24 Seven March 2021

Change Your Attitude… Change Your Life: 24/seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

Change Your Attitude… Change Your Life: 24/seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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Why did this happen?

Was it my fault?

Why didn’t I see it coming?

It’s natural to feel flooded

with questions after someone

has misled you. Behind

every question is a yearning

for relief, the hope that

understanding will relieve

the pain of the lie. Yet even

with knowledge, the hurt is

likely to endure.

Certain people are more

inclined to lie and deceive

than others. Of course, this

is an oversimplification;

people don’t fit into neat

categories, but after 25 years

of practicing psychotherapy,

I’ve noticed three personality

types that are more likely to

lie to you. And, chances are,

you won’t see it coming.


Narcissists are frequently charismatic and

engaging. As long as they’re the center of your

attention, they shine. Unfortunately, you get

caught up in their glow. The moment you start

to question or challenge their views, they’ll

turn on you. For narcissists, love always has an

expiration date.

Substance Abusers

Oftentimes, those who are addicted to

substances become frequent liars. They may

say anything to maintain their addiction and

deceive others in their life. Too often, out of

love, you may deceive yourself and believe

them; even when their lies are blatant, you

may remain blind to reality. It may seem to

some that no one is greater skilled at lying and

manipulation than someone with a substance

use disorder who is seeking a fix.

Individuals with Bipolar or Borderline

Personality Disorders

Though there are 12 different personality

disorders, I have personally found bipolar and

borderline disorders to be among the most

destructive. In relationships, they can provide

you with a roller coaster ride of excitement.

For instance, when they love you, they love you

unconditionally. But when the tide changes,

it may be best to watch out. Their love may

From The Story


the hurt is

so bad, you

wonder if you

will be the

same again.”

evaporate, and you may find yourself alone

and abandoned. A failed relationship with

someone with these diagnoses may hurt you so

badly that you may feel like you lost a piece of


Of course, it would be difficult to find a person

who hasn’t lied to someone. Everyone is capable

of it. Yet there is a big difference between small

lies - I’m busy Saturday night - and lies that

wound - I would never cheat on you. Are there

acceptable lies in a relationship? That’s for you

to decide.

About The Author


Sean Grover, LCSW, is a psychotherapist

and the author of When Kids Call the Shots:

How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully and

Enjoy Being a Parent Again.

To Learn More Visit:


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