Competition Stallions FULL COVERS

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Introduction | Terms | Contact<br />

2021 ~ The 10th Anniversary Edition<br />

We are delighted to celebrate our 10th Anniversary with our biggest edition yet with an excellent<br />

variety of Licensed, Graded and Approved stallions from young up and coming sires to the well<br />

established older horses. 2020 was an incredibly trying year for everyone however many saw it as<br />

a wonderful opportunity to bank semen of competing stallions that were effectively grounded from<br />

competition and for the same reason we saw more competition mares being bred from either by ET,<br />

OPU/ICSI or taking time out at stud. Every centre I have spoken to reported one of the best breeding<br />

years ever. Proving that in difficult times the equestrian world can adapt and thrive.<br />

We have also been adapting, and this year we see the launch of our refreshed website in February<br />

which has many new features for finding and booking your perfect Stallion but also the new bespoke<br />

Progeny for sale section where users can source progeny by sire.<br />

We are thrilled to continue to work closely with the Sports Pony Studbook<br />

Society and Sports Horse Breeding of Great Britain this year to see<br />

more stallions from their Studbook’s included.<br />

In this BREXIT year, we have chosen the young British Bred<br />

stallion Future Guilty Pleasure, who despite his age has<br />

already produced for the second year the highest scoring<br />

Futurity Eventing progeny.<br />

Jane Marson (Skepper) BSc(Hons), AI Tech<br />

Editor and Founder<br />

Copyright All rights reserved.<br />

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored<br />

in a retrieval system, transmitted, in any form or by any<br />

means, without the prior written permission of the<br />

copyright holder, <strong>Competition</strong> <strong>Stallions</strong> (Horse IT Ltd)<br />

of Great Britain, nor be otherwise circulated in any form<br />

or binding or cover other than that in which it is published.<br />

All <strong>Stallions</strong> online on www.competition-stallions.com<br />

Any correspondence please contact:<br />

<strong>Competition</strong> <strong>Stallions</strong>, Horse IT Ltd,<br />

Valley Farm Business Centre, Sudbourne, Woodbridge,<br />

Suffolk, IP12 2BH, United Kingdom<br />

Email: info@competition-stallions.com<br />

Telephone: +44 (0)1394 450 850<br />

Editor: Jane Marson (Skepper)<br />

Design: Piers Marson<br />

Advertising: Joan Freeland<br />

Artworking & Production: Horse IT Ltd<br />

First Published in Great Britain in 2011<br />

<strong>Competition</strong> <strong>Stallions</strong> (Horse IT Ltd)<br />


Index<br />

Page<br />

Information & stastistics<br />

3 Stallion index<br />

4-6 <strong>Stallions</strong> by discipline indexes<br />

7 Stud page index<br />

8 <strong>Competition</strong> <strong>Stallions</strong> Awards<br />

9 British Breeding Futurity & Auction 2021<br />

10-11 OPU - New Opportunities , Sussex Equine Hospital<br />

12 Twemlows Stud Courses<br />

13 Warmblood Breedeers Studbook <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

14 Anglo European Studbook<br />

15 AES UK <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

16 Arab Horse Society Premium Scheme<br />

17 AHS Premium Performance <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

17 Trakehner Graded Stallion<br />

18 Brtish Hanoverian Horse Society<br />

19 NaStA Performance Tested <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

20 Sport Horse Breeding of GB<br />

21 SHB(GB) Graded <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

22 Sports Pony Studbook Society<br />

23 SPSS Graded <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

24 British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings - Dressage<br />

25 British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings - Showjumping<br />

26 British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings - Eventing<br />

27 British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings - Sires of Sports Ponies<br />

28 British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings - Endurance<br />

29 Twemlows Stud<br />

30 British Dressage Top 40 Sires of 2020<br />

31 British Dressage Top 40 Sires of 7/8 yr olds of 2020<br />

32 British Dressage Top 40 Sires of 4-6yr olds of 2020<br />

33 British Dressage Top 40 Competing <strong>Stallions</strong> of 2020<br />

34 British Showjumping Top 40 Sires of 2020<br />

35 British Showjumping Top 40 Sires of 7/8 yr olds of 2020<br />

36 British Showjumping Top 40 Sires of 4-6yr olds of 2020<br />

37 WBFSH Top 40 Sire Rankings of 2020<br />

38-301 <strong>Stallions</strong> A-Z<br />

302 Gornall Equestrian<br />

304 Caunton Stud<br />

305 Sussex Equine Hospital<br />

306 Clements Equine<br />

307 Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons<br />

308 <strong>Stallions</strong> AI<br />


Stallion Index<br />

Page Stallion Page Stallion Page Stallion<br />

38 Abbeywoods Under Pressure 134 Future Prophecy 230 Rasputin<br />

40 Amiro Z 136 Gambler 232 Rembrandt DDH<br />

42 Amour G 138 Ganton Mentor 234 Renkum Radetzky<br />

44 Ansiei 140 Gemini's Classic Opera 236 Rexter D'Or<br />

46 Ashwey Laurenzo 142 Glencarrig Tempest 238 RMS Into the Blue<br />

48 Branduardi 144 Golden Hawk 240 Shannondale Delta<br />

50 Britannia Royal 146 Greenlanes Jester 242 Shingle Hall Senator<br />

52 Britannia's Bijou 148 Greenlanes leBambalou 244 Silvester<br />

54 Britannia's Mail 150 Halona Askari 246 Sir Mayfly<br />

56 C Star WW 152 Headleys Deluxe 248 Sir Shutterfly<br />

58 Cappa Sarsfield 154 Heritage Arrakis 250 Stanley Grange Regal Heights<br />

60 Carrigfada Grey Mist 156 Hilkens Gold Card 252 Superstrada<br />

62 Carthago Chicago 158 Hocus Pocus 254 Tenareze<br />

64 Castlegar Cool Mist 160 Holme Park Kobalt 256 The After Party<br />

66 Catherston Oakley 162 Hulst Mando 258 Tiger Attack<br />

68 Cevin Z 164 Invictus 260 Timolin<br />

70 Chacco Volo 166 Jackondirk 262 Tomatillo<br />

72 Chello III 168 Jamhoori 264 Treenhill Aristotle<br />

74 Chilli Morning 170 Jannan S 266 Ulano-M<br />

76 Churchill III 172 Jonkers Metyo 268 Up with the Lark<br />

78 Cobra 174 Kantairo WW 270 Veni Vidi Vici V<br />

80 Colmar 176 Key West 272 Vince<br />

82 Comfort 178 King Leatherdale 274 Waldo Van Dungen<br />

84 Cornets Pleasure WW 180 KL King of Jazz 276 Washington DC<br />

86 Corrindon Dancer 182 KL Mac 278 Welton Double Cracker<br />

88 Crowns Wonder Pearl 184 Klaris Giddy Up 280 Woodlander Bernilillo<br />

90 Cruising on Clover 186 Klent Spot On 282 Woodlander Double Bubble<br />

92 Cynhiedrefawr Creme de la Creme 188 Koning Albert 284 Woodlander Grand Design<br />

94 Dankeschon 190 L'Espoir 286 Woodlander Sequoia<br />

96 Dark Knight 192 Langaller Starring Role 288 Woodlander Sir Gorgeous<br />

98 Debonair 194 Lauderdale NS 290 Woodlander Wildchild<br />

100 Debutantes Dream 196 Leprince des Bois 292 Z Concorde<br />

102 Devivio 198 Lestingdale VS 294 Z7 Can Ya Makan<br />

104 Diamant de Heraldik 200 Lollipop 296 Zandio O<br />

106 Don Dante 202 Maximo JLBA 298 Zip Phin<br />

108 Edobantos 204 Mighty Bright 300 Zumanji Decor<br />

110 El Thuder 206 Myspires Fider Hit<br />

112 Envoy Merelsnest Z 208 Myspires Heart of Gold<br />

114 Farleaze Lord Prenwyn 210 NPS Supernova<br />

116 Faustinus 212 Oliver<br />

118 Finale 214 Opposition Bombshell<br />

120 Fire Kracka 216 Pandito Van't Merelsnest Z<br />

122 First Words 218 Party Trick<br />

124 Franz Ferdinand 220 PennineView Bee Spritely<br />

126 Future Gravitas 222 PennineView Silver Concorde<br />

128 Future Guilty Pleasure 224 Popenhoe Picture Perfect<br />

130 Future Hepsilon 226 Primitive Proposal<br />

132 Future Illusion 228 Prometheus<br />


<strong>Stallions</strong> by Discipline Index<br />

Availability: F – Frozen / Nat – Natural / C – Chilled & Fresh AI<br />

Page Dressage <strong>Stallions</strong> Availability Page Dressage <strong>Stallions</strong> Availability<br />

42 Amour G C/F 222 PennineView Silver Concorde C/F<br />

48 Branduardi C/F 224 Popenhoe Picture Perfect C<br />

58 Cappa Sarsfield C/F 232 Rembrandt DDH F<br />

60 Carrigfada Grey Mist C/F 242 Shingle Hall Senator C/F<br />

62 Carthago Chicago C 244 Silvester C<br />

76 Churchill III C/F 250 Stanley Grange Regal Heights C<br />

86 Corrindon Dancer C/F 254 Tenareze F<br />

90 Cruising on Clover Nat/C 256 The After Party C/F<br />

92 Cynhiedrefawr Creme de la Creme C 258 Tiger Attack C/F<br />

94 Dankeschon F 260 Timolin Nat/C/F<br />

96 Dark Knight C/F 268 Up with the Lark F<br />

98 Debonair C/F 270 Veni Vidi Vici V C/F<br />

100 Debutantes Dream C 272 Vince C<br />

102 Devivio C/F 276 Washington DC C<br />

106 Don Dante C/F 278 Welton Double Cracker Nat/C/F<br />

114 Farleaze Lord Prenwyn C 280 Woodlander Bernilillo C<br />

116 Faustinus C 282 Woodlander Double Bubble C/F<br />

118 Finale F 284 Woodlander Grand Design C<br />

120 Fire Kracka C/F 286 Woodlander Sequoia C<br />

122 First Words C 288 Woodlander Sir Gorgeous C/F<br />

124 Franz Ferdinand C/F 290 Woodlander Wildchild F<br />

126 Future Gravitas C/F 296 Zandio O Nat/C<br />

128 Future Guilty Pleasure C/F 300 Zumanji Decor C<br />

130 Future Hepsilon C/F<br />

132 Future Illusion C/F Page Eventing <strong>Stallions</strong> Availability<br />

134 Future Prophecy C/F 38 Abbeywoods Under Pressure Nat/C<br />

136 Gambler C 40 Amiro Z C<br />

140 Gemini's Classic Opera C/F 42 Amour G C/F<br />

142 Glencarrig Tempest C 44 Ansiei C/F<br />

146 Greenlanes Jester C/F 46 Ashwey Laurenzo C/F<br />

156 Hilkens Gold Card C/F 50 Britannia Royal C/F<br />

162 Hulst Mando C/F 52 Britannia's Bijou C/F<br />

172 Jonkers Metyo C/F 54 Britannia's Mail C/F<br />

178 King Leatherdale C/F 58 Cappa Sarsfield C/F<br />

180 KL King of Jazz C/F 60 Carrigfada Grey Mist C/F<br />

182 KL Mac C/F 62 Carthago Chicago C<br />

192 Langaller Starring Role Nat/C 64 Castlegar Cool Mist C<br />

190 L'Espoir C 66 Catherston Oakley C<br />

198 Lestingdale VS C/F 68 Cevin Z F<br />

200 Lollipop C 72 Chello III C/F<br />

202 Maximo JLBA F 74 Chilli Morning F<br />

204 Mighty Bright Nat/C 76 Churchill III C/F<br />

206 Myspires Fider Hit C/F 82 Comfort C/F<br />

208 Myspires Heart of Gold Nat/C/F 84 Cornets Pleasure ww C/F<br />

210 NPS Supernova C 86 Corrindon Dancer C/F<br />

212 Oliver C/F 88 Crowns Wonder Pearl C/F<br />

214 Opposition Bombshell C/F 96 Dark Knight C/F<br />

216 Party Trick C/F 98 Debonair C/F<br />

218 PennineView Bee Spritely C 100 Debutantes Dream C<br />


<strong>Stallions</strong> by Discipline Index<br />

Page Eventing <strong>Stallions</strong> Cont. Availability Page Eventing <strong>Stallions</strong> Cont. Availability<br />

104 Diamant de Heraldik C/F 254 Tenareze F<br />

106 Don Dante C/F 256 The After Party C/F<br />

108 Edobantos C/F 258 Tiger Attack C/F<br />

110 El Thuder C/F 260 Timolin Nat/C/F<br />

112 Envoy Merelsnest Z F 262 Tomatillo Nat/C/F<br />

114 Farleaze Lord Prenwyn C 264 Treenhill Aristotle F<br />

122 First Words C 266 Ulano-M C/F<br />

126 Future Gravitas C/F 268 Up with the Lark F<br />

128 Future Guilty Pleasure C/F 270 Veni Vidi Vici V C/F<br />

130 Future Hepsilon C/F 274 Waldo Van Dungen C/F<br />

132 Future Illusion C/F 278 Welton Double Cracker Nat/C/F<br />

134 Future Prophecy C/F 292 Z Concorde C<br />

136 Gambler C 300 Zumanji Decor C<br />

138 Ganton Mentor Nat/C<br />

140 Gemini's Classic Opera C/F Page Showjumping <strong>Stallions</strong> Availability<br />

142 Glencarrig Tempest C 38 Abbeywoods Under Pressure Nat/C<br />

148 Greenlanes leBambalou F 42 Amour G C/F<br />

152 Headleys Deluxe C/F 44 Ansiei C/F<br />

154 Heritage Arrakis C 56 C Star WW C/F<br />

156 Hilkens Gold Card C/F 62 Carthago Chicago C<br />

162 Hulst Mando C/F 64 Castlegar Cool Mist C<br />

166 Jackondirk C 68 Cevin Z F<br />

168 Jamhoori C/F 70 Chacco Volo C/F<br />

172 Jonkers Metyo C/F 72 Chello III C/F<br />

180 KL King of Jazz C/F 76 Churchill C/F<br />

182 KL Mac C/F 78 Cobra C/F<br />

188 Koning Albert C/F 80 Colmar C/F<br />

192 Langaller Starring Role Nat/C 82 Comfort C/F<br />

194 Lauderdale NS C/F 84 Cornets Pleasure ww C/F<br />

196 Leprince des Bois C/F 86 Corrindon Dancer C/F<br />

200 Lollipop C 88 Crowns Wonder Pearl C/F<br />

206 Myspires Fider Hit C/F 90 Cruising on Clover Nat/C<br />

208 Myspires Heart of Gold Nat/C/F 96 Dark Knight C/F<br />

210 NPS Supernova C 100 Debutantes Dream C<br />

214 Opposition Bombshell C/F 104 Diamant de Heraldik C/F<br />

218 Party Trick C/F 108 Edobantos C/F<br />

220 PennineView Bee Spritely C 110 El Thuder C/F<br />

222 PennineView Silver Concorde C/F 112 Envoy Merelsnest Z F<br />

226 Primitive Proposal Nat/C 114 Farleaze Lord Prenwyn C<br />

228 Prometheus C/F 118 Finale F<br />

234 Renkum Radetzky C/F 122 First Words C<br />

236 Rexter D'Or F 128 Future Guilty Pleasure C/F<br />

240 Shannondale Delta C/F 130 Future Hepsilon C/F<br />

242 Shingle Hall Senator C/F 134 Future Prophecy C/F<br />

244 Silvester C 138 Ganton Mentor Nat/C<br />

246 Sir Mayfly Nat/C/F 140 Gemini's Classic Opera C/F<br />

248 Sir Shutterfly C/F 142 Glencarrig Tempest C<br />

250 Stanley Grange Regal Heights C 144 Golden hawk C/F<br />

252 Superstrada C/F 148 Greenlanes leBambalou F<br />


<strong>Stallions</strong> Index<br />

Availability: F – Frozen / Nat – Natural / C – Chilled & Fresh AI<br />

Page Showjumping <strong>Stallions</strong> Cont. Availability Page Showing <strong>Stallions</strong> Availability<br />

154 Heritage Arrakis C 38 Abbeywoods Under Pressure Nat/C<br />

156 Hilkens Gold Card C/F 44 Ansiei C/F<br />

158 Hocus Pocus C/F 48 Branduardi C/F<br />

162 Hulst Mando C/F 50 Britannia Royal C/F<br />

164 Invictus F 58 Cappa Sarsfield C/F<br />

170 Jannan S C/F 60 Carrigfada Grey Mist C/F<br />

174 Kantairo WW C/F 64 Castlegar Cool Mist C<br />

176 Key West F 76 Churchill III C/F<br />

180 KL King of Jazz C/F 86 Corrindon Dancer C/F<br />

182 KL MAC C/F 96 Dark Knight C/F<br />

184 Klaris Giddy Up C/F 100 Debutantes Dream C<br />

186 Klent Spot On C 106 Don Dante C/F<br />

188 Koning Albert C/F 114 Farleaze Lord Prenwyn C<br />

192 Langaller Starring Role Nat/C 122 First Words C<br />

194 Lauderdale NS C/F 126 Future Gravitas C/F<br />

200 Lollipop C 128 Future Guilty Pleasure C/F<br />

204 Mighty Bright Nat/C 130 Future Hepsilon C/F<br />

208 Myspires Heart of Gold Nat/C/F 132 Future Illusion C/F<br />

210 NPS Supernova C 134 Future Prophecy C/F<br />

212 Oliver C/F 138 Ganton Mentor Nat/C<br />

216 Pandito Van't Merelsnest Z C/F 140 Gemini's Classic Opera C/F<br />

218 Party Trick C/F 154 Heritage Arrakis C<br />

220 PennineView Bee Spritely C 156 Hilkens Gold Card C/F<br />

222 PennineView Silver Concorde C/F 162 Hulst Mando C/F<br />

224 Popenhoe Picture Perfect C 168 Jamhoori C/F<br />

228 Prometheus C/F 200 Lollipop C<br />

230 Rasputin C/F 202 Maximo JLBA F<br />

232 Rembrandt DDH F 204 Mighty Bright Nat/C<br />

234 Renkum Radetzky C/F 208 Myspires Heart of Gold Nat/C/F<br />

236 Rexter D'Or F 218 Party Trick C/F<br />

238 RMS Into the Blue C 222 PennineView Silver Concorde C/F<br />

240 Shannondale Delta C/F 224 Popenhoe Picture Perfect C<br />

242 Shingle Hall Senator C/F 226 Primitive Proposal Nat/C<br />

244 Silvester C 240 Shannondale Delta C/F<br />

246 Sir Mayfly Nat/C/F 242 Shingle Hall Senator C/F<br />

248 Sir Shutterfly C/F 246 Sir Mayfly Nat/C/F<br />

250 Stanley Grange Regal Heights C 250 Stanley Grange Regal Heights C<br />

252 Superstrada C/F 256 The After Party C/F<br />

254 Tenareze F 258 Tiger Attack C/F<br />

256 The After Party C/F 260 Timolin Nat/C/F<br />

260 Timolin Nat/C/F 264 Treenhill Aristotle F<br />

270 Veni Vidi Vici V C/F 268 Up with the Lark F<br />

274 Waldo Van Dungen C/F 300 Zumanji Decor C<br />

284 Woodlander Grand Design C<br />

292 Z Concorde C Page Endurance <strong>Stallions</strong> Availability<br />

294 Z7 Can Ya Makan C/F 250 Stanley Grange Regal Heights C<br />

296 Zandio O Nat/C 262 Tomatillo Nat/C/F<br />

298 Zip Phin C/F 264 Treenhill Aristotle F<br />

300 Zumanji Decor C<br />


Stud/Agent Index<br />

Stud/Agent<br />

Alden Farm<br />

Anvil Park Stud<br />

Biddesden Stud<br />

Brackenspa Stud<br />

Bramble Stud<br />

Breen Equestrian<br />

Brendon Stud<br />

Bromson Hall stud<br />

Catherston Stud<br />

Caunton Manor Stud<br />

Clements Equine<br />

Cornhill Stud<br />

De Bathe Moor Farm<br />

Delaroche Stud<br />

Elite <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

Fairlight Stud<br />

Four Seasons Stud<br />

Future Sport Horses<br />

Gemini Stud<br />

Ghabar Stud<br />

GLC Equestrian<br />

Gratwicke Farm<br />

GreenLanes Stud<br />

Harry Meade Eventing<br />

Henza Stud<br />

Heritage Coast Stud<br />

Holden Fold Stud<br />

Isobel Scruton<br />

Kington Langley Stud<br />

Kydan Barden Stud<br />

Langaller Stud<br />

Lucinda Fredericks<br />

Lucknam Park Equestrian Centre<br />

Mickle Holme Stud<br />

Millbry Hill Stud<br />

Myspires Stud<br />

New Priory Stud<br />

Oaks Farm Stud<br />

Penlan Farm<br />

Pennine View Stud<br />

Romanno Stud<br />

Runningwell Sports horses<br />

Sands Farm<br />

Saywell Equestrian<br />

Shingle Hall Stud<br />

Stallion AI Services<br />

Stratton Stud<br />

Stretton Hall Stud<br />

The Dressage Company<br />

Stallion(s)<br />

Prometheus<br />

Myspires Heart of Gold<br />

Tomatillo<br />

Crowns Wonder Pearl , Debonair, Holme Park Kobalt, Popenhoe Picture Perfect<br />

Debutantes Dream, First Words, Lollipop<br />

Colmar, Golden Hawk, Z7 Can Ya Makan<br />

Envoy Merelsnest Z, Klaris Giddy Up, Klent Spot On, Pandito Van’t Merelsnest Z<br />

Fire Kracka, Woodlander Sir Gorgeous<br />

Catherston Oakley, Opposition Bombshell, Tiger Attack, Timolin<br />

Comfort, Dankeschon, Jackondirk<br />

Amour G, Lauderdale NS, Lestingdale VS, Renkum Radetzky, Shannondale Delta, Superstrada<br />

Gambler<br />

Zuamnji Décor<br />

Hilkens Gold Card<br />

Amiro Z<br />

Jonkers Metyo, Sir Shutterfly<br />

Cynheidrefawr Creme de la Creme<br />

Future Gravitas, Future Guilty Pleasure, Future Hepsilon, Future Illusion, Future Prophecy, Halon Askari<br />

Churchill, Gemini’s Classic Opera<br />

Hulst Mando<br />

El Thuder<br />

Abbeywoods Under Pressure<br />

GreenLanes Jeter, GreenLanes LeBambalou<br />

Tenareze<br />

Dark Knight<br />

Ganton Mentor, Heritage Arrakis<br />

Oliver, Rasputin<br />

Rembrandt DDH<br />

Chacco Volo, Diamant de Heraldik, KL King of Jazz, KL Mac, Veni Vidi Vici V<br />

Cruising on Clover, Vince, Zandio O<br />

Langaller Starring Role, Primitive Proposal<br />

Britannia’s Mail, Britannia’s Bijou<br />

Sir Mayfly<br />

Headleys Deluxe, Ulano-M<br />

Castlegar Cook Mist, Up with the Lark<br />

Myspires Fider Hit<br />

Cobra, NPS Supernova, Waldo Van Dungen<br />

Ashwey Laurenzo<br />

Mighty Bright<br />

PennineView Bee Spritely, PennineView Silver Concorde, Z Concorde<br />

Faustinus, L’Espoir, Stanley Grange Regal Heights<br />

Invcitus, Key West<br />

Glencarrig Tempest<br />

Cornets Pleasure WW<br />

Shingle Hall Senator<br />

Ansiei, Devivio, Finale, Hocus Pocus, Koning Albert, Mazimo JLBA, Rexter D'Or<br />

Don Dante<br />

King Leatherdale<br />

Washington DC<br />


Stud/Agent Index Continued<br />

Stud/Agent<br />

Tomlinson Equine<br />

Treenhill Arabians/West Kington Stud<br />

West Kington Stud<br />

Weston Warmbloods<br />

WG Stud<br />

White Lodge Stud<br />

Wilmington Green Stud<br />

Woodlander Stud<br />

Wyndford Farm<br />

Stallion(s)<br />

Chello III, Edobantos,Leprince des Bois, RMS Into the Blue<br />

Treenhill Aristotle<br />

Cevin Z, Chilli Morning, Farleaze Lord Prenwyn, Jamhoori, Party Trick,<br />

The After Party, Welton Double Cracker<br />

C Star WW, Kantairo WW, Zip Phin<br />

Carthago Chicago, Silvester<br />

Cappa Sarsfield, Carrigfada Grey Mist, Corrindon Dancer<br />

Britannia Royal<br />

Franz Ferdinand, Woodlander Bernilillo, Woodlander Grand Design,<br />

Woodlander Sequoia, Woodlander Wildchild<br />

Jannan S<br />


OPU<br />

New Opportunities<br />


Breeding has seen tremendous advances in the past decades.<br />

Historically male genetics were seen as the most important and this is mainly because stallions can produce<br />

hundreds of offspring per year all over the world due to artificial insemination and the availability of frozen<br />

semen. Following the introduction of embryo transfer (ET), more attention has been payed to female<br />

genetics. OPU-ICSI techniques have taken this to another level allowing mares to produce multiple foals per<br />

year without ceasing their sporting career.<br />

Limiting factors associated with ET might include (1) Sometimes it is difficult to fit an ET program into a mare’s<br />

busy competition schedule as she needs regular scanning to determine the optimum time of insemination<br />

and accurate determination of the moment of ovulation. (2) The cycle recipient mare needs to be<br />

synchronised with the cycle of the donor mare which can be tricky. (3) The donor mare needs to be<br />

available for a period of 2-3 weeks. (4) Some mares have difficulties coping with the hormonal<br />

manipulation of their cycles that are necessary for ET.<br />

These issues can be overcome with a relatively new technique called Ovum Pick Up (OPU), a technique<br />

were oocytes (eggs) are recovered from the mare’s ovaries and fertilised in the lab using a technique called<br />

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). OPU doesn’t require hormonal manipulation of the cycle.<br />

Furthermore, OPU does not require intensive follow-up of the mare. The mare is only scanned a few times<br />

at home to determine the number of follicles present on her ovaries (every follicle contains one egg). Once<br />

the mare has enough follicles (>15), the OPU session is scheduled. The mare comes to the hospital in the<br />

morning on the day of the OPU and by lunchtime she is ready to go home. The mare might be a bit<br />

uncomfortable for 1-2 days after the procedure, and due to the drugs used, she can’t compete for 7 days.<br />

In contrast to ET, where a successful flush yield yields 1 (rarely 2) embryo, a successful OPU session<br />

produces on average 2.8 embryos (with some mares producing more than 10 embryos). ICSI<br />

embryos are frozen, which means that recipient mare synchronisation is not necessary, as the embryo is only<br />

thawed when a suitable recipient mare, at the right stage of her cycle, is available. Frozen embryos can be<br />

exported and are often sold at auctions. OPU can also be used to overcome both male and female fertility<br />

issues, as OPU circumvents the complete reproductive tract and fertilisation happens in the lab by injecting<br />

a single sperm cell into the egg. Furthermore, due to the tiny amount of semen that is required for ICSI, this is<br />

the ultimate technique where limited amounts of frozen semen from dead stallions are left; multiple eggs from<br />

many different mares can be fertilised on the same day using only a fraction of the straw of frozen semen.<br />

Additionally, ICSI offers a chance to produce offspring in case of sudden death, as long as the ovaries are<br />

swiftly removed, and transported to a facility, where the follicles can be aspirated.<br />

In summary, ET and OPU-ICSI have created new opportunities in horse breeding but deciding what is the<br />

best option for your mare needs careful consideration.<br />

Kindly provided by - Kaatje Ducheyhe, PhD, MVSc, Dipl. ECAR, MRCVSEuropean Specialist in Equine Reproduction<br />


STUD COURSES 2021<br />

Artificial Insemination Technicians Training<br />

16 & 17 March and 30 & 31 March<br />

Foaling The Mare<br />

Foaling Preparation, Late pregnancy, Foaling & Adoption<br />

20 March<br />

Foal & Yearling Management<br />

Weaning, Nutrition, Health, Farrier & Handling<br />

21 March<br />

Contact lizwilkinson@twemlows.co.uk<br />

Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 2EZ<br />

Tel: +44(0)1948 664966<br />

www.twemlows.co.uk | www.facebook.com/twemlows





GOTTER FUNKE (Hann)<br />




ICONS IMAGE (Rhld)<br />



SANTANA (Hann)<br />


ANGELO ARNEE (Kwpn)<br />


FLASHPOINT (Kwpn)<br />





ST. LOUIS BLUES (Old)<br />

ZUMANJI DÉCOR (Zfdp)<br />





LANDPIROL (Old)<br />

ROYAL RUBIN 5 (Sach-An)<br />







LOLLIPOP (Kwpn)<br />



FURST ROMEO (Old)<br />







FIRE KRACKA (Hann)<br />


AMOUR G (Kwpn)<br />




KING (Kwpn)<br />



AES UK <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

AC Activate<br />

Airborn (Chesney)<br />

Allegretto<br />

Amo II<br />

Amorok UK<br />

Amoureux<br />

Argentus<br />

Argento<br />

Arko III<br />

Baloutelli<br />

Baskin Glasgow Red<br />

Bazento<br />

Be Inspired R&D Z<br />

Be Noble OL (Messi of Colors)<br />

Big Star<br />

Billy Be Cool<br />

Billy Carlisle<br />

Billy Congo<br />

Billy Du Montois<br />

Billy Mexico<br />

Billy Rubens<br />

Billy Stirling<br />

Billy Tudor<br />

Biodin<br />

Blade<br />

Bowie<br />

Branduardi<br />

Britannia’s Mail<br />

Bryngwyn Champagne Charlie<br />

C Star WW<br />

Cabochon Platinum<br />

Camlough Delphi<br />

Canali Z<br />

Cantender<br />

Care For<br />

Caritier Z<br />

Carsten<br />

Cash Legend<br />

Cash Point<br />

Cassionato<br />

Castell King<br />

Catwalk IV<br />

Cayenne PC Z<br />

CE Sir Fidermeyer<br />

Cevin Z<br />

Chaccomo Agostini<br />

Chagall<br />

Chagolou<br />

Chilli Rocks<br />

Christian 25<br />

Cinette<br />

Clintadel K<br />

Cluedo<br />

Clyde<br />

Cobra<br />

Colourthyme Kajika<br />

Comander<br />

Comfort<br />

Concas LVP Z<br />

Copain<br />

Corfilio T<br />

Cornet's Blue<br />

Cornets Pleasure WW<br />

Cornetto King<br />

Count Codex<br />

Craig<br />

Cristobal 21<br />

Crocodile Dundy Z<br />

Crossbar Melloni<br />

Crystal King<br />

Damian<br />

Dankeschoen<br />

Daquiri<br />

Dartbreaker<br />

Davinci VD Bosrand Z<br />

Dazaro<br />

Denver<br />

Devivio<br />

Diego<br />

Dior III<br />

Donthargos Gold<br />

Doubl M Chacco<br />

Dragonheart Z<br />

Dream On<br />

Durable<br />

Eastern Samskye<br />

Edobantos<br />

EFS Top Contender<br />

Eldorado H2<br />

Elton Van Het Exelhof Z<br />

Eros<br />

Escape Z<br />

Espen R<br />

Faltic HB<br />

Fantaland<br />

Fascinize<br />

Felix<br />

FHS Diamond In The Rough<br />

Finale<br />

Finnegan D<br />

First Impression<br />

Fleetwood Mac CL<br />

Folds Director<br />

Foxisle Olympus<br />

Freckleton Royal Affair<br />

Free Lancer<br />

Fruselli<br />

Fuego's Far Cry<br />

Fuego's Flash Dance<br />

Future Gravitas<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure<br />

Future Hepsilon<br />

Future Illusion (GB)<br />

Future Prophecy<br />

Galerius<br />

General<br />

Glamour Time<br />

GoldDigger<br />

Golden Eye (activate)<br />

Golden Hawk (Figo de Muze)<br />

Grand Sinyour O.L.<br />

Granite<br />

Greenlanes Jester<br />

Gregor L.V<br />

Gubeon Junior Kannan<br />

Guestlist<br />

Harley-V<br />

Harvard LS<br />

Hazelwood Utah's Romeo<br />

Heartwinner Vhg Z<br />

Headleys Delux<br />

Heritage Arrakis<br />

Hilkens All Cream<br />

Hitarco Versoe<br />

Hocus pocus<br />

Hokke<br />

Hop<br />

Horizon<br />

Humphrey<br />

Humphrey's Boy Peppermill<br />

HVL Dynamite<br />

I Improve<br />

Ikannan VG<br />

Ilton (ilton Vd Spithoeve)<br />

Imax<br />

Imperial<br />

Inferno<br />

Inshalagraaf Z<br />

Invitation Only<br />

Ivy League<br />

JSA Born to Dance<br />

Jaguar<br />

James Bond<br />

Jamiro<br />

Jannan S<br />

Jaranck Van De Katenhorst<br />

Je T'aime Flamenco<br />

Johnny-A<br />

Jubilant AL SNO<br />

Jumanji<br />

Jumping Jillz<br />

Just Synergy<br />

Kaiserdom Tsf<br />

Kambarbay<br />

Kandahar III<br />

Kansas<br />

Kantairo WW<br />

Karaja<br />

Kaspian<br />

Katoti<br />

Kentucky LVP<br />

Kerouac<br />

Ketcher B<br />

Keyland Full Throttle<br />

Khaled OL<br />

King Albert<br />

King Leatherdale SHS<br />

Kingpin<br />

Kingsborough Kasper<br />

Kinnear<br />

Kinsky Abraham<br />

Knock Out<br />

Kondor LG<br />

Koningfee<br />

Kydan Waterloo Gold<br />

Kyzyl Double Or Quites<br />

Lago Maggiore VDL<br />

Landorado AJ<br />

Las Vegas<br />

Le Faut<br />

Let it Be<br />

Ligie's Goldstar VV<br />

Linkswood Braveheart<br />

Lion King<br />

Longacres Sergio<br />

Lord Caletto GZ<br />

Loumira<br />

Luidam<br />

Magician GF<br />

Make me Happy CL<br />

Marlon Brando<br />

Maserati<br />

Masterclass<br />

Maverick<br />

Millfield Cascade<br />

Millfield Le Lion<br />

Moonraker<br />

Monte Carlo<br />

Mr Bullseye<br />

Mr Visto<br />

Multicouture<br />

Murka's Gem (Clone of Gem Twist)<br />

My Way<br />

Myspires Revolution<br />

Nemiroff Ls<br />

Nibeley Union Jack<br />

Nice and Easy sr2<br />

Now Or Never<br />

Old Celui de Semilly<br />

Olistars Call Me Maybe<br />

Opposition Bombshell (GB)<br />

Pauldary's Maximus<br />

Peace Van De Kempenhoeve<br />

Pepper D'or<br />

Pineau Ter Dolen<br />

Polo's Pikasso<br />

Pongo<br />

Popeye<br />

Powered By Dreams<br />

Powered By Imagination<br />

Powered By Inspiration<br />

Put On Rametti<br />

Puton Faerie Wings<br />

Quainton Colt Forty Five<br />

Quainton Quirifino Z<br />

Quality Z<br />

Quannan-R<br />

Quastor Du Buisson Z<br />

Quilan Blue<br />

Ramiro B<br />

Renkum Off-Centre<br />

Renkum Olinthos<br />

Renkum Radetzky II<br />

Rexter d"Or<br />

River Rise Magic Mike<br />

Romanov (Romanov II)<br />

Royal Concorde<br />

Rubatino ML<br />

Russel (Russel II)<br />

Ruxton Hullabalou<br />

San Diego<br />

Sandro's Sun<br />

Scout<br />

SFS Aristio<br />

Shamazing<br />

Shannondale Delta<br />

SHW CanCan<br />

Silvester<br />

Singing Highlander<br />

Sir Caprimond<br />

So Very Vivid<br />

Solaris Buenno<br />

Solitair's Silhouette<br />

Spakatto<br />

Stacopi<br />

Streamside Jager Bomb<br />

Sugar House Targaryen<br />

T Movistar (Tango)<br />

Timolin<br />

Titanium Z<br />

Treliver Decanter<br />

Tripple X III<br />

U-Genius (euphoria)<br />

UCS Synchronised<br />

Uncas 's'<br />

Under Pressure Z<br />

Unison 'R'<br />

Unnamed<br />

Uranium Du Houssoit<br />

Urkel<br />

Usa Today<br />

Valmy De La Lande)<br />

Van de Vivaldi<br />

Vangelis-S<br />

Velini<br />

Veni-Vidi-Vici<br />

Venterprise<br />

Versace<br />

Vincent II<br />

Vistogrand<br />

Vivaldi ( Oldlands Vivaldi IV)<br />

Vivaldi de Ligny<br />

Warrior's Glory<br />

Warriors Boy O.L.<br />

Washington DC<br />

Whin Whin<br />

Whisper In The Wind<br />

White Sparke Argo<br />

Wicked Z<br />

Wings<br />

Wizalong<br />

Wolkenderry<br />

Wymand W<br />

Ynyslyns Orlando<br />

Zandor<br />

Zanzibar<br />

Zed<br />

Zeppelin<br />

Zerlin M<br />

Zherindo Warrior<br />

Zig-Zag<br />

Zilveren Icoon BDA<br />

Zip Phin<br />

Zomooizo Z<br />

Zurich<br />


AHS Premium Performance Scheme <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

Pure Arab Anglo Arab Part Bred<br />

Al Sood Chestnut Park All That Jazz Dream On<br />

Aurilla Gold Persiflage Fames Dakota<br />

Crystal Magic Treenhill Aristotle Incognito<br />

Czarus<br />

Olympus Hale Bop<br />

Ecliptic<br />

Romarnic Ranger<br />

Ibn Ajwaad<br />

Thursden Vallye Raphael<br />

Kayeed<br />

Yawl Hillbilly<br />

Marcus Aurelius<br />

Josie Jump<br />

Mukhtar Ibn Eternity<br />

Kantairo<br />

Murmansk<br />

Kensington W<br />

Psyches Boy<br />

Killaspic Ross<br />

Sambist<br />

Sisyrinchium<br />

Vadeer<br />

Velkov<br />

Trakehner Stallion List 2020<br />

Stallion<br />

Contis<br />

Craig (frozen only)<br />

Garuda K (frozen only)<br />

Godington Hannibal UK Elite (frozen only)<br />

Godington Utah<br />

Holme Park Kobalt (frozen only)<br />

Home Park Legend (frozen only)<br />

Elfenstein<br />


NaStA Performance test<br />

Stallion Breed Society Stallion Breed Society<br />

All That Jazz* AHS Icon AHS<br />

Alpine Hafl. Imad AHS<br />

Banks Fee Daniel IDHS Imman AHS<br />

Blue Henry IDHS Kenson’s Aragorn IDHS<br />

Borderfame Prince Charming CBHS Kilmadden Gold IDHS<br />

Catherston Decipher* AHS KL Omar SHBGB<br />

Catherston Liberator* BWBS Lilmoitamir AHS<br />

Centyfor CHAPS Magic Farouk AHS<br />

Chatanz AHS Mahim Dawia AHS<br />

Contis* TBF Marbon Beaujolais AHS<br />

Craig AES/SIES Marcus Aurelius AHS<br />

Cristobal TBF Masurenfürst* TBF<br />

Dackland* TBF Maximillian of Oakwood AHS<br />

Dunlewey Red Kite BCPS Mehdar AHS<br />

Ebbw Joss WPCS Milbrook Esquire* IDHS<br />

El Prendero AHS Mukhtar Ibn Eternity AHS<br />

Fairlyn Gemini AHS Muschamp Korsakof* TBF<br />

FHS Diamond in the Rough* AES Negatiw LSGB<br />

Finchampstead Curtain Call ECPS Nomad Hafl.<br />

Fleetwater Swift TBF Northern Inspiration* BSPA<br />

Fleetwater Vital Times TBF Oakenbank Grenadier CBHS<br />

Flintstone IDHS Olympus Hale Bop* AHS<br />

Gainsborough BHHS Oxnead Aristocrat* Hafl.<br />

Galerito* AHS Pembridge Jason of Skewpie CHAPS<br />

Ganton Mentor WPCS Persiflage* AHS<br />

Glen Lara IDHS Pizaz Amadeus* BWBS<br />

Godington Balthazar B TBF Pride of Meath IDHS<br />

Godington Borsalino TBF Romarnic Ranger TBF<br />

Godington Hannibal* TBF Rymer Dimer Dollar AHS<br />

Godington Parsifal* TBF Samad AHS<br />

Godington Tennessee TBF Scheherczar AHS<br />

Godington Utah* TBF Sharola Rainmaker TBF<br />

Grafik AHS Shauna’s Diamond IDHS<br />

Grand Marnier ATA Singing Horatio* TBF<br />

Hachim AHS Sisyrinchium AHS<br />

Handstreich TBF Sky Diamond IDHS<br />

Happy Ending* IDHS Snowford Bellman IDHS<br />

Hearnesbrook Halley ECPS The Star of Orion TBF<br />

Heritage Neptune AHS Timberlane Huckleberry CBHS<br />

Heritage Nightshade AHS Touch of the Blues IDHS<br />

Heritage Orion AHS Tunes of Glory AHS<br />

Highwell Flaubert TBF Vivek AHS<br />

Hillside Glenlivet AHS Whitehouse Sheriff CBHS<br />

Hollowcombe Imperium TBF Word of Honour IDHS<br />

Holme Grove Branson TBF Wray’s Panache AHS<br />

Holme Grove Caesar TBF Yawl Hillbilly AHS<br />

Holme Grove Solomon TBF Young Prospect IDHS<br />

Holme Park Kobalt* TBF Zorab AHS<br />

Ibn Ajwaad TBF *Denotes Grade 1 Elite Bold listing denotes included in<br />

Guide For Further information visit www.nationalstallion.org.uk<br />




●<br />

Full members of the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses.<br />

●<br />

DEFRA approved passports issued.<br />

●<br />

Full & Auxiliary Stud Books.<br />

●<br />

Horses conceived by Artificial Insemination & Embryo Transfer eligible for registration.<br />

●<br />

Registered horses eligible to compete in all SHB(GB) Hunter, Light Horse &<br />

Sport Horse classes.<br />

●<br />

Mare Grading<br />

●<br />

Stallion Grading<br />

●<br />

Service Vouchers awarded.<br />

●<br />

Annual prestigious Championship Show.<br />

We welcome all sport horse stallions over 14.2hh and are<br />

keen to encourage Thoroughbreds, Arabs, Native Breeds &<br />

Part Breds with potential to breed sport horses.<br />

SHB(GB), 96 High Street, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 5AR<br />

Tel:01732 866277 www.sporthorsegb.co.uk<br />

Email: office@sporthorsegb.co.uk

SHB(GB) Graded <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

Stallion Stallion Stallion<br />

Accondy H-Ekwador Roviris<br />

Ansiei Hallmark D S Royaldik<br />

A Moment In Time Hellvelyn Rubatino Ml<br />

Amour G Hollywood Rubicell<br />

Andes Incognito Rubin Star N<br />

Ashwey Laurenzo Jaguar Mail Russel II<br />

Bathleyhills Justified Jamhoori (GB) Saint Alizee<br />

Bazaars Chief Jigilo Serano Gold<br />

Billy Congo Joris Silvester<br />

Brief Encounter Jumbo Sir Shutterfly<br />

Britannia Royal Just Chillin Skip And Sea<br />

Britannia’s Mail Kannan Spring Spirit<br />

Broadstone Landmark Kl King Of Jazz Song Song Blue<br />

Broadstone West Country Kl Mac Sunset Boulevard<br />

Caliber Royale Langaller Star Maker Tajraasi<br />

Carthago Chicago Langaller Starring Role Take It 2 The Limit<br />

Cassiola Larduc Tayvale Geronimo<br />

Castlegar Cool Mist Leprince Des Bois Tenareze<br />

Catherston Dazzler Midnight Man Tiger Attack<br />

Catherston Liberator Mill Law Timolin<br />

Catherston Oakley Miners Lamp The After Party<br />

Catherston Springsteen Natal Thore Vom Pferdehof<br />

Cevin Z Necker Platiere Tomatillo<br />

Chilli Morning Newtown Pedro Treenhill Aristotle<br />

Classic NPS Supernova Trifolio<br />

Cornetto King OKA’s Opposition Under Milkwood<br />

Corraghoe Storm Opposition Heracles Universal (Ire)<br />

Corrindon Dancer Party Trick Uptons Deli Circus<br />

Craikhow Hall Jensen Pelgrim K Up With The Lark<br />

Derby Pennineview Silver Concorde Urkel<br />

Downton Pennineview Bee Spritely Uthopia<br />

Duke Of Hearts Pinocchio M Utopian Opposition<br />

Fleetwater Opposition Power Blade Vangelis-S<br />

Follyglen Gentle Breeze Primitive Faerie Tale Vincent Ii<br />

Forinth Primitive Proposal Welton Double Cracker<br />

Foxcourt Fabelhaft Proset Wessex Starring Role<br />

Free Spirit PSH Bespoke Western Chief<br />

Future Gravitas PSH Overture Weston Justice<br />

Future Illusion PSH Promise Me Windsor Heights<br />

Gemini’s Classic Opera PSH Twilight Wish Upon A Star<br />

Glencarrig Dolphin PSH Unrivalled Zig-Zag<br />

Glenfyne Billicoy<br />

Godington Hannibal<br />

Grafenstolz<br />

Ramiro B<br />

Revival<br />

Roulette<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />

For Further information visit<br />

www.sporthorsegb.co.uk<br />


Photo by Kevin Sparrow<br />

www.sportpony.org.uk<br />

07703 566066<br />



Promoting excellence in Sports Pony breeding<br />

for over 20 years<br />

Supporting British Sports Pony<br />

Breeders by licensing stallions,<br />

grading mares, evaluating<br />

youngstock & celebrating success<br />

2020 British Dressage FEI Prix St Georges<br />


SPSS passported CRUZ<br />

Bred by Rachel Silk

SPSS Graded <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

SPSS ELITE Graded SPSS Graded SPSS Graded<br />

Boss Junior Abbeywoods Under Pressure Multicouture<br />

Caesar 171 Balfour Whisper Platinum Honey's Hope<br />

Dance Of Joy Bathleyhills Colour Creation Popenhoe Picture Perfect<br />

Danger 36 Bathleyhills Swift Promise Romanno Last Chat<br />

LE Chiffre Brando SD Rotherwood Signature<br />

Littledale Bright Star Brynseion Dancing Dervish Rushiefauld Havanna<br />

Prometheus Carnakilly Pom Pom Scholland Royale Connection<br />

Rexter d'Or Champ Of Dance Shingle Hall Senator<br />

Cwrtycapel Copper's Image<br />

Dark Knight<br />

Darosa d'Amour<br />

DeLaRoche Black Gold<br />

Deufor Spellbound<br />

Farleaze Lord Prenwyn<br />

Glencarrig Tempest<br />

Godrics Campeggio<br />

Hammerwood Ritz<br />

Hilkens Gold Card<br />

Holmegards Bastian<br />

Innellan Condor<br />

Jonkers Metyo<br />

Josie Jump<br />

Khartago Van Orchid's<br />

Killaspic Ross<br />

Killour Star<br />

Kippure Lancelot<br />

Langwedh Sunny Jim<br />

Lemonshill Falcon<br />

Longhalves Renoir<br />

SOS Kantje's Unicolor<br />

Stanley Grange Regal Heights<br />

Taraco Fabrizio<br />

Thursden Vallye Raphael<br />

Treenhill Aristotle<br />

Woodburys Harlequin<br />

Woodlander Sir Gorgeous<br />

Ynyslyns Orlando<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />

For more information<br />

www.sportpony.org.uk/stallions<br />

Tel: 07703 566066<br />

Email: sportsponies@gmail.com<br />

Studbook Office<br />

The Last House<br />

Keysoe Row West<br />

Keysoe<br />

Bedfordshire<br />

MK44 2JJ<br />

The Sports Pony Studbook<br />

Society is a Private Limited<br />

Company<br />

Companies House (Cardiff)<br />

Registration No. 4106148<br />


British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings 2020: Dressage<br />

Stallion Average score Average of top 5 scores Number of Progeny<br />

Woodlander Wavavoom 9.23 9.23 5<br />

Woodlander Double Bubble 9.13 0 1<br />

Drummore Sea Breeze 9.10 0 1<br />

Woodbury's Harlequin 9.03 0 1<br />

Dallmayr K 9.00 0 1<br />

Lemonshill Falcon 8.83 0 1<br />

FS Mr Right 8.81 0 3<br />

Godrics Campeggio 8.79 0 1<br />

FS Champion de Luxe 8.75 0 1<br />

Ecliptic 8.67 8.67 5<br />

Dexter Leam Pondi 8.66 0 1<br />

Langwedh Sunny Jim 8.66 8.69 6<br />

Sarkozy 8.65 8.65 5<br />

Jonkers Metyo 8.60 8.76 7<br />

Hilken's Gold Card 8.58 0 1<br />

Romulus 8.58 0 4<br />

Sheepcote Wurlitzer 8.58 0 3<br />

Bathleyhills Monet 8.55 9.03 29<br />

Hulst Mando 8.55 0 1<br />

Rotherwood Signature 8.55 8.79 9<br />

Caesar 171 8.53 8.91 19<br />

Rembrandt DDH (Rembrandt) 8.53 8.99 12<br />

Tornado af Knabstrup 8.51 0 4<br />

Casino Royale K 8.50 8.77 9<br />

Danger 36 (Danger) 8.45 8.45 5<br />

Killaspic Ross 8.45 0 1<br />

Littledale Bright Star 8.45 8.97 19<br />

Lauriston 8.41 8.68 11<br />

Top Yellow 8.41 8.41 5<br />

SOS Kantje's Unicolor 8.40 8.89 13<br />

Mooiman 8.37 8.51 8<br />

Classic's Charmeur 8.36 0 3<br />

Ramexico 8.36 0 3<br />

RFS Socrates 8.36 0 2<br />

Murraybrook Moriarty 8.36 0 1<br />

FS Don't Worry 8.32 8.79 11<br />

Cwmcae Comet Bach 8.31 8.67 12<br />

Champ of Dance 8.30 0 1<br />

Bernwode Brokat 8.28 8.96 46<br />

Washington DC 8.28 0 1<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />

The Sire Rankings are based on the average of all progeny scores<br />

across the discipline.<br />

For more information please visit :<br />

www.british-breeding.com<br />


British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings 2020: Showjumping<br />

Stallion Average score Average of top 5 scores Number of Progeny<br />

Goodyear VDL 9.53 0 1<br />

Balou For Pleasure 9.2 0 1<br />

Taloubet Z 9.2 0 1<br />

Vivaldi 9.18 0 1<br />

Galliano 9.08 0 1<br />

Caroly 9.03 0 1<br />

Casall ASK 9.03 0 1<br />

Classic Orange Z 9 0 1<br />

Galerius 9 0 1<br />

Golden Eye 9 0 1<br />

Carthago Chicago 8.9 0 1<br />

Sandro Boy 8.9 0 3<br />

Sir Obolensky Z 8.86 0 1<br />

For Pleasure 8.83 0 2<br />

Zacharov 8.82 0 4<br />

Cobra 8.8 0 1<br />

Balou Du Rouet 8.75 9.2 19<br />

Cristo 8.75 0 1<br />

Sandros Boy Z 8.75 0 1<br />

Cooper van de Heffinck 8.74 8.74 5<br />

Cash Point 8.73 8.96 10<br />

Condor 8.73 9.05 16<br />

Zambesi 8.72 8.78 6<br />

Check In 8.71 0 3<br />

Marius Claudius 8.71 0 3<br />

Clintendro K 8.7 0 1<br />

Stalypso 8.7 0 1<br />

Balou Star 8.69 8.83 7<br />

Lupicor 8.69 8.95 8<br />

Legrande 8.68 9.02 12<br />

Cendy 8.66 8.8 10<br />

Karajan 8.66 0 2<br />

Canturano 8.65 0 1<br />

Numero Uno 8.65 0 3<br />

Fleetwater Opposition 8.64 0 3<br />

Renkum Offender 8.63 0 4<br />

Arko III 8.6 0 2<br />

Diamant De Semilly 8.6 0 3<br />

FC Artorius 8.6 0 1<br />

Diarado 8.59 8.92 9<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />

The Sire Rankings are based on the average of all progeny scores<br />

across the discipline.<br />

For more information please visit :<br />

www.british-breeding.com<br />


British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings 2020: Eventing<br />

Stallion Average score Average of top 5 scores Number of Progeny<br />

Tolan R 9.08 0 1<br />

Upsilon 9 0 1<br />

Lux Z 8.94 0 3<br />

Donnersong 8.9 0 1<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure 8.89 0 2<br />

Brief Encounter 8.83 0 3<br />

AC Activate 8.8 0 1<br />

Chippendale 8.79 0 4<br />

Heritage Orion 8.79 0 4<br />

Esteban 8.77 0 4<br />

Dollar Du Murier 8.76 0 4<br />

Diamond Hit 8.75 9.03 11<br />

Osmium 8.75 0 1<br />

Palousa San Sebastian 8.74 0 3<br />

Desir du Chateau 8.73 0 3<br />

Landor S 8.73 0 3<br />

Fransje 8.72 0 4<br />

Timolin 8.71 9.02 13<br />

Sandreo 8.7 0 4<br />

Louella Inschallah lll 8.68 8.68 5<br />

Temple Tamability 8.68 0 1<br />

Parco 8.65 0 3<br />

Parkmore Master 8.65 0 3<br />

Zumanji Décor 8.65 0 1<br />

Dark De Niro 8.64 8.71 7<br />

Contido 8.63 0 3<br />

Pompadour 8.63 0 3<br />

Renkum Valentino 8.63 8.76 7<br />

Craig 8.62 0 4<br />

Bathleyhills Justified 8.6 0 3<br />

Libro 8.59 0 3<br />

Grafenstolz 8.58 9.12 137<br />

Shannondale Delta 8.58 0 1<br />

Silvester 8.58 8.98 33<br />

Cos Me Is Black 8.57 0 3<br />

Future Gravitas 8.57 8.9 17<br />

Dimaggio 8.56 8.56 5<br />

On Air II 8.56 0 3<br />

Party Trick 8.56 8.94 11<br />

Welton Double Cracker 8.56 0 3<br />

Chilli Morning 8.55 9.21 30<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />

The Sire Rankings are based on the average of all progeny scores<br />

across the discipline.<br />

For more information please visit :<br />

www.british-breeding.com<br />


British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings 2020: Sire of Sports Ponies<br />

Stallion Average score Average of top 5 scores Number of Progeny<br />

Woodlander Wavavoom 9.23 9.23 5<br />

Woodlander Double Bubble 9.13 0 1<br />

Drummore Sea Breeze 9.10 0 1<br />

Woodbury's Harlequin 9.03 0 1<br />

Dallmayr K 9.00 0 1<br />

Lemonshill Falcon 8.83 0 1<br />

FS Mr Right 8.81 0 3<br />

Godrics Campeggio 8.79 0 1<br />

FS Champion de Luxe 8.75 0 1<br />

Ecliptic 8.67 8.67 5<br />

Dexter Leam Pondi 8.66 0 1<br />

Langwedh Sunny Jim 8.66 8.69 6<br />

Sarkozy 8.65 8.65 5<br />

Jonkers Metyo 8.60 8.76 7<br />

Hilken's Gold Card 8.58 0 1<br />

Romulus 8.58 0 4<br />

Sheepcote Wurlitzer 8.58 0 3<br />

Bathleyhills Monet 8.55 9.03 29<br />

Hulst Mando 8.55 0 1<br />

Rotherwood Signature 8.55 8.79 9<br />

Caesar 171 8.53 8.91 19<br />

Rembrandt DDH (Rembrandt) 8.53 8.99 12<br />

Tornado af Knabstrup 8.51 0 4<br />

Casino Royale K 8.50 8.77 9<br />

Danger 36 (Danger) 8.45 8.45 5<br />

Killaspic Ross 8.45 0 1<br />

Littledale Bright Star 8.45 8.97 19<br />

Lauriston 8.41 8.68 11<br />

Top Yellow 8.41 8.41 5<br />

SOS Kantje's Unicolor 8.40 8.89 13<br />

Mooiman 8.37 8.51 8<br />

Classic's Charmeur 8.36 0 3<br />

Ramexico 8.36 0 3<br />

RFS Socrates 8.36 0 2<br />

Murraybrook Moriarty 8.36 0 1<br />

FS Don't Worry 8.32 8.79 11<br />

Cwmcae Comet Bach 8.31 8.67 12<br />

Champ of Dance 8.30 0 1<br />

Bernwode Brokat 8.28 8.96 46<br />

Washington DC 8.28 0 1<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />

The Sire Rankings are based on the average of all progeny scores<br />

across the discipline.<br />

For more information please visit :<br />

www.british-breeding.com<br />


British Breeding Futurity Sire Rankings 2020: Endurance<br />

Stallion Average score Average of top 5 scores Number of Progeny<br />

Vlacq Zibaq 8.86 0 2<br />

Vadeer 8.80 0 2<br />

Deemonstrator 8.78 0 1<br />

Binley Prince Salim 8.75 0 1<br />

Lekanto 8.75 0 1<br />

Pioneerstud Silver Sheikh 8.68 0 1<br />

H Tobago 8.66 8.66 5<br />

Hanson 8.50 0 3<br />

Crystal Magic 8.45 0 4<br />

KHURLI 8.45 0 3<br />

Ruadi 8.44 8.58 8<br />

Silvern Prince 8.38 0 2<br />

Sambist 8.36 8.54 7<br />

Dominik 8.33 0 3<br />

R Ali Bey 8.33 8.39 5<br />

Winged Saint 8.31 8.31 5<br />

Krayaan Dilmun 8.29 8.45 7<br />

Chatanz 8.25 8.37 8<br />

Prince Iman 8.25 0 4<br />

Vlacq Khazad 8.12 0 3<br />

Grecian Idyll 8.04 8.04 5<br />

Silver Zenif 7.85 0 1<br />

Man of Dreams 7.38 0 1<br />

Persiflage 7.28 0 1<br />

August Skyhawk 7.05 0 1<br />

Crystal Romance 6.91 0 1<br />

The Sire Rankings are based on the average of all progeny scores<br />

across the discipline.<br />

For more information please visit :<br />

www.british-breeding.com<br />

www.british-breeding.com<br />

For all the latest news on:<br />

- Futurity<br />

- Magazine,<br />

- Membership Offers<br />

- Equine Bridge<br />

- Stallion Events & Parades

Equine Reproduction Centre<br />

Artificial Insemination<br />

Embryo Transfer<br />

Transported Embryo Service<br />

Infertility Investigations<br />

OPU/ICSI<br />

Foaling Unit<br />

Resident Specialist Stud Vets<br />

STUD OPEN DAY 18 APRIL 2020<br />

edwardmatson@twemlows.co.uk<br />

Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 2EZ<br />

01948 664966<br />

www.twemlows.co.uk | www.facebook.com/twemlows

British Dressage Top 40 Sires 2020 Season<br />

Sire Name Total Points Number of Progeny Average Points per Progeny<br />

Dimaggio 1421 60 24<br />

Jazz 1066 39 27<br />

Johnson 989 49 20<br />

Negro 949 45 21<br />

Lord Leatherdale 948 31 31<br />

Showmaker 872 35 25<br />

Sandro Hit 842 38 22<br />

Furstenball 829 32 26<br />

Apache 697 27 26<br />

De Niro 680 33 21<br />

Belissimo M 671 31 22<br />

Sir Donnerhall 661 24 28<br />

Everdale 644 20 32<br />

San Remo 623 20 31<br />

Fidertanz 574 36 16<br />

Diamond Hit 518 25 21<br />

Vivaldi 508 28 18<br />

Floriscount 504 22 23<br />

Ampere 499 16 31<br />

Wish Upon A Star 491 26 19<br />

Don Schufro 490 21 23<br />

Not Recorded 475 43 11<br />

Totilas 472 18 26<br />

Wynton 464 18 26<br />

Grafenstolz 463 22 21<br />

Treliver Decanter 431 20 22<br />

Rousseau 414 19 22<br />

Bordeaux 412 7 59<br />

Wolkenderry 410 19 22<br />

For Romance 398 11 36<br />

Sandreo 395 24 16<br />

Medoc 386 23 17<br />

Uphill 385 16 24<br />

Vitalis 369 11 34<br />

Charmeur 367 18 20<br />

Florencio 362 18 20<br />

Gribaldi 360 19 19<br />

San Amour 358 21 17<br />

Flemmingh 345 11 31<br />

United 343 13 26<br />

32 British Dressage Top 40 Sires of 7 & 8 year olds 2020 Season

British Dressage Top 40 Sires of 7 & 8 year olds 2020 Season<br />

Sire Name Total Points Number of Progeny Average Points per Progeny<br />

Johnson 411 18 23<br />

Furstenball 314 8 39<br />

Apache 300 10 30<br />

Dimaggio 277 11 25<br />

Bretton Woods 241 11 22<br />

Sir Donnerhall 233 7 33<br />

For Romance 228 4 57<br />

Desperado 223 8 28<br />

Vitalis 221 7 32<br />

Charmeur 219 11 20<br />

Wish Upon A Star 216 12 18<br />

Florencio 212 9 24<br />

Wynton 208 7 30<br />

Fidertanz 200 9 22<br />

Dreamboy 198 2 99<br />

Floriscount 197 8 25<br />

Negro 195 11 18<br />

Everdale 193 8 24<br />

Foundation 179 5 36<br />

Wolkenderry 174 9 19<br />

Furst Romancier 172 5 34<br />

Belissimo M 161 5 32<br />

Benicio 161 4 40<br />

Samba Hit Iii 157 4 39<br />

Grafenstolz 155 7 22<br />

Franziskus 154 5 31<br />

Not Recorded 154 6 26<br />

Rousseau 151 4 38<br />

Showmaker 148 6 25<br />

Bazaars Chief 127 2 64<br />

Dream Boy 127 5 25<br />

Don Frederico 125 3 42<br />

Voice 115 3 38<br />

Londontime 112 2 56<br />

Flammengold 112 5 22<br />

Don Tango B 111 6 18<br />

Don Olymbrio L 110 1 110<br />

Lord Leatherdale 107 3 36<br />

San Amour 106 5 21<br />

Uphill 106 4 26<br />

Accumulated points in competition since 1st Jan 2018 – 3rd December 2020<br />


British Dressage Top 40 Sires of 4-6 year olds 2020 Season<br />

Sire Name Total Points Number of Progeny Average Points per Progeny<br />

34<br />

Everdale 451 12 38<br />

Negro 419 14 30<br />

De Niro 391 15 26<br />

Lord Leatherdale 377 10 38<br />

Furstenball 236 11 21<br />

Totilas 228 7 33<br />

Dimaggio 227 9 25<br />

Dante Weltino 218 5 44<br />

Ampere 212 6 35<br />

Bordeaux 186 4 46<br />

For Romance 170 7 24<br />

Sezuan 149 6 25<br />

Governor 138 8 17<br />

Warlock Of Bellhouse 129 3 43<br />

Firestone 126 3 42<br />

Belissimo M 119 5 24<br />

Diamond Hit 118 2 59<br />

Wynton 117 2 58<br />

Franklyn Sugar 116 3 39<br />

Fairytale 115 5 23<br />

Escolar 114 3 38<br />

Sarotti Mokka Sahne 112 2 56<br />

Zack 105 2 52<br />

Swarovski 101 1 101<br />

Franklin 99 3 33<br />

Charmeur 95 4 24<br />

El Capone 92 4 23<br />

De 331316969995 Dimaggio 90 1 90<br />

Farrell 90 2 45<br />

Sunset Boulevard 88 1 88<br />

Dancier 87 2 44<br />

Rembrandt Ddh 87 2 44<br />

Wolkenderry 85 1 85<br />

Harley Vdl 83 1 83<br />

Wild Child 83 3 28<br />

All At Once 82 4 20<br />

Fiderbach 82 2 41<br />

Herbstlonig 81 1 81<br />

Dearnevalley Golden Lad 81 1 81<br />

Don Schufro 79 3 26<br />

Dankeschon 79 1 79<br />

Scuderia 79 4 20

British Dressage Top 40 Competing <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

Stallion<br />

Total Points<br />

Korenbloem Royal Rebel 696<br />

Bandreo 656<br />

Woodcroft Garuda K 589<br />

Comanche Wodan 538<br />

Sunset Boulevard 529<br />

Gravgaards Sir Dundee 510<br />

Zolansky 470<br />

Tiger Tim 446<br />

Moelview Prince Consort 427<br />

Amo II 404<br />

Durable 402<br />

Timolin 391<br />

Cynheidrefawr Creme De La Creme 390<br />

Lucky Turn 389<br />

Luca 41 385<br />

Esquire III 381<br />

Lemiroff LS 372<br />

Singing Skyjacker 361<br />

Donaldson 352<br />

Dormilon XV 348<br />

Rubatino Ml 346<br />

Berrifield Stuntman 343<br />

Francesco 77 333<br />

Don Dante II 332<br />

FHS Diamond In The Rough 328<br />

Duntarvie Antony 327<br />

Evaldi O 325<br />

Bequia 324<br />

Furo 322<br />

Fodan B 321<br />

Davidoff 310<br />

Gameboys Welcome 310<br />

Labiat 309<br />

Royal Dancer 303<br />

Calderon I 298<br />

Bernwode Broadway 292<br />

Lago Icon 289<br />

SJL Baks Zacco 288<br />

After Darkness 269<br />

Eros RT 269<br />

<strong>Stallions</strong> who have gained the most points from competition throughout their career (results to 3rd Dec 2020)<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />


British Showjumping Top 40 Sires of 2020<br />

Sire Name Sum of TY Prize Money Sum of TY Points<br />

Cooper VD Heffinck £109,602 741<br />

Toulon £103,815 3242<br />

Ultimo Van Ter Moude £90,294 1251<br />

Stolzenberg £88,890 814<br />

Arko III £81,093 2599<br />

Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve £72,214 7170<br />

Chacco Blue £70,300 3516<br />

Zandor Z £60,979 2045<br />

Dollar Dela Pierre £57,165 865<br />

Cobra £55,538 751<br />

Cevin Z £48,488 7246<br />

Vigaro £44,313 1162<br />

Numero Uno £43,961 7991<br />

Carembar De Muze £42,019 798<br />

Kannan £41,801 8753<br />

Ustinov £41,246 3704<br />

Calvaro Z £39,682 2446<br />

Je T'aime Flamenco £39,617 1766<br />

Scentia £39,381 415<br />

Diamant De Semilly £35,923 3255<br />

Zirocco Blue VDL £34,460 3374<br />

Romanov II £33,685 1127<br />

Namelus R £32,819 2080<br />

Billy Mexico £31,112 4740<br />

Cardento £29,415 4849<br />

Winningmood Van De Arenberg £27,824 772<br />

Zambesi £25,397 3566<br />

Emerald Van T Ruytershof £25,230 1905<br />

Diarado £25,222 2720<br />

Quality £24,718 1208<br />

Future Trend £24,438 738<br />

Landor S £24,379 466<br />

Mylord Carthago £24,312 2632<br />

Nonstop £24,190 1604<br />

Comme D'Api VD Hacienda Z £24,015 280<br />

Eldorado Van De Zeshoek £22,823 3473<br />

Don VHP Z £22,339 5020<br />

Nabab De Reve £21,703 2445<br />

Warrior £20,866 3940<br />

Heart Throb £19,794 353<br />

36<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide

British Showjumping Top 40 Sires of 7/8 yr olds in 2020<br />

Sire Name Sum of TY Prize Money Sum of TY Points<br />

Emerald Van T Ruytershof £24,100 1711<br />

Don VHP Z £15,664 3531<br />

Boswell Mr Heart Breaker £15,290 424<br />

Obos Quality £14,788 1231<br />

Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve £13,536 3106<br />

Elvis Ter Putte £12,497 2031<br />

Kannan £10,773 2608<br />

Billy Mexico £10,289 2446<br />

Chacco Blue £9,692 1000<br />

Windows VH Costersv £9,510 448<br />

Clarimo £9,009 869<br />

Parco £8,476 535<br />

Plot Blue £7,987 2147<br />

Cevin Z £7,897 3181<br />

Im Special De Muze £7,247 2051<br />

Colestus £6,413 168<br />

Quality Time £5,855 2074<br />

Argento £5,623 876<br />

Eldorado Van De Zeshoek £5,218 1817<br />

Pacino £5,156 1592<br />

Spartacus £5,069 2285<br />

Ukato £4,941 872<br />

Waldo Van Dungen £4,590 301<br />

Statinus £4,561 1013<br />

Nabab De Reve £4,337 728<br />

Obos Quality 004 £4,329 582<br />

Zirocco Blue VDL £4,211 1359<br />

Inshallah De Muze £4,175 1951<br />

Emerald Van't Ruytershof £4,148 347<br />

Luidam £4,085 1355<br />

Untouched S £4,075 859<br />

Indoctro £4,050 1125<br />

L'arc De Tromphe Z £4,039 511<br />

Dynamo £4,021 623<br />

Baltic VDL £4,009 1199<br />

Diamant De Semilly SF £3,955 588<br />

Dakar VDL £3,508 790<br />

Billy Congo £3,489 1384<br />

Va-Vite £3,363 579<br />

Horion De Libersart £3,332 552<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide<br />


British Showjumping Top 40 Sires of 4-6 yr olds in 2019<br />

Sire Name Sum of TY Prize Money Sum of TY Points<br />

Typhoon S £11376.04 1223<br />

Asterix E Z £9001.73 749.5<br />

Kannan £7542.31 2109<br />

Cevin Z £6,485 2276<br />

Utrillo VD Heffinck £6,401 63<br />

Arezzo VDL £5,109 1527<br />

Tangelo Van De Zuuthoevbe £4,055 689<br />

Ustinov £4,048 706<br />

Billy Congo £4,017 1722<br />

Chaman £3,578 453<br />

Cidane £3,532 976<br />

Billy Mexico £3,493 784<br />

Marius Claudius £3,465 375<br />

Harley VDL £3,318 1260<br />

VDL Arkansas £3,182 469<br />

Action Breaker £3,118 770<br />

Nabab De Reve £2,979 293<br />

B Zirocco Blue VDL £2,763 717<br />

Balou Du Rouet £2,710 704<br />

Luidam Elite £2,584 910<br />

Mylord Carthago £2,556 629<br />

Im Special De Muze £2,508 871<br />

Cascadello I £2,493 303<br />

Zambesi £2,452 796<br />

Charmeur £2,329 205<br />

Etoulon VDL £2,303 1032<br />

Dallas VDL £2,209 642<br />

Uriko £2,200 266<br />

Argento £2,145 904<br />

F One Usa £2,141 79<br />

Catoki £2,117 502<br />

Diamant De Semilly £1,983 854<br />

Dakar VDL £1,981 481<br />

Don VHP Z £1,981 717<br />

Elvis Ter Putte £1,899 561<br />

Reno 55 £1,844 195<br />

Plot Blue £1,840 670<br />

Castello Overcinge's Z £1,839 472<br />

Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve £1,798 618<br />

Noble Warrior £1,794 820<br />

38<br />

Horses in BOLD are in this Guide

WBFSH Top Sire Rankings 2020<br />

Dressage Showjumping Eventing<br />

Blue Hors Don Schufro Chacco-Blue Grafenstolz<br />

San Amour I Diamant De Semilly Diarado<br />

De Niro 6 Toulon Jaguar Mail<br />

Don Frederico Mylord Carthago Contendro I<br />

Diamond Hit Casall Obos Quality 004<br />

Rousseau Berlin (Caspar) Diamant De Semilly<br />

Sir Donnerhall Kashmir Van Schuttershof Nouma D'auzay<br />

San Remo Cardento Ars Vivendi<br />

Dimaggio Nabab De Reve Mighty Magic<br />

Blue Hors Zack Diarado Landos<br />

Breitling W Cornet Obolensky (Ex Windows Van 'T) L’arc De Triomphe<br />

Romanov Numero Uno (Ex Norton) Balou Du Rouet<br />

Ampere Verdi Puissance<br />

Desperados Quidam De Revel Quite Easy<br />

Damon Hill Balou Du Rouet Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan<br />

Gribaldi Zirocco Blue Indoctro<br />

United Eldorado VD Zeshoek Tinaranas Inspector<br />

Rubin Royal Old Calvaro F.C. Gentleman IV<br />

Spielberg Quaprice Bois Margot Albaran XX<br />

Rubi Baloubet Du Rouet Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve<br />

Blue Hors Hotline Kannan Vigo D'arsouilles<br />

Bordeaux Catoki Carrico<br />

Son De Niro Lord Z Radolin<br />

Don Romantic For Pleasure Lux Z<br />

Dressage Royal Clinton Master Imp XX<br />

Florett As Winningmood Van De Arenberg Quidam<br />

Rock Forever Contendro I Yarlands Summer Song<br />

De Noir 3 Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve Courage II<br />

Lord Leatherdale Cicero Z Van Paemel Womanizer<br />

Brentano II Ogano Sitte Zirocco Blue<br />

Easy Game Conthargos Chacco Blue<br />

Ehrenpreis Douglas Fidertanz<br />

Danone 4 Lord Pezi Quality 9<br />

Damon Hill Quintender Hirtentanz<br />

Dressage Royal Darco Lasino<br />

Farewell III Ustinov Clarimo<br />

Stedinger Thunder Van De Zuuthoeve Heraldik XX<br />

Belissimo M Quidam's Rubin Van Gogh<br />

Wynton Ugano Sitte Karandasj<br />

Sorento Luidam Fortunus<br />

For Further Information www.wbfsh.org - Then click: Rankings > Sire rankings<br />

These rankings were taken from December 2020<br />


Abbeywoods Under Pressure<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Sports Pony PB Arab<br />

Stud Book: SPSS and AHS<br />

UELN No: 826044000032476 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 13.2hh (138cm)<br />

Colour: Skewbald<br />

Grading: Graded SPSS, Licensed with Arab Horse Society<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Murraybrook Moriarty<br />

Abbeywoods Aphrodite<br />

Royal Command of Wentward<br />

Dirana<br />

Commanche Ace<br />

Windy City E<br />

Royal Linsign<br />

Anarkali<br />

Djelfor<br />

Diraia<br />

Unknown<br />

Unknown<br />

Wind dancer<br />

Peppermint Petty<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Photo - Kevin Sparrow<br />

SPSS Graded PBA 138cm quality coloured sports pony prospect, who received Gold Premium at the<br />

2019. British Breeding Futurity evaluations as an eventing pony gaining a 9 for his bold, brave jump, with<br />

well known famous lines including Weltmeyer and Weltruhm.<br />

The perfect choice for anyone wanting to breed good quality ponies for all kinds of disciplines and<br />

definitely not one to miss. Great scope for jumping, and trainability when backed in July 2020, this chap<br />

is simply the best to have around.<br />

He is graded with the Sports Pony Society and licensed with the Arab Society with 43.23% part bred<br />

Arab.<br />

He has a wonderful temperament to pass on to his offspring which runs down through his lines,<br />

and is safe and easy to handle with good manners.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First foal due 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £300 no vat<br />

Concessions: NFFR<br />

Stands At: Gratwicke Farm, Henfield Road, Cowfold, West Sussex, H13 8EA<br />

Contact: Sarah Ablewhite<br />

07527435847<br />

@ enquiries@abbeywoodsunderpressure.co.uk<br />

www.abbeywoodsunderpressure.co.uk<br />


Amiro Z<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: Zangersheide<br />

UELN No: ZANG 056015Z55649804 Year of Birth: 2004<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Disciplines: Eventing Bone: 9”<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Grading: SF, Zangersheide, Hanoverian, Westfalen, SHB(GB), AES<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Amigo Toss xx<br />

Renomee Z<br />

Nippon Toss xx<br />

La Toscana xx<br />

Ramiro Z<br />

Argentina Z<br />

Egg Toss xx<br />

Nipona xx<br />

Lefty xx<br />

La Spezia xx<br />

Raimond<br />

Valine<br />

Alme Z<br />

Heureka Z<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

With almost 70% Thoroughbred blood, international successes to 1.45m and one of the best dam lines in<br />

the world, Amiro Z is a particularly exciting stallion for breeders of event horses.<br />

He has a superb temperament, and is an easy, rideable stallion who is quick in the air and has plenty of<br />

scope.<br />

Amiro Z jumped internationally at 1.45m level, including qualifying for the Lanaken World Championships<br />

for 6-year-olds.<br />

Amiro's offspring are bold characters with good temperaments, and inherit their sire's jump and power.<br />

His daughter Caunton First Class, from a Valentino dam, was the 2018 Westfalen eventing champion,<br />

and also champion of the BYEH final at Bramham.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Caunton First Class - 2018 Westfalen eventing champion. BYEH Champion<br />

Aruba Z - CCI1*<br />

A Quality D’I Z - FEI 1.40m<br />

Stud Fee: £1000 plus vat (Same for chilled)<br />

Collection Fees: £75 plus vat<br />

Concessions: 4* and 5* mares<br />

Stands At: Elite <strong>Stallions</strong><br />

Contact: Lorna Wilson<br />

01837 880100 / 07967 202174<br />

@ info@elitestallions.co.uk<br />

www.elitestallions.co.uk<br />

Elite <strong>Stallions</strong><br />


Amour G<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: KWPN<br />

Stud Book: WBS-UK<br />

UELN No: 528003 0512370 Year of Birth: 2005<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Piebald<br />

Grading: WBS-UK Bone: 9.25”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled / Frozen Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU Frozen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Goshka Ringo<br />

Goshka Ringo<br />

King<br />

Leanne Ster<br />

May Sherif<br />

Alexandra<br />

Purioso keur...<br />

Wanda keur pref prest<br />

Ferro pref<br />

Cindy<br />

Elizar<br />

May Kignaes<br />

Aleksander<br />

Tina Gravvaenge<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

TT Amika<br />

An athletic, eyecatching stallion that turns heads wherever he goes. At 3yrs old he was awarded ELITE BEF<br />

Premiums in BOTH dressage and showjumping sections, scoring 9.75 for paces.<br />

He was Champion of his grading with the WBS-UK.<br />

He has an impressive BD record, winning the majority of his tests with scores to 78.8% at Novice to<br />

Advanced levels. He finished in the top 10 at the British Dressage National Championships. Judges’ comments<br />

include “Stunning, expressive horse”, “Super talented” and “Impressive!” versatile, he has show jumped<br />

successfully to Newcomers level and schooled cross country proving bold yet sensible. Winner of many<br />

sporthorse classes and Championships. Oozing presence and quality coupled with a golden temperament<br />

and excellent fertility, Amour G must warrant serious consideration when seeking the ideal partner for your<br />

mare. AMOUR G was in the top 10 British based sires with 3 or more progeny competing at the both the<br />

2018 and 2019 BD Winter Championships/AF Championships behind the likes of DiMaggio and Showmaker.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

EV Amore Mia - Prolific winner of BD classes inc Reserve Champion Novice Gold FSM, U25 Novice<br />

Champion and now winning medium classes with +70%. TT Amika - Multiple winner of BD classes,<br />

placing BD Nationals, Area Festival finals, and music regionals with scores up to 75.8% and SHI team<br />

member. Apache Pieces - Another multiple BD winner with his amateur owner/breeder qualifying for Area<br />

Festivals and Team Quest finals. Amours Just Cruising - Just six BD outings and six scores in excess of 70%<br />

and SHI team member. Fleur - Another consistent BD winner and SHI team member. First Love - County In<br />

hand sporthorse championship winner, county ridden Sporthorse class winner and winner of Working<br />

Hunter class at Equifest. Am I Dreaming - County in hand Sporthorse championship winner. Amoura -<br />

successful show pony with her 12yr old rider. Blinkbonny Wild Child - County Show winner now<br />

competing BYEH & winner at H&H Dressage Festival. Kellythorpes Adonis G - Very consisten BE record<br />

and qualified for Badminton Grass Roots Championships 2019 EV All My Amour - Placing top 3 BE100<br />

and PC Intermediate Champions with 15yr old rider. Amour Bug - Competing BE with regular double<br />

clears and the 2018 British Eventing Official BE80(T) Eastern Region League Champion.<br />

A Bootlegger Black - Qualified for the 4yr old BYEH Championships and many Higher First BEF premium<br />

winners in the eventing and dressage sections. Kellythorpes Adonis G – very consistent BE record, jumped<br />

double clear in the Badminton Grassroots 90 Champs 2019 & qualified for the same at 100 for 2020.<br />

Stud Fee: £575 no vat NFFR (chilled same) Frozen £400 NFFR no vat<br />

Collection Fee: £75 + vat<br />

Concessions: Possible for graded mares, Higher First or Elite BEF winners or multiple mares.<br />

Stands At: Walk in collections at Clements Equine, Nr Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.<br />

He can be viewed at home at Corner Farm, Rocklands St Peter, Attleborough, Norfolk, NR17 1UR.<br />

Contact: Pippa Childerhouse<br />

@<br />

07778 929154<br />

pippachilderhouse@btinternet.com<br />

www.teamtorrent.co.uk<br />

facebook/AmourG<br />


Ansiei<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Thoroughbred<br />

Stud Book: Weatherbys<br />

UELN No: 380ITY000063579<br />

Year of Birth: 2007<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SHB(GB), HSI<br />

Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Brazil / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Highest Honor xx<br />

Albiatra xx<br />

Kenmare xx<br />

High River xx<br />

Dixieland Band xx<br />

Jons Singer xx<br />

Kalamoun xx<br />

Belle of Ireland xx<br />

Riverman xx<br />

Hairbrush xx<br />

Northern Dancer xx<br />

Mississippi Mud xx<br />

Caro xx<br />

Hellas xx<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

He is a successful athlete in his own right, being a stakes winner with total winnings of £181,286 from just<br />

a few starts and in the 2010 Italian Derby he came from the back of the field to take second, just missing<br />

out on first place. He returned to training after time off for covering and finished third in a maiden hurdle<br />

at Limerick in 2013. This was his first run back and demonstrates that not only does he have speed he also<br />

has a super jump.<br />

He has a superb pedigree containing Northern Dancer and not one, but two crosses of the famous Grey<br />

Sovereign. The Grey Sovereign line has been extremely influential in infusing blood in European<br />

warmbloods and appears in the pedigree of many top show jumpers including Olympic performers<br />

Clinton and Corrado.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Oldest progeny are successfully competing in dressage, show jumping and eventing across Europe with<br />

amateur and professional riders in all formats and have been represented in BYEH classes, Irish eventing<br />

young horse championships, novice show jumping, and oldest now 7 competing internationally at CCI<br />

2* level in eventing<br />

Bonmahon Liberation – Competing to CCI2*L with Sarah Dowley in Ireland who quoted "He's very smart<br />

and loves his work. He wants to work hard and to please whilst being brave and careful while galloping<br />

across the country. We're very excited for the future and he has the potential to go all the way”.<br />

Bonmahon Will Do – Competing in BE with an amateur rider to BE100 and has recently moved to Polly<br />

Stockton<br />

Bonmahon Battlebun – (x Harlequin Du Carel) Campaigned in BYEH 2018<br />

Kilmanahan Ansiei Clover – (x Unknown) Competing in Germany in show jumping and dressage<br />

Stud Fee: £600 + vat (Same for chilled & frozen - collection at cost)<br />

Concessions: To proven mares and returning customers<br />

Stands At: Stallion AI Services Ltd, Whitchurch, Shropshire SY13 4BP<br />

Contact: John Chambers<br />

07717 432814<br />

@ John.chambers191@gmail.com<br />

www.springfieldstud.com<br />

Ansiei Full Thoroughbred Weatherbys and SHBGB Approved Stallion<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Venterprise<br />

Spring’s Spirit<br />

Springfield Symphony<br />


Ashwey Laurenzo<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood (28.87% TB)<br />

Stud Book: Sport Horse GB, AES<br />

UELN No: 826002120025086 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 16hh (163cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: SHB(GB)<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Availability: AI only Fresh / Chilled / Frozen (UK only)<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Lauriston<br />

Remi Twin Siigie<br />

Latus I (Holst)<br />

Gerlinde (Oldbg)<br />

Ircolando (KWPN)<br />

Kasiijke (STB)<br />

Landgraf I (Holst)<br />

Folia (Holst)<br />

Granit (Oldbg)<br />

Andorra II (Oldbg)<br />

Casimir<br />

Zolanda (KWPN)<br />

Armstrong (KWPN)<br />

Dosige (STB)<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Oaks Farm Stud present a stunning 16hh British bred AES registered SHB graded stallion by the prolific<br />

sire Lauriston and out of an Ircolando mare.<br />

Graded overall champion in the SHB 2018 Stallion gradings scoring a 9 for his jumping ability and<br />

technique.<br />

He started his affiliated eventing career in 2018 with five outings and five top ten finishes and is now<br />

competing successfully at novice level winning his most recent event at South of England.<br />

Good temperament, compact athletic type with excellent paces.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First foals April 2020.<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + vat, not including collection and shipping fees<br />

Concessions: NFFR concessions available<br />

Stands At: Stallion AI Services<br />

Contact: Rebecca Gordon<br />

07572 659813 / 07973 518675<br />

@ oaksfarmstud@mail.com<br />

facebook.com/oaksfarmstud<br />


Branduardi<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Hanoverian<br />

Stud Book: Hann<br />

UELN No: DE 431310144906 Year of Birth: 2007<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: AES<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showing<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled / Frozen Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: UK / IRL<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Breitling W<br />

Wildrose<br />

Bismarck<br />

Maja<br />

Weltmeyer<br />

Baccara<br />

Bolero<br />

Duellfarm<br />

Maat<br />

Grafenkrone<br />

World Cup I<br />

Anka<br />

Bolero<br />

Granini<br />


Dressage | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Branduardi’s stunningly compact frame gives him the ability to move expressively and fluently with three<br />

exceptional paces. His trainability is highlighted by his outstanding temperament, which has stood out<br />

throughout his entire career. As a young horse he started training with Kathrin Meyer Zu Strohen and at<br />

only 5 years old qualified for the 2011 World Breeding Championships in Verden.<br />

His father Breitling W has sired a series of absolutely top-rate horses, clearly demonstrating his absolutely<br />

spectacular gene pool. His progeny have accumulated more than €100,000 in lifetime competition<br />

winnings and include Burgpokal winner Blind Date, the mare that won the CHIO Aachen Small Tour in<br />

2009.<br />

Branduardi in-between breeding in 2019 was competing on the Premier League circuit with Amy<br />

Woodhead. He picked up some great results, scoring over 70% in the Intermediare I at Somerford<br />

Premier League, directly qualifying for the National Championships at Stoneleigh. In 2020 Branduardi<br />

made his Grand Prix debut, in which he competes at regularly when not in lockdown at national level.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first progeny were born in 2020 and are conformationally excellent.<br />

His first foal has been sold to a top UK showing yard.<br />

Stud Fee: 600 + vat<br />

Concessions: Concessions available for Graded/Competing Mares<br />

Stands At: Caunton Manor Stud, Neatholme Lane,<br />

Lound, Retford, Notts, DN22 8RT<br />

Contact: Matthew & Victoria Wright<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Jacondrik p.166<br />

Comfort p.82<br />

Dankeschön p.94<br />

@<br />

07966507205<br />

victoria@cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

www.cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

@Cauntonmanorstud<br />


Britannia Royal<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British sport horse (70%+ TB)<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)<br />

UELN No: 826041/000162503 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Liver Chestnut<br />

Grading: SHB(GB) at premium level Bone: 8"<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Royaldik<br />

Headley Brittania<br />

Royal Diamond<br />

Herka xx<br />

Jumbo<br />

Alans Bambi xx<br />

Rubinstein I<br />

Elektia V<br />

Caramel xx<br />

Heraldika xx<br />

Skippy<br />

Betty<br />

Alanrod xx<br />

Hazy Blue xx<br />


Eventing | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Britannia Royal’s dam is the legendary triple 5* winning mare Headley Britannia (by Jumbo), Olympic<br />

medallist and winner of Badminton, Burghley and Kentucky ; through his sire Royaldik, his granddam Herka xx<br />

is full sister to Heraldik xx, the outstanding sire of international event horses for more than a decade.<br />

Britannia Royal is a modern blood-type stallion, 70%+, short-coupled, with eye-catching good looks,<br />

rhythmical paces and a quick, bold, athletic jump. He has a wonderful calm, trainable temperament, which<br />

he is passing on to his offspring. He is now an Intermediate event stallion, with an incredibly consistent record<br />

of top-ten placings throughout his eventing career, including a fabulous double-clear and 6th in only his<br />

second Intermediate run.<br />

He is producing very smart foals, his offspring are already winners in the show ring at County level, one<br />

standing Champion Hunter Breeding in 2019, and his foals are receiving Gold Futurity awards. Britannia<br />

Royal is half-brother, through Headley Britannia, to the advanced event stallion Britannia’s Mail.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Britannia Royal is throwing beautiful youngstock, who are inheriting his calm, friendly temperament; the<br />

oldest of these will be 4 year olds in 2021 and starting their ridden careers.<br />

Classictop True Brit (2017): winner in-hand at County level, Hunter Breeding and Hack/Riding Horse<br />

Classictop Britannic (2017): Champion Hunter Breeding, Kent County Show 2019<br />

Cornsay Heraldry (2018): Higher First Premium, Richmond Futurity 2018 (one of only two awarded across<br />

all the age groups)<br />

Vivat Rex (2019): Reserve Champion Eventing Foal, Elite Foals Registration Tour, Sussex venue; and<br />

awarded Gold, Catherston Stud Futurity 2019<br />

Stud Fee: £650 no vat (Same for chilled)<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £500<br />

Collection Fees: TBA<br />

Concessions: NFFR, split payment terms available, concessions to<br />

approved mares.<br />

Stands At: Wilmington Green Stud, Thornwell Road, Wilmington,<br />

Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 5PZ<br />

Contact: Annabel Blake<br />

@<br />

07870 358944<br />

brit.royal@outlook.com<br />

www.britanniaroyal.co.uk<br />

Britannia Royal<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Prometheus p.228<br />

(SPSS Elite pony Stallion)<br />


Britannia's Bijou<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: 7/8 TB x Riding Pony<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB), SPSS<br />

UELN No: 82604100069384 Year of Birth: 2017<br />

Height:14.3hh (149cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SHB(GB) Gold & SPSS Gold Premium Bone: 8"<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: None<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Littledale Bright Star<br />

Bella Britannia<br />

Catherston Nightsafe<br />

Gwersylit Town Mouse<br />

Mr Big Cat xx<br />

Headley Britannia<br />

Triumph (BRP)<br />

Prosperity of Catherston (BRP)<br />

Burstye Trajan (BRP)<br />

Gweryslit Nans (Welsh A)<br />

Tamango xx<br />

Florianopolitana xx<br />

Jumbo<br />

Alan’s Bambi xx<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Eventing bloodlines in the purple. this exciting young International competition and breeding prospect is<br />

already broken and going well under saddle.<br />

He has been seriously impressive loose jumping - showing tremendous scope, fantastic technique, three<br />

beautiful paces and a superbly relaxed and trainable temperament.<br />

He has already been trained to the dummy and his first mare has scanned in foal from its first service.<br />

Britannia’s Bijou is out of Bella Britannia (one of the 4 embryo transfer daughters of the Eventing legend<br />

Headley Britannia) who was successfully competed Eventing up to BE100 and Show Jumped up to<br />

1.20m before going back to stud and is now in foal to Timolin.<br />

Britannia’s Bijou’s sire is the top Riding pony stallion Littledale Bright Star - a high quality pony stallion that<br />

has competed at everything from Vaulting to Show Jumping. He only stands at 12.2hh but is currently the<br />

only pony stallion to have sired International progeny in all of the Olympic disciplines.<br />

In 2020 Britannia's Bijou was awarded Gold in the British Breeding Futurity evaluations and Gold<br />

Premium by the Sports Pony Studbook Society.<br />

Britannia's Bijou will be competing in 4 year old classes as well as covering mares in 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £350 + vat (Same for frozen)<br />

Stands At: Tomlinson Equine, Elmleaze, Westonbirt, Tetbury,<br />

Gloucestershire, GL8 8QE<br />

Contact: Lucinda Fredericks<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Britannia’s Mail p.54<br />

01380 816636<br />

@ marketing@lucindafredericks.com<br />

www.lucindafredericks.com/stallion-services<br />

LucindaFredericksequestrian<br />

@lucindafredericksequestrian<br />


Britannia's Mail<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Selle Francais x ID x TB (7/8 Thoroughbred) Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826041/000152500 Year of Birth: 2008<br />

Height: 16.1hh (164cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SHB(GB), Approved AES Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA* / Australia* / New Zealand* (*Individual doses sent directly from UK)<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Jaguar Mail<br />

Headley Britannia<br />

Hand in Glove xx<br />

Elvira Mail<br />

Jumbo<br />

Alan’s Bambi xx<br />

Best Turn xx<br />

Miss Betty xx<br />

Laudanum xx<br />

Adoret z<br />

Skippy<br />

Betty<br />

Alanrod xx<br />

Hazy Blue<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Proven Advanced eventer Britannia’s Mail is a “Brit Legacy” elite syndicated stallion by Olympic Show<br />

Jumper Jaguar Mail out of triple 5* winner Olympic Medallist Headley Britannia.<br />

Britannia’s Mail is stunning-looking, has three super paces, exceptional technique over a fence and is<br />

incredibly careful, sure-footed and quick across country. After nine seasons competing he continues to<br />

prove himself to be an outstandingly tough, sound and confident horse and his relaxed, honest and kind<br />

temperament is demonstrated in his young stock. Britannia’s Mail is suitable for any type of mare and has<br />

performed for a range of riders from young teenager to top professional. He has had a successful 2020<br />

season with 16 yr old Ellie Fredericks - clear in all 5 competitions and 4 placings, including a win at<br />

Barbury - and the pair look forward to 2021, aiming for Junior team selection, continuing at Intermediate<br />

level and progressing to 3* International and Advanced in the Summer.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Britannia’s Mail has excellent fertility rates, having already successfully covered well over 100 mares<br />

between 2013-2020 with many beautiful youngstock on the ground.<br />

Some images of his foals and youngstock can be seen on www.lucindafredericks.com/stallion-services<br />

or on Britannia’s Mail’s facebook page: facebook.com/BritanniasMail<br />

Britannia’s Mail’s youngsters competing in the 2020 season include:<br />

Secret Britannia (BE100 & Nov 2020 - placed 9th at Kelsall Hill Nov)<br />

Britannia’s Cabaret (BE100's & Nov - placed in 3 BE100's)<br />

River Mail (BE100)<br />

In The Post (BE90 & BE100 - placed at 4 out of 6 events)<br />

Britannia’s Star (BE90 & BE100 - placed 4th at Oasby BE100)<br />

Stud Fee: £800 + vat (Same for frozen)<br />

Stands At: Tomlinson Equine, Elmleaze, Westonbirt, Tetbury,<br />

Gloucestershire, GL8 8QE.<br />

Fresh/chilled available around competition schedule.<br />

Contact: Lucinda Fredericks<br />

@<br />

01380 816636<br />

marketing@lucindafredericks.com<br />

www.lucindafredericks.com/stallion-services<br />

@BritanniasMail<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Britannia’s Bijou p.52<br />


C Star WW<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: AES<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826002150881716 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 17hh (173cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: Licensed<br />

Tests: WFFS negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Big Star<br />

C Serendipity<br />

Quick Star<br />

Jolanda<br />

Tangelo van Zuuthoeve<br />

Wusuela<br />

Galoubet A<br />

Elektia V<br />

Nimmerdor<br />

Elysette<br />

Narcos II<br />

Olympica van de Krekebeke<br />

Lupicor H<br />

S<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Very powerful with endless scope, a very good brain, amazing canter and careful, he has it all.<br />

His mother is C Serendipity who won the first qualifier in the 6-year-old World Breeding Championships<br />

and came second in the second qualifier, against over 250 of the world’s best horses from around the<br />

world.<br />

This is his first proper year competing, he has qualified British Novice, Discovery, Newcomers &<br />

Foxhunter. Only one foal in 2020 due to having colic in 2019, but we are very excited to see his 2021<br />

foals!<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First Season at Stud 2020.<br />

Stud Fee: £750 + vat<br />

Stands At: Kings Oak Stud, Ampfield Hill, Ampfield,<br />

Hants, SO51 9BD<br />

Contact: Gerda Weston - Weston Warmbloods Ltd<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Kantairo WW p.174<br />

Zip Phin p.298<br />

@<br />

01794367570 / 07824308511<br />

info@westonwarmbloods.co.uk<br />

www.westonwarmbloods.co.uk<br />

Facebook/WestonWarmbloods<br />


Cappa Sarsfield<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Irish Draught<br />

Stud Book: IDHS<br />

UELN No: TBC Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: IDHS Bone: 10”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU/ Australia / New Zealand / USA / Kenya<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Cappa Cassanova<br />

Bawn Rose<br />

Welcome Flagmount<br />

Headford Beauty<br />

Cappa Cochise<br />

Kimberly Rose<br />

Flagmount King<br />

Welcome<br />

Kildalton Gold<br />

Ashling Beauty<br />

Fast Silver<br />

Kealanine Mist<br />

Golden Warrior<br />

Galway Rosie<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

An up and coming elite stallion in his own right already, a stallion with phenomenal breeding, a very kind<br />

nature, talented & super trainability.<br />

Standing at 16.2hh with 10inches of bone, his movement is beautifully strait, floaty & correct.<br />

The comments from the selection panel consisted of a strong top-line and good flat bone, very good Irish<br />

draught characteristics, a good walk, good canter with quick reflexes with sufficient technique and scope<br />

his sire Cappa Cassanova is a 3 times gold merit, 3x champion Irish draught stallion at the royal Dublin<br />

horse show 2012, 2013 & 2015, reserve champion stallion 2011 & 2014.<br />

Double gold merit showjumping & in-hand showing, with a silver merit in dressage.<br />

Dam being Bawn Rose class 1 - Cappa Cochise (Class 1) x Kimberly Rose RID.<br />

Flagmount King, Kildalton Gold, Fast Silver & grey Macha are just a few exceptional Irish draughts in his<br />

pedigree.<br />

Cappa Sarsfield is very much an up and coming stallion, very versatile already & showing huge promise.<br />

A one to watch stallion for the future........<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud.<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + vat (Fresh/chilled UK only)<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £250 + vat per 30ml dose<br />

Stands At: White Lodge Stud, Butts Green, Clavering,<br />

Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 4RT<br />

Contact: Amy Seabon<br />

@<br />

07973549123 / 01799551133<br />

info@whitelodgestud.co.uk<br />

www.whitelodgestud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/whitelodgestudessex<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Corrindon Dancer p.174<br />

Carrigfada Grey Mist p.298<br />


Carrigfada Grey Mist<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Irish Draught<br />

Stud Book: IDHS<br />

UELN No: TBC Year of Birth: 2010<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: IDHS<br />

Bone: 8³/₄”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: EU/Australia/New Zealand/USA/Kenya<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Rebel Flagmount<br />

Culleens Glidawn Lady<br />

Huntingfield Rebel<br />

Wellcome Clover<br />

Gildawn Diamond<br />

Queen Culleen<br />

Gleneagyle Rebel<br />

Whippy<br />

Welcome Flagmount<br />

Clover Pride<br />

King of Diamonds<br />

Kildalton Countess<br />

King Elvis<br />

Golden Easkey Star<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

If you want to use a Stallion that will bring athleticism, sheer beauty, versatility & an incredible temperament<br />

then this is your guy....<br />

Standing at 16.1hh - Sire Rebel Flagmount (Class 1) Dam Culleens Glidawn Lady (RID)<br />

Huntingfield Rebel, Whippy, King Of Diamonds, King Elvis & Welcome Flagmount are just a few names<br />

that are in his pedigree.<br />

This guy has the ability to jump a serious track, the movement, intelligence & trainability to win in the<br />

Dressage Arena and the kindness and reliability to carry a 13 yr old girl around a Derby track, Versatility<br />

is his middle name, and he is a perfect gentleman at all times. Bred by Jim Cooke & Lynne Fitzpatrick in<br />

Ireland, Conan has great boldness and scope, an is an outstanding mover.<br />

With 9³/₄ inch bone he is a lightweight type, a compact stallion.<br />

Conan was graded in 2016, conformationally receiving very high marks, he is currently competing county<br />

level working hunter 1.20m tracks, jumping 130M tracks at home with ease & working at advanced<br />

medium dressage at home<br />

This stallion is very talented!<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud.<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + vat (Same for frozen)<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £250 + vat per 30ml dose<br />

Stands At: White Lodge Stud, Butts Green, Clavering,<br />

Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 4RT<br />

Contact: Amy Seabon<br />

@<br />

07973549123 / 01799551133<br />

info@whitelodgestud.co.uk<br />

www.whitelodgestud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/whitelodgestudessex<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Corrindon Dancer p.174<br />

Cappa Sarsfield p.298<br />


Carthago Chicago<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Sports Horse<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826002100022492 Year of Birth: 2010<br />

Tests: All annual tests + WFFS negative<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: SHB (GB) Life Graded Bone: 8.5”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping / Dressage / Eventing<br />

Height: 16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Silvester<br />

Call Girl<br />

Carthago<br />

Notre Dame Ster<br />

Chicago<br />

Daytona<br />

Capitol I<br />

Perra<br />

Voltaire Pref<br />

Diadeem<br />

Calypso II<br />

Full of Power<br />

Demonstrator<br />

Carrik Night Stranger<br />


Showjumping | Dressage | Eventing<br />

Futurity Champion Showjumping Filly<br />

Foal 2017 by Carthago Chicago<br />

Description:<br />

Carthago Chicago<br />

Futurity Champion Showjumping<br />

Colt Foal 2018 by Carthago Chicago - Graded Stallion<br />

Carthago Chicago is athletic, elastic, light on his feet and full of presence, with the trainable and kind<br />

Silvester temperament. He brings exceptional bloodlines to British breeding.<br />

His sire Silvester, is one of the most successful and consistent breeding stallions. Silvester is a son of the<br />

leading jumping sire Carthago. Carthago was successful in many international competitions, including the<br />

Olympic Games of 1996 and 2000. He won the Nations Cup three times and many Grand Prix.<br />

Carthago Chicago’s dam Call Girl is by Broadstone Chicago and out of the former champion show<br />

horse Daytona (wins at RIHS, AHS and BSH Championships). Daytona is by Demonstrator who is one<br />

of Great Britain’s leading sires of proven competition horses in all disciplines. He has won nationally and<br />

Internationally at Grand Prix level dressage. The quality and consistency of this bloodline is also shown by<br />

Carthago Chicago’s four full sisters who were all awarded BEF Elite scores at the Futurity Evaluations.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Carthago Chicago sired the Champion Showjumping Foals at both the 2017 and 2018 Futurity Elite Foal<br />

Championships, in his first two seasons of breeding!<br />

This accolade previously won by his sire Silvester demonstrates the consistently outstanding quality of<br />

this bloodline. In addition to this his progeny have also been consistently winning in County Sport Horse<br />

Classes. Carthago Chicago’s foals have all inherited his exceptional temperament.<br />

Viewing is welcomed at WG Stud to see Carthago Chicago,<br />

a selection of his progeny and his sire Silvester<br />

Stud Fee: No vat, £800 NFFR (£200 deposit, then £600 when Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

scanned in foal).<br />

Silvester p.244<br />

Collection Fee: First collection included in stud fee, thereafter £80, postage free.<br />

Concessions: 25% discount for dams of British Breeding Futurity Elite progeny.<br />

Stands At: WG Stud, Langford Lane, Wendlebury, Bicester, Oxon, OX25 2NS<br />

Contact: Hazel Offord<br />

07779 217215 / 01869 252224<br />

@ hazel.wgs@zen.co.uk<br />

www.wgstud.co.uk<br />

WG Stud (home of Silvester)<br />


Castlegar Cool Mist<br />

Details:<br />

Photo - Sally Coles<br />

Breeding: Irish Draught<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB) IDHS<br />

UELN No: 372414005767095 Year of Birth: 2014<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: SHB(GB) Graded. IDHS Class 1 Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Castlegar Rebel<br />

Coolagh Mist<br />

Huntingfield Rebel<br />

Feeragh Lass<br />

All The Diamonds<br />

Oakport Lady<br />

Glenagyle Rebel<br />

Whippy<br />

Grosvenor Lad<br />

Slivefinn Lass<br />

Diamond Lad<br />

Menlough Star<br />

Grey Macha<br />

Ardcarne<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Photo - Sally Coles<br />

Photo - C Upham<br />

Castlegar Cool Mist was the only 3 year old to Grade in to the Class One category at his grading in<br />

2017, impressing the judges with his freedom, attitude and exceptional technique over a fence.<br />

He covered mares in his native Ireland before moving to the UK in 2018.<br />

Originally the plan was for him to stand at Langaller Farm in Devon for the '19 and '20 seasons before<br />

returning to Co Galway. However, this impressive stallion made quite an impact with both pure and<br />

part-bred Irish Draught breeders as wel as everbody who met him.<br />

He took to his ridden career with nothing less than total delight. He hacked with company and alone<br />

along the lanes and over Dartmoor, loving every moment, popping streams and gorse bushes and<br />

chatting with the moorland ponies. He started hunting very soon after establishing himself under saddle<br />

and againhe is one those horses who was simply born to it. He has incredible manners and settled in the<br />

field or on point without and fuss whatsoever. Testament to his temperament he oftens travels in a 3.5t 'van'<br />

with another stallions without a squeal.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His eldest offspring will be 2 years olds in 2021 and include the colt Castegar Cool Kat.<br />

Stud Fee: £460 +vat<br />

Chilled Stud Fee: £555 +vat<br />

Collection Fee: £95 +vat<br />

Stands At: Millbry Hill Stud, Stanley Grange, Great Ayton,<br />

Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, TS9 6QD<br />

Contact: David Dixon (Stud Manager)<br />

01642 722 386<br />

@ office@millbryhillstud.co.uk<br />

www.millbryhillstud.co.uk<br />

@millbryhillstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Up With The Lark p.268<br />


Catherston Oakley<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British Sport Horse<br />

Stud Book: SHB-GB<br />

UELN No: 826041000164774 Year of Birth: 2014<br />

Height: 16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SHB-GB Premium Graded Bone: 9.5”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Tests: WFFS - Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled - Restricted season<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Opposition Bombshell (AESB)<br />

Catherston Deodara (BWBS)<br />

Fleetwater Opposition (Trak)<br />

Dutch Bombshell (SHB-GB)<br />

Dutch Gold (BWBS)<br />

Wellingtonia (SHB-GB)<br />

Muschamp Danube (Trak)<br />

Opushka (Trak)<br />

Dutch Courage (BWBS)<br />

Military Song (SHB-GB)<br />

Dutch Courage (BWBS)<br />

Gold K xx<br />

Thriller xx<br />

Twiggy (English Hunter)<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

A beautiful, bold and exquisite young stallion. Oakley has a wonderful temperament, along with superb<br />

conformation, with very expressive paces. This super young horse is showing so much talent, both over a<br />

fence and on the flat. His paces are expressive and powerful. He has a bold and scopey jump. He is a<br />

breath takingly stunning stallion. Oakley so far has a very good competition record, picking up elite status<br />

in Futurity gradings as young horse and numerous wins in both dressage, to young event horse classes<br />

and SHB GB Sport Horse ridden classes along with being Premium Graded SHB-GB 2018<br />

2019 has been a superb year for this young stallion, whom just keeps on giving… he has had some super<br />

runs with Charlotte Dicker who has campaigned him this year. He qualified for the Osberton Young Horse<br />

Eventing 5 year old Championships; he has won events at 90 and stepped up to 100 very successfully.<br />

Oakley is bold XC but very sensible and will always give as much as you could ask of him. Currently sat<br />

at 8 double clears for this horse who is continuing to give the most incredible feel and credentials to<br />

become a superb event horse. This eye-catching stallion really does turn heads, his beautiful behaviour<br />

and good looks are admired wherever he goes. Qualifying for the Equine Bridge in Eventing he was the<br />

2nd highest placed Event horse of all ages and leading 5 year old.<br />

He will stand for a restricted stud season this year to concentrate on his Eventing in the early spring,<br />

please contact the office for further details.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

In his first season he has had 100% fertility, 12 out of 13 taking on the first service.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 including vat<br />

Collection Fee: £72 including vat<br />

Stands At: Catherston Stud, Croft Farm, Over Wallop,<br />

Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8HX.<br />

Contact: Jennie Loriston-Clarke or Anne Dicker<br />

01264 782716<br />

@ enquiries@catherstonstudstud.com<br />

www.catherstonstud.com<br />

facebook.com/catherstonstud<br />

Catherston_stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Opposition Bombshell p.214<br />

Tiger Attack p.258<br />

Timolin p.260<br />

Catherston Dazzler (frozen)<br />

Catherston Goldstorm (frozen)<br />

Catherston Liberator (frozen)<br />

Catherston Springsteen (frozen)<br />

Dutch Gold (frozen)<br />


Cevin Z<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Zangersheide<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)/AES<br />

UELN No: 826002970005391 Year of Birth: 1997<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: Approved SHB(GB) / AES / AWR Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping / Eventing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa / Kenya<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Coriall Z<br />

Larthago<br />

Cor de la Bryere<br />

Vera II<br />

Carthago Z<br />

Daisy IV<br />

Rantzau xx<br />

Quenotte<br />

Capitol 1<br />

Ladykind<br />

Capitol 1<br />

Perra<br />

Caletto I<br />

Odrina<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Cevin Z’s pedigree features the outstanding bloodlines for which the Zangersheide studbook is famous<br />

with double crossed of the exceptional stallions Cor de la Bryere and Capitol I. Cevin’s sire, Coriall Z sired<br />

many top level jumping and dressage horses whilst standing at the Zangersheide stud and has continued to<br />

produce international competitors in all 3 Olympic disciplines since his sale to Brazil.<br />

His dam Larthago was a top international showjumper in her own right and produced a string of<br />

international jumping progeny by embryo transfer. She is a daughter of Carthago Z, who competed in the<br />

1996 and 2000 Olympics. In 2019, Cevin ranked very highly in all categories of the British Showjumping<br />

and British Eventing sire rankings, including being ranked 3rd in the overall British Showjumping sire<br />

rankings, based on prize money won by his progeny.<br />

Following his sad death in 2020, Cevin Z remains available by good quality frozen semen only.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Cevin Z is a very well established sire of top competition horses. In addition to an endless string of<br />

younger progeny coming through the levels, his offspring include:<br />

Billy Diamo – International 1.60m showjumper with several top placings<br />

Borough Pennyz – 11th London Olympics 2012 Eventing, 7th Badminton CCI5* 2013, 8th Malmo<br />

European Championships 2013<br />

Billy The Biz -10th Luhmuhlen CCI5* 2017, Winner at CCI4*L, Completed Team GB at Rio Olympics 2016<br />

Billy McCain – 1.60m showjumper with many top placings at 1.50m<br />

Billy Mexico – Licensed Stallion, 1.60m jumper and sire of top class progeny<br />

Billy Lemon, Billy on Show, Valetto JX and Billy Balou all have placings or wins at 1.50m level<br />

Happy Days, Romantic and Zaragoza II all had wins at Intermediate level eventing in 2020<br />

Stud Fee: £1200 + vat<br />

Stands At: West Kington Stud Church Farm, West Kington,<br />

Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 7JE.<br />

Contact: Harry Thirlby<br />

01249 782050<br />

@ manager@westkingtonstud.co.uk<br />

www.westkingtonstud.co.uk<br />

Facebook.com/westkingtonstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Chilli Morning p.74<br />

Jamhoori p.168<br />

Party Trick p.218<br />

The After Party p.256<br />

Welton Double Cracker p.278<br />

Windsor Heights<br />

West Kington Stud<br />

(Frozen Semen Bank)<br />


Chacco Volo<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Chacco Blue x Cathargo Z<br />

Stud Book: Breeders Elite<br />

UELN No: DE418185005013 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 17hh (173cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: Approved Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / New Zealand / Australia<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Chacco Blue<br />

Haribo<br />

Chambertin<br />

Contara<br />

Cathargo Z<br />

Hanessa<br />

Cambridge<br />

Desiree VII<br />

Contender<br />

Godahra II<br />

Capitol I<br />

Perra<br />

Continue<br />

Henriett<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Chacco Volo is one of the most consistent young horses on the circuit. He combines amazing breeding,<br />

rideability, scope, carefulness, and an amazing trainability.<br />

By the world famous Chacco Blue, who himself had many successes at Grand Prix and has for two<br />

consecutive years topped the prestigious Rolex WBFSH showjumping sire ranking.<br />

Chacco Volo has been slowly produced with the bigger picture in mind. As a 5 and 6 year old he<br />

jumped countless clears and placing in his retrospective age classes, and competed in Europe placing in<br />

many young horse finals.<br />

In the limited shows of 2020 he was placed 9 / 10 times in the 7 yo classes at the Vilamoura Spring Tour,<br />

finishing with 13th place in the 7 year old 1.45 final. He finished 3rd at the Bolesworth young horse final<br />

in August before returning to Spain where his consistency continued with more top placings and stepping<br />

to his first 3* classes.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Chaccos first foals are due in 2021<br />

Stud Fee: £700 no vat<br />

Chilled & Frozen Fee: £700 no vat<br />

Collection Fee: £90 + vat + Postage<br />

Concessions: Considered for Grade A mares<br />

Stands At: Kington Langley Stud, The Stables, Ashes Lane,<br />

Kington Langley, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5NP<br />

Contact: Robert Livock<br />

@<br />

07768262434 / 07824664639<br />

info@kingtonlangleystud.com<br />

www.kingtonlangleystud.com<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

KL Mac p.182<br />

Veni Vidi Vici V p.270<br />

Graf Quidam (Frozen Only) p.TBC<br />

Facebook.com/kingtonlangleystud<br />

KingtonLangleyStud<br />


Chello III<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Holsteiner<br />

Stud Book:<br />

UELN No: 276421000020405 Year of Birth: 2005<br />

Height: 17hh (171cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: HOLST , AA, AES, ISH, KWPN, SBS, Zang<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Contender<br />

Gracia III<br />

Calypso<br />

Gofine<br />

Sandro<br />

Werona<br />

Cor de la Bryere<br />

Ramiro<br />

Ramiro<br />

Cita<br />

Sacramento Song<br />

Duerte<br />

Cor de la Bryere<br />

Golda<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

As a son of legend Contender and a dam by Sandro, Chello combines Europe’s jumping elite in his pedigree.<br />

His damline Holstein 318d2 is ranked # 3 worldwide with over 26 approved stallions in the last three<br />

generations among which Diarado, Corofino, Coriano and Mill Reef VDL. Damsire Sandro produced Silvio I<br />

(sire of Shutterfly), Santander and Sandro’s Boy.<br />

Ranked 54th in WBSFH Eventing (2019) Chello makes commercial offspring with superb movement and an<br />

inimitable style over fences. All his foals inherit his sweet and elegant face. Chello is the perfect mix between<br />

blood and composure, he adds frame without weighing down the mares. Chello is a very good-natured<br />

stallion and is a lovely horse to handle and be around. Chello has offspring currently competing Internationally<br />

in Dressage (PSG / Inter I) , jumping to 1.5m , Eventing to CCI4*.<br />

Performance:<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

•WINNER 1.40m classes Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France<br />

•Qualified World Young Horse Championships Lanakan 5 & 7 year old<br />

•3rd Dutch 5 year-old Championships, Netherlands<br />

Show Jumping - Edinburgh – 1.35m, Enjoy – 1.45m, Everest – 1.3m, Fortuna, 1.5m, Fulkert – 1.5m,<br />

Fenomeen – 1.4m, Fellow Ryal K – 1.35m, Flair V – 1.35, Fetchimg Des Mine – 1.35m, Fauchron Ra – 1.3m,<br />

Grand Beau – 1.4m, Jarko Van Het Mettenhof 1.4m<br />

Eventing - Gessy II – CCI3* S, Goliath – CCI4* L, Inchello Dhi – CCI3* S , Yh Ch Le Lion D’angers,<br />

Starr Witness - CCI4* L<br />

Dressage - Eastwood – Psg/Inter I, Fabian – Psg/Inter I<br />

Young Horse <strong>Competition</strong> - Felicity And Ello S Qualified Respectively For French Championships 5 Year-Old<br />

Dressage And Eventing<br />

Stud Fee: £700 + vat LFG (Fresh/Chilled/frozen)<br />

Collection Fees: Will apply<br />

Stands At: Tomlinson Equine Vet Practice & Stud, Elmleaze,<br />

Westonbirt, Tetbury, Glos GL8 8QE<br />

Enquiries & Nominations Contact: Emma Tomlinson<br />

01666 880236<br />

@ info@tomlinsonequine.co.uk<br />

www.tomlinsonequine.co.uk<br />

@tomlinsonequine<br />

@tomlinsonequine<br />

@tomlinsonequine<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Britannia’s Bijou p.50<br />

Britannia’s Mail p.54<br />

Edobantos p.108<br />

Leprince des Bois p.196<br />

Stallion Owner: Ken Rehill<br />

The Stallion Company<br />


Chilli Morning<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: TB Cross<br />

Stud Book: TBF & Trakehner Verband<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2000<br />

Height: 17hh (173cm)<br />

Colour: Liver Chestnut<br />

Grading: SHB (GB)<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Availability: Frozen Semen only<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Phantomic xx<br />

Koralle (Brand)<br />

Secreto xx<br />

Pantomine xx<br />

Kolobri<br />

Grosalie<br />

Northern Dancer<br />

Bettys Secret<br />

The Axe II<br />

Fictitious<br />

Kobolt I<br />

Lorelei<br />

Grollus xx<br />

Almadine<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Bred in East Germany, Chilli Morning was bought to be a competition horse and his rhythm, movement,<br />

jump and scope will impress anyone. Combined with his fantastic temperament and trainability he is not<br />

only one of very few successful eventing stallions but is also the ideal sire for the next generation.<br />

His sire, Phantomic, a German thoroughbred who goes back to the legendary Northern Dancer won 11<br />

times on the track clocking up $139,000 in winnings. Although in a different discipline, Chilli Mornings<br />

competition results are equally impressive with wins throughout the grades, most notably winning<br />

Bramham CCI*** 2012 & 2013 and Badminton CCI**** 2015.<br />

He has also been a regular on the British Team; European Championships 2013, World Championships<br />

2014 and Olympics 2016.<br />

He maintains his status as highest ranked competing stallion & has been added to the BHS Hall of Fame.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Numerous progeny have received high scores and premiums at BEF futurity assessments. Stock produced<br />

are well limbed, athletic and are proving to have Chill Morning’s fantastic temperament and trainability.<br />

He has a number of offspring competing successfully with Gemma Tattersall, most notably Jalapeno and<br />

Chilli Knight who are both placing top 3 at CCI4* level as well as some exciting 4,5 and 6 year olds<br />

coming through.<br />

Stud Fee: £750 + vat per dose<br />

Concessions: 3*/4* mares.<br />

Stands At: N/A<br />

Contact: Harry Thirlby<br />

01249 782050<br />

@ manager@westkingtonstud.co.uk<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Cevin Z p.68<br />

Jamhoori p.168<br />

Party Trick p.218<br />

The After Party p.256<br />

Welton Double Cracker p.278<br />

Windsor Heights<br />

West Kington Stud<br />

(Frozen Semen Bank)<br />


Churchill III<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: WB X TB<br />

Stud Book: Breeders Elite<br />

UELN No: 826041000171644 Year of Birth: 2018<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Brown<br />

Grading: Breeders Elite Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showing Jumping / Eventing / Showing Tests: Dam and sire WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: DEFRA export licence pending approval<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Comfort<br />

Weltmusik<br />

Christian<br />

Avienna<br />

Weltregent H<br />

Sarina<br />

Cartani<br />

Who Knows Lilly<br />

Last Liberty<br />

Avion<br />

Weltmeyer<br />

Donna Bella<br />

Salvano<br />

Marina<br />


Dressage | Showjumping | Eventing | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

The Advanced eventer The Classic Composer<br />

and Harry Meade - Photo Peter Nixon<br />

Churchill III is the new stallion for the 2021 Stud Season to The Gemini Stud. This jet black stallion<br />

impressed the judges at his grading with his exceptional bascule over a fence and delightful<br />

temperament. Churchill III is out of the Hanoverian Elite Graded mare Weltmusik who was the highest<br />

ranked broodmare for dressage in Great Britain under the BEF Broodmare Rankings.<br />

Churchill III’s dam has produced a Futurity National Champion scoring a perfect 10 for type (dressage),<br />

3 separate winning event horses including the Advanced The Classic Composer ridden by Harry Meade.<br />

Churchill is a maternal sibling to Classic Opera who sired 13 winners at County level in 2019.<br />

Churchill III’s grandsire Christian has show jumped for Team GBR and competed successfully at 1.60m.<br />

Churchiill is sure to be a sire of Burghley Young Event Horses, Show Jumpers and Show horses. His dam<br />

line will give excellent movement. Churchill has the following half siblings through his maternal dam line;-<br />

1) The Advanced Eventer The Classic Composer – ridden by Harry Meade.<br />

2) Classic Opera – Graded stallion, BE & BSJA Winner as a 5 year old<br />

3) Geminis Classic Valentine – Consistent winner in the Show Ring including winning at BSPS Summer<br />

Championships in 2019.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

2021 will be Churchill III’s first season at stud and his first progey are due in 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 no vat<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £650 no vat<br />

Concessions: Available to mares from eventing, showing & showjumping<br />

Stands At: The Gemini Stud, The Oaklands, Oakham Road, Somerby,<br />

Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 2QF<br />

Contact: Georgie Belton<br />

@<br />

01664 454 929<br />

enquiries@thegeminstud.com<br />

www.thegeministud.com<br />

@GeminiStud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Geminis Classic Opera p.140<br />


Cobra<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Dutch Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2007<br />

Height: 16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Brown<br />

Grading: Elite AES<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Carthago<br />

S-Ladalca<br />

Capitol I<br />

Perra<br />

Landgraf I<br />

Junda<br />

Capitano<br />

Folia<br />

Calando I<br />

Kerrin<br />

Ladykiller xx<br />

Warthburg<br />

Cor De La Bryere<br />

Enzie<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

- Cobra was World Champion 6 year old.<br />

- Reserve World Champion 5 year old.<br />

- Competed successfully to 1.50 retiring sound.<br />

Holds ELITE status with the Anglo European Stud book due to his and his offsprings results all over the<br />

world. Also approved by Zangershide, Selle Francais and Horse Sport Ireland.<br />

Multiple youngstock jumping 1.40 - 1.60, with lots more youngsters on the way up.<br />

Also has successful young event horses up to 4 star, and had the third placed 6 year old at the World<br />

Young Horse Championships in Le Lion 2018 ,Cooley Moonshine.<br />

Several other youngstock have represented him at the World Young Horse Championships both show<br />

jumping and eventing.<br />

He is also the sire of approved stallions who have gone on to have approved sons. 3 year olds have<br />

made up to €35,000 at sales.<br />

Excellent fertility and temperament.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Multiple progeny competing at 1.40-1.60m SJ and young event horses including Cooley Moonshine<br />

Stud Fee: £700 NFFR + vat<br />

Collection Fees: £120 + vat<br />

Stands At: New Priory Stud, Kingston St Michael, Chippenham,<br />

Wiltshire, SN14 6JP<br />

Contact: Julie Whilby<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

NPS Supernova p.210<br />

Waldo van Dungen p.274<br />

Kensington W<br />

NPS Campagne Z<br />

07815138165<br />

@ info@newpriorystud.com<br />

www.newpriorystud.com<br />

facebook.com/NewPrioryStud<br />


Colmar<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Colestus X Quidam’s Rubin<br />

Stud Book: BWP<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2010<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: Approved Breeders Elite & AES Bone: 8.5"<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Colestus<br />

Pireta<br />

Cornet Obolensky<br />

Spice Girl R<br />

Quidam's Rubin<br />

Pysella Z<br />

Clinton<br />

Rabanna Van Costerveld<br />

Stakkato<br />

Pepita<br />

Quidam De Revel<br />

Helvecia<br />

Pythagorus Z<br />

Sacamena<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Khalissy 5 Year Old Champs - Elli Birch<br />

Colmar is a very beautiful and elegant horse with the most fantastic temperament. He has lovely paces<br />

and a superb jump. From a young age he showed his talent competing and being very successful in 5,<br />

6 and 7 year old classes. His pedigree is world famous and littered with top 1.60m show jumpers. In the<br />

stable and at home, he is kind and well mannered. He hacks out alongside mares and ponies all over<br />

his home at the Hickstead showground. He has travelled all over the world and has competed at 1.60m<br />

level.<br />

His progeny are very exciting with the eldest being 6 years old and are competing in international age<br />

classes. His fertility is excellent and is available fresh, chilled and frozen. Career Highlights:<br />

- 1st CSI Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi 2020<br />

- 2nd CSI 1.45m/1.50m Shanghai 2019<br />

- 2nd CSI 1.45m Cannes 2019.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

BE Constanta competing 1.25m internationally & finalist at the Nexgen Young horse<br />

championships.<br />

BE Khalissey competing in international age classes.<br />

BE Kamelia competing and a winner in national age classes,<br />

Stud Fee: £600 + vat (Same for chilled & frozen)<br />

Stands At: Breen Equestrian at Hickstead showground, West Sussex<br />

Contact: Greg Le Gear<br />

07887783244<br />

@ greglegear@gmail.com<br />

www.breenequestrian.com<br />

The Breen Team<br />

The Breen Team<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

El Thuder p.110<br />

Golden Hawk p.144<br />

Z7 Can Ya Makan p.294<br />


Comfort<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Oldenburg<br />

Stud Book: Oldenburg<br />

UELN No: DE 418180247313 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Brown<br />

Grading: AES / SHB(GB) / OS Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: UK / IRL<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Christian<br />

Avienna<br />

Cartani<br />

Miss Liberty<br />

Last Liberty<br />

Avion<br />

Carthago<br />

Taggi<br />

Lord Liberty<br />

Miss Playback<br />

Lord Liberty<br />

Anmut<br />

Mythos<br />

Aleska Z<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

​Comfort became the 2015 acclaimed second reserve champion of the OS licensing in Vechta. He not<br />

only convinced the inspection commitee, but also the spectators. He always got along very well with<br />

the distances of the free jumping series and performed outstandingly on all three days of the licensing.<br />

His sire, Christian, debuted at seven years old at advanced level, achieving International success and<br />

now continues his unblemished career under Jamie Gornell in the UK. In 2012 he achived the highest<br />

scores in the Bundeschampion at finals for six year old jumpers. Comfort was the second son of Christian<br />

to be licensed, and also full brother to the six year old stallion Charlie Weasley.<br />

Comfort has strikingly good looks and a temperament to die for. He is athletic and bold, suiting a<br />

variety of mares. His progeny not only carry his good looks as he stamps them well, they also carry his<br />

athleticism and trainability.<br />

Comfort is proving exceptional in competition himself, having competed on the Sunshine Tour in<br />

March 2019, in the CSIYH* for 6yo horses. He placed 1st in the 1.25, producing super double clears<br />

and also competed in the 1.30 class.<br />

He is suitable for Eventing and Jumping mares, as he is carrying nearly 40% Thoroughbred blood.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His progeny not only carry his good looks as he stamps them well, they also carry his athleticism and<br />

trainability. In 2019 his two year old son was presented at the Oldenburg Stallion Licensing and then sold<br />

for €60,000 to a top jumping yard after showing his outstanding jumping ability.<br />

Stud Fee: £800 + vat<br />

Collection Fee: Collection and Shipping Fees apply<br />

Concessions: Concessions Available For Graded/Competing Mares<br />

Stands At: Caunton Manor Stud.<br />

Contact: Victoria & Matthew Wright<br />

07966507205<br />

@ victoria@cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

www.cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

@cauntonmanorstud<br />

@cauntonmanorstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Branduardi p.48<br />

Jacondrik p.166<br />

Dankeschön p.94<br />


Cornets Pleasure WW<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826002150881715 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16.3hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: AES<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping / Eventing<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Cornet Obolensky<br />

Jella Ariane VD Bucxtale<br />

Clinton<br />

Rabanna Van Costersveld<br />

For Pleasure<br />

Inella<br />

Corrado I<br />

Urte<br />

Heartbreaker<br />

Holivea Van Costersveld<br />

Furioso II<br />

Gigantin<br />

Nimmerdor 174<br />

Cella<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Bluebell progeny Cornets Clear Impression<br />

2020 Gold Elite<br />

This outstanding young stallion, whose breeding combines the best grand prix lines in the world today<br />

(Cornet Obolensky X For Pleasure) is offered at stud for the 2021 season.<br />

Gibbs has only been competed lightly in 2020, partly due to Covid19 restrictions, and partly to allow him<br />

to continue to mature and to concentrate on his flatwork, with rideability a key part of today’s successful<br />

sports horse.<br />

He has some fantastic foals on the ground, and this year was the ONLY stallion to have two graded<br />

GOLD ELITE and finish in the top 10 of the show jumping section of the British Breeding Futurity, an<br />

exceptional result.<br />

His paces are outstanding, he has a great canter, an uphill stride, and a temperament to die for.<br />

He’s brave and careful. He combines his good looks with great bone, ability, scope, soundness, type and<br />

substance and will deliver top quality foals that are much in demand.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

He’s already produced some exceptional quality foals, two of which graded Gold Elite in the 2020<br />

British Breeders Futurity. His first foals will start their competitive careers in a few years’ time but are<br />

already showing great promise and ability.<br />

Stud Fee: £550 + vat (Chilled £550 + vat)<br />

Stud Fee Frozen: £450 + vat<br />

Collection Fee: £75 + vat<br />

Stands At: Saywell Equestrian, Mill Lane, Upton, Nottinghamshire<br />

Contact: Sarah Peacocke<br />

07984 090560<br />

@ sarah.peacocke@gmail.com<br />

www.gibbs19.co.uk<br />

The Gibbs Syndicate<br />


Corrindon Dancer<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Irish Draught<br />

Stud Book: Irish Horse Register<br />

UELN No: 37241400546401 Year of Birth: 2011<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Liver Chestnut<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing Bone: 9”<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Grading: IDHS(GB) Class 1, Bronze Merit for Dressage & Silver Merit for Progeny Showing.<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Australia / New Zealand / Kenya<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Crosstown Dancer IDC1<br />

Moylough Holly IDC1<br />

Flagmount Diamond<br />

Tara Sky<br />

Merry Mate<br />

Killanena View<br />

King of Diamonds<br />

Gowran Betty<br />

Pride of Shaunlara<br />

Softee<br />

Merry Gold<br />

Silver Queen 8<br />

Carrabawn View<br />

Killanena Pride<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Hayside Britania Aug 2019<br />

The IDHS(GB) stallion inspectors said ”Corrindon Dancer is a well proportioned Irish Draught standing<br />

over plenty of ground. He has three good powerful, active paces. He shows good technique and scope<br />

when jumping”. At the SHB(GB) inspection the inspectors were equally impressed with his jumping and<br />

athleticism and awarded him PREMIUM. Corrindon Dancer is by the legendary Gold Merit Stallion<br />

CROSSTOWN DANCER, out of the RDS Reserve Champion Bronze Merit Brood mare Moylough Holly.<br />

Crosstown Dancer is currently the only ID to have won in all 3 rings at the RDS<br />

Dancer has a lovely kind gentle nature, this is commented on where ever he goes. He is a gentleman<br />

when working, travelling and in stable. Dancer suits a variety of mares adding quality and movement to<br />

the heavier mare, bone and depth to the lighter mare. Dancer stamps his stock with his temperament and<br />

natural presence. Dancers stock are already making a name for themselves in the show ring. Dancer has<br />

excellent fertility fresh and chilled. Overseas his frozen semen has achieved several pregnancies in Kenya,<br />

Australia and USA.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

2019 from his first crop of foals Hayside Britania & Trebards Terpsichore graded CLASS 1 at only 3 years.<br />

Hayside Britania – 2018 winner of 2 year old filly, Reserve Ch. Female at IDHS(GB) Annual show<br />

2019 winner of 3 year old filly, Champion Female at IDHS(GB) Annual show<br />

Trebards Terpsichore – 2017 Winner of ID youngstock and overall Champion ID at GYS<br />

2017 Reserve Champion Female at IDHS(GB) Annual Show<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + vat<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £250 + vat per 30ml dose<br />

Stands At: White Lodge Stud, Butts Green, Clavering,<br />

Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 4RT<br />

Contact: Amy Seabon<br />

07973549123 / 01799551133<br />

@ info@whitelodgestud.co.uk<br />

www.whitelodgestud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/whitelodgestudessex<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Cappa Sarsfield p.58<br />

Carrigfada Grey Mist p.60<br />


Crowns Wonder Pearl<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Danish Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: Danish Palomino Society<br />

UELN No: 208333PA0500040 DK Year of Birth: 2005<br />

Height: 15.3hh (160cm)<br />

Colour: Cremello<br />

Grading: ZfDP, Breeders Elite<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh, Chilled & Frozen Semen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Crown's Blue Pearl<br />

Crowns White Pearl<br />

Crown's Tosti<br />

Caterina Crown<br />

Crowns Choice<br />

Geisha<br />

Husar Tynsky<br />

Tana<br />

Le Mererable<br />

Truska<br />

Brandy<br />

Cassiopeia Crown<br />

Brandy<br />

Fernando<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Choice is a Cremello Danish Warmblood. He is a short coupled compact stallion with good limbs, a kind<br />

eye and a truly wonderful nature. Choice carries two dilution genes, hence all foals from solid coloured<br />

mares will be palomino or buckskin, he does not throw smokey black. His double dilute gene does<br />

guarantee palomino from chestnut.<br />

Choice stands at approximately 15.3hh and therefore suits a variety of mares. He has a handsome head,<br />

a good length of neck and a true consistent stride. Choice is showing potential in all three disciplines.<br />

Through the season of 2010/11 he consistently won at Novice Level Dressage and was consistently<br />

placed over coloured fences at an unaffiliated level.<br />

Since Choice made his debut on the BE circuit in 2012, he has consistently gained a good dressage<br />

marks followed by up by double clears and placings in the top ten. He finished the 2013 season by<br />

upgrading to Novice. His sire Crown‘s Blue Pearl became the best Jumping horse ever in the DPA grading<br />

2007. His scores for jumping were: Canter 9: Jumping Technique 9: Capacity 10. The judge was<br />

International Grand Prix show jumping rider Rudie Telgenhof. Choice is graded with the ECHA, the ZfDP<br />

and Breeders Elite. Choice is a super versatile stallion.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Crowns Wonder Pearl has a large number of progeny on the ground from a wide variety of mares. His<br />

oldest progeny are proving competitive and trainable with great aptitude for jumping. Brackenspa<br />

Pandora was well received at the Royal London.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 + vat LFG<br />

Concessions: Multiple Mares<br />

Stands At: Brackenspa Stud, Spa Farm, Stainfield, Nr Bourne,<br />

Lincolnshire, PE10 0RP<br />

Contact: Sally Lister<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Debonair p.98<br />

Holme Park Kobalt p.180<br />

Popenhoe Picture Perfect p.224<br />

@<br />

07788670108 / 01778570123<br />

info@brackenspastud.co.uk, hrpsal@aol.com<br />

www.brackenspastud.co.uk<br />

Brackenspastud<br />


Cruising on Clover<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Cruising, Clover Hill<br />

Stud Book: Irish Sports<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2001<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Liver Chestnut<br />

Grading: Class 1 IDSH<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showjumping<br />

Availability: Natural / Chilled Fresh Semen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Cruising<br />

Clovers Beauty<br />

Sea Crest<br />

Mullacrew<br />

Clover Hill<br />

Coole Pride<br />

Knockboy<br />

Sea Spray<br />

Nordlys<br />

Big Idea<br />

Golden Breaker<br />

Ohilly Beauty<br />

Pride of Toames<br />

Moyglass Lass 2<br />


Dressage | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Cruising on clover is an absolute amazing stallion with a temp to die for Standing at 16.1 ½ hands being<br />

very well put together with excellent conformation combined with correct paces. He was graded class 1<br />

ISH when he was 6 yr old in that year he also competed BS winning/ competing at 1.15m level but he<br />

didn't compete for many years due to owner at the time losing interest but returned to competition at the<br />

age of 16/17 proving he was still fit and willing at that level! We've now had him since late 2018 where<br />

he has taken a very nervous 14 yr old teenager from being terrified of jumping to back out competing low<br />

level jumping, arena eventing and dressage showing how amazing this chap is I can't thank him enough<br />

for looking after my daughter. Now they've just started training with a BD trainer to progress through<br />

dressage hoping to get on some youth teams!<br />

His breeding is absolutely amazing being direct Cruising the great grey Irish stallion who has influenced<br />

the world of horses in such a massive way both eventing and showjumping! He was the only Irish stallion<br />

rated 5* for his offspring!<br />

Then that is combined with another great sire Clover Hill! Clover Hill’s achievements as a sire were<br />

outstanding; he ranked 4th in the 2001-2002 WBFSH showjumping rankings, with 39 offspring jumping<br />

at International levels. He was a big horse, standing at 17hh, and seeming from his photos to have<br />

inherited rather more of his ID dam’s physical qualities than his TB sire’s, with a large crested neck,<br />

short-coupled and deep body, and pronounced, rounded.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Cruising on Clover hasn't been used as a breeding stallion commercially we got him November 2018<br />

and currently have 2 of our own foals due for 2021. So we have now decided to offer him to public stud<br />

before was only used on previous owners friends mares.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 no vat - Natural or AI (First collection<br />

included in stud fee just postage to add)<br />

Collection Fee: £55 +postage<br />

Stands At: Kydan Stud, Barden Lane Stables,<br />

Barden Lane, Burnley, Lancs, BB12 0RZ<br />

Contact: V Holt & D McDevitt<br />

07944085882 / 07974054081<br />

@ vectranut@aol.com<br />

www.kydanbardenstud.co.uk<br />

Kydan Stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Zandio O p.296<br />

Vince p.272<br />

Umberto 11 (Concorde, Riggatto<br />

Milo (Lord Luis, Spartan Heights)<br />

Kydan Waterloo Gold (Zandio O,<br />

Craigmanchie Gold)<br />


Cynhiedrefawr Creme De La Creme<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Welsh Section D<br />

Stud Book: WPCS<br />

UELN No: 826046010078872 Year of Birth: 2009<br />

Height: 14.2hh (147cm)<br />

Colour: Cremello<br />

Grading: SPSS Bone: 8.5”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: AI Chilled<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Sirecrabbiesden Platinum<br />

Damjesters Patricia<br />

Janton Dictator<br />

Jodi<br />

Leafycroft Maverick<br />

Jesters Poppy<br />

Janton Robins Last<br />

Llanarth Rhoswen<br />

Broughton Cymro Jack<br />

Caeglas Rhythm<br />

Parc Sir Gwilym<br />

Saltmarsh Maryllis<br />

Trevallion Flying Rocket<br />

Pendal Princess Marina<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

Cynheidrefawr Creme de la Creme is a Cremello Welsh Section D; competing at Inter 1 and training<br />

towards Grand-Prix. Creme is graded with the SPSS and, is owned by Helen Lomas of Fourseasons Stud,<br />

ridden by Alice Peternell and bred by Kay Randell of Cynheidrefawr Stud.<br />

Creme was placed in the top 10 in his first Premier League show, and has also enjoyed top 10 placings at<br />

regional finals consistently, whilst working up through the levels. Creme finished 7th in the Medium Gold<br />

at the Winter championships; and won the Medium BD Native Pony Championships.<br />

Despite limited competition opportunities throughout 2020; Creme has qualified for the Winter<br />

Advanced-Medium Gold Freestyle this year. Creme has an excellent temperament; he is a true gentleman<br />

for both ridden aspects and from the ground. He enjoys and thrives in his training, and is showing a real<br />

talent in training for his changes and piaffe steps.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Progeny produced by us are not competing at time of going to press.<br />

Stud Fee: £550 no vat (Same for chilled)<br />

Collection Fees: £170 including postage<br />

Concessions: £50 mares competing at Medium and above<br />

Stands At: B&W Willesley Stud & Reproduction Services<br />

Contact: Mrs Helen Lomas<br />

07785316529<br />

@ helen@fourseasonsstud.com<br />

www.fourseasonsstud.co.uk<br />

Fourseasons stud<br />


Dankeschön<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Westphalian<br />

Stud Book: West<br />

UELN No: DE 441411398907 Year of Birth: 2007<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: West / BHHS / AES<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: Frozen Only<br />

Overseas Availability: UK / IRL<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Danone I<br />

Fantasie<br />

De Niro<br />

Well Done<br />

Fidermark<br />

Riga<br />

Donnerhall<br />

Alicante<br />

Weltmeyer<br />

Bellis<br />

Florestan I<br />

Watonga<br />

Rosenkavalier<br />

Anastasia<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

Dankeschön was a movement ar1st of special quality and had three outstanding gaits. In 2010 he was<br />

the sovereign 70 day Test Winner in Warendorf with a total index of 127.33. He convinced both the<br />

best in dressage (127.03 points), as well as good jumping performance (115.61 points), where he<br />

finished 3rd.<br />

Among other things, he received 9.5 for his outstanding temperament and a 9.0 for rideability, crotch,<br />

gallop and willingness to perform. Dankeschön had a lot of stallion presence and was compact. He suits<br />

various types of mares which is apparent with his progeny, including suiting blood mares. He not only<br />

passes on his movement and striking looks to his offspring, which he stamps well. He also passes on his<br />

superb rideability and wonderful temperament.<br />

In 2012 Dankeschön participated in the Bundeschampionat of five-year-old dressage horses after<br />

finishing 2nd in the riding horse championship in Lingen as a four-year-old. He competed succesfully to<br />

Intermediare II level in Germany under Henrike Sommer before he was based in the UK full time.<br />

Dankeschön continued his training towards competing at Grand Prix, thanks to his easy going<br />

temperament and amazing trainability.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Dankeschön’s descendants are extremely successful in riding and dressage horse tests. His daughter<br />

Dancing Magic was with an 8.2 best participant in dressage at the mare performance test in<br />

Munster - Handorf in July 2017 and finished second overall. In 2015, he presented six participants who<br />

were awarded the title of State Premium Mare. Dankeschön descendants also have great success at<br />

auction sites. Among other things, his son Dresscode was sold for €150,000 at the private auction of Hof<br />

Borgmann in June 2018. In 2019, a 2yo son was presented at the Westphalian Stallion licensing and was<br />

one of only 12 stallions to be licensed with ‘Premium’ status. He was later sold at auction for €100,000,<br />

another Dankeschön descendant reaching over €100k at an auction site.<br />

Stud Fee: £1000 + vat (Frozen only)<br />

Collection Fees: Shipping and Handling Fee Applies<br />

Concessions: Concessions Available For Graded/Competing Mares<br />

Stands At: Caunton Manor Stud<br />

Contact: Victoria & Matthew Wright<br />

07966507205<br />

@ victoria@cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

www.cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

@cauntonmanorstud<br />

@cauntonmanorstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Branduardi p.48<br />

Comfort p.82<br />

Jacondrik p.160<br />


Dark Knight<br />

Details:<br />

Photo - Kevin Sparrow<br />

Breeding: German riding pony<br />

Stud Book: Westphalian<br />

UELN No: DE441411247105 Year of Birth: 2005<br />

Height: 14.1hh (145cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SPSS / NPS / Westphalian Premium<br />

Tests: WFFS negative, CA negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing / Sports Pony<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Dressman I<br />

Gina<br />

(1993 German Riding Pony)<br />

Domingo<br />

Nadin<br />

Folklore<br />

Giana<br />

Derby<br />

Valerina<br />

Niklas I<br />

Suleika<br />

Power Boy<br />

Brigitte<br />

Brillant<br />

Gina (1975 Welsh Pony)<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Dark Knight has of the strongest pedigrees in Europe for sport ponies. Year after year winners and<br />

champions are announced from Dark Knight’s full siblings’ offspring and grand offspring:<br />

FEI European Championship medal winners Der Feine Lord AT, Der Kleine Sunnyboy WE, Daily Pleasure<br />

WE, 6 German Bundeschampion winners and many champions of stallion licensing and mare classes<br />

throughout Europe.<br />

Dressman is one of the most successful FEI dressage ponies ever. He has 6 FEI European team Gold<br />

medals and two individual Golds to his name. Champion of his licensing, winner of his 30 day stallion<br />

test and the first pony to win the Bundeschampionate four years running, Dressman has over 30 graded<br />

sons, 20 State Premium daughters and many champion stallions, mares, Bundeschampion and<br />

Vice-Bundeschampion winners. However, this pairing with Dark Knight’s dam St Pr St Gina, herself coming<br />

from one of the most highly regarded German Riding Pony mare lines, has been the magic mix.<br />

Dark Knight’s family is arguably the most successful family from all of the wonderful Dressman’s offspring.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

An SPSS Gold Premium foal and a Futurity Premium foal were amongst his first crop in 2017.<br />

2017 colt Don Corleone is being prepared for his stallion licensing.<br />

Dark Knight stamps his foals with his correct limbs, beautiful pony face with large kind eyes, his short<br />

coupled athletic frame with his excellent “carrying” hind leg and hock action. He passes on his kind<br />

“people loving nature” making his foals a pleasure to handle and train.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 no vat (Same for chilled and frozen)<br />

Collection Fees: £85<br />

Concessions: For State Premium mares and mares successful in sport<br />

Stands At: Stands at Henza Stud, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 7AS<br />

Collects At: Collects at Meadow Stud Birdwood, Huntley, Gloucestershire, GL19 3EH<br />

Contact: Diane Kilshaw<br />

07920 426834<br />

@ diane.kilshaw@gmail.com<br />

www.darkknight2.com<br />

facebook.com/DarkKnight2Stallion<br />


Debonair<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: Oldenburg Verband & WBS-UK<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2010<br />

Height:16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: Graded Oldenburg Verband & WBS-UK<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

De Niro<br />

Show Hit<br />

Donnerhall<br />

Alicante<br />

Show Star<br />

Pagera<br />

Donnerwetter<br />

Ninette<br />

Akzent II<br />

Wiesenelfe<br />

Sandro Hit<br />

Feine Dame<br />

Potsdam<br />

Fontaene<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

This charming stallion carries the very important blood of De Niro, a convincing sire for the highest levels<br />

of Dressage. In 2012, he had four offspring in the top 50 of the World Rankings. Desperados, Dablino,<br />

Delgado and FBW De Vito. De Niro's sire Donnerhall, is equally convincing, being the sire, or grandsire<br />

of 20% of the Top 50 performers.<br />

On the dam side, a positive festival of Westfalian breeding, from one of the oldest and most successful<br />

dam lines. From this mother line came the great stallions Grunhorn I, II and III and more recently, from<br />

Debonairs third dam came the very successful Sattelkorung winner, the Riccione son, Rittmeister.<br />

Dam St Pr Show Hit is by the great Bundeschampion success Show Star. He was the three year old<br />

Champion, scoring two times a 10 from the test riders. With a strong and convincing dam line of her own<br />

through Potsdam and Faschingsprinz the mother brings the best of old and new.<br />

‘Debonair has excellent type as a balanced and elastic model with three good gaits and very good<br />

cadence. His canter is particularly fine and he shows all the benefit of his balanced and harmonious<br />

conformation. During his Oldenburg approval, the judges commented that this was “a top Sports Horse<br />

that they would love to have back over in Germany”.’<br />

2014 was his first great year where he topped not only the BEF Stallion Rankings for Dressage progeny,<br />

but also took the coveted Badminton Young Horse Championships as one of the few four year olds to do<br />

so. In addition, having won the strongly contested Shearwater International Qualifier at Hartpury CDI, he<br />

went on to finish third at the National Finals.<br />

Stud Fee: £750 LFG (Same for chilled)<br />

Collection Fee: £120 + vat<br />

Concessions: Multiple Mares<br />

Stands At: Brackenspa Stud, Spa Farm, Stainfield, Nr Bourne,<br />

Lincolnshire, PE10 0RP<br />

Contact: Sally Lister<br />

07788670108<br />

@ hrpsal@aol.com<br />

www.brackenspastud.co.uk<br />

Brackenspastud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Crowns Wonder Pearl p.88<br />

Holme Park Kobalt p.160<br />

Popenhoe Picture Perfect p.224<br />


Debutantes Dream<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: WBS-UK<br />

UELN No: 826016168592015 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 8.5"<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Larkshill Debonair<br />

Woodlander Dixie Chick<br />

De Niro<br />

Showgirl<br />

Woodlander Del Amitri<br />

Wanda<br />

Donnerhall<br />

Alicante<br />

Showstar<br />

Pagera 3<br />

Dimaggio<br />

Happy Girl<br />

Wittinger<br />

Carmen<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Debutantes Dream ‘Dex’ is a young dressage stallion who is rising five. He has recently licensed with the<br />

Anglo European Stud Book. He was the first licensed son of Shamwari Debonair.<br />

He has a beautiful kind temperament and a wonderful family line.<br />

His father is Shamwari Debonair who in 2014 achieved 1st place at the Badminton Young Dressage<br />

Horse Championships and 3rd place in the Shearwater National Championships at Stonleigh.<br />

Debonair’s sire is De Niro. Debonair’s mother Show Hit is an Elite and State Premium Mare with 5<br />

generations of State Premium Mares in her line.<br />

Dex’s mother is Woodlander Dixie Chick who has 52 state premium mares in her motherline. Dixie’s<br />

father Woodlander Del Amitri has produced a number of offspring who have performed well with their<br />

dressage careers.<br />

5 grand prix stallions are in his family line namely Dimaggio, De Niro, Donnerhall, Olympic Cocktail and<br />

Sandro Hit.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Debutantes Dreams first crop of foals hit the ground in 2019. Debutantes Duchess and Debutantes Millady<br />

achieved solid gold scores at the British Breeding Futurity 2019 in Dressage and Eventing showing that<br />

Debutantes Dream is a multi-discipline sire. These foals were also both selected for the AES Dressage<br />

Auction and Stoneleigh and the AES Showjumping Auction at Arena UK.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 no vat<br />

Collection Fee: To be paid by mare owner<br />

Stands At: Bramble Stud, Newfield Farm, Chicheley,<br />

Buckinghamshire, MK16 9JD<br />

Contact: Liz Ball<br />

07919 345709<br />

@ bramblestud@bramblestud.com<br />

www.bramblestud.com<br />

Bramble Stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

First Words p.122<br />

Lollipop p.200<br />


Devivio<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Oldenburg<br />

Grading: AES<br />

UELN No: DE433331693912 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Stud Book: Oldenburg Verband Bone: 8.5”<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Desperado<br />

Tia Rubina<br />

Vivaldi<br />

Sarita<br />

Rohdiamant<br />

Elite St Hauptstutbuch Tina<br />

Krack C KWPN<br />

Renate-Utopia KWPN<br />

Havidoff<br />

Nikita<br />

Rubinstein I KWPN<br />

Elektia V OLDBG OLD<br />

Welt HIT II<br />

ST.PR.Hauptstutbuch Tia-Romina<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

Devivio is a very elegant modern Dressage Stallion who combines athleticism and power with trainability<br />

and soundness.<br />

Having successfully started his dressage career in young horse classes, being a finalist in the Shearwater<br />

5yo & Hickstead 6yo Championships, he is currently competing PSG, training GP and will be aimed at<br />

Small Tour for 2021.<br />

He is a very charming stallion with an exceptional attitude.<br />

He shows great power and scope in his trot & canter, together with amazing flexibility and balance.<br />

His walk is excellent.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

So Very by Design 2018 – Will be presented for licensing in 2020<br />

So Very in Vogue 2019 – Graded Elite, Regional Dressage Champion, 9th National Final.<br />

So Very Deluxe 2019 – Will be presented for grading in 2020<br />

Chilled Stud Fee: £750 no vat<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £700 no vat<br />

Stands At: Stallion AI Services<br />

Contact: Claire Wyatt<br />

@<br />

07884450227<br />

soverysporthorses@gmail.com<br />

So Very Sport Horses<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

So Very Vivid<br />


Diamant De Heraldik<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Diamant De Semilly x Heraldik<br />

Stud Book: Westfalen, DSP, SHBGB<br />

UELN No: DE441411131516 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 17hh (172cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: Approved Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / New Zealand / Australia<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Diamant De Semilly<br />

Bella Coola<br />

Le Tot De Semilly<br />

Venise Des Cresles<br />

Heraldik xx<br />

Jeneusse<br />

Grand Veneur<br />

Venue Du Tot<br />

Elf III<br />

Miss Des Cresles<br />

Caramel xx<br />

Heraldika xx<br />

Carolus I<br />

Fenja<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Diamant de Heraldik is German Bred combining top bloodlines from two former World number 1 sires<br />

Diamant De Semilly and the legendary thoroughbred Heraldik.<br />

‘Dirk’s’ sire is the great Diamant De Semilly who was world number one in the WBFSH Sire rankings for<br />

showjumping in 2015 and 2016. His dam Bella Coola descends from a strong damline with jumpers<br />

up to CCIS***, second dam Jenusse jumped 1.40 until being retired early for breeding.<br />

Diamant De Heraldik has made an excellent start to his jumping/eventing career after finishing his 50<br />

day test at Adelheisdorf; being one of the riders favourites. He has 3 exceptional paces matched with a<br />

great temperament. He scored 9s across the board for temperament, character and trainability.<br />

He received 8s for his walk, canter, power and scope.<br />

This young stallion has all the ability and carries 65% TB blood. He will make a top breeding stallion for<br />

showjumping or eventing.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Diamant De Heraldik will have his first crop of foals in 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £700 no vat (Same for chilled & frozen)<br />

Concessions: Considered for Grade A mares<br />

Contact: Mimi Falb<br />

+1 (214) 793-6321<br />

@ mimi.falb@gmail.com<br />

Facebook.com/unitedsportshorses<br />

Unitedsportshorses<br />


Don Dante<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Hanoverian<br />

Stud Book: BHHS<br />

UELN No: 826006003111607 Year of Birth: 2007<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: Graded and licensed BWBS / Hanoverian Bone: 9.5"<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Dancier<br />

St Pr St. Sabrina<br />

De Niro<br />

St Pr St. Lacarna<br />

Salvano<br />

St Pr St. Laika<br />

Donnerhall<br />

Alicante<br />

Lancier<br />

Espina<br />

Salem<br />

Dina<br />

Laibach<br />

Marina<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Don Dante has an incredible pedigree that includes top stallions such as Dancier, De Niro, Donnerhall,<br />

Lancier and Espri. Don Dante’s dam, Sabrina, is by Salvano, grandsire of the famous Salinero.<br />

Don Dante has an exceptional performance record. In 2012, he was placed in all the major Young Horse<br />

Championships. In 2014, Don Dante was Medium Restricted Champion at the National Championships.<br />

In 2015, he was placed in the Advanced Medium Restricted and Advanced Medium Open Freestyle at<br />

the Winter Championships and in the Advanced Medium Open at the National Championships, scoring<br />

over 70%. In 2017, he won at Premier League shows in both PSG and Inter I. In 2018, he won at Premier<br />

League, and competed at Hartpury CDI3* being placed 6th in the PSG and 5th in the Inter I freestyle.<br />

In 2020, he started competing at Grand Prix and was placed 3rd on this debut.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Don Dante’s first foals, born in 2014 show great promise, having inherited his expressive movement,<br />

good temperament and confidence. These include Don Darius who made his BD debut in 2020 winning<br />

at novice and elementary and qualifying at both those levels for the 2021 winter regionals in only four<br />

outings. In 2018, Don Dante’s son, Don Divine, was Futurity graded elite scoring 9.5 for his trot, canter and<br />

frame. His competition debut is eagerly awaited. Other highly graded Futurity youngstock include Dixie<br />

Rose and Dodge the Doubters.<br />

As well, as their expected dressage ability, his youngstock are also showing an aptitude for jumping.<br />

His son, Don Dandy, has made a promising start to his eventing career.<br />

He has also had winners in the show ring.<br />

Stud Fee: £750 (Same for chilled semen)<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £600<br />

Collection Fee: £100<br />

Concessions: Concessions available including to proven competition mares.<br />

Stands At: Oldfields House, Stratton Audley, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX27 9AN<br />

Contact: Wendy McKay<br />

@<br />

01869 277932<br />

wendy@strattonstud.co.uk<br />

www.strattonstud.co.uk<br />


Edobantos<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: KWPN<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 528003200910470 Year of Birth: 2009<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 8.5"<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU & UK on Frozen, World Wide Chilled<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Amadeus (KWPN)<br />

Anobanta (KWPN)<br />

Guidam (SF)<br />

Elottie W (KWPN)<br />

Indorado (Holst)<br />

Nobanta (KWPN)<br />

Quidam De Revel (SF)<br />

Fougere (SF)<br />

Ramiro Z (Holst)<br />

Oklahoma (KWPN)<br />

Corrado I (Holst)<br />

Aida (Holst)<br />

Abantos (KWPN)<br />

Hannabanta (KWPN)<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

EDOBANTOS is a very modern compact stallion, bred from the best Show Jumping lines in Europe, his<br />

stunning looks and great temperament make him a very promising investment for future stock. He is an<br />

exceptional foal maker and his first crop have graded at top rating for the studbook with his 2018 foal<br />

making a super price at the Brightwells Elite Foal Sale in August 2018.<br />

Starting Late EDOBANTOS has been produced slowly and campaigned lightly in British Eventing and<br />

British Show Jumping to date gaining 4 BE points in his first season. He finished third at Gatcombe<br />

International 2017 after only a limited number of outings and has spent 2018 Show Jumping with success<br />

in foxhunter classes. As well as jumping and British Eventing he has also gained 29 BD points and regularly<br />

scores 20’s in BE tests. He can be seen out hunting with his local pack. Proof that he has ultimate versatility<br />

without impacting on quality.<br />

EDOBANTOS carries approx. 50% XX whilst retaining some of the best jumping performance lines and<br />

therefore is an ideal choice to add quality and jump to Eventing mares or continue to breed competitive<br />

modern show jumpers. EDOBANTOS will be continuing his competitive education both Eventing<br />

Internationally and Showjumping the bigger tracks, following in his Father’s footsteps.<br />

EDOBANTOS has excellent fertility and stamps his stock with elegant legs and a refined head.<br />

He and his first two sons can be viewed at home in Gloucestershire.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

After his first commercial season in 2018 EDOBANTOS has grown vastly in popularity with a variation of<br />

different mares and nearly 15 foals due to arrive from March 2021. Previously he has done limited<br />

coverings of his own mares with 100% success on first cycle for all mares so far. First and second son<br />

retained and can be viewed.<br />

AES Stud book graded his sons RMS ESPERANTOS & RMS THUNDERBANTOS with highest score<br />

available to foals. RMS THUNDERBANTOS was also an Elite Selected Foal for the Brightwells Auctions.<br />

Stud Fee: £550 NFFR (1st October Terms)<br />

Concessions: Proven mares or multiple bookings discount available<br />

Stands At: Tomlinson’s (Formerly Beaufort Embryo Transfer) in Tetbury<br />

Contact: Nicola & Rafa Marins<br />

@<br />

07917 421945<br />

rafamarins@hotmail.com<br />

www.edobantos.com<br />

www.facebook.com/EDOBANTOSstallionUK<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

RMS Into The Blue p.238<br />


El Thuder<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Belgian Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: BWP/Breeders Elite/AES<br />

UELN No: BEL-W-230479-BWP Year of Birth: 2004<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Brown<br />

Grading: Fully Approved by Breeders Elite & AES Bone: 8 ¾”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping / Eventing<br />

Tests: Negative WFFS<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Thunder van de Zuuthoeve<br />

Ula<br />

Argentinus<br />

Jura van St. Martens<br />

Larome<br />

Ekster<br />

Argentan<br />

Dorle<br />

Nimmerdor<br />

Landlady<br />

Landgraf<br />

Miara<br />

Goldspring de Lauzelle<br />

Silberkunde<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Rumbolds Starlight at the Paris Global<br />

Champions League - Getty images<br />

Thunder Clover BE Novice Eventing<br />

Photo Spidge Event Photography<br />

A correct and modern stallion with excellent breeding. He has a bold and scopey jump with a<br />

phenomenal back end. His paces are naturally straight and elevated. His Thoroughbred influence makes<br />

him a fantastic refining stallion for the heavier mare and a super cross for event mares.<br />

El Thuder showed his talent from a young age, at his grading he won the loose jumping competition and<br />

was a finalist in 5,6 and 7 year old classes. He was selected to represent GB at the world championships<br />

for young horses at Lanaken. At only 7 he was 3rd in the Hickstead Speed Derby. He continued to jump<br />

up to GP 1.40m and was selected for the BS Gold Programme in 2016. Since 2018, he has mainly<br />

concentrated on his breeding work due to his popularity but is still in work and goes to stallion parades<br />

and county shows. He has fantastic progeny competing at International 5* level and a wide range of<br />

quality competition horses.<br />

For El Thuder's Stud video please visit https://youtu.be/lomqgHnWCOM<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Rumbolds Starlight: International Grade A competing at 1.50m<br />

Lord Thuder: Graded stallion competed International 1.45m.<br />

NP Zelah: Competed to international 1.45m.<br />

Amelia 16: Competed to international 1.35m<br />

NP Calne: competed to 1.40m level in Spain.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 LFG / £650 LFG (Chilled) / £400 (Frozen)<br />

Collection Fees: 1st collection & postage inclusive of stud fee<br />

Concessions: Available to graded and competition mares: please ask<br />

Stands At: GLG Equestrian, Hickstead, West Sussex.<br />

Contact: Greg Le Gear<br />

@<br />

07870 485339<br />

greglegear@gmail.com<br />

www.glgequestrian.com<br />

glgequestrian<br />

glgequestrian<br />


Envoy Merelsnest Z<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: ZANG<br />

Stud Book: Breeders Elite<br />

UELN No: 056015Z556025813 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16.3hh (171cm)<br />

Colour: Brown<br />

Grading: Licensed Breeders Elite Bone: 8.5”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: Frozen only<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Elvis Ter Putte BWP<br />

Sara vh Parelshof BWP<br />

Diamant de Semilly SF<br />

Ukase Ter Putte BWP<br />

Voltaire HANN<br />

Etsina KWPN<br />

Le Trot de Semilly SF<br />

Venise des Cresles SF<br />

Darco BWP<br />

Quinette Ter Putte BWP<br />

Furioso II SF<br />

Gogo Move HANN<br />

Ramiro Z HOLST<br />

Tsarina KWPN<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

‘Dime Bar’ as he is known at home, is bred from a special mare, the same mother as Don VHP Z and<br />

Carlos VHP!!!! Probably the only mare to have two offspring in the top ten in the world!! The sire,<br />

Elvis Ter Putte is an approved son of Diamant de Semilly out of a Darco x Quidam de Revel motherline.<br />

He shows tremendous scope and carefulness when free jumped, and super natural cadence and a great<br />

trainability under saddle. He is just starting his jumping career.<br />

Now successfully competing BS in Newcomer and age classes. He is super careful with a great attitude,<br />

travels to shows alongside mares and other stallions.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first foals were born in 2018, they exude quality and he has added height with the smaller<br />

broodmares.<br />

Stud Fee: £100 booking fee plus Stud Fee £400 + vat<br />

Collection Fee: On Application<br />

Concessions: Concessions for graded and proven mares<br />

Stands At: Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe,<br />

Sussex, BN45 7EG<br />

Contact: Shirley Light<br />

07968847025<br />

@ shirleyno2@hotmail.com Facebook/BRENDON STUD<br />

www.brendonstud.com @brendon_stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Klaris Giddy-Up p.184<br />

Klent Spot On p.186<br />

Pandito Merelsnest Z p.216<br />


Farleaze Lord Prenwyn<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Welsh Section D<br />

Grading: WPCS and SPSS<br />

UELN No: SPSS-CSG2021-L Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 14.1hh (146cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Stud Book: SPSS<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Machno Carwyn<br />

Follywood Miss Teak<br />

Carregcoch Bleddyn<br />

Machno Ceridwen<br />

Pentrefelin Enfys<br />

Gramblin Autumn Harvest<br />

Cathedine Express<br />

Hengoed Princess<br />

Tylan Danny<br />

Hilin Wendy<br />

Pentrefeilin Taliesin<br />

Llanarth Mirain<br />

Penclose Welsh Monarch<br />

Penclose Brenhines<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Lord Prenwyn is a pure Welsh section D event pony stallion who possess some of the very best<br />

performance bloodlines. He is a compact, athletic pony, with 3 outstanding paces, exceptional<br />

temperament, and incredible presence. In 2019 he gained one of the highest style marks in the<br />

Blenheim Eventers Challenge and was placed in the top 10 overall, and placed 5th on a double clear at<br />

Gatcombe Arena Eventing, as well as qualifying for the schools National Eventing championships, only<br />

missing out on winning his section due to a couple of xc time penalties. He will be aimed at Pony trials in<br />

the coming seasons as he shows an abundance scope and bravery schooling over BE novice xc.<br />

His sire Machno Carwyn is the only pony stallion to have won multiple gold medals at the FEI pony<br />

championships, with his offspring continuing his success worldwide.<br />

His dam won top British Bred and 7th at the BD summer nationals as well as placed in the top 15 in the<br />

BE grassroots Championships.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

2015 full brother (gelded) is successfully competing in pure dressage, and with his bravery jumping, will<br />

be eventers in the coming seasons.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 no vat (Same for chilled)<br />

Collection Fees: Additional fees payable to WKS<br />

Stands At: West Kington Stud, SN14 7JE<br />

Contact: Claire Moreton<br />

07834765730<br />

facebook.com/farleazelordprenwyn<br />


Faustinus<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Furst Heinrich x Starway<br />

Stud Book: Oldenburg<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2002<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: Oldenburg, Rheinland, Westfalen, Swedish, WBSUK Tests: Negative WFFS<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Furst Heinrich<br />

Rominze<br />

Florestan<br />

Dawina<br />

Starway<br />

Romanze<br />

Fidelio<br />

Raute<br />

Donnerhall<br />

Wibke<br />

Star Regent xx<br />

Serenade VI<br />

Istanbul<br />

Rositten<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

Faustinus was champion at his 70 day performance stallion test scoring total of 143.64 for dressage and<br />

117.16 for jumping. His rideability was 9.25. He was 4th n the Bundeschampionat 2007. He was<br />

awarded the Oldenburg 1B stallion premium due to his successful foals. He is the sire of numerous FEI<br />

young rider horses, Grand Prix and PSG/Inter 1 horses. He is a super sire for modernising offspring<br />

adding length of leg and fabulous front. He passes on his great character and easy trainability which<br />

shows in so many successful young riders horses. With his dam line having successful eventers he is a<br />

super outcross for producing dressage, eventing and also show stock.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Fashion Designer OLD – Grand Prix & Champion 2017 US Developing GP Horse Championship<br />

Valentas Fantast – Grand Prix<br />

Fiera Girl – Inter 1/PSG – 2016 Swedish Young Horse Bronze Champion<br />

Fiolina – PSG/Inter 1<br />

Fabregas – PSG/Inter 1<br />

Fairytail – PSG/Inter 1<br />

Charisma L – Vereband Premium<br />

Kimbria – State Premium<br />

Dante – Prok<br />

Fedor Van Het Booienhof – Young riders FEI<br />

Faustland – Young riders FEI<br />

Festwalzer – Young riders FEI<br />

Stud Fee: £750 (Same for chilled)<br />

Collection Fee: £60 + £30 shipping<br />

Concessions: 20% off stud fee for 2021 season<br />

Stands At: Romanno Stud, Strathbogie Farm, Elsrickle, Biggar,<br />

Lanarkshire, ML12 6QY<br />

Contact: Jennie Gilchrist<br />

@<br />

07703535179<br />

info@romannostud.co.uk<br />

www.romannostud.co.uk<br />

Facebook.com/romannostud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

L’Espoir p.188<br />

Stanley Grange Regal Heights p.250<br />

Hochadel<br />

Brando SD<br />


Finale<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Hanoverian<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826006003107616 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 17.hh (173cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showjumping<br />

Availability: Frozen Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Franklin<br />

Sennerin<br />

Ampere<br />

Warkle M<br />

Showstar<br />

Francis<br />

Rousseau (ex Rambo)<br />

Larivola<br />

Ferro<br />

Sparkle M<br />

Sandro Hit<br />

Feine Dame<br />

Festivo<br />

Pilotin<br />


Dressage | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Finale(Finn) wowed the selectors at the British Breeding Futurity in 2019 gaining a double elite status<br />

and the award for the highest scoring futurity entry in the 3 year old dressage category for 2019.<br />

He is an exceptional stallion with a very exciting dressage career ahead. 2020 winning the<br />

Shearwater Qualifier and Qualifying for the Nexgen Finals.<br />

His excellent breeding lead to him gaining a score of 9.5 in the futurity for his conformation, which is<br />

shown in his three paces. He has a good over-track in his walk, a powerful floating trot, and a<br />

well-balanced uphill canter.<br />

Finale’s temperament is fantastic, showing willingness to work and learn both under saddle and<br />

on the ground.<br />

Franklin has sired may champion foals and is an internationally known stallion, who has been awarded<br />

champion stallion KWPN and winner of the Dutch Performance test 2013.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud<br />

Stud Fee: £650 no vat<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £650 no vat<br />

Stands At: Frozen collected at <strong>Stallions</strong> AI Services, Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 4BP<br />

07860449621<br />

@ kathrynmarsh8@hotmail.com<br />

www.stallionai.com<br />

Finale AES stallion<br />

Finale AES stallion<br />


Fire Kracka<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Fidertanz x Diamond Hit x Rubinstein I<br />

Stud Book: Hanoverian<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2017<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Liver Chestnut<br />

Grading: WBS-UK<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Fidertanz<br />

Diva<br />

Fidermark<br />

Reine Freude<br />

Diamond Hit<br />

Rubinperle<br />

Florestan I<br />

Watonga<br />

Ravallo<br />

Fruehlingssonne<br />

Don Schufero<br />

Loretta<br />

Rubinstein I<br />

Drosselperle<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

Fire Kracka is an exciting new dressage and stallion prospect available to UK breeders for the first time<br />

in 2021. Kracka was born and bred in Germany being by the Grand Prix stallion Fidertanz, and out of<br />

a fantastic damline, including the Grand Prix stallions Diamond Hit and Rubinstein I. Kracka is maternal<br />

brother to Westphalian Premium Stallion, Florisburg, standing at Moritzburg State Stud in Germany.<br />

Kracka not only possesses fantastic uphill, elastic movement with a phenomenal hindleg, but also the most<br />

amazing temperament. Kracka was backed in September 2020 proving to be incredibly easy and<br />

trainable! Kracka will be aimed at the 4 Year Old Classes in 2021, as well as standing at stud for the first<br />

time.<br />

He will be available both Frozen and Chilled. Chilled will be available 7 days per week.<br />

Maternal Brother - Westphalian Premium Stallion Florisburg (by Floriscount)<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First Year at Stud.<br />

Stud Fee: £550 including vat<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £400 including vat<br />

Collection Fee: First collection & postage included, thereafter £120<br />

Concessions: Early Bird Discount<br />

Stands At: Bromson Stud, Ashorne Warwick, Warwickshire, CV35 9AB<br />

Contact: Claire Wyatt<br />

@<br />

07902 842 381<br />

claire.l.wyatt@gmail.com<br />

www.bromsonstud.co.uk<br />

Bromson Stud<br />

bromson_stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Woodlander<br />

Sir Gorgeous p. 288<br />


First Words<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: WBS-UK<br />

Stud Book: WBS-UK<br />

UELN No: DE 431310144906 Year of Birth: 2017<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

For Romance I<br />

West End Diva<br />

Furst Romancier<br />

Gesina<br />

Wavavoom<br />

Woodlander Dixie Chick<br />

Fuerst Heinrich<br />

Ronja<br />

Sir Donnerhall I<br />

Gesine<br />

Weltregent H<br />

Lousiana<br />

Woodlander Del Amitri<br />

Wanda<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

First Words aka Picachoo is a young dressage stallion who is rising three.<br />

He is licensed with the WBS-UK. He obtained an Elite award at British Breeding Futurity.<br />

His sire For Romance I is the VTV Oldenburg Dressage Stallion of the Year 2019 for his outstanding<br />

achievements in breeding and sport .<br />

First Words has inherited his sire’s lovely face, his outstanding typical beauty, his elegance, and his<br />

rideability. He is very easy to handle.<br />

First words has a beautiful temperament and very good work ethic. His paces are extremely powerful,<br />

uphill and rhythmical. He is very intelligent and wants to please.<br />

At his licensing he was described as an elegant modern riding horse which we think admirably describes<br />

him.<br />

First Words’ mother West End Diva qualified for the Equine Bridge and she is graded Elite with the<br />

WBS-UK of which only 2% of mares achieve such grading .<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Picachoo’s first season at stud will be 2020<br />

Stud Fee: £600 + vat<br />

Collection Fee: To be paid by mare owner<br />

Stands At: Bramble Stud, Newfield Farm, Chicheley<br />

Buckinghamshire, MK16 9JD<br />

Contact: Liz Ball<br />

07919 345709<br />

@ bramblestud@bramblestud.com<br />

www.bramblestud.com<br />

Bramble Stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Debutantes Dream p.100<br />

Lollipop p.200<br />


Franz Ferdinand<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: Hannoverian<br />

UELN No: DE431316957012 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 16.3¹/₂hh (172cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: WBS-UK Bone: 8.5”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Fuerst Heinrich (Westf )<br />

Elite Dornroeschen (Hann)<br />

Florestan (Westf )<br />

Dawina (Westf )<br />

Dimaggio (Hann)<br />

Claire (Hann)<br />

Fidelio (Hann)<br />

St Pr Raute (Rhld)<br />

Donnerhall (Old)<br />

Wibke (Westf )<br />

Don Primero (Old)<br />

Winnipeg (Hann)<br />

Elite H Caprimond (Trak)<br />

Dweena (Rhld)<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

“Franz Ferdinand”, that is the distinctive name of the new rising star of our partners, Hengststation Pape.<br />

He has an exceptional genetic, which can hardly not be more modern and contemporary, and at the<br />

same time certain in terms of performance. It is well known as outstanding and is unique.<br />

His father Fürst Heinrich was world champion and left in his too short breeding life and life in sport, highly<br />

superior offspring. His dam sire Dimaggio was also world champion and enjoys the greatest<br />

appreciation. His mother Dornröschen is even a Grand Prix winner and multiple stallion mother.<br />

His full sister is the exceptional mare “Woodlander Farouche” who was double world champion.<br />

With her special aura, she moved the Verden showgrounds in her spell as no horse before or after her.<br />

In 2016, he completed his 30 day test in Adelheidsdorf with outstanding scores and completed his stallion<br />

qualification in the sport.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Top priced selling foals in Germany and UK.<br />

Stud Fee: £750<br />

Stands At: Woodlander Stud, Frenchlands Lane,<br />

Worcester, WR2 6QU<br />

Contact: Lynne Crowden<br />

07768 323351<br />

@ woodlanderstud@mac.com<br />

www.woodlanderstud.com<br />

facebook.com/woodlanderstud & woodlanderstallions<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Woodlander Bernalilo p.280<br />

Woodlander Double Bubble p.282<br />

Woodlander Grand Designs p.284<br />

Woodlander Sequoiia p.286<br />

Woodlander Wildchild p.290<br />


Future Gravitas<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British Sport Horse<br />

Stud Book: ZfDP<br />

UELN No: DE410104005210 Year of Birth: 2010<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: Life Graded SHB(GB), Life Approved (AES) Bone: 8.5”<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Grafenstolz<br />

Juswith Genoa (Elite)<br />

Polarion (Elite)<br />

Gipsy Lady (Pr.St.Pr.)<br />

Bohemond xx (HIS Premium)<br />

Just Gingerbread<br />

Van Deyk<br />

Polareid<br />

Camelot<br />

Grazie II<br />

Auction Ring xx<br />

Kaftan xx<br />

Carbrooke Surprise ox<br />

Trincomalee<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Mary King’s 5YO BE Novice eventer, King Cyrus (left) - Future Enigma BD Dressage Champion (centre)<br />

- Future Class Act Supreme Champion Sport Horse National Hunter Show 2019 (right)<br />

* International CCI** Eventer and WINNER at all these affiliated levels - 5yr Old Qualifier, BE100, BE<br />

Novice and BE Open Novice levels<br />

* Multiple BD WINNER and National Championship Finalist at Medium and Elementary levels<br />

* No.1 Ranked Sire of Futurity Eventing youngstock<br />

* Used by MARY KING on her 5* winner, Kings Temptress<br />

* First crop out eventing are already jumping double clear at BE Novice level as 5yr olds<br />

Future Gravitas is the sire of:<br />

•British Dressage National Champion<br />

•Double Champion Futurity Mare (all disciplines, 2018 and 2019)<br />

•Supreme In Hand Sport Horse Champion (National Hunter Show 2019)<br />

•Futurity Champion Eventer<br />

•Multiple County Show Champions and BBN Winners<br />

Gravitas’s dam is Elite mare Juswith Genoa - an EXCEPTIONAL producer – making Future Gravitas a<br />

maternal brother to the legendary Olympic Silver medallist, WEG Gold medallist & multiple 5* Winner<br />

Winsome Adante, and brother to CCI*** Eventer & YEH World Championships Qualifier Future Genie,<br />

CCI** eventer Future Gravitie, 2006 National Futurity Champion Foal Future Glamour, and County<br />

Show Champion Future Gold Digger. AN EXCEPTIONAL SET OF SIBLINGS !!<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Eventing: His eldest stock are now just making their debuts in affiliated classes and they are really making<br />

their mark with multiple top placings in their first BE100 classes and with Mary King’s youngster King<br />

Cyrus already jumping double clear at BE Novice level at just 5yrs old.<br />

Dressage: He has already sired a BD NATIONAL CHAMPION – Future Enigma<br />

Showing: •Future Class Act (Double Futurity Mare Champion and National Hunter Show Supreme In<br />

Hand Sport Horse Champion)•Future Etiquette (multiple County Show Champion in hand and under<br />

saddle)•Flying Gravitas (Futurity National Event Foal Champion) and he will only be11yrs in 2021 !<br />

Stud Fee: £650 Live Foal Guarantee on Fresh/Chilled<br />

Stud Fee Chilled: £650 no vat LFG<br />

Stud Fee Frozen: £325 + £325 in foal no vat<br />

Collection Fees: Charged separately<br />

Concessions: Available to proven <strong>Competition</strong>, Show & Brood mares<br />

Stands At: Future Sport Horses, Baswick Bridge, Baswick,<br />

Brandesburton, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 8LZ<br />

Contact: Julia Hodkin<br />

@<br />

07951 519288 / 07775 633004<br />

info@FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

www.FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure p.128<br />

Future Hepsilon p.130<br />

Future Illusion p.132<br />

Future Prophecy p.134<br />

Future Sport Horses<br />

@fsporthorse<br />

futuresporthorses<br />


Future Guilty Pleasure<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Holsteiner x TB<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)<br />

UELN No: 826041000168148 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: Licensed (AES) Bone: 8.5”<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Levisonn<br />

Future Guilty Secret<br />

Levisto Z (Sire of the World)<br />

Melodie VIII<br />

Cantoblanco<br />

Future Gold Digger<br />

Leandro<br />

Hirtin<br />

Lennon<br />

Narwan<br />

Canto<br />

G-Casablanca<br />

Primitive Proposal xx<br />

Juswith Genoa (Elite)<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Future Classic Pleasure HH<br />

Double National Champion<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure is the talk of the breeding world by already being a TRIPLE NATIONAL<br />

CHAMPION at the tender age of 4 years old. He is:<br />

•UK Anglo European Studbook National Stallion Licensing Champion (2018) as a 2yr old, from<br />

over 90 stallions inspected<br />

•National Champion Sire of Futurity Eventers & Best Newcomer (2019) with his very first crop of foals<br />

•National Champion Sire of Futurity Eventers (2020) with his second crop…<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure received exceptional licensing scores including 9.5 for trot, 9.25 for canter and<br />

9 for walk and comments from the AES Stallion Licensing Panel included this ringing endorsement of his<br />

quality:…”Every now and then we encounter a young horse who has future greatness stamped all over<br />

him. And this simply breathtaking son of Levisonn is such an example. Bred to jump and event, with gaits of<br />

such quality that they will also be of interest to many dressage breeders, this young horse certainly breaks<br />

the mould.”<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

•Future Classic Pleasure HH - first foal ever sired by Future Guilty Pleasure was both National Elite Foals<br />

Registration Tour Eventing Champion and National Futurity Foal Champion, as well as being the highest<br />

scoring Eventer of any age in the entire 2019 Futurity Series. Unbeaten in Sport Horse Foal classes<br />

including winning at both The National Hunter Show and the Show Horse Association.<br />

•Future Iconic Pleasure HH – Top Scoring Eventer of any age at the 2020 British Breeding Futurity<br />

scoring elite marks in every section of the assessment and being the ONLY eventer from 129 entries to<br />

be awarded Elite status. He went on to be the highest priced eventing lot sold at the British Breeding Elite<br />

Auction and has been purchased as for a professional rider with a view to him also being retained as a<br />

stallion prospect.<br />

Stud Fee: £850 no vat<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Stud Fee Chilled: £850 no vat LFG (Only available until April 2021, Future Gravtitas p.126<br />

requires pre- booking)<br />

Future Hepsilon p.130<br />

Stud Fee Frozen: £425 + £425 in foal no vat<br />

Future Illusion p.132<br />

Collection Fees: Charged separately<br />

Future Prophecy p.134<br />

Concessions: Available to proven <strong>Competition</strong>, Show & Brood mares<br />

Stands At: Future Sport Horses, Brandesburton, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 8LZ<br />

Contact: Julia Hodkin<br />

@<br />

07951 519288 / 07775 633004<br />

info@FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

www.FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

Future Sport Horses<br />

@fsporthorse<br />

futuresporthorses<br />


Future Hepsilon<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Selle Francais x TB<br />

Stud Book: Breeders Elite<br />

UELN No: 826088170101513 Year of Birth: 2017<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: Anglo European Studbook (AES) - Licensed Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing Tests: Negative WFFS<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Upsilon<br />

Heraldik Girl-W<br />

Canturo<br />

O’Vive x<br />

Heraldik xx<br />

Perdona<br />

Cantus<br />

Fara<br />

Fusain du Defey x<br />

Garce d’Aulix x<br />

Caramel xx<br />

Heraldika xx<br />

Palermo<br />

Lisandra<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Maternal sister Uptown Girl - CCI2<br />

(by Future Illusion)<br />

Future Hepsilon is the ONLY licensed son of Upsilon standing in the UK. With genetics that breeders dream<br />

of Future Hepsilon directly combines the superstar eventer Upsilon with the world’s best ever sire of eventers<br />

– the thoroughbred, Heraldik. Hepsilon’s dam has already produced International eventers and descends<br />

from the same dam line that produced the €1m winning Grand Prix showjumper, Embassy II.<br />

Upsilon sired the 1-2-3 at the 2019 4 YO French National Eventing Championships, and is renowned for<br />

his record-breaking score in the Nations Cup – a staggering final score of only 17.3 penalties.<br />

Heraldik xx has sired horses at the top in all three Olympic disciplines… being WBFSH No.1 Ranked Sire of<br />

Eventers for an incredible 5 consecutive years. He also sired numerous GP showjumpers including Herald<br />

III, and GP dressage horses such as H-Ekwador.<br />

Future Hepsilon is a powerful, athletic stallion with a talent for jumping. Performance in the very close<br />

family of Hepsilon is convincing and should give breeders confidence that by choosing him they are choosing<br />

proven genetics that pass from generation to generation. Maternal siblings:<br />

• Uptown Girl (by Future Illusion) – CCI** Eventer and BS Foxhunter SJ<br />

• Opposition Heraldik Girl – CCI* Eventer who placed 4th at Ballindenisk CCI*<br />

Hepsilon has been used by 5* eventers in his first season and is now in demand across the world from<br />

Australia to the USA.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud in 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 no vat LFG<br />

Stud Fee Chilled: £650 no vat LFG<br />

Stud Fee Frozen: £325 +£325 in foal no vat<br />

Collection Fees: Charged separately<br />

Concessions: Available to proven <strong>Competition</strong>, Show & Brood mares<br />

Stands At: Future Sport Horses, Baswick Bridge, Baswick,<br />

Brandesburton, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 8LZ<br />

Contact: Julia Hodkin<br />

@<br />

07951 519288 / 07775 633004<br />

info@FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

www.FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Future Gravitas p.126<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure p.128<br />

Future Illusion p.132<br />

Future Prophecy p.134<br />

Future Sport Horses<br />

@fsporthorse<br />

futuresporthorses<br />


Future Illusion<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Trakehner x TB<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

UELN No: 826041000138380 Year of Birth: 2004<br />

Stud Book: SHB (GB) Full Breeding Passport<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: Life Graded SHB(GB), Life Approved AES Bone: 8.5”<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Tests: Negative WFFS<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Fleetwater Opposition (Elite)<br />

Future Illicit Affair<br />

(Head Stud Book SHB(GB)<br />

Muschamp Danube<br />

Opushka (Elite)<br />

Future Illicit Affair<br />

Classic Fayre xx<br />

Isenstein<br />

Donauleid von Schimmelhof<br />

Oplot (Elite)<br />

Pika<br />

Criminal Law xx<br />

Demon Spring<br />

Brianston Zipper xx<br />

Copper Fair xx<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Tell Me Another - National Champion Showing (left)<br />

Cosmic Charm - CCI**** Eventer (middle) Future Illusion (right)<br />

Outstandingly good looking stallion with the rare ability to sire both International Eventers and HOYS show<br />

horses. Selected by H.M. The Queen for one of Her own mares and the offspring is a multiple County<br />

Show Champion with Katie Jerram. Future Illusion is:<br />

•Life Graded SHB(GB) and Life Approved (AES)<br />

•Champion BEF Futurity British Bred Stallion All Disciplines (2009 and 2010)<br />

•Champion BEF Futurity Sire of Eventers<br />

•British Eventing top ranking sire<br />

•Successful BE Novice level Eventer<br />

•Winning BD Elementary dressage horse and Regional Finalist<br />

•Multiple County Show Champion<br />

•Sire of CCI4* Eventers, Express Eventing Winners, BYEH and Badminton Grassroots Finalists<br />

•Sire of National Futurity Champion Eventers and Res. Supreme Champions<br />

•Sire of HOYS Finalists and sire of 2 Champions, 2 Reserve Champions and 5 class winners<br />

at the 2019 Show Horse Association Show in a single day.<br />

A unique stallion who has the outstanding beauty and movement to produce the very best Show horses, but<br />

that also passes the toughness, athleticism and trainability to also reach the very top in International sport.<br />

A true jewel in British breeding.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

•Cosmic Charm – CCI4* eventer with multiple placings at International level<br />

•To Love and Honour – CCI3* Eventer and BYEH Finalist<br />

•Uptown Girl – CCI2* Eventer and Foxhunter level showjumper<br />

•Unis Midnight Illusion – Intermediate Eventer<br />

•Churchside Reflection – 4-time Badminton Grassroots Finalist<br />

•Worthy Illusion – Blenheim International Eventer Challenge Champion<br />

•Fools Paradise – Multiple County Show Champion and Supreme Champion with Katie Jerram<br />

•Tell Me Another – Multiple County Show Champion including. the Balmoral Show, National Hunter<br />

Show and BSHA Championship Show.<br />

•Dorissimo – HOYS ‘Search For A Star’ Finalist<br />

•Penny Lane and Uptown Girl – BE Breeding Champions<br />

•Future Proposition – National Futurity Eventing Champion and Res Supreme Champion<br />

Stud Fee: £800 no vat LFG fresh/chilled<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Stud Fee Frozen: £325 +£325 in foal no vat<br />

Future Gravitas p.126<br />

Collection Fees: Charged separately<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure p.128<br />

Concessions: Available to proven <strong>Competition</strong>, Show & Brood mares Future Hepsilon p.130<br />

Stands At: Future Sport Horses, Baswick Bridge, Baswick,<br />

Future Prophecy p.134<br />

Brandesburton, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 8LZ<br />

Contact: Julia Hodkin<br />

@<br />

07951 519288 / 07775 633004<br />

info@FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

www.FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

Future Sport Horses<br />

@fsporthorse<br />

futuresporthorses<br />


Future Prophecy<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Thoroughbred<br />

Stud Book: SHB (GB)<br />

UELN No: 826041000168147 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: AES Licensed Bone: 8.5”<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Tests: WFFS Carrier<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Power Blade xx<br />

Future Golden Glove xx<br />

Fine Blade xx<br />

First Field xx<br />

Hand in Glove xx<br />

Persephone Heights xx<br />

(Head Studbook SHB(GB)<br />

Fortino II xx<br />

Cursorial xx<br />

Forties Field xx<br />

Gretto xx<br />

Best Turn xx<br />

Miss Betty xx<br />

Golden Heights xx<br />

Jalland xx<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Future Diamond Prophecy HH - Regional Eventing Champion Elite Foals Tour (left)<br />

Future Prophecy is a full thoroughbred purpose bred for sport. He is the ONLY licensed thoroughbred son<br />

of Power Blade standing in the UK and possibly the World. Coupled with his dam-sire being the<br />

legendary Hand In Glove, Future Prophecy is an exceptional and unique thoroughbred stallion.<br />

A thoroughbred that jumps and moves, Future Prophecy had excellent marks at his AES Licensing including<br />

9 for Canter, 8.75 for Trot and 8.75 for Jump, with the Panel commenting:<br />

…”a beautifully balanced and very harmonious young colt who convinced with a keen attitude over a<br />

fence and three expressive and correct gaits…”<br />

His sire Power Blade showjumped to 1.30m level and was crowned Croker Cup Champion at the Royal<br />

Dublin Horse Show. He has sired CCI5* eventers, Grand Prix showjumpers and County Show<br />

Champions.<br />

Prophecy’s dam-sire Hand in Glove jumped to Grand Prix level, competed at Prix St. Georges dressage<br />

and was a Stakes winning racehorse. He sired Olympic jumper and leading sire of Event horses, Jaguar<br />

Mail as well as Young Event Horse World Champion Lord de Ligniere.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first foal born in 2019 - Future Diamond Prophecy HH - was a Regional Elite Foals Registration Tour<br />

Champion, was purchased for a professional 5* rider, and has been retained as a stallion prospect.<br />

Feedback from breeders with foals born in 2020 has been very exciting with them citing outstanding<br />

movement, strong conformation and easy temperaments. He has already been booked by multiple 5*<br />

riders for their mares in 2021, with International demand for his semen now stretching to Spain, Australia,<br />

the US and Ireland.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 no vat LFG fresh/chilled<br />

Stud Fee Chilled: £650 no vat LFG<br />

Stud Fee Frozen: £325 +£325 in foal no vat<br />

Collection Fees: Charged separately<br />

Concessions: Available to proven <strong>Competition</strong>, Show & Brood mares<br />

Stands At: Future Sport Horses, Baswick Bridge, Baswick,<br />

Brandesburton, Driffield, East Riding of Yorkshire, YO25 8LZ<br />

Contact: Julia Hodkin<br />

@<br />

07951 519288 / 07775 633004<br />

info@FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

www.FutureSportHorses.co.uk<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Future Gravitas p.126<br />

Future Guilty Pleasure p.128<br />

Future Hepsilon p.130<br />

Future Illusion p.132<br />

Future Sport Horses<br />

@fsporthorse<br />

futuresporthorses<br />


Gambler<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Dutch Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: KWPN<br />

UELN No: 826041000168147 Year of Birth: 2011<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: AES Licensed<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Zanzibar<br />

Carla<br />

Special D<br />

Jaccovita<br />

Voice<br />

Hemira<br />

Metall<br />

Haafke<br />

Pretendent<br />

Evita<br />

De Niro<br />

Rohbria<br />

Candyboy<br />

Agneta<br />


Dressage | Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Foal Diamont Noir (left) Feestvarken yearling ex TBMare (Middle)<br />

Gambler has a super sweet trainable nature that he passed onto his progeny.<br />

He is very much an improver Stallion. Naturally improving the weakest part of any mare.<br />

Gambler is now successfully competing medium work advanced at home. He's finding the higher levels<br />

very easy.<br />

Although dressage bred, his youngstock are showing a great aptitude at jumping.<br />

Gambler covers naturally.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Black Swan – 4yr old out of Furst Heinrich mare. Now under saddle and proving very trainable.<br />

Athletic, naturally balanced and very willing.<br />

Diamont Noir – 3yr old out of Furst Heinrich mare<br />

Freestvarken – 4yr old. Now under saddle and proving very trainable and gives a fabulous ride<br />

Zebedee – 4yr old out of Jazz/Davino mare<br />

Ziggy Stardust<br />

Major Tom<br />

Pallas Athena – out of Furst Heinrich mare<br />

Stud Fee: £500 NFFR<br />

Concessions: Advanced mares<br />

Stands At: Cornhill Stud<br />

Contact: Yvonne Scales<br />

@<br />

07736288111<br />

yscales@aol.com<br />

facebook.com/Gambler-stallionatstud<br />


Ganton Mentor<br />

Details:<br />

Image courtesy of Neil Fortescue<br />

Breeding: Welsh x Thoroughbred<br />

Height: 15.3hh (160cm)<br />

UELN No: 826046040007455 Year of Birth: 2003<br />

Stud Book: Welsh Part Bred Studbook<br />

Colour: Dark Brown<br />

Grading: NaStA Performance Tested Stallion Bone: 8.5”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Sports Pony<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: Natural Covering / AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Derwen Red Marvel (WSB)<br />

Ganton Romola xx<br />

Nebo Black Magic (WSB)<br />

Hafel Rosina (WSB)<br />

Chabrias xx<br />

Fair Splash xx<br />

Pentre Eiddwen Comet<br />

Tyngwndwn Mathrafal Lady<br />

Hewid Cardi<br />

Hwylog Guinevere<br />

Bold Lad xx<br />

Almerilla xx<br />

Monsieure Edouarde xx<br />

Fair Margaret xx<br />


Eventing | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Heritage Velveteen<br />

Ganton Mentor is classically bred to be used on a TB or similar sports horse to produce lovely eventing<br />

types with a very trainable attitude and good jump. He has lots of bone which he is consistently passing<br />

on. He has now retired from competing but Hunts regularly as Fieldmaster and in the field. He is related<br />

to well known eventing stallion Ganton Rufus (SHB Graded), Grade A SJ Rubric, Advanced Eventer &<br />

recently deceased stallion Ganton Beltaine.<br />

Ganton Mentor has a wonderful temperament; competing regularly British Showjumping, County<br />

Working Hunters and Hunting. He evented a couple of times proving to be bold. He is seen regularly on<br />

the hunting field escorting the children. Ganton Mentor’s half brothers; Glenlichd Reliance was Supreme<br />

Champion Show Pony at NPS Show 2014. Glenlichd Royal Appointment 2012 colt (only time shown so<br />

far, as foal) by Rotherwood Moonraker at Highland Foal & Youngstock Show Won his class and<br />

Champion, and Overall Supreme Champion. Cundlegreen Enquirer won at the Suffolk Show and was<br />

Champion. NW Ganton Maccallum (Mac) foaled 2007 by African Gold Rush won extensively as a<br />

youngster showing, and is now doing dressage.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His stock proven sensible to break, very trainable and good competitors. He passes on bone and an<br />

excellent nature.<br />

Heritage Moondancer - BS winnings. Very consistent.<br />

Esme II - (14.2hh) Wins and placings at BE100 & Novice 125FP 1BE; Three Wins in 2016..<br />

Heritage Attica - 1FP BE 2015, 2016 Heritage Velveteen - 2yr old BEF First Premium Eventing Award 2016<br />

Terrence - multiple placings U18BE100 and now wins and placings in Ireland at 100J<br />

Stud Fee: £350 + collection fee NFFR 1st October Terms<br />

Concessions: Premium offered to proven competition<br />

mares and graded mares.<br />

Stands At: Heritage Coast Stud, Sudbourne, Woodbridge,<br />

Suffolk, IP12 2BH.<br />

Contact: Jane Marson<br />

07771608376 / 01394 450887<br />

@ jane@hcstud.com<br />

www.hcstud.com<br />

Heritage Coast Stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Heritage Arrakis p.154<br />

Heritage Nero<br />


Geminis Classic Opera<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: WB X TB<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)<br />

UELN No: 528003201005739 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 15hh (152cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Brown<br />

Grading: SHB(GB) Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showingjumping / Eventing / Showing Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Classic Primitive<br />

Weltmusik<br />

Chicos Boy<br />

Gentle Savage xx<br />

Weltregent H<br />

Sarina<br />

Carpaccio<br />

Eluna<br />

Primitive Rising xx<br />

Another Jubilee xx<br />

Weltmeyer<br />

Donna Bella<br />

Salvano<br />

Marina<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Geminis Classic Opera was ranked in the top 12 stallions in Great Britain by Horse and Hound in 2019.<br />

His full brother is the Advanced Eventer The Classic Composer and he is a Horse of The Year Show<br />

Cuddy In Hand Finalist himself. Graded with Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain he has already<br />

gained an outstanding following with both Eventing and Showing mare owners. He shares a paternal line<br />

with the 2016 Olympic Trial Winner and CCI4* winner Chico Bella P.<br />

In Geminis Classic Opera’s final year in the Show Ring he went Champion on every outing. Throughout<br />

his showing career he has won or been Champion as a Hunter, Sports Horses, Small Hunter and SHP.<br />

His progeny have inherited his outstanding conformation. He sired a phenomenal 13 winners in the 2019<br />

Showing Season. He has been used on multiple CCI4*, CCI5* , HOYS & RI Mares.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Classic Opera despite being only 7 years old in 2019 had 13 winners at County level. His stock won In<br />

Hand as Sports Horses, Hacks, Hunters and Riding Ponies. His most prolific winning progeny include:-<br />

Gavin Isherwood’s Nessum Dorma who was shown twice in 2019 and won and went Champion on both<br />

occasions, Masterclass III who was the overall winner of Hunter Foals and Hunter breeding at The Royal<br />

Welsh and Geminis Classic Valentine who has won and been placed as a Hack and Sports Horse at<br />

NPS Summer Champs, Suffolk County, and The Derbyshire Festival.<br />

Stud Fee: £850 (same for chilled & frozen semen)<br />

Concessions: Top class Eventing & Showing mares with proven<br />

form either under saddle or In Hand<br />

Stands At: Gemini Stud, The Oaklands, Oakham Road, Somerby,<br />

Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 2QF<br />

Contact: Georgie Belton<br />

01664 454 929<br />

@ enquiries@thegeminstud.com<br />

www.thegeministud.com<br />

Gemini Stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Churchill III p.76<br />


Glencarrig Tempest<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Connemara<br />

Stud Book: CPBS<br />

UELN No: S2-372004100018053 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 15hh (152cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: CPBS and SPSS Bone: 8.5"<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Dressage / Sports Pony<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Coosheen Stormboy<br />

Mountross Colleen<br />

Cloonisle Cashel<br />

Scarteen Mistral<br />

Coral Star<br />

Grange Amber Colleen<br />

Abbeyleix Owen<br />

Cloonisle Lady<br />

Ashfield Bobby Sparrow<br />

Tulira Sea Breeze<br />

Cuchulainn<br />

Dolan Lucky Star<br />

Grange Bobbing Sparrow<br />

Home Lover<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Tempest was bred in Ireland by the Curran family, and purchased by us as a foal. His pedigree includes<br />

many of Ireland’s most prolific Connemara performance stallions. His sire, Coosheen Stormboy, is a<br />

grandson of the world renowned Ashfield Bobby Sparrow, who won individual gold at the pony<br />

European Showjumping Championships in 1980 (the first Connemara ever to do so). Coosheen<br />

Stormboy has sired many successful international performance ponies. Tempest’s 10yo full brother,<br />

Glencarrig Dolphin, has outstanding form at BE Novice and FEI Pony Trial level in the UK. While Aoife’s<br />

Star and Laburnum Ineer have both represented Ireland at the European Eventing Championships for<br />

Ponies in recent years. In the showjumping world, Cappagh Lad is successfully competing at 1.30m.<br />

Tempest’s dam, Mountross Colleen, is a superb mare in her own right, with numerous show ring titles to<br />

her name. Her sire, Coral Star, was a son of the Grade A jumping pony Cuchulainn, who also won the<br />

stallion class at Clifden in Ireland in 1986.<br />

Tempest started his ridden work in 2020, proving incredibly athletic and trainable. These attributes,<br />

combined with his excellent movement, scope and conformation, make him a very exciting pony for the<br />

future. He will start his competition career in 2021.<br />

His lines cross well with Thoroughbred and sport horse mares, as well as Connemaras.<br />

Full brother to Glencarrig Dolphin - FEI event pony. He is tested N/N for HWSD.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 + vat NFFR<br />

Stands At: Sands Farm, Church Lane, Epwell, Oxfordshire, OX15 6LD<br />

Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 2QF<br />

Contact: Emma Rugman<br />

07500057363<br />

@ emma.rugman@hotmail.com<br />

www.clarkstownconnemaras.co.uk<br />


Golden Hawk<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding:<br />

Stud Book: Breeders Elite/AES<br />

UELN No: S2-372004100018053 Year of Birth: 2005<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: Graded Elite Aproved by AES & Breeders Elite<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled (EU Frozen)<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Vigo D’Arsouilles<br />

Ta Belle Van Sombeke<br />

Nabab De Reve<br />

Illico D’Arsouilles<br />

Chin Chin<br />

La Belle Van Sombeke<br />

Quidam de Revel<br />

Melodie En Fa<br />

Fleuri Du Manoir<br />

Venzin D‘Arsouilles<br />

Constant<br />

Larese<br />

Goliath Z<br />

Verina<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Askeaton - 7yr old by Golden Hawk<br />


Golden Hawk has travelled all over world jumping the biggest classes at the best shows. He is versatile<br />

having jumped at small indoor venues, biggest grass arena's and having recorded at clear round at the<br />

famous Hickstead Derby in 2019. Winnings approx £300k. He has the most fantastic temperament and<br />

has a kind nature. He is athletic and possesses excellent technique. Both his sire and dam competed at<br />

the highest level at 1.60m.<br />

Golden Hawk is by Vigo D'Arsouilles (Nabab de Reve) who was World Champion in Kentucky 2010<br />

and a prolific 1.60m showjumper. Golden Hawk's dam Ta Belle van Sombeke is by Chin Chin and<br />

herself competed at 1.60m with Jos Lansik. Amongst Golden Hawk, Ta Belle van Sombeke has bred 7<br />

other 1.60m horses and several at 1.40m plus.<br />

Results - Too many results to mention but highlights include 5th place in the King George IV cup Hickstead<br />

2014, 2nd place in the Dublin 5* Grand Prix 2016, 3rd La Baule 5* Nations Cup 2017, 1st Oslo 5*<br />

2018, 1st London Olympia 5* 1.50m 2018, 1st Liverpool 4* Grand Prix 2018, 1st Hickstead 4* Derby<br />

Trial 2019 and 3rd Hickstead Derby 2019.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Golden Hawk has several progeny competing internationally up to1.60m level with many up and coming<br />

exciting young horses. At Breen Equestrian, Golden Hawk progeny make up some of the best young<br />

horses bred at Hickstead. International progeny include:<br />

Evitason Van't Paradijs 1.60m level.<br />

Evita Van't Zoggehof 1.60m level.<br />

Enzo van de Konterhoeve 1.50m level.<br />

Filou vd Kruishoeve Z 1.50m level.<br />

Stud Fee: £1000 + vat (Same for chilled & frozen)<br />

Stands At: Breen Equestrian<br />

Contact: Greg Le Gear<br />

@<br />

Greg Le Gear 07887783244<br />

greglegear@gmail.com<br />

www.breenequestrian.com<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Colmar p.80<br />

El Thuder p.110<br />

Z7 Can Ya Makan p.294<br />


GreenLanes Jester<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Negro x Florencio x Lancet<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826002140873830 Year of Birth: 2014<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: AES Licenced<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Negro<br />

Amusora<br />

Ferro<br />

Fewri<br />

Florencio<br />

Uronie<br />

Ulft<br />

Brenda<br />

Variant<br />

Mewri<br />

Florestan 1<br />

Walessa<br />

Lancet<br />

Goldy<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

GreenLanes Jester is a stunning young British bred stallion who’s first crop of foals were born in 2020.<br />

Jester has an exceptional temperament and seems to have passed that on to his offspring together with his<br />

beautiful paces.<br />

All of his mares have taken In foal at the first insemination and their quality has been exceptional.<br />

Jester is a favourite with the judges in the competition arena regularly scoring in the mid 70%. Of course,<br />

the 2020 season was rather interrupted, but we took the opportunity to concentrate on his training for<br />

the higher levels but also not rushing him at all. He qualified for the Winter Regional Finals 2021 in just 3<br />

classes and has matured into a very powerful mover with eyecatching paces.<br />

In his assessment with the AES, Jester scored a great 9 for his walk and canter and an 8 for his trot.<br />

Jester is based in East Sussex with his rider Joshua Hill and he has an exceptional attitude to his work<br />

and training with a fantastic temperament.<br />

We are sure he will be a huge asset to British dressage breeding in the future.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

All 5 mares successfully foaled in 2020 with 2 colts and 3 fillies. One was successfully graded with the<br />

Oldenburg Studbook, none of the others were presented due to Coronavirus.<br />

Stud Fee: £750 no vat for fresh/chilled (includes first collection) Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £600 no vat<br />

GreenLanes LeBambalou p.148<br />

Collection Fee: First included<br />

Concessions: Please contact – winning mares and returning owners always considered<br />

Stands At: Walk in collections for fresh or chilled from Classictop Stud, East Sussex. Frozen semen<br />

available from West Kington Stud, Wiltshire<br />

Contact: Peter Greenaway<br />

@<br />

07901 555398<br />

greenlanestud@btinternet.com<br />

www.greenlanestud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/greenlanesjester<br />

Instagram.com/greenawaypeter<br />


GreenLanes LeBambalou<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Balou du Rouet x Warrant x Danzig Connection xx Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826002160877383 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: AES Licenced<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Balou du Rouet<br />

GreenLanes Hermione<br />

Baloubet du Rouet<br />

Georgia<br />

Warrant<br />

Danzig Star xx<br />

Galoubet A<br />

Mesange du Rouet<br />

Continue<br />

Georgette II<br />

Numero Uno<br />

Karanta<br />

Danzig Connection xx<br />

Julie’s Star xx<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

“Bamber” is a very exciting young stallion for British breeders bringing together some of the top European<br />

and TB lines.<br />

His mother is a successful event mare.<br />

Bamber has exceptional paces and moves better than many dressage horses.<br />

He was backed as a late 3-year-old, then spent his first season at stud when Coronavirus hit, so his<br />

training was rather shortened. He returned to start ridden work again in the autumn 2020 and will be<br />

starting his competition career in early 2021.<br />

Bamber has an excellent temperament and is a great favourite on every yard he has been at.<br />

All of his mares took in foal at the first attempt in 2020.<br />

We are very excited about Bamber’s potential both in the competition arena and as a British stallion and<br />

very much look forward to seeing him out competing and his foals following in his footsteps in the coming<br />

years.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

“Bamber” stood for his first official season in 2020 so his first foals will be due in 2021. However, we do<br />

have a yearling filly by him. GreenLanes Oops-a-Daisy who is looking very promising.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 no vat (Frozen)<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Collection Fee: Courier if required<br />

GreenLanes Jester p.146<br />

Concessions: For winning mares & previous customers – please ask<br />

Stands At: For 2021, Bamber will only be available with Frozen semen<br />

held at West Kington Stud, Wiltshire so that he can concentrate on his competition career<br />

Contact: Peter Greenaway<br />

@<br />

07901 555398<br />

greenlanestud@btinternet.com<br />

www.greenlanestud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/greenlaneslebambalou<br />

Instagram.com/greenawaypeter<br />


Halona Askari<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Alba x Murad<br />

Stud Book: British Sport Horse Register<br />

UELN No: 826016012222009 Year of Birth: 2009<br />

Height: 15.3hh (156cm)<br />

Colour: Cremello<br />

Grading: AES Licensed<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Alba<br />

Mandolina<br />

Radihaza Maeraloc<br />

Usi<br />

Murad<br />

Mandy<br />

Martaloc<br />

Solymasz I Angyom<br />

Aladdin<br />

Nelli<br />

Mandat<br />

Etna<br />

Mandat<br />

Sigma<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

A striking modern example of a sports horse with outstanding conformation has fantastic limb and bone<br />

with a great hind quarters and fantastic length of rein would be an asset to any breeders lines providing<br />

the much wanted temperament and distinctive colour qualities.<br />

Halona Askari likes to show off his impressive free moving paces combining elevation, power and<br />

elasticity in his movement. Proving to a bold scopey jump over a fence adds quality and performance<br />

to any mare he may serve. His exceptional temperament and manners on the ground and under saddle<br />

work well together with an amazing trainable attitude and mindset. He will be out to produce fantastic<br />

progeny with serious potential to be successful in the future for any given discipline.<br />

This undiscovered stallion is an exciting prospect and will be sure to increase in popularity as his<br />

competitive profile grows. His full brother evented to 2star being well known across the eventing discipline<br />

known as Halona Sprig. Halona Askari’s large array of ofspring has made suitable horses for amateur<br />

and professional riders with large variety of expectations.<br />

This head turning horse provides the wow factor and is Cremello eeAA guaranteed dilute colours<br />

(palomino and buckskin based colours) to any breeding combination.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Showing promising potential progressing successfully through the ranks of both BS & BE<br />

Stud Fee: £500 including vat<br />

Chilled Stud Fee: £500 including vat<br />

Collection Fees: POA<br />

Stands At: Future Sport Horses<br />

Contact: Ryan Longley<br />

@<br />

07809748324<br />

ryan@eabed.com<br />

Halona Askari<br />


Headleys Deluxe<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Duke of Hearts XX x Casall ASK x Acord II<br />

Stud Book: Holstein<br />

UELN No: DE421000610315 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: Licensed AES<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Eventing Bone: 9"<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Duke of Hearts xx<br />

Colourful Lady (Holst)<br />

Halling xx<br />

Daytona Beach xx<br />

Casall ASK<br />

Hakuna Matata<br />

Diesis xx<br />

Dance Machine xx<br />

Koenigsstuhl xx<br />

Domestica xx<br />

Caretino<br />

Kira XVII<br />

Acord II<br />

Weltlady<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Headleys Deluxe is an exciting young stallion offering some of the best Thoroughbred and jumping<br />

bloodlines to breeders of event horses.<br />

Sired by Duke of Hearts, the prolific, black type German thoroughbred stallion, with progeny<br />

successfully competing in eventing up to CCI4*L under multiple professional riders. Headleys Deluxe’s<br />

dam, the striking Colourful Lady, is currently competing at CSI5* level show jumping with Ireland’s Capt<br />

Brian Cournane.<br />

Damsire Casall ASK, needs no introduction competing at the London 2012, 4th at the 2013 Europeans,<br />

4th at the WEG 2014 and multiple LGCT Grand Prix wins under Rolf-Göran Bengtsson.<br />

With over 70% thoroughbred blood, correct conformation and elastic paces, Headleys Deluxe combines<br />

the best of thoroughbred and Holstein jumping bloodlines.<br />

Having been carefully produced by Italy’s Giovanni Ugolotti, Headleys Deluxe is proving to be brave<br />

across the country, with a powerful and careful jump, and offers a superb temperament.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 + vat (Same for Chilled & Frozen)<br />

Collection Fees: £110 + vat plus shipping<br />

Concessions: Concessions available. Please contact for further details.<br />

Stands At: Oakham Veterinary Hospital, Ashwell Road, Oakham,<br />

Rutland, LE157QH<br />

Contact: Jessica Spalding<br />

07545882183<br />

@ mickleholmestud@gmail.com<br />

www.mickleholmestud.com<br />

www.facebook.com/mickleholmestud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Ulano-M p.266<br />


Heritage Arrakis<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Part-Bred Arab (82.5% TB)<br />

Stud Book: AHS & AES<br />

UELN No: 826044000030546 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: Licenced AES<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh & Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Heritage Orion (AA)<br />

Carnival’s Dancing Queen<br />

Heritage Neptune (AA)<br />

Darkest Hour (GSB) xx<br />

Carnival Drum<br />

Lou Lou II (GSB) xx<br />

Lone Tornado (AHSB)<br />

Sea Thyme xx<br />

Absalom xx<br />

Queen of Twilight xx<br />

Marinier (Selle Francais)<br />

Polyantha (TB/Warmblood)<br />

High Season xx<br />

Sweet Vanity xx<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Russmond Punchinello - Champion foal<br />

First Foal - Pencos Shot in the Dark<br />

This exciting young Stallion has already made a rare achievement by becoming the highest scoring<br />

Futurity Eventing youngster in two consequtive years as a two year old and three year old. He won the<br />

Breeders Award in 2015 as the highest scoring BEF Futurity Overall Event Young stock and also the highest<br />

scoring Two year old scoring a high Elite of 9.08. In 2016, he went on to increase his scoring to achieve<br />

a high Elite score of 9.18 and take the Award for the highest scoring 3yr old Futurity Eventer.<br />

In 2020, he has been based at Brendon Stud starting his showjumping training and in a trying year<br />

ended jumping Newcomers. He has also competed in some Derby classes proving to be bold and very<br />

careful. Heritage Arrakis is the perfect Young Event Stallion; combining good movement, athleticism,<br />

endurance and speed. He is 12.5% Arab giving him Endurance; 82.5% Thoroughbred with the last 5%<br />

made up of Selle Francais. He shows three excellent paces and a superb jump; he received top scores<br />

at his Futurity Evaluation with him being given a score of 9.5 for his jump and comments from the Futurity<br />

Evaluator Mr Chris Hunnable of: ‘A Really striking horse with bags of presence. Very supple and<br />

flexible, a real athlete. Lovely lift and jump in canter, very committed jump.’<br />

His brother Heritage Apollo has notched up 41FP in few BE outings at BE100 .<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Pencos Shot in the Dark has his super temperament and received a Higher First at the Futurity scoring 9<br />

for his walk, 8.75 for Canter and 8.75 Frame Mark. Russmond Punchinello is out of KWPN mare and was<br />

Overall In Hand Hunter Champion at his first outing.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 + collection fee<br />

Concessions: Proven competition mares.<br />

Stands At: Heritage Coast Stud, Sudbourne, Woodbridge,<br />

Suffolk, IP12 2BH.<br />

Contact: Jane Marson<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Ganton Mentor p.138<br />

@<br />

07771608376 / 01394 450850<br />

jane@hcstud.com<br />

www.hcstud.com<br />

Heritage Coast Stud<br />


Hilkens Gold Card<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: German Riding Pony<br />

Stud Book: Weser-Ems<br />

UELN No: DE 435350002806 Year of Birth: 2006<br />

Height: 148cm (14.2hh)<br />

Colour: Buckskin<br />

Grading: SPSS<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

FS Golden Highlight (DRP)<br />

Schamila (DRP)<br />

FS Golden Moonlight (DRP)<br />

Petty Smooth (DRP)<br />

Black Boy (DRP)<br />

Sharon (DRP)<br />

Golden Dancer (DRP)<br />

Eileen 2 (DRP)<br />

Power Boy (DRP)<br />

Valeska (DRP)<br />

Black Grannus (Old)<br />

Jadine (Welsh B)<br />

Brillant (BRP/DRP)<br />

Samba (DRP)<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Delaroche Black Gold<br />

Hilkens Gold Card possesses all the necessary attributes of a top producer – proven pedigree, superb<br />

conformation, excellent brain and exceptional beauty. His movement and jump certainly do not<br />

disappoint – he is elegant yet elevated, possessing both poise and power. His temperament is superb &<br />

he certainly passes this on. Hilkens Gold Card’s very impressive pedigree contains many of the ‘greats’,<br />

the legendary producers of international competition ponies - Golden Dancer, Brillant, Black Boy,<br />

Valentino, Downland Folklore. Hilkens Gold Card is closely related to numerous very successful ridden<br />

ponies, his maternal half-brother Hilkens Denali, previously a Weser-Ems licensed stallion, was crowned<br />

Australian Grand Champion Dressage Pony 2018 & Australian Advanced Dressage Pony Champion<br />

2019. Hilkens Gold Card is an excellent choice for breeders wishing to produce quality versatile ponies<br />

with great potential for any discipline. Equally he is proving a superb choice for horse mares, producing<br />

more refined, yet still athletic, smaller competition horses. Hilkens Gold Card’s foals to date have all truly<br />

delighted & impressed, with their wonderful frames, athleticism, temperament & colour. Those presented<br />

for youngstock evaluation have all been very well received, including 4 Futurity/SPSS Gold Premiums<br />

and one Elite Foal Tour finalist. In 2020 Hilkens Gold Card was awarded Permanent Graded status by<br />

the Sports Pony Studbook Society and his book of mares were all confirmed in-foal, so 2021 promises to<br />

be another great year!<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Delaroche Black Gold, was awarded a much coveted SPSS GOLD Premium, this<br />

exceptional colt really impressed the judges receiving comments such as ‘correct, well moving foal with<br />

uphill tendency & freedom in the paces’. Black Gold was subsequently sold as a potential FEI dressage<br />

pony & stallion prospect – dreams that he is well on the way to realising, as in 2018 Black Gold licensed<br />

as a 3yo, was crowned BEF Futurity Champion Sports Pony & has since commenced his ridden career.<br />

Hilkens Gold Card’s progeny presented for foal/youngstock evaluation so far have all been very well<br />

received, including 4 Futurity/SPSS Gold Premiums and one Elite Foal Tour Finalist.<br />

Stud Fee: £450 + collection/shipping charges. No vat<br />

Concessions: Please contact Lucy to discuss concessions for<br />

proven competition or breeding mares.<br />

Stands At: Delaroche Stud, Summerhill Farm, Simpson Cross,<br />

Pembrokeshire, SA62 6HA<br />

Contact: Lucy Sheldrake<br />

@<br />

07989334929<br />

lucy@delarochestud.co.uk<br />

www.delarochestud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/HilkensGoldCard<br />

@DelarocheStud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Land Star<br />

Baikal de Talma<br />


Hocus Pocus<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British Bred Dutch Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: KWPN<br />

UELN No: 528003201203162 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: AES Approved Stallion<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Zambesi Tn (Zalanta)<br />

Della Testa Rosss<br />

Heartbreaker<br />

Calanda Z<br />

Vancouver<br />

Nolinda<br />

Nimmerdor<br />

Bacarole<br />

Calvaro Z<br />

Alanda<br />

Le Tot De Semilly SF<br />

Perpetua Du Crocq X<br />

Silvio I<br />

Jolinda<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Hocus Pocus is currently and successfully competing at international level at 1.35m.<br />

Hocus Pocus is a British bred Dutch Warmblood (KWPN) born in 2012. He is an Anglo European<br />

Studbook (AES) Approved stallion and has outstanding and proven bloodlines on both sides of his<br />

pedigree. His sire is the Dutch Warmblood Zambesi, son of the legendary Heartbreaker and a Calvaro Z<br />

mare. His Damsire is the Selle Francais Vancouver and his Granddam brings Silvio 1 and Concorde into<br />

the mix too. Hocus Pocus has superb conformation and paces, an athletic and powerful jump, together<br />

with a laid back nature in the stable and fantastic attitude to his work.<br />

As a 3 year old Hocus Pocus achieved an Elite score at the British Futurity Evaluations making him the<br />

highest scoring youngster shown that year. Bred & competed by, Joseph Hughes-Jones he has moved up<br />

through the age classes & is now competing & being placed at national & international level at 1.35m<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first offspring were born in 2017 so 2021will be the first year we see some of his offspring out<br />

competing.<br />

We can definitely say that he passes his markings and superb temperament and conformation<br />

onto them.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 no vat plus collection fee and postage (same fees for chilled)<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £470 not vat plus postage (3 straw)<br />

Collection Fee: See Stallion AI<br />

Concessions: No foal free return not including collect and postage<br />

Stands At: Walk in at Stallion AI<br />

Contact: Joseph Hughes-Jones<br />

07784854786<br />

@ info@teamh-j.com<br />

www.teamh-j.com<br />

www.facebook.com/teamhj1<br />


Holme Park Kobalt<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Trakehner<br />

Stud Book: Trakerner Breeders Fraternity<br />

UELN No: 528003201203162 Year of Birth: 2009<br />

Height:16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Grading: Trakehner Verband Approved, Oldenburg Approved, NaStA Class 1 Elite<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Oliver Twist<br />

Holme Park Kremona<br />

Monteverdi<br />

Olga III<br />

Kostolany<br />

Kiara<br />

Partout<br />

Miami<br />

Sixtus<br />

Oda<br />

Enrico Caruso<br />

Kapstadt<br />

Tenor<br />

Kurbella<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

Graded by the TBF in Sept 2013 following completion of a very successful NaSTA Stallion Performance<br />

test in August 2013 where he achieved a Class 1 Elite. He has proved an extremely willing horse who is<br />

easy and to train and honest and bold. He has all the athleticism required for a modern sport horse with<br />

strong correct limbs but most importantly a very good mind!<br />

In 2014 Kobalt passed his 70 day Stallion Performance Test in Germany at Schlieckau scoring a 10 for<br />

character! He stayed in training with Grandprix dressage rider Sorrell Klatzko in Germany until 2015<br />

when he returned to Holme Park Stud. He is now ridden by our Stud Manager Sharon Woollaston and<br />

they train with Adam Kemp. He is training at home ready to come out in competition at a higher level.<br />

Holme Park Kobalt is the maternal brother of UK Elite Stallion Holme Park Krug and is by German Elite<br />

Stallion Oliver Twist out of our fabulous Elite mare Holme Park Kremona by Kostolany. This pedigree is<br />

world famous as Kostolany was also the sire of EH Gribaldi and Grandsire to EH Totilas.<br />

Due to Owner relocation Debonair has not been ridden competitively since March 2019 but at his last<br />

competition he won the Inter 1 at Bury Farm with 71.05%<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first foals were born in 2015 – all are stunning, long legged and with his outstanding temperament.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 + vat (Same for chilled)<br />

Concessions: Multiple Mares<br />

Stands At: Brackenspa Stud, Lincolnshire<br />

Contact: Angie Walker<br />

@<br />

07398151633<br />

info@aragonhousestdud.com<br />

www.brackenspastud.co.uk<br />

Brackenspastud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Crowns Wonder Pearl p.88<br />

Debonair p.98<br />

Popenhoe Picture Perfect p.224<br />


Hulst Mando<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Sports Pony<br />

Stud Book: NWPS<br />

UELN No: 528017201200622 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height:15.2hh (148cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Grading: SPSS, WPCS, Wesser Ems<br />

Availability: Natural / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Sire Leuns Veld’s Winston<br />

Dam Campsterhoven’s Esmee<br />

Bodo<br />

Veld’s Heidi<br />

Aester El Nino<br />

Jacobspeel’s Karin<br />

Coelenhage’s Purioso<br />

Aramens<br />

Kooihuster Folkert<br />

Molenhof’s Ilonka<br />

Bjirmen’s Wytse<br />

Kleefs Sylvia<br />

Bokkesprong Czardas<br />

Silvia<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Imported from the Netherlands aged 3 ½, Hulst Mando has wowed the pony world with his extravagant<br />

movement and excellent temperament.<br />

His sire, Leuns Veld’s Winston, needs no introduction, having competed at the European Championships,<br />

representing the Netherlands and Poland three times.<br />

His sire, Bodo, has proven beyond doubt to be a top producer of competition ponies.<br />

Hulst Mando’s dam, Campsterhoven’s Esmee Has for the last nine years been brood mare of the year in<br />

the Netherlands, producing stallions and state premium mares time and time again.<br />

This outstanding stallion is proving that he can be used on many types of mare and breed, to produce<br />

foals of exquisite type, with beautiful heads and outstanding movement.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first crop of foals has been well above our high expectations, producing the Elite Foal Tour National<br />

champion.<br />

All his progeny have been awarded a Gold premium by the British Futurity.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 no vat (Same for chilled)<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £350 no vat<br />

Concessions: For multiple and proven mares at the owner’s discretion<br />

Stands At: Ghabar Stud, Penygarn Farm, Gwynfe Road, Llandeilo, SA19 6RG<br />

Also available at Stallion AI Services<br />

Contact: Mr Damien Harris<br />

07494 580393<br />

@ harrisdamien52@gmail.com<br />

www.ghabarstud.com<br />


Invictus<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Dutch Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: KWPN<br />

UELN No: 528003201302618 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: KWPN Approved<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

El Salvador<br />

Lababe Van Hamme<br />

Vigaro<br />

Antartica<br />

Nabab De Reve<br />

Helena’s Fabre<br />

Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve<br />

Kiaralda<br />

Kojak<br />

Santa Caterina<br />

Quidam De Revel<br />

Melodie En FA<br />

Fabre<br />

Ulenas ‘R’ V.H. Juxschot<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Youngstock - My Choice<br />

Invictus fully KWPN approved stallion, now 8 years old.<br />

As a 6 year old he was double clear in the KWPN Stallion final and also collected many clears and<br />

placings in the CSI1* YH classes in Oliva Nova Spain. Always consistent and incredibly brave this<br />

Stallion has untapped scope and natural ability.<br />

His mother Lababe Van Hamme (Nebabe Reve) bred four horses which all had international form at<br />

1.40 level or over including Baco who jumped at 1.50 with Kim Bril.<br />

Invictus was bred and produced by Roelof Bril, who needs no introduction as a breeder and<br />

prolific showjumper himself. He has used Invictus as have many breeders in the Netherlands and all of his<br />

progeny carry the qualities Invictus boasts. Some are now rising 4 years old and have started their<br />

jumping education and already look like real starts for the future.<br />

This is an exciting opportunity for breeders to produce top horses for the future.<br />

It’s incredibly hard to find young horses that naturally show the qualities that we all strive long and<br />

hard to find, that are destined for the top and have scope for Grand Prix level.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Videos of his progeny can be seen. An exciting colt by Invictus is three year old My Choice who was<br />

recently graded at the KWPN Stallion grading with very high marks and fantastic reviews.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 + vat (Frozen)<br />

Stands At: Runningwell Sports Horses, Runningwell Stud,<br />

Warren Road, Rettendon, CM3 8DG<br />

Contact: Ruth Dowie<br />

@<br />

07711092164<br />

ruthdowie63@icloud.com<br />

www.runningwellsportshorses.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/runningwellsportshorses<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Key West p.176<br />


Jacondrik<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Hannovarian<br />

Stud Book: Hann<br />

UELN No: 8260GB45109541T Year of Birth: 2017<br />

Height:16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Brown<br />

Grading: AES<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: UK / IRL<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Jaguar Mail<br />

Cosima<br />

Hand In Glove xx<br />

Elvira<br />

Contendro<br />

Hollywood<br />

Best Turn xx<br />

Miss Betty xx<br />

Laudanum xx<br />

Adoret Z<br />

Contender<br />

Bravo<br />

Heraldik xx<br />

Fayence<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Jacondrik's pedigree boasts an illustrous line of the Worlds leading event and jumping sires, being a<br />

direct desendent himself of the 2019 World No3 and 2018 World No2 leading event sire, Jaguar Mail.<br />

Jaguar Mail was active in the sport at the highest level himself and was one of the finalists at the<br />

Olympic Games in China in 2008. He won the Sires of the World in Lanaken in 2007 and was sired<br />

himself by the magnificent thoroughbred Hand In Glove xx.<br />

Jacondrik's dam 'Cosima' is by the long standing World No1 ranked eventing sire Contendro I, who<br />

needs no introduction. He is the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 World #1 Eventing Sire and World #25<br />

Jumping Sire! Cosima was by Hof Brunings great mare Hollywood, a direct descendent herself from<br />

the legendary and former world leading event sire Heraldik xx. There is no doubt that Heraldik has<br />

been the most successful sire of eventing horses ever, at the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky<br />

Heraldik xx had five direct offspring.<br />

He is bold and athletic and takes on every task that is thrown his way with the courage needed to<br />

make a great competition horse thanks to his pedigree of eventing’s finest. Jacondrik is nearly 70%<br />

blood and will start his eventing career in 2021 and will be aimed at the 4YO Young Event Horse<br />

Classes. Jacondrik like his father passes on his good looks, movement and agility as well as having an<br />

oustanding temperament.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at public stud.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 + vat<br />

Collection Fee: Collection and Shipping Fees apply<br />

Concessions: Concessions Available For Graded/Competing Mares<br />

Stands At: Caunton Manor Stud.<br />

Contact: Victoria & Matthew Wright<br />

07966507205<br />

@ victoria@cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

www.cauntonmanorstud.com<br />

@cauntonmanorstud<br />

@cauntonmanorstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Branduardi p.48<br />

Comfort p.82<br />

Dankeschön p.94<br />


Jamhoori<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: TB<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)<br />

UELN No: 8260GB45109541T Year of Birth: 2008<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SHB(GB) Bone: 8.5”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showing / Racing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / Kenya<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Tiger Hill (IRE)<br />

Tanazie (GB)<br />

Danehill<br />

The Filly<br />

Cadeaux Genereux<br />

Tansy<br />

Danzig<br />

Razyana<br />

Appiani<br />

Tigress Silver<br />

Young Generation<br />

Smarten Up<br />

Shareef Dancer<br />

Topsy<br />


Eventing | Showing | Racing<br />

Description:<br />

Jamhoori ran 52 times, winning 7 races (2 in UAE) and was placed 12 times. He was also placed over<br />

hurdles. He ran over distances ranging from 6f to 2.1 miles. This tough, versatile stallion has a lovely, kind<br />

temperament and excellent conformation. He has taken very well to his new role as a stallion.<br />

Jamhoori is a lovely ride and is very quick to learn, both on the flat and over fences. He shows good<br />

technique over a fence and is bold, yet careful and athletic. He schools nicely over XC fences and<br />

particularly enjoys jumping bales in the hay-making season!<br />

We were thrilled to welcome Jamhoori’s first foals in 2020, who have inherited his kind temperament,<br />

good looks and have great conformation and movement. He enjoyed a great season in 2020, with<br />

every mare conceiving on first service.<br />

We believe that Jamhoori will be a great refiner on heavier warmblood and draught type mares and will<br />

make a particularly suitable sire for Eventing, Showing and Racing.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Jamhoori’s first foals were born in 2020 from sport horse and draught type mares. And have inherited his<br />

great looks, temperament and conformation. They are very correct and have beautiful, flowing movement.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 + vat<br />

Concessions: High Performance Mares<br />

Stands At: West Kington Stud Church Farm, West Kington,<br />

Chippenham, Wiltshire SN14 7JE<br />

Contact: Harry Thirlby/Jane Holderness-Roddam<br />

01249 782050<br />

@ manager@westkingtonstud.co.uk<br />

www.westkingtonstud.co.uk<br />

Facebook.com/westkingtonstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Cevin Z p.68<br />

Party Trick p.218<br />

The After Party p.266<br />

Welton Double Cracker p.278<br />


Jannan S<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Dutch Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 528003201404795 Year of Birth: 2014<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: Licensed AES<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Kannan<br />

Derusa S<br />

Volatire<br />

Cemeta<br />

Numero Uno<br />

Katinka<br />

Furioso II<br />

Gogo Moeve<br />

Nimmerdor<br />

Wozieta<br />

Libero H<br />

Jolanda<br />

Ramiro Z<br />

Brigitte (Lucky Mex)<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

This exceptional young stallion has incredible power and scope in both his paces and his jump.<br />

Jannan is a gorgeous looking stallion with a charming temperament to match, he loves working and has a<br />

super attitude towards it.<br />

His sire is the world famous stallion Kannan who needs no introduction! Winning numerous Grand Prix's at<br />

the highest level and a valuable member of the French team, Kannan is a true legend. He has produced<br />

some top level offspring also winning Grand Prix's at the highest levels including Nino Des Buissonets,<br />

gold medal at the Olympic Games London 2012 (Steve Guerdat), A Pikachu De Muze, World 6<br />

year-old Champion (Gregory Whatelet) and Molly Malone, 1m60 (Bertram Allen) just to name a few.<br />

Jannan S’s damline is exceptional and responsible for many 1.50 and 1.60 horses including Broken<br />

Heart, Corleone, Edoctro, Derusa S, and 1.50 stallion Etoulon VDL to name a few.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Jannan S’s first progeny have inherited his excellent conformation, charming temperament and athleticism.<br />

Hollrocks El Primero – 2019<br />

Phantom S – 2020<br />

Jah Challenger – 2020<br />

C.C Beltane - 2020<br />

Stud Fee: £700 NFFR<br />

Stands At: Wyndford Farm, Ecclesmachan, West Lothian, EH52 6NW<br />

Contact: Tori Lillington<br />

@<br />

07707599399<br />

hollrocksporthorses@gmail.com<br />

www.hollrocksporthorses.com<br />


Jonkers Metyo<br />

Details:<br />

Photo - Jon Stroud<br />

Breeding: Dutch Sports Pony<br />

Stud Book: Dutch Sports Pony<br />

UELN No: 00.00049 Year of Birth: 2000<br />

Height: 14.2hh (148cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: Graded in Holland, accepted into SPSS Bone: 7.5”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Sports Pony<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: Fresh, Chilled & Frozen semen available for export to EU Countries<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Highmead Duty Free<br />

Janet<br />

Small-Land Mambrino<br />

Oakley Be Free<br />

Tetworth Crimson Lake<br />

Carlijn<br />

Downland Mohawk<br />

Gazelle xx<br />

Oakley Bubbling Spring<br />

Set Free of Oakley<br />

Lechilade Scarlet Pimpernel<br />

Tetworth Swan Lake<br />

Puppur<br />

Talsarn Misty<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Metyo is a delightful pony, who has qualified for the Pony Club championships at Draycott House,<br />

hunted, competed in all disciplines and is easy to handle at all times. He has proven his worth as a<br />

breeding stallion by consistently producing foals with good temperaments, movement and conformation.<br />

All his foals have received Higher First Premiums at the BEF Futurities.<br />

Fairlight Moondance also went on to win the 2011 SPSS Sports Pony Foal class, foal championship and<br />

was reserve overall to Woodlander Wales. She was bred for eventing but according to her evaluators at<br />

the Futurities, moves well enough for pure dressage. Metyo is used on both horse and pony mares and is<br />

consistently producing good stock with all.<br />

Owners are now bringing mares back for second foals. Two of Metyo’s 2016 foals received gold<br />

premiums when evaluated by the SPSS and our filly foal, Fairlight Rhiannon received the highest marks<br />

across the country and was top foal, top filly and supreme youngstock champion.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Full brothers Fairlight Mickey Finn 2010 & Fairlight Manhattan 2011 have been successful at BE100 with<br />

2 top 10 placings in 2 outings for both boys. Fairlight Harpers Bazaar 2011 had a win at BE90 (open)<br />

Fairlight Rhiannon 2016 received the highest marks across the country and was top foal, top filly and<br />

supreme youngstock champion. Fairlight Moondance 2011 won the 2011 SPSS Sports Pony Foal class,<br />

foal championship and was reserve overall to Woodlander Wales. Clevedon Mojo Spirit 2008 (bred<br />

by ex International event rider Sandra Manners out of an ISH mare) has had success in both BE and BS<br />

classes<br />

Stud Fee: £450 + vat<br />

Stands At: Fairlight Stud<br />

New Farm, Clevedon Lane, Clapton in Gordano,<br />

North Somerset, BS20 7RJ<br />

Contact: Jo Sholl-Evans<br />

@<br />

07889 203903<br />

jo@fairlightstud.com<br />

www.fairlightstud.com<br />

Facebook/ FairlightStud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Sir Shutterfly p.248<br />


Kantairo WW<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826002140883901 Year of Birth: 2014<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: AES Licensed<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Kannan<br />

J-Force W<br />

Voltaire<br />

Cemeta<br />

Cicero Z<br />

Pivoli<br />

Furioso II<br />

Gogo Möeve<br />

Nimmerdor<br />

Wozierta<br />

Carthago Z<br />

Rendez-vous van Paemel<br />

Concorde<br />

Tivoli<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Filly out of For Pleasure mare received<br />

Gold Premium at 2019 Showjumping foals<br />

Kantairo is a 16.1 hh fully licensed stallion by Kannan out of J-Force W who is by one of the most<br />

popular breeding stallions in the world, Cicero Z van Paemel.<br />

Kannan having been No.1 best jumping stallion in the world for 2014 and still in the top 7, needs no<br />

introduction.<br />

Kantairo’s dam line produced a number of successful show jumpers, combining the “Euro-Classics”<br />

Ramiro and Alme. In the fourth generation stand the great Holstein sires Amor and Porter, who both gave<br />

Holland’s show-jumping breeding a great boost. He represents the dutch mother line 153 which also<br />

produced the successful stallions Flyinge Electro, Harvester and Ijsselmeer.<br />

Huge careful jump with exceptional technique, his first foals are elegant, long legged and athletic. During<br />

a very short 2020 season qualified for Discovery and Newcomers, now jumping double clear<br />

Foxhunter and 6-year-old classes. Airo already has a fan club due to his stunning looks and personality.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First foals we born in 2020.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 + vat NFFR<br />

Stands At: Kings Oak Stud, Ampfield Hill, Ampfield,<br />

Hants, SO51 9BD<br />

Contact: Gerda Weston - Weston Warmbloods Ltd<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

C Star WW p.56<br />

Zip Phin p.298<br />

@<br />

01794367570 / 07824308511<br />

info@westonwarmbloods.co.uk<br />

www.westonwarmbloods.co.uk<br />


Key West<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Dutch Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: KWPN<br />

UELN No: 528003201505147 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: KWPN Approved<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Tangelo Van De Zuuthoeve<br />

Zanory T<br />

Narcos II<br />

Olympia Van De Krekebeke<br />

Phin Phin<br />

Hanory<br />

Fair Play III<br />

Gemini<br />

Laudanum<br />

Racyona Z<br />

Chin Chin<br />

Miss Aboullaht<br />

Zelham<br />

Befair<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Key West is the full brother to Dizzy Lizzy, successful at 1m55 with Roelof Birll and Robin Bril.<br />

Key West was 3rd at the KWPN stallion show in 2018 as a 3 year old.<br />

He competed lightly as a 4 year old in England, coming 5th at the National Championships and jumped<br />

clear every day at Bolesworth to share 1st place.<br />

He has recently had a very successful trip to Oliva Nova, Spain, where he won the overall championship<br />

for 5 year olds at MET I and MET II, and finished the show by winning the Hermes 5 year old final.<br />

Key West ranked 6th of the best 5yo horses in FEI <strong>Competition</strong>s in 2020.<br />

He has fantastic temperament, is ultra-careful and as brave as a lion.<br />

This combined with his good looks and tremendous scope make him an exciting prospect for the future.<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + vat<br />

Stands At: Runningwell Sports horses, Runningwell Stud, Warren<br />

Road, Rettendon, CM3 8DG<br />

Contact: Ruth Dowie<br />

07711092164<br />

@ ruthdowie63@icloud.com<br />

www.runningwellsportshorses.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/runningwellsportshorses<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Invictus p.164<br />


King Leatherdale SHS<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: KWPN<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 528003201507071 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 17hh (173cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: AES<br />

Tests: Negative WFFS<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Lord Leatherdale<br />

Wiegro<br />

Lord Loxley<br />

Fairless P<br />

Negro<br />

Katinka<br />

Lord Sinclair<br />

Weltlady<br />

Ferragamo<br />

Alma<br />

Ferro<br />

Fewrie<br />

Sadenio<br />

Darinda<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

A super young stallion who has three expressive paces with good cadence and elasticity.<br />

His sire Lord Leatherdale has competed successfully at Inter II.<br />

His dam Wiegro is graded Elite, Preferent, Sport (Dr) with the KWPN and has competed up to Z2<br />

(advanced medium) in between being a broodmare. She is also the dam of another approved stallion<br />

Chapter Leatherdale (full brother to King Leatherdale) and a mare competing at ZZL (advanced).<br />

Wiegro is by Preferent stallion Negro, KWPN Stallion of the Year 2017, who is of course sire of Olympic<br />

gold medallist Valegro.<br />

King Leatherdale passes on an excellent temperament, good conformation and fantastic, balanced<br />

paces to his foals.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first crop of foals were born in 2019 achieving gold premiums at the Futurity.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 no vat / Chilled Stud Fee: £600 NFFR / Frozen Stud Fee: £600 max 3 doses<br />

Collection Fee: Stallion AI collection fee<br />

Concessions: On Application<br />

Stands At: Stretton Hall Stud, Stretton, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 7JA.<br />

Contact: Caroline Leigh<br />

07771674200<br />

@ caroline@strettonhallstud.co.uk<br />

www.strettonhallstud.co.uk<br />

www.facebook.com/kingleatherdaleshs<br />

www.facebook.com/strettonhallstud<br />


KL King of Jazz<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Honeybrook Crosby x Olivi (Jazz)<br />

Stud Book: SHB GB<br />

UELN No: 826041000167992 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: CPBS, BCPS, SPSS (UK) Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / New Zealand / Australia<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Honeybrook Crosby<br />

Ursula<br />

Honeybrook Colby<br />

Josie<br />

Olivi<br />

Else<br />

Colman<br />

Friendly Chic<br />

Lifesons Colonist<br />

Shannon<br />

Jazz<br />

Halla Utopia<br />

Schalkhaar<br />

Karmies<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

KL King of Jazz is a modern athletic young stallion that is demonstrating huge potential and talent.<br />

His breeding dates back to King of Diamonds through his Sire Honeybrook Crosby. Crosby was a Grade<br />

A showjumper who has sired many successful progeny who have gone onto compete in a variety of<br />

disciplines at top level. His dam Ursula, is by the KWPN Preferred stallion Olivi who is by the world<br />

renowned dressage stallion Jazz. She showjumped successfully.<br />

KL King of Jazz has a natural jump, with a correct action of tucking up his knees over a fence and<br />

incredible scopey back end. He is expressive on the flat, showing exceptional movement in all three<br />

paces.<br />

KL King of Jazz would suit mares looking to breed for all three disciplines but in particular showjumping.<br />

His great character and level headed approach to his work is a huge attribute.<br />

He will start a more competitive career in 2021 after 2020 being quiet.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

KL King of Jazz had his first foals on the ground in 2020, and they are looking to have good<br />

conformation with a lovely nature.<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + vat (Same for Chilled & Frozen)<br />

Collection Fee: £90 + vat + Postage<br />

Concessions: Considered for Grade A mares<br />

Stands At: Kington Langley Stud, The Stables, Ashes Lane,<br />

Kington Langley, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5NP<br />

Contact: Robert Livock<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Chacco Volo p.70<br />

KL Mac p.182<br />

Veni Vidi Vici V p.270<br />

Graf Quidam (Frozen Only)<br />

07768262434 / 07824664639<br />

@ info@kingtonlangleystud.com<br />

www.kingtonlangleystud.com<br />

Facebook.com/kingtonlangleystud<br />

KingtonLangleyStud<br />


KL Mac<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Trakehner x Selle Francais<br />

Stud Book: SHB GB<br />

UELN No: 826041000160202 Year of Birth: 2011<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: CPBS, BCPS, SPSS (UK) Bone: 8.5”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Larduc<br />

Gratina<br />

Marduc<br />

Lajana IV<br />

Graf Quidam<br />

Petra - Utopia<br />

Halali<br />

Madeira II<br />

Mahon<br />

Lissa II<br />

Quidam De Revel<br />

Grafia<br />

Landwind II<br />

Imca – Utopia<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

This athletic stallion demonstrates amazing movement, exceptional temperament and incredible scope.<br />

KL Mac’s sire, Larduc, was a ZFDP graded premium stallion. He won his 100 day performance test in<br />

Germany and passed all three disciplines with a maximum score which has rarely been achieved. Larduc<br />

evented, show jumped and competed in dressage all at international level.<br />

KL Mac’s dam sire is Graf Quidam, the son of Quidam de Revel. Graf Quidam won his 100 day<br />

performance test and has competed Internationally.<br />

2017 Mac competed in the UK at foxhunter level before travelling abroad to compete in the age classes,<br />

finishing 5th in the Finals in Holland.<br />

He then started an incredibly successful dressage career alongside his jumping, contesting 2 national<br />

championships, multiple regionals from Novice to Advanced Medium and is now competing at Small<br />

Tour level and training Grand Prix with his young rider.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

KL Mac’s progeny are starting ridden careers. Each of his offspring displays impressive conformation and<br />

fantastic movement with a calm and friendly nature.<br />

Stud Fee: £700 + vat (Same for Chilled & Frozen)<br />

Collection Fee: £90 + vat + Postage<br />

Concessions: Considered for Grade A & Grand Prix Dressage mares<br />

Stands At: Kington Langley Stud, The Stables, Ashes Lane,<br />

Kington Langley, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 5NP<br />

Contact: Robert Livock<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Chacco Volo p.70<br />

KL King of Jazz p.180<br />

Veni Vidi Vici V p.270<br />

Graf Quidam (Frozen Only)<br />

07768262434 / 07824664639<br />

@ info@kingtonlangleystud.com<br />

www.kingtonlangleystud.com<br />

Facebook.com/kingtonlangleystud<br />

KingtonLangleyStud<br />


Klaris Giddy Up<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Breeders Elite<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826088130100575 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Liver Chestnut<br />

Grading: Licensed Breeders Elite Bone: 9.5”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: Frozen - fresh/chilled when his competition schedule allows him.<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Don VHP Z BWP<br />

Sussex Caretino AES<br />

Diamant de Semilly SF<br />

Sara vh Pareishof BWP<br />

Caretino Glory BWP<br />

Special to Me AES<br />

Le Trot de Semilly SF<br />

Venise des Cresles SF<br />

Voltaire<br />

Etsina KWPN<br />

Cheenook HOL<br />

Glorieuse OLD<br />

Hamilton III SbS<br />

Tropicana AES<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Stunning. My word to describe this horse!! He has scope, carefulness, blood, temperament, athleticism<br />

and breeding. His dam, Sussex Caretino is currently competing 1.50m GP, his sire, Don VHP Z is the most<br />

consistent stallion in the world competing at 1.60m. Don VHP Z has won over 1 million Euros.<br />

Giddy-Up successfully competed in age classes 2017-2019 and is showing to have all the attributes to<br />

be a future GP horse. He has a full sister who is equally as talented.<br />

His mother line has already produced a 1.60m horse in Hamilton Tropics who was full brother to Special<br />

To Me, she is also grand dam to Special Warrior 1.45m [Louise Whittaker]. Hamilton Tropics is also dam<br />

sire to NPS Winston 1.50m [Ellen Whittaker]. He is now competing BS in foxhunter/1.30m classes.<br />

Full Siblings:<br />

He has a full sister Klaris Yee-Hah that represented GB at WBFSH Championships at Lanaken 2019. He<br />

has a half brother out of the same mare also represented GB at WBFSH Championships at Lanaken 2019.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first foals were born in 2019, are correct, well marked and showing to have a fabulous temperament<br />

Stud Fee: £100 booking fee plus £400 + vat<br />

Concessions: Considered for Grade A mares<br />

Stands At: Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe,<br />

London Rd, Brighton, BN45 7EG.<br />

Contact: Shirley Light<br />

@<br />

07968847025<br />

shirleyno2@hotmail.com<br />

www.brendonstud.com<br />

Facebook/BRENDON STUD<br />

brendon_stud<br />

@brendon_stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Envoy Merelsnest Z p.112<br />

Klent Spot On p.186<br />

Pandito Mereslnest Z p.216<br />


Klent Spot On<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: TBC<br />

Stud Book: Breeders Elite<br />

UELN No: TBC Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 17hh (171cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: Licensed Breeders Elite<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Warrior<br />

Sussex Caretino<br />

Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve<br />

Olympia vd Krekebeke<br />

Caretino Glory<br />

Special to Me<br />

FairPlay III<br />

Gemini<br />

Laudanum<br />

Racyona Z<br />

Cheenook<br />

Glorieuse<br />

Hamilton III<br />

Tropicana<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Kung Foo, as he is known at home, is homebred by Warrior. Warrior is a son of Tangelo v/d Zuuthoeve x<br />

Heartbreaker, who competed at the London Olympics and Global Tour shows, before being sold he won<br />

numerous classes here in the UK with Louise Pavitt, including Hickstead, Royal Windsor, HOYS and RIHS.<br />

Kung Foo's dam, Sussex Caretino, is a 1.50m International Grade A, ridden by Philip Miller and Louise<br />

Pavitt. She is a prolific winner in the UK and has bred several foals by embryo transfer,. She is by Caretino<br />

Glory, who himslef is a 1.30m jumper. His details are on our website.<br />

Great grand sire, Hamilton III, was also a Grade A jumping stallion and has proven to be a super dam<br />

sire for us.<br />

Kung Foo has successfully competed BS in young horses classes including championship shows at<br />

Hickstead, Pyecombe and Bolesworth showing great trainability and attitude at shows. He is a double<br />

clear machine with phenomenal scope and power. His temperament is fantastic too.<br />

He will continue with young horse classes in 2021. He is full brother to Klent Kick On and a half brother to<br />

Klaris Giddy-Up (see on page 184) and Klaris Yee-Ha.<br />

Licensed Breeders Elite. BS 10 points, winnings 197<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at Stud<br />

Stud Fee: £100 + £400 scanned in foal<br />

Concessions: Considered for Grade A mares<br />

Stands At: Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe,<br />

London Rd, Brighton, BN45 7EG.<br />

Contact: Shirley Light<br />

@<br />

07968847025<br />

shirleyno2@hotmail.com<br />

www.brendonstud.com<br />

Facebook/BRENDON STUD<br />

brendon_stud<br />

@brendon_stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Envoy Merelsnest Z p.112<br />

Klaris Giddy-Up p.184<br />

Pandito Mereslnest Z p.216.<br />


Koning Albert<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Freeman VDL x Sir Corland x Concorde<br />

Stud Book: KWPN<br />

UELN No: 528003201509208 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16.1hh (164cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: AES Licenced<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping, Eventing, Dressage<br />

Availability: Frozen / Chilled / Fresh<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Freeman VDL<br />

Zowie<br />

Emmerton<br />

Be Helena<br />

Sir Corland<br />

Rudy Red<br />

Emilion<br />

Lersinaa<br />

Chin Chin<br />

Helena<br />

Corland<br />

Joukje<br />

Concorde<br />

Desiree<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Koning Albert is an eye-catching stallion who is outstandingly calm, gentle & talented.<br />

He has been produced and competed entirely by a 14 year old girl, with occasional lessons from her<br />

trainers. He is competing at 1m15, quickly gaining his double clears for 2021.<br />

He scored 9’s at his grading for movement and Jumping with high overall marks.<br />

Koning Albert is by the successful KWPN sire Freeman VDL, who as a 3 year old was the Champion at<br />

the KWPN show and continued with great success. His sire Emmerton VDL Elite stallion was highly<br />

successful as a showjumper at 1m60. The dam line is from the great Corland and Concorde all<br />

successfully jumping at 1m60 and producing many offspring jumping at International level.<br />

Koning Alberts dam, Zowie, a Keur EPTM graded mare jumped at 1m20 and is from a line of Keur<br />

graded jumping mares all with excellent temperaments.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

2021 is his first season at stud<br />

Stud Fee: £450 no vat NFFR<br />

Collection Fee: + stud collection rates & postage<br />

Stands At: Walks in at Future Sport Horses, Baswick, East Yorkshire, YO25 8LZ<br />

If competing, Frozen available at Stallion AI<br />

Contact: Jill Williams<br />

07802 542205<br />

@ jill@koningsh.co.uk<br />

www.stallionsonline.co.uk/koningalbert<br />

@KoningAlbertStallion<br />

@koning_albert<br />


L’Espoir<br />

Details:<br />

All images - Ridehesten.com<br />

Breeding: Lord Loxley x Warkant<br />

Stud Book: Rheinlander<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 2006<br />

Height: 16.2hh (128cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: Hanovarian, Oldenburg, Westphalen, WBSUK, BHHS Tests: N/WFFS<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Endurance / Eventing / Show jumping / Showing<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Lord Loxley<br />

Werenice<br />

Lord Sinclair<br />

St Pr Weltlady<br />

Warkant<br />

Gilty<br />

Lanciano<br />

St Pr Cleopatra<br />

Weltmeyer<br />

St Pr Weinlady<br />

World Cup<br />

Grandel<br />

Gelria<br />

Andorra<br />


Dressage | Endurance | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

L’ESPOIR was the outstanding 2009 Champion Danish Warmblood Licensing Stallion & 2008 Reserve<br />

Champion Mecklenburg Licensing Stallion. The judges at Redefin described him as a “Miracle Mover<br />

– when he trotted through the indoor arena every part of his body was in motion. He has an energetic leg<br />

action with fluent movement through the back”. Danish breeding director described L’Espoir as “He is the<br />

prototype of the future dressage horse. He moves uphill all the time with swing and elasticity”.<br />

L’Espoir achieved the highest ever score at the Danish 35 day test in 2009 with a score of 944, gaining<br />

3 perfect 10’s – for canter and temperament and no score was less than 9. To date only 2 other stallions<br />

have exceeded this outstanding result. At the Odense CDI he was champion at the qualifier with 9.1 and<br />

2nd in the final with 8.64. He has competed to Inter 1. L’Espoir’s progeny are beautiful types that move<br />

with outstanding cadence and have wonderful characters and temperaments. Many are now competing at<br />

PSG/Inter.1. His offspring are fetching top prices at the auctions and he sired the highest priced lots at<br />

several auctions – Lord Schufro (220,000 euros), Loui (55,000 euros), Thybo’s Laban (29,500 euros)<br />

L’Equipe (33,000 euros).<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Thybo’s Laban – PSG/Inter 1<br />

Lavina Von Worrenberg – PSG/Inter 1<br />

Lionel – PSG/Inter 1<br />

Lord Lenox – BD National Champion<br />

Wa’spoir – BD National Champion<br />

Luis Figo – Premium stallion<br />

Libori – Licensed stallion<br />

La Luna – State premium<br />

Tonia – State Premium<br />

La Belle – State Premium<br />

Lovely Day – Verband Premium<br />

Lord Schufro – sold for 220,000 euros<br />

Louis – sold for 55,000 euros<br />

L’Equipe – sold for 33,000 euros.<br />

Stud Fee: £1000 (Same for chilled)<br />

Collection Fee: £60 & £30 shipping<br />

Concessions: 20% discount for 2021<br />

Stands At: Romanno Stud, Strathbogie Farm, Elsrickle,<br />

Biggar, Lanarkshire, ML12 6QY<br />

Contact: Jennie Gilchrist<br />

07703535179<br />

@ info@romannostud.co.uk<br />

www.romannostud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/romannostud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Faustinus p.116<br />

Stanley Grange Regal Heights p.250<br />

Brando SD<br />

Hochadel<br />


Langaller Starring Role<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: TB x<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)<br />

UELN No: 056015Z55560216 Year of Birth: 2008<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Brown<br />

Grading: SHB(GB) Bone: 8.5"<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Catherston Dazzler<br />

Loughbeg Marie<br />

Dutch Courage<br />

Welton Gazelle<br />

I’m A Star<br />

Loughbeg Miss<br />

Millerole<br />

Higonia<br />

Welton Gameful<br />

Lisa<br />

Crowned Prince<br />

Singasong<br />

Santa’s Sleigh<br />

Loughbeg Lady<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Langaller Starring Role is the 2012 and 2013 Champion Stallion of the Sport Horse Breeding GB’s<br />

grading. No mean feat in itself; Langaller Starring Role attained an overall mark of 8.61 scoring 9’s for his<br />

movement, his loose jumping, his elasticity and his overall general impression. He competed to<br />

Intermediate BE level himself and now is seen hunting and shown bu his rider Charlotte Rowe.<br />

Langaller Starring Role’s pedigree combines some of the leading names in Eventing breeding over the last<br />

decade. He is by the SHB ELITE stallion Catherston Dazzler who was one of the top ranked Eventing sires<br />

with offspring consistently competing and winning at 4* level both at home and Internationally including<br />

Midnight Dazzler who was 10th Badminton in 2009. In the2012 season his son Catherston Definitive<br />

won the BEF Eventing Championship. Langaller Starring Role’s dam is the beautiful mare Loughbeg<br />

Marie who is out of a Santa’s Sleigh mare and by the influential stallion I’m A Star. She is full sister to the<br />

top middleweight show hunter Sheer Delight. She herself was only lightly shown but claimed her class<br />

and reserve Champion broodmare titles at The Royal Show. I’m A Star is the sire of many top Eventers<br />

including Mary King’s Burghley winner Star Appeal, Moon Man, and Commanche and the Irish-bred<br />

American based stallion Brandenburgs Windstar who sired the 4* horse Arthur , 6th at Burghley in 2013.<br />

Loughbeg Marie is also the dam of successful Advanced Eventer Langaller Star Turn by Prince Of<br />

Darkness, Dressage winner Langaller Future Star and another SHB graded stallion in Langaller Star<br />

Maker.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

He has already had success with youngstock in the show ring including the Cuddy Finalist Langaller Rolex<br />

and Langaller Leading Light. Multi Champions Challacombe, Libris Top Spin and Langaller Roll Over.<br />

Stud Fee: £450+ vat<br />

Collection Fee: Up to two collections included free of charge<br />

Stands At: Langaller Farm, Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9JP<br />

Contact: Mr Charles Upham<br />

@<br />

01626 836556<br />

langallerfarm@aol.com<br />

www.langallerfarm.co.uk<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Castlegar Cool Finn p.64<br />

Primitive Proposal p.226<br />

Catherston Liberator<br />

Fleetwater Valverde<br />

Keady Star<br />

Langaller Star Make<br />

Newtown Pedro<br />

Sandy’s Light<br />


Lauderdale NS Z<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: Zangersheide<br />

UELN No: 056015Z55560216 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 17.1hh (173cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 9"<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping / Eventing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Levisto Z<br />

Wish<br />

Leandro<br />

Hirtin<br />

Padinus<br />

Shalimar<br />

Landgraf I<br />

Idura<br />

Carolus I<br />

Waage I<br />

Heartbreaker<br />

Ladina<br />

Clinton<br />

Bella<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Lauderdale offers the whole package. Power, scope and carefulness, correct conformation, expressive<br />

paces and a superb trainable nature. His unique pedigree also sports some of the best bloodlines in the<br />

world, with a damline boasting proven performance in truly top level sport. His sire Levisto Z needs no<br />

introduction. Twice ‘Sires of the World’ Champion, World Cup finalist and European Championship team<br />

member who enjoyed many years success at the highest level. He has over 20 offspring at 1.60m level and<br />

over 30 approved sons. Levisto’s dam Hirtin was herself successful at 1.60m level and is maternal sister to<br />

the renowned stallions Clinton I and II, and further top level showjumpers Clintus and Clinton III.<br />

Lauderdale’s dam Wish brings the blood of Heartbreaker and Grannus through her sire Padinus, who was<br />

ranked No1 in the KWPN jumping index for 4-6 year old stallions prior to his untimely death.<br />

Her all-important damline is truly exceptional. Wish is maternal sister to 1.60m Grand Prix horse Cacharel,<br />

who has represented the United States at CSIO5* Nations Cup level. Her grandam Bella is also dam to<br />

the successful World Cup horse Ace, who is a Grand Prix winner at 1.60m level, and was placed in the<br />

2018 World Cup Final in Paris. Wish herself is already dam to two graded stallions and her first foal<br />

finished 8th in the Dutch National Free Jumping Championships, in addition she is grandam to Dutch<br />

licenced stallion Jackpot TN who is currently excelling in age classes.<br />

Lauderdale is proving trainable under saddle with a super brain. We feel he has all the attributes needed<br />

for the top sport and is being carefully and professionally produced with this in mind. His personality and<br />

gentle nature also ensure he is a firm favourite with everyone he meets.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First foals due 2021. Although offered to a limited number of mares in 2020 Lauderdale has been used on<br />

some excellent sports mares and we are very excited to see his first crop of foals.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 + vat LFG<br />

Collection Fee: Up to two collections included free of charge<br />

Concessions: Proven competition mares<br />

Stands At: Clements Equine, Manor Farm, Bardwell,<br />

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 1AB<br />

Contact: Charlotte Taylor<br />

07792 580708 / 01359 251233<br />

@ charlotte@clementsequine.com<br />

www.clementsequine.com<br />

Clements Equine<br />

Clements Equine<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Amour G p.42<br />

Lestingdale VS p.198<br />

Renkum Radetzky II p.234<br />

Shannondale Delta p.238<br />

Superstrada p.252<br />

Renkum Olinthos<br />


Leprince des Bois<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Selle Francais<br />

Stud Book: SF<br />

Height: 16.3hh (171cm) Year of Birth: 1999<br />

UELN No: FRA0019939550H<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SF, AA, AES, Ba Wii, Hann, OLD<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Yarlands Summersong<br />

Escale de Bois<br />

Fleetwater Oppostion<br />

Welton Gazelle<br />

Quandy du Mayne<br />

Perle de Bois<br />

Muschamp Danube<br />

Opushka<br />

Welton Gamefull xx<br />

Lisa<br />

Galoubet A<br />

Scynik xx<br />

Funny Hobby xx<br />

Lolita V<br />


Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Leprince des Bois is sired by Yarlands Summer Song who was ranked for 10 years in the WBFSH top 10<br />

Eventing sires and Leprince is his most successful offspring. Summer Song’s sire Fleetwater Opposition is a<br />

legend in eventing pedigrees as well and has produced numerous international eventers (Opposition Buzz,<br />

Trevalgar II, Ngong Hills, and Absolute Opposition). With the Olympian Galoubet A as damsire, Leprince’s<br />

pedigree easily explains his outstanding talent and achievements. Leprince finished 11th at Badminton, 8th<br />

at Burghley and 4th at Pau. His full brother Popof des Bois was also successful in CIC 5* as well.<br />

Leprince retired, in great form, in 2014 after winning the German junior eventing championships with a<br />

16-year-old girl, his offspring are still young (his breeding’s were limited before The Stallion Company<br />

acquired him) but those now out competing are showing good performance and have inherited their sire's<br />

super temperament. He produces intelligent and easy horses and manages to keep size whilst passing over<br />

his stamina and scope as well as outstanding movements. Leprince will suit light blood type mares who<br />

need scope and gallop. Leprince (aka Prince) is a pleasure to ride out at home and has beautiful flatwork<br />

paces. Prince loves attention and is a delight to have around.<br />

Performance:<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

•Participation 8 CIC4* Events: Burghley, Luhmuhlen, Badminton, Pau, …<br />

•4th CIC4* Pau (Kai Ruder)<br />

•WINNER German Junior Eventing Championships 2014 (Kristin Rickert)<br />

•WINNER CIC2* Sahrendorf & Copenhagen (Kai Ruder)<br />

•2nd CIC3* Luhmuhlen & Boekelo (Kai Ruder)<br />

•3rd CIC3* Malmo (Kai Ruder)<br />

•4th CIC3* Schenefeld (Kai Ruder)<br />

•5th CIC3* Marbach (Kai Ruder)<br />

•3rd Championnat de France Eventing 6 year-old (Frédéric Aronio de Romblay)<br />

•5th Championnat de France Eventing 5 year-old (Frédéric Aronio de Romblay)<br />

Eventing: Tarmak Des Craoux (Cédric Bibard), Pro 4 Professional Eventing Level, And Now CCI3*, L’aron<br />

Des Bois CCI2*, Varech De Vie, Finalist Champion At De France Amateur Eventing 6 Year-Old<br />

Jumping - Vittel D’argonne, 1m20<br />

Young Horse <strong>Competition</strong>s - Tehis Des Ormeaux, Finalist Champion At De France Eventing 4 Year-Old,<br />

Trois De Cœur, Finalist Champion At De France Eventing 4 Year-Old<br />

Stud Fee: £800 + vat LFG (Fresh/Chilled/frozen)<br />

Collection Fees: Will apply<br />

Stands At: Tomlinson Equine Vet Practice & Stud, Elmleaze,<br />

Westonbirt, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8 8QE<br />

Enquiries & Nominations Contact: Emma Tomlinson<br />

@<br />

01666 880236<br />

info@tomlinsonequine.co.uk<br />

www.tomlinsonequine.co.uk<br />

@tomlinsonequine<br />

@tomlinsonequine<br />

@tomlinsonequine<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Britannia’s Bijou p.50<br />

Britannia’s Mail p.54<br />

Chello III p.72<br />

Edobantos p.108<br />

Stallion Owner: Ken Rehill<br />

The Stallion Company<br />


Lestingdale VS<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Dutch Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: KWPN<br />

UELN No: 528003201601494 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: AES Licenced<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative, Homozygous black<br />

Disciplines: Dressage<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Glamourdale<br />

C’est Fury<br />

Lord Leatherdale<br />

Thuja<br />

Sorento<br />

Naomi<br />

Lord Loxley<br />

Fairless P<br />

Negro<br />

Jasmijn<br />

Sandro Hit<br />

Dein Liebling<br />

Ulft<br />

Evelineke<br />


Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

Lestingdale VS (Loki) is an elegant, striking homozygous black stallion who turns heads wherever he goes.<br />

He has the most wonderful, kind temperament along with excellent conformation and eye-catching<br />

movement. He is exceptionally well bred, sired by non-other than the famous FEI 7-year old World<br />

Champion, Glamourdale. Often described as the ‘British Glamourdale’ Loki boasts an incredible uphill,<br />

powerful canter, an expressive trot with good scope and an active, clear walk.<br />

He is proving to be very trainable and willing under saddle. In just a few outings he was crowned<br />

Nexgen 4yo YH Champion at Hickstead with a score of 7.96. He also came 2nd in the Shearwater<br />

4yo YH qualifier with a fabulous score of 8.4.<br />

Loki is based with his rider Elly Darling and is currently training elementary at home.<br />

He will begin his BD career in the next few months.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first crop of foals will be due in 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £800 + VAT (Same for Chilled & Frozen)<br />

Collection Fee: Clements Equine rates<br />

Stands At: Clements Equine, Manor Farm, Spring Road,<br />

Bury St Edmunds, IP31 1AB<br />

Due to his competition schedule he will be standing for a<br />

limited time only in 2021.<br />

Contact: Zoe Kirkpatrick<br />

07817627946<br />

@ enquiries@heartbreakerstud.com<br />

facebook.com/lestingdale<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Amour G p.42<br />

Lauderdale NS p.194<br />

Renkum Radetzky II p.234<br />

Shannondale Delta p.238<br />

Superstrada p.252<br />

Renkum Olinthos<br />


Lollipop<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: KWPN<br />

Stud Book: WBS-UK<br />

UELN No: 201606983 Year of Birth: 2016<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Brown<br />

Grading: WBS-UK Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Uthopia<br />

Gallia<br />

Metall<br />

Odelia<br />

Amoureux<br />

S.Renida<br />

Ferro<br />

Edelweis<br />

Inspekteur<br />

Fresula<br />

Saros Van T’Gestelhof<br />

Ruby<br />

Jazz<br />

Gerida II<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Lollipop aka Whinney is a young dressage stallion who is rising four. He is licensed with the BWB.<br />

He has the Olympic bloodlines of Uthopia, Ferro and Cocktail in his pedigree along with Jazz who is<br />

ranked the world number 1 dressage sire for 2019.<br />

Lollipop has a beautiful temperament with a very good work ethic. He is a very kind horse.<br />

His paces are extremely powerful and rhythmical. He is very intelligent and wants to please.<br />

Lollipop has inherited his sire Uthopia’s natural activity in the hind leg with a great canter and rideability.<br />

He is a sensible ride which makes him an absolute pleasure to work with.<br />

We believe he is an outstanding offspring of Uthopia who Carl Hester competed in the London Olympics<br />

in 2012 and was the winner of the Team Gold Medal in Rotterdam.<br />

He is a rare dual purpose sire with Dutch genetics.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

We excitedly look forward to Lollipop’s first crop of foals in 2020.<br />

Lollipop has been used on a variety of multi-discipline mares.<br />

Stud Fee: £650 no vat<br />

Collection Fee: To be paid by mare owner<br />

Concessions: On Application<br />

Stands At: Bramble Stud, Newfield Farm, Chicheley,<br />

Buckinghamshire, MK16 9JD<br />

Contact: Liz Ball<br />

07919 345709<br />

@ bramblestud@bramblestud.com<br />

www.bramblestud.com<br />

Facebook/Bramble Stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Debutantes Dream p.100<br />

First Words p.122<br />


Maximo JLBA<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Pura Raza Espanola (Pre)<br />

Stud Book: ANCCE / BAPSH<br />

UELN No: 7240151503GB153 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 15.3hh (160cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: ANCCE / BAPSH<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showing<br />

Availability: Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Habanero XLl<br />

Inquieta LXIII<br />

Desnudo<br />

Salerosa XI<br />

Espartaco Xlll<br />

Estanquera Xl<br />

Ulema 1978<br />

Tecnica<br />

Furioso XVII<br />

Mejicana XV<br />

Kan IV<br />

Molinera XIX<br />

Enjambre<br />

Contadora II<br />


Dressage | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Maximo JLBA (Max) is a Graded black PRE Stallion with super bloodlines, movement and temperament.<br />

Bred in the UK, Max is by the black Calificado (Spanish Elite) stallion, Habanero XLI, and is out of our<br />

homozygous black Picos PRE mare, Inquieta LXIII.<br />

Habanero XLI is one of the only PREs to represent Great Britain at International Level (CD13*) in PSG<br />

and Inter 1. Max is a very true-to-type traditional PRE stallion. He has a fabulous work ethic and is easy<br />

to train. His kind nature also means that he can be handled and ridden by both the professional and<br />

amateur alike.<br />

With three naturally rhythmical paces and superb conformation, Max graded (ANCCE/BAPSH) with<br />

ease as a 3-year-old. Max is achieving good results both in Young Horse and Affiliated Dressage<br />

classes, but would also be a good prospect for showing. Super opportunity for PRE mare owners wishing<br />

to preserve traditional PRE lines, or for any mare owners wishing to breed the more compact dressage<br />

horse. Notable achievements:<br />

•British Futurity (Silver grading, scoring 85% on vets assessment for conformation and movement) (2019)<br />

•Placed at Affiliated Dressage classes each time out (2020)<br />

•NEXGEN Young Horse Qualifier and Finalist (2020)<br />

•MCI Championship Show, placed in both MCI and Young Horse classes (2020)<br />

•Qualified for Area Festivals (2020)<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Maximo JLBA has been focusing on his competitive career to date. His first foals are expected in 2022.<br />

Stud Fee: £POA<br />

Frozen: £600 no vat<br />

Collection Fee: Stallion AI collection fee<br />

Stands At: Stallion AI Services<br />

Contact: Joanne Beresford<br />

07766 912032<br />

@ j.beresford55@btinternet.com<br />

www.stallionai.com<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Aztec Iconico (Registered Cremello PRE)<br />


Mighty Bright<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: WBS-UK<br />

UELN No: 826016161052013 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 15.2hh (158cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SPSS Bone: 8.5"<br />

Disciplines: Dressage /Sports Pony / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: Natural /AI (once trained, please contact if interested)<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Sire Metall<br />

Dam Barons Bright light<br />

Ferro<br />

Edelweis<br />

Baron B<br />

Galants Gaya<br />

Ulft<br />

Brenda<br />

Ramiro<br />

Astrid<br />

Allegro<br />

Lotte<br />

Galant<br />

Un-named (Hann)<br />


Dressage | Sports Pony | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Mighty Bright is by the stallion Metall, who competed up to Prix St George level and produced several<br />

Grand Prix horses including Uthopia.<br />

He is out of Barons Bright Light, also 158cm who is graded into the main stud book with WBS-UK ,<br />

all three of the foals I have bred from her have received first premiums or higher at the Futurity.<br />

Mighty Bright has a very laid back pleasant temperament, he has been broken in and is willing and<br />

straightforward. He attended the BEF Futurity as a foal, achieving a Higher First Premium in the dressage<br />

Section, scoring a 9 for his frame, 8.75 for veterinary and 8.75 for trot & canter.<br />

He is suitable for producing sports ponies or smaller horses depending on the size of the mare and has<br />

crossed very well with a British riding pony mare producing a lovely now rising 2 year old sports pony.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first foal Mountainhaze Mighty Dapper is now rising two. He achieved a Gold Premium with the<br />

SPSS as a foal & also a Futurity Gold Premium. His temperament is proving to be very straight forward<br />

and confident. A full sibling is eagerly awaited this spring.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 no vat<br />

Concessions: Please contact to discuss concessions for ridden & proven mares<br />

Stands At: Penlan Farm, Login, Whitland, Carmarthenshire, SA34 0TH<br />

Contact: Rachel Howard<br />

@<br />

07970 666132<br />

Rachel_sian_howard@yahoo.co.uk<br />


Myspires Fider Hit<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Oldenburg<br />

Stud Book: WBS-UK<br />

UELN No: 826016165422014 WR-16542 Year of Birth: 2014<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Black (homozygous)<br />

Grading: Graded WBS-UK Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Fidertanz<br />

Veronica<br />

Fidermark 1<br />

Reine Freude<br />

Sandro Hit<br />

Version<br />

Florestan 1<br />

Watonga<br />

Ravallo<br />

Fruehlingssonne<br />

Sandro Song<br />

Loretta<br />

Sion<br />

Verona<br />


Dressage | Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Ginleys Gunpowder ELITE foal (left ) Myspires Fider Hit (middle - Horsepower Creative<br />

Myspires Fider Victorious ELITE foal (right)<br />

Myspires Fider Hit is a stallion who truly melts every heart that comes into contact with him. Like a magnet<br />

he draws you into his charming, gentleman ways, with the most wonderful temperament making him a true<br />

pleasure to be around and enjoy!<br />

A young stallion who brings with him huge amounts of elegance and poise in the arena, with Rideability<br />

and willingness to match his super temperament. He’s short coupled, has a big over stepping walk which<br />

scored him 9, alongside a 9 for his trot at the Futurity's. He is light footed and supple with an active, very<br />

athletic, uphill trot and canter showing lots of suspension, energy and ground cover.<br />

Has competed with numerous WINS and scores of over 74% Novice with Amy Woodhead, was about to<br />

go Elementary until covid so concentrated on his stud duties for the rest of 2020.<br />

Will be commencing his competition work come spring 2021.<br />

Myspires Fider Hit is a future sire of TOP sports horses with the rideability and temperaments for both<br />

professionals and keen amateurs to enjoy a quality horse. If you want to add elegance, movement,<br />

temperament, a modern stamp with leg length, coming from proven lines then this boy is the ideal man for<br />

your mares. His sire is the champion stallion Fidertanz who needs no introduction. His dam is the graded<br />

Oldenburg mare Veronica who has produced premium offspring which are now standing in three different<br />

countries.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Sire of MULTIPLE ELITE and GOLD foals through the Futurity passing on Quality in type and movement.<br />

Elite foal Myspires Fider Victorious now owned by Amy Woodhead.<br />

The oldest of Myspires Fider Hits foals are now rising 3 and will be lightly backed in 2021.<br />

All his offspring have very loose, elastic gaits, showing suspension and energy topped off with super<br />

temperaments and easy attitudes to work with. Looking forward to his biggest crop due come 2021 and<br />

seeing the first under saddle!<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + Collection and postage<br />

Concessions: A ONE-OFF reduced fee for 2021. Fee to be paid upfront to secure booking.<br />

Stands At: Myspires Stud, Constables Farm, Barnhorn Road, Bexhill on Sea, E.Sussex, TN39 4QR<br />

Contact: Lianne Verity<br />

@<br />

07761836186<br />

lianneverity@hotmail.co.uk<br />

www.myspiresstud.co.uk<br />

lianne-myspires verity<br />


Myspires Heart Of Gold<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 826016165422014 WR-16542 Year of Birth: 2011<br />

Height: 16hh (163cm)<br />

Colour: Bay Tobiano<br />

Grading: AES<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Sambertino<br />

Pintofields Andante Prima<br />

Samber<br />

Illustra<br />

Andes<br />

Iedante I<br />

Pericles<br />

Tina D<br />

Wellington Keur<br />

Damorette<br />

Heights of Gold<br />

Edna<br />

Ultrazon<br />

Ardante<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Myspires Heart Of Gold the perfect versatile stallion. Simba, as we know him is an attractive coloured<br />

stallion. He is a late starter in life, but proving super under saddle winning all his British dressage tests,<br />

qualifying for the area festivals in 2 outings.<br />

He is well marked, short, compact with the perfect conformation. Simba is athletic with 4 super gaits.<br />

Simba has sired some quality stock with perfect conformation plus the golden temperaments.<br />

Simba’s lines include Grand Prix horses. Simba has 60% tb blood and comes from international show<br />

jumping sires through his dams line, these go back to the famous Ultrazon and Joost.<br />

Simba’s dad is the great Sambertino. Sambertino is by the famous coloured stallion Samber, who<br />

competed to Grand Prix level dressage and was a grade A showjumper. He was known as the stallion<br />

with the golden temperament. He was by far one of the best coloured stallions. Simba has that sought<br />

after bloodline, colour and temperament making him the ideal stallion for any discipline.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 vat included<br />

Stands At: Anvil Park Stud, Sallow Lane, NR16 2QU<br />

Contact: Emma Alexander<br />

@<br />

07879881755<br />

emma@anvil-aprk-stud.co.uk<br />

www.anvil-aprk-stud.co.uk<br />


NPS Supernova<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Holstein<br />

Stud Book: Holstein<br />

UELN No: DE421000525112 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 17hh (169cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Brown<br />

Grading: Breeders Elite<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh & Chilled Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Casall<br />

Marli<br />

Caretino<br />

KIira XVII<br />

Cathago<br />

Ziona<br />

Caletto<br />

Isidor<br />

Lavall I<br />

Maltia<br />

Capitol<br />

Perra<br />

Calypso II<br />

Lene<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

SUPERNOVA is a very exciting stallion for the future, he has it all, amazing breeding, superb paces,<br />

fantastic temperment, with scope to burn. 2016 showed that he is living up to all expectations, he was<br />

overall style and performance champion at Northcote young horse show.<br />

SUPERNOVA is by CASALL ASK who is ridden by Rolf-Göran Bengtsson is one of the absolute top horses<br />

on the International show jumping circuit. He reached the top 25 at all big championships of the past 3<br />

years, the 2012 London Olympics, the 2013 European Championships in Herning, and the 2014 World<br />

Equestrian Games in Caen.Herning saw him win Team Bronze with the Swedish team and placing 4th<br />

individually In the course of the 2014 Global Champions Tour he made it to the second round 6 times<br />

out of 7 shows and qualified for the jump-off 6 times as well. He won the Chantilly and Doha legs and<br />

placed 2nd in the GCT’s overall standing, tied with the winner, Scott Brash. He also boasts an<br />

exceptional track record as a breeding stallion. His son Casalito became champion stallion of the 2013<br />

Neumünster stallion grading. Moreover, two Casall sons won Reserve Champion stallion, Catch it in<br />

2009 and Cascadello I, which sold at a record-breaking 600.000 euros, in 2011.<br />

So far, 45 sons have been licensed for breeding and he has produced 53 State Premium mares.<br />

SUPERNOVA’S mother line brings the blood of top holstein performers in CAPITOL 1 and CALYPSO<br />

11, with CATHAGO world famous sire of MYLORD CATHAGO, OLD CHAP TAME, CICERO Z to<br />

name a few.<br />

SUPERNOVA has a fantastic temperment, with truely amazing paces he is sure to prove a valuable<br />

breeding stallion, he would suit showjumping or event mares,, In 2018 Supernova had a busy stud<br />

season so started competting late in the year, but he has qualified Newcomers and Foxhunter. The eldest<br />

progeny were born 2017 and are proving to be very exciting, with his lovely paces and temperment.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

We are all very pleased with his youngstock.<br />

Stud Fee: £700 + Collection fees. Live foal guarantee.<br />

Stands At: New Priory Stud, Kingston St Michael,<br />

Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 6JP<br />

Contact: Julie Whibley<br />

07815 138165<br />

@ info@newpriorystud.com<br />

www.newpriorystud.com<br />

Facebook/New Priory Stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Cobra p.78<br />

Waldo Van Dungen p.274<br />

Necker Platiere<br />

NPS Campagne Z<br />


Oliver<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Voltaire x Graaf Grande x Calvados x Nimmerdor Stud Book: KWPN<br />

UELN No: 528003199602460vvvv Year of Birth: 1996<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Liver chestnut<br />

Grading: Kwpn Lifetime Approved<br />

Bone: 8¹/₂”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Voltaire<br />

Kezwiggy<br />

Furioso II<br />

Gogo Moeve<br />

Graaf Grande<br />

Gezwiggy<br />

Furioso xx<br />

Dame De Ranville<br />

Gotthard<br />

Mosaik<br />

Burggraaf<br />

Doretta<br />

Calvados<br />

Zwiggy<br />


Dressage | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Oliver is one of the only LIFETIME APPROVED KWPN stallions standing in the UK. He is a proven sire of<br />

successful competition horses having daughters and sons competing successfully in showjumping,<br />

dressage and eventing both on the National and international circuit. Oliver is a very versatile and<br />

trainable stallion competing internationally at 1.30 show jumping and up to ZZR (Prix st George)<br />

dressage internationally. A talent seen in very few stallions. His versatility, trainability and amazing<br />

bloodline and temperament he passes onto his foals. Oliver HFD received a very praiseworthy foal report<br />

from the KWPN inspectors,blood type,high legged, elastic foals with three good basic gaits, his offspring<br />

are very promising and are described as elastic all-rounder's sport horses. If you want to produce a top<br />

competition prospect for the future for a professional or an amateur Oliver is the sire for you.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Uline successful International1.60 mare<br />

Oliver Twist successful international 1.45 stallion FEI<br />

(105AV93)<br />

1.45m jump., Frank CURRAN (IRL) , 2018<br />

1.30m jump., Francis CONNORS (IRL) , 2016<br />

1.40m jump., Harvey SMITH (IRL) , 2016<br />

B Bommel successful 1.40 gelding<br />

Warleen H KWPM Prok mare jumping successfully at 1.30<br />

Gabanna HFD 2016 & 2017 British Dressage regional<br />

championship, 2016 Burghley Young Event Horse<br />

Championship Finals placed 7th<br />

Zalvador successful 1.30 gelding<br />

Vera successful 1.30 mare<br />

Versace successful PSG gelding<br />

Umarco successful advanced medium mare<br />

2008 Denver (Oliver x Ferro) (UK)WPN<br />

National Champion Dressage Foal in the<br />

United Kingdom. 2008 Denver HFD<br />

(Oliver x Drossan) Reserve Champion BEF<br />

National Jumping Foal Evaluation<br />

2006 showjumping foal champion KWPN<br />

2006 Dressage foal champion KWPN<br />

Stud Fee: £650+ collection fees and postage<br />

Stands At: Holden Fold Stud, Holden Fold Farm, Tockholes,<br />

Lancashire, BB3 0LR<br />

Contact: Mel Gravell-Barnes<br />

+44 (0)7866458770<br />

@ melgravell@hotmail.com<br />

www.gbsportshorsestud.co.uk<br />

www.facebook.com/gbsportshorsestud<br />

@gbsportshorse<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Rasputin p.230<br />


Opposition Bombshell<br />

Details:<br />

Photo - Horse Power Creative<br />

Breeding: Trak x SHB-GB<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB) AESB<br />

UELN No: 826041000139855 Year of Birth: 2004<br />

Height: 16hh (162cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: AESB Licensed Bone: 9 ¾”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen TB Blood: Over 35%<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Fleetwater Opposition<br />

Dutch Bombshell<br />

Muschamp Danube<br />

Opushka<br />

Dutch Courage<br />

Military Song<br />

Isenstien (Trak)<br />

Donaulied vom Schimmelhof (Trak)<br />

Oplot (Trak)<br />

Pika (Trak)<br />

Millerole (xx)<br />

Higonia (Geld/Gron)<br />

Marine Corps (xx)<br />

Song (Hunter)<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Catherston Oakley (left) Catherston Orator (center) Catherston Osiana (right)<br />

Opposition Bombshell is a very eye catching horse with tremendous presence, a beautiful head and neck<br />

and a good length of rein. His paces are bold, expressive and off the ground. His temperament is superb.<br />

He is widely regarded as an improving sire on his mares. Unfortunately as a 4 year old Opposition<br />

Bombshell injured himself in the field so has not competed himself. His first stock were born in 2012,<br />

his 2014 colt Catherston Oakley was awarded an Elite Premium at the BEF Futurity is Premium Graded as a<br />

SHB Stallion, to stand in 2020 and was the Top 5yo in the Eventing Equine Bridge 2019.<br />

Opposition Bombshell also has 4 Higher Firsts from his first season’s progeny who are now as 7 year olds<br />

out successfully eventing.<br />

His pedigree is world renowned for producing Olympic level progeny for both Eventing and Dressage.<br />

Opposition Bombshell is producing quality, correct conformation youngstock with good, powerful paces<br />

and wonderful temperaments. He is proving to be a very good improving sire with his correct<br />

conformation he is producing tough and bold horses for both eventing and dressage. Opposition<br />

Bombshell has been used on all sorts of horses and ponies to improve conformation, movement, jumping<br />

ability and is an ideal sire for producing youngstock for the keen amateur breeder with stock being<br />

beautifully natured and wanting to learn without a huge stud fee, purposely for this reason.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Opposition Bombshell’s stock from 2012 onwards:<br />

Catherston Orator – Succesfully completed 4xCCI2*S&L, nearly always clear XC<br />

Catherston Osiana – 89 BE Foundation Points, 3rd Dauntsey RF & clear Badminton Grassroots 2019<br />

Catherston Oakley – SHB Premium Graded Stallion – qualified Osberton 5yo Champs, BE FP 46<br />

Catherston Olleander – Clear XC in 3 BE4yo events, won BD Novice Gold and qualified Regionals<br />

Oblivion – BEF Higher First Premium as a yearling<br />

Stamfords Little Opposition – First Premium out of an appaloosa pony mare<br />

Corbins Wildfire – First Premium<br />

Ex Shoot the Agent 2012 – Higher First Premium as a foal, believe sold to the USA<br />

Stud Fee: £360 inc vat<br />

Collection Fee: £72 inc vat<br />

Concessions: On Application<br />

Stands At: Catherston Stud, Croft Farm, Over Wallop,<br />

Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8HX, UK<br />

Contact: Jennie Loriston-Clarke or Anne Dicker<br />

01264 782716<br />

@ enquiries@catherstonstud.com<br />

www.catherstonstud.com<br />

facebook.com/catherstonstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Catherston Oakley p.66<br />

Tiger Attack p.258<br />

Timolin p.260<br />

Catherston Dazzler (frozen)<br />

Catherston Goldstorm (frozen)<br />

Catherston Liberator (frozen)<br />

Catherston Springsteen (frozen)<br />

Dutch Gold (frozen)<br />


Pandito Van’t Merelsnest Z<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: Zang<br />

UELN No: 056015Z55647315 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Brown<br />

Grading: Licensed Breeders Elite Bone: 8¾”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Plot Blue KWPN<br />

Ianthe van’t Merelsnest BWP<br />

Mr Blue KWPN<br />

Ilotte KWPN<br />

Larino KWPN<br />

Relindi van’t Merelsnest BWP<br />

Couperus KWPN<br />

Acarla KWPN<br />

Pilot WEST<br />

Santa Fee OLD<br />

Concorde KWPN<br />

Erina KWPN<br />

Darco BWP<br />

Chiquita BWP<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Wifi as he is known at home is a stallion with a phenomenal pedigree, talent to match and a great<br />

attitude. He is a good looking horse with a pretty head; he has scope, carefulness, movement, type and<br />

presence.<br />

He is by the super sire, Plot Blue who was a prolific winner at 1.60m for Marcus Ehning, his wins include<br />

the Geneva World Cup final, Gold medal at the Kentucky WEG, Team Bronze at Windsor European<br />

Championships, numerous Nation Cup clears and GCT GP wins in Vienna and Cannes. Grand sire;<br />

Mr Blue is also the sire of Simon and Zirocco Blue among many more. The grand dam, Ilotte is also the<br />

dam to the KEUR GP stallion, Oklund.<br />

Wifi’s dam, Ianthe is by Larino, himself a 1.60m stallion that competed at great shows such as The Hague,<br />

Rotterdam, Mechelen and Valkenswaard. Larino is by the great Concorde, a stallion that is seen many<br />

times in the pedigree of 1.60m GP horses. The great grand dam is Chiquita, is also the great grand dam<br />

of Glasgow vh Merelsnest who is currently competing 1.60m with Jur Vrieling and the great 1.60m mare<br />

Sapphire, under Maclain Ward. The grand dam, Relindi v.M is also dam to 1.40m Wespri v.M<br />

In his first year BS he was a finalist and winner in 4 year old classes at Hickstead, Pyecombe, Arena UK,<br />

Bolesworth and jumping double clear in newcomer classes. 2020 will see him continuing with 5 year old<br />

age classes at national shows.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

2020 will see his first foals born.<br />

Stud Fee: £100 booking fee plus Stud Fee £400 + vat<br />

Stands At: Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe,<br />

Sussex, BN45 7EG<br />

Contact: Shirley Light<br />

07968847025<br />

@ shirleyno2@hotmail.com<br />

www.brendonstud.com<br />

Facebook/BRENDON STUD<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Envoy Merelsnest Z p.112<br />

Klaris Giddy-Up p.184<br />

Klent Spot On p.186<br />


Party Trick<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: By Chilli Morning out of DHI Party Piece (Tolan R) Stud Book: SHB (GB)<br />

UELN No: 826041000161721 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: SHB (GB) Champion Stallion 2016 Bone: 9”<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Chilli Morning<br />

DHI Party Piece<br />

Phantomic<br />

Koralle<br />

Tolan<br />

Dyranda<br />

Secreto<br />

Pantomime<br />

Kolibri<br />

Duena<br />

Namelus R<br />

O-Termie 19<br />

Notaris<br />

Oyranda<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

This exciting young stallion proved an extremely popular choice as a sire in 2020.<br />

He offers breeders access to world class bloodlines; His sire Chilli Morning excelled in Eventing by<br />

winning Badminton CCI 5*, medals at European and World Championships along with numerous wins<br />

at CCI4*. His dam SHB(GB) Champion and Head Stud Book mare DHI Party Piece is an outstanding<br />

broodmare by Tolan R; her first foal DHI Zulu is currently show jumping successfully at 1.50 on the world<br />

circuit having won her age classes based at the Ludger Beerbaum stables.<br />

His impressive movement, scope and jump earned him SHB(GB) Champion Stallion at his grading.<br />

The approval he demands from his judges had been passed on to his progeny with his foals<br />

dominating shows winning ‘Elite’ and ‘Higher Firsts’ at the BEF Futurity Shows.<br />

Party Trick is in high demand as a Stallion but is still very much a competition horse as well.<br />

He will campaign at Advanced in 2021 and will be aimed at an Autumn CCI4* having spent a<br />

significant amount of the season at West Kington Stud thus available for fresh semen.<br />

He is a handsome and intelligent looking stallion with a wonderfully patient and trainable temperament.<br />

Party Trick is extremely fertile, with a high conception rate with fresh and frozen semen alike.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Party Trick’s oldest offspring are just starting their careers.<br />

His oldest stock will be out competing in the young horse classes in 2021.<br />

He has received many plaudits from respected people in the industry who have seen his offspring.<br />

Stud Fee: £900<br />

Stands At: West Kington Stud, Church Farm, Chippenham,<br />

Wiltshire, SN14 7JE<br />

Contact: Amanda Gauntlett<br />

(+44) 7814145266<br />

@ amanda@gauntlett.me.uk<br />

www.gauntlett.me.uk<br />

nick gauntlett<br />

nick_gauntlett<br />

@nick_gauntlett<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

After The Party p. 256<br />


PennineView Bee Spritely<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: WB x TB<br />

Stud Book: SHB - Premium<br />

UELN No: 826-041-000167400 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 16hh (162cm)<br />

Colour: Bright bay<br />

Grading: SHB Premium<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

PennineView Silver<br />

Concorde (SHB)<br />

The Bees Knees V<br />

Z Concorde (KWPN)<br />

Silver Squirrel (TB)<br />

Fulton (BWB)<br />

Jungle Bee<br />

Concorde (KWPN)<br />

Lentefee (KWPN)<br />

Silver Wizard (TB)<br />

Farah (TB)<br />

Fruehling<br />

Grandessa<br />

Java Tiger (TB)<br />

Queen Bee<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

16hh 2015 Bright Bay Stallion, this exciting young stallion comes from serious eventing parentage, both<br />

parents being international eventers.<br />

The father, Pennine View Silver Concorde, an International 3 Star eventer, carries the famous dutch<br />

bloodlines Concorde and Ramiro Z plus lots of TB.<br />

The mother is herself an International 3 Star mare, and is from the same dynasty as Opposition Buzz, the<br />

Olympic Gold medal eventing in 2012, ridden by Nicola Wilson. Her Father was Fulton, a top Belgium<br />

warmblood, sire of Advance eventers and PSG Inter II dressage stars!<br />

A very well put together, short coupled and well balanced stallion with uphill paces and a scopey jump<br />

that is showing great potential in all spheres. Inline with his father and grand father he has a kind<br />

trainable.<br />

In 2020 he Competed at BE100 with ease and qualified for the 5 year old young event horse<br />

championships at Hickstead. He is ridden and produced by Issie Thompson since she was 15.<br />

He is one for the future, watch this space!<br />

Stud Fee: £500 - Same for chilled.<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Concessions: Proven mares<br />

Pennine View Silver Concorde (SHB) p. 222<br />

Stands At: Pennine View Stud, Harrogate, N Yorks HG31 1RB Z Concorde (AES) p. 292<br />

Working with ERS Vets<br />

Contact: Issie Thompson<br />

@<br />

07496823055<br />

info@pennineviewstud.co.uk<br />

www.pennineviewstud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/pennineviewstud<br />


PennineView Silver Concorde<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: WB x TB<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)<br />

UELN No: 826041/000157553 Year of Birth: 2009<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: SHB(GB)<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Z Concorde (KWPN)<br />

Silver Squirrel (TB)<br />

Concorde (KWPN)<br />

Lentefee (KWPN)<br />

Silver Wizard (TB)<br />

Farah (TB)<br />

Voltaire<br />

Flyer<br />

G Ramiro Z<br />

Fee<br />

Silver Hawk<br />

Cherie‘s Hope<br />

Lead on Time<br />

Muznah<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Stunning Elegant Modern Sport Horse Stallion with a temperament second to none! - Graded SHB (GB)<br />

16.2hh, 2009 Bay Stallion by Z Concorde out of Silver Squirrel (TB), Silver Wizard (TB).<br />

This elegant and modern sport horse stallion with stunning proportions, expressive paces and bold scopey<br />

jump that one would expect from his top breeding lines of Concorde, Ramiro Z, Voltaire and Furioso<br />

from his father and pure TB from his mother, also has a calm sensible temperament that any owner could<br />

cope with. In 2018 he became a successful 3* international eventer and in 2019 took a 15yo through<br />

her novice MER's with an end of season win at ONu18. He is scopey in all areas from dressage, with his<br />

stunning paces qualifying him for Regionals and Nationals, now competing at Medium. To Showjumping<br />

boldly at Newcomers and Foxhunters, and exceptional clear XC! His major accolade was coming 2nd<br />

in the National BEF Futurity Eventing 3yo class at Osberton 3yo class. He has had placings at all levels<br />

in eventing and is improving all the time! He has numerous youngstock all well placed at Bramham and<br />

Otley show. It has been a pleasure to back the 3 year olds with their stunning temperaments and classy<br />

paces!<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Pennine View Silver Concorde has produced 6 stunning progenies with more on the way in 2021. They<br />

all have an exciting future ahead of them effortless movement with the same ease and grace as him, they<br />

are straight correct and well-proportioned in all ways, the 2 stunning youngsters born in 2015 where well<br />

placed at Bramham and Otley shows, are starting to compete, with power and correct movement which<br />

is very promising. Pennine View Bee Spritely is now a Graded stallion.<br />

Stud Fee: £500 - Same for chilled. Frozen as available.<br />

Concessions: Discounts available for proven mares.<br />

Stands At: Pennine View Stud Harrogate N Yorks HG31 1RB<br />

working with ERS Vets and Barrowby Stud<br />

Contact: Issie Thompson<br />

@<br />

07496823055<br />

info@pennineviewstud.co.uk<br />

www.pennineviewstud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/pennineviewstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

PennineView Bee Spritely p.220<br />

Z Concorde p.292<br />


Popenhoe Picture Perfect<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Part Bred Arab<br />

Stud Book: SPSS<br />

Height: 14hh (142cm) Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Grading: SPSS/BSPA<br />

Colour: Tobiano<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showing / Sports Pony<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: UK only<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Bathleyhills Monet<br />

Astonend Loco Lady<br />

Casino Royale K<br />

Mona<br />

Co-Pilot<br />

Disco Lady<br />

FS Champion De Luxe<br />

Raffaela<br />

Matcho<br />

Reviera<br />

K3 Noir<br />

Wendy<br />

Dornik B<br />

Virgina<br />


Dressage | Showing | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Popenhoe Picture Perfect began his career in hand under the watchful eyes of Kevin Cousins and Christina<br />

Gillet. His inhand record speaks for itself and he has truly proven himself as a quality show pony.<br />

Tigger, as he is known at home, was champion stallion at the BSPA stallion grading and is also approved<br />

with the SPSS.<br />

- He carries 16.04% Arab blood and is registered Part Bred Arab.<br />

- Top colt, top two year old and top small horse at the SPSS evaluations 2017<br />

- Supreme pony BSPA championships 2016 & 2017<br />

- Numerous county show championships<br />

- Champion stallion at the BSPA grading2018 & Graded with the SPSS<br />

- Qualified for the Shearwater Young Dressage Pony Finals, one of only 6 to do so<br />

- Qualified for the Prelim Area Festival in only a handful of outings<br />

His movement is full of cadence and activity, he has endless scope and power over a fence but, apart<br />

from all, he is a super chap to have on the yard. His temperament is second to none.<br />

Beautiful, athletic, kind and trainable ..... everything a sports pony should be<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First Foals due in 2020<br />

Stud Fee: £350 LFG<br />

Collection Fee: On Application<br />

Stands At: Brackenspa Stud<br />

Owner: Caroline Ward<br />

Contact: Sally Lister<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Crowns Wonder Pearl p.88<br />

Debonair p.98<br />

Holme Park Kobalt p.160<br />

@<br />

07788670108<br />

hrpsal@aol.com<br />

www.brackenspastud.co.uk<br />


Primitive Proposal<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Thoroughbred<br />

Stud Book: Weatherbys GSB<br />

UELN No: GB22067118 Year of Birth: 2000<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Brown<br />

Grading: SHB<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showing<br />

Availability: Natural Covering / Fresh / Chilled<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Primitive Rising<br />

Louella With Love<br />

Raise A Man<br />

Periquito<br />

Hoarwithy<br />

Evette<br />

Racket<br />

Ramona<br />

Don Joshi I AT<br />

Dendera<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Unrecorded<br />


Eventing | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

A full Thoroughbred son of the great Primitive Rising. He possess the same presence, lovely limbs and of<br />

course that extravagant movement. He has a delightful temperament and really stamps his stock.<br />

His dam is Louella With Love, Full Sister to Dual King George V cup winner Another Hoarwithy.<br />

With Love was by the great Hoarwithy, a leading sire of event and show hunters, out of an Evening Trial<br />

Mare, another renowned event sire.<br />

Primitive Proposal has already made a name for himself as a leading sire of show horses winning the<br />

produce class at the National Hunter Show in 2006 and 2009 and reserve in 2007 and now is starting<br />

to make his mark in the eventing circuit.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Eventing: Primitive Data (placed at advanced and completed at 3*), Rising Star (placed at 1*) Pop The<br />

Question, Time For Harry,( placed in the 5yo BYEH final) Overdun Proposition, Mrs Browns Boys<br />

(qualified for the BYEH 5yo final).<br />

BEF Futurities: Primitive Promise, Reserve Champion at the BEF Eventing Championships 2012<br />

Show horses:<br />

Look Ahead, Champion Hunter at Border Union show<br />

Primitive Pluto, 3yo winner at the BE event horse breeding at Osberton.<br />

Cornsay Pendragon, won the foal class & res champion overall at the Osberton In Hand champs<br />

Angelic Proposition, Champion foal at Bramham<br />

Comberton Copelia. Champion Riding horse at Devon County and Derbyshire festival of Showing.<br />

Blue Proposal, Champion Amateur Hunter at Hambleton and Three Counties<br />

Stud Fee: £450 + vat<br />

Collection Fee: Up to two collections included free of charge<br />

Stands At: Langaller Farm, Bovey Tracey, Devon, TQ13 9JP<br />

Contact: Mr Charles Upham<br />

@<br />

01626 836556<br />

langallerfarm@aol.com<br />

www.langallerfarm.co.uk<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Castlegar Cool Finn p.64<br />

Langaller Starring Role p.192<br />

Catherston Liberator<br />

Fleetwater Valverde<br />

Keady Star<br />

Langaller Star Make<br />

Newtown Pedro<br />

Sandy’s Light<br />


Prometheus<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British Sports Pony<br />

Stud Book: Sports Pony Studbook Society (SPSS)<br />

UELN No: 826060101086813 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 14.2hh (148cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: SPSS Elite<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Sports Pony<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: Not currently available outside the UK<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Romulus (DRP)<br />

A Pinch Of Pepper (SPSS)<br />

Renoir<br />

Donna Dendera AT<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Racket<br />

Ramona<br />

Don Joshi I AT<br />

Dendera<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Unrecorded<br />

Unrecorded<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Prometheus is the ultimate modern sports pony stallion. He is careful, brave and scopey with beautiful<br />

paces and a calm, trainable temperament which he is passing on to his progeny.<br />

Prometheus has had a spectacular eventing career. His first season he secured two seconds and a WIN<br />

at BE100. In 2019, age 6, he moved up to WIN his first BE100Plus; gained seven top-ten placings at<br />

Novice Level, including three WINS, then completed his first CCI-S2* for a top-15 finish. In 2020’s<br />

shortened season he achieved back-to-back Novice WINS, followed by a fantastic 4th in a huge<br />

CCI-S2*. To round off the season, he completed his first CCI-L2* long-format, clear cross country, just<br />

one down show-jumping, to finish 21st in another huge class. In 2019, the SPSS awarded Prometheus the<br />

prestigious Dancer Medal<br />

His first foals look extremely smart, he is ideal to breed sports ponies or add agility used with larger<br />

mares.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Prometheus’ two oldest offspring will be 3-year-olds in 2021, both lovely youngsters. He did not stand<br />

at stud in 2018 while he was learning his craft as an event stallion, so 2020 saw the arrival of his first full<br />

crop of foals conceived in 2019, and very smart they look indeed! He had another super book of mares<br />

in 2020, including some owners using him for repeat breeding, and we very much looking forward to the<br />

arrival of these foals in 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £450 no vat (Same for chilled)<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £375 no vat<br />

Concessions: NFFR, concessions to approved mares<br />

Stands At: Alden Farm, Aldens Lane, Upton, Didcot,<br />

Oxfordshire OX11 9HS<br />

Contact: Annabel Blake<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Britannia Royal p.52<br />

07870 358944<br />

@ annabelblake@icloud.com<br />

Prometheus SPSS Elite Pony Stallion<br />


Rasputin<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Laroche, Cavalier, Nurpimus, Solaris<br />

Stud Book: KWPN / AES<br />

UELN No: 9807704 Year of Birth: 1998<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: KWPN Ster Preferent / AES Licenced<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Laroche<br />

Irlenneke<br />

Concorde<br />

Bernadette<br />

Cavalier<br />

Berlinneke<br />

Voltaire<br />

Flyer<br />

Nimmerdor<br />

Derina<br />

Maykel<br />

Wina<br />

Nurprimus<br />

Poulenneke<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

16.2hds Ster predicate KWPM stallion with impeccable breeding, performance, manners and<br />

temperament. His honesty and trainability is second to none. This entire package he passes on to his<br />

foals. Although starting his breeding career late in life is youngstock are already winning national<br />

championships and showing to have his talent and temperament. Rasputin’s bloodlines read like a who’s<br />

who of the show jumping world. His father Laroche, grandfathers Concorde, Cavalier and his great<br />

grandfathers Voltaire, Nimmerdor, Maykel and Nuprimus were all international show jumpers with a<br />

proven ability to sire world class competition horses. His great great grandfather Marco Polo was named<br />

stallion of the Century and his grandfather Concorde was the leading Dutch jumping sire in 1996.<br />

Cavalier was one the most successful KWPN stallions in international show jumping jumping under the<br />

name San Patrignano Mister. Rasputin himself jumped to 1.40m.<br />

Rasputin is a prospective sire for many disciplines with his calm trainability, impeccable breeding,<br />

excellent performance, manners and temperament passed onto his offspring.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Kosutta’s Korolevski Tsar:<br />

• 2019 National Futurity Equine Bridge 4 year old Showjumping Champion<br />

• 2019 Highest scoring 4 year old showjumper in the whole of the Futurity series.<br />

• 2018 National 3 year old Futurity Supreme Champion 2018 National 3 year old Futurity<br />

Showjumping Champion<br />

Motka GBS:<br />

• 2019 National Futurity 2 year old Show jumping Reserve Champion<br />

• 2018 National Supreme Yearling Champion<br />

• 2018 National Show jumping Yearling Champion<br />

• 2017 National Show jumping Foal Champion 2018 National Supreme Young stock Champion<br />

Loki Lavivrus GBS:<br />

• 2019 National Futurity 3 year old Showjumping Reserve Champion and also a licence stallion and<br />

2020 Highest scoring 4 year old Showjumper at the British Breeding Futurity.<br />

• Licenced Stallion & highest scoring 4yr old showjumping in the British Breeding Futurity<br />

Stud Fee: £475+ collection and postage<br />

Concessions: NFFR with fresh and chilled. Collection fees will apply<br />

Stands At: Holden Fold Stud, Holden Fold Farm, Tockholes,<br />

Lancashire, BB3 0LR<br />

Contact: Mel Gravell-Barnes<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Oliver p.212<br />

@<br />

+44 (0)7866458770<br />

melgravell@hotmail.com<br />

www.gbsportshorsestud.co.uk<br />

www.facebook.com/gbsportshorsestud<br />

@gbsportshorse<br />


Rembrandt DDH<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Weser Ems<br />

Stud Book: Licensed Weser Ems, approved NWPCS,BWBS,SPSS<br />

UELN No: DE 435350157601 Year of Birth: 2001<br />

Height: 14.1hh (145cm)<br />

Colour: Black<br />

Grading: Weser Ems<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Showjumping / Sports Pony<br />

Availability: Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Australia / New Zealand / Canada (via USA )<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Renoir<br />

Prinzess<br />

Racket<br />

Haupstustbuch Ramona<br />

Viktorias Chirac<br />

Haupstutsbuch Primana<br />

Mariskas Robin<br />

Sita<br />

Colano<br />

Haupstutsbuch Roswita<br />

Constantin<br />

Haupstutsbuch Furina<br />

Colano<br />

Haupstutsbuch Paleness<br />


Dressage | Showjumping | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

An elegant eye catching pony stallion with three outstanding gates, wonderful temperament, presence<br />

and character, all of which he passes on. His offspring have been evaluated British Futurity Elites with three<br />

being the top scoring pony foals overall 2 years running covering dressage and eventing disciplines.<br />

6 foals evaluated scored an average of 8.99. His early offspring in Holland are winning in the breeding<br />

ring and competing FEI pony level dressage. His first crop of British foals (2012) are competing and<br />

winning National Young Pony Championships. Rembrandts own competition record is impressive winning<br />

the Dutch Pavo Cup for young ponies 3yrs running. Winning the Landeschampionate Rastede Germany,<br />

Champion part bred welsh, 4th Bundeschampionate, Imperial riding cup, National Medium Champion,<br />

Dutch Champion. He has won 2 European Dressage team gold medals and a Silver team medal.<br />

Top 10 placings at three consecutive European championships For two countries.<br />

He has a fine jump winning in Holland. Grading results are available.<br />

His elegance and quality makes him perfect for mare owners wanting to breed smaller competitive<br />

dressage horses without worrying about height. This Makes him an excellent sire for the new exciting<br />

Children on Horseback Championships. Rembrandts full sister is on the German European eventing team.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Early progeny in Holland and Germany have graded and are winning in the breeding ring and<br />

competition arena. First Born Haya (Sandro hit) is a state premium mare and was honoured in the Brillant<br />

ring. Vienna von sundance became Champion small pony with the Appaloosa society.<br />

Drei Van Opstee became Champion NRPS of North Holland, Champion of her section at the National<br />

Championships and Reserve Champion overall with the highest award possible. His average of 6 foals<br />

evaluated in the UK is 8.99 across all disciplines. He has 3 top British futurity Elite foals, one eventing and<br />

two Dressage all three taking top spot winning overall in 2013/14.<br />

WFD Rossini won the 2018 4 year old dressage national pony championship and another took 3rd<br />

place. Others are excelling in the show ring and colts being graded for future stallion prospects including<br />

HAMMERWOOD RITZ being his first licensed son in the uk and has progeny due in 2020. All have<br />

excellent temperaments and a good brain which Remdrandt really seems to stamp in his offspring.<br />

He has 2 licensed sons Hammerwood Ritz uk Inedit des herbages France.<br />

He has multiple horse progeny out competing and Winning in the dressage arena.<br />

Stud Fee: £850<br />

Concessions: On Application<br />

Stands At: Stallion AI services<br />

Contact: Isobel Scruton<br />

@<br />

07764261349<br />

whizzle5@icloud.com<br />

www.rembrandtddh.com<br />

Facebook/Rembrandt DDH<br />


Renkum Radetzky II<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: Anglo European Studbook<br />

UELN No: 01.007812 Year of Birth: 2001<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: AES and Breeders Elite<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Bone: 8³/₄"<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU Frozen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Renkum Valentino<br />

Renkum Galanta<br />

Concorde (Keur)<br />

Nelocia<br />

Bocoda Lad<br />

Renkum Woudina (Elite)<br />

Voltaire (Pref)<br />

Flyer (Prest)<br />

Marco Polo (Pref)<br />

Ibelocia (Ster)<br />

Oats<br />

Takawin<br />

Nimmerdor (Pref)<br />

Talanta (Ster)<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Frankfort Ronnie Marching Monkey CE Tiptoe C.E<br />

Radetzky has excellent conformation with fantastic straight movement and athletic paces.<br />

He has a scopey and extremely careful jump, with a textbook technique and a superb temperament.<br />

Radetzky combines the world renowned lines of Concorde and Marco Polo with the blood of Bocoda<br />

Lad and the legendary Nimmerdor. His sire Renkum Valentino is a modern sport sire whose motherline has<br />

produced 1.60m jumpers. Concorde himself needs no introduction - Olympic medallist, champion sire and<br />

producer of over fifty offspring at 1.60m level – he was also the youngest stallion to be awarded Preferent<br />

with the KWPN.<br />

Radetzky’s exceptional motherline has also produced international offspring to 1.60m and 5* Nations<br />

Cup level. His dam Galanta has herself evented internationally for Italy and is a daughter of the Elite mare<br />

Woudina - a Grade A showjumper, KWPN Ster and AES Elite broodmare. Woudina’s offspring include<br />

1.60m jumper Ringfort Cruise – a multi winning CSIO5* Nations Cup and Grand Prix horse, and AES<br />

Elite and ISH Approved Grade A stallion Renkum Englishman, whose progeny have represented Ireland at<br />

Championship level.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Radetzky is a superb improver and progenerator whose foals inherit his movement, brain and quality. They<br />

tend to have plenty of bone and exquisite heads.<br />

Radetzky’s elder crops have been competing successfully in international young horse classes and are<br />

progressing well, currently to 1.30m level. He now has very promising crops of youngsters coming through<br />

each year including several currently being produced for age classes with professional riders.<br />

Tiptoe C.E from Radetzky’s first UK crop has been extremely successful in young horse classes. After placing<br />

in the British Bred 4yo Championship Final at the Addington Young Horse Championships, he went on to<br />

become the most consistent horse of the Vilamoura Atlantic Tour in Portugal, jumping eleven clears from<br />

twelve starts including treble clear to finish 5th in the Five Year Old European Cup Championship.<br />

Frankfort Ronnie is a winner at EI100 level in Ireland as a 6yo and double clear in all his starts, also placed<br />

in first starts at FEI 1* eventing and Lisa Radetzky is also jumping successfully at 1.30m level.<br />

Stud Fee: £600 plus vat LFG<br />

Collection Fees: Up to two collections included free of charge<br />

Concessions: Proven competition mares<br />

Stands At: Clements Equine, Manor Farm, Bardwell,<br />

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 1AB<br />

Contact: Charlotte Taylor<br />

@<br />

07792 580708 / 01359 251233<br />

charlotte@clementsequine.com<br />

www.clementsequine.com<br />

Clementsequine<br />

Clementsequine<br />

Clementsequine<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Amour G p.42<br />

Lauderdale NS Z p.194<br />

Lestingdale VS p.198<br />

Shannondale Delta p.240<br />

Superstrada p.252<br />

Renkum Olinthos<br />


Rexter D’Or<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: French Part-Bred Connemara<br />

Stud Book: Poney Francais De Selle (PFS)<br />

UELN No: 25000105107599L Year of Birth: 2005<br />

Height: 14.2 (148cm)<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: AES Elite, SPSS Elite<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Sports Pony<br />

Availability: Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Dexter Leam Pondi<br />

(Connemara)<br />

Neige D’Or (SF)<br />

Leam Finnigan (Connemara)<br />

White Granite (Connemara)<br />

Elf D’Or (SF)<br />

Royale D’Or (SF)<br />

Leam Bobby Finn (Connemara)<br />

Cloonisle Judy (Connemara)<br />

Marble (Connemara)<br />

Ganty Jane II (Connemara)<br />

Qredo De Paulstra (SF)<br />

Licorne D’Or (SF)<br />

Imam D’Or (SF)<br />

H D’Or (SF)<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Rexter D’Or's international record speaks for itself: at thePony European Championships, he has won;<br />

- 2 team Golds<br />

- 1 team Silver<br />

- 1 team Bronze as well as an individual Silver.<br />

Rexter D’Or has excellent conformation with 3 super paces.<br />

He is easy to handle and does not act like a stallion at all. He has a super easy temperament which<br />

comes from the Cannemara. The blood of the Selle Francais gives him the extra edge in the ring.<br />

He is from the sire Dexter Leam Pondi who himself was a top international Pony and has gone to sire many<br />

progeny including others with international successes.<br />

Rexter’s excellent temperament and his always wanting to please attitude makes his rideability perfect for<br />

young Jockeys. Rexter rides with Charisma and quality every time. He is a show stopper!<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Nothing of competing age yet in the UK, but he has French born progeny (Where he was available from<br />

2009 to 2013) are proving to be successful jumping ponies.<br />

Stud Fee: £600<br />

Collection Fee: Plus collection fee<br />

Stands At: <strong>Stallions</strong> AI Services Ltd, Chapel Field Stud, Ash Lane, Whitchurch, SY13 4BP<br />

Contact: <strong>Stallions</strong> AI Services Ltd<br />

@<br />

01948 666295<br />

office@stallionai.com<br />


RMS Into The Blue<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Sports Horse<br />

Stud Book: Breeders Elite<br />

UELN No: 826088150101062 Year of Birth: 2015<br />

Height: 15.2hh (157cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 9"<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Plot Blue<br />

Berlinde Van De Kruishoeve<br />

Mr Blue<br />

Ilotte<br />

Toulon<br />

Tessa Van De Kruishoev<br />

Couperus<br />

Acarla<br />

Pilot<br />

Santa Fee<br />

Heartbreaker<br />

Nikita<br />

Prince De Revel<br />

Nikitona P<br />


Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

INTO THE BLUE is British Breeding’s answer to adding a small package without mixing to pony blood.<br />

He was bred by the illustrious New Priory Stud in the UK and hales one of the most impressive Dam lines<br />

available across Europe today.<br />

His Dam line is littered with 1m40+ jumping horses and includes other licensed sons stood across Europe.<br />

His small stature has been selected specifically to retain the quality of modern breeding without losing<br />

performance or scope, for those mare owners that wish to decrease offspring size without compromise.<br />

He is cat like and clever with an outstanding canter and a jump showing tremendous promise for upper<br />

level sport. Produced slowly to date he made his debut jumping double clear. Surely a great testament to<br />

his exceptional and workmanlike attitude.<br />

He is offered to mare owners for his first commercial season at stud for 2021.<br />

The team here are incredibly excited by him. #BabyBlueBull<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First year at stud.<br />

Stud Fee: £450 (Same for chilled)<br />

Concessions: Performance Mares or multiples bookings<br />

Stands At: *Tomlinson’s (Formerly Beaufort Embryo Transfer) in Tetbury,<br />

Collection Fees: *Collection and carriage fees apply<br />

Contact: Nicola & Rafa Marins<br />

07917 421945 / 07851 698522<br />

@ rafamarins@hotmail.com<br />

www.rafamarins.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/RafaMarinsEquestrian<br />

@Rafamarinsequestrian<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Edobatos p.108<br />


Shannondale Delta<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Holstein x Irish Sport Horse<br />

Stud Book: Irish Sport Horse<br />

UELN No: 372414004051373 Year of Birth: 2000<br />

Height: 17hh (173cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: AES and Breeders Elite Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU Chilled<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Cavalier Royale<br />

Diamond Cornels<br />

Cor de la Bryere<br />

Ligustra (State Premium)<br />

Diamond Lad<br />

Moysella Beauty<br />

Rantzau xx<br />

Quenotte<br />

Liguster<br />

Damira<br />

King of Diamonds<br />

Kildalton Countess<br />

Cornelscourt xx<br />

Corran Beauty<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Delta Star CE<br />

Delta’s illustrious pedigree combines the best of Holstein blood with the Irish performance lines of Diamond<br />

Lad and Cornelscourt. Direct son of world-renowned Cavalier Royale, former World No1 Eventing sire<br />

whose progeny include Olympic, WEG and European medallists Call Again Cavalier, Ben Along Time and<br />

Imperial Cavalier alongside numerous 1.60m showjumpers.<br />

Delta’ss damsire Diamond Lad brings the blood of the great King of Diamonds - one of the most important<br />

stallions in the ISH studbook and his damline has produced both CIC2* and 1.40m horses.<br />

Delta is incredibly athletic, powerful and bold with a superb scopey jump and excellent temperament -<br />

with which he stamps his progeny. Delta competed to 1.30m level with a young female rider and retired<br />

sound to stud. An excellent choice for amateur and professional riders. Selected by H.M The Queen for her<br />

own HOYS showing mare and Olympic medallist Sharon Hunt.<br />

Breeding British on Delta: “A strong stamp of a stallion, with plenty of limb, good short cannon bones, strong<br />

hocks and a good sloping shoulder. A useful dual purpose sire.”<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Across the board Delta’s foals have bold inquisitive personalities, presence, power and a lot of scope.<br />

He has had several repeat breedings. Ranked top ten Futurity Eventing Sires 2018. Delta Star C.E placed in<br />

the British Four Year Old Championship final at the Addington Young Horse Championships.<br />

Olympic eventer Sharon Hunt: “We’re absolutely delighted with our foal by Shannondale Delta, who has<br />

been the perfect match for HSB Harriet. He is a wonderfully confident and friendly foal, lovely to handle<br />

with a bright, inquisitive demeanour. He has super conformation with great natural balance and athletic<br />

paces. We like him so much Harriet is now in foal again to Shannondale Delta!”<br />

Stud Fee: £600 plus vat LFG<br />

Collection Fees: Up to two collections included free of charge<br />

Concessions: Proven competition mares<br />

Stands At: Clements Equine, Manor Farm, Bardwell,<br />

Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 1AB<br />

Contact: Charlotte Taylor<br />

@<br />

07792 580708 / 01359 251233<br />

charlotte@clementsequine.com<br />

www.clementsequine.com<br />

Clementsequine<br />

Clementsequine<br />

Clementsequine<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Amour G p.42<br />

Lauderdale NS Z p.194<br />

Lestingdale VS p.198<br />

Renkum Radetzky p.234<br />

Superstrada p.252<br />

Renkum Olinthos<br />


Shingle Hall Senator<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Reg AES<br />

Stud Book: SPSS<br />

UELN No: Year of Birth: 1999<br />

Height: 15.1hh (154.5cm)<br />

Colour: Chestnut<br />

Grading: SPSS Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing Tests: WFFS, SCID, CA, HWSS<br />

Availability: Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Carnival Drum<br />

Handley Barns Babe<br />

Marninier<br />

Polyantha<br />

Handley Barns Herve<br />

Handley Barns Bambee<br />

Juriste<br />

Benvenue<br />

African Drum<br />

Iris<br />

Fervent<br />

Handley Barns Minerva<br />

Handley Barns Grandee<br />

Handley Barns Bellking<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Shingle Hall Senator is ideal to add that extra quality to pony lines with his progeny inheriting his amazing<br />

temperament & ability. He has attracted a broad selection of mares, ranging from traditional cobs to the<br />

classic TB/ID cross & all owners are extremely pleased. Senator is bold and genuine and passes onto his<br />

offspring his ability, excellent paces and jump. In 2010, Senator was ranked 3rd in the BEF<br />

Futurity Sire Ranking for Eventing, 9th in the BEF Overall Stallion Ranking. Despite being brought on slowly<br />

as a youngster and then having to take back seat for a couple of years due to family illness and other<br />

commitments, Shingle Hall Senator has been successful in all disciplines with many wins to his name<br />

from showing to show jumping. He is pictured at the National Hunter Show 2005 (above) and a 2005<br />

Winter Novice qualifier (above left). Before his owner-enforced break, he had moved on to BSJA 1.30m<br />

classes and, in 2007, performed well at the Newcomers Regional Finals.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Myspires Another Dream came 2nd in the British Eventing Young Horse Championships, at Osberton<br />

International through qualification in the 2010 BEF Futurity series.<br />

Knockleith Eureka (x Feraree x Majestic Streak), was the highest placed yearling and awarded Elite status<br />

for the 2008 BEF Futurity Young Horse Evaluations, has remained an entire and is licesed with Breeders<br />

Elite SEIB, gained 198 BD points in his first dressage season and was a consistent winner at Medium level<br />

within 2 years. He has also finished in the top 10 at both BE90 and BE100.<br />

Senator’s first foal, Voigts Bay, is now a ZfdP graded stallion and competes at British Eventing BE90 &<br />

BE100 levels, including winning at BE90 in his first season.<br />

Shinglehall Casino has successfully been shown side saddle from a four year old and is now competing<br />

affiliated showjumping jumping double clears and qualifying for the 2018 1.15m Members Cup & 1.10m<br />

National Amateur Finals. He has also jumped double clears and qualified for the second rounds in Senior<br />

Discovery, Newcomers, Senior Foxhunter<br />

Shinglehall Statesman (out of Broomford Beau Monde) qualified for the British Dressage Area Festival<br />

Finals at the 2017 Winter Championships.<br />

Shinglehall Scandal, BEF High First Premium as a foal and winning at BD Medium as a 7 year old.<br />

Stud Fee: £400 NFFR<br />

Stands At: Shingle Hall Stud<br />

Contact: Karen Phillips<br />

07710 792994 / 01992 561096<br />

@ shinglehallstud@gmail.com<br />

www.shinglehallstud.com<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Shingle Hall Tzar<br />

Shingle hall Boris<br />


Silvester<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: KWPN<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 99.07608 Year of Birth: 1999<br />

Tests: All annual tests + WFFS negative<br />

Colour: Grey<br />

Grading: AES Approved and SHB(GB) Life Graded Bone: 8.75”<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping / Eventing / Dressage<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: N/A<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Carthago Z<br />

Notre Dame<br />

Capitol I<br />

Perra B<br />

Voltaire<br />

Diadeem<br />

Capitano<br />

Folia<br />

Calando 1<br />

Kerrin<br />

Furioso II<br />

Gogo Moeve<br />

Nimmerdor<br />

Passe<br />


Showjumping | Eventing | Dressage<br />

Description:<br />

In Vogue by Silvester (left) Carthago Chicago by Silvester (centre)<br />

Huntercombe Burlesque Dressage Elite by Silvester (right)<br />

SILVESTER - BEF Champion Showjumping Sire in successive years and Reserve Champion Eventing Sire.<br />

Silvester is a top class showjumping and eventing stallion with exceptional temperament. He was the overall<br />

winner (dressage, eventing and showjumping) at his SEIB Young Horse Evaluation, scoring 9 plus for<br />

jumping, dressage and temperament. His forbears have competed at two Olympics and have won<br />

numerous Nations Cups. Silvester has exceptionally high fertility, 93%, even with less easy mares. He is an<br />

intelligent stallion with an enthusiastic but relaxed temperament which he passes on to progeny. His genetic<br />

generosity has led to outstanding consistent breeding success, to date at the Futurity Evaluations his progeny<br />

have been awarded: 11 Elites (1 dressage, 2 eventing and 8 showjumping).<br />

36 Higher First Premiums and 9 Golds.<br />

25 First Premiums at the Futurity Evaluations.<br />

Silvester has the unique distinction of having Elite progeny in all three disciplines, proof of his quality and<br />

versatility. His progeny are proving highly trainable, exceptional competition prospects.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Carthago Chicago - SHB(GB) Graded stallion now available at stud.<br />

Total Belief - Advanced mare competing at FEI four star.<br />

In Vogue II - Competed advanced eventing.<br />

Carthago’s Darco - BEF Showjumping Elite score of 9.06. Now competing BS 130’s.<br />

Darc Silver - Competing at two star in just his first year BE eventing.<br />

Timothy – winning at BE novice as a 6 year old.<br />

Carthago Girl - BEF Champion Showjumping Foal with Elite score of 9. Now out winning dressage with<br />

scores over 70%<br />

Silvester’s Midday Cowboy - BEF Showjumping Elite score of 9.00, now competing and winning BS<br />

Crystal Silver - Futurity Showjumping Elite and also awarded Regional Champion Showjumping Foal at the<br />

Elite Foal Tour<br />

Huntercombe Burlesque - BEF dressage Elite score of 9.10<br />

Silver Chicago - BEF showjumping Elite score of 9.10<br />

Silvester’s Delight - BEF Champion Showjumping Yearling, repeated as 3 year old with an Elite score of 9.16.<br />

Silvester's Darcy - Champion Showjumping foal at BEF Elite Final.<br />

See website for more progeny details & achievements.<br />

Silvester’s foals have all inherited his exceptional temperament.<br />

Viewing is welcomed at WG Stud to see Silvester & a selection of his progeny.<br />

Stud Fee: £800 no vat NFFR (£200 deposit, then £600<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

when scanned in foal).<br />

Carthago Chicago p.62<br />

Concessions: 25% discount for dams of British Breeding Futurity Elite progeny<br />

Collection Fee: First collection included in stud fee, thereafter £80, postage free<br />

Stands At: WG Stud, Langford Lane, Wendlebury, Bicester, Oxon, OX25 2NS<br />

Contact: Hazel Offord 07779 217215 / 01869 252224<br />

@ hazel.wgs@zen.co.uk<br />

www.wgstud.co.uk<br />

WG Stud<br />


Sir Mayfly<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Hanoverian<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB) AES<br />

UELN No: 826-041-000171166 Year of Birth: 2017<br />

Height: 15.2hh (157cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 9"<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: Natural / AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Sir Shutterfly<br />

Westoke Mayflower<br />

Silvo I<br />

Famm<br />

Mayhill (Weatherby‘S Fair Oak)<br />

Molly’s Song<br />

Sandro<br />

Gelbkatze<br />

Forrest<br />

Galana<br />

Auk<br />

Blonde Oak<br />

Kharon (Hun)<br />

Femke<br />


Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

A smart, elegant stallion, with tremendous presence, a proven pedigree for eventing, show jumping and<br />

showing given his thoroughbred qualities combined with exceptional jumping ability and movement.<br />

He was awarded gold premium in the 2020 British Breeding Futurity and chosen for the live webinar<br />

showing great temperament, presence and type as a future top class eventing stallion.<br />

He has the stamp, bascule and technique from his sire line of premium show jumpers<br />

(Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum’s brilliant show jumper Shutterfly & Sir Shutterfly.<br />

His dam(by Mark Todd’s NZ TB Mayhill) has competitive racing lines. Mayhill competed at Advanced &<br />

4 star Eventing, reserve for the World Championships in 1990 and placed at the British Open.<br />

He sired many event horses, the most famous being Primmores Pride(Pippa Funnell) winner of the Rolex<br />

Grand Slam 2003, winning Kentucky, Burghley and Badminton. His sire AUK produced many top<br />

National Hunt horses, eventers and SJ’s.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

First season at stud<br />

Stud Fee: £500 NFFR (Same for chilled & frozen) + collection fee<br />

Stands At: Lucknam Park Equestrian Centre<br />

Lucknam Park Hotel, Colerne, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 8AZ<br />

Contact: Dawn Cameron<br />

@<br />

07770 624466<br />

dawncameron23@gmail.com<br />

www.mayflysporthorses.co.uk<br />

@mayflysporthorses<br />

@mayflysporthorses<br />


Sir Shutterfly<br />

Details:<br />

Photo - Jon Stroud<br />

Breeding: Hanoverian Year of Birth: 2002<br />

UELN No: DE 431 310303302<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Stud Book: Hannoverian Verband and SHB (GB)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: Hannoverian Verband and SHB (GB) Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: Fresh / Chilled /Frozen Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Silvio I<br />

Famm<br />

Sandro<br />

Gelbkatze<br />

Forrest xx<br />

Galana<br />

Sacramento Song xx<br />

Duerte<br />

Gepard<br />

Rhodedendron<br />

Gernegross xx<br />

Flut xx<br />

Gardestern I<br />

Wisenfreude<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Sir Shutterfly ranked 55th in the 2018 top 100 WBFSH Event sire rankings.<br />

Sir Shutterfly (full brother to Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum’s Internationally famous Shutterfly), has world<br />

class bloodlines through both his sire Silvio I and his dam Famm, who was Hannoverian mare of the year<br />

2007. She has bred many successful offspring including Let’s Fly (Rodrigo Pessoa) who won 2 World Cup<br />

Titles and over $300,000 prize money. This mare underlines the equally important need for a strong<br />

damline in modern sports horse breeding. He is a modern blood type stallion with immense athleticism, a<br />

great temperament and a desire to work. He copes exceptionally well under pressure, remaining calm and<br />

focused in all situations. He achieved excellent scores in his 30-day test: 10.0 for scope, 9.75 and 9.5 for<br />

jumping ability and technique respectively and 9.0 for temperament and character. He also qualified for the<br />

Bundeschampionat as a five year-old.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

CSF Sir George (2013) sold for €42,000 at Goresbridge as a 3 year old, 2nd highest lot in his age group,<br />

went on to win silver at Lanaken Young Horse Championships 2018.<br />

True Grit (2011) sold for €17,000 at Goresbridge in 2014, top lot of the day, went on to have major wins in<br />

Europe in young horse classes in 2017 & 2018 at 1.40m.<br />

Sir Papillion (2010) 4tth Le Lion D’Angers 2017 & 3 top 10 placings at Barbury, Blair & Houghton at 2* 2018<br />

Shutterflyke (2011) 8th Le Lion D’Angers 2017 & 4 top 10 placings at 1* & 2* 2018.<br />

Chacfly (2012) Sir Shutterfly’s graded grandson had an outstanding final score of 9.49 in 2015, with 6 scores<br />

of 10.0 and 9.5 for rideability from both judges and test rider. He has won several young horse classes and<br />

was reserve champion hauptpraemie 2018.<br />

Horido S (High Shutterfly) (2012) Reserve champion 2015 KWPN Stallion Show, he was Sir Shutterfly’s first<br />

graded son Sicanta (2008) 1.60m showjumper; Sunny 1038 (2008) 1.55m showjumper;<br />

Silva For Ever (2009) 1.50m showjumper. Numerous other offspring competing at 1.40m/1.45m plus.<br />

Stud Fee: £800 + vat<br />

Stands At: Fairlight Stud, New Farm, Clevedon Lane,<br />

Clapton in Gordano, North Somerset, BS20 7RJ<br />

Contact: Jo Sholl-Evans<br />

@<br />

07889 203903<br />

jo@fairlightstud.com<br />

www.fairlightstud.com<br />

FairlightStud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Jonkers Metyo p.172<br />


Stanley Grange Regal Heights<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Willowcroft Regal Bronze x Small-Land Maytino Stud Book: NPS<br />

UELN No: SPSS-CSG2021-D Year of Birth: 2007<br />

Height: 14.2hh (148cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SPSS & NPS<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Endurance / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Willowcroft Regal Bonze<br />

Stanley Grange Heaven Scent<br />

Urubula Regal Promise<br />

Willowcroft Saphire<br />

Small-land Maytino<br />

Whaltons Heavens Above<br />

Rotherwood Footlight<br />

Urbula Promise<br />

Willowcroft Wizard<br />

Weston Sequin<br />

Cusop Fingerprint<br />

Small-Land Gazelle<br />

Whalton Morning Glory<br />

Whalton Blue Heaven<br />


Dressage | Endurance | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Qorum Photos<br />

Qorum Photos<br />

Stanley Grange Regal Heights is a proven progeny maker of both sport and show offspring.<br />

He crosses well with both ponies and horses. He earned himself the NPS Young Stallion Of The Year<br />

award in 2015 due to his offspring excelling. He himself took the show world by storm as a yearling<br />

winning many Supreme Championships including Supreme Overall Champion Ponies UK which had over<br />

2500 exhibits. He was placed 6th HOYS in the Cuddy Supreme Championship.<br />

He sired 2 x SPSS Supreme Champions and has sired numerous HOYS finalists and sport ponies and<br />

small horses. He passes onto his offspring super character, athletic powerful uphill movement and great<br />

trainability. He passes on a beautiful front and head.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Romanno Spotless – successful in dressage, show jumping & eventing<br />

Regal Cavalier – show jumping<br />

Romanno Riverdance – SPSS Supreme Foal/Youngstock Champion 2018<br />

Wolken Von Blitz – SPSS Supreme Stallion Champion 2018<br />

Romanno Destiny – Scottish Horse Show Sports Pony Champion 2017 & 2018. SPSS Scottish Reserve mare<br />

Champion 2017.<br />

Sutton Grange Lady Eleanor – Reserve Champion ISRT HOYS<br />

Romnano Fandango – 2nd HOYS<br />

Romanno Highland Fling – 2nd HOYS<br />

Dundreggan Regal Rock – Champion Novice RH Royal Windsor & qualified for HOYS<br />

Deanburn Regal Splendour – 9th HOYS<br />

Romanno Willow The Wisp – multi supreme In Hand Champion<br />

Greenbarrow Picture Perfect – Multi Champion in hand and under saddle<br />

Aytounhill Casanova – Multi Champion in hand<br />

Harelaw Artemis – Multi Supreme Ridden Champion<br />

Stud Fee: £500 (Same for chilled)<br />

Collection Fees: £60 plus £30 shipping<br />

Concessions: 20% discount off stud fee 2021<br />

Stands At: Romanno Stud, Strathbogie Farm, Elsrickle, Biggar,<br />

Lanarkshire, ML12 6QY<br />

Contact: Jennie Gilchrist<br />

07703535179<br />

@ info@romannostud.co.uk<br />

www.romannostud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/romannostud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

L’Espoir p.188<br />

Faustinus p.116<br />

Hochadel<br />

BrandoSD<br />


Superstrada<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Holstein<br />

Stud Book: Holstein<br />

UELN No: DE421000570511 Year of Birth: 2011<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: AES Licenced<br />

Disciplines: Showjumping / Eventing<br />

Availability: Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability:<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Clearway<br />

S-Quita<br />

Capitol I<br />

Wodka II<br />

Quantum<br />

Tyara<br />

Capitano<br />

Folia<br />

Lord<br />

Gerona 2<br />

Quidamderevel<br />

Ulla V<br />

Ronald<br />

Gorina<br />


Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

For the first time I am offering my competition stallion for stud.<br />

He is a direct son of CLEARWAY (Capitol I x Wodka II) with a breath-taking dam-line, his mother<br />

competing to 1.40m level herself.<br />

SUPERSTRADA was selected in Germany and purchased for his excellent bloodlines, movement and<br />

conformation. He has competed in the UK from British Novice to 1.40m to date. He has been consistently<br />

placed almost every time out. SUPERSTRADA has a superb, laid back temperament and is an absolute<br />

gentleman in every way. He has three rideable, uphill paces. He would complement most mares for<br />

show jumping and eventing. If you are looking for ‘new blood’ which will realise your dream of breeding<br />

exciting future stars, then look no further than this super correct CLEARWAY son whose results speak for<br />

themselves.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

We excitedly await Superstrada’s first foals in 2021.<br />

Stud Fee: £700<br />

Frozen Stud Fee: £700<br />

Stands At: Clements Equine, Manor Farm, Bury St Edmunds, IP31 1AB<br />

Contact: Tanya Jose<br />

07845912515<br />

@ Longmeadridingcentre@gmail.com<br />

www.superstradaatstud.co.uk<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Amour G p.42<br />

Lauderdale NS Z p.192<br />

Lestingdale VS p.196<br />

Shanondale Delta p.240<br />

Renkum Radetzky II p.232<br />

Renkum Olinthos<br />


Tenareze<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Anglo Arab<br />

Stud Book: AA<br />

UELN No: 25000107363271T Year of Birth: 2007<br />

Height: 16.2hh (168cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SHB(GB) Graded<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping<br />

Availability: Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: Frozen<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Jaguar Mail (SF)<br />

Utopie du Maury ox<br />

Hand in Glove xx<br />

Elvira Mail (SF)<br />

Quatar du Plape ox<br />

Pelerinne du Maury ox<br />

Best Turn xx<br />

Miss Betty xx<br />

Laudanum xx<br />

Adoret Z (Zang)<br />

Emir IV ox<br />

Flore ox<br />

Jalienny ox<br />

Jasione ox<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping<br />

Description:<br />

Double Young Event Horse World Champion – Outstanding Jumper with 85% TB – competing<br />

successfully at CCI4*.<br />

French-bred and graded Anglo Arab (AA). By the SHBGB graded sire Jaguar Mail (Hand in<br />

Glove xx – Laudanum xx) – sire of European Champion Fischer Takinou – out of a premium Anglo Arab<br />

mare Utopie du Maury by the leading AA sire Quatar du Plape – sire of several international jumpers<br />

and event horses. Tenareze combines thoroughbred blood with some of the most sought after Anglo Arab<br />

lines. His jump is good enough to have pursued a career in show jumping, and with it he has the gallop<br />

and stamina you’d expect from a TB.<br />

Tenareze has the unique accolade of winning the World Young Horse Eventing Championships at Le Lion<br />

d’Angers for two successive years – as a six-year-old and then successfully defending his title as a<br />

seven-year-old. He continued his winning streak with four consecutive wins in his first season in the UK<br />

and is now successfully competing at 4* Level.<br />

He has outstanding movement and an excellent temperament.<br />

A popular choice for mare owners looking for a blood sire.<br />

All semen is frozen; very good fertility. Limited availability.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His oldest progeny are showing success in young horse classes in France.<br />

His oldest UK progeny were foaled in 2016.<br />

Stud Fee: £850<br />

Stands At: Stallion AI Services<br />

Contact: Harry Meade<br />

@<br />

07966021536<br />

harrymeadeoffice@gmail.com<br />

www.harrymeade.com/horses/tenareze-stallion-ai-services/<br />


The After Party<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Primitive Proposal x DHI Party Piece<br />

Stud Book: SHB(GB)<br />

UELN No: DE 433332085914 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16.2hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: AES Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Primitive Proposal TB<br />

DHI Party Piece<br />

Primitive Rising TB<br />

Louella With Love TB<br />

Tolan R<br />

Dyranda<br />

Raise A Man TB<br />

Periquito TB<br />

Hoarwithy TB<br />

Evette TB<br />

Namelus R<br />

O-Termie 19<br />

Notaris<br />

Oyranda<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

If you are looking to add Thoroughbred blood to your mare without losing movement, jump and<br />

temperament then The After Party is worth your attention. His superb conformation and exceptional<br />

carriage and paces have attracted the attention of many industry experts.<br />

He covered a select number of mares via invitation in 2020 and his popularity amongst those in the know<br />

along with his impressive looking young stock convinced us that it is now time to make him available to<br />

outside mares.<br />

His dam SHB(GB) Champion and Head Stud Book mare DHI Party Piece is an outstanding<br />

broodmare by Tolan R; her first foal DHI Zulu is currently show jumping successfully at 1.50 on the world<br />

circuit having won her age classes based at the Ludger Beerbaum stables.<br />

His sire Primitive Proposal (TB) by the renowned Primitive Rising (TB) (sire of WEG team Gold Medal<br />

winner Cool Mountain) proved an extremely popular sire for those looking to add blood and movement<br />

to both event and show horses.<br />

The After Party is has begun his eventing career successfully winning at 100 level, he will commence his<br />

international career in 2021.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

N/A<br />

Stud Fee: £900 no vat (Same for chilled - please enquire for frozen)<br />

Stands At: West Kington Stud, Church Farm, Chippenham, SN14 7JE<br />

Contact: Nick Gauntlett<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Party Trick p.218<br />

@<br />

07770373200<br />

nick@gauntlett.me.uk<br />

www.gauntlett.me.uk<br />

facebook.com/Nick Gauntlett<br />

Nick_Gauntlett<br />


Tiger Attack<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British Sports Horse<br />

Stud Book: SHB-GB<br />

UELN No: 826041000161878 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 16.1hh (165cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showing Bone: 8 ¾”<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen<br />

Tests: WFFS - Carrier<br />

Grading: SHB-GB Graded, Registered NPS, Approved Irish Horse Register<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Dolphin Supreme<br />

Tiger Lily IV<br />

Ottergale<br />

Dolphin Song<br />

The Outlaw<br />

Java<br />

Lord Gale xx<br />

Otterhill xx<br />

Blue Riband III xx<br />

Dolphin Play ax<br />

Criminal Law xx<br />

Demon Spring BWBS<br />

Louella Gandolpho Hann<br />

Miss Melinda xx<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Tiger Attack, owned and bred by Joanne & William Moran, is an outstanding quality horse, a real head<br />

turner with superb conformation and exceptional movement. He has approximately 70% of thoroughbred<br />

blood, ideal for breeding quality event horses as well as top class show horses and ponies, hacks, riding<br />

horses and hunters. They inherit his strong colour, natural correct movement, superb conformation and<br />

presence. He has the most trainable temperament and is always willing to please and always gives 110%.<br />

A supreme champion in-hand show horse as a youngster with an amazing track record winning every major<br />

national championship including qualifying for the Cuddy Championship at the Horse of the Year Show 3<br />

times. From 2017 he has competed under saddle based at Catherston Stud where he has excelled in all that<br />

he has done. He has won at Eventing, the Combined Training Championships, Working Hunters, BYEH<br />

Qualifiers, Dressage and Sports Horse Classes.<br />

2020 has been a great year for him stud wise with more famous horses and owners due to have a little<br />

Tiger Attack in 2021as well as many coming back for a 2nd or 3rd time!<br />

He has consolidated his training and came out at Advanced Medium Dressage level with Charlotte Dicker<br />

winning his first test at the level, qualifying for the Winter Regionals, we can only hope that they happen in 2021<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

2019 he had sired 33 Winners, 25 Champions, 4 Reserve Champions, 8 Supremes and 2 Reserve<br />

Supremes, (so far that we know about) not forgetting his two off spring that have gained their golden tickets<br />

for Horse of the Year Show, a 148cm 4 year old Children’s Riding Pony and one in the Cuddy In-Hand<br />

Horse Final.<br />

Under Attack, Tiger Temple, Tiger Cub, Stage Tiger, Stage Diva, Ecclesbourne Shark Bay are some that<br />

have all won in-hand up and down the country as potential Show Horses, Hacks, Riding Horses, Sports<br />

Horses and Riding Ponies.<br />

Blakestone Moonlight Serenade & Cashmere Aventus are 2 that have come out under saddle, and with<br />

others in 2020 he has had Champion Riding Pony, Champion SHP, Champion Intermediate and<br />

Champion Riding Horses at the few shows that have managed to run.<br />

Stud Fee: £800 payable to Mr Moran<br />

Collection Fee: £72 inc VAT<br />

Stands At: Catherston Stud, Croft Farm, Hampshire, SO20 8HX<br />

Contact: Jennie Loriston-Clarke or Anne Dicker<br />

@<br />

01264 782716<br />

enquiries@catherstonstud.com<br />

www.catherstonstud.com<br />

facebook.com/catherstonstud<br />

Catherston_stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Catherston Oakley p.66<br />

Opposition Bombshell p.214<br />

Timolin p.260<br />

Catherston Dazzler (frozen)<br />

Catherston Goldstorm (frozen)<br />

Catherston Liberator (frozen)<br />

Catherston Springsteen (frozen)<br />

Dutch Gold (frozen)<br />


Timolin<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: British Warmblood<br />

Stud Book: BWBS<br />

UELN No: 826016160532011 Year of Birth: 2011<br />

Height: 16.3hh (170cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: BWBS, SHB-GB Champion, AESB<br />

Bone: 9 ¹/₂”<br />

Disciplines: Dressage / Eventing / Showjumping / Showing Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen TB Blood: Over 30%<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Totilas (KWPN)<br />

Samira (Old)<br />

Gribaldi (Trak)<br />

Lominka Elite Pref Prest (KWPN)<br />

Sion (KWPN)<br />

Lara (Old)<br />

Kostolany (Trak)<br />

Gondola II (Trak)<br />

Glendale (KWPN)<br />

Elsa Ster Pref Prest (KWPN)<br />

Sultan (KWPN)<br />

Tarantella (KWPN)<br />

Landadel (Holst)<br />

Tarka (Old)<br />


Dressage | Eventing | Showjumping | Showing<br />

Description:<br />

Timolin is an elegant, light-footed stallion of exceptional quality showing outstanding paces with a lot of<br />

athleticism as is shown in his jumping ability. Heads turn where ever he walks with him eluding exceptional<br />

presence and natural self-carriage. This he passes on to his stock who all inherit his lovely paces and superb<br />

conformation. He is a lovely, well balanced ride with a bold attitude and excellent temperament. Timolin, as<br />

an event horse is now 1 point off Advanced, mostly achieved with Gubby Leech, although Izzy Taylor kindly<br />

stood in to ride him at the Novice National Championships at Gatcombe where he was 6th.<br />

He is both bold and careful, has a light and easy gallop which he makes look effortless.<br />

As a dressage horse with Lizzie Murray he is now confidently winning at Small Tour level in Prix St Georges<br />

and Intermedaire 1. As 2020 has not been a year with many competitions, he had a very busy stud season<br />

combined with lots of training and has come out winning at Intermedaire II, and hopefully Grand Prix in<br />

2021. His stock continue to excel. He has 10 Elite stock through the BEF Futurity with some gaining Elite<br />

multiple times at all ages. His first crop are now ridden and performing very well under saddle with<br />

excellent results winning the Equine Bridge Dressage over all ages, qualifying for regionals in dressage,<br />

winning in show classes, top 10 placings in BYEH qualifiers as well as his youngstock continuing to win in<br />

hand during their education. With over 110 stock on the ground to date and another 35+ due this year, over<br />

10% being Elite proves that he stamps his stock with his correct conformation, excellent paces and wonderful<br />

temperaments suitable for all disciplines.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

Catherston Timeless – BEF Elite, Champion Bath & West, Equine Bridge Dressage Champion as a 4 year old,<br />

qualified Winter Regionals at Novice again as a 5 year old, working medium & Elementary.<br />

Catherston Tiffany – BEF Elite, Winner Bath & West<br />

Catherston Timpany – BEF Elite, Winner Bath & West, Surrey County, placings in BYEH & ready to BE in 2020<br />

Catherston Temptation – BEF Elite,<br />

Catherston Ticktock – BBN Champion, SHB Foal Champion, BEF Elite -Sold to Canada<br />

Catherston Tango – SHB Champion Foal, Qualified BD Novice Silver Regionals with Amy Tate<br />

Catherston Tiara – 1st Foal Bath & West, 1st Three Counties<br />

Catherston Top Hat – BEF Elite , Catherston Tuxedo – BEF Elite, Catherston Tarantella – BEF Elite<br />

Comberton Come Dance with Me – Champion Foal, BEF Higher First<br />

Time to Fly – BEF Elite x 2, Eventing Foal and Yearling Champion<br />

Catherston Touch of Spring – Elite Foals Reserve Eventing Champion<br />

Catherston Thriller – BEF Elite<br />

Stud Fee: £1,000 inc vat (£1,100 Frozen inc vat)<br />

Collection Fee: £72 inc VAT<br />

Stands At: Catherston Stud, Croft Farm, Hampshire, SO20 8HX<br />

Contact: Jennie Loriston-Clarke or Anne Dicker<br />

@<br />

01264 782716<br />

enquiries@catherstonstud.com<br />

www.catherstonstud.com<br />

facebook.com/catherstonstud<br />

Catherston_stud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Catherston Oakley p.66<br />

Opposition Bombshell p.214<br />

Tiger Attack p.258<br />

Catherston Dazzler (frozen)<br />

Catherston Goldstorm (frozen)<br />

Catherston Liberator (frozen)<br />

Catherston Springsteen (frozen)<br />

Dutch Gold (frozen)<br />


Tomatillo<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Part Bred Arab<br />

Grading: SHB GB<br />

UELN No: 840012000031312 Year of Birth: 2013<br />

Height: 16hh (163cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Stud Book: Part Bred Arab Register Volume LIV<br />

Disciplines: Endurance / Eventing<br />

Availability: Natural / Frozen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU / USA / Canada / Australia / New Zealand / South Africa<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Tarnik<br />

Mellita<br />

Walezjusz<br />

Tarnina<br />

Master Spiritus<br />

Darya<br />

Hexton xx<br />

Valencienne xo<br />

Marten xxoo<br />

Tarnawa xo<br />

Spiritus xx<br />

Gittisham Miss xx<br />

Nari oo<br />

Durr el Zaman oo<br />


Endurance | Eventing<br />

Description:<br />

Tomatillo is a genetic clone of Tamarillo, the well-known Event horse, long term member of the British team<br />

and winner of the Badminton and Burghley four star Events. Because Tamarillo, like most Eventers, was a<br />

gelding he has been cloned so that his special genes will not be lost. The story of the cloning can be read<br />

on the Biddesden website - click on NEWS and then on PRESS.<br />

Tamarillo had particular merits as a performance horse which made him worthy to be cloned: he was a<br />

big mover with a light natural cadence, he was extremely tough and agile in testing conditions and he<br />

seemed to find the big fences easy.<br />

Tarnik, Tamarillo’s sire, was a Polish Anglo Arab, a many generation blend of Thoroughbred (about 75%)<br />

and Arab with a trace of Shagya blood. He was an extremely bold and tough horse and won the A.H.S.<br />

Marathon Race in 1977. Tamarillo’s dam, Mellita, was an Anglo Arab by Master Spiritus, the renowned<br />

Eventer sire of yesteryear.<br />

Tomatillo is a 7 year old stallion and is competing under BE Rules (see videos) when stud duties allow.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

His first foals were born in 2017 with 2 more promising crops since then.<br />

Stud Fee: £800 no vat (Same for frozen)<br />

Stands At: Biddesden Stud, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 9DN<br />

Contact: Finn Guinness<br />

@<br />

01264 790646<br />

Finn.guinness@biddesdenstud.co.uk<br />

www.biddesdenstud.co.uk<br />

facebook.com/biddesdenstud<br />

@biddesdenstud<br />

@biddesdenstud<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Incognito<br />

All That Jazz<br />

Sisyrinchium<br />

Persiflage<br />

Palikari<br />


Treenhill Aristotle<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Anglo Arab<br />

Breeding: AHS & Sport Horse GB<br />

UELN No: 826044000030001 Year of Birth: 2012<br />

Height: 15.2hh (154.4cm)<br />

Colour: Bay<br />

Grading: SHB GB & AHS premium Graded, SPSS Approved Bone: 8”<br />

Disciplines: Endurance / Eventing / Showing / Sports Pony Tests: CEM, EIA, EVA, CA & SCID<br />

Availability: Frozen Semen<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Pedigree:<br />

AH Cheshmak (Arab - UK)<br />

Treenhill Shillelagh (TB - UK)<br />

R Ali Bey<br />

Camaya<br />

Afzal (IRE)<br />

Golden Charmain<br />

Magic Dream<br />

Bey Affair<br />

Dream Quest<br />

Jaleas ET<br />

Sassafras<br />

Afrique<br />

Undulate<br />

April Rose<br />


Endurance | Eventing | Showjumping | Sports Pony<br />

Description:<br />

Treenhill Aristotle is an up and coming, elegant looking stallion with tremendous presence & a beautiful<br />

head. He has a lovely relaxed temperament and a wonderful nature both in and out of the stable and<br />

impeccably behaved at competitions. He is very athletic, brave and bold being an agile & keen Jumper.<br />

Aristotle has the unique accolade of winning the Overall Supreme Ridden Championships at the Arab<br />

Horse Society National championships – as a six-year-old being one of few partbreds/Anglo arab to<br />

ever win the title. Adding to his British National champion title and Overall Supreme Champion at the<br />

British Arabian Championships as a 5year old. Towards the end of 2018 season he changed<br />

Disciplines from the Show ring to eventing comfortably completing BE80, BE90 & BE100 courses, with<br />

top 6 placings, showing his versatility, scope and stamina as Anglo Arab. With 50% Arab 50% TB blood<br />

he is suitable to sire Eventers, Performance horses and ponies, Show horses & endurance horses.<br />

Progeny of Note:<br />

2020 Colt - Treenhill Archimedes<br />

DAM - IMOGEN (AES graded 1***) by the German Olympic Reserve Imperio who was the 2016<br />

Trakehner Stallion of the year and out of ST PR Betty Barclay (Brentano II x Weltmeyer).<br />

Stud Fee: £500 + VAT & Shipping<br />

Other <strong>Stallions</strong> Standing:<br />

Stands At: Stands at (stud address): Treen Farm,Higher Totnell, Leigh, AH Cheshmak (Arab)<br />

Sherborne, DT9 6HZ. Frozen Semen at West Kington Stud,<br />

West Kington, Chippenham, Wilts, SN14 7JE<br />

Contact: West Kington Stud<br />

Or Contact: Pemaneh Paddick<br />

@<br />

(Nominations to) 01249 782050<br />

manager@westkingtonstud.co.uk<br />

www.westkingtonstud.co.uk<br />

@<br />

Pemaneh Paddick - 07508424502<br />

Treenhill-arabians@hotmail.co.uk<br />

Treenhill Arabians<br />


Ulano M<br />

Details:<br />

Breeding: Tolano van’t Riethof X Atlantic VDL<br />

Stud Book: AES<br />

UELN No: 01.007386 Year of Birth: 2001<br />

Height: 16.2hh (167cm)<br />

Colour: Dark Bay<br />

Grading: Licensed AES Bone: 9”<br />

Disciplines: Eventing<br />

Tests: WFFS Negative<br />

Overseas Availability: EU<br />

Availability: AI Fresh / Chilled / Frozen* (Limited availability fresh/chilled)<br />

Pedigree:<br />

Tolano Van’t Riethof<br />

Pitcher M<br />

Chin Chin<br />

Knappe Van Heyvelde<br />

Atlantic VDL<br />

Belinda<br />

Constant<br />

Larese<br />

Goldspring de Lauzelle<br />

Donna van Asborne<br />

Acord II<br />

Diana<br />

Vesins xx<br />

Linda<br />