CosBeauty Magazine #91
CosBeauty is the #BeautyAddict's guide to lifestyle, health and beauty in Australia and New Zealand. In this issue: - The Happiness Issue - Hacks for a happier life! - Colour Me Happy - Makeup Trends Alert - 30+ Swoon-Worthy Body Products - Out, Damned Spot - Skincare solutions - The 2021 Guide to Non-Surgical Fat Reduction & Muscle Sculpting
CosBeauty is the #BeautyAddict's guide to lifestyle, health and beauty in Australia and New Zealand.
In this issue:
- The Happiness Issue - Hacks for a happier life!
- Colour Me Happy - Makeup Trends Alert
- 30+ Swoon-Worthy Body Products
- Out, Damned Spot - Skincare solutions
- The 2021 Guide to Non-Surgical Fat Reduction & Muscle Sculpting
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3.<br />
Have you been spending most of your<br />
waking life in front of your computer<br />
working from home? While we’re all<br />
about the comfy clothes and extra<br />
snooze time, the WFH revolution<br />
comes with its challenges. We need to<br />
be extra vigilant to remain connected<br />
with our colleagues, set boundaries<br />
so we can “switch off” and stay in<br />
a productive headspace and, most<br />
importantly, leave work at work,<br />
(which can be difficult when you also<br />
live there!).<br />
If you’re continuing to WFH in 2021,<br />
your new work rituals should first<br />
include setting up a daily schedule<br />
and sticking to it – we are creatures of<br />
habit and research has found having<br />
a consistent daily routine can have<br />
a positive impact on mental health.<br />
Also schedule in designated breaks,<br />
whether to eat lunch away from your<br />
desk, virtual workouts with friends or<br />
colleagues, go for a walk to clear your<br />
head, or spend some time cultivating<br />
your new hobby (see #2). It’s also<br />
important to create a dedicated<br />
workspace that you can “clock off”<br />
from, even if it’s just a chair at your<br />
kitchen table.<br />
4.<br />
There’s no denying the sheer delight<br />
of an Amazon delivery at your<br />
door or buying the latest iPhone,<br />
however, the experiences we have,<br />
rather than the stuff we own, are<br />
more likely to make us smile.<br />
In a 20-year study by Dr Thomas<br />
Gilovich, a psychology professor<br />
at Cornell University, it was found<br />
that experiences – as fleeting as<br />
they may be – deliver more lasting<br />
happiness than our possessions.<br />
The researchers explained<br />
that experiences, such as travel,<br />
attending a sporting event or<br />
concert or even just going to a<br />
restaurant, become a part of our<br />
identity. We are not our possessions,<br />
but we are the accumulation of<br />
everything we’ve seen, the things<br />
we’ve done and the places we’ve<br />
been. A lot of times we also<br />
consume experiences directly with<br />
other people, and after they’re<br />
gone, they’re part of the stories that<br />
we tell to one another.<br />
5. HUG MORE<br />
While we’re feeling all warm and<br />
fuzzy, let’s talk about hugs. Social<br />
distancing rules aside, when you<br />
hug a person, your body releases<br />
the feel-good chemical, oxytocin. It’s<br />
a hormone linked to social bonding,<br />
fostering trust and loyalty.<br />
Hugging can be good for your<br />
health. It can reduce feelings of<br />
stress or anxiety, lower your blood<br />
pressure, reduce pain and may even<br />
ward off illness!<br />
Humans thrive on physical<br />
connection, and hugging is one of<br />
the most powerful ways to show<br />
physical support, so go on and hug<br />
it out.<br />
6.<br />
KEEP A<br />
It can be easy to take for granted<br />
what’s special in our lives. A<br />
gratitude journal reminds us of<br />
what’s truly important.<br />
A growing body of research<br />
shows keeping a log of what you<br />
are thankful for can lower stress,<br />
help you sleep better, and may even<br />
reduce the risk of heart disease.<br />
Write about the best things that<br />
have happened to you during the<br />
course of the day and consider all<br />
the people and things in your life<br />
you’re grateful for. And don’t forget<br />
to practice some self-love and<br />
include yourself and your amazing<br />
body and all that it allows you to do.<br /> 37