Finishing - March-April 2020

March/April 2020 edition of Finishing Magazine March/April 2020 edition of Finishing Magazine



<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


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A CONTENTS 3<br />

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John Hatcher<br />

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Turret Group Ltd<br />

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Printed by Stephens & George<br />

<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong> – Volume 44 Number 2 – ISSN no. 0264 2506<br />

In this issue...<br />

Now that we have left the EU, it is interesting that some of our trade<br />

associations are looking at how the UK’s relationship will pan out.<br />

The Chemical Business Association has said it is vital that the UK’s chemical<br />

sector achieves a level of regulatory alignment with the European Union (EU)<br />

after Brexit that preserves its frictionless access to important EU markets.<br />

Tom Bowtell, CEO of the British Coatings Federation, said: “We were<br />

disappointed that the current government’s version of the Withdrawal<br />

Agreement removed some of the commitments to regulatory alignment for<br />

chemicals that were in the previous Theresa May deal.”<br />

It will be interesting to see how negotiations progress in<br />

the coming months.<br />

News<br />

Newsdesk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4<br />

Features<br />

Architectural anodising explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12<br />

Surface World Live preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16<br />

In the pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18<br />

On to Oxford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26<br />

All members of the SEA<br />

automatically receive <strong>Finishing</strong> Magazine<br />

Paint shop of the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34<br />

Checking the bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40<br />

Brand new day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50<br />

Are lasers the way forward? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52<br />

Performance driven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54<br />

© Copyright Turret Group Ltd <strong>2020</strong><br />

All Rights Reserved<br />

All rights reserved. No part of this publication<br />

may be produced in any material form (including<br />

photocopying it or storing it in any medium by<br />

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Patents Act 1988. Applications for the copyright<br />

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the<br />

Regulars<br />

Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32<br />

Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72<br />

Classified listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> (formerly <strong>Finishing</strong> Industries) was established in 1947 and incorporates Metal<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> journal, Electroplating & Metal <strong>Finishing</strong>, The Plant Journal, Surface Coatings, and<br />

Industrial <strong>Finishing</strong> & Surface Coatings. <strong>Finishing</strong> is a member of the Metal <strong>Finishing</strong><br />

Association, a sustaining member of the Institute of Metal <strong>Finishing</strong> and the UK representative<br />

of the Groupement International des Revues de Traitements de Surfaces.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

4 NEWS<br />

CBA says it is vital to continue to work with the EU<br />

The Chemical Business<br />

Association (CBA) has said it is<br />

vital that the UK’s chemical<br />

sector achieves a level of<br />

regulatory alignment with the<br />

European Union (EU) after Brexit<br />

that preserves its frictionless<br />

access to important EU markets.<br />

The CBA, along with other<br />

business associations, is<br />

responding to the former<br />

Chancellor’s, Sajid Javid’s recent<br />

statement that there would be<br />

no regulatory alignment with the<br />

EU following Brexit.<br />

The CBA is calling again for<br />

the UK Government to<br />

negotiate a form of regulatory<br />

alignment or regulatory<br />

equivalence that ensures that<br />

thousands of UK businesses can<br />

continue to rely on the key<br />

chemical components they need<br />

for their products and processes.<br />

Some 60% of the UK’s chemical<br />

exports are sold to EU markets<br />

and 70% of the UK’s chemical<br />

imports are sourced from EU<br />

suppliers.<br />

“The (former) Chancellor’s<br />

remarks do not take account of<br />

the situation facing highly<br />

regulated areas of the economy,<br />

such as chemicals, that are<br />

dependent on international trade<br />

as well as underpinning the<br />

needs of UK companies. Simply<br />

stating that the UK ‘will not be a<br />

rule-taker after Brexit’ risks<br />

denying UK business access to<br />

essential chemical products," said<br />

CBA chief executive, Peter<br />

Newport.<br />

"The chemical sector’s<br />

regulatory framework has a<br />

distinctive relationship with<br />

trade,” he continued.<br />

“Regulatory compliance is the<br />

key to market access. In this<br />

case, the European Union alone<br />

determines the nature and<br />

extent of the compliance<br />

required. Compliance with EU<br />

requirements is non-negotiable.<br />

Failure to comply is a barrier to<br />

market access. Without market<br />

access there can be no trade."<br />

Recognising the central<br />

importance of regulatory<br />

alignment and market access,<br />

many UK companies in the<br />

chemical supply chain have<br />

already taken action to protect<br />

their customers’ interests. CBA’s<br />

survey evidence shows that a<br />

significant number have created<br />

subsidiaries in EU member<br />

states – with premises and<br />

employees – representing a<br />

permanent loss to the UK<br />

exchequer and to UK<br />

employment.<br />

In moves sharing much the<br />

same consequences, other<br />

companies have transferred key<br />

products to EU-based<br />

companies to guarantee<br />

continued regulatory compliance<br />

and market access. CBA is also<br />

aware of European-owned<br />

chemical companies repatriating<br />

products."<br />

Peter Newport added, “The<br />

regulatory divergence suggested<br />

by the Chancellor pursues so far<br />

unidentified benefits but risks<br />

additional border checks and<br />

delays and costs - as the UK and<br />

EU ensure products flowing in<br />

either direction meet their<br />

respective legislative compliance<br />

requirements.”<br />

New chairman at Qualicoat<br />

New Chinese presence<br />

Indestructible Paint Ltd is reporting a significant enhancement of its<br />

international presence as the result of a highly successful trade visit to<br />

China.<br />

John Bourke, global sales manager at Indestructible Paint, and the<br />

company’s sales and technical mentor, Graham Armstrong, completed<br />

a seven-day trade mission in late summer and are now working<br />

towards developing opportunities that have arisen – particularly in the<br />

aerospace manufacturing sector in which Indestructible Paint has a<br />

leading global reputation.<br />

“We are extremely grateful for the help provided by both the British<br />

Consulate in Shanghai and the Department for International Trade in<br />

the region, both of whom organised meetings with key organisations<br />

in the industry,” says John Bourke. “As a result, we not only have a<br />

greater number of contacts in China, but have also been able to<br />

identify tangible business development opportunities in the country for<br />

both the short and long term.”<br />

Angus Mackie, managing<br />

director of Vertik-Al and group<br />

managing director of the<br />

Allumette Group, has succeeded<br />

Alan Maginnis as chairman of<br />

QUALICOAT (UK & Ireland).<br />

Managing director of powder<br />

coating specialist, Vertik-Al,<br />

Angus Mackie said “It is an<br />

honour to be elected chairman<br />

of QUALICOAT (UK & Ireland),<br />

a quality label which has been at<br />

the forefront of raising the<br />

standards of powder coating<br />

since 1986.<br />

“I would like to pay tribute to<br />

my predecessor Alan Maginnis<br />

of Sprint Coatings for his sterling<br />

work over the past six years, and<br />

under whose stewardship<br />

membership and influence<br />

amongst specifiers has continued<br />

to grow. I look forward to<br />

building on these strong<br />

foundations to ensure that the<br />

QUALICOAT quality label<br />

remains at the forefront of<br />

specification in the architectural<br />

aluminium market in UK and<br />

Ireland.”<br />

Mackie has a strong<br />

background in manufacturing,<br />

having managed and owned<br />

several successful building<br />

product companies. As a<br />

chartered accountant, he also<br />

brings extensive financial<br />

experience and knowledge to<br />

the role.<br />

Mackie begins his tenure at a<br />

time of great opportunity for<br />

QUALICOAT, its membership<br />

and the wider aluminium<br />

market, as the sector continues<br />

to flourish. Consistently<br />

dominant in commercial sectors,<br />

aluminium products are finding<br />

increasing favour with<br />

consumers.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

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6 NEWS<br />

BCF says ‘no alarm’ at titanium dioxide classification<br />

Workers and users should not be<br />

alarmed by titanium dioxide<br />

classification, says BCF<br />

On 18th February, the<br />

European Union published a<br />

delegated regulation classifying<br />

titanium dioxide as a category 2<br />

suspected carcinogen by<br />

inhalation under EU Regulation<br />

(EC) No 1272/2008 on<br />

classification, labelling and<br />

packaging (CLP) of substances<br />

and mixtures. The paints,<br />

coatings and printing inks<br />

industries are the largest user<br />

globally of titanium dioxide,<br />

which is one of the most<br />

important raw materials to the<br />

sector.<br />

Titanium dioxide is an inert<br />

inorganic compound that is used<br />

as a white pigment in many<br />

industrial applications. These<br />

applications include the<br />

manufacture of paints, coatings,<br />

printing inks and wallcoverings<br />

where titanium dioxide plays a<br />

critical role in providing essential<br />

product properties: whiteness,<br />

covering power, brightness,<br />

stability and durability of colour<br />

that cannot be achieved with<br />

other raw materials. Titanium<br />

dioxide is also used in many<br />

other consumer products.<br />

Whilst the classification of<br />

titanium dioxide is only for the<br />

powder form of the substance,<br />

and does not apply to liquid<br />

mixtures of paints, coatings or<br />

printing inks containing titanium<br />

dioxide, or wallpaper, there are<br />

concerns of knock on effects for<br />

waste legislation and recycling,<br />

for both liquid paints and<br />

printing inks and also white<br />

plastic containing more than one<br />

percent of titanium dioxide. This<br />

could have a major impact on<br />

UK and EU recycling targets.<br />

The classification of titanium<br />

dioxide also sets a precedent for<br />

many other substances with<br />

similar properties, of which there<br />

are many hundred, and will<br />

directly affect powder coatings,<br />

which will be classified.<br />

Commenting on the science<br />

behind the classification, Tom<br />

Bowtell, BCF CEO said:<br />

“The one scientific study<br />

behind the classification was<br />

based on tests with rats, where<br />

respirable titanium dioxide dust<br />

was inhaled in excessive<br />

quantities, leading to significant<br />

impairment of particle clearance<br />

mechanisms in the rats’ lungs.<br />

This is an effect that would not<br />

happen in human lungs. The<br />

effect is not caused by the<br />

chemistry of titanium dioxide but<br />

by the simple presence of dust<br />

particles in excessive quantities in<br />

the lungs, causing chronic<br />

inflammation of the rats’ lung<br />

cells. On top of this, the rats<br />

were exposed to levels of<br />

titanium dioxide approximately<br />

40 times the maximum a factory<br />

worker might be exposed to in<br />

his or her job, so it is highly<br />

unlikely that any production<br />

employee handling titanium<br />

dioxide powder could ever be<br />

exposed to such levels.<br />

“Exposure to titanium dioxide<br />

powder may occur during<br />

manufacturing of our members’<br />

products. However, both in the<br />

UK, and across the EU,<br />

regulations exist that protect<br />

workers from dust exposure.<br />

Studies over many years have<br />

not found any correlation<br />

between workers exposed to<br />

titanium dioxide, and the risk of<br />

lung cancer. As mentioned<br />

above, it is unreasonable to<br />

consider any worker will ever be<br />

exposed to relevant<br />

concentrations. For this reason,<br />

we believe that the existing<br />

occupational dust limits are<br />

sufficient to tackle the concern,<br />

and we therefore do not agree<br />

with this classification under<br />

CLP.”<br />

New language options<br />

MecWash Systems has<br />

expanded its website to include<br />

three extra language options, to<br />

meet the demand of its<br />

worldwide customer base and<br />

further expected international<br />

growth.<br />

French, German and Chinese<br />

language options have been<br />

added to the new global<br />

website, which the company<br />

launched last <strong>April</strong>.These<br />

language options form part of an<br />

online strategy of providing a<br />

simple user experience for all,<br />

with a choice to review<br />

information by product or sector<br />

and in a language of their<br />

choice.<br />

John Pattison, managing<br />

director commented: “We’re<br />

thrilled to be expanding our<br />

global website! Our customers<br />

are always at the forefront of<br />

each decision we make as a<br />

business, so it was imperative to<br />

provide information in numerous<br />

languages so that customers<br />

have a user-friendly experience,<br />

with easy to find information.<br />

The site now supports a total of<br />

four languages.”<br />

New acquisition by<br />

William Rowland<br />

William Rowland (WR) has<br />

acquired EF Westaway<br />

(Westaways), Sheffield, UK<br />

bringing two companies with<br />

strong heritage together. The<br />

combined businesses become<br />

stronger in serving castings and<br />

forgings companies with a<br />

broader array of products and<br />

services.<br />

Richard Lowe (MD of WR)<br />

commented: “Further to this<br />

acquisition, William Rowland can<br />

now provide our customers with<br />

both the metals to produce cast<br />

and forged components, and the<br />

services to prepare the surfaces<br />

of these components. We now<br />

operate at the very beginning<br />

and end of the supply chain to<br />

help our customers address their<br />

own markets.<br />

“We look forward to further<br />

enhancing our capabilities to<br />

improve quality of service<br />

provision and compress lead<br />

times for customers. This<br />

acquisition is the first step on<br />

that path and we look forward to<br />

continued input from our<br />

customers to prioritise our next<br />

steps.’’<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

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8 NEWS<br />

Qualicoat says that it has a global influence<br />

Future looks fine<br />

Jet Environmental has revealed an optimistic picture for the future of<br />

the business as Britain leaves the European Union, with a 4% increase<br />

in revenue during 2019 following double-digit increases in the<br />

previous year.<br />

The company, which delivers large and complex temperature and<br />

humidity control systems for industries from FMCG to healthcare, has<br />

been able to follow up its 'best ever year' in 2018 by sustaining its<br />

growth in spite of a mixed picture of confidence among its clients.<br />

Concerns had been growing within the business that the uncertainty<br />

surrounding Britain's departure from the European Union could hit<br />

orders of new and replacement units, particularly as many of Jet<br />

Environmental's customers operate within industries that stood to<br />

suffer from a rocky Brexit. As the uncertainty mounted over when<br />

exactly the date of Brexit would fall, whether there would be a deal or<br />

not, and even whether Brexit would happen at all, clients became<br />

more noticeably retrenched into the 'wary' and 'confident' camps.<br />

Large investment decisions were put on hold, deal making ground<br />

to a halt, and it seemed like the positivity of 2018 would be snuffed<br />

out by the lack of clarity. However, the positive growth figures that<br />

have since been released prove that the optimistic clients have won<br />

the day, and put Jet Environmental on course for further growth in<br />

<strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Jason Hibbs, managing director of Jet Environmental, said: "We're<br />

delighted to report that our record period of growth has continued<br />

into 2019, despite all of the potential roadblocks there have been to<br />

gaining new business and retaining older clients, such as the Brexit<br />

debate and the US tariff war with China. Thanks to the backing of our<br />

loyal clients, we're confident that we can carry this optimism into a<br />

more certain future in <strong>2020</strong> and raise our revenues even further.<br />

"Our clients have been particularly exposed to the Brexit<br />

uncertainty: FMCG suppliers didn't know what tariffs they'd face,<br />

healthcare providers didn't know if there would be drug shortages,<br />

retailers didn't know if they could safely invest in new facilities - but we<br />

have emerged from these difficulties in a strong position. That's all<br />

thanks to our great customers, who were able to see through all the<br />

'will we, won't we' confusion and get on with the jobs they do so well."<br />

IMF webinars<br />

The IMF has a number of webinars coming up. If you would like to<br />

take part please contact John Burgess at<br />

24th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong>: Cleaning & Pre-treatment prior to Electroplating<br />

21st <strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>: Care and Maintenance of Electroplating Baths<br />

19th May <strong>2020</strong>: Anodising of Aluminium and its Alloys<br />

Across the globe, QUALICOAT continues to increase in membership<br />

as the independent QUALICOAT standard is clearly one of the most<br />

successful global standards available when specifying architectural<br />

aluminium coatings. As London is seen as the global architectural<br />

hub, the QUALICOAT standard is widely specified and provides<br />

architectural powder coating to the same standard and quality<br />

virtually anywhere across the globe.<br />

So who is QUALICOAT?<br />

The standard, now in its 16th Edition, is produced by a member<br />

association which is located in Zurich. Not under the influence of<br />

any country or government, the independent association draws it<br />

membership mainly from powder manufacturers, metal pretreatment<br />

systems companies and architectural powder coating applicators<br />

located worldwide. These members work closely together in working<br />

groups, in conjunction with independent test houses, to continually<br />

develop and push the boundaries of quality finishes for architectural<br />

aluminium. As a result, the various working groups produce research<br />

papers are then updated into the current QUALICOAT Standard, the<br />

standard is then freely distributed and available on the QUALICOAT<br />

website.<br />

Membership of the association is limited to companies who can<br />

demonstrate that they possess the necessary equipment and testing<br />

regimes that allow them to produce a quality product which meets<br />

the current QUALICOAT Standard. Independent test houses are<br />

appointed to undertake audits of potential members who wish to<br />

demonstrate compliance.<br />

All QUALICOAT Members are Licenced.<br />

Once licenced it is crucial for the maintenance of the standard that<br />

all members of the association are independently inspected on a<br />

regular basis to ensure that they continue to meet the requirement of<br />

the current standard. Furthermore, a powder coat applicator will<br />

need to demonstrate that they are using powders and pretreatment<br />

systems from licenced QUALICOAT suppliers.<br />

QUALICOAT - A simple specification.<br />

As a specifier, to ensure that the coatings on your project are<br />

provided to the highest standard, simply specify QUALICOAT, state<br />

the location of the project and the supplier of the coatings will then<br />

ensure the correct system is supplied for the project.<br />

Powder classes can also be specified for prestigious projects,<br />

typically Class 1 powders are used in the UK but we are seeing more<br />

robust powders being specified for longer life expectancies and now<br />

often see Class 2 powders widely specified. Aluminium pretreatment<br />

systems are equally as important and their quality of application is<br />

crucial to the longevity of the applied powder coating. To expand on<br />

the specification speak to your licenced applicator who can be found<br />

on the QUALICOAT website.<br />

Copies of the sixteenth edition of the QUALICOAT Standard, is<br />

available through the UK Association website,<br />

together with an up-to-date list of licenced Powder Suppliers, licenced<br />

Pretreatment Suppliers and licensed Applicators. Printed literature<br />

and telephone support is available from QUALICOAT UK & Ireland<br />

Head Office in Birmingham on 0330 236 2800 or email<br /> The Association can also be followed on<br />

Twitter @Qualicoatuki<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

10 NEWS<br />

Express delivery<br />

Customers throughout the UK are now benefitting from an enhancement<br />

of Indestructible Paint Ltd’s delivery capability. The Birmingham-based<br />

performance coatings and paint specialist has added a large capacity<br />

vehicle to its fleet enabling it to move products from manufacturing plant<br />

to customer more quickly and with greater efficiency.<br />

“We have built our reputation on our ability to develop coatings that<br />

meet specific customer needs and through ensuring these are then<br />

available as quickly as possible, and with maximum delivery reliability,”<br />

says James Hallahan, spokesperson for Indestructible Paint. “In many<br />

cases, this can translate into small volumes with very short lead times<br />

so developments to our delivery capability are clearly beneficial.”<br />

Importantly, the new vehicle – which carries the company’s traditional<br />

blue and white livery – can be driven by staff possessing an ADR<br />

licence. This ensures the correct and safe transportation and delivery of<br />

the type of materials manufactured by Indestructible Paint – of particular<br />

note given the hazardous nature of many of the products concerned.<br />

Chemetall move on<br />

The Surface Treatment global business unit of BASF’s Coatings division,<br />

operating under the Chemetall brand, has moved to a new facility in<br />

Milton Keynes. Christophe Cazabeau, senior vice president surface<br />

treatment of BASF, officially opened the new Chemetall Limited office and<br />

laboratory facility at the Napier House, during a ribbon cutting ceremony.<br />

Napier House has been redesigned and reflects BASF’s office<br />

interiors. The main floor exhibits an open floor design enabling teams<br />

across other departments to engage, and cultivate an environment<br />

conducive to collaboration. In particular, the new “break out area” is an<br />

ideal space for employees to come together for meetings, refreshments,<br />

and company events. The facility is also inclusive of conference rooms<br />

dedicated for departmental meetings. “The workspace was designed to<br />

meet modern work practices.The fully optimized office layout will help<br />

increase productivity and efficiency,” explained Jason Bird, Chemetall<br />

quality manager, who led the office transition project.<br />

The newly designed laboratory located on the ground floor offers:<br />

dye penetrant testing, a “wet lab” to process and test customer’s<br />

products and panels, salt spray cabinets, and a powder coating room.<br />

The laboratory includes new testing equipments to meet customer<br />

demands and cater to current and future testing requirements. The<br />

SEM room is now open for customers to view images of the sample<br />

surfaces treated with Chemetall’ s pre-treatment product portfolio.<br />

“The new workspace provides significant opportunity for the fusion of<br />

all departments and functions. It encourages greater employee<br />

communication and facilitates knowledge sharing between the teams,”<br />

Managing Director, Wayne Brown commented.<br />

“Our newly enhanced facility not only fits the modern concept of<br />

collaborative workspace; it demonstrates our commitment to continuous<br />

improvement in technology, safety and quality of our production sites<br />

to drive sustainable solutions in a close, partnership-based cooperation<br />

with our customers.”- Christophe Cazabeau.<br />

For more details on Chemetall’s innovative products and solutions,<br />

please visit<br />

Former Chancellor’s comments raise concerns within the<br />

coatings industry<br />

The former Chancellor of the Exchequer made the news recently<br />

with comments he made during an interview with the Financial<br />

Times, in which he addressed the issue of future trading agreements<br />

with the EU. He told the paper:<br />

“There will not be alignment, we will not be a rule taker, we will<br />

not be in the single market and we will not be in the customs union<br />

– and we will do this by the end of the year.”<br />

Commenting on these developments Tom Bowtell, CEO of the<br />

British Coatings Federation, said: “We were disappointed that the<br />

current government’s version of the Withdrawal Agreement<br />

removed some of the commitments to regulatory alignment for<br />

chemicals that were in the previous Theresa May deal. The<br />

Chancellor’s comments raise even more concerns for the coatings<br />

industry about the possibility of substantial regulatory divergence in<br />

the future. A recent BCF member survey saw 90% of coatings<br />

manufacturers express their fear of having a duplicate set of<br />

chemical regulations through a UK REACH, and all the extra<br />

bureaucracy and cost this would bring.”<br />

BUFA takes control<br />

As of 3 <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong>, BÜFA Composite Systems, the German-based<br />

supplier of tailor-made unsaturated polyester resins and formulations,<br />

will acquire Manningtree-based AOC (UK) Ltd, the leading UK<br />

supplier of composite products with over 25 years’ experience in<br />

providing distribution and mixing service. AOC Aliancys will remain, as<br />

former owner, the supplier of the resins portfolio. In future, the UK<br />

company, will trade as BÜFA Composites UK.<br />

With the purchase of AOC (UK) Ltd., BÜFA Composite Systems is<br />

not only expanding its presence in the UK market, but also<br />

consolidating its leading position as a specialty manufacturer for the<br />

composites market in Europe.<br />

“This will strengthen more than just our market activities”, explains<br />

Felix Thalmann, CEO of the BÜFA Group. “This is the coming<br />

together of two strong and complementary partners.”<br />

Resins from AOC Aliancys, who have supplied BÜFA Composite<br />

Systems for more than 50 years, are transformed into specialities by<br />

the Rastede-based chemical company. The complete package also<br />

includes a long-standing sales partnership in numerous European<br />

markets.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

Surface <strong>Finishing</strong><br />

is our DNA<br />

Mass <strong>Finishing</strong><br />

Efficient systems engineering and<br />

innovative technologies – powerful<br />

and economical<br />

Meet<br />

the team at<br />

MACH <strong>2020</strong><br />

on stand<br />

6-550<br />

Shot Blasting<br />

Individual systems engineering and<br />

intelligent process solutions –<br />

reliable and energy efficient<br />

AM Solutions<br />

The full solution provider for<br />

3D post processing equipment<br />

and 3D printing services<br />

Rösler UK | 1 Unity Grove | Knowsley Business Park | Prescot | Merseyside | L34 9GT<br />

Tel: +44 (0)151 482 0444 | Fax: +44 (0)151 482 4400 | |

12 ANODISING<br />

Architectural anodising explained<br />

We live in an architectural aluminium<br />

world which is predominantly powder<br />

coated in a multitude of colours which<br />

offers warranties for colour and gloss retention<br />

over an extensive lifetime. Anodising, on the<br />

other hand, has all but disappeared apart<br />

from it appearing on a few prestigious<br />

projects. So what is anodising and why is it<br />

proving popular again?<br />

In simple terms, anodising is an evenly<br />

controlled ‘corrosion’ of the surface of the<br />

aluminium, turning aluminium into<br />

‘aluminium oxide’ similar to iron oxide (rust)<br />

on steel. The difference with aluminium oxide<br />

is that once it has been created on the surface<br />

of the aluminium it completely seals the base<br />

aluminium from further corrosion, unlike steel.<br />

So anodising is not an applied finish but a<br />

conversion of the surface of the aluminium, so<br />

it will not peel or flake. Done to the right<br />

quality and the materials, life expectancy can<br />

last many decades without fading.<br />

The anodising process is accomplished by<br />

immersing aluminium into an acid electrolyte<br />

bath and then passing an electric current<br />

through the medium. A cathode is mounted<br />

to the inside of the anodising tank and the<br />

aluminium itself acts as an anode. Oxygen<br />

ions are released from the electrolyte to<br />

combine with the aluminium atoms on the<br />

surface of the profile.<br />

Anodising is simply a highly controlled<br />

process of a naturally occurring phenomenon.<br />

Anodising aluminium profiles for<br />

fenestration takes a specialist plant as the<br />

immersive process requires long tanks, often<br />

up to 7 metres long to accommodate full<br />

lengths of aluminium profile, which is a heavy<br />

investment. Once installed, every plant acts<br />

differently and the learning curve is as equally<br />

continues on page 14<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

Visit us at<br />

MACH <strong>2020</strong><br />

Stand 6-562<br />

The Power of Precision Cleaning<br />

Supply and commissioning of ultrasonic cleaning<br />

and vapour degreasing systems<br />

Operating throughout the UK and Worldwide<br />

Unbiased, personalised advice<br />

Aqueous and solvent systems available<br />

In-house UK-based after sales service team<br />

Parts washing and component<br />

cleaning specialists - helping you<br />

optimise processes and maximise<br />

component reliability and lifespan.<br />

Free cleaning trials<br />

Process review<br />

Equipment specifications<br />

Commissioning<br />

Training for operators<br />

Maintenance packages<br />

D&S Ultra-Clean Ltd<br />

6 Berkeley Court, Manor Park,<br />

Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1TQ<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Tel: +44 (0)1928 580460<br />

Email:<br />

14 ANODISING<br />

complex for the operator.<br />

So what about the ‘die lines’? Simply put,<br />

dies which have visible faces require more<br />

attention prior to use for an anodised finish.<br />

These dies need to be polished and cleaned<br />

more regularly as the extrusion process can<br />

be quite abrasive on the surface of the die.<br />

More complex shaped dies have what is know<br />

as ‘weld lines’, this is where the die design<br />

incorporates an internal mandrel, often to<br />

create a hollow profile. Where the aluminium<br />

flows around the mandrel supports and joins<br />

again within the die, this often leads to higher<br />

temperatures at this point and can affect the<br />

anodising by changing its shade. Die design<br />

can be changed to put these weld lines on a<br />

corner, or recess to make it less visible, but<br />

with an increase in die cost.<br />

Aluprof, one of the largest producers of<br />

aluminium fenestration systems in Europe,<br />

produce dies that are dedicated to each finish.<br />

The more expensive, often hand finished dies,<br />

are kept for anodising specifications. Another<br />

key to creating a good anodised finish is the<br />

ability to extrude and anodise within a short<br />

space of time, thereby reducing the<br />

opportunity for natural oxidisation beginning<br />

to occur. Aluprof extrude profile through these<br />

higher quality dies which offer higher quality<br />

surfaces with a significant reduction in ‘die<br />

lines’ and ‘weld lines’. Once these profiles are<br />

etched and anodised they offer a high quality<br />

surface which is both very hard wearing and<br />

long lasting.<br />

Anodising standards generally referred to<br />

include BS EN ISO 7599:2018 - ‘Anodising of<br />

aluminium and its alloys — Method for<br />

specifying decorative and protective anodic<br />

oxidation coatings on aluminium’ and<br />

QUALINOD, a independent association<br />

located in Zurich. Whilst the QUALINOD<br />

specification includes a specific anodising<br />

specification to meet an architectural standard;<br />

BS EN ISO 7599 mainly deals with general<br />

anodising for engineering use and is a method<br />

of specifying, not a specification in its own<br />

right. Unless the specifier is experienced in<br />

agreeing the criterion for the finished product<br />

under BS EN ISO 7599:2018, then the<br />

QUALINOD specification should be used as it<br />

lays down criterion and it’s licenced members<br />

are also inspected by an independent test<br />

house to ensure compliance with the<br />

QUALINOD standard. The QUALINOD<br />

standard does encompass almost all of BS EN<br />

ISO 7599, but goes much further to ensure<br />

anodising is fit for architectural use. Aluprof<br />

are a licenced member of QUALINOD.<br />

Anodising is also now becoming a choice<br />

for pretreatment of aluminium prior to powder<br />

coating. A very thin anodising of just five<br />

microns seals the aluminium prior to powder<br />

coating. This sealing or ‘conversion coating’<br />

has traditionally been completed in chrome or<br />

chrome free coatings. The claim for the use of<br />

‘pre-anodising’ or ‘flash anodising’ prior to<br />

powder coating is that it avoids the<br />

appearance of a type of corrosion known as<br />

filiform corrosion.<br />

Anodising plants are also very costly to<br />

design and install, utilising high voltage and<br />

specialist transformers to rapidly and evenly<br />

create an anodised finish. Because of its<br />

combined use of a finish in its own right and<br />

as a ‘conversion coating’ prior to powder<br />

coating, in the UK alone there has been two<br />

new anodising plants come on-line in the last<br />

couple of years with further plants planned.<br />

As specifiers tend to specify shades of grey<br />

for the majority of fenestration projects,<br />

anodising can be specified in both bronze<br />

finish and shades of grey. This is created by<br />

the introduction of trace metals such as cobalt<br />

or tin during the anodising process.<br />

Interestingly, as the anodising is ‘clear’, the<br />

introduction of these metals forms an optical<br />

colour, which cannot fade over time.<br />

As aluminium hardness will differ from<br />

profile to profile and grades differ, for example<br />

when using sheet aluminium in cill pressings,<br />

it is inevitable that the anodic film will vary in<br />

composition which will lead to a natural<br />

variation in perceived colour. As aluminium<br />

profile is extruded the material takes on a<br />

‘grain’, so the same anodised profile turned<br />

through 90º will also vary in shade. This is a<br />

natural effect and most specifiers see this<br />

offering a richness to the very hard wearing<br />

finish that anodising can offer. To limit colour<br />

variation it is normal for the supplier of the<br />

anodising to offer upper and lower colour<br />

limits at the time of specification.<br />

Crucial for specifiers is the knowledge that<br />

higher quality dies should be used for<br />

producing profiles for anodising and this is<br />

something that should find its way into<br />

specification for the finish. It then becomes<br />

crucial to ensure that the systems company<br />

that can offer extrusions at a higher quality,<br />

dedicated for anodising, also offer the finished<br />

profile.<br />

With these quality issues in mind, the<br />

specifier will be aware of the need to choose a<br />

quality company for the anodising process and<br />

ensure that the aluminium is of the highest<br />

quality with its surface free from natural<br />

corrosion. It is normally best to specify an<br />

aluminium systems supplier who can offer<br />

quality anodising, otherwise issues can arise<br />

where the systems company and anodiser are<br />

unwilling to rectify issues with surface finish<br />

problems. This can lead to expensive<br />

replacements in finished projects. Unlike<br />

powder coating, anodising can’t be repaired<br />

on-site.<br />

Since setting up the Aluprof Project Office<br />

at the Business Design Centre in London the<br />

systems company has rapidly grown their<br />

specification influence in the UK with their<br />

high performance architectural aluminium<br />

systems. With overseas growth across Europe<br />

spreading into the Middle East and firm roots<br />

already in the East of the USA, the company is<br />

becoming a global player in facade supply.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

8-10.12.<strong>2020</strong> Guangzhou<br />



Co-Located Show<br />

3 Exhibit Zones Covering the Entire Industry<br />

Electroplating & <strong>Finishing</strong><br />

Technology<br />

Environmental, Safety &<br />

Protection<br />

Halls 4.1 & 5.1, Area A<br />

China Import and Export Fair Complex<br />

Coating Applications &<br />

Coating Products<br />

HONG KONG (852) 2865 0062 SHENZHEN (86 755) 6138 8100 SHANGHAI (86 21) 5877 7680<br />

Mobile APP


Live and kicking<br />

Opening times<br />

Surface World Live<br />

<strong>2020</strong>:<br />

Wednesday 18th<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong>:<br />

9.00am - 4.00pm<br />

Thursday 19th <strong>March</strong><br />

<strong>2020</strong>:<br />

9.00am - 4.00pm<br />

What does every product have in<br />

common? From a complex aeroengine<br />

to a simple saucepan and<br />

everything in between – they all have one<br />

thing in common: a surface.<br />

Whatever the product, engineers have to<br />

carefully consider the surface, taking in various<br />

concerns such as design and cosmetic appeal,<br />

functionality, wear characteristics, operating<br />

environment and longevity.<br />

That’s why visiting Surface World Live <strong>2020</strong><br />

is essential for all in the manufacturing sector.<br />

This major international exhibition in Hall 9,<br />

NEC, Birmingham, on 18th and 19th <strong>March</strong>,<br />

will showcase the very latest in the world of<br />

surface coatings; including surface<br />

engineering, surface technology and surface<br />

finishing – in all its many guises.<br />

This important engineering event enables<br />

designers and production engineers to keep<br />

abreast of evolving surface technology,<br />

equipment and services – vital in order to<br />

remain competitive in world markets.<br />

Surface World Live <strong>2020</strong> is being held in<br />

Hall 9 at the NEC which is easily accessible by<br />

train, road and air, and offers a wide variety of<br />

convenient visitor facilities including<br />

accommodation if you want to stay for the<br />

duration of the show.<br />

The Institute of Materials <strong>Finishing</strong> (IMF) is<br />

sponsoring the <strong>2020</strong> show. They will be<br />

offering a range of seminars on both days and<br />

the team will be on hand within the IMF<br />

Lounge to assist with any questions or problems<br />

you may be searching for answers to.<br />

Why should you visit Surface World Live<br />

<strong>2020</strong>?<br />

• See the latest technology and new<br />

products<br />

• Discuss business with new and existing<br />

suppliers<br />

• Take advantage of the exclusive show<br />

offers only on offer to visitors to the show<br />

during the two days<br />

• Watch live demonstrations<br />

• Get advice from experts in the industry<br />

• Attend seminars whilst at the exhibition<br />

• Your industry under one roof over two<br />

days<br />

• The only exhibition in the UK dedicated to<br />

the surface finishing industry<br />

You can save time and money by seeing<br />

every aspect of the surface finishing industry<br />

under one roof, over two days, at Surface<br />

World Live <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

Surface World Live <strong>2020</strong> is supported by all<br />

the major industry organisations including: The<br />

Surface Engineering Association, British<br />

Surface Treatment Suppliers Association, The<br />

Institute of Materials <strong>Finishing</strong>, Correx, The<br />

British Coatings Federation, Rubber & Plastics<br />

Research Association, Qualicoat UK & Ireland,<br />

The Galvanizers Association, and Corrodere.<br />

If you would like to pre-register to attend<br />

Surface World Live <strong>2020</strong> please<br />

visit https://surface-world-<strong>2020</strong> and<br />

complete your details to get your FAST<br />

TRACK entry ticket.<br />

continues on page 18<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

www.helmutfischer.xy<br /><br />


FAST, SIMPLE PEN ® HM2000S<br />

PROBE<br />

Microhardness determination of coatings<br />

Coating thickness measurement of lacquer<br />

in the micrometer range<br />

coatings on iron and non-ferrous metals;<br />

convenient for fast incoming inspection, quality<br />

assurance and ‘on the job’ corrosion protection.<br />

• Determination of plastic an<br />

• The Phascope ® elastic<br />

Paint is<br />

parameters<br />

small and robust<br />

• Instrumented Indentation Test<br />

• Suitable for a variety of measuring tasks<br />

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• Good repeatability<br />

• Easy to use<br />

• Generate reports directly on your smartphone<br />


Gordleton Industrial Estate, HELMUT Hannah FISCHER Way, ((your adress))<br />

Lymington, SO41 8JD((street & number)), ((place))<br />

Tel: +44 (0)1590 684100, Tel.: (+00) Fax 00 +44 000 (0)1590 00 00, 684110 Fax: (+00) 00 000 00 00<br /><br />

Coating Thickness Material Analysis Microhardness Material Testing<br />

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Gas Process Burners<br />

Lanemark gas burner systems offer users reliable, high efficiency,<br />

process heating solutions.<br />

FD-C high turndown oven/<br />

dryer air heating burners.<br />

Midco HMA high efficiency,<br />

high turndown, air replacement<br />

or “make-up” air heating burners.<br />

FD-GA modulating gas + air<br />

process air heating burners.<br />

FD-E low cost high turndown<br />

oven/dryer air heating burners.<br />

TX high efficiency small diameter<br />

immersion tube tank heating<br />

systems.<br />

FD Series Packaged Oven/Dryer Burners<br />

• Specifi cally designed for process air heating applications in convection<br />

ovens and dryers<br />

• High turndown/short flame lengths providing accurate process<br />

temperature control<br />

• High effi ciency gas + air modulation, gas only modulation and simple<br />

high/low control options<br />

• Heat Input Range: 9 kW – 1550 kW<br />

TX Series Gas Fired Process Tank Heating Systems<br />

• High effi ciency (80%+) heating of all types of spray and dip process tanks<br />

• Compact high effi ciency small diameter immersion tube heat exchangers<br />

occupying minimum tank space<br />

• Accurate performance modelling using Lanemark TxCalc design software<br />

• Heat Input Range: 15 kW (1½") – 1150 kW (8")<br />

Midco HMA Series Air Replacement or “Make-Up” Air Heating Burners<br />

• Direct fired, high effi ciency burner systems, for high volume air heating<br />

applications such as paint spray booths, ovens and dryers.<br />

• Supplied either as Midco burner heads for OEM system integration or<br />

as Lanemark DB or FDB complete packaged systems including modulating<br />

gas valve trains and controls<br />

• Wide range of firing rates to suit alternative temperature rise and air<br />

velocity system requirements<br />

• DbCalc system design software<br />

Lanemark Combustion Engineering Limited<br />

Lanemark House, Whitacre Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 6BW United Kingdom<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 24 7635 2000 Fax: +44 (0) 24 7634 1166 E-mail:<br /><br />


X4620 Lanemark Ad SDAW.indd 1 31/08/2016 09:04


Surface World Live <strong>2020</strong> - Exhibitor list<br />

VL<br />

Q5<br />

D7<br />

B9<br />

M5<br />

H1<br />

A9<br />

H5<br />

G1<br />

E1<br />

E1<br />

H11<br />

K5<br />

F5<br />

F5<br />

P1<br />

K5<br />

E1<br />

G1<br />

C5<br />

K1<br />

R3<br />

D9<br />

E1<br />

D9<br />

IMF - Institute of Materials<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> Visitor Lounge<br />

Acota Ltd<br />

Adept Pure Water Ltd<br />

Akzo Nobel Powder Coatings<br />

Ltd & Cromadex<br />

Aerofin Laboratories Ltd<br />

Amber Industries Ltd<br />

Automated Water & Effluent<br />

B&M Longworth Ltd<br />

Banner Chemicals Ltd<br />

BGK<br />

Binks<br />

Bowker Machinery Ltd<br />

Brinklake Ltd<br />

British Heat Treatments<br />

British Metal Treatments<br />

BYK-Gardner GmbH<br />

C&S Equipment Ltd<br />

Carlisle Fluid Technologies<br />

CC Hydrosonics<br />

CDR Pumps UK Ltd<br />

Clearfleau Group Ltd<br />

Corrodere<br />

DeFelsko Corporation<br />

DeVilbiss<br />

DFT Instruments<br />

M3<br />

O3<br />

C17<br />

O1<br />

D1<br />

D3<br />

M1<br />

C9<br />

N3<br />

B1<br />

H11<br />

F7<br />

F13<br />

A1<br />

O5<br />

C15<br />

E7<br />

C13<br />

F19<br />

C10<br />

E1<br />

B13<br />

A5<br />

B8<br />

A7<br />

C11<br />

FIT Infrared<br />

Flowtech International Ltd<br />

Fraser Technologies<br />

FreiLacke UK Ltd<br />

Galvatek<br />

Gema Europe SRL - UK Branch<br />

Hadleigh Enterprises Ltd<br />

HangOn Ltd<br />

Hendor-pe UK Ltd<br />

HMG Powder Coatings<br />

Innova Srl<br />

Inver UK Ltd<br />

Jacquet Weston Engineering<br />

Kraft Powercon Sweden AB<br />

Larius Srl<br />

Lhoist UK<br />

LSI Energy<br />

Lubron Water Technologies<br />

Metavate<br />

Mode Colours<br />

MS<br />

Nordson (UK) Ltd<br />

NSP Coatings Ltd<br />

Pangborn Ltd<br />

Phoenix TM Ltd<br />

Plating Line Advice<br />

G7 PMD UK Ltd<br />

C3 Premiere Servicing Ltd<br />

F1 Prescious Plate Inc.<br />

H11 Pre Treatment Solutions Ltd<br />

C7 Pulver Powder Coatings<br />

E5 Railtechniek Van Herwijnen BV<br />

E1 Ransburg<br />

H11 Reys Group<br />

D5 Riley Surface World<br />

N2 Sagetech Machinery<br />

F9 Scientific & Medical Products<br />

F11 Siebec UK Ltd<br />

B1 Signature Finish Powder<br />

E5 Stewart Gill Conveyors Ltd<br />

R7 Straaltechniek UK Limited<br />

M1 The Masking Shop<br />

N1 Thermaset Ltd<br />

E3 Tiger Coatings UK Ltd<br />

D1 Turbex<br />

G9 Unic International<br />

F7 Valspar<br />

O7 Veolia Water Technologies<br />

B3 Wagner Spraytech UK Ltd<br />

F3 Westbury Group<br />

B11 Wire Mesh Fabrications<br />

List correct at time of going to press<br />

G9<br />

Ecostrip Ltd<br />

L5<br />

Elcometer Ltd<br />

A3<br />

Elmbridge Supplies Company<br />

R1<br />

ELPR Marketing Ltd<br />

K5<br />

Enva<br />

P3<br />

Euro-Matic UK Ltd<br />

E3<br />

Eurotherm S.p.A.<br />

H11<br />

FAR GB<br />

P7<br />

Fischer Instrumentation GB<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

Visit us on stand B3<br />



IPS<br />

Powder coating centre<br />

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• Maximum coating quality<br />

• High-performance & fully automated system<br /><br />

Contact<br />

Wagner Spraytech (UK) Ltd<br />

a Member of WAGNER GROUP<br />

Telephone: 01327 368410<br />


Application experts<br />

The clear visibility of all process<br />

parameters at any time is a prerequisite<br />

for continuous improvement. Process<br />

awareness combines with the knowledge and<br />

process control for top performance at the<br />

lowest operating cost. Data collection and<br />

analysis.<br />

Tips on system settings optimization.<br />

Remote connectivity. IOT readiness. This is<br />

what powder coaters are looking for today in<br />

order to ensure the competitive advantage of<br />

their companies tomorrow. This and more is<br />

delivered by the next generation of Nordson<br />

powder coating system controls, in<br />

combination with its advanced Wisdom<br />

connected platform and the highest level of<br />

powder coating process stability of the Encore<br />

HD spray systems.<br />

Years of industry experience have<br />

demonstrated the importance of reducing<br />

spray velocity in order to improve coverage<br />

and application efficiency on most<br />

challenging products. Today, Nordson<br />

Contouring Coating System brings the soft<br />

spray of our Encore HD spray system with<br />

their HDLV (High Density Low Velocity)<br />

pumps precisely to the surfaces where<br />

superior coverage and coating uniformity are<br />

needed. At the Surface World Show, Booth<br />

#B13, Nordson Industrial Coating Systems<br />

will demonstrate these technologies for<br />

greater productivity and operating efficiency<br />

in the future-ready powder coating<br />

operations, that will change the way you<br />

manage your powder coating process. Talk to<br />

our UK Application experts to find a solution<br />

for your finishing needs or to improve your<br />

powder coating process.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

New<br />

innovation<br />

& safety<br />

ATEX Certified<br />

‘Thru-process’ Oven Temperature Profiling System<br />

Safety<br />

• Certified for ATEX classified Zone 2 use<br />

• Intrinsically safe Epsilon-x data logger (Group II Cat 3G)<br />

• Ten points of measurement<br />

• Thermal Barrier Protection (over 3.5 hours @ 200 °C)<br />

• Custom designed range of thermocouples<br />

• Regulatory compliant monitoring<br />

Value<br />

• Performance and robust operation<br />

at an affordable price<br />

• Silicone Free, User replaceableable<br />

batteries plus much more<br />

• Thermocouples with replaceable<br />

sensors - lower consumable costs!<br />

Simplicity<br />

• Easy to interpret PASS/FAIL graphical cure<br />

• Paint cure QA reports shared easily and efficiently<br />

• Local technical support, service and ISO17025 calibration<br />

- quick help if you need it<br />

...where experience & safety counts !<br />

Cert: ExVeritas 19 ATEX 0472X<br />

Visit us on stand A7<br />

PhoenixTM Ltd UK<br />

Tel: +44 (0)1353223100<br /><br />


Clean bill of health<br />

Turbex will highlight its ability to supply<br />

problem-solving solutions to meet<br />

customers’ needs at Surface World Live.<br />

The firm's product portfolio includes the<br />

Galvatek range of plant for applications such<br />

as anodising, chemical cleaning or etching.<br />

The equipment is especially well known in the<br />

aerospace industry, as its lines are used in<br />

factories manufacturing aircraft parts and<br />

engine components as well as in the<br />

maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)<br />

sector. Supply of anodising plant forms a large<br />

part of the business. Such facilities comprise<br />

one or several lines and typically use TSA<br />

(tartaric sulphuric acid) or PSA (phosphoric<br />

sulphuric acid).<br />

Turbex is also market leader in the UK for<br />

the supply of aqueous cleaning and drying<br />

systems for batch or in-line processing, which<br />

will also be promoted at the show. More than<br />

100 standard models in the range include<br />

front- and top-loading spray washers, multistage<br />

automatic or manual ultrasonic systems,<br />

bench top and floor standing ultrasonic<br />

models, precision machines with basket<br />

rotation and flood options, and tunnel<br />

cleaning lines.<br />

One range of machines uses a worldpatented<br />

system whereby rotation of the<br />

holding basket and spray jets is individually<br />

adjustable, allowing them to rotate in the<br />

same or opposite directions. Programs can be<br />

tailored, together with other movement<br />

options such as rocking of the basket, to wash<br />

even the most complex parts efficiently.<br />

The equipment is aimed primarily at highprecision<br />

applications, with the possibility of<br />

simulated clean room conditions. Global and<br />

targeted cleaning is available in a single<br />

process and there will be an announcement at<br />

the show concerning a brand new feature,<br />

vector kinematics.<br />

Another focus will be modular and<br />

bespoke, high precision, ultrasonic cleaning<br />

machines with automation. A hallmark of their<br />

construction is multi-frequency ultrasonics,<br />

whereby a single transducer can generate two<br />

different ultrasonic frequencies. Consequently,<br />

dis-similar components and materials can be<br />

handled optimally in the same tank.<br />

For processing larger parts, Turbex offers<br />

the ACV range of PLC-controlled frontloading,<br />

spray washing and rinsing models.<br />

They are particularly popular for degreasing,<br />

phosphating, paint removal, de-rusting and<br />

de-scaling.<br />

Manufactured from stainless steel, the<br />

machine programme comprises single- and<br />

multi-stage units. Standard sizes range from<br />

one to three metres in diameter, although<br />

larger dimensions are available. The<br />

equipment provides a high level of cleaning<br />

performance due to ingenious design<br />

principles combined with elevated liquid flow<br />

rates and spray pressures generated by the<br />

powerful pump.<br />

The FPI test equipment completes the<br />

Turbex offering. Through the company's long<br />

experience of component cleaning dating<br />

back to 1981, it has developed an extensive<br />

knowledge of the technology and the<br />

techniques required for testing and reporting.<br />

Its systems utilise expertise in automation and<br />

process control to provide consistency and<br />

traceability.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

OptiFlex ® Pro<br />

The new generation of OptiFlex Pro manual units<br />

impresses with additional perfomance due to the<br />

outstanding PowerBoost technology.<br />

Power maximum coating performance with PowerBoost<br />

technology<br />

Quality best application results on any part with any<br />

powder<br />

Control transparent coating process with OptiStar 4.0<br />

and Gema E-App<br />

Visit us on stand D3<br />

Gema Europe SRL - UK Branch<br />

Tel: 0044 1202 763942<br />

Email:<br />


Solvent cleaning<br />

myth busting<br />

Modern cleaning solvents use extremely<br />

eco-friendly chemistries, which offer a<br />

superior cleaning performance. They<br />

are low in cost and provide a genuine<br />

alternative to old hazardous solvents which<br />

have now been banned or restricted. The<br />

Chemours Opteon range of safe,<br />

environmentally friendly solvents have<br />

become widely accepted as best in class, next<br />

generation fluids and are approved for use in<br />

a large range of standard cleaning systems.<br />

Are solvents bad for the<br />

environment?<br />

Solvents now boast low global warming<br />

potential (GWP), which is a measure of how<br />

much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the<br />

atmosphere up to a specific time horizon,<br />

relative to carbon dioxide. It compares the<br />

amount of heat trapped by a certain mass of<br />

the gas in question to the amount of heat<br />

trapped by a similar mass of carbon dioxide<br />

and is expressed as a factor of carbon<br />

dioxide. GWP is used to represent the<br />

equivalent of C0 2 being released into the<br />

atmosphere. For example, 1kg C0 2 = GWP of<br />

1. Opteon SF80 has a GWP of

Visit us on stand C15<br />

Tasty but tainted?<br />

Heavy metals leach into the food chain<br />

Have you done all you can to ensure your effluent treatment processes<br />

meet the highest standards or are you possibly breaking EU regulations?<br />

®<br />

Neutralac SLS45 is the solution:<br />

• High strength 45% concentration liquid lime<br />

• Developed especially for the treatment of wastewater<br />

• Outstanding heavy metals removal efficiencies<br />

• Exceptional phosphate precipitation properties<br />

• Reduces costs through lower reagent consumption<br />

Test the water with a no risk FREE trial.<br /><br />


Simon Kelly<br />

Product Manager<br />

T: 0161 205 4454<br />

M: 07970 134 455<br />


On to Oxford<br />

Oxford Advanced Surfaces Limited<br />

(OAS), innovative experts in surface<br />

treatment, are on target to treat 1<br />

million square feet of composites with its<br />

patented Onto adhesion promoter that<br />

replaces sanding or abrasion for surface<br />

preparation.<br />

By removing abrasion as a surface<br />

preparation for composites, Onto delivers<br />

improvements in quality and a reduction in<br />

processing times of up to 90%. This produces<br />

cost savings and productivity improvement.<br />

Simple to use, Onto supports the volume<br />

manufacturing of composites in all areas of<br />

advanced manufacturing, while also being<br />

easy to use with complex shapes.<br />

Onto is increasingly used in sectors as<br />

diverse as wind energy, aerospace and<br />

sporting goods and is enabling manufacturers<br />

to deliver large efficiencies.<br />

Onto is being deployed very effectively by<br />

Polkima, an industry leader in Turkey<br />

producing advanced tooling solutions and<br />

finished composite parts. Anthony Gallia,<br />

Polkima chairman, said: “Onto has enable us<br />

to reduce the labour time required to prepare<br />

parts for painting by 90%, with a huge cost<br />

saving. This allows a significant productivity<br />

improvement in our ability to paint composite<br />

parts.”<br />

Terence Warmbier, Oxford Advanced<br />

Surfaces head of business development said:<br />

“We are well on track to hitting the 1m<br />

square foot milestone and the composites<br />

industry is increasingly seeing the advantage<br />

of surface preparation without having to sand<br />

or other form of abrasion. It’s cheaper,<br />

quicker, safer and better for the environment.<br />

What’s not to like!?”<br />

Other customers have commented: “Onto<br />

has become a critical part of our<br />

manufacturing process; we could not manage<br />

without it….”<br />

The incorporation of Onto into the<br />

production process will remove the<br />

requirement for sanding prior to painting.<br />

Sanding or abrasion as a surface preparation<br />

is slow and labour intensive, risks damaging<br />

parts (over-sanding produces scrap parts) and<br />

dirty (all the dust that is removed needs to be<br />

extracted and workers need to wear<br />

respiration PPE).<br />

The unique patented technology of Onto<br />

has already been proven in demanding<br />

applications in automotive, transportation,<br />

motorsport, defense and sporting goods, and<br />

is specifically designed to exploit the<br />

maximum potential of modern materials. It<br />

provides a practical approach to surface<br />

preparation that reduces processing time,<br />

reduces cost, improves adhesion, and is easily<br />

repeatable.<br />

Onto removes all the current issues with<br />

surface preparation with a simple process that<br />

works for composites and a wide range of<br />

engineering plastics.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

Measure<br />

Measure<br />

FAST<br />

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DURA<br />


Visit us at<br />

Surface World Live<br />

on Stand L5<br />

Quickly and accurately test pull-off<br />

coating adhesion using the Elcometer 510<br />

Automatic Adhesion Tester.<br /><br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - Elcometer 510 Half Page.indd 1 28/02/<strong>2020</strong> 14:37:46<br />

Leaders in surface engineering<br />

Increasing the performance and life of critical components<br />

● Shot peening<br />

● Peen forming<br />

● Thermal spray<br />

● Engineered coatings<br />

● Analytical services<br />

● Approvals: AS9100 Rev C<br />

● NADCAP<br />

● ISO 9001:2008<br />

● FAA<br /> | | +44 (0) 1635 279621<br />

curtis wright_half page_fng_m-a<strong>2020</strong>.indd 1 04/02/<strong>2020</strong> 14:46

28 COATINGS<br />

Prime conversion<br />

Despite the proliferation of high-quality<br />

topcoats from a variety of leading<br />

manufacturers, advancements in primer<br />

technology have historically lagged behind –<br />

particularly for applications in highly corrosive<br />

environments. Most primers merely provide a<br />

mechanical bond while initial ‘rust converting’<br />

primers only encapsulate rust and suffer from<br />

high levels of toxicity due to high levels of<br />

volatile organic compounds (VOCs) making<br />

them an environmental risk.<br />

Now, however, more advanced primers<br />

have been formulated that set a higher<br />

performance bar in highly corrosive<br />

environments. These reactive primers go<br />

beyond encapsulating rust to instead convert<br />

it to a protective material (iron phosphate) to<br />

minimize the risk of further corrosion. The<br />

chemical bond provides extremely good<br />

adhesion, high corrosion protection and also<br />

eliminates under-film corrosion.<br />

The rust conversion formulation also differs<br />

from prior technologies by using a non-toxic,<br />

ultra-low VOC water-based acrylic polymer<br />

solution that can be applied with minimal<br />

surface preparation and without the need for<br />

sandblasting of steel and aluminum substrates.<br />

Designed to work with most top coatings,<br />

the new generation of primers offer paint<br />

manufacturers an opportunity to apply their<br />

topcoats over a primer that will withstand the<br />

most challenging environments for painted<br />

surfaces and can be applied in an<br />

environmentally safe manner.<br />

Simplifying Surface Preparation<br />

Corrosion is no stranger to environments<br />

where moisture and extreme conditions<br />

prevail, such as tanks, piping, facility<br />

structures, marine and external infrastructure.<br />

Because of the limitations in primers, which<br />

represent a critical foundation for any coating<br />

system, coated surfaces in these environments<br />

have historically been unable to effectively<br />

deal with the eventual formation and future<br />

recurrence of rust.<br />

As a result, maintenance personnel or<br />

contracted coating applicators must repeatedly<br />

utilize costly, time-consuming and<br />

environmentally hazardous surface<br />

preparation methods such as sandblasting to<br />

prepare surfaces to be primed and repainted.<br />

However, not all environments can<br />

withstand the impact of sandblasting, which<br />

can damage critical surfaces and may be<br />

impractical for reaching hard-to-access areas<br />

such as cracks and crevices. Sandblasting is<br />

also expensive and time-consuming, and even<br />

poses its own safety risks to applicators.<br />

This level of surface preparation is required<br />

because most rust primers on the market are<br />

sensitive to chlorides.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

continues on page 30

Made in Great Britain…<br />

used all over the world<br />

Braude are specialist manufacturers of<br />

heating and cooling equipment using<br />

high integrity fluoropolymer materials<br />

for optimum chemical resistance<br />

manufactured to the highest<br />

specification in our UK factory<br />

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Used worldwide by:<br />

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• Water treatment<br />

To see the entire range of Braude thermal process equipment visit<br /><br />

01252 876123 •<br />

click through from our web site to find us<br />

in social media, follow us for latest news

30 COATINGS<br />

“Even a minute amount of chloride on the<br />

steel can cause coating system failure,” says<br />

Martin Lawrence, Managing Director of New<br />

Jersey-based NanoRustX LLC, a supplier of<br />

advanced primer technologies under the<br />

NanoPrime brand. “This is why leading coating<br />

manufacturers demand extreme levels of<br />

surface cleaning (sandblasting) and removal of<br />

chlorides to a level of 5 mcgr/m 2 , which is<br />

nearly impossible to achieve. Even when<br />

sandblasting is used for surface preparation,<br />

flash rusting will still occur. Whereas this waterbased<br />

acrylic polymer is not sensitive to<br />

chlorides or rust and can actually neutralize<br />

them.”<br />

According to Lawrence, a water-based acrylic<br />

polymer like NanoPrime utilizes phosphoric acid<br />

as its main reactive agent. The acrylic polymer<br />

base allows for some surface movement as is<br />

typical with metal expansion and contraction.<br />

This non-toxic, ultra-low VOC primer contains<br />

nano-polymers for added strength and<br />

durability and has been tested to successfully<br />

coat surfaces from rust-free to up to 700<br />

microns of rust.<br />

Further tests with a polysiloxane topcoat from<br />

a major brand for over 7500 hours of salt spray<br />

have shown that the conversion of iron oxide to<br />

iron phosphate provides extremely good<br />

corrosion protection in the toughest<br />

environments.<br />

Given that sea water contains 1.94% chloride,<br />

the lack of sensitivity to chlorides also makes<br />

this type of primer an ideal solution for marine<br />

operators that typically must go to dry dock<br />

before applying any type of coating. You<br />

simply can't coat the substrate fast enough in a<br />

high chloride environment such as marine areas<br />

and splash zones to prevent some level of<br />

chlorides on the substrate.<br />

Unlike initial generations of rust converting<br />

primers, the latest solutions perform equally<br />

well on clean, partially corroded and heavily<br />

rusted surfaces. Typically, a power wash (300<br />

bar/3500 psi) is all that is needed before<br />

applying to steel (clean or corroded), galvanized<br />

steel or aluminum in order to remove loose<br />

paint, dirt and grease. The primer can be<br />

applied to a corroded surface by hand brush,<br />

roller or airless spray gun on the substrate.<br />

The water-based acrylic polymer primer<br />

works best with polysiloxane epoxy and<br />

polyurethane based topcoats and because the<br />

primer sits in a suspension, it requires only a 5<br />

to 10-minute mixing before use. Typically, two<br />

coats provide sufficient protection and as a<br />

water-based solution, it is also easy to clean up.<br />

Lawrence adds that due to the presence of a<br />

significant layer of iron phosphate, when the<br />

coating is damaged, the iron phosphate<br />

prevents any under-film corrosions from<br />

occurring and thus prevents a systems failure.<br />

“A common failure of primers is not<br />

sufficiently protecting against under-film<br />

corrosion,” said Lawrence. “A primer must first<br />

form an effective chemical bond to the metal<br />

substrate. Without this, rust promoters like<br />

oxygen and humidity will creep underneath the<br />

primer causing further corrosion. Most primers<br />

on the market go only as far as encapsulating<br />

the iron oxide which is not 100% effective in<br />

preventing further rust from occurring.”<br />

“When iron oxide is actually converted to<br />

iron phosphate through a chemical reaction, a<br />

meaningful chemical bond is created, along<br />

with a 10 to 15-micron thick layer of iron<br />

phosphate which prevents any under-film<br />

corrosion,” he adds.<br />

An opportunity for paint<br />

manufacturers<br />

Typically, paint manufacturers must carry a<br />

wide range of primers to be able to address<br />

different painted environments. Because of the<br />

performance capabilities of the new waterbased<br />

acrylic polymer primers and their<br />

applicability to nearly all substrates, paint<br />

manufacturers have an opportunity to<br />

consolidate their primer inventory and provide<br />

their customers with a solution for the most<br />

challenging corrosive environments.<br />

Considering these factors, the outlook for<br />

non-toxic ultra-low VOC water based acrylic<br />

primers is promising. The opportunity now<br />

exists for paint manufacturers to work with<br />

primer developers to test the latest<br />

advancements in primer technology with their<br />

own topcoats to further validate the initial<br />

findings as part of their own painting systems.<br />

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<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

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Global Products, Local Service & Advice You Can Rely On<br />

Is your project being held up by the installation?<br />

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+44 (0) 161 775 1910


Measuring corrosion<br />

It’s all magic<br />

The latest stage of investment by Vertik-Al has seen the installation of a<br />

second Magic Compact horizontal powder coating plant at the<br />

company’s Birmingham-based facility, in 12 months.<br />

Commissioned at the end of January, the new line is already<br />

showing improvements in powder consumption and efficiency. The<br />

quality of the application and finish of matt, gloss and textured coatings<br />

is excellent.<br />

The new powder coating plant was purchased from Gema UK as<br />

part of Vertik-Al’s continuous investment strategy and programme of<br />

asset management.<br />

Speaking on behalf of Gema UK, business manager, Leon Hogg<br />

said: “We are pleased to have installed a second advanced solution into<br />

Vertik-Al. The project was delivered, installed and commissioned in<br />

under 10 days, and allowed Vertik-Al to maintain delivery continuity to<br />

their customer base.<br />

“The benefits from the new plant were obvious from the start, the<br />

new control system is a pioneering interface for Smart Factory and<br />

offers excellent data visibility for the production team, this promotes<br />

line optimisation allowing Vertik-Al to work extremely efficiently,<br />

without compromise. The advanced automation of the powder<br />

recovery circuit delivers the fastest colour change in its class, alongside<br />

stable powder output.”<br />

Role recognition<br />

Recognition of the role played by Indestructible Paint Ltd in the<br />

development of the highest quality specialist coatings, designed to<br />

meet demanding and complex industry needs, has now been<br />

demonstrated by its participation in one of industry’s specialist<br />

conferences. The Birmingham-based company has taken part in the<br />

2019 Charles Parsons Turbine and Generator Conference, organised on<br />

behalf of the High Temperature Materials Committee of the Institute of<br />

Materials, Minerals and Mining.<br />

“This prestigious conference promotes a deeper connection between<br />

industry and academia so in many ways reflects our own approach and<br />

belief in meeting the needs of industry,” comments Brian Norton,<br />

Indestructible Paint’s managing director. He points out that the<br />

company places great emphasis on research and development,<br />

particularly where it can work closely with customers to meet precise<br />

industry objectives, so an event of this type is very much in line with<br />

the organisation’s thinking.<br />

“Environmental, legislative, social and corporate pressures all<br />

constantly call for the need to develop coating performance – and<br />

chrome or hexavalent chrome-free versions of ceramic-aluminiumcoatings<br />

are prime examples,” says Richard Banks, Indestructible Paint’s<br />

laboratory manager, who delivered a talk entitled ‘Chrome free<br />

galvanically-sacrificial coatings for ferrous metal protection in turbine<br />

Zinco International uses<br />

ultrasonic technology to measure<br />

the corrosion of galvanizing<br />

kettles using its Zinc Immersion<br />

Probe (ZIP), whilst the zinc<br />

remains molten within the kettle.<br />

The ZIP system was developed<br />

after a long and extensive R & D<br />

programme with Warwickshire<br />

based Sonemat Ltd (a “spin out”<br />

Company from the University of<br />

Warwick).<br />

Typically, the ZIP service<br />

transports equipment to the<br />

customer site and Zinco’s<br />

technicians travel to undertake<br />

the service. The benefits of the<br />

ZIP system is that the profiling<br />

can be undertaken with no loss<br />

of production and provides the<br />

galvanizer with accurate data to<br />

allow for future use of their<br />

equipment.<br />

The company has established<br />

an enviable reputation within the<br />

galvanizing sector and during<br />

2019 saw a 50% increase in its<br />

work load. This included<br />

inspection services for customers<br />

in Europe, USA and India. In<br />

<strong>2020</strong> services will be developed<br />

further with a new 10 year<br />

partnership arrangement with a<br />

large galvanizing Group in<br />

Australia.<br />

Performance promise<br />

ABB has launched its Performance Optimization Service for long<br />

product rolling mills, an advanced service powered by ABB Ability Data<br />

Analytics for long product rolling mills, a digital solution which applies<br />

process-specific analysis to large volumes of complex data. This helps<br />

metals producers to achieve unprecedented levels of yield, quality and<br />

productivity, with remote monitoring and support via ABB’s<br />

Collaborative Operations Centers.<br />

ABB’s Performance Optimization Service for long product rolling<br />

mills allows operations to be monitored around the clock from ABB’s<br />

Collaborative Operations Centers, where experts alert designated onsite<br />

staff to process deviations and disturbances and advise on corrective<br />

action, supporting faster, more data-driven decisions that will enhance<br />

process performance. To facilitate continuous improvement, ABB<br />

utilizes process insights to generate regular reports identifying focus<br />

areas and recommended actions. Enterprise-level integration provides<br />

insights across multiple mills, enabling users to identify and analyze<br />

trends that could impact performance at several sites.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

New generation<br />

Opteon TM solvents<br />

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Exceptional performance, ultra low carbon<br />

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Find out more at stand C17<br />

Surface World Exhibition 18-19 <strong>March</strong><br />

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was clear – a solvent solution would save us money<br />

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Component cleaning.<br />

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34 PAINT<br />

Paint shop of the future<br />

Growing model diversity, different drive<br />

technologies, and greater personalization<br />

are pushing conventional line<br />

manufacturing to its limits in the automotive<br />

industry. Whether major high-volume<br />

manufacturers or small e-car startups,<br />

manufacturing has to make the switch from<br />

rigid to flexible to be able to respond more<br />

quickly to customer and market requirements.<br />

Dürr’s new “Paint shop of the future” concept<br />

breaks away from the traditional line layout,<br />

splitting up industrial automotive painting into<br />

boxes or short process sections for the first<br />

time. This allows the automotive industry to<br />

paint much more flexible. In addition, the<br />

“Paint shop of the future” saves time and<br />

material, increases availability and makes<br />

painting more sustainable.<br />

Model ranges and application processes are<br />

becoming more diverse. But the greater the<br />

variety of models painted on a line, the more<br />

inefficient the process. This is due to the fixed<br />

cycle times, which are based on the biggest<br />

model and the paint with the longest<br />

application time. If smaller car bodies could be<br />

transported faster and some colors could be<br />

applied more quickly, this would save time<br />

and increase output. However, the fixed cycle<br />

does not allow this. This was one of the many<br />

reasons that prompted Dürr to have a rethink<br />

and develop a radical new layout for future<br />

requirements.<br />

“With the “Paint shop of the future”, Dürr is<br />

reimagining the painting process and moving<br />

beyond the boundaries of the production<br />

line,” explains Bruno Welsch, member of the<br />

board of management of Dürr Systems AG.<br />

“The new approach adapts to the needs of<br />

manufacturers, and enables an efficient and<br />

flexible painting process in every production<br />

scenario.”<br />

On-demand cycle times<br />

The general idea of the “Paint shop of the<br />

future” is based on splitting up the 120 work<br />

steps involved in a painting process into boxes<br />

and smaller sections. Instead of a fixed cycle,<br />

the process times in each box are precisely<br />

adapted to the needs of the individual body.<br />

This is made possible by processes running in<br />

parallel in the boxes and the interaction with a<br />

central high-bay storage system and the<br />

automated guided vehicle system EcoProFleet.<br />

The fleet of AGVs is controlled by the<br />

software DXQcontrol. It guides the AGVs with<br />

the car bodies intelligently to the next<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

continues on page 36

Measure<br />

FAST<br />

·<br />

·<br />



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Since 1982 Automated Water<br />

& Effluent Ltd have been<br />

supplying process control<br />

equipment to the metal finishing<br />

and surface finishing industry.<br />

We have an in-house team<br />

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and process equipment specific to fit<br />

your requirements.<br />

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and chemical process equipment is<br />

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36 PAINT<br />

The overall equipment availability also<br />

increases, since any malfunction only has an<br />

impact on the box section in question and<br />

does affect the entire production line, in<br />

contrast to the classic line manufacturing<br />

model. The variable layout also makes<br />

integrating special processes such as a special<br />

paint supply or overspray-free two-tone<br />

painting easier and more cost efficient.<br />

processes, and in this way ensures efficient<br />

utilization of all the boxes. It enables the<br />

bodies to be sorted in anticipation of future<br />

processes, brought to and collected from the<br />

right workstation with pinpoint accuracy, and<br />

passed off to final assembly at the end in the<br />

sequence planned by the manufacturer. The<br />

concept also enables easy expansion of<br />

capacities or smooth integration of new<br />

models. The revolutionary box concept can be<br />

applied to the entire top coat and workstation<br />

area, or just to selected process steps.<br />

Fewer resources, greater<br />

efficiency<br />

In terms of the concrete implementation,<br />

the box concept means that three painting<br />

processes – the interior and the two exterior<br />

applications – can be combined in just one<br />

booth. This patent-pending concept, the<br />

EcoProBooth, thus helps to save process time,<br />

since two of the previously usual three<br />

conveying processes are eliminated. The<br />

paint-loss during the color change process<br />

can even be reduced by up to ten percent if<br />

just one paint is applied in a box, for<br />

instance the current top seller white. Splitting<br />

up the painting process into boxes shortens<br />

the overall process by tailoring the<br />

application time to the individual vehicle.<br />

These properties combine to reduce CO2<br />

and VOC emissions.<br />

Adaptable to both large and<br />

small production<br />

The concept of the “Paint shop of the<br />

future” is geared towards the specific<br />

requirements of various OEMs. It offers<br />

major high-volume manufacturers with a<br />

high hourly capacity the opportunity to<br />

integrate new models and technologies with<br />

greater ease. It enables companies that want<br />

to avoid investment risks to predictably<br />

expand from 24 units per hour to 48 and 72<br />

units in two steps. Newcomers to electric<br />

mobility can start their manufacturing with<br />

minimal quantities and gradually expand as<br />

demand increases. The modular concept is<br />

also Industry 4.0 capable and can be<br />

combined with the intelligent software<br />

products from Dürr’s DXQ family for various<br />

scenarios. In this way, Dürr analysis tools<br />

make painting processes more transparent<br />

and help to further increase the first run rate.<br />

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<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />



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PMD was formed as a limited company<br />

in 1959 and can boast over 60 years<br />

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supply of its own formulated products from<br />

its modern facilities in Coventry, England.<br />

Success has been achieved through<br />

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chemistry and a consistent understanding<br />

of the ever changing requirements of the<br />

GMF Industry. Our focussed approach of<br />

dedicated customer service is unrivalled<br />

and our ability to work alongside our<br />

customers to solve problems and create a<br />

process that is technically advanced and<br />

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in today’s market.<br />

All of this progress has been achieved<br />

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strategy against a background of working<br />

continuously to meet the commercial<br />

demands of today’s <strong>Finishing</strong> Industry.<br />

Our focus continues to provide a first class<br />

technical and sales support based service<br />

with an emphasis to work alongside our<br />

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to meet the requirements of our diverse and<br />

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Ancillary Products<br />

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Visit us on stand G7<br />

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38 PRINTING<br />

Perfect print<br />

HP’s industry-leading Multi Jet Fusion<br />

platform provides users with the ability<br />

to develop new designs, applications<br />

and production-ready final parts on the same<br />

platform and stay ahead with a future-ready<br />

technology. HP’s Jet Fusion 3D printing<br />

portfolio includes the recently introduced Jet<br />

Fusion 5200 Series 3D Printing Solution, an<br />

industrial 3D printing system bringing new<br />

levels of manufacturing predictability,<br />

efficiency, repeatability, and quality to<br />

customers scaling to full production.<br />

As specialist for the post processing of 3D<br />

printed products AM Solutions – 3D post<br />

processing offers processes for unpacking,<br />

removal of support structures and residual<br />

powder, including sintered powder particles,<br />

surface cleaning and smoothing, radiusing of<br />

sharp edges, polishing and, even, dyeing of<br />

components with a specific colour. For the<br />

various post processing stages the company<br />

offers fully automatic systems, which not only<br />

guarantee significant increases in productivity<br />

and cost reductions but also ensure that the<br />

processes are absolutely repeatable and offer<br />

a high degree of sustainability.<br />

Stephan Rösler, CEO of the Rösler<br />

Oberflächentechnik GmbH comments: “HP is<br />

an extremely valuable partner<br />

within our AM network. The cooperation<br />

allows us to further improve our automated<br />

post processing solutions and adapt them<br />

specifically to the Multi Jet Fusion technology<br />

from HP.”<br />

Ramon Pastor, interim head of HP 3D<br />

printing & digital manufacturing, explains:<br />

“This partnership is an important example of<br />

HPs’ commitment to collaborating with<br />

leaders in the industrial ecosystem to drive the<br />

digital transformation of manufacturing. The<br />

Rösler group offers comprehensive know-how<br />

in equipment building and surface finishing<br />

which is critical to production. We look<br />

forward to working together to broaden the<br />

opportunity for and accelerate mass<br />

production of applications across vertical<br />

industries.”<br />

AM Solutions – 3D printing<br />

services expands its printing<br />

capacity<br />

Parallel to the start of this milestone<br />

cooperation AM Solutions - 3D printing<br />

services, the Rösler division specialized in<br />

printing activities, is expanding its digital<br />

manufacturing capabilities with the installation<br />

of its own HP Jet Fusion 5200 Series 3D<br />

Printing Solution. The service spectrum of this<br />

organization is not just limited to 3D printing:<br />

It also includes the design/engineering of AM<br />

components. Highly experienced experts and<br />

state-of-the-art equipment ensure that the<br />

design possibilities of additive manufacturing<br />

are fully exploited. This applies not only to the<br />

design of components from scratch and the<br />

re-design of existing components for additive<br />

manufacturing, but also to the validation of a<br />

design or the optimization of a component<br />

topology. AM Solutions - 3D printing services<br />

also offers post processing services, including<br />

machining, and quality control.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>



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40 TESTING<br />

Checking the bond<br />

When a coating is applied outside the<br />

paint manufacturer’s specifications, in<br />

the wrong climatic conditions, or to a<br />

poorly prepared surface, there is a much<br />

greater chance that the coating will blister,<br />

delaminate or not stick to the substrate –<br />

leading to costly rework. This is why testing<br />

the adhesion of a coating is critical.<br />

To determine how well coatings have<br />

bonded to the substrate, adhesion testers are<br />

used. Adhesion testing may be performed for<br />

quality control purposes, but is more typically<br />

undertaken to meet both industry standards<br />

and customer specifications.<br />

There are four different coating adhesion<br />

test methods: the knife test, the cross hatch &<br />

cross cut test, the push off adhesion test and,<br />

the most commonly used method, the pull-off<br />

adhesion test.<br />

The Pull-Off Test<br />

All pull-off adhesion testers follow the same<br />

principle. A properly prepared dolly, or pull<br />

stub, is glued to the prepared coating and, by<br />

use of a portable pull-off adhesion tester; a<br />

load is increasingly applied to the surface until<br />

the dolly is pulled off, perpendicularly from<br />

the surface.<br />

The force required to pull off the dolly, or<br />

the force the dolly withstood, produces the<br />

tensile strength in pounds per square inch<br />

(psi) or mega Pascals (MPa), which is recorded<br />

as a pass or fail depending on whether it met<br />

the specification.<br />

For a valid pull test, the coating must cover<br />

at least half of the area of the dolly face. The<br />

dolly, coating, and surface are then examined<br />

in order to identify which layer or layers the<br />

failure occurred at.<br />

The Elcometer 510 Automatic<br />

Pull-Off Adhesion Tester<br />

Using an automatic hydraulic pump the<br />

Elcometer 510 Pull-Off Adhesion Tester<br />

ensures smooth and continuous pressure<br />

application for consistent and repeatable<br />

results. Whilst the rate of pull is controlled<br />

manually for most pull off-adhesion testers,<br />

the new Elcometer 510 allows the rate of pull<br />

to be selected, and when the start button is<br />

pressed, the gauge applies the pre-selected<br />

rate automatically.<br />

Assessing the Result; Adhesive<br />

and Cohesive Failures<br />

Many National and International Standards,<br />

including ISO 4624 & ASTM D4541, require<br />

the user to record both the adhesion pull-off<br />

force and the nature of the failure as an<br />

estimated percentage to the nearest 10%.<br />

There are two types of possible failure;<br />

adhesive and cohesive.<br />

Adhesive failures occur when either the<br />

coating has failed at the interference with<br />

continues on page 42<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>




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42 TESTING<br />

another coating, leaving coating on the dolly<br />

and another coating on the substrate; or when<br />

the coating has failed at the substrate, leaving<br />

coating on the dolly and a bare substrate.<br />

Cohesive failures occur when the coating<br />

has failed within the layer, leaving the same<br />

coating on both the dolly and the test area. It<br />

is possible for both adhesive and cohesive<br />

failures to occur during one test.<br />

Glue Failure<br />

If the glue fails, and no coating is present<br />

on the dolly, or it covers less than half of the<br />

dolly face area, the pull test is invalid and<br />

should be repeated. However, if the glue fails<br />

at a value that is above the specification, then<br />

it can be reported that the adhesion exceeded<br />

the specification, and is a valid result.<br />

Recording the Results<br />

Once the dolly and substrate have been<br />

assessed, the dolly diameter, the pull rate,<br />

whether the dolly was cut around or not, the<br />

pull-off force and the percentage cover of the<br />

failure should all be recorded.<br />

In order to clearly communicate where the<br />

failure occurred, codes are used to denote the<br />

layer or layers, which includes the glue,<br />

substrate, and coating system. For example, if<br />

the pull-off force was 20 MPa and upon<br />

reviewing the dolly and surface there is a 50%<br />

cohesive failure of the bottom coat and a 50%<br />

adhesive failure between the first and second<br />

coats, (usually identified by the colours on the<br />

dolly and the coating system) then the result is<br />

recorded as 20MPa, 50% B, 50% B/C.<br />

For most gauges, all this information would<br />

have to be recorded manually, but the new<br />

Elcometer 510 Automatic Pull-Off Adhesion<br />

gauge is different. When the gauge is set to<br />

Advanced Mode, once a pull-off test has been<br />

completed, the user is able to record the<br />

nature of the fracture – adhesive or cohesive –<br />

against the reading, which can then be stored<br />

within the gauge’s memory.<br />

Furthermore, the new and improved<br />

Elcometer 510 now allows the user to store<br />

any combination of two failures where<br />

appropriate – whether it’s up to two adhesive<br />

failures (a failure at the interface between<br />

layers), two cohesive failures (a failure within<br />

the body of a coating layer, or the substrate<br />

when testing on concrete) or a combination of<br />

both adhesive and cohesive failures.<br />

The Elcometer 510 can store up to 60,000<br />

coating failure readings, complete with<br />

attribute failure information, and individual pull<br />

graphs in up to 2,500 alpha numerical<br />

batches.<br />

For those that already use the Elcometer<br />

510, to access all the latest features, the gauge<br />

can be updated using Elcometer’s free<br />

software application for PC, ElcoMaster.<br />

Instant Live Readings Direct to<br />

your PC, Tablet or Smart Phone<br />

As well as reducing inspection times, the<br />

Elcometer 510 can also speed up inspection<br />

reporting. When out in the field or on site,<br />

users can instantly review their data using<br />

ElcoMaster.<br />

Each live reading can be transferred via<br />

Bluetooth to a PC, smart phone or tablet and,<br />

at the click of a button; users are able to<br />

generate professional reports. Reports can<br />

then be emailed to clients, just seconds after<br />

the inspection has been carried out, or<br />

uploaded via cloud technology, making it<br />

accessible anywhere in the world.<br />

When using ElcoMaster on your Android or<br />

Apple mobile device, you can instantly add<br />

photos to your test results – a quick and easy<br />

way to provide evidence of the result.<br />

Easy to Use, Robust and Accurate<br />

Ideal for use in the laboratory or out in the<br />

field, on metal, wood, or concrete substrates,<br />

the Elcometer 510 Automatic Pull-Off<br />

Adhesion Tester can be used in a wide range<br />

of applications.<br />

The gauge can be used with 10, 14.2, 20 or<br />

50mm diameter dollies, your application will<br />

affect the dolly you choose.<br />

Whilst a 20mm diameter dolly is most<br />

commonly used to test coating adhesion on<br />

most substrates, there are different sized<br />

dollies for different applications.<br />

When the adhesive value of a coating is<br />

expected to be very high, use a smaller sized<br />

dolly, as the smaller the diameter, the higher<br />

the achievable tensile force – and vice-versa.<br />

So 50mm dollies, for example, are designed<br />

for testing coatings on concrete or if the<br />

adhesion is expected to be very low.<br />

14.2 and 10mm dollies, on the other hand,<br />

are typically used for testing small areas,<br />

curved surfaces, or when the adhesive value of<br />

the coating is expected to be very high.<br />

All you have to do is enter the diameter of<br />

the dolly that is being used, so that the<br />

Elcometer 510 automatically displays the<br />

correct force per area value.<br />

A range of standard and thin substrate<br />

actuator skirts are also available for adhesive<br />

strength testing on thick, thin, flat or convex<br />

substrates.<br />

The gauge has user selectable units: MPa,<br />

psi, N/mm 2 and N; and limits, the unique<br />

capability to hold the pull force at a predetermined<br />

value for a given time before<br />

releasing the pressure, to allow testing to the<br />

specified limit without increasing the force<br />

until the coating fails.<br />

The Elcometer 510 Automatic Pull-Off<br />

Adhesion Gauge also includes all the features<br />

you expect to receive from an Elcometer<br />

designed and manufactured product, including<br />

ease of use, robust and ergonomic design,<br />

menu driven colour display, and user<br />

selectable statistics and display modes.<br />

To watch our tutorial on how to update our<br />

digital gauges, or to find out more about<br />

recording pull-off adhesion results using the<br />

Elcometer 510 please visit Elcometer’s YouTube<br />

channel.<br />

To find out more information about the<br />

Elcometer 510, including a full technical<br />

specification, please visit<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

+44 (0)1922 45 8000<br />

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Riley Industries Ltd, Middlemore Lane West, Aldridge, West Midlands, WS9 8BG, UK<br />

+44 (0) 1922 45 8000<br />

Registered in England No. 1965748 Vat Reg No. 555-1648-32 Prices exclude VAT. See our web site for terms of business.

44 SPRAY GUNS<br />

Liquid gold<br />

The new automatic airspray gun<br />

TOPFINISH GA 1030 for industrial liquid<br />

coating convinces with excellent atomizing<br />

properties and a high-quality spray pattern. The<br />

universal unit for automatic applications is<br />

particularly low-wear, which reduces spare part<br />

costs and halves maintenance costs. This<br />

enables process-safe coating in continuous<br />

operation.<br />

The TOPFINISH GA 1030 from WAGNER<br />

impresses with its high reliability, minimal<br />

overspray and particularly low paint mist. Due<br />

to its modular design, the automatic airspray<br />

gun can be used for a wide variety of<br />

applications for coating work pieces made of<br />

wood, metal or plastic where a perfect<br />

appearance with high-quality surfaces is<br />

essential. "Thanks to a particularly large material<br />

passage of the nozzle, water and solvent-based<br />

media can be applied just as easily as low to<br />

high viscosity materials and paints with a high<br />

solids content. Especially for coating with UV<br />

and highly abrasive materials, the automatic<br />

gun is available as TOPFINISH GA 1020<br />

version with membrane seal - for switching<br />

times of less than 20 milliseconds and<br />

particularly fast position changes in the coating<br />

process," explains Peter Neu, senior product<br />

manager Industrial Solutions at WAGNER.<br />

Modular design for all coating<br />

requirements<br />

The new gun can be converted into<br />

different variants in no time at all. Several air<br />

caps and nozzles are available for applying<br />

different paints. In order to keep storage and<br />

investment costs low, these and the needles<br />

are identical to the spare parts of the manual<br />

TOPFINISH airspray gun GM 1030P. The<br />

TOPFINISH GA 1030 can optionally be<br />

supplied with several circulation variants, with<br />

and without flushing valve and with various<br />

base plates. Optional rear or side connections<br />

support optimal movement. Several adapters<br />

are available depending on the type of<br />

mounting required and for robot mounting.<br />

In addition, there is a robot version with fixed<br />

needle stroke without air valves.<br />

Efficient material use<br />

Overspray and thus material consumption<br />

are minimised by the optimised design of the<br />

air duct. This allows a transfer efficiency of up<br />

to 85 per cent to be achieved. The material<br />

flow is regulated very precisely via a needle<br />

adjustment knob with micrometer screw. The<br />

gun is available with internal and external air<br />

regulation, via buttons on the gun or remote<br />

control. No matter which version of the<br />

TOPFINISH GA 1030 a muser chooses: For a<br />

reliable coating process, the air supply to all<br />

variants of the new airspray gun is<br />

automatically interrupted during the coating<br />

process as soon as the needle closes.<br />

Long maintenance intervals and<br />

low spare part costs<br />

Just like the manual TOPFINISH GM<br />

1030P, the automatic TOPFINISH GA 1030 is<br />

equipped with a two part nozzle consisting of<br />

nozzle head and nozzle nut, saving costs. In<br />

case of wear, only the nozzle head has to be<br />

replaced. All parts in contact with the material<br />

are made of durable stainless steel and the<br />

needle has an additional wear-resistant and<br />

low-friction coating. The optimised, particularly<br />

durable packing and the specially coated<br />

needle support uninterrupted operation.<br />

"Even after one million switching operations,<br />

there were no leaks in the field test.<br />

Accordingly, the number of maintenance<br />

operations is considerably reduced. Thanks to<br />

the modular and service-friendly design, the<br />

wear and spare parts can then be replaced<br />

very quickly. This increases productivity and at<br />

the same time reduces maintenance and<br />

spare part costs," says Peter Neu.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


HangOn is a partner who helps customers to find smart solutions to increase<br />

the efficiency in their coating process and improve their profitability.<br />

We develop and produce in own factories. Our products are distributed from<br />

our warehouses into more than 40 countries.<br />

WEB EMAIL TELEPHONE 01547 540 573<br />

HangOn Ltd. Leintwardine, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 0NB


Investing for success<br />

One of the UK’s oldest hot dip<br />

galvanizing specialists is celebrating a<br />

major birthday in <strong>2020</strong> by pressing the<br />

button on a £300,000 investment drive.<br />

Corbetts the Galvanizers, which employs<br />

105 people at its Telford facility, will turn 160<br />

this year and has a range of events scheduled<br />

to help it mark the major anniversary,<br />

including the installation of new flux and acid<br />

tanks that will free up capacity and speed up<br />

the galvanizing process.<br />

The management team are now setting<br />

their sights on a 7% increase in volumes,<br />

which, if achieved, will generate an additional<br />

£1m of revenue for the firm.<br />

“It has certainly been a roller coaster 12<br />

months,” explained Sophie Williams, who was<br />

appointed as finance director at just 28 yearsold,<br />

making her one of the youngest female<br />

directors in the sector.<br />

“We have spent a lot of the last twelve<br />

months building a platform that would allow<br />

us to work through the economic issues we<br />

faced, whilst also pressing on with our desire<br />

to reinforce our position as one of the UK’s<br />

leading hot dip galvanizers.”<br />

She continued: “In fact, when we actually<br />

look at the figures, we can see that we<br />

achieved our best ever year for new sales and<br />

a lot of this was down to our repositioning, a<br />

new brand and successfully passing our ISO<br />

9001 quality accreditation.<br />

“When products roll out of our facility in<br />

the heart of Shropshire, the stunning finish we<br />

create is something that usually tells us that<br />

the processes, the staff and the investment we<br />

have signed off on is working.”<br />

<strong>2020</strong> marks 160 years of Corbetts the<br />

Galvanizers supplying world class hot dip<br />

galvanizing to thousands of customers across<br />

the UK and Europe.<br />

The company, which was originally founded<br />

by Samuel Corbett, opened its Wellington<br />

factory in 1860 and Shropshire has remained<br />

its home ever since.<br />

However, today’s site on Halesfield, its base<br />

since 1999, will be barely recognisable to<br />

those that started out all those years ago, with<br />

a new water recovery system in place, stateof-the-art<br />

kettles installed and a 13-strong fleet<br />

of vehicles in the yard acting as the<br />

distribution nerve centre for serving its<br />

customer base.<br />

Another major milestone was the purchase<br />

of the business by Canadian investment<br />

house Ardenton Capital in 2017 and, under its<br />

renewed backing, it has enjoyed a steep<br />

upward growth curve, putting on over £1.2m<br />

in sales and enjoying new successes in<br />

construction and the automotive sector.<br />

“Our galvanizing can be seen on street<br />

furniture, to keep vital IT infrastructure safe<br />

and on articulated lorry trailers carrying goods<br />

all over the UK. We even have a big say on<br />

the chassis that thousands of static caravans<br />

sit on. It’s all about delivering the<br />

performance, yet still making sure they look<br />

great,” added Sophie.<br />

She concluded: “<strong>2020</strong> will be a real<br />

celebration of our history, but also a marker in<br />

the sand for the next 160 years, starting with<br />

a 7% increase in volumes. If we achieve this,<br />

revenue should be up by £1m – now that’s a<br />

good birthday present.”<br />

A ‘right first time’ commitment has<br />

resonated with Corbett’s the Galvanizer’s<br />

client base and helped it convert pipeline<br />

business into actual sales, as it looks to head<br />

towards £12m of annual sales.<br />

105 people are now employed at its Telford<br />

manufacturing base and all of these staff are<br />

now part of a new training and rigorous<br />

development programme that is designed to<br />

blend new starts immediately into the team<br />

and allow existing individuals to upskill.<br />

This has been achieved through the<br />

creation of an operational support team,<br />

which is in charge of the workplace<br />

environment, employee incentive scheme and<br />

identifying opportunities for people to grow<br />

and positively influence the business.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

World‘s Leading Trade Fair<br />

for Industrial Coating<br />

Technology<br />

21 – 24 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Exhibition Centre<br />

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Ready for savings –<br />

with optimized powder<br />

coating process<br />

Advanced spray system technology for greater<br />

productivity and operating efficiency delivers top<br />

performance at the lowest operating cost. Meet our<br />

powder coating application experts at Surface World<br />

Show and learn more about the Nordson solutions for<br />

future-proof powder coating operations<br />

• Data collection and analysis<br />

• Remote connectivity<br />

• IOT readiness<br />

This and more is delivered by the next generation<br />

of Nordson powder coating system controls in<br />

combination with the highst level of the process<br />

control offered by the Encore HD spray systems.<br />

For more information please visit:<br /><br />

Visit our Expert Team at<br />

Surface World NEC,<br />

Birmingham, Booth #B13,<br />

18 th & 19 th <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />

Performance by design<br />

In cooperation with:


Simple, fast and direct way to<br />

customer services<br />

Whether it’s a question about a<br />

maintenance job, a technical problem<br />

or a spare part that’s needed - the<br />

new service app for IOS and Android makes<br />

it easy to contact the Service team directly at<br />

the relevant Ecoclean branch. The two-way<br />

real-time connection via chat function and<br />

video telephony with live image transmission<br />

allows problems to be solved both quickly and<br />

efficiently.<br />

A system reports an error, a problem arises<br />

during maintenance work, a spare part is not<br />

in stock or there’s a technical query about a<br />

machine or process: these are only some of<br />

the reasons why the equipment<br />

manufacturer’s service team needs to be<br />

contacted in order to get a cleaning system<br />

operational again as quickly as possible.<br />

Fast and straight to the right<br />

service employee<br />

To give plant users even faster and more<br />

effective support in such cases, Ecoclean also<br />

offers a range of digital services. These include<br />

the new service app for IOS and Android that<br />

is designed for smartphones as well as for the<br />

web interfaces of desktops and tablets. The<br />

application software, which is currently<br />

available in seven different languages,<br />

automatically forwards service requests directly<br />

to the service staff at the responsible Ecoclean<br />

branch.<br />

The app has various menu options for<br />

contacting the service team, such as ‘Report<br />

malfunction’, ‘Spare parts inquiry’ and<br />

‘Technical support’. This pre-selection helps to<br />

ensure that the request is routed to the<br />

appropriate member of the relevant service<br />

team. If a company has more than one<br />

Ecoclean cleaning system in operation, the<br />

machine in question can be selected from the<br />

‘My Machines’ menu. This way, service<br />

employee know exactly which system is<br />

concerned as soon as they are contacted, and<br />

have the necessary documentation at hand.<br />

Easy to use and reliable: realtime<br />

connection via chat and<br />

video<br />

During the service request, a two-way realtime<br />

connection with chat, photo and video<br />

functions simplifies communication between<br />

the machine operator and the Ecoclean<br />

service team. For example, the photo of a<br />

defective component can be sent live,<br />

enabling it to be quickly identified by the<br />

service employee and an order or quote<br />

initiated. The information and instructions<br />

required to remedy a problem or for system<br />

maintenance can be transmitted directly to<br />

customer’s staff by smartphone. The video<br />

chat function allows helpdesk employees to<br />

follow the work being carried out in real time<br />

and intervene immediately if something goes<br />

‘wrong’. With the telephone or chat function,<br />

queries can be answered straightaway or<br />

more detailed instructions given.<br />

This helps make sure that malfunctions or<br />

maintenance tasks are not only rectified or<br />

performed more quickly by the plant user's<br />

staff but also more reliably. Consequently, the<br />

digitized service support minimizes<br />

unscheduled machine downtimes and<br />

associated production losses. This also reduces<br />

the number of necessary trips by support staff<br />

as well as CO2 emissions.<br />

The service app can be downloaded for<br />

Android devices from Google Play and for<br />

IOS devices from the App Store.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

NEW<br />

Innovations<br />

from Lutz<br />

Lutz Battery Pumps<br />

B1 Battery, B2 Battery<br />

Lightweight, comfortable and powerful<br />

Lutz horizontal eccentric screw pumps<br />

B70H Series<br />

For mobile and stationary application<br />

Lutz Compressed Air Motors<br />

MDxL Series<br />

Small Motor - Great Effect<br />

Lutz (U.K.) Ltd.<br />

Unit C1 Loades Ecoparc · Black Horse Rd · Exhall, Coventry · CV7 9FW · Phone 02477 / 103306<br />

50 WELDING<br />

Brand new day<br />

ESAB Welding & Cutting Products today<br />

announced that it has finalised the<br />

transition to the Exaton brand name for<br />

all welding filler metals involved with its 2018<br />

acquisition of Sandvik Welding Consumables.<br />

Globally, all products now carry the Exaton<br />

name. For the EU, Middle East and Asia-<br />

Pacific regions, the new naming conventions<br />

are as follows:<br />

• For stainless products, the Sandvik name<br />

has been replaced with the Exaton followed<br />

by the EN-ISO classification of the product.<br />

For example, Sandvik 25.10.4.L is now<br />

Exaton 25.10.4.L.<br />

• The nickel-based consumables previously<br />

sold under the Sanicro name have been<br />

renamed with “Exaton Ni” in front of the<br />

current Sanicro number. For example,<br />

Sandvik Sanicro 72HP is now Exaton<br />

Ni72HP.<br />

“We believe that keeping the alloying<br />

number structure will minimise the change<br />

for customers and distributors, as will<br />

keeping all article numbers the same,” says<br />

Henrik Calander, general manager specialty<br />

alloys, ESAB. Users can find a complete list<br />

of Exaton product names online.<br />

Calander emphasizes that this change is<br />

solely related to the Exaton brand transition<br />

and only affects product names on labels,<br />

packaging and Material Safety Data Sheets.<br />

“The parameters and performance of<br />

Exaton consumables remains the same, so<br />

there is no need to requalify weld<br />

procedures or specifications,” he says.<br />

Specialty Alloy Leader<br />

The Exaton portfolio includes solid welding<br />

wire and rods, flux cored wire, MMA<br />

electrodes, strip electrodes, flux and weld<br />

finishing chemical products. Exaton works<br />

directly with fabricators and end users in the<br />

world’s most demanding segments, such as<br />

oil and gas, chemical processing, nuclear<br />

power generation and cryogenic applications.<br />

Previously completed brand transition<br />

activities included the updated brand look,<br />

moving the Exaton mobile app (which<br />

includes useful interactive calculators) and<br />

moving Material Safety Data Sheets to the<br />

ESAB website.<br />

ESAB Welding & Cutting Products is a<br />

recognised leader in the welding and cutting<br />

industry. From time-honored processes in<br />

welding and cutting to revolutionary<br />

technologies in welding and cutting<br />

automation, ESAB’s filler metals, equipment,<br />

and accessories bring solutions to customers<br />

around the globe. For more information, visit<br /><br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

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Acton Gate Systems Limited - Tel: 01902 249299<br />

Hilton Hall Business Centre, Hilton Lane, Essington, Staffordshire, WV11 2BQ<br />

web: - email:<br />














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Are lasers the way forward?<br />

Harnessing new photonics technology a<br />

high-power (1 kW) ‘dot matrix’ ultrafast<br />

laser system carves flow-optimised metal<br />

or plastic surfaces that can reduce drag by<br />

imitating the incredibly efficient skin from<br />

sharks.<br />

Etching microscopic ‘spike’ structures onto<br />

sheet metal or plastic, the laser creates a<br />

rough surface that reduces drag to inhibit the<br />

growth of bacteria, algae or even barnacles.<br />

Shark's flesh, covered in millions of<br />

microscopic denticles - or tiny protruding<br />

scales - reduces drag to make it a highly<br />

efficient swimmer.<br />

Similarly, engraved metal or plastic surfaces<br />

can have 'anti-fouling' properties that prevent<br />

contaminants or microorganisms from clinging<br />

on.<br />

The scientists behind the three-year<br />

European laser project MultiFlex expect the<br />

specially-designed structures on steel ship<br />

hulls helping to reduce fuel consumption and<br />

replace toxic ship paints and varnishes that are<br />

harmful to the environment.<br />

MultiFlex is supported by the European<br />

Commission in the framework of the EU<br />

Horizon <strong>2020</strong> ICT programme with a grant of<br />

€ 4.7 million under the Photonics Public<br />

Private Partnership.<br />

Dr Johannes Finger, coordinator of the<br />

MultiFlex project, said: “Laser-fabricated<br />

surface structures have the potential to reduce<br />

friction and to prevent the growth of plants<br />

and algae. This could significantly reduce ship<br />

repair, maintenance, CO2 emissions and fuel<br />

bills while providing an alternative to harmful<br />

coatings that are toxic to the environment.”<br />

“Besides maritime components, application<br />

fields can be found in aircraft and<br />

turbomachinery. Here, surface structures might<br />

inhibit cavitation and thus improve lifetimes of<br />

propellers of propulsion systems or water<br />

turbines.<br />

“Our photonics system can also create<br />

design textures or ‘microcavities’. Here the<br />

environment benefits by replacing<br />

environmental problematic technologies like<br />

chemical etching,” said Dr Finger.<br />

Ultrashort Pulsed (USP) or 'Ultrafast' lasers<br />

can ablate any material without damaging it.<br />

Surfaces cut with a USP are smooth, on a<br />

micron-scale and ideal for many industries<br />

where hard materials need to be processed<br />

with the highest precision.<br />

Dot Matrix Laser<br />

Developed by the MultiFlex project, the<br />

material is structured by the world's first 'dot<br />

matrix' laser.<br />

In the same way that an old-fashioned dot<br />

matrix printer uses a moving head, printing in<br />

a line by line motion, the laser sends superfast<br />

pulses of concentrated energy to ablate -<br />

or cut - materials that are notoriously difficult<br />

to work with.<br />

Resembling a giant chessboard, the system<br />

splits a single beam into a grid of 64<br />

‘beamlets’, where every single ray can be<br />

turned on, off, positioned, and individually<br />

‘tuned’.<br />

“Existing ultrafast lasers are known for their<br />

precise ablation and cutting results.<br />

Unfortunately, processing large parts with such<br />

lasers can take weeks. Our system will ablate<br />

more than 150 mm³ in one minute, therefore<br />

making it hundreds of times faster than<br />

existing technologies,” said Dr Finger.<br />

Wider Applications<br />

While the laser represents an exciting<br />

breakthrough in surface technology, the<br />

ultrafast laser has several wider applications:<br />

Tool and Mould Manufacturing – With<br />

increased throughput, MultiFlex is making<br />

many USP mould and tool making<br />

applications, such as fabricating venting holes<br />

or microcavities, and making textures on freeform<br />

surfaces more cost-efficient. Tool and<br />

mould application is the first field where the<br />

technology will be validated.<br />

Automotive - By delivering high<br />

throughput for USP surface processing<br />

technology, MultiFlex is tackling the microstructuring<br />

applications for interior lighting,<br />

instrument clusters and aesthetic and haptic<br />

structures.<br />

Electronics – Increasing the spread of<br />

ultrafast processing in electronics will improve<br />

the performance and reliability of sophisticated<br />

high-performance electronic components.<br />

Ultrafast laser-based fabrication of via holes<br />

and technical ceramics for high-performance<br />

electronics will be significantly improved.<br />

Printing and Embossing – With a more<br />

economical and rapid production line, the<br />

MultiFlex system has the potential to<br />

significantly increase electronics printing,<br />

precise embossing of microstructures and the<br />

fabrication efficiency for high precision tools.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

AT<br />

Pull-Off Adhesion Testers<br />

Measure the adhesion of coatings to<br />

metal, wood, concrete and more<br />

Automatic Features<br />

n Impact and scratch resistant color Touch Screen display with keypad<br />

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n Record the results as pass/fail and the nature of fracture —<br />

cohesive, adhesive and glue failures<br />

WiFi<br />

Please come<br />

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Surface World Exhibition at the<br />

NEC 18/19th <strong>March</strong>,<br />

Stand D9<br />

AT-A<br />

Automatic<br />

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Also available<br />

AT-M Manual Model<br />

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Proud supplier of DeFelsko Inspection Instruments


Performance driven<br />

The new targets for DSM’s Dyneema<br />

portfolio address industry-specific<br />

demands and are fully aligned with<br />

DSM’s commitment to create brighter lives for<br />

all and focused on the three key areas in<br />

which DSM is driving sustainable markets:<br />

nutrition & health, climate & energy and<br />

resources & circularity. This follows DSM’s<br />

strategy ‘Growth & Value - Purpose led,<br />

Performance driven’.<br />

People protected – 40 million by<br />

2023<br />

With Dyneema, DSM is continuously<br />

raising the bar when it comes to realizing<br />

healthier and safer working conditions, with a<br />

specific focus on personal protection wear and<br />

equipment for first responders, law<br />

enforcement officers, heavy industry workers<br />

and sports enthusiasts across the world. Today,<br />

products and solutions with Dyneema protect<br />

30 million people per year and by 2023 the<br />

aim is to protect at least an additional 10<br />

million people for a total of 40 million people<br />

per year.<br />

Bio-based feedstock – 60% by<br />

2030<br />

DSM is also introducing a bio-based<br />

feedstock for Dyneema. By 2030, at least<br />

60% of Dyneema fiber feedstock will be<br />

sourced from bio-based raw materials<br />

enabling our customers to seamlessly shift to<br />

a more sustainable product and solution,<br />

without compromising on fiber performance.<br />

In this way, DSM is taking the next major<br />

step in its sustainability journey, introducing<br />

the first ever bio-based ultra-high molecular<br />

weight polyethylene fiber and further<br />

reducing its reliance on fossil-based resources.<br />

A mass-balancing approach will be used for<br />

the new bio-based Dyneema. The Dyneema<br />

bio-based material will be supplied to<br />

customers carrying the globally recognized<br />

ISCC Plus sustainability certification and will<br />

not require re-qualification of downstream<br />

products.<br />

Recycling Dyneema at<br />

end-of-use<br />

By <strong>2020</strong>, DSM will establish an industry<br />

coalition consisting of customers, waste<br />

processors, and recycling companies to<br />

address the recycling of end products made<br />

with Dyneema fiber. As a first step, a DSM<br />

Circularity Summit with some key partners<br />

and recyclers took place in Brussels in<br />

November 2019. During the event the<br />

participants jointly created and committed to<br />

joining the Coalition while also setting clear<br />

priorities, establishing a vision of success,<br />

creating an action plan, and identifying<br />

opportunities to accelerate the transition to a<br />

circular economy. DSM believes that the<br />

transition towards a more circular economy is<br />

only possible by collaborating across the entire<br />

value-chain.<br />

Wilfrid Gambade, president DSM Dyneema<br />

said: “With our Dyneema portfolio we actively<br />

contribute to the development of more<br />

sustainable and life-saving products. We are<br />

aware of the sustainability challenges<br />

concerning our markets and industries and<br />

strongly believe that we can set an example<br />

by improving our own operations. At the<br />

same time, by working closely together with<br />

our partners and suppliers, we aim to grow<br />

performance and quality when it comes to<br />

protecting people and the environment they<br />

live in - because all life is precious.”<br />

DSM will continue driving its sustainability<br />

strategy across all the industries in which<br />

Dyneema is used, including law enforcement<br />

and personal protection, heavy lifting,<br />

maritime, renewable energy, sports and<br />

fashion.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>



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Any type, any make: we’ll fix it!<br />

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Any type, any make.<br />

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56 CLEANING<br />

Sustainable future<br />

Prior to the General Election last<br />

December, polls indicated that almost a<br />

third of voters felt the environment was<br />

an important issue. By comparison, two years<br />

ago ahead of the election in 2017, that figure<br />

was less than 10%. Increasing numbers of<br />

people here in the UK are being affected by<br />

extreme weather events caused by climate<br />

change as is often graphically illustrated in the<br />

media, so it’s probably not surprising that the<br />

environment has become such an important<br />

topic in the last few years.<br />

Component cleaning is often undervalued<br />

yet it plays a vital role in the manufacturing<br />

process. Get it right and it can provide<br />

significant benefits to the user in terms of<br />

improved reliability, extended working life and<br />

reduced failure rates of manufactured<br />

components. Get it wrong and it can create<br />

headaches, as is often illustrated when a<br />

breakdown occurs, and the production<br />

process grinds to a halt. That’s when the<br />

cleaning machine suddenly becomes the most<br />

important piece of kit in factory! Despite this,<br />

many companies pay little regard to their<br />

cleaning equipment and process and that<br />

includes how it impacts on the environment.<br />

Throughout the lifetime of D&S Ultra-<br />

Clean, we’ve always aimed to ensure that the<br />

cleaning equipment we supply has as little<br />

impact on the environment as possible. We<br />

teamed up with leading, European equipment<br />

manufacturers who have invested heavily in<br />

the use of technology to improve equipment<br />

design, functionality and environmental<br />

performance. We did this because we could<br />

demonstrate that working in an<br />

environmentally responsible manner also<br />

offered significant benefits to the user in<br />

terms of improved operator safety and<br />

reduced running costs.<br />

Our philosophy has always been to work<br />

closely with prospective customers to<br />

understand their application and propose the<br />

most appropriate equipment and process. We<br />

have a product range that uses technology to<br />

minimise energy consumption such as heat<br />

pumps instead of electric heating and vacuum<br />

drying rather than hot air. In addition, every<br />

machine utilises highly efficient, thermal<br />

insulation to minimise heat loss, and<br />

refrigerated cooling. Our range of closed and<br />

enclosed solvent cleaning machines, designed<br />

to use a range of solvents that have very low<br />

global warming potential, emit little to the<br />

atmosphere and readily meet regulatory<br />

emission standards, in some instances using<br />

novel technology such as superheated vapour<br />

to aid drying of complex components. They<br />

also incorporate highly efficient distillation<br />

equipment to maintain cleaning performance<br />

and minimise waste generation. Similarly, our<br />

aqueous cleaning systems minimise water<br />

usage and waste generation by continuously<br />

removing contaminants, cleaning and<br />

recirculating wash and rinse solutions. All<br />

these features not only reduce the impact on<br />

the environment but also provide reduced<br />

operating costs and a positive return on<br />

investment.<br />

We have a UK based service team that has<br />

gained a well-deserved reputation for excellent<br />

service and professionalism. We install and<br />

commission every machine and ensure it is set<br />

up to provide optimum performance in the<br />

working environment then provide detailed<br />

training to ensure operators and maintenance<br />

staff are conversant with the important<br />

machine features, correct operating procedures<br />

and critical, routine maintenance activities. All<br />

these factors are important to ensure the<br />

machine continues to operate safely and<br />

efficiently. We also offer comprehensive,<br />

preventive maintenance programmes to suit<br />

customer preference and machine utilisation.<br />

Our maintenance schedules cover the key<br />

areas of machine operation to keep the unit in<br />

good health and reduce the occurrence of<br />

breakdowns. Of course, this is the real world<br />

and breakdowns do occur from time to time<br />

so every machine is fitted with a modem so<br />

that faults can be diagnosed remotely and, in<br />

many cases, repairs undertaken. This feature<br />

helps to get machines up and running quickly<br />

but it also brings the added environmental<br />

benefit of helping to reduce travel and<br />

reducing vehicle emissions!<br />

Is your current cleaning equipment and<br />

process fit for purpose and how does it impact<br />

on the environment? Now is the time to take<br />

stock and, where necessary, implement<br />

change as we all need to focus on how we<br />

can minimise the environmental impact of our<br />

activities. Improving the environmental<br />

performance of your cleaning process can,<br />

and does, provide business benefits, so the<br />

sooner you make a start, the sooner you can<br />

reap the rewards.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>



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58 CASE STUDY<br />

New look<br />

Wedge Group Galvanizing is rolling out<br />

a new look for its fleet of more than<br />

100 trucks.<br />

The business runs a collection and delivery<br />

service at each of its 14 plants across the UK<br />

and is keen to modernise the livery across the<br />

entire operation.<br />

Some 70 rigid HGVs and 42 articulated<br />

lorries will have the new livery on the<br />

company’s fleet renewal programme.<br />

The move is part of a major overhaul of the<br />

nationwide fleet, which is also being switched<br />

from Mercedes to DAF chassis.<br />

An initial batch of 12 new vehicles, each<br />

featuring the new livery along with additional<br />

safety messaging, joined the £5m-a-year<br />

logistics operation this month with the<br />

remainder of the existing assets to be<br />

introduced on a rolling replacement basis.<br />

Paul Thompson, fleet transport manager for<br />

Wedge Group Galvanizing, said: “Our vehicles<br />

are our shop window in many ways, so it’s<br />

vital that they stand out and are consistent<br />

with our brand guidelines.<br />

“The new modern livery will make each of<br />

our trucks instantly recognisable and that<br />

improves our visibility.”<br />

Wedge Group, which purchases all HGVs,<br />

trailers and materials handling equipment<br />

outright, is sourcing Euro 6 compliant<br />

CF480FTG tractor units and LF230FA trucks<br />

from DAF dealers Ford and Slater, based in<br />

Leicester, while bodies for rigids are being<br />

supplied by Bevan Group in Wednesbury,<br />

West Midlands.<br />

Paul added: “We’re switching to DAF for<br />

several reasons, but largely because they<br />

produce great trucks which have an excellent<br />

aftercare service.”<br />

Each of the plants within the Wedge Group<br />

network, which stretches from Glasgow to<br />

Devon and from Newport, Wales to East<br />

Anglia, runs its own collection and delivery<br />

service with trucks based on site.<br />

Paul, who is based at the company<br />

headquarters in Willenhall, West Midlands,<br />

said: “Some operate more vehicles than<br />

others, depending on workload, and some will<br />

have more artics than others, depending on<br />

the type of work they’re typically carrying out.<br />

“We also have around 100 of our own<br />

drivers and will supplement that, as and when<br />

necessary, so it’s certainly a major operation.<br />

"We have also invested in new systems and<br />

technology, including increasing the number<br />

of load lashing points and developed two new<br />

dedicated Driver CPC courses specifically for<br />

the Wedge Group.<br />

“Collection and delivery has been an<br />

integral part of the business for many years<br />

and we’re making sure it’s a service that’s fit<br />

for the future.”<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


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Replacing the tin<br />

Henkel has introduced Teroson EP 5020<br />

TR, a two-component epoxy-based cold<br />

rebuilding material designed to replace<br />

conventional tin solder in aftermarket repairs<br />

of automotive body damages. Fast curing,<br />

easier to sand and smoother to apply than<br />

previous solutions, the material also eliminates<br />

the heat and open flame process required for<br />

tin soldered repairs.<br />

As the automotive industry continues to<br />

develop new body materials, there is a need<br />

for compatible aftermarket repair technology<br />

that has no impact on adjacent plastic<br />

components, paint or backside corrosion<br />

protection. Henkel has anticipated this<br />

challenge and developed Teroson EP 5020<br />

TR. The new epoxy formulation can be<br />

applied at room temperature in a smooth,<br />

flameless and solder-free process.<br />

“By providing a cold rebuilding solution to<br />

replace conventional hot tin soldering, our<br />

new two-component Teroson EP 5020 TR<br />

product saves time and labor in aftermarket<br />

body repairs and is also safer to work with,”<br />

says Joern Senftleben, regional<br />

technology/segment engineer, vehicle repair<br />

& maintenance at Henkel. “Moreover, as a<br />

completely tin-free and heavy-metal-free<br />

material it is also a more sustainable<br />

alternative.”<br />

Teroson EP 5020 TR is supplied in manual<br />

gun cartridges with a special mixing nozzle<br />

for ease of application. It can be used on all<br />

metal surfaces, including modern steel alloys<br />

and aluminum, as well as for body repairs on<br />

all kinds of vehicles, including trucks. In<br />

contrast to tin solder and open flame<br />

processes there are no high temperatures or<br />

naked flames involved, which means that the<br />

body parts to be repaired do not have to be<br />

removed and fitted again in order to prevent<br />

damage to nearby plastic components.<br />

Thanks to its excellent properties, Teroson<br />

5020 TR is also ideal for repairs in areas that<br />

are more difficult to access. The cold<br />

rebuilding and flameless process ensures that<br />

the paint and protective corrosion coating<br />

around the area of repair will not be<br />

damaged.<br />

The material has an open time of<br />

approximately 10 minutes, which gives the<br />

body specialist sufficient time for rebuilding<br />

the original contours of the part to repair.<br />

In addition, this new material is even easier<br />

to apply and sand than Henkel’s previous<br />

product version, resulting in a smooth<br />

substrate for subsequent filling and painting.<br />

Teroson EP 5020 TR is now available<br />

throughout Western Europe in 50 ml twocomponent<br />

cartridges for efficient application<br />

with standard cartridge guns. It will be<br />

supplied together with a static mixer to<br />

provide a homogenous compound. The<br />

175ml will be available by the end of the year.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>


Find the right pump<br />

Vacuum technology specialist, Leybold,<br />

has developed two new online tools to<br />

assist customer’s pump choice and<br />

layout of complete vacuum systems: The<br />

Pump Finder and the calculation tool<br />

LEYCALC. With these new web-based tools,<br />

users can select and build their vacuum<br />

solutions online.<br />

They are designed to be used for two<br />

different use cases: The homepage<br /> leads to both<br />

the Pump Finder and LEYCALC, the vacuum<br />

system calculation tool. Users with vacuum<br />

know-how can use LEYCALC to calculate the<br />

behavior and performance of vacuum<br />

systems in detail. The Pump Finder guides<br />

even beginners to suitable products by a<br />

questionnaire.<br />

Step by step to the right offer<br />

The Pump Finder is designed to navigate<br />

vacuum users step-by-step to find the ideal<br />

pump for their application. Throughout the<br />

selection tool, pumps can be refined by<br />

entering values for chamber size, target<br />

pressure and pipe dimensions. There are two<br />

calculation options for<br />

modelling different vacuum applications:<br />

process flow and vacuum chamber pump<br />

down. A process gas flow is a continuous gas<br />

flow where the constant pressure is conveyed.<br />

A vacuum chamber pump down is an<br />

application where the chamber is<br />

pumped/evacuated to a specific target<br />

pressure. The result is a selection of vacuum<br />

pumps that meet the customer's<br />

requirements.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

continues on page 64

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Corus Activa - the new range of ultrasonic cleaners<br />

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Targeted product selection<br />

LEYCALC can be used for detailed<br />

engineering of vacuum systems using the same<br />

powerful algorithms as Leybold’s application<br />

experts. The tool allows customers to calculate<br />

their vacuum systems fully independently and<br />

for complex scenarios, the experts offer their full<br />

support.<br />

"Previously, we had to adjust parameters such<br />

as chamber size, process gases, cycle times, pipe<br />

length and pressure values during the initial<br />

contact with the customer. With the help of the<br />

simulation software, the user can independently<br />

calculate configurations and get an initial idea of<br />

the vacuum performance," explains Dr. Tom<br />

Kammermeier, global application manager,<br />

Industrial Vacuum. "In the past, there were often<br />

lengthy dialogues about such details," says<br />

Kammermeier. Now users can perform their<br />

calculations independently – with the result that<br />

the entire process leads to a more targeted and<br />

faster selection of the right solutions for the<br />

application. "We expect LEYCALC to improve<br />

the contact quality with our customers,"<br />

summarizes Kammermeier.<br />

Efficient communication and fast<br />

solutions<br />

Once the user of the online tool has defined<br />

the pump’s chamber and the target pressure,<br />

LEYCALC performs the calculation of a pump<br />

down curve: The result is immediately displayed<br />

in a diagram. This shows exactly how long it<br />

takes to pump the air out of the chamber to a<br />

defined pressure and how the pressure develops<br />

over time. Alternatively, the user can calculate<br />

the pumping speed curve of a pump system.<br />

This shows which pumping speed is provided at<br />

a certain pressure. All calculation data is stored<br />

centrally and can be called up at any time and<br />

from any device by customers who have<br />

registered. Calculation results can also be shared<br />

with specialists at Leybold. This allows a detailed<br />

discussion about the respective vacuum<br />

application. Overall, the platform leads to<br />

considerably more efficient customer<br />

communication and faster solutions in complex<br />

projects. Leybold’s vacuum experts will be<br />

happy to answer any questions regarding<br />

specific calculations in a timely fashion.<br />

Conductivity losses immediately<br />

apparent<br />

"In addition to the chambers and pumps of<br />

a vacuum system, the different influences of<br />

pipelines are also taken into account. These<br />

include the conductance effects in all pressure<br />

ranges and flow regimes, blocking and, of<br />

course, the volume of the lines," explains<br />

Hannes Kamecke, the IT manager responsible<br />

for the online configurator. In some cases, it<br />

then becomes apparent that a pump with<br />

higher individual performance would not<br />

improve the overall vacuum performance<br />

because the reductions are caused by an<br />

incorrectly dimensioned pipeline. "However,<br />

the diagram immediately shows that the pipe<br />

diameter needs to be increased," explains<br />

Hannes Kamecke.<br />

Further development planned<br />

Navigation through the web-based software<br />

solution is conveniently possible on all kind of<br />

devices like tablets, smartphones. Sections in<br />

need of explanation are linked to more<br />

detailed background information on vacuum<br />

technique. In future, LEYCALC will comprise<br />

the whole<br />

Leybold product portfolio, covering also high<br />

vacuum applications. "With the publication of<br />

the new calculation tools, Leybold makes its<br />

vacuum know-how collected over decades<br />

available to its customers and thus lays the<br />

foundation for modern digital customer<br />

communication. The offer thus represents an<br />

important building block in the digital<br />

customer experience strategy of the vacuum<br />

specialist," concludes Hannes Kamecke.<br />

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<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

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66 PUMPS<br />

Up in the ring<br />

Edwards Vacuum has combined its years<br />

of comprehensive know how and<br />

innovative technical expertise to develop<br />

a range of new liquid ring pumps – the ELRi<br />

series.<br />

Megha Ajmal, product manager for Rough<br />

Vacuum products commented, “Made for<br />

applications which are wet, humid as well as<br />

corrosive, this product offers a range of<br />

features and benefits that will distinguish itself<br />

from other competitor pumps in the market.<br />

From the ability to optimise processes to<br />

save energy, ELRi complements our range of<br />

solutions we offer for the industrial and rough<br />

vacuum markets.”<br />

Innovation meets reliability<br />

The technical features are of central<br />

importance in this new development. The<br />

stainless steel impeller, endplates, liquid<br />

reservoir and heat exchanger makes this<br />

pump highly resilient against corrosion and<br />

harsh process gases.The internal injection<br />

channels reduce the risk of leakage while the<br />

horizontal motor flange arrangement saves<br />

precious time on maintenance.Use of<br />

mechanical seals also ensure reliable operation<br />

by preventing leaks as well as extending<br />

service intervals. All this state- of- the- art<br />

technology is contained in a compact noise<br />

cancelling sturdy canopy protecting and<br />

extending lifetime of the electronic<br />

components.<br />

Intelligence calms<br />

The ELRi is equipped with not just one but<br />

two VSD. While the main VSD matches the<br />

speed of the pump to vacuum level by<br />

adjusting its speed, the second VSD regulates<br />

the water flow through the centrifugal n<br />

pump according to the operating conditions<br />

to avoid risks of cavitation. A patented<br />

algorithm always maintains a perfect harmony<br />

between the two VSD’s ensuring optimal<br />

performance. In addition, it is protected<br />

against automatic seizure, so users do not<br />

have to worry about the pump failure after<br />

long periods of inactivity.<br />

Lower utility consumption and extended<br />

service intervals The integrated Air logic<br />

controller not only enables the monitoring of<br />

important features and parameters of the<br />

pump but also offers the option of set point<br />

control. This allows users to have a vacuum<br />

pump that matches the process demand<br />

saving energy. While the ECOntrol box even<br />

allows you to connect and control multiple<br />

ELRi pumps, the Icon Box enables smart<br />

monitoring and remote controlling ensures<br />

optimal servicing to get maximum uptime<br />

with your pumps. Along with this, water<br />

consumption is also reduced as the separator<br />

is only filled up when required.<br />

Designed to meet the demand<br />

The ELRi series comes in pumping capacity<br />

750 1050m 3 /hr covers a wide range of<br />

applications in the central vacuum,<br />

pharmaceutical, plastics, conveying and food<br />

applications. Speaking about the range of<br />

pumps offered, Megha Ajmal comments<br />

“While the standard range of pumps is a<br />

perfect solution of general industrial<br />

applications, the heavy-duty range is designed<br />

with all process wetted parts to be stainless<br />

steel.”<br />

All pumps are also fitted with spray nozzles<br />

as standard which are particularly useful for<br />

high steam load applications allowing to<br />

pump increased capacity of gas load.”<br />

Moreover, the manual and automatic modes<br />

of flushing allow operation in even in the<br />

dirtiest applications with minimal downtime.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

Coating Thickness Gauge for Non-Metal Substrates<br />

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Ideal for measuring<br />

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68 PROFILE<br />

Record results<br />

KEMPER has closed the business year<br />

2019 with a record result. The turnover<br />

increased by about 11.5 percent<br />

compared to the previous year. The<br />

manufacturer of extraction units and filter<br />

systems thus once again exceeded the<br />

previous sales record from 2018. Growth was<br />

driven in particular by the markets in<br />

Southern Europe, Great Britain and after-sales<br />

service. KEMPER has already set the structural<br />

course for further growth and is looking<br />

positively at the development in the coming<br />

years. In the course of a personnel increase in<br />

all business areas, the number of employees<br />

in 2019 will rise by 13 percent to more than<br />

400.<br />

"In the past fiscal year, we once again<br />

significantly strengthened our international<br />

market position," says Björn Kemper, CEO.<br />

"The demand for effective occupational safety<br />

in metalworking continues to grow - and<br />

KEMPER is responding to the increasing<br />

demand with smart solutions".<br />

Booming international business<br />

One of the success factors is the strong<br />

European business. In the UK, the<br />

manufacturer has been benefiting from<br />

stricter health and safety regulations since<br />

February 2019, which is fuelling demand for<br />

welding fume extraction systems. This is due<br />

to the reclassification of welding fumes by the<br />

Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It no<br />

longer only classifies hazardous substances as<br />

carcinogenic when welding stainless steel, but<br />

also when welding mild steel. KEMPER has<br />

the world's most comprehensive portfolio of<br />

extraction systems for protection against<br />

carcinogenic welding fumes.<br />

Last year, the manufacturer from the<br />

Münsterland region founded a subsidiary in<br />

Russia, repositioned its original equipment<br />

manufacturer (OEM) business and<br />

strengthened all business areas with new<br />

personnel. Sales also increased significantly in<br />

the services segment, in particular thanks to<br />

the restructured after-sales services. With<br />

Frederic Lanz, a proven welding technology<br />

expert and industry insider joined the<br />

KEMPER management team, who has been<br />

actively shaping the development of the<br />

company since January 2019.<br />

Further growth targeted<br />

"The course is set for further growth in the<br />

coming years - both structurally and in terms<br />

of personnel", says Frederic Lanz, managing<br />

director marketing & sales at KEMPER. "Our<br />

solutions offer significant added value beyond<br />

pure extraction". This is exemplified by the<br />

new KEMPERbeats extraction hood with<br />

integrated Bluetooth speaker.<br />

In addition, the continuing shortage of<br />

skilled workers and increasing health<br />

awareness among welders remain important<br />

growth engines for KEMPER. Metalworking<br />

companies are increasingly focusing on "soft"<br />

factors when recruiting employees, such as a<br />

pleasant working atmosphere and a healthy<br />

working environment. This sends positive<br />

signals to applicants. "Discussions with our<br />

customers show quite clearly: clean factory<br />

buildings and a high level of occupational<br />

safety are an absolute must", says Lanz.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

70 PAINT EXPO<br />

Future proof<br />

Automated and digitalised processes, as<br />

well as solutions for efficient product<br />

customisation, are at the top of the list<br />

where key trends in industrial painting<br />

technology are concerned. New developments<br />

in these areas are making it possible to<br />

effectively meet increasing demands for<br />

quality and flexibility, as well as material and<br />

energy efficiency, and to counter growing cost<br />

pressure.<br />

The surface of a product is often an<br />

essential criterion for its success and thus<br />

decisive for the respective company’s<br />

competitive edge. Companies with in-house<br />

painting operations and coating job-shops are<br />

faced with changing and new requirements in<br />

this regard. And thus automation and<br />

digitalisation of the painting process represent<br />

a significant trend. On the one hand this<br />

involves assuring increased process stability<br />

from a quality standpoint, achieving lower<br />

consumption levels and meeting ongoing<br />

demands for more individualised products<br />

along with the resulting smaller batch sizes all<br />

the way down to a single piece. On the other<br />

hand, increased sustainability, economic<br />

efficiency and the global shortage of qualified<br />

personnel are also playing a role.<br />

Automation of Painting<br />

Processes<br />

Automated painting with robots has been<br />

the state-of-the-art for quite some time now in<br />

the automotive industry and various other<br />

industry sectors. However, in the meantime<br />

many small and medium-sized companies are<br />

also feeling the need to automate painting<br />

through the use of robots in order to reduce<br />

their error rates. Nor is it uncommon to<br />

replace the single and 2-axis lifting devices<br />

which have been used thus far. The goal is to<br />

combine the high quality and reproducibility<br />

of robotic painting with a flexible and costeffective<br />

solution. This desire is being<br />

expressed to an ever greater extent in the<br />

field of powder coating as well. Painting<br />

equipment and robot manufacturers are<br />

responding to this need with multi-axis robots<br />

specially designed for the coating industry, as<br />

well as so-called robot painting cells. The<br />

technology required for applying solvent or<br />

water-based, single and multi-component<br />

paints is adapted to the respective customer<br />

project. New spray gun controllers permit very<br />

precise application. All painting parameters<br />

can be easily accessed and adjusted extremely<br />

precisely. This results in high repetition<br />

accuracy and uniform coating results. A<br />

further advantage of the new spray gun<br />

controllers is the option for exchanging data<br />

with higher-level control systems.<br />

Numerous programs which permit manual<br />

teach-in are available for programming the<br />

robot’s motion sequences. Offline<br />

programming provides a more efficient<br />

alternative to conventional teach-in. The<br />

corresponding software tools make it possible<br />

to program motion sequences and spray<br />

paths for each component to be painted at<br />

the PC workstation, and in some cases it’s also<br />

possible to run a simulation before the<br />

program is transferred to the robot. However,<br />

this doesn’t mean that there’s no longer any<br />

need for painting specialists in order to set up<br />

an ideal painting process.<br />

Automation isn’t limited to motion<br />

sequences and paint application alone. Other<br />

factors include paint preparation, paint<br />

conveyance, dosing and colour changeovers.<br />

In this case as well, new developments are<br />

available for automated processes which<br />

contribute to optimised quality and the<br />

efficient use of resources.<br />

Process Monitoring, Control and<br />

Documentation<br />

The integration of systems for the<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

PAINT EXPO 71<br />

automated monitoring of process parameters<br />

such as paint quantities, temperature, process<br />

air and spray jet monitoring, as well as the<br />

logging and evaluation of these data, are<br />

further tasks that are becoming increasingly<br />

important for companies with in-house<br />

painting operations and job-shop coaters. Here<br />

too, new solutions are available which permit<br />

connection to the MES systems of the<br />

equipment operators.<br />

Quality control solutions for the coated<br />

surfaces can also be integrated into the<br />

process. For example, quality control can be<br />

conducted by means of the tetrahertz<br />

technique. This makes it possible to measure<br />

coating thicknesses in a non-destructive,<br />

contactless manner for wet as well as already<br />

hardened coatings. Tetrahertz radiation is<br />

capable of examining multi-layer structures<br />

and reading out values for the individual layer<br />

thicknesses. Contactless deflectometry reveals<br />

coating defects such as craters, bubbles,<br />

agglomerates and contamination inclusions on<br />

the coated surface. Both measuring methods<br />

can be used inline, thus making it possible to<br />

eliminate any defects immediately. Various<br />

projects involving the use of automated<br />

grinding processes with robots for the<br />

elimination of defects are currently underway.<br />

Based on previously logged and evaluated<br />

data, the manipulator knows exactly where<br />

grinding is required.<br />

However, it will still be a while before socalled<br />

machine learning can be conducted on<br />

the basis of acquired and evaluated process<br />

and quality data with the help of the<br />

corresponding algorithms, i.e. before it will be<br />

possible to adjust processes adaptively.<br />

Intelligent Painting Cell for Batch<br />

Size 1<br />

A self-programming robot painting cell<br />

known as Selfpaint was developed within the<br />

framework of a since completed research<br />

project. It permits fully automated, costeffective<br />

painting of extremely small<br />

manufacturing lots and single parts. Not only<br />

are the component areas to be painted<br />

calculated for the robot on the finishing basis of subs three-<br />

quarter efficiently. page_9x_Layout 1 16/09/2019 12:49 Page 1<br />

dimensional models and simulations, but<br />

rather what the robot should watch out for<br />

and how it should paint as well. After the<br />

coating process, a robot-aided quality<br />

inspection is conducted with a tetrahertz<br />

measuring system, which measures the layer<br />

thickness of the applied paint. As compared<br />

with manual painting which has dominated<br />

these applications thus far, the intelligent<br />

robotic painting cell reduces paint<br />

consumption by 20% and energy<br />

consumption by 15%, as well as production<br />

time by 5%. The modular design makes it<br />

possible to exploit the software and<br />

technologies developed to this end in<br />

applications above and beyond the selfprogramming<br />

painting cell, and can also be<br />

integrated into existing painting systems.<br />

Reducing Overspray<br />

In addition to automation, the reduction of<br />

overspray is a second major trend in industrial<br />

painting technology. The use of electrostatic<br />

application systems is an effective approach.<br />

The zero overspray paint system, for which a<br />

corresponding solution is now available and<br />

which is already being used in series<br />

production, goes one step further. In addition<br />

to comparatively simple multicolour painting<br />

without masking or intermediate drying, this<br />

technology makes it possible to lay out<br />

painting booths more simply and energy-<br />

Reach the UK's metal<br />

finishing market<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> magazine is a specialist<br />

bi-monthly for the UK’s metal<br />

finishing community.<br />

Read by decision makers in features<br />

technical papers, news, views and<br />

debate on all aspects of metal<br />

finishing and surface coating.<br />

To subscribe call the<br />

Circulation Department on<br />

T. +44(0) 141 370 3883<br />

Turret Group Ltd, Cardinal Point, Park Road,<br />

Rickmansworth, Herts, WD3 1RE, UK.<br />

T. +44 (0)1923 432705<br />

F: +44 (0)1923 432770<br />

E.<br /><br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

72 WORKSHOP<br />

Need for speedway<br />

Manchester based HMG Paints’ coatings will be heading to the<br />

Speedway track in <strong>2020</strong>. The companies powder coatings and wet<br />

paint will be used by young talent Billy Budd, who was signed by<br />

Birmingham Brummies to be their new club mascot for <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

The 12-year-old, from Ellesmere Port, began riding Formula Grass<br />

Track at the age of six and progressed through the auto cadets into the<br />

cubs at the age of eight. Having won the cubs title twice Billy moved<br />

up to the juniors a year early and impressed club bosses as he was<br />

crowned Champion last season.<br />

For the coming season Billy’s bike will utilise HMG’s highperformance<br />

coatings and flexible PVC coatings as he competes in the<br />

Speedway Youth Series, with his sights fixed on gaining rides in the<br />

Northern Junior League. Speedway Bikes have no brakes, just one<br />

gear, a clutch and 500cc engine can accelerate to 60 mph faster than<br />

a Formula One car.<br />

Switched on<br />

The new GEMÜ 3240<br />

temperature transducer/switch<br />

now allows precise temperature<br />

monitoring in systems and<br />

piping across an even broader<br />

measuring range.<br />

The GEMÜ 3240 temperature<br />

transducer/switch supersedes the<br />

existing GEMÜ 3220 product<br />

range with immediate effect. The<br />

new sensor's high-quality<br />

measuring cells are able to<br />

withstand media temperatures of<br />

between -40 °C and +150 °C<br />

and operating pressures of up to<br />

160 bar while maintaining an<br />

accuracy of 0.35% FSO.<br />

In addition to the considerably<br />

broader measuring scope, the<br />

new series scores highly in terms<br />

of its wide range of features. For<br />

demanding acid/alkali<br />

applications, all media wetted<br />

parts are available with PVDF<br />

encapsulation, for example.<br />

With an IO-Link interface, the<br />

GEMÜ 3240 temperature<br />

transducer/switch can be used<br />

centrally to automate and<br />

monitor processes. This is<br />

beneficial for system networking,<br />

for example, as it makes<br />

components compatible with one<br />

another and facilitates<br />

parameterization and data<br />

transmission.<br />

The rotatable LED display is<br />

another advantage: The 4-digit<br />

display allows the current<br />

operating parameters to be<br />

viewed in any installation<br />

position.<br />

The new GEMÜ 3240<br />

temperature transducer/switch<br />

can be used for a wide variety of<br />

applications. The sensor is a<br />

reliable temperature<br />

measurement and control<br />

instrument for use in cooling<br />

circuits or for monitoring<br />

sterilization processes. It is<br />

suitable for a huge variety of<br />

media, such as highly viscous or<br />

contaminated media. In addition,<br />

the high-quality material from<br />

which the sensor is made means<br />

that it is able to withstand even<br />

chemically corrosive media.<br />

Advanced solution<br />

DuPont Clean Technologies (DuPont) has introduced a new, advanced<br />

steam plume suppression solution for its MECS DynaWave scrubbers<br />

in SRU (sulfur recovery units) applications.<br />

Called Sennuba plume suppression technology, it employs two heat<br />

exchangers and a heat transfer medium to heat stack gas from the<br />

wet scrubbers that are used to remove pollutants from flue gases, with<br />

steam produced with the heat of the gas at the inlet of those<br />

scrubbers. This solution avoids the high operating costs associated<br />

with other methods of steam plume control, as it recovers otherwise<br />

lost heat from the process to generate the necessary steam to<br />

suppress the visible plume. Sennuba is designed with a heat transfer<br />

medium so there is no chance of leakage of the process gas directly<br />

to the stack gas. In this design, there is no forced circulation of the<br />

heat transfer medium.<br />

“Our aim was to develop a solution that would offer the refining<br />

industry a cost effective, simple to operate and low maintenance<br />

plume suppression technology for its SRU scrubbers,” said Yves<br />

Herssens, global licensing manager – scrubbing technologies, DuPont<br />

Clean Technologies.<br />

Benchtop baths<br />

Guyson International has recently introduced a new and extensive<br />

range of benchtop ultrasonic cleaning baths replacing its previous<br />

‘Kerry’ branded Pulsatron KC and MKC ultrasonic baths; which after<br />

many years of great service have now been phased out. This new<br />

Guyson ultrasonic bath range offers powerful cleaning in a reliable,<br />

affordable package and is ideal for laboratory or workshop use where<br />

precision cleaning is needed.<br />

Available in seven stainless steel tank sizes, from 2 litres to a<br />

generous 45 litres, all models feature large and easy to use LCD<br />

display, dedicated heater control, drain valve (apart from the smallest<br />

version GUK-2), as well as coming complete with stainless steel basket<br />

and lid. All models carry a two year no quibble guarantee and all<br />

Guyson products are backed with experienced national sales and<br />

service teams.<br />

Selectable functions of this exciting new ultrasonic bath range<br />

includes: Heating, De-Gas, Memory, Sleep, Sweep and Adjustable<br />

Power and all provided in a full metal construction casing equipped<br />

with lifting handles. This new range also delivers excellent precision<br />

cleaning with very low noise levels, making it perfect for quieter<br />

operational environments such as science, medical and dental<br />

laboratories and jewellery and electronics workshops.<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> – <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

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Products & Services<br />

Stewart Freshwater<br />

tel: 01923 437615 • fax: 01923 432770<br />

email: • web:<br />

Leading manufacturers of<br />

Jigs, Racking systems, Baskets, Heaters, Coils and many other<br />

products for the Anodising & Electroplating industry<br />

T: 01283 529314 • E: • W:<br />

abrasive blast cleaning equipment<br />

alloy wheel manufacturing systems<br />













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Tel: 01924 274887<br />

Fax: 01924 262219<br />


Email: (machines)<br /> (parts & service)<br />

Website:<br />



abrasives<br />

ball covers floating<br />

Contact Stewart Freshwater<br />

on 01923 437615 or email<br /><br />

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abrasive blast equipment<br />

Thermal<br />

Insulation Spheres<br />

abrasives<br />

High Carbon Steel Shot and Grit.<br />

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Full Technical Support.<br />

Tel: 01952 299777 Fax: 01952 299008<br />

Email:<br />

abrasives<br />

New Wheel Blast & Air Blast Machines<br />

2nd Hand Refurbished Machines<br />

Spares, Service, Inspections & Reports<br />

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Full Range of Abrasive Media<br />

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Straaltechniek UK<br />

Unit 8, Valley Works, Grange Lane, Sheffield S5 0DQ<br />

Tel: 01142 571077, Fax: 01142 571075<br /><br />

NEW Products From Equip.<br />

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Contact us for the latest information on our<br />

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<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Cleaning & degreasing equipment panel ad 27/09/2019 50x42 - <strong>2020</strong>.indd 14:02:50 1

for all your classified needs call Stewart Freshwater on: 01923 437615<br />

niko_5x1_FNGCLASS 20/1/12 13:45 Page 1<br />

coating applications<br />

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Delivering highly<br />

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and services to<br />

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Please contact us on:<br />

01635 279621<br /><br />

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Equipment<br />

T. 01926 813111<br /><br /><br />

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n Technical Support<br />

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Tel: 01403 272772<br />

E:<br />

Web:<br />

To advertise<br />

please call<br />

Stewart Freshwater<br />

on 01923 437615 or email<br /><br />

coatings<br />

CALDAN Conveyor Ltd.<br />

Kirkleatham Business Park<br />

Redcar • TS10 5SH<br />

Tel. +44 1642 271118<br /><br /><br />

Caldan Conveyor Solutions -<br />

simply perfect.<br />

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PVC/GRP Tanks<br />

Bund Tanks<br />

Tank Linings<br />

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Fume extraction<br />

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rdm_4x1_FNGCLASS 15/7/14 14:06 Page 1<br />

complete finishing plant<br />

(paint or powder coatings)<br />

R.D.M. Engineering Ltd, Est. 1951<br />

Stakehill Lane, Stakehill,<br />

Middleton,<br />

Manchester M24 2RW<br />

Tel: 0161 643 9333<br />

Fax: 0161 655 3467<br />

Web:<br />

E-mail:<br />

Contact: Mr R. Horwich<br />

spraybooths • rooms • ovens •<br />

conveyors • pretreatment • powder<br />

plant • air replacement units<br />

electrophoretic coatings supplier<br />









Hawking Electrotechnology Ltd<br />

T: +44 (0) 1384 483019<br />

E: • W:<br />

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on 01923 437615 or email<br /><br />

<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong> - <strong>Finishing</strong>

76 for all your classified needs call Stewart Freshwater on: 01923 437615<br />

electroplaters<br />

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fume extraction<br />

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Specialist manufacturers<br />

of acid proof equipment<br /><br />

01252 876123<br /><br />

Orchard Environmental<br />

Systems<br />

Our specialty is the design and<br />

manufacturer of:<br />

• Chemical Cleaning Plant<br />

• Fume extraction & purification<br />

• Effluent treatment plant<br />

• Water purification and recycling<br />

• Upgrade of existing plant<br />

• Turnkey systems are our specialty<br />

Tel: 01902 408766<br />

Fax: 01902 495032<br />

Email:<br />

Unit 2C, Webner Industrial Estate, Ettingshall Road,<br />

Wolverhampton WV2 2LD<br />

finishing systems<br />

fl uoropolymer immersion heaters •<br />

temp & level control •<br />

heat exchangers •<br />

external heating systems •<br />

metal immersion heaters •<br />

chemical pumps •<br />

masking<br />

To advertise please call<br />

Stewart Freshwater on<br />

01923 437615 or email<br /><br />

masking<br />

Masking • Hooks • Jigs<br />

HangOn Ltd<br />

Leintwardine, Craven Arms,<br />

Shropshire, SY7 0NB, UK<br />

Tel. +44 (0) 1547 540 573<br />

Fax. +44 (0 1547 540 412<br />

Email.<br />

Web.<br />

infra red emitters<br />

t Bruest ATEX-certified<br />

Flameless Gas<br />

Catalytic Infrared Heaters<br />

t Gas-saving industrial ovens<br />

t “CATBOX” box ovens for<br />

wood-finishing<br />

t Servicing, spares & repairs for<br />

most brands of catalytic heaters<br />

Unit 1b Brown Lees Road Ind. Est. Forge<br />

Way, Knypersley, Staffordshire ST8 7DN<br />

Tel: + 44 (0) 1782 511880<br /><br /><br />

laquers<br />

T: 01202 661300<br /><br />

Hi-Tek stocks not only an extensive range of<br />

masking products including plugs, tapes, caps and<br />

discs, but also has the distinction of being the<br />

European distributor for the US based TOLBER<br />

range of lacquers and<br />

associated products. Hi-Tek<br />

imports bulk supplies from<br />

Tolber and converts or<br />

decants into commercially<br />

usable volumes for the UK,<br />

and European trade. The<br />

association with Tolber has<br />

evolved over many years.<br />

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Total <strong>Finishing</strong><br />

solutions 2016<br />

LTD<br />

Metal plating and<br />

polishing for nickel,<br />

chrome, gold,<br />

rose gold, lacquer.<br />

Plating over brass,<br />

steel, stainless steel<br />

and aluminium.<br />

T: 07811 295148 / 0121 236 4418<br />

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• Water wash spraybooths<br />

• Water treatment chemical additives<br />

• Paint separation solids removal systems<br />

• Dry filter spraybooths<br />

• Fixed or portable spraybooths<br />

• Sprayroom enclosures<br />

• Air replacement systems<br />

• Full installation and commissioning<br />

• After-sales service and maintenance<br />

• Spray process engineering<br />

Product complies fully with current environmental<br />

protection and health and safety legislation<br />

Unit 4 Brook Road Industrial Estate,<br />

Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 2BH<br />

T: 01202 840900 • F: 01202 889477<br /> •<br />

Hi-Tek Products Ltd<br />

2A Dawkins Road Industrial Estate<br />

Hamworthy, Poole,<br />

Dorset BH15 4JP<br />

Tel: 01202 661300<br />

E-mail:<br />

Web Site:<br />

Contact: Jane McMullen<br />

Masking Caps • Tapes/Discs • Tapered<br />

Plugs • Tubing • Pull-Through Plugs<br />

• Custom Design • Stopping-Off<br />

Lacquers • PTFE Lubricant<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

for all your classified needs call Stewart Freshwater on: 01923 437615<br />

77<br />

metal immersion heaters<br />

Tubular MI heaters<br />

for most process solutions<br />

500W to 12kW<br />

single or 3-phase<br /><br />

01252 876123<br /><br />

powder coating manufacturers<br />

The Sherwin-Williams Company<br />

pre treatment chemicals<br />


rdm_4x1_FNGCLASS 15/7/14 14:06 Page 1<br />

oven stoving & curing<br />


BC<br />



R.D.M. Engineering Ltd, Est. 1951<br />

Stakehill Lane, Stakehill,<br />

Middleton,<br />

Manchester M24 2RW<br />

Tel: 0161 643 9333<br />

Fax: 0161 655 3467<br />

Web:<br />

E-mail:<br />

Contact: Mr R. Horwich<br />

spraybooths • rooms • ovens •<br />

conveyors • pretreatment • powder<br />

plant • air replacement units<br />

overhead conveyors<br />

nylon coating powders<br />

Tel: +44 12 96 43 37 54<br />

Fax: +44 12 96 39 22 85<br />

Email:<br />

Contact: Brian Carroll<br />

Specialist in Phosphate Pretreatment Chemicals<br />




Tel: 01204 495818<br />

Fax: 01204 845206<br />

E-mail:<br />

To advertise please call<br />


Stewart Freshwater<br />


on 01923 437615 or email<br />

Supplied in 5Kg and 25Kg Packs<br /><br />

To meet the requirements of:<br />

ASTM B117 • ISO 9227 • DIN 50 021<br />

serfilco_5x1_FNGCLASS 18/11/13 and 12:25 all other Page standards. 1<br />

pump & filtration specialists<br />

Full traceability guaranteed.<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />


Pumps, Filters<br />

and Agitation<br />

Systems<br />

TITAN Auto Backwash Filter<br />

Carbon Purification & Cartridges<br />

Premier Washed & Pleated Reusable<br />

Drum and Air Diaphragm Pumps<br />

● Electric Immersion Heaters<br />

Tel: 0161 775 1910<br />

Fax: 0161 775 3696<br />

SERFILCO delivers<br />

clear solutions<br />

E:<br /><br />

nylon colours_3x2_FNGCLASS 17/5/11 16:29 Page 1<br />

NYLON<br />


Nylon Colours Ltd manufactures<br />

Nylon Coating Powders for<br />

Electrostatic or Fluid Bed.<br />

A wide range of colours including<br />

metallics is available.<br />

Nylon Colours is also the UK distributor<br />

for RILSAN range of Nylon Powders.<br />

pumps & filters<br />


first for CHOICE<br />

first for VALUE<br />

UK LTD<br />

SIEBEC UK Ltd<br />

Unit 3 St Albans Road, Stafford<br />

Staffs ST16 3DR<br />

Tel: 01785 227700 Fax: 01785 246006<br /><br />

rectifier equipment<br />

Switchmode and SCR DC Power Supplies<br />

for any metal finishing process.<br />

Options include:<br />

Local / Remote control.<br />

Constant Current / Constant Voltage.<br />

PLC controllable. Touchscreen control.<br />

Process timer. Ampere hour / minute meter.<br />

Digital meters. Outputs fully recordable.<br />

Outputs from 10 Amp x 6 V to 6000 Amp x 200 V.<br />

Prices available on request<br />

For more information please contact us on:<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 121 526 6847<br />

Fax: +44 (0) 121 568 8161<br />

e-mail:<br />

Website:<br />

salt spray environmental<br />

cabinets<br />


Paytoe Lane . Leintwardine . Craven Arms.<br />

Shropshire . SY7 0NB<br />

Telephone: 01547 540573<br />

Email:<br />

Website:<br />

specialised coating supplier<br />

FreiLacke -<br />

System coatings &<br />

application solutions<br />

We develop and produce all conventional<br />

coating systems under one roof.<br />

We are able to offer our customers<br />

not only all the important coating<br />

technologies but can also match these to<br />

the respective coating structure and finish<br />

to optimum effect.<br />

FreiLacke UK Ltd<br />

Tel: +44 (0) 1827 288418<br />

Fax +44 (0) 1827 287912<br /><br />

spray booths<br />

Excellent surfaces<br />

WAGNER offers a wide range<br />

of systems and products for<br />

perfect coating solutions in<br />

liquid and powder.<br />

Applying<br />

Feeding<br />

Mixing<br />

Controlling<br />

Booths & Systems<br />

Wagner Spraytech (UK) Ltd.<br />

Tel. 01327 368410<br /><br /><br />

<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong> - <strong>Finishing</strong>

78 for all your classified needs call Stewart Freshwater on: 01923 437615<br />

spraying equipment - paint &<br />

powder<br />

uni-spray_5x2_FNGCLASS 18/1/10 15:22 Page 1<br />

spray nozzles<br />

thermal fluid<br />


FOR YOUR<br />

WORLD<br />


• Quick Release Nozzles<br />

• Quick Release Stand pipe couplers<br />

• Eductors<br />

• Air Knives<br />

• Pipe Supports<br />

• Complete Pipe Systems<br />

Tel No. 01273 400092 • Fax No. 01273 401220<br />

E-mail.<br />

BETE Ltd, PO Box 2748, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 4HZ<br />

spray nozzles<br />

tanks & protective linings<br />

web design<br />

The shoemaker’s son<br />

always goes barefoot.<br />

R<br />

V<br />

E<br />

A<br />

Web Design<br />

& Development<br />

Polypropylene Tanks<br />

PVC Tanks<br />

PVC/GRP Tanks<br />

Bund Tanks<br />

Tank Linings<br />

Rubber Linings<br />

HDPE Tanks<br />

Established 1976<br />

Fume Scrubbers<br />

Fume extraction<br />

Pipework<br />

Ducting<br />

Repairs & Refurbishment<br />

Flexible PVC Linings<br />

Guards in all materials<br />

One off Fabrications and installation<br />

Tel: 01543 462 802<br />

Email:<br />

Web:<br />

Contact Stewart Freshwater<br />

on 01923 437615 or email<br /><br />

ultrasonic cleaning<br />



• In-process Cleaning<br />

• Final Cleaning<br />

• Aqueous Ultrasonics<br />

• Precision Cleaning<br />

01420 544909<br /><br /><br />

wychwood water_v2_5x1_FNGCLASS 1<br />

water purification<br />

It’s the same in many industries, we never get Ultrasonic Cleaning panel ad 50x42 - <strong>2020</strong>.indd 27/09/20191<br />

14:01:18<br />

the time to look after ourselves.<br />

We’ve been far too busy creating beautiful<br />

websites and building successful email<br />

campaigns for clients that our site relaunch<br />

has been pushed back again.<br />

This is not a complaint though, it’s what we<br />

at Reva call a nice problem, plus it shows that<br />

with us the customer indeed does come first.<br />

If you would like to push our website further<br />

down our to do list contact us for a chat.<br />

T. 01932 567505<br /><br />

Purified Water Systems<br />

■ Deionisers<br />

■ Reverse Osmosis<br />

■ Filtration<br />

■ Rinse Water Recovery<br />

Fast Responsive Service<br />

Your problems solved<br />

Unit K, Country Park,<br />

Avenue Two, Station Lane,<br />

Witney, Oxon, OX28 4YD<br />

Tel: 01993 892211<br />

Fax: 01993 892212<br /><br />

Carlisle Fluid Technologies<br />

Tel: +44 (0)1202 571111<br />

Email:<br />

Web:<br />

Editorial Calendar<br />

Each issue of <strong>Finishing</strong> Magazine<br />

4 Plus monthly special features<br />

includes the following regular columns:<br />

MAY/JUNE <strong>2020</strong>:<br />

4 News and views 4 Products<br />

n Powder Coating n Ovens and Curing Equipment<br />

4 A-Z company shorts<br />

n Dust and Fume Extraction<br />

4 Business and technical issues<br />

JULY/AUGUST <strong>2020</strong>:<br />

4 Personnel changes 4 Company focuses<br />

4 Questions and answers 4 Special reports<br />

n Water and Effluent Treatment<br />

4 Company forecasts 4 Industry comment<br />

n Pumps, Filters and Rectifiers n Wet Paint<br />

For Editorial enquiries please contact:<br />

John Hatcher, EDITOR • E: • T: +44 (0) 1923 437 618<br />

<strong>Finishing</strong> - <strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong>

Jacquet Weston<br />

Engineering<br />

Leading design & manufacturers of special purpose<br />

machinery for the Surface <strong>Finishing</strong> Industry<br />

8/11/13 11:58 Page 1<br />

• Tartaric, Sulphuric Process Plants<br />

• 3D Mechanical Design & Animation<br />

• Service Contracts<br />

• Maintenance Packages<br />

• Spares & Equipment<br />

01488 674400<br />

Poison under control.<br />

SLOTOLOY ZN „Generation VX“<br />

The alkaline zinc-nickel processes SLOTOLOY ZN „Generation VX“ are operated with an anode (special anode VX 1)<br />

specially adapted to the process and respective additives. Because of this, the formation of breakdown products and cyanide<br />

on the anode is inhibited. The practical application at customers showed in converted electrolytes that even the cyanide<br />

content is reduced actively.<br />

Advantages of the zinc-nickel<br />

processes „Generation VX”<br />

· No cost-intensive membrane technology necessary.<br />

· Improvement of current efficiency and appearance.<br />

· Simple conversion of existing electrolytes.<br />

· Low additive consumption.<br />

· The formation of cyanide is significantly reduced and<br />

may falls below the detection limit.<br />

· Since there’s less non-active tetracyanonickelate there’s<br />

a lower demand of nickel.<br />

Decrease of the cyanide content after the conversion to<br />

SLOTOLOY ZN „Generation VX“<br />

cyanide content [mg/L]<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

0 500 1000 1500 2000<br />

bath throughput [Ah/L]<br />

Schloetter Co. Ltd.<br />

Abbey Works<br />

New Road, Pershore<br />

Worcestershire WR10 1BY<br />

United Kingdom<br />

T +44 (0)1386 552 331<br /><br />

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