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February 17, 2021
advice from someone who has been in the position
LIBRA (September 23 to October
you're in now.
22) A pesky problem should be dealt
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Disappointments
are never easy to take, but you have the
with immediately so you can put your
time ability and to learn effort from into them something and go on to more success.
important. Meanwhile, continue Someone to build from up your your contacts. past
could You'll need have them significant soon. news for you.
SCORPIO (October 23 23 to to November 21)
ARIES (March (March 21 to 21 April to 19) April Time 19) is on You your 21) Things A workplace might still be situation going much becomes too slowly a to lot suit
side might in the be early a bit part shaken of the week. by But a friend’s anything more you. But bothersome you need the than time you’d to make expected. sure they're
left request. undone But by midweek before will the need Lamb to be leaps put into
Be going careful in the not right to direction. be pulled It's easier into all to make that a
rush conclusions, mode. The weekend insist offers on a choices full explanation.
You special. still might say no, but at least who SAGITTARIUS also want to (November avoid trouble. 22 to December
for you and anger. course correction Look for now support rather than among later. others
you’ll TAURUS know (April what 30 to you’re May 20) saying Finally no getting to. 21) SAGITTARIUS Showing some temperament (November at the way 22 things to
credit TAURUS for a contribution (April is nice 20 for to all you May idea-generating
Seeing Ferdinands red over and those Fernandas. nasty But don't remarks sit on Just don't overdo it, or you risk turning away
20) are going is one way of getting your point across.
December 21) Cheer up, lonely lovers,
your laurels under the cork tree. Use it as a first step
wherever you are. Just when you thought
by someone with an ax to grind? Of more-moderate supporters.
to a bigger opportunity.
you’d been deleted from Cupid’s database,
the chubby cherub proves that’s
course you are. So get out there and CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19)
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Despite the progress
made, a hint of doubt might set in. That's OK. just you like. not But so. Congratulations.
give your supporters the facts they Things could change more quickly this week than
need to get the truth out.
don't fret; you'll most likely find that
You need to stop and consider not only what you're you're CAPRICORN up to the challenges. (December The weekend 22 to January
much-needed 19) A relaxation. casual relationship could
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A
doing but also how you are doing. Make adjustments
changing where needed. situation should get you to
take AQUARIUS a more serious (January turn. 20 to Are February you ready 18) Big
reassess CANCER your (June vacation 21 to July plans 22) The and dreamer make is for challenge it? Your coming stars up? say Uncross you are. those Paired fingers Sea and
dominant any adjustments in the Moon as Child's soon aspect, as possible. but a dollop Goats believe that also you're will find going a to renewed do well. And richness keep in
of And hardheaded don’t practicality fret — the is coming change up fast most and
mind their that relationships.
so many people have faith in your ability
jockeying likely will for space. turn The out challenge for the better. is to make room to succeed.
for CANCER both modes. (June 21 to July 22) Don’t AQUARIUS (January 20 to February
PISCES (February 19 March 20) Testing the
put LEO off (July dealing 23 to with August any 22) negative It's a good feelings
Leos that and Leonas might to be start left assessing over what from they've a ideas seems to be a dream come true.
week 18) Meeting a collaborator with new
waters is a good way of learning about an opportunity
before plunging right in. Ask more questions
done recent and confrontation. what they plan to The do. Moving sooner to all a new is But for both your sakes, be sure all your
and be alert to any attempts to avoid giving complete
environment resolved, the — home sooner or job-related you can move — is a possibilitward
for with some fewer Cats. complications. before you start working together.
legal i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed
BORN THIS WEEK: You have a gift for making
VIRGO LEO (July (August 23 to September August 22) The Leos week
people PISCES — and (February animals, too — 19 feel to special March and 21) loved.
calls for Virgos to make tough decisions, but in a
and Leonas might feel the urge to A romantic overture flatters the usually
unflappable Fish. But since it’s
way that leaves door open for changes. Ask for (c) 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.
redecorate their dens, and that can turn
into a good opportunity to strengthen a sincere from-the-heart gesture, go
family ties by putting the whole pride ahead and enjoy it. A minor health
to work to make it happen.
problem responds well to treatment.
Tarot Card for Week of February 17, 2021
VIRGO (August 23 to September BORN THIS WEEK: You have the
22) Look for the most efficient way to warm heart of a Taurean and the sensitivity
of a Gemini. You would make
get The a job Suit done of quickly Cups and represents well. Taking
awareness, more time than love, you relationships, need to make and it the a wonderful leader. So go ahead: Run
look energy more challenging exchanged in is interpersonal
a short-sighted
move connections. you might The regret Ten later of Cups on. represents © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.
for office.
the arrival at a happy ending - literally, the
“happily ever after” card. The adults admire
the rainbow filling the sky, and the beauty
of their home and land, while their children
dance with glee. This is a moment that
everyone has been working toward, and it
has arrived not a moment too soon.
This week, look around at all the beautiful
relationships you have and bask in the
feeling of contentment, fulfillment, and pure
joy that comes from your connections with
Readings by Amelia
your loved ones. Feel a deep appreciation for
how others enrich your life and then express To book a private Tarot or
that appreciation in the best way you know Mediumship reading,
how. Also be aware that your presence brings please visit:
great joy to others simply by existing.
or call 978-595-2468