Daytripping Winter 2020-21 Issue

Daytripping is a Free Magazine filled from start to finish with all of the best Odd, Antique & Unique Shops, Events & Unexpected Stops!

Daytripping is a Free Magazine
filled from start to finish with all of the best
Odd, Antique & Unique Shops, Events & Unexpected Stops!


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You can start anywhere you like of course, plan your own trip and stay overnight!<br />

www.tinceiling.com<br />

Sign post just south of<br />

Huron Ridge Acres, Zurich<br />



• New & Previously-Read Books<br />

• Fiction & Non-Fiction<br />

• Signed/Collectible Editions<br />

• Local History/Authors<br />

• Gift Certificates<br />

34 West St. • GODERICH<br />

519-524-5224 • bkped@hurontel.on.ca<br />

100s of Authors ~ 1,000s Titles<br />

Good Advice<br />

Be patient with yourself. Nothing<br />

in nature blooms all year.<br />

A good sleep solves many things.<br />

Your value<br />

doesn’t decrease based<br />

on someone’s inability<br />

to see your worth.<br />

For all your<br />

seasonal Culinary<br />

preparations and<br />

presentation needs.<br />

Figure out what you love to do, and then figure out how to get someone<br />

to pay you to do it.<br />

Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.<br />

If you don’t like where you are, change it. You are not a tree.<br />

Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you.<br />

Don’t argue with a fool. The spectators can’t tell the difference.<br />

If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.<br />

Have courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect.<br />

Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.<br />

Don’t make decisions when you’re angry. Don’t make promises when<br />

you’re happy.<br />

Strive to be the type of person you want your child to marry.<br />

When knowledge and ability aren’t enough, be persistent.<br />

Never judge<br />

someone by the<br />

opinion of others.<br />

If the grass is greener on the other<br />

side, there’s probably more manure<br />

there.<br />

Wait 24 hours before discussing<br />

something that really upset you.<br />

Explore our vast<br />

selection of kitchen<br />

and dining supplies.<br />

34 COURTHOUSE SQUARE, GODERICH 519.612.1919<br />

You don’t have<br />

to be in<br />

Southwestern<br />

Ontario to read<br />

our paper...<br />

Subscribe for FREE<br />

on our website,<br />

and we’ll email you<br />

a link to each<br />

new issue.<br />

The online version<br />

may not be as<br />

“Priceless”...<br />

but it’s just as FREE!<br />

www.daytripping.ca<br />

<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2020</strong>/<strong>21</strong> the stillness of solitude, in the silence of the storm.<br />

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