Spring 2021 OLLI Catalog (Interactive)
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning. For more info, visit: https://csudh.edu/olli
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning.
For more info, visit:
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<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Course <strong>Catalog</strong> January - June<br />
Enrich Your Life,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute
<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
NEW!<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
Virtual Open House<br />
Join us at <strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Virtual Open<br />
House to learn more about lifelong learning<br />
for retired and semi-retired adults.<br />
Feel free to invite your friends to the <strong>2021</strong><br />
<strong>Spring</strong> Virtual Open House by sharing this<br />
link: bit.ly/OpenHouse-SP21 or<br />
have them call 310-243-3208. This is a great opportunity to<br />
learn about membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.<br />
January 26, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Tuesday | 3pm - 4:30pm<br />
For more information contact <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH call<br />
(310) 243-3208 or email olli@csudh.edu.<br />
New Members Orientation Meeting<br />
February 5<br />
Friday | 10 am-11am<br />
(Virtual Tour of CSUDH at 11:10 am-12:30pm)<br />
Meeting ID 845 2400 2546<br />
Details on page 38.<br />
Subscribe to our <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
Weekly emails!<br />
Receive the latest updates from <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH:<br />
News, COVID-19 updates, CSUDH announcements,<br />
special events, parking updates and more!<br />
Email olli@csudh.edu to subscribe!<br />
Table of Contents<br />
Open House .................................................1<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Contact Information.........................2<br />
Dean’s Welcome ........................................2<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Membership Information ...............3<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Activities ...............................4<br />
Using the Zoom Meeting Interface ......4<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> 2019-2020<br />
Annual Report Synopsis................5-8<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Classes at CSUDH.................. 9-38<br />
Art, Culture & Language ..............10-12<br />
Health & Wellness..........................13-21<br />
Black History Month ..........................22<br />
Business & Finance........................... 23<br />
History & Social Science.................. 24<br />
Science & Technology......................25<br />
Pop-Up Events ....................................26<br />
Osher Lecture Series........................ 27<br />
Discussion Groups...................... 28-29<br />
Virtual Docent-led Tours ............30-37<br />
Special Events..................................... 38<br />
Peer-Led (Omnilore) ......................39-48<br />
In Memorium........................................ 49<br />
University Courses<br />
for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.............................50<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors & Volunteers ..........51-52<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Codes of Conduct ........................ 53<br />
Parking at <strong>OLLI</strong>......................................... 54<br />
Instructors and Lecturers................54-55<br />
Chronological List of Courses...... 56-60<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-Led Program (Omnilore) Orientations<br />
February 25, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Thursday | 10 am or<br />
March 8, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Monday | 1:30 pm<br />
RSVP to (310) 215-1848 or<br />
membership@omnilore.org<br />
Additional fees may apply.<br />
(See page 40)<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> is on Facebook!<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute<br />
at Cal State University Dominguez Hills<br />
www.facebook.com/csudholli<br />
Osher Lecture Series – South Bay<br />
www.facebook.com/OsherLecture<br />
Social Tennis for Seniors<br />
www.facebook.com/groups/<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>SocialTennis<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Online Calendar<br />
n Until further notice, all Omnilore peer-led study/discussion<br />
www.csudh.edu/<strong>OLLI</strong>/Calendar<br />
groups occur virtually using Zoom.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 1
Contact Information<br />
Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
College of Extended &<br />
International Education, EE-1300<br />
1000 East Victoria Street<br />
Carson, CA 90747<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Ofce: (310) 243-3208<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Registration: (310) 243-3741<br />
Extended Education Building, EE-1100<br />
Website: www.csudh.edu/olli<br />
Email: olli@csudh.edu<br />
Registration Ofce Hours:<br />
Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 8:00pm<br />
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm<br />
Saturday 8:00am – 1:30pm<br />
Sunday Closed<br />
Bernard and Barbro Osher<br />
Bernard Osher<br />
Foundation<br />
The CSUDH Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute is funded in<br />
part by a generous endowment<br />
from the Bernard Osher<br />
Foundation. The Bernard Osher<br />
Foundation funds a national<br />
network of <strong>OLLI</strong>s located at<br />
124 colleges and universities<br />
throughout the United States.<br />
www.osher.net<br />
A Message from Dean McNutt<br />
College of Extended and International Education, CSUDH<br />
Dear <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH Member,<br />
During these last 12 months, life for all of us has<br />
changed. Because of the seriousness and reach<br />
of the Coronavirus, last spring all face-to-face<br />
courses at CSUDH were converted to online<br />
or alternative modality. Athletics, theater and<br />
musical performance were canceled. Students left residence halls,<br />
and nearly all staf members began working remotely.<br />
These safety protocols continued into summer and fall, and <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
continued to deliver programming through Zoom. We are proud of<br />
how well everyone has adapted to this new environment. While<br />
we hope to be able to ofer face-to-face courses again in the near<br />
future, we thank you for your patience and cooperation during<br />
these unprecedented times.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH is very much alive and working to not only survive,<br />
but THRIVE. Many members say they feel enriched, creative, and<br />
encouraged, because <strong>OLLI</strong> has made a diference in their lives.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH remains committed to providing exciting learning<br />
and social opportunities for our members. The <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
oferings include a stimulating and entertaining lineup of programs<br />
and activities at no cost to members. Register today for any<br />
courses that interests you, and invite your friends to join too.<br />
Times are tough for many of us, however, WE NEED YOUR HELP<br />
NOW MORE THAN EVER. <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH is funded in part by an<br />
endowment from the Osher Foundation, which requires a minimum<br />
of 500 members. We need your commitment to renew or rejoin<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH so we can maintain our Osher Foundation funding<br />
and partnership. At $30 per year, <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH has the lowest<br />
membership fee of any of the 124 Osher member institutions.<br />
This is a crucial time for members to show support by returning<br />
your completed Membership Form today. We thank those of you<br />
that have already renewed, and a big Thank You to those of you<br />
who contributed an additional fnancial gift.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH will survive and thrive because of you – our<br />
members. We value and appreciate you, and celebrate our<br />
commitment to you to keep <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH strong and vibrant.<br />
Be Safe and Be Well.<br />
2<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> MEMBERSHIP<br />
Lifelong Learning at CSUDH is a<br />
membership organization for those<br />
individuals age 50+ who are seeking<br />
intellectual and social activities. These<br />
activities include short courses on a variety<br />
of topics, peer-led courses, discussion<br />
groups, feld trips, computer work shops,<br />
social gatherings and campus cultural<br />
events. Learning takes place in a supportive<br />
environment without concern for grades, tests, or requirements.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH Current Membership Benefts<br />
During Covid<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> members enjoy many benefts inherent in student status.<br />
• Attend the popular Osher Lecture Series (Fall and <strong>Spring</strong><br />
Semesters only)<br />
• Participate in discussion groups on a variety of topics each term<br />
• Enroll in special interest, technology and other workshops<br />
designed for lifelong learners<br />
• Attend short courses and participate in feld trips<br />
• Receive notifcations by mail or email about campus even ts<br />
• Receive CSUDH Student ID card for library privileges and<br />
bookstore discounts<br />
• Virtual classrooms<br />
• Receive an <strong>OLLI</strong> catalog each semester<br />
• Participate in University and other selected Extended Education<br />
programs for reduced rates<br />
• Become involved in determining <strong>OLLI</strong> curriculum and events<br />
• Meet like-minded adults in a supportive learning environment<br />
• Email account at ToroMail<br />
• Reduced annual parking pass fees (See page 54)<br />
Become a Member!<br />
You can become an <strong>OLLI</strong> member by<br />
calling (310) 243-3741 or completing<br />
the membership portion of the<br />
registration form in this catalog.<br />
Fee: Annual <strong>OLLI</strong> membership is $30.<br />
This includes the Osher Lecture<br />
Series and other benefts. Some <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
activities have additional nominal fees.<br />
These include <strong>OLLI</strong> courses, feld trip<br />
fee, computer courses and the peerled<br />
(Omnilore) program.<br />
Meeting Times: Dates and times<br />
for courses are listed with course<br />
descriptions in this schedule.<br />
Course Registration: During<br />
coronovirus restrictions, <strong>OLLI</strong> is<br />
providing safe learning environments<br />
to its members with free access to<br />
all online classes. Registration is not<br />
necessary, but for your convenience,<br />
a worksheet is included with the<br />
Membership form that you can use to<br />
list the courses you are interested in.<br />
A Note About our Peer-led<br />
Program (Omnilore)<br />
Registration in our Omnilore courses<br />
in Redondo Beach requires attendance<br />
at an orientation prior to registration.<br />
Visit www.omnilore.org or call<br />
(310) 215-1848 for more information<br />
Become a Member<br />
or Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong> Membership<br />
To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses your membership must<br />
be current, which includes the Fall, <strong>Spring</strong> and Summer<br />
semesters. The cost is only $30 for an annual membership.<br />
If your membership has lapsed, please sign up as soon as<br />
possible. If you aren’t sure whether your membership is<br />
current, call the registration ofce at (310) 243-3741.<br />
Please make checks payable to CSUDH.<br />
Subscribe to our <strong>OLLI</strong>@<br />
CSUDH Weekly emails!<br />
Receive the latest updates<br />
from <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH News,<br />
COVID-19 updates, CSUDH<br />
announcements, special events,<br />
parking updates and more!<br />
Email to olli@csudh.edu to<br />
subscribe!<br />
NEW!<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 3
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Programs<br />
and Activities<br />
In our continued eforts to provide<br />
safe learning environments during<br />
coronovirus restrictions, <strong>OLLI</strong> is<br />
ofering courses free of charge online ,<br />
using the Zoom meeting interface.<br />
Our formats still include Lectures by<br />
CSUDH professors and other experts<br />
on topics or themes suggested<br />
by <strong>OLLI</strong> members. Fall and <strong>Spring</strong><br />
semesters only. Courses are meetings<br />
organized around a topic and led by<br />
an instructor. Discussion Groups<br />
are often conducted in conjunction<br />
with a video or flm and facilitated<br />
by a discussion leader. Computer<br />
Workshops at the CSUDH Extended<br />
Education Computer Labs have<br />
been temporarily suspended, but<br />
information technology segments<br />
are ofered in the catalog. Field Trips<br />
have been converted to ‘Virtual Tours’<br />
of museums, historic sites, and places<br />
of interest locally and world-wide.<br />
Peer-led (Omnilore)<br />
This program consists of study/<br />
discussion groups in which each<br />
member participates by presenting<br />
a topic related to the subject under<br />
study. Additional fees apply.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> members must participate in an<br />
Omnilore orientation prior to registering<br />
for a peer-led class. See pages<br />
40-41 for more information, visit www.<br />
omnilore.org or call (310) 215-1848.<br />
Parking at CSUDH<br />
Discounted Annual Parking Passes<br />
are still available to <strong>OLLI</strong> members.<br />
See page 53 for details.<br />
How to Register for <strong>Spring</strong> Courses<br />
and Tips for Using Zoom<br />
Step 1<br />
First, register for the class by clicking on the registration link<br />
listed in each class in this digital catalog. Please include your frst<br />
and last name, and your preferred email address. Once you’ve<br />
registered, you will receive a confrmation email with in structions<br />
on how to log in to the Zoom meeting.<br />
Note: You may need to refer back to this email if you want to<br />
log in quickly using the Meeting ID #.<br />
If you are using your PC, MAC, laptop or desktop computer, you<br />
can connect through your web browser. (Google Chrome, Safari,<br />
etc.) If you do not have the program installed, you will be taken<br />
through the steps to do so. If you’re joining from iPhone, iPad,<br />
android or tablet, we recommend you download the Zoom app.<br />
Step 2<br />
Join the meeting. Please allow plenty of time to log into Zoom.<br />
We suggest at least 5-7 minutes before the start of the event.<br />
Open the confrmation email that you received, and click on the<br />
text Click here to join. Zoom will launch in your browser, and<br />
prompt you for your name and to verify that you are not a robot.<br />
You may be asked to wait for the host to start the meeting. When<br />
the meeting interface appears, Join with Computer Audio,<br />
and click Start Video (at the bottom left corner) and you will be<br />
connected to the meeting.<br />
If you already have Zoom on your computer, you can use this<br />
shortcut to the meeting: Visit csudh.zoom.us in your web<br />
browser, and click Join a Meeting. Find the Meeting ID # in the<br />
confrmation email and type (or copy and paste) it in the required<br />
box. Then click Join, and wait for the host to admit you to the<br />
meeting. No pass codes are needed.<br />
What if this is a recurring class? Do I have to register<br />
again to get the email confrmation?<br />
No, since the class continues every week, you will use the same<br />
Meeting ID or link to join the class. If you lose your email, you can<br />
just re-register, and we will send another confrmation.<br />
If you have difculty or questions, please call 310-243-3208 or<br />
email olli@csudh.edu. Or search YouTube for this helpful video:<br />
Joining a Zoom Call for the First Time; Fun and Easy.<br />
4<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
2019-2020 Annual Report Synopsis<br />
BOLD<br />
STEPS<br />
…<br />
As a premier community-based, senior lifelong<br />
learning program, it is important that we remain open<br />
and in tune with the ever-changing needs of seniors in<br />
the community. 2020 brought changes, challenges, and<br />
opportunities. <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH believes our greatest resources<br />
are our members. Each member played a role in stabilizing<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH—from renewing your membership, learning<br />
new technology, taking virtual classes, or inviting your friends.<br />
During a global pandemic, when stay-at-home orders were in<br />
place, all members responded keeping <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH vibrant<br />
and robust. Our members took BOLD STEPS: they pivoted<br />
from in-person to being part of an online learning community;<br />
volunteers outreached to 598 members CONNECTING with a<br />
personal phone call. Lifelong learning leaders came together<br />
to make decisions and address challenges. Our vision is to be<br />
the lifelong learning program that gives purpose, meaning and<br />
enrichment to every senior in the South Bay community.<br />
…<br />
It was a difcult year — but one with amazing teamwork,<br />
inspired collaboration, and adaptability. This Annual Report<br />
FULL OF Synopsis is an overview that highlights the successes and<br />
POTENTIAL accomplishments of our members which all of you should be<br />
proud. Thank you for your passion for lifelong learning. Thank<br />
you for your inspiration. Together we make a diference even<br />
in the face of major challenges. Because of you, the future of<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH is bright, bold and FULL OF POTENTIAL.<br />
2019-2020<br />
by the<br />
numbers<br />
598<br />
Members<br />
187<br />
Virtual<br />
Events<br />
$9,630<br />
Donations<br />
(5/1/2019–<br />
12/31/2020)<br />
23<br />
Omnilore<br />
S/D Groups<br />
124<br />
Osher<br />
Institutes<br />
Nationwide<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 5
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH 2019-2020<br />
Unrestricted Revenue – $80,100<br />
2019-2020 Financials<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH is supported<br />
by California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills, the College<br />
of Extended and International<br />
Education, the Bernard Osher<br />
Foundation, yearly membership<br />
dues and modest course<br />
fees. The Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
campaign flls the budget gap<br />
and provides funds to enhance<br />
programming and produces a<br />
stable and sustainability <strong>OLLI</strong> for<br />
our current and future members.<br />
62% | $50,000<br />
Endowment Interest<br />
44% | $35,000<br />
Salaries<br />
9% | $7,000<br />
Contractied Services<br />
(Graphics)<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH 2019-2020<br />
Expenses – $80,100<br />
6% | $9,630<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
11% | $9,290<br />
Course Fees<br />
21% | $17,190<br />
Membership Fees<br />
5% | $4,100<br />
Food & Beverage<br />
6% | $5,000<br />
Postage<br />
31% | $25,000<br />
<strong>Catalog</strong> Printing<br />
ENRICH<br />
…<br />
ENRICH<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
Thank you<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills and the<br />
College of Extended and<br />
International Education<br />
for the resources & support<br />
you provide to <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH.<br />
YOU<br />
WE COULD<br />
NOT EXIST.<br />
5% | $4,000<br />
Taxes & Benefts<br />
Restricted by Osher Foundation<br />
for Fundraising Capacity Building – $25,000<br />
52% | $13,000<br />
Fundraising Consultant<br />
In-Kind Support $429,070<br />
10% | $2,500<br />
Donor Appreciation Event<br />
18% | $4,500<br />
Printing and Postage<br />
6% | $1,500<br />
Donor Cultivation<br />
6% | $1,500<br />
Planned Giving Workshop 8% | $2,000<br />
(Virtual)<br />
Virtual Receptions<br />
$50,000<br />
Classroom Usage<br />
$379,070<br />
CSUDH & CEIE<br />
Resources & Support<br />
to <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
Thank you<br />
to Our Donors On behalf of California State University, Dominguez Hills and the College of<br />
International and Extended Education, <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH gratefully recognizes<br />
members and friends who generously supported our Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
fundraising campaign between July 1, 2019 and December 31, 2020.<br />
Debra Adams<br />
Joyce A. Asher<br />
Cecilia Ball<br />
Sauti Baraka<br />
Jerry Bichlmeier<br />
James Bouchard<br />
Paulette A. Bradley<br />
Vickie R. Bradley<br />
Cartellia M. Bryant<br />
John Cleek<br />
Howard R. Darvey<br />
Clara Demers<br />
Valerie J. Dingwall<br />
Zelda Donin-Green<br />
Diane Dorsett<br />
Joanne Dunn-Richardson<br />
Alison Edwards<br />
Pamela A. Fees<br />
Shirley Gideon<br />
Sandra V. Goodson<br />
Bernadette C. Graham<br />
Alicia M. Greathouse<br />
Larry W. Gunsalus<br />
Hata Family Trust<br />
Gayle A. Heifetz<br />
Ed A. Hemdane<br />
H. Mary Higuchi<br />
Betty J. Hill<br />
Sarah L. Jones<br />
Jefrey Jones<br />
Charles L Johnson Jr &<br />
Gwendolyn M. Johnson<br />
Revocable Trust<br />
Katherine M. Kamiya<br />
Margaret A. Kidwell-Udin<br />
Mimi Lau<br />
Kirsten A. Loumeau<br />
Peter G. Mand<br />
Darlene Mason-Lockett<br />
Robert K. McDonald<br />
Flora L. Miles<br />
Sally M. Moite<br />
Emma R. Moore<br />
Sunny Moss<br />
Carlos Muy Silvestre<br />
Karen L. Nelson<br />
Michele Nies<br />
Nicole D. Pacada<br />
In memory of<br />
Frederick O. Haywood<br />
Olivia Payne-Tinson<br />
Marianne Pekala<br />
Amy Z. Reiner<br />
Angela Renchie<br />
Denise Ridley-Davis<br />
Sam Rosenzweig<br />
Eileen M. Salmon<br />
Schwab Charitable Fund<br />
Marion Seaman<br />
Conrad M. Siegel<br />
Sheree J. Small<br />
Shirley A. Smith<br />
Did you know?<br />
IRA rollover gifts and other planned gifts are excellent<br />
ways to help us sustain and grow our community of lifelong<br />
learners for years to come. Please contact Nicole Pacada,<br />
Program Coordinator, at npacada1@csudh.edu to learn more.<br />
Helen S. Stockwell<br />
Jeanne F. Takano<br />
Grace M. Tanaka<br />
Elzola N. Taylor<br />
Dorothy W. Teja<br />
The Delyna Hayward<br />
Diop Family<br />
The Bernard Osher<br />
Foundation<br />
The Powell Living Trust<br />
The Slaterry Trust<br />
Doris C. Thomas<br />
Donald J. Tlougan<br />
Richard D. Udin<br />
Susan L. Washington<br />
Leslie Wilcox<br />
Brenda J. Wiley<br />
Juanita L. Wright<br />
Midori Yamasaki<br />
Jane A. Yates<br />
Eileen R. Yoshimura<br />
Sharon Young<br />
Reporting period May 1,<br />
2019 – December 31, 2020.<br />
We have made every efort<br />
to ensure all of the above<br />
information is correct.<br />
We apologize for any errors.<br />
Please contact Gema<br />
Chaqueco, Program Assistant<br />
at gchaqueco1@csudh.edu<br />
if a correction is needed.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 7
Thank you<br />
to Our Volunteers California State University, Dominquez Hills and the College of International and<br />
Extended Education are honored to be supported by <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH powerhouse<br />
member volunteers who dedicate their time and energy to help make our<br />
Institute the best it can be. We are grateful to the committee members noted<br />
here and to the many other members who contribute in meaningful ways.<br />
Membership & Our Connection Crew Ambassador Committee<br />
Marketing Committee<br />
Sauti Baraka<br />
Angela Renchie Norma Bates<br />
Denise Jeferson-R oberts,<br />
Norma Bates Denise Jeferson Jefrey Jones<br />
Co-Chair<br />
Roberts<br />
Lori Davidson-Fox<br />
Valerie Dingwall<br />
Sauti Baraka, Co-Chair<br />
Sam Rosenzweig<br />
Valerie Dingwall<br />
Norma Howard<br />
Linda Lewis<br />
Elaine (Eugenia)<br />
Alicia Greathouse<br />
Lori Davidson-Fox<br />
Margie Moseley<br />
Schnyder<br />
Olivia Payne-Tinson<br />
Althea Haygood<br />
Marion Seamon<br />
Angela Renchie Gwendolyn Hills To every individual who<br />
Eula Slater<br />
Norma Howard<br />
contributed to <strong>OLLI</strong>@<br />
Susan Washington<br />
Jimmie Thompson<br />
CSUDH in 2019-2020,<br />
Sharon Young<br />
Jefrey Jones<br />
whether by leading a<br />
Linda Kahn<br />
Curriculum<br />
Committee<br />
course, participating,<br />
Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
Linda Lewis<br />
volunteering, speaking,<br />
Fundraising Committee<br />
Cassandra Reed<br />
Shirley Lyles<br />
and/or donating,<br />
Edward Allen<br />
Eula Slater<br />
Margie Moseley<br />
Linda Lewis Jimmie La Verne Thank<br />
Debbie Miller<br />
Jeanne Takano<br />
Thompson<br />
Cassandra Reed<br />
you.<br />
Sharon Young<br />
We salute the institute’s exceptional staf , volunteers and dedicated community<br />
members, and applaud <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH for embracing lifelong learning as a pursuit<br />
that enhances the connection we make in the community with one another.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Virtual<br />
Lectures, Classes,<br />
Workshops and<br />
Activities<br />
California State University<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
This spring, all classes, workshops<br />
and discussion groups take place<br />
online using Zoom. What is Zoom?<br />
Zoom is a reliable, easy to use video<br />
conferencing application that can be<br />
used across mobile, desktop and other<br />
electronic devices. As a member of<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH you will use Zoom to<br />
participate in live stream <strong>OLLI</strong> courses.<br />
You do not need a Zoom account to<br />
access your course.<br />
If this is your frst time using Zoom,<br />
please refer to page 4 for further<br />
instructions, and be sure to sign up for<br />
our <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly Emails for updates<br />
and quick links to Zoom classes.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 9
January 27, February 3, 10, 17,<br />
24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, April<br />
7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19<br />
Wednesdays | 10 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-French-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 987 4152 3031<br />
French with Delyna Means<br />
Learn French using verbal and written cues. Once a skill level<br />
is reached, Duolingo provides additional levels and practice.<br />
Duolingo allows learners to discover patterns on their own without<br />
needing to focus on language rules the same way you learned<br />
your frst language as a child. This approach, called “im plicit<br />
learning,” is ideal for developing a strong<br />
foundational knowledge of a language and<br />
its rules. The instructor will also provide<br />
monitoring resources, guidance, and helpful<br />
tips tailored to each student’s comfort level<br />
and needs.<br />
February 16, March 16,<br />
April 13, May 4<br />
Tuesdays | 10 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-opera-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 986 4115 3673<br />
No passcode required.<br />
LA Opera Talks<br />
In today’s environment, music,<br />
and specifcally operatic<br />
music, can be uplifting. In<br />
our time period, LA Opera<br />
presents a series of Operatic<br />
music, performances, behind<br />
the scenes, actors, costume,<br />
make-up and the history of<br />
opera. Each lecture class will<br />
compose its own topic and speaker who presents lecture and<br />
videos of previous performances.<br />
February 16 | hosted by Mary Johnston<br />
“Stories We Love: Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet<br />
in Film and Opera “<br />
March 16 | hosted by Jessica Gonzalez-Rodriguez<br />
“What It’s Like to Be an Opera Singer”<br />
April 13 | hosted by Kevin Batton<br />
“Opera and Greek Tragedy” (Temporary Title)<br />
May 4 | hosted by Mary Johnston<br />
“Shakespeare in Opera”<br />
Let’s Read a Play!<br />
No stage or acting experience required. Join our “virtual” class<br />
and have some fun and the chance to “polish” your dramatic skills.<br />
Our facilitator, Maria Ruiz, will introduce the author and theatrical<br />
history of the play. We are adapting our classroom format to the<br />
Zoom format and should have a lot of fun. We hope you will enjoy<br />
the same interactive approach as the classroom experience of cold<br />
readings. Expect lively discussion regarding meaning and content.<br />
February 3 & 10 May 5 & 12<br />
The Three Sisters<br />
Machinal<br />
by Anton Chekov<br />
by Sophia Treadwell<br />
February 3, 10, March 3, 10,<br />
April 7, 14, May 5, 12,<br />
June 2 & 9<br />
Wednesdays | 1:30 pm- 3:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Play-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 930 5429 8565<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Meeting Facilitator: Maria Ruiz<br />
Maria Ruiz is a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
and Omnilore member, District<br />
Toastmasters Qualifed Speaker and<br />
winner of two Distinguished<br />
Toastmasters Awards, and the 2013<br />
Roy D. Graham Lifetime Achievement<br />
Award. She is the “drama guru” at<br />
the Joslyn Center and regularly<br />
conducts play readings there. She<br />
also directs and produces the<br />
Dramatic Readers Theater in<br />
Manhattan Beach and Palos Verdes.<br />
March 3 & 10 June 2 & 9<br />
Romeo and Juliet<br />
Arms and the Man<br />
by William Shakespeare<br />
by George Benard Shaw<br />
April 7 & 14<br />
Dancing at Lughnasa<br />
by Brian Friel<br />
Important Announcement:<br />
Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Membership<br />
To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses<br />
your membership must be current.<br />
The cost is only $30 for an annual<br />
membership. If your membership<br />
has lapsed, please sign up as<br />
soon as possible. If you aren’t<br />
sure whether your membership is<br />
current, call the <strong>OLLI</strong> Office at<br />
(310) 243-3208. Please make<br />
checks payable to CSUDH.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 11
February 1, March 1, April 5, &<br />
May 3<br />
Mondays | 1 pm -3:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-moviemondays<br />
Meeting ID 962 0372 2043<br />
No passcode required<br />
Meeting facilitators:<br />
Nicole Pacada and Gema Chaqueco<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Movie Monday<br />
Grab your lunch or snack! Join us, and see outstanding, and<br />
sometimes thought-provoking flms. Each movie will be shown in<br />
its entirety, with comments by their presenter, followed by a group<br />
discussion. This is a great way to spend a lazy Monday afternoon,<br />
see some good movies again, or see them for the frst tim e. ALL<br />
movies will be shown via Zoom!.<br />
February 1<br />
I am Not Your Negro<br />
(PG-13) | 2017 | 1h 35m | Documentary<br />
Writer James Baldwin tells the story of race in modern American<br />
with his unfnished novel, Remember This House.<br />
March 1<br />
Miss Juneteenth<br />
(PG-13) | 2020 | 1h 39m | Drama<br />
Neil Creque Williams, Jeanie Igoe, James M. Johnston, Toby<br />
Halbrooks, Theresa Page, Tim Headington<br />
A former beauty queen and single mom prepares her rebellious<br />
teenage daughter for the “Miss Juneteenth” pageant.<br />
April 5<br />
Marie’s Story*<br />
(PG-13) | 2014 | 1h 35m | Biography, Drama<br />
Isabelle Carre, Brigitte Catillon, Laure Duthilleul,<br />
Martine Gautier, Sonia Laroze<br />
In 19th-century France, a man takes his deaf and blind daughter to<br />
an institute where she may learn how to live and to communicate.<br />
*This movie is in French. Subtitles are available in English.<br />
May 3<br />
The Farewell<br />
(PG) | 2019 | 1h 40m | Comedy, Drama<br />
Shuzhen Zhao, Awakafna, X Mayo, Hong Lu, Hong Lin, Tzi Ma<br />
A Chinese family discovers their grandmother has only a short<br />
while left to live and decide to keep her in the dark, scheduling a<br />
wedding to gather before she dies.<br />
The Roots of Tai Chi<br />
This two-part lecture course explores the principles,<br />
and the historical and philosophical roots, as well as the benefts<br />
of taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) practice.<br />
.<br />
NEW!<br />
January 30, and February 6<br />
Saturday | 10:00 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-rootstachi-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 896 7058 2131<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Facilitator: Jerry Larson<br />
Jerry Larson has studied Tai Chi<br />
for more than 40 years. He has a<br />
graduate background in Linguistics,<br />
Speech Pathology and Audiology, and<br />
has taught college English, but worked<br />
mainly in health care, as a<br />
neurodiagnostic technologist and<br />
surgical neurophysiologist. He was<br />
also active in the Human Potential<br />
movement as a group facilitator and<br />
workshop manager. His other interests<br />
include languages, especially Chinese;<br />
archetypal psychology; Indian classical<br />
music; and human anatomy and<br />
exercise physiology<br />
Tai Chi Chuan Introduction<br />
for Beginning Students<br />
太 極 拳<br />
NEW!<br />
Tai chi (T’ai chi ch’n, Tàijí quán, Tiji)<br />
is a centuries old Chinese martial art<br />
based on the Taoist philosophy of<br />
Yin and Yang. In this class we will explore the slow, continuous<br />
movements of Yang style tai chi, which is accessible to everyone<br />
regardless of age or physical ability.<br />
Practice of this slow form is comprised of a series of postures<br />
which fow together in a holistic and unifed manner yie lding both<br />
a moving meditation and a method of physical exercise.<br />
Join us in exploring this ancient art, which is still practiced<br />
worldwide today, known to bring about strength and energy,<br />
optimum health and body awareness, improved balance and<br />
coordination, relaxation and stress reduction, and community<br />
and lasting friendships.<br />
Please wear comfortable clothing and fat shoes.<br />
February 7, 15, 21 & 21<br />
Sundays | 10 am-11 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-TaiChi-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 874 3085 0578<br />
Instructors: Linda Kahn<br />
and Jerry Larson<br />
Questions? Please email Linda at<br />
donlin@earthlink.net<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 13
NOTE: <strong>OLLI</strong> is pleased to ofer Online Virtual Social Tennis for Seniors and T’ai Chi Chuan for<br />
Beginners to focus on learning experiences that optimize brain ftness and promote physical ftness<br />
through exercise and coordination. Have fun!<br />
February 2, 9, 16, 23,<br />
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30,<br />
April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11,<br />
18, 25, and June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29<br />
Tuesdays | 10:30 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Tennis-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 966 8239 1267<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Host <strong>OLLI</strong>: Donald Means,<br />
and Delyna Diop-Means<br />
Virtual Social Tennis<br />
The game of tennis as lifetime sport.<br />
Now is the opportune time to join<br />
our virtual class. We are a group with<br />
many diferent attributes who enjoy<br />
a moderate level of physical activity.<br />
The tennis class has wonderful<br />
benefts, just to name a couple:<br />
fun and social interaction, participate<br />
in medium stretching and<br />
warm-up exercises.<br />
Note: This is NOT an in-person class.<br />
This course is online via zoom.<br />
March 11 & 18<br />
Thursdays | 1:30 pm-2:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-healthoils-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 859 0924 5867<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Facilitator: Dr. Charlene Ford<br />
The Health Benefts of Essential Oils<br />
NEW!<br />
Popular in complementary and<br />
alternative medicine, essential oils<br />
are highly concentrated extracts<br />
derived from fowers, leaves, roots<br />
and plants, and have been used for<br />
medicinal purposes in some cultures<br />
for centuries.<br />
The presentations will provide a brief<br />
history of essential oils, and describe<br />
some of the health benefts, including<br />
stress reduction, mood enhancement,<br />
headache relief, better sleep, quell nausea, and even repel insects.<br />
Most essential oils have antiseptic properties as well.<br />
There will also be personal testimonies from people who have<br />
benefted from essential oils, and an opportunity for questions<br />
and answers.<br />
Virtual Baking Workshop<br />
NEW!<br />
Impress friends and family with your newfound culinary skills,<br />
and have fun learning in these interactive online baking courses.<br />
Pastry Chef Heather Slater will show you easy-to-follow recipes<br />
and baking techniques. You will also learn what ‘vegan’ is, and<br />
what makes a product vegan.<br />
March 9, April 6 and May 11<br />
Tuesdays | 1:30 pm-2:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-baking-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 830 8795 0800<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Facilitator: Heather Slater, Pastry Chef<br />
March 9<br />
Session 1: Sweets<br />
April 6<br />
Session 2: Savory<br />
May 11<br />
Session 3: Vegan Dessert<br />
Aging Gracefully and Gratefully<br />
Aging is inevitable. As we study and examine what the experts<br />
have to say about aging, we learn from each other by sharing<br />
our individual experiences. Attitudes, decisions, choices and<br />
acceptance are guidelines that assist us on this road called<br />
“aging.” Class participants are encouraged to suggest additional<br />
aging issues that are afecting them. W e will discuss and explore<br />
various concepts, share techniques and consider how to age<br />
“gracefully and gratefully.”<br />
May 6<br />
Session 1: My Health<br />
• Mental, Physical,<br />
Emotional Health<br />
• Losses – Senses (See,<br />
Hear, Taste, Feel, Smell)<br />
• Loved Ones –<br />
Bereavement<br />
• Dementia (Alzheimer’s,<br />
Pre-senility, etc.)<br />
• Elder Abuse (Hotline:<br />
877/477-3646)<br />
May 13<br />
Session 2:<br />
Personal Care –<br />
Concerns<br />
• Diet (Weight<br />
Gain/Loss)<br />
• Exercise<br />
• Sleep Habits<br />
• Relationships<br />
• Spirituality/<br />
Religion<br />
• Living<br />
Arrangements<br />
May 20<br />
Session 3:<br />
Business Afairs<br />
• Trusts/Wills<br />
• Finances<br />
(Will you outlive<br />
your money?)<br />
• Fraud<br />
• Legacy: What<br />
will we pass on?<br />
May 6, 13, 20<br />
Thursdays | 1:30 pm-2:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-aging-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 829 5142 0446<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Meeting Facilitator: Frankie Stewart,<br />
M.A., an 8-year <strong>OLLI</strong> member and<br />
CSUDH Alumna<br />
Attitude<br />
Appreciation<br />
Adaptation<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 15
May 3, 4 & 5<br />
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday | 3<br />
pm-4:30 pm<br />
Registration link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Wendellcovalt-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 957 7414 6200<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Instructor: Wendell Covalt<br />
Wendell Covalt holds a<br />
Bachelor of Science in Civil<br />
Engineering from Purdue University<br />
and an MBA from Indiana University.<br />
His career was in sales and marketing<br />
in the computer software industry.<br />
He was also co-owner of a software<br />
company that went public in 1998. He<br />
is a past Board Member & President<br />
of South Coast Botanic Gardens.<br />
Wendell is a Certifed Food Over<br />
Medicine Instructor, who has never<br />
taken a prescription drug and has no<br />
known medical issues.<br />
Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer,<br />
Diabetes & Alzheimer’s Disease<br />
NEW!<br />
Would you like to enjoy a healthy, long life, which sometimes<br />
seems elusive for people after they reach age ffty ? The series<br />
Preventing Heart Disease, Preventing Cancer & Diabetes,<br />
Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease and Eating for Excellent Health<br />
may be your answer. These classes will show you why heart<br />
disease, stroke, and cancer are the major causes of death in the<br />
United States with poor diet and lifestyle as primary factors.<br />
Monday, May 3<br />
Prevent Heart Disease<br />
Everyone in the USA would like to enjoy a long life of quality health<br />
but it is elusive for many people especially after they reach ffty<br />
years of age. Discover how present health statistics compare with<br />
people 100 years ago and with other countries.<br />
Tuesday, May 4<br />
Preventing Cancer & Diabetes<br />
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the USA. It<br />
has been growing rapidly as the American diet has changed<br />
dramatically since mid-nineteen hundred. Find out what causes<br />
cancer, how we stack up in the USA versus other countries and<br />
how to prevent it.<br />
Wednesday, May 5<br />
Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease<br />
& Eating for Excellence<br />
This disease is one of the most burdensome because it can have<br />
a long debilitating length and until recently there has been no cure<br />
or efective solution to slow its development.<br />
UCLA Community Health Education<br />
with Monica Moore<br />
March 8<br />
Living a Brain Healthy Lifestyle<br />
NEW!<br />
Did you know that what is good for the body is also good for the<br />
brain? This presentation will discuss the latest research on what<br />
you can to do to keep your brain healthy as you age and what we<br />
know about ways to reduce your risk of developing dementia.<br />
March 15<br />
Clinical Trials—How you can be a part of the<br />
next great scientifc discovery!<br />
You may be holding the key to the next great discovery.<br />
This presentation will discuss what clinical trials are and why<br />
participation in trials is important. The frst person to be cured of<br />
Alzheimer’s disease will be someone in a clinical trial. Will it be you<br />
or someone you love?<br />
March 22<br />
Beyond Alzheimer’s disease—the other types of Dementia<br />
While Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia,<br />
it is not the only kind. This presentation will discuss other forms<br />
of dementia, such as Vascular Dementia, Dementia with Lewy<br />
Bodies, and Frontotemporal Dementia, and how they difer from<br />
Alzheimer’s in progression, treatment, and diagnosis.<br />
March 8, 15, & 22<br />
Mondays | 1:30 pm<br />
Registration link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-UCLAHealth-Sp21<br />
Meeting ID 945 3982 1053<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Meeting Facilitator: Monica R. Moore,<br />
MSG, Community Health Program<br />
Manager<br />
Monica Moore, MSG is the Community<br />
Health Program Manager for the Mary<br />
S. Easton Center for Alzheimer’s and<br />
the Co-Director, Training and<br />
Education Activities, UCLA- California<br />
Alzheimer’s Disease Center. She<br />
has worked in the feld of aging and<br />
Alzheimer’s disease for 20 years<br />
focusing on community education and<br />
outreach and caregiver support. She<br />
holds a Master’s Degree<br />
in Gerontology from California<br />
State University Long Beach and<br />
a certifcate in Gerontology from<br />
Sonoma State University.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 17
February 16, March 16,<br />
April 20 and May 18<br />
Tuesdays | 1 pm<br />
Meeting ID 896 8469 1739<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/ csudholli-ALZLA-SP21<br />
Meeting Facilitator: Kimiko Kelly,<br />
Senior Manager Community Education<br />
Alzheimer’s LA Workshops<br />
Alzheimer’s Los Angeles Private Talk Series will host a series of<br />
workshops about Alzheimer’s disease and caregiving tips. The<br />
listing of all topics and descriptions are available below.<br />
February 16<br />
Behaviors & Alzheimer’s<br />
NEW!<br />
A class for family members who are seeing changes in behaviors<br />
that are difcult to understand. Using the IDEA! strategy , this<br />
program aims to help individuals explore why behaviors happen,<br />
their meanings and practical tips to respond.<br />
March 16<br />
Legal & Financial Planning<br />
There are several legal and fnancial steps we all need to take to<br />
prepare for our future as we age. Learn about what decisions you<br />
can make and paperwork you need to complete to be prepared<br />
following a dementia diagnosis.<br />
April 20<br />
California Phones<br />
California Phones provides specialized telephones and<br />
accessories making it easier to call friends and family for those<br />
who have challenges with hearing, vision, mobility, speech or<br />
memory. Learn about phones with sound amplifcation, photo<br />
buttons, fashing lights for incoming calls, and more!<br />
May 18<br />
Lost Memories: Short Film & Discussion<br />
Follow the Ramirez family in a 4-episode mini-series as they<br />
confront the challenges of Alzheimer’s when Grandma Gloria<br />
begins showing signs of memory loss. Following each episode,<br />
there will be a discussion about the warning signs, the process<br />
of getting a diagnosis, disease progression and the challenges<br />
that families face.<br />
Medicare 101<br />
NEW!<br />
March 4<br />
Thursday | 10 am<br />
April 1<br />
Thursday | 2 pm<br />
May 6<br />
Thursday | 6 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Medicare101-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 949 4993 1945<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Are you turning 65 soon? Are you currently enrolled in or<br />
loosing your employee health insurance benefts ? Have you<br />
received 24 months of collecting Disability Payments?<br />
What are your Questions or Concerns about Medicare A & B–<br />
Part C or Prescription Drug Benefts ?<br />
Presentation Topics:<br />
• What is Medicare?<br />
• How do Medicare Parts A & Part B Benefts Work?<br />
• What Are My Options?<br />
• How will my 2020-<strong>2021</strong> Part D Prescription<br />
Benefts Change?<br />
• What are Medicare’s Enrollment Periods?<br />
• How do I Avoid Late Enrollment Penalties<br />
• What are the Advantages vs. Disadvantages?<br />
Speakers: Edward Allen MBA,<br />
Financial & Insurance Professional and<br />
Marina Amezcua Certifed Health<br />
Insurance Agent<br />
For more than a decade Edward Allen<br />
has specialized in educating and<br />
helping Medicare eligible members<br />
gain a thorough understanding of how<br />
their Medicare insurance works in<br />
connection with supplemental benefts<br />
offered in the industry today. As<br />
required by the Center for Medicare<br />
Services (CMS) Edward maintains his<br />
annual certifcations and product<br />
training while providing quality<br />
guidance to eligible Medicare<br />
members as their post service<br />
advocate.<br />
Marina Amezcua is a Medicare and<br />
Covered California “Certifed” Health<br />
Insurance Agent. Marina became<br />
interested in Medicare when her father<br />
frst retired, and was unable to fnd<br />
answers to all his Medicare questions!<br />
Her father had consulted with various<br />
agents, but due to a language barrier,<br />
he remained confused. Seeing how<br />
frustrated he was, Marina decided to<br />
research the different plans and<br />
benefts, and found the perfect plan for<br />
her dad.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 19
February 22<br />
Monday | 1 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-teamsherazi-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 841 4506 5400<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Host: Dr. Dean Sherzai, Behavioral<br />
Neurologist & Dr. Ayesha Sherzai,<br />
Vascular Neurologist<br />
Community-Based Brain Health<br />
Initiative<br />
NEW!<br />
Doctors Dean and Ayesha Sherzai will discuss the profound<br />
efects of lifestyle factors on brain health and how to mak e<br />
educated health goals. They will share their proactive approach<br />
to health which emphasizes the development and sustainability of<br />
positive health habits to achieve optimal brain health.<br />
Dean Sherzai, MD, PhD, MAS, MPH is a behavioral neurologist,<br />
research scientist and the co-director of the Alzheimer’s<br />
Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Health and the<br />
founder of the international non-proft, Healthy Minds initiative ,<br />
which hopes to empower communities to take control of their<br />
own brain health.<br />
Ayesha Sherzai, MD, MAS is a vascular neurologist, research<br />
scientist and the co-director of the Brain Health and Alzheimer’s<br />
Prevention Program at Loma Linda University Health, and is<br />
currently leading the largest community-based brain health<br />
research initiative in the country, Beach Cities Healthy Minds<br />
Initiative.<br />
Together, in collaboration with the Beach Cities Health District,<br />
they are currently leading the largest community-based brain<br />
health research initiative in the country, the Beach Cities Healthy<br />
Minds Initiative. They are also the co-authors of two books,<br />
The Alzheimer’s Solution, and their upcoming book, The 30 Day<br />
Alzheimer’s Solution, The Defnitive Food and Lifestyle Guide to<br />
Preventing Cognitive Decline.<br />
March 22<br />
Tuesday | 3 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-AviodAlzh-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 861 1588 0188<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Host: Dr. Dean Sherzai, Behavioral<br />
Neurologist & Dr. Ayesha Sherzai,<br />
Vascular Neurologist<br />
Avoid Alzheimer’s and Build a Better Brain<br />
Dr. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai return after a month since their frst<br />
discussion on brain health. This second session is intended for<br />
individuals to refect on any lifestyle changes they made following<br />
the NEURO tenants. Dean and Ayesha will provide insight and<br />
strategies on how to maintain these lifestyle changes<br />
Living Well for Older Adults<br />
This <strong>Spring</strong> we will continue our DVD series on Garden-to-<br />
Table. Our speaker will be gardening expert Melinda Myers with<br />
a master’s degree in Horticulture. Topics will include: How to<br />
Grow Anything, Container Gardening Tips and Techniques and<br />
Cooking Basics with Chef Instructor Sean Kaldenberg of the<br />
Culinary Institute of America, which includes how to prep and cook<br />
vegetables, tips and tricks for creating roux, gravies and stews,<br />
understanding the importance of missing places and timing your<br />
dishes. Take control of your kitchen by knowing how to organize<br />
your tools for a variety of tasks.<br />
Please join us on our Garden-to-Table Adventure.<br />
March 25 1) Designers in Pots – Thrillers, Spoiler, Fillers<br />
2) Risotto, and What to Do with Leftovers<br />
April 1<br />
April 8<br />
April 15<br />
April 22<br />
April 29<br />
3) Create New Space – Edibles and Ornaments<br />
4) Choosing the Best Method to Cook Vegetables<br />
5) Unusual Pots, Vertical Spaces, Shade Design<br />
6) An Elegant Corn Soup with Lobster<br />
7) Grasses to Trees – Big Plants in Containers<br />
8) How to Break Down and Roast a Chicken<br />
9) Outdoor Living Areas and Special Features<br />
10) Braising Short Ribs and Making Polenta<br />
11) Cool Season Changes and Indoor Gardens<br />
12) Grilled Salmon: Breaking Down a Round Fish<br />
March 25,<br />
April 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29<br />
Thursdays | 1:30pm - 2:30pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Livingwell-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 892 6088 9324<br />
Facilitator: Eula Slater, a 10-year<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> member and Registered<br />
Dietitian<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 21
February Is… Black History Month<br />
Since 1976, every U.S. president has ofcially designated the<br />
month of February as Black History Month, an annual celebration<br />
of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing<br />
their important role in U.S. history.<br />
February 4<br />
Thursday | 11:00 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Inkwell-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 883 4066 2852<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Presenter: <strong>OLLI</strong> member Peggy Barton<br />
A Tale of Two Beaches: Inkwell<br />
NEW!<br />
The story of two Beach Resorts with the same name one located<br />
on the east coast and one on the west coast. Learn how they both<br />
started in a time of segregation and the history of the people and<br />
events that developed at these resorts.<br />
How to Boost Your Retirement Savings<br />
In Your 50’s and 60’s<br />
NEW!<br />
May 13<br />
Thursday | 10:00am<br />
Please join this informational session on how to boost your<br />
retirement savings. Specifc topics will be covered such as:<br />
• Have you calculated how much retirement income you<br />
will need?<br />
• What are your income projections for retirement?<br />
• Start planning from where you are now!<br />
At the end of this session our instructor, Dr. Davis, will open it up<br />
to Q&A from the audience. We recommend you have a pen and<br />
notepad to write down your notes.<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-retirement-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 873 3440 8703<br />
Facilitator: Dr. Denise Ridley-Davis<br />
Independent Insurance Agent<br />
CA Insurance license # 0F14312<br />
11th Annual International Cyber-conference<br />
on Dispute Resolution<br />
The 11th Annual Cyber-conference theme is “joining<br />
together,” meaning creating a space for a conversation where<br />
people can speak openly with each other (a la Habermas).<br />
Everywhere else is polarized and unstable because of the<br />
extreme elements on both the Left and Right. Therefore the<br />
best theme this year is fnding that public sphere that w ill allow<br />
free dialogue about problem-solving. We can model this for<br />
other institutions and organizations.<br />
Save The Date!<br />
April 7<br />
Wednesday | 12:00pm<br />
Check your <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly<br />
Email Updates for details.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 23
March 11<br />
Thursday | 1 pm - 2:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Genealogy-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 827 5900 3379<br />
Facilitator: Ophelia Sanders has<br />
been involved in genealogy for over<br />
25 years. She has attended many<br />
conferences and traveled to her<br />
family’s hometown digging deep<br />
into the fles that has uncovered the<br />
unknown from the past. Ophelia states<br />
“My journey has been rewarding.”<br />
Join this lecture to discover strategies<br />
on how to explore your past.<br />
Introduction to Genealogy<br />
NEW!<br />
What is Genealogy? It is the study of family history and<br />
lineage. The pursuit of family history and origins involve<br />
biographical information, family traditions and medical and<br />
community history. Additional sources include obituaries,<br />
newspaper articles, published<br />
family history and tombstone<br />
inscriptions. Although not ofcial<br />
sources of information, these<br />
records can still hold valuable<br />
information.<br />
In this introductory class, you<br />
will also learn how to explore<br />
resources such as national<br />
databases and other genealogy<br />
research archives.<br />
To begin your genealogical<br />
adventure, start with the known:<br />
yourself, then work your way back to the unknown. Identify what<br />
you know about your family, and then fnd the vital records to<br />
prove what you know. Start your family search!<br />
Anyone who stops learning is old —<br />
whether this happens at twenty<br />
or at eighty. Anyone who keeps on<br />
learning not only remains young but<br />
becomes constantly more valuable —<br />
regardless of physical capacity.<br />
—Henry Ford<br />
California Wildlife Center<br />
NEW!<br />
During this outreach presentation we will get an in depth look<br />
into California Wildlife Center. As the Los Angeles area’s premier<br />
wildlife medical treatment and rehabilitation facility, California<br />
Wildlife Center strives to ensure that each patient receives optimal<br />
care, allowing them to return to their wild state. Since 1998, CWC<br />
has greatly expanded our capacity to treat more than 60,000<br />
total animal patients, many whose injuries were caused by the<br />
impacts of their urbanized environments. CWC is one of only a few<br />
wildlife rehabilitation centers in the area, and the only facility in Los<br />
Angeles County permitted to rehabilitate mule deer fawns, coyote<br />
pups, crows and ravens, and hatchling and fedgling songbirds.<br />
We are also the only wildlife center in California that cares for both<br />
land and marine animals.<br />
April 8<br />
Thursday | 11 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-CAwildlife-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 833 1218 3778<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Host: Kristilee Kodis<br />
Volunteer and Outreach Manager<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 25
Pop-up Event Specials<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
NEW!<br />
Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH website, check your <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly<br />
Email Updates for details on <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH Virtual Pop-ups!<br />
Designed specially to meet your lifelong learning needs,<br />
these unique virtual events were not scheduled in time for<br />
publication in the catalog.<br />
<strong>2021</strong> Planned events will include<br />
olli@csudh.edu<br />
Community Dialogues<br />
Osher Lecture Series:<br />
Ain’t I A Woman by Collette Haywood<br />
Quilling with Joan<br />
Virtual Tours<br />
and more...<br />
2020 Pop-ups included<br />
A Discussion with<br />
Ambassador Andrew Young:<br />
An Icon of a Movement<br />
Summer Series Writing Workshop<br />
with Grace Talusan<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>day Virtual<br />
NEW!<br />
Kundalini Yoga and Other Ancient Technologies:<br />
Healing Anxiety, Depression, and Addiction<br />
during and after the Great Reset<br />
How we live, work, love, teach and heal is changing rapidly<br />
and exponentially. Ancient technologies and practices can<br />
help us as individuals can transcend the tumult we are faced with<br />
in our daily lives.<br />
The purpose of this workshop is to demonstrate how we as<br />
individuals can use ancient applied technologies (a practical<br />
skill set) to not only cope but thrive in the wake of sweeping<br />
societal change. The practices in this workshop will serve as<br />
an introduction to the wisdom school of Kundalini Yoga. The<br />
concepts of collaboration, grace, and sovereignty are embodied<br />
in the practices taught during this<br />
workshop. We use sound and form<br />
(mantra and mudra) to “honor the<br />
teacher within”. Through committing<br />
to these practices, we become<br />
less vulnerable to the thought<br />
forms that impose themselves on<br />
us in our everyday lives (through<br />
social media in particular) thereby<br />
reducing the image of anger, stress,<br />
and fear in our psyches. In sum,<br />
these applied technologies allow us to “hypnotize ourselves” so<br />
others can’t hypnotize us. Kundalini Yoga is just one set of applied<br />
technologies among many that can lead us to become masters of<br />
our own destiny rather than victims of fate.<br />
April 14<br />
Wednesday | 11:30 am - 12:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Mantra-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 837 5119 6775<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Facilitator: Kara Dellacioppa<br />
Kara Zugman Dellacioppa teaches<br />
in the Sociology Department and<br />
the Negotiation, Confict Resolution<br />
and Peace-building program at CSU<br />
Dominguez Hills. She is the author<br />
of This Bridge Called Zapatismo<br />
(Lexington Books: 2009), and has<br />
written a number of peer reviewed<br />
articles on political practices and<br />
culture, and its impact on modern<br />
democracy. Currently she is<br />
researching the practices of the<br />
ancient Druids, comparing their<br />
Celtic cosmovision with the Vedic<br />
cultures that strongly impacted the<br />
development of Kundalini Yoga.<br />
Increasingly, her research focuses<br />
what it means to take the path of the<br />
mystic in the modern world. She is also<br />
a Certifed Gallup Strengths Coach.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 27
January 28, February 25,<br />
March 25, April 22, May 27<br />
and June 24<br />
Thursdays | 10 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-book-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 935 8431 7096<br />
Meeting Facilitators:<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Book Club members<br />
The Thursday Morning Book Club<br />
We’ll read and discuss these books selected by the club members.<br />
Some questions to consider might be: How well has the author<br />
made their point? What surprised you about a character of the<br />
ending? How does the story relate to today’s ideas and lifestyles?<br />
January 28<br />
The Little Old Lady Who Broke All the Rules<br />
by Catherina Ingelman-Sundberg<br />
A witty and insightful comedy of errors about a group of feisty<br />
seniors who, fed up with early bedtimes and overcooked veggies,<br />
set out to regain their independence, and prove it’s not the years<br />
in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.<br />
February 25<br />
The Babylon Sisters by Pearl Cleage<br />
A fast-paced and emotionally resonant novel, by turns warm and<br />
funny, serious and raw, centers on a mother and daughter who are<br />
both making the best of life and love in Atlanta.<br />
March 25<br />
The Wedding Gift by Suyapa Bodden<br />
When prestigious plantation owner Cornelius Allen gives his<br />
daughter Clarissa’s hand in marriage, she takes with her a gift:<br />
Sarah―her slave and her half-sister.<br />
April 22<br />
Becoming by Michelle Obama<br />
Becoming is the autobiography of the frst A frican American First<br />
Lady, a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defed<br />
expectations—and whose story inspires us to do the same.<br />
May 27<br />
The Dutch House by Ann Patchett<br />
A richly moving story that explores the indelible bond between<br />
two siblings, the house of their childhood, and a past that will<br />
not let them go. The Dutch House digs deeply into questions of<br />
inheritance, love and forgiveness, of how we want to see ourselves<br />
and of who we really are.<br />
June 24<br />
Catch and Kill by Ronan Farrow<br />
Both a spy thriller and a meticulous work of investigative<br />
journalism, Catch and Kill breaks devastating new stories about<br />
the rampant abuse of power and sheds far-reaching light on<br />
investigations that shook our culture.<br />
TED Talks with Denise Jeferson<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> members are invited to join us on Zoom to watch short videos<br />
(18 minutes or less), and then as a group we will share and have a<br />
fun conversation about the topic.<br />
February 1<br />
The Secrets of Learning a New Language | Lydia Machova<br />
February 15<br />
Embrace Your Weirdness | Allen Edge<br />
March 1<br />
Drawing Upon Humor for Change | Liza Donnelly<br />
March 15<br />
The Power of Vulnerability | Brene Brown<br />
March 29<br />
The Danger of a Single Story | Chimamanda Ngoxi Adichie<br />
April 12<br />
The Power of Saying Thank You | Laura Trice<br />
April 26<br />
Questions No One Knows The Answers To<br />
Ted Curator Chris Anderson<br />
May 10<br />
How to Declutter Your Mind: Keep a Journal | Ryder Carroll<br />
May 24<br />
The Brain-Changing Benefts of Exercise | Wendy Suyuki<br />
February 1, 15,<br />
March 1, 15, 29,<br />
April 12, 26,<br />
May 10, & 24<br />
Mondays | 12:00 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-tedtalks<br />
Meeting ID 966 6881 1928<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Meeting Facilitator: Denise Jefferson<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 29
The Ford Theatre Virtual Guided Tour<br />
NEW!<br />
On April 14, 1865, at a performance of Our American Cousin,<br />
President Abraham Lincoln was shot by Confederate sympathizer<br />
John Wilkes Booth, and died the next morning. Lincoln’s<br />
assassination shocked the nation, and Ford’s Theatre remained<br />
closed for more than 100 years. In 1968, it ofcially reopen ed, and<br />
today ofers inspiring theatrical productions, interactive m useum<br />
exhibits and engaging education programs. Here, you can immerse<br />
yourself in America’s past while fnding meaningful connections to<br />
our world today.<br />
February 1<br />
Monday | 10 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Fordtheatre-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 813 9291 8294<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Civil War Washington:<br />
Through the Eyes of Mary Henry<br />
Explore Washington during the Civil War<br />
through the eyes of Mary Henry, the eldest<br />
daughter of Joseph Henry, physicist and the<br />
frst Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute . They<br />
lived in an apartment in the ‘castle,’ in the heart<br />
of downtown Washington. During the Civil War<br />
it was a bustling, dangerous, dirty and chaotic<br />
place. Mary had a front row seat to it all. Analyze historical and<br />
contemporary images, primary source texts with live interaction<br />
with Ford’s Education staf and National P ark Service rangers.<br />
February 8<br />
Monday | 10 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-Fordtheatre-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 813 9291 8294<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Exploring Lincoln in Washington<br />
Ford’s Theatre and The National Mall and<br />
Memorial Parks explore what Washington; D.C.<br />
was like for President Lincoln and how the city<br />
has grown and changed over time. Examine<br />
places that mattered to Lincoln during his<br />
lifetime and places where he matters to us today,<br />
including the U.S. Capitol, Washington Monument,<br />
Lincoln Memorial and Ford’s Theatre. In this interactive program,<br />
participants will look closely at historic and contemporary images<br />
of Washington D.C. including maps, photographs and illustrations.<br />
On the Move Riders Program<br />
Presents: Lectures and Virtual Tours<br />
NEW!<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH has partnered up with On The Move Riders<br />
Program. On The Move Riders Program has groups throughout<br />
LA County and connects you to new friends who can teach<br />
you about going Metro. This <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong>, we are presenting<br />
a series of two lectures and two virtual feld trips:<br />
Hosts: Stacy Jasmin-Yamato,<br />
Christine Calderon Caruso, Rev.<br />
Gyokei Yokoyama, Barbara<br />
Lashenick, and Michelle D. Garcia-<br />
Ortiz<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-onthemove-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 814 5065 0682<br />
No passcode required.<br />
Cyber-Seniors*<br />
A non-proft organization that provides<br />
tech support and training to seniors<br />
Cyber-Seniors’ mission is to bridge the digital divide and<br />
connect generations through technology. It does so through<br />
the development and dissemination of resources that enable<br />
community organizations to provide tech-training for senior<br />
citizens using an intergenerational, youth volunteer model.<br />
February 23<br />
Tuesday | 1:30 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-onthemove-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 814 5065 0682<br />
Speaker: Christine Calderon Caruso,<br />
Community Relations Manager<br />
Christine has more than 15 years of<br />
experience working with large and<br />
small non-proft organizations in<br />
Los Angeles. Notably, she’s worked<br />
for Union Rescue Mission, St. Vincent<br />
Meals on Wheels and the Dr. Phil<br />
Foundation. She started her nonproft<br />
career as a lead counselor and<br />
worked her way up to supervising<br />
programs. She eventually found her<br />
true calling in Fund Development and<br />
Community Relations. Her passion<br />
in helping seniors led her to work for<br />
Cyber Seniors.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 31
March 23<br />
Tuesday | 11 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-onthemove-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 814 5065 0682<br />
Speaker: Rev. Gyokei Yokoyama<br />
Rev. Gyokei Yokoyama is a Soto Zen<br />
missionary serving Sozenji Buddhist<br />
Temple in Montebello, and a nondenominational<br />
Buddhist community<br />
in Long Beach. He extends his Zen<br />
meditation activity to the communities<br />
through a local interfaith group, and<br />
the clergies’ social justice group.<br />
Meditation and Relaxation Techniques<br />
Zen Meditation Practice<br />
is a traditional form of<br />
Buddhist practice that<br />
originates from Dhyāna<br />
(meditation) in ancient<br />
Buddhism introduced by<br />
Bodhidharma to China<br />
in the 5th century. The<br />
discussion will introduce<br />
a bit of historical background,<br />
the way Zen practice has been incorporated in today’s<br />
modern life in North America and how we can introduce this<br />
practice in our regular daily life.<br />
April 13<br />
Tuesday | 11 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-onthemove-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 814 5065 0682<br />
Tour guide: Barbara Lashenick<br />
LA Metro Art Docent Council Principal,<br />
Community Relations Ofcer<br />
The Metro Art Docent Council was<br />
created in 1999 by Maya Emsden,<br />
director of LA Metro Creative Arts &<br />
Services and Barbara Lashenick.<br />
After attending a tour led by Maya<br />
Emsden of the art in the Metro<br />
Building, Barbara was so impressed<br />
she promised to become a docent<br />
if a program was ever started.<br />
Six months later Ms. Emdsden hired<br />
her to do just that. A team of 30<br />
volunteer docents provides free tours<br />
of the art commissioned for the Metro<br />
Rail system. Currently, they conduct<br />
virtual tours of the E Line, with more<br />
Metro Lines in the works.<br />
Metro Art / E Line (Expo) Stations<br />
It takes approximately 35 minutes and includes 6 stations and the<br />
artwork commissioned for them on the E Line. Also, learn about the<br />
fabrication process, actual photos of the art installation, the history<br />
or neighborhood information around the stations and information<br />
about the artists.<br />
The Founding of Los Angeles and<br />
A General History of El Pueblo<br />
This virtual tour explores and discusses many of the historical sites<br />
of El Pueblo including the Plaza Kiosko, The Pico House, and The<br />
Avila Adobe. It highlights many of the facts and locations guests<br />
would experience when visiting our site.<br />
May 11<br />
Tuesday | 11 am<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-onthemove-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 814 5065 0682<br />
Tour guide: Michelle D. Garcia-Ortiz<br />
Michelle D. Garcia-Ortiz is a Project<br />
Assistant and History Supervisor for<br />
El Pueblo Historical Monument, City<br />
of Los Angeles. She is proud to have<br />
launched and facilitated a variety of<br />
free, interactive educational programs<br />
for Special Assistance Guests and<br />
Pre-K through Post Graduate Students.<br />
Prior to working at El Pueblo, Michelle<br />
worked at The Disneyland Resort as<br />
a Youth Education Facilitator where<br />
she taught California History and the<br />
History of Animation. Michelle is a<br />
proud Alumnae of Glen A. Wilson High<br />
School and Cal State San Bernardino<br />
where she earned a Bachelor’s<br />
Degree in Public & Oral History.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 33
March 30<br />
Tuesday | 1 pm<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-MOLAA-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 850 5447 5112 No<br />
passcode required.<br />
Host: MOLAA Educator<br />
MOLAA Docent Led Virtual Tour:<br />
Oaxacalifornia: Through the Experience<br />
of The Duo Tlacolulokos<br />
NEW!<br />
The exhibition of For the Pride of Your Hometown, the Way of the<br />
Elders and in Memory of the Forgotten (2016-2017) by Oaxacan<br />
artistic duo Tlacolulokos, Dario Canul (1986) y Cosijoesa Cernas<br />
(1992), showcase the murals that participated in the project<br />
Visualizing Language organized by The Library Foundation of<br />
Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Public Library for the PST LA:<br />
LA project that occurred in 2017.<br />
The murals explore the intersections of language and culture<br />
as a key lifeline – sustaining the shared experience between<br />
Los Angeles and Mexico, and beyond. By focusing on exploring<br />
the history and underrepresentation of indigenous peoples, the<br />
murals address how migration and the socio-political environment<br />
shape identity and cultural traditions.<br />
These murals are now part of the MOLAA Permanent Collection<br />
and will continue to be available to the public at the Museum<br />
as part of an exhibition to showcase their relevance within the<br />
context of LatinX communities in California. These murals will also<br />
be accompanied by a comprehensive and dynamic interpretive<br />
program that expands on the symbols used in each mural.<br />
Sanitation District Virtual Guided Tours<br />
NEW!<br />
Get a behind-the-scenes look into the Los Angeles County<br />
Sanitation District’s (LACSD) innovative systems that protect public<br />
health and the environment. Join the virtual feld trip an d learn all<br />
about how the LACSD processes wastewater and food waste into<br />
useful energy and resources!<br />
February 22, March 22,<br />
April 19 and May 24<br />
Mondays | 11 am<br />
This is NOT a pre-registered<br />
course. You must use<br />
Meeting ID 339 720 6095<br />
at the start of the event.<br />
Facilitator: Sylvya Raygoza,<br />
Secretary II | Information Services<br />
Food Waste Program<br />
The Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts have developed an<br />
important program to increase organics recycling in Los Angeles<br />
County by diverting food waste from landflls and converting<br />
this waste into resources. This program involves collecting food<br />
waste that has been separated from other wastes at the home<br />
or business and processing that waste into slurry (think food<br />
processor).<br />
The Sanitation Districts and Waste Management started this<br />
food waste demonstration project in early 2014. After three years,<br />
this project recycled more than 50,000 tons of food waste and<br />
was deemed a success. The project provided the Sanitation<br />
Districts with valuable information towards implementing a fullscale<br />
project and provides a road map for other areas of the<br />
country that are interested in organics recycling. Join us in this<br />
docent-led virtual tour.<br />
February 22<br />
Monday | 11 am<br />
This is NOT a pre-registered<br />
course. You must use<br />
Meeting ID: 339 720 6095<br />
at the start of the event.<br />
Facilitator: Sylvya Raygoza,<br />
Secretary II | Information Services<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 35
March 22<br />
Monday | 11 am<br />
This is NOT a pre-registered<br />
course. You must use<br />
Meeting ID: 339 720 6095<br />
at the start of the event.<br />
Facilitator: Sylvya Raygoza,<br />
Secretary II | Information Services<br />
Bixby Marshland<br />
Did you know that in addition to operating wastewater and<br />
solid waste facilities, the Sanitation Districts own and maintain a<br />
marshland? Yes, it’s true! The Bixby Marshland, a 17-acre marsh, is<br />
located to the northwest of the Joint Water Pollution Control Plant<br />
near the intersection of Figueroa Street and Sepulveda Boulevard<br />
in the City of Carson. The marsh was restored by the Sanitation<br />
Districts and reopened to the public in 2009. Now that the marsh<br />
has been rejuvenated, a large variety of plants, birds, f sh, and<br />
animals call the Bixby Marshland home.<br />
The Bixby Marshland is a remnant of a formerly extensive, naturalfreshwater<br />
wetland known as Bixby Slough. Over the years, most<br />
of Bixby Slough was destroyed due to development.<br />
To restore the Bixby Marshland, the site was vegetated with a<br />
large number of native plants and regraded to improve the fow<br />
of water. A pump was installed to lift storm water and urban runof<br />
from Wilmington Drain into the marshland. After going through the<br />
marshland, the water exits back into Wilmington Drain. Through<br />
this restoration efort, the site has been rejuvenated, ren ewing the<br />
marshland’s health and increasing its value to wildlife. Join us in<br />
this docent led virtual tour.<br />
April 19<br />
Monday | 11 am<br />
This is NOT a pre-registered<br />
course. You must use<br />
Meeting ID 339 720 6095<br />
at the start of the event.<br />
Facilitator: Sylvya Raygoza,<br />
Secretary II | Information Services<br />
Palmdale Water Reclamation<br />
The Palmdale Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) currently provides<br />
primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment for a design capacity<br />
of 12 million gallons of wastewater per day (MGD) and serves a<br />
population of approximately 150,000 people. The Palmdale WRP<br />
processes all wastewater solids generated within its service<br />
area. The wastewater<br />
solids are anaerobically<br />
digested, stored,<br />
and then dewatered<br />
using centrifuges. The<br />
dewatered cake, or<br />
biosolids, is hauled away<br />
for agricultural land<br />
application. Join us in this<br />
docent led virtual tour.<br />
San Jose Creek Water Reclamation program<br />
The San Jose Creek<br />
Water Reclamation<br />
Plant (WRP) consists<br />
of two hydraulically<br />
interconnected<br />
facilities that are<br />
situated on the east<br />
and west side of the<br />
San Gabriel River<br />
(I-605) freeway. It<br />
currently provides<br />
primary, secondary,<br />
and tertiary treatment for a design capacity of 100 million gallons<br />
of wastewater per day (MGD) and serves a large residential<br />
population of approximately 1,000,000 people. Join us in this<br />
docent led virtual tour.<br />
May 24<br />
Monday | 11 am<br />
This is NOT a pre-registered<br />
course. You must use<br />
Meeting ID 339 720 6095<br />
at the start of the event.<br />
Meeting Facilitator: Sylvya Raygoza,<br />
Secretary II, Information Services<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 37
June 19<br />
Saturday<br />
Juneteenth Celebration<br />
Check your <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly<br />
Email Updates for details.<br />
Please join us for <strong>OLLI</strong>’s 11th annual celebration of the Texas<br />
Emancipation Proclamation, made on June 19, 1865, when<br />
African-American slaves in the state of Texas fnally received<br />
ofcial notice of their freedom. <strong>OLLI</strong> Juneteenth Celebration<br />
is a relaxed afternoon of fun-flled entertainment, food, and an<br />
exploration of history, cultural practices and contributions of<br />
African-Americans to American society.<br />
February 5<br />
Friday | 10 am - 11 am<br />
(Virtual Tour of CSUDH<br />
at 11:10am-12:30pm)<br />
Registration Link:<br />
bit.ly/csudholli-NMO-SP21<br />
Meeting ID 845 2400 2546<br />
New Members Orientation Meeting<br />
Join and participate in this engaging orientation about the benefts<br />
of being an <strong>OLLI</strong> member and learn how/where to register<br />
for <strong>Spring</strong> online classes. Registration is required.<br />
n Participate in virtual zoom discussion groups on a variety of<br />
topics each term<br />
n Enroll in special interest, technology and other online<br />
workshops designed for lifelong learners<br />
n Attend short courses and participate in virtual feld trips<br />
n 10-minute intermission between 11:00 am-11:10 am.<br />
At 11:10 am we will resume with a virtual tour of CSUDH.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led<br />
Program—<br />
Omnilore<br />
Omnilore is <strong>OLLI</strong>’s peer-led group,<br />
a learning-in-retirement community<br />
of approximately 300 seniors who<br />
organize study/discussion groups<br />
on dozens of diverse topics<br />
that are conceived, planned and<br />
directed by the members.<br />
Omnilore is open to active <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
members who seek intellectual<br />
stimulation and the challenge<br />
of shared inquiry.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 39
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Before registering in the peer-led<br />
program, an orientation session<br />
is required. Please RSVP to<br />
(310) 215-1848 at least 3 days prior.<br />
Directions and parking information<br />
will be provided.<br />
Beach Cities Health Center<br />
Lower Level Suites L8 & L9<br />
514 N Prospect Ave<br />
Redondo Beach, CA 90277<br />
www.omnilore.org<br />
Please note that until further notice,<br />
Omnilore S/D Groups will be held<br />
virtually using Zoom.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led (Omnilore) Orientation<br />
The peer-led program of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH is known as Omnilore.<br />
The study/discussion group is the core of the peer-led program.<br />
Within the group, each member participates by choosing a topic<br />
related to the subject under study, doing research on it and then<br />
presenting the information to the group. Some study/discussion<br />
groups are structured around a book, which all members read<br />
and discuss as part of the meetings. Groups meet for two hours<br />
twice each month, 8 meetings for a total of 16 hours. The exact<br />
time of each class is set by the participants.<br />
Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />
candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision<br />
on the common reading is made.<br />
Holiday periods are adapted to by individual class voting.<br />
Although the <strong>Spring</strong> orientation dates have passed, you<br />
can prepare for the following trimester by attending orientation<br />
meetings on Thursday, February 25, <strong>2021</strong> at 10:00 am in L9 or<br />
Monday, March 8, <strong>2021</strong> at 1:30pm in L8.<br />
Call (310) 215-1848 for more details and payment information,<br />
or visit the Omnilore website at www.omnilore.org<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> classes start in May and end in August.<br />
Fall classes start in September and end in December.<br />
The Forum (Speaker Luncheon)<br />
The Forum is a special luncheon held by Omnilore (<strong>OLLI</strong>’s peer-led<br />
learning group) every quarter which features a speaker on a<br />
variety of topics. It is a social as well as an educational event.<br />
Open to members and non-members, reservations must be<br />
received 10 days prior to the event. Cost is $27. Speakers have<br />
included best-selling authors, public afairs e xperts, college<br />
professors, magazine and newspaper columnists, music, art<br />
and food experts, librarians as well as many other specialists.<br />
For further information or to make a reservation for attendance,<br />
please e-mail forum@omnilore.org.<br />
Questions? Contact Linda Jenson (310) 375-7693.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Omnilore Topics Ofered For <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Classes start January 4, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />
and end April 30, <strong>2021</strong><br />
candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision Holiday periods are adapted to by<br />
on the common reading is made.<br />
individual class voting.<br />
(BYE) Bye Bye, Stress<br />
Do you feel like we’re living in catastrophic times? It’s fair to say<br />
that if you’re not stressed, you probably haven’t been paying<br />
attention. But Omnilore’s got a cure for that (or at least some relief),<br />
and there’s no alcohol involved.<br />
To address stress and help people build resilience and mental<br />
strength, more than 720 hospitals, clinics and medical programs<br />
use a program called mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).<br />
MBSR is based on our recommended text, “Full Catastrophe<br />
Living,” written by and used for decades by the head of the Stress<br />
Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Memorial<br />
Medical Center. The MBSR program also comes recommended by<br />
the Veterans Administration’s head of the psychology department.<br />
Beyond enlightening us on the scientifc basis for MBSR, this book<br />
provides a friendly guide and support if you wish to begin or to<br />
deepen a daily practice of mindfulness in your own life, especially<br />
in the face of stress, pain, or a chronic illness.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Full Catastrophe Living<br />
(Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom<br />
of Your Body and Mind to Face<br />
Stress, Pain, and Illness<br />
by Jon Kabat-Zinn<br />
(September 2013)<br />
(CAS) Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent<br />
“Like Martin Luther King, Jr. before her, Isabel Wilkerson has<br />
traveled the world to study the caste system and has returned<br />
to show us more clearly than ever before how caste is<br />
permanently embedded in the foundation and unseen structural<br />
beams of America.”<br />
The text for this S/DG presents a new framework for examining how<br />
caste (rather than race per se) plays out in America. It describes in<br />
detail how caste has functioned in other countries, like India and<br />
Germany, and analyzes the similarities to American society.<br />
Whether or not you are persuaded by Wilkerson’s arguments, in<br />
this year of social unrest this is a book worth discussing. Our S/DG<br />
doesn’t promise to be comfortable – but it provides an opportunity<br />
for serious, perhaps even soul-searching, discussion. If you’re an<br />
Omnilorean, you’ll enjoy the challenge!<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent<br />
by Isabel Wilkerson<br />
(August 4, 2020)<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 41
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Capitalism, Socialism, and<br />
Democracy by Joseph Schumpeter<br />
(November 2008, paperback;<br />
4 stars, $4-9 paper, $1 ebook)<br />
(CSD) Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy<br />
This could be the antidote for any confrmation bias one might<br />
have on all three of the title “isms”. With dry humor and exhaustive<br />
parsing, Schumpeter takes all three apart and puts them together<br />
again. He does it so well that one gets the feeling that, if one<br />
were queen, one could create a system that would work —<br />
except that the author has in the process laid bare the faws<br />
of one-person rule.<br />
Economy is known as the dismal science, but Schumpeter writes<br />
more like a philosopher than an economist. There are no formulas<br />
here, just analysis of every conceivable mutation of each system<br />
in turn, including all the ways they might be combined. The history<br />
of capitalism is examined with due appreciation of the progress<br />
it has achieved in industrialized states, but Schumpeter says<br />
that at a certain point, capitalism becomes its own worst enemy.<br />
Socialism is shown to be not incompatible with democracy, but<br />
then again, democracy cannot be counted upon to fx inefcient<br />
socialist management.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Appreciating Dance – A Guide<br />
to the World’s Liveliest Art<br />
by Harriet Libs – (A Dance Horizons<br />
Book, ffth edition; June 2018)<br />
(DAN) The History of Dance<br />
The History of Dance will prove to be a thorough and accurate<br />
study of various forms of dance throughout the ages. The class will<br />
analyze everything from social dance and ballet to modern dance,<br />
tap, jazz, theatrical and contemporary dance. the appreciation of<br />
dance as an art form will be guaranteed. We may even do a little<br />
dancing ourselves. So get your dance shoes handy, because we’re<br />
going to jive and have a good time!<br />
Performances by well-known dancers such as Mikhail Baryshnikov,<br />
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Gene Kelly, Marge and Gower<br />
Champion, Misty Copeland, and Derek Hough, in addition to the<br />
works of Martha Graham, George Balanchine, Jerome Robbins,<br />
Bob Fosse and Broadway dance showstoppers will be the<br />
highlights of this class.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(DOE) The Death of Expertise<br />
People are now exposed to more information than ever before,<br />
provided both by technology and by increasing access to every<br />
level of education. These societal gains, however, have also helped<br />
fuel a surge in narcissistic and misguided intellectual egalitarianism<br />
that has crippled informed debates on any number of issues. Today,<br />
everyone knows everything. All voices, even the most ridiculous,<br />
demand to be taken with equal seriousness, and any claim to the<br />
contrary is dismissed as undemocratic elitism.<br />
Paradoxically, the increasingly democratic dissemination of<br />
information, rather than producing an educated public, has instead<br />
created an army of ill-informed and angry citizens who denounce<br />
intellectual achievement.<br />
Tom Nichols, the author, has deeper concerns than the current<br />
rejection of expertise and learning, noting that when ordinary<br />
citizens believe that no one knows more than anyone else,<br />
democratic institutions themselves are in danger of falling either to<br />
populism or to technocracy--or in the worst case, a combination of<br />
both. This is not only an exploration of a dangerous phenomenon<br />
but also a warning about the stability and survival of modern<br />
democracy in the Information Age.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Death of Expertise:<br />
The Campaign Against Established<br />
Knowledge and Why It Matters<br />
by Tom Nichols (March 2017)<br />
(FLM) The Cross and the Cinema:<br />
Films Banned by the Legion of Decency<br />
From 1933 to 1978, the National Legion of Decency, which was<br />
a Catholic organization, had a rating system by which flms<br />
were given an A, B, or C rating. Those given a C rating were<br />
“condemned” for American Catholics. Legion-organized boycotts<br />
made a C rating harmful to a flm ’s distribution and proftability .<br />
Still, many flms that received a C rating are now considered<br />
classics (or are otherwise well-known). Some of them are Reefer<br />
Madness, 8 ½, The Outlaw, The Moon is Blue, The Last Picture<br />
Show, A Clockwork Orange, and Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice.<br />
In fact, in 2017, Turner Classic Movies organized a flm festival of<br />
27 movies banned by the Legion of Decency.<br />
The complete list of condemned movies (including some<br />
for which edits were made) can be found at<br />
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_flms_condemned_by_the _<br />
Legion_of_Decency<br />
No Common Reading.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 43
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Until the End of Time: Mind,<br />
Matter, and Our Search for Meaning<br />
in an Evolving Universe<br />
by Brian Greene (February 2020)<br />
(FMU) Finding Meaning in the<br />
Evolving Universe<br />
This S/DG will consider and discuss humanity’s place in a universe<br />
when everything is governed by unwavering physical laws, to<br />
which man is no exception.<br />
Brian Greene, Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics at<br />
Columbia University, is the author of the book identifed for the<br />
common reading. In a little over 300 pages (plus extensive<br />
notes), he takes the reader on a journey across time, from our most<br />
refned understanding of the universe ’s beginning, to the closest<br />
science can take us to the very end. He explores how life and<br />
mind emerged from the initial chaos, and how our minds,<br />
in coming to understand their own impermanence, seek in diferent<br />
ways to give meaning to experience: in narrative, myth, religion,<br />
creative expression, science, the quest for truth, and our longing<br />
for the eternal.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
How Music Works<br />
by David Byrne (September 2012)<br />
(HMW) How Music Works<br />
In this S/DG we will study and discuss the form and infuence of<br />
music as an art form.<br />
A summary of our text, authored by a member of the band<br />
The Talking Heads:<br />
“A remarkable and buoyant celebration of a subject Byrne has<br />
spent a lifetime thinking about…He explores how profoundly music<br />
is shaped by its time and place, and he explains how the advent of<br />
recording technology in the twentieth century forever changed our<br />
relationship to playing, performing, and listening to music.<br />
“Acting as historian and anthropologist, raconteur and social<br />
scientist, he searches for patterns—and shows how those patterns<br />
have afected his own work over the years.<br />
“Touching on the joy, the physics, and even the business of<br />
making music, How Music Works is a brainy, irresistible adventure<br />
and an impassioned argument about music’s liberating, lifeafrming<br />
power .”<br />
Join us as we take music apart and put it back together again.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(IAL) Isabel Allende<br />
Isabel Allende, a Chilean-American writer, is noted for several<br />
novels in the magic realism genre, and is considered one of the<br />
frst successful woman novelists from Latin America. Currently,<br />
she is the best-selling author in the Spanish language. She was<br />
awarded the Chilean National Prize in Literature in 2010 and the<br />
U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2014.<br />
You’ll notice that one particular text is not ofered as the basis<br />
for this course. Instead, the class participants will decide at the<br />
pre-meeting which Allende novels we’d like to read and discuss.<br />
In addition to her books, there are numerous YouTube videos<br />
featuring Allende with noted celebrity interviewers, where she<br />
elaborates on several of the themes outlined above. An hour-long<br />
documentary is also available online.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
TBD<br />
(NUC) What About Nuclear Power<br />
History’s worst nuclear accident was in Russia in 1986. Chernobyl<br />
has become shorthand for what can happen when a dishonest and<br />
careless state endangers not only its own citizens, but those far<br />
beyond its own borders.<br />
Admiral Hyman Rickover was the famboyant maverick naval hero<br />
who developed the frst nuclear submarine and aircraft carrier, and<br />
the frst commercial U.S. nuclear power plant. But left unconsidered<br />
was the nuclear waste that would pile up, and the possible theft<br />
and weaponization of nuclear material. Rickover’s nuclear plants<br />
eclipsed the concept of breeder reactors, which might have solved<br />
both problems and possibly averted global warming and wars over<br />
fossil fuels as well.<br />
While reading this bleak perspective on nuclear power, one might<br />
consider making presentations that show modern alternatives,<br />
championed by Bill Gates among others.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Midnight in Chernobyl<br />
by Adam Higginbotham<br />
(February 2020)<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 45
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Greater Journey:<br />
Americans in Paris,<br />
by David McCullough (May 2012)<br />
(PAR) Americans in Paris<br />
In the 1800s, many prominent Americans traveled to Paris. Did you<br />
know that before he invented the telegraph, Samuel Morse was an<br />
exceptional painter? Yes, in Paris! One of his famous works included<br />
a portrait of American writer James Fenimore Cooper, who was<br />
also living in…Paris! Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. and America’s frst<br />
female physician Elizabeth Blackwell also came to Paris to enhance<br />
their medical skills, as France’s medical practices during the<br />
period were cutting edge. Renowned American artists John Singer<br />
Sargent and Mary Cassat were there. Sculptor Augustus Saint-<br />
Gaudens, whose works stand in the Boston Commons, Chicago’s<br />
Grant Park and NYC’s Central Park studied as a young man in…<br />
you guessed it, Paris.<br />
Our text, by well-loved author and Pulitzer Prize recipient David<br />
McCullough, rests on a foundation of staggering research and<br />
follows the many Americans who picked up and sailed to France<br />
to enrich their lives, advance their learning, and soak up the<br />
knowledge, the culture, the atmosphere, and the beauty of the<br />
world’s center for arts, science, and medicine.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Selected Plays<br />
(SHK) Shakespeare:<br />
All The World’s A Stage…<br />
The Omnilorean New Globe Players plan a fun January-April<br />
<strong>2021</strong> season! With players standing and with a few props,<br />
we usually read one History play, one Comedy, and one<br />
Tragedy, but sometimes we read 2 or 3 Comedies depending<br />
on preferences expressed at the pre-meeting in December.<br />
Class members will learn how to research all perspectives of<br />
Shakespeare’s works — sources upon which the Bard builds rich<br />
characters and enhances the plots, how to play each character<br />
“in character,” themes, symbols, images, motifs, and commentary<br />
on issues of the day. Members will leave this class with a fuller<br />
understanding of the masterful story construction, realistic<br />
characters with depth and humanity, and the rich, evocative<br />
language which have earned William Shakespeare the title of<br />
greatest writer in the English language.<br />
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
(SSM) Short Story Masters<br />
This short story class will focus on the masterpieces of short<br />
story fction from 52 of the greatest storytellers of all time . From<br />
Sherwood Anderson to Virginia Woolf, we will fnd these 63 stories<br />
accessible, engaging and relevant while also learning about the<br />
lives of such authors as: Joyce Carol Oates, Joseph Conrad,<br />
Edgar Allen Poe, John Updike, James Baldwin, Margaret Atwood,<br />
D. H. Lawrence, and William Faulkner--to mention just a few.<br />
The book’s unique integration of their biographical and critical<br />
backgrounds will bring intimate understanding of the works of<br />
these authors.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Art of the Short Story –<br />
52 Great Authors, Their Best Short<br />
Fiction and Their Insights on Writing<br />
edited by Dana Gioia and<br />
R.S. Glynn (Pearson Publisher,<br />
1st edition; September 2005)<br />
(SUP) Landmark Supreme Court Decisions<br />
This S/DG will study some of the most important Supreme Court<br />
decisions throughout American history. Anchored by the book,<br />
Supreme Court Decisions, the S/DG reads about cases that cover<br />
a vast array of issues, from the powers of government and freedom<br />
of speech to freedom of religion and civil liberties. The author<br />
ofers commentary on each case and e xcerpts from the opinions of<br />
the Justices that show the range of debate in the Supreme Court<br />
and its importance to civil society.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Supreme Court Decisions<br />
edited by Richard Beeman<br />
(Paperback – August 2012)<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 47
PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />
Common Reading:<br />
Upheaval: Turning Points<br />
for Nations in Crisis<br />
by Jared Diamond (May 2019)<br />
(TPN) Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations<br />
This study group will consider Jared Diamond’s historical analysis of<br />
societies that failed because the wrong political and environmental<br />
decisions were made over many centuries. He reveals how<br />
successful nations recover from crises while adopting selective<br />
changes — a coping mechanism more commonly associated with<br />
individuals recovering from personal crises. Diamond compares<br />
how six countries have survived recent upheavals — ranging from<br />
the forced opening of Japan by U.S. Commodore Perry’s feet,<br />
to the Soviet Union’s attack on Finland, to a murderous coup or<br />
countercoup in Chile and Indonesia, to the transformations of<br />
Germany and Austria after World War II. These nations coped,<br />
to varying degrees, through mechanisms such as acknowledgment<br />
of responsibility, painfully honest self-appraisal, and learning from<br />
models of other nations. The text’s author also postulates a<br />
dozen general lessons that might realistically be gained from<br />
examining history.<br />
Common Reading:<br />
The Accidental President:<br />
Harry S. Truman and the Four<br />
Months That Changed the World<br />
by A. J. Baime (October 2018)<br />
(TRU) The Accidental President<br />
Heroes are often defned as ordinary characters who get pushed<br />
into extraordinary circumstances, and through courage and a dash<br />
of luck, cement their place in history. Chosen as FDR’s fourth-term<br />
vice president for his well-praised work ethic, good judgment,<br />
and lack of enemies, Harry S. Truman was the prototypical<br />
ordinary man--that is, until he was shockingly thrust in over his<br />
head after FDR’s sudden death. The frst four months of Truman’s<br />
administration saw the founding of the United Nations, the fall of<br />
Berlin, victory at Okinawa, frebombings in Tokyo, the frst atomic<br />
explosion, the Nazi surrender, the liberation of concentration<br />
camps, the mass starvation in Europe, the Potsdam Conference,<br />
the controversial decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the<br />
surrender of imperial Japan, and fnally , the end of World War II and<br />
the rise of the Cold War. No other president had ever faced so<br />
much in such a short period of time.<br />
The book supporting this S/DG escorts readers into the situation<br />
room with Truman during a tumultuous, history-making 120 days,<br />
when the stakes were high and the challenges even higher.<br />
In Loving Memory<br />
Howard Korman<br />
We all are saddened by the sudden passing of Howard Korman,<br />
a dear friend and colleague at Omnilore. Howard passed away<br />
peacefully on December 16, 2020 while at home in Torrance with<br />
his wife, Dale. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, both Howard and Dale<br />
attended Case Western University. Howard went on to Harvard<br />
University where he earned a master’s degree and a PhD.<br />
The Kormans moved to California in 1968 where Howard<br />
founded a Systems Engineering Extension Program for UC<br />
Riverside, co-authored a book for the program, and taught<br />
a course on Concept Development. He also taught at USC’s<br />
Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering.<br />
Retiring after 38 years with Northrup and its former entity, TRW,<br />
Howard and Dale joined Omnilore in 2006. Over the years,<br />
Howard has participated in 45 classes and found the time<br />
to serve as President, Membership Chair, and most recently<br />
Curriculum Committee Chair. When asked his best memories<br />
of Omnilore, Howard responded, “[all] the wonderful S/DGs<br />
that I’ve taken over the past 14 years,” and he stressed that the<br />
intellectual stimulation and wonderful people in<br />
Omnilore have signifcant meaning to him.<br />
His love of music was refected in his enthusiastic involvement<br />
with the Torrance Symphony, playing the tuba in the<br />
Palos Verdes Symphonic Band and in a Klezmer band,<br />
and singing in two choirs at Temple Menorah. Both Howard<br />
and Dale were in the Norris Theater production of the Notables<br />
performing with the Primetime Players group.<br />
Both Square dancers since 1971, they were the California Couple<br />
on the Square Dancers of America foat in the<br />
1977 Rose Parade—the frst time a foat had live dancers.<br />
Howard has left a legacy of love for his family<br />
and a commitment to his temple and community<br />
as a leader, volunteer, student, and musician. We will miss him,<br />
and we will remember him with respect and admiration.<br />
Howard is survived by his wife, Dale and her mother, Harriet;<br />
children, Arik Korman (Monica), Caryn Keenan (Mickey) and<br />
Diane Numark (Clif); and grandchildren, Drew and Jaymes, Zan,<br />
and Lincoln and Pearl. He is also survived by his sister, Elaine<br />
Frank and brother, Shelly Korman and their children.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 49
UNIVERSITY COURSES for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />
Note: Enrollment as an auditor<br />
means the student does not take tests<br />
or complete graded assignments.<br />
At the discretion of the instructor,<br />
an auditor may be required to<br />
participate in classroom activities.<br />
You are invited to view the<br />
Open University Class<br />
Schedule online by visiting the<br />
Extended Education website at<br />
www.csudh.edu/ceie<br />
A program for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members who want to<br />
participate in University courses<br />
Eligibility to enroll in regular campus courses through the <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
University program for a signifcantly reduced fee is one of the<br />
membership benefts of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH.<br />
The <strong>OLLI</strong> University program allows individuals to enroll in<br />
regular campus classes without being admitted to the University.<br />
Transcripts, application and other documentation are not required.<br />
However, instructor permission is required to participate in a<br />
course, and <strong>OLLI</strong> University students are accepted on a space<br />
available basis.<br />
The regular Open University fee is $311 per unit for undergraduate<br />
courses, and $369 per unit for graduate courses, but <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
members may audit courses for only $30 per unit.<br />
The process is easy.<br />
1. Pick up an Open University class schedule from the<br />
Extended Education Registration ofce.<br />
2. Find the course you would like to enroll in.<br />
3. Fill out the registration forms in the Open University class<br />
schedule.<br />
4. Bring the completed registration form to the frst class meeting<br />
and ask the instructor to sign the form.<br />
5. Then return the signed and completed form to the Extended<br />
Education Registration ofce and pay fees.<br />
6. You will be enrolled in the course on an audit basis and receive<br />
an “AU” on your transcript for the course.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Volunteer Opportunities<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> is a volunteer organization that depends on the involvement<br />
of its membership to function and grow. We are looking for<br />
individuals who would like to lend their skills to the day-to-day<br />
administration of classes and to planning courses, activities<br />
and publications.<br />
Please see the Volunteer Checklist on the back of the<br />
Membership Form for a complete list of opportunities,<br />
and to signify your interest in volunteering.<br />
Here are some of the ways you can share<br />
your love for <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH:<br />
Activities—Coordinate feld trips, special events, and ad hoc<br />
ofsite activities.<br />
Communications—Develop membership publications.<br />
Curriculum Committee—Develop ideas for courses, lectures,<br />
computer workshops, discussion groups and feld trips; identify<br />
instructors from CSUDH faculty, community experts, and <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
members; organize class schedules, and publish the <strong>OLLI</strong> catalogs.<br />
Fundraising Committee—Work with the program leadership to<br />
establish fun and learning events to invite members, prospective<br />
members and donors to. Tasks include assuring that every <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
donor feels thanked and valued. Fundraising training will be<br />
provided.<br />
Hospitality—Organize and coordinate the social aspects of<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH events like Open House, the holiday party,<br />
Junteenth Celebration and the annual meeting.<br />
Membership & Marketing—Committee works together to acquire<br />
and retain current members; welcome, orient and engage new<br />
members and develop and implement a marketing plan.<br />
Ambassador Committee—Assist with special events, reminder<br />
phone calls, special mailings, survey reviews, etc., supports <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
instructors in class, and represents <strong>OLLI</strong> at designated South Bay<br />
events. Committee members are also responsible for greeting<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> members, instructors and visitors at meetings and events.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors<br />
& Contributors<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Invites<br />
Sponsors and Contributors<br />
CSUDH, through the Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute, provides collegelevel<br />
experiences and activities to<br />
community residents 50+ years of<br />
age who become members.<br />
Individuals, businesses, and<br />
organizations who wish to support<br />
the goal of expanding <strong>OLLI</strong> programs<br />
to meet the intellectual and social<br />
needs of older learners, please contact<br />
the <strong>OLLI</strong> ofce at (310) 243-3208 or<br />
olli@csudh.edu to discuss a taxdeductible<br />
donation or sponsorship.<br />
Everyone brings valuable knowledge<br />
and experience to the organization.<br />
Look for calls for volunteers or call our<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> ofce at (310) 243-3208 to say<br />
that you are interested in becoming<br />
an <strong>OLLI</strong> volunteer.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 51
<strong>OLLI</strong> VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION<br />
January 31<br />
Friday | 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm<br />
Check your <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly<br />
Email Updates for details.<br />
Facilitators: <strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteers<br />
and Staf, <strong>OLLI</strong> members and<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Ofce Staf<br />
Do What You Love<br />
and Love What You Do<br />
at <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Osher<br />
Lifelong Learning at<br />
California State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills is a<br />
volunteer-member driven<br />
program whose culture<br />
springs from a sense of<br />
belonging and a shared commitment. Whether it is telling a friend,<br />
facilitating a class, coordinating an event, raising funds, or serving<br />
on a committee to build a sustainable <strong>OLLI</strong> program we need<br />
members like you.<br />
Active members are the creative lifeblood of <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
program. Volunteer-members are involved in many aspects of<br />
the <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH program. Enthusiastic volunteers work with the<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> staf members to bring <strong>OLLI</strong> classes, lectures, events, and<br />
programs and we are always looking for fresh ideas, new talents<br />
and skills.<br />
There are several ways to get involved.<br />
Become a<br />
friend of <strong>OLLI</strong>!<br />
Donate your time<br />
and expertise.<br />
Want to help every once in a while, when you have an hour or<br />
two available? Become an event volunteer. Want to plan quarterly<br />
events with a minimum meeting-time commitment? Join a party<br />
planning committee. Looking for a way to connect with members<br />
on an ongoing basis, using your talent and expertise to work in a<br />
variety of areas from making phone calls to developing curriculum<br />
to arranging feld-trip transportation. <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH has the need<br />
and committee to match your area of interest to do what you love<br />
and love what you do.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />
Codes of Conduct<br />
Osher Lifelong<br />
Learning Institute<br />
at California<br />
State University,<br />
Dominguez Hills<br />
(<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH)<br />
is a community of<br />
active mature lifelong<br />
learners. The College<br />
of Extended and International Education (CEIE) is committed to<br />
maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
members, students, faculty, and staf. Many of our programs<br />
ofer a forum for a lively and sometimes passionate exchange<br />
of views. Members of our learning community are expected to<br />
follow principles of courtesy and mutual respect that promote<br />
reasoned discourse and engage in responsible behaviors that<br />
refect well upon the university. To be civil to one another, to<br />
others in the campus community, and contribute positively to<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> members, students, faculty, staf, and university life.<br />
Violations include conduct that threatens or endangers the<br />
health or safety of any person within or related to the University<br />
community, including but not limited to physical abuse, threats,<br />
intimidation, harassment, sexual misconduct, denigrating others’<br />
views or opinions, ofensive or abusive language, disruptive<br />
classroom conduct, discrimination, and monopolizing<br />
discussions. Failure to treat ideas, viewpoints, the classroom<br />
environment, and interests of members in the community with<br />
respect and civility compromises the intellectual climate at <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
and cannot be tolerated.<br />
CEIE leadership is responsible for ensuring that the Code of<br />
Conduct is being followed in all <strong>OLLI</strong>-sponsored programs.<br />
Members who do not adhere to these principles or interfere<br />
with the goals of our learning community may be removed from<br />
the class and/or activities and denied the privilege of future<br />
participation at the discretion of the CEIE Leadership.<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> More.<br />
Live More.<br />
Parking at CSUDH<br />
Annual Parking Passes are<br />
available to <strong>OLLI</strong> members<br />
for only $20.<br />
Call the <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
ofce at (310)<br />
243-3208<br />
for details.<br />
Efective July<br />
1, 2019, the<br />
fee to park on<br />
campus is $9<br />
per day. Daily parking permits<br />
can be purchased at one of the<br />
many yellow parking lot permit<br />
machines using cash, debit<br />
or credit card. Permits must<br />
be displayed face-up on your<br />
dashboard.<br />
Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong> website at<br />
www.csudh.edu/olli to fnd<br />
out about carpooling or taking<br />
public transportation to the<br />
campus.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 53
SPRING <strong>2021</strong> <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH INSTRUCTORS<br />
Edward Allen, MBA, Financial &<br />
Insurance Professional<br />
Mariana Amezcua, Medicare,<br />
and Covered California “Certifed”<br />
Health Insurance Agent<br />
Denise Jeferson, a 4-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
member, co-Chair of Membership<br />
& Marketing Committee, and <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
volunteer for TED talks<br />
Mary Johnston, LA Opera<br />
Community Educator<br />
Peggy Barton, <strong>OLLI</strong> member, CAAM<br />
Docent and former educator<br />
Linda Kahn, a 3-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> member<br />
and T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners<br />
Instructor<br />
Norma Bates, a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> member,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Arts and Crafts Instructor<br />
Jim Kelly, Community Educator for<br />
Alzheimer’s LA, and Speaker’s Bureau<br />
Volunteer<br />
Kevin Batton, LA Opera Community<br />
Educator<br />
Kimiko Kelly, Community Education<br />
Manager at Alzheimer’s Los Angeles<br />
Christine Calderon Caruso,<br />
Community Relations Manager, Cyber<br />
Seniors.<br />
Kristilee Kodis, Volunteer and<br />
Outreach Manager, California Wildlife<br />
Center<br />
Wendell Covalt, B.S. Civil<br />
Engineering, MBA, and Certifed Food<br />
Over Medicine Instructor<br />
Jerry Larson, Tai Chi instructor and<br />
neurodiagnostic technologist and<br />
surgical neurophysiologist<br />
Kara Zugman Dellacioppa, instructor,<br />
Sociology and Negotiation, Confict<br />
Resolution and Peace Building,<br />
CSUDH<br />
Barbara Lashenick, LA Metro<br />
Art Docent Council, Principal and<br />
Community Relations Ofcer<br />
Dr. Charlene Ford, <strong>OLLI</strong> Instructor and<br />
volunteer<br />
Jennifer S. Lee, Field Project<br />
Coordinator & Trainer, Front Porch and<br />
Center for Innovation and Wellbeing<br />
Michelle D. Garcia-Ortiz, Project<br />
Assistant and History Supervisor,<br />
El Pueblo Historical Monument<br />
Delyna-Diop Means, French instructor,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> member and volunteer<br />
SPRING <strong>2021</strong> <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH INSTRUCTORS<br />
Donald Means, a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
member, Social Tennis for Seniors’<br />
Coach<br />
Henry Mendez, MHS - Community<br />
Services Analyst II, LA County Dept.<br />
of Workforce Development, Aging &<br />
Community Services<br />
Eula Slater, a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> member,<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> Ambassador Committee, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
Curriculum Committee, Registered<br />
Dietician<br />
Heather Slater, Pastry Chef and<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> instructor and volunteer<br />
Monica Moore, MSG Community<br />
Health Program Manager at Mary S.<br />
Easton Center for Alzheimer’s Disease<br />
Research at UCLA.<br />
Frankie Stewart, M.A., an 8-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
member and CSUDH Alumna<br />
Sylvya Raygoza, Information Services,<br />
Los Angeles County Sanitation District<br />
Theresa Tong, Outreach Specialist for<br />
California Telephone Access Program<br />
aka California Phones<br />
Dr. Denise Ridley-Davis, Independent<br />
Insurance Agent<br />
Alexandria Wood, Education<br />
Programs Manager, Ford’s Theatre,<br />
Washington DC<br />
Jessica Gonzalez-Rodriguez,<br />
LA Opera Community Educator<br />
Stacy Jasmin-Yamato, Community<br />
Relations Manager, Metro<br />
Maria Ruiz, a 9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> and<br />
Omnilore member, District<br />
Toastmasters Qualifed Speak er,<br />
director, drama guru, and Dramatic<br />
Readers Theater producer.<br />
Ophelia Sanders, dedicated <strong>OLLI</strong><br />
member and volunteer<br />
Rev. Gyokei Yokoyama, Soto Zen<br />
missionary<br />
Dr. Ayesha Sherzai, MD, MAS,<br />
vascular neurologist, research<br />
scientist, Alzheimer’s Prevention<br />
Program, Loma Linda University<br />
Dr. Dean Sherzai, MD, PhD, MAS,<br />
MPH, behavioral neurologist and<br />
research scientist, Alzheimer’s<br />
Prevention Program, Loma Linda<br />
University<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 55
Date Day Time Meeting ID # Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate frst meeting<br />
26-Jan Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
26-Jan Tue 3:00pm-4:30pm see page 1 <strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> Open House 1<br />
27-Jan Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
28-Jan Thu 10:00am-11:00am 935 8431 7096 Thursday Morning Book Club 28<br />
30-Jan Sat 10:00am-11:00am 896 7058 2131 The Roots of Tai Chi 13<br />
1-Feb Mon 10:00am-11:30am 813 9291 8294 The Ford Theatre Virtual Guided Tour 30<br />
1-Feb Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
1-Feb Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm 962 0372 2043 <strong>OLLI</strong> Movie Monday! 12<br />
2-Feb Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
3-Feb Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
3-Feb Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
4-Feb Thu 11:00am-12:00pm 883 4066 2852 A Tale of Two Beaches – Inkwell 22<br />
5-Feb Fri 10:00am-12:30pm 845 2400 2546 New Members Orientation Meeting 38<br />
6-Feb Sat 10:00am-11:00am 896 7058 2131 The Roots of Tai Chi 13<br />
7-Feb Sun 10:00am-11:00am 874 3085 0578 Tai Chi Chuan for Beginners! 13<br />
8-Feb Mon 10:00am-11:30am 813 9291 8294 Civil War Washington through the eyes 30<br />
of Mary Henry – Virtual Docent-led tour<br />
9-Feb Tue 10:00am-11:00am 986 4115 3673 LA Opera Talks! 10<br />
9-Feb Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
10-Feb Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
10-Feb Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
15-Feb Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
16-Feb Tue 10:00am-11:00am 986 4115 3673 LA Opera Talks! 10<br />
16-Feb Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
16-Feb Tue 1:00pm-2:00pm 896 8469 1739 Alzheimer’s LA Workshop 18<br />
17-Feb Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
21-Feb Sun 10:00am-11:00am 874 3085 0578 Tai Chi Chuan for Beginners! 13<br />
22-Feb Mon 11:00am-12:00pm 339 720 6095 Los Angeles County Sanitation District: 35<br />
Food Waste Program<br />
EE = Extended Education Building, CSUDH<br />
BCHC = Beach Cities Health Center, Suite L8<br />
Campus Urban Farm = See map on page 76<br />
GYM A-102 = Campus Gymnasium (Bldg 60 on the campus map)<br />
Levy Adult Center = Room #2, Torrance<br />
LVCC = Los Verdes Country Club<br />
Tennis Courts = CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate frst meeting<br />
22-Feb Mon 1:00pm-2:00pm 841 4506 5400 Community Based Brain Health Initiative 20<br />
23-Feb Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
23-Feb Tue 1:30pm-2:30pm 814 5065 0682 OTMRP: Cyber-Seniors 31<br />
24-Feb Tue 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
25-Feb Thu 10:00am-11:00am 935 8431 7096 Thursday Morning Book Club 28<br />
28-Feb Sun 10:00am-11:00am 874 3085 0578 Tai Chi Chuan for Beginners! 13<br />
1-Mar Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
1-Mar Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm 962 0372 2043 <strong>OLLI</strong> Movie Monday! 12<br />
2-Mar Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
3-Mar Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
3-Mar Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
4-Mar Thur 10:00am-11:00am 949 4993 1945 Medicare 101 19<br />
8-Mar Mon 1:30pm-3:00pm 945 3982 1053 UCLA Community Health Education 17<br />
with Monica Moore<br />
9-Mar Tue 10:00am-11:00am 986 4115 3673 LA Opera Talks! 10<br />
9-Mar Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
9-Mar Tue 1:30pm-2:30pm 830 8795 0800 Virtual Baking Workshop: Sweets 15<br />
10-Mar Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
10-Mar Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
11-Mar Thur 1:00pm-2:30pm 827 5900 3379 Introduction to Genealogy 24<br />
11-Mar Thur 1:30pm-2:30pm 859 0924 5867 Health Benefts of Essential Oils 14<br />
15-Mar Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
15-Mar Mon 1:30pm-3:00pm 945 3982 1053 UCLA Community Health Education 17<br />
with Monica Moore<br />
16-Mar Tue 10:00am-11:00am 986 4115 3673 LA Opera Talks! 10<br />
16-Mar Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
16-Mar Tue 1:00pm-2:00pm 896 8469 1739 Alzheimer’s LA Workshop 18<br />
17-Mar Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
18-Mar Thur 1:30pm-2:30pm 859 0924 5867 Health Benefts of Essential Oils 14<br />
22-Mar Mon 11:00am-12:00pm 339 720 6095 Los Angeles County Sanitation District: 35<br />
Bixby Marshland<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 57
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate frst meeting<br />
22-Mar Tue 1:30pm-3:00pm 945 3982 1053 UCLA Community Health Education 17<br />
with Monica Moore<br />
22-Mar Tue 3:00pm-4:00pm 861 1588 0188 Avoid Alzheimer’s and Build a Better Brain 20<br />
23-Mar Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
23-Mar Tue 11:00am-12:00pm 814 5065 0682 OTMRP: Meditation and Relaxtion 32<br />
Techniques<br />
24-Mar Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
25-Mar Thu 10:00am-11:00am 935 8431 7096 Thursday Morning Book Club 28<br />
25-Mar Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 892 6088 9324 Living Well for Older Adults 21<br />
29-Mar Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
30-Mar Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
30-Mar Tue 1:00pm-2:00pm 850 5447 5112 MOLAA: Oaxazalifornia: Through the<br />
Experience of Duo Tlacolulokos 34<br />
31-Mar Wed Cesar Chavez Holiday<br />
1-Apr Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 892 6088 9324 Living Well for Older Adults 21<br />
1-Apr Thu 2:00pm-3:00pm 949 4993 1945 Medicare 101 19<br />
5-Apr Mon 12:00pm-1:30pm (TBD) Osher Lecture Series: Ain’t I a Woman<br />
by Collette Haywood<br />
View <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly Email Updates<br />
6-Apr Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
6-Apr Tue 1:30pm-2:30pm 830 8795 0800 Virtual Baking Workshop: Savory 15<br />
7-Apr Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
7-Apr Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
8-Apr Thu 11:00am-12:00pm 833 1218 3778 California Wildlife Center Tour 25<br />
8-Apr Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 892 6088 9324 Living Well for Older Adults 21<br />
12-Apr Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
13-Apr Tue 10:00am-11:00am 986 4115 3673 LA Opera Talks! 10<br />
13-Apr Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
13-Apr Tue 11:00am-12:00pm 814 5065 0682 OTMRP: Metro Art ( E Line, Expo Stations; 32<br />
El Pueblo de Los Angeles at Olvera Street)<br />
EE = Extended Education Building, CSUDH<br />
BCHC = Beach Cities Health Center, Suite L8<br />
Campus Urban Farm = See map on page 76<br />
GYM A-102 = Campus Gymnasium (Bldg 60 on the campus map)<br />
Levy Adult Center = Room #2 Torrance<br />
LIB = University Library (See map on page 76)<br />
LVCC = Los Verdes Country Club<br />
Tennis Courts = CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate frst meeting<br />
14-Apr Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
14-Apr Wed 11:30am-12:30pm 837 5119 6775 Mantra and Mudra: Kundalini Yoga 27<br />
and Other Ancient Technologies<br />
14-Apr Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
15-Apr Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 892 6088 9324 Living Well for Older Adults 21<br />
19-Apr Mon 11:00am-12:00pm 339 720 6095 Los Angeles County Sanitation: 36<br />
Palmdale Water Reclamation tours<br />
20-Apr Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
20-Apr Tue 1:00pm-2:00pm 896 8469 1739 Alzheimer’s LA Workshop 18<br />
21-Apr Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
22-Apr Thu 10:00am-11:00am 935 8431 7096 Thursday Morning Book Club 28<br />
22-Apr Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 892 6088 9324 Living Well for Older Adults 21<br />
26-Apr Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
27-Apr Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
28-Apr Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
3-May Mon 3:00pm-4:30pm 957 7414 6200 Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer, 16<br />
Diabetes & Alzheimer’s Disease<br />
4-May Tue 10:00am-11:00am 986 4115 3673 LA Opera Talks! 10<br />
4-May Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
5-May Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
5-May Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
6-May Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 829 5142 0446 Aging Gracefully and Gratefully 15<br />
6-May Thu 6:00pm-7:00pm 949 4993 1945 Medicare 101 19<br />
10-May Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
10-May Mon 3:00pm-4:30pm 957 7414 6200 Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer, 16<br />
Diabetes & Alzheimer’s Disease<br />
11-May Tue 10:00am-11:00am 986 4115 3673 LA Opera Talks! 10<br />
11-May Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
11-May Tue 11:00am-12:00pm 814 5065 0682 OTMRP: Virtual Tour of El Pueblo 33<br />
de Los Angeles<br />
11-May Tue 1:30pm-2:30pm 830 8795 0800 Virtual Baking Workshop: Vegan dessert 15<br />
12-May Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 59
Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />
NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate frst meeting<br />
12-May Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
13-May Thu 10:00am-11:00am 873 3440 8703 How to boost your retirement savings 23<br />
in your 50s and 60s?<br />
13-May Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 829 5142 0446 Aging Gracefully and Gratefully 15<br />
17-May Mon 3:00pm-4:30pm 957 7414 6200 Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer, 16<br />
Diabetes & Alzheimer’s Disease<br />
18-May Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
18-May Tue 1:00pm-2:00pm 896 8469 1739 Alzheimer’s LA Workshop 18<br />
19-May Wed 10:00am-11:00am 987 4152 3031 French with Delyna-Diop Means 10<br />
19-May Wed 12:00pm-1:00pm (TBD) Quilling with Joan<br />
View <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly Email Updates<br />
20-May Thu 1:30pm-2:30pm 829 5142 0446 Aging Gracefully and Gratefully 15<br />
24-May Mon 11:00am-12:00pm 339 720 6095 Los Angeles County Sanitation District: 37<br />
San Jose Creek Water Reclamation program<br />
24-May Mon 12:00pm-1:00pm 966 6881 1928 TED Talks with Denise Jeferson 29<br />
25-May Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
26-May Wed 12:00pm-1:00pm (TBD) Quilling with Joan<br />
View <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly Email Updates<br />
27-May Thu 10:00am-11:00am 935 8431 7096 Thursday Morning Book Club 28<br />
1-Jun Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
2-Jun Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
8-Jun Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
9-Jun Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm 930 5429 8565 Let’s Read a Play! 11<br />
15-Jun Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
19-Jun Sat (TBD) Juneteenth Celebration<br />
View <strong>OLLI</strong> Weekly Email Updates<br />
22-Jun Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
24-Jun Thu 10:00am-11:00am 935 8431 7096 Thursday Morning Book Club 28<br />
29-Jun Tue 10:30am-12:30pm 966 8239 1267 Virtual Social Tennis 14<br />
EE = Extended Education Building, CSUDH<br />
BCHC = Beach Cities Health Center, Suite L8<br />
Campus Urban Farm = See map on page 76<br />
GYM A-102 = Campus Gymnasium (Bldg 60 on the campus map)<br />
Levy Adult Center = Room #2 Torrance<br />
LVCC = Los Verdes Country Club<br />
Tennis Courts = CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />
“Lifelong learning is a shared adventure.”
2258 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />
College of Extended & International Education<br />
California State University, Dominguez Hills<br />
1000 E. Victoria St, EE-1300<br />
Carson CA 90747<br />
Osher<br />
Lifelong<br />
Learning<br />
Institute<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
Course <strong>Catalog</strong><br />
January - June<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2021</strong> Virtual Open House<br />
We welcome you to attend our online Open House, and to stay conected with<br />
<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH via Zoom. Feel free to invite your friends to the <strong>2021</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> Virtual<br />
Open House. You can share this link http://bit.ly/OpenHouse-SP21 or have them<br />
call 310-243-3208. This is a great opportunity to learn about membership in the<br />
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.<br />
January 26, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Tuesday | 3pm - 4:30<br />
“Lifelong learning”<br />
is a shared adventure”<br />
During coronovirus restrictions, <strong>OLLI</strong> is providing safe learning environments to<br />
its Members with free access to all online classes. Registration is not necessary,<br />
but remember to renew your membership to continue to receive all the great<br />
benefits for the very reasonable annual fee of $30. Simply complete and mail in<br />
the Membership Form attached in the centerfold of this catalog.