SummerPrep 2021
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Summer<br />
THE FUN<br />
STARTS<br />
HERE<br />
prep<br />
JUNE 7 - JULY 16<br />
Summer<br />
THE FUN<br />
STARTS<br />
HERE<br />
prep<br />
JUNE 7 - JULY 16<br />
A Sandia Preparatory School summer program open to all<br />
students from any school in grades Pre-K through 11th grade
Summerprep<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> offers students enriching<br />
and creative classes – and an<br />
opportunity to learn new skills or build<br />
on existing talents. We foster discovery<br />
and exploration, and encourage<br />
students to enjoy themselves in a safe,<br />
supportive environment.<br />
Our classes are small, so each child<br />
receives personalized instruction.<br />
There are many classes from which to<br />
choose, so your child can look forward<br />
to fun and exciting experiences at<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong>. Make it a summer your<br />
child will remember for a lifetime!<br />
Many future Sandia Prep Sundevils<br />
come to love our school because of<br />
their <strong>SummerPrep</strong> experiences. By the<br />
time they start the admission process,<br />
they’re familiar with our campus and<br />
feel right at home here.<br />
If you’re interested in learning about<br />
Sandia Prep's academic program and<br />
the admission process, please contact<br />
our Admission Office at 505.338.3007<br />
or<br />
You also can submit an inquiry form at<br /> Then, you’ll receive<br />
information and invitations to special<br />
events, including our interactive<br />
Open House in October!
Register<br />
REGISTRATION OPENS FEBRUARY 22, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Register Online<br />
Registration Deadline<br />
June 1, <strong>2021</strong><br />
Payments<br />
We accept most forms of payment.<br />
Final payment due May 14, <strong>2021</strong><br />
1. Visit<br />
2. Click “Register Now” button If you registered for<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> in previous years, you can log in with<br />
your previously used email address. If you are new to<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong>, please create a new account.<br />
3. Enter student’s information, including who is<br />
authorized to pick up student other than parents.<br />
4. Select classes Please note: Some classes are longer<br />
than one period.<br />
Cancellations<br />
Should registration need to be canceled, full<br />
refunds will be granted until May 3, <strong>2021</strong>,<br />
less a $25 cancellation fee. After May 3,<br />
<strong>2021</strong>, no refunds will be issued.<br />
6. Click “Checkout”<br />
7. Enter payment information A 50% deposit is<br />
required to register. If you elect to pay the balance later,<br />
an invoice will be emailed to you.<br />
Register Via Paper Form<br />
1. Visit and print registration form<br />
Please note: If a class does not meet<br />
enrollment numbers, <strong>SummerPrep</strong> staff<br />
will contact you to update your child’s<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> class schedule.<br />
2. Return completed form to:<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> Office at Sandia Prep<br />
532 Osuna Road NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113<br />
Please note <strong>SummerPrep</strong> classes are filled on a first-come, first-served<br />
basis. If registering via paper form, please be aware that selected classes<br />
may no longer be available. Online registration is preferred.
Schedule<br />
JUNE 7 - JULY 16<br />
Session One: June 7 - June 25 • Session Two: June 28 - July 16<br />
Before Care ....................... 7:30 - 8:10 a.m.<br />
1st Period .......................... 8:10 - 9:00 a.m.<br />
2nd Period ......................... 9:10 - 10:00 a.m.<br />
3rd Period ..................... 10:10 - 11:00 a.m.<br />
4th Period .............. 11:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />
Lunch .............................. 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.<br />
Afternoon Camps ........... 12:45 - 3:45 p.m.<br />
After Care .......................... 3:45 - 5:45 p.m.<br />
Schedule<br />
Classes are offered during both three-week<br />
sessions, unless otherwise noted in course<br />
description. Sessions are not sequential<br />
unless otherwise specified. Students may<br />
not have a gap in their schedule – there are<br />
no “free” periods allowed during the day.<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> campers arriving before 1st<br />
period may join Before Care (page 2). Once<br />
afternoon camps have ended, students may<br />
attend After Care (page 2).<br />
Before Care and After Care<br />
Please sign up for Before Care and/or After<br />
Care for one or more weeks at a time. Before<br />
Care is $10 per week and After Care is $25<br />
per week. Payment is due at the start<br />
of the week. After Care ends promptly at<br />
5:45 p.m., and there will be a late pickup<br />
fee ($1 per minute).
Information<br />
COVID-19 Safety Protocol<br />
Safety has always been a top priority at <strong>SummerPrep</strong>,<br />
and it is even more so during <strong>SummerPrep</strong> <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> will follow all COVID-19 safety procedures,<br />
including social distancing, frequent sanitizing, and<br />
wearing masks at all times (except when eating lunch<br />
outside with socially distanced spacing).<br />
In order to adhere to all COVID-19 safety precautions, all<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> classes will be at 25% capacity to maintain<br />
the safest environment possible. In general, that means<br />
each class will have 10 or fewer students.<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> staff will continue to monitor the evolving<br />
safety guidelines and adapt appropriately to provide<br />
a safe and enriching experience for all <strong>SummerPrep</strong><br />
campers. This may mean a change in class offerings.<br />
Families will be notified of any updates before the<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> session begins.<br />
More information about specific COVID-19 safety<br />
procedures will be sent to families before the start of<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong>.<br />
Registering for Classes by<br />
Grade Level<br />
Classes are scheduled based on the grade level that a<br />
student will be entering in the fall. For example, a class<br />
for Grades 5 - 8 is for students who will be in 5th - 8th<br />
grade in Fall <strong>2021</strong>.<br />
Lunch and Snacks<br />
If COVID-19 safety guidelines permit, lunch and snacks<br />
will be available for purchase during <strong>SummerPrep</strong> from<br />
the Prep Café. More information about lunch and snacks<br />
will be sent to families before the start of <strong>SummerPrep</strong>.<br />
Students are welcome to bring their own lunch and<br />
snacks from home.<br />
Dismissal from <strong>SummerPrep</strong><br />
Students are expected to behave according to wellaccepted<br />
principles of behavior. <strong>SummerPrep</strong> has a<br />
zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying. The<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> Director reserves the right to dismiss<br />
any student at any time. Refunds will not be granted<br />
should a child be dismissed from <strong>SummerPrep</strong>.
Open House<br />
Saturday, June 5 • Sandia Prep West Gym<br />
Last name begins with A - M: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />
Last name begins with N - Z: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.<br />
Meet your teachers, find your classrooms, and pick up<br />
your <strong>SummerPrep</strong> T-shirt at our Open House. To ensure<br />
proper safety precautions and social distancing take<br />
place, the <strong>SummerPrep</strong> Open House will take place at<br />
separate times based on the student’s last name.<br />
Contact Information<br />
Andrew O’Cleireachain, <strong>SummerPrep</strong> Director<br /> • 505.338.3045<br />
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday<br />
Please note: The <strong>SummerPrep</strong> Office will be closed from<br />
Monday, March 15 - Friday, March 26 for Sandia Prep’s<br />
spring break. You may still register for classes at<br /><br />
Important Dates<br />
Registration Opens<br />
Monday, February 22<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> Office Closed<br />
Monday, March 15 - Friday, March 26<br />
Last Day to Cancel for Full Refund<br />
Monday, May 3<br />
Payment Deadline<br />
Friday, May 14<br />
Registration Deadline<br />
Tuesday, June 1<br />
Open House<br />
Saturday, June 5<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> Session One<br />
Monday, June 7 - Friday, June 25<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> Session Two<br />
Monday, June 28 - Friday, July 16<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> Office Closed<br />
Monday, July 5<br />
(in observance of Independence Day)
PLAYING & LEARNING .................................................................... 1<br />
STUDIO ARTS ................................................................................... 3<br />
DIGITAL ARTS ................................................................................. 5<br />
MATH / ENGINEERING .................................................................... 7<br />
WRITING / LITERATURE / LANGUAGE ......................................... 11<br />
MUSIC ............................................................................................. 15<br />
THEATER ........................................................................................ 17<br />
SCIENCE ......................................................................................... 19<br />
SPORTS ........................................................................................... 23<br />
FUN & GAMES ............................................................................... 25<br />
AFTERNOON CAMPS .................................................................... 27<br />
PRE-K<br />
- 11TH<br />
CLASSES BY GRADE LEVEL ............................................................ 29
1<br />
Before and After Care<br />
The regular day at <strong>SummerPrep</strong> begins at 8:10 a.m. and<br />
ends at 3:45 p.m. Before Care and After Care, available<br />
for an additional cost, will extend the student’s day from<br />
as early as 7:30 a.m. until as late as 5:45 p.m. Before Care<br />
helps students get settled in the morning and ready for<br />
their classes. If your student needs to extend the day<br />
after an Afternoon Camp concludes, you may sign up<br />
for After Care, which includes an afternoon snack. The<br />
After Care program will have separate areas for students<br />
to participate in games and activities. All students must<br />
be picked up by 5:45 p.m. If parents are late to pick up<br />
students, an additional late pickup fee will apply ($1 per<br />
minute after 5:45 p.m.). Prices are for one full week; prorating<br />
is not available.<br />
Before Care<br />
After Care<br />
Grades: PreK - 8 Grades: K - 8<br />
Session: One or Two Session: One or Two<br />
Time: 7:30 - 8:10 a.m. Time: 3:45 - 5:45 p.m.<br />
Tuition: $10 per week Tuition: $25 per week<br />
Dino Dig<br />
Ever wonder why a Triceratops had horns or why a<br />
T-Rex had such tiny arms? Then enter the world of the<br />
prehistoric, learn about beasts of the past, and become a<br />
paleontologist-in-training.<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 1 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Laugh and Learn! (Afternoon Only)<br />
Summer is a time to have fun, be creative, make new<br />
friends, and discover new things! Discover the world<br />
through senses and explore curiosities with water and<br />
sand tables. Become authors and illustrators and develop<br />
as artists with watercolors, easel paints, and clay. All this,<br />
plus reading stories and spending time outside doing<br />
what kids do best –PLAY.<br />
Grades: 1 - 2<br />
Time: 12:45 - 3:45 p.m.<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $325 per session<br />
Reading Adventures<br />
Journey into your imagination with reading adventures!<br />
Trek through some fantastic literature and create<br />
puppets, character masks, and more based on your<br />
favorite books while reading purely for the joy of it.<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 1, 2, 3, or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Tiny Tots (4-5 Years Old)<br />
Get an early start to preschool and kindergarten! Tiny<br />
Tots will enhance their math and literacy skills as well as<br />
participate in fun music, dance, and art activities. Learn<br />
how to express yourself in an environment geared toward<br />
growth through hands-on learning.<br />
Grades Pre-K to K: Periods 1 - 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $600<br />
Time: 12:45 - 3:45 p.m.<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $325<br />
3<br />
STUDIO<br />
Architectural Exploration NEW!<br />
Design your dream home! Learn about form and function<br />
while you render an architectural plan with measurements<br />
and details. You will build a model, present drawings/<br />
renderings, and showcase your creation on our campus.<br />
Plus, this class is taught by Sandia Prep’s very own Clay<br />
and Sculpture teacher, Waseem Touma.<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Periods 1 & 2 OR Periods 3 & 4<br />
Session: SESSION ONE ONLY<br />
Tuition: $300<br />
Back to the Drawing Board<br />
Techniques and tricks for the aspiring illustrator! Explore<br />
concepts like perspective, texture, and proportion, and<br />
find out how famous artists create their works of art.<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Clay Studio 1<br />
Join the fun and expand your imagination through the<br />
world of clay. Learn the techniques to create your very<br />
own bowls, masks, plates, and sculptures.<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 1 or 4<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 3<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Clay Studio 2<br />
More fun with clay! Continue to learn different techniques<br />
and work on more complicated projects including wheelthrown<br />
pottery.<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 1 or 2<br />
Grades 4 - 8: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Groovy Tie-Dye<br />
Get your groove on this summer with our tie-dye class!<br />
Using a variety of tie-dye methods and all the colors of<br />
the rainbow, make your very own apparel.<br />
Grades 4 - 8: Period 4<br />
Session: SESSION TWO ONLY<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Kid Kollage<br />
Start with drawings, then add layers of color and texture<br />
to make mosaic- like images. Magazines, pieces of fabric,<br />
and found objects can be cut, torn, or glued to create a<br />
masterpiece. Have fun watching your work come to life!<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 3<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Wearable Art<br />
Design and create bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and<br />
shirts. Maybe even a duct tape dress! Fabricate new<br />
pieces for your wardrobe using everything from safety<br />
pins and spray paint to duct tape and beads.<br />
Grades 2 - 5: Period 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
5<br />
A Picture is Worth a Thousand<br />
Words<br />
Digital photography allows you to become the great<br />
photographer you always knew you were! Photograph<br />
subjects and produce striking images in class. Come<br />
ready with your digital camera in hand and a sense of<br />
adventure!<br />
Grades 4 - 8: Period 1 or 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Dynamic Design<br />
In this graphic design class, you will create amazing<br />
artwork and graphics for use in print or on the web using<br />
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator as your primary tools.<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 1<br />
Grades 6 - 9: Period 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Webpage Design<br />
Design a one-of-a-kind website all about you! Learn the<br />
basics of Dreamweaver, an advanced website production<br />
program, and unleash your online creativity.<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 3<br />
Grades 6 - 9: Period 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
7<br />
MATH &<br />
3-2-1 Blast Off!<br />
Design, build, and launch your own flight vehicle! Rocketry<br />
class includes lessons in physics and flight, fluid dynamics,<br />
stability, and aerodynamics.<br />
Grades 6 - 8: Period 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Bootstrap Algebra®: Designing Your<br />
Own Video Game<br />
A player, a target, and a danger: Combining mathematical<br />
concepts with computer programming, create a simple,<br />
three-character video game. Design your character and<br />
use mathematical concepts such as coordinate planes,<br />
order of operations, ratio and proportion, domain and<br />
range, function composition, word problems, and the<br />
distance formula to detect collisions, handle keystrokes,<br />
and determine how the characters move and interact.<br />
(In addition to learning programming, students who take<br />
Bootstrap Algebra have shown improvement on standard<br />
pencil-and-paper algebra tasks.)<br />
Grades 7 - 9 Period 1 & 2 (TWO-PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: SESSION ONE ONLY<br />
Tuition: $300<br />
Building Mathematical Minds<br />
It’s important to be challenged, have fun, and feel<br />
successful in mathematics, especially during the early<br />
years of developing the mathematical mind. Explore<br />
patterns, geometry, statistics, measurement, data, and<br />
many types of numbers. You will not only learn problemsolving<br />
strategies but also how to recognize any math<br />
misconceptions, all while having a great time.<br />
Grades 4 - 6: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
DesignLab: Design Thinking,<br />
Entrepreneurship, & Engineering<br />
NEW!<br />
You have the power to help end world hunger, reduce<br />
waste, and make the world a better place. The<br />
DesignLab is a makerspace where science, engineering,<br />
technical, and visual art enthusiasts come together.<br />
You will explore, innovate, and collaborate using<br />
textiles, electronic hardware, manufacturing tools, and<br />
programming techniques. With the DesignLab’s FarmBot<br />
you will learn about sustainable farming. Design and<br />
engineer makerspace products all while learning about<br />
entrepreneurship and the circular economy. You’ll even<br />
design a zero-waste city!<br />
Grades 4 - 8 Period 2, 3, & 4 (THREE PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: SESSION ONE ONLY<br />
Tuition: $450<br />
Geometry for Credit<br />
This class has been approved by Sandia Prep’s<br />
Mathematics Chair and can be taken for credit by Sandia<br />
Prep students only. (To earn credit, a student may not<br />
miss more than one class and must earn a C or higher in<br />
the course.) Upon successful completion, a student will<br />
be placed into Pre-Calculus the following year. (This is a<br />
6-week class for Sandia Prep students only.)<br />
Grades: 9 - 11 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.<br />
When: June 7 - July 16 Tuition: $1,000<br />
Geometry Fundamentals NEW!<br />
Does geometry intimidate you? It shouldn’t! It’s intuitive<br />
as long as you use logic and reasoning, and keep it<br />
simple. This fundamental course will introduce you to<br />
angles, perimeters, and how to perform calculations<br />
so you’ll feel confident. Geometry is foundational to<br />
more advanced mathematical learning and many STEM<br />
careers.<br />
Grades 7 - 9: Periods 3 & 4 (BOTH PERIODS)<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $300<br />
Math Whiz<br />
This class is all about having fun with numbers. Through<br />
a combination of games, songs, and hands-on activities,<br />
you’ll be a math whiz in no time!<br />
Grades 1 - 3: Period 1 or 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Robotics<br />
Experience the world of robotics! Younger students will<br />
mostly build robots, while older students will learn to<br />
program and build robots from LEGO®, Mindstorms®,<br />
and K’Nex®. Plus, learn a bit about the history of robots<br />
and see how they are being used in science fiction and<br />
real life.<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 4<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 2 or 3<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 1<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Swift Coding<br />
Create an app; bring your ideas to life! Learn the language<br />
of technology. Swift is a powerful but easy to learn<br />
programming language from Apple. This interactive, fun<br />
program is great for novice coders of all ages.<br />
Grades 2 - 4: Period 1 Grades 5 - 8: Period 2<br />
Session: One or Two Tuition: $155<br />
11<br />
WRITING,<br />
Creative Reading & Writing<br />
Fun ways of putting together words will be presented<br />
with games, art, music, and movement. Learn about<br />
spelling, grammar, phonics, poetry, and prose in solo and<br />
group activities.<br />
Grades 1 - 4: Period 1<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Elementary Spanish<br />
Habla Español? Enjoy an introduction to the Spanish<br />
language through song, storytelling, games, and<br />
instrumental music.<br />
Grades 1 - 4: Period 3<br />
Grades 1 - 4: Period 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Gods, Myths, and Monsters<br />
Discover ancient worlds full of myths, legends, and<br />
fantastic creatures found in centuries of literature, art,<br />
and film. (Resource materials will contain some scary<br />
elements, including portions of PG-13 films.)<br />
Grades 3 - 7: Period 3<br />
Session: SESSION ONE ONLY<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and<br />
Wizardry®<br />
“Apparate” into the world of Harry Potter. Play bookand<br />
film-inspired games, make wands and potions,<br />
study Herbology, go on scavenger hunts, tell fortunes<br />
by reading tea leaves, and more! Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,<br />
Hufflepuff, or Slytherin? The Sorting Hat will decide!<br />
Grades 2 - 6: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Imaginary Worlds: Writing Fantasy<br />
Stories<br />
Have you always wanted to visit an imaginary world like<br />
Narnia, Middle-Earth, or Hogwarts? Well, this is the class<br />
for you! You’ll be introduced to a wide variety of fantastic<br />
stories from diverse countries, both classic and rare.<br />
Different media will be used, including reader’s theater,<br />
read alouds, independent reading, and portions of PG<br />
and PG-13 films to inspire you to create your own tale<br />
using the power of your imagination.<br />
Grades 2 - 7: Period 3<br />
Session: SESSION TWO ONLY<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
More Than A Tiara: Princesses<br />
& Fairy Tales<br />
Princesses and fairy tales aren’t just about glitter and<br />
tiaras (although there’s plenty of that in this class)!<br />
Princesses come from all walks of life and are found<br />
in fairy tales around the world and throughout history.<br />
Explore what makes a princess a princess (including<br />
kindness and bravery) and what makes a fairy tale a fairy<br />
tale through art projects, engineering challenges, science<br />
experiments, and storytelling.<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
NightScares: Writing Horror Stories<br />
Explore the elements of basic storytelling while learning<br />
the key ingredients that create this popular genre of<br />
suspense, mystery, and mayhem. Write short pieces<br />
while reviewing a variety of literature and watch films<br />
containing frightful material that inspires the best scary<br />
writing. (Resource materials will contain some scary<br />
elements, including portions of PG-13 films.)<br />
Grades 3 - 7: Period 2<br />
Session: SESSION TWO ONLY<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Prep for Middle School NEW!<br />
Grow as a writer, strengthen essential math skills, and<br />
learn how to stay organized as you prepare for the<br />
upcoming school year.<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Periods 1 & 2 (TWO-PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $300<br />
The Time of Legends<br />
Learn about Medieval times, tales, and classic heroes like<br />
Robin Hood, Merlin, and Arthur. Review the history of<br />
knights, chivalry, and castles through group discussion,<br />
readings, documentaries, and portions of PG and<br />
PG-13 films.<br />
Grades 2 - 7: Period 2<br />
Session: SESSION ONE ONLY<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
15<br />
Guitar<br />
Discover the basics of guitar. Learn at least five fun songs<br />
and perform in a concert on the last day of the session.<br />
More advanced students learn an additional three songs<br />
and more advanced guitar techniques that include<br />
picking and elaborate chord changes.<br />
Grades 1 - 4: Period 2 or 4<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 1 or 3<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Piano<br />
Beginners: Learn the basics of music theory, how to<br />
read music, and, of course, play the piano. Intermediate<br />
musicians: Improve skills and learn new techniques!<br />
Grades 1 - 2: Period 2<br />
Grades 3 - 4: Period 3<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
17<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> 2019’s Frozen JR. production
Costume Design<br />
Let your imagination go wild! You will make costumes for<br />
our <strong>SummerPrep</strong> plays and yourself, using a wide array of<br />
tools and designs.<br />
Grades 6 - 8: Period 1 & 2 (TWO-PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $300<br />
Theater Boot Camp NEW!<br />
In this brand new class, we will break down the world of<br />
theater, improv, characterization, dance, props, scenic<br />
painting, costumes, and so much more! Pick up the<br />
rules of improv through playful games like “Yes And”<br />
and “Word at a Time.” Create characters and make<br />
classic stories your own as we explore famous plays and<br />
musicals. Bring Broadway numbers to life, whether you’re<br />
new to dance or honing your existing skills. Study the<br />
science and art of lighting design and how it can make<br />
or break a powerful scene. See how a detailed stage<br />
backdrop transports an audience to a far away land and<br />
how props make the unbelievable believable. Experience<br />
all of this and more as you rotate through Theater Boot<br />
Camp “mini-classes” throughout the day. Join Sandia<br />
Prep’s very own Theater Teacher and Dance Instructor,<br />
Louis Giannini, and other local artists as they guide<br />
you through this fantastic, comprehensive theatrical<br />
adventure.<br />
Grades 1 - 10: Periods 1 - 4 (FOUR-PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $600<br />
Theater Tech<br />
Learn how to bring a theatrical production to life. Follow<br />
design plans to paint large-scale scenery and acquire<br />
faux painting techniques. Explore prop-making, using<br />
various sculptural materials and creative problem-solving<br />
skills. You never know what sort of props a show might<br />
call for, so the materials we use can be anything under<br />
the sun! You also will have the option to volunteer as<br />
crew for <strong>SummerPrep</strong> Theater to learn more about the<br />
behind-the-scenes activities that make up a theater<br />
production.<br />
Grades 6 - 10: Periods 3 & 4 (TWO-PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $300<br />
Young Actor’s Workshop<br />
Have fun learning to act through theater games,<br />
improvisation, playwriting, acting, mime, dance, and<br />
voice exercises. Write, produce, and perform an original<br />
short play.<br />
Grades 2 - 7: Period 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
19<br />
Biology: The Science of Life<br />
You’re on a quest for the science of life! Dig for bones,<br />
observe the life cycle of a mealworm, build your own<br />
ecosystem, and much more!<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 1<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Chemistry = Fun<br />
Conduct experiments, gather data, and test your<br />
hypotheses in the lab as you prove the validity of the<br />
following equation: Chemistry = Fun!<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Creature Power<br />
Based on the PBS show, “Wild Kratts,” explore the<br />
animal kingdom and learn about the amazing powers<br />
your favorite animals possess!<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 2 or 3<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tornadoes<br />
– Oh My!<br />
Journey through the inner worlds of earthquakes,<br />
volcanoes, and tornadoes to discover what makes them<br />
tick, tick, tick, BOOM!<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Get the Inside Scoop on the Animal<br />
Kingdom!: Comparative Anatomy<br />
What do you have in common with an earthworm or a<br />
crayfish? How do starfish eat? What’s inside a shark’s<br />
stomach? Dissect and learn about internal and external<br />
anatomy and adaptations of representatives of the animal<br />
kingdom. Study earthworms, grasshoppers, crayfish, and<br />
clams (week 1); squid, starfish, and sharks (week 2); frogs<br />
and fetal pigs (week 3). Learn with funny-but-not-quiteas-funny-as-Bill-Nye<br />
biologist Chuck Buxbaum, Ph.D.<br />
Grades 6 - 8: Periods 1 & 2 (TWO-PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: SESSION ONE ONLY<br />
Tuition: $300 (includes lab fee, specimens, and<br />
equipment)<br />
CrimeBusters<br />
Investigate the fascinating world of forensics! Explore<br />
the fundamentals of assembling evidence and<br />
identifying a criminal. Use fragments of fingerprints,<br />
hair samples, shoe prints, DNA, and other clues to<br />
solve a mystery. Through role-playing scenarios and<br />
computer simulations, you will be immersed in the life of<br />
a detective.<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Mysteries of the Universe<br />
Are you the next Einstein? This <strong>SummerPrep</strong> Physics<br />
class explores the interaction of matter and energy. From<br />
sound, light, electricity, and magnetism to the incredible<br />
atom and nuclear phenomena, prepare to be amazed<br />
and inspired!<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 3<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Weird & Wacky Science<br />
Engineer your own toothpaste and salad dressing,<br />
create an edible landfill, and make papier mâché masks<br />
while learning about the states of matter. Explore the<br />
characteristics of substances like oobleck, glarch, flubber,<br />
and super-strength bubbles: Just a few of the science<br />
experiments and activities in this weird and wacky class!<br />
Grades 1 - 4: Period 1 or 2<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 3<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
23<br />
Archery<br />
Ever wish you could master the bow and arrow like<br />
Princess Merida or Hawkeye? Now’s your chance! Learn<br />
shooting techniques for target archery and all about<br />
equipment and essential safety precautions.<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Periods 1, 2, 3, or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Basketball<br />
Calling all basketball stars! Learn the fundamentals of<br />
the sport and work on your mad b-ball skills: dribbling,<br />
footwork, passing, and of course, shooting.<br />
Grades 1 - 3: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Tennis<br />
Beginners learn the fundamentals of stroke and scorekeeping,<br />
while intermediate players perfect strokes,<br />
develop skills, and use strategy to make their game even<br />
more satisfying. Class is limited to 12 students.<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 1 or 2<br />
Grades 6 - 8: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Dodgeball<br />
Dodge, dip, duck, and dive through the game of<br />
dodgeball. Using foam balls, hone your throwing, aiming,<br />
and dodging skills on teams grouped by grade level.<br />
Grades 3 - 8: Period 1, 2, 3, or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Soccer<br />
GOOOOALLLL! Play friendly games, learn the<br />
fundamentals of the sport, and practice strategies for<br />
penalty kicks, direct kicks, and corner kicks.<br />
Grades K - 2: Period 1<br />
Grades 3 - 5: Period 2<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
25<br />
FUN &<br />
Lawn Games<br />
Drop that phone and step away from the remote! Go<br />
back to a time when summertime games were played<br />
with friends, outside, no electronics involved. Have a<br />
blast trying your hand at such classics as Ping Pong,<br />
lawn bowling, cornhole, and more.<br />
Grades 4 - 6: Period 1 or 2<br />
Grades 6 - 8: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $150<br />
Minecraft® (Educational Version)<br />
Bring your diamond pickaxe and join us in the world of<br />
Minecraft! This version of Minecraft is designed for use in<br />
the classroom and can teach many subjects, from coding<br />
to history.<br />
Grades 4 - 6: Period 1 or 2<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Period 3 or 4<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $155<br />
Outdoor Adventurer NEW!<br />
Do you know what to do if you get lost in the wilderness?<br />
How do you tell which plants are edible and which are<br />
poisonous? Have you ever done a scavenger hunt using<br />
a compass? This class will teach outdoor enthusiasts all of<br />
these skills and more! From learning to cook while camping<br />
to setting up the perfect campsite, you’ll come away with a<br />
whole new skillset to take on your next outdoor adventure.<br />
At the end of the camp, you’ll get to practice your new<br />
skills and sleep under the stars with newfound friends<br />
on an optional overnight camping trip on Sandia Prep’s<br />
campus.<br />
Grades 5 - 8: Periods 2 & 3 (TWO-PERIOD CLASS)<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Tuition: $300<br />
27<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp<br />
Play soccer, basketball, kickball, ultimate Frisbee, cricket,<br />
softball, football, and table tennis in this three-week<br />
camp. Learn athletic fundamentals while practicing<br />
sports skills! (Please note that grades 7 and 8 will also<br />
have the opportunity to participate in weight training.)<br />
When registering, please select appropriate grade. The<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp schedule is contingent upon the<br />
weather.<br />
Grades 3 - 8<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Time: 12:45 - 3:45 p.m.<br />
Tuition: $325<br />
Afternoon Art Camp<br />
Your imagination will soar in this three-week art camp!<br />
Each day, you’ll engage in new projects like drawing,<br />
painting, clay and sculpture, open studio art, and digital<br />
photo. When registering, please select appropriate<br />
grade.<br />
Grades 3 - 8<br />
Session: One or Two<br />
Time: 12:45 - 3:45 p.m.<br />
Tuition: $325<br />
Laugh and Learn!<br />
Grades K - 2<br />
See page 2 for description<br />
Tiny Tots<br />
Grades PreK - K<br />
See page 2 for description<br />
Classes of the same name offered during both Session One and Session Two<br />
are NOT sequential or a series. They are the same class, offered during each of<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong>’s 3-week sessions; except where noted as a 6-week class.<br />
PreK<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Tiny Tots..............................................2<br />
Kindergarten<br />
(Children must be 5 as of June 7)<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Creature Power..................................20<br />
Dino Dig..............................................2<br />
Kid Kollage..........................................4<br />
Princesses & Fairy Tales.....................12<br />
Reading Adventures............................2<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Soccer ...............................................24<br />
Tiny Tots..............................................2<br />
First Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Basketball..........................................24<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Creative Reading & Writing...............12<br />
Creature Power..................................20<br />
Dino Dig..............................................2<br />
Elementary Spanish...........................12<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Kid Kollage..........................................4<br />
Laugh and Learn!.................................2<br />
Math Whiz...........................................9<br />
Piano .................................................14<br />
Princesses & Fairy Tales.....................12<br />
Reading Adventures............................2<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Soccer................................................24<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Weird & Wacky Science.....................21<br />
Second Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Basketball..........................................24<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Creative Reading & Writing...............12<br />
Creature Power..................................20<br />
Dino Dig..............................................2<br />
Elementary Spanish...........................12<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Hogwarts® School............................12<br />
Imaginary Worlds ..............................12<br />
Kid Kollage..........................................4<br />
Laugh and Learn!.................................2<br />
Math Whiz...........................................9<br />
Piano .................................................16<br />
Princesses & Fairy Tales.....................12<br />
Reading Adventures............................2<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Soccer................................................24<br />
Swift Coding .......................................9<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Time of Legends ...............................13<br />
Wearable Art.......................................4<br />
Weird & Wacky Science.....................21<br />
Young Actor’s Workshop...................18<br />
Third Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Afternoon Art Camp..........................28<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp....................28<br />
Back to the Drawing Board.................4<br />
Basketball..........................................24<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Biology: The Science of Life..............20<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Creative Reading & Writing ..............12<br />
Dodgeball..........................................24<br />
Dynamic Design .................................6<br />
Earthquakes, Etc................................20<br />
Elementary Spanish...........................12<br />
Gods, Myths, and Monsters..............12<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Hogwarts® School............................12<br />
Imaginary Worlds ..............................12<br />
Math Whiz...........................................9<br />
NightScares ......................................12<br />
Piano .................................................16<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Soccer................................................24<br />
Swift Coding .......................................9<br />
Tennis ...............................................24<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Time of Legends ...............................13<br />
Wearable Art.......................................4<br />
Webpage Design................................6<br />
Weird & Wacky Science.....................21<br />
Young Actor’s Workshop...................18<br />
Fourth Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words...........6<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Afternoon Art Camp..........................28<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp....................28<br />
Back to the Drawing Board.................4<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Biology: The Science of Life..............20<br />
Building Math Minds...........................8<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Creative Reading & Writing...............12<br />
DesignLab ..........................................8<br />
Dodgeball..........................................24<br />
Dynamic Design .................................6<br />
Earthquakes, Etc................................20<br />
Elementary Spanish...........................12<br />
Gods, Myths, and Monsters..............12<br />
Groovy Tie-Dye...................................4<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Hogwarts® School............................12<br />
Imaginary Worlds ..............................12<br />
Lawn Games .....................................26<br />
Minecraft®.........................................26<br />
NightScares ......................................12<br />
Piano .................................................16<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Soccer................................................24<br />
Swift Coding .......................................9<br />
Tennis ...............................................24<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Time of Legends ...............................13<br />
Wearable Art.......................................4<br />
Webpage Design................................6<br />
Weird & Wacky Science.....................21<br />
Young Actor’s Workshop...................18<br />
Fifth Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words...........6<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Afternoon Art Camp..........................28<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp....................28<br />
Archery..............................................24<br />
Architectural Exploration ....................4<br />
Back to the Drawing Board.................4<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Biology: The Science of Life..............20<br />
Building Math Minds...........................8<br />
Chemistry = Fun................................20<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
CrimeBusters ....................................20<br />
DesignLab ..........................................8<br />
Dodgeball..........................................24<br />
Dynamic Design .................................6<br />
Earthquakes, Etc................................20<br />
Elementary Spanish...........................12<br />
Gods, Myths, and Monsters..............12<br />
Groovy Tie-Dye...................................4<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Hogwarts® School............................12<br />
Imaginary Worlds.............................. 12<br />
Lawn Games .....................................26<br />
Minecraft®.........................................26<br />
Mysteries of the Universe..................20<br />
NightScares ......................................12<br />
Outdoor Adventurer .........................26<br />
Piano .................................................16<br />
Prep for Middle School .....................13<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Soccer................................................24<br />
Swift Coding .......................................9<br />
Tennis ...............................................24<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Time of Legends ...............................13<br />
Wearable Art.......................................4<br />
Webpage Design................................6<br />
Weird & Wacky Science.....................21<br />
Young Actor’s Workshop...................18<br />
Sixth Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
3-2-1 Blast Off!....................................8<br />
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words...........6<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Afternoon Art Camp..........................28<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp....................28<br />
Animal Kingdom Anatomy................20<br />
Archery..............................................24<br />
Architectural Exploration ....................4<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Building Math Minds...........................8<br />
Chemistry = Fun................................20<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Costume Design................................18<br />
CrimeBusters.....................................20<br />
DesignLab ..........................................8<br />
Dodgeball..........................................24<br />
Dynamic Design .................................6<br />
Elementary Spanish...........................12<br />
Gods, Myths, and Monsters..............12<br />
Groovy Tie-Dye...................................4<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Hogwarts® School............................12<br />
Imaginary Worlds ..............................12<br />
Lawn Games .....................................26<br />
Minecraft®.........................................26<br />
Mysteries of the Universe..................20<br />
NightScares ......................................12<br />
Outdoor Adventurer .........................26<br />
Piano .................................................16<br />
Prep for Middle School .....................13<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Swift Coding .......................................9<br />
Tennis ...............................................24<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Theater Tech......................................18<br />
Time of Legends ...............................13<br />
Webpage Design................................6<br />
Weird & Wacky Science ....................21<br />
Young Actor’s Workshop...................18<br />
Seventh Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
3-2-1 Blast Off!....................................8<br />
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words...........6<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Afternoon Art Camp..........................28<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp....................28<br />
Animal Kingdom Anatomy................20<br />
Archery..............................................24<br />
Architectural Exploration ....................4<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Bootstrap Algebra ..............................8<br />
Chemistry = Fun................................20<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Costume Design................................18<br />
CrimeBusters.....................................20<br />
DesignLab ..........................................8<br />
Dodgeball..........................................24<br />
Dynamic Design .................................6<br />
Geometry Fundamentals ....................8<br />
Gods, Myths, and Monsters..............12<br />
Groovy Tie-Dye...................................4<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Imaginary Worlds ..............................12<br />
Lawn Games .....................................26<br />
Minecraft®.........................................26<br />
Mysteries of the Universe..................20<br />
NightScares ......................................12<br />
Outdoor Adventurer .........................26<br />
Piano .................................................16<br />
Prep for Middle School .....................13<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Swift Coding .......................................9<br />
Tennis ...............................................24<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Theater Tech......................................18<br />
Time of Legends ...............................13<br />
Webpage Design................................6<br />
Weird & Wacky Science.....................21<br />
Young Actor’s Workshop...................18<br />
Eighth Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
3-2-1 Blast Off!....................................8<br />
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words...........6<br />
After Care............................................2<br />
Afternoon Art Camp..........................28<br />
Afternoon Sports Camp....................28<br />
Animal Kingdom Anatomy................20<br />
Archery..............................................24<br />
Architectural Exploration ....................4<br />
Before Care.........................................2<br />
Bootstrap Algebra ..............................8<br />
Chemistry = Fun................................20<br />
Clay .....................................................4<br />
Costume Design................................18<br />
CrimeBusters.....................................20<br />
DesignLab ..........................................8<br />
Dodgeball..........................................24<br />
Dynamic Design .................................6<br />
Geometry Fundamentals ....................8<br />
Groovy Tie-Dye...................................4<br />
Guitar ................................................16<br />
Lawn Games .....................................26<br />
Minecraft®.........................................26<br />
Mysteries of the Universe..................20<br />
Outdoor Adventurer .........................26<br />
Piano .................................................16<br />
Prep for Middle School .....................13<br />
Robotics ..............................................9<br />
Tennis ...............................................24<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Theater Tech......................................18<br />
Swift Coding .......................................9<br />
Webpage Design................................6<br />
Weird & Wacky Science.....................21<br />
Ninth Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
Bootstrap Algebra ..............................8<br />
Dynamic Design .................................6<br />
Geometry for Credit............................8<br />
Geometry Fundamentals ....................8<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Theater Tech......................................18<br />
Webpage Design................................6<br />
Tenth Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
Geometry for Credit............................8<br />
Theater Boot Camp ..........................18<br />
Theater Tech......................................18<br />
Eleventh Grade<br />
Class<br />
Page<br />
Geometry for Credit............................8<br />
“Minecraft,” “Hogwarts School,” and<br />
“Bootstrap Algebra,” are copyright and/or<br />
registered trademark protected.<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> <strong>2021</strong><br />
532 Osuna Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87113<br />
phone: 505.338.3045 • fax: 505.338.3099<br /> •<br />
<strong>SummerPrep</strong> is a program offered by Sandia Preparatory School.