Saavvy E-book Case Studies

Saavvy performs all administrative and support tasks – in a smart, dedicated and reliable way. Saavvy performs all administrative and support tasks – in a smart, dedicated and reliable way.






Today we will talk about

Why are we the

best of the bunch?

How do we

know it?​

Who is happy

with us​?




Why are we the best of the bunch?

Because of the way we work

• You have full visibility and control over ongoing workstreams

• Your team has additional execution capacity and is able to focus on higher added-value tasks

• You have the power to scale with flexibility and quality at a competitive cost

• We work from our operations office in Portugal, where we find the perfect balance between

quality and cost of resources

Because of the way we are

• A lot of experience in administrative services

• Different backgrounds and skills to match your needs

• Excellent verbal and written communication

• Capacity to constantly adapt and thrive under pressure

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How do we know it?

This is what we know based on our clients’ feeback:

• Working with us lowered HR costs by an average of 40% when compared to hiring

someone on a full time basis

• Average of 30% increase in team productivity with delegation of time-consuming task

• Recruitment and onboarding process with us is 1 day instead of average of 6 months

• Our staff is way more qualified and skilled than other outsourcing competitors

• They never had to worry about confidenciality, unlike in other previous

outsourcing experiences

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Who is happy with us?

Client profile

SaaS company with open recruitment processes


The client was having a hard time finding high quality resources

and had projects on hold that needed immediate hires.

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talent acquisition​

Saavvy solution

We were hired to do the following

• Reviewing and creating content for the company’s careers page

• Conducting a LinkedIn research for potential candidates

• Sending LinkedIn messages and engaging with the candidates,

getting them interested in the client’s firm

• Running first interviews to selected candidates

• Presenting a list of candidates for a second interview

with the client


Three successful recruitment processes with this client so far for

different roles and departments.

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Who is happy with us?

Client profile

Online retailer in need for inventory management service providers


Overwhelmed with so much information and so little time available,

our client was having trouble finding the best service provider for

inventory management.

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Saavvy solution

After quickly briefing with our client about their quality criteria, we

have done the following tasks:

• Conducting a research for providers

• Contacting providers to obtain as much information as needed

• Compiling all information in a clear and straightforward spreadsheet

with several criteria for comparison

• Designing a presentation with what we thought to be the 5 best

providers for the client’s specific needs




The client successfully found the right provider and is

happy with services.

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Who is happy with us?

Client profile

Venture Capital Fund looking for investors


The client had to source a large number of investors in a short period

of time but didn’t have the time or experience to set up and manage

a successful e-mail campaign.

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Saavvy solution

We assisted the client in the following tasks:

• Researching on potential investors

• Designing investor memorandum

• Writing e-mail scripts with client guidance

• Sending out mass emails to contacts

• Managing and assigning follow ups

• Scheduling calls

Managing emails,

lead generation


The client was able to focus on engaging with potential investors,

rather than managing a time-consuming campaign and was highly

impressed with our performance and diligence.

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Who is happy with us?

Client profile

Business alliance members looking for an admin assistant


This business alliance didn’t require enough admin work that justified

hiring someone, however they realized it was not sustainable

for them to keep using each company’s resources to perform

these common tasks.

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Saavvy solution

We were hired to virtually attend all alliance meetings and perform

the following tasks:

• Preparing materials for virtual and in person meetings

• Taking minutes from meetings with 10+ people worldwide

• Scheduling / organizing meetings according to

members’ calendars

• Conducting any necessary research (example: platforms/tools

for calls and for information sharing)


The alliance had a dedicated resource for its sporadic admin tasks

instead of using each company’s resources, resulting in a more

efficient resource management and efficiency gains.

Taking minutes,

managing calendars

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Who is happy with us?

Client profile

Wellness center creating an eBook for its clients.


The client had a great number of articles on meditation advantages

and techniques and was overwhelmed with all the information

gathered, not knowing how to compile this into an eBook

for its customers.

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Saavvy solution

We looked into all the information available and designed

the eBook:

• Compiling the articles

• Formatting and referencing the articles as per guideline

• Designing the ebook with our design partners


Our client’s costumers were happy with such a resourceful

eBook, which led to positive reviews and increased website traffic.

Compiling and

formatting documents

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+351 916 028 453


+351 916 500 289

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