The Middle Room Issue #1

Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.

Welcome to The Middle Room. In this monthly zine you will find a number of articles, visuals, and personal writings meant to entertain, inform, and inspire. Enjoy your stay.


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I find it fascinating to sit up in a high place and observe<br />

your surroundings. Sitting up so high helps one forget<br />

oneself, and actually appreciate the subtle amazingness<br />

of everything. You can see everyone as if it was a zoo exhibit.<br />

Not in the sense of captives being used as an attraction,<br />

just people existing. Everything and everyone is just<br />

living in the moment. <strong>The</strong> higher up you go, the more<br />

the barriers that divide you and I start to disappear. <strong>The</strong><br />

borders that our countries have agreed upon start to fade<br />

away. Even the actual borders, like <strong>The</strong> Great Wall of<br />

China, are invisible to the naked eye. It makes you realize<br />

how insignificant those differences are. That doesn’t<br />

mean that we are insignificant though, right? Well, that<br />

isn’t necessarily true but also not entirely wrong. After all,<br />

we live in a very unforgiving universe. That gives all of us<br />

even more of a reason to do something while we are here.<br />

Live your life doing what you want to do;<br />

what do we have to lose? But that’s just an observation...<br />

46<br />


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