VAERS Results 01312021

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Adverse Event Description

MODERNA Death 65+ years 958745-1

Resident was noted to have increase weakness on 1/15/2021. Resident was warm to touch with

low grade fever of 99.3 F. Resident was up propelling self in w/c on 1/16/2021 he was pleasant,

accepted medications and ate lunch. He was found slumped over in his w/c not responding and

vital signs absent.

MODERNA Death 65+ years 958935-1 Sudden Death within 24 hours of vaccine

MODERNA Death 65+ years 958971-1 Hemorrhagic Stroke, Right Basal Ganglion

MODERNA Death 65+ years 959167-1 Patient received COVID 19 vaccine 01/14/2021. Patient died in his sleep 01/16/2021.

MODERNA Death 65+ years 959272-1

Patient died 4 days after immunization. Probably unrelated to immunization, as patient has been

in poor health and was receiving hospice services. I have no details related to his illness or

symptoms. Daughter is the HIPAA/emergency contact and will have all the information needed.

MODERNA Death 65+ years 959356-1 Pt passed away the day after the vaccine was given.

MODERNA Death 65+ years 959568-1

Patient received her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccination on Saturday January 16th

2021 at approximately 12pm. She completed all necessary screening forms and was deemed to

be at low risk for serious allergic reactions. She tolerated the vaccination well, and no

complications or immediate adverse events occurred. She was observed for a full 15 mins per

CDPHE/CDC guidelines and left the Clinic in stable condition after her observation period was

complete. On the morning of Tuesday, January 19th, 2021, the patient was found unconscious

and unresponsive by her husband. She was transferred by Ambulance to Hospital shortly

thereafter. She was diagnosed with a brain bleed that was determined to be inoperable. She was

transferred to other Hospital for higher level care. She was seen by neurosurgery and diagnosed

with a ruptured aneurysm. She was treated in the ICU for 24 hours, at which point her team

determined that the severity of her brain bleed would not respond to treatment. Supportive

cares were withdrawn on Wednesday Jan 20th, and she passed away shortly thereafter.

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