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Page 12 www.TheTownCommon.com

February 17, 2021

Community News

Community Announcements,

from page 11

Cheryl Dyment, Ronald

Emmerling, Wolfgang Ertl,

Karen Fitzgerald, Deb Goldberg,

Cara Gonier, Richard

Honan. Tricia Jones, Heather

Karp, Madeleine Lord,

Christopher Lovely, Claudia

Matthews, Madalene Murphy,

Kelly Page, Melissa Partridge,

Christine Riccardi,

Marie Sapienza, Adrienne

Silversmith, David Stone,

Robin Thornhill, Sarah Wigglesworth

The Institution for Savings

Gallery is located at the Firehouse

Center for the Arts, 1

Market Square, and is open

Thursday through Sunday,

12pm to 5pm.






Clinic to Be

Held Friday

for Residents


and Older

IPSWICH — Town Manager

Anthony Marino, Public

Health Director Colleen

Fermon and Director of Senior

Services Sheila Taylor

wish to provide an update

Licensed & Insured


6 Deer Run Topsfield, MA 01983

Email: dogstepper7089@gmail.com


regarding local vaccination

opportunities for residents

75-years-old and older.

The Ipswich Public Health

Department has been allocated

a limited supply of

Moderna vaccination doses

from the state. A small clinic

will be held for residents

75-years-old and older only

on Friday, Feb. 19 at the

Council on Aging, located in

the lower level of Town Hall.

An appointment is required

at the upcoming clinic, and

residents 75-years-old and

older may call the Council

on Aging at 978-356-6650

to be added to a list to be

contacted with an appointment

time once more information

is available. Once

the capacity for the clinic is

reached, residents will also

have the option to be placed

on a waitlist for the clinic.

The clinic is only open to

residents seeking their first

dose of the vaccine, and a

corresponding second clinic

will be scheduled in the

coming weeks for those who

receive their first vaccine at

the clinic. Those who have

already received their first

dose cannot receive their second

dose of the vaccine at

this site.

The Council on Aging is

also coordinating a vaccination

opportunity specifically

for residents who are age

75 and older, and who are

homebound. If you or someone

you know fits in this

category, call the Council on

Aging at 978-356-6650 to

add them to the waitlist.

Residents who have already

scheduled a vaccination appointment

at the Danvers

mass vaccination site are advised

and urged to keep that

appointment so that the limited

vaccination doses available

through the above more

local venues can be given to

more members of the community.

Eligible residents are also

encouraged to contact their

primary care physician and

local pharmacies to learn of

other potential vaccination


For the latest COVID-19

updates for the Town of Ipswich,

visit ipswichcovid19.


The Rowley

Public Library

is now open to

the public with

reduced hours

and limited


Visits are limited to 30

minutes. Please bring your

library card.



10am – 6pm

Friday & Saturday

10am – 2pm

Services available:

• Browsing in Adult and

Teen collections (30 minute


• Browsing in Children’s

Room by appointment only

• Computers – by appointment

only, limit of 30 minutes

• Printing, Copying, and

Faxing: Self-serve only – Exact

change needed. Staff will

not be able to make change.

Printing is 10¢/page for

black & white, 50¢/page for

color. Copying is 10¢/page

(black & white only.) Faxing

is $1/page.

• Newspapers – 1 week

of the Newburyport Daily

News and Boston Globe are

held behind the desk. Make

an appointment to read a


• Curbside Pickup is still

available upon request.

• Self-checkout

• Book Bundle Activity

Kits for preschool through

1st grade

• Museum passes

• Reference and Reader’s


• Technology assistance by


• Library cards (call ahead-


What’s not available:

• In-library seating

• Meeting and study rooms

• Walk-in computer use

• In-person technology

help (this includes printing,

copying, & faxing assistance)

• Headphones

• Toys, puppets, coloring,

puzzles, or computers in the

Children’s Room

• In-person programs

• Inside book drop – please

continue to use outdoor

book drop

• Office supplies (pens, paper

clips, hole punch, etc.)

• Donations cannot be accepted

at this time.

Keeping Each Other Safe:

Masks are required to enter

the library. We will wear

masks to protect you and we

ask that you do the same. Per

the Rowley Board of Health,

face coverings over the

mouth and nose are required

effective May 1, 2020. For

everyone’s safety, please

bring and properly wear a

mask the entire time you’re

in the library, and maintain

6 feet of distance from other

people when possible. Curbside

pickup will continue to

be available for anyone who

chooses not to enter the


Stay home if you are sick.

If you have a temperature, a

cough, runny or stuffy nose,

shortness of breath, or sore

throat, or have been in close

contact with someone who

has tested positive or is under

review for COVID-19,

or if you have traveled outside

Massachusetts in the

past 14 days (unless it was

to a lower-risk state, please

don’t come into the library

– the staff and your fellow

patrons appreciate it.

Please bring your library

card. Presenting your library

card will help save time and

shorten face-to-face contact.

Self-checkout will also be


All seating has been removed,

and tables are being

used as displays to spread out

our materials and allow more

space for browsing. Hand

sanitizer will be available at

all service desks, self-check

computers, copiers, printers,

and other areas. Please use

these as you touch materials

in the building, and follow

all signage and directional


There are times we might

reach capacity limits. To

make space in the building

for other patrons, we

are asking everyone to limit

their time in the library to

30 minutes or less and be

mindful of other patrons as

you browse, both to maintain

physical distance and

to move on when you’re finished

to allow other patrons

access to library materials.

Community Announcements,

page 13

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