The Middle Room Issue #1
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
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Pham said his experience on<br />
“America’s Got Talent” made<br />
him consider giving up on dance.<br />
“I used to hate the critics. It used<br />
to eat me up sometimes. It can<br />
still bother me but I can shake<br />
it off quicker than I used to be<br />
able to. I used to hate when people<br />
didn’t like me, but honestly I<br />
just remind myself of who I am<br />
and what I do. Or sometimes<br />
I’ll just put on something fresh,<br />
like bitch I’m the man,” Pham<br />
laughed. He added that although<br />
that experience was disappointing,<br />
it opened his eyes to see how<br />
far he could go. “It made me<br />
realize I could do whatever I set<br />
my mind to, cause if I can get to<br />
that point, there’s no telling what<br />
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