Go 25 February 2021
Thursday 25 Februar y, 202 1GO!& EXPRESSFREEPINK FAIRY RAISES FUNDS FOR SPCA P2DOORS OF LEARNING OPENEDEL Museum is back in business PAGE 4Tel: 043 721 2434 | Cell: 082 451 1535theo.k@telkomsa.net | 66a 39 Frere Road, VincentBachelor passes inBCM up by 37.5%However, overall 2020 matric pass rate dropped from 2019STRONG MESSAGE: EC premierOscar Mabuyane’s State of theProvince address was received well bythe ruling party Picture: WERNER HILLSWa r mre c e p t i o nto SopaSIPHOSIHLE DYONASETOP ACHIEVERS: Left to right, Selborne College matric pupils William Minnaar, Daniel Lloyd and Samual Mountfort each achieved seven distinctionsPicture: FACEBOOK/SELBORNE COLLEGESIPHOSIHLE DYONASEThe 2020 matrics celebrated therelease of their final marks this week,after department of education MECFundile Gade announced theprovincial NSC results at MandlaMakhupula Institute of LearningCentre on Tuesday.The national pass rate of 76.2%represented a decline from81.3% achieved in 2019.The top performing district in theEastern Cape was Nelson MandelaBay with a pass rate of 75.5%, whileoverall pass rates in the province sitsat eighth place nationally with68.1%.BCM showed some improvement,with bachelor passes increasingby 37.5%. This brought the finalbachelor pass rate to 73.6%, putting itin second place in the provincebehind Nelson Mandela Bay’s 75.5%bachelor pass rate and ahead of ChrisHani West’s 70.5%Selborne College headmasterAndrew Dewar congratulatedthe class of 2020 and said that despitethe challenges presented during theyear, they had managed anoutstanding achievement of 100%pass rate and an 80% bachelor’s passra t e .This was an improvement over theclass of 2019’s 99.4 % pass rate.Three outstanding Selbornestudents, Daniel Lloyd, WilliamMinnaar and Samuel Mountfort,scored seven distinctions each.Stirling High School prinipalDoug Prior congratulated hismatrics on a job well done.“We are very proud of ourindividual achievers who achieved atthe highest level, but the fact thatduring a pandemic, while prioritisingsafety, 82% of our matrics achieved abachelor pass is something that we asa school see as a real achievement.“Considering the fact that our❝We applaud our teacherswho rose to the occasionand ensured that a highstandard of workoccurred, even when thechildren were at homepupils spent a fairly high percentageof the academic year at home, theirefforts were in most casescommendable.“At Stirling High, we prioritisedsafety and used a unique timetableand an intricately structured schoolday which incorporated staggeredhome times and breaks.“We also ensured that each childsat in the same desk for the entire day,which allowed the pupils to relax andmake the most of their academictime. We applaud our teacherswho rose to the occasion andensured that a high standard of workoccurred, even when the childrenwere at home.”“Congratulations to the Stirlingmatric class of 2020. You have madethe Stirling family very proud.”The ANC said they welcomed the State ofthe Province Address (Sopa) delivered byEastern Cape premier Lubabalo OscarMabuyane at the provincial legislature inBisho on Tuesday.“We strongly believe that the Sopa haslaid a solid foundation for theacceleration of the goals that were set outat the beginning of the sixth term, that oftransforming the economy and creatingjobs in order to address unemployment,poverty and inequalities in our province,”said provincial secretary LulamaN g c u k ay i t o b i .“We are encouraged by the premier’sannouncement that the UmzimvubuWater Project has been gazzeted and theconstruction of the advancedinfrastructure will start before the end ofthis year.”Ngcukayitobi said the party alsowelcomed the announcement of a R16.8billion from Sanral for road infrastructurewhich he said would “propel economicgrowth and job creation”.He said that the investment of R590.4million for the refurbishment of healthfacilities was appreciated as it willassist in the fight against Covid-19.“We expect the premier to crack thewhip on municipalities who are failing intheir constitutional responsibility ofdelivering services such as water andsanitation to communities,”s a i d N g c u k ay i t o b i .“We also applaud Mabuyane for anunwavering and principled commitmentto clean administration and the fightagainst corruption and maladministration.“We call on the Eastern Capeprovincial government to intensify itsefforts to fight corruption andm a l f e a s a n c e .”M E R RYMOMENTMerrifieldcelebrates100% passrate PAGE 4❝We are encouraged by thep re m i e r ’s announcementthat the Umzimvubu WaterProject has been gazzetedand construction of theadvanced infrastructure willstart before the end of 2021
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Thursday 25 Februar y, 202 1
EL Museum is back in business PAGE 4
Tel: 043 721 2434 | Cell: 082 451 1535
theo.k@telkomsa.net | 66a 39 Frere Road, Vincent
Bachelor passes in
BCM up by 37.5%
However, overall 2020 matric pass rate dropped from 2019
Oscar Mabuyane’s State of the
Province address was received well by
the ruling party Picture: WERNER HILLS
Wa r m
re c e p t i o n
to Sopa
TOP ACHIEVERS: Left to right, Selborne College matric pupils William Minnaar, Daniel Lloyd and Samual Mountfort each achieved seven distinctions
The 2020 matrics celebrated the
release of their final marks this week,
after department of education MEC
Fundile Gade announced the
provincial NSC results at Mandla
Makhupula Institute of Learning
Centre on Tuesday.
The national pass rate of 76.2%
represented a decline from
81.3% achieved in 2019.
The top performing district in the
Eastern Cape was Nelson Mandela
Bay with a pass rate of 75.5%, while
overall pass rates in the province sits
at eighth place nationally with
BCM showed some improvement,
with bachelor passes increasing
by 37.5%. This brought the final
bachelor pass rate to 73.6%, putting it
in second place in the province
behind Nelson Mandela Bay’s 75.5%
bachelor pass rate and ahead of Chris
Hani West’s 70.5%
Selborne College headmaster
Andrew Dewar congratulated
the class of 2020 and said that despite
the challenges presented during the
year, they had managed an
outstanding achievement of 100%
pass rate and an 80% bachelor’s pass
ra t e .
This was an improvement over the
class of 2019’s 99.4 % pass rate.
Three outstanding Selborne
students, Daniel Lloyd, William
Minnaar and Samuel Mountfort,
scored seven distinctions each.
Stirling High School prinipal
Doug Prior congratulated his
matrics on a job well done.
“We are very proud of our
individual achievers who achieved at
the highest level, but the fact that
during a pandemic, while prioritising
safety, 82% of our matrics achieved a
bachelor pass is something that we as
a school see as a real achievement.
“Considering the fact that our
❝We applaud our teachers
who rose to the occasion
and ensured that a high
standard of work
occurred, even when the
children were at home
pupils spent a fairly high percentage
of the academic year at home, their
efforts were in most cases
“At Stirling High, we prioritised
safety and used a unique timetable
and an intricately structured school
day which incorporated staggered
home times and breaks.
“We also ensured that each child
sat in the same desk for the entire day,
which allowed the pupils to relax and
make the most of their academic
time. We applaud our teachers
who rose to the occasion and
ensured that a high standard of work
occurred, even when the children
were at home.”
“Congratulations to the Stirling
matric class of 2020. You have made
the Stirling family very proud.”
The ANC said they welcomed the State of
the Province Address (Sopa) delivered by
Eastern Cape premier Lubabalo Oscar
Mabuyane at the provincial legislature in
Bisho on Tuesday.
“We strongly believe that the Sopa has
laid a solid foundation for the
acceleration of the goals that were set out
at the beginning of the sixth term, that of
transforming the economy and creating
jobs in order to address unemployment,
poverty and inequalities in our province,”
said provincial secretary Lulama
N g c u k ay i t o b i .
“We are encouraged by the premier’s
announcement that the Umzimvubu
Water Project has been gazzeted and the
construction of the advanced
infrastructure will start before the end of
this year.”
Ngcukayitobi said the party also
welcomed the announcement of a R16.8
billion from Sanral for road infrastructure
which he said would “propel economic
growth and job creation”.
He said that the investment of R590.4
million for the refurbishment of health
facilities was appreciated as it will
assist in the fight against Covid-19.
“We expect the premier to crack the
whip on municipalities who are failing in
their constitutional responsibility of
delivering services such as water and
sanitation to communities,”
s a i d N g c u k ay i t o b i .
“We also applaud Mabuyane for an
unwavering and principled commitment
to clean administration and the fight
against corruption and maladministration.
“We call on the Eastern Cape
provincial government to intensify its
efforts to fight corruption and
m a l f e a s a n c e .”
100% pass
rate PAGE 4
❝We are encouraged by the
p re m i e r ’s announcement
that the Umzimvubu Water
Project has been gazzeted
and construction of the
advanced infrastructure will
start before the end of 2021
2 GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702 2125 or (043) 702 2046. Find us on Facebook 25 February 2021 GO & EXPRESS
Pink Fairy
raising funds
CROSSWORD number 1218
for King SPCA
Webb running
virtual Buffs
Mike Webb, aka the
Pink Fairy, is raising
money for the King
Wi l l i a m ’s Town SPCA by taking
part in a virtual Buffs Marathon
on Sunday.
Traditionally, the Buffs
Marathon is run on the last
Sunday of February or the first
Sunday in March but the
ongoing Covid-19 pandemic
has forced it to be cancelled.
On Sunday, Webb will start
running from Macleantown all
the way to Buffs Club in East
London, a distance of roughly
As part of the project, he has
asked BCM residents to help out
by donating money or pet food
to the SPCA.
Pet food can be dropped off
at Buffalo Toyota, while cash
donations can be made to the
following account:
M Webb
FNB Cheque Account
Ref : Buffs /your name
There are also prizes up for
grabs, such as Bananaskinz
socks, bottles of wine and
goodies from Earth Forest.
The highest donation will
GOING THE DISTANCE: Mike Webb, aka the Pink Fairy, will
be running 42km on Sunday to raise money for the KWT SPCA
receive a handcrafted pen
donated by Wild Olive
Creations, while the 17th person
to donate will receive a “love in
a basket” donated by Nachwelt
A A 1x 1x 250g
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Send in a completed, correct crossword for a chance to
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Drop off the crossword solution before 10am on Tuesday
at the Daily Dispatch building in Beacon Bay, or scan a
SOLUTION to Crossword number 1186
copy and e-mail it to go co n t est s @ a re n a . a f r i c a
SOLUTION to Crossword number 1217
HELLO THERE: A kitten in
Parkside drops in to say ‘Hi’
Contact the News Desk on (043) 7022125 or e-mail: goexpress@arena.africa
by Monday 4pm in publication week
● The East London U3A offers
many interesting courses and
presentations every week. These
are currently on Zoom because
of Covid-19 restrictions.
Membership costs R50 p.a.
Enquiries: Gill at 083-651-7892
● CROQUET: St Andrew’s
Croquet Club (in the grounds of
the EL Golf Club, Bunker’s Hill).
Play begins at 1.45pm every
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
afternoon. Visitors are always
most welcome. Coaching
available. Contact Hugh
Brathwaite 072-651-8514.
Club facilities available to hire.
Contact Lyn England
● CROQUET: Typos Croquet
Club’s Summer playing times
are 3pm Saturdays, Sundays and
Wednesdays. Join the team for a
game or, alternatively, Rob and
Linda are available for training
sessions. Practise equipment
(mallets etc.) are available on
the day at no cost. For further
details call Linda 083-579-
4085. Covid19 Restrictions are
adhered to. Typos Club, Union
Avenue (next to Clarendon High
S ch o o l ) .
● Narcotics Anonymous. St
Nicholas Church, 22 Pell Street,
Beacon Bay. From 7pm to 8pm.
Call 083-900-6962
● Narcotics Anonymous. St
Nicholas Church, 22 Pell Street,
Beacon Bay. From 7pm to 8pm.
Call 083-900-6962
Send in a completed, correct crossword #1184 for a chance to win a 1x 250g bag of coffee
plus two free cappuccinos The winner valued of at last R100 week’s sponsored crossword by Cutman #& 1217 Hawk Coffee.
Drop off the crossword solution before 10am on Tuesday at the Daily Dispatch building in
is Nadia Koopman. Co n g ra t u l a t i o n s !
Beacon Bay, or scan a copy and e-mail it to go co n t est s @ re a . a f r i c a
GO! & EXPRESS 25 February 2021 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702 2031 or Yaneliseka (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook 3
‘Booze ban was a bad idea’
Alcohol sales restrictions were not thought through, says South African Breweries
South African Breweries
(SAB) has argued that the
g ove r n m e n t ’s assertion
that its decision to ban the sale
of alcohol was taken carefully is
without merit.
“It quite manifestly was not,
in that the government had not
commissioned any proper
investigation into the
deleterious effects of such a ban
and was therefore not in a
position to have any regard to
the issue,” said Richard Rivett-
Carnac, SAB vice-president of
finance in a replying affidavit.
SAB is challenging the
g ove r n m e n t ’s alcohol ban,
imposed during the coronavirus
pandemic, in the Western Cape
High Court despite it now being
lifted. The challenge, according
to SAB lawyers, was “in the
interests of legal certainty and ...
to ensure that its [SAB's]
continued business operations
are not interrupted
unnecessarily by further
unlawful and unconstitutional
The government has argued
that the recent alcohol ban,
which President Cyril
Ramaphosa lifted this month,
did not breach any part of the
bill of rights. Even if a right had
been limited, this was justifiable
under the constitution.
Rivett-Carnac argued in his
affidavit that the government
had failed to set out “ve r i f i a b l e ,
objective, and indisputable
facts” regarding temporary and
permanent job losses, among
“I wish to point out that
❝ The impugned
regulations were
introduced without
any warning
whenever the respondents and
their advisers point to a
reduction in trauma cases that
correlates with the alcohol ban,
that reduction also correlates
with other restrictions such as
curfews, limitations on
gatherings, prohibition of
crowds in stadiums, closure of
cinemas and casinos and
restrictions on restaurants.”
He said when trauma cases
increased again, that correlated
not only with the easing of the
alcohol ban, but with the easing
The reduction in
trauma cases
also correlates
with other
restrictions such
as curfews and
limitations on
argues SAB
Picture: PIXABAY
of other restrictions.
SAB found the allegation
that it demonstrated no
reverence for the dignity of
health-care workers and lacked
empathy to be “insulting”.
“I emphasise that SAB did
not object to the first two
complete alcohol bans, or the
restrictions on the sale of
alcohol that had been in place
since March 2020 ...
“That said, these measures
must be reasonable as well as
necessary and justifiable,”
argued Rivett-Carnac.
He denied that it was the
resumption of alcohol sales that
resulted in pressure at hospitals
caused by motor vehicle
accidents, violence and related
t ra u m a .
“No evidence is cited in
support of this bare assertion.”
The government had also not
provided any evidence that it
had taken the economic
consequences of the alcohol
ban into account before the
decision to reimpose it, Rivett-
Carnac argued. He said the drop
in trauma admissions on New
Ye a r ’s Eve in 2020 was more
likely the result of the curfew
imposed at the time.
“Since the alcohol ban had
been in place for only two days,
most people who consume
alcohol beverages would have
had supplies of alcohol at home
for New Year’s Eve.”
Rivett-Carnac argued the
alcohol ban did not help reduce
trauma cases.
“The impugned regulations
were introduced without any
warning and so manufacturers
were not afforded an
opportunity to divert local
supplies to the export market.”
Rivett-Carnac said it was
never suggested that
government should not regulate
an industry, but rather the
regulation should be
constitutionally justifiable. -
Ti m e s L I V E
drops charge
A kidnapping case took an
unexpected twist this week
when the charge was withdrawn
and the suspect was released
from custody.
National Prosecuting
Au t h o r i t y regional spokesperson
Luxolo Tyali said the alleged
victim, businessman Schalk Van
der Merwe, 32, had withdrawn
the case.
The suspect, 30, was due to
appear in the Butterworth
m a g i s t ra t e ’s court on Monday.
“The complainant on the
matter gave a withdrawal
statement. So the case was not
e n r o l l e d ,” said Tyali. It remained
unclear what led to Van der
Merwe’s decision not to
continue with the case.
Contacting the businessman
directly has been a challenge
because he “lost” his cellphone
after the alleged kidnapping.
Last week, police confirmed
that the businessman was
kidnapped from his workshop in
Msobomvu, Butterworth, on
Thursday afternoon in full view
of his mother and staff.
His car was found
abandoned in bushes near
Ngqamakhwe on Friday.
Police finally found Van der
Merwe walking alone in the
streets of Mtebele location,
Ngqamakhwe, near Butterworth
on Saturday afternoon. -
4 GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702 2125 or (043) 702 2046. Find us on Facebook 25 February 2021 GO & EXPRESS
Merrifield joy at 100% pass rate
92% average
for Sarah
Friday was one of joy for
Merrifield College’s matric
class of 2020 as they
celebrated their 100% pass rate
with a special function at the
Merrifield Club House.
In addition to a full pass rate,
the class also achieved a 100%
b a ch e l o r ’s pass rate with 32% of
students achieving averages of
over 80%.
Overall, 95 distinctions were
accompished by 43 pupils.
The top achiever was Sarah
McCausland, who was the only
Eastern Cape pupil to be placed
❝ You put your heads
down and just kept
going. You’ve got
coping skills that no
other year has had
CLASS ACT: Merrifield's matric class of 2020 celebrated their outstanding results last week Picture: MATTHEW FIELD
on the Independent Education
Board’s (IEB's) list of outstanding
a ch i e ve r s .
McCausland earned eight
distinctions, with an average of
92%, and is placed in the top
1% nationally for life sciences
and geography.
Other top achievers were
Zoë Sparg, with eight
distinctions and top 1%
nationally in visual arts;
Catherine Williams-Jones, with
seven distinctions and top 1%
nationally for life sciences, and;
Camille Beau, with seven
Speaking at Friday’s event,
Merrifield executive head
Dr Guy Hartley said he was
proud of the students for their
incredible results.
“We know all you had to
face last year, all those
challenges and difficulties, and
yet you’ve really hung in there,”
Hartley said.
He also thanked the school’s
teachers for their work in
assisting students during an
exceptionally difficult year.
“Going back to last year, I’m
thinking about the first term,
many of the learners came back
from the holidays to get
prepared for online learning in
the second term.
“A huge thank you to them,
with how agile and flexible they
were moving into new
t e ch n o l o g i e s ,” said Hartley.
Deputy head Bridget
Fielding also extended her
congratulations to the
matric class of 2020.
“These matric results are the
ones that have made me the
proudest in my whole teaching
career. These are the hardest
earned matric results there have
ever been,” she said.
“You put your heads down
and just kept going. You’ve got
coping skills that no other year
has had before.”
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EL Museum’s doors open after long wait
After months of forced closure, the
East London Museum finally opened
its doors once again last week.
According to museum director
Geraldine Morcom, the lockdown
hit them hard.
“Normally we get a lot of visitors
over Heritage Month in September
and into October, so we didn’t have
those. We normally get cruise ships,
but we didn’t have those visitors
e i t h e r,” she said.
The festive season, another
popular time for the museum, was
also a bust last year.
While public visits may have
been closed, the museum wasn’t
entirely silent. There was much that
continued running behind the
“What we did is that people
would come in and check that
machinery and climate control were
still working, that our freezers were
still working, that our alarm system
was still working,” Morcom said.
Once restrictions had been
eased a little, the museum also
started to continue other
programmes, such as research.
Morcom said the lockdown has
forced the museum to reconsider its
strategy going forward. “We have to
❝ The Friends have talks
every second month.
Volunteers help with the
library and functions
look at more ways of using our
digital platforms,” she said.
“However, it’s very expensive.
We are not the Met [Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York City] or
the British Museum. They also have
lots of staff.”
Staff shortages are a continuing
problem for the museum and before
lockdown, they relied on volunteers
to assist them in a number of areas.
“We did have volunteers before
Covid-19, particularly in our library,
for example. We are short-staffed
and we don’t have a librarian,” said
M o rc o m .
“These folk would come in and
assist in our library. It was a huge
load that they took on and took off
our minds.”
These volunteers were one of the
many aspects cut due to lockdown,
another being the museum’s intern
programme with local universities.
“Having said that, we are
positive that we are open again,”
Morcom said.
She encouraged members of the
public to get more involved by
joining the Friends of East London.
“The Friends have talks every
second month. Also when we have
museum functions, they come and
a s s i s t ,” she said.
The museum is open on
Mondays to Fridays, from 9am until
Due to Covid-19, only 50 people
are allowed inside at any given time
in order to allow museum staff to
ensure guests adhere to health and
safety precautions.
- For more information, contact
the EL Museum at 043-743-0686.
GO! & EXPRESS 25 February 2021 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702 2031 or Yaneliseka (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook 5
6 GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702 2125 or (043) 702 2046. Find us on Facebook 25 February 2021 GO & EXPRESS
Respected farmer
celebrates century
World War II vet Van de Vyver still tends to his vegetable patch
Group aims to
assist families
troubles, trauma
Butler Van de Vyver
achieved a significant
milestone by c e l e b ra t i n g
his 100th birthday.
Van de Vyver is known as a
hardworking and respected
farmer in the Kei Road district.
“We had a wonderful and
happy life growing up on the
farm, with my dad teaching us
many things including horse
riding as he loved horses and
riding around the farm,” said
daughter Roslyn Allen.
“My brothers were involved
in farming from a young age.
“My dad joined the
Mounted Regiment in
Ladysmith at 19 years. He then
joined the Signals in Pretoria
and went to Egypt,” she said.
Van de Vyver was captured
at Tobruk on June 20 1942
and spent 15 months as a
prisoner of war in Italy. He was
eventually released by British
troops on September 24 1943.
“We grew up hearing
interesting war stories . Dad
never missed Moths
(Memorable Order of Tin
Hats), Rememberance Day or
Tobruk Night as these sre
important days for him.
“He wrote a diary for each of
us children which we treasure,”
said Allen.
Van de Vyver returned from
active military service in 1945
and went on to join the Kei
Road Farmers Association
(KRFA). He played rugby, cricket
and tennis for the Kei Road
Sports Club and also
represented Border at rugby.
Van de Vyver resides in
Gonubie and has an impressive
vegetable garden, from which
he supplies his family and
CENTENARY: Butler Van de
Vyver has done a lot in his 100
years Picture: SUPPLIED
❝We grew up hearing
interesting war
stories. Dad never
missed Moths,
Rememberance Day
or Tobruk Night as
these have always
been important
days for him
friends with fresh produce.
He is blessed with
eight grandchildren and
seven great-grandchildren with
an eighth due “any day in
“He loves them all dearly
and nothing makes his day
more than seeing his family,”
Allen said.
A new group has sprung up in
East London that is looking to
provide comfort and support to
families and parents going
through tough times.
These include but are
certainly not limited to: divorce,
single-parent homes, parents
who are battling the legal
system or family court, or those
looking for help caring for
special needs children.
Comm(on)Unity was started
late last year by a group of
parents who needed extra help
and encouragement with their
“The name tells the tale. It’sa
play on the words ‘community’
and ‘common unity’,” said
Cristin Flynn, one of the
“The idea is to create a
supportive space where families
can help each other practically
and where new families going
through hard times can learn
from those who have already
experienced trauma or struggled
their way to the other side.”
Every month,
Comm(on)Unity holds a
meeting where family-related
experts present talks on a
number of different topics.
They have hosted other
social events, as well as daily
online meetings and small
group-events at home.
“If you are battling with
family matters, legal struggles
related to the same, vulnerable
children or adults with learning
or mental challenges, then
Comm(on)Unity is a haven for
yo u ,” Flynn said.
“Come as you are and share
your life with a group of nonjudgemental
parents who have
been through great challenges
and await on the other side to
give you a big hug (because they
need it too!).”
Comm(on)Unity is hosting
an event at Pinecreek at 10am
on Saturday February 27, with
family attorney Roxanne Vickers
as the guest speaker.
- Contact 074-827-6131
(WhatsApp only) or email
info@common-unity.co.za for
more information.
From left,
Yolanda Mhlungu
and Nasiphi
Nkwelo from
Exhibition for a
Child delivering
the goods at
senior primary
Picture: MICHAEL
NPO donates shoes, socks and
sanitary towels to Mdantsane pupils
Non-profit organisation
Exhibition for a Child held the
first day of a weeklong Walk a
Child to School campaign
yesterday, donating shoes, socks
and sanitary towels to 20 pupils
at Dalukukhanya Senior Primary
School in Mdantsane.
Founding member Nasiphi
Nkwelo said the organisation
focused on community-based
educational initiatives for the
development of underprivileged
pupils in rural areas.
“We want to empower our
rural communities by assisting
them in the education sector.
“We work with various
schools across the province and
support them in different
areas,,” Nkwelo said.
She said the three areas
Exhibition for a Child focused
on were health and wellness,
training and development and
career exhibition. The NPO
works with schools in remote
areas that are in quintiles 1 to 3.
It has donated sanitary
towels to more than 500 girls
with enough supplies to last
them for three months, and
more than 100 hygiene care
packages for boys and girls.
“This week, we are focusing
on the health and wellness
factor where we distribute
school shoes and shirts and
sanitary towels,” Nkwelo said.
“We hold boot camps and
self-defence classes, as children
need to know how to protect
themselves from tragic events
like gender-based violence and
human trafficking.”
The NPO is partnering with
Vodacom Business and Nkwelo
said the products were all
sponsored by Vodacom.
“In order for us to achieve
whatever goal we want to reach,
we approach big companies, as
they are the ones with the funds
to help reach that goal.”
Exhibition for a Child has
collected 178 pairs of school
shoes, which will be distributed
to needy pupils at eight schools
across the province.
“We did not want to focus
only on the girl child, but on
boys too. Bullying is rife in
schools. Some learners are
being bullied because they
cannot afford hygiene products.
A child’s confidence gets
diminished when they are
teased by their peers. These
children are brilliant and are
passionate about their
education, but they are pulled
back by their situation at home,”
Nkwelo said.
Addressing the beneficiaries
and teachers at Dalukukhanya
Senior Primary, she urged
parents and teachers not to
deprive children of their right to
education because they lacked
personal hygiene products.
“Please reassure them so
they are not embarrassed if their
menstrual cycle has arrived, or
they do not have any deodorant
or body lotion.”
The principal, Skhumbuzo
Wilson, expressed gratitude for
the donation of basic essentials.
“We are a no fee-school, as
some of the pupils’ parents are
unemployed. This initiative is
going to make a huge difference
in [the pupils’] lives, as they
come from difficult
backgrounds. We have been
longing for this, as the pupils’
academic progress is affected
by these things.”
Wilson said Exhibition for a
Child had promised to assist the
school in starting a gardening
project, where pupils would
benefit by gaining a skill in
agriculture, as well as by being
able to take the vegetables
home. - DispatchLIVE
GO! & EXPRESS 25 February 2021 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702 2031 or Yaneliseka (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook 7
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8 GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702 2125 or (043) 702 2046. Find us on Facebook 25 February 2021 GO & EXPRESS
EL muso’s new
single is out
East London disc jockey
and music producer
Zwelihle Mathe is
climbing the entertainment
industry ladder with recognition
for his latest single, U zo b u ya ,
loosely translated as “You Will
Return”, featuring KwaZulu-
Natal musician Tomie.
“The song is about a man
who is reflecting on the deep
love he had with his woman,
who is his power. Due to
unforeseen circumstances, the
woman ends up leaving him,
but with the promise that she
will one day come back,”
explained Mathe.
Mathe started his music
career as a student at the
University of Fort Hare while
studying for a degree in
accounting. His talent attracted
a fan club of students, who
loved his instrumental sound.
“My music found its way to
me club DJing locally, like at
Corner Pocket club in Quigney.
In 2007 DJ Limnandi
encouraged me to come to
Corner Pocket to learn how to
DJ and they gave me a slot at the
club, where I used to play every
East London born disk jockey
and producer Zwelihle Mathe
weekend, opening for major
artists who were being booked
there. It was at that place where
I learnt how to be a DJ under the
guidance of other DJs, and it
became the testing centre for
my music,” he said.
Mathe has previously
released tracks. We Rise,
released in 2018, was on high
rotation on Channel O and big
national radio stations such as
Umhlobo Wenene and
Capricorn FM.
“In 2019 I released a song
called ‘Lashona Ilanga’, which
was aired on many radio
stations in SA, as well as
Zimbabwe and Rwanda. The
song was nominated in Gagasi
FM in Durban as one of the top
five songs of the nominated SA
hits Top 100. It was also a
finalist for songs of the year in
Zimbabwe on Skyz Metro FM. I
also shot a video for it that has
been playing on DStv channels
ever since and it's been on high
rotation as well on the new
Open View channels.”
As a house music producer,
Mathe says he can do any style
of music in the genre, after more
than a decade of experience in
all the styles house music has
been evolving into.
“My next mission is to
unleash some fresh new talent
from the Eastern Cape into the
main stream, and I will feature
that next generation of exciting
talent from the province and
hopefully establish my Zwesta
Empire Record Label as hope for
the Eastern Cape for new
upcoming artists to launch their
c a r e e r s .”
The single is available on
YouTube under the handle DJ
Zwesta SA, as well as on iTunes,
Spotify, Deezer, Amazon. -
CHAOS: Vandalism during protests by BCM workers is unacceptable Picture: SINO MAJANGAZA
EC Cogta MEC condemns
destruction during protest
Eastern Cape Cogta MEC Xolile
Nqatha has condemned the
spate of vandalism that has
accompanied recent protests by
workers in BCM.
As reported by the Daily
Dispatch ('Tempers rise as BCM
workers' burning tyres choke
city main points with smoke',
February 19), workers kicked off
an allegedly unsanctioned strike
last week over the lack of
financial support from the
m u n i c i p a l i t y.
The SA Municipal Workers
Union (Samwu) denied any role
in the protest, which also saw
streets in East London and King
William's Town blocked by
burning tyres and overturned
“I condemn the destruction
of public property and closure
of healthcare facilities,” Nqatha
said over the weekend.
“It is my firm view that no
demand can justify assault on
the rights of other citizens, to the
contrary it can only delegitimise
even genuine demands.
“I wish to call upon all
parties to follow due process
and respect the rule of law.”
Nqatha also urged law
enforcement to deal with those
caught breaking lockdown
“All these protests are not
in compliance with the
regulations of the Disaster
Management Act.
“We call upon all the
organisers to refrain from
staging these protests as they
are breaching Covid-19
r e g u l a t i o n s ,” he said.
WINNERS: Team ‘Simon Says’ are the latest Typos Quiz Champions.
Pictured from left are team members Jannie Bezuidenhout, Maryna
Becker, Maries Bezuidenhout and Chris Becker. The quiz night was
recently hosted by Typos Bowls & Croquet Club, with the next one
scheduled for Friday March 19 (lockdown level dependent). Contact
Linda on 083-579-4085 for details Photo: CAMERON KRETSCHMANN
GO! & EXPRESS 25 February 2021 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702 2031 or Yaneliseka (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook 9
Stats SA shows
trend of rising
informal work
Casual employment grew by 754,000 jobs
SA, like many other African
economies, has shown an
increasing trend of
informal employment, a report
by Stats SA showed on Tuesday.
The report showed that
informal employment grew by
754,000 jobs — from 4.2
million jobs in 2013 to five
million in 2019.
This accounted for almost a
third of total employment.
During 2013 and 2019, the
formal sector accounted for
71.2% and 68.5% respectively,
of a percentage of total
employment, while the informal
sector increased by 2.8
percentage points from 15.3%
to 18.3%.
Participation of males in the
informal employment sector
was more dominant than that of
Males recorded an increase
from 52.3% in 2013 to 56.2% in
2019. Female representation in
informal employment was
47.7% in 2013 and 43.8% in
The report is based on
secondary data analysis of Stats
SA's Quarterly Labour Force
Survey (QLFS) of the third
quarter of 2013 and that of the
third quarter of 2019 as well as
the Survey of Employers and the
S e l f - e m p l oye d .
The report said Gauteng had
the most informal employment
at 26% in 2013, followed by
The disparities
between males and
females occupying
high-skilled positions
n a r ro w e d
KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo at
19.8% and 12% respectively.
The same trend continued in
2019 where the three provinces
The majority of males were
employed in semi-skilled
occupations at 52.9% in 2013,
increasing to 56% in 2019. In
contrast, about six out of 10
females in informal
employment were in low-skilled
occupations as compared to
their male counterparts,
recording 62.3% in 2013 and
61.3% in 2019.
The report grouped 11
occupation categories into three
main groups, namely, highly
skilled, semi-skilled and lowskilled.
High-skilled occupations
comprises managers,
professionals and technicians;
semi-skilled occupations
included clerks, sales and
services, crafts and related
MAKING A PLAN: The ranks of the informally employed are swelling, reports Statistics SA
trade, plant and machine
operators; and low-skilled
occupations comprises
elementary and domestic work.
The disparities between
males and females occupying
high-skilled positions narrowed
between 2013 and 2019.
Stats SA said this indicated
more participation of females in
informal employment in the
highly skilled occupations and
therefore a move towards parity.
Figures showed that 9.4% of
males were employed in highskilled
occupations in 2013,
compared to 7.2% of females
during the same period.
In 2019, 7.6% of males were
employed in high-skilled
occupations while 7.1% of
females were employed in these
occupations during the same
“When looking at the gender
parity ratios for both years of
reporting, the disparities
between males and females
occupying high-skilled positions
narrowed ... in 2019 indicating
more participation of females in
informal employment in the
highly skilled occupations and
therefore a move towards
p a r i t y,” the report said.
Nine in 10 people (88.8% in
2013 and 90.7% in 2017)
running informal businesses
were black African people,
followed by white people
(5.5%), Indian/Asian people
(3.1%) and coloured people
More than 60% of people
running informal businesses did
not have a matric.
The report said the majority
of those who could not be
absorbed in the formal
economy due to lack of
education got absorbed into the
informal economy.
“On average, less than 10%
of people who possess tertiary
qualifications were running
informal businesses.” -
Ti m e s L I V E
The UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA invites tenders from suitably qualified service
providers for the following projects.
The detailed specification documents and all other information are available on the Unisa website at
www.unisa.ac.za/tenders. Service Providers must familiarise themselves with the requirements of the
project and due dates
Enquiries: tenders@unisa.ac.za
There will be no information session held, all questions must
be submitted to tenders@unisa.ac.za ,dates for questions
submission is the 22 nd February 2021 till 5 th March 2021
and answers will be published on the tender website by 15 th
March 2021.
The (1) original and a soft copy(usb) of the tender must be
submitted into the official tender box in a sealed envelope
located in the Kgorong Building Entrance, Pretoria Muckleneuk
Campus, Preller Street, Muckleneuk Ridge. Please quote the
tender reference number on the sealed envelope.
Project Description
Bloemfontein and Kimberly Campus - The
repairs and maintenance of back-up power
supply systems
Potchefstroom and Kroonstad - The repairs
and maintenance of back-up power supply
Parrow Campus - The repairs and maintenance
of back-up power supply systems.
East London - The repairs and maintenance
of back-up power supply systems
Giyani - The repairs and maintenance of
back-up power supply systems
Makhado - The repairs and maintenance of
back-up power supply systems
George - The repairs and maintenance of
back-up power supply systems
Mthatha - The repairs and maintenance of
back-up power supply systems
New Castle - The repairs and maintenance
of back-up power supply systems
Port Elizabeth - The repairs and maintenance
of back-up power supply systems
Rustenburg and Mahikeng - The repairs
and maintenance of back-up power supply
Richards bay - The repairs and maintenance
of back-up power supply systems
Vaal - The repairs and maintenance of backup
power supply systems
Closing Date
and Time
CT2021/01 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/02 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/03 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/04 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/05 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/06 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/07 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/08 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/09 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/10 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/11 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/12 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
CT2021/13 2 EB R130 000,00 26 th March 2021
@ 12:00
GEPF is a defined benefit fund.
This means, the benefits
of the GEPF are defined in the
rules of the Fund. The advantage
of belonging to a fund like this
is that all benefits
that members are
promised in the
rules of the fund
are guaranteed
based on the
specific reason for
exiting the fund.
If you have more than 10
years of service and you decide
to resign rather than retire at
reaching the age of retirement,
you will lose the following benefits
offered by the GEPF:
Monthly pension - you will only
receive a once-off lump sum
payment, called a gratuity, instead
of receiving both your lump sum
and monthly pension (called an
annuity), which is due to you for life. Your
spouse or life partner will also not receive
anything from the GEPF after your death,
whereas they will qualify to receive
50% or 75% of your monthly pension for
as long as they live, depending
on the choice selected upon
Medical aid subsidy
- You will not receive any
contribution towards your
medical aid from the state
should you resign. If you have 15
or more years of service, you may have
been eligible to receive a government
subsidy towards your monthly medical aid
membership for the rest of your life had
you chosen to retire as per the conditions
set out in the PSCBC resolutions. If you
have less than 15 years’ service, you
may have received a once-off medical
benefit depending on the number of years
of service you have. These all fall away
when you resign.
Funeral Benefit - GEPF provides
a Funeral Benefit for the funeral of
an active member or pensioner, as
well as for the funeral of a spouse
or the eligible child of a member
or pensioner. The Funeral Benefit
payable upon the death of such a
member or pensioner is R15 000;
for the spouse R15 000; and for the
eligible child R 6000. This benefit is
not paid if you resign.
Child’s Pension – The Child’s
pension is payable to a child up
to the age of 22 years. Disabled
children are entitled to receive a
Child’s Pension beyond the age of
22 years, subject to approval by the
The tender awarded will be conditional and subject to
successful negotiations and the signing of a written contract,
failing which Unisa reserves the right to withdraw the tender
and award the same to the next tenderer without having to
repeat the tender process.
Late submitted tenders will not be considered.
The decision of the Unisa Management Committee on
awarding a tender is final.
Unisa reserves the right to appoint, contract with and
monitor the performance of any service provider it deems
will offer the best service in line with its requirements,
although it may not necessarily be the lowest Tenderer.
Unisa also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to readvertise,
not to retender or not to award the tender.
Members who retire with the GEPF
are guaranteed their full pension
benefits as per the rules of the
DDefine tomorrow.
10 GOT A NEWS STORY? Call our news desk on (043) 702 2125 or (043) 702 2046. Find us on Facebook 25 February 2021 GO & EXPRESS
1010 Births
1040 Engagements
1050 Marriages
1070 Deaths
1100 In Memoriam
1220 Congrats / Best Wishes
1230 Birthday Greetings
1290 Thanks
2070 Health & Beauty
2140 Lost
2142 Found
3060 Entertainment General
5010 Education & Tuition
5090 Plumbing
5100 Electrical Services
5120 Building Services
5122 Home Maintenance
5160 Walls / Fencing
5190 Painting / Decorating
5210 Pools, Spas, Accessories
5260 Computer Services
5360 Garden Services
5451 For Sale
5510 Kennels and Pets
5550 Misc Wanted
5570 Removals and Storage
5630 Services Offered
5640 Shuttle Services
6140 Education & Training
6150 Employment Wanted
6151 Employment
6170 Estate Agents
6370 Employment Wanted Domestic
7020 Accomm. Off / Wtd
7060 Flats to Let
7090 Houses to Let
7151 Holiday Accommodation
8010 Flats For Sale
8050 Houses For Sale
8161 Business Premises To Let
8163 Business Premises For Sale
9070 Used Car Sales
9440 Motorcycles
9381 Motor Sundries
9640 Vehicles Wanted
9200 Used Bakkies / Panelvans
11010 Legal Notices / Auctions
11030 Businesses for Sale
Building Services
LP records put on CD
Cassettes put onto CD
Tel 043 748 3721 Mic
Loans & Finance
27 Feb. 2021 from 9am
to 3pm. You can pick
and choose plants direct
out of the bio garden.
Very low prices. Cell: 082
875 0306. 22 Oakhill
Road, Vincent.
Contact Cheryl Larsen on T: 082 432 5665 |
E: cheryll@goexpress.co.za or Yaneliseka
Dyomfana on T: 043-702 2122 |
E: dyomfanay@goexpress.co.za
FAX: 086 545 2648
Misc. Wanted
A set of 6 dining chairs
wanted. I can pay in cash
Tel 0832 566 229
have moved to Vincent
Paphos Park (opposite
Total Garage) in Devereux
Ave. Contact Lee
Anne on 061 453 4330.
Repair / Services
of fridges on site. Contact
Hendrik 072 368
Under R300
A CAR TYRE for sale.
Good condition. R285.
Size: 205/55R16 Call 043
748 3721.
A ROMA 2-position, baby
carrier. 0-12mths. New
condition. R150. Tel: 043
748 3721
phone. Working condition
R220. Works for a
landline. Tel 043 748
Under R300
BLIND: 2,1m vertical hanging
blind. Good condition.
R150. Phone Rob
076 573 9179.
BOOKS: Assortment off 30
books. R100. Phone Rob
076 573 9179.
BOOKS: Coffee table size.
Books on royalty, travel,
cooking, cars, beauty,
South Africa. +- 100 at
R2 each. Phone 043-
BOOKS: Mixed books of
birds, garden, cooking,
ETC. 50 x R5 each.
Phone 043-7436513.
BOOKS: Old Boys / Cars /
Annuals. +- 10 at R2
each. Phone 043-
Motorcycle magazines.
20 for R299. Phone Rob
076 573 9179.
COOKBOOK: South African
Microwave cookbook.
R40. Phone Rob
076 573 9179.
R30. Phone Rob 076 573
CURTAINS for a childs
bedroom. Beautiful animated
design R299 Tel:
043 7483721
CUTLERY: 17x Steak knife
sets. 6 in a pack. R15 per
pack. Phone Rob
076 573 9179.
Multi-metre electrical
tester. New. R299. Phone
Rob 076 573 9179.
GAS BURNER with hose
and connector (single).
R80. Phone Rob 076 573
MUSIC: Elvis Presley 6
Records, 4 Tapes, 20 th
magazine dated 1997.
R100. Phone 043-
PADDLE SKI: Large. Needs
t.l.c. R100. Phone Rob
076 573 9179.
PADDLE SKI with new
paddle. R295. Phone
Rob 076 573 9179.
color for baby, up
to 12 months. R195. Tel:
043 748 3721
24V 14.6A DS. R80.
076 573 9179.
20. R200. Phone Rob
076 573 9179.
TILES: 20m2 black tiles.
500 x 500mm. R299.
Phone Rob 076 573
Imported. R150. Phone
Rob 076 573 5179.
wooden. 3 of 1x v/large
/ 1x large / 1x medium.
R299 for all 3. Phone 043
URN: Logic 50L Urn.
Needs new element.
R100. Phone 076 573
Home Improvement
Home & Comm. SACAP.
Large & small Entire SA
Kathy 082 939 8131 or
(PTY) LTD: M6 Block
R7,80 each; M4 Block
R7,30 each; Stock Bricks
R2,70 each. Sand per
ton R280; Stone per
ton R400; Sabunga per
ton R280. Prices include
delivery. Contact /
WhatsApp 082 602 1196.
Home Improvement
Fault finding, repairs,
new installations. Prepaid
electricity and water metres
for sub lets supplied
and installed. Call Derek
082 557 4099.
Garage Sales
Oakhill Rd, Berea. Sat.
27 th Feb from 8am to
12pm. Tel: 083 235 1375.
For Sale
flats To Let or For Sale.
Persons between 50-80.
Call Elaine from 8-2pm
043-7029800 Prices have
been reduced Come see.
Estate Notices
Identity No: 580801 5991 08 7 of:
who died on : 22 January 2020
ESTATE NO. 1401/2020
the First and Final Liquidation and
Distribution Account in the above
Estate will lie for inspection at the
Office of the Master of the High
Court, BHISHO, Eastern Cape
Province and at the Magistrate's
Office Mdantsane for a period of
TWENTY-ONE (21) days from
date of publication hereof.
the 22 February 2021.
1 Cavendish Road Vincent
081 761 5574
A GUITAR Yamaha nylon
string good condition
a bargain, just R695.
Tel 08325 66229
A Salton food-warmer
for home catering.
Still new and unused.
R1,750 Ph 082452 5567
Accomm. Off / Wtd
The hidden anarchy
of the beehive
How we got on to the subject I
don’t know but some years
ago a friend of mine, the late
Eric van der Vyver and I were
discussing the common honeybee
and how devastating their
sting can be if you happen to be
Eric himself was allergic to
bee stings and always carried
with him an antidote in the form
of special pills, just in case.
Eric, a former Border rugby
captain, told me of an occasion
in later life when he and a
fellow Border player of his era,
Hilmar Puchert - a lock forward
and one of the few surviving
members of that fabulous
Border team of 1955 which beat
the touring British Lions - were
strolling on Nahoon beach.
Hilmar suddenly winced in
pain and it was discovered he
had trod on a bee which had
stung him in the foot.
Immediately a feeling of
uneasiness came over him and
his face began swelling and he
felt dizzy.
Eric immediately fed him
two of his pills, escorted him off
the beach and took him to the
emergency room at the hospital.
This prompt action might well
have saved Hilmar’s life.
Hilmar, I am pleased to say,
is still alive and well and at 86,
is now happily ensconced in an
East London retirement village.
Every family has its own way
of treating bee stings, from meat
tenderizers to tobacco juice to
vinegar or baking soda and even
toothpaste. There is no shortage
of home remedies out there.
But one never knows if one
is going to have an allergic
reaction so always be aware of
unexpected reactions (such as
dizziness, swelling of lips and
tongue, wheezing and difficulty
breathing, collapse and loss of
consciousness) and act swiftly.
Apropos the above, here’s
something about honey bees
which may interest you. An
Australian researcher has
exploded one of life’s great
assumptions that honey bees
love to serve their queen in a
hive of order and industry.
In fact, says Sydney
University biologist Ben
Oldroyd, they are scheming,
factionalised and given to
jealousy. They hate rearing the
queen’s eggs and do it only
because they are trapped into it.
Ben, by the way, was a
finalist in the Eureka Prize for
Scientific Research for his
discovery of “a n a rch i s t i c ”
behaviour in bees.
He found that a genetic
mutation can make usually
sterile female worker bees rebel
and lay “counterfeit” queen bee
eggs, causing chaos and
destruction within the bee
c o l o ny.
The mutant trait, Ben has
found, occurs in approximately
one in 2.5 million bees and this
has generated enormous
excitement among international
bee experts.
In a normal bee colony, as
you know, the queen is the only
one allowed to lay eggs. If a
worker does lay her own eggs
they are quickly eaten by
zealous “policing” wo r k e r s .
In anarchist colonies,
however, certain rebellious
workers are able to lay eggs that
are unidentifiable from the
queen’s, causing the eggs to
survive, thrive and reproduce.
The colony continues for
about three to four months until
all the workers start laying eggs,
the queen’s power is
marginalized, the workers stop
working and the colony rapidly
d i s i n t e g ra t e s .
Commenting on all this, Mr
Oldroyd says that in Victorian
society, people used to say bee
colonies were something
humans should emulate with
everyone being subservient to
the queen.
“But in fact it’s a scheming
mass of conflict with various
factions trying to outdo each
other and being held in check
by mutual obligation,” he said.
So there, dear readers, is
your biology lesson for today.
We now have a Darwinian
explanation of why worker bees
don’t lay their own eggs. They
have all agreed in evolutionary
terms to rear the queen’s eggs.
They apparently hate it but
are trapped into it.
So what’s new?
On the Ball
Speaking of rugby
friends Hilmar Puchert and Eric
van der Vyver reminded me of
the classy flyhalf who had been
transferred by his company in
Sydney to the Australian
o u t b a ck .
Playing in his first local
match, he sold two dazzling
dummies and scored what he
considered a splendid try under
the posts. Instead the ref
awarded a penalty on the spot
where he executed the first
d u m my.
“We don’t want any big city
show-offs here,” declared the
“If you’re going to pass the
bloody ball, then pass it!”
Mdantsane FM celebrates 10
year anniversary by giving back
Community radio
station Mdantsane FM, in
collaboration with Inxeba Lika
Yesu Ministries, handed out food
parcels to the less fortunate
members of the Buffalo City
Metro on Friday as part of their
10-year anniversary
c e l e b ra t i o n s .
Breakfast show
host Rapulane Mothlabane, also
known as Malume Womdantso
to his listeners, said that the
purpose of this cause was to give
back to the community that gives
them support.
About ten families were
nominated in the area including
members from Mdantsane NU 9,
Charles Beningfield
NU13, Duncan Village, Ilinge
towmship and Life township C-
“Each family received a
parcel consisting of 10kg of
sugar, flour, maize-meal, a bag of
potatoes, spinach, cabbage and
10kgs of butternut,” said
“As the Morning Experience
team, we encourage each other
to always put our listeners first.
They are not dependant on us,
we are dependant on them. They
are not an interruption on our
work, they are the purpose of it.”
Inxeba Lika Yesu head
Mndayi Njengele said
that he always tells people to
plant their own vegetable
gardens, as the times we live in
Beehives may
look orderly but
under the
surface things
are far more
Picture: PIXABAY
are very hard.
Njengele said he felt relieved
about the handover.
“I was glad to see that
children of God were able to
attend because the hand that
gives is, indeed a blessed hand.
“It gives me joy to know that
other families will not go to bed
on empty stomachs,” he said.
“This year as we celebrate 10
years, we have taken yet a
decision to elevate our efforts for
community development and
again engage with our associates
to give to our disadvantaged
communities in a way of food
parcels and other means towards
changing their lives,''
said Mdantsane FM station
manager Xolile Gqirana.
GO! & EXPRESS 25 February 2021 For all your advertising needs call Cheryl on (043) 702 2031 or Yaneliseka (043) 702-2122. Find us on Facebook 11
lifeguards are still without
vital PPE and unable to fully
perform their duties
Lifeguards have been left in lurch due to lack of PPE
BCM lifeguards are still without
vital personal protective
equipment (PPE) and unable to
fully perform their duties.
The PPE they need is more
specialised than everyday mask
and sanitisers.
A lifeguard not authorised to
speak to the media, said
specialised PPE had been
ordered late last year. “Th e
municipality has supplied us
with normal masks and
sanitisers. We’re still waiting for
the specialised PPE to be able to
perform all our duties.”
The Dispatch understands
that delivery should be this
week or next week.
National Sea Rescue
Institute spokesperson Craig
Lambinon said: “Medical
personnel use a bag-valve mask,
or BVM. It’s been used normally
since introduced in 1956.”
However, concerns about
slow procurement processes
have been raised by the DA in
the metro. Councillor Sue
Bentley said: “The DA is
alarmed that despite BCM
advertising for seasonal
lifeguards in November 2020,
and appointing them to do duty
over the festive season, the PPE
needed by lifeguards to perform
resuscitation on potentially
drowning people is yet to arrive.
“So even if the beaches had
not been closed for seven weeks
from mid-December to limit
new Covid-19 infections, during
the second wave of the
pandemic the lifeguards
couldn’t have carried out the
duties for which they had been
appointed and paid.
“It would’ve also meant that
beachgoers wouldn’t have had
the safety net of being rescued
and resuscitation should the
need have arisen.”
Lifesaving SA recommends
that mouth-to-mouth in-water
ventilation should not be
performed on an unconscious
There are steps that can be
followed to resuscitate in an
adapted breathing assessment:
● Adapted breathing
assessment: check if the chest is
moving or if there are signs of
breathing without getting close.
Do not bring your cheek close
to the mouth to feel the person’s
● Low-risk resuscitation with
PPE available: safe ventilation
method can be used and at least
one of the following, facility
screening process in place, low
prevalence of disease locally
and low-risk rescuer (younger
age, healthy); and
● Safe ventilation method (in
order of preference): tworescuer
BVM with HEPA (highefficiency
particulate air) filter,
mouth-to-mask with head strap
and HEPA filter, supplemental
oxygen with non-rebreather
mask and head strap.
In November, BCM
spokesperson Samkelo
Ngwenya said the reason for not
opening beaches was that there
was “no prescribed PPE suitable
for their kind of work”.
He said procurement of the
PPE was at an advanced stage
and once received the beaches
would be reopened.
The DA argues that the
municipality did not get the ball
rolling as soon as the pandemic
hit the country and have
contingency plans.
“It would be expected that
beaches throughout the
province would have been
inundated with beachgoers after
the ban was lifted by President
Cyril Ramaphosa.
“That BCM wasn’t prepared
for this to happen is another
indication of the
dysfunctionality of the
procurement processes of the
“The DA will be submitting a
notice of question as to why this
inability to forward plan was
allowed to happen so that
lessons can be learnt going
forward. The beaches are a
tourism asset for the metro and
they need to be accessible and
safe for all who use them —
both in and out the water.”
Questions sent to Ngwenya
had not been responded to by
print deadline. - DispatchLIVE
Ride-sharing for
school commute
Allows parents to take turns ferrying children
The traditional school commute has
been a major hassle for parents
everywhere, but a new ridesharing
service is looking to change
The brainchild of Theuns Venter, the
service is available through the alreadyexisting
d6 Connect app, which has
been in use by schools for a number of
ye a r s .
“I have four kids at four different
schools and both my wife and I work full
t i m e ,” Venter said.
“One night I was waiting outside the
school at 8pm to collect my daughter
once again from her weekly choir
practice. Watching the scholars come
out and all get into separate cars, it struck
me that I would be more than willing to
drop off some of those kids, if those
parents could do the same for me the
following week.
“And so the seed was planted – wh a t
if parents had a platform on which they
could load their trips and the amount of
extra space they have in their car to lift
other children going the same
What makes the service appealing,
Venter said, was that it was not open to
everyone. Instead, only those registered
on the d6 Connect app can take part.
“Parents who offer lifts are most likely
to have their own child in the car so
there is already that element of trust. Plus
it’s a closed community and you are able
to choose who you want to send your
child with,” he said.
Product owner Ladien van Zyl said
that riders and drivers can register their
profiles in the d6 app, load up their
preferred payment method and then get
Each driver is given a unique pass
phrase for every trip which they use
when collecting children, so that they
know they are a registered driver as well
as a parent at the school.
“What sets this new ride-sharing
service apart from any other ride-hailing
offerings is that the parents on the lifting
network must all be registered parents at
the same school or community, ensuring
a trusted lift service for your precious
c a r g o ,” van Zyl said.
The process is managed within the
safe d6 Connect app environment and is
only available to parents that use the app
and have children at schools that use d6
“The success of the app lies in the
hands of the parents. If parents don’t
load their trips, other parents cannot
❝ The parents on the
lifting network must all
be registered parents at
the same school or
community, ensuring a
trusted lift service for
your precious cargo
book lifts. The more parents load their
trips, the more people can use the
service and the more your community
will benefit.”
To register as a driver:
1. Open the d6 Connect app, go to
MORE and select RIDES
2. Register as a driver and make sure
you have all the necessary documents in
3. Load your details (vehicle and
available seats) that will be making the
4. Load the trips you are making
where you can offer lifts
5. If someone books their
child/children with you, accept them
6. Remember to start your trip and
press the button in the app to say when
you have picked up and dropped off the
child/children as well as end your trip
once the journey is complete.
To book a ride:
1. Open the d6 Connect app, go to
MORE and select RIDES
2. Register and create a profile with a
photo of yourself and your children
3. Load your card for payments
4. Select the trip you want to book
5. Provide the pick-up and drop off
6. Select which of your children
needs the lift
7. Share the details of the trip with
your child (optional)
8. Track your trips
9. Receive pick up and drop off
ALL ABOARD: The ride-sharing app connects parents of the same
schools to organise lifts to and from school Picture: PIXABAY
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Ride-sharing app for schools PAGE 11 No PPE for lifeguards PAGE 11
Top-quality equipment
for KWT Dart Association
Boards, stands
sponsored by
The Mall, KWT
There was much
excitement at the Steve
Biko Centre on Friday
when the King William’s Town
Darts Association (KWTDA)
accepted a generous donation
of darts, dart boards and
professional-level stands.
The equipment was
sponsored by The Mall, KWT
and the East London Industrial
Development Zone (ELIDZ).
Speaking on behalf of
KWTDA chairperson Vuyani
Majija, who was unable to
attend, match secretary Daniel
Jaxa extended the association’s
gratitude to all the parties who
made the donation possible.
“It has sent a buzz through
the entire association and
everyone connected with our
clubs. Your support will open
many new opportunities for the
youth and women in the game
of darts, as well as help develop
s k i l l s ,” Majija said. “Yo u r
donation will enable the
KWTDA to participate in highly
distinguished tournaments and
these events will broaden our
discipline and character.”
ELIDZ marketing and
corporate communications
BULLSEYE: Representatives from the Steve Biko Foundation, KWT Darts Association, KWT Mall and ELIDZ met at the Steve Biko Centre on Friday to handover
equipment Picture: MATTHEW FIELD
manager Sibusiso Ralarala said
the donation formed part of
their mandate to give back to
the community.
“Part of our mandate, apart
from developing the economy
of the region and job creation, is
to look at community
d e ve l o p m e n t ,” he said.
“Th e r e ’s a huge contingency
of darts players and teams [in
the Eastern Cape] and we
identified the need to ensure
there are darts and boards.
“We are grateful for this
partnership [with the Steve Biko
Foundation] and we look
forward to extending the
r e l a t i o n s h i p .”
EL businessman donates sporting goods
Gary Rieger, owner and founder
of Rieger Hire in Gonubie,
further cemented a decadeslong
partnership on Monday
when he donated a number of
rugby and soccer balls to the
Mzamomhle-based Sea Birds
rugby team.
Rieger has been sponsoring
the team for the nearly 40 years.
Over the years, Rieger has
provided the team with
EFFORT: Mzamomhle-based
team Sea Birds received
rugby balls fromGary
RiegerPicture: MATTHEW FIELD
uniforms and equipment, even
sponsoring tournaments.
In 2019, he sent the team to
Cape Town to take part in a
rugby tournament, where the
Sea Birds came second overall.
“We do quite a lot for the
community — we’re always
there to help,” Rieger said.
He said sport was important
for local communities since it
provided opportunities and kept
the youth occupied.
“I believe keeping them busy
stops the nonsense that goes
o n ,” he said.
Sea Birds member Andile
Dambile said they were greatful
for all the support Rieger had
given them over the years.
“He’s been there for us all
the way. This man [Rieger] has
been our source of everything,”
he said.
Dambile said that Rieger
was busy helping to fence off a
rugby field in Mzamomhle for
the team.