The Middle Room Issue #1
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.
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That’s dope! So fast forward 10 years<br />
from now, where do you see yourself ?<br />
P: I really just wanna build myself up to where<br />
people just pay me to dance to their music,<br />
which they already do but I wanna get to the<br />
thousands. Getting more involved with fashion,<br />
merch, whatever, just selling my stuff. My goal<br />
is to build myself up to get paid simply by just<br />
making videos, whether it’s me promoting someone’s<br />
song or dancing in someone’s clothes.<br />
How do you wanna be remembered?<br />
P: As a person who was very<br />
committed and passionate in<br />
their craft, in their career and<br />
to their wife. Also, I wanna be<br />
remembered as the fresh Asian<br />
dude that dances good to be honest<br />
with you [Laughter].<br />
@s0phamish<br />