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February 17, 2021
The Town Common
Published by
Town Common Media Partners
161 Main St.
#2 Rowley, MA. 01969
(978) 948-8696
FAX: (978) 948-2564
The Town Common is the largest
free printed newspaper serving the
communities of the Upper North
Shore of Mass. and Coastal New
Hampshire. We welcome your
Send your news, feature ideas,
letters to the editor, organization
notices, article submissions, announcements,
and photos to us by
email, postal mail or fax:
161 Main St. #2
Rowley, MA. 01969
FAX: (978) 948-2564
The Town Common copy deadline
is 5 p.m. every Wednesday.
Letters to the editor provide a useful
way of communicating concerns,
issues, or suggestions to all members
of the community. The Town Common
encourages all citizens to submit letters
concerning issues of interest and concern to
the local community.
Letters selected for publication maybe
edited for length and clarity.
Some letters may serve as a catalyst for
other articles and coverage, and community
leaders and agencies will be offered an
opportunity to respond to letters concerning
their areas of responsibility.
All letters must be signed and include
a daytime phone number and email to
validate authenticity.
The Town Common is not responsible
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Brenda Ernst
Michele Iannaco
Gregory Der Bogosian
Stewart Lytle
Eriola Kapaj
Business Accounts
Marc Maravalli, B.S., R.Ph.
Founder Publisher/Editor
In loving memory of
Liz Ichizawa, Reporter (1956 - 2005)
Copyright 2004-2020
The Town Common©
All Rights Reserved
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14 Independent St., Rowley, MA
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6 Sat 6:14 9.8 6:52 8.2 12:01 0.2 12:48 -0.3 6:49 5:04
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7 Sun 7:15 9.8 7:55 8.1 1:02 0.4 1:51 -0.3 6:48 5:06
Bring your imagination to the drawing board!
8 Mon 8:16 9.8 8:56 8.1 2:02 0.5 2:51 -0.4 6:47 5:07
Modern Amenities * Fully Powered • Convenient Storage
9 Framing
Tue 9:15 w/ Siding
9.9 9:54 of Wood,
8.2 3:01 Fiberglass,
0.4 3:48 Aluminum,
-0.4 6:45 or Vinyl
10 Wed 10:10 Hulls 9.9 of Fiberglass, 10:46 8.4 Aluminum, 3:57 0.4 4:41 Poly, -0.5 or Steel 6:44 5:10
Call or E-mail Today!
13 Sat 12:17 8.6 12:31 9.5 6:24 0.2 6:55 -0.2 6:40 5:13
14 Sun 12:59 8.6 1:14 9.2 7:09 0.3 7:36 0.0 6:39 5:15
AM ft PM ft AM ft PM ft Rise Set Moon
1 Mon 1:45 9.1 2:03 9.8 7:57 -0.1 8:27 -0.6 6:55 4:58
2 Tue 2:33 9.4 2:55 9.6 8:49 -0.2 9:15 -0.5 6:54 4:59
3 Wed 3:24 9.6 3:49 9.2 9:45 -0.3 10:06 -0.3 6:53 5:00
4 Thu 4:17 9.8 4:47 8.8 10:43 -0.3 11:02 0.0 6:52 5:02
5 Fri 5:14 9.8 5:48 8.5 11:45 -0.3 6:50 5:03
11 Thu 11:01 9.8 11:33 8.5 4:50 0.3 5:29 -0.5 6:43 5:11
12 Fri 11:47 9.7 5:38 0.2 6:13 -0.4 6:42 5:12
15 Mon 1:40 8.7 1:57 8.9 7:53 0.4 8:17 0.2 6:37 5:16
16 Tue 2:21 8.7 2:40 8.6 8:38 0.5 8:59 0.5 6:36 5:17
17 Wed 3:03 8.6 3:25 8.3 9:24 0.6 9:42 0.8 6:35 5:19
18 Thu 3:48 8.6 4:13 7.9 10:13 0.8 10:29 1.1 6:33 5:20
19 Fri 4:35 8.5 5:05 7.6 11:05 0.9 11:19 1.4 6:32 5:21
20 Sat 5:26 8.4 6:00 7.3 12:00 1.0 6:30 5:22
21 Sun 6:20 8.3 6:56 7.2 12:12 1.6 12:56 1.1 6:29 5:24
22 Mon 7:15 8.4 7:51 7.2 1:06 1.7 1:51 1.0 6:27 5:25
23 Tue 8:08 8.6 8:44 7.4 2:00 1.6 2:44 0.8 6:26 5:26
24 Wed 8:59 8.9 9:34 7.7 2:51 1.4 3:34 0.5 6:24 5:28
25 Thu 9:49 9.2 10:21 8.1 3:41 1.0 4:20 0.1 6:22 5:29
26 Fri 10:36 9.6 11:05 8.6 4:28 0.6 5:04 -0.2 6:21 5:30
Looking Good
Zoom, from page 1
on Zoom
The goal is to have others on the
Zoom call listen to what you say,
not focus on your hair, neckline or
home décor, she said.
Rochelle met with The Town
Common last week to provide tips
on lighting, grooming, body language
and backgrounds that will
help its readers become Zoom veterans.
Here are a few suggestions:
Center your head in the frame.
You don’t want to be too close to
the camera or too far, and not half
off the frame. Before the meeting
starts, Zoom gives participants the
chance to review their image before
others see it. That’s when you
can make adjustments. You can
even click “Touch Up My Appearance”
on the entry page to soften
your image, Rochelle says.
Angles Matter. Keep your computer
camera at eye-level on your
desk or table. If it is lower, your
downward gaze appears condescending.
And at eye-level, the
camera sees your face, not so much
chin and neck. Lean forward in
your chair.
Pick a good background. Choose
and prepare your “studio” space
in advance. Probably not a good
choice is the kitchen table or your
bedroom, unless you want people
to see cluttered countertops and
unmade beds. A good choice, one
that home-bound talk show hosts
like, is a bookcase. It makes you
look smart. Or if you don’t have a
bookcase, Rochelle suggests using a
plain wall, which is a background
guaranteed to not be distracting.
Get Dressed. Be professional. Although
casual Fridays have become
casual Mondays-through- Fridays,
dress according to the culture of the
group. For an ad agency or computer
software meeting, you can dress in
your stained Patriots jersey. If you’re
meeting with your banker or attorney,
put on a sports coat, maybe add
a tie. To avoid being caught literally
with your pants down if you stand
up, Rochelle advises: “It’s worth it to
throw on some jeans.”
Grooming. Comb your hair, the
front at least. But in case you turn
your head, run a brush over the back
too. she says, “You want to look like
you do when you’re in the office.”
Rochelle warns women not to overdo
the lipstick, earrings and makeup.
Look natural,” she said. And
watch the neckline - those should
serve simply to frame your face.
Lighting. You don’t want to look
like you’re in a horror movie, Rochelle
says, recalling Bella Legosi’s
underlighting. Light your face
from the front, not overhead or too
brightly from the side. You probably
need an extra light, particularly
when it is overcast outside or
at night for those town meetings.
Since Kim Kardashian mentioned
she used a ring light, they are sold
out almost everywhere. Some lights
can be too strong, particularly if
they you wear glasses. As the Kansas
City Chiefs’ coach Andy Reid
found out, ring lights can reflect
in the glass lens and looked like his
eyes are large, white Os.
Rochelle suggests placing an ordinary
lamp – or even a lit makeup
mirror — centered behind your
screen to light your face. But even
that can be too harsh. She puts a
pillowcase or cotton t-shirt over the
light to diffuse it. Again, the Zoom
preview of your lighting is a must.
Silence is Golden. Cancel notifications
from your phone. Quiet
the dog. Hit the mute button while
you’re not speaking. Of course, remember
to unmute yourself when
it’s your turn to speak. Rochelle
thinks the t-shirt slogan of the year
should be “You’re on mute!”
Caffeine Loading. Most of us
need a slug of caffeine to make it
through long meetings. Rochelle
suggests that you drink from a neutral
cup unless you are advertising a
logo. For water or soda, which may
be needed to prevent coughing, use
a straw, she says. Then you cover
your face with the cup.
Calorie Loading. If you need a
snack or the meeting is over lunch,
try not to take a big bite on camera.
Chewing can be unattractive.
She suggests turning off your video
feed and putting up a professional
headshot for the time you need to
scoff down a salad or sandwich.
When you finish, check to see if
spinach is caught in your teeth.
Cure-all. The headshot has
many purposes, like if you overslept
your early morning Zoom
call or are falling asleep when the
speaker drones on.
For more tips and suggestions
from Rochelle, visit her web site
at or
send her an email at