The Middle Room Issue #1
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
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So let’s switch gears a<br />
bit. How did you learn to<br />
dance? Did you start taking<br />
classes? Did you teach<br />
yourself ?<br />
P: <strong>The</strong> way I started dancing<br />
was from watching videos on<br />
YouTube. I was biting people<br />
growing up just copying Mr.<br />
Wiggles and others.<br />
That’s dope. Did you know<br />
that social media was going<br />
to be such a powerful tool<br />
then? Like we all grew up<br />
in the YouTube era, but you<br />
just clung onto it, and you<br />
clearly benefited from that.<br />
How did you know that was<br />
the move?<br />
P: Well the first thing I was hooked<br />
on was Xanga, it was before Myspace.<br />
It was basically like a blog. I<br />
was so intrigued with being able to<br />
edit your own header, having your<br />
website look a certain way and<br />
being able to add pictures. So ever<br />
since then things had to look a certain<br />
way for me. That’s what got<br />
me attached to social media, being<br />
able to do whatever I want with it.<br />
How does it feel now to have<br />
such a big following on social<br />
media?<br />
P: It’s a good feeling but it’s weird<br />
when people look at me in a different<br />
light. Like my friends don’t<br />
look at me like that cause they<br />
know me, the real side of me.<br />
Pham sorting through his sneaker room after<br />
he and his wife Jen purchased their first home.<br />
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