Favorites Old & New

LSO 2020-21 Classical series program.

LSO 2020-21 Classical series program.


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What advice do you have for someone who

wants to learn your instrument?

Get a good teacher, someone who will do a very

thorough job with posture and arm placement.

Tell us about your pre-concert routine.

Before the concert I check my clock about five

thousand times to make sure I am on time, and

panic about maybe getting the time wrong, and

worry about a time change. I call my stand partner

to check the call time, and other times, she calls me.

I eat a light snack, usually a banana.

If you could play any other instrument in the

orchestra, what would it be and why?

I would play the harp. It is such a magical


What orchestral work have you never performed

live, but have always wanted to?

I would like to play Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana or

Verdi’s Aida.

When you’re not practicing, what do you do in

your spare time?

I teach music at my studio, give online lectures, knit

shawls, swim, and take my dogs and cat on walks.



How long have you played your instrument?

I started playing the violin in 5th grade and

joined the LSO in 12th grade. This is my 49th

year with the LSO.

If you could play any other instrument in the

orchestra, what would it be and why?

When I was very young, I wanted to play

percussion (like my big brother) or flute.

My mother wanted me to play violin for 2

reasons: 1) they will need more violinists than

percussionists or flutes, and 2) she insisted

it be a small instrument because she was

tired of helping load and unload my brother’s


When you’re not practicing, what do you do

in your spare time?

My background includes human resources,

real estate, and property management. I

spend a great amount of time restoring and

landscaping my 1940 home.


How long have you played your instrument?

22 years. Fun fact, I’m the third generation to play

the bass in my family.

When you’re not practicing, what do you do in

your spare time?

I enjoy cooking a lot, and spending time with my

wife, Anne, and daughter, Zoe.

What advice do you have for someone who

wants to learn your instrument?

Have a big car and be OK with random people

asking you if you had wished to play the piccolo!

What is your favorite popular artist, band, or


I love going back to my favorite bands from high

school—Green Day and Linkin Park—and I also

really enjoy artists like Imogen Heap and Halsey.

Tell us about your favorite memory from working

with LSO.

I would have to say last year’s Russian Dances. I

love Shostakovich, so getting to play the Chamber

Symphony for the first time WITH added dancers

was awesome!


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