moment he's moved on to

something else like "Skippo organize boli

and epa for your boss! ''

Businesses that have been in existence in

Nigeria for over 30 years are far and in

between and very successful businesses

older than 30 years are even rarer. We must

give honour to whom honour is due and Mr.

Adesanya deserves this in leaps and

bounds. He's an icon in the oil and gas

sector and I am very proud of him.

Congratulations Oga and Congratulations


Olanrewaju Aboaba - Senior

Geoscientist (USA)

I have BTech Applied Geophysics and

interned with Degeconek in 2003 when the

office was in the boys quarters, (laugh out

loud). This was with Mr. Irewole Ayodele,

Mrs. Dupe Otubanjo, Mr. Tunde Oladebo,

Mrs. Jumoke Ajayi, Mr. Bosun Pelemo, Mrs.

Chizoba Ugwuabo and Mr. Biodun

Ogunjobi, Mrs. Ireti Odugboye and Mr. Femi

Oyegun. I came back as a full staff in 2006

and departed in 2012.

I first interacted with a workstation at

Degeconek as an intern, Mrs. 'Jumoke Ajayi

taught me how to interpret seismic data on

the workstation and Bosun Pelemo taught

me how to interpret seismic data manually,

post time values on a map and generate a

structural map. Irewole Ayodele and Funke

Akinnifesi taught me log interpretation. This

helped me a lot with my undergraduate

thesis and gave me a greater appreciation

of using the workstation for geological/

geophysical studies. Honestly, Degeconek

has honed my geological/ geophysical skills

after working on several projects across the

Niger Delta, Ghana, Venezuela, and Zambia

and provided me with the toolkit to succeed

and contribute to capacity development in

the petroleum industry.

What do you think is the formula for

the success?

“Success is when opportunity meets

preparation”- Zig Ziglar. I believe

preparation comes through hard work,

perseverance, patience, and adaptability;

and opportunity is created by having the

right person/people who will give you a

chance to express yourself and advocate

for your progress. Degeconek facilitated

access to the right people who promoted

and guided technical and professional


Most cherished technical experience

or most memorable project or

fondest memories

I have had a lot of wonderful memories at

Degeconek. It is interesting, I still recollect a

lot of the projects even though I left eight

years ago. I guess I was super engrossed

with work.

The first experience was with AMNI where

w e i n t e r p r e t e d a n d p l a n n e d t w o

development wells in Ima Field with Mr.

Galen Treadgold's team of Weinmann

Geoscience. This also included weekly

briefings at AMNI office with the project

management team of WellManned - Mr. Ese

Avanoma, Mr. Uwem Udoh; Mr. Wale

Olafisan and Chief Afolabi -AMNI in

attendance. I supervised our other DNL

team (Bidemi Olorunmola and Mayowa

Omotoyinbo) who had set up a project

office at the AMNI office providing

workstation geological support. We

monitored the wells when the drilling

commenced to ensure the drillers did not

deviate from the well plan. We updated the

reservoir maps, recomputed volumes with

the new wells and chose candidate

reservoirs for PVT analysis and well

completions. This was a fantastic higho

c t a n e e x p e r i e n c e f r o m s e i s m i c

interpretation, reserve estimation, drilling to

well completion.

The second experience was when I was on

a seismic acquisition team on Dubri's OML

96 block. I followed the acquisition crew to

the field as they laid the geophones up to 9

km long and being in the doghouse to see

how the geophysicist communicated with

the shooters. It was fascinating to see the

active receiver lines once the shots were

fired and observe the effect of ground roll on

the shot record.

Technical aha moment and most

m e m o r a b l e t h i n g a b o u t O g a


I observed a flat spot on a Niger Delta

seismic data, which was validated by a well

that showed that the gross thickness of the

sand was significantly greater than the

thickness of the hydrocarbon water

contact. This gave clarity to what I read in

Alistair Brown's – Interpretation of threedimensional

seismic data book.

M r. A d e s a n y a i s v e r y i n t e l l i g e n t ,

hardworking, passionate, generous, and an

unassuming gentleman. I do miss Mr.

Adesanya's tutelage, his discussions on the

Niger Delta geology and sharing freely from

his fountain of knowledge for us to drink

from. According to the Dalai Lama “if you

want to achieve immortality share

knowledge”. I believe Mr. Adesanya has

been immortalized in the lives of the DNL

family who have gone ahead to have

amazing and fulfilling careers. Thank you

very much Mr. Adesanya for giving me an

opportunity to work at Degeconek. You are

truly loved and appreciated. I will

recommend Mr. Adesanya for an award for

the Order of the Federal Republic for being a

pacesetter in setting up indigenous

workstation interpretation capabilities in

Sub Saharan Africa and contributions in

human capacity development, for the

number of young graduates Degeconek has

trained who are immensely contributing to a

vibrant and dynamic energy industry.

Tinuola Abina - Geoscientist

Asharami Energy, Sahara


I have a BSc. Geology and MSc. Petroleum

Geosciences and I joined Degeconek after

my BSc Geology from the Obafemi

Awolowo University. Degeconek (DNL) is a

great place to kick start a career in

Geosciences. We got early exposure to

major aspects of the profession. While at

DNL I experienced tremendous personal

and professional growth. At DNL, we were

consistently encouraged to broaden our





horizon as far as we desired; I started off as

a Petrophysicist and later transitioned into

seismic interpretation. All of these were

amidst carrying out data editing/ loading,

log digitization, volumetrics computation,

reserve estimation, well planning and

integration of geological interpretation into

multi-disciplinary studies. We were also

encouraged to visit the rig and seismic

acquisition sites whenever the opportunity

presented itself.

What do you think is the formula for

the success?

To me the recipe for DNL's success is

sound technical prowess, team spirit,

dedication, excellent relationship

management and sustained brotherhood.

These attributes make DNL possess one of

the strongest alumni associations amongst

indigenous oil servicing companies in


Most cherished technical experience

or most memorable project or

fondest memories

My most memorable project was on Umutu

field, OML 38. It afforded me my first

opportunity to be a part of a project right

from data loading through petrophysics to

seismic interpretation, reserve estimation

and ultimately the drilling of Umutu-7.

Most memorable thing about Oga


Mr Adesanya is an amiable boss with a heart

to mentor and nurture the younger

generation. He always does everything

within his power to add value to people and

maintain a good relationship with his staff,

m e n t e e s , a n d e x - w o r k e r s a l i k e .

Congratulations to Degeconek on this

milestone anniversary. Wishing her greater

exploits and wins in all future endeavours.

Christian Ihwiwhu – Senior

Production Geologist/Technical

Advisor, Seplat Petroleum

Development Company.

I have a BSc. Geology, MSc. Marine

Geology & Geophysics and in 2007 I joined

Degeconek and this opened the way to my

career advancement, the company was a

platform for me to jump start my career. The

foundation for everything I do today, I learnt

all from Degeconek, from Seismic

interpretation, to Sequence Stratigraphic

evaluation to Well planning and drilling.


What do you think is the formula for


I do not believe that there is one cap that fits

all answer to this question, so to that extent,

there is no one formular for success.

However, what has worked for me is being

humble, staying open minded and acting

with integrity.

Most cherished technical experience

or most memorable project or

fondest memories

My fondest memories will be the times we

spent together in the work environment. In

Degeconek, we were not just colleagues but

a family.

Technical aha moment and most

m e m o r a b l e t h i n g a b o u t O g a


My technical aha moment will be the usual

regular technical presentations we used to

have in-house and my work on the Ibigwe

project. Oga Adesanya is a man on a

mission, peaceful, and a blessing to the

youths of our time especially in the oil & gas

industry. He has raised up many great


I hope I can give back enough in my career

as I have learnt from Oga Adesanya in such

a way that he can be proud of me too.

Folake Faturoti - Geoscience

Team Lead, Degeconek Nigeria


I have a B.Tech Applied Geophysics, M.Sc.

Exploration Geophysics. I started my career

with Geotrex Systems Nigeria Ltd. as an

Industrial Trainee and served (NYSC) with

the Iron Ore Mining Project, Itakpe in

Okenne. Spent some time in telecoms and

four years in the financial sector (stock

brokering) before moving to the oil and gas

sector with Degeconek Nigeria Ltd (DNL).

My experience in Degeconek has been an

awesome one. I have been exposed to

various aspects of the hydrocarbon field

production from 3D seismic acquisition,

block/marginal field evaluation, Field

Development Plan (FDP) to CPR writing.

Our team spirit has been a tremendous one

that is rarely found in most workplaces

which has enabled us to produce excellent

results; meeting and exceeding our clients'

expectations for all our projects.

What do you think is the formula for


Degeconek's success formula is having an

exceptional wonderful and great MD in the

person of Mr. Abiodun Adesanya who over

t h e y e a r s h a s c re a t e d a w o r k i n g

environment that makes you feel you belong

to a big open family known for its good

deeds and excellent work ethics. He makes

you realize that you are a member of the

Degeconek family, with a brand name in the

oil and gas industry whose legacy and

integrity must be jealously guarded. As a

result, this corporate culture subtly

translates into every employee to put in

his/her best at all times.

These work environment produces the


Ÿ Allow each employee the opportunity to

choose, gravitate and showcase his/her

strength in their chosen field of interest.

Ÿ A l l o w s e m p l o y e e s t o u s e t h e i r

discovered strengths and uniqueness

for the benefit of the entire Degeconek


Most cherished technical experience

or most memorable project or

fondest memories

S o m e o f m y c h e r i s h e d t e c h n i c a l

experiences are listed below:

Ÿ My first 3D seismic acquisition QAQC

field work experience

Ÿ My first well drilling experience for a

proposed well from the field evaluation

carried out by my team.





Ÿ My participation in the technical and

commercial bid submission at the recent

2020 Marginal field bid round

Most memorable thing about Oga


One of the most memorable things about

Oga Adesanya happened when one of his

NYSC member of staff had a ghastly car

accident which affected the use of his right

hand. He had to stay at home for a while to

recuperate and for his hand to heal. He

became frustrated, feeling he might lose his

job and his ability to work with his right

hand. Oga encouraged him to resume work

and learn how to use his left hand. In the

course of his return, he was confirmed as a

staff and he gradually got the use of his right

hand back.

Degeconek Nigeria Limited is one of the

best companies in the oil and gas industry

to start one's career and a great place to

work in.

James Odunuga - General

Manager Subsurface, Green

Energy International Limited

I worked as a Banker prior to joining

Degeconek Nigeria Limited (DNL). And in

D e g e c o n e k I w o r k e d a s L e a d

Business/Geoscience Analyst responsible

for Due Diligence prospect evaluation and

valuation for divestiture and acquisition

purposes, providing support oil & gas

Corporate Advisory to Bankers and

Investors. I led the team that handled

Project Execution Support – worked on

either Farmee/buy-side or Farmor/sell side

mandates assisting on transactions through

the collation of information and preparation

o f p r e s e n t a t i o n s a n d r e l a t e d


What do you think is the formula for

the success?

Recognition of raw talents and giving of

opportunities to such raw gems to blossom,

unlocking and fulfilling potential in the


Most cherished technical experience

or most memorable projects?

Corporate facility loan syndication for

Oando for the acquisition of ConocoPhillips

divestment from OMLs 60, 61, 62 & 63 and

some other Data room evaluation work on

the Shell and Chevron divestments.

Most memorable thing about Oga


When we met in a London hotel to discuss

my joining Degeconek and how I'll be fitting

into Degeconek Structure. I was based in

the UK at the time and needed to relocate to

Nigeria, Oga Biodun gave me the chance to

do that. I had run down my UK work permit

at the time; hence, it was a pivotal period in

my career, throwing me the lifeline is key for

where I am today and I am always grateful

for that day. The meeting was supposed to

last for a few minutes, however, when we

got talking, that meeting eventually lasted

more than 3 hours.

Modupe Angela Gbeworo -

Senior Credit Analyst, Fifth

Third Bank, United states.

I worked at Degeconek for 6years as the

Legal and HR manager. Degeconek is an

organization filled with young and vibrant

minds. At DNL, we were one big happy

family, with every member striving to

achieve his or her utmost best. The

Managing Director, Mr. Abiodun Adesanya

created an enabling environment where

young minds from various backgrounds, are

trained and mentored, And the result is

always remarkable.

He is a phenomenal leader and Mentor. At

DNL, under the leadership of Mr. Adesanya,

the formula for the success most

importantly is his passion, drive and a

determination to succeed. At DNL you also

quickly learn the power of optimism. Mr.

Abiodun Adesanya is an incredibly

optimistic person, over the years I have

noticed how this has helped at various

times. Mr. Abiodun also gives everyone a

chance to succeed by believing in them. He

is nonjudgmental, or discriminatory,

irrespective of your socio-economic status,

religion or tribe he opens his heart and mind

to teach and lead. Aside being a great

leader, he is a great teacher. And he has a

profound way of instilling knowledge.

Promise C. Ekeh –

Postgraduate Student MSc.

Petroleum Geosciences

Imperial College London (Shell

Petroleum Development

Company - SPDC Scholar)

My career in the oil and gas industry started

with Degeconek, I was a fresh graduate who

was determined to explore new learning

opportunities when I joined the company. I

had the privilege to grow and learn from the

very best within the industry, I started from

manually interpreting seismic data,

petrophysical evaluation to developing a

Field Development Plan.

I believe the formula of success for

Degeconek is training young talented and

vibrant graduates with unique potentials &

skills and transforming them to experienced

Mr. Abiodun Adesanya, FNAPE

MD Degeconek Nigeria Limited

well-grounded professionals.

Every moment in Degeconek was

memorable and every project I worked on

presented new and exciting challenges. A

project that stood out for me was the 2020

Marginal Field Bidding Round that took a

major part of the year. It was a period of

exposure, exigency and exponential

learning; within a short period, we had

delivered over 30 CPRs for various

stakeholders. Overall, the project

broadened my technical curiosity,

prompted me to explore areas beyond my

comfort zone and working directly with

experienced professionals provided me

with a fast-forward accelerated technical


Mr. Adesanya is an unconventional MD who

is humble and selfless, someone who

actively promotes the growth and

development of people around him,

especially the young ones. He has an

optimistic foresight which enables him to

see opportunities even where others may

see stumbling blocks. He is engaging and

enjoys sharing from his wealth of


I want to appreciate Mr. Adesanya for

believing in me and giving me the platform

to kick start what I'm certain would be an

excellent career. I am honoured to have

Degeconek as my root and foundation.



Olusegun Akintayo – Senior Geophysicist Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited

This year 2020 marks NAPE's 45th Anniversary as an association and as part of the several

activities to commemorate this milestone, NAPE announced the “NAPE at 45 Logo Design”

competition. This competition forms part of the activities for the 2020 virtual NAPE 38th Annual

International Conference and Exhibition (AICE). The contest was open to registered NAPE

students and Young Professionals (YP) members with the objective of the competition apart

from adding colour to the Virtual Conference and Exhibition this year is to promote creativity and

originality among NAPE registered student members and young professionals.

'NAPE at 45 Logo Design' competition opened on July 28th, 2020 and closed on August 18th,

2020. The best logo design would be selected by a panel of judges and the winning design

concept will be used at 2020 NAPE Virtual Conference & Exhibitions. There were also incentives

and additional prizes in this competition for participants and they are listed below.

WINNER: Sponsorship to two (2) Pre-Conference Short Courses, complimentary

registration for 2020 NAPE 38th AICE and a showcase on NAPE publications

and online platform

1st Runner-Up: Sponsorship to a Pre-Conference short-course, complimentary

registration for 2020 NAPE 38th AICE

2nd Runner-Up: Sponsorship to a Pre-Conference short-course, complimentary

registration for 2020 NAPE 38th AICE

Thirty-eight (38) submissions were received from NAPE students and young professionals.

These submissions were subjected to scrutiny based on selected design standards and the

three (3) most beautiful designs were selected as the Best, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up


Wisdom Uko a student of the Centre of Excellence in Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering,

University of Benin (UNIBEN) emerged the winner with the Best 'NAPE at 45 Logo Design'

submission which was incorporated into the 2020 NAPE 38th AICE logo concept. Other

winners include Afolabi Victor who emerged as the 1st runner-up with the second-best

submission and Charles Ajegba who emerged the 2nd runner-up with the third best submission.

1st Place Logo Design


2nd Place Logo Design


3rd Place Logo Design


The wining logo was incorporated into the 2020 NAPE 38th Annual International Conference and Exhibition (AICE)

designs and graphics, see below


YP activities continued online in accordance with all regulations, set up by Government and health authorities, to minimize physical

gatherings that will help beat COVID-19 pandemic and flatten the curve. Albeit virtual the YP programs continue to deliver value to

young professionals, students and all stakeholders in the oil and gas industry through 2020.


The August Technical Series titled: Optimizing Reservoir

Models through a better understanding of the Environment of

Deposition was delivered by Dr. Adedolapo Ogunsade, a Lead

Geoscientist with Heritage Energy Operational Services Ltd.

held on Zoom on Saturday, August 29, 2020. The online

interactive session had about 50 professionals in attendance.

In October, the Technical Series was delivered by a past leader

of NAPE-YP, Eudorah Ochai-Audu, a Senior Production

Seismologist/QI with Shell Petroleum Development Company

(SPDC). She spoke on the “Application of Seismic data for

Development wells execution in Brown Fields.” It was an

interactive session as YPs had a lot to learn from the session. A

total of about 90 professionals were present


On Saturday 8th of August 2020, a session was organized titled:

“How to Thrive in a Constantly Evolving Energy Market”. The

Speaker, Tosin Joel, currently works with Eni Spa, as the

Exploration Project Manager – Upstream Asset, based in Milan

Italy. It was an interactive session as skills needed in a constantly

evolving energy market were discussed. Questions were asked

and answers, provided. We were honored with the presence of our

Immediate Past President- Mr. Ajibola Oyebamiji, FNAPE and the

incumbent President Mr. Alex Tarka. FNAPE who spoke to all

participants present.




The initially planned Technical Workshop was

scheduled to hold across all geo-political zones

in the country with the first edition held physically,

earlier in the year, in Benin, Edo State. As a result

of COVID-19 pandemic, this edition was held

online via zoom and had several students and

young professionals from across the nation in


The Guest speaker during the opening ceremony

was Dr. Ebere Benard, a Senior Production

Geologist/ Rock Physicist with Seplat Petroleum

Development Company Plc., who spoke on the

theme: Strategic Positioning, the Role of

A d v a n c e Te c h n o l o g y i n To m o r r o w ' s

Opportunities. We also had in attendance, the

NAPE President (Mr. Alex Tarka, FNAPE), the

NAPE President-elect (Mrs. Patricia Ochogbu,

FNAPE) and the NAPE UAP Chairman (Dr.

Emmanuel Maduawia) who also spoke to all


A plethora of courses related to oil & gas practice

were taught and presented during this virtual

workshop summit and the table below provides

highlights of the programs and their instructors,

presenters or facilitators:

S/N Facilitator Course

1 Flora Anusiobi (Petrophysicists, Petroplays Intl Ltd) Petrophysics

2 Philip Ajaebili (Geophysicist, Shell) Seismic Acquisition & Processing

3 Olusola Omotoye (Senior Geoscientist, Equinor) Seismic Interpretation

4 Jude Omuije (Sedimentologist, Shell) Reservoir Geology

5 Okechukwu Chijioke (Senior Geoscientist, Nubian Nig. Ltd) Basic Geomodelling

6 Okon Divine Imeh (Lead Data Scientist/ Engineer, Christies Lab) Computational Geoscience

7 Stanley Oifoghe (Formation Evaluation Leader – Sub-saharan Africa, Well Log Analysis for Reservoir Characterization

Baker Hughes)

8 Tunde Farotimi (PetroleumEngineering Consultant, CypherCrescent) Subsurface Studies using Data Analytics

9 David Anomneze (Senior Geologist, Moni Pulo (Pet . Dev) Ltd.) Application of Rock Physics and Seismic Inversion

in Subsurface Description



Fiscal Regime Design, Government Revenues,

and Investors' Interest in Nigeria's Oil & Gas Sector

Timipre Sylva, Honorable Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum Resources

Let's wait for the stew that has

“been cooked, I can smell it”.

This was the response of Osten

Olorunsola, moderator of the August

edition of the NAPE Webinar Series to

speculations on the final complexion of

the much-awaited Petroleum Industry Bill.

Mr. Olorunsola should know. He spent

valuable time in the public service. First as

Adviser to two Ministers of Petroleum

Resources and later Director of Petroleum

Resources where he joined efforts to

reform the oil and gas sector, later

becoming the Technical Lead for the

drafting of the Petroleum Industry Bill

(PIB) between 2010 and 2019. He

remains a frontline Adviser to the National

Assembly on oil and gas matters

The theme of the Webinar held on August

20, 2020 was Fiscal Regime Design,

Government Revenues and Investors'

Interest in Nigeria's Oil & Gas Sector. The

Guest Speaker was the Honourable

Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum

Resources, His Excellency, Chief Timipre


In setting the context for the Webinar

discussions, the Co- Moderator of the

event, the voluble NAPE Publicity

Secretary, Abdullateef Amodu, asked Mr.

Olorunsola to give a brief overview of the

theme of the webinar as well as the key

policy initiatives of the PIB. Responding,

Mr. Olorunsola said '' within the

fundamentals required to drive business

in the oil and gas sector, fiscal regime

design is one of the most critical factors for

investment decisions'' he added that '' it

speaks of revenues, how they are made,

h o w t h e y a r e s h a r e d , a n d m o s t

importantly the fairness of the sharing''

He further stated that '' the reforms (PIB)

actually started in April 2000. In terms of

legislation, the first bill started getting into

the public space in 2008. What has been

the challenge in the industry is the

uncertainty, which makes it difficult for

investors to spend money on the long

term, plus the fact that quite a lot of the

legislation is changing in the industry as

there is a lot of obsolescence''.

While the Webinar was in progress, word

got to the Organizers that the Honorable

minister will be delayed due to an earlier

meeting that over ran. The wait for the

minister was time well spent as Mr. Amodu

engaged Mr. Olorunsola in a rich

conversation on burning topical issues in

the oil and gas industry.

Amodu: With the twin head winds of low oil

price and COVID-19 Pandemic on the oil

and gas sector. What policy direction is

the Minister likely to take?

Olorunsola: I have been following the

Nine (9) key policy objectives of the

minister and they are quite commendable.

But I think we should be looking at fiscal

levers that would unleash the industry

since it has been comatose.

Amodu: On palliatives for the oil & gas


Olorunsola: The oil and gas industry is

very critical to the Nigeria nation. Knowing

the generosity of the industry, the industry

has made efforts to ensure that production

continues to happen so that revenue

accrues to government.

Amodu: On elements in the PIGB that

would encourage exploration

Olorunsola: I worry about oil and gas

exploration. The big players are writing

down losses in reserves. Proven volumes

are being written off from books. We need

to unlock these resources and with a

sense of urgency too. A sense of urgency

should be the mandate in the bill. A sense

of urgency is required to make sure we

monetize both the exploration and

development space.

Amodu: On the 10 dollar per barrel

production cost

Olorunsola: The NNPC has given a clear

mandate. But we require a policy that will

attract investments. Unfortunately, the

kind of revenue to unlock these big-ticket

investments are not resident in the

country. For this to happen the industry

must be competitive. Legislation that

gives teeth to the policy is also required. If

we have a handshake between policy and

legislation, we will have a perfect fit.

Amodu: On gas policies going forward

Olorunsola: The fact that the minister has

declared this year the year of gas,

optically is a big thing and we are seeing

action around it, but the really big thing is



Fiscal Regime Design, Government Revenues,

and Investors' Interest in Nigeria's Oil & Gas Sector

Timipre Sylva, Honorable Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum Resources

when will we see legislation around it?

What are the big fiscal levers, what sort of

pricing applies, especially around the

issues of Naira/ dollar exchange rates?

Should the prices be linked to the naira or

the dollar?

Amodu: What is the summary of all these

contending issues?

Olorunsola: Let's wait for the stew that has

been cooked, I can smell it.

The honorable minister made his

appearance around 1: 15 pm, dressed in a

well-cut blue suit, white shirt and red tie.

He offered his apologies, and thanked

NAPE for the honour and opportunity

before delivering his 7-slide presentation.

Highlights of the Minister's presentation


1. Global Outlook

Current global economic outlook,

occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic is

predicted to create a recession which will,

according to the IMF, result in a decline of

4.9% of world GDP in 2020. Even if

acceptable vaccines are developed in

2021, it may take two or more years to

recover from this recession.

We might be grappling with low oil

demand and therefore low oil prices for

the rest of 2020 and afterwards. At the

same time, the oil and gas industry is

facing increased competition from

expanding and ever cheaper renewable


2. Nigeria and Oil & Gas Industry


It is a wake-up call for Nigeria to increase

efforts to reduce her dependence on Oil.

We must re-jig our petroleum industry and

energy framework in order to chart a new


The Petroleum Industry Bill that we

propose will, I believe, provide this new

framework. In order to secure the future

of the petroleum industry in Nigeria fiscal

and other terms must be based on a more

conservative economic outlook.

3. PIB and COVID-19

In the short term, the Government will

need maximum fiscal environment to deal

with the COVID-19 crisis. For this reason,

we are proposing grand fathering in the

new PIB. This, I believe will preserve

current government take while also

guaranteeing investors returns.

It also guarantees that Investors can

continue with existing operations while

earning favourable returns. The

proposed PIB framework shall be based

on core principles of clarity, dynamism,

neutrality, open access and fiscal rules of

general application.

4. Gas Production and The Domestic

Gas Market

Accelerating the growth of the Nigerian

economy cannot be done effectively

without connecting all Nigerians to

electricity. Nigeria has favourable

conditions to bring electricity to Nigerians

for modest costs compared to many other

nations. A large share of the massive gas

reserves of 203 Tcf can be produced at

reasonable cost. Therefore, a significant

network of additional gas pipelines need

to be constructed to connect all major

economic centres of Nigeria to natural


The initiation of the construction of the

AKK pipeline is the first important step in

this process. The development of an

optimal framework for electricity

generation based on natural gas, will

create a strong basis for providing

electricity to all Nigerians.

5. Gas Fiscal Terms, Pricing Structure

and Delivery Obligations

To encourage and promote the production

of natural gas, the proposed Bill

establishes an attractive fiscal framework

for associated and non-associated gas.

For gas production, the fiscal terms will

ensure low royalty and corporate income

tax and lower a variety of other small taxes

and levies.

Producers and customers can agree on

gas pricing on a willing buyer – willing

seller basis. However, special protections

are built in to ensure supplies to wholesale

customers of strategic sectors; which are

the power sector, gas-based industries

and the commercial sector with significant

off-take possibilities. The proposed Bill will

establish a gas-based price that is higher

than current levels to producers and this

base price will increase over time.

6. The National Gas Expansion

Programme (NGEP)

NGEP is conceived and designed to serve

as a catalyst for adding value to the vast

natural gas reserves Nigeria is endowed

with. Identification of existing policy, legal

and regulatory frameworks & commercial

instruments that are hindering the

development of the local gas sector.

Reforming and implementing the

promotion of a market structure in a

manner that will ensure the optimal

utilization of gas infrastructure, assets and

facilities on a common carrier and cosharing


Formulate strategies that will promote

cost effective distribution of the various

gas streams by marine, rail and road for

achieving a most affordable, available,

acceptable and accessible gas to


7. Concluding Remarks

The COVID-19 pandemic has indeed

taken its toll on the global oil & gas

Industry with cascading impacts to other

sectors. The Petroleum Industry Bill will

provide a framework for increased

petroleum industry activities in terms of

developing gas for the domestic market

and increasing oil production under

competitive terms and support the goal of

a stronger non-oil economy for the benefit

of all Nigerians. Consequently, we are

developing strategic survival measures.

We have also designed fiscal terms in the

proposed PIB based on a conservative oil

prices outlook. We seriously believe that

a diversification plan to non-oil economy

has become a national imperative.

Once again, I wish to congratulate the

Leadership and entire members of NAPE

for this event and thank you for the honour

and opportunity accorded me to address

the professionals in the industry.

Chief Timipre Sylva, the Honorable

Minister of State for Petroleum Resources

took questions from the numerous and

diverse participants at the webinar.

Question: Given the importance of the

Oil and gas sector to the Nigerian

Economy, Is the Minister thinking

about some sort of palliatives for the


Answer: Government too is hard hit by

the adverse condition, so we are not really

in the best position to offer palliatives. The

easier way is to ensure a fiscal framework

but that too comes by way of legislation.

But more importantly, the passage of the

PIB will ensure that operators will get the

best terms. We will make sure the PIB is




Fiscal Regime Design, Government Revenues,

and Investors' Interest in Nigeria's Oil & Gas Sector

Timipre Sylva, Honorable Minister of State, Ministry of Petroleum Resources

Question: Are there timelines for the

passage of the PIB?

Answer: It is a law that has been very long in

the making, some say it started in 2000

others 2003, it is instructive to me that when

it is passed it will be a stable fiscal

framework and not prone to amendments

in next few years. I can give you an answer

in relation with what we are doing. For us

we have finished our job, the drafting

process is concluded, the ministry of

Justice is looking at the draft to make sure it

is not in conflict with existing laws. How long

it takes with the National Assembly, I cannot


Question: What is the status of

monopoly on gas pipelines?

Answer: The bill is trying to avoid monopoly

in any sector. The bill is going to

democratize every sector. The bill will also

encourage activities in the midstream

sector which is really nonexistent now.

Question: On Carbon – neutrality, is

there a clear strategy to address it?

Answer: On green energy we have to be

cautious, we don't have the funding

capacity for the renewable energy

research. I read somewhere that the

European union voted one trillion dollars for

renewable energy. We cannot participate in

that race at the moment because we are not

financially strong enough. But one of the

ways we can participate in cleaner

energies, is first develop gas, a cleaner

energy that we have abundantly to develop

the base load energy and address the

energy shortage. More than 500,000

people without access to energy live in

Africa. We have to get through to them with

what we have now. I would like to see the oil

and gas industry fund research into

renewable energy.

Question: Is the national pipeline grid

still in the cards to help in evacuation of


Answer: On the national pipeline grid, we

are trying to commercialize it. We want to

enable private investors to take over the

m i d s t r e a m w h e r e c o m m e r c i a l

consideration drives the sector. We are

opening up opportunities for all investors to

build the grids and earn money from them.

Question: Your thoughts on Nigeria's

production target of 3 million barrelso

i l - p e r - d a y ( B O P D ) c a p a c i t y ,

mechanisms for block allocation and

marginal fields bid rounds.

Answer: We had a mandate to take

production to 3 million barrels (BOPD), but

the pandemic and OPEC cuts have not

helped. We expect production additions

from the new Marginal fields, new projects

such as the Bonga-South West fields will

add to our National production. We have

incentives for small producers as well. We

also expect that marginal fields will also

help us develop in-country local capacity.

There will be a major Oil block bid round,

but it will come after the PIB.

Question: Nigerian Operators spend

f o u r ( 4 ) t o fi v e ( 5 ) t i m e s t h e i r

contemporaries globally and this driven

primarily by security challenges, what

are your thoughts?

Answer: This is a bit more personal for me

as indigene, I come from this region of the

country. Unfortunately, a few environment

developments in this region invariably

promoted issues that have become

intractable and we have not gotten over. A

lot of money is being spent not related and

with no links to security issues and

challenges. A lot of money is being spent

on NDDC to bring stability in the Operating

environment i.e. oil producing host

community areas, but there is no link

between NDDC and the oil industry. The

same for the Amnesty programme. We

need to build linkages. Oil companies are

spending a lot on security that becomes

OPEX and these are passed on to the

Government (JV or PSC). Government is

suffering double jeopardy.

As an industry we must come together to

develop sustainable solutions to this

specific challge.

Question: Your parting shot

Answer: I like this engagement and

collaboration between government and

industry that move the industry forward. We

should see ourselves as one and all on

same side to find solutions that advance the

industry, promote issue-based R&D and

address security challenges so that we can

take control of our destiny.

This NAPE Webinar August Edition was

sponsored by Dharmattan Nigeria Limited.

Mr. Bashir Koledoye, Founder and

Managing Director of Dharmattan Nigeria

Limited gave the sponsors remarks. He

highlighted that the insights by the Minister

provided good news for the industry. Mr.

Koledoye stated they are pleased to

partner with NAPE to enable forums that

bring issues that affect the oil and gas

industry to the public. And Dharmattan will

be glad to partner with NAPE again and


Mr. Alex Tarka, FNAPE, President NAPE

on behalf of the Association appreciated

the Honorable Minister of State Petroleum

Resources and all contributors to this indepth

oil and gas interview session. The

NAPE President in his closing remarks for

the webinar stated that NAPE will continue

to provide the platform for stakeholders to

promote the advancement of the industry

as the premier Nigerian oil and gas industry

professional association.

** The Honorable minister of State's

Presentation and the full NAPE Webinar

August edition is available on the NAPE

YouTube Channel, NAPE NIGERIA. **


Valuable R&D

in Nigeria;

The Agip (NAOC) Story




The much talked about University-Industry

collaboration as a panacea to bridging the

gap between the industry and the academia

received a boost recently as NAOC and its

Joint Venture partners (NPDC and

OANDO) signed a Memorandum of

Understanding on four key Research and

Development projects with four Nigerian


Below are the research and

development project details and the

associated Universities:

3D Printing Technology - University of

Uyo, Akwa Ibom State: 3D Printing

Technology for Additive Manufacturing

design improvement of existing 3D printer

and accessories, capacity up-scaling,

development of new 3D printer and

machineries for the processing of waste

plastics into filament which in turn will be

utilized as input for the 3D printer.

C o n s o l i d a t e d N a n o t e c h n o l o g y

Bioremediation - Federal University

O t u o k e ( F O O ) , B a y e l s a S t a t e :

Optimization Studies on an Innovative,

Indigenous and Eco-friendly Consolidated

Nanotechnology-based Bioremediation

Technique (CNB-Tech). Profer solutions to

the identified gaps in present soil

remediation technology through the

introduction of nanotechnology technique

(CNB-Tech) for field applications; optimize

CNB-Tech procedures to meet international



Valuable R&D in Nigeria;

The Agip (NAOC) Story cont’d

Maintenance Engineering R&D center

- Federal University of Technology,

Akure Ondo State: Establishment of

centre for Maintenance Engineering (to

train technicians, engineers and other

relevant professionals on the latest

theory and practice of inspection, repair

and overhaul of engineering equipment

for industrial use; Run postgraduate

programs; Organize routine workshops

and seminars ; research)

Plastic Recycling and Reclamation

R & D - F e d e r a l U n i v e r s i t y o f

Technology Owerri, Imo State:

Facilitate the systematic “Reclamation

and Recycling of Plastic Waste within

FUTO and the host Communities in Imo

S t a t e ” ( c o l l e c t , s o r t , r e m o v e

contaminants, shred and sizing to

produce flakes and agglomerates &

recycling) in a sustainable approach.

In a similar development, NAOC also

supported some Nigerian Universities

with Geoscience Workstations.

As part of Eni's support and collaboration

with Nigerian universities, Nigerian Agip

Oil Company Limited (NAOC) presented

Nine Geoscience workstations equipped

with 9 OpendTect software licenses to

three (3) Nigerian Universities: University

of Port Harcourt, River State; Modibbo

Adama University of Technology, Yola

Adamawa State and University of

Ibadan, Oyo State. In addition, a 3-day

intensive training program for fifteen (15)

senior lecturers, five (5) from each of the

U n i v e r s i t i e s , o n t h e u s e o f t h e

Geoscience Workstations and the

installed softwares.

The initiative is designed to adequately

equip the lecturers, who will pass on the

knowledge to their students, in order to

advance the teaching of Petroleum

Geosciences in the Universities and the

needs of the Nigerian oil and gas industry

in those specific areas.

The presentation ceremony which held in

Abuja was attended by Eni top

management led by the Managing

D i r e c t o r , F i o r i l l o L o r e n z o , a

representative of the Executive

Secretary, NCDMB, Patrick Daziba

Obah, Vice Chancellors of the three (3)

Universities and senior lecturers from the

Universities. Also in attendance were the

Deputy Managing Director/General

Manager Human Resources Mrs.

Callista Azogu, the General Manager

NAE, Mr. Tajudeen Adigun and the

General Manager Public Affairs, Mr.

Barry Nwibani.

This is the second phase of the industryuniversity

collaborative initiative by

N A O C / E N I . I n t h e fi r s t p h a s e

i m p l e m e n t e d i n 2 0 1 5 , Te n ( 1 0 )

Geoscience Workstations and two

Plotters were presented to three (3)

Universities - Niger Delta University,

Bayelsa State, Federal University of

Technology Minna (FUTMINA), Niger

State and Ladoke Akintola University,

Ogbomosho, Oyo State.


By David Anomneze - Senior Geologist, Moni Pulo (Petroleum Development) Limited

The oil and gas industry is currently

facing a massive disruption. The

renewables are the primary forces

contending with it and as such there has

been a consistent shift away from the

dependence on oil and gas for supply of

energy globally.

However, this shift has had insignificant

impact in West Africa especially Nigeria.

The continent's most populous nation is

barely able to provide up to 20% of the

required electricity needed to power the

entire nation. There is thus a dire need of

oil and gas to power millions of household

and industrial generators within the

country. This abysmal availability of

electricity is a limitation to the possibility

of powering electric cars in Nigeria.

At present renewables make up about

0.3% of the global energy mix and far less

than 0.1% of energy supply in Nigeria.

There has been significantly varying

statistics on the future of oil and gas

demand. However, it is agreed that

hydrocarbons (crude oil) will still be in

high demand by 2040, but the demand

may not necessarily be as high as what

was obtainable in the past. See a model

outlook of the future energy demand in

the BP Energy Outlook and IEA Africa

Energy Demand Outlook.




There is also a strategic move to focus on

low-carbon content oil in the near future

and that means heavier-carbon content

oil producing companies will be first to

phase out, lucky enough much of

Nigeria's crude are in the lighter ends. In

a recorded video message to the United

Nations (UN) General Assembly, China's

Leader, President Xi Jinping made a

surprise announcement. He said that as

well as aiming to halt the rise of its carbon

emissions by 2030 – a goal set five years

ago, China would strive for “carbon

neutrality” by 2060. In climate-change

jargon, this means achieving a balance

between carbon emissions and carbon

reduction both technological and natural

approaches such as planting of trees.

China's oil consumption growth

accounted for 43% of the world's oil

consumption growth in 2014 according to


The demand of oil from China will

continue beyond 2040 and with the

restart of the construction of a $10 billion

refinery project in Jieyang city which is

expected to be completed in 2022, it

supports the outlook that Chinese

demand for unrefined crude oil will still be


The COVID-19 pandemic is another

temporary factor that increased the

uncertainty in oil and gas, as globally a lot

of refinery and industrial operations were

shut-down due to the reduction in

demand for and the price of oil. It is

estimated that the pandemic will be over

by 2022, after which most operations will


O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , o v e r 1 0 0

Geoscientists have retired within the past

five (5) years either voluntarily or as

statutorily required for those approaching

the 60 years retirement age in Nigeria.

The exiting workforce are being replaced

b y t h e i r s u b o r d i n a t e s ( S e n i o r

Professionals) while new graduates will

be required to take up roles of early to

mid-career professionals.

However, due to the decrease in oil and

gas demand and cash-flow, the demand

for Geoscientists has reduced and

inadvertently most Geosciences

graduates will be taking up an allencompassing

role that combines

various Geoscience sub-disciplines.

What that means is that a typical

Geoscientist will be required to have and

build skills in formation evaluation,

integrated seismic interpretation, static

modelling, well planning and well

operations. An added skill that is now

c o n s i d e r e d f o r e x p e r i e n c e d

Geoscientists is Quantitative seismic

interpretation which combines rock

physics analysis, AVO analysis and seismic


Generally, in the Upstream oil and gas

industry personnel cost has been reduced and

their responsibilities doubled. This is already

applicable in most indigenous oil and gas

companies in Nigeria and some international

oil and gas companies are gradually shifting to

this direction. The focus to constantly drive

OPEX down is considered mandatory across

the industry globally and especially in Nigeria.

Currently most graduates seem to be driven

by the technology age which is highly

expected of them. However, for those

interested in the industry, more energy should

be focused on learning and developing

theoretical and software skills and

competence in reservoir evaluation and

management for development and production


The gradual decrease in demand for oil also

means there will be lesser interest in

exploration and a heightened interest in

redevelopment and production optimization.

There are about 50 oil and gas producing

companies in Nigeria and about 40 oil and gas

reservoir characterization service and

consulting companies in Nigeria. By my

estimate the biggest Geoscience recruiting oil

producing company in Nigeria – Shell Group

of companies (i.e. SNEPCO and SPDC) with

over 100 Geoscientists, and the biggest

Geoscience recruiting oil service company in

Nigeria – Degeconek Nigeria Limited with

over 30 Geoscientists. Securing Graduate

G e o s c i e n c e p o s i t i o n s w i l l b e m o r e

competitive in the near future and only those

with the required broad theoretical and

practical skillset will make it into the E&P

industry and last longer in the industry.

The industry operations are very costintensive,

and it requires very brilliant,

innovative and hardworking graduates

who can work collaboratively to complete

field development projects following the

defined standard procedures to deliver

results and performance ahead of

schedule and at lower cost.

The uncertainty and intense competition

will remain and continue to grow amongst

recent graduates and already employed

Geoscientists. Relevance and value will

always be considered first as companies

brace up to survive through the global

energy transition phase. To improve

one's value and employability, there are

other competences and relevant

professional skillsets in addition to

subsurface oil and gas competences

such as project management, data

analytics, procurement, contracting and

information technology.

These segments can be explored by

recent and upcoming graduates of

Geosciences where the opportunity

arises. It is imperative for soon to be

graduates and recent graduates to

constantly stay abreast of the latest

information both within and outside

Nigeria, for awareness of available

opportunities and to better inform

decision making. There are other sectors

outside of oil and gas that graduates of

Geoscience and Petroleum Engineering

can fit in without much challenge. They

can best be explored with the guidance

and directives of a brilliant Mentor.



Awards &




Chief Tunde Afolabi is the Chairman and Chief

Executive Officer (CEO) of Amni International

Petroleum Development Company Limited, a

leading indigenous Petroleum Exploration and

Production Company.

An illustrious investor and businessman with a

fervent belief in the promotion of Human Capital

Development, Chief Afolabi is actively engaged in

the creation of opportunities for economic

development, especially employment for the

continent's young population. His interests span all

economic sectors including Power, Oil & Gas, Real

Estate and Manufacturing. He sits on the board of

several companies across the globe.

He earned his Bachelor's degree in Geology from

Franklin & Marshal College in Pennsylvania and a

Master's in Geology from Tulane in New Orleans.

Chief Afolabi is also a product of the prestigious

Lagos Business School.

He worked as a Senior Geologist with Texaco from

1974 to 1978 before joining Williams, Fenix &

Scisson as an Engineering Geologist. He also

worked with Mobil as a Project Geologist before

establishing Exploration Consultants Inc. In 1993,

Chief Afolabi incorporated Amni International

Petroleum Development Company as a founding

Managing Director & CEO. He is also a director at

Crescent Oil Company.

Chief Afolabi is a recipient of numerous distinctions

& honours. In 2001, he was conferred the national

honour of Member of the order of the Federal

Republic of Nigeria (MFR) for his immense

contributions to the oil & gas sector and national

development in general. He was conferred with a

Doctorate of Technology (Honoris Causa) by

Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,

Ogbomoso in 2009 and a Doctor of Geology

(Honoris Causa) by Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo

in 2017. In 2018, he was appointed the pioneer

Chancellor of the Technical University, Oyo State.

Chief Afolabi was conferred a Doctor of Science

(Honoris Causa) by Redeemers University, Osun

State in 2019. Honorary Fellow of the Energy

Institute and appointed Chancellor of Ajayi

Crowther University, Oyo State in 2019 as well.

A professional geologist, with over 35 years in Oil &

Gas Exploration and Production experience with

international companies, Chief Afolabi is a member

of the American Association of Petroleum

Geologists(AAPG), a Member of the order of the

Federal Republic (MFR), a past President of the

Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationist

(NAPE), and a council member of the Nigerian

Association of indigenous Production &

Exploration Companies (NAIPEC). He is an active

supporter of non-partisan social-political

engagements across Africa and a member of

several other professional bodies.

He is the immediate past President of the

Petroleum Club Lagos and a member of the

advisory board. Chief Afolabi is the Chairman of

Josephus Foundation, a non-profit organization

established for services to God and Humanity. The

foundation which has over 100 students under its

sponsorship scheme including Seven Geology

students at the Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo


Chief Afolabi has consistently sponsored many

Geological/Petroleum Associations for over ten

years, this includes The Nigerian Association of

Petroleum Explorationist (NAPE), Nigerian Mining

and Geoscience Society (NMGS), Society of

Petroleum Engineers (SPE) amongst others.

He also has plans in contributing to the building of

research Institute at the Technical University,

Ibadan, Oyo State, Josephus institute of Earth

Sciences, Redeemers University Ede, Osun State

and Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo State to

mention few.

He has been honoured with several awards at

home and abroad in recognition of his contributions

to the business world and human development.

Chief Afolabi is married with Children.

Mr. Bashir A. Koledoye is a Geoscientist and highly

successful Entrepreneur who has founded and

currently runs several companies in the Energy and

Natural resource industries. He has a B.Sc.

Geology, University of Ibadan 1990, MSc. Mineral

Exploration (Geophysics Option) University of

Ibadan 1994 and obtained an MSc Geological and

Environmental Sciences from Stanford University

1999, California USA.

He is a versatile Earthscientist experienced in

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Field Development,

with extensive experiences in reservoir

management techniques and possessing special

knowledge of the Gulf of Guinea and the East

African Rift areas including all parts of Niger Delta

Basin, Dahomey Basin, Rio Muni Basin, Melut

Basin and others. He has trained over 100

Geoscientists and Petroleum Engineers in the use

of seismic interpretation and fault seal analysis

software within and outside Nigeria, as well as in

different aspects of oil exploration and production.

In addition, he has authored four (4) papers

discussing application of fault seal analysis in the

AAPG bulletin, Leading Edge and NAPE bulletin.

He spent twelve (12) years in Chevron Nigeria and

Overseas as an Earthscientist and four (4) years as

Co-founder and Technical Director of Geoscience

Solutions Limited. Mr. Koledoye is the Founder and

Managing Director of Dharmattan Nigeria Limited,

a position he has held since 2008. In 2010, he set

up Dharmattan Gas and Power Products Limited

for the marketing of LPG and the development of

LPG facilities. The company was a pioneer in the

LPG skid retailing in Nigeria and currently has

operations all over Nigeria in different LPG

marketing sectors. In 2016, he co-founded First

Modular Gas Systems Limited, a midstream

company focused on the processing of Natural Gas

and the marketing of natural gas products including

CNG, LPG and Condensates.



Mr. Koledoye has been an active member of the

Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists

(NAPE) since 1993 and has held the positions of

Treasurer (2002/2004), Publicity Secretary

(2004/2006) and Editorial Board Member

(2006/2008). He was also a consistent member of

the NAPE Conference Planning Committee (CPC)

between 1999 and 2012. Bashir Koledoye has a

passion for mentoring and training young

professionals, he delivered training during NAPE

Shortcourses, a panelist on YPF Seminars,

mentored several NAPE Young Professionals,

delivered lectures at monthly Technical Business

meetings as well as the NAPE Conference. Mr.

Koledoye's company, Dharmattan Nigeria Limited

has sponsored various NAPE events over the

years and provided internship opportunities for

dozens of students in Universities and

Polytechnics all over Nigeria.

Bashir Koledoye is a COMEG-registered Geologist

and a member of the American Association of

Petroleum Geologists (AAPG). For the past few

years, he has been a visiting lecturer in Obafemi

Awolowo University (OAU) since 2012 and the Pan

African University domiciled in the University of

Ibadan since 2015.



Awards &


Elliot Ibie obtained a BSc. Applied Geology,

Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA)

1991 and was the Best Graduating student of the

d e p a r t m e n t . H e a l s o o b t a i n e d a M S c .

Sedimentology from the Department of Earth,

A t m o s p h e r i c a n d P l a n e t a r y S c i e n c e s ,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 1997,


He joined Chevron Nigeria in 1993 as an

Earthscientist working Onshore, Offshore and

Deepwater projects and rose to the position of

Deepwater Exploration Team Leader. While with

Chevron, Elliot had a tradition of pioneering

achievements: the first Earthscientist on Chevron's



Postgraduate Assistance Programme in 1995;

pioneer member of Chevron's Regional Geology

Team in 1997; pioneer member of the Niger Delta

Stratigraphic Commission where he served in the

Sequence Stratigraphic Committee in 1998 as well

as being a pioneer member of Chevron Nigeria's

Operated Deepwater Team in 2002.

Elliot moved to Shell in 2008 as a Senior Production

Seismologist and held various positions as Asset

Lead in the Non-Operated Ventures (NOV) Team,

Front-End Development Manager in charge of

maturing Deepwater opportunities with SNEPCo

and most recently as Front-End Development

Manager in charge of Onshore Oil and NOV

projects in SPDC. Elliot has received numerous

Shell recognitions for Leadership, Production

impact, Resource Volume Management, Business

Delivery, Continuous Improvement as well as on

Staff Coaching and Mentoring.

Elliot has also variously authored and co-authored

p r e s e n t a t i o n s a t v a r i o u s f o r a f r o m h i s

undergraduate days. His undergraduate thesis

won third prize in the 1991 Mobil/NMGS Best B.Sc.

Dissertation Award for that year and he presented

his graduate thesis at the 1998 AAPG International

Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1998. He

also co-authored the best paper at the 2000 NAPE

International Conference in Abuja and has

presented other papers on the Niger Delta

Regional Geology, Chronostratigraphy, Petroleum

Systems and Deepwater complexes at local and

International Conferences.

Elliot Ibie has been an active member of the NAPE

for the past 27 years and is a four-time Executive

Committee member of the Association, having held

positions as Treasurer, General Secretary,

Publicity Secretary and Vice-President. Over the

past 16 years, Elliot has been a part of the

Conference Planning Committee of the

Association, including playing a pivotal role in the

setting up of the Health Management Scheme and

successfully chairing several Conference

Committees. He also served as the Chairman of

the Universities Assistance Program (UAP)

Grants-in-Aid Committee.

As a result of his outstanding contributions to the

Petroleum Industry and the academia, Elliot was

honored with a Distinguished Alumnus Award by

the Federal University of Technology Akure in


He is a member of the American Association of

Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), the Society of

Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and the Nigerian

Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS).

Elliot Ibie is married to Debra, a financial and

personnel analyst, and the union is blessed with

three children, Eghosa, David and Richard. Elliot

loves to read, play Scrabble, Chess and has keen

interests in soccer, basketball, baseball and

American football.



Nonny Nwogbo is currently the Manager, Upstream

Nigeria Work Program Coordination (JV &

Deepwater) at Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited,

a subsidiary of the ExxonMobil Corporation. She

obtained a BSc Geological Sciences Nnamdi

Azikiwe University (NAU) 1990 as the Best

graduating Student and an MBA University of

Lagos (UNILAG), 2003. Nonny started her

Geoscienes career with Mobil Producing Nigeria

Unlimited in 1991 after her National Youth service

with Shell Petroleum Development Company

(SPDC) in Port Harcourt. She has held various

technical and managerial positions within the

Upstream (Exploration, Development and

Production) divisions of ExxonMobil in Nigeria and

in the US where she worked on the Niger Delta and

the Congo Basins (Angola Deep water projects)

across the oil and gas value chain.

She has been an active member of NAPE since

1991 and has served in various capacities

including; Chairperson and Returning Officer

NAPE 2020 Electoral Committee, Treasurer (2016-

18), Member of Conference Planning Committees,

Co-chair and Judge at Technical Sessions and

Basin Evaluation Competitions, Usher during her

early career and as a student. She is also a

member of the American Association of Petroleum

Geologists (AAPG) and Nigerian Mining and

Geosciences Society (NMGS).

Nonny is a motivator, luminary counsellor and

human right activist. She is passionate about

women empowerment, championed the inception

of Nigeria Women Interest Network, WIN in

ExxonMobil Nigeria subsidiaries for the

professional growth of women in Nigeria. She was

WIN President in 2011 and has been a member of

WIN Advisory Council since 2012. She enjoys

helping people to reach their fullest potentials,

discover their greatness, unveil their capacities and

capabilities and enjoy a life of abundance. She has

championed philanthropy towards improving the

welfare of nursing mothers, infants and works with

the Aunt Landa's Bethel foundation for widows and

sexually abused teenagers' rehabilitation and

empowerment with key vocational and life skills.

She is married to Dr. Chukwuemeka Nwogbo and is

blessed with four children. She also loves to sing,

read, garden and hang out at the beach.



Awards &




Elijah Adebowale Ayolabi is a renowned Professor

of Applied Geophysics with over twenty-five (25)

years of outstanding service as a seasoned

Administrator and an astute academic. He bagged

his BSc Engineering Physics University of Ife (now

O.A.U.) 1989, MSc and PhD degrees in

Geophysics University of Ibadan, 1994 and 1999

respectively. He specializes in Environmental,

Engineering and Exploration Geophysics.

As an academic, he has mentored many students

and supervised over eleven (11) Doctoral theses,

ninety-six (96) Master's dissertations and several

undergraduate projects. Today, some of them are

Professors and Captains of industry. Professor

Ayolabi has over ninety articles in peer-reviewed

journals and conference proceedings. He is an

external assessor to many Universities and also a

reviewer to many national and international

journals. He belongs to many professional

associations such as American Association of

Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), Society for

Exploration Geophysics (SEG), Nigerian

Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE),

Nigerian Mining and Geoscience Society (NMGS),

Environmental and Engineering Geophysical

Society (EEGS), European Association of

Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) and COMEG


As an Administrator, Professor Ayolabi has

distinguished himself excellently. He was the

Pioneer Head of Department of Geosciences,

University of Lagos, Nigeria (2010 to 2013); He is a

member of University Senate and has served in

various committees in the University; He was the

Head of Academics/Research Advisor, Shell

Center of Excellence in Geosciences and

Petroleum Engineering, University of Benin (2014

to 2015) and presently, he is the Pioneer Vice-

Chancellor, Mountain Top University, Nigeria.

Elijah Ayolabi's notable achievements include the

development of human resources for national

building; Initiated and facilitated the establishment

of Geosciences Department at both University of

Lagos and Mountain Top University; facilitated the

donation of multi-million Naira Geoscience building

(on-going) and secured many grants for his

Universities for the procurement of geophysics

equipment and execution of projects. Ayolabi is on

record as the first to be appointed Professor of

Applied Geophysics in University of Lagos and the

first African to be designated SEG Honorary

Lecturer for Middle East and Africa (by Society of

Exploration Geophysicists).

Prof. Ayolabi is a recipient of many awards from

professional and corporate organizations for his

meritorious service: NAPE/SHELL award for the

development of quality education in Nigerian

tertiary institution (2003); NAPE/AAPG Young

professional Faculty Advisor of the year (2013);

Fellow Institute of Management Studies and

University of Ibadan Lifetime Achievement award,

to mention a few.

Professor Ayolabi is married to Christianah, an

Associate Professor of Virology and is blessed with

lovely children.

Philip attended primary and secondary school in

Agege Lagos state where he emerged as the

Overall Best Student. He proceeded to the Federal

University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) where he

came out with a First (1st) Class degree in

Geophysics winning several awards like Best

Student Technical paper in 2010 NMGS

conference, National Champion SEG Challenge

Bowl in 2010, Overall Best student Shell

Geosciences Summer School to mention a few.

Mr. Ajaebili joined Shell in 2012 where he enrolled

for the global Shell Geoscience Graduate Program

with world-class trainings in Nigeria, North America

and Europe and then subsequently exited with

Best-in-Class performance in 2015. He started

work as a Geophysicist with the Seismic

Processing team where he participated in several

challenging high-end processing projects to



support Exploration and Development activities

with highlights of working as the Lead Processor of

a project where enhanced deep imaging results

supported the biggest Exploration Discovery in

Shell Group in 2018. He was an Operations

Geophysicist involved in the safe planning and

execution of the largest ever OBN seismic in Shell.

He currently works as a Reservoir Geophysicist

supporting day-to-day well drilling operations as

well as subsurface studies. He has made several

technical presentations from his work experience

as lead (and co-) author in NAPE conferences

since 2012.

Philip has been a member of NAPE since 2011 and

has been strongly involved in building the Young

Professionals arm of NAPE where he has served

as Financial Secretary, General Secretary and YP

Lead in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively. He

helped transformed NAPE YP through his visionary

leadership and was responsible for expanding YP

to have strong chapters across Nigeria increasing

membership in the process. Some of his

contributions to NAPE via her YP arm are as


Ÿ Pioneered Python for Geoscience bootcamps

in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt in 2019

Ÿ Championed NAPE YP Community service




3 major YP Technical workshops in Uyo, Port

Harcourt and Lagos with more than 500


Made visits to several Geoscience departments

of Nigerian Universities to speak on exciting

Geoscience career as well as made technical






Chaired Young professional subcommittee for

NAPE conference planning

Planning and Execution of Basin Evaluation

Competition, Intervarsity Quiz Competition,

Simulated Mock Interviews, Annual Young

Professional Leader Forum, 2018 mini

conference, etc.

Short Course Instructor on Seismic Acquisition

and Processing for 2018 mini conference, 2020

Technical series and Workshop

Developed innovative ways of sponsoring

multiple YP events across the country

Outside the YP arm, Philip is a dedicated

ambassador of NAPE where he serves as the

General Secretary of NAPE Port Harcourt Chapter

and also an active member of the vibrant NAPE

Publicity Committee that have been immensely

involved in ensuring NAPE continued serving her

stakeholders during the pandemic by leveraging

social media tools and quick uptake of technology

to facilitate meetings. He also served as the

Coordinator for 2020 NAPE Media Workshop for

Oil and Gas Media Professionals and Energy


Mr. Ajaebili currently seats at the Society of

Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Council as the

Section Representative from SEG Port Harcourt

and he is also the current YP Lead for American

Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Africa

Region. He has mentored and continues to mentor

younger geoscientists.

Philip is married to Chinwe and they are blessed

with two children. He enjoys travelling, chess and



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