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pital. She moved over to help her

husband at the pharmacy, and

her warmth and customer service

mindset ‘supplements’ Louis’

humble character and deep professional

dedication to the customers.

As a couple, they have been an

anchoring business in town for 55


As Stella shared, ‘we are the first

independent pharmacy in the surrounding

area, and it’s the friendliness

and service focus that we

most enjoy in working with our

customers.’ She also shared that

her son, James, used to work in the

pharmacy, and is now a physician

near Portsmouth, NH. They both

were instrumental in bringing

quality lines of pharmacy-grade

supplements, including Natural

Therapies, Integrative Therapeutics,

and Standard Process to the

store shelves. She adds, ‘I attended

many seminars, and took courses,

while my son researched to help

educate the clientele on their benefits.’

Maria Connor, daughter, has

worked in the pharmacy for 15

years. She can be found after entering

the front door, at the end of

the first aisle, ready to help with a

welcoming smile, just as her mother

has done for years. She added

that they provide, ‘prescriptions,

simple compounding for both

patients and pets, plus pharmacy-grade

supplements, compression

stocking fittings, and wound

care items, along with home care

supplies, and other hard-to-find

products on the shelves. ‘If there

is anything we don’t have, we will

order it,’ she warmly states.

Their family works faithfully

together with high attention to

detail, right down to the catchy

jazz and harmonica music played

on the phone if waiting on hold.

It is a place where customers receive

the benefits of quality service

and patient care, established by

Mr. Lynch, that has continued as

an inspiring legacy by the Andriotakises

and their staff.

Hours: 9 - 6 pm Mon - Fri, 9

– 1 pm Sat. Phone: (978) 462-

2232. www.lynchpharmacy.com

Conley’s Drug Store: the torch

has been passed from dedicated

parents to dynamic son

Conley’s Drug is another ‘cor-

Page 4 www.TheTownCommon.com

February 17, 2021

Supporting Independent Pharmacies

Known for Quality Service

By Sarah E. Hull M Ed

If you watched the Super Bowl

this year, you might have seen a

public service message with Stephen

Colbert. It was memorable,

not for millions spent, but because

he wasn’t poking fun, as he usually

does, on his late-night talk show.

Instead, he was sitting on a stool,

sharing how important it is to

support local small businesses at

this time. As he said, otherwise,

‘there might not be many left’

after the pandemic subsides. He

then facilitated a commercial for

a small bookstore in Boone, NC,

and included Tom Hanks and

Sam Elliott, who helped to drive

the point home about how necessary

small businesses are to our

country’s success.

Independent, family-owned

pharmacies have been working

hard in the competitive ‘prescription

game’ for years. They are a

testament to their owners’ care,

grit and dedication that is reflected

in daily efforts serving customers

with many different healthcare

needs, and going that little unexpected

extra mile, while working

to stay solvent.

Game-changing shifts have tilted

the playing field since 2007 due

to the growth of large pharmacy

chains, combined with shrinking

medication reimbursements.

CVS and Walgreens have bought

companies such as Caremark, a

prescription Pharmacy Benefits

Manager (PBM), to better control

the prescription market and influence

where patients can fill their


Local pharmacies have been

meeting the increasingly difficult

challenges, while working in collaboration,

where possible, with

their mighty counterparts. They

also focus on success through their

historic legacies of building relationships

and providing valuable

customer service. With decades of

deep roots in their communities,

the following owners and employees

work to find new ways to provide

a range of quality products

and services, plus education, that

make a difference to the health

and well-being of their customers.

Staffs also work to maintain that

‘timeless’ experience most people

remember of visiting a local pharmacy.

Customers are able to have

an in-person conversation with

their pharmacist, whom they usually

know by name, and ask questions.

Children enjoy finding a

piece of candy, or toy, while adults

choose a special card, last-minute

gift, or a new supplement, along

with picking up a medication,

or home care equipment to help

make life more bearable for an elderly


In this region, three pharmacies

stand out. They are Daniel L.

Lynch Pharmacy in Newburyport

Photo / Ben Wilson

Conley's Drug Store Ipswich (l-r) Alex Doyle, owner and pharmacist and Michael Penniman, a 25 year staffer at the pharmacy.

Photo / Sarah E. Hull M Ed

at 173 High St., Rowley Pharmacy

in the Ezekiel Northend house

at 169 Main St. in Rowley, and

Conley’s Pharmacy located at 146

High St. in Ipswich.

Daniel L. Lynch would be

proud of the inspiring Andriotakis

family today:

Daniel L. Lynch Pharmacy in

Newburyport opened for business

in 1941 on State Street. A fire in

1954 led to Mr. Lynch buying

a building at 173 High Street,

where the pharmacy is now located.

It’s at the corner of Carey and

High Streets, and offers a remarkable


Louis Andriotakis, its longtime

owner and respected pharmacist,

grew up in Newburyport, and

shared how he, ‘started working

for Mr. Lynch at age 17.’ He then

bought the business in 1966. Stella,

Louis’ wife, began her career

in healthcare as a trained X-ray

technician at Anna Jaques Hos-

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