The Middle Room Issue #1
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
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A foundational Bible verse for me is Romans 12:2. “Do<br />
not conform to the patterns of the world but be transformed<br />
by the renewing of your mind.”<br />
Another translation says “...don’t become so well adjusted<br />
to your culture that you fit into it without thinking.”<br />
This verse is so important because it reminds us that<br />
patterns are ever changing. Fads are fickle. <strong>The</strong> only<br />
thing that’s constant is the truth, and the truth is, conformity<br />
robs us of so much in our lifetime.<br />
I think back on my life and how many times it has<br />
cheated me of my joy, my peace, my identity. It wasn’t<br />
until I practiced renewing my mind, transforming my<br />
thoughts and reprogramming my perspective, that it<br />
clicked.<br />
When I stopped focusing on what I was getting from<br />
the world and started looking at what I could give, the<br />
truth was revealed.<br />
Truth is that the world needed me and my uniqueness,<br />
my dreams, my quirkiness, my nonconformity.<br />
And the world needs you and yours too.<br />
So be reminded that in order to reestablish our<br />
thoughts, in order to stop imitating the ideas and<br />
opinions of the culture around us, we have to be steadfast<br />
in our very own truth, not the inconsistant opinions<br />
of this world.<br />